


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday December 31, 2003

     6:46am  I woke up at 6:30 this morning. I got my laundry together and put it to wash. The washer should take twenty minutes, but I'll check it. It's so cool that I scored those five dollars last night. It was awesome.

     8:37am  I am leaving Sam's. I had a pretty productive morning. I did my laundry and I took a shower. I did a lot of stuff.

                   Well anyway, I did a lot of stuff this morning. Sam left for work, so I can't leave the apartment unlocked. I'm going to anyway. I'm going to go get some breakfast.

     9:40am  I just helped some guy carry a big TV from his apartment to his truck. He offered me ten dollars, but I told him, "No, I don't need any money to help." I helped him move his big TV out of his apartment for free. He said he was going to take it up to Walmart and asked me if I wanted to ride, that he was going to get the ten dollars. I told him, "You don't need me anymore. Don't worry about any money." I shook his hand and walked off.

                   I don't need money to work, especially if I am helping.

     5:22pm  I'm leaving Sam's. He got home about an hour ago. Man, I had a pretty productive day. I finally got used to sitting up and typing on Sam's computer. I typed up a couple days. On one day I had typed up so much shit, with links and stuff in it, and it ended up taking too long to type it up and when I hit Send it took me straight to the login screen and wouldn't let me go back to my document. I was pissed. I kind of got all pissed off.

                   Damn Just kidding. I love you guys.

                   I had downloaded AOL. I used Kati's account and talked to some people. Sent out my ideas. That's about it.

     7:36pm  I was talking to the 92 bus driver. He was some young Mexican dude. He tells me, "I'm a puto." He's a slut. He screws all the ho's.

                   Oh yeah when I got to University Hospital I saw Richard, that dude I smoked out from The Riverwalk. Shit, he's riding the bus around over here after I showed him Medical Center. Anyway, he was going somewhere else.

     5:48pm  Randy is hooking me up with a cigarette over here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

                   He gave me three cigarettes! Badass.

     6:40pm  I went to West. I went to The Rocks, but nobody was smoking weed back there. That sucks. I'm going to go to the smoking cabana and ask around if anyone will sell me a joint for two dollars.

     7:30pm  This dude just hooked me up with a cigarette.

     9:05pm  Andy hooked me up with a cigarette outside of West.

     9:30pm  That was awesome. I got smoked out finally. This guy walked by the smoking cabana and I asked him if he knew where I could buy a joint. He said, "I think I got a roach in my ashtray. You can have it. I'll be back in thirty minutes." He came back eventually and hooked me up.

                    So now I got this little roach to bring home to Sam.

                    I was talking to this guy after I bummed a cigarette off of him. Some dude with a big long leather jacket came out. I asked him if he knew where I could buy a joint and he told me, "No, but lets go pop a firecracker." I said ok and we came and walked down that trail I cleared behind the apartments to the parking lot of the other telemarketing place. He pulls out a little joint. He says, "Yeah, this is my last joint. My wife just gave it to me." I got two hits off of it and got to keep the roach. So two roaches for the night. I got smoked out at West Telemarketing. Mission accomplished.

                    Anyway, I never found a two dollar joint, so I have two dollars.

                    Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I started busting out with my ideas right away. The guy with the long jacket tells me, "Hey man, I've gotten emails from you before!" I went, "No shit?! When? How long ago?" He told me it was a long time ago. I asked him, "What's your email address?" He tells me, "It's MyndKillaz." I freak and say, "Oh shit! I recognize that. Mynd with m,y,n,d, right?

                    Dude that is so awesome! I don't remember where I got his email address. Just the fact that I ran randomly ran into somebody who's heard about my stuff already. Who I have personally emailed before. Wow, that just blows my mind.

                    And then the other dude that was with him I asked, "How much time do you got?" He told me like thirty minutes and I thought, "Perfect." I told him whole odyssey story, well not the whole thing, his friend came back and we went and smoked. I got past the spirit's part. And then, this kid, the one who I was telling my stories to, told me, "Yeah, I've walked this trail for three years. Back when I went to ITT tech." I told him, "Screw ITT tech. I voluntarily withdrew after thirty days. After I saw how big a joke it was." I asked him, "Are you still going there?" He told me, "No, I already graduated." Ha, and he's working at West.

                    You don't need school.

                    Oh yeah, they told me they were on some Earthlink inbound project that was easy and paid like ten dollars an hour starting. I gotta get on that.

     9:50pm  This old guy on the bus, he had a cane and stuff, he all asked me, "Hey, where's your walking stick with the tennis ball on the end of it?" Haha, that's awesome! I asked him, "Do you have time for a story?" He said he was getting off the bus soon. I told him, "I'll see you around. I promise."

                    It's going to happen soon!

     10:03pm  Orlando, the cool bus driver is hooking me up with a new year's courtesy stop in front of Sam's apartment. Thank you, brother.

     10:15pm  Nameless gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. At the Diamond Shamrock.

     10:25pm  I'm having the greatest time all by myself. I just got that courtesy drop-off by my chauffer, hehe. Orlando hooked me up. Orlando Ramos. He's 22, I think. Yeah, you have to be 21 to drive the bus. He's 22. He dropped me off and I went to the gas station to see if I could bum a cigarette. I asked the first guy that was there and he recognized me. He lives in Sam's apartments. He told me no, that he didn't have one. I went inside and saw these two cashiers in there. It wasn't busy at all, so I asked them, "Hey, do you guys have the patience to listen to a really interesting story?" "It's more of a legend," I told them. I started telling my story, but all these people came in wanting to buy stuff. So I left. I'm going to go smoke my cigarette.

                    Oh yeah, I got a cigarette from this guy that went in there and bought a pack of Doral's. I asked him if he could spare one and he hooked me up. After that, I just hung out in the front smoking. I was just letting people come up to me and talked to me. They listened to me and were amazed.

                    It was just really cool, man. Tonight is a great night. I'm famous, man.

                    It's going to happen soon. I am happy.

                    I'm the happiest man in the world.

     10:34pm  I started walking to Sam's, but changed my mind. He's in there watching some movie he downloaded. Screw that. I got nothing to do in there. I decided I'd go bum another cigarette somewhere. I'll try and talk to some more people and spread my scripture. I'll go back to work.

                    See, I just love my job.

     10:35pm  Jose Hinojosa hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:42pm  I was walking around Sam's apartment. Oh yeah, I was chasing this dog around the side of the apartments. I gave up in the end. I was telling everybody outside happy new year.

                     Hey, I got two dollars. I'm going to get something to eat. I walked over to the Taco Cabana. I'm going to get me a taco.

     10:45pm  Debbie was nice enough to cover me on the change so I could get my sour cream.

     10:52pm  That guy I helped with the TV saw me. I asked him if he had a cigarette and he said he did, at his apartment. So we went back to his apartment and he hooked me up. That's cool.

                     Oh yeah, I got a good fajita taco. With sour cream it was more than I had, but she hooked me up.

                      I was thinking, "You know what, I got two bucks. I don't need any money. I can spend it on food."

     10:53pm  I was walking towards Sam's apartment. I see some girl and some guy going into their apartment. I smiled at them and told them, "Hey, do you guys have time for a really interesting story?" The girl was all, "What?" Oh yeah, it was that girl Melissa. The one who told me about free karate lessons a long time ago. That I saw at the bus stop. And the dude that was with her, he was some guy I think I talked to at the gas station. After I asked him he was all mad saying, "No, we gotta go!" and trying to close the door. He went inside and I walked off telling Melissa, "Tell him, ok?" She said, "I will."

     11:14pm  Man, I had a badass sale! These two kids pumping gas. I went up to them and asked them, "Hey, you guys have time for a really interesting story?" They listened to me all the way through Oregon. Past the spirit's part. The important part. It was awesome. Happy new year. Happy new year.

                      Now, I wonder what I'm going to do.

                     Well, I got a cigarette I didn't smoke. I don't want to go to Sam's. I've got nothing to do there. I'm going to stay up and try and find somebody else to talk to.

Next day..

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