


Failure Franklin 6

From: "victor gruber"
Subject: hehe, yet another chapter..
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 01:50:57 -0500

let me tell you about today, it was bitter-sweet. since diana is here now, i dont have a room and a bed, so i sleep on the pull-out bed in the sofa in the living room. i woke up and planned my day. i grabbed my pocket-calender and jotted down some goals. i waited until like noon to leave. diana was the only one home and was busy on the computer. i asked her if she had any spare change i could have for bus fare, but she didnt have any. before at home, i saw a screen name in the san antonio chat room titled "Now Hiring Reps". i checked the profile and it was some new company in town, who just happened to be in the same office complex as my old lawyer, who is partners with my ex-stepdad, my brother luisitos dad. so i jotted down the suite number, thinking i might be able to work there. i was gonna kill two birds with one stone. go get some legal counsel about some issues, and possibly find work.

anyway, so im at home. its a ten-minute walk to the nearest bus stop and it was getting close to the time when i would have to go. i was searching all over the house for change, but no avail. finally, i just decided to go and try and catch the bus and see if they would let me ride for free. so i grabbed my walking stick and headed out. when the bus finally came, i noticed i had 50 cents in my pocket. i boarded the bus and recognized the driver, this nice lady i had told my ideas to before. i told her i only had 50 cents and she said not to worry about it. she even gave me a tranfer. it had been raining all morning, so she was running late. she was cutting it close to get to where all the buses meet every hour. she hurried as fast as she could and when she got to the transfer point, i saw the bus that i was supposed to catch departing. she sped up and caught up to him at the sotp light, opened the door for me and i ran out and switched buses. lucky me.

so i rode the bus, got off and walked to my "friends" carlos and bobs house, which was very close to a stop. they were both home and i stepped inside. i asked to borrow the phone and called the bus company to see when the next bus was coming. i found out i was going to have to wait a whole hour to catch the bus that was most convenient to their house. i quickly thought of another route and asked the operator to tell me some times. carlos overheard me questioning the operator and offered me a ride to the university hospital transfer center.

so i rode with carlos to the hospital. i hadnt eaten anything so i decided id walk through the transfer center into the hospital and go up on the 6th floor, where i had been a patient back in 2000. back when i was hospitalized, i had gotten hooked on those liquid nutrition drinks, boost. for the past 2 years, whenever i got really hungry, id go up to the 6th floor, say hi to people, and sneak into the nourishment room and snag some boosts. theyre great. boosts are just one quick 250 calorie meal. drink one and youre not hungry anymore.

when i went back downstairs and walked to the buses, the 92 pulled up. now the 92 goes down fredericksburg and runs every 20 minutes, so theres always one waiting. i jumped on the 92, used my transfer, bummed 15 cents off of someone and got another transfer. i rode the 92 to the crossroads mall transfer center, which was about a 10 minute walk to my old lawyer, the one who represented me in both my head injuries. i had planned to seek some legal counsel about filing bankruptcy.

maybe thats all i have to do to get my belongings back from the uhaul people. i figure i dont have anything to lose. so i wont be able to write a check for 7 years. i dont care. i dont use checks anyway. i dont give a damn about my credit either. i would deal with strictly cash from then on. id invest in a safe and have it in a safe place. banks are only in it for the money, everyone ive banked with has screwed me over with some bullshit charge or something.

so i show up at my old attorneys office. luisitos dad wasnt there, so i asked oscar, my old lawyer if i could make an appointment to talk to him about some questions i had. he didnt seem to happy that i was there and told me to talk to his secretary. she made me an appointment for next tuesday.

i dont like oscar too much. the only reason he was my lawyer was because he was my ex-stepdads partner. my settlement for my second injury was only $9,500 or so. he got that exact amount to keep for himself, and he didnt go through any head-injury. for some reason, his partner luis doesnt wear the pants in that office, so i couldnt rely to talk to him, even though id prefer to.

so anyway, i got my appointment, forgot all about the job place, and headed back to crossroads mall. when i got to the lobby of the transfer center, i sat down and began to roll a cigarette. as i was rolling it, i overheard some survery-taker asking this lady behind me questions about the transportation system in san antonio. i got up and excused myself for interrupting, but told the lady that i would be greatly interested in answering questions about the bus, and that i would be more than happy to after i smoked my cigarette. i went outside and smoked it. when i finished it, i was approached by some dude, who also worked as a survey-taker. i answered all of his questions and when he was done, i asked him to listen to me. i told him all my ideas about how im going to get the bus company loads of publicity and how i planned to eliminate money. he, of course, doubted me. he then pulled out a dollar bill and gave it to me, thanking me for taking the survey. cool, i had some bus fare, in case i needed it now.

i looked at my to-do list, waited for about 10 minutes and caught the looper bus to basse/san pedro, where the main office of U-Haul is. now before i left for the west coast in the U-Haul, i had caused a little damage at these apartments, while i was helping a lady with a mattress she had just bought at the thrift store. while i was driving through her complex, i ran the U-Haul into the parking lot covering. i brought it down completely, punching a big hole in the front of the U-Haul(which later served as ventilation when i slept in it). i backed up, delivered the mattress and headed towards the front. while i was nearing the front, this lady jumped out in front of the U-Haul screaming, "we saw what you did! stop!" i told her i planned to stop and take responsibility for the damage all along.

anyway, a police officer was called and gave me a ticket for no insurance on the U-Haul. now, when you rent a U-Haul, theyre supposed to MAKE YOU get insurance before being allowed to leave in it. when i had rented it, they just gave me the keys and took my money. later, while i was in jail, U-Haul contacted my mother and told her that everything was ok and that the damage had been paid for, by U-Haul. im assuming U-Haul realized it was their mistake for letting me take the truck with no insurance and assumed the liability. so basically, i was thrown in jail for a matter that had already been resolved.

after that, i had taken off west, so i wasnt around to deal with that ticket. so basically, when i returned to san antonio, i got arrested on a warrant they put out for that ticket. i served a weekend in jail and was released with a $400 fine. i had already got a month extension and the other day i got an additional month. now im thinking, if i can obtain some paperwork from U-Haul that shows that they took responsibility for the damage i caused, that i should be able to get that fine dismissed.

so i caught the looper to north star mall, and transferred to the #4, which goes down san pedro. i got off on basse and walked into the U-Haul office. i walked in and asked to speak to the manager. the manager came out and asked me what about. i told him i was the dude that took off with the U-Haul and if i could inspect my stuff being held in storage. he told me that the person running the storage wasnt there at the moment, and that i would have to ask him.

i then asked him if he could research the incident with the apartments i had damaged. he said i would have to go to the location where i had rented the U-Haul, and that they would have the paperwork. ill do that tomorrow.

i had written down a list of questions to ask before i had gotten there. i asked him if there was any way i could pay him some money, just to get back a little of my stuff. i want to get my keychain, which has a swiss army knife keychain, and has saved my ass a million times. i also want my german turnbeutel i ordered off the internet. its one of those really light bags intended for soccer-shoes, but i kept my whole life in there. i had my cd player, cd's, pens and pencils, a tape measure, toothbrush/paste and a million other things i used all the time to help me survive in our urban jungle.

he again told me i would have to talk to the storage guy, al. i was gonna ask him if he would let me inspect my belonging to make sure everything was still there, but i knew the answer already. i had to talk to al tomorrow.

i looked at my list of things to do, what now? ahh yes, the peace corps was meeting at the whole earth provisions store at the quarry shopping center. the address was 225 east basse. i walked outside and saw that i was at the 900 block of basse, so off i went. it was only like 4 and the peace corps wasnt meeting until 6, so i had time to kill walking. i walked up to 281. the traffic was killer, it was like 4:30. so, i stood there waiting and thinking. when i got the chance, i just shot for the gap and ran in front of the speeding cars to make it across the highway.

i was hungry by then, so i walked to the quarry and went into EZ's Hamburgers, a favorite of mine and chasitys. i told the girl my situation and how i was a big walker and asked her to "donate some gasoline" for my stomach. she told me to hold on and went and got her manager. as soon as he heard my schpeel, he quickly agreed and made me a big juicy hamburger. yummy fuel.

now the quarry market is a pretty big place and i was sure i can find things to pass the time with. i went to the bookstore there and picked up the guiness book of world records 2002 edition and sat down and starting flipping through it. that book just reinforces the fact that anything is possible. things never thought possible had been done. it passed the time great.

6 o clock came around and i went to the meeting. to start the peace corps meeting, the recruiter, megan burkholder, popped in a video for everyone to watch. i pulled her aside and threw all my ideas on her. i only thinks its fair that i make the peace corps aware of my plan for world peace, no? she had a huge smile across her face while she listened, but as soon as the video was over she stopped listening and started talking to everyone. she spoke for about 30 minutes and when she was done, i raised my hand and asked if i could speak to the group also. she agreed and told people that if they were interested, they could talk to her while i spoke.

so i went off on my new audience. just shoving my ideas in their face. most, of course, assumed i was crazy and i could feel it in the air. but, like ive said before, im trying to make people think im crazy because it will only make my victory so much better. i gave out my email address to a few people. i asked this one older gentleman if he minded taking my email address. he shook his head and responded, "no, im not interested." i told him, "its not like im trying to sell you anything." he turned around and walked away.

ahh, so it close to 9 then. i had had a very productive day and got almost everything crossed off my life, except that one job. at the peace corps place, i had used the phone to call and see when the next bus was. they told me that the route that passed by the quarry, the 505, had stopped running for the day. so i asked them what was the shortest walk to a bus-stop that would take me to medical center. i was thinking id be able to crash at carlos' house and ride the bus home in the morning, little did i know. i decided to just walk like 2 or 3 miles to north star, and catch a bus there to medical center.

i was like ¼ there, when all of a sudden, my friend jennifer drives up with her boyfriend. she had been traveling in the opposite direction and noticed it was me. so she turned around and offered me a ride. she was nice enough to take me all the way to north star mall, where i waited only 10 minutes to catch the bus that went to medical center.

now, my exgirlfriend chasity lives in medical center. i looked at a bus schedule and saw that i had time to stop by and visit my poor doggy stuart. so i got off in front of her apartments and walked to her unit, in the back of the complex. i knocked on her door and she answered, "who is it?" i told her it was me and she cracked the door. i asked her if i could please come in to see my dog and she hesitantly agreed. boy, stuart was sooo happy to see me. he was jumping up and down. i miss him so much. i was down on the floor with him frolicking and i kneeled over and gave chasity a great big hug too. at first, she was indifferent, but she soon put her arm on me and starting rubbing my back. i know she misses me too, but shes too ignorant to admit it.

just the other night chasity told me she was going to take stuart with her when she moved to florida to live with her dad, in january. that just gives me another goal i have to set. im gonna get my son back. im gonna get all my shit back, just you watch.

anyway, chasity thinks im crazy so i could tell she was uncomfortable with me being in her apartment. the truth of the matter is, it was my craziness that she fell in love with, and now that the best thing to ever happen to her doesnt want her anymore, shes in some serious denial. now shes holding all my shit ransom, for no good reason. what a bitch eh? well, i will have my day and i plan to ruin here on my ftp site. ill ruin her with the truth. ill let the world know how shes a kleptomaniac and that she steals everything. she prides herself in never have been caught. ill catch the bitch.

i asked her if i could borrow her phone and she said, "i guess." i called my friend carlos and explained to him my situation. he had the nerve to tell me i couldnt crash at his house. i then asked chasity if i could stay there, that i would sleep in the front room and not on the bed(which belongs to me!). she told me no right away and told me to call my mom.

i called my mom and told her about my day, and how i went to chasitys to visit my dog. my mom starting moaning and complaining and i told her i could always walk home(like 5 or 6 miles) if she wanted me to.

its only fair that i lay guilt trips on my mom, thats what she brought us up on. her lazy ass said, "ok then, im really tired." i really wasnt surprised at all, and i was ready to actually walk home.

stuart had heard chasity and i arguing and he went and hid under the bed, like he always has. chasity wanted me to leave already but i had to say goodbye to my son. i climbed under my bed and pet stuart on the nose, telling him i was gonna miss him. i got up and got ready to go, then the phone rang. chasity answered it and i knew it was my mom. ha, guilt trip worked.

as soon as chasity was done talking to her she handed me the phone. the minute i got on, my mom started lecturing me about how i could have planned the night better. how dare she insult my intelligence like that? like i dont know how i couldve done things differently? she told me, "i cant pick you up." and i told her, "then why did you even call back?" she got infuriated and said, "well, i was going to come get you, but since you have that attitude, walk then!" i told her, "fine, i will, i dont need you." and quickly hung up on her.

so i walked out of chasitys apartment. as i was walking around her place, she went out on the patio and shouts, "dont ever come back here!" i called her a dumb bitch and kept walking.

i was hungry again, so i walked up the sonic and gave one of the carhops my line. she told me to wait and went inside. soon aftewards, the manager came out and talked to me. he went, "sorry, man, my boss is here." i told him thanks anyway and kept walking.

i got to thinking, it was about 10pm and i sure was hungry. i decided i would walk like 5 minutes and go to the jims restaurant, and try my luck there. i went in and tried, and the manager agreed to give me a tortilla soup. yum yum it sure was good. the time was around 10:25 and i just remembered the night shift was about to end at the telemarketing place where i used to work, which was right across the street from jims. i thought, "hey, ill go ask for a ride home from someone, hopefully ill see this guy mike i know that lives near my moms."

i walked up to the front of the place..and sure enough, there was mike walking to his truck. he quickly agreed to take me home. shweet, so i got free food and a ride. man i must be doing something right, shit like this happens every single day, only because i plan nothing. i just let things happen and always look on the brighter side.

so, im gonna email the peace corps. im a bit wary about letting them know now. the peace corps is funded by george w. bush, and converting republicans to perfect communism is going to be a very hard task. i may even be assasinated, so i should be very careful. the cool thing is, that even if i am assasinated, i will die a martyr and enough people know about my ideas, that my goals will be accomplished with or without me. maybe i wont email the peace corps, and just do it without them.

like i always say, no one can stop me, they can only get in my way.

well that about sums it up for tonight frank, ill talk to you later - victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hehe, yet another chapter..

Date :
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 05:56:13 +0000

Hi Victor, just read your long long letter, thanks for letting me know how your day went! I am back in chorrera again working on the pending transaction. I have one of my potential clients still on the hook so lets keep "praying."

A few letters back you mentioned that your where back home and so was going to "milk" your mother. Expressing it that way is disrespectful Son. You may not get along with your mom but please recognize all the difficulty she has gone through alone to raise you. She does deserve respect even if she does not understand your ideas. Its time to mature. I say this only because I care! Only a fool insults the hand that feeds him. Please stop being foolish. You enjoy doing the opposite thing, here is a genuine opportunity and it would get you a lot more than you are getting now! Why not surprise your mom with a week of loving positive attitude? Why insist in making your own mom detest you? Why are you punishing her, she is the only person in the World there that really does care about you and your killing that care little by little. Of course Diana and Laura must also care and love you, so Laura has indicated to me.

By the way, made the rent downpayment yesterday on the home next to the river. The lady renting the house asked for 100 dollars monthly rent, but I brought her down to 50 the first month, 60 the second and afterwards 70 dollars monthly, has a modern bathroom facility kitchen, livingroom, two bedrooms, sinc roof, cracked floors but we can live with that. The river is not very big but ideal for canoeing. In some spots there are giant bolders where one can "sunbath." One can fish and catch crawfish. The edge is lined with trees. I love to place my hammock in the shade of the trees next to the river and read a good book or just take a snooze. The edge of the river also provides a lot of tranquility listening to the river. I like to explore up river in sneakers, always interested in learning whats arround the curve. Hope to buy a portable satelite connected computer so in the peace of nature I can be connected to the World. To eat, well just walk out of the river environment to the house which is next to it. Plan to build a thatched roof bohio in the yard, if possible buy the little place and a couple of acres near by to grow medicinal plants. There are some nice trials leading up into the mountains. Meet some interesting girls in the environment and told them about my 24 year old Son that he may be coming to Panama to visit me and I wanted to give him a welcome home party! So think it over Victor, if the transaction come through I will send you the ticket. You need to show your puerto rican birthcertificate to get your U.S. passport. Also bring that certificate with you as I have a really good lawyer acquaintance who can process your claim to Panamanian citizenship. Then you would be a dual citizen like myself! If you ever get tired of the system in the states you will have another place to call home. Here, however, its not easy being a "taker." 99% of the local population already are takers. Since you will look somewhat foreigner and unusual at 6 feet 6 inches, everyone will be trying to hit you up for a quarter, dollar a cigarette or try to set you up to rob you, but well, overcoming those nuicences is just part of surviving in a latin american country, where people are experts at taking foreigners to the cleaners. Also you will not have problems getting girlfriends, they are a "time" a dozen. Yet, quality is what counts. Plenty of aids in the environment so you need to take some precautions.

I am planning to organize " SOCIEDAD DE BOTANICOS CRISTIANOS" to keep alive Panama Folk medicine and pass it on from generation to generation. I say sociedad the botanicos cristianos because its necessary to distinguish it from the witches or brujos who also use medicinal plants. In one of my favorite mountain communities there is a small baptist church which gave me a horoes welcome last week for saving a man from a poisonous spider bite in my previous visit. I have decided to join this small church because the way the world is right now one would have to be crazy to not seek out support groups. To be isolated is the worst thing one can do now days. For many years I was a loner, it really was not good for my mental health and had only my mother to count on in emergencies. In the jungle environment support groups are very necessary.

So Diana is back! Please give her my regards. Also, ask her to email me, I would like to know how she is doing.

Would you be interested in selling some Panama hats. Hand made hats enter the united states free of taxes as they are arts and crafts. The hat business can be very lucrative. In one small box weighing very little, say one pound, fifty hats can be sent. I imagine you can sell them on your bus routes for about ten dollars each. I obtain them, good quality for 5 dollars. Whats your moms mailing address so I can send you a few samples. I have some of my oil alrady packed and ready to send you but your mailing address changed. Please send me your current mailing address. Remember, be respectful and kind to your mother. Do not take for granted the hand that assists you. One of the greatest things you can do in life inspite of their errors is to honor your mother and father, good fortune will follow you!

God Bless you Always! Your "pops" Franklin.


>From: "victor gruber"
>Subject: Re: hehe, yet another chapter..
>Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 08:48:25 -0500
> you know how i feel about respect and how it must be earned. mom hasnt earned it and i doubt she ever will. they think im the lazy one because i dont waste my time working a mainstream job like them. when, in fact, her and my sister still continue to let their messes build up and then expect me to clean up after their laziness. i just refuse to.
> like ive said, one doesn't deserve respect for their title in life solely. it must be earned, or don't expect any back. i have told mother the second that im not welcome in her house to let me know. i will leave promptly. but, she could never handle the guilt, and i know that.
> they say i dont contribute to their immediate needs and that i spend all day on the computer. its not like all i do is vegetate on it like them, playing stupid games that arent productive at all. i mass-mail my ideas all day, slowly changing san antonio's mind. almost everyone i send my emails to agree with my ideas. i am working all day long, just not getting paid, yet.
> everyone else thinks theyre doing the right thing, and i have to let them know theyre not. life just isnt as complicated as people make it.
> things take time frank. i should be employed soon, and i am taking advantage of the opportunity here at mother's to not have to work at a job i dont like and be miserable. so, i continue to search for a computer job. once i place myself in a computer shop, ill be able to show my employer my skills, and eventually, convince them of my goals. hopefully, when they see how very possible they are, i will have their support also. it all takes time frank. patience is virtue.
>"A parent's true purpose is to nurture and teach their children, not just pay the bills." - Victor
> if i am punishing mother, see it as tough-love. im even going to go as far as to threaten my family. because when my voice is heard all over the world and victor becomes a house-hold name, i do not plan on speaking kindly of the people who doubted me. the shame i would bring on these people will last a long time. it will be all part of my plan. once i think theyve had enough and i change their minds to make them see how blatantly right i am, i will broadcast a forgiveness and make peace with all the "doubters".
> i, like jesus, am willing to die for my planet and people. if killing myself is what it will take for people to open their eyes to the truth, then i am willing. as a last resort, of course.
> even though all people are different in this world, and it might be hypocritical for me not to accept the difference of all who doubt me, we are all still human beings and live in the same world. i do not take kindly to other humans abusing my natural resources. so thats where an exception will be made.
> ive also been considering, once i get some belongings back from the uhaul people, walking/hitch-hiking to california. there, there are more people like me and support i shall have. i need to get a job to get some supplies. thank you for giving me the idea of a hammock. i need to find a light-weight one that can fit in a backpack. whenever my feet need rest from all the walking ill be doing, ill find a place in some woods off of i-10 and rest. the next day i can keep walking.
> if i do hitch-hike, i will only get in cars with one person in them, preferably female. you can read someone from just looking at them and if i dont feel comfortable from just looking at someone, i will say thanks anyway and keep walking. im not stupid.
> frank, the one thing i am not, is a taker. ive explained this before i think. i am an asker and an acceptor. since when does it hurt to ask? when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their choice, not mine. im not twisting anyones arm, i am just giving them an opportunity to feel good about themselves.
> the rest of society is just jealous of me, because i dont have to work as hard as them for my nice things. instead of feeling jealous, they should follow my lead, because anyone can do it also. i am not special.
> when it comes to girlfriends, im really not looking for one. "girlfried" is too casual a term. im in the market for a lover. someone who i can fall in love with like i did chasity. i miss being as close with someone like i was with her. i recognize two people cant start loving each other right off the bat. well, sometimes they can. sometimes you have to be girlfriend/boyfriend before you can graduate the relationship. i have only loved one other person in my life frank, and that has been chasity.
> sex and love are two very different things. i am 24 and i can count all the girls i have had sex with on one hand. i pride myself in that. with all the diseases out there, i am not likely to have casual sex with anyone, and if i do, it wont be intercourse. id rather make love. i feel i can make a girl very happy in bed, thanks to my 4 years of practice with chasity.
> loyalty and trust, i have found, are one of the most precious things in this world. i often wonder why it is people cheat. when i was with chasity, i felt that if it ever got to the point to where i would consider cheating on her, i would have enough respect for her as a human being, to break up with her first. you cant have your cake and eat it too. why on earth to people cheat? its the meanest thing anyone can do. i guess thats what i get for being different, she now thinks im crazy and is not letting me have my computer and bed, which i paid for by having a damn head-injury! ungrateful bitch.
> no one sees how i have influenced their lives for the better. soon, when my ideas get out, i will be a very wealthy man. now, do you think i will be as eager to share my wealth with people who have disrespected and doubted me? i think not, at least, not at first. my day will come, or i will die trying.
> this mountain paradise you describe is very very tempting. i would love to see it someday, but right now my priorities are here. i need to perfect my situation and everyone elses first. ill use your paradise as an incentive to reach my goals here.
> oh yes, you need a current address for me:
>well frank, ill bring this missive to end, take care
>- victor
>"The truth may hurt sometimes, but you can't ever change it. You can only hide
from it, if you choose to."
> - Victor
>"The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but they know
so many things that ain't so."
> - Mark Twain
>"Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement."
> - Mark Twain
>"Always do right. It will gratify some people and confound the rest."
> - Mark Twain


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hehe, yet another chapter..

Date :
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:20:33 +0000

Hi Victor, a few minutes ago I was using another internet service, When I sat down on the only available computer there was a diabolic symbol on the screen which I removed and went on to write you the best and most valuable letter a father could send to his son, just when was finishing the last words getting ready to send it the system crashed in the entire store. The inspiration from God received for you is difficult to replace but will try. Briefly stated I said love your mother merely for the sufferring she went through to bring you into this world and nurture you. Forgive her for her imperfections as we all have them. I start people off with 100 points as I respect them as human beings and do not expect th em to live up to my own standards. Then discount points as time goes by, some may end up with zero others with 90 percent and so on, that way you give people the benefit of the doubt. Please read the chapter of John in the bible. Make a list of everything you disagree with and carry on a debate on this subject with me. Its important because what "if" Jesus was right, your sufferring in thuis world is nothing compared to what he predicts for those who do not accept him. What does a man gain if he gain the whole world and lose huis soul! What is gained is you "save the world" but "lose" yourself? If everyone saved himself the world would be saved. The other day you could not predict that Carlos would put you on the street in spite of your special favors for him, Jesus was good at making predictions and knowing things in advance, thats why he is called the wisest man that ever lived. Carry on a debate with me, if you have time, on the chapter of John referred to in the bible, make the list of th e things you do not agree with and send it to me, if its the only favor you ever do for me. That you understand the word of the living God before going out to save the World.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hehe, yet another chapter..

Date :
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:28:31 +0000

Hi Victor. One of the things that drew my attention in John`s testament is his quote of Jesus:" He that believes in me is saved yet he that believeth not is" already condemned." Now Jesus gave sight to the blind, revived the dead, saw into the future in detail. You who did not know that Carlos would put you on the street anyway could not anticipate that, be sure you are not opening up some kind of pandoras box with your effort to save the World. It only takes a few minutes to buy insurance, read the chapter on John. Make sure you have not been programed in sleep by sinister forces to play the messia role. I was once and built the will power with God's help to shake off the spell!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hehe, yet another chapter..

Date :
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:35:11 +0000

There is a botanical book written by a doctor turned botanist. The advantage is that he explains the diseases from the doctors point of view and goes on to suggest the botanical cures. It costs 70 dollars, Should I obtain the funds will see if its still available through the 7 day adventist church, they are mostly vegetarian and naturalist oriented. The t ext is called, " The power of medicinal plants." It would be valuable for you to study the subject before coming to Panama and would make your apprenticeship with me much easier. I know you need information on plants concerning pain. The idea is not to use plants that anetesize, pain killers, rather plants that disinflame, the cause of pain.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hehe, yet another chapter..

Date :
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:46:39 +0000

Hi Victor, again, you mention you will get rich with your ideas. Yes, I can believe that as most of the World wants peace and to be saved, Lots of people will be visiting your web page. The question will be are you offerring them an illusion or is it real! Many people believe that their thoughts are automatically reality. Is that the case with you, are you subject to making mistakes and possibly mislead the world although your intention may be good? Before going to california would you consider coming to Panama first? I know the devil does not want you to rec eive the benefit of my advice. Make a sincere effort to overcome yourself, the mission is good but I feel its ill inspired. You obviously already have a web page, can I take a look at it? I am not a hacker, any changes, I would suggest directly to yo.


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