


Failure Franklin 1


From :

To :

Date :
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 00:28:43 +0000

    Hello Victor, This is your father Franklin Gruber. Thank you for letting me in on your idea of promoting the use of buses verses cars. I agree entirely. I had my share of car accidents in my teen years. Last year I owned an old chevrolet with an exhaust escape under the back seat. The pollution caused mi to have a mini stroke. I simply abandoned the car. Left it to be sold for spare parts with a friend. It was the first car I have owned in about 10 years. I have been walking and taking buses and I am a lot better off. 21 years ago I resigned my job as the panama computerland's marketing manager as result of a deep unespected depression, caused by 14 people breathing the same enclosed airconditioned air. A precipitating factor was the emotional trauma of sending your mother 200 dollars through the bank system which she never received. In phone calls collect in several days she accumulated more than 100 dollars in long distance calls on my aunt lil'y phone where I resided accusing me that I did not send the money. Upset I blew up on the bank's manager who had sent the cable. He consulted the general manager and simply closed my account, the 200 dollars as far as I know where never recuperated. Ada did not believe me. She had received for several month's consecutively the 200 dollars, although the cables where a few days delayed. I went to the Doctor and discovered that I was a siccle cell animia carrier. The effect is about 5% less oxigen. Given the car fumes in Panama city, my despression was being caused by a combination of factors. I took my first vacation in the mountatins of el Valle, there in 30 days recuperated my health. I decided to stay away from the city. In doing so there was no possibility of making more than 200 dollars a month in rural communities of Panama. I realized it would be tough for you and sisters, but if I continued in the city I probably would not last long. I am highly allergic to any form of artificial quemicals including clorine in water, pesticides etc. Currently I have a tumor in my intestines and Colon which I have held under control for 10 years.It flares up and causes severe constipation. Your grandfather Victor died of colon Cancer spreading all over his body. 3 of 4 of his sisters died of cancer. So it makes perfect sense for you to avoid cars, their exhuast fumes, search out clean water, etc. I have been out of the mountains for about 5 years although I have lived in mountain communities recently. One thing is living in the jungles learning the heal with herbs the other is to make medicine and get out and hussel to sell it. You have a 9 month old brother, he is very strong physically and intelligent. He said his first word when he was only 19 days old. His mother held him in her arms and said ha, ha, ha. Instantly he replied "ha." Of course he did not know what"ha" meant. He said "mama" at age 3 months and "papa" at 4 months. I am now in process of teaching him the voul sounds. The internet service where I am at is about to close. Will get back to you in a few days. You are absolutely right about the uzone layer dipletting. Unfortunately for manking I stand to gain from the up coming skin cancer epidemic with herbal cures. Whatever resentment you may have for me get it off your chest. Being Frank is part of our family character. Just be prepared for my own points of view as well, sometimes they may not come over very well. I am proud of you for the way you face life bravely, and I´m certain you will do it your way! The Gruber's do have a stubborn streak. We hang on to our point of view until proven wrong. Take care Son, thank's for writing. Please forgive any gramatical errors, I have had to rush, I might miss my bus, and its nighttime, Franklin.


This is an email my "dad" addressed to my sister, but also forwarded to me as well.

>Subject: Re: Apology/Disclaimer for my brother's e-mail....
>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 03:06:59 +0000
>Hi Lauri, good to hear from you again! Thanks for your advice in
>relating to Victor. I do not feel the relationship is off to a bad
>start, simply life has taught me to be cautious. One never knows
>what pent up resentment or hate can impulse one to do. Life is full
>of surprises. As one grows older one learns that everyone is
>variable. We think we know each other but the vast mayority do not
>even know themselves, what one is capable of in a given situation.
>With less love in the World, its easier for people including
>relatives to fall into temtations. For example here in Panama after
>cutting links with my father s side of the family, it turns out I do
>not trust a single person on my mother´s side. I used to trust
>almost all of them. With time each one of them fell in the
>temptation of trying to gain control of some object or property in
>herited from my mother. My aunt Rosa which lives next to my
>mother´s house(ruins) never reported to me that my mother asked her
>to safe keep the medals she has won throughout life- One of them is
>the medalla de Jose Manuel Hurtado, the highest recognition an
>educator receives in Panama, the other the highest award a citizen
>receives from the government, the presidential award Belisario
>Porras. These medals are your inheritence from your grandmother.
>Someday you should ask my family for them. I have not made an issue
>of this yet as to not offend the little old lady but when she dies,
>which will not be long, her daughter Minina should hand over these
>awards to me or you, Diana or Victor. When my mother died I took
>one whole year to rescue her valuable personal papers with the
>objective of writing a book of her life and achievements. One of
>the industries she impulsed was the ceramic industry. As a teacher
>making only 49 dollars a month she introduced the potters wheel to
>the community of La Arena de Chitre. She taught 6 students and
>these taught others, today they export more than a million dollars a
>year in beautiful glazed ceramics.
>Diana Chiari was love in action always teaching other people quickly
>how to make a living with things at hand from nature. She taught
>arts and crafts until 82 years old in schools and universities of
>Getting back to Victor. I think we will get along fine. He is very
>intelligent and daring. I will be talking with him about improving
>cars not so much taking them off the road. He could study to become
>and engineer to make cars that run on fuels that do not pollute the
>atmosphere such as hydrogen. He did mention that I abandoned my
>responsability when he was three. When I obtained a job making
>twelve hundred dollars a month as the Computerland Marketing
>Manager, the first company employee who actually organized the
>store, I made two trips to San Antonio to try to reconciliate with
>your mother and her follow me back to Panama. She refused, later I
>had health problems and could not live in the city environment due
>to the contamination. Here cars used gasoline with lead. In rural
>communities of Panama it was practically impossible to obtain a job
>making more than 300 dollars a month. I trusted in God and your
>mother that you three would be well, I was not in condition health
>wise to go into the fast lane of life again. Communications with you
>all was then a problem. Your mother´s letters where returned
>because I was in the mountains and as such I did not have yournew
>address until a lady friend of your mothers which came from San
>Antonio brought it to my mother´s house and coincidentially I had
>just arrived from the mountains. It was about then that I received
>Diana{s graduation notification which she simply initialed as an
>insult to me with the added words " I did it without you." I did
>have something to do with your successes. I could have left you in
>Puerto Rico. I made the effort totake you three out of Puerto Rico
>to more fruitful and promising land. That it was{t easy I know
>that, but you made it because you made the effort being in an
>appropriate place. One should not always blame one{s parents but
>also count one´blessings.
>With you I have no negative feelings whatsoever. From the beginning
>you opened up your heart and spoke heart to heart with me. That is
>my style. With Victor the resentment is in " shit, or fuck," or
>blasphamy regarding the bible. I do not remember Ada being that
>way. Maybe he would have been better off growing up in Puerto Rico
>or Panama. We all are basically what we make life to be regardless
>of circumstances. There are those who are raised in the ghetto and
>overcome it and are very successful in life and there are those who
>blame their circumstances and succumb to the pressures of the World.
> Victor does have a lot of potential. I believe I can help him in
>some ways but he will have to come down from his clouds and self
>centeredness. So he did survive some aweful accidents that has
>affected his mind and possibly soul as well. In Panama I have
>survived over 3o attemps at my life. Is it plain luck, or maybe I
>have learned to become a survivor, a special talent in this world we
>life in. I have never heard any of you ask, Dad, what happened to
>you that you could not help us when we needed your help, what where
>your constraints, did you have health problems, etc. Simply it was
>I, I, I, and no money no honey. Of course Laura that was not your
>case, I know your heart is differrent. How can one make a big
>effort if the family one loves only cared for money and not ask how
>are you doing. I tried to reestablish contact in 1990 but none of
>you would come to the phone when I called from Conneticut. O.K.,
>changing the subject. The Ministry of Commerce of Panama has
>extended me a special invitation to participate in the National Arts
>and Craft Fair conducted at the Atlapa Convention center the 24th of
>July. They have taken note of the effectiveness of my medications
>and are calling it " La Botanica Magica." They call it that since
>any of my formulas cures more than 20 different ailments.
>Especially effective is my oil for rubbing arthritic joints. My own
>mother in law with crippled hands after three weeks of use regained
>the use of her hands enough to cook and wash and take care of
>herself. I have many testimonies to its effectiveness. A radio
>Comentator Carmen Heredia from Radio Reforma is giving me radio
>coverage after using the medication successfully on her aching
>knees. This station is based in Chitre. With regards to Frank Jrs
>photo. Have a little bit more patients. Having little experience
>with cameras I ruined the one I bought. I did have a photo taken of
>Frank, wallet size and am amplyfying it. Frank Jr. is now ten
>months. He is incredible. Has a vocabulary of over 25 words. He
>asks for water, recognizes his name, throws a tenis ball in front of
>him and crawls after it. He has alrady taken his three independent
>steps but cannot walk well yet. He imitates the cows, says "mo",
>and goats, calls out "ba." That´s our calling card. When he awakes
>he says "ba" and I answer "ba." It turns out that where we last
>lived next to the house they had a heard of gouts which he loved to
>watch as I fed them. He calls out the vowel sounds on his own when
>he wants to call our attention. He is white, blond, bluish green
>eyes, very attractive and strong for his age. The content of this
>letter is being shared with Victor. He may not necessarily like
>everything I say but I have no reason to say anything behind his
>back. Although we do not know each other very well, I have a lot of
>confidence in his future. In life everything happens for a reason
>and there maybe a positive side to negative events. Victor is
>looking for the positive side trying to add his own grain of sand to
>make a better World. That I respect. It could be that his
>contribution will be more than a grain of sand. We both have very
>dominant characters. If he cannot respect me as his father, well
>let us respect each other as human beings if we are going to relate.
> There is onething that is certain. I am now giving Victor the
>benefit of the doubt as he may be giving me. But if there is no
>respect as human beings, it would be best for us then not to
>communicate. If he ever is disrespectful to me personally, I will
>whip his butt! I do love him as a son but I tolerate disrespect
>absolutely from no one. There where people in high positions which
>disrespected me here in panama,Ministers of government. In four
>days they lost their jobs, one of them was the minister of
>government, the other of health. If you ever come to Panama ask
>what happened to these ministers of the Andara government. They
>persecuted the Botanicos. Although it has not happened yet some
>day, soon, I hope, my fortunes will change. That I am aware of I
>have now the only really viable medication for arthritis in the
>World, the World will come to me after it. The herbs I use to make
>it with grow wild, there will be little problem with supply. This
>current government of Panama is allowing me to practice medicine.
>Victor hope you do not take offense to my words of whipping your
>butt. Just know its in your hands to be respectful to me as simply
>I willbe with you. From now on either we make it as friends or we
>do not at all. I am of a very drastic character when you rub my
>wrong side. If you are going to have anything at all to do with me,
>please be respectful. Its the starting point. If I get any more
>fowel language in your letters you surely will never hear from me
>again. Nevertheless, I wish you the best in everyway, in your
>future. You see with me subtle tricks do´nt work. You will either
>be with me or against me, I make it a policy never to relate to
>insincere people. These are the people who will sneak up on you
>make you believe they are your friends, learn everything about you
>which is possible, then undermine you, especially where it hurts.
>In all of Panama I only have two friends. I am not looking for
>friends. I am busy trying to realize my mission in life. The
>rewards of those accomplishments will be shared with those which are
>worthy. After that I shall simply disappear, vanish...people
>everywhere will hear of me but not know me. I will be in the
>jungles enjoying the environment I love. There I shall die to this
>World. You may then write me via my satelite computer. However, I
>may never answer. You have made contact with your father. Like it
>or not, its a priviledge, I do not relate to just you
>are getting to know me. Your inheritence can be the knowledge in my
>brain. It is priceless but to obtain it you just need to have
>enough respect for the transfer to be possible. Your mother gave
>you what you needed when your where young, possibly I can give you
>what you need today if I see you are truly worthy. From what I
>already know of you, either you will not write back, or simply you
>will send another letter full of fowel language telling me where to
>go. My advice is think before you act. Laura believes your quite
>harmless. She only sees part of you we are all capable of harming
>each other. But that is not what we want to do, is it son? Lets
>all make an effort and walk on the positive side of each other, from
>now on, alright! Franklin


From :

To :

Date :
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 02:51:03 +0000

Victor, good to hear from you again! I am glad we are on talking terms. Within the frame
work of respect a relationship is possible. With regards to your dissertation it essentially
makes a lot of sense. My critical observation, if you accept my feedback on your
dissertation is that its much too long thus diluting its impact. Second your use of t erms
as "bullshit" with regards to bible contents is disrespectful to your audience which on the
whole is a God believing Cristian audience. Of course you are entitled to your point of view
yet it can offend the very public you are trying to save. As a friend of yours, if you will
accept me as a friend, I would like to see you succeed in this project. I assumed your
initial audence is the northamerican audience yet its clear that the importance of the
message is World wide. Franklin


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 17:44:50 +0000

Victor, as you try to reach the stars try to be better than your father was with
those you may leave behind. There is something in your bloodline which is not
of this World. It involves the latent calling, the impulse to explore. We
learn more about ourselves as life unfolds. Jehova's witnesses would have us
believe we are marely dust at the end of our lives. In matheuws you find "
worry not about he who can kill your boby but he that can kill your body and
soul." Jesus stated " what does a man gain if he gains the whole World and
loses his soul! " Your grandfather, Victor Gruber raised as a lutheran in the
last 10 years of his life became initiated into the " Science Of Soul " by Guru
Kirpal Sing of India. As an ignorant young boy I followed him. With time I
took the time to read the bible. I wanted to hear what Jesus himself had to say
about the essential TRUTHS OF LIFE. I am not a religious fanatic or do I go to
church very often yet I will say that there were 12 witnesses to the realization
of the mission of Jesus the Crist. He claimed to be the son of the Supreme God.
Time itself is measured by his coming. Anyone that makes that large a claim
with eye witnesses deserved to be listened to.
In our modern World there are a lot of things competing for our attention. In
the confusion we all try to find our own TRUTHS. THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE
SUN. Truth everywhere is self evident. What the World needs is people who can
see and understand truth.

Contemplate on the idea that Jesus was an extraterrestial. He did state "my
kingdom is not of this World." There exists an international community and in
the federation are good guys and bad guys. They try to influence Worldly
governments and the minds of citizens from time to time. Whenever I have had a
doubt I pray to the Supreme Lord of all the Universe. He knows why I am here
and that I am working on the missions he has given me, referring to my
medicines, forecasting model theory and energy from gravity ideas. You are
awakening to your own missions. You will make your own sacrafices. For the
time being I think there is nothing further we need talk about. Contact me if
ever you can say "dad." Its a reality, a fact of life whether you like it or
not. Not to acknowledge it is lack of respect and without respect no useful
communication is possible. There are somethings we earn, others that simply
are. I do wish you good luck in your life's activities. Your father, Franklin


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re:
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:39:44 -0700

it makes me happy that you are in agreement with me(basically) frank. respect. i dont
believe people deserve respect for just their title in life. respect is earned and i respect
people who, in my opinion, deserve my respect. like i said in my quotes, people are
disrespected by words only because they allow themselves to be. im not twisting anyones arm
when they take me as being disrespectful. it is totally up to them to be offended or not.
life is full of options and you get to choose what you regard and disregard.

and i feel my choice of vocabulary expresses my thoughts perfectly, screw what anyone else

see ya, write back

- victor


I sent Franklin my quote collection.


From: "joe mama"
Subject: hello frank
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 13:01:34 -0700

Hello Frank, you never answered my question of how you got my initial dissertation. Like I
said, I dont remember ever sending it you directly. I had found your email address on the
web way before I wrote up my report. Now, I did spend one day recently mass-mailing it to
people in all the San Antonio chat rooms on AOL. Maybe it trickled its way to Panama and
ended up in your hands. Imagine that, my idea being the catalyst for our contact, after 21

Have a great day Frank,

- Victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 20:02:21 +0000

Victor, received your latest email of 22 June. I received your email address from the letter you sent out regarding your idea. Thank you for making the initial contact! Things in Panama are turning very difficult, the national economy is on the verge of collapse. However, I am prepared to survive as things get worse more people get sick and they pay even one dollar a consultation or exchange the consultation of natural food products in their yards. If I do not communicate often is because my attention is fixed on mere survival. I am currently trying to cure a rare bacterial skin infection your brother Frank Jr. was exposed to due to a mosquito bite. The tendency of the disease is for red pimples to join together and create the whole body into one red mass of inflamation. Why does this new challege of such a rare infection come into my own family? The ozoone whole radiation is causing mutations in germs which will raise havoc with humanity. Two young babies died in a local hospital from apparrently a common cold. Somehow someway, I hope to emerge from my Panama audessy strengthened but move beyoond to practical applications of my theories, for that I must wait to be able to buy my own computer and hook up to internet.

Yesterday while traveling to Aguadulce meet a young girl studying to be a nurse. We talked and she explained that she was not able to meet her father until recently, I mentioned our case. She expressed interest in meeting you. Do you authorize me to give her your email? As we continue our dialogue given circumstances here I may only be able to communicate with you about every 15 days. How is your health now days? Hope you continue to improve in everyway. Consider the idea of improving cars not only collective transportation, or maybe a machine where one merely gives it the coordinates of where one wants to be transported to and bingo! Your there. Given time, whatever man can imagine he can create! Stock prices vary in a two dimentional field, up down, add one more dimension ,depth, mathematize the system in interactive ways. In the same way one could forecast prices in 2d you may also travel to the 3d forecast intersection point. To do this you need first to discover the laws of general variation for 2d having done so for 2d, then extend it to 3 dimensions. Harnessing energey from gravity purposely involves creating a continous disigualibrium such that a continous ossilating disigualibrium is the driving enery source. These are just some leads to see if you are interested in these topics. Who knows an automobil motor may be fashined to work with a gravity engine. If there were a millionaire outthere with the funds to finance this project I think I could develop such an engine in 5 years. How are things going with your project. Hey, have you ever checked your self out with regards to being a sickle cell anemia carrier? Sickle cell anemia carrier, a specific test, carry 5% less oxigen in their blood consequently our minds dull when under stress or days with a lot of heat. Can make us less alert. This is one of the reasons I sought the natural mountain environments, more oxigen, I feel a lot better and am more creative there. Right now my mind is not in tip top condition due to some stress and the hot area I am in, plus my eyesight is poor due to a slight case od diabetis. Coffy does not. seem to help me, instead of waking me up its affects my memory. Take good care, have to go pick up my mother in law, she is coming to live with us. Cheers, Franklin. P.S. Even if your blood has been checked a 100 times rutinely or otherwise, the sickle cell trait does not show automatically. One has to ask the doctor to order that particular test. A wise man once said. "know thy self." The greater our knoledge of our self the more we can do for the World.


From :

To :

Subject :

Date :
Tue, 02 Jul 2002 21:28:33 +0000

Well, Victor, I now know your feelings about respect. We do differ on this topic. For me respect is something I give every human being just for existing as I value life. Some people however are so self centered its almost impossible for them to respect other people. I respect even my enemies even when they don't respect me. Often people hold grudges towards those they feel have let them down, often times justified. However, holding such bad feelings all your lives is not good for your health. Resentment almost invariably leads to early arthritis. Hows your project going...


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: Apology/Disclaimer for my brother's e-mail....
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 21:41:47 -0700

umm, what are you guys talking about?
well frank, seeing as how i am the most non-violent person out there, and how you would so
easily resort to violence and let yourself be offended by mere words, i am hereby ending my
communications with you. this will be the last words you will receive from me.
please, dont get me wrong. i am not angry with you at all. i am totally indifferent towards
you. what you did(or didnt do) is in the past and i cannot change that. i much rather worry
about today and tomorrow.
whats the point in holding grudges and having animosity when i can just forget about you
again, the same way you forgot about my sisters and i.
itll be simple. i grew up without you. i can continue to grow just fine by myself.

live happy frank,

- victor



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