


Failure Franklin 4

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:56:20 +0000

Victor, please explain the difference between a "taker" and an opportunist?

To obsain samples of the minute quartz cristals I mentioned they can be panned from the river Mato Ahogdo behind "la casa comunal de Guayabito de San Carlos." Some are so perfect they can be set on a ring and appear to be diamonds. They of course are inside the mountains as well- Although I have been at the mouths of caves, I have not been inside them. At cerain astrological conditions is when the negative energy in the caves draws on once soul the st or if one happens to be mentally very week and fatigued, malnurished.

Anything that brings down the souls vibration also makes one vulnerable to be drawn to such caves. In Guayabito de San Carlos from 1988 to 1991 I cured Felix Muñoz of terminal stomock cancer. He was 101 years old! Died peacefully in his home at the age of 107. Throughout the mountain chain you will find similar testimonies of local peoples of my work in their community.

There is a "lockness" type of monster in the Bayano lake of Panama. Its been in the papers recently but its common knowledge with the indians of the area. Truly weird living creatures are reported in the Darien jungles. The jungle is so intense there that the interamerican highway has been unable to be cut through the area.

I have a secret to share with you. I am also a taker. I take from the jungles free a basket of medicinal plants and turn it into several hundred dollars of medicines. While I sleep it grows by itself, this goldmine is always there when I need it. Even in an extreme case when I do not have money to buy ten cent bottles, with two fifty I buy 500 little plastic bags, dry the herbs in the shade and fill them From that 2.5 investment and half a day in the field gathering herbs, eventually in one or two weeks I make several hundred dollars. What I have not figured out is why it took mankind several hundred years to begin generalizing the use of medicinal plants. Here there is more money to be made from medicinal plants than all the revenue of the canal in 100 years. This industry needs to be organized. Someone ought to do an International Marketing Study to find out what the World needs and is asking for that Panama has to offer. We are both in similar situations. You need money, peace of mind, your own computer, an appropriate place to stay, to be able to develop properly your goals. Who ever said that saving the World is a bad idea?

Its not at all a bad idea if we could all or the mayority of people work toward that goal without trying to impose our will on each other.

Speaking of "wills." Your idea that you are your "own God" would be a great idea if indeed you had control of 100% of your will power. With that kind of control we could probably move boulders if we wanted to with merely thinking, hey boulder move over there. Jesus did say that faith was so strong that one could will a mountain to move and it would move, if that faith where the size of a grain of mustard- Well, the purpose here is not to talk about Jesus rather to examine in a socratic way of questions and answers whether your idea of full control of your life by yourself is possile. If you do find the secret of 100% control of one´s life plese let me know, I would have the power to get out of practically any predicament on my own. So far what I have seen is that events occur in cycles with there ups and downs, good steaks and bad streaks of luck accompanying effort.

I hve been in Chorrera for a few days trying to either get 2 years advance payment of your grandmothers deteriorated property or to sell my part of the rights of wonership at a giveaway price. With just one thousand dollars I can buy 10,000 ten cent 4 ounce bottles which if sold at 10 dollars whole sale(antiarthritis oil) will bring in 100,000 dollars. Production is no problem, there are tons upon tons of free medicinal plants available, they can even be picked off the side of the road, although its best at a distnce to avoid the car pollutants.

This area of expertise is made for exploerers. Everywhere one goes there are sick people who need botanical remedies, its a survival garante in the apocaliptic era. I would like to believe that our will alone are sufficient to change and improve greatly the world. Yet are you really differrent, is your mind and will power really differrent than all that preceeded you one in say 20 billion human beings who possibly have inhabited the World lately. Can your will power save the Wold without imposing itself on the will of others avoiding bloodshed? Will people believe a person that appears to have his imperfections just like everybody else?

Speaking of explorer. It important to find early in life a place you can call your own. My mothers place I cannot call my own as there is a gasoline station in front which pollutes the air, drugs, prostitution in this now highly commercial part of chorrera. Its not my habitat. In spite of receiving sufficient funds to buy sosme land, I have not done so because I considered the jungles part of my human heritage. If a person has a one hundred hectaria farm I go into it and live there without the owners consent, like a wild animal. If I get caught I simply state, I am looking for a few medicinal herbs to cure a campesino like yourself, and buy the way, I will cure all your ailments in return for a plate of food. We are basically the same Son, only in differrent jungles. I however do not take drugs habitually. Only lst night did I go into a Chorrera discoteque and dance up a storm, it had been a while since I did that. The gals here are fascinated with my dancing skills. Had 3 women on my shoulder and I turned them down because I was here to dance, relax, have a couple of beers, and go to my uncles pension to leave for los santos province today. When I get home I will get my wife to give me the best sex I need. Chorrera is loaded with AIDS and SIFILIS. Its still better than Baranquilla Colombia where 28 yeas ago every morning, in the market place, the side walk is littered with hman excement.

By the way, thanks for taking the foul language out of your emails. I sincerely appreciate tht consideration. Try to continue to channerl your nature in a positive constructive way. It maybe a week before I can write again since in macaracas there are no internet service centers. Remember should you ever in some remote future decide to visit Panama, let me know in advance. Chances are you or anyone else that is purposely looking for me will not find me. The time is coming for me to go into one of my retreats to desintoxicate myself from the contamination of the cities and the 4 year marketing experiences of my products. I will only come out for one or two days once a month. The t ime will come in which I will move entirely in rural mountain communities and avoid contact with fellow human beings as much as possible. A few years ago the name Gruber was most foreign to the people of Panama. I am making sure with my medicine publicity that they never forget that name again. People used to laugh at me seeing me walk into chorrera with a large vine basket on my back with my beard down to my chest, my relatives would redicule me for rubbing myself with the poorest peoples of the mountains. My aut Rosa once denied me the use of her bathroom. I needed to take a shower. She stated go to your uncles, you stink like campesino. My uncle said you have to pay if you want to stay a few days here. Now I use for free my uncles pension and he uses my antiarthritic oil to sooth the pain in his 89 year old joints. Son, take life seriously always yet lightly simultaneously. This will allow you to keep the peace and be ready to act when you need precise movement. Any advice or ideas from you are appreciated. The important thing is that we respect each other as human beings. I cannot fully understand you because our experiences are differrent, so lets bear with each other as the impossible becomes possible. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 17:35:23 +0000

Vic, went out to eat before heading to lose santos province. God a few ideas and dicided to communicate them to you before leaving. First, though, chastity may have collected on what she may consider you "owe her" by using the card." Women are capable of inventing anything when they want to hurt you. The best thing is not allow Chastity to know where you are staying or move tempórarily to an unknown location, where you have peace of mind. Once a person is insincere with yuu never trust th em fully again, much less let th em know your movements as they will set "time bombs." Of course you can´t be running all your life to head for cover but there are times in when it is necessary. The more enemies you have in the environment the more secret foxholes you need. This is why I have become familiar with many towns and mountain areas besides my love for nature, never know when I have to disappear temporarily, it h as saved my life on many occations. Its more difficult in the concrete jungle as everything is costly. Here I just pack my jungle hannock in my back basket a few changes of cloth a little food and I desappear to read some good books somewhere out of humanities sight. The next email will present you some ideas you might want to consider. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:50:55 +0000

Victor, do you want to continue college? College in the sates is quite expensive, in Panama its very cheap. There is a tremendous demand now for english teachers, you could even open your own english school in Panama while going to college, I would not recommend the national university since because its closed half the year due to student rioting over social problems. Rather an extension of the national university in Santiago or Las tablas cities. They are better equiped and more peaceful and tranquial environment- As a son of a panamanian according to panamanian law you have a right to panamanian citizenship possibly without losing your U.S. citizenship. Computers here are cheap also about 600 dollars with printer and all, above 1 megahertz. I would set you up in yuur nice apartment(might have an out house to take a shit= for 2 months rent free, help you with the essentials of furniture, we could visit each other now and then to exchange views and ideas. Should you want to adopt my survival techniques with regards to botanical knowledge I could give you what would amount to a six month course. You have the option of selling your own herbs or my medicines. Working 4 hours a day as an english teacher or selling my medicines on the street, will earn you about 20 dollars a day- Generally speaking things are very cheap in Panama. For 2.50 in the average small restaurant you get a complete meal. A good pair of shoes cost about 20 dollars. Cellular phones second hand are going for 19.95 with two month garantee from cable and wireless.

In the Santiago area where I plan to return soon you have the small city environment with beaches and rivers near by, also the university extension is there. If the business deal comes through you can use the money I send you to buy your computer there, etc or get on a plane and come to Panama, Because as a son of a panamanian you will be allowed to stay as long as you want. The main thing is not to get in trouble here with the law- The minute you get in a cell here anything can happen and there is very little recourse. The political contacts I have i use only in case of gross injustice to myself and friends, never to get someone out of trouble when they looked for the trouble by keeping bad associations or being on drugs. You are a grown man now. In no way would I supervise your life or butt into your business. Only provide fatherly advice if your interested in accepting it. Sometimes we reach a dead end in a particular environment and need to change to keep from being a readily available target. Money here has been very scarce but if the transaction comes in next week I will invest 1000 dollars in ten cent plastic bottles which eventually will bring between 30,000 to 100,000 dollars. In m y business the important thing is not to run out of bottles. The oil is cheap, with 14 dollars I purchase 5 galons which make 100 bottles at 10 dollars each is 1,000. This formula and the pomada gruber antifungus formula will in time eventually be the inheritance of some of my children, time will tell who will deserve the labor of 21 years in this hellish land. Nevertheless, for the time being I do not have any problem by sharing 50% of the profits of the oil you may personally market which I can leave you on consignment. It all depends on one thing, whether you actually adapt to this environment and if you CAN MARKET. Staying with me is not a paid vacation. You are a man and although i owe you I would not do you anygood by taking all or most of life´s pressures off of you since you need to learn how to cope with th em. I can however provide you some tools if you decide to go to school in Panama and help pay your way with your own work. How far our give and take relationship goes depends naturally on our interreaction chemistry. The main thing is not to t ry to harm in anyway the hand assiting you. If you do its not so much that I will reciprocate but rather that you will be "here" where you are "there", without the love and support of your familyas it should be. I am saying these things not because I want to antagonize you simply that although we both like peace we are both volatile in nature. I want to help you, I believe in your potential. In no way is my intent merely to use you as a taker would. What I will be looking for is a sincere communication with me and my associataes including wife and present children. The minute I learn that you speak bad of me to the friends and family I introduce you will on your own. If I have been a "bad" father, here keep it to yourself. I cannot help a peron who puts mud in my face even if there is apparrent truth to it. This would be the second chance you give me do my duty with you. I can only do that duty if the personal relationship atmosphere is positive. As you see I can assimilate a lot of abuse. Thats all I received from this country for 21 years but I have overcome it and will overcome the World As WELL.

Have you read Jules Vern´s novel, 20,000 leagues under the sea? Captain Nemo and you have a lot in common. What was Jules Verne's childhood like, check it out. If you want to go a little deeper into my own personality read all you can about TARZAN OF THE APES. I have a gorilla friend who has followed me to Panama, his name is MEMO. One of two eeon friends. The other is a millionaire worth about 20 million. We went to school together, he's wass one year ahead but in the same school. He has a degree in industrial engineering, recently retired. A while back he saw me in some difficulty and said here 300 dollars pay it back without interest whenever you can. Out of the principle of helping the next generation he donated 100,000 dollars to the David public library. He was wise, he gave me what I needed then not what I wanted. Those 300 dollars made a big difference! He has a beautiful yacht, possibly comeday you will get a chance to meet Charles Colburn, a man who has resisted corruption better than anyone I know.

Panama has a lot of millionaires always looking for interesting projects to invest in. In el Valle de Anton the owner of the prestigious Hotel Campestre, who owns about 30 business in Panama, offered to give me 25% of all lands I could locate cheap for him. That was 5 years ago. At the time I said noway, I will not exploit the land of the poor campesino so you can get richer. Well, the poor campesino is selling it anyway to other investors coming in to Panama. In ten years there will not be much left to buy cheaply so its time to be a "taker # in this situation. Possibly our friendship can grow as we can represent for each other a mutually acceptable image necessary to survive. People need to perceive you positively or they will attack you as a potential enemy. You have a good idea now as to what is at store after 21 years of hard work building a future in this God forgiven country. I have cut the field, plowed the land, planted the seed. I will need help in the harvest, you may keep so many bushels if we can live and work by or near my side. You will have your own bow and your own arrow to fling. The opportunity to show the world" that you are better" than your old man. If you are not better than me,indeed, then I will be a failure. LOVE YOU SON,Your Dad Frank. Hope time tells good things for both of us. Write you next week, Take care.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 21:03:30 +0000

Well, while I keep getting these messages in my head for you its difficult to get out of town, its just part of our obsessionery nature.

We are so intense thinkers tht once we give the subsconcious mind an order on a problem it works over time.

Pertaining to communism. Carl Marx and Jesus had that much in common only from different perspectives. Carlmarx from the level of mind and materialism, Jesus from the level of soul and selfless service. Carl´s was more an economic system, Jesus`s a way of being leading to eternal life. One was on the here and now, the other more oriented to the inevitable longer eternal perspective. Neither system in practice in the here in now and short run appear to be very useful to humanity in their "pure" form. Its not the system that counts its the heart of the people behind it, their intentions, their level of greed, power ambitions or love and humility capacities etc. Everyone who wants to become powerful and famous finds a "good" cause to propel them but what really counts is the "real you" and whether you have developed a functional conscience. If you do not have a conscience your inner sixth sense that can guide you is absent so the opportunities presented you will determine your zig zag course. I express these things only because a while back you asked me to share some of my wisdom with you. Hope it is of some value to you. Again, I am without my glasses so excuse the gramatical errors. I cannot see t hem to correct t hem.

But back to COMMUNISM. If ever some one lived the life of a communist it is your father. Wondering throughout the mountains sharing, giving and taking spontaenously with the poor people. They came to love me and one man even confused me for Jesus. His name was NICO, lived in the community of Mato Ahogado behind the hotel campestre of el valle about 3 kilometors. The spirit of Jesus lead me to act and become as him, those where among the best days of my life, sharing and giving spontaneously out of love for fellow human beings. So communism initself is not bad, its a wonderful ideal if lead by the inspiration and light of God. Jesus said "eiher you are with me or against me" there are no two ways. One energy will dominate throughut your life, the one that helps you evolve spiritually and is part of the life impulse and force and the one who gives pleasure but distroys the work of God. In the long run there is no two ways regardles whatever economic, political or religious group you adhere to. There are those who appeal to you and say "you are your own God." If I where perfect that would be great! But since I can make errors even deadly errors to myself and others, hey I need a guiding light which is not another imperfect human being which will probably make more errores then myself.

Ask yourself, does the word of God really exist? Is it really written down somewhere? Everyone who claims to have such words writen down deserves to be read, even yourself. Those with spiritual eyes will understand at their level, those who depend on the mind alone will be mislead. Logical things are not always true. The inner soul knows its maker once it makes contact with its "higher self." For our souls are as drops of the same sea which is God. So we are creative and want to be as Gods.

The great thing about internet is that you have an outlet to expres yourself to the World, no one is centuring you or I etc.

I do know of a way to selflessly change the World to my point of view or yours, or a consensus of the two. But it reguires about two years to perfect the message of great social impact, that it should have for generations to come. The key thing is that such message would appeal to all as it would not have an author to take credit for it. It would be the summary in one page of "relevent truth." Relevent to our times and with and like "magic" penetrate to the morrow of the bones and enliven and awaken the conciousness collectively to the task to spontenously "save the World." After the event only the shadow of the authors of this document would be glanced passing the wilderness. The World would have what it needs, we would have our peace.

With peace our many other life sustaining missions could then sutlely be accomplished. This, assuming Son, that down deep you are not a LEON or become absorbed by their magic. Rise to the task, save the World and yet Save yourself. Some plant the seeds, others make the harvest, the point is that the job be well done and the inspiration of life sustaining work be carried on from generation to generation.

Why then have I projected myself as one in the middle stream of society while basically being a "revolutionary" similar to you? Because its harder to change society while projecting the image of a radical. Its easier to change the system from within than from without. Everyone will then listen to you when not biased by preconceived notions that one is a radical. In spite of how bad the system is people have the illutionery feeling that it provides security. One can talk radical things to the limit that other people can assimilate it. By bouncing off in general the progrssive message from the social communication stations(propaganda based on truth) a sutle brain washing sets in. You must predispose the World to your ideas if you want the world to be rceptive. The devil uses the technique, use it in reverse. God Bless you and Continue to Enlighten you, your Dad Franklin Gruber.

Getting back to Tarzan. The same man who wrote the Tarzan novels a great series also wrote The Master Mind of Mars and many other futuristic science fiction novels. A lot of Science Fiction is based on elements of truth found in reality. Rice Boroughs was not the real author of Tarzan, that was a seudo name. I have read the mastermind of mars. There are about 20 books on the extraterrestial them by this author. I once had them, lent them to randy but to avoid my gaining more insight on this author he "lost them." Thats the way it goes when you persist in having insincere friends near you. They come to know you well and belt you when you least expected. Insincere people enjoy giving other people surprises. Once insincere its almost impossible to be a relatively straight person again, the pleasure it gives is adictive. Just watch people everywhere snicker at the jokes they are playing on others. Eventually I see the same people bumbing on the streats looking for hand outs. Now, when one is my own Son, I ask God for help because I want him to succeed in his mission to "save the World or at least do his fair share of sincere work." By all means I am not saying I am perfect or very, very sincere. Simply I have programmed myself to be sincere at every possible occation that I can be. Occationally like everyone else I lie but I try constantly to be truth oriented, in the long run the dividends are greater and more lasting. Get back to you about Monday or Tuesday. Fran k


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 02:24:38 +0000

Hello Victor, I am back in Chorrera after 4 days in los santos province about 5 hours bus drive, trying to close the sale of my rights of inheritance, worth about 60 thousand dollars but letting it go for 15. If neither of the two candidates come up with the 15 then I shall accept 5 thousand advance rent from one of the two parties at 200 dollars a month. The problem has been that the property owes 4,400 dollars in taxes, and the lawyers fee for making the claim can be 1,500 or 20% of property value. I have not had the money to pay off the taxes and my step brother John has not been interested in helping on this matter( I obtained for him his pension after fighting the Veterans Administration for 7 years, he makes about 2,400 a month and spends it before the month is over, he is a squisofrenic patient(misspelled, I know). My cousin Bettita is his legal gardian and takes him to the mill too, every time she needs new tires on her car or cover other personal expenses she hits him up. I have saved his life on various occations but I do not charge him for my services. He is a bipolar case, loves one today, hates you tomorrow, in a few weeks he loves ya again. He is two years older than myself, the cross my mother carried successfully and also succeeded in her professional life as an artists and founder of an arts and craft school which carries her name in La Arena de Chitre.

Some of the advantages of Panama is that with a few thousand dollars one can still do a lot. For instance in many rural towns its possible to obtain anywhere between 1000 square meters and one hectaria(10,000 sq meters) for one thousand dollars. A three or 4 room house, the construction runs about 4,000 dollars. In my wanderings through the mountains I did not think of owning land as I felt the whole mountain range belonged to God and myself. I was always welcome anywhere I went. Now, however, with a pregnant wife and one year old child, she insists on her own roof over her head. She is a very capable woman, should I die with her own roof she is capable of surviving with her own effort. She has strong "stoic" characteristics. She was born in poverty, raised in poverty, with me now she has a lot more security, everything is relative. Many times we have gone to bed with only one dollar in the house or none but yet we have not gone hungry. On my way out today she handed me a little note which said" If you come on some money please buy me an Iron to Iron cloth with. Love ya inspite your occational outbursts." Yea, I am the kind who will knock down a door in an instance. Ive done so before, with my last concubine of 5 years, Maria, asked her children to lower the tv twice, the third time, their locked door was kicked openened. I once had a few month affair with a woman who had helped me clean the house after my m other's death. We had an affair, she already had 4 kids. This was about 8 years ago. I came home very tired from selling my medicine on the street. I asked Ester if she would please go buy some food and make me something to eat. She proudly responded" if you want to eat go buy it yourself." I said well if thats going to be your attitude, pack up and leave. As she packed up to go I felt sorry for her 4 children at home. So I gave her a twenty dollar bill on her way out. She took it and arrogantly ripped it to pieces in front of my face. The next thing she knew she was getting the wipping of her life, man did she scream until I only had the belt buckle left in my hand. Well, immediately after the incident, I grapped my jungle gear and headed for the mountains as I felt sure the police would be after me. As I jumped on the passing bus, the silly Ester yelled that she forgave me that it was her fault. A little toolate. After a few weeks, given her repentful reaction I visited her at her house. She said," man did the twenty dollars come in handy,"" I taped the pieces together and used it." In all the time I was with Ada I never mistreated her physically. Nor did I purposely do so mentally, our problem was simply one of compatiability. I felt she did not understand me or want to. One time in Vega Baja we got in an argument and she slung her hands open hitting me in the chest, simply as a reflex my hands slung out to block hers but barely brushed her. Immediately we embraced and asked each other for forgiveness. I have been violent in my ways only in the past 8 years. Not because I like or approve of violance, simply because my nervous system is very worn out. The best thing is for me to stay in rural relaxed environments. In the past 21 years in Panama I have not been in a fist fight with anyone. Instead I carry a knife, and not because I want to harm anyone, simply for self defense. The last time I was in a fight I was 20 years old. Disarmed a man about to kill your uncle Mario with a one foot dager. Martial arts was my hobby as a kid. Once you learn it, it stays with you always. Will let you know more on how the transactions are going tomorrow night. I plan to divorce myself from Chorrera for always once the transaction is realized. Will move to some distant corner of Panama and from there go on my medicine route once a month. Almost all of my panamanian relatives have failed the test of time with me, they would con and take me to the cleaners if I let them. I will be accused of selling my brother's half of the inheritence rights. I only am selling my half but I know the lawyer for the buyer is fixing to maneuver to stay with John´s half too. From my point of view it makes little differrence, my cousin betita, anyway, is also going to rip John off on the other half., if the lawyers don't. John h as been on kidney dialisis for threee years, his life expectancy is about two years at most. Three months ago I offered John my half for just 5,000 but received no reply. Betita already got John to sign a document that for care received she inherits his beautiful EL VALLE DE ANTON country house.

In other words Betita, ex legal secretary, is disinheriting me from what legally would be my inheritance from John, his el valle home. I am letting her do it, I will not interfere, not because she deserves the home, just simply to have her ass more accessible to my belt the day I come down those mountains to whip it! Once she got john to sign the house over, she went into his house which he had lent me for a few months and threw my botanical books out of a metal wall locker and shipped the locker back to her mother's home. Her brother with his vehicle was the accomplice. Needless to say her own mother forced her to return the wall locker and stove she was stealing from me with the pretext that it belong to John. Simply put once she got him to sign she said wow! everything in that house is now mine as John in dialisis cannot return to the mountains to live. My cousins in Chorrera in one moment or another have tried to obtain the deed to my mothers house with pretexes so they can claim the property after some accident happens to me.(they would insure that if they could locate my residence)

San Antonio is your home, you feel comfortable there, I am glad for you. Very rarely do I feel comfortable in Panama. Probably had I not met Marisol, I would be gone or on my way maybe to the Andes. Have your read " secret of the andes?" Its a hidden community where communism is a reality. Its so hidden no one that finds the place returns. In ecuador there is a m ountain community known as CUCHABAMBA. The average person there lives beyond 90, many above 100 years of age! Catch ya later Son, its good to have a mutually respectful conversation with you. Hope I can help financially in a couple of days, lets see what happens!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 03:09:33 +0000

Just spent about an hour writing you a long interesting letter on the topic of cheating and lying. Somehow pressed the wrong command and lost it all, who knows maybe you got it. Briefly speaking, it said lying is practically an instinct, no need make it a central point in your public philosophy as you will lose credibility. We all know that shit stinks but to dwell on it will associate us with it and people will shy away. Why put muck on your face when so many other people in this world are eager to do so for you? If what you have to say to the World cannot be put down in one or two pages getting the message accross will be very difficult. The best theory is the one that says the most with the least number of words. People will comprehend its all most self evident truths and propagate it easily. Possibly what you need is to revise the communist manifesto into a more realistic non violent form of government. Just help people to evolve faster to what should come naturally, its in everybody's interest to treat each other kindly and generously.


From: "joe mama"
Subject: hello frank
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 14:49:00 -0700

    frank, i am sure i have explained to you my idea in the past, but thanks to my head-injuries i cant be certain. so, ill tell you once more:

     what are some problems commonly encountered when one has a new idea and tries to get it out into the world? for one, you always run into the problem of not remembering the whole story(because everyone makes mistakes), thus not being as effective as you wish.
     secondly, IGNORANCE. people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways and are deathly afraid of change. they wont even listen to you.

     i have stumbled on a method that jumps both of those hurdles. ill run an FTP(file transfer protocol) server from my computer, enabling anyone on the internet(which means anyone in the world) access to my hard-drive on my computer. only the files and directories i want them to access, of course. on my hard drive ill have a directory with my text files and documents, that anyone can easily view through any web-browser.

     this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, finish them when they want to, but the complete story will be told.
     i have gotten in the great habit of setting goals and following through. i set daily-goals for myself from the moment i awake every morning. i have found it better not to plan too much though. impulsively play things by ear. just let things happen on their own. when you use the bus for transportation, your everyday options just explode. be sure to choose the right ones.

     well frank, on a lighter note, my friend carlos is pressuring me to get out of his garage already. hes blind to my contributions, just as chasity is. its a college frat-house and you can imagine the mess its always in. i have kept that house spotless since the day i arrived. i do the dishes daily, sometimes more than once.
     the other night they had a big barbecue, which i did not attend because i dont want to be more of a burden than i already am. you can imagine the mess when i returned from riding the bus that day. i went to sleep and woke up at about 7am, and started cleaning my ass off. before they even woke up, i had the complete kitchen clean. the dish rack was precariously overflowing with drying dishes, the floor was swept and mopped, the oven cleaned out, things dusted, counters wiped clean and all the trash taken outside. i did all this in about 1½ hour.
     both robert and carlos were impressed when they woke up, but they keep feeling like i owe them more. ingrates. i sleep in their garage, im gone most of the day, im going to buy some soap today for them, i clean their house, vaccuum their floor and keep everything straigtened up.
     i am so comfortable there, i even offered to, as soon as i got a job, that i would pay rent. now, the total rent for the house is $600, meaning they each pay $200. i told carlos, "hey, if you let me live in your garage, ill give you $150 for rent every month. the discounted price because i would be, after all, living in the garage, not a comfortable room inside. now if you want me to continute cleaning as i have been, let me pay only $100 a month. i doubt youll find a maid service as thorough as me for less than fifty dollars. $25 per week. also, i hope to get my computer back from chasity soon, meaning i would be downloading movies and games. the garage would become one big pirated movie theatre and all your friends could come watch new movies for free.

     if they dont agree to those terms, i will call my bluff and offer to pay the full $150/month(which is 600 split four ways.

     i finally obtained the research the bank did on my overdrawn account. it seems that, when i left town, i used my card for gasoline and other purchases, and assuming that if i ran out of money in my account, it would just deny the transaction, i accrued a $460 overdraft charge. stupid huh? i mean, if they extended the "courtesy" only once i can understand, but shouldnt the system know that my account is overdrawn and not give me any more money? i have banked at 3 other banks in san antonio, in my lifetime, and i have been screwed over by all of them, with some charge or bullshit. i thought i had finally found a bank i could trust. until they pulled this little stunt. money-hungry fools.
     well anyway, the account was a joint account with chasity and i. before i left, i let chasity borrow my computer, as well as hold my california-king bed at her apartment. so, crazy chasity is now holding my computer and bed hostage, until i take care of this issue at the bank, since its a joint account and she is also held respobsible. so, today im going to go to the bank and talk to the people there, and ask them if there is any possible way chasitys name can be taken off the account. we had tried in the past, when we broke up, but they told us that they couldnt just remove her from the account, that we had to officially close the account and open a new one. so, im going to go to the bank and explain them my situation. ill tell them that if i had access to my computer, that i could put it to work for me and repay any debts i have.
     if they remove chasity from the account, then i can go get my belongings back, per her agreement with me. therefore, those $500 will help me a great deal. having my computer will only expedite the beginning to a peaceful world.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 22:05:04 +0000

Dear Victor, I am working hard on the transaction, I am in Panama city now, just visited the Boticario pharmacy chain which sold 120 dollars, 12 Anti Arthritis oils in 15 days, rather poor performance given they consist of six outlets but there is potential, there was one export inquiry which remains pending. I am on my way now to Chorrera where this night, its about 5 p.m., I will meet both parties interested in buying my inheritance rights. Will let you know tomorrow what happens tonight!

Just received two emails prior to your last one, one bear your name "victor gruber." It has a prompt but I have not pressed it, is it yours or is someone messing with my account using your name. In each of your messages mention a key word that only you or I know such as your mothers home town so I know its you. Did you resend to me your lists of truths with number 27 being "funny is an attitude." Is that your statement? God bless you Son. Another email anounces your writeprotect address is almost full and offers some variances.



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