


Telluride, CO

Saturday December 31, 2005

     12:19pm Wow, I am having a lot of fun in Telluride. There's supposed to be a huge New Year's bash tonight. I'm going to call Carol and tell her I don't want to go.

                     Let me tell you what happened last night. After we smoked with Ryan Power, yesterday, Casey's ex who had scored the weed for Ryan, told him that he didn't pinch it, but he did and sold me a five dollar nugget. I lost Casey again last night. She said she was going to go out to camp at five so I figured I would hitchhike to the igloo and yell around for her. I got a ride from this nice lady to the Conoco. I was hungry with no money. I asked the cashier if they had any old food they could give away. Then the other guy working told me, "You can have a free slice of pizza and a free coffee." Score! Then, right after this nice dude gave me a ride to the igloo. I tried calling for Casey, but she didn't answer. Luckily, I was able to find the camp. I slept great. Oh yeah, and I was able to get high. I was stressing because I didn't have a pipe, but I had a fat nugget. I only had matches. Then I got this great idea. I had a snipe behind my ear. I bit the filter off and was able to stuff some weed in the paper and I smoked a little joint. I was quite proud of myself. How very resourceful of me. Anyway, this morning I was able to catch the public bus into town from the igloo. I went to the free-box and chilled out. That free-box is awesome! Tons of people were showing up and dropping off stuff. Eventually this girl Elan came over and asked me where I was from. Oh yeah, at the free-box some random girl asked if she could take a picture of me. Oh yeah, Elan invited me over to her house. She said it was like a hostel. It's this cool house and I can't wait to tell my story. I came outside to smoke a cigarette.


                     William, ride, 728-5525 "Restore Our World at 8am.

     2:30pm  I forgot to mention, at the free-box I met this guy Sam. He was about my age. I had an improvised little joint like I rolled last night. I offered to smoke it with him. We came to his little Mongolian Hut he's made that he lives in with his girlfriend. It was awesome and he gave me an awesome headlamp. I didn't get to tell him my whole story. Then I went back to the free-box and just hung out. I've been considering leaving, but not sure what direction. At the free-box I met this girl wearing a Sesame Street Rules shirt. She started talking to me and asked me if I wanted to go to her house. I said sure and she brought me over to where she lives on N Spruce. It's a badass two story house with all these hippies. I told my story to this one guy upstairs. He thought it was really interesting. Anyway, I called Carol from there. She tells me everything has changed at her place. She said the cops stormed her house and arrested everybody. Kent, her son had warrants. Carol bailed him out. Travis had warrants too from where is from on the East Coast. Travis is already out, but took off traveling to clean up his mess. He told Carol he'd be back in two or three weeks. Carol told me when they first put her in jail, she asked to go to the law library to look up her charges. She did nothing but study and when she got to talk to the a public defendant and they went to court, she got all her charges dropped and she's free again. She finally got some money from the government and paid the rent for a couple months. She also told me she's been walking a lot and lost ten pounds. She really misses me and wants to really get started putting my site up. She read me the letter she wrote me in jail. She sounded really sincere. I'm going back to Boulder. I came to look at the Ride Board at KOTO, the radio station. I got a couple people's number going to Denver on the third. I hope I can score a ride, or else I'll hitchhike. I hope those hippie kids at Elan's let me crash there until Tuesday.

     5:36pm  I just spent two hours at the library typing my loggings. I got all the way to the 28th.

     5:59pm  This guy from Maryland gave me a cigarette.

     6:14pm  After I left the library Casey was downstairs. She was sore at me about the stuff I wrote and how I think she's a wingnut. She looked over my shoulder while I was typing it. We walked for a little bit and we started talking about that night in Ridgway(12-29-05-9:56am). Remember how I felt sorry for Helen? Well, it turns out that her and Troy are swingers!

     6:41pm  Steve at Restore Our World is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, Steve. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

            - Peter

     6:50pm  Zach at The Good Life is hooking me up with some ice cream. He said he liked my marijuana necklace, hehe.


                     Lost Josh -

     12:12am  I hung out with Casey until like six or seven. She was real tired and wanted to go to camp.

Next day..

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