


Failure Franklin 12

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...

Date :
Mon, 06 Jan 2003 23:31:01 +0000

Hello Victor, congratulations in your arrival at Berkely. Looks like good luck or God is with you! I am glad you have your computer expertise to fall back on. Try to be consistent in your efficiency, concentrate on saving money for at least three months and then take care of it since in a pinch your savings will be your best friend and father, etc as of the moment I have not received the major portion of monies owed me for sale of the inheritance rights, however, as soon as I receive it shall mail you via certified mail your 500 dollars, granted of course, the third World war does not interrupt the mail system, pray that it don´t happen. Hey thats not to say that I am not your father, I do love you as my Son but a penniless father isnit much help. I am working on resolving my economic problems in a more permanent manner.

O.K. here is a little advice that can save you a lot of headaches. First of all be careful who you chose to walk with, chose carefully your acquaintances, the fastest way to get into trouble is by association, Try to find a female companion who has virtious values. It makes pychological sense to go to church even if its to make friends with the pastor receive his help and meet the gals. In the church environment or work environment your most likely to find a compatiable mate. The churchas are full of beautiful available women with cars waiting for their prayers of their dream man to come true, so play along wont hurt to learn a few more lines of the bible, its just part of learning how to best survive in the society.

O.K. The next thing is this: Do not ever make the mistake of contacting REDAMBER 65. He is playing a vary dangerous game with you, as a means to add you to his organization. He incited you to action, good thing you took that in a positive manner, but having studied your situation from reading your correspondence with me he realized you are somewhat of a looner prone to get in problems with the law so by inciting you to go out into the World and " act " sooner or later you are likely to get in trouble with the law by association, it happens to almost everyone who is out on the streets alone, local people distrust th em and send the police to investigate. So whats redambers game. You get into trouble and mama and papa far away can{t help so you are forced to turn to someone powerful and influencial to get you out of trouble, so you email him for help. He does get you out of trouble, once maybe m ore but then you owe him and you will never ever stop paying, as you are added to his organization of available human tools to manipulate you may then be forced to kill, steal or be disappeared if you refuse. Son believe me with that man that is the danger you face. It has happened to me and I cut lose but my life and that of my close family will be in danger for years to come, these are the bad guys behid the good guys and the good guys become their slaves. Read this letter several weary of these mafia tactics which even ex rangers use. When ever in doubt about something let me know, for what ever its worth I will give you the benefit of my advice. Economically, if you stay on the job long enough you will probably be better off than me in just a couple of weeks. First chance you get apply for your pass port, never know when its time to leave the U.S.

At least now with a small truck I can travel the 6 hours to the International Airport of Tocumen to fetch ya. But like I said try to work and save for at least 3 months or more, I am proud of you for your courage in moving forward. Try always to remain the most honest person in the neiborhood, all kinds of work opportunities will open up for you. Be cautious, be wise Victor. Love, Your dad Franknlin. P.S. When you can send me Ada's email. I know she does not want anything with me but someday it may be valuable for her and I to communicate. I will not email her immediately, just save it.


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 17:14:17 -0600

frank, refresh my memory on RED AMBER 65. that name is vageuly familiar to me. since i log all my conversations on the computer, im sure i have ours on my hard drive, but i still do not have a place where i can hook up my drive. its been in my army bag this whole time. i kinda remmeber feeling uneasy or paranoid after talking with REDAMBER. how has this person read our correspodences? refresh my memory please frank.

oh, today i am resting my feet and spending a lot of time at the college on the computer. things have been going pretty good. i was abe to type up a whole chapter today, but i have 6 cassettes full of stuff and i want to get them all organized before i send them out. dont worry about me frank. i have learned its better to stick to myself in my travels. "crazy" people like me have no friends, only acquaintances. i can trust no one.

sure, being alone can suck sometimes, but i have mastered the art entertaining myself and needing only me. there is always something to do in berkeley.

there are hundreds of other homeless people in berkeley who are always on the streets begging for spare change. since crazy people are so much more accepted overe here,i have taken the liberty of makingm y own sign and sitting out on the steet with it. my sign says:

"With the internet i plan to eliminate money and bring world peace, get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer and get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out. Ask me how, I got it all figured out. Send me an email and ill back my shit up. The technology is here. Let's make America modern already. Then the whole world. Think of this as the best cause ever. Any contribution will only speed up the process. Or just write down my email address and wish me luck. I am only trying to expedite human-evolution. It's going to happen someday. Help me make it sooner than later. "

at first when i tried the sign, nobody would stop and read it, so as people walk by i tell them, "hey, will you read my sign?" lots just keep walking, but some actually stop.

the first night i flew my sign, this girl was very impressed and even invited me to dinner. we went to some indian restaurant and i impressed the socks off of her. she told me that her grandmother told her she would be meeting someone named antonio soon.

if there is a town out there where i should be doing this, it is berkeley for sure. if you havent heard of berkeley, it made history during the hippy movement in the 60's. i spend a lot of time at People's Park talking to people. thing is, i wasnt aiming for berkeley. i was gonnna walk around oakland and look for a friend. it just so happens the random bus i got on came here and bam, acceptance. you know me, i am not a fatalist in the least, but sometimes i play with the idea that i am destined to be here for some reason.

well frank, i may be starting my job tomorrow at noon and ive been on the computer for about 6 hours straight now. im gonna go now, my feet have rested plenty.


- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...

Date :
Tue, 07 Jan 2003 17:39:37 +0000

Hello Victor, hehe how ya doing? Sounds like you not me but well what the heck it is me after all!

You spoke about the experience you are having as better than a college education. Indeed experience in life is very very important, nevertheless a formal education helps you to be more flexible in life and get MORE out of your EXPERIENCES. A book is a soul looking for some body into which to incarnate. Reading 100 good books is like "living 100 lives." That is the essense of those lives. Imagine how versatile and flexible a person that reads everybook in the library gets. That was what MAO tse Sung did, founder of the Chinese communist party. Of course I do not want you to continue to go on thinking in communistic terms, however, every great man has some thing worthy to teach, Mao was wrong about many things but right about some others, so its best to seek the good in all people and set the negative aside. Check out also the life of Abraham Lincoln who studied by the light of a candle stick to become a lawyer. You and Abraham Lincoln have something in common of significance: a sense of manifest destiny.

However you have a ways to go to get your feet well on the ground. My biggest failure was not establishing a material base for my ideals. Own your own property, etc, etc. so you have a place of peace and quite to let your imagination fly. I flew my imagination without ever having my own place and times flies and when you run out of gas ones plane drops to the ground. People respect you and your ideals more when you have something materially to show for them. Had I accumulated something materioally in time I could have been of more value to you in many ways. Now days no one gets to the top without a lot of money. And its better when you make it honestly with a minimum of help from others, which I know you can! However, as I can help you I will. Hopefully there is still time,

About College let me get back to that topic. Each course you take in college puts you in contact with other people that have similar interest in the course, they likely share other interests with you as well. I once meet a fellow who CLEPPed his way through half of his four years of college. He got the list of the equivalency tests for all the first and second year courses, spent a little time reviewing the books on those topics in the library, took the tests, passed them and got college credit for them. Did his college in half the time.

Here{'s how to get into college even if you have a low grade point average in highschool. Audit a course or two in a local small college and make friends with the school director, professors while you are auditing the course. When it comes exam time ask the profesor to let you take it even if you will not get formal credit for the course, odds are if he is your friend he will let you take it. So you pass a few of the college courses. then some nice morning find the school director in a good mood and ask him to be admitted since you demonstrated that you can pass college courses. Thats how I got into the local branch of FSU while in the Army in Panama and bingo when I had enough college courses passed there I asked to be transferred to the main campus. My grades where never great, I concentrated on grasping the ideas, the essense of topics instead of the details. You will do even better since to deal with computers you have to be good a dealing with details.

I could have been smarter than I was. I could have worked for twenty years while taking just two courses at a time and would in twenty years or less end up with my PHD. I then would have a lot of experience plus the title. The title by itself is worthless, yet theory helps you develop more your imagination. Sometimes by not wanting to go to college we just want to prove that we are better than the system, lets not be foolish, the system has a lot of good things we can take advantage of. You are in the land of opportunity, take education seriously but do it your way without losing out on the opportunities to gain experience. In some ways I am glad you did not come to Panama since you are now out there doing good things for yourself in the land of opportunity! Thats why I left you in the states and not in Panama to start with, trusting in God that you would take advantage of the system, it was the last I could do, your mom would not allow you, anyway, to come to Panama then with me. She challenged me to get a good job in Panama and then she would consider coming here, Well I did and went for you all twice but she would not come. I got depressed and sick and unfortunately, fortunately headed for the mountains. So I was weak but became strong, strong for the mission God given to me, only he know when and why and where he will use my training. So here I am waiting, time tells everything. HERE IS THE MAIN THING TO REMEMBER. ITS NOT BAD TO FALL A HUNDRED OR A THOUSAND TIMES, EACH TIME YO GAIN EXPERIENCE. ITS BAD NOT TO STRUGGLE BACK TO YOUR FEET. EINSTEIN USED TO SAY, GENIUS IS 99% PERSPIRATION,WORK, 1% INSPIRATION.

HERE IS SOMETHING ELSE TO REMEMBER, NOW DAYS. IF YOU WANT TO BE NUMBER ONE YOU UNFORTUNATELY HAVE TO BE WILLING TO KILL OR BE KILLED. Behind every would be "president" there is a pack of lions with which the president is forced to share power. Do you want to be held morally responsible for the actions of all those power hungry lions? There has to be a better way of changing the World than becoming number one. Educating the World is probably a better way, educating oneself is the start. Just as you did not realize that the intelligence agencies where listening in on our communications there are many other pertinant aspects of the "change the world" aspect that you are not educated for. This is why you should audit certain college courses, it will bring to mind in brain storming sessions lots of situations which will face you later in life.

I will be checking my email about every 4 days now. Am again, thank God, behind the wheel of a vehicle, I can be more productive and my health will suffer less. This last months has been extremely difficult, a lot of stumbling blocks to overcome even in little administrative matters, only via perservertance have I been even able to transfer the vehicle to my name. I Pray to God that he Bless my business so it may be prosperous. His blessing brings a lot of "good luck or fortune." May The Force Be With You, Yes, The Supreme Intelligent Force of The Universe. Your pops Franklin


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: from your dad, Franklin

Date :
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 21:37:24 +0000

Hi Son, about redamber65. You asked me to refresh your memory about this person. He was an ex ranger who contacted you with regard to your mass publicity about your ideas. He gave you a warning that the surveilance agencies may be annoyed with your mission and send people like him whose job is to eliminate people with causes worthy of giving their lives. You got paranoid about his conversation with you and wanted to leave San Antonio. The main thing is just to be conscious that words do count and can even endanger your life. Son, take the time to read all the negative stuff in the library about marijuana, the good news you already know, the bad in time can damage your brain. I am praying for a miracle for you, that the right woman will come into your life and make you reflect and change about a lot o things. You do have a lot to offer the World, just need a female partner that can understand you yet help you keep your feet on the ground. Glad to know your spending time in the College Library, its a good environments. Keep up the good work. Love ya, Dad, Franklin Gruber. Remember will soon no longer be in la Pintada de Penonome, returning to Caldera, Chiriqui, close to Boquete next week. Keep in touch.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...

Date :
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 04:09:05 +0000

Hello Victor. Its been a while since we communicated. I have moved again to a mountain rural community with no internet service. The idea is to get out of the hot summer sun and inbetween two mountains where there is shade and a natual spring. My health has not been very good recently. My blood pressure has dropped several times and my colon tumor is spreading. The only way I can beat this disease is to put all my knowledge in practice. I have been spending too much time curing other people and have neglected myself. I am still waiting for the main portion of the revenue from the sale of my inheritance rights. Should be receiving it before the end of March. This time I do ´plan to send you the 500 promissed as soon as I receive that money. Buying the truck enabled me to save 120 dollars on the long move. The vehicle is running smooth but requires some minor maintanance on the breaks and steering wheel. Have located a large plot of land at dirt cheap price. Will go see it this coming week. Right now I am back in Chorrera. I will still be h ere tomorrow until about 3 p.m. if you want to write me and get a response. How are things going with you. Did you get the computer job- Let me know how you are doing. Remember be good, be wise, you can make it in the land of opportunity if you are wise and also seek the advice of wise elderly people. Love your dad Franklin.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...

Date :
Thu, 06 Feb 2003 20:17:24 +0000

Hello Son. Have not heard from you in a while, hope your absense in communication is for the better that you be too busy working or some other edifying activity. Have you ever considered a job as a Forest Ranger. What ever you do in life should include as peaceful and as stress free environment as possible. You obviously have memory lapses as result of having been in coma. Recently on educational tv saw a documentary on a trauma hospital and the characteristics of after effects of having been in coma.

You have no idea how sad I am about my lousy relationship with you and sisters throughout the years. I really want to do good things for you three, yet its like a jinx or spell placed on our relationship going back to the days I was in San Antonio. I remember the exact day that invisible curtain fell between your mother and I. I had made my second trip to San Antonio trying to reconcile with your mother as I then was 6 months on a stable job as marketing manager of the Panama Computerland Franchise. The reconciliation was going well but out of nowhere came an unexplainable negative reaction from Ada. I kept my part of the condition she had placed, get a stable job in Panama and possible we will join you. Now that I am raising your baby brother I know more how it would feel for me to be absent from his life, it would be terrible for him. I do feel bad also about not getting you the 500 dollars from the downpayment I received on the sale of the inheritance rights. The decicion was one of chosing whether attending an immediate need, sending you spending money while living at your mother's house or investing in a tool that would allow me in three months to triple my 400 dollar a month distribution route plus be able in an emergency to take my pregnant wife to the hospital as she is a high risk patient. I realized it would annoy you not to receive that money then but I felt that with greater future economic stability I can do more for all of my children in the coming months and years. I was able also to purchase 2,000 medicine bottles and pomade containers at ten cents each. Since the raw material is free from the jungles, once processed my expense per medicine bottle is only 30 cents. It wholesales for 3.50, thus 2,000 bottles represents 9,000 dollars in sales. The 3,000 received I shall be able to triple as mentioned in 4 to 5 months. Also my promiss to you was to send you the 500 as soon as I received the 10,000. I have not received it yet. There is a 47 hectaria farm worth one million dollars up for sale for only 7 thousand dollars. Its an old man in the wilderness abandoned by his sons. 47 hectarias is iquivelent to about 70 U.S. acres. Planted in pine or teak would it would be worth about 20 million dollars in 15 years. I have learned in my wanderings that life goes by very quickly and if you do not invest in real estate just about everything else is not of lasting value. So part of the remaining existence of my life will be to buy land and plant trees. They require little maintenance and keep growing even while one has the ups and downs of life. As I begin to acquire land, I shall set aside your land. It will be inscribed in the public registry in your name, you will not have to wait for an inheritance trial. So please son do not lose all hope in me because of the bad precedents. Things are changing now especially since I am perceived as Don Gruber, people treat one differrently when they see you on wheels. I am also now able to quickly expand my delivery route because of the vehicle. I am also activating the Pomada Gruber publicity in the newspaper. I now have wings to get an uplift from the winds of fortune.

Our relationship certainly was plagued by bad fortune. Its really the projection of someone elses negative thoughts on me creating a heaviness of thought that causes one to stumble through life. I have learned how to shake negative energy off me. Here is how its done.

Eny time you begin to feel sluggish in body and thoughts change physical locations and avoid the hot sun and people. Head for a natural spot with plenty of water, bath in it for 20 minutes letting the stread water wash your head, find a little water fall and let it hit softly your forehead. The magnatism of the water will wash away the intoxicated electro magnetic human aura. If its clear running water drink plenty of it but for a few days later drin 3 glasses a day of limonade with garlic and onion liquified and strained to kill parasites. Wherever you go find as soon as you can a hideout with natural spring water, make it your escape hatch and refuge. There you will be recharged and harmonized. I do hope the time will come when we will be reconciliated fully. Meanwhile keep holding your head high and perservere in difficult times. We both have our missions and obstacles to overcome. Please let me know how you are doing, LOVE your old man Franklin


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: hi frank
Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 17:20:20 -0600

hello frank,

argh, i had just spent an hour replying to your last email and i lost it all. i am at a library in oregon and the timer ran out. youre probably wondering how i got to oregon. hehe, its a very interesting tale. ive had my mini-cassette recorder with me the whole time and have logged the whole experience. i just need to type it up.

in short, i was walking west on I10 for 2 days and someone just stopped. the guy told me he was going to california, where was i going? so i got a ride from west texas to LA. caught the greyhound to san francisco, the BART to oakland, the bus to berkeley, some girl gave me a ride to arcata in northern california, then i got a ride to this healing camp in oregon, from there i am now living with some hippies who have been active in the peace movement since the 60's. their computer resources/skills are rudimentary and i plan to help them. maybe ill have my headquarters here.

the only computer they have(which just shorted out two days ago) is an old 300mhz system not on the internet. ive called mom and asked her to put my computer in a box and ship it to oregon. it should get here in like a week. they have this big multi-room office in a barn behind the trailer we are living in. it would be a perfect headquarters for my internet ideas. but, i have to work on some projects out here. for one, i need to get a satellite internet connection and eventually more computers in the office which i can network.

now, dont feel bad for not sending the $500. i have learned never to count on money. unfortunately, until i phase money out i recognize that i must still use it. just as little as possible. money isnt necessary, it just speeds things up a little. therefore, if you have any surplus you can spare, feel free to send it this way. dont go too much out of your way though. just know that right now, i am the best cause in the world. once i get a little publicity and get the ball rolling a little faster, success will be mine and i will make a lot of people very happy. i am going to write a little history.

whenever i have the time and a dedicated computer, i will type up my stories and let you know exactly what ive been through. oh yeah, let me tell you what im thinking of doing. i am kind of homesick already. i plan to return to san antonio eventually. i was thinking once i do a little more work here, i will make my way back to san antonio. i will record my whole voyage back home and then type up my book at moms house and unleash it on the internet(for free). ill just relax for a couple months and tell my friends about all the fun ive had. then, i will plan a sequel-trip. this time ill go east and visit my ex girlfriend chasity and my dog stuart in florida. i will go without money again and record the journey. eventually, ill come back to san antonio and type up my story and unleash it again. im thinking ill go north next or maybe ill go south and aim for panama. you know i hate planning things at all. im just brainstorming.

oh well frank. you wouldve had a good story if the timer hadnt gone off. you will have to settle for this abbreviated version, because im lazy, hehe.

i hope you are well, peace pops

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Are you alive?

Date :
Sat, 08 Feb 2003 19:29:26 +0000

Hello Victor. Please send me an email to know you are alive! How are things going for you in California. Just a small update. I am no longer in the Pintada de Penonome address. I am a long distance from there, so please if ever down the line you venture to Panama contact me first via this email address as the day is coming closer in which I will disappear into the mountenous jungle and retire there, more peace among animals than humans. There is still one matter pending with us. The minute I receive the money of the inheritance rights in my hand I shall send you the 500 promised. I understand you have valid reasons for not wanting to write me. In your place I would have gotten tired too. But late is better than never. Even when ill fate crosses our path we can overcome it. Faith has the power to do anything. Love your old man, el viejo de monte. Franklin.


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: Are you alive?
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:48:33 -0600


of course i am alive. not only am i alive, but i am also the happiest man in the world. hehe, when i find the computer time to type up my stories)ive had my cassette recorder with me the whole time), you will be able to see exactly how much fun i am having.

now why would you think i would not want to write you? you have done nothing wrong to me. not counting the food and shelter ada provided me with, i feel like i have been able to raise myself and have done a pretty decent job. i have learned only to depend on myself, for i am the only person i can trust fully.

please believe me when i say i forgive you. like ive said before, it would only be hypocritical of me if i were to hold a grudge towards you. like they say, forgiveness is divine. you are, without a doubt, my blood-father. we are too alike, despite the fact that we havent had any contact since i was 3, to be ignorant to our similiarities. therefore, i see you as a new friend and am open to learning from you as much as possible. i just hope that you take this opportunity to learn from me as well.

just like any other relationship, our new friendship will keep working only as long as we accept each others differences and do not judge the other. true, we may share a lot of beliefs, but we are not the same. as long as the other can tolerate the variety in our relationship, we will get along great.

well frank, its a cold morning here in oregon. im going to go smoke my first cigarette of the day. maybe if my succcess comes before i expect it to, i can fly you over here so you can visit me.

there is this medicine woman named fawn journeyhawk in o'brien oregon, who has a 90% success rate of healing people. maybe she can help you with all your ailments. this guy nate, who im living with now, used to have clubbed feet. he went to the healing camp, went through the process(of just laying down and falling asleep when the spirits take over), and now his feet are normal and he is still healing. if nothing, you two can learn from each other since you are a healer yourself.

well frank, have a good day and the best of luck to you.

- victor



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