


Failure Franklin 8

From :
"Franklin Gruber Chiari"

To :

Subject :
Re: alternate email account

Date :
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:54:59 +0000

Victor, as I stay a few days in the panama city or chorrera area my memory starts to fail so if you do not hear from me from this new account it means I forgot the password, write me then to the old address. To avoid drinking beer on hot days while in chorrera I frequently buy quarts of milk and of course you cant se through the carton. At night since I am a "pisser" I get up and fill the empty cartoon with urine. Last night I throught I had left some milk in the carton on the table and grabed it and had a taste of my own piss. It gives you an idea of what it costs me to come into "civilization." When I am in the mountains a few months I take off about 20 years, no one believes my age when I first come down to the city. I have the peculiar property of rapidly absorbing the prevailing energy in the environment such that if its negative like it is h ere soon I wither away and people spontenously do not want anything to do with me. However when I have been in the "magnetic mountains" of panama as I come into town everyone wants to befriend me. I even have problem with women falling in love with me after coming down from the mountains and having a 5 minute chat. I am particularly careful not to "enchant" my acquaintance's wives. I do not do it purposely. In the mountains of Panama there is a particular plant growing along the rivers that when I drink a lot of the volcanic spring water it shivers when I place my hand next to the leaf! It would be interesting to try it with you to see if genetically you inherited this capability, which is often a nuisence but which if I want to can "mesmarize" the masses. I have not used such power in such ways simply because I have no ambition to become the first President of the World, thats left for your generation, not mine, I am to insure, if I can that that person is not a dispotic dictator. To be President of the World you really have to be born to it. If I wanted to already I would have been President of Panama. Well best not to keep on talking, but get going, my dear Marisol is probably anxious as she should be out of food money by now, need to get home. Be writing you about tuesday to friday of next week, hopefully with good news! Frank


From :
"Franklin Gruber Chiari"

To :

Subject :
Re: alternate email account

Date :
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 17:03:29 +0000



From: "victor gruber"
Subject: hi dad
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 13:18:02 -0500


it is not too likely that i will be coming to panama anytime soon. like i said, i have much work to do here. san antonio is my hometown and it deserves to be the capital of the world. it bears my middle name.

i am hopeful of my success soon, especially with my new friend who will help me. patience father, i shall visit you once my work here is done, hopefully with a better world in tow.

as far as luggage goes, i have none. im not sure if i told you, but after i was put in jail, all my belongings(my wardrobe and every other possesion of mine)that were in the uhaul truck, were taken back to san antonio and put in storage. i contacted the truck company from jail and apologized for just taking it. i told them i would take full responsibility for my actions and pay any charge they gave me. they considered the truck abandoned and slapped me with a $4000 rental charge. better than a grand theft auto charge on my criminal record eh?

now with all my belongings i had my adidas turnbeutel. a turnbeutel is a german sports bag for soccer shoes, that is only sold in germany. they are impossible to find in the states or anywhere else outside of germany. when i was with chasity, she gave me one that i fell in love with(she had bought it when she lived in germany, her father was in the military). its a very minimal bag that goes on your back with drawstrings. i used the one she gave me for months and had fallen in love with it. its lightweight and i carried everything in it. i had my portable cd player, cds, screw drivers, a small knife, toothbrush/paste, napkins, bottle of ibuprofen, tape measure, first aid kit, a camera and a folder with all my dissertations and reports. i also carried a swiss army knife keychain everywhere i went. i was ready for anything. i weighed the bag at the post office one day, a mere 5.2 lbs. before i had my bag, i used to slouch a little. but, after having this 5lb weight on my back all the time, my posture improved significantly.

after a while, i noticed it wearing. i used it all day, every day. now you know i am always one to be prepared and thought when my bag died, a small part of me would die also. so one day i jumped on IRC, internet relay chat, the free global chat service thats been around since the birth of the internet. on it you can talk to people from all over the world. i went to the germany channel and started asking about a soccer shoe bag. i found out that they didnt even sell them in germany anymore. luck was on my side though. i talked to this german guy around my age, his name was bodo. i quickly made friends with bodo and learned that he too smoked marijuana. i let him download a cheech and chong movie from me, which he had never seen. he just loved the movie.

bodo found the exact bag i was looking for. someone was auctioning it on german EBAY, for $8! happy day. i asked bodo if he could front me the money and order and ship the bag to me, then i would send him a check for what i owed him. he happily agreed and even told me not to worry about paying him back, cuz i was nice enough to let him sample some american humor.

the bag was the exact same design as the one chasity had given me. it was red and black and had the Baron Munchen logo on it. baron munchen are the record holding soccer team in germany. i was like, "it would be an honor to have that bag." i love it when i can put my computer to work for me.

so i had packed both of my bags into the uhaul before i left. all my things are waiting for me here in san antonio, and when i pay off that $4000 charge, i can have them back. i got the idea the other day, to go talk to uhaul and ask them if i gave them a small portion of the money i owed, if i could have a few things back. i would tell them that i have computer software in my things, that if i had back, i could use to put my computer to work for me and pay off my debt quicker. so, im gonna see if they let that fly. im going to make it seem like helping me out will make them money too.

now, if i could get my survival bag back, life would be much easier for me. i also plan to ask them if i can inspect my belongings to be sure everything is there. the software i had with my stuff was all pirated games, movies and programs, but they dont know that.

like i said, the chances of me coming to panama are very slim, but if for some reason i am forced to, hopefully i will only have my turnbeutel on my back and thats it. i live a very simple and minimal life.

i hate labels, but if someone were to hold a gun to my head and make me call myself something, i would say i was a realist, a minimalist, and resourceful survivor.

i know you dont want to hear this, but i dont feel like i belong in panama. i value the freedom i have in this town, even though it is limited at most times. i know there are plenty more like me in this modern city and when they hear about my plans, will come out of the woodwork and support me.

what i need to do is find a way to make money doing exactly what i have been, saving the world. if i could dedicate all my resources to working for my cause, and not working for someone else first, i can work miracles. my new friend is just the beginning of my support system. she renewed my hope in myself, which had been quickly dwindling. she is going to pull her resources for us and hopefully expedite a lot of things. she had received one of my mass-mails and responded with her phone number. some days went by and i finally called her. i really hope we can build a beautiful friendship.

well frank, i am being kicked off the computer again by ada, she wants to play her stupid game. good luck with your business ventures soon, and thank you for all your help. you know its for a good cause, the best cause in the world right now.

thanks dad,

- victor


From :
"Franklin Gruber Chiari"

To :

Subject :
Re: hi dad

Date :
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 23:54:26 +0000

Hi Victor. Have you ever stopped to wonder whether people who have had head injuries like both of us are more susceptible to the invasion of " save the world" spirits? Also, drugs may destroy our "natural spiritual defenses" against spriritual manipulations. Who knows who is out there in the spirit World who wants to channel his own thoughts and make us believe its our own? People who for any reason have weakened their minds maybe susceptible to such manipulations. The answer is to find all available ways of strenthening our minds and brains as to prevent foreign entities to control or manipulate us. There may be extraterrestials trying to "save" the World using us and other people as channels.?????????? Do you have the mind power to reflect that far????? Are you certain all your thoughts are yours?" Such entities may lead us to take unnessary risks. They maybe interferring with our truly independent thinking which maybe more self oriented and materialistic. Just food for thought, spiritual entities may exist regardless of whether we believe i n them or not! Your dad Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: On verge of transaction, Pray that it happens!

Date :
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 23:07:22 +0000

Hi Victor, just read your last two letters. I Am back to Chorrera trying to close the deal, things look good for tomorrow, so please make a silent prayer that it happen!

Victor, between the ages of 14 and 19 I was involved in at least six car accidents, the last at 120 miles an hour, drag racing, thanks to God's protection there is not one scar or impact effect on my body. Lets say I have been very fortunate, but luck, of course, can run out. I have my tumurs up my ass and I have disactivated them(shrunk them) at least 5 times. This time I am a bit more worried but am confident I will shrink them again. In a sense I am on the verge of retirement, delivering and collecting on my arthritic oil, every 15 days, leaves about 80% of my time free to heal my tumors and practice healing nutrition.

With regards to your head injuries I thank the Supreme Lord that you are alive. Son you have acquired a love for the San Antonio Concrete Jungle, its not really the right place for a person that has been a little clumsy since childhood, and idealist and dreamer belongs places where they can day dream with minimum of environmental risks.

You are probably right you possibly do not belong in Panama but the things you can learn here with me in the botanical field will insure you a minimum livelihood anywhere else you should go to l ive in the World. It may even SAVE YOUR LIFE many times. So coming down for 3 to 6 months will do you more good than harm. You need the hours of conversation with me to finally understand yourself better and to succeed in spite of the obstacals the World places in your path. Besides I intend to consign you a parcel of land, it would be worth while coming to inspect. I am probably the only person that will understand you most completely and accept you as you are, just as crazy as I have been!

I have had the idea of making Panama the capital of the World coinciding with Simon Bolivar who believed that someday Panama would be the Capital of the Cosmos! That info is in a text called Bolivar y el pensamiento panameƱo. Actually, the Valley of Anton was the first GARDEN OF EDEN. That was, I believe, where the extraterrestials first planted man on this continent, there where other gardens of edens in other continents. Those extraterrestials where coworkers with God in his evolutionary plan throughout the cosmos. There are others who are pirates and they try to distroy life everywhere they go. There is such a fraternity as an "intergalactic government" or at least two such organizations competing. Imagine a mother ship approaching the planet earth. One of the first things they notice is the small bridge connecting two continents, Panama. They decide to descend to inspect it and a giant volcanic crater attracts their attention, a place where once the biggest volcanic explosion in the World took place. It turns out to be the ideal place to plant their version of man on the planet earth(life always evolves to MAN everywhere) since the natural laws are the same, there are many variations of man in the cosmos, tall, short, differrences in ears, mouths, brain capacity, etc. As a sign that they come from God, they plant also THE HOLY GHOST ORCHID in this enchanting vally, outside of this region it has not extended very far, only to parts of costa rica but its home in abundance is in and arround the chosen Garden of Eden where giants first stepped feet on the planet earth! Yet, I would like to say this much, everything returns to its beginnings. Who knows maybe I was "ADAM" and you then also my "SON." If human life began in the Valley of Anton th en its only just and appropriate that "IT" someday be " THE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD." Its a lot more peaceful an environment to resolve the agitated problems of the World than San Antonio. Yet, further into the future, this same "capital of the world" may become "the lake of fire" the bible talks about. You see Son, we have a lot in common and a lot to talk about, and it would be more than appropriate to talk these crazy i deas next to the sound of rushing water waiting while Marisol makes us some fabulous river lobster soup! Actually river lobsters are giant crawfish, some weighing in about one fourth of a pound. I am glad you have found another female that will listen to your madness. I do not talk my madness to Marisol, very little of it, as I have learned to compartamentalize sufficiently to appear normal for who wants to be sent to the funny farm for having visions and ideas that are nonconventional? Even if you do not come, will send you your 500 dollars promptly as soon as I receive the monies. However, hope you can come to Panama in the near future before anything unexpected may happen to me, I do not want you to be without the benefit of knowing me and the escape alternatives of modern civilazation which you can find here. Your dad Franklin.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: my head-injuries..

Date :
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 23:39:01 +0000

Hi Victor, yes, I made the move from Macaracas to the Pintada de Penonome. To locate the house I rent next to the river you only need locate the only pharmacy, Farmacia San Jose and ask t hem where I l ive or ask where misses Martina lives, the town curandera, I rent her other house on the riverside. Also call Marisols celular phone as mine does not work after the fall. From the airport you get to Panama Cities Gran Bus Terminal and take the bus to Penonome and from the local market place another bus to the Pintada or a cab which costs 5 dollars. Yet, if you give me advance notice of your trip you can bet your bottom dollar I will go fetch ya at the airport! The info I have given you is only should you "parachut in unexpectedly" as I know you like to give surprises. I should tell you but I have been considering given you a "welcome home party." I have already prepared phychologically Marisol and her 11 year old son for you to join our home. The way that I see it Son is that you in San Antonio are really alone. Your mother is probably tired of getting you out of trouble and accident related situations and one of these days she just may let you "rot" in jail or in the funny farm. With me you will mature and separate what is feasible from that which is not feasible. All I ask of you is a 3 to six month visit. In the same way that in many ways I can help you, you may also help me with computer ideas I have not thought of. And you should take advantage while I have some monny as you may decide to come when there isnt enough to pay your trip although I h ope now things are changing for the better. Take your survival course with me, its life insurance you need. Just back stepping, since flights from the U.S. usually arrrive at night when you get to the gran terminal take the bus to chorrera, sleep in my uncle's pension called ARCO IRIS and then ask a cab to take you to the interior bus stop at "la espiga" . There take the bus that says Penonome. But like I said if you give me advance notice I will pick you up at the airport. Your "pops" Franklin. P.S. Remember Marisols cellular phone is (507) 653 5323, its always turned off we check it daily only for messages. And, return calls.

Have a copy of this document printed out and carry it with you in your wallet, get a tourist card which can replace a passport the last I knew but the pass port is better or both. Doest hurt to have these documents ready, you never know for lack of payment when the U haul people will have a change of heart and say "hey this guy really stole our Uhaul" and who knows when you will get out of jail, have an escape ready! You are in a volnerable position....try to anticipate problems and avoid them. Your track record in the U.S. predicts recurrence of similar problems, resuffle your life's cards, take a vacation!


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: my head-injuries..
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 09:07:26 -0500


i am not alone in san antonio. i make friends everywhere i go. i will be sure to save these emails for the day i do visit, but it probably wont be anytime soon. like i said, antonio is not my middle name for nothing. i depend on ada for very little in my life and she doesnt have the mental-capacity to get me out of trouble. i get my own clothes. i get my own food when i need to, and even if she were to kick me out, i would find a place to stay very soon afterwards. i am an independent survivor, with or without anyone. i can keep myself company if need be.

anything is possible frank, but i have to go catch the bus now. im going to meet with this beautiful girl wou believes in me. she should be my next devotion. ill let you know about it, im really excited.

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: my head-injuries..

Date :
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:34:44 +0000

Hi Victor, I am glad that you are confident that you will make a positive contribution to the World! Quite frankly it does´nt matter that much now where the capital of the World will be, what matters now for me is economic success so I m ay keep m y obligations with family as it should be yet with my own efforts and not working for others. If you succeed in making San Antonio the capital fo the World and its good for the World, great! Continue to grow and mature and try to stay out of trouble. 90% of the time trouble is found outside of your house or farm.

The more you work and stay at home wherever that may become, the better. Finding people on the streets and getting them into trouble is big business now days for by mere association good people are taken to the cleaners.

With regards to Ada, she was there when you had no other place to go, you cannot say you will not need her any more, however, sure continue to try to make it on your own, develop a positive support g roup of people who do not take drugs and can admire you for your ideas and just being you. I am glad and happy that you will have a new love in your l ife, hope indeed all goes well for you in the new relationship. Do not forget the daily fresh vitamin juices or the soya bean meat and milk which will strengthen your mind and body and give you greater endurance.

Besides some money in the next few weeks you will be receiving the oil samples and a copy or original or one or more botanical books, so should you leave home keep me informed of your new mailing address. Love "pops" Franklin


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: my head-injuries..

Date :
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 21:13:38 +0000

Hi Victor, hope everything is going well in your new friendship, that she turns out to be the right peron for you. With regards to your ability to survive, you have managed very well, make excellent moves. Do you play chess by the way? Remember, however, no man is an island. Its easy to get into difficult situations but hard to get out. Always leave the escape avenues open and ready. Get back to you in a couple of days, your Dad Franklin.


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: hello frank
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 15:31:38 -0500

hello frank,

ahh, i am in one of my depressed states right now. i just got this email from chasity:

Hello Victor-

We haven't talked for a while, I hope you are doing well. I'm writing you because there is something wrong with Stuart. I don't know what but he needs to go to the vet. He has a cut behind his ear and I don't know how he got it. The best I can figure is that he has been scratching it and just made a big gash. Its like a flap of skin and it looks like it may be infected. I also think he may have worms. The reason I'm telling you this is because I would really appreciate it if you could help me out with him. I have very little time free to take him to the vet. There is one right across the street but by the time I get home from work it is closed. I was wondering if you would take him one day this week during the day and get him seen. Of course, I will pay for it. If you can or you can't, please let me know.


my reply:


i start work on monday and im scheduled to work monday-friday, 9am-6pm. i will talk to my boss and tell him i need a day off, even though im just starting. i will explain the situation to him and let him know its an emergency. i will be there for my son, even if that means risking this job.

im getting hired at computer express on dezavala and cogburn. i will be building computers for a school district. theyre hiring a team of 4 people to meet a contract in 3 months, so its a temporary position. i am sure once they see my skills they will keep me on permanently though.

chasity, it really pains me that you only contact me when you need something. i cant believe you expect to take stuart to florida with you. if he meant so much to you that you have to steal him from me, im sure you could make the time to tend to his needs now. regardless, i will be there for him, but do you still plan on stealing him away from me too? like youve done with all my other things.

i asked you before if when you moved, and i still hadnt cleared up the issue at the bank, if you were going to take my computer and you told me that you wouldnt. your precious credit would remain the same in florida, so that leads me to believe youre keeping my stuff out of spite. or that youre just lying to me some more.

it seems like you are having so much fun with my toys, that i worked damn hard for, and you couldnt bear to be without them. even though they are blatantly mine. i had left them with you because i thought i could trust you, you were supposedly my best friend. and when you saw the opportunity to justify keeping my stuff with the whole bank thing, you did. i could have stored my things in my mothers garage, but i was nice and let you hold them, only to find out you wont give them back to me now. thats a really rotten thing to do to someone who devoted himself to you loyally for 4 years.

i will call or email you about when i will take care of my son, but mark my words, i will.

- victor

also, yesterday, the mailman delivered a certified letter to my house from the uhaul people who are holding my stuff. it said that they have a lein on my belongings and if i dont pay the $5,000 i owe them before december, they will sell it at a public auction. so im gonna lose my entire wardobe as well as every other worldy possesion i own.

now if i had my computer, i could make all my problems go away. im not sure if i told you, but the majority of the people ive sent my emails to in the san antonio chat rooms on aol agree with me. i got the idea that once i get my computer back, i am going to mass-mail my ideas all around the globe. in one of my mails im gonna ask for help.

as soon as i have sixty dollars, i plan to rent a post office box. on my email i will ask people if they would be generous enough to donate some money to clear up my debts. i will let them know that helping me will only help my goal of world peace. i am almost positive people will send me money. people waste so much money on the internet as it is. once they realize how worthy my cause is, my mailbox will be overflowing. especially once people read my stuff and forward it to their friends.

i also got another clever idea. i will send an email to all my new friends and give them chasity's email address. ill ask them to bombard her email. ill ask them to tell her that im not crazy and that i deserve all my stuff back. im not sure if that will work, but it doesnt hurt to try. once she sees all the support i have, she might change her tune about me.

it makes me so mad that she looks down on me for accepting other's generosity. she is a professional shoplifter herself. living with her helped teach me how money is just a game you can choose not to play. what a hypocrite eh?

how are things going with your business ventures? i start work monday at the computer shop, so i wont have that much time to devote to my projects. working there will be a springboard for my ideas though. i will be working with people that are familiar with the internet and im hoping they will see how truly possible my plan is, and support me. i will also have many resources to tap there. fast computers and technical support.

i could really use those $500 right about now though frank. supposedely the deal with chasity was that once i take care of the overdraft charge at the bank($460), she would give me my stuff back. so that will help me immensely, you have no idea how much i will appreciate it.

i have been documenting my days a lot more, because of how interesting theyve been. theyre lengthy reads, so if you want to see what my day-to-day life has been like lately, let me know and ill send them.

well frank, i hope everything is going good for you, peace be with you.

- victor

"Hurt not the Earth. Neither the sea, nor the trees."
Revelations 7:3


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:59:12 +0000

Hi Vic, Just a closing note, it almost 6 p.m and have to head for "la Pintada, a 20 minute ride from Penonome.

About Chasity. Try to interact with her in a friendly and polite way, like if you were merely friends. Avoid getting emotionally involved about any topic that relates to her even if it is about your dog. Practice this with her for a long time, it will help to "stabalize" the relationship and she may spontaneously give you your things back. If you pretend it doesn't matter that much whether she keep or not your things she may try to gain your attention by surprising you with the opposite, giving you what is yours! She contacts you with doggy excuses because she needs your ENERGY. SHE MAY NOT EVEN REALIZE IT BUT SHE NEEDS YOU TO PLACE YOUR ATTENTION ON HER. Do so but not entirely so that she will do something to please you like giving some or all of your things back,,,, who knows, maybe what I am saying will work! Be cool and less emotional with all those people who do not understnd you but need your energy! They will begin to understand you more! Frank.


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: just another update
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 05:46:21 -0600

hello frank,

how are you doing? i just wanted to let you know whats been going on in san antonio, since i havent heard from you in a while. i started the perfect job last week. i work at a computer shop. me and 2 other guys were hired to fulfill a contract the shop has with the san antonio idenpendant school district. we build computers and go deliver them to the schools and install them. what better job could i have?

not only am i working with computers, i am also staying active and exercising at the same time. when we finish building a batch, we load them into the company truck and go on-site and install them. its great exercise. finally, something i love that im actually getting paid for also.

everyone there is very laid back and i feel accepted there. i get $7/hour and i am also working full-time. monday through friday, 9am-6pm. that doesnt leave me much time to work on my goals, but all in due time.

my position at the shop is temporary, until the contract is done in 3 months. i am almost positive they will want to keep me permanently after seeing my skills. i kick ass. my plan is to save up some money, get some of my stuff back from the uhaul, and when the contract is up in january, head west again.

i am not sure how long i can work there happily. i am, after all, still working for someone else. and you know i try and work for everyone, but thats not paying bills right now. unfortunately, until i phase money out, i still have to use it. just as little as possible though.

i get my first check tooday. its only for 3 days so it should be somewhere around $150. the uhaul people already told me i needed to give them $1000 first, to get anything back. that is, if they dont auction my stuff off in december first. i think im just gonna show up and offer to endorse them my checks every friday and see if that flies. money talks, ya know.

your $500 loan would still be greatly appreciated though. it would just speed everything up. trust me, i will use it wisely and when i can, pay it back. also, im itching to evaluate your products.

let me know how things are going in panama.

- victor


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