


Failure Franklin 3

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 04:45:32 +0000

Why where you not about to use your real name, what harm would it do you being sincere to the system? Illuminate me on this point?

You are a hell of a whacker. You admit in your truths that lies etc are sometimes warranted but of course you cannot admit being a whacker especially in the system of internet, pretty bright, but I understand. If you are this devious how can the World trust you to enlighten them?

So you are your own God, are you really serious? Did you create yourself? Are you truly in full control of your decisions, you never make mistakes? And you intend to convince the World of all this? With all due respects people have to be pretty stupid to believe a person that admits that lies are compatible with truths. How can they trust you?

The problem of our understanding of God does not lie with God. He is a perfect being. We are in evolutionary phrase many of us trying to be more perfect so we can be properly attuned with the creative force.

Thank you for the gift of acknowledging that I am your Dad and that you do not hold resentment, however, I still wonder why you whacked my email account! Only a "funny duddy" guy would do that!

My sincere advice is for you to find better ways of getting respect than doing the opposite of what people expect. Its just really a part of one of your favorite mind games. Its part of getting a kick of seeing people surprised and off balance. America is a great place to play games, the vast Americans are expert actors t.v. nouriches that "instinct." Its clear Son, I have your number, you have given me a gift your rarely give others, you are sincere about your real nature.

In places like Panama and many other underdeveloped countries where you do not have a christian church on every other block people are not so loving and generous. Its not instinct to give, frankly to take is instinct in the third World. People who make it an art of taking from others who pursuade others they should give are expert actors and "con" men. They appeal to the goodness of others exploiting their sentiments. Of course, in the situations you have been in its better than outright stealing, its always better to ask than to rob. You where talking nice things about the time you whacked my email account so I can never ever believe in you fully again, everything will be subject to varification. Whether you have forgiven me only time will tell but I will try never let my guard down with you.

That does not mean that you have earned my respect by whacking my email account. Making yourself dangerous can only create one kind of respect, the kind one might have for an enemy. I would rather people respect me for the love and kindness they consistently receive from me even when its not expressed in monetary terms.

You are not the first to partake to "your" philosophy. There is nothing new under the sun. Learn to tell the difference between what you can change and that you can´t. Jesus a perfect being sent from above has not changed man´s basic evil nature, what makes you think that you, rising from below, can? What you really want is power to play SOCIAL ENGINEER regardless of what the consequences will be. And regardless of how much truth you receive you will only select that which is convenient to your own social engineering goals.

I know you almost as though I raised you because I had my life too full of people similar to yourself, never went anywhere while I spent life philosophying and not doing what I needed to do.

That there is a driving force to make you "fly high" on your subconcously implanted ideals is evident but you really do not have control of such a force, you believe its your decisions because you sympathise so much with that force it becomes you! One must become weary of the "law of sympathy." It does exist. Tigers and snakes have that energy that subtlely subdues others with emanating vibs that create sympathy then they eat their victims. I mean this literally. A cat will sit and stare at you and often you feel the urge to pick it up and caress it. But he is basically insincere.

Thanks for wanting me to believe the opposite of what I am stating. Maybe I will begin to believe in you again and you will get another kick of surprising me with opposite actions. Never again, SON. Speak all you want to, be as kind and courtious as you wish, always I will take what you say with a grain of sand and be on guard. You may tell me a thousand truths but I will be looking for that curve ball lie, like a negative sign added to a thousand plus signs. You chose your path, from then on you cannot help being who you are! As you fall deeper and deeper into the well you will cry out lauder and lauder for help, so far down, so deep the man holding the rope on top will not know you are there. You will be alone, your last opportunity to cry out LORD! Many are called, few are chosen. Your Dad who LOVES you otherwise he would not try to save what appears to be a "lost" cause.

Write me when you wish, possibly I can add a few lines of truth to your inventory of readily available lies. For one thing is TRUTH another TRUE LIVING. Yours truely, your dad Franklin.

Sad to hear your girlfriend did not appreciate the good things you did for her, hope she comes to her senses and voluntarily returns what is properly yours. Hang in there there may be still hope for you. The proof is in the pudding. Try to be as "normal" as you possibly can. It may be a couple of centuries before humanity can understand your ideas, Perfect Communism. Not bad if it where true!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 00:26:05 +0000

Victor in the search function of hotmail imput "buyers of orchids" in the first page you will see: Valley of Anton. Read all about it, the mountain hide out paradise I lived in for 15 years There is a giant pedrogligh which no one except me has been able to decipher, you might want to go there some day and try your luck. Its on a giant bolder, those who wrote on it must have been 12 feet tall as writing at shoulder level places the writing above ones head unless of course erosion has brought down the ground level. I will tell you now what it means. Its a map of an underworld cave system where extra terrestials come to harvest quartz cristals containing the souls of thousands of sufferring beings. Whether they deserve to be there I do not know. What I do know is that at the time of death the vibration levels of the souls where too low to go above the earths surface into orbit waiting for another chance at reincarnation. The extraterrestial harvest these cristals and use their power, exactly for what I do not know. They are tiny about one eigth of an inch long, have six sides, also diamonds perform that function. Part of this I know from deduction, the other from out of body experiences from dreams I remember. The name GRUBER means "miner" in German. My clan has a long history on earth, we keep meeting each other with similar missions every time. Your desire to change, improve, "save" the World is a hedge against my failing in my mission, if I do not succeed, in 7 generations behind me the GRUBERs will feel the same urge to "save" the World. You all will have a cosmic connection weakening as the generation count down goes to 7.

The number that rules my life is 7. 7 is man, 77 The universal christ power, 777 The supreme Lord. These things where revealed to me spontaneously. You are far from prepared to follow in my foot steps yet you can prepare. A new World Order Is Coming, with its corresponding council of antichrists, these people are the reincarnation of Lions. "El anticristo vendra como Leon rugente."

They are the obstacal to our mission. Because of the way you have grown up you have a lot in common with the lion clan, they might even think you are one of them, keep clear of them, they are the cats that will absorb your vital life force and render you a failure in your mission. Learn to identify them and keep them at a distance. They have marked telepathic magnetic abilities. While in Panama keep clear of "cerro campana." There are energies which will cause you to enter caves where you will hear the screaming of souls trapped in quartz christals and feel the pull on your body as the energy tries to rip your soul out of your body. It is at that time that the LORDS PRAYER can save you! The best thing is to stay clear of that area. People who have head injuries like ourselves are more susceptible. That mountain has a long history of losing people in its entrails. Its called cerro Campana because the locals would hear often bells as they turned a specific corner. Also, there are areas where weird magnetic forces confuse the mind and lose even the local people every time they pass the same spot. There are extraterrestial bases below the earth in this mountain chain. They belong to a legion of "fallen angels." They infiltrate society through the secret societies of "brujos." Many of which are past reincarnations of predatory animals. I do not write you these things to draw and entice you too Panama yet eventually you will come, simply so you know they exist and remember my experiences may help you understand what is going on in the World. The World is constantly in a state of war because the witches(composed of demon possed predatory animals compete for power.) They, however, do not like responsibility so they use "good guy types" to rise to power on their heals. When they reach power they may come out in the open. Then they are vicious, no longer having to hide there intentions. I really do not care whether you believe my statements. What counts is that you have read them and prepare to duel with these guys as you rise to power. Frankly I do not want to continue on, I will gladly abort the mission and let you carry it on. I have better things to do than being impelled by kharma to "save the World." Take care, good luck in your "cosmic mission." Franklin

You have now gone two levels deep into my personality. How many levels remain? Try not to develop from side to side rather from top down and vice versa. After this "mining" experience you will again be able to find your way out of the well.

There is a commitment now in a business deal for me to receive a reazonable amount of money. If the business deal comes through o.k., will send you 500 dollars next week. I cannot promiss the deal will be closed yet its very likely. I have so many needs built up here yet so do you, thus to what address do you want me to meal the money? This is no kind of a joke. I do not want to cable it bank to bank as that is how my relationship with your mother was ruptured, she did not receive the transfer and when I complained to the bank manager got in an argument and he simply closed my account, those 250 dollars where never recovered. Give me an address so I can send it certified mail.


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: truths
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:37:55 -0700

    frank, with so many evils on the internet, why would anyone disclose their real names on it? better safe than sorry.

    you keep neglecting to tell me how ive hacked your email account? you were the one to make first contact with me, after reading my mail. i didnt even know i had sent it to you. i was included in one of laura's mailings and i just hit the 'reply to all' button and sent everyone on that list my idea. unbeknownst to me, you were included in those addresses.
    it sounds to me like you are just paranoid of me, for no reason. ive probably already told you this, but i want you to do me a favor. i want you to think im crazy. id also like you to doubt me. it will make my victory so much sweeter.
    many people compare my ideals to communism, but what is the root-word of communism? community.

- victor


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: truths
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:56:17 -0700

    frank, i am staying with my friend carlos. he lives there with two other roommates and they go to college, so you can imagine the mess they make. i clean their house in place of paying rent. the good ol barter system at work. im taking advantage of their laziness and everyone wins.
    with that money, i could pay off the overdraft at my bank, which i have no idea where it came from. chasity and i had a joint account there, and she told me the only way i was gonna get my stuff back was to pay off the debt i owed on the joint account. therefore, that money would help me out tremendously. if i had my computer back i could work my magic so much sooner, so thank you.

here is the address where i am staying:

6822 spring forest
san antonio,tx


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: truths
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:55:30 -0700

    yes, i have already contacted the bank. they said since i had left the account overdrawn for more than 30 days, that they were going to have to research it and find out exactly the cause of the overdraft. the amount is a little over 400 dollars. i am unaware of the cause of this. i dont even write checks on this account. i used one of those check-cards, they look just like normal ATM cards but they have a visa logo on it, so you can use it anywhere that accepts credit cards. i havent ruled out the possibility that since it is a joint account, chasity may have messed up somewhere and wont admit it. we shall see, all in due time. patience is virtue.

ok frank, i gotta get out of moms house before someone comes home and finds me on the computer. geez this house is a mess.

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:06:52 +0000

Victor, thanks for the observation of so much evils in internet, the next email acounts I open will eliminate the references to my name. Yes it is possible for others to use ones name for mischievious purposes. If you did not hack my email account, there are too many "coincidences" with cues of key words in your letters corresponding to the cues left in my hacked account- But let not give that much attention. Since I depend on nature for my wellbeing and refuge, things that happen in the computer have little real effect on my life. The jungles and I keep growing regardles except nuclear war destroy the planet. Frank


Subject: Re: truths
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:29:14 +0000

Victor, take the time to invesigate and receive in wriing the so called overdraft to insure its a genuine document on your behalf and not the banks mistake, They do make mistakes! With regards to getting back your computer ask yourelf first do you really want to live or go back with your exgirl friend. Can the relation be saved? If not instead of throwing that money to her use it to buy a new computer, thats a certain thing. Even if you give the money she may have other excuses not to give you the computer, cuando quieren joder las mujeres buscan la manera. But of course, assuming I do receive it, it will be on its way likely next week. Just pray that no one backs ks out of the deal, I have two people competing both saying they will close the deal next week. At this time please do not mention to Laura or Ada that I am attempting to relieve your situation financially tothe extent that I can in this instance as I do not know how much I will actually recieve until I do. I also want to send Laura and Diana there share however you have priority given your circumstances. With regards to the international marketing of my product do it at your leisure, I am already involved in doing so. I never wait on the goodwill of another person, I simply learn to do things myself and proceed. For maximun effectiveness everything has a precise moment in time and space.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:35:44 +0000

I am taking off now for Los Santos Province, about a 4 hour bus trip. My car broke down last year, lost the brakes for the third consecutive time, luckily never going down hill so walking has been great exercise although business is slower. Be back with you by monday. Give my thanks to Carlos for his help and assist given you. Anyone that helps my descendents is a friend of mine when the help is sincere. May the power of the Supreme God protect and enlighten you! Frank



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