


Failure Franklin 7

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hehe, yet another chapter..

Date :
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 23:29:58 +0000

Hello Victor. Why where you willing to clean up the meses at Carlos house and not in your own, is Carlos nicer, he also threw you out! In spite of your mutually difficult relationship your mother took you back in, does`t that earn her some respect?

Apparrently you do not have even a love`/hate relationship with your mother, my brother John has managed that with me but I had to cut him off because I could no longer poison my mind and soul with his venum. Everyone has a limit and every time you take someone to his limit you drive yourself closer to self exile. But there is a saying in spanish, "mejor solo que mal acompaƱado."

I never did like mainstream jobs either, thats why I refuged myself in nature and invented my own products. No one can fire me except of course my creator. About earning respect. I do not expect other people to live up to my standards unless I am their boss or I could do so if they lived in my house and even then, in your case I would be very tolerant because I know I am living with a person who thinks he is brighter than myself and to who I must prove myself to "earn" his respect. From a purely intellectual point of view that maybe so. Yet if you did love your mother and sisters you would not gripe so much about cleaning after them, these may be the last days you have the opportunity to show them that you care and the same goes for them.

The World hasn´t seen a World War in quite a while, its overdue and probably right arround the corner, so life may be to short now to spend playing one upmanship. Nevertheless, I know how you feel being surrounded by the american way, where everything is standardized including human beings. For people as yourself who really do not fit into the system, the best thing is to leave it before you become a victim to it. Even with all of Panama`s multiple risks and dangers there is more freedom here. When you leave the bus and go into the mountenous country side, if you have gained the love and respect of the rural people, then you are in a World of no hassles. Cure a few here and there, they appreciate it and take care of your needs. Its as though you own the entire mountain range, well received wherever you go and your fame travels far. Besides what you do there with internet you can do here just as well or any other latin american country-At least here you can claim citizenship. In Panama there are plenty of people willing to listen to your ideas. But if you insist in the possibility of hitch hiking to California I will send you a hammock, one made with fisherman`s nets. In a pinch you can catch some fish or minoes, crawfish or crabs with it. They only cost ten dollars locally.

If I receive the 10,000 I am expecting a computer for the house can be purchased, we can share its use. The remainder of the money is going to purchase a small house and some extra land plus initiate the process of registering my arthritis oil which will bring wealth to the Gruber clan, God permitting, Dios primero siempre! Try to survive with a little humility(not a rug for anyone else) in your moms house, long enough God willing to send you the 500. You can then decide to spend it there or bring it to Panama as I would also pay your plane trip here.

I could give a rats-ass if you loof arround all day because I know from experience that intellectual people rarely loaf, evem when dosing in the hammock you can be enlightened, with eureka ideas! The important thing is to have someone to talk to that is not always saying your" crazy." Yes, even when the ideas sound crazy or are off beat or 100 years before their time. Son, we can work it out! That does´t mean that we will not have our problems but it does mean that by being frank and sincere and listening to each other we can enlighten one another and see whoes the dummy. Sometimes it may be me, other times you, but only Jesus knew everything! Have you read the chapter on John yet. Your mother would be caught totally off balance to see you with a bible in your hand, ask her for it, please read the entire chapter of Jhon. Write down that with which you agree with and that which you don´t. In the debate I do not mind you playing devils advocate. The devil by the way knows the holy scriptures better than most people, while dempting Jesus he frequently quoted the scriptures. f you read John I promiss I will never "bug you" on this topic again. I wish I had throuroughly read it at your age. It would have enabled me to identify spiritually associations that where very harmful to me throughout the last 20 years. Jesus knew what was in the heart of people before they even opened their mouths so we too need to learn this and much more from him. " El que de su tiempo no tiene, toda la sabiduria de su tiempo tiene su desgracia. " Quote from Voltaire.

Have a nice night, hope tomorrow is a good day for you!


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: frank, its begun
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 03:27:02 -0500

frank, i have been spreading my word like crazy and have found much support in my generation from the san antonio chat rooms. i am meeting with a girl tomorrow to discuss forming an association. here is the latest email i am circulating on aol:

ok, i need to let you guys know about my hidden-agenda. from all the money i save riding the bus, its led me to see how, if you take the right shortcuts, you dont need to depend on money as much as you thought.

this is the beginning to a revolution. lets get rid of money. it really is the root of all evil. just think, if things didnt possess a monetary-value, would people steal? money segregates society and gives people a false sense of respect. money cannot buy happiness. i know of suicidal millionaires.

what are some common problems one encounters when they have a new idea and theyre trying to get it out? for one, if theyre telling it orally, you always run into the problem of not remembering the whole story, thus not being as effective as you want. because everyone makes mistakes.

secondly, IGNORANCE. people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways, are deathly afraid of change, and they wont even listen to you. well, ive found a way to jump both of those hurdles, with the internet.

what ill do, is run an FTP server from my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard-drive. only the files and directories i want them to access, of course. on my hard-drive i will have a directory with all my text files containing my ideas, which anyone can read with any web-browser. this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, uncensored, finish them when they want to, but the whole story will be told every time.

im going to make everyone aware of all the shortcuts i take in life, which anyone can do also. i prove my theory about good-will and not needing money every day. since i walk so much, whenever i get hungry, ill walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager. i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and i am a long-distance walker. my destination today is medical center/downtown. i was just wondering if you could spare some gasoline for my stomach so i can keep walking. if you cant afford it, thats ok, im sure the next restaurant i come across will be generous and help me out."

everyone hooks me up. if they dont, the next place will. its all a numbers game.

i am not a beggar, i am not a taker. i am an asker and an acceptor. remember, it doesnt hurt to ask. when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision. i am not twisting anyones arm.

people say im taking advantage of things. damn-straight, i take advantage of every opportunity i get. arent advantages better than disadvantages?

i think if everyone got off their lazy ass and walked and rode the bus, most, if not all of our problems would dissapear. take insomniacs for instance. do you think they would have any trouble getting to sleep after walking all day? the overweight problem in america would dissapear as well. human beings were designed with two legs for a reason, and it wasnt to push the gas and the brake. cars have made society just damn lazy, not to mention unhealthy.

generosity will soon become our common-currency if i have anything to do with it. like i said, money gives people a false sense of respect. there can still be bad people with lots of money. it shouldnt excuse them from being bad.

this all brought me to the realization that we dont need money to sustain life. would you work for free if all your needs and wants were already taken care of, so you wouldnt be bored at home all day, provided you had a job you enjoyed? well, if everyone else was doing that, what would we need money for?

i know there are jobs out there that people dont like doing. well, when no one does them after eliminating money, the demand for these jobs would go up, and generous people would do them just to help out humanity.

people tell me, "if everything is free, then no one would do shit." i seriously doubt that though. instead of trying to get the most money into their bank accounts, people would see who can be the most generous, to get the most attention.

i want to make everyone/thing truly free, like the fore-fathers intended. im sure this idea wont eliminate theft altogether, but it would happen so much less, wouldnt it? even if peoples belongings were stolen, they would be easily replaced.

its about time things changed for the better. with all our natural resources depleting, we should be conserving as much as we can. why do people make their lives so complicated?

if you havent read, i have had many a great learning-experience in the field of ignorance. when i spent my "vacation" in a state hospital(which i cleverly placed myself in to get out of jail), i was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. bi-polar is synonymous with manic-depression.

here, let me give you the textbook definition of bipolar: characterized by the alternation of manic and depressive states.

now wouldnt it be only human of me to get excited and manic about such great ideas like the ones i have? at the same time, wouldnt i get depressed when i encounter so much resistance and ignorance when i try to publicize them? i hate calling it a disorder, its more of a condition, if anything. i am only human. some of the greatest minds of our time have been considered bi-polar. here, let me give you a list i found at

These individuals have publicly stated that they have experienced manic depression in their lives.
Buzz Aldrin, astronaut
Shelley Beattie, athlete (bodybuilding, sailing), artist
Ned Beatty, actor
Maurice Benard, actor
Danny Bonaduce, radio personality, actor, writer
Robert Boorstin, writer, special assistant to Pres. Clinton, State Department
Art Buchwald, writer, humorist
Alohe Jean Burke (Ghafoor), musician, vocalist
Tim Burton, artist, movie director
Robert Campeau, financier (Canada)
Lisa Nicole Carson, actor
Dick Cavett, writer, media personality
C.E. Chaffin, writer, poet
Garnet Coleman, legislator (Texas)
Francis Ford Coppola, director
Patricia Cornwell, writer
John Daly, athlete (golf)
Ray Davies, musician
Lenny Dee, musician
Eric Douglas, actor
Robert Downey, Jr., actor
Kitty Dukakis, former First Lady of Massachusetts
Patty Duke (Anna Duke Pearce), actor, writer
Thomas Eagleton, lawyer, former U.S. Senator
Margot Early, writer
Robert Evans, film producer
Carrie Fisher, writer, actor
Larry Flynt, magazine publisher
Connie Francis, actor, musician
Stephen Fry, actor, author, comedian
Kaye Gibbons, writer
Kit Gingrich, Newt's Mom
Stuart Goddard (Adam Ant), musician
Shecky Greene, comedian, actor
Linda Hamilton, actor
Kristin Hersh, musician
Jack Irons, musician
Kay Redfield Jamison, psychologist, writer
Daniel Johnston, musician
Margot Kidder, actor
Peter Nolan Lawrence, writer (England)
Rika Lesser, writer, translator
Bill Lichtenstein, producer (TV & radio)
Sue Lyon, actress
Jay Marvin, radio personality, writer
Kevin McDonald, comedian, actor
Kristy McNichol, actor
Dimitri Mihalas, scientist
Kate Millett, writer, artist
John Mulheren, financier (U.S.)
Robert Munsch, writer
Ilie Nastase, athlete (tennis), politician
Tony Orlando, musician
Margo Orum, writer
Nicola Pagett, actor
Susan Panico (Susan Dime-Meenan), business executive
Jimmie Piersall, athlete (baseball), sports announcer
Charley Pride, musician
Mac Rebennack (Dr. John), musician
Jeannie C. Riley, musician
Lynn Rivers, U.S. Congress
Alys Robi, vocalist (Canada)
Axl Rose, musician
Francesco Scavullo, artist, photographer
Lori Schiller, writer, educator
Frances Sherwood, writer
Scott Simmie, writer, journalist
Earl Simmons (DMX), musician, actor
Alonzo Spellman, athlete (football)
Muffin Spencer-Devlin, athlete (pro golf)
Darryl Strawberry, athlete (baseball)
Ben Stiller, actor, comedian
Gordon Sumner (Sting), musician, composer
Lili Taylor, actor
Dimitrius Underwood, athlete (football)
Jean-Claude Van Damme, athlete (martial arts), actor
Mark Vonnegut, doctor, writer
Sol Wachtler, judge, writer
Tom Waits, musician, composer
Brian Wilson, musician, composer, arranger
Jonathan Winters, comedian, actor, writer, artist
Luther Wright, athlete (basketball)

see, it happens even to the best of us. i believe albert einstein, edgar allen poe and ernest hemingway were bipolar as well. we need to stop trying to treat this "disorder" and learn to accept everyones differences. the only way were going to make everyone the same, is to put up with individual differences. world-peace is at hand, lets welcome it.

many people i have shared my ideas with compare it to communism. well, whats the root-word of communism? community damnit. communism didnt work in its time because the technology wasnt there to support it, and it was sooo different. what i envision is a perfect communism, but lets not call it communism. that name has a bad stigma. lets just call it true freedom.

just think of this idea as an evolutionary-springboard. the technology is here, lets make america modern already, then the whole world.

i know im just dreaming, but hey, ya never know(new york state lottery motto).

- victor

if you have anything to tell me, please email me at:, its my permanent email address. with all the mails i send from this aol account, its bound to die soon.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, its begun

Date :

Fri, 11 Oct 2002 13:38:58 +0000

Hello Victor, hope you are having a good day! My problem is that every time I focus intensely(manic phase) on a situation or person I experience a burst of creative ideas. For instance, they where flowing for you this morning but I could not find an internet service in Chorrera open as to be able to channel those ideas to you. So lets see what comes out now.

Your mass email letter is great! Does´t hurt anyone, expresses the need for change and makes some valuable suggestions. Thats the great thing about internet, any member of society can be heard from the privacy of his home or from any internet service in the World. I would suggest you talk to your mother about enrolling you in just one college course, anthropology, the study of man, the next, sociology.

While in the course make a special effort to listen more than you speak. Do not try to monopolize the class with your ideas or enthusiasm which are so strong it destroys its own purpose as when you spoke to the peace corp group. The problem is not to "oversell" it turns people off fast but rather creep up somewhat softly and bring up the loudness to the critical assimilation point and then wait fo the reaction. Go beyond that critical point and people get turned off, if they are mainstream, loss their receptivity. Radicals like yourself will flock to you but that will only make you bigger targets for the establishment. So what you are doing now with your mass letter is better, self control is what you need in pursuasive communication. Do not forget to include the concept(reality) God into your work. People think they "have things" because they work, without Gods blessings no one achieves nothing truely worthy. Without God´s blessing people can work their ass off but in the ups in downs things begin to go wrong too frequently.

In the end they ask themselves, where did I go wrong! "In God we Trust" opens up a channel of powerful positive energy. Talking about energy. Enthusiam flows from the mind consuming more than 20 percent of calories and vitamins, if you do not eat properly and timely you begin to age prematurely and burn yourself out, have a physical and mental collapse. The best way to prevent it economically is to buy soya flour, boil 12 spoonfuls for 5 minutes in 3 glasses of water and drin 3 glasses a day. Soya contains the 22 essential proteins the human body requires plus lecitin which covers and protects the nerve cells. Protects them from acids of coffee, cokes, other drugs etc. Gives you strength and ENDURANCE. The other thing that maintains strength is a fresh vitamin juice such as beats(ripe), carrots, spinish, parsely, onion, garlic, liquified in any citric juice, coconut water or apple juice or just plain water. Its impossible to compare fresh energy with that of vitamin pills that who knows how long has been on the farmacy shelf and factory, maybe years. Make soya flour and fresh vegetables part of your survival list, it gives you the mental and physical health to reach your long term and daily goals

With regards to your ideas I will make the following comment. The problem, the essential problem is not the ism used to concentrate people so the dogmatics can control them for their own selffish ends, but rather "HUMAN NATURE ITSELF. Although people are differrent especially in differrent places, countries etc, they are basically selfish. Whats your program for changing peoples selfishness and tendency to work with a double moral standard. Basically their are three kinds of peole in the World, the very selfish. Their moto is what is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine. The second category is those that say I am willing to give you igual value, tit for tat, and the third the divinely inspired, really enjoy giving more than receiving, the more of these a society contains the better the environment for those in the cronic habit of asking to obtain for free.

Their specialty is exploiting the noble sentiments of those who enjoy working to serve others. There is nothing wrong in asking so long as you are in the habit of working to obtain your own material goods.

The problem with your theory is that the mayority of people are in the very selfish category or the tit for tat. Many of the tit for tat when they can will help out maybe once for free because they would like that benefit of the doubt themselves, but generally speaking human nature is too selfish to allow for a perfect communism so therefore communism is "imposed" by the most selfish inteligencia minority to control the rest of humanity. Contemplate these three categories when perfecting your theory, how to overcome human selfishness peacefully- Their is even the element of the savge nature of man hidden in his socalled modern democracy, or any other dogma. Before trying to change man learn first all about his nature. Thats what the anthropology courses are for. At least go to a local college and get a hold of their curriculum and see what anthropology books they are using and in what order, buy them second hand. You will be surprised what other interesting books you will find in the college used book store.

See ya later, best regards to your sisters and mother. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, its begun

Date :
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 14:15:32 +0000

Victor, in my last letter there are a lot of gramatical errers. That is because as soon as I fisnished it I sent it without reviewing for errors as I normally do. I am sending it out immediately because yesterday I had the horrible experienc eo being blown out with me best letter to you, now I do not have my glasses either, so please forgive me when I say their when it should be there, etc.

Early this morning managed to convince the person renting the small commercial location in front of your grandmother´s ruins to advance me another month of rent so now I have the money to move the family to my new hideout. The beautiful place where I can make medicine, distribute it and come back and enjoy some peace and quite. If you come to Panama you will know the location. The bible states, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so I have to do in panama as my formulas begin to be more valuable there are plenty of evil people in this country that would put a gun to my head to obtain my knowledge. With you at this stage I can share 90% of that valuable secrets I hold.

I even have a medication that totally controls manic depressive behavior and gives one the equilibrium necessary without additice qualities. I used it on myself and my brother and it works real well.

Its going to be called, " El Jarabe Siquiatrico."

In summary, learn more about human nature. Every person that summarizes his life´s experiences in a book is like a "soul" searching to reincarnate in you. So a person who reads "good" books multiples his life knowledge potential by 500! My personal library is in sad shape because my books have been shipped with me for 21 years. However, hope to have more time to read them. For instance I have a few, the only written, that I am aware of, on scientific palm reading. These where written by medical doctors who compared the medical diagnosis charts statistically with the lines in people´s hands. With one glance at your hand I know most things about your health, like hows you basic vital enegy level doing, what shape your nervous system is in or even know if you have congenial heart problems or your heart reflects the stress in your life. This has nothing to do with gypsy palm reading. I have used this diagnosis technique for five years and so far its INFALLIBLE. Every organ in your body reflects the health of every other organ as the nervous sistem interconnects them. This sis why iridiology works well, all of the bodies nerves are connected there also and they become distorted as diseases affect the organs being reflected in the iris. Can you imagine the reaction an aborigne has when you look in his eyes and tell him his bladder is infected? I have the iridiology charts and also those for the "ear" yea how to read the ear to detect diseases, its an ancient chinese art, same goes for the bottom of your feet! The part of the foot that you massage which reacts with pain indicates that the corresponding organ is sick. Of ten just by massaging the part of the foot which corresponds to the intestines will make a person want to go to the bathroom and empty hos bowels. People with headaches can massage the big toe with a little oil for five minutes a day. It improves brain circulation! In the same way the whole universe is interrelated, the "macrocosm" is in the microcosm(man). The intelligence of the universe is expressed in man, we are divinely connected to the intelligence of the universe. We can tap into the positive or negative energy or rather it can tap into us and control us, give us our goals and we modify our thoughts and behavior until we reach the goals. The question is always what force is really our driving force or do they alternate like in bipolar disease. If we do not want to be bipolar how do we get rid of the negative, that is a superb act of free will oonnected to the positive free will of the universe. Eventually we are drawn to one side or the other, we cannot in the long run serve two masters, either you are with me or against me, Jesus words.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, its begun

Date :
Fri, 11 Oct 2002 14:30:34 +0000

Victor, in my last letter there are a lot of gramatical errers. That is because as soon as I fisnished it I sent it without reviewing for errors as I normally do. I am sending it out immediately because yesterday I had the horrible experienc eo being blown out with me best letter to you, now I do not have my glasses either, so please forgive me when I say their when it should be there, etc.

Early this morning managed to convince the person renting the small commercial location in front of your grandmother´s ruins to advance me another month of rent so now I have the money to move the family to my new hideout. The beautiful place where I can make medicine, distribute it and come back and enjoy some peace and quite. If you come to Panama you will know the location. The bible states, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so I have to do in panama as my formulas begin to be more valuable there are plenty of evil people in this country that would put a gun to my head to obtain my knowledge.

With you at this stage I can share 90% of that valuable secrets I hold.

I even have a medication that totally controls manic depressive behavior and gives one the equilibrium necessary without additice qualities. I used it on myself and my brother and it works real well. Its going to be called, " El Jarabe Siquiatrico."

In summary, learn more about human nature. Every person that summarizes his life´s experiences in a book is like a "soul" searching to reincarnate in you. So a person who reads "good" books multiples his life knowledge potential by 500! My personal library is in sad shape because my books have been shipped with me for 21 years. However, hope to have more time to read them. For instance I have a few, the only written, that I am aware of, on scientific palm reading. These where written by medical doctors who compared the medical diagnosis charts statistically with the lines in people´s hands. With one glance at your hand I know most things about your health, like hows you basic vital enegy level doing, what shape your nervous system is in or even know if you have congenial heart problems or your heart reflects the stress in your life. This has nothing to do with gypsy palm reading. I have used this diagnosis technique for five years and so far its INFALLIBLE. Every organ in your body reflects the health of every other organ as the nervous sistem interconnects them. This sis why iridiology works well, all of the bodies nerves are connected there also and they become distorted as diseases affect the organs being reflected in the iris. Can you imagine the reaction an aborigne has when you look in his eyes and tell him his bladder is infected? I have the iridiology charts and also those for the "ear" yea how to read the ear to detect diseases, its an ancient chinese art, same goes for the bottom of your feet! The part of the foot that you massage which reacts with pain indicates that the corresponding organ is sick. Of ten just by massaging the part of the foot which corresponds to the intestines will make a person want to go to the bathroom and empty hos bowels. People with headaches can massage the big toe with a little oil for five minutes a day. It improves brain circulation! In the same way the whole universe is interrelated, the "macrocosm" is in the microcosm(man). The intelligence of the universe is expressed in man, we are divinely connected to the intelligence of the universe. We can tap into the positive or negative energy or rather it can tap into us and control us, give us our goals and we modify our thoughts and behavior until we reach the goals. The question is always what force is really our driving force or do they alternate like in bipolar disease. If we do not want to be bipolar how do we get rid of the negative, that is a superb act of free will oonnected to the positive free will of the universe. Eventually we are drawn to one side or the other, we cannot in the long run serve two masters, either you are with me or against me, Jesus words. Its hard to beat bipolar disease. At first it seems as normal as we all have our ups and downs emotially but if not controlled and cured two or more almost distinct personalities set in and there is nothing we can do t control the shifting back and forth. If you are negatively driven your negative pesonality projects the positve but controls it, and vice versa, if positively oriented your positive personality can control the negative one. With so many people purposely "compartamentalizing" the squizofrenic tendency widens faster so one should avoid compartamentalizing whenever possible, practice being honest keeps the basic good personality intact and strong, Its just better to be silent than say lies. This is just to give you an idea of how your dads mind has evolved, the peace of the jngles gave me much time to read and reflect and evolve. I am leaving today for the interior, be back on anothor round of pressuring my competing clients. Both, like last week, are saying they will have the money next week- Business in the interior is pretty well dired up. Its the sale of my oil in panama city that will keep me afloat plus food given me in exchange for botanical recipes. Take care, hang in there, do eveything possible or feaible to improve relations with you mother and sisters, best always to leave home on a positive note when your wings are strong enough to fl!


From :
"Franklin Gruber Chiari"

To :

Subject :
alternate email account

Date :
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 05:07:39 +0000

Hello Victor, you now have my alternate email account. Use it should anything ever happen to the survivaloil account. My cellular phone number is 507 5489 or Marisol´s 507 653 5323. Our phones are always turned off, we use them exclusively to receive messages and return phone calls, write them down in a place you woun't lose. If you happen to parachut into Panama you will be able to let us know where you are at so I can go pick you up. I am sort of reading Ada´s mind, your welcome anytime! My panamanian family lives in Chorrera where my uncle Beto Chiari owns a small hotel(pension) its name is ARCO IRIS. Any cab in Chorrera will take you there. If you arrive in a hurry I will pick up the bill at the pension, my uncle charges me half price, 5 dollars a day. Behind the pension is Toti, an older couson, make contact with her, she has a phone from which you can call me, I will be checking my cellular phone twice daily. While in Chorrera do not venture far from the pension, chorrera is like Sodoma and Gomorra, probably pegged for distruction. When I call you back I will instruct you to catch a bus and continue up the interamerican highway to a specific town(penonome) where I shall meet you at the Dos Continentes Hotel. This is a practice scenerio, keep a copy on you and do not remove it from your email account, its your way of contacting me in an emergency situation should you have to come to Panama on a drop of a time. Given the current World situation you would have to learn the essentials of survival as a botanico in 30 days! Thereafter you are free to wonder the World no longer having to ask or plead, but rather always giving from the abundance of nature's basket. This is your first and primary inheritance, with it you will almost have the World in your hands for very very few will be able to duplicate what you will be able to do with medicinal plants. While in Chorrera remember this: suspect ANYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BE MY FRIEND even if he should know many details of my life. Even my local family I consider mere acquaintances! Trust no one in Panama, be even headed, the only person you can really trust in life is God! He is the same all the time, everyone else is variable, too variable by nature. That is human nature. Things are moving fast so "put on your seat belt." Botanico Gruber


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, its begun

Date :
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 04:23:12 +0000

Buenos noches Victor, te hable hoy por primera vez el Botanico Gruber, anteriormente ha sido simplemente tu padre. Te habla el Botanico Gruber porque te hablo dentro de mi mision en Panama y el COSMOS. El tiempo es corto, probablemente es la vispera de la tercera guerra mundial y tendre que poner en practica todas mis practicas de sobrevivencia, para mi y los que sobreviven en la region escogida junto a mi. Los fondos de la transaccion que tengo pendiente si se da la semana entrante, los veo ahora mas que nunca dentro del plan de sobrevivencia en caso de un ataque atomico a Panama. De repente fue nuestra Presidenta a los estados unidos a cordinar asuntos secretos con el gobierno americano. Ya el congreso norteamericano, casa baja y alta, han aprobado la guerra contra iraq. Si se da la transaccion, reza por eso hijo, te enviare los 500 dolares pero tendras que usuarlo en lo que tu deseas o para viajar a Panama. Lo que se iba a gastar en tu pasaje sera destinado para ayudar a que tu y nosotros sobrevivamos lo aparentemente evidente. Sera tu oportunidad de ver a tu padre en accion para lo cual se ha preparado, dar asistencia como medico unico en una zona donde no habra medicamentos farmaceuticos y servir de interprete entre corregidores y alcaldes del interior con las fuerzas invasoras de estados unidos, y posteriormente desaparecer en las junglas para que solo Dios sabe por que! Sera mas interesante ver el evento desde la paz de una hamaca. Como el cosmo influye en mi me controla hasta cierto punto, pues soy un soldado del Ser Supremo, viajando en el tiempo de generacion en generacion activado en los momentos criticos. Asi hay otros en la aparente guerra cosmica. Si me acompaƱas, manos a la obra, ser valiente. Dios tendra la ultima palabra!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Yes Victor, it is beginning!

Date :
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 04:29:42 +0000

Vic, how are your relations going with your mom and sisters now. Stick together in these unpredictable difficult times. You are all fortunate to be together again. Have not heard from you in a few days, what's new, or is your mother conditioning your stay on breaking your communication with me?


From :
"Franklin Gruber Chiari"

To :

Date :
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 05:36:14 +0000

Vic, Good News. Went to Panama city today. Sales are beginning to improve a bit with the arthritic oil in spite of the terrible economic situation the country is in. Today have placed out 500 one page "self replicating" fliers on the oil in strategic high income areas. My area of expertise is also MARKETING. Everything that you are now doing I would reduce to just one appealing page that "self replicates." With such "magic" I let others do 99.99 percent of my work. Thus its like a rock hitting water and making a ripple, my "logic-emotion" driven page will be all over the World without even the use of internet, although many people will "spontenously" place it all over the web voluntarily.

You are now looking at an evolved sample in many ways of yourself! Frankly, I hold the key to your success as I have the short cuts your most needing......but you must passs the test! And its not easy. I need to see the effects of how much good you can and are doing for the World before I give you "my sword." There is a possibility you will not receive it yet what you receive plus who you are will make you powerful in your own right! Our time has come....the World shall listen to those who have the solutions or perish! If it choses not to listen then dust off the sand from our feet and head for our foxhole. The World will have to come to us, we shalll not impose our knowledge on anyone. Show this to your mother and she most certainly will say we are crazy, both of us. However, time is the judge! What is madness today may be considered enlightenment tomorrow. Have visions in the U.S. and your considered "nuts" but have them in India and your considered "enlightened." Yes, although things are relative there is an absolute in the Universe. You will wake up one of these days and want nothing more than to be with me in panama because you need urgently your inheritance of knowledge. If you wait too long it may not be available for the stress and wear of the city environment has brought down considerably my body defenses and my tumors are growing rapidly, I could have only six months left of life, there are a number of danger signals about my health that have rung. This is not intended to pressure you into coming simply stating a fact, besides these are unpredictable times, its best to grap whats yours as soon as you can, no one knows what can happen to either of us. Your welcome any time even if together we have to eat only" bread and water!" Frannnklin.


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: alternate email account
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 11:04:09 -0500

frank, im going to write your numbers down in my calender. you said yours is: (507) 5489. is that it? there arent any more numbers? im not sure when/if i will be able to call. ada probably wont let me make any LD calls from her phone, and i dont have money to buy a phone card.

peace be with you father,

- victor


From :
"Franklin Gruber Chiari"

To :

Subject :
Re: alternate email account

Date :
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:32:45 +0000

Victor, yes there are some missing numbers its 507 country code then 653-5489 or 653-5323. The 5489 number may or may not work, I dropped the phone yesterday night, however, it lights up and appears it will work, I will confirm in a few days, meanwhile the other number is more certain as that phone is always in a drawer at the house.

I on there a little bit longer, all indications are that I will receive the 10,000 next week. If there are more delays I will begin sending you a 20 dollar bill as frequently as I can. I do not like the idea of your continuing your life style because you do not have any other choice. You are in San Antonio like a fish out of water. Hang in there Victor, pray that things continue to move in the right direction for me. I am seing green lights in many directions economically.

Just spoke to a good friend who is an expert in computers. He is going to assist me with the email campaign World wide. He asked me for a letter of recommendation for a job with a German Company. Once you get down here(if you make that decision) I will introduce you to him. I spoke to him about you and he is willing to help set you up with your own internet service in Penonome, he is a direct dealer, repairs and expert in the configuration of systems. His name is Jose Rodriquez, have know Jose since he was 19 he arround 30 now. He is a self made man like you and I are doing.

Remember that Marisol and I never have our cellular phone´s turned on, we do not want that radiation arround our bodies. We use them only to receive messages and return local calls, but of course in a dire emergency you can call from the U.S. to let us know what date you maybe coming, try to give at least 5 days advance notice if possible.

Here is some good advice on traveling to Panama or any other latin american country. DO NOT BRING LUGGAGE EXCEPT A HAND BAG! That way you can be sure no one will plant drugs in your luggage and have problems with customs leaving the airport. Second it enables you to go through customs faster if you get ahead of the line. Taxis from the airport to panama city are very expensive minimum of about 25 dollars. If you come with just your minimum clothing in your back pack you go out of the air port walk about half a mile where you see the local buses on the route to Panama city. Catch any bus going that direction as to get off the street where you can be assaulted. The objective is to get on or change to a bus that goes to the Gran Terminal Nacional where you can change over to a Bus going to Chorrera or straight to Penonome to the Dos Continentes Hotel where the managers are my friends and sell my arthritis oil in the hotel lobby.

This Sunday I am moving to the Penonome area as mentioned, by the river. Since I put out a lot of fliers I expect within 10 days for the arthritis oil to be sold out, 45 bottles in panama city in six Boticario Farmacies, thus if the transaction is not made next week for whatever reason, soon in Panama city I should have a check for minimum of 250 dollars to 450 dollars. Thus will send you those twenty dollars and more as monies begin to come in. This is a very critical time in the 20 year effort, please pray for me. Franklin.


From :
"Franklin Gruber Chiari"

To :

Subject :
Re: alternate email account

Date :
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:54:59 +0000

Victor, as I stay a few days in the panama city or chorrera area my memory starts to fail so if you do not hear from me from this new account it means I forgot the password, write me then to the old address. To avoid drinking beer on hot days while in chorrera I frequently buy quarts of milk and of course you cant se through the carton. At night since I am a "pisser" I get up and fill the empty cartoon with urine. Last night I throught I had left some milk in the carton on the table and grabed it and had a taste of my own piss. It gives you an idea of what it costs me to come into "civilization." When I am in the mountains a few months I take off about 20 years, no one believes my age when I first come down to the city. I have the peculiar property of rapidly absorbing the prevailing energy in the environment such that if its negative like it is h ere soon I wither away and people spontenously do not want anything to do with me. However when I have been in the "magnetic mountains" of panama as I come into town everyone wants to befriend me. I even have problem with women falling in love with me after coming down from the mountains and having a 5 minute chat. I am particularly careful not to "enchant" my acquaintance's wives. I do not do it purposely. In the mountains of Panama there is a particular plant growing along the rivers that when I drink a lot of the volcanic spring water it shivers when I place my hand next to the leaf! It would be interesting to try it with you to see if genetically you inherited this capability, which is often a nuisence but which if I want to can "mesmarize" the masses. I have not used such power in such ways simply because I have no ambition to become the first President of the World, thats left for your generation, not mine, I am to insure, if I can that that person is not a dispotic dictator. To be President of the World you really have to be born to it. If I wanted to already I would have been President of Panama. Well best not to keep on talking, but get going, my dear Marisol is probably anxious as she should be out of food money by now, need to get home. Be writing you about tuesday to friday of next week, hopefully with good news! Frank


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