


     What's going on, guys?  The Christianity is Evil stream that I did on Christmas, my annual Christmas stream, umm, it was pretty well received, so I decided to follow it up with some things that I missed during the stream.  Particularly this first story I am going to share.  Umm, I am probably going to forget some of the things I missed again, because I am a bit frazzled.

     The day after Christmas we sort of got soft-robbed.  Not with violence, but with sleight-of-hand  It was not helpful.  I want to thank those of you in the community that have sent a little bit of help.  You are very much appreciated, because that was not cool.  And I actually realized after the fact that it had actually happened a week before, but on a smaller scale, so I knew that something wasn't right, but I thought I might have spent a little more money than I thought.  We had a calculator out.  Something is weird here.  I am going to tell the story again today.  You guys be careful out there, because people are developing much more sophisticated scams.  I think there are magicians on YouTube and Tiktok that have taught people to do things inadvertently.  

     Because this is basically a magic trick.  It's pretty insane.  So, thank you guys, again.  Also, thanks to our new patreons.  I think we have a few of those.  

     The first element of this story I forgot to share when I did the last live stream.  I am going to try and pull it up and see if there are new patreons so I can make sure that I give them a shout out.  Also, I am receiving complaints about people not getting notifications when I post my stream.  If you want to fix that join my Discord and turn your notifications off.  Then you will actually get notified when I go live.  

     Of course, I am super-determined to do everything I can to overcome the shadow-ban, that has sort of kept me treading water for years.  This first bit I am going to share with you I absolutely love.  I think that this is one of the most powerful things in my arsenal.  I couldn't believe that I forgot to share it in the last stream.  

     What actually happened was that I encountered this woman on Tiktok saying that Satanists commit blood-sacrifice of children and therefore are the most evil people on earth.  Or, like they are the ultimate expression of evil.  I am not disagreeing with that fundamentally, that that act is the greatest possible evil.  I certainly can't think of anything worse.  Have you guys ever read the new testament?

     If you define the ultimate evil as the murder of an innocent child, what's up with this god you worship who murdered his own innocent child, the only innocent person in human history, according to the story.  So, you worship a god that does EXACTLY the thing that you define as the ultimate evil, and you don't even notice.

     Aleister Crowley got a bunch of flack over the years, deservingly because I don't think he really cared that there were people out there who were stupid enough to do this.  I think that's unfortunate that he was this irresponsible with his power.   He was quite young when he wrote this.  I do not doubt that there are people out there that have emulated this, that have read it in the book and went out and did it.  That's not good, but he actually wrote in Magick In Theory and Practice.  Let's put this in the context of the fact that he also wrote in that book that black magic is so repugnant and the people that do it so ignorant he can't imagine that they actually exist.  He also said that blood-sacrifice is not necessary.  

     The reason is, because energy is infinite and any energy can be transformed into any other energy, there's no reason to do that.  It's just a silly superstitious misconception, that there is some purpose behind that.  

     Any real magician knows better than to think there is some point to that, but he did write that the best sacrifice is a male child of perfect innocence.  The reason that he put that in the book though was to provoke Christians to say, "Oh, you evil bastard."  And he would say, "Doesn't stop you from worshipping Tetragrammaton, does it?  So it's evil when I suggest it, but it's fine when your god does it?  

     That was the point.  It was really sort of a bad taste joke, considering that he knew the influence that he would have over people in the future.  That was the point.

     I think it's a really powerful thing to consider, that so many people don't even notice something that glaring and incredible of a contradiction.  It's just not a problem for them.  Then you might say, "Well, okay, but Jesus was actually willing and screaming, "Why has thou forsaken me?" while he was on the cross.   It doesn't really suggest that.  Really nothing in the book suggests that.  The gnostic text, the Book of Judas actually says that Jesus asked Judas to go and set him up, basically.  In my opinion the gnostic texts, a lot of people say the Nag Hammadi were the real teachings of Jesus.  

     I don't believe that Jesus was a historical person.  The lack of evidence is so overwhelming that it basically proves that he didn't exist.  The lack of a single eyewitness, any report anywhere of anything that remotely matches.  You can find things online that dispute that.  I actually found an article that says most historians agree that there was a historical Jesus, clicked on it, researched, traced it back to the church.  

     So, don't just read stuff and assume that it's valid.  Actually, see where it came from.  Because the reality is that there is not one single shred of credible evidence for it, the literal existence.  I think that although the Nag Hammadi is extremely interesting and there is some legitimate mystical documents in there and it is extremely profound and it's a horrible circumstance that it was burned by Muslims when it was found.  It's definitely worth reading, but I think it was just fictions that were created by gnostic mystics.  A lot of whom were compelled to pretend to be Christian, because they didn't want to get burned alive.  

     That is also something to consider, that it was necessary to veil this stuff in that cloak, that's why the Masons did it as well.  They pretended to be a Christian civic organization until the third degree, when they slowly start to reveal to the initiate that that's not true.  They definitely know the secrets of light and consciousness, but they had to protect themselves from persecution and that's terrible.  That's why I am doing this stream.  

     Another thing that maybe worthy of noting about this is that there is this tenet of certain schools of initiated thought that says that equal and opposite reactions occur, always.  You will hear a lot that you have to know evil in order to know good.  This thinking takes it a step further and say that they actually create each other.  

     We do create those labels, but the processes and occurrences that we label that way create each other.  These exchanges of energy, equal and opposite.  This is the formula for creation, basically.  The interaction of these opposite things, as the driving force behind it all.  That is actually why the new testament has this sacrifice of innocence.  By this logic the ultimate evil is what generates the ultimate good.  That is why, according to that logic that is why it had to be done.  There is a sort of mystical logic to it that I think is correct.  

     Of course, it is the great trap of duality.  It is why some people refer to the entire thing as the devil's bargain.  Do you know that Joni Mitchell song that says "We are stardust, we are golden, we are caught in the devil's bargain, and that we have to get ourselves back to the garden." It seems she may have been aware of all of this stuff, but then she became part of the matrix, but that's a whole other story for another livestream.

    It's incredible that people can achieve a certain level of illumination and then fall, I don't know what happens, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Maynard James Keenan, it just baffles the mind, that that's possible.  Yet here we are.

     Where was I at in the story here?  I was about to go somewhere.  Damn, I have to rewind the stream to figure out where I was at in the story.   I know I just remembered something.  Oh yeah, well, what I was saying Saint John on the cross mentioned this when he wrote should we sin then so that grace may come?   God forbid.

     It's not just one tradition that has these ideas.  The Buddha, also.  The idea that you had to sit and breathe in order to escape from Karma, because if you do good it creates evil, and vice-versa, so matter what you do you are contributing to this Saṃsāra cycle and therefore remaining magnetically-connected to it, because the energy created is all electromagnetic.  

***I am not going to include the parts where Illimignostic is asking for money, sorry.  You do that enough, and I don't believe in Cryptocurrency.  The only currency we need in a perfectly balanced world is LOVE!  I am just harvesting(what I feel is) essential for others to read.  Thank you for sharing.  So much thanks!      

     Due to our similarities in how we think and not mention our ages(I was born in 78), I feel like your content is EXACTLY what this world needs to digest.  Please start a dialogue with me, hermano.  I am LEVITY on Undernet and I hang in #gulag and #vietnamese.  :]*** 

     Oh yeah, Saint John on the cross, The Buddha, this is something that I have noticed.  The Kybalion talks about it.  I have noticed over the years all in my studies that all of these masters and traditions are aware of this property of creation, or this necessity of these opposites creating each other  That's why this question comes up.  

    This brings us actually to the actual physical process that the story in Genesis is based upon and also, I guess, the real metaphysics of the idea of the devil and what it really is, what the fallen angels really are in real life, and what the fall from heaven really actually was.  Because it's none of the things that people say it is.  It may also be some of those things, I guess, but I am pretty positive that it's actually a description of what happened that catalyzed the creation of the universe.  It's really, really obvious.  It's really actually spelled out in almost entirely plain language.  It's just that for whatever reason people need these myths, these fantasies to escape to.  

     The idea that at some point our reality is just going to crack open and turn into a comic book fairy tale kind of fantasy movie, or something, people need that to get through life, a lot of them.   I don't think it's something we need.  It obviously causes a lot of serious problems.  I am encouraging people to abandon this myth.  

     I do think that there is some kind of fundamental intelligence that permeates everything.  I'll go that far.  The actual occult interpretation, the scientific Illuminism, The Illuminati's, really secret about all of this stuff is based on the Jewish Kabbalistic creation-myth where, well, it's not based on that, I think The Kabbalah is just somebody intuitive and then made a map of what happens.  

     It's not based on Kabbalah, it's just that this is eventually, what did Hackny(?) from the Pythagoram Illuminati said that, "With sufficient intelligence a brain in a vat(?) would eventually figure all of this stuff out if given enough time."

     That's been my experience.  That if you really, really, single-mindedly focus on this stuff and you are capable of critical thinking and reasoning eventually you will just figure it out.  That's what gnosis is, that's what happened with me.  I had all of this stuff in my head before I ever read it in any of these books or, that was an incredible experience, as well.  And I knew where it was going to be found, which also raises a lot of interesting questions.  And it did feel like the universe waited until I had it all and them told me, "Now look in all of these places and you'll realize that this is something that initiates and adepts have always known.  

     Nothingness became conscious and in Aleister Crowley's opinion made a bad bargain in doing so, because then we had duality.  

     The only possible unity paradoxically is nothingness.  If you have a thing and you have space, you have two things.  The great paradox that it is imbued in every single part and piece and parcel of the universe.   That's why it's there.  This whole process is about replication by means of reflection.  You can see that in the Fibonacci sequence.  The way it goes back and copies a number and then moves forward. Viruses do this, DNA does it, this is the fundamental process that created everything in the universe.  That's why you see the Fibonacci sequence in everything.  It happens on an energetic level too.  

     When that paradox was imbued in the structure it remained in the structure.  That's why everything contains its contradiction and we have all of these Antonomase(?) interacting.  The yin-yang symbol.  Everything contains its contradiction because of this.  The only possible unity is none.  This nothingness became a dynamic zero system, basically.  

     The way the Kabbalistic system describes it is that there was this absolute nothingness that is really the fundamental thing that sustains creation.  In 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike's formerly secret book he starts speaking as if he is the deity and he says, "The Phoenicians thought I was light, but I AM NOTHING!

     That is really what sustains everything.  When they say that god is omnipresent, what is omnipresence?  Light is nearly omnipresent?  Matter is light in standing wave, there's light all throughout even.  Darkness has got traces.  

     What is absolutely omnipresence?  Nothing.  If you zoom in enough on any object you will find that there is nothing there, basically.  The omnipresence, the body of the entire universe.  Light is actually the same thing because all of matter is light in standing wave.  It's two sort of poles of the same thing.  Which again, would sound familiar to anyone who has read the Kybalion.  

     This nothingness became conscious.  It realized it was there.  This is the story in The Kabbalah and this is the conclusion that I came to through my own meditations and psychedelic adventures and all that sort of thing.  In the bible it says god said let there be light.  That was the first thing that happened.  It's light that emanated from a wave, which is what? A vibration.  This word, this Logos is that oscillating wave that gave rise to the light.  This process is described in very plain language in the book of Genesis.  

     What the devil actually is then is anything that has desire or form or shadow or anything other than absolute nothingness, because if you think about it, if god is absolute perfection, there are no lines, no shadows, there are not stains, there are no colors, nothing.  All of these affectations and ornaments that make up these experienceable, observable, the esthetics of reality, are all basically flaws and they all require shadow and darkness and all that is is a metaphor.  Darkness is literally darkness.  It's like the veil transforms metaphors into objects.  That's a conversation for another stream.  

     Because this wave did something, because it moved and it has form, it was rebelling against this nothingness by doing something other than what that nothingness does.  The fall that is described of these angels, the light bearer, the electromagnetic wave, eventually when this process created heavy elements and they sunk down and formed things, that's the fall of that light crystalizing into matter.  Again, that process is described in the Kabbalah.  There's absolute nothingness and that nothingness becomes less nothing and it's sort of light, but it's light that is more like ether, or something, it's not really substantial light and then it's a little bit less nothing and then it's pretty much light and that descends down through the crown of the macroprosopus or the Adam Kadmon it's called in the Kabbalah.  The universal being.  The idea is that just as there are quantum particles that make up our body, the planets and stars and all of this stuff, are particles in this giant organism.  If you zoom out enough you would be looking at the same thing you are looking at now, only it would be huge and you wouldn't know what because you'd be so big. 

     At any rate, that's the idea of the devil, basically.  This is kind of where the Gnostics were coming from when they were like, "All of this matter around us is the devil.  Everything that's not nothingness is the devil.  That's kind of the sentiment of some sects of Gnosticism.  

     Oh!  There is something vital that I left out earlier in the beginning of the story.  Damnit, so let me reiterate and then just jump back into this spot.  Do you remember how I was talking about how I had found that woman on Tiktok and she says that Satanists are the ultimate evil because they sacrifice babies, and/or innocent children.  And I am like lady, you worship a god that made a blood-sacrifice of his own innocent child.  If that's how you define ultimate evil then how do you explain worshipping this god?  How did you melt your brain?  

     There is an argument that can be made that it was necessary part of the process, or that Jesus was willing, although that is not explicitly stated in the bible.  I have said all of this before but then I trailed off and didn't finish the statement.  

     That's not the only time that he killed babies.  Every time people say that Jesus was willing and that god wasn't really a baby murderer.  Pharao is like, "Excuse me?   Roaming across the land, killing first born man.  Remember that Metallica song?  Don't even go there, it's not the first offense.  It may be the worst offense.  I don't know about that either.  Maybe it's worse to kill other people's babies than to kill your own, I am not really sure.  Is there even a metric for that?

     And then there's another interesting thing that I left out of the last stream about this.  Satan is supposed to be the ultimate deceiver and they say Lucifer was kicked out of heaven for trying to become god, pretending to be god.  Do you remember how I was saying that John warned Jesus, or that satan may come as an angel of light and then forty five pages later Jesus shows up and he's like, "God has sent me(making him and angel) and I am the light."  

     Wait a minute, weren't we just warned that satan would do this?  And then they tell us that he's the ultimate deceiver.  Wouldn't he go around preaching impeccable morality?  If he's the greatest liar wouldn't he do exactly what Jesus did?  Pretend to be god and make everyone break the first commandment, and preach a lot of solid morality?  It is just really difficult to imagine how it is that people live entire lifetimes without asking these questions or noticing these details.  

     Wolf in sheep's clothing?  The lamb?  I know I said all of this in the last stream, but wow.  Morning star refers to Lucifer in Ezequiel.  Jesus calls himself the morning star in revelations.  It's spelled out just as plainly as this idea that this light descended and that's what is actually being presented in the first pages of the book of Genesis.  

     Then we have now this other level to the devil, which is that there are two components of the human psyche.  One of them is the angel and the other is the devil.  There is this unity-consciousness which is this sort of place of absolute nothingness and peace and light, it fits all of the descriptions of this sort of nothingness that's described in these other systems.  This unity-consciousness, this god, this sort of infinite nothingness.  This total and complete timeless peace, the Buddhist call it Nirvana.  

     Then there is the ego.  The individual monad.  It's the same, exact thing.  It is the reflection of the photon as the single individual unit of this consciousness when it's disembodied, disenfranchised from a meat-suit.  That's basically the story of the devil.  That's all we really need to know about it, that it's really just the electromagnetic wave.  On another level, the ego.  

     Most noticeably, it's Jesus and his followers.  

     Do you think my bible is off?  I hate to tell you this, but in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, I had to learn to read it in Hebrew.  I am pretty sure that I know it better than you do.  In fact, I have never met a Christian that knows the bible as well as I do.  Never in my life.  Last time I got in a car with a born again Christian, he was living in the same town as us.  He was sitting in the passenger seat of this taxi.  He starts saying stuff and I tell him, "Well, actually..." and I gave him the verse in all three languages.  Exactly what it means.  Don't give me that shit.  

     The devil knows the bible like the back of his hand.  So do I.  Inside-out, upside-down, forwards and backwards.  Know your enemy.   In fact, I was something of a child prodigy reader and according to my mom it's the first book I ever read in my life, at like five and a half.  I was reading on a twelfth grade or eleventh grade level in 2nd grade.  I was taken out of normal classes and put in a gifted and talented program.  You are not going to get very far with that argument, that I just don't know the bible.  

     That's what it is, the individual, the id, I guess, then.  As opposed to the collective totality of consciousness.  Some total of it is god, but the individual units are the devil, basically.  There's another version of this where Lucifer, supposedly this is the original myth, but I kind of question whether this is possible, the it could possibly be true, because lucifer was not in the original bible.  

      There is no Hebrew Lucifer.  It doesn't exist.  In fact,  Hasatan was not a person or spirit or anything either.  It's a title that was used for King David, I think like twelve times in the original Hebrew.  Its not even a thing.  Hasatan, when he is walking around in Jobe, that could've been any one of these characters that was just, they didn't change the title.  They just left it Hasatan.  Whereas, with King David and other people they removed it.  

     That was part of how they manipulated the story.  That Hasatan was no longer a title, it just meant adversary.  It appeared 28 times in the original Hebrew in place of the name of King David.  It's not real.  It was never real.  If you just learn the original versions of this stuff you would realize how completely just cooked up baloney.  Not that the original was true either.  It was mysticism that was uncovered in the mystery traditions, that they cloaked in this myth because you would have to do that to get people to relate to it, to resonate with it.

     When people hear the truth they know they are hearing the truth.  They respond to it.  They did that very deliberately.  That's why this whole secret of light, Jesus was all I am the light, and walking on water, like light sparkling on the water, that's why they did all of that, because it is the truth cloaked in myth.  There's a pope even, I can't remember which one, but one of the popes said that about Christianity.  The people need the truth cloaked in myth.  Referencing Christianity.  A pope called it a fucking myth.  The people, the followers are just so braindead that the preacher can literally tell them that it's not real and they just won't even hear it.  

     There was a speech given by Pope Francis in 2013, I think it was, somewhere around that time, where he said that Lucifer was the father of Jesus.  Yeah, the wave that gave rise to the light.  The Light Bearer, the electromagnetic oscillation gave rise to consciousness and the light.      That's all that that means.  And he damn well knows it.  He said this to like 80,000 Catholics and you don't see a response.  There's video of it.  You can find it on YouTube.  They don't even blink.  

     This is an extremely powerful lesson about how profoundly powerful selective perception can really be.  If people do not want to see something they literally can look right at it and not perceive it.  The same is true if you don't believe in something so intensely that you will fail to perceive it.  This is something that I think rules a lot of lives of people that are abject materialists.  

     They don't experience synchronicities, they don't experience anything beyond the random permutations of particles, or whatever it is they think is happening, because they are convinced it's not possible.  They just don't even perceive it.  

     It comes as quite a surprise to a lot of people, I think, when you expand your consciousness and your experience of reality actually changes.  I think nowadays people know more about what it means, in the sixties, for sure.  Even in the nineties you would think you were going insane, especially if it happens due to psychedelics and all the propaganda eaten into your brain, and you thought you had taken a psychedelic and lost your mind.  Really you were just experiencing expanded parameters in your perceptual apparatus.  That's what happens when you expand your consciousness.  

     Yeah, Lucifer was a political enemy of the guy who wrote Ezequiel, I think.  It was either Ezequiel or Exodus.  Ezequiel, because that's where the Ben Halah is that he changed to Howl, Son of Morning and he changed it to  How hast that fallen from heaven, bright shining morning star.  Some people think that it was a Babylonian king, but I don't think there is any evidence that this king existed with the name Lucifer.

     Another interesting element of this is that I wonder if the Jews hated Pytharogus.  His name actually means The Old Serpent of The Old Dragon.  All of these things that people associate with the devil, magic, numerology, general occult stuff, they drew pentagrams above their doors, secret handshakes, all of this stuff.  

     It's a little weird that I mention the Lucifer myth, but didn't actually tell it.  I kind of lost my place again.  I just keep remembering that I jumped over this subject.  Okay, so let's go back there now.

     The original Lucifer myth supposedly, that's where I lost the track.  It doesn't actually exist in the Hebrew texts.  I don't know what is meant by this, but I was told this by oral tradition in the context of fraternity.  I don't think the person made it up, but I do kind of question the context.  

     The myth was that Lucifer was the highest angel and he had a harp in his chest with no strings that he'd play directly into the mind of god.  He became vain, like every rock star.  That whole thing about rockstars having ego-inflation, that all started out at the beginning of time.  That's too rich.  

     Then, when he was cast out he was exploded into all of these different pieces that are now stars which are actually sentient and they project the story in these fragments to the life forms on earth.  Then eventually all of those things figure out the story and coagulate back into a unity.  They have this knowledge and they transcend back into another plane.  That is the process of the light crystalizing into matter and then reintegrating into the original source at the end of time.  That is one version of this process and what's happening. 

     Our sun is named Ra and it's figuring out its part of this, the knowledge of this process, by proxy of the individuals on earth that are sort of avatars of the fire and the light.  

      I find all sorts of occult instructions and what-not.  Bearing in mind that my take on it is coming from the point of view of like the Western Mysteries, scientific illuminism, and not from a superstitious or like spiritism-based place.  I don't really believe too much in spirits.   I don't necessarily believe entirely, I just thin that there's a reason why we have a physical body.  Everything in the universe is born of necessity and if we didn't need to have a physical body then we wouldn't. 

     Our brain is loaded with magnetite.  There's this electromagnetic field that contains all sorts of information and energy.  I think that what gives our consciousness coherence is that magnetite, the density of it, magnetics, that's what gives coherence to the field.  That's why I think DMT entitities are often nonsensical.  They are sort of like AI, because you have opened the filters in your mind and you are perceiving more of the field, but it doesn't quite have the same level of coherence.   In some ways it does, though.  The geometry and the movements that happen are sophisticated on an entirely different level.  

     Still, I am not alone in this idea of the magnetite and the way that it interacts with the field.  Shortly after I started to come to that conclusion I discovered Michael Levin, who I talk about a lot.  He has come to the same conclusion, which was really interesting for me to see this Harvard educated scientist who had come to the same conclusion about things that I did, which he found through mysticism and psychedelics, and just reasoning.  That was pretty validating.   You can find that stream actually from right around the time I found his work.  If you are not familiar with it you should definitely check it out.  He has basically proven that this field has more to do with the development of organisms and morphology than genetics.  

     Basically, science got turned inside-out again.  I don't think the entire scientific world has caught up with it, but no one is challenging his experiments or date or anything.  It's not like he's some kook that is not being taken seriously.  That's not it, because he is solid in every way.  

     I think it's what scientists do.  They put on blinders.  They just kind of ignore things that really shake up their paradigm.  Science is always discovering old scraps of magical wisdom and making a big fuss about its cleverness.  That was said by Aleister Crowley 140 years ago, or something.  It's still true to this day.  In fact, it's more true than ever with ideas like entanglement.  Or discoveries of properties of the universe, it's not an idea, and realizing that all of these mystics throughout history knew that everything was that fundamentally connected.  That sort of thing, you know.  Also, that consciousness emanating from light, there's only two things in the universe.  Void and light.  There's really no other culprit possible.  Also, it is massless and yet it exist.  It is immaterial, yet it's still there, which is the description of spirit that we get a lot.  Anyway, one of my beliefs about all of this is that light is really the 5th element.  People call it spirit, but I don't think there is any difference.  

     Another word for it is genius.  Genius is actually Greek for spirit.  This connection between light as the 5th element and pure intelligence is sort of made by proxy of these connections, I think.  

     I am too tired to continue and I think I made my point.  I have lost my train of thought for like the tenth time tonight.  I am going to go curl up into a ball and lick my wounds.  Tomorrow I will probably do another stream, something like this one and then a music stream later on.  

Christianity is the Most Evil Influence in Human History, pt 2, Plus, the Truth about The Devil

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