


San Antonio to Austin, TX

Thursday January 1, 2004

     6:10am  Oh shit, I just had a rude awakening. When I woke up, I noticed Sam was getting up and everything. I told him, "Hey Sam, I don't suppose you could leave me your key so I won't have to leave your apartment unlocked. I could ride the bus to West first thing and give it back to you." He got all pissed off telling me shit like, "You're taking advantage of me!" I went, "Dude, what's the big problem? That doesn't seem so unreasonable." He was all pissed because I stayed up typing on his computer last night. He was all bitching how he had to go to bed at 1am because of me. I told Sam, "Dude, you sleep with the stereo on. Really loud sometimes. I didn't think I was keeping you awake." He got all pissed off. I told him, "You know what. I'm going to get out of here, Sam." I started getting my shit together. I wasn't sure if I had gotten it all so I was looking around and Sam says, "You can stay until 12:30pm if you want." I thought about it for a second and said, "Okay, I'll stay until 12:30pm, finish up my stuff I was working on, send out my ideas on AOL and then split." I told him, "I don't want to stay where I'm not welcome."

                   I almost left.

                   Crazy shit, man. Crazy shit.

                   He was all telling me, "If you're going to take advantage of someone, go take advantage of your mother." I told him, "Dude, I'm not trying to take advantage of you. You're being generous all on your own. And aren't advantages better than disadvantages? I asked you a simple question. Yes or no answer, you know. You don't have to get pissed off. You should have had the balls to come out and tell me I was keeping you awake last night and not get all pissed off. Just let me know. I can't read your mind, Sam. Damn the ignorance in this world."

                   He doesn't see what I am doing and how important it is. Here he is proving me right. At first, how it's human-nature to be generous, because when I first got there I asked Sam, "Well, how long would I be welcome to stay here?" He told me, "However long you want." Second, he's proving me right on how ignorant the world is to exactly what it is that I am doing. Which makes me happy, because the people who I don't want taking me seriously . . . are not. That's very comforting.

                   I don't need Sam, either. I can go squat if I need to.

                   I'm going to tell Sam when he gets back, "Listen Sam, I am working really hard on something. I guess you think I'm crazy too because you are reacting like everybody else. But, I thought you believed in me, Sam. I thought you believed that my shit was feasible and you were supporting me. I guess I was wrong. Why do I have to do this all by myself?"

     10:26am  Viril hooked me up with a cigarette and he gave me a disposable razor. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:27am  That was awesome. I went outside just to see if anybody was smoking a cigarette. I saw some guy close by outside smoking. Oh yeah, that cat was up on the roof again meowing(12-25-03, 1:30pm). The same cat. Viril looks at me and goes, "Hey man, you're tall enough to reach that cat." I laughed and told him, "I'm not that tall." Then some other guy said, "Yeah, I'm going to go get a ladder." He brought a ladder and I went up there and got the cat off the roof. They were all clapping.

                     Anyway, I went back inside. I looked in the mirror and realized I needed to shave. Hey, I'm going to go ask Viril if he has a disposable razor. I went back outside and asked him, "Hey, do you have a disposable razor I could have?" He told me, "Let me go check." I ran back to the apartment to get my little recorder. When I go back he hands me one and I hold up my tape recorder and tell him, "Viril, I'm writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read . . . and you're in it."

                     Viril gave me a cigarette and a razor. Callin' the shots.

                     Now, when Sam comes back I'm going to tell him, "Hey man, we need to have a talk."

     11:43am  I was just looking for a cigarette and I asked this dude Cowboy. He said he didn't have one, but says, "You want to hit this, though?" and holds out a pipe. He's going to smoke a brother out. I appreciate it, bro.

                     That was so awesome. I was just walking behind that guy. He had headphones on. I say, "Hey brother, you got a cigarette?" He went, "No man, I don't have any, but you can hit this if you want," and out popped a bowl. Hell yeah. That was cool.

     12:03pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette outside of Sam's apartments. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Mike's giving me another cigarette. He listened to my story.

                     Sweet, I've been having some great presentations.

                     I just had a really interesting conversation with the black dude. The bible-thumper guy. He was all getting livid. Yelling about Jesus Christ this and that. I told him, "Man, why do you have to complicate things?" He was all, "You have to get to specifics." I said, "No, you do not. You don't have to do anything." He was all telling me, "You need Jesus, blah, blah, blah." I told him, "The more you know the less you need. I don't need all these things that you need to be happy. Why do you?"

                     I asked him, "Wasn't Jesus' mission to bring everlasting peace?" He said, "Oh, he did!" I told him, "That's not true, because they're isn't. We're still fighting wars. People are dying for money. Money is still in control. Now, you're telling me he succeeded his mission?" He insisted, "Oh, he did!" I said, "No, he didn't . . . but somebody has to." Well, I suppose Jesus did bring everlasting peace, it just wasn't accepted.

                     I even told him a little about what was going on at Sam's. I told him, "I'm working damn hard on my mission. Every day I get online and spread my ideas around and go out and talk to real people." I'll tell him, "If I am a problem, I have other places to go."

                     It's been quite an interesting day.

     1:32pm  Just now I was on Sam's computer spreading out my ideas on AOL. On Kati's account. I just realized I sent my stuff to Chuck McKitenac. He's like a TV news reporter in San Antonio. That kicks so much ass. I all IMed him with, "Can I send you a really interesting story? It's more of a legend." He went, "Okay, sure!" Holy shit. He's going to read my stuff. Dude, a TV news reporter. That's so awesome.

     2:35pm  Sam came home and we had our chat. He told me that it wasn't that he wanted me to leave. He told me, "You should really go try and patch things up with your mom." I told him, "Dude, you don't know my mom. She does not accept me for who I am. Her own son. How could I accept her? She doesn't know how ignorant she is." I told him, "I don't believe people deserve respect solely from their title in life. True respect is earned. She deserves my disrespect."

     3:12pm  I'm at the Crossroads park and ride. I've already been here for like five minutes. I forgot to tell you. I didn't ask the driver for a courtesy ride when he pulled up. I had my bus pass.

     3:57pm  I went to Travis Park and then I walked towards the Centro Office where Elva works. I was just walking along the sidewalk and all of a sudden I fall flat on my ass. Turns out I slipped on a shard of plastic. I was carrying this little doo-dad thing that Kati gave me in Arcata. Like some plastic toy to fiddle with. I was glad she gave it to me. It looks cool and kills time. But, it broke when I fell down. That sucks.

     4:05pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I'm down on The Riverwalk walking around. I'm giving the peace sign to all the tourists in the riverboats.

     4:20pm  Amanda just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Amanda.

     5:17pm  Tony hooked me up with a cigarette outside the Greyhound station.

     5:40pm  Wow, that's so cool. That girl Amanda I met, I told her my story and she adopted me! She asked me if I wanted to go to Austin. That she was waiting for her grandma to come pick her up. I thought about it for a minute. I told her that if I went I would have to be back in San Antonio on the fifth, to start working at West. I also asked her if it'd be cool if we swung by Sam's, so I could get my backpack. She said she would ask her grandma. She told me her grandma was really cool and that I would like her. That her grandma was a published writer. Her grandma pulled up soon afterwards and she was cool as shit. I didn't get into the stories just yet. We still needed to go by Sam's so I could get my backpack.

     6:50pm  We're almost to Austin. Like twenty miles away. Amanda's grandma heard me making this entry and she goes, "Oh, are you writing in a journal?" I told her, "No, I have a little recorder. I don't have to remember anything."
                    It was the weirdest thing. I just had the impulse to go downtown. I almost went to the Medical Center. Instead, I actually asked the driver if I could get off to catch the downtown bus. I just went to the Greyhound station to use the restroom and I asked this guy for a cigarette and he told me no. Then this girl, Amanda holds one out to me. Delighted, I gave her a big hug. I pulled out my little recorder and gave her my 'ol book-on-generosity line. She gave me a cigarette and then I went to the bathroom. I was walking outside on totally the other side of the building. Amanda comes up to me and finds me and asks me, "What book are you writing?" I asked her, "Can I tell you my stuff?" We sat down on the sidewalk, I tell her my story and she ends up inviting me to Austin! She was waiting for her grandmother. Amanda has adopted me. We went to Sam's, I got my backpack and everything is cool. I'm on my way to Austin. I might even go to Mexico tomorrow.

     7:05pm  This is so awesome. We just stopped into some gas station. We're in Austin already. Dude, that's so awesome! If anything would have happened differently today and I had gone to Medical Center instead of downtown, none of this would have ever happened. What synchronicity.

                   We are in Onion Creek Retirement Community.

     9:43pm  Man, I'm going to Mexico. I can't believe this shit. And like deep into Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico. Damn, I can't believe I landed this ride. I was considering passing it up. I'm supposed to start working on Monday, but screw that. I'm going to Mexico. I'll just call and see if I can reschedule another training class. That's so cool.

     11:13pm  Oh yeah, I changed my mind. I am not going to Mexico. I'm not ready. I've been on task in San Antonio. I was going to start work and buy a digital camera. I changed my mind. Oh yeah, it was weird. Amanda is kind of growing on me. I don't want to assume anything. I was just telling her about Kati in Arcata. I told her all about the whole STD scare. I don't know why. I just let it out. I hope she didn't think I was assuming anything. She told me she had had a similar experience, but she got checked and she knows she's clean.

                     Oh yeah, this sucks. I forgot to tell you about Amanda's sixty year old grandma. All she does is nags. Man, this old lady has tons of useless stuff. Just a whole apartment full of junk. She's got money. She's got a PHD and shit. All these dishes and silverware. I'm sure she doesn't use half of them. All this furniture in the garage. That's bullshit. One person doesn't need nearly this much. Why does she want what she doesn't need? It's pathetic.

                     How can everybody just accept this? The rich are getting richer. The poor are getting poorer. The rich are getting lazier. The poor are still getting poorer.


Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2004 14:41:22 EST
Subject: thanks for the reads


thats an excellent thing, whats victors email?  i can't wait till i get over to the west coast, right now im in fl, waiting, wanting wanting to get out.. lol. please, send so more reads, thanks*


From: "Victor Antonio" <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
Subject: Re: thanks for the reads
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 04:29:23 +0800
hi stephanie,

     thanks for emailing me.  this is my email.  it was me who sent you the story earlier.  i was using my friend's account, so that was her profile.  all my dissertations are revisable.  i can always get more descriptive, so they evolve over time.  i had just revised that story i sent out right before you got it.  now, i can send you some of my other stuff, just keep in mind it may be over a year old and not as refined as it could be.  here, let me show you the report that pretty much started my writings.  actually, let me send you my head injuries paper first:

sent her my head injuries story



Next day..

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