

 Session Start: Fri Sep 08 05:10:22 2023

[05:10.22] <Armorall> These people are dumbshits

[05:10.22] ->> Armorall is (...)

[05:10.22] ->> Armorall is on: +#RebelYell #Gulag #deeppeace 

[05:10.22] ->> Armorall using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[05:10.22] ->> Armorall 1 secs seconds idle, signon time 11:59 AM 9/8/2023

[05:10.22] ->> Armorall :End of /WHOIS list.

[05:10.23] <Armorall> lol

[05:15.46] <wptmj> i appreciate your endorsement :]

[05:15.52] <wptmj> tysm

[05:16.09] <Armorall> eh

[05:16.18] <wptmj> i think i may have krit on my side too

[05:16.24] <Armorall> you're a good guy, been around, not stuck in some mental bubble

[05:16.30] <wptmj> he likes my humor

[05:16.52] <wptmj> and if the address you gave me is valid

[05:16.59] <wptmj> i can mail your shirt today

[05:17.17] <Armorall> yeah it's valid...will you be on later today?

[05:17.30] <wptmj> i should be

[05:17.37] <Armorall> I will send paypal if you are

[05:17.39] <Armorall> for shirt

[05:17.56] <wptmj> ok

[05:17.58] <Armorall> I'll be back...mornings are busy

[05:18.04] <wptmj> aight, peace, bro

[05:48.59] <wptmj> yp

[05:49.07] <wptmj> -p +o

[05:49.36] <wptmj> its awesome how the zillo post for my house has those couches!

[05:49.53] <wptmj> that was back in june, after we had a big yard sale

[05:50.04] <wptmj> trying to empty out the house for sale

[07:44.04] <Armorall> LOL it looked like couches for whoever is walking around can rest there LOL

[09:24.24] *** Server disconnected on LosAngeles.CA.US.Undernet.Org

[09:57.54] <Armorall> You here?

[09:59.46] <wptmj> hiya

[09:59.59] <Armorall> paypal email please

[10:00.17] <wptmj> i could drive, but i am marching to the post office

[10:00.27] <wptmj> lemme see if i need to make a paypal

[10:00.32] <Armorall> ok

[10:00.46] <wptmj> and if you must, dont worry about it until you get the shirt

[10:01.00] <Armorall> No I have the money now and not worried about it

[10:01.06] <Armorall> I buy ppl shit all the time

[10:01.19] <Armorall> games, food, etc etc

[10:01.46] <wptmj> ill figure the paypal shit later then.  im about to grab my walking stick and head out the door

[10:02.06] <Armorall> you have to at least have a cc or debit bank card (some kind of account) to make a paypal...why the hell don't you have paypal if you're selling shirts?

[10:02.15] <wptmj> gonna try and give away some shirts today

[10:02.29] <Armorall>'re the shirt saint?

[10:02.32] <wptmj> i tried yesterday, but the lady gave me ten bucks

[10:02.38] <Armorall> Scobe is the phone saint

[10:02.39] <wptmj> yes!

[10:02.45] <Armorall> and now you're the shirt saint

[10:02.47] <wptmj> i love that moniker!

[10:02.51] <Armorall> Yep!

[10:03.13] <Armorall> LOL

[10:03.43] <wptmj> i'm going to change that to the title of my shirts page

[10:03.51] <Armorall> LOL

[10:03.57] <Armorall> The Shirt Saint!

[10:04.21] <wptmj> on my blog ill still ask for $12

[10:04.24] <wptmj> cost

[10:04.26] <Armorall> yeah

[10:04.36] <Armorall> but you need to make a paypal, most ppl use paypal online

[10:04.43] <wptmj> i think i already have one

[10:04.46] <Armorall> (well a lot)

[10:04.54] <Armorall> what's your email. I can check

[10:05.39] <wptmj> so i dont have to ask, i say, "it's free if you'll put it on all day and wear it all day.  if you want to put it on later itll be $100.

[10:05.43] <wptmj> as a joke ;]

[10:06.05] <Armorall> Naw...put if you want it later and the normal price

[10:06.08] <Armorall> that would be fair

[10:06.23] <wptmj> i know, i reallly tell them twenty five

[10:06.30] <Armorall> ok

[10:09.31] <wptmj> its cool to relate to someone who remembers me trolling #UFOs back in the day

[10:09.35] <wptmj> :P

[10:10.00] <Armorall> fuck that dumb cunt

[10:10.03] <Armorall> I hate that bitch

[10:10.05] <wptmj> be sure to tell everybody there i said hi if u still visit

[10:10.18] <wptmj> if youre not baned too

[10:10.22] <wptmj> +n

[10:10.24] <Armorall> I only visit when I use my vpn and say stuff about that cunt

[10:10.50] <Armorall> that woman is NOT normal AT all

[10:11.03] <wptmj> i dont even remember who youre talking about

[10:11.07] <Armorall> who would date someone 7 years with no sex?

[10:11.12] <wptmj> but will def recongize

[10:11.20] <Armorall> awhisp

[10:11.25] <wptmj> yes!

[10:11.43] <wptmj> i kinda remember her being a cunt

[10:11.58] <Armorall> who would let her agoraphobic 35 year old son stay in the house and never leave and never get him help?

[10:12.00] <wptmj> stupid globers :P

[10:12.28] <Armorall> she's weird

[10:13.22] <wptmj> ok ill let you know how todays giveaway goes.  Duh, there's a frisbee golf park a coule miles away

[10:13.26] <Armorall> then so me and agothx fought for years (because I sent him a spare phone, and customs wouldn't let it in)...cost me 50.00 to send to norway (with insurance), and agothx said I did not, I showed him the damn receipt and he said I was STILL LYING!

[10:13.28] <wptmj> thats my new office

[10:13.41] <Armorall> so of course that pissed me off to no end

[10:13.41] <wptmj> ill make it an offline #gulag

[10:13.42] <wptmj> :P

[10:13.48] <Armorall> so then he bans me and bans me and bans me

[10:13.58] <Armorall> so I ask awhisp to remove the bans

[10:14.03] <wptmj> yeah, i hate when ops get all power trippy

[10:14.15] <wptmj> as if!

[10:14.16] <Armorall> she said...I can't he put those bans on....she's the fucking owner of the room

[10:14.25] <Armorall> so I ask her 3 months to take the bans off nicely

[10:14.31] <Armorall> she tells me the same thing over and over

[10:14.41] <wptmj> tough cunt, big girl, do what you can

[10:14.45] <Armorall> OK, well you did it now you pissed me off you cunt

[10:15.02] <Armorall> lying to me blatantly like that

[10:15.04] <Armorall> fuck that shit

[10:15.12] <wptmj> ok enough, i gotta get moving

[10:15.20] <wptmj> balance out all the blogging

[10:15.21] <Armorall> kk

[10:15.37] <wptmj> if i dont use it I'll lose it!

[10:15.54] <Armorall> <shinobi> I told whisp that you were going to kill her

[10:15.54] <Armorall> <Armorall> LOL LOL LOL

[10:15.54] <Armorall> <Armorall> what did she say?

[10:15.54] <Armorall> <Armorall> That's hilarious

[10:15.54] <Armorall> <shinobi> She said she was gonna contact Interpol lol

[10:15.55] <Armorall> <Armorall> LOL@interpol for the usa

[10:15.57] <Armorall> <Armorall> that's funny ass shit

[10:15.59] <Armorall> <shinobi> Heh

[10:16.01] <wptmj> plus, i'm walking to the post office 

[10:16.03] <wptmj> for you!

[10:16.07] <Armorall> yes I know

[10:16.23] <wptmj> shipping shouldnt be that much

[10:16.27] <Armorall> I will give you 25.00 paypal...whenever you can find your account

[10:16.36] <wptmj> oh yeah, importnat, almost forgot

[10:16.42] <wptmj> m/l/xl?

[10:17.19] <wptmj> white with black text, black with white or military green with white?

[10:17.38] <Armorall> wait lemme look at my shirts I forgot

[10:18.05] <Armorall> xl

[10:18.34] <Armorall> green with white (since I'm a Vet)

[10:18.42] <wptmj> +

[10:18.48] <wptmj> okie dokie

[10:18.54] <wptmj> where have you toured?

[10:19.23] <wptmj> and i am only sending it if you have the balls to wear it

[10:19.51] <Armorall> I didn't...I only trained at Ft Knox with the marines for 13 weeks, then went to Ft Carson, did train a bit in Pinon Canyon Co as well

[10:20.02] <wptmj> jw

[10:20.11] <Armorall> HUH? Why wouldn't I wear it?

[10:20.27] <wptmj> thats exactly what i wanted you to say

[10:20.40] <wptmj> a lot of people DONT WANT world peace

[10:20.49] <Armorall> Dude I worked in an underground salt mine as the explosives expert for 17 years, I ain't scared of shit

[10:21.14] <wptmj> woohoo, you deseve it for free then

[10:21.23] <wptmj> good spam!

[10:21.40] <Armorall> +

[10:22.05] <Armorall> No. I will pay you for your time/shipping and shirt...25.00 even

[10:22.14] <wptmj> i so need tough fuckers who arent scared of peace, on my team

[10:22.15] <Armorall> I ain't no mooch

[10:22.48] <wptmj> “Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I'll be mad.”

[10:22.50] <wptmj> ― Rumi 

[10:23.28] <wptmj> ok detching, peace!

[10:23.36] <Armorall> Does riding a quad and spinning circles in the mud with a gal on the back and getting all muddy and doing it in the trees count?

[10:23.37] <wptmj> detatching*

[10:23.41] <Armorall> kk

[10:24.01] <wptmj> counts percectly,  lets get this party started

[10:24.06] <wptmj> -c +f

[10:24.10] <Armorall> LOL

[10:24.33] <wptmj> ILL BE BACK

[10:27.44] <Armorall> Yep

[10:27.44] ->> Armorall is (...)

[10:27.44] ->> Armorall is on: +#RebelYell #Gulag #deeppeace 

[10:27.44] ->> Armorall using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[10:27.44] ->> Armorall 1 secs seconds idle, signon time 11:59 AM 9/8/2023

[10:27.44] ->> Armorall :End of /WHOIS list.

[10:27.46] <Armorall> Yep

[10:27.59] <wptmj> Hutchinson Ks 67501

[10:28.02] <Armorall> Hutchinson Ks, 67501

[10:28.04] <Armorall> yep

[10:28.06] <wptmj> ok peace!

[10:28.10] <Armorall> pace bro

[17:02.50] <Armorall> Hi

[17:02.50] ->> Armorall is (...)

[17:02.50] ->> Armorall is on: #deeppeace 

[17:02.50] ->> Armorall using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[17:02.50] ->> Armorall 0 secs seconds idle, signon time 11:59 AM 9/8/2023

[17:02.50] ->> Armorall :End of /WHOIS list.

[17:02.56] <Armorall> Paypal?!

[17:03.03] <wptmj> ETA thurs the 14th

[17:03.10] <Armorall> cool

[17:03.11] <Armorall> np

[17:03.27] <Armorall> God I am pissed at samsung

[17:05.05] <wptmj> i dint have to go to the post office, theres a ups place closeby, and then me and my wife boinked at naptime

[17:05.16] <Armorall> YAY!

[17:05.29] <Armorall> always good to boink before a nap

[17:05.30] <Armorall> LOL

[17:05.32] <wptmj> AND naptime

[17:05.44] <wptmj> yup, had no cchoice

[17:05.47] <Armorall> did you find your paypal?

[17:05.57] <Armorall> HAHA OMG that made me laugh

[17:06.20] <wptmj> working on it if i dont have one ill have to wait three days for the bank thing to clear

[17:06.25] <Armorall> I'm more into Quips "little sayings" than joke like you

[17:06.25] <wptmj> right?

[17:06.58] <Armorall> I dunno when I made mine with my debit card it started my paypal account right away

[17:07.29] <wptmj> +

[17:07.42] <wptmj> thats my quotes collection

[17:07.57] <Armorall> HA

[17:08.00] <Armorall> I can give you more

[17:08.11] <Armorall> and their MY quotes too (well most)

[17:08.39] <Armorall> Mothmen are eating at the fabric of the universe, but we have space needles and quantum threads to fix it with.

[17:08.50] <Armorall> Depression is just anger without the enthusiasm

[17:09.03] <wptmj> yup, feast on this

[17:09.04] <Armorall> I cannot think, therefore I am not. Yet I exist.

[17:09.08] <wptmj> s+

[17:09.58] <Armorall> yes I used to read that everyday

[17:10.02] <Armorall> they are great

[17:10.10] <Armorall> but these I wrote are ones I made

[17:10.34] <wptmj> which1s??

[17:10.46] <Armorall> History: Time will repeat. Archeology: It already has.

[17:10.51] <wptmj> give me your list!

[17:10.54] <Armorall> the ones I am writing

[17:10.56] <Armorall> right now

[17:11.19] <Armorall> The USA is not a Democracy, it's a 3 Party Dictatorship!

[17:14.13] <Armorall> Elon Musk will be crowned Lord of Cars, and King of Mars.

[17:22.10] <wptmj> ok i DO have a paypal

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