

                                                                                                        San Antonio, TX

Saturday December 29, 2007

     6:35pm  I haven't done Jack Shit today. I woke up early and got on the computer and checked my email. My mom woke up early because Maggie, her dog woke her up because she had to go to the bathroom. My mom went right back to sleep and I got to work on a badass cleaning. The house was pretty messy from the last time I cleaned it. I spent like more than two hours cleaning and sweeping and mopping. When my mom woke up she was quite pleased.
                   Then she had me start on the junk room. I spent some more time moving stuff out of that room to the sparkling clean living room I just cleaned. I pretty much emptied the room and then her and my nephew got to work sorting through and throwing away stuff.
                   I believe I have permanently decided not to leave on New Year's and wait for a care-package from Clea. I love you, Clea. See, I left my Knork and shirt at her house. My black shirt with the peace sign that says War Will Never Be The Answer in Spanish. It says Puerto Rico on it and I had wanted to have that when I went to New York. So spraypainting the fence has been postponed. Even though it would be awesome to do it on New Year's 2008 and then take off on my East Coast trip. It was cool how I didn't end up in jail yesterday on The Riverwalk.

Next day..

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