

 Session Start: Sat Jan 27 08:51:39 2024

[08:51.39] <Armorall> what what, stop fighting me goddamn it, we're on the same team, just in different perspectives

[08:53.38] <levity> not fighting, playfully sparring

[08:53.46] <levity> play along :]

[08:53.50] <levity> role-play

[08:54.14] <levity> larp with me :]

[08:55.13] <Armorall> Look

[08:55.24] <Armorall> I know you are aware of some

[08:55.31] <Armorall> what do you want to know?

[08:55.56] <Armorall> where the main player (evil beings are coming from)? The ark of the covenant, which has a crack in it

[08:56.09] <Armorall> it was a containment device for them since Jesus was here

[08:56.21] <Armorall> want me to show you?

[08:56.40] <Armorall> that's not GOD inside there

[08:56.52] <Armorall> it's evil..pure evil

[08:57.04] <Armorall> worse than any man's evil

[08:57.36] <Armorall> would you like me to explain what happened to humanity?

[08:58.52] <levity> don't you realize that GOD IS TRICK?

[08:58.59] <levity> in fraud you trust!

[08:59.25] <Armorall> No, GOD is real, but does not influence what we made inside him

[08:59.35] <levity> the whole bible story is BULLSHIT

[08:59.38] <Armorall> GOD does not influence the universe

[08:59.52] <Armorall> but sent things and people out of him, but those things and people have free will

[08:59.56] <levity> NO GOD JUST LOVE!

[09:00.04] <Armorall> and some choose to try to destroy ALL things

[09:00.06] <levity> ITS ALL WE WEED!

[09:00.09] <levity> :P

[09:00.12] <Armorall> understand yet?

[09:00.16] <Armorall> you should know this

[09:00.28] <levity> i still dont know anything for sure

[09:00.40] <levity> and its foolish for others to think they do

[09:00.52] <levity> we dont know whats possible

[09:00.54] <levity> BY DESIGN

[09:00.57] <Armorall> I know you know the Bible, but it's been massively mistranslated

[09:01.21] <levity> i have never believed things just by reading 

[09:01.33] <Armorall> what is evil, is evil, and what is GOOD, is Good, if you read the bible and mark where God did an evil thing in red, and mark where God did a good thing in yellow

[09:01.40] <Armorall> you'd notice something

[09:01.47] <Armorall> one God is evil, and One is Good

[09:01.49] <levity> and the less i know the bibe, most of all, the better

[09:01.55] <levity> +l

[09:01.57] <Armorall> sigh

[09:02.04] <levity> its an old story

[09:02.04] <Armorall> I just told you how to do it

[09:02.16] <levity> its a big book of lies

[09:02.21] <Armorall> the being that told abraham to kill his own son

[09:02.24] <Armorall> thats not God

[09:02.26] <Armorall> never was

[09:02.28] <Armorall> :)

[09:02.30] <levity> we need an update

[09:02.36] <levity> which is what i am working on

[09:02.54] <Armorall> I would be willing to help you

[09:03.02] <Armorall> but you don't listen to anyone LOL

[09:03.02] <levity> you already have :]

[09:03.38] <Armorall> you know the 10 commandments? then God told the people make some more laws, namely the 613 levitical laws, the humans AGREED with that being on?

[09:03.43] <Armorall> that's not GOD

[09:03.43] <levity> just because dont change my mind doesnt mean i am not listening

[09:03.49] <levity> + I

[09:03.52] <Armorall> that being did that to try to condemn ALL humans

[09:03.54] <Armorall> understand?

[09:04.06] <Armorall> you agreed, now you are under my control and die

[09:04.09] <Armorall> BUT

[09:04.12] <Armorall> there is a flaw

[09:04.49] <Armorall> when Jesus was here, we looked into the ark, and did not die nor go blind, because we were all under the age of 12, and followed Jesus wherever he went

[09:05.01] <Armorall> when he rent the covering and opened it, we looked

[09:05.19] <levity> JUST SUPPOSEDELY, who knows for sure?

[09:05.22] <Armorall> since the laws stated anyone under the age of 12 could not be judged by it's own laws

[09:05.28] <Armorall> we saw....satan

[09:05.34] <Armorall> who is satan?

[09:05.36] <Armorall> A MAN!

[09:05.51] <Armorall> do you see now?

[09:06.45] <Armorall> the man satan walked with the angels, to and from heaven and earth

[09:06.52] <Armorall> now you'

[09:07.00] <Armorall> you will say how is a man so powerful?

[09:07.08] <Armorall> because GOD told the angels to BOW to humans

[09:07.10] <Armorall> see?

[09:08.00] <Armorall> also, the grey aliens are the children of a being called remphan and the shadowpeople are keep them and all aliens OUT

[09:08.14] <levity> please see how much of this you have the patience to read:

[09:08.17] <levity> +

[09:08.20] <Armorall> the shadowpeople are not here to hurt humans, although they have free will

[09:08.49] <Armorall> I am very well aware of christians telling other humans they will go to hell

[09:08.55] <Armorall> and I know this is bad

[09:09.05] <Armorall> but they're not real christians

[09:09.07] <levity>  I am just saying that the story in the bible very plainly describes a deception on the part of a false prophet

[09:09.11] <levity> It's actually written to make that extremely obvious.  

[09:09.30] <levity> Part of the reason for that is that the people that engineered the story, they took a sick pleasure in rubbing the nose of the common man in his own blindness and stupidity.  Because it's really, really obvious what's actually happening in the story.  

[09:09.31] <Armorall> even I was like that, and then I looked inside myself, and went WAIT I am not doing this, what is inflencing me

[09:09.35] <Armorall> and it was NOT Jesus

[09:09.39] <Armorall> it was a demon

[09:09.54] <Armorall> see?

[09:10.13] <levity> Jesus is a Franken-myth, it is a composite myth based only on older gods and older stories, but also on Lent.  

[09:10.25] <levity> Which is the proof-positive that it was Mystery-adepts that actually engineered the bible, because they very clearly understood that it is the wave that gives rise to The Photon and that that is where our consciousness originates.  

[09:10.25] <Armorall> No and yes

[09:10.45] <Armorall> HAHAH but I am not a photon, although I am a  lightbeing

[09:10.50] <Armorall> I an a neutron

[09:10.55] <Armorall> I am a neutron

[09:11.18] <levity> The first thing we notice is that we have this entity that's supposed to be a good and loving creator that is saying, "Remain in darkness and ignorance or else I will kill you."  Already we have some suspicious behavior on the part of this entity, who, by the way, is usually not referred to as Him.  

[09:11.36] <Armorall> okay, now I want you to think, think think, way way way back, to when everything in this universe was only black and white

[09:12.01] <Armorall> levity that BEING you just described is NOT GOD

[09:12.03] <Armorall> never was

[09:12.07] <levity>  And, so, they eat of this tree and then they know.  So who lied?  The serpent did not lie.

[09:12.13] <Armorall> can it take you to hell? YES, can it kill you? NOPE

[09:12.24] <Armorall> it wasn't a tree, it was this PLANET

[09:12.26] <levity>  The really important thing about this point is it shows the malleability of the people in the church of the common man and their ability to be influenced even when the story literally, the one that's written in the book says THE OPPOSITE from what the preacher in the pulpit tells them it says, they still accept his explanation.  

[09:12.37] <Armorall> if you go to earth, you will know good and evil, but you will also...die

[09:12.48] <Armorall> it wasn't an apple

[09:12.51] <Armorall> it was this planet

[09:12.52] <levity> Maybe even more important and scary is the fact that the demomization of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, the electromagnetic wave, the very source of our consciousness, and these consciousness-expanding plants, this was known to The Mystery initiates, that there would be no slaves if they consumed these psychoactive plants, that these religions would no

[09:12.52] <levity> t be accepted. 

[09:13.17] <Armorall> sigh

[09:13.30] <Armorall> I am trying to teach you shit man!

[09:14.08] <levity> We habe John first, who is a teacher.  He warns that Satan may come as an angel of light.  This is like thirty five or forty five pages before Jesus even shows up and says, "God has sent me and I am the light."  

[09:14.16] <Armorall> do you know why all things come against me? it's not because I am evil, it's because I am trying to change "their plans" by changing time itself

[09:14.27] <levity> Now, I don't know about you, but it's pretty god-damned alarming to me that so many people would read this and be aware of the story and not notice that, that they didn't go, "Well, wait a minute?  Weren't we just warned that Satan may come as an angel of light?"  And here is this Jesus character showing up forty pages later, talking about how, "Ho

[09:14.27] <levity> w god has sent me and I am an angel and I am the light."  It's a little bit weird, you know?

[09:14.42] <Armorall> LOL

[09:14.51] <Armorall> Those beings cannot KILL you!

[09:15.03] <levity>  And it's strange because Christians say, "He can lie, he can have great morality, he can trick you, he's a deceiver."  So, he couldn't just tell you to love your neighbor?  Knowing damn well that you are not going to listen in a context of a bunch of stuff that's going to give you an ego-complex because you feel like you are part of an exclusive c

[09:15.03] <levity> lub of saved people.  

[09:15.17] <levity> And you are going to look down on people who are not part of this club.  And you are going to oppress and suppress normal human expression and even burn people alive, might that happen?

[09:15.17] <Armorall> pain yes, hell yes, happiness, yes, but that has NOTHING to do with GOD

[09:15.19] <Armorall> nothing

[09:15.34] <levity> I mean, isn't that EXACTLY what satan would do?  I am almost having a conniption-fit and convulsions just thinking about how blatantly obvious and insane this is, that people don't notice this.  "I am the light."  WE WERE JUST WARNED ABOUT THAT!

[09:15.46] <Armorall> levity calm down

[09:15.47] <Armorall> LOL

[09:15.49] <Armorall> LOL

[09:15.54] <levity> But, it gets worse.  The First Commandment DOES NOT say "You shall have no gods other than me, until my son comes."  It says YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS.  Period.  There is no caveat, there's no clause that says until my son comes.  Just no!  

[09:16.11] <levity> So, all of these people who say Jesus is god, every single one of them is breaking The First Commandment.  All of them.  Every one.

[09:16.14] <Armorall> HAHAH the thing is you can't really have other Gods anyway

[09:16.22] <Armorall> Jesus is not God

[09:16.26] <levity>  The second commandment which says You Shall Have No Graven Images.  Crosses, pictures of Jesus.  ALL BLASPHEMY.  

[09:16.30] <Armorall> he was only the first human OUT of God

[09:16.37] <Armorall> understand?

[09:16.40] <Armorall> lucifer was 2

[09:16.47] <Armorall> then there were 2 good

[09:16.49] <Armorall> then 1 evil

[09:16.54] <Armorall> then 2 good then 1 evil

[09:16.59] <Armorall> in that order out of GOD

[09:17.07] <Armorall> into this black bubble you call the universe

[09:17.11] <Armorall> NONE of them are GOD

[09:17.12] <Armorall> none

[09:17.17] <levity> Armorall People will argue, "But, Jesus taught good morality."  Isn't the highest possible teaching in the world that you should love your neighbor as you love yourself?  Don't you say yourself, Illumignostic that that would fix all the problems of the world, if everyone would just wake up tomorrow and start doing that?  

[09:17.34] <Armorall> Buddha taught more morality than Jesus did

[09:17.43] <Armorall> Jesus condemned some people

[09:17.46] <Armorall> Buddha never did

[09:18.05] <Armorall> same with mohammed, condemned people

[09:18.19] <Armorall> okay, put me in hell, been there 2 times bodily, I'm still not dead, try again!

[09:18.20] <levity> But wait, it gets worse.  We have this idea that god is totally sovereign.  So satan is the adversary of this totally sovereign being?  I thought everything moved at god's will, except for this one ninja that is not having it, or whatever?  It doesn't make any sense.  

[09:18.41] <Armorall> levity I told you GOD does not act on the black bubble

[09:18.45] <Armorall> only sends things out

[09:18.52] <Armorall> then those things have free will

[09:19.27] <Armorall> like little parts of GOD, but not GOD

[09:19.40] <Armorall> just equal to you and I

[09:19.46] <Armorall> different powers sure

[09:19.51] <Armorall> but no greater or less than the next

[09:20.33] <Armorall> if you want a better explanation I can tell you

[09:21.56] <levity>  In my opinion too, you have to be either dumb or insane to believe this stuff, literally.  I think that's something we really need to get into our heads.  People tell you to respect people's beliefs.  Do not do that.  If somebody says, "I am converting to Chritsianity," just bitch-slap them.  On the spot.  Snap them out of it.  Do what you gotta d

[09:21.56] <levity> o.  Stop them!  Help them somehow!

[09:21.58] <levity> :P

[09:22.35] <Armorall> dude

[09:22.56] <Armorall> I was sitting here in 1996, something in my mind said, hello, I am back. I got a creepy feeling

[09:23.11] <Armorall> anyway it ended up with me asking the entity to lift my pepsi can and drink from it

[09:23.14] <Armorall> it said it could not

[09:23.17] <Armorall> I did

[09:23.22] <Armorall> then I said it couldn't do anything

[09:23.28] <Armorall> it came back and typed to me on irc

[09:23.29] <levity>   In some way shape or form I suppose Christianity played a role, it did its duty.  It served its purpose.  But now it's following humanity around like an unwanted groupie at an after-party.  It's time to show this bitch the back door.  Face-first, right into the dumpster.  

[09:23.46] <Armorall> I ended up on the floor screaming feeling like I was on fire and in hell

[09:23.50] <Armorall> I didn't die

[09:23.59] <Armorall> and it still didn't drink from my pepsi can

[09:24.03] <Armorall> but I can

[09:24.04] <Armorall> see?

[09:24.09] <Armorall> same but diff powers

[09:24.17] <levity> Then people are all, "I love Jesus!"  If you loved jesus you wouldn't accept this deal, asshole.  What are you talking about?  You think that's love?  That's really what you want to teach your children?  That that's what love is?  And people wonder why the world is so fucked.

[09:25.06] <levity>  Is this like the most fucked up possible scenario and psychological disposition, that you could possibly engender?  Are we inculcating kids with cognitive-dissonance and complete disconnection with reality?  And all of these other psychological configurations that allow them to make completely insane political decisions later on in life.  Anyway, 

[09:25.06] <levity> spiritual bypassing.  Super, super-convenient for people.  

[09:25.26] <levity> And then, along with that, the idea that it's okay for someone else to suffer for your sins, it is why so many people on the right, for example, are so willing to embrace exploitation economies.  Because it has been inculcated into their psychology since they were a wee little tike, that it makes sense that other people suffer so that you can be in

[09:25.26] <levity>  heaven.  

[09:26.37] <levity> When you are spiritually aware and you are connected to a sense of purpose and the greater purpose of the universal mind, great spirit, whatever you want to call it, you are not going to tolerate being ruled. 

[09:26.50] <levity> You don't need to be ruled and you will not tolerate it.  You guys know about how the replaced all of the pagan holidays with Christian ones to get all of these pagans and people with a warrior messiah under control.  

[09:27.20] <levity>  Jesus is not nice because he was the son of god.  Jesus was nice because your rulers want to pacify you.  There's no other fucking reason for it.  None at all whatsoever.  

[09:28.12] <levity> ok :x

[09:28.57] <levity> whoa, you got IRC-possessed!

[09:28.59] <levity> :P

[09:29.56] <levity> irc plays a huge role in my project

[09:30.14] <levity> i am trying to make its founders proud

[09:32.20] <levity> like i have pleaded before, write up your insights and proofread and hone it until it's exactly what you feel

[09:32.32] <levity> and then send it to me for distrubution

[09:33.18] <levity> i can help you make your complaints do more than they can alone

[09:34.05] <levity> just be yourself, raw and uncensored

[09:34.17] <levity> and help me give everyone a mega-dose of hope

[09:34.41] <levity> i've been collecting opinions and perspctives for decades

[09:34.44] <levity> +e

[09:35.38] <levity> +

[09:43.39] <Armorall> you might want to add,,,,for some reason irc enhances psychic powers

[09:43.42] <Armorall> and it does

[09:43.49] <Armorall> I've seen it time and time again

[09:44.33] <levity> i can totally believe in the probability of that

[09:44.55] <levity> destiny can definetly work through irc

[09:45.32] <levity> asking random questions on irc is how my blog was reborn

[09:47.22] <Armorall> it's not that

[09:47.50] <Armorall> have you ever said something totally off the wall, and a person in the room, suddenly says the exact same thing at the same time?

[09:48.03] <Armorall> it happens ALL the time on irc

[09:48.06] <Armorall> less so irl

[09:48.16] <levity> not exactly that, but i dont doubt you

[09:49.01] <levity> irc can certainly be very synchronous

[09:49.51] <Armorall> like out of the blue I could say hey listen to rush, and someone I don't know will say the exact same thing at the same time to the other person, just outta the blue

[09:49.52] <levity> and employed by the other layers of our reality

[09:51.36] <levity> the tools have been here since the dawn of computing.  they have been patiently awaiting a puzzle master to connect the dots.

[09:52.13] <levity> i have been trying my damndest to play that role

[09:52.14] <Armorall> yes, but is AI evil or good?

[09:52.31] <Armorall> right now it's a baby and knows nothing

[09:52.36] <levity> tools such as pirated software

[09:52.46] <levity> and all the hidden shortcuts to life

[09:53.07] <levity> for me it all started wth learning my keyboard shortcus

[09:53.18] <levity> are you mouse-dependent?

[09:53.35] <Armorall> yes and no, I can use an arcade joystick

[09:53.54] <Armorall> they said the old track balls, the big ones are more accurate, but never really used them

[09:54.17] <Armorall> :)

[09:54.19] <levity> most anything you can do with a mouse you can do without it

[09:54.24] <levity> only A LOT faster

[09:54.32] <Armorall> yes and no

[09:54.38] <Armorall> I am really fast with a mouse

[09:54.42] <levity> why i said MOST

[09:54.47] <Armorall> it's faster than an xbox or ps4 controller

[09:55.10] <Armorall> do you play ANY games online?

[09:55.33] <levity> i never could, but i was AMAZED by people who could play FPS'S with only their keyboard

[09:55.35] <levity> and WIN

[09:55.41] <levity> killing sprees and shit

[09:55.56] <Armorall> I personally think you would like mtg arena it's a small prog, can run on anything with 6gb memory

[09:56.14] <levity> i used to be addicted to unrea tournament

[09:56.23] <Armorall> levity I got an arcade joystick just for that LOL

[09:56.27] <levity> but i only liked ut99

[09:56.31] <levity> game of the year edition

[09:56.49] <levity> DIE BITCH!

[09:56.52] <levity> hehe

[09:57.17] <Armorall> yes I had a 1333mhz amd and a voodoo5 5500 card and got UT and got the 3rd highest score on 3dmarks and the highest UT fps...155fps!

[09:57.27] <Armorall> better than even the new nvidia cards

[09:57.35] <Armorall> and looked better too! 3dfx!

[09:57.43] <levity> ahh, good ol days

[09:57.53] <Armorall> I miss voodoo

[09:57.55] <levity> then i had my first head injury

[09:57.57] <levity> :[

[09:58.04] <levity> messed up my right arm a little

[09:58.05] <Armorall> OH!

[09:58.11] <levity> totally FUCKED my UT!

[09:58.16] <Armorall> I didn't know you had an injury!

[09:58.22] <levity> ive had two!

[09:58.28] <Armorall> what happened?

[09:58.32] <levity> first one was on election night 96!

[09:58.43] <levity> second one was four years later!

[09:58.49] <Armorall> omg 1996 in Nov is when that damn creature attacked me

[09:59.05] <levity> this should be an interesting read

[09:59.08] <Armorall> what happened?

[09:59.09] <levity> +

[09:59.14] <Armorall> no just tell me goddamn ity

[09:59.25] <Armorall> I don't like your format

[09:59.38] <Armorall> the lettering is too small, needs spaces

[10:00.10] <levity> play around with ctrl+ plus or minus

[10:00.40] <levity> to make text easier to read

[10:01.19] <Armorall> NO

[10:01.24] <Armorall> then that will change ALL things

[10:01.36] <levity> i can paste it line for line if you want

[10:01.42] <Armorall> LOL

[10:01.53] <Armorall> I give up, I have to do dailies

[10:01.58] <Armorall> I'll chat later

[10:02.00] <levity> its my head injuries story and i am sticking to it!

[10:02.03] <Armorall> maybe

[10:02.04] <levity> :P

[10:02.25] <levity> bye, just remember that ignorance starts with IGNORING!

[10:02.29] <levity> peace out

[10:02.41] <Armorall> and the man of evil had a grevious head wound and was miraculously healed LOL

[10:02.45] <Armorall> just fucking with you

[10:02.50] <Armorall> but thats what it says

[10:03.05] <levity> truth is stranger!

[10:03.06] <Armorall> I am not ignoring you

[10:03.10] <Armorall> I have things to do!

[10:03.28] <levity> i know, only you can decide how to spend time

[10:03.33] <Armorall> like I really want to fix the 360.00 fucking chair I bought

[10:03.48] <Armorall> the goddamn back of it leans forward!

[10:03.58] <Armorall> so I have to bend it in a vice to fix it

[10:04.15] <Armorall> well take apart then bend

[10:04.34] <levity> make that chair your bitch!

[10:04.39] <Armorall> yes I will

[10:04.41] <Armorall> LOL

[10:04.42] <levity> hehe

[10:04.48] <Armorall> if the vice doesn't come off the table

[10:04.49] <Armorall> LOL

[10:05.08] <Armorall> maybe find a neighbor with a better one

[10:05.32] <Armorall> the L bracket for the back wasn't made straight

[10:05.39] <Armorall> it's leaned forward

[10:05.52] <levity> chinese pos

[10:05.57] <Armorall> which multiples as you go up the back and it's a high back executive leather office chair

[10:06.37] <Armorall> LOL

[10:06.38] <Armorall> yes

[10:06.39] <Armorall> pos

[10:07.12] <Armorall> I had 3 days I could return it...with a 20% restocking fee, used an office chair I had in the meantime, then took it apart and found out the prob

[10:07.40] <Armorall> it's always fucking something

[10:07.41] <Armorall> LOL

[10:07.56] <levity> ok summed up.  nov 6 i was a passenger in a kia sephia and we t-boned an f-150 going fifty or sixty mph

[10:08.08] <Armorall> like my ssd died, well I got a new one and reinstalled windows and shit, told my gf, used to be an experience, now it's just a headache

[10:08.09] <levity> airlifted to army base

[10:08.16] <Armorall> OMG

[10:08.22] <Armorall> that's fast!

[10:08.27] <levity> closed head injury, skull didnt crack

[10:08.37] <Armorall> did you have seatbelt on?

[10:08.48] <levity> icu for six days, rehab for 29

[10:08.55] <Armorall> OMG

[10:09.08] <levity> barey any deficits

[10:09.25] <Armorall> my gf was driving my 1972 cuda and hit a concrete bottom of a light pole doing 45 on my side

[10:09.30] <levity> doctors said i now had short term memory loss and impulsivity

[10:09.40] <Armorall> my head did hit the windshield and cracked it

[10:09.41] <levity> which i think i have always  been

[10:09.55] <levity> got 29k in settlement

[10:09.56] <Armorall> twisted the whole car, luckily the engine I rebuilt and made was saved

[10:10.03] <levity> bougth me a porsche

[10:10.09] <levity> paying rent

[10:10.14] <Armorall> what kind of porsche?

[10:10.20] <levity> had lots of "friends"

[10:10.34] <levity> 86 944

[10:10.35] <Armorall> yeah I have no friends, too many ppl fucked me over

[10:10.43] <levity> i had already owned a 78 924

[10:10.52] <Armorall> EWWWW 924

[10:10.57] <levity> poor mans porsche

[10:10.59] <levity> :P

[10:11.04] <Armorall> yes been in one

[10:11.07] <Armorall> it was a rat trap

[10:11.11] <Armorall> VW engine

[10:11.12] <Armorall> LOL

[10:11.14] <levity> basically a 44 without fender flares

[10:11.42] <levity> anyway, that money went away, so back to telemarketing

[10:11.49] <Armorall> lets see, if I wanted a porsche in 1986...I would have bought a 300zx twin turbo

[10:11.54] <Armorall> AHHH

[10:11.56] <levity> 4 years later, next election year

[10:11.59] <Armorall> outbound or inbound?

[10:12.10] <levity> i was living with my dumn klepto ex gf

[10:12.26] <levity> and oct 3 we got into this big argument about money

[10:12.38] <levity> and i stormed off to the store and bought some smokes

[10:12.42] <Armorall> I did ountbound telemarketing for credit card companies for 3 years my god that's a headache and stressful, people being fired left and right ALL the time for no sales

[10:12.55] <levity> was walking down the street and got hit by a car from behind

[10:12.57] <Armorall> outbound

[10:13.01] <Armorall> OMFG!

[10:13.08] <levity> did a flip over the car and hit my head on the street

[10:13.15] <Armorall> wow

[10:13.15] <levity> head injury #2

[10:13.28] <Armorall> did it break both your legs too?

[10:13.29] <levity> the guy who hit me was the one who called the amb

[10:13.41] <levity> so for that i ddnt rip him a new asshole in court

[10:13.49] <levity> he couldve left me for dead

[10:13.53] <Armorall> wow

[10:14.04] <Armorall> being hit bodily by a car usually dead

[10:14.11] <levity> only got a measly 9k this time

[10:14.22] <levity> same thing my lawyer got

[10:14.27] <levity> and he didnt have to get hit by a car

[10:14.43] <levity> but this time around i wasnt so lucky

[10:14.57] <levity> i acquied a random minor tremor in my right arm

[10:15.06] <levity> which is still present

[10:15.12] <levity> but no big deal at all

[10:15.25] <Armorall> wow

[10:15.49] <levity> and its because i have been so blessed all my life, basically have already died twice, that i am so brazen and controversial

[10:15.54] <Armorall> but you have people that have helped you

[10:15.55] <levity> and fearless

[10:16.02] <Armorall> no one has ever helped me

[10:16.03] <Armorall> ever

[10:16.15] <Armorall> did I tell you what happened a month ago?

[10:16.25] <levity> the people who were supposed to help me the most helped me the least

[10:16.28] <levity> no go ahead,

[10:16.33] <levity> ill shut up

[10:16.37] <levity> :x

[10:17.19] <Armorall> I was sitting in the garage smoking, and I collapsed on the floor, in my coat, mom comes to let dog out, asks me what's wrong, all I could do is scream I'm hot, I'm hot, (it was 32F in there), she walks back in the house and shuts the door

[10:17.21] <Armorall> no 911

[10:17.23] <Armorall> no nothing

[10:17.26] <Armorall> just...see ya

[10:17.29] <Armorall> wtf

[10:17.42] <Armorall> even a roommate would have called 911

[10:17.46] <levity> keep going

[10:17.52] <levity> what hapoened next?

[10:18.03] <Armorall> about 3 hours later I could finally move and got up!

[10:18.05] <Armorall> that's it

[10:18.38] <levity> and when you talked to her next what did she say?

[10:18.38] <Armorall> I've seen 13 doctors....13!!! NONE OF THEM WOULD HELP ME

[10:18.55] <levity> what kind of reasoning did she give you?

[10:19.04] <Armorall> She said, she just thought I was hot laying on freezing concrete in my coat!

[10:19.25] <levity> maybe she thought you were joking?

[10:19.29] <Armorall> NO

[10:19.31] <Armorall> she knew

[10:19.46] <levity> why do you think you collapsed?

[10:19.55] <levity> what were you smoking?

[10:19.56] <Armorall> she just doesn't care, but that's okay I made her pay me 71000 over 10 years for that shit her whole life

[10:20.01] <Armorall> just a cig

[10:20.11] <levity> why do you think you collapsed?

[10:20.22] <Armorall> my body uhmm is fucked, I can barely digest food through my stomach, and then it gets backed up

[10:20.33] <Armorall> then all my muscles tighten and I cannot move at all

[10:20.38] <Armorall> sometimes I can't even scream

[10:20.40] <Armorall> only tears

[10:20.44] <levity> lack of oxygen?  

[10:20.50] <Armorall> no

[10:20.55] <levity> what made you go unconscious, do you think?

[10:20.57] <Armorall> my muscles ALL lock up

[10:21.06] <Armorall> I mean LOCK up

[10:21.15] <levity> cramps?

[10:21.23] <Armorall> it's my whole BODY

[10:21.29] <Armorall> I have told many dr's

[10:21.43] <levity> systemic contraction, hmm

[10:21.46] <Armorall> I can just be walking and BAM

[10:21.55] <Armorall> everything fucking locks and I fall

[10:22.04] <Armorall> then a few hours later it unlocks

[10:22.07] <Armorall> and I am okay

[10:22.22] <levity> the docs probably gave you some bs rx and told you to drink lots of water, right

[10:22.31] <Armorall> NO worse than that

[10:22.41] <Armorall> I have to go smoke and I'll tell you

[10:22.47] <levity> ok

[10:22.52] <levity> suck it down

[10:22.56] <levity> :]

[10:26.17] <Armorall> lol

[10:26.33] <Armorall> okay, I moved here, then 6 months later got covid alpha

[10:26.44] <Armorall> had copd and breathing probs anyway

[10:26.46] <Armorall> then

[10:27.00] <Armorall> 6 months later sore throat and ears

[10:27.18] <Armorall> and gallbladder probs, and prostate probs and stomach probs, just all kinda probs

[10:27.37] <Armorall> got a dr at the poor ppl place

[10:27.40] <levity> wow...just hold on just a little loner

[10:27.50] <levity> until love heals us all

[10:27.53] <levity> :]

[10:27.57] <levity> +g

[10:28.02] <Armorall> started waking up SCREAMING in pain in my neck, everyday

[10:28.05] <Armorall> told doc

[10:28.13] <Armorall> she said, that's okay don't worry about it

[10:28.26] <Armorall> finally went to ent mri cscans show nothing

[10:28.29] <Armorall> you're fine

[10:28.51] <levity> you'll get used to it, lol, now heres your bill

[10:28.51] <Armorall> next dr, VA, that's normal for a 52 year old to wake up screaming in pain!

[10:28.58] <Armorall> YES

[10:29.01] <Armorall> exactly!

[10:29.27] <Armorall> ER 3 times, first time had bacterial mumps, the fixed that, got a fungal infection, they sorta fixed that

[10:29.28] <Armorall> then

[10:29.30] <levity> but you must be sure to take some of these drugs too!

[10:29.34] <Armorall> my body started locking up

[10:29.55] <Armorall> er, they put me in the PPE change room in a chair in the middle of the room for 4 fucking hours

[10:30.04] <levity> (so you and your money will return to us!)

[10:30.07] <Armorall> I left

[10:30.25] <Armorall> second time ER body locked up, ems wanted to give me....fentanyl, I said fuck NO

[10:30.40] <levity> omg

[10:30.47] <Armorall> they take me in, nurse argues with me for 30 min that I don't have a dr because it's a VA dr

[10:30.54] <Armorall> I ask her to leave

[10:31.03] <Armorall> she does not and continues arguing with me

[10:31.09] <Armorall> I literally CRAWL out

[10:31.15] <Armorall> and sit on the curb

[10:31.18] <levity> just last trip i took.  on the lightrail somewhere this dude pulls out a big brick of fentanyl and starts hitting hit hard right on the train

[10:31.44] <Armorall> dr said you could die

[10:31.49] <Armorall> I said Good better than this shit

[10:32.06] <Armorall> 3rd dr, I said give me a fungal test, okay

[10:32.10] <Armorall> didn't happen

[10:32.20] <Armorall> he had to repay my money, I contacted admin

[10:32.20] <levity> run-around

[10:32.35] <Armorall> I am sick of this shit

[10:32.37] <levity> hey, have you ever read my odyssey story?

[10:32.42] <Armorall> finally just gave up, if I die, I die

[10:32.59] <levity> its my main flagship story that i told to thousands of people all over the country

[10:33.00] <Armorall> I started taking vitamins and that did help a LOT

[10:33.18] <Armorall> I don't wake up screaming anymore, but now my stomach and body will NOT digest food

[10:33.31] <Armorall> my stool is black, white and just weird from my gallbladder

[10:33.39] <Armorall> some white and concrete

[10:33.41] <Armorall> sucks ass

[10:33.49] <Armorall> doesn't come out without a LOT of ex lax

[10:34.04] <levity> i know you might dismiss, but i think all your problems might recude in degree if you just walked more

[10:34.09] <Armorall> but don't care everyone dies, not scared of death

[10:34.12] <levity> recede*

[10:34.21] <Armorall> yes my gf said walk a mile after you eat

[10:34.24] <Armorall> and it will fix that

[10:34.35] <levity> and water 

[10:34.43] <Armorall> I walk up and down a flight of stairs 30 times a day

[10:34.45] <Armorall> literally

[10:34.59] <Armorall> the prob is all my movements are always the same

[10:35.05] <Armorall> here to there, do this always the same

[10:35.08] <levity> try to do a little more every day

[10:35.47] <levity> are you able to jog?

[10:36.42] <levity> start jogging every other day, stopwatch it all. and try to increase distance every time you run

[10:37.13] <levity>  i did that when i was younger in my moms hood.  i eventually got all the way to running 3 hours straight

[10:37.25] <levity> and i didnt even stop smoking

[10:37.47] <levity> entered a 5k race at sea world, out of over 200 i came in eleventh

[10:37.56] <Armorall> LOL jog with my belly, it goes left and right and nearly knocks me over

[10:37.56] <levity> and sparked up a cig at the finish line, lol

[10:38.04] <levity> lol!

[10:38.12] <Armorall> the col's used to smoke cigars and run 9 miles

[10:38.17] <Armorall> smoking the whole time

[10:38.28] <Armorall> I used to run 2 miles in 15:40

[10:38.37] <levity> see! if you take care of your body it takes care of itself!

[10:38.41] <levity> dayum

[10:38.42] <Armorall> and that was in CO springs

[10:38.51] <Armorall> when I moved back to Ks OMG

[10:39.02] <Armorall> I could run forever and ever and never run out of breath

[10:39.18] <Armorall> then I figured that's why the olympic training center is there

[10:39.18] <Armorall> LOL

[10:39.21] <levity> you went backwards by moving back

[10:39.30] <Armorall> no the elevation

[10:39.47] <Armorall> co springs is waaaay up in the mountains

[10:39.52] <levity> figgered

[10:39.55] <Armorall> here is only 650ft above sea level

[10:40.08] <Armorall> massive diff when you go from there to here in breathing

[10:40.30] <Armorall> it's like you have 8 time normal energy

[10:40.31] <Armorall> LOL

[10:42.51] <levity> i think im going to go fly my sing today

[10:42.54] <levity> sign

[10:43.11] <levity> to traffic at the stoplights like a bum

[10:43.37] <levity> one side says HOOK A BROTHER UP, other says SMOKE A BROTHER OUT

[10:43.55] <levity> i spin it around and make people laugh

[10:43.59] <Armorall> LOLK

[10:44.00] <levity> with my shirt i am a total hit

[10:44.34] <levity> "Both sides of my sign could be left up to interpretation, officer."

[10:44.39] <levity> hehe

[10:45.00] <levity> "check out my blog, it's free!  it's not religious,i promise!

[10:45.02] <levity> "

[10:45.11] <levity> I have so much fun

[10:45.46] <levity> when people ignore me I yell, "DAMN, NOBODY WANTS WORLD PEACE!  POOR KIDS!"

[10:46.01] <levity> "GOOD LITTLE SLAVE!"

[10:46.29] <Armorall> hehehe

[10:46.35] <levity> here is me in 2007

[10:46.39] <levity> +

[10:47.04] <levity> when i used to play the hippie role

[10:48.00] <levity> my lines have changed a little, but i have remained consistent basically

[10:48.29] <levity> and i am not too proud of all my side-glancing

[10:48.56] <levity> so many "ya knows"

[10:49.33] <Armorall> wow

[10:49.47] <Armorall> you carry a staff!

[10:49.48] <Armorall> OMG

[10:49.56] <Armorall> Are you the hero?

[10:50.03] <levity> "speak softly and carry a big stick"

[10:50.12] <levity> funn you shoud mention that

[10:50.39] <levity> +

[10:51.53] <levity> "If you get enough of those who actually have the power to do something backing you and you come up, that's really what I am hoping for."

[10:52.05] <levity> " If anything that I am parleying to you, it's all leading towards I don't want to see you die. I don't want to hear that you died because of your beliefs."

[10:52.24] <levity> "I want to hear that a hero, or my hero in this case, has actually done it right and he's still here because he was smart. That is what I would love to see."

[10:53.14] <levity> i have always used a tennis ball on the end of my stick.  like the old people and their walkers

[10:53.29] <Armorall> LOL

[10:53.38] <Armorall> you're a good looking guy

[10:53.41] <levity> anytime i pass tennis courts on my travels, i am always checking for spare balls

[10:53.47] <Armorall> OH!

[10:54.02] <levity> thank you :]

[10:54.08] <Armorall> all I want is for the Gov to be more fair

[10:54.19] <Armorall> not everything free per-say

[10:54.24] <Armorall> but more fair

[10:54.33] <levity> to do that, government would have to disspaer

[10:54.35] <Armorall> like flat tax rates with no loopholes

[10:54.44] <levity> because as it is now, they ensure UNFAIRNESS

[10:54.52] <Armorall> like a fair criminal system for poor and rich

[10:54.58] <levity> we can govern ourselves!

[10:55.06] <Armorall> yes some can, some cannot

[10:55.27] <Armorall> you have to remember something....TV is made for a 12 year old to be able to understand

[10:55.35] <Armorall> and a LOT of people just sit and watch it

[10:55.37] <levity> listen, everything that we need to sustain life IS HERE FOR US TO USE NATURALLY!

[10:55.41] <Armorall> so we're raising 12 year olds

[10:55.42] <levity> food and shelter

[10:55.48] <Armorall> yes I know that

[10:55.52] <Armorall> I was in the army LOL

[10:55.53] <levity> it is our birthright!

[10:55.59] <levity> it has been stolen from us!

[10:56.03] <levity> and sold back to us!

[10:56.07] <Armorall> The earth is MUCH more kind than humans

[10:56.12] <Armorall> MUCH more

[10:56.30] <Armorall> Dr's want you to live,,,,and suffer so they make more money

[10:56.37] <Armorall> used to be you died fast

[10:56.37] <Armorall> not now

[10:56.39] <levity> yes, tv is one of their most effective tools

[10:56.41] <Armorall> lets make you suffer

[10:56.52] <levity> they dont call it programming for nothing!

[10:57.05] <Armorall> 10% of all reporters in major news work for the cia

[10:57.18] <Armorall> literally are paid by the cia and the news company they work for

[10:57.20] <Armorall> both

[10:57.31] <Armorall> :)

[10:57.35] <levity> tv regresses people to the time when they were in the womb all they did was receive and receive

[10:57.43] <Armorall> I know programming, because I was in the ARMY!

[10:57.45] <levity> dumbs us down

[10:58.03] <Armorall> when I was a kid, it was stop watching tv and go outside

[10:58.08] <levity> yes, sorry for being captain obvious

[10:58.09] <levity> :]

[10:58.13] <Armorall> then gather kids in groups, what do we do today?

[10:58.24] <Armorall> lets ride the doesn't run, lets make it run

[10:58.30] <Armorall> and that was at age 8

[10:58.47] <Armorall> yes we did bad things at times

[10:58.52] <Armorall> but we LEARNED

[10:59.07] <Armorall> we Learned by having the freedom to do what we wanted

[10:59.07] <levity> mistakes are our portals to discovery!

[10:59.24] <Armorall> now everyone just fucking stares at screens

[10:59.35] <Armorall> that doesn't teach them shit about reality AT ALL!

[10:59.41] <levity> i migh watch tv if i had a treadmill, but probably not even then

[10:59.52] <levity> +t

[11:00.01] <Armorall> that teaches them, take a selfy on a cliff and go viral falling off because you're too stupid to live in reality

[11:00.17] <Armorall> seriously!

[11:00.29] <Armorall> even in the army there were people like that

[11:00.47] <Armorall> we were jogging up a mountain trail, I stopped and yelled stop running

[11:00.50] <levity> i am sooo glad i have my head injuries

[11:01.00] <Armorall> guys looked down, rattlesnake, huge almost stepped on

[11:01.08] <levity> i was supposed to ship to the navy nov 21

[11:01.10] <Armorall> sure would have bit them

[11:01.24] <levity> got in my wreck on the 6th

[11:01.37] <Armorall> now in mining the dumb people leave fast usually

[11:01.37] <Armorall> we get rid of them

[11:01.39] <Armorall> else...they probably die

[11:01.46] <levity> talked to the navy when i was in the hosp.  they were all, here's your new shipdate

[11:01.59] <levity> i talked to my doc and he asked me if i wanted to go

[11:02.33] <levity> i told him "not at all.  i had already changed my mind and they told me i had to go, that i had signed a contract

[11:02.37] <levity> that i wasnt a man

[11:02.52] <Armorall> wtf

[11:02.52] <levity> that my friiends would never be there for me like the navy would

[11:02.54] <Armorall> geesh

[11:03.07] <levity> i had sworn in

[11:03.29] <levity> i talked to my doc and he simply wrote a leter saying i wasnt fit for active duty

[11:03.36] <levity> bam, medical discharge

[11:03.40] <levity> :]

[11:03.40] <Armorall> sounds like the army, it was beginning desert storm, they said keeping everyone indefinately, I said wait, I only signed up for 2 years, honor my contract or I'll just sit on the ground when my contract is over and not do jack shit

[11:03.49] <Armorall> they let me out when my contract ended :)

[11:03.55] <levity> lol

[11:04.01] <levity> cant bullshit bullshitters!

[11:04.07] <Armorall> right

[11:04.14] <levity> gotta go eat with my lovely wife

[11:04.17] <Armorall> okay

[11:04.18] <levity> bbl

[11:04.27] <Armorall> grab her by the pussy!

[11:04.27] <Armorall> LOL

[11:04.34] * Armorall (~Armorall@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)

[11:04.35] <levity>  i PROMISE i will

[11:04.35] ->> Armorall :No such nick

[11:37.18] --X-- You're voiced by Lard (clowntown) on #Gulag

[21:13.13] * You are now known as levTITTY

[21:24.55] * You are now known as levity

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