


Failure Franklin 11

From: jim bob
Subject: frank, i need to leave san antonio...
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 08:45:35 -0800 (PST)

listen frank, ive been sending out my ideas like crazy all over america online. today, i was contacted by someone who made me think. i cant believe i havent thought of these things in the past. here, let me show you our conversation:

Redamber65: like ur prohpecy
IM NOT KlDDING: thank you
Redamber65: but does it ever really matter
IM NOT KlDDING: of course it does...
IM NOT KlDDING: all the time..
Redamber65: nah it doesn't
Redamber65: give u case in point
IM NOT KlDDING: you'll see
Redamber65: whats the greatest cause of death?
IM NOT KlDDING: hatred
IM NOT KlDDING: and cars
Redamber65: nope being born everything esle is how u die
Redamber65: for if u are born alive you will die
IM NOT KlDDING: birth doesnt cause death
Redamber65: can't have it without it
Redamber65: can u prevent deat
Redamber65: death*
IM NOT KlDDING: so what? lets get rid of life to eliminate death?
Redamber65: its gonna happen
Redamber65: jus enjoy the time you have
IM NOT KlDDING: ultimately no..but why make it sooner than later?
Redamber65: there is no consequence anyof us can impose on one another we are gonna go when our time comes
IM NOT KlDDING: you can elongate the time when your death comes..
IM NOT KlDDING: nothing is set in stone
Redamber65: true but why fight the inevitable live well be kind nd go the extra mile and take risks if it come it comes
IM NOT KlDDING: why not?
Redamber65: another example
Redamber65: do u think war serves a purpose
Redamber65: ??
IM NOT KlDDING: yes, they kill people..
IM NOT KlDDING: thats the only purpose
Redamber65: brb
IM NOT KlDDING: the wrong purpose
Redamber65: not if it saves someon elses life
Redamber65: see thats were we would differ
IM NOT KlDDING: killing only incites more killing..
IM NOT KlDDING: theres more ways to save lives than taking them
Redamber65: u talk the talk but wouldnt fight for the right
Redamber65: words without action is jus words
IM NOT KlDDING: just watch me..
IM NOT KlDDING: theres power in the right words..
Redamber65: I don't have to, I am a warrior and veteran of foreign wars
Redamber65: I have fought for your right
Redamber65: to believe the way you do
IM NOT KlDDING: well..america is all about having the choice not to glad theres people like you who are willing to die for this i dont have to
IM NOT KlDDING: thanks
IM NOT KlDDING: it saves me the trouble
IM NOT KlDDING: maybe if this country wasnt so ass-backwards..i would feel differently
Redamber65: not dying for your right I like to travel to far way place meet excotic people and kill them to
IM NOT KlDDING: this is america..its only been around since 1492..this is the land where people are supposed to get along
IM NOT KlDDING: so you enjoy killing?
Redamber65: only those willing to give their life for their cause
Redamber65: everyone else is just a panzi
IM NOT KlDDING: or just less ignorant than you..
Redamber65: I can speak frankly being that I'm a former Ranger
IM NOT KlDDING: the past doesnt matter here..
IM NOT KlDDING: im trying to design the future..
IM NOT KlDDING: no one can stop me, just get in my way
Redamber65: lead follow or get out of the way...good motto
IM NOT KlDDING: now, with our person is going to make a difference..
IM NOT KlDDING: i will soon have my global-voice and make peace the majority
Redamber65: exactly
IM NOT KlDDING: its simple evolution..
IM NOT KlDDING: lemme send you something else
IM NOT KlDDING: ok sent
Redamber65: I'm also a web head and own a hosting company so nothing new
IM NOT KlDDING: ok, then you know about the accepted underworld
Redamber65: yeah its a farce
Redamber65: it actually part of a bigger scheme
IM NOT KlDDING: its as real as it gets..
IM NOT KlDDING: indulge me..
Redamber65: hold on
Redamber65: sorry phone call
Redamber65: its a trap plain and simple man
IM NOT KlDDING: how so?
Redamber65: theres intell agenciew that creat thing to make problems to get soluions that will catch the fringe like yourself
Redamber65: u wanna affect them get inside
IM NOT KlDDING: if they come after me, they have to come after everyone..
IM NOT KlDDING: dont i deserve equal treatment under the law?
Redamber65: yeah right
Redamber65: be careful
Redamber65: rememebr the davidians
Redamber65: branch davidians
IM NOT KlDDING: here in texas
Redamber65: yeah they really didn't do anything wrong
IM NOT KlDDING: what was the story with them again?
Redamber65: all that david koresh was wanted for was a misdemeanor gun charge
Redamber65: and they burned them folks up
Redamber65: for a $300 dollar fine
IM NOT KlDDING: hmm, ill keep that in mind..
Redamber65: so u think u might be doing good being part of a group, all you're really doing is making yourself a target
IM NOT KlDDING: thing not part of any group..
IM NOT KlDDING: everyone thinks im crazy..i have to do this by myself..
IM NOT KlDDING: and you cant stop bytes..
Redamber65: well you might become a target for opportunity
IM NOT KlDDING: i take comfort in the fact that if i was would only speed up my mission..
IM NOT KlDDING: my stuff is already out there..
Redamber65: trust me intelligence groups use people like you
IM NOT KlDDING: for what?
Redamber65: they will befreind you make give u what u need to do the job and then eliminate u as some whako trying to commit a crime against the fre world
Redamber65: free*
Redamber65: scuse the typos
IM NOT KlDDING: i trust no one now..
IM NOT KlDDING: i cant let myself
Redamber65: and your stuff thats out there will be onsidered treasonuous
Redamber65: considered*
IM NOT KlDDING: it only makes perfect sense to the educated person..
IM NOT KlDDING: hmm..i have to leave soon then
Redamber65: it will be compared to child porn..making all those who follow a fugitive
Redamber65: jus keep it in mind
IM NOT KlDDING: i shall, thank you
Redamber65: no prob
Redamber65: I think you have potential
Redamber65: u just got to think differently
IM NOT KlDDING: ive already been to jail twice for doing good
IM NOT KlDDING: i escaped both times, legitimately..
IM NOT KlDDING: i have everything documented...want me to send you my true stories?
IM NOT KlDDING: im slowly piecing together a book..
IM NOT KlDDING: its all true
Redamber65: I know already of these things...just think about going abou it diffrently
Redamber65: I have a some references that you can read tht might help you too
IM NOT KlDDING: ok thank you
Redamber65: check out Victor ostrovsky and some of his works sometime okay do a google search
Redamber65: well gotta run take care

it has finally occurred to me that my life is at risk for having my ideas. maybe im being paranoid, but government agencies maybe watching me. thats why i created this new email account. these past few weeks, ive been preparing to walk/hitch-hike to california and get people to hear me, but now i dont think ill make the journey alive.

you said before you would pay for a plane ticket to panama. well, i think its time for me to pay you a visit. i tried both numbers you had given me before, yours and marisol's and was told both were disconnected. please email me back with a contact number, or tell me when/if you can send for me.

a bit shaken,



From :

To :

CC :

Subject :
Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...

Date :
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 16:10:01 +0000

Hello Victor, you may also reach me at or

O.K. now I have the 50 dollars on hand to send you at the autum dr address. Are you still there. If not there send me an address where I can send you that money via certified mail, bare in mind it could take a week to get there. Will mail it to you upon receipt of your next email as I do not want to send it to an address where you cannot sign for it if not there. I confirm my 653 5323 number is not functionable as it was disactivated for lack of current funds.

Try to come to Panama sooner or later, I shall set you up in your own apartment and pay the rent for a couple of months plus give you the minimum furniture you require. My mother in law age 78 is likely to move in with us, she is in a health crisis. You are welcome also only that I feel you will be uncomfortable in a situation with one baby 1 year old and another to arrive in a few months, there will be a certain amount of stress in the environment so its best for me to rent you a small house near by and support your efforts to do remunerable work. If you wait until March I shall send you the 500 dollars as promised. Remember as a son of a panamanian you also have a right to panamanian citizenship. For the next two weeks will be checking my email accounts every other day waiting to hear from you. Do not be so paranoid as you have done nothing illegal, in a democracy like the united states anyone is free to express his ideas.

I have been rather uptight the last few days especially since the hot summer sun has affected my nerves and my blood sugur has affected my sight so bear with me once we get together personally things will be better for both of us. The therapy I will be using is a sport. Will obtain a set of goggles and hand spear sprung forward with a strong elastic band to catch crawfish, we call them here river swrimp. They are really delicious the way my wife prepares them. This week shall order the fabrication of a seven and a half feet wooden bed plus foam mattres since I have a hunch you will arrive any day now since I know you have a powerful will to get your way. There is nothing I can do to fetch ya now but I know that if you really want to be with me you will find a way to get here. What is at stake is knowledge, the knowledge you need to survive independently in this dog eat dog World. And the botanical field is an area that is opening up more and more each year.

Here is a tip, when things arn't going well, drink a lot of water and go for a swim, it will relax you and clear up your mind. I trust in God things will begin to go better for you.

If you want to use the regular mail, write me at: Franklin Gruber Chiari, Entrega General, La Pintada de Penonome, Rep. De Panama.


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 16:39:57 -0600


i had to come to the library to use the computer because my mother kicked me off to waste her time like she always does. much has changed with my situation. i do not plan on visiting you soon. i just freaked out after talking to that guy, but ive calmed down. i am preparing to leave san antonio soon though. i am going to practice what i preach and go for a cross-country walk. interstate 10 all the way. i am going to shoot for the west coast once more. this time, i will be walking there. i also plan to do it all with no money. i have been training in san antonio and i think i am just about ready. in thinking for the things i will need, i made a lightweight hammock a prerequisite. i did not know how i would acquire one without money. hell, i didnt even know where i could buy one. the other day, i had nothing to do so i thought id jump on the next bus and see what happened. i was craving a cigarette so i decided i would go to the grocery store to see if someone was smoking. at the bus stop no one was and all the buses werent coming back for another hour. i went on a walk through the shopping center to kill time, hoping i would see someone smoking. i ended up walking down this old road that surrounded these woods i used to mountain bike in. it was a sad walk for i found most of my old stomping grounds developed with homes. at the end of the road was a neighborhood, so i turned around and just darted in the woods, not following a trail. i eventually came across a very professionally-built treehouse with three levels. i climbed up there and to my surprise, i found someone had set up a lightweight hammock up there. it is perfect, i tested it out and took a couple hits from my pipe. ahhh, theres nothing like relaxing in the woods. anyway, i rolled it up and stuffed it in my bag and left. i was very excited. now, all i need to be ready is a swiss-army knife and i would also like to secure my california-kingsize bed from chasity before i leave. shes moving to florida in january and i dont want to have to walk to the east cost to get it, hehe. so ive been asking people with trucks if they could help me get it back from her apartment. my friend told me he might be able to help me out today. so after that is finalized, im ready to leave. ill have a big bacpack with a quality rainsuit(courtesy of my friend bob), two pairs of thermals, changes of clothes like extra underwear and socks, and on my front i will have my new simple adidas drawstring bag with more survival gear. i will also have my magnetized water bottle with attached activated carbon filter. i can drink stream water if i have to.

i dont plan to move to california, i have a whole country to explore. i will go there and speak with some important people and get the ball rolling on making some very important changes, then i plan to keep on walking. i would really like to visit seattle and yellowstone national park in montana. those will just be some destinations, but at my walking pace, i will be able to soak up so much more information. the education i will receive from walking across america cannot compare to anything taught in schools. it will be so much better than college.

im walking there just to prove that humans were designed with two legs and it wasnt to push the gas and the brake. im doing it without money to prove that everyone is naturally generous and we dont need to play the money game to be successful. to the victors is left the responsibility of writing history.

i also take comfort in the fact that if i was assasinated, my goals would be reached a lot sooner. imagine the publicity i would get. my stuff is already out there and soon i plan to have a real webpage. everyone will want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote, and then see the sense i made. i will die a martyr. it would be totally worth it.

also, if i did visit you, i would very much like to be allowed to smoke marijuana. i am very discreet with my smoking. i have perfected the art of public smoking. i know you think its a drug, but its just not. if your god created plants and buds that i find and abuse, then who are you to judge?

i do the majority of my writing after i take a few hits. it just open your mind. true, that you can abuse even the natural stuff, but just remember, everything in moderation. you probably think i sound like a junkie, but only because your generation has been programmed to think that. i dont know how i would acquire it in panama, i might have to grow it myself. if you will not tolerate it near you, i guess ill just have to wait until i get it legalized before i come to panama. remember, if it makes you happy, it cant be that bad.

well, i came to the library to type up some chapters for my book. i have been carrying around a mini-cassette recorder everywhere i go. i have a little microphone clipped to my collar and all i have to do is talk. my book is coming along great. i have 25 chapters already. all true stories. im just documenting my life. i never thought writing a book could be so easy. its because i dont have to make anything up. i am just recording the truth.

when i release my writings, people will see how much fun you can have when you dont need money, and theyll want to live that way too. it should spread like wildfire.

i dont know if ive sent you any chapters, but its very interesting reading. if you would like me to send you what i have, let me know.

well, im going to plug my headphones into my cassette recorder and email myself a chapter to my book.

peace be with you pops, and look out for victor's name soon. hopefully not in the obituary. :]

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...

Date :
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 21:24:17 +0000

Hi Victor. Just read your long letter. Wish you a good New years, also the same for your mom and sisters! Personally, I would rather you stay in San Antonio a couple of months. As you know, the transaction of the sale of my rights of inheritance to my moms house was made but only received a small advance, the main part is due before the end of March. If you keep in touch with me I will send you your 500 dollars via certified mail(no other way) to your moms house. Once sent it requires a week or ten days to get there. The question now is if I send 50 dollars now will you be at your moms house to receive it 10 days from now? I certainly do not want to cast money to the wind or on a there and back trip. The last time I sent your mother 200 dollars via bank cable transfer she never received it and was the breaking point of our relationship. International money transfers from Panama other than certified mail are not reliable.

O.K. Here are a few comments on your all american hking trip. In panama there are some instant soops that sell for forty cents, add some to rice and it gives it flavor and some nutrition, you probably have those dried soops also on sale in U.S. SuperMarkets. The other thing is join a national club like bird watches association and acquire there nationawide directory so all the bird lovers can assist you on your way, eachtown has dozens of them, they are by nature altruistic. If someone finds you in the bush and is suspicious you can always say I am a bird watcher here{´s my I.D. to prove it. The hammock idea is great but you need a light transparent long plastic the type placed on tables tocover the hammock should it rain. It also keepsyou warm on cold nights. Take plenty of garlic eat two cloves a day with a glass of water starting the day and ending, it will keep you immune from acquiring infectious diseases plus the mosquitos at night will not bite ya- Get ahold of a Boy Scout and firt aid manual, keep it close by- Carry limons to disinfect drinking water, half a limon per glass, if its too strong it will lower your blood pressure.

I have not bought the land or begun building the house since the money that came in was sufficient only to buy 2,000 empty medicine bottles plas a down payment on a large diesel pick up. Since business had been very bad recently the only way to expand my sales route is with a vehicle. When you get down here I want to be out of a crises situation as to be able to share time with you and I need the two months of waiting for the money to prepare. However, your telling me in advance that you plan to continue smoking pot, although discreetly, means you will not be able to live with my present family. In Panama Jail is hell! You threaten a cop in a penitentiary about suing him and he will immediately place his night stick on your head, later his report with his superiors approval will state you sliped and fell. Here the values are 180 degrees differrent than in the U.S. The U.S. population is basically of loving giving people. Here the vast majority of the people are takers and many will leave youwithout shoes if you let them. Appealing to mans better nature here will not work well.

You must decide whether in March you want me to send you the 500 dollars or the plane ticket to come to Panama as I cannot afford both.

Acquiring your pass port or visa is your responsability.

If you insist on smoking pot why not make a small island off the coast of Panama your home where you do not have cops to bug ya, however, that does not garantee youwill never get caught. If ya do not have the will power to leave marijuana for good I do not think you have the will power to accomplis very much else in life. My generation knew marijuana before yours, I tried it as a kid, my best friend Gustavo went nuts smoking the stuff, in time it depletes brain cells, TRUST ME its that way! The main reason I want you here is to see if I can talk some sense into you but I am learning that its practically hopeless to attempt it. I have come to the conclusion that I am not the one to say the World, and doubt that you are the messia, so lets both come to our senses together, father and son and lets not fool ourselves anymore. Lets try without drugs to be happy ourselves and make a few people arround us happy. You are mostly a victum of the envirment you live in but you can chose to be better. Once you are down here we can do some business and also learn survival tactics. Have you ever had a job selling anything, the way you talk you ught to make a good saleman.

How many pages in your book? If ya want you can send it to me and Iwill place it on a diskette and later print it out as a family historical document. Your best chapter is still coming, the one about your life in Panama, the place you changed your life for the better learning from your old man. Try to leave marijuana before coming otherwise there will not be much I can do for you except see you about once a month at a fairly long distance from my home. If you want to change and improve I accept you in or near my household, if you prefer the past to the future, there are places appropriate for you then but inorder not to starve you will need the survival knowledge anyway. Something that sells like hot cakes is empanadas. I am working on a unique formula containing chicken, ham, soya meat,onions, garlic, tomatos, etc. Its going to be a supper empanada selling for a dollar, they usually sell for twentyfive cents. You will find that people will accept you better if they find you working and making a living. I spend my extra time brainstorming for new ways of surviving. Until you have a half of dozen survival techniques you will not be FREE. Jumping from the mercy of one or another individual the rest of your life is not freedom as it lacks dignaty, freedom without dignaty is slavery to circumstances.

You stated that coming to Panama is not a priority for you. It will not hurt to plan to come down the line. By then I will be better prepared to receive ya. Just stay out of trouble, my circumstances does not allow me to fly there and get ya out of trouble. You have been smart and lucky so far but remember do not press your good luck, rather take advantage of it for the better. One big problem about people in your situation is that they resort to stealing. Take the hammock back where you found it, your luck will improve in a genuine way. I have spent a great deal of time studying the nature of good and bad luck since I have had my share of bad luck. In final analysis Ilearned that only to the degree that you give(reasonably) will you receive the goods things of life. So be good but without being a fool. You stated you have some difficulty reading. Practice a little every day. Son, the next best thing to saving the World is to save yourself and make yourself a millionaire via honest effort. Why a millionaire. Well son, its better to be a hammer than a nail, life will eventually make you one orthe other unless you go back tonature and become a millionaire from harvesting the good earth. I am planning tomato patch myself, prices here are too expensive and I can grow my own and sell some as well. While I sleep or write my book the stuff grows on its own, its only the initial effort and the harvesting and sales, 90 percent of the time is left free with the bonus of the sales at the end!

When man does not understnd you your tomato plants will and they will make you money- O.K. Vic will get back to ya next week, your pops Franklin.


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...
Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 14:06:29 -0600

hehe frank, much time has passed since i last communicated with you. not only did i get to california in two days, but i got to san francisco too. i didnt hitch hike. some guy just saw me walking and pulled over and told me he was going to california. i read him and he seemed trustworthy(not to mention he has a 'jesus is lord' sticker on his back windshield). so i got a ride from east texas all the way to los angeles(for free).

i stumbled upon berkeley, a suburb of san francisco. this place is my model for my utopia. i am currently a "squatter". i tell people im not homeless, im traveling. i sleep here and there and they have breakfast every morning at a church. they also have free showers every day at a pool here.

for nutrition on my journey, i have a gallon-size ziploc full of this stuff called Muscle Blast 2000. i left on the 26th and i probably have 2 weeks worth left. it says complete nutrition on it and its only $15. when ive gotten hungry on my trip, i just put a scoop of the stuff(vanilla flavored)in my mouth, squirt a little water in and just gargle it and swallow. bam, im not hungry anymore. its got everything i need and nothing i dont. i could live without tastebuds.

well, ive documented my whole adventure on my mini-cassette recorder and its just now that ive found a library in berkeleyd that i can access. i have 6 cassettes full of true stories that, when i have more time, i will type up as chapters to my book.

i am having so much fun. i really belong on the road. school and books dont really teach you. no on can possibly retain every bit of information in a book. the stuff stays in the books. a college eductation doesnt hold a flame to the education i am gaining from this journey, which im not sure when it will end.

oh yeah, i almost forgot to tell you. the other day at the place that sold me some more cassettes, i asked the guy if he knew of any computer repair shops in town. he thought for a minute and told me to come by monday around 1pm, and that he would have someone to talk to me. so i might have a job soon doing what i know. i hope he doesnt mind i dont have have a physical address and sleep where i can. i will assure him i will show up to work every day and do a damned good job. im thinking they should let me. i mean, how else do people get off the streets? plus, if i get a job at a computer shop, i will have a lot of tools at my disposal.

well, im gonna go walk over there, wish me luck and ill send you the chapters when i type them up soon.

- victor


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