



 >From: <>
>Subject: =)
>Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 02:08:51 +0000
>Hi Victor,
>Just wanted to check in with you and see if you are doing any
>better, than the last time we talked.  I would have liked to talk to
>you but I don't know where to call to reach you.
>If it seems that I have been indifferent or cold to you it is only
>because you have been so erratic in your recent calls to me.  I hope
>that we can still talk and be friends but I need to know that you
>are stable for me to be able to see you again.  Like I told you
>before, there is someone I am seeing, nothing very serious because I
>am moving to Florida in January and that would be unfair.  Don't
>worry I am not sleeping with him, and not in your bed.  It seems to
>have upset you and I really don't want to upset you, if you want to
>talk to me, please call me.

my reply:

     chasity, its great to actually hear from you.  hehe, i had to swallow my pride and move back to my moms.  its hell here though.  all my mom ever does is complain and worry.  she must like it, because no one is making her.  shes going to end up killing herself and it will be her own fault.  let me quote mark twain.  "Worrying is like paying interest on a debt you may never owe."
     diana came back yesterday.  i am glad theres another intelligent person in the house who will see exactly how lazy everyone else is.  mom and laura just dont understand the logic in that if you clean up your mess right after you make it, it wont get that bad.  as soon as theyre done eating, theres a race to the computer and they leave the mess undone.  
     i know you think im crazy, the whole world does.  everyone thinks im crazy only because i want them to though.  people can only know of me, what i let them.  like ive said, doubting me will only make my victory so much sweeter.  no one can stop me chasity, they can only hold me back, but i will follow-through on my goals.  with or without anyone.  
     i have yet to see how i have made you lose your trust in me.  when i confronted you with the question, your reply was, "if you dont know, im not gonna tell you."  well why dont you tell me?  if youre so sure of your belief, what do you have to lose?  unless you dont know yourself.
     i wish you would take the time to read my stuff.  it will explain everything.  i placed myself in that hospital to get out of jail.  even though after a couple more days in jail i wouldve been released after my case was dismissed.  i am glad i went to that hospital though.  not only were my basic needs cared for lavishly, it was an excellent learning experience in how ignorant the world is.  
     tomorrow, tuesday, im going to meet with the peace corps.  theyll be in town from dallas over at the whole foods store on basse.  i dont want to enlist, even though it would be another free vacation.  san antonio is my hometown and i have much work to do here.  
     chasity, what if im right?  wouldnt my goals be in the best of interest of all society?  i plan to eliminate paper money.  its the root of all evil.  just think, if things didnt possess a monetary-value, would people steal?  would you work for free if all your needs and wants were already taken care of?  so you wouldnt be bored at home all day.  provided you had a job you enjoyed, of course.  if everyone else was, what would we need money for?  
     im going to make everything/one free.  my model for this freedom i envision is the pirated-software scene on IRC, where everything is already free.  warez is an accepted underworld.  software companies will spend more money tracing and litigating pirates than theyre already making from all the followers already paying for it.  the last thing they want is to criminalize it and give it more publicity.  if the feds knocked on the door and said they were going to bust me, i would tell them, "well, why dont you bust the people im getting it from?  eliminating the end-user doesnt solve anything."  if theyre gonna come after one, they have to go after everbody.  dont i deserve equal treatment under the law?
     i dont know if ive told you what i plan to do, so forgive me if i am repeating myself and just going off on another script of mine.  what are some common problems one encounters when they have a new idea and theyre trying to get it out?  for one, if theyre telling it orally, you always run into the problem of not remembering the whole story, thus not being as effective as you want.  because everyone makes mistakes.  secondly, IGNORANCE.  people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways, are deathly afraid of change, and they wont even listen to you.  well, ive found a way to jump both of those hurdles, with the internet.  what ill do, is run an FTP server from my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard-drive.  only the files and directories i want them to access, of course.  on my hard-drive i will have a directory with all my text files containing my ideas, which anyone can read with any web-browser.  this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, uncensored, finish them when they want to, but the whole story will be told every time.  
     im going to make everyone aware of all the shortcuts i take in life, which anyone can do also.  i prove my theory about good-will and not needing money every day.  since i walk so much, whenever i get hungry, ill walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager.  i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and i am a long-distance walker.  my destination today is medical center/downtown.  i was just wondering if you would care to donate some gasoline for my stomach.  if you cant afford it, thats ok, im sure the next restaurant i come across will be generous and help me out."  everyone hooks me up.  if they dont, the next place will.  its all a numbers game.  that just goes to prove that there is an acceptable loss every company figures into their expenses every month, that makes it ok to give things for free.  i am not a beggar, i am not a taker.  i am an asker and an acceptor.  im not twisting anyones arm.  when i give them the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision.  people say im taking advantage of things.  damn-straight, i take advantage of every opportunity i get.  arent advantages better than disadvantages?
     chasity, i think if everyone got off their lazy ass and walked and rode the bus, most, if not all of our problems would dissapear.  take insomniacs for instance.  do you think they would have any trouble getting to sleep after walking all day?  the overweight problem in america would dissapear as well.  human beings were designed with two legs for a reason, and it wasnt to push the gas and the brake.  cars have made society just damn lazy.  
     walking is a full-body exercise, its even a mental exercise.  walk and get smarter, its that simple.  just like my father says, a copy is never better than the original.  everything we need to sustain life can be found in nature.  people drink because theyre thirsty right?  so why not make your drink as healthy as possible, and quench your thirst at the same time?  doesnt that make perfect sense?  water.  why do people waste their money buying soda?  dont they have enough gas?  same thing applies to food.
     there are very few crazy people in this world, chasity.  most are just different and need to be accepted as they are.  ALL people are different and thats a fact supported by science.  we need to stop trying to make everyone the same and accept the diversity in this world already.  the technology is here, lets make america modern already, then the whole world.
     all this sounds like crazy-talk only because society has been programmed to follow a different set of rules.  i follow my own rules, as you know.  this is america, i am free to.  things need to change already, and i plan to have a big part in changing them.  
     once i unleash my ideas on the world, people will see the logic in them and forward them to everyone they know.  my ideas will be published in books so that people without computers will be able to read them also.
     i hope you actually took the time to read this entire email chasity.  I MISS STUART. :[

you can call me at my moms house if you want.  hope to hear from you soon.


- victor


>From: "Chasity" <>
>Subject: Re: =)
>Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 18:52:28 +0000
>I did take the time and read your e-mail.  Like all the other times
>before, I have dismissed it.  The one thing that you seem to not be
>able to get the concept of, is that I am entitled to believe
>whatever I want to.  This incessant repetition of your ideas is NOT
>going to make me change my mind.  I have heard your theories and
>hypothesis and I find them to be unrealistic.  I believe it is very
>disrespectful of you to continue to press upon me your values and
>beliefs, much the same way I would resent a Christian, a
>Scientologist, an Anarchist pressing their beliefs upon me.  I do
>not wish to hear again about your ideas.  If you don't have anything
>else to say, than I suppose we have nothing to discuss, and I think
>that would be a shame.
>Please take into consideration Victor, that people are easily
>freaked out by erratic behavior.  Much of your behavior is erratic
>to people, especially a business owner wishing to avoid an
>unpleasant scene with an unreasonable person.  At the small cost of
>placating you, they have kept a problem small and contained, rather
>than risk violence and customer wariness.  I see this as a blatant
>shakedown tactic, nothing at all to be proud of, I find it
>reprehensible to my own personal moral code and I don't condone it.  
>Please hear that from me, for the last time and do not EVER again
>approach me with this idea that it is ok to take from someone, if
>the person is willing to give.   Many innocent well-meaning people
>are used in this way and I think it is a horrible way to repay a
>kind person.  Wouldn't the world be a much better place if people
>DIDN"T take advantage of other people but instead took complete
>responsibility for each other and treated people as they would like
>to be treated.  No one enjoys being taken advantage of, and no one
>deserves it.
>I would give you much more credibility, Victor, if I saw you working
>from the inside out.  If I saw you trying to make a positive change
>for yourself and making yourself independent, I could give your
>ideas creedence.  You don't take financial advice from a beggar, and
>I wouldn't take advice from you on how the world should work, when
>you can't even make your own life work for you.  You have to be an
>example of the life that you preach, you say that life your way
>would work out great but it sure isn't working out great for you.  
>You live in a place you don't want to, with people you don't want to
>live with, not accomplishing the things you say you want to.
>I'm not telling you anything other than the reasons why I,
>personally, do not trust you or believe in you.  I'm not telling you
>what to do or how to live your life.  Its not my place and I have
>the basic respect for you as a person, to let you find your own way
>through this world.  That is all I believe we are here for, to find
>our OWN way.  I would suggest to you that you find YOUR own way and
>leave everyone else to either follow you or not, but let them
>decide.  A leader, is just that, he cuts the path.  He doesn't get
>behind the group and push them forward, he shows the way and lets
>others follow.
>I hope that we can have contact with each other without having this
>discussion again, if it turns out that we can't, I'm sorry for that
>and I wish you the best.

my reply:

chasity, why do you choose to be disrespected by me?  i dont make you feel any way that you havent decided youre going to feel.  im not trying to change anyone chasity.  im trying to give people the freedom to think for themselves, and follow their own rules.  why is it so hard for you to see that?  chasity, i have shown you myself how things are a lot more free for me as they are for so many others.  only because i take advantage of them, like i do any opportunity i have.  do you not remember all those movies and other software i downloaded for us while we lived together?  how is my accepting any worse than your "incessant" shoplifting?  dont you think you take advantage of people when you steal?  i just steal a different way, an accepted way.  how can you think my theories are unrealistic when you, yourself, practice them in real life everytime you take things without paying for them?  its all very real chasity, and you know it.  what? so youre saying its ok to take from people only when theyre not willing to give?  whos being hypocritical here chasity?  youre using innocent and well-meaning people yourself.  you should practice what you preach.  why dont you take full responsibility for yourself?  why do you steal chasity?  youre a kleptomaniac damnit.  like you say, no one enjoys being taken advantage of and no one deserves it.  so why do you live a life of stealing and i cant?  i have found my own way chasity, just as you have found yours.  yes, theyre different, but so similar when you really analyze them.  i do treat people how id like to be treated.  i would and do help people out of the goodness of my heart whenever i have the chance.  my attempt at world peace is just the epitome of my kindness.  why doesnt anyone understand that?  i am happy where i am in life chasity, despite the circumstances and depressions here and there.  i am not perfect chasity, i am only human like you.  i feel like you have taken advantage of me and my kindness and love i had for you chasity.  i feel taken for granted.  
i am grateful to you chasity.  you taught me that i could love and care about someone else.  without you i would be a totally different person.  thank you chasity.  nothing would please me more than us staying close and retaining our friendship.  i will always forgive you chasity, no matter how much you hurt me.  forgiveness is now in my nature.  nothing frustrates and depresses me more than to have the one person on earth that ive actually loved, reject me and treat me like an enemy.  chasity, because i isolated myself with you, i assumed that everyone else was learning the things i was learning.  thats why i felt stupid.  it wasnt until i got out in the real world that i noticed that nothing had changed, except me.  all i want to do is give people some suggestions and let them choose if they want to follow them or not.  im not trying to make everyone else like me, i want them to have the freedom to be themselves.
tomorrow, im supposed to call this computer shop on  about a job.  im almost positive they should hire me.  i neglected to inform them of my head-injuries and ideas.  ive learned the majority of people arent ready for them.  so, hopefully i should be employed soon, doing what i love.
my head-injuries have not been detrimental to me chasity.  they have been excellent learning experiences and i am grateful for having them.  i am grateful for the path i chose with you that led me to have my second one.  

please believe me chasity, i miss you

- victor


From :    
"Chasity" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: =)  
Date :    
Tue, 08 Oct 2002 00:02:33 +0000  


I did not completely read your e-mail, as it is a further arguement to something I have no wish to discuss further.  I thought I had made that clear.   You are an intelligent person capable of accepting my position, please challenge yourself to do so.

I do have one clarification to make to you.  Yes, I have stolen but I don't believe that I am entitled to steal.  I do not convince myself that it is an ok thing to do.  It is wrong and I dissappoint myself when I do it.  I never confessed to be perfect or without faults.  I think it is a much more dangerous thing to do something wrong or illegal and convince yourself that you are actually doing right.  That makes me doubt that you can see the difference between the two.

As I said before, I would like to maintain a relationship with you.  Of course, I'd prefer a friendly, civil relationship.  If it can't be that, then I'd prefer no relationship at all.  I WILL NOT discuss these issues with you again.  Take care.


From :    
"Chasity" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: =)  
Date :    
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 03:26:55 +0000  

Hello Victor-

I worry about you still.  Even though I know I shouldn't, even though I don't want to.  I want you to be able to believe me when I tell you that I will always want the best for you.  I know its hard for you to know that when it seems I am acting against you.  You have to realize that I am putting myself first and that makes you less important.  I know that you don't have much experience with that because I've always put you first before.  So, like you have changed, so have I.

I hope you can understand my reasons.  I have never wanted to hurt you, fight with you, hate you.  I will do whatever I can to not do those things, even if it means not seeing you.  I love you Victor, that will never change.  I just can't take care of you anymore, I can't help you unless i'm also helping myself.  Please take care of yourself.  You will realize that when you start to help yourself, others will be willing to help you, but no one wants to board a sinking ship.  No one wants to love someone who won't take care of themself, who doesn't love themself.  You told me that once, and its true.  I love you, I can't help who I love.  I can't erase our past, wouldn't even want to.  I can protect myself though, and that is what I'm doing.

my reply:

     chasity, i believe i have found the support ive been looking for.  i have reached a new plateau in my mission.  i will soon have the global voice i need to make some changes in our world.  chasity, i am a survivor, dont worry about me.  
     how can you say you love me when youve stolen so much from me?  how dare you look down on me for accepting good deeds when you have committed so many bad ones?  you saw your opportunity to steal from me like youve stolen from everywhere else, you thief.  the best for me would be having my computer back, and you know that.  
     its not that i think my ideas are new, just my delivery method.  very soon, i will get the publicity that ive been wanting, and i dont plan to speak kindly of all who doubted me.  so, i wont come out with the truth about you yet, ill give you the chance to apologize first.  if you choose to continute to be ignorant, youll leave me no choice but to tell my story in all its truth.  the whole world will know about my life, all aspects of it.  im an open book and ashamed of nothing.

- victor

im going to send you my massmail after this, so you can see what im massmailing to everyone in san antonio.  my day will come chasity, just you watch.


From :    
"Chasity" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: =)  
Date :    
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 11:16:37 +0000  
You have the option of getting your computer back.  All I ask is that you clear my name and credit with the bank.  If I even saw that you were attempting to do that I might have given it back.  As usual, however, you don't think you should have to work to correct something wrong that you have done.  I asked you so many times before to close that account so that we would never be in this position.  Had you been reasonable then, you wouldn't be suffering the consequences now.


chasity, like i promised, heres my ftp site/webpage..which is how i will get my global-voice.  you can either read it now, or wait to read it when the rest of the world does.  i am willing to forgive all who have doubted me, because thats the kind of person i am.  

here, ill make you an account.


if that link doesnt show up as a clickable hyperlink, copy it and paste it into the address bar in your browser.

chasity, you have played a major role in helping me realize how we can survive without money.  in turn, i have shown you how things other people pay for dont need to be applied to everyone.  pirated software has been a great contributing factor in my mission, and you know, firsthand that a lot of things can be obtained without paying for them.
your smarts in shoplifting have shown me how money is just a game you can choose to play or not.  please please please see what kind of impact my ideas can have on everyone.  with or without you, i will follow-through on this chasity.  no one can stop me, just get in my way, like they have.

nobel peace prize, here i come.  keep doubting me if you want, it makes it more fun for me.  later on, im gonna call you to see if you can put my server up, so i can have access to the files on my computer.


- victor

"Be good and you will be lonesome."
                    - Mark Twain


>From: "Chasity" <>
>Subject: Re: stuart
>Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 14:48:11 +0000
>Hello Victor-
>We haven't talked for a while, I hope you are doing well.  I'm
>writing you because there is something wrong with Stuart.  I don't
>know what but he needs to go to the vet.  He has a cut behind his
>ear and I don't know how he got it.  The best I can figure is that
>he has been scratching it and just made a big gash.  Its like a flap
>of skin and it looks like it may be infected.  I also think he may
>have worms.  The reason I'm telling you this is because I would
>really appreciate it if you could help me out with him.  I have very
>little time free to take him to the vet.  There is one right across
>the street but by the time I get home from work it is closed.  I was
>wondering if you would take him one day this week during the day and
>get him seen.  Of course, I will pay for it.  If you can or you
>can't, please let me know.

my reply:

    i start work on monday and im scheduled to work monday-friday, 9am-6pm.  i will talk to my boss and tell him i need a day off, even though im just starting.  i will explain the situation to him and let him know its an emergency.  i will be there for my son, even if that means risking this job.  
     im getting hired at a computer shop.  i will be building computers for a school district.  theyre hiring a team of 4 people to meet a contract in 3 months, so its a temporary position.  i am sure once they see my skills they will keep me on permanently though.
     chasity, it really pains me that you only contact me when you need something.  i cant believe you expect to take stuart to florida with you.  if he meant so much to you that you have to steal him from me, im sure you could make the time to tend to his needs now.  regardless, i will be there for him, but do you still plan on stealing him away from me too?  like youve done with all my other things.  
     i asked you before if when you moved, and i still hadnt cleared up the issue at the bank, if you were going to take my computer and you told me that you wouldnt.  your precious credit would remain the same in florida, so that leads me to believe youre keeping my stuff out of spite.  or that youre just lying to me some more.
     it seems like you are having so much fun with my toys, that i worked damn hard for, and you couldnt bear to be without them.  even though they were blatantly mine.  i had left them with you because i thought i could trust you, you were supposedly my best friend.  and when you saw the opportunity to justify keeping my stuff with the whole bank thing, you did.  i could have stored my things in my mothers garage, but i was nice and let you hold them, only to find out you wont give them back to me now.  thats a really rotten thing to do to someone who devoted himself to you loyally for 4 years.  
     i will call or email you about when i will take care of my son, but mark my words, i will.  

- victor 

>From: "Chasity" <>
>Subject: Re: stuart
>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 16:41:53 +0000
>I really don't want you to jeapordize a job just to take Stuart to
>the vet.  I have arranged to leave work early one day and take him
>to the vet.  Tell Diana not to worry about it.
>Look, the whole reason I even asked you, was to try to give YOU a
>role to play in Stuart's life.  I know you miss him and I know you
>love him.  I have no problem with you seeing Stuart, but like any
>good mother, I have to know that he would be safe while he is with
>You really need to get over yourself and making yourself out to be
>some kind of martyr.  I haven't stolen anything from you.  We had a
>deal about the computer and when I leave, I am going to have to pay
>that debt to the bank.  I am not going to do it out of the kindness
>of my heart.  I know that having shitty credit means nothing to you
>but it does to me.  You can play high and mighty with me all you
>want but I know the real deal and this situation was avoidable from
>the start and you know it.
>The only thing you care about is the computer so stop making out
>like I stole all your things.  The table and the end table, I made
>clear even while we were buying them, that I would take them if we
>split up.  The deal was always that you would get the bed.  If you
>want the bed, come get it.  I never said that you couldn't have it.  
>Don't you forget either about all the shit of mine that I let you
>take in the U-Haul that is lost to me.  Stuart's clippers, my
>extension cord, my toaster.  These are all things I've had to
>replace.  You have cost me a huge amount of money since I've known
>you.  And you didn't "work" so hard for any of your shit.  You got
>hit by a car, then you settled a lawsuit.  No effort on your part,
>as usual.
>As a matter of fact, I have changed my mind about you seeing Stuart.
>  It's really unfortunate but for you to see Stuart, I have to deal
>with you and that is something I'm not willing to do.  There is
>always a price to to get the things you want, for this, you would
>have to be civil and sane when you are around me.  I don't have any
>faith that you can do that.  I regret contacting you again.  I
>didn't "need" you to do shit for me, I was offering you an
>opportunity and once again you have blown it.  Blame yourself for a
>change, Victor, and take the responsibility.

my reply:

    if you wanting me to be a part of stuarts life was the real reason you asked me, why didnt you just come out and say it?  why must you lie so much?  why beat around the bush and give me some bullshit reason like you cant make the time.  i would think our son would be worth it, dont you?  dont insult my intelligence like that chasity.  im so sorry if i havent come over to see him.  it was, after all, you who told me never to come back to your apartment.  
     soon, i will be paying back the bank and fixing your precious credit.  oh, you dont think i worked hard for my shit?  why dont you try getting hit by a car sometime.  i just lucked out in not being able to remember any pain, but that doesnt mean i didnt go through it.  i have the scars and my tremor to prove it.  my computer is not the only thing i care about chasity.  i give a shit about humanity too.  sorry if thats such a crime.  i think everyone should care that we are destroying our own world.  
     dont you remember how happy i made you because i accepted you just like you were.  you returned that favor and made me happy too, by accepting me how i was.  dont you remember recently you reminiscing about how when you wanted a sonic slush, i would go get it for you and make you happy?  dont you remember you attempting suicide because you thought i didnt want you?  
     youre right, this shit was avoidable from the start.  i should never have trusted you with any of my shit to begin with.  so its my own fault for thinking we were still friends.  little did i know.  
     im not the one whos changed.  if anything, i am better than before.  everyone else is crazy and ignorant to the truth.  soon, i will get my global-voice and broadcast the truth to everyone, and change peoples minds.  in this world of conformists, you have to be crazy to make a difference.  just think of all the great ideas that have been thought of that ignorance hasnt let be heard.  
     like ive said before, no one can stop me, just get in my way.  i will have my day chasity, and i dont plan on speaking nicely about all those who doubted me.  i do plan on forgiving everyone though.  all i ask for is an apology.  my ideas are in the best interest of everyone, not just me.

"The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but they know so many things that ain't so."
                            - Mark Twain

- victor

>From: "Chasity Rafferty" <>
>Subject: discontinue contact with me
>Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 22:21:15 +0000

my reply to her empty mail:

truth hurts, doesnt it?  dont kill yourself now..


     listen, last night i spent some time organizing all the emails from you and me, and have a whole "chasity saga" story ready to be mass-mailed to everyone in san antonio.  a lot of people have read my ideas and agree with me, and would love to read anything else i send them.  its all a true story, i havent made any of it up.  maybe ill even get it published someday.
     its a really interesting tale of how alive ignorance is in this world.  i wouldnt think youd have a problem with me publicizing it.  that is, unless you are ashamed of the truth.  
     i want to see my son damnit, if i dont soon and you end up taking him from me, you will feel the wrath of victor.  like i said, all i need is a little compliance and an apology and i will forgive you and everyone else whos doubted me and the power of the internet i plan to harness soon.
     i will do this only as a last resort.  i still have some other options to explore.  if you plan on dicking me over some more, i wont think twice about ruining you and your thieving ways.  youve made it so easy for me.  itll be simple.
     you have brought this all on your self chasity.  are you prepared to pay up?  let me know.  want me to send you the mails so you can see exactly what everyone else will?
     the ball is in your court chasity, how will you play it?  let me show you exactly how crazy i really am, you thief.  

- victor

p.s. oh yeah, do you think of me everytime you use that vibrator i bought for you?

her reply:

From :    
"Chasity Rafferty" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: 1st warning..  
Date :    
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 22:24:37 +0000  
just got your mails.  don't know what your problem is.  Had no idea you devoted so much time to being bitter about the past.  Get over it.  If you are right, prove me wrong.  The best revenge is living well.

Does it bother you that I'm NOT thinking of you when I use my vibrator? or would it bother you that I don't have to use it?

Live for yourself Victor, don't give me the power over you that hatred wields.


      i just want to remind you to change your password to your hotmail account.  i wanted to get your dad's email address, because he seems like the kind of person who would actually listen to me.  so, i remembered your hotmail password, and checked to see if it still worked.  i didnt look through any of your mail, i swear.  i just copied his address and logged out.  i realize thats a breach of privacy, and im sorry.  i hope you believe me.  anyway, click on "Options", right next to "Contacts" on top, to change your password.

still thinking of you(sometimes), despite our differences,

- victor

her reply:


I do not appreciate you going into my hotmail account.  I also don't appreciate you writing my father.  He has enough to worry about right now, without you trying to make him a part of your little campaign to save the world.

Stuart is fine, his ear is healing over.  It was nasty for a while but he is fine now.


my reply:

     i wrote your father because i felt he would listen to me.  i was right, he did.  i can really relate to him and he to me.  im really glad i contacted him.  let him worry about himself though, you dont know what he minds and doesnt.  or even that hes worrying at all.
     i have been working my ass off at my job.  i just love it.  i feel accepted there and it will only be a springboard for my ideas.  i am working with other people that are familiar with computers and will see how my ideas truly are possible.  
     today, i found out that the service manager, jim, read my 'manifesto', and thinks im crazy(just like i want him to).  but, it seems as long as i do my job as kickass as i have been, my employment there will be stable.  i get my first check on friday.
     i want to arrange a time when i can come over and visit stuart.  i really miss him and want to see him.  im sure he misses me too.  please let me.  maybe this weekend?  i work mon-fri, 9-6.  i have weekends off, so that would be ideal.  let me know please.

- victor

     it truly is possible for people to change.  i have changed for the better.  i am holding down my job great.  its rad and i love it.  i am working my ass off(40+ hours).  the only reason i quit west so much is because i did not enjoy it.  with this job, its totally different.  i got my first paycheck yesterday.  so, i am not as unstable as it may seem.  things take time.
     hmm, has the reason youve neglected to tell your dad about me because maybe he might agree with my beliefs?  ive sent your dad all my things, even my new stuff.  so he should already be aware of my situation.
     please let me remind you that i did not have to tell you about changing your password.  i felt it was the honest thing to do.  even though i couldve neglected to tell you anything, which might have been to my advantage.  thats not the kind of person i am though.  i felt i needed to practice what i preached and be honest.  
     chasity, you dont know how serious i am.  i am doing everything i can to extend some kindness between us.  but, if you continue to be so malicious towards me, i will have to respond accordingly.

- victor

her reply:

My dad and I communicate quite often and since you are not privy to those conversations, you shouldn't assume that I don't know how my father feels.  Especially, since I have never felt the need to explain or involve my father in your situation, so he is under the mistaken impression that he is doing something nice for me by trying to connect with you.  I will talk to him today, and he will be made aware of my feelings toward you.

Staurt and I are busy this weekend.  Moreover, I don't feel comfortable being around you and I'm not sure what kind of system we could set up so that you could see Stuart.  I do not want Stuart on the bus, and I don't want other people to be responsible for him when he is with you.  your instability makes me very reluctant to leave him solely in your care.


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