


Failure Franklin 14

From: "victor gruber"
Subject: your jaw is just going to drop father..
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 12:48:24 -0600

Satudaray April 5, 2003

What a great morning I am having, all by myself. I crashed out early last night because I was tired from so much walking, around 11:30pm. I woke up at 6am. I realized I didn't have any clean clothes and that I had been wearing the same jeans(Only ones that I own) ever since I got out of jail. I threw all my clothes(which isn't much right now) in the washer. The dryer broke a couple weeks ago.

I set my clothes to wash and this morning when I got up, I went to the garage and found this long coaxial cable(that I used to display my whole wardrobe when I was giving it away before I left West). I took it to the back jungle, and strung it up between two trees. I then got my wet clothes out of the dryer and hung them up to dry. I felt very independent this morning. I was making do without. Resourceful.

I jumped on IRC. I saw that my nick was darnit, my backup for when dammit is in use. Since someone was on dammit, I /whois'ed dammit and saw that it was someone in the #metal channel. I entered it and msged the guy, "say brother, can you let me on my nick please?" He got off immediately like he always does when I ask him. Doesn't hurt to ask right. His name is Matt.

In #metal, I was bored so I started singing that Piss Up A Rope song again. Just then I get kicked by an op. I msg the op telling him, "ALL OPS WILL DIE! The existance of ops goes against the freedom IRC is based on." He msg's me back telling me not to impersonate Matt. Here, I'll show you the conversation:

* You were kicked from #metal by Guinness (impostor)
#metal unable to join channel (address is banned)
-> *Guinness* ignorance is bliss, i guess

Guinness> don't Masquerade
Guinness> who are you?
dammit> i am an open book, ask me something
dammit> i am victor the liberator
Guinness> why are you posing as matt?
dammit> i had secured this nick way before matt had it
dammit> any time i get on and he's on it, i politely ask him to let me on my nick
dammit> and he does
Guinness> not in here
dammit> each time
dammit> what? you think your puny channel is the whole undernet?
dammit> please
Guinness> why would you imply that?
Guinness> please
dammit> because you said i hadn't secured it in your channel
Guinness> I said you've never come to my channel
Guinness> don't twist my words
dammit> obviously i didn't need your permission, or else i would have never entered it
dammit> duh
dammit> i don't have to twist your words
dammit> you're doing it for me
Guinness> permission?
dammit> that's right
dammit> what? you think because of that big @
Guinness> nobody mentioned that concept until you
dammit> that you're better than me?
Guinness> I think you are talking to someone in your head
Guinness> obviously not to me
dammit> i think i'm talking to the guy who just banned me from an irc channel
dammit> too bad, so there's not a zillion other channels to be in/make
Guinness> you are replying to things I did not say
dammit> you are pretending to not have said them now
dammit> seems like you might be ashamed
Guinness> you have the bufer
dammit> of something
Guinness> f
dammit> what do you mean?
Guinness> paste me my lies
dammit> you are replying to things I did not say
dammit> you are pretending to not have said them now
dammit> i replied to something you said there, didnt i?
Guinness> paste me my lies
dammit> paste me mine
Guinness> I never called you a liar
Guinness> you called me one... now show me a lie
dammit> nor did i you
Guinness> you certainly did
dammit> paste me my lies
Guinness> you just pasted the accusation yourself
Guinness> [07:59] you are pretending to not have said them now
dammit> that was in reply to your last statement
dammit> which makes your statement null
Guinness> that was your accusation
Guinness> now back it up
dammit> an oxymoron, if you'd like
Guinness> back it up
dammit> i just did, figure it out numbnuts
Guinness> or are you to weak?
Guinness> mental midget
dammit> you will see soon how weak i am..
Guinness> haha
dammit> make sure to mark august 8th, 2003 in your calender
Guinness> oh, and why that?
dammit> it's going to be the most beautiful day
Guinness> you're going to blow people up?
dammit> it'll be a surprise, unless you're not ignorant enough to refuse my text files
dammit> no, just the opposite
dammit> i am going to save lives
Guinness> refuse what text files?
dammit> hold on
dammit> harmless text file, please accept
dammit> guess you are ignorant enough
Guinness> DCC Get of odyssey_1.txt from dammit incomplete (unable to connect)
Guinness> I was away
Guinness> resend it
dammit> can i send you an mp3?
Guinness> ok

I then message Matt and send him the conversation. Matt is dammit- and I am dammit.
dammit-> dude?
dammit-> wats this
dammit> just an interesting convo
dammit> harmless text file dude
dammit-> ah right
dammit-> when
dammit> just right now
dammit-> lemme scan itr first
dammit> sheesh, ok man
dammit-> ah right
dammit-> i was in #metal anyway
dammit-> i saw everything
dammit> not our msg
dammit-> ah ok
dammit-> interesting
dammit-> august 8th?
dammit> can i send you an mp3?
dammit-> sure
dammit-> hey man nice
dammit-> Oddesey
dammit-> im reading the first one
dammit-> and its realy cool
dammit> take your time brother
dammit> i got tons more good, free reading
dammit-> :) thanx
dammit-> i like reading this kindda stuff
dammit-> ultra fun
dammit> gimme your email, ill send you the bulk of my stuff
dammit> cool
dammit-> :P
* dammit- hits NOFX_-_August_8th
* dammit- has quit IRC (Quit: Everything Sucks)
* dammit- has joined #everythingsucks
dammit-> nofx is cool
dammit> the coolest
dammit-> is everything explain in this txt files?
dammit-> about augfust 8
dammit-> how can i help
dammit> forward my stuff out as much as you can
dammit-> sure
dammit-> i wish u big luck dude
dammit> thanks brother, do it for the cause

I emailed Matt all my important documents. I even sent him the NOFX song, August 8th. It's a beautiful song about the day money dissapears. Download it on Kazaa: NOFX - August 8th and check it out.

Ok, the time is now 8:22am. I'm still bored and waiting for my clothes to dry. I went in #sanantonio or IRC and sung august 8th in the chat room. Here, lemme copy and paste. It's a beautiful song.

* Now talking in #sanantonio
* Topic is ',,30000-12275571,00.html <- d0pe'
* Set by fryz on Wed Mar 26 00:01:58
* darnit is now known as dammit
* aCory has joined #sanantonio
* aCory has quit IRC (Quit: i was spinning free.. **)SK8 SIK(** ..with a little sweet and simple numbing me.)
dammit> birds sing
dammit> there's not a cloud in the sky
dammit> august 8th is a beautiful day
dammit> i see
dammit> a bunch of hippies crying
dammit> and august 8th is a beautiful day
dammit> like waking up from a real bad dream
dammit> suddenly everything is ok
dammit> the storm has passed
dammit> the sun is shining
dammit> yeah, august 8th is a beautiful day
dammit> what's going on?
dammit> is something bothering your scene?
dammit> is something wrong?
dammit> i'm not trying to be mean
dammit> the air is clean
dammit> the summer flowers are blooming
dammit> nowhere in sight is there anything grey
dammit> the joy, i feel on the street
dammit> yeah august 8th is a beautiful day
dammit> like waking up from a fucked up dream
dammit> suddenly everything's looking good
dammit> there's been no permanent damage done
dammit> august 8th came right when it should
dammit> poor jeff
dammit> poor little timmy turtle
dammit> stayin' home on such a beautiful day
dammit> NOFX's August 8th
dammit> download it off Kazaa

Isn't that the most fitting song for my mission? It was written years ago. I don't even know which August 8th they're talking about. It is because of this song, that I am going to try my hardest to make August 8, 2003 the day of mass-forgivance that I envision. I've got a lot of work to do. My father is supposed to wire me $300 April 17. I tink I am going to hang out until then before I leave San Antonio again. I had originally thought of heading East, but something is calling me West again. I can just feel it. I am going to go back to Berkeley and make contact with NOFX somehow. El Jefe, Fat Mike and the rest of the guys must know about my mission, if they don't already. Maybe I'll ride the Greyhound there this time. Time is of the essence.

Ok, it's 8:45am. My friend becky-ann(Sk8terchiklet) just signed on and I am going to send her what i've typed up so far today. Let's see what she says, hehe. :]

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hi becky-ann, i am going to send you what i have typed up so far for today
Sk8terchiklet: just on to say somethin to my bf really qwik i promise to read it later today tho
Sk8terchiklet: i have a stalker type boy after me i will tell u about it when i get home later in a bit

I'm gonna go dig around for something to eat, smoke a cigarette and check too see if my laundry is dry. PEACE

Ok, the time is now 9:13am. I just went out to the back porch to smoke a cigarette. I've got a good chunk of weed left, so I broke some up and loaded my smokeless pipe real good. It has a cap with a little hole(put the fire in the hole) and I loaded it too. Double stuffed. Hits realll goooood. I was just sitting there stoned looking at my laundry hanging up to dry. It's like all the clothes I own. My jeans that I wore to California, my mom bought me 3 pairs of quality socks and they're up there, my green "Me" shirt that says " Declare Your Indpendance(thrift store score for free), a white undershirt I stole from my brother, a thermal shirt, shit I can't remember the rest, let me go look, ok two thermal shirts, my cool Kelly Golf Course polo-type shirt, and my one pair of boxers. All my other clothes were in my rucksack that the cops still have in San Marcos.

Oh shit, it's past 8am, I'm gonna call that detective. I'm all stoned. I'll let you know what happens. I know my rights, damnit.

Fuck. This lady answered and I asked for Detective Hornsby. She told me he was only available Monday through Friday, 8-5. I told her I was told that he would be available after 8am today. She just told me he was only available Monday through Friday, 8-5 again. I just hung up. FUCK THE POLICE. Hehe.

Boom shackalacka. Haha that's a funny word to say at random in a chat room.

It's 9:30am now and adela30 joins the San Antonio channel:

* adela30 has joined #sanantonio
adela30> hello
dammit> boom shackalacka
adela30> hey what you doing?
dammit> logging my life
adela30> oh kool
adela30> hey you never sent me that thing youwere going to send what happened?
dammit> what thing?
dammit> here, i'll show you my today so far
adela30> ok

Ok, the time is now 10:41am. I am still waiting for my clothes to dry. On IRC, I went into #geekwarez. now #geekwarez is the new #geex. I used to go to #geex all the time because you could always get on the sites advertised in that channel. You see, it didn't have the string "warez" in the channel name, so it wouldn't show up when someone listed channels for "warez". but now, they sold out just like the rest of the world. I was telling my whole west coast story and hauling ass because i was excited more people would know about it. I got to Arcata and this stupid loser op bitch who didn't like me to begin with kicks me out of the channel. I message her with:

* You were kicked from #geekwarez by Skyzyx (stfu)
-> *skyzyx* ignorance is bliss, i suppose
-> *skyzyx* just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does
-> *skyzyx* you ignorant loser bitch

She messages me back:
Skyzyx> ppl are bitching about it now
Skyzyx> nobody wants to hear it in a warez channel
Skyzyx> and fine, ban is now perm
dammit> good fuck your shitty channel
dammit> there's other phish in the sea
Skyzyx> its much cleaner now :D
Skyzyx> good go find them
Skyzyx> then go fuck yourself
Skyzyx> your story sucks
Skyzyx> over and over
Skyzyx> it still sucks
Skyzyx> the spelling is atrocious
dammit> keep in mind that i am writing a book on generosity that the entire world will soon read
dammit> and you're making yourself look like a fucking idiot
Skyzyx> i wont
Skyzyx> gaaarrrroooooonteeeeed
dammit> just wait and see
Skyzyx> i'm pasting everything you say in the channel
Skyzyx> you are the idiot sir
dammit> good, do what i want you to
Skyzyx> ignore
dammit> get on your knees bitch
dammit> what took you so long to ignore me fatass?
dammit> common sense will tell you if you don't give someone the reaction they're looking for, which in my case is any reaction, that they will eventually get bored and stop
dammit> fucking duh
dammit> it's not rocket science

At the same time, her husband, who is also in the channel messages me:

ToR\L> yer fucking gei dude
ToR\L> don't call my wife a bitch, yer perm banned
ToR\L> if you want to help the world go out and do it
ToR\L> do sit like a loser on irc
dammit> dont you fucking get it, man?
ToR\L> I've been doing this to close to 10 years
ToR\L> I know whats real and whats not
dammit> i am here because it is part of the medium to the mighty power of the internet i plan to harness soon
ToR\L> yea thats what spammers believe
dammit> with or without anyone's help
dammit> yeah, thing is..i'm doing it for free
dammit> i will educate the idiots first..
dammit> i'm playing by my rules, i am free to
dammit> you've been doing this so fucking long, but yet you don't see what the existance of pirated software means?
dammit> it's simple evolution..
ToR\L> you can influence people in a positive way in different ways
ToR\L> yer preaching to the choir
ToR\L> you should be on the phone with your congressman or joe normal
dammit> now, i am going to make one irc channel famous..i've been kicked out of #wareznorth, #oldmemphis and now your shitty channel
ToR\L> yer annoying
dammit> so when i stumble upon a non-ignorant one, i will have more support
ToR\L> on ignore

OH MY GOD! I was just outside smoking another cigarette. I was thinking about all the domain addresses I want to have donated to me. I was thinking,,, and finally, I figured those all were already taken, so I go get online and Alt+Tab to Internet Explorer, hit Alt+D to put the focus on the address field and typed in "me" and hit Crl+Enter to wrap http://www and .com around Me. I see this thing telling me the website is under construction and to wait 15 seconds. I am then re-routed to

My jaw just drops. I see a picture of a little seedling growing with dew sliding down it, and it says, "Plant the seed." I click on the About Brainstorm button and have all my prayers answered. Check it out:


BrainStorm Ventures was founded by Keith Cox, Eduardo Rallo, and Zev Zaidman in July 1999 with a mission to fund emerging technology companies and actively assist them in their development. The principals manage BrainStorm Ventures, L.P., a seed and early stage venture fund with 22 portfolio companies. Most of BrainStorm Ventures investments are in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area. BrainStorm Ventures also targets a select number of international opportunities leveraging its portfolio companies’ technologies.

BrainStorm Ventures was founded based on the following core values:

Integrity through fair business dealings
Passion for creating value through innovation and creativity
Entrepreneurship through funding and active involvement with portfolio companies
Growth through company development, problem solving, & diversification
Speed by building companies fast & efficiently

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC

Here's what it said after I clicked on the Investment Focus:


BrainStorm Ventures focuses its investments in the following areas:

Enabling Technologies
Enterprise Software/Private Networks
Broadband/Networking Infrastructure

In addition, in its first fund, BrainStorm Ventures made a few ecommerce investments.

Click here to view snapshot of the portfolio companies

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC


BrainStorm Ventures

Tel: 415 265.4336

Send investment proposals to:

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC

My dream is going to come true.

- Victor

The time is 11:53am. I am writing with the following:

Hi, my name is Victor Gruber. I just thought you guys would like to read the entry I am making today in my journal. I have been documenting every day of my life for some time now. Easiest book in the world to write. I just have to let things happen.

Here, let me share with you what I have so far for today,

Ok, I sent the email with my daily log. At the end I put:

"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."
- Victor Hugo

Patience is Virtue, guys.

Ok, it's 12:20pm and I just got back from smoking another cigarette. I came back and wondered if I had Saved a draft of it for my records so I checked my Sent Folder. Turns out, I hadn't even sent it. Good thing I logged it on here because it was too late to go Back and get it. Ok, so I'm going to send the mail now. I'm making the subject: "you guys are going to make my dream come true.."

time is now 12:39pm. My cousin Judith called from Puerto Rico. I haven't seen her in years. First thing I asked her was, "Tienes email?" She said no, damn. I talked to her for a little bit then my brother picked up and I told her bye and hung up.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Time to change Victor!

Date :
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 23:09:06 +0000

Son, are you in or out of jail? Good hearing from you in your last 4 emails. How can you save the World if you yet cannot save yourself from the World? What appears to be behind all your writings is that you are saying to the World(as if it cared) that you are important because you can save the World. The World is vary complex, so much diversity even in the U.S. not to mention the other 200 countries with their own set of rules and laws. Save yourself from the World first by learning how to see trouble in advance before it slaps you in the face. If I give my life for the World "the savior complex" it should be for a worthy cause not merely to prove that marijuana is a good thing. Everyone should make up their own mind about marijuana, the idea that it is good should not be sold like someone marketing a religion. There are better things in life that can make you important but are you intelligent enough to find them? The first thing is to review your life. In the land of opportunity where I left you you are doing a lousy job of taking advantage of the opportunities for self legitamate gain. For a person who practically "raised himself" you should by now have more "common sense." You have developed a real talent for getting yourself innocently into trouble. If you do not develop more common sense you are barely beginning to get yourself into trouble. Becoming a martyr does not help you, your family or the World. The best thing you can do for the World is to begin to do good and better things for your self. Esquisofrenic patients are the most intelligent psychiatric cases. They are always trying to outsmart everyone else even to the extent of fooling themselves. In retrospect in many ways I have had similar symptoms but thank God I grew up with a good dose of common sense which helps me correct my own thinking. I have faith in God that you will "think your way out of the deep trouble you are in." In final analysis no one else can do it for you. Instead of trying to remake the World, find your nitch in it and make that nitch your paradise. To the degree that others visit your nitch and find it a good environment, then they can decide to improve their own nitches, in that way the World will become better everyone leaving it a little bit better than how they found it.

The question I have now is if by sending you 300 dollars am I really helping you or giving you a resource that will lead you to more trouble like buying more marijuana. All the people of my youth that became habitual uses of Marijuana never went anywhere in life, actually my best friends who used it frequently developed squisofrenia. By your constant use of it you are only deluding yourself. If you are surrounded by people who think like you you can never escape that culture and amount to anything worthy in life. This does not mean that I do not love you as my Son, it only means that because I love you given my 54 years of life experience, I am sharing my experience with you. When its all said and done, when you really cannot get out of jail because there is no way financially to do so, you will have the jail cell, your mother her guilt and I the knowledge that at least I tried to talk sense to you. NO HAY PEOR CIEGO QUE EL QUE NO QUIERE VER.

When you cannot get out of jail, odds are you shall commit suicide for you love freedom but are not willing to adapt to the "real World" that for better or for worse has evolved arround you. You are living the illusion that the World must conform to your ideas. Being a radical now days is only a prescription for self destruction. Your existence can make a differrence in the World for the better only if you learn to express your perceptions of good in more intelligent non self destructive ways. The guy who called the cops, like him there are millions of people out there who will do you in even kill you simply because they did not like your looks. Until you learn to protect yourself from those guys there is not really much you can do for the World. As your father I am probably among your few options left, to learn from me real survival tools that incorporate especially common sense. Not taking advantage of the fact that I still exist is probably your worst decision. I can help teach you how to stay out of trouble and how the better channel your energies in a productive way. Not that you have to become like me or a carbon copy etc, simply that you can have even if late in life the benefit of my experience. You are headed towards blowing your life away. You are fixed in that direction, like you have incorporated a self destruct virus. God knows I am trying to do my part. I am trying to be genuine and sincere with you so you have a better chance of productive survival in this World. Its not a matter that I feel guilty about leaving you in the states. To a large degree both of us where victms of circumstances but circumstances especially negative ones where made to be overcome. Drugs have a way of making peoples character´s intransigient at any cost. When I take coffee occationally, I tend to feel high on myself, develop a feeling of grandeur. And it destroys my objectivity and humbleness necessary to see life from a state of natural internal equilibrium. Yet it is a negative power that prevails in the Universe that causes us to seek those things in life that prevent our true happiness.

With regards to writing down the chronological details of your life its like your way of holding on to life that you may feel that in someway you are important and needed in this World. I understand that we all have the need to feel important and useful in life but to others you are simply an impression be it true,good or bad. Its more important for the World to finally get to know the essence of you not so much the details. The fruit the tree bears is more important than every day of the trees existence. The pudding is known by its taste not the hours of detail in expert preparation. Keep the details to yourself so that the whole world does not keep a tally on your daily mistakes and sins. Even without expressing them there are sufficient people out there willing to hurt you simply because they do not like your looks. So protect yourself from yourself first. Send out the image that helps protect you and work in a private way to perfect the gift you want to give humanity. There is no sin in your ideas if they are not imposed like a marketing campagin or a religion. Truly good things go out by word of mouth and do not require much selling.

I would like for you to come to visit me in Panama for a couple of months. But not to raise waves with local authorities but rather in a humble set of mind, open enough so you can continue to positively evolve. I am not in a condition to lose my current family or the fruits of my labor of the past 24 years in an instant the moment you put yourself willingly in a vulnerable position. You need to stop being your own worse enemy. What I have to share with you is basically knowledge and fraternity if you make an effort to stay out of trouble. Life is to short to be sacraficed on the ALTOR OF MARIJUANA. If you cannot find anything else worth sacraficing yourself for you truly then are or will be a miserable fellow. You are deep in a well but you do not realize it or accept it. You are a prisoner of your habits the effects of which like a spider web shall dictate your fortune. You can only be helped by some one who climbed out of the well first. I in many ways are not better than you, only that I managed to overcome the road you are now traveling, one which is very old. You are beginning to experience the consequences of that road. If you do not change your life style the cross you shall carry shall crush ya. But its o.k. dad, many other people are doing it too and they are not crazy......let the years go by Son, 10, 15 20, 30 and see how each of your pot friends are doing. Some may be lucky and have fathers, friends or relatives who can talk sense into them and they may do well in life. There are some things I have not told you about myself. At age 15 to 17 I too smoked Marijuana. My bizaar behavior was one of the factors that drove my brother madd. I have regretted it all my life. Laura had enough sense to get out of your way, my brother John was boxed in, going into the airforce only added the little stress he needed to become a full blown squisofrenic patient in a catatonic state for weeks. I talked enough sense into myself and the Army experience provided the needed discipline that I was able to rehabilitate myself. However, I have never overcome being " a rebel." Only have been smart enough to learn to survive in this dog eat dog World. Its only by having a job of my own making that I have adapted myself to this World. I can no more hold a job for long than you can. I like to call the shots my way and if the boss does not like it, well screw him! So we do have a lot in common, I have gone down the road you are traveling and the environment in the U.S. is contrary to our nature. You and I both need open space where we can be ourselves and no one will hassle us. But its the Marijuana which you must overcome otherwise you can never rehabilitate yourself. You will be an enemy of society where ever you go and society will not change just for you. Once you are put on the black list of local and World governments you will have no rest, you will be persecuted wherever you go until you head for the woods and jungles and hope you where a BOTANICO in order to survive. Its time to stop and review your life. Its like a grown lion talking to his lost lion cub although my heart is of peace, the World tends to make persecuted people into lions. Its hard to make your peace with the World if the World is always bugging you because you are pegged in the computer system as an enemy. Its like having bad credit, it takes years, decades, even a life time to regain good credit and confidence of lenders. So be consistent in presenting the World your best image. The nature of the World is to cast you in a negative way anyway. So fight to present your positive nature and maintain it otherwise the World shall destroy you, it is a lion looking for people to devour.

Son I shall tell you know, you and the American Way and dream are uncompatiable. Find your little island or farm and make it your castle.

Peace be unto YOU. Love your old man trying to give the best of his advice and heart to you. Just remember that the guilt trip you give your mom does not work with me. I love ya and want to love ya more but if you harm me in anyway there maybe instant reprisal. I do not like being that way but its the way that old lions become. Maybe you will overcome yourself better than I have. God only knows. Time shall tell.

Lions are not really good things. They are the worst part of us. The true success of a man and society is overcoming largely the evil in himself. Will get back to you about the 17th. Stay out of trouble. Franklin. Please reread this letter everyday for 10 days. See what knew meaning good or bad you find in it and talk to me about your reaction to its content. If I did not care about you I would not have written it.


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