


Failure Franklin 13

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Are you alive?

Date :
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:18:11 +0000

Hello Victor, I sure am glad you are alive! Since you did not remember well the redamber65 communication to you I thought maybe you where slowly losing your memory due to your head injuries. It is good to place that incidence of warning in the past although caution in internet is warranted.

Yes in the future I would be interested in meeting Mrs Fawn whom you state has a 90 % efficiency rating in curing ailments. That is also my own rate, coincidentally, however in my own case due to my work load have only managed to control my intestinal tumor. You see Son curing oneself is a job in its own right, gathering the materials, resting physically and mentally while the herbs are applied.

I am very glad that you are very happy with what you are doing. You are probably in the right energy belt of the U.S. that coincides with your energy receptors. Since everything is alive and radiates energy we have more affinity with certain geographic positions as well as energies from cultural groups as a whole.

Having made the decision to purcase the truck enabled me to move physically again to a more compatiable region and expand my sales route which I am now doing, By June if all goes well I may be able to retire with about 700 dollars a month stable income as then I will only have to deliver once a month to the sales route.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering assisting me with bringing me up to Oregon to be treated by Mrs. Fawn. I am treating myself with the herbs that have worked in the past to control my tumors. The benefit is now noticeable again. Will try to be more consistent in my treatment as I know this maybe my last opportunity, or next to the last, God only knows. The optimum environment for me to be cured is a high mountaineous terrain. First excess fat, the fertilizer of tumors is burned off climbing the mountains, second mountain water has trace elements that can help cure cancer such as selenium, as a sicle cell anemia carrier, AS, the mountain air where there is vegetation has greater concentration of oxigen.

Wishing you continued Success. Keep up the good work. Do not foreget to keep in touch with your mother also, if only to let her know you are alive and well. Love your old man Franklin

Lets try and keep in touch at least once or twice a month. In the event I receive the greater part owed me, I want to be able to contact you and keep my word about the sum I want to send you, even if not a great amount it would be of some use.

What ever you do do not venture down here without prior contacting me via email. However, In an emergency if you do come contact Lilia in the artesania center of Boquete, Chiriqui. I will keep her informed of my movements in Chiriqui Province. This is the province furthest from the Canal and next to Costa Rica. God Bless You Always. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Are you alive?

Date :
Fri, 21 Feb 2003 15:51:37 +0000

Hello Victor, just a note to let you know I am still here. I am back in chorrera moving forward the same old problem. I am a believer in perserverance! Hope things are going well with you. Your dad Franklin.


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: Are you alive?
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 00:01:24 -0600

argh frank. i am on a computer at a different building of the university of california(at berkeley). the computers here, like the one in oregon, has a time limit. so i sent what i had typed, waited for the timer to expire and restart, and now im writing you to finish my email.

lets see, where did i leave off? damnit, i dont remember. oh yeah, i was gonna go back to san antonio and unleash my book on the internet. then, i would relax for a couple weeks and plan a sequel-trip. east this time. ill go visit my exgirlfriend chasity and my dog stuart in florida. ill tape that whole experience too, then return to san antonio and put it online. hell, i have a whole continent to explore. then, after i master the americas i can go to europe. south america sounds like lots of fun too.

well ok, im gonna go find a cozy place to sleep tonight. have a great weekend frank.

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Are you alive?

Date :
Mon, 03 Mar 2003 21:32:40 +0000

Hello Victor, just read your last email, will get back to the previous ones during the week. Just a note to say I still exist and have moved again. I am now located in Caldera, Chiriqui, a small town should by some freak of nature a wind should blow you this way! You are always welcome where I am at, Caldera is a very small town, once you get to the main Bus terminal In David Chiriqui take the Caldera Bus, once there ask any of the small store owners where I live, they all know me as they sell my products. Caldera is near Boquete, the Meca, american tourist are coming to visit. Check it out in your search mode, there is a very hansome web page about Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama. Love ya, your old man! Franklin


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: Are you alive?
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 03:34:21 -0600

guess what frank. im in san antonio again. this guy i met in the park in berkeley took me to his house, fed me, smoked me out, let me do my laundry, and gave me $160 for my bus ticket ALL THE WAY HOME. he did it for the karma. san antonio still sucks. nothing has changed here. im going to type up my book at moms and get save up some money for my next trip. well, right now im pretty tired and im going to sleep.

have some good days frank,

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Are you alive?

Date :
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 20:15:19 +0000

Hello Victor, good to hear from you! Keep in touch I am expecting the rest of the monies owed me arround the 18th of March. As soon as I receive it shall send you "certified mail" in your name, Victor Antonio Gruber, the 500 dollars to your mom's address. I know its still hard to believe, but, well, believe it when you receive it. Thanks for your good wishes, days are going better for me, I am back to Panama's paradise, Boquete Chiriqui in a small town nearby called Caldera. Should you surprise arrive and we are not home jump the fence and rest in the hammock til we return. Marisol is just about to have another Child, so you would meet your brothers!

If you smoke pot in this area, well, keep it confidential. I accept you as you are but hope you outgrow that stuff.

I am now selling limited amounts of my antiarthritic oil at 14.95 in the pharmacies, their cost 10 dollars a 4 ounce bottle. Next week starts my add campaign in the newspaper. At last, far from Chorrera, where gringos come to retire in Panama, I see a bright future! Its better late than never! Love ya, Your Dad, Franklin.

P.S. At this time you will be the only one of my three children with Ada who will receive the 500 dollars. Laura and Diana will receive there's with interest later. My priority is to invest in my company.

I am going to invest a full 1000 dollars in ten cent containers which later bring me 10 dollars each when antiarthritis oil is added. So 10,000 containers if I could sell at 10 dollars would bring me 100,000 dollars! We will se what happens after the add campaign.

Take care Victor, I am proud of you on your most significant initial flight out of your San Antonio nest. Yes, we are very similar in many ways. San Antonio for me was not a growth station. Be good and kind with your Mother even if you may not understand each other in many ways.

People who are made differrently should not blame each other for their communication problems. Have you read the wise saying. "If you meet some one who marches to a differrent beat, leave him alone, perhaps he hears a differrent drummer." Some people never get understood, others 100 years after their death. It all depends on how far you can see and how blind others are. Please keep in touch!


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: victor's true story
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 18:28:16 -0600

My First Odyssey - West

Ok, my name is Victor and I have just recently returned from one great big magical adventure...

[told my story]


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: victor's true story

Date :
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 16:54:59 +0000

Hello Victor, this is your oldman or oldman of the mountain. Just read your summary of your adventure in California. Fawn is an interesting healer. California does have a lot of good people. O.K. pay attention to what I am about to say. I have in my pocket another down payment of the money owed me. Unfortunately the whole debt was not cancelled so now I shall send you via CERTIFIED MAIL 200 dollars. Arround the 15th of April I should be paid the balance and the remaining 300 should be sent to you. I will go now to the local post office and sent you the money to your mom´s house, it will be an international money order. As soon as I do it I will come back to the computer and confirm that I have sent it. I am glad you survived your trip to California and gained valuable living experience out of San Antonio. In a small room their is always a spot which is optimum for every person, so in the World. One must travel to find his nitch.

You are confused about the act of "proving." Its only when events are repeatable and consistent that one "believes" they are "proved." One never goes beyond "believing," real knoledge is not of this World since here everything is relative and subject to change, so todays proof may be obselete tomorrow. What counts is that your system of "belief" be consistent and useful for you. "Life is a dream and dreams are merely dreams." Calderon de la Barca. The only things that is real is the cause of everything else. The visible World is only the reaction to the invisible. Thus it is important to develop eyes to see and ears to hear. For that there should be internal harmony and peace unaltered by drugs.

Congrtulations on your general stability in an unstable World! Your trip helped you regain your prodigious memory for detail. Indeed like your oldman you specialize in survival tactics, they often are better than money. Will get back to you later, Franklin


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: victor's true story
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 11:16:35 -0600

hello frank,

hmm, the fact that generosity came up again and again in my trip proves to me that its human-nature to be generous. keep in mind, the most of the help i received on my trip came from other people who smoke weed. maybe my east-coast trip will prove it to everyone, i dunno. i'm not sure when i will leave again. whenever i feel the time is right.

oh yeah, guess where i'm going tuesday morning. i scored a free ride to mexico. this guy tobin i met, at this shop in san antonio where they sell marijuana paraphernelia, ended up inviting me to laredo with him after i told him about my trip. he even has a free motel room waiting for us and his company is paying for everything, including food. he's 28 and way into survival tactics. he's working for some geological company. so, i'll have my cassette recorder with me the whole time. i'm going to do an experiment. seeing as how i know spanish, i will try to get free things in mexico as i do in san antonio. ill record every instance and prove my theory right. every human in this world has the potential to be good, no matter the bad things they have done in the past.

now, we wont be there for more than a couple days. he even told me if i needed to come back to san antonio sooner, that he would pay for the bus ticket home. to the victor go the spoils again.

well frank, it was good to hear from you again,

- victor

p.s. hmm, i wonder how much bus fare would cost to panama from laredo.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: victor's true story

Date :
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:44:20 +0000

Victor, I have just sent you two hundred dollars via Western Union, go to the nearest Western Union Office and give the transfer control number 0524790060. Its waiting for you to pick it up now! Love Franklin


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: victor's true story

Date :
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:03:44 +0000

Victor go to the previous email for the western union control number, Just sent you via them 200 dollars, available now.

First I went to the local post office and turns out they no longer send international money orders. Next I went to a local bank and the cashiers check they could make out could not be cashed immediately upon your receipt as it h ad to be deposited in an account in the U.S.A. and wait a couple weeks to be collected. By cable we ran the risk that it would get lost in the bank transfer which is what happened with the last 200 I sent your mother back in 1980. Then I went to the bank manager and argued, he got pissed off and closed my account and I loss the communication with your mother. Spiritually I became depressed and the weight of failure set in. The mountains healed me to a degree. Right now I am not in very good shape. I am beginning to lose my memory. Example, yesterday made a 7.00 A.M. appointment, recalled it was at 8:00, this kind of falsification of memory is happening to me several times a month. I have been out of my fresh air mountain environment for 3 years trying to put my life together via marketing. This is one reason why now I have come closer to the mountains, live near Boquete, Chiriqui. Check it out there is a web page on it! Have discovered and incredibly useful stone swimming pool. The local athorities have taken the cities excess water and channelled it into a pool lined with river rocks. That place will become my second home as its where I am doing "hydrotherapy" alternate sun and water baths. I suspect the intestinal tumors have migrated to my brain. I have a small one come out recently on one arm. However, the sunbaths alternated with cold water therapy is working. The small tumor on my arm has diminished a bit. Also am taking a plant for the nervous system but have discovered it has antitumor properties as when I take it my colon unswells. All that is required now for me to stabalize my life and income is to receive the remaining mony owed me for the sale of m y inheritance rights. As I said before, I plan to retire in about 4 months in about 70% and concentrate on curing myself with faith in God.

I will read more careful your adventure in California. Right now this is a stressful period in which I cannot concentrate very well. Wishing you the best always, Franklin.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: victor's true story

Date :
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:04:59 +0000

Please let me know as soon as you receive the money sent, its important to know you received it for my own peace of mind. Franklin


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: victor's true story

Date :
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:31:15 +0000

Victor check 3 emails back for the western union money transfer code number.

Victor, if you plan on traveling internationally get your U.S. Pass Port if you do not already have it, it may cost about 50 dollars. Should you come this way, I live in CALDERA a small town about 30 minutes from BOQUETE, Chiriqui, Rep of Panama.

The United States has long been called the land of opportunity. Opportunity there is practically for free! It is an open society.

Yes there are support groups in every country but Latin America is much differrent than the U.S. although granted a lot of good people in any land. The thing to watch out for is the "double personality of people" in Latin America. Its more frequent to be "set up" for differrent reasons. You have the knack of appealing to the better nature of people but be careful when you walk through a society of vampires and opportunists. Here people culturally are programmed more to take than to receive. Being a giver is more culturally defined than an inherit property of people. Egoism is the starting point for most human beings. Goodwill is standard in the U.S., not so in the third World. Every town has its "south side" so do continents. You have been relatively living in the " positive pole" here in Chorrera and most of Panama you shall come in contact with the negative pole." Do not underestimate the negative power prevailing among a people. I took you to the states so you would be bilingual and grow up in the land of opportunity. You are beginning to take advantage of the opportunities, for that I am glad, freedom of movement to all the other free "lunches."

Receiving can bread the appreciation to give. Not so much so in this part of the World. But there is a wise saying " nadie aprende por cabeza agena." There are many things we all have to learn for ourselves. Eventually parents become smarter as time goes on. Ada may not have done the best job of raising you but she did provide the food and shelter you needed until you where able to flap your wings which now you are doing. Please give her my kindest regards. Franklin

Your welcome in my home in Panama anytime. Try to come after the 15th of April. By then I should have some spare change to buy a computer which you can use all you want, you can advise me as to the model. The only thing I will not do is allow you to drive our vehicles without a Panamanian driver's license. Generally speaking I will try to be as tolerant and easy going with you as possible. You should take the same attitude as we both blow up easily. I realize I also have a lot to learn from you, our exchange of ideas can be valuable for both. Take care Son, be back with ya in a few days! Frannklin


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: hello father..
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2003 12:21:21 -0600

Hi Frank,

Hey, I hope you read my last mailings about how I went to jail. The pigs kept my damn cassette recorder and my tapes. seeing as how those things were not relative to the marijuana charge, they obtained those illegally and I have been talking to attorneys about my rights.

Well, for the past 4 or 5 days I have been having the most magical days. I just get a courtesy-ride on the bus in the mornings and see what happens. I don't plan any of it. I just go where I land. This freedom and happiness has only been reserved for people with money, but I have figured out a way to slip through. Happiness can be bought for a little more than free.

Anyway, the pigs have my recorder. Since I didn't have my recorder anymore and I was still having these very interesting days, I should really buy another cassette recorder. I don't know when I'm going to get my stuff back from the cops, but I shouldn't be wasting this history. Therefore, I was going to ask you if you could spare like $35 so I can buy another recorder and blank cassettes. If it's a big problem, don't worry about it. I'll keep logging my days without it until I can get one.

Even though not having the recorder is a memory exercise and I end up typing up my entries from memory, my entries are still not as detailed as possible. It was amazing the convenience Western Union offered us last time.

Thanks Frank,

- Victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello father..

Date :
Fri, 04 Apr 2003 23:39:58 +0000

Hi Son, this is the first time I have been in internet in about a month to answer my emails. In this lapse of time your new brother arrived in this World. We do not have a name for him yet. However, while in the David, Chiriqui hospital we picked up an intestinal virus that but us all except the new born(thank God) out of circulation for about 10 days. Had a lot of expenses in this time period and was not able to go out and collect monies or do any useful work.

Victor, for your own good, the best thing for you I believe at this time is to take the 300 dollars I plan to send you about the 17th of april and fly your ass to Panama. If you need a little more money see if your mom will help you if its the last thing she does for you. We need to talk face to face and help you get set on a productive direction. Given the nature of the current american way, your behavior and belief system will land you in jail more frequently and more frequently. Its not only to give you an opportunity but for you to give me an opportunity to help and assist you in a more lasting manner. Think it over. Once locked up in jail in a situation where its hard to get out you will wish you listened to this plea.

I have only read your last email. Tomorrow will get into the rest. I have to go on my national route to see how things go collecting monies. To send you 35 dollars western union charges more then 20 dollars in service fee. To send you the 200 costs 22.50. Get back with you in a few days.

If you love marijuana more than your health and security, in Panama there are places you can "cram it up your butt" and no one shall see or molest you. Its rare for me to talk this way, but any other kind loving way just did not seem to get through. Its time to start putting your life together in a more constructive way. Coming here and having a heart to heart talk with me will not hurt you. You will do what ever you want to anyway. Only then you will only have yourself to blame. No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. Love your old man,



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