


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday December 30, 2003

     11:07am  The next day. I thought I was going to stay at home all day typing at Sam's, but he came home early, so I'm leaving again. Let me see how much laundry is here. One dollar per wash and one dollar to dry. I need two dollars to do laundry.

                     I'm going to walk over to that Labor Ready place, where those guys live in the parking lot. I'll see if they'll smoke me out.

     11:15am  The nice driver gave me a ride on the 92, even though I don't have my December pass.

     11:20am  That's cool, I got on the bus and the driver was, "All right, I'll let you on. I've seen you around, man. Where's your walking stick?" I told him the story of how I broke it. That's so cool. He recognized me from a long time ago. I asked him, "Have I told you what I was doing?" He told me, "You did, eight months ago." Hehe, he let me refresh his memory.

     11:54am  I rode the 91 to West. I'm going to walk to The Rocks and just wait. It's around noon time. People always come back here to smoke weed on their lunch. I got a cigarette and I got me a little roach of weed in my wallet, but no pipe. I'm going to tap the cigarette, so it has a big gap on the end, and load a hit from the roach.

                    Whoa, I got to The Rocks and there were these bigass vultures here.

     12:16pm  Sweet, did I call that, or what? I just got smoked out by some brothers who just walked back here. We smoked a blunt. I tried to tell them about my mission but they were ignorant. Two of the guys were listening but the other guy wouldn't shut up. He was all telling me, "That will never happen." I told him, "Well, if you would let me tell you what I am doing, I could show you how I will make it happening inevitable." They just walked off. I told them I would start working there on the fifth and I would finish the story.

                     The one dude had told me, "Man, that stuff is here to stay. But as long as we have people like you out there . . . we're alright."

     12:32pm  Hector hooked me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana.

     12:33pm  Andrew, was nice enough to let me on the bus with my January pass. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:25pm  I got off the bus over by the Deco District HEB on Fredericksburg. The guy at the Little Caesar's told me he didn't have any mistakes I could have. Bummer.

                   Hmm, let me try at Los Corolines Mexican Restaurant.

                   The guy told me no at Los Corolines, but he asked me what I was walking for. I told him my shpeel and he still didn't hook me up. I told him, "You're in my book anyway. Nothing but the truth."

                    Let me go try at Cafe Rosa's #1. I am sure I'll score there.

     1:44pm  Gaby hooked me up with a taco at Cafe Rosa's.

                   Sweet, scored! I knew it. I called that shit.

     1:47pm  Ron just hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus stop. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I'm going to walk over to that hippie neighborhood in front of the HEB. West King's Highway is a street in that neighborhood. I love walking in this neighborhood, for some reason. All the houses here are pretty.

                    I just turned on some random street in the hippie neighborhood. I look in the distance I see a big lake of water. I'm going to walk towards the water. It's probably Woodlawn Lake.

     2:15pm  I'm walking along the trail that goes around the lake. It's cool, there are all these geese walking around. I can get real close to them.

     2:23pm  Good 'ol Woodlawn Lake. I remember this place from when I was a little kid. This is where I caught my first fish. I didn't really catch it. I had been out there for hours with my hook with a chunk of hotdog in the water with no luck. Then, when it's time to go I hear my mom honking the horn. As I am running back along the platform I keep the hook in the water. All of a sudden, I feel a tug on my rod. Turns out, this school of fish had darted by and one got speared in the eye with my hook. My sister brought me a Ziploc from the car and I took that fish home with me. I kept him in a fish tank in the kitchen, still with the hook in his eye . . . and the hotdog too. Hehe. Ahh, memories.

                   I just walked up to Maria's Mexican Restaurant. Let's see if I can score here. I walked around a lot. I walk on a reward-basis. Let's see if I get a reward.

     2:43pm  Maria hooked me up with a taco. I appreciate it, Maria. Maria herself hooked me up.

                    I'm walking down Cincinnati. I see a highway in that direction. I'm going to walk that way and see if the bus runs.

     2:58pm  I was walking down the street and I wanted a cigarette. I saw a guy smoking a cigarette at the stop light. I stopped and asked him for one and he hooked me up. His name is Jaime. Gracias.

                  After-meal smoke.

     3:05pm  I'm going to ask this 520 bus driver that's coming up for a courtesy ride. If he tells me no I'll say, "I got a transfer anyway," and get on.

                   Haha, it was the lady who used to drive a Braun Station bus a long time ago, who would never give me a ride. I got on and said, "I don't suppose I could get a courtesy ride?" She said no and I told her, "Well in that case, it's good that I have a transfer."

     3:45pm  I saw the 520 going the other way, towards Medical. I thought, "Nah, I wanna go downtown." So I caught the bus on the other side. The 520. It didn't even go downtown. I'm over here on Southwest Military and Zarzamora. Hey, I'm over here by Flipside, the record store I told this girl who works there my ideas. She had hooked me up with a pipe. I even sent this girl a CD from New Mexico(6-27-03, 4:00pm). I'm going to go say hi to her.

                   First, I gotta stop into this HEB and take a piss. I remember this HEB.

     4:18pm  John Doe hooked me up with a cigarette outside the HEB.

                   Badass, I stopped at this gas station and bummed a cigarette. I was wondering exactly where Flipside was . . but it's right next door! How awesome.

     4:36pm  I went into Flipside and saw Lorraine! She was all, "It's great to see you!" I told her how I had lost my badass pipe. I told her my whole update. I told her, "So, I don't think I could get a replacement?" She told me, "I'll go look for something, be right back." Sweet, she hooked me up with a smokeless pipe with a cap on it. Perfect. Just what I needed.

     4:40pm  I left Flipside and I went back in to see if Lorraine smoked cigarettes. Just then, Roman, this guy who works with her hands me a whole pack. Badass. They were menthols, which I don't usually smoke, but hey, it's all the same nicotine, right?

                   Cool, there's a donut shop nearby. I'm going to go try to score.

     4:46pm  Rachel is hooking me up with a donut. I appreciate it, Rachel.

     4:53pm  Man, what a good day I'm having.

                   Cool, the 46 bus driver hooked me up. She said, "We're not supposed to."

     5:31pm  I'm downtown, over by Travis Park. I was going to see if I could get out to my mom's house today. I rather not. I'm going to try and find Elva and go to her house and do laundry. My backup mom.

     5:47pm  I walked up to the Pair of Dice Tattoo Parlor to see if my friends are there. It's always closed, though. It says, "Open Wednesdays, Thursday, Fridays 2-10. Saturday 2-12. Sunday 2-8. Walk-ins welcome. Appointments available. 231-8288. Closed Mondays through Tuesdays.

                   Cassandra gave me a dollar at Travis Park.

                   I rode the 92 over by Fred Rd and Balcones Heights, over by Sam's apartments. This sucks. I wanted to do laundry today. I'm going to go ask for spare change for laundry.

     7:05pm  I went to the gas station next to Sam's and I was just standing out there smoking cigarettes. This nice lady Pat, was pulling off in her car and she rolls down the window and calls me over and says, "Here you go." She hooks me up with some money. I didn't even ask for anything. I appreciate it.

                   Awesome. I can do laundry!

                   That's awesome! She gave me five dollars! I didn't even ask for it!

                   The universe provides.

     8:20pm  I just had this big session with this black dude who lives at Sam's apartments. I approached him asking him, "Know where I can buy a joint?" He said he didn't, but I started telling him my stuff. He invites me up to his apartment to talk. It seems this guy was lonely. Once I sat down inside and tried telling him my stuff, he wouldn't listen. He wouldn't shut up himself talking about god and stuff.

Next day..

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