

Session Start: Wed Aug 23 05:52:37 2023

[05:52.49] <Debaser> You were just pretending to be retarded?

[05:53.05] <wptmj> that i am just going down the list

[05:53.10] <wptmj> ive been at this for decades

[05:53.13] <wptmj> +

[05:54.00] <wptmj> and thanks for replying, i would love to talk this out

[05:54.24] <wptmj> and yes, just playing the dumb role

[05:55.47] <wptmj> seeing who falls for it

[05:57.51] <Debaser> +

[05:57.57] <Debaser> Got us, bro

[06:00.28] <wptmj> “A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticize work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life's realities—all these are marks, not ... of superiority but of weakness.” - T ROOS

[06:01.32] <Debaser> Not reading all that but I'm happy for you

[06:01.35] <Debaser> Or sorry it happened

[06:01.44] <wptmj> “Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I'll be MAD.” 

[06:01.50] <wptmj> - Rumi

[06:01.59] <wptmj> thats right, the IGNORant IGNORE

[06:02.50] <wptmj> next time you want to really ignore someone, you dont have to tell them about it, duh

[06:03.11] <wptmj> i want infamy :]

[06:07.39] <wptmj> you will thank me in the end :P

[06:08.30] <wptmj> and maybe we can share a bowl

[06:09.45] <Debaser> I'm having a laugh at you between work tasks

[06:09.59] <Debaser> If you want infamy, do something that takes effort

[06:10.30] <wptmj> as long as youre smiling at or with me, i am a friend really

[06:11.10] <wptmj> i hate peer pressure, AND YOU SHOULD TOO!!

[06:11.12] <wptmj> :P

[06:12.40] <wptmj> dont be so debasing, please.  have a heart

[06:12.43] <wptmj> :]

[06:14.57] <wptmj> and please understand that my obsession has had me collecting opinions all over the place, its going to pile up enough to be proof soon  

[06:15.04] <wptmj> it'll be hilariously miraculous!

[06:15.25] <Debaser> Proof of what exactly

[06:15.55] <wptmj> world peace in layman's terms so all the idiots finally learn that we dont need money to live

[06:16.31] <wptmj> that in fact, the concept of money, heirarchy in general, is holding us back from our potential

[06:16.39] <wptmj> things could be so much better

[06:16.46] <wptmj> for EVERYONE

[06:17.16] <wptmj> i am kinda greasing the evolution machine. its been stuck for millenia

[06:17.43] <wptmj> people forgot how to dream

[06:17.51] <Debaser> Interesting stuff

[06:17.59] <Debaser> Why not engage in conversation about it in the channel

[06:18.07] <Debaser> Instead of just spewing stream of consciousness

[06:18.24] <wptmj> because I WANT people to ignore me at first

[06:18.38] <wptmj> enough WILL listen that itll make a huge difference eventually

[06:19.29] <wptmj> this way, ONLY THE ONES WITH EYES TO SEE, will get it

[06:19.42] <wptmj> while the others just ridiule and doubt

[06:19.54] <wptmj> +c

[06:20.38] <wptmj> if you leave things to chance, that gives the loving universe the prompt to make special things happen

[06:20.59] <wptmj> and put the right signs in your path

[06:21.32] <wptmj> that if you follow, will get you to your goals, as long as you persist

[06:21.47] <wptmj> do you smoke weed?

[06:23.16] <wptmj> its a true mark of intelligence you are still communicating with me, thank you for "hearing" me out

[06:23.22] <wptmj> i havent lost hope for you gulagers yet

[06:23.27] <wptmj> :]

[06:23.42] <wptmj> and i am not ALWAYS spewing my trash

[06:23.46] <wptmj> i chat once in a while

[06:23.51] <wptmj> and contribute

[06:24.00] <wptmj> my jokes spark conversation

[06:24.08] <wptmj> some people enjoy them

[06:24.36] <wptmj> but you guys rather talk about trump than anything real

[06:24.53] <wptmj> just as planned

[06:26.25] <Debaser> The jokes are fine

[06:26.29] <Debaser> I quit weed

[06:27.41] <wptmj> and spreading my word on irc is not ALL i do.  i am a long distance walker.  i spam for peace in the real world. my little blog papers get littered everywhere i go

[06:27.45] <wptmj> every single day

[06:28.06] <wptmj> i even have t shirts that i am giving away

[06:28.24] <wptmj> which i buy with my lottery winnings 

[06:28.27] <wptmj> SSI

[06:28.30] <wptmj> :P

[06:29.06] <wptmj> would you wear a shirt that says WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA?

[06:29.12] <wptmj> ill mail you one

[06:30.01] <wptmj> +

[06:31.51] <Debaser> Enjoy the life bruu

[06:32.44] <wptmj> i promise i will, every second.  we might not have much left

[06:33.23] <wptmj> why did you quit weed?  if you wanna tell me anything else

[06:38.06] <wptmj> litter*

[06:38.36] <wptmj> wait, no typo, just stoned

[06:38.37] <wptmj> :P

[06:43.18] <wptmj> what state do you live in?  chances are ive been through your state and you would enjoy my journal entries.  you would see its all true

[06:47.44] <wptmj> i MACROblogged ALL OVER THE US for seven years straight with a microcassette recorder and transcribed it ALL.

[06:48.09] <wptmj> +

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