


Failure Franklin 10

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: my awesome day..

Date :
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 20:48:55 +0000

Hello Victor, thanks for the prompt reply. I am still in Chorrera but leaving in a few hours. As usual the buyer needs a little bit more time. This is about the 10th trip and I cannot afford to continue to come in on unproductive visits so I am going to give a lawyer the power of attorney to represent me in the legal work and finding a buyer. Its sort of a partnership he puts up the expenses and we divide up the sales value, I see no other alternative right now. My health hasn't been all that good recently so I am going to take care of myself for a few months. During this period I will be set back in the wilderness so you may hear from me about every 15 days as I go into Penonome city.

Another situation is resurfacing itself, the risk with the colombian cartels. While your grandmother was alive they rented next to her and had wild parties til wee hours. Your grandmother lived next door and hardly could sleep. One good day I got feed up and called the police and asked my uncle beto to stop renting to them. Uncle "beto" now 90 years of age, responded that the drug dealers paid the rent promptly and to get out of his hair before he "shot me." Apparrently it was he that got the word out to the dealers that I was responsible for the police raids. This put a lot of stress on my mother which quickly shortened her life knowing that the cartel was after me. I have been in chorrera for two days and the cartels have gone on alert( they probably think I work with the C.I.A.). Have received two warnings and two hours ago was asked "WHERE ARE YOU LIVING" AND ARE YOU LEAVING TODAY? Some of these characters are so naive that they think I am about to tell them the info they need to "hang my ass." Now I have to figure out how to get out of town. What they will do is send some one to follow to locate my house and family. But all this is nothing new. I have been under constant danger since 1992, over 30 attempts have been made on my life. Some how someway I am tipped off and react accordingly and get away......maybe I am just lucky or its my guardian angel called GOD! Because I acknowledge him he acknowledges me, not a bad deal at all. He only manifests himself to those who sincerely look for him. He is not so eager to help those who do not believe. I am "living proof" of Gods existance. O.K. I will not bug you anymore on this topic, however, you go ahead and talk to me all you want about the marijuana you routinely take, it does not hurt my health, time will show you how wrong you are on this subject but because you do it does not mean I am going to change with you, my role is to try to be a good guide and example even if late in life. I DO have FAITH IN YOU and YOUR FUTURE! There are things because of age and lack of experience you cannot assimilate now. I can only give you tips and point the way, we both know its your life to live. Through your communications I learn about your God given talents and point them out to you, someday you may say, hey my father thought I would make a good "novelist" a good explorer of nature's bounty. You see you do not want to come to Panama soon because well there is plenty of time, its going to be a reward for your work up there. After your concrete jungle succums to nature you may be one of the survivers in the new World of cavemen. There will be the age old problems in primative living. Lack of survival knowledge can cause you to perish. Maybe you might want to save your sons life or suffer a lot because there is not much you can do for the woman you love.

With regards to Ada you say you cannot respect her very much because she lies to you? Do you always tell her the truth or are you are reflection of each other and of a corrupt World? Do you realize that my idea of bringing you to Panama is really bringing myself a "headache?" One that I can avoid by not giving the invitation or by trying to add my grain of sand saying yea yea Son go out there and work your tail off in the good ole U.S.A. You do need help, you do need urgently to learn the things I can teach you but you cannot see it now. When you do see it its going to hurt a great deal more than had you received your vaccine now. How much is a person WORTH that cannot show gratitude to the person who toiled to bring one into this World? You may have not asked to be born, to come and suffer in this World, yet life has no price. " El que no quiere a MADRE, PADRE, DIOS, NUNCA PUEDE DE VERDAD QUERER A NADIE NI ASI MISMO. " No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver." You probably will not like what I am saying but I have to say it. Your tied to your living and thinking habits. Tomorrow it may not be the Uhaul, it may be something else. When I was about 9 years of age I used to walk into the post exchange and fill all my pockets with goodies and walk out without paying. Never got cought but the fool friends that followed my example did. In life ones friends usually end up being ones worth enemies. Good real friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand and there are fingers left over(wisdom from Toño Torres.) If I do not say it someday when I visit you in prison you will say its entirely your fault! We are what we think, what we eat and the reflection of the environment we life in. To a degree we can change our thinking, eating and environmental interaction habits.

Glad you and Chasity are back on good terms, great, congratulations to both of you! Since we first communicated you have come a long ways in improving your thinking but you still have a good road to travel. I am not forcing anything upon you, my words are just BEACONS of LIGHT, OPEN YOUR EYES.

Love always, Franklin VICTOR Gruber Chiari, Tuesday 5:25 P.M. year 2002, Chorrera, Rep. of Panama.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: reread....updated version, inspired!

Date :
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 21:17:08 +0000

Hello Victor, thanks for the prompt reply. I am still in Chorrera but leaving in a few hours. As usual the buyer needs a little bit more time. This is about the 10th trip and I cannot afford to continue to come in on unproductive visits so I am going to give a lawyer the power of attorney to represent me in the legal work and finding a buyer. Its sort of a partnership he puts up the expenses and we divide up the sales value, I see no other alternative right now. My health hasn't been all that good recently so I am going to take care of myself for a few months. During this period I will be set back in the wilderness so you may hear from me about every 15 days as I go into Penonome city.

Another situation is resurfacing itself, the risk with the colombian cartels. While your grandmother was alive they rented next to her and had wild parties til wee hours. Your grandmother lived next door and hardly could sleep. One good day I got feed up and called the police and asked my uncle beto to stop renting to them. Uncle "beto" now 90 years of age, responded that the drug dealers paid the rent promptly and to get out of his hair before he "shot me." Apparrently it was he that got the word out to the dealers that I was responsible for the police raids. This put a lot of stress on my mother which quickly shortened her life knowing that the cartel was after me. I have been in chorrera for two days and the cartels have gone on alert( they probably think I work with the C.I.A.). Have received two warnings and two hours ago was asked "WHERE ARE YOU LIVING" AND ARE YOU LEAVING TODAY? Some of these characters are so naive that they think I am about to tell them the info they need to "hang my ass." Now I have to figure out how to get out of town. What they will do is send some one to follow to locate my house and family. But all this is nothing new. I have been under constant danger since 1992, over 30 attempts have been made on my life. Some how someway I am tipped off and react accordingly and get away......maybe I am just lucky or its my guardian angel called GOD! Because I acknowledge him he acknowledges me, not a bad deal at all. He only manifests himself to those who sincerely look for him. He is not so eager to help those who do not believe. I am "living proof" of Gods existance. O.K. I will not bug you anymore on this topic, however, you go ahead and talk to me all you want about the marijuana you routinely take, it does not hurt my health, time will show you how wrong you are on this subject but because you do it does not mean I am going to change with you, my role is to try to be a good guide and example even if late in life. I DO have FAITH IN YOU and YOUR FUTURE! There are things because of age and lack of experience you cannot assimilate now. I can only give you tips and point the way, we both know its your life to live. Through your communications I learn about your God given talents and point them out to you, someday you may say, hey my father thought I would make a good "novelist" a good explorer of nature's bounty. You see you do not want to come to Panama soon because well there is plenty of time, its going to be a reward for your work up there. After your concrete jungle succums to nature you may be one of the survivers in the new World of cavemen. There will be the age old problems in primative living. Lack of survival knowledge can cause you to perish. Maybe you might want to save your sons life or suffer a lot because there is not much you can do for the woman you love.

With regards to Ada you say you cannot respect her very much because she lies to you? Do you always tell her the truth or are you are reflection of each other and of a corrupt World? Do you realize that my idea of bringing you to Panama is really bringing myself a "headache?" One that I can avoid by not giving the invitation or by trying to add my grain of sand saying yea yea Son go out there and work your tail off in the good ole U.S.A. You do need help, you do need urgently to learn the things I can teach you but you cannot see it now. When you do see it its going to hurt a great deal more than had you received your vaccine now. How much is a person WORTH that cannot show gratitude to the person who toiled to bring one into this World? You may have not asked to be born, to come and suffer in this World, yet life has no price! " El que no quiere a MADRE, PADRE, DIOS, NUNCA PUEDE DE VERDAD QUERER A NADIE NI ASI MISMO. " No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver." You probably will not like what I am saying but I have to say it. Your tied to your living and thinking habits. Tomorrow it may not be the Uhaul, it may be something else. When I was about 9 years of age I used to walk into the post exchange and fill all my pockets with goodies and walk out without paying. Never got cought but the fool friends that followed my example did. In life ones friends usually end up being ones worth enemies. Good real friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand and there are fingers left over(wisdom from Toño Torres.) If I do not say it now, when I visit you in prison you will say its entirely your fault! We are what we think, what we eat and the reflection of the environment we live in. To a degree we can change our thinking, eating and environmental interaction habits. If you are really a man of FREE WILL use it to fly out of the living hell of present planet earth. Be in this world but not of it! The man or woman who uses his free will to transend himself evolves to greater heights of existence, even earns the priviledge of meeting his creater. The kingdom of God Lies within YOU. Your body is the temple where YOU meet GOD. If the temple is dirty you lose your receptivity to the fact of his existence. You cannot progress spiritually until you "tune in" to the infinite........ You are always where your attention is at. If your attention is with material things or pleasures there you will be. Place your heart and soul to see and understand God and you will find what yee seek. It pays to seek him, its much less painful. A blind man always stumbles and falls.

Glad you and Chasity are back on good terms, great, congratulations to both of you! Since we first communicated you have come a long ways in improving your thinking but you still have a good road to travel. I am not forcing anything upon you, my words are just BEACONS of LIGHT, OPEN YOUR EYES.

Love always, Franklin VICTOR Gruber Chiari, Tuesday 5:25 P.M. year 2002, Chorrera, Rep. of Panama. Events do not occur independently of each other, one transends or begins to transend when one begins to see the unity(GOD) of everything. The basic proof of GOD is that every effect has a cause. God is the first Cause of Everything. Before things existed God existed. In the beginning was the "word"(Intelligent energy) and it chose to dwelt among us in the form of Jesus The CHRIST! Science will discover that pure spring water, drinking it in great abundance will cause the soul to vastly increase its vibration and energy level as it causes the soul to assimilate energy and magnetism. And there are plants in Panama(guayabito de Sancarlos) that grow along the mato ahogado river, which vibrate and bend over on ones legs after the magnetic natural water therapy. Such therapy if done for several weeks in the morning and evenings on sunny summer days will rapidly improve anyones health of any disease. Water was made to clean and help give life. There is aloevera and other herbs to eliminate the parasites taken in the treatment.


>From: "victor gruber"
>Subject: Re: my awesome day..
>Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 08:23:29 -0600
> thats right frank, time will show both us our faults. what may be wrong to you, might not apply to me, and vice-versa. as different as everyone is in this world, very few things are truly universal anymore.
> it still eludes me how you can be so against something that is of natural origin, like your cures. everything in moderation, for it can all be abused. even the natural stuff. if it makes you happy, it cant be that bad. especially if what makes you happy had no human-intervention in its production. frank, if my speaking of marijuana bothers you, all you have to do is let me know. i will be sure never to mention it again. it doesnt hurt to ask, remember.
> now about my mother. what? im supposed to turn the other cheek at her ignorance, just because she has "raised" me. if i were someone else, i wouldnt even be cordial or help out at all. she doesnt see how my presence in this house costs her so much less than my other lazy siblings do. i wake up, get on the bus, and stay on it all day. i just come home to sleep and use the computer. let me assure you, i always tell my mother the truth, unless i foresee the truth hurting her more than its worth. then, ill either neglect to tell her, or change it in a merciful way.
>"There are appropriate occasions when lies, deceit, and ignorance should be practiced, especially when the end-result is good. Choose them wisely."
> - Victor
> if i would have left the responsibility of teaching me things to her, i would be pretty stupid. im not saying my mom is stupid, she just lacks so much common sense. she is ignorant to the truth. but hey, thats not my problem.
> ultimately, when i win(remember, i am the victor), everyone will learn how humans are meant to live their lives, in peace and harmony. people need to realize that things change, and you cant stay the same forever. change is always looked at as bad, even if its good change. people are just scared, theyre weak.
>my day will soon come frank. to the victor go the spoils.
>- victor


>From: "victor gruber"
>Subject: Re: my awesome day..
>Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 14:10:56 -0600
> i really do not read much. ever since my second head-injury i have much trouble with my attention span while reading. sometimes i have to re-read sentences because they dont absorb. i really do prefer to write though. because i dont read much, i feel like my writing style is much more original and real. im not modeling it after anything else out there. its all mine. im sure if i practiced enough i could master reading, but time is of the essence and i dont have much.
> about marijuana, ive gone months without it before with no withdrawl symptoms. its not physically addictive and as long as i have something to occupy myself with, i will not miss it. its not a drug, its an enhancer if anything. the majority of my writing has been done while being high. it truly opens your mind. maybe when the rest of the world accepts it and suggests it, we can get stoned and really get back to nature. its medicine.
> i cant believe alcohol is legal and weed isnt. it doesnt make any sense whatsoever. just look at all the deaths alcohol causes, and its accepted? remember, they didnt call them peace pipes for nothing.
> now about god. what are my arguments, you ask? hmm, i may be repeating myself here, but how many gods are there? you ask any christian and theyll tell you just one. what about all those polytheistic religions in asia that believe in demigods and more than one god? are they just damned to hell for believing in the wrong thing? who the hell is right?
> if the christian god is oh-so-forgiving, what do i have to worry about not believing in him? all i have to do is say im sorry, right. if i were to die, and experienced god afterwards, then and only then, would i believe in his existance. things must be proven for me to believe them. i am the only person i should have faith in, not some fairy tale.
> people need to stop personifying human emotion. we feel because we are homosapiens, not to please some magical entity. i feel humans, as a majority, are an instinctly-insecure species. who cant handle the weight of their own existance on their shoulders, so they make up some bullshit god to explain everything for them. the answers that have been found with science and logic make a whole lot more sense though.
>well, that about wraps it up for today..
>peace frank,
>- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: my awesome day..

Date :
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 18:59:34 +0000

Hi Victor, good to jarr you a little to see how you respond. You have come a long ways since we first started communicating, your thoughts are less trivial, more analytical, however still lack more depth and less self serving " To the Victor the Spoils." Thats the admission of those who go out to conquer, in your case with your "intelligence." For the ti me being I think you would do best as a novelist because that{s what you have been "naturally" doing well, narrating your daily activities. If I can still make suggestions you would consider, do a cross analysis of the various kinds of transendental novels starting with Jules Verne, Tarzen, space novels, etc, especially where the analysis of human nature and rapidly changing society is involved. I suggest this because New World Orders are first invented in the minds of men(or mice). Writing what the future will be like is practice for making that future. With regards to God, allow me to ask you something I have not asked you before. What are your arguments for his non existence? Are your conclusions about him also superficial?

About your mom, I recall well her defects but I prefer to appreciate her good side. She did enough for me to earn my respect. When you conquer yourself developing humility(genuine) wisdom will flow to you and you will make a good ruler of the World. The Old Man of the Mountain will be close by watching you! Best Wishes Always. El Viejo de Monte Frank Gruber who chose for you the name VICTOR! Go to it be wise and Brave, beware of the Devil who has one great advantage over you, he acknowledges the existence of God!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: my awesome day..

Date :
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 19:29:48 +0000

Victor, it is not that I would not want you to come and visit me in Panama even if only for a few weeks, I would love that in spite of any personal differences we may have. What would concern me is that you talk so much about your daily smoking marijuana that I get the impression you do not have the control and free will to put it out permenantly from your life. Consequently as soon as you arrive in Panama you would naturally be looking for a supplier. Having pot arround my house would jepordise the security of my present family.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: my awesome day..

Date :
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 19:39:48 +0000

I have acknowleded that I too have touch of the "manic-depressive syndrome." I am now trying to shack myself out of a manic phase, neverthless, it does not affect the depth of my thinking rather makes more volatile my reactions. So to avoid that volatility I go into the peace of nature or a good book, I hate to have to work in a depressive state, like I have to do in the next few days. Depression is something I fight frecuently and OVERCOME. Overcomeing myself is difficult but absolutely necessary for success. " Man know thy self" Kirpal Sing. Who was (is) Master Kirpal Singh, what's in internet about him?


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: my awesome day..

Date :
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 20:35:56 +0000

Hi Victor. Looks like you where not in a very good mood when you wrote your last letter. Well, neither had I been in a very good mood, however, I am feeling better.

Thanks for giving me a clearer idea of your opinion with regards to "GOD." I agree inasmuch as the problem is man. Man in many ways and cultures has made God in his own image, personification as you say.

Yet, none of those religions save anybody since people cannot save people. To me God is the ultimate SCIENCE. There is such a thing as Science of Soul learning how to leave your body and travel through the higher dimensions(higher rates of soul vibration) until you are brought before God. However only the more advanced and evolved souls can have that opportunity or blessing. WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY THE MASTER APPEARS.

In the Science of Geometry we learn about some self evident axioms such as the shortest distance between to points is a straight line(this finds an exception in gravitational fields). Likewise, for me "that creation has a creater" is a self evident axiom and that creator is the Supreme Lord. Yes, there are other gods, there is a hiearchy of gods that constently compete for the essential energy radiating potential of our souls. Matter of fact some of them have elaborate ways of capturing souls and using their energies. When one grows up absorbed in a basically materially oriented society one's attention does not develop in spiritual matters, one even loses the ability to be original on these topics. To say that the spiritual world does not exist is mere ignorance. Its like saying the wind does not exist because we cannot see it. Similarly, we made in the image of God, have creative powers. We think and our thoughts become materialized by effort. Similarly there is such a thing as a UNIVERSAL MIND. It has an autonomous part which relates to the universal laws such as gravity etc.

and there is the "thinking part" which plans the evolution of all life. I am not touching here the topic whether God is "good" or "bad." I am just stating that there is plenty of circumstancial evidence for the existence of the Universal Mind. Does it care about our sufferring? Probably the autonomous part does´t, but the thinking part wants us to evolve and make less mistakes so we suffer less the consecuences of our own actions. The autonomous part only concerns itself with the cause and effect management of the Universe. That's the part of God which earthly scientists know. The other part is more subtle or direct but it isn't just any one who can tune in. In the local libraries you may find a small little book, paperback, entitled " In Tune With The Universe." The supreme intelligence of the Universe is always talking to us, we simply are NOT LISTENING. Our attention is elsewhere. The bible and religions are important only insofar as they are steps on latters toward the true spirituality. No one comes to the father unless he allows it.

Do you acknowledge that there is INTELLIGENT ORDER in the Universe? Is it easier just to say " I do not know where it comes from" than to acknowledge a most self evident act of creation. If we cannot understand that the elemental" self evident truth of creation" requires an intelligent planning, implementation, entity, it is not likely we will be able to understand any of the other difficult matters of life.

It stands and intelligent deduction that man has intelligence because he is a reflection of an intelligent universe. Likewise at a lower level, material not thinking level, we have traces of gold, copper, iron, in our blood etc because materially we are also a reflection or an intelligently organized universe.

This letter is in no way intended to convince you of the existence of God. I am just trying to learn if your mind is capable of grasping a more scientific expanded view of God. No doubt God is the ultimate scientist author even of natural laws. His reality is so big by touching a mere part of him we cannot grasp his existence. We can only grasp that of him which he reveals to each of us. So remember religions have their purpose but their purpose is limitted to teaching a theory which varies from religion to religion. God is a scientist and the way back to him is via SCIENCE OF SOUL. When the student is ready the master appears. Thanks for keeping your channel of communication open. Wishing you the best always, PEACE, Franklin.



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