


Failure Franklin 5

From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: hello frank
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:51:36 -070

     frank, i hvae some great news. my friend carlos and robert were debating making me leave. they told me i had one more day. on the last day, i woke up early, as usual. i looked at my watch and it was 10 minutes to 36 of the hour, when the bus that goes out to my mothers passes by. before, i usually would walk through the neighborhood to get to the stop. it would take me like 5 minutes, but bob had told me he knew of a shortcut, walking through this ditch near their house.

so, i grabbed my walking-stick and headed down the field. it only took me like 5 minutes to get to the bus-stop. shortcut indeed. right when i walked to the stop, the bus arrived. i boarded it, bummed 15 cents for the next bus and we rode to the grocery store closer to my mothers. all the buses convene there at 50 of the hour, so i hopped off. we had arrived there around 45 of the hour and i had 5 minutes to kill. i stepped outside and lit up a cigarette. as i was smoking this kid stuck his head out of the door and asked me if he could bum a cigarette. i told him sure, offered him two and told them that they contained 100% pure tobacco, with absolutely no additives. he gladly accepted and i asked him if he "burned". he immediately understood what i meant and said hell yeah.

now my friend bob had just received $2000 from a van(that his girlfriends mom gave him)that he sold, so he was looking to score some weed to sell and make more. all over the country, there is a huge dry spell. no one has any and the prices have shot up.

i asked the kid, who turned out to be 16, who was there with a friend, "know where i could get an elbow(lb)? he said, "sure thing, my nigga has some." i was all, "badass, where are you dudes going now?" they told me they were going back to their house, which just happened to be close to bobs house. so, i rode with them to their neighborhood and walked to their house. i just chilled out, smoking cigarettes and they found a bowl's worth for me to smoke. they called their sources, but werent getting far.

i eventually grew tired and asked someone there for a ride to the main street. they agreed and i caught the bus to my moms. laura was still there, but i walked in anyway. she told me hello and i asked her if i could check my email real quick. she agreed and got off the computer.

so, i stayed at my mothers for a couple hours. i looked at my watch and found out that i had to wait a whole other hour for the next bus to come. i called my friend marie, who i had met through the internet and who believes in me, to come pick me up and take my to bobs house. before she arrived i called the 16 year old kids and they said they had the stuff. before i called marie, i had given them directions to my mothers and they said they would be there soon. a long time passed and it was getting closer to the time mom came home, so i wanted to leave. so thats why i called marie, because i couldnt trust a dope dealer kid i had met on the bus in the morning.

so marie finally got there to pick me up. coincidentally, when we were turning onto the main street, i saw my mom pulling up in her car. luckily, she didnt even see me. talk about perfect timing.

so we drove to bobs house and i called the kids. they told me the dude was there and to come get it. i asked them for the house number and street name and they told me, "hell, i dont know" and got mad and hung up. a few minutes later he called back and told us the street name and that he would be outside.

now bob has a chevy blazer that he wasnt using because he needed a new battery, which he coincidentally fixed earlier in the day. so bob had wheeles. we jumped in the blazer and headed off for the guys house, which was only 5 minutes away by car.

we drove down the street and saw all these kids hanging out outside. i recognized one and he came over and asked for the money. bob pulled it out and they dropped in a big chunk of weed wrapped in saran-wrap. bob was elated as we drove off. he had this shitfaced grin on his face all night. he commended me and said, "you just got yourself a couple more nights victor." i was happy.

this morning i woke up, looked around the house and set some projects. i had swept the kitchen, grabbed one of sponges i shoplifted a couple days ago, and got on my hands and knees and cleaned the linoleum floor of their kitchen. in the the years that they have lived in that house, i dont think they ever had a mop. thats how bad the mess was. so when everyone awoke they had a clean kitches to go eat in.

its just a win-win situation living here. i am taking advantage of their laziness and putting it to work for me. so now i have a stable homebase which will expedite the completion of some very important, long-running projects of mine. i now have the peace to work on trying to settle my debt with the bank and getting my computer back from chasity.

once i get my computer back, the garage will be a funhouse. ill also get my california-kingsize bed back from chasity, and ill put it in the garage(after i clean it of course). here, let me quote some lyrics from my favorite band, weezer. "In the garage, I feel safe. No one cares about my ways. In the garage where I belong, no one hears me sing this song."

frank, if your potions work like you say, the fastest way to make lots of money and get tons of publicity, is to drop the price. sell it dirt-cheap, so EVERYONE will buy it and see the truth for themselves. imagine all the publicity youll get. doing so will also help me. if you receive all this fame for your low-priced genius that works on everybody, it will only help me get rid of money faster.

ok, so back to the story. we drove back to the house and bob told carlos the good news. i reminded them to thank the bus for our luck, for if is wasnt for the way i get around, nothing would have happened.

so im sitting pretty here, time to make some changes fast!

- victor


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: hello frank
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:07:49 -0700

frank, i do not do drugs, i smoke marijuana. a drug,in my eyes needs to have human-intervention involved in its manufacture. marijuana does not, nor is it physically-addictive.

lets compare it to alcohol for a moment. alcohol is a real evil in my eyes. people do shit drunk they wouldnt do sober. it takes control of your mind and you stop being yourself, while you are drunk. marijuana, on the other hand, doesnt make you lose control. how many marijuana-related car wrecks do you hear about? how could alcohol be legal and weed not? it is a known fact that prohibition will never work. let me quote mark twain: "Prohibition only drives drunkeness behind closed doors and into dark places. It does not cure or diminish it AT ALL."

i think all drugs should be legal. not that i would do any drugs, if that were the case, but people should have the freedom to put whatever trash they want into their bodies. if theyre smart, they wont anyway.

i am very surprised that you, of all people, would be so anti-marijuana. coincidentally, i was 17 years old when i first tried marijuana also. my good friend carlos and i scored a sack and smoked at his mothers apartment. the first couple of times, it had no effect whatsoever, which is supposedely normal. you have to smoke it enough times to activate the receptors for it in your brain. so, i can surmise that you have never been enlightened by this natural-magic of ours. i suggest you try it a couple more times. it is never too late to become what you might have been.

just think, if all the leaders of the world met up and smoked a joint, no one would want to kill or torture anyone. marijuana will be a great contributing factor in brining world peace.

i plan to lead by example and show the world how anyone can get away with their bad habits if they just walk and drink water. if you take care of the body, it will take care of itself. everything in moderation, for even the natural stuff you can abuse.

please dont worry about me frank. i am a survivor. worrying is like paying interest on a debt you might never owe. thats what drove my mother crazy, along with the majority of people in this world. just let things fall into place all on their own. make life a really fun game.

case in point. today i had carlos drop me off at my old job and caught the bus to the library to go check my email. after spending an hour on the computer, i went outside to wait for the bus. i was hungry, so i thought i would go to the shipleys donuts on vance jackson/wurzbach, where i used to get credit on donuts.

when the bus finally arrived, i boarded it and noticed some guy wearing a hat that was very similar to my old hat, which i wore every day, all day. it was my old roommate, sam. i walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. sam looked up, smiled and asked me what was up.

after i got myself evicted, sam had gotten his own little efficiency on fredericksburg road. even though i had just checked my email, i asked sam if i could go over to his apartment and check my mail. sam has a cable-modem and i didnt have anything to do. he graciously accepted and we rode the bus to fredericksburg/vance jackson.

i asked him where his apartment was and he told me. luckily, he lived very close to this other donut shop where i made friends with the worker and she hooks me up with free donuts. so bam, food in my stomach and a cool palce to get on the computer.

sam doesnt have to work tomorrow, so he said i could spend the night if i wanted to. pretty sweet, again thanks to the bus(i had originally met sam riding the bus before).

so, its only 5pm and i might go back to bobs house, just so i can get a little more smokage, but i have a really cool place to go hang out at now.

ok frank, thats it for this chapter of my story, write me back please.

- victor


Subject: Re: hello frank
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 17:34:35 +0000

Victor, last night I held conversations with both the people who want to buy my inheritance rights. They both asked me for a little more time. This has been going on for one month now, however, I do believe there interest in buying is sincere so I have no other alternative than to wait and see what happens. I am as eager for this deal to come through as are yourself. Will keep you posted.

I have just written Laura a letter asking that they allow you back in the house for at least 30 days enough time for me to resolve the sales of my inheritance rights or for you to join the peace corps or any other appropriate option you may have. I feel that living in the streets(living in the house of insincere friends is almost that) can only bring you more unespected trouble. Make your peace with your sister and mom long enough to find a better and lasting solution to your residence problem. If they want to live in a mess don't criticize them, control your tongue. If you want to come to Panama on vacation your welcome in my house so long as we act as friends at minimum and respect each other. If you like Panama I will help you get established. With your birth certificate you can obtain your pass port. May cost 50 dollars for the application fe, I will help you there also once I obtain the money I am expecting. If you want to set up an internet cafe, I have a friend who can give me the credit on the used computers. He offerred about six months ago to set me up in business in a small rural community where I am now again planning to live. Think things over let me know. Who knows for you Panama maybe a breath of fresh air. Once you learn the survival tecniques surviving is probably easier here than there. I sense that what you really want is your TIME to think and express yourself towards the World. Panama has been known as the Crossroads of World Commerce, Heart of the Universe. For some mysterious reason it is here,only here, that God placed The Holy Ghost Orchid.(literally there is a white dove sculpture inside the orchid) Atheism is simply another man made religion. The first creative intelligent cause is NOT MAN MADE. In the beginning was the "Word" and the word was made flesh! The worst blindness a person can have is not to recognize his creator even if one does not follow man made religions. If God can make you he can also destroy you or allow you to be destroyed. He makes himself felt in our lives when we sincerely seek him.

Panama has a lot of beautiful beaches and tropical islands. If we manage to work together harmoniously you will find the "peace" to attempt to realize what you perceive as your life mission. My offer to receive you is principally now, that is during the next couple of weeks when I can dispose of the money to send for you. You may come any other time but work and life conditions may not be so easy. Every event has its precise moment in which its odds of success are optimum, instinctively we must learn to recognize it. My sending you the 500 dollars I would do happily, I know you need it. But in your shoes I would try to find a place that did not depend on the variable goodwill of "friends." They might again try to confiscate your belongings alledging you owe them something. So bear with me, the odds are about 90% the monies will come in during the next 10 days. Meanwhile try to improve relations with your mom and sister, regardless of th eir imperfections there is no place like home.

With regards to Panama I can say this much. With my bear hands and materials from the jungle I can easily daily produce several thousand dollars of high quality medicines. As my Son I can get you a permit for also making this artesan medicine or similar to mine. With working only 4 hours a day you will have more than sufficient for your daily needs. With me it has been differrent since I had to start from scratch. It is possible to register a formula and begin our own pharmaceutical business. You could head marketing, I production. Its something to think over. Not so much to entice you to come as your presence is an added load, at least at first but coordinating intelligently you can obtain an inheritance in knowledge and inventory of products to take care of you the rest of your life, and maybe help me and your mom, somewhat in old age. Right now its you against the system and the system will probably squash you. If its true that life outside the "good ole U.S.A. can be hard, it can also have its benefits, all depends on how one handles oneself in this environment. Example, my receiving 120 dollars yesterday from the best botanical pharmacy panama has proves that with more publicity the income will dramatically increase. What I need now is peace of mind to concentrate on internet marketing and throwing out thousands of fliers in Panama city. However, after 4 days in Panama and Chorrera I pick up so many negative vibs I have to leave for the mountains to replenish my positive energies. This is what slows me, not the potential, my own nature.

Yesterday saw the pelicans dying on the beach of Panama's most wealthy sector, Paitilla. I imagine that one hundred years from now we will be living in human excrement up to our knecks. Yes something has to be done about man's destruction of his and "theirs" habitat. First though I must solve the economic imperative in an environmentally safe way, give an example while at it, then with money and brains join the battle to save the world from our worst enemy, ourselves. Victor, Its a time for profound thought. Decide some medium or long term goals and improve the current situation to be able to realize those goals. Catch you later. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 20:37:42 +0000

One of the first precepts of survival is " love thy self." You buy a few days by finding "grass" for your friends. Son, these kinds of friends you cannot trust for very long, when they cannot use you any longer they simply put you on the street or feed you to the sharks. You are demonstrating the mentality of a 16 year old, sadly to say. I know now that any good advice will go in one ear and come out the other. Also, that the money I send you may likely be used to buy and sell grass. In your current situation, which you like, your headed for big trouble and there really isnt much you or I can do about it. You are going to do as you damn well please and unfortunately pay the price. Its simply a matter of time. Son, you are on the wrong track and time is ticking away. I can only help you if you want to help yourself. Leave your friends house, go back home, be patient until you are able to get out of the San Antonio environment into another area where you yourself do not seek out drugs. It will take a hurquilian effort for you to overcome yourself. After I send you the money do not look my way until you leave bad company and drugs. I LOVE you SON but I cannot fill my life with anxiety communicating with an offspring who really can't save himself, much less then do something worthy for the World. I too tried pot when a 17 year old. Thank God, I quuickly left that dead end street behind. I may have no significant sums of money but I do have the personal satisfaction of having healed thousands of sick people. I sincerely regret assuming that in the U.S. you would be better off than in Panama or Puerto Rico. Regardless thanks for being sincere with me.

With regards to lowering the price, its possible only as volume builds. The problem with lowering prices is that you can never raise them again, people will not buy. If we could only get 100 people to buy daily one bottle of the medicine sales would be 1000 dollars yearly sales 365 thousand dollars, if you made a 20% commission with orders that came from your marketing you would be looking at 72,000 dollars a year. We need a way to verify which sales come thrugh you. The best deal is to get your money from giving the boticario pharmacy address but you could make 20% additional if there where a way to tell which orders came through you. However, at this time, I do not think you have the maturity to handle that kind of money. Likely it would also get you into trouble. Please, develop the mentality of success with anything other than drugs! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 23:39:37 +0000

Hello Victor, good hearing from you again. To be more exact, I tried marijuana twice, the first time it did hit me, me and my best friend Gustavo Kelling went into laughing histeria until we drew the attention of the panamanian police and spent a few hours in jail, fortunately we did not carry any of the stuff so they handed us over to the U.S. police in the Canal Zone which prompltly let us go. Later in nebraska I discovered the plant growing wild so I dried some and did it again. I know what its like and fortunately I have not become a habitual user. It does nothing special for me, I do not need it nor coffee nor cigarrettes, nor any other dependence causing drug. I do not require an "altered" state of mind to be happy. The body is the temple of God, its best to try to keep it as clean as possible so he me have a clear channel of communication when we scream for help. Bad habits plus bad company iguals bad destiny events. Since we are what we eat, think and the reflection of our environment, the cleaner our food, thoughts and deeds the better our physical,mental, spiritual health we shall have.

I am glad that you are a surviver, you still need to learn more about the other herbs that eliminate pain from your fractured bones. I am willig to give you a crash three months course on Panama's medicinal herbs. It will help you with you health and help you help others plus enable you to make a living whenever in a pinch. Everybody admires a healer.

In 1988 I had a severe physical and nervous breakdown. Unfortunately I allowed my aunt Lily to take me to a siquiatrist who put me on some pills that had me walking arround like a tin soldier. Had I continued taking the medication I would probably be adicted to drugs as m y brother John has been with lithium carbonate which wore out his kidneys and now they are both on dialisis and he has one or two more years of life expectancy. At one time John, a bipolar so called squisofrenic patient ran out of medication in El Valle. I put him on a traditional tranquilizer from a little know vine called "bejuco valeriana." All his mental symptons disappeared, for two weeks for the first time in 30 years John lived a normal life, he felt great. But he was addicted psychologically to his doctors so he went back to an appointment and they hooked him again on lithium carbonate. Last year I had an anger fit that boiled in my head for three days, went for a walk and was drawn to a plant with a nice balsamic smell. It was God sent, eat a leaf and in a few minutes the burning anger disappeared completely.

Whenever I feel pissed off with humanity I go to a secluded area surronded by vegetation and drink the water of the spring until its forced out my ass with all the shit and accumulated intoxication. Sun bath for a couple hours. This therapy recharges me and I am good for months. I do not worry about parasite, I have nutritious fruits and herbs which eliminates worms and amebas etc. I am writig you from Chitre 4 hours away from Chorrera. Am still waiting for my cellular to right with the news that one of m y clients has the money for purchasing my part of inheritance rights. Will be sending you to your mothers address a little box with 10 little bottles with anti arthritis oil. Rub it on areas with pain before bedtime and massae the area for 5 or ten minutes, the same after the showe in the morning. Be writing you again in about three days. Before closing this letter I want to ask you if you can live without marijuana, would it kill you to be without it? You sound like an evagelist of atheism and drugs. Why be an evangelist or promotor of that stuff, why not let everybody make up their own minds. You may not realize it but if a man does not tend to revolve arround his sincere woman(scarce I know) he tends to revolve arround friends most of which are insincere. Remember, bad habits plus bad company iguals bad destiny. We can chose to change and improve our lives. Son I hope it isn{t too late to give you this advice. I would rather we discuss all these things here on internet than waste our time later on if you come to Panama since there are many more interesting activities that would profit us more. The Santeña women love american types, you will love the gals in this area. Frank


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: hello frank
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 16:17:07 -0500

hello frank, just like you said, my "friends" are getting an attitude with me being there. they dont realize that the minute i left their house would get trashed again, and they would miss me. today, they gave me an ultimatum. they told me that i had the weekend to find a job or i was out.

now, the other day, i noticed there was a computer shop close by as i was riding the bus so im goint to apply there monday. im sure i can impress them. i have learned now not to mention my head-injuries to future employers because theyre ignorant and will never give me a job. so, i figure i have to do some acting and pretend to be "normal".

if i find employment, my friends are willing to let me stay, but im not very comfortable there. also the other day, i was riding the bus and i saw my old roommate sam. sam lived with me for a month before i got evicted from my apartment. i learned so much from sam. he was part asian, a vegetarian and he loved to cook. sams smart like me, uses a walking stick like me and is thrifty like me.

so today, i woke up hungry so i rode the bus to this donut shop that gives me free donuts, whatever i want. i ate and walked over to sams apartment, to see if he was there. no one was home so i got the impulse to go check my email at the library. so here i am checking my email. ok let me respond to some of the things you said:

frank, of course i can live without marijuana. marijuana cannot become physically addictive to anyone. i have willingly gone months without smoking, with absolutely no withdrawl. it may however become psychologically addictive, if one does not have the will-power and stamina to control it. like ive said before, it grows out the ground, why would anything totally natural be so harmful? everything in moderation frank. the body is a marvel of science. if everyone was walking, instead of driving to get around, everything would be just dandy. i guess you can call it a cure-all. i mean, do you think people wouldnt lose weight from walking? being overweight and unhealthy is one of the leading causes of depression and suicides.

people wouldnt have to waste their lives(and our world) away working for their death-machines. im sure anyone can think of something better to do with all that cash. i plan to make some great suggestions to the bus company here. eventually, ill have the buses running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. a bus will pass by anywhere in town where there is a residence. theyll come about 10-15 minutes apart, so that if you miss one, there wont be a long wait for another.

people will then see the benefits of eliminating cars. it will show them to save money and that it isnt so important.

now, the only vehicles allowed on the road would be public vehicles like firemen and police. just think of all the lives that will be saved. ambulances would never have to wait in traffic. also, think how fast and efficient the bus system would be with a total lack of traffic-congestion. walking and riding the bus will do the whole world good. frank, thats exactly what im trying to do, LET EVERYONE MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS. if people want to put harmful chemicals in their bodies, why wouldnt they have the right to? who are you to judge if what someone is doing is harmful to them? there is too much diversity in this world where nothing is universal. what applies to you doesnt necesarilly apply to everyone. we must learn to accept the difference on this planet. we have to stop trying to make everyone the same. it will never work, ever. everyone needs to mind their own damn business, especially governments.


Re: Back to Eden

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Back to Eden

Date :
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 22:22:37 +0000

Victor, Have you located the text "back to eden" by Jesthro Kloss in your local library? Given your nature I think you would really enjoy reading this book. Inorder to be able to read it I had to photo copy the two volumes. I have a nice library of such books and more. Today I was reading a book about Edgar Cayce on intuition, how to increase it to avoid accidents and be at the right place at the right time. I see the difficulty you have finding jobs in San Antonio and you grew up there. I had a really difficult time finding jobs there myself. Mostly parttime for a few weeks, the most I worked there was 3 months. I knew I was like a fish out of water in that part of the U.S. Had your mom and I stayed in Tallahassee and Florida we would have been successful, we even had a roof of our own, a used trailer in excellent condition, furnished. My mistake was following her to Puerto Rico, should have held fast and asked her to return to Tallahassee.

Its time to talk some confidential matters. Your sister confided that you have a mental diagnosis of " esquisofrenia bipolar." I am a sort of phychiatrist myself( had I not separated from my Panamanian side of the family they would prefer to have me in a nut ward). I know what that disease is like, your uncle John has it and I have known others that have it, however, even with the mental hangups you have(trying to change the world like I am) I do not see anything close to "esquisofrenia bipolar." What do you think about the matter? Who knows, maybe no one has told you about such a diagnosis? At times almost all human beings have some symptoms of "madness." There is a saying in spanish, " de loco, sabio y poeta todos tenemos un poco." Victor, I agree with all your crazy objectives...the car congestion and pollution problem, the anarquistic idea of liberty to do with our lives as we please so long as we do not harm others, etc The problem is no so much that I do not agree, more so its that the means to the changes are differrent. By dreaming about the solutions and meanwhile taking it as easy as possible smoking pot, granted the house keeping, does not solve the problem nor just planting the solution ideas in internet. I have learned the hard way that if I die tomorrow it isnt going to make much differrent in this world. I realized that to change the World I first have to make myself as clean and acceptable as possible and next to make all the millions possible(I am not materialistic by nature) to then go on a brilliant, long term crusade ready to fight the special interest groups without getting my ass beat. The only doubt I have is not about me, its about whether the people I know generally in the World deserve for me to wear myself out for them. There where ten suffers of leprosy which Jesus cured in an instant only ONE came back to say thanks. Given that the World is so ungrateful its best to concentrate on taking care of number ONE for the time being. Being a "survivor" means you can with appropriate resources come back and fight the battle many times. Please for the time being keep the diagnosis to ourselves, Laura was only trying to explain the problems I would confront with you if I invited you to come and live with me in Panama, that is with your privacy, in a house nearby, although in the first weeks you can live with us. I say this because living with me implies your making changes in your personal life, and I cannot impose that on you, your a grown man now. All I can do is try to be your best friend and if possible obtain your recognition of me as your father. For example if you are going to continue to dope yourself up with marijuana, that is your decision. However, I do not want that happening in my house. Enough for the community to find out(small towns) and my own reputation to be affected. "Honest people" live off their reputation, the "image" people form of ourselves. If I have a bad image it affects me in my wallet. Besides in Panama there is little distinction between a smoker and distributor of drugs, they go to jail and the list for trials is so long some times a year or two go by without a court hearing or trial. I am not saying this so you may respond "f..k" Panama simply to let you know that should you decide and live with me or near me for a few months or many years that one can become very happy living here insofar as getting the economic pressure off your shoulder. Now I know this sounds contradictory to everything I have told you. Making a living here is very difficult, however, with half a days work teaching english or computer use or selling my medicine you would have enough to pay your rent and food. With about 50 dollars one puts an add in the radio that is heard all month long with your cellular phone number. Your clients respond. Bus transportation is cheap. For a person used to hustling to survive you would not have much problem. Also, if the deal I am working on to sell my half of the inheritance is realized, I could facilitate you a piece of land to call your own, about one thousand square meter and I could help you little by little to build your own home. Since your are an explorer by nature, you may not like one place or another to settle down. I am an explorer as well and busied myself explorng so much I thought the mountains where mine, its only now that I decide to find a place in Panama to call my own. In other words, do not make the same mistake I made of waiting too long in life to find that place. Now, we are still talking suppositions that I will be able to close the deal to give you and myself a helping hand. Panama is more appropriate in many was for " gente fuera de serie." "No es malo ser pobre, es malo no saber ser pobre." Next week I am moving to that region where I expect to buy some land. Want to be in the area should the deal I am working on come through. The main thing to keep in mind because I am occationally communicating with Laura is not animosity among brothers and sisters or myself. I understand that Laura does LOVE YOU as I am sure your mother DOES ALSO. However, that does not mean that they understand you sufficiently to live with you or near you! Should the time come that you want to "bail out of San Antonio" on vacation or otherwise, if I cannot pay your way because of lack of funds should the deal not come through, but your mother is willing to send you this way, I promiss you that while I live and am able to work you will have a place to eat and a roof over your head, provided of course, there is sufficient mutual respect in spite of our diversity as human beings. By this I am not saying hey Son rush here, by all means not, what I am saying is that regardless of how and when you come, my doors are open for you. I have an "intuitive feeling" that it will take about 3 months for me to stabalize my income enough to receive you and help you sufficiently for you to be able to make it on your own here. This considering that Marisol is pregnant again and have additional expenses. Nevertheless if you arrive tomorrow, " donde comen 4, comen 5. (I have a black stepson of 12 years of age) Helps a lot arround the house, never says no when his assistance is requested, but we do not abuse. I asked Marisol how she would feel if you volunteered to wash the dishes? She said that it would not be necessary, she does not mind doing dishes. She washes our clothing by hand, for a little body, she must weight about 110 and about 5 feet tall, she is quite a worker. When I meet this incredible SANTEÑA (from the province of Tuny) which I came to this province to find, she was working from 6 a.m. to 8.p.m. 7 days a week just to make three dollars and thirty three cents a day! She was managing what is called here "una fonda" which means mini restaurant. After 2 months of leaving her at her door she finally invited me in. Wow, not even a chair or table in sight. She and her 3 black boys(she white as snow) eat their food on the floor! Yet, she never complained just kept on working. However, to look at her you would think it was Thinderela waiting for her prince. I figured if this young woman,now 40, works only half of what she is doing while living with me, with her as back up we will go a long ways. I always wanted a woman who would stick by me in hard times. If that is what you need also Son, don´t be bashful to say it. The men in Los Santos are mostly cowboys and treat their cows better than their women. This is a place to find good beautiful hard working women and take them some place else.

Hey Vic, I am glad you are not "nuts" like me, but if you are, welcome to my "funny farm" (country), here we enjoy being ourselves! Panamanians are basically "lazy people" and if they can make it here, you possibly with time can make your own fortune. The important thing though is to be realistic as well as idealistic as panama is also a very dangerous place, a new challenge for survivors! But, "SON" we can work it out. Laura and Ada if you come to Panama would be expecting to hear that you want out of here, that we cannot live together or near each other, that we are both "failures." SON, there are some advantages of working in "virgin territory." Your education and expertise is badly needed here, whereas in the states, a developed, country computerwizards are all over the place. Lets keep our cool, move forward catiously but with sure footing. Have you heard the saying: " If you hear a man marching to a differrent tune, leave him alone, perhaps he hears a differrent drummer." God Bless You. Thanks for your letters, your dad, Franklin.


From: "joe mama"
Subject: cha-ching :]
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 16:10:14 -0800

wow, aint technology grand? i just took a nature-hike down to the grocery store because i missed the bus. it was worth the trek because now i have $200 in my wallet. tomorow, i will go to the national army surplus stores and buy some supplies. soon, i'm going to walk up to austin. i'm going to give out my email address and fly my sign. austin is about 60-70 miles north. it should take me about 3 or 4 days. i won't be hitch-hiking. i'm hoping someone will just see me walking and be generous again. if not, i'll have my destination. patience is virtue.

thanks again frank, i feel like someone believes in me.

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: On channelling your higher self

Date :
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 15:14:58 +0000

Victor, glad you received the 200! God willing arround the 18th of april will send you the other 300. Had I known about western union 23 years ago you would have received financial assistance from me every time it was feasible. Our communication was cut off because the money transfer system was not reliable. Life has many obvious things people never see that are vital to our survival. That life has its source is one of those things. Life can only come from life. That there be an ultimate standard of truth is vital to our wellbeing. By having God's love I believe in you.

Have you ever stopped to think, what impels certain people in certain obsessive behavior? Part of genius can be obsessive perserverant behavior from a positive or negative extrasensory, telepathic source or channel.

It often happens that after the mind has been weakened by blows, drugs, malnutrition, abuse, etc... a person is more receptive to subblimal orders or commands. In this way many people receive their missions and causes them to even go against their own best interests. However, inspite of the imperative to "channel" ideas into action one can use the force of will power to cause the mind to balance or establish equilibrium. One can only have lasting happiness when one feels equilibrium established in his life: harmony. The compelling obsessive behavior can well have its long term benefit but wear the channel completely out to the point that the thought manipulator has to change channels. The spiritual entities, disembodied souls, use the force of their minds to try to control humans into continuing their own missions. A free mind is one that establishes its own priorities for its own best interest keeping in mind the oversoul of God which also wants us to share, for sharing good luck or fortune is the best way to harvest more of it in the future. There are differrent ways the negative power locks you in, beware of it!

Many great people where simply good channels (Simon Bolivar)but the truly great made loving humble contact with the divinity. The more eccentric a person's mind the less posible to interact with the divinity. Actually we all become sooner or later channels for good or evil, or ping pong back and forth believing we are the source of "our independent thought." The danger comes in when we become complacent with the negative power as the affinity with it develops. Many people who love cats are really just dominated by the cats magnetism.

O.k. so much for these thoughts, hope that they become of some value to you!

Someone said, independent will power is merely an illusion. However, believing in the illusion of free will to do good does make a difference especially when "inspired" from a truly positive source.

Often the negative power will send a protector to one who has a God given mission. What that person wants is to steal, take advantage of your success! If you have God with you on your side you do not need anyone to protect you that does not have affinity with the Supreme Lord. Remember these comments, they will be useful to you 20 years from now!


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