


Failure Franklin 15

From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 20:51:29 -0500


I'm not sure how to reply. It's time for the whole world to change, before it's too late. My adventures in jail will only serve as excellent chapters to my writings. It frustrates me that you still view Marijuana as a drug, especially after you've had such minimal experience with it. Let me quote my favorite band NOFX, "If God created plants and buds that I find and abuse, then who the fuck are you to judge me?"

You, of all people, being that you study natural cures and what-not, should see the benefits of this divine herb. What bad comes out of smoking weed? Compared to real drugs such as alcohol. Just because I admit to smoking it, does not mean I consume mass quantities of it. I take it one hit at a time. Everything in moderation.

All the peace-loving hippies smoked weed. Doesn't that tell everyone something? It's a peaceful enhancement. Nothing, absolutely nothing bad can come out of it unless YOU let it. Don't blame individual human faults on this harmless herb. That just makes it the scapegoat. There is so much more to my mission than legalizing Marijuana. Why must you keep centralizing on that?

What you think is true is only true to you. I feel it would be in your best interest to stop labeling things and think for yourself. Why would you consider me schizophrenic? Who are you to judge? What definitions are you basing your judgements on? The one's in the text books? You shouldn't believe everything you read/hear. Write your own definitions.

My needs are being met just fine. I am not unhappy with my living conditions. Sure, I wouldn't mind them changing, but I am making it just fine. There's a brighter side to everything.

What saddens me is how my world is being destroyed by ignorance. You say I should retreat from society where I can get away from it all. That would be an option for me, if the lazy majority of today wasn't wasting my world away. It's everybody's world, including mine. Shouldn't everyone be concerned about preserving our world for the kids? But no, everyone is too pre-occupied about taking care of themselves. Selfish bastards.

You spoke about proof not too long ago. You said that things need to be repeated to be proven. My daily logs will serve as evidence that money should be done away with. I have been encountering generosity to the fullest extent and everytime someone does something nice for me, I write it down. It happens over and over. I can almost count on generosity. By your definition, shouldn't it be a proven fact already? Don't you think the world would accept difference and "craziness" better if someone with two head-injuries who never went to college and smokes weed accomplished so much? Be the best? Climb the ladder? Do it better, higher, faster? I refuse to participate. I can go my own way.

I know my logs won't be considered evidence legally, but no one is going to believe someone could make up so much stuff. I mean, I left walking to the West coast from San Antonio, generosity picked me up, I had an all-expense paid vacation, everything went my way, and I got a free ride all the way back home and received a priceless education I could never have received in any school. Anyone can do it. What more proof do you need? Maybe I'll just have to do it again.

Now, about the money. I AM NOT A DRUG DEALER FRANK. Once I receieve the $300, if you are still willing to send them, I am going back West. I will buy my Greyhound ticket back to Berkeley($130) and make contact with NOFX, the band that reinforces my thinking to a tee.

Now, I also owe my mother $200 for bailing me out. The money would help me greatly to prepare for my sequel-trip(not to mention, get recognized in my book). But, If you decide not to send me the cash, I will do it without money again and pay my mother back whenever I can. Either way, I shall have my options. The more you know, the less you need. You do what you feel is right.

It's not that I don't possess any common sense, it's that my common sense is more refined and simplified than most. My common sense is modern. It's simple evolution. I wouldn't expect someone of your generation to understand. All in due time, though. Patience is virtue.

Don't you see what the existance of pirated software means?? There is a way to get things for free and get away with it. Anyone with an internet connection can do it, too. It really is very simple. How more clear of a sign do people need? Getting rid of money is the next step. I'm just trying to speed it up.

The entire world will be my paradise. It will be everyone's. Why are so many people opposed to happiness? There's a better way to do it and I feel I have found it.

Oh well, I can't wait to prove myself right. With or without anyone. Take care old man of the mountain.

- Victor

P.S. I have made it a point to punctuate and capitalize now. Not bad, eh?


>>From: "victor gruber"
>>Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!
>>Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 14:00:08 -0500
>> So are you saying you are not going to send me that money? I
>>thought you to be a man of your word Frank, like me.
>> Can't you grasp the fact that you don't know what I know is
>>possible? Even though I spell it all out for you. Don't you see
>>what the mere existance of pirated software means on the
>>global-scale? You can get things and not pay for them AND get away
>>with it. It's the next step Frank. Why can't anyone else share my
>>foresight? It makes perfect sense to any educated person. Thing
>>is, that in the back of everybody's minds, they ALL agree with me.
>>Anyone can do it.
>> Don't you find it rather odd that I have gotten this far?
>>That I haven't been assasinated yet? I am positive the CIA, Secret
>>Service or other intelligence agencies are keeping an eye on me. I
>>hide nothing and make myself known everywhere I go, on the Internet
>>and in San Antonio. In the end, I am doing no wrong. I am just
>>being myself. I have a right to. I'm a human being.
>> I don't know what has gotten into you. You have convinced
>>yourself that I am some low-life drug user. I have been the same
>>person the entire time we have been corresponding. You have known
>>about my habits. Why place judgement on me now? Why choose now to
>>fail me once more, father? That money would have been of great
>>help to me. It would've sped things up dramatically. But, now I
>>will have to wait to do without and lives will be lost
>>unnecessarily. What a waste.
>> Today has been a monumentous day in my mission. I have
>>assembled my website. The smart man backs his shit up, and I plan
>>to follow through on ALL of my goals. If you care to check it out,
>>do so at:
>>(If you don't know how to copy and paste, ask for help to view my
>>Maybe I didn't send you my journal from jail, I'll be sure to do
>>that. You need to form an educated decision on me.
>>- Victor


Sent Franklin my Hays County Jail experience.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Time to change Victor!

Date :
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 18:09:12 +0000

Victor, thank you for your letter.

Where you in jail because you spent part of the mony I sent you on marijuana?

The point is not so much whether Marijuana is good or bad, its that simply its possession is illegal, a fact. You will continue over this vice, this divine herb, which peace loving lazy people love, to go to jail. Is it really worth that much that for it you would give up your liberty frequently? Its illegal since most people who use it belong to a subculture which decreases the over all productivity of the society.

They are prone to laziness by nature and want the whole World to be like them. The enemies of "democracy" would love to invade a country of peace lovers who are high when they are taken over and made into slaves. If you or I am right, time will tell both of us as each and everyone will harvest what they plant, that is the divine law.

Frankly I would like to send you the 300 dollars. You plan to use it to go deeper into the drug culture. What kind of a father would give his son a stone as food? If you want to go down a road that is self destructive I will have no part of it. Wish you the good things of life that mony or drugs cannot buy! Your Dad Franklin



Allow me to give you a concrete example of what I would have done with those $300. First, I would have bought a good backpack. I would have purchased some more of that health powder. I would've shopped around for an economical digital camera, so that I could really prove my shit. I would have bought another tape recorder and cassettes. I would've bought a greyhound ticket instead of walking(because time is of the essence). Not to mention, I would've had some reserve cash/piece of mind on my journey.

Now, the detective from Hays County called me last week and said I could go pick up my stuff. I fight with paranoia everyday, convincing myself the feds will be waiting for me when I show up. They have my hard-drive(Which I need to type up my book.), 50 computer floppy disks loaded with my main ideas that I was going to give out on the way to Austin and in my travels. They have my army rucksack containing my entire wardrobe, too. Now, if any of these things are missing, I can legally get them back because they were held illegaly. You can't trust the law when you are fighting against it. So, if I could have replenished those resources, I wouldn't need to go pick my stuff up. I could replace most of it, head back to California, find an attorney to work pro-bono and get my stuff back that way. In California I will have much backing.

But now it seems since you are breaking your word, I am going to risk going to pick my stuff up. If I can't replace my belongings, that makes them that much more valuable to me, thus worse risking more for. If the feds are there waiting for me, at least I will have some closure with this issue.

I'm not going to lie to you, I got my hopes up. I trusted you, damnit. Someone I don't even know. I thought our similarities would tie a firm knot in our respect. This is what I get for thinking?

Frank, I am not saying anyone is wrong in their beliefs. If what people believe make them happy, I am all for it. I want people to have the right to be themselves, damnit. That is how I view everybody. I expect the same respect.

Would you dare dispute the fact that, like snowflakes, ALL people are different? How can a society of DIFFERENT people all abide by the SAME exact rules? People need to mind their own damn business already. We don't need a government. We can govern ourselves.

I don't know if you ever watch science fiction like Star Trek. Look at all the "modern" civilizations the Starship Enterprise encounters. There is no money in that forecasted future. Obviously someone has figured it out before me and shares my vision. Like I say Frank, it's not that my ideas are new, just my delivery-method. You don't agree because there is no way for you to understand. You haven't been through the learning experiences I have. I am only trying to share the truth when I type up my days. I am trying to lead by example and prove to people my way of living can work. We make ourselves rich by making our wants few. Why do we want what we don't need? Read my stuff and get to know me.

I don't think I am smarter than anyone Frank. I am not special. What I am is just less ignorant to the obvious truth that locic supports. If everyone followed my lead, all would be well.

Ok, Frank my Mom needs to use the computer. Write back please.

- Victor


>Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!
>Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 21:51:22 +0000
>Victor, how did your report of how you got in jail jump up again in
>front of your last email? Someone seems to be messing with this
>email account again, in this case, naturally I do not think its you,
>maybe its just a computer quirk.
>Do you have a logical argument to refute my everyline in my last
>Even then do you know that you cannot trust logic entirely. There
>are many things which are logical that are not true, example, " if
>God made herbs we like to use and abuse who the fuck are you to
>judge." No good father wants harm for his children. A knife can be
>used to peal an orange but also to do harm. When one is abusing
>oneself with God's creation an act of involution instead of
>evolution is taking place.
>"can't I see that exploiting pirated software is o.k." (summarizing
>your words). In my stage of "evolution" i have developed a value
>system in which I prefer not to steal and lie even if its easy.
>That would make me simply an opportunist picking up everything of
>value along the way, even the snakes which may later bite me since
>falling in temptation has a price. Jesus stated, " the price of sin
>is death." Make enough mistakes and one is prone to die, its the
>law of involution.
>You have chosen the path of involution, your value system reflects
>Quite frankly Son you are a grown twisted oak. you have grown up
>with a twised mind with affinitywith negative spiritual powers. You
>have a thirst for power so strong you would die to be number 1. In
>so doing you will not try to reach the top democratically but rather
>impose yourself upon the World. I tried empathizing with you, tried
>to establish a bond of affection which could help lead you out of
>your mistaken thoughts. Yet now I realize you are fully in the
>grasp of the negative power and have no will of your own to shake
>lose. I do not believe that even your thoughts are yours at least
>not self inspired. You are the conterculture personified where
>everything goes even if its self destructive and harms society in
>general. Right now all I am to you is 300 dollars. You expect me
>to reward you for your behavior which has hurt your mother only to
>go out and repeat the errors in bigger ways, not alone but in
>company of other people with twisted minds. I see now no hope for
>you in making a significant contribution to humanity. I see it
>difficult to understand that you do not believe in the usefulness of
>money yet request it of others instead of finding ways of making it
>yourself. While it is true that I owe you much financially, I would
>only harm you to reinforce your ways with the very money that could
>do you much good if used wisely. This does not mean that in the
>future I shall not reward you for truly " evolutionary work on
>behalf of humanity." I was making a personal sacrafice to send you
>that money, denying myself and current family elements of stability
>which would contribute greately to my economic prosperity. Allow me
>to give you a concrete example. With 300 dollars I can buy 3,000 4
>ounce bottles which when filled with anti arthritic oil at 10
>dollars each wholesale has a value of 30,000 dollars! Thats what
>it would cost me in the next year to send you now 300 dollars. I
>was willing to make the sacrafice but your behavior indicates that
>you really do not appreciate it. Your concern is in teaching
>others how to steal software and smoke pot. You plan to gravitate
>towards evil. You plan to join forces with people (demons) who in
>final analysis will also eat you. You stated you cannot trust
>anyone but yourself then how in the hell are you going to trust
>other hell raisers. Band players are hell raisers. I wish
>sincerely that you could record every word I state in my last two
>letters and never forget them so when you are in trouble again
>because of marijuana and bad associations you can reflect on them
>and see if they finally get through to you. Yes, I did say that I
>accept you as you are. True so long as you are not harming others
>because of your ways especially your own family. I am talking to
>you from the heart. Until you learn to truly care for those who
>love and want to assist you by not harming them by getting yourself
>into trouble, there is not much anyone can do for you.
>I care enough about you to listen to you even if you are mistaken in
>60 percent approximately of your recent statements. As you gain
>experience you will understand that your father is not as stupid as
>you think.
> I have given you a picture of how the "real world (the mayority of
>people) see you. You are set in your ways and so is the vast
>mayority of humanity, they will not change over to your side. They
>will remain the mayority all of your life and there is really
>nothing you can do to change that,just suffer. Even the mayority of
>the counter culture people will switch over to the "real World."
>But there will be the leftovers and hangovers. The " rest" learn
>with time the hard way that the counterculture does not pay, it
>costs, and dearly. Get back to you in about a week have a lot of
>productive work to get done this week. Still wish you the best but
>sincerely have lost hope of your leaving the World of illusion that
>lying, stealing and drugs is what life is all about. Franklin


Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!


If excuses were money, you would be rich. You, like the rest of your generation is just paranoid of everything. Computers fuck up sometime for no reason whatsoever. They are still man-made machines and not perfect. The easiest fix to the majority of computer problems is just a quick reset. If it keeps on fucking up after you reset it, then just format(erase) everything on the hard drive and reinstall windows. If you're smart(speaking generally), you'll have important documents backed up in case of such an occasion.

Of course my answers are logical. Logic is what rules the world, not some fairy tale. What the hell is wrong with society? Why does everyone always have to fuck with the guy that's trying to bring world-peace? Why am I the only one it's all been made obvious to? Doesn't my shit just make perfect sense?

If you knew me as well as you thought you did, you should know I follow no paths. I let something else take control, be it chance or coincidence. I cut paths myself.

Like I've said before, until I phase money out I realize I must still use it. Just as little as possible and I'll try to make it money I didn't work for. You have it all wrong. If you would have kept your word and helped out my cause, like you said you would, you would've been much more than $300 to me. You would have been the supporting father I never had. It seems like I'm still never going to get one of those. That's ok, I will do without some more.

The money isn't why I was amiable with you Frank. It was the support I thought I had with you. It's about you drinking so heavily from the mainstream that now you, of all people, think I'm crazy or delusional, too. How can you be ignorant to your whole blood line? I am different than others, not because of my head-injuries, but because I am a Gruber. You once said that our kin was from a different world. I'm starting to play with that idea as the truth. I can't even begin to explain, nor am I even going to try. This is just how things are.

You should feel fortunate that I was even open to permitting a relationship with you. Look at your track record Frank. I have been fatherless for the past 22 years. Anybody else would have damned you to hell a long time ago. But no, I couldn't deny our similarities. You didn't raise me yet we were so much alike. It's truth like that speaks volumes.

I don't know what I'm going to have to do to open everybody's eyes. My west coast trip should have been enough. I left walking from San Antonio, generosity picked me up and carried me on it's back the whole way. I had an all-expenses paid vacation ALL FOR FREE. Everything went my way the whole entire time. I'm not special. I wasn't expecting any of it. It's true. The more you know, the less you need.

Well Frank, in my last email I gave you my FTP server address. I am planting the seed on the web. Go back to that email and follow that address and see for yourself. The smart man backs his shit up. I dare you to back yours up more than I have backed mine.

- Victor

P.S. Or, just continue to let ignorance, ink and paper rule your life and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. And you call yourself a Gruber.


Subject: Hello Frank

Greetings old man,

I am just writing you to suggest you look at my ftp site again. Copy and paste this link into your browser. If you cannot, ask for help:


You desperately need to see how my project is evolving, Frank. Keep in mind that I am telling all. On my site(which the whole world will read), I have logged every single email I have sent and received from both and I am an open book. Check out my site and get to know me. Witness with your own eyes my delivery-vehicle then make an educated opinion on exactly how you should react. Logic will always prevail.

Now, it is only a matter of time before I gain my global-voice and bring the truth out of hiding(just as I have been forecasting for some time now). Eventually, the entire world will read every correspondence you and I have had, including our latest one where you break your word to me and abondon me again. Everything you have told me, be it in confidence or not, will be seen by everyone. If you do not like it, tough shit. I tell the most interesting story about ignorance and generosity. Wouldn't you rather be seen as a generous father and not an ignorant one? The choice is yours. It is nothing but the truth.

Do not take this as a threat or extortion. If you aren't ashamed of the truth, it shouldn't matter that I am going to make it known globally. Time will tell, but so will I.

Now, you do have the option of saving yourself from such shame. You can back your shit up and do what you said you would. I forgive all who genuinely deserve it. How will you choose, Frank? Be honorable, for once. How can you live with yourself after finally making contact with your son whom you abondoned 23 years ago, and still continue to fail him? Geez, how irresponsible of you.

Maybe Ada was right. Not only do you seem to be insane, but you also appear to have no heart, let alone rational thought. You desperately need to take responsibility for your own decisions and stop blaming Ada for your absence from our lives. How hard is it to make a phone call, Frank?

If you choose to continue to fail me Frank, you will lose ALL rights as my father. Do your job, for once. You are damn lucky I forgave you the first time. We all know biology does not make a father. I will forget you once more, it will be easy. I still have not even met you.

Is that the way you want it to stay? In the end, you will just be the father I never needed. Nothing more. Nothing more than a big failure.

- Victor

P.S. The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Sat, 03 May 2003 22:55:58 +0000

Hello Victor, just read your 21 april email. Have been absent from the use of email for about a month due to a number of urgent matters such as an operation of my current spouse and other matters.

Your letter indeed stimulates thought. You threaten me in differrent ways because I do not send you the 300 dollars. I would like to give you that and more if I knew it would make you better in some ways yet as I mentioned before you plan to use that money to join the counter culture as a way of life. I was helping you because I thought your case was not a lost cause. You fail to grasp a lot of the fundamental truths of life. I have come to my senses, I hope you do the same.

Yes, for you and Ada, I am not a good father, neither will I be a better one by continuing to feed your illussions of grandeur. The west coast and many other parts of the World abounds with people who want things for free, some want the whole world to be like them. Yet if everbody is a "taker" who will there be left to work to support everyone else? I am working hard to raise a new family. Life has given me a second opportunity. So far so good, I have learned some lessons especially that work over time pays dividends in happiness. With funds you can make your dreams come true, it has a lot more value when you earn those funds yourself. Try taking a year off to work and save then go about implementing your ideas. You will find then that everything falls into place much better.

In a few weeks as soon as my wife is better we will be moving to Florida. I want to do my masters and Phd at FSU. So if you travel that way we may meet in person, then you can unload personally all those negative feelings toward me. By the way, FSU offers the CLEEP tests. College Level Experience Examination Program. Just to get the college degree sooner you might want to get credit and exempt the first two years of spanish courses. The FSU campus was and should still be a very peaceful area to live in. Ada and I bought a trailer fully furnished for only 1,500 dollars. While in Florida I plan to register my antiarthritis oil.

Son we are really at a standoff. When you stop taking dope and want to rejoin the establishment write me. You have something in common with Carl Marx, you where both dreamers and it cost the World millions of innocent enslaved lives. One should never pursue a cause or dream at any cost, such obsessions are not fruitful. If you want the World to work for you learn first the meaning of hard work, make a few millions then be humanitarian or a social architect with your hard earned funds.

Unless I proceed to succeed in a big way there is not much significantly that I can do for you. 300 dollars is just chicken feed, you need a lot more than that and this is not the time that I can help you. Since I have freshly come back into the net after a long absence I have not read yet your other emails, I will, though, in the next few days. Regardless of what you say or do, I am not likely to shut you out of my email address. I will listen to all you have to say but not pay to put a nose on your kneck. Giving you money to spend on Marijuana and join bad company would be doing that. When I do have substancial amounts of money I will look you up, see what you are doing with your life and accordingly reward you. I am not abondoning you again, you are abondoning the moral and productive life. You are giving your life over to the Negative Power in the Universe, something I fight hard everyday to avoid in my own personal life. I can help you to become better than I not worse. If you can get Ada to send me at least one email thats worth a least 50 dollars. Maybe between her mind and mine we can come up with a way to assist you that would be agreeable to you as well as us. I am not blaming Ada, alone, we both are failure's in the way you have become. The truly sad thing is that there is nothing we can now do to undue your way of thinking. You think its right and you will likely die that way even if you live to be 100 years.

There is something you should know. There are certain people who are genetically sensitive to certain radiations corresponding to specific parts of the World. Simply change the persons location and his way of thinking begins to change. Since I changed locations from Chorrera area to Los Santos Province, I no longer "feel" like wanting to be a mesia. For everyone there is a place upon the earth that is optimum and there is a place which cannot be any worse. Its up to everyone to find his nitch on earth. Also, our thinking tends to get distorted when we do not revolve arround our dream woman and she arround us. When you truly love a woman you spend a lot of time being responsible, there is little space for the spirit world to mettle with your mind to obtain what they could not obtain while on the planet in flesh. One of the wisest sayings ever is MAN KNOW THY SELF.

When I am no longer existing on the material plane and when money is not such a pressing matter to you, these words of wisdom, maybe of significance to you. Be assured if I live long enough, I shall reward you for being a success. Your way of being has brought you down to a point where only you can take the first step up. Then a host of angels and relatives and strangers will come to assist you. To be a truly great leader we must first be truly humble. Proud people are egocentric by nature, they lose access to reality. Humble people develop objectivity and can see better how things really are. There is not much wrong with failure. There is everything wrong with those who can but do not make the effort to get back on there feet and move forward. Possibly a self serving, self rewarding person like yourself cannot grasp these fundamental truths.

That I have failed in your case, I have no other alternative than accept that fact. I mistakenly thought the seed I left in the states was left in fertile soil. I have been willing to help that seed but not on terms it imposes on me. I am not one ever to raise children that would tell me what to do, what is good or bad or convenient. You want to continue on with your illusions of grandeur its your prorogative. Under your present way of thinking, the most I could do for you if you where under my roof, which I doubt I would permit now, would be to do the same your mother does, give you food and board. I would only continue to give you money if the money I give you that is hard earned is spent wisely. Not spend on drugs or unhealthy propaganda. Say what you want to the World, but also say that if you want to do and be good I will help you, if not, I cannot help you. The wisest man that ever lived said, either you are with me or against me, obviously your way of being is against mine since yours is a philosophy of cheating, lying and stealing. Not that I have never done any ot these, rather that I would not make them fundamentals "truths" in my life.

To lead a happy and peaceful and long life we require a clean conscience. Thus the necesity for moral living. Franklin


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: Hello Frank
Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 15:04:01 -0500


How long did it take you to come up with all that bullshit? Seeing as how you pussied out of your obligation and weren't around to learn who I am, you don't know me at all. Do not, I repeat, do not pretend to. Why are you so closeminded and judgemental? What? Do you actually think that every single person who smokes marijuana(which you keep referring to as a drug) reacts the same exact way? Are you stupid or something?

If you weren't so damn ignorant and stubborn, you would see how what I propose is truly possible and not a delusion of grandeur. The doctors at the state hospital said I had delusions of grandeur, and I clearly remember having all charges dismissed after I spoke to the superintendant. He was impressed by me and could not believe I could possess so much knowledge without a formal education. All my stays in jail, except the last one, have been dismissed and cleared off my record. It's only a matter of time before I get this latest one dismissed and will have a crystal clear criminal record yet again.

Before we corresponded I was indifferent towards you. I didn't know you nor did I need to. You didn't mean shit to me. The only resentment I have towards you now is because you failed me once again, after giving me your word. Your word as a father, I assumed. Wouldn't any son resent a dishonorable father that broke his word? What makes you think you know everything? I don't think I do, but what I know makes a lot more rational sense than what you do.

Do you believe in evolution? I dare you to grasp the FACT that children don't need to go through parents' mistakes to learn from them. Thus, knowing better than the parent. Us kids get to make and learn from our own mistakes and I plan to prove, without a doubt, that evolution exists.

Your senses are fucked up and I will never come to yours. Ever. I know better than to make such a horrid mistake. Who the fuck are you to judge what's best for me? Don't you think that actually having a father would have been best for me? And I am supposed to trust your judgement? What a fucking joke.

How can you say I have something in common with anyone? YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL. You don't know who I associate with either. Why must you be so stupid? Why must your entire generation(with many exceptions, you not being one of them)be so retarded?

Oh, you don't think I know hard work? I bust my ass more than anyone with a job. But I, unlike a lot of people like you, do not require money to work hard. When I work for money, that makes me a simple pawn in somebody elses chess game. The last thing I am is a pawn. I'm one of the players, damnit. I'm the winner. My name is not Victor for nothing.

Sure, go ahead and work hard to raise your new family. Be sure to tell them how you failed your old family. If you don't, I will. Don't you think that instead of trying to succeed at raising a new family, you should at least attempt to make up for your past failure? Fucking Duh.

You can't help me do shit Frank. Except teach me how to not be. What? Are you so stupid as to think that I need money so much that you offer a $50 bribe to convince Ada to contact you? What an insult. Hey stupid, contact her your own damn self(if you have the balls). Her email address is

I don't give a figgity-fuck about the classes at FSU. I'm already attending school. The school of reality. I can learn shit on my own. Too bad you cannot. The more you know, the less you need. You shouldn't rely on the government to educate you. If it doesn't make money, they won't tell you the truth. I do not think my way is right Frank. I fucking know it is. I have tried to convey my evidence to you, but you're too fucking ignorant to see it.

I didn't need your help to become better than you. I did that all on my own. I made damn sure not to be a big fuckup, like you. Oooh, so you left a seed. Big fucking deal. Your irresponsible ass left it untended, too. How many plants do you know grow how you want them to with absolutely no attention? You desperately need to stop making excuses for being such a big fuckup. You can only ignore and hide from the truth. You have perfected that talent to an art.

If you can accept the FACT that you failed, why the fuck wouldn't you do everything in your power to make up for your failure? Why must you insist on remaining a failure? Once a failure, always a failure, I suppose. It must suck to be a failure. Good thing you have given me a model to avoid. Thanks, but I really didn't need one.

Not only are you one not to raise children that tell you what to do, but you are also one not to raise your children at all. How pathetic is that? How can massive amounts of guilt not flow through your veins after committing such an atrocity? The last thing your words are to me is wisdom. They are words of an idiot. What is keeping you from learning? I think it's money.

Well Frank, like I said in my last email, you are hereby disowned as my father. Do not refer to me as your son ever again. You got lucky that I forgave you last time. Only a fool would sacrifice such forgiveness. It seems that is all you are. The closest thing I ever had to a father was my mother. She picked up for your slack. You slacker. Just sit back and watch my dreams come true with no funds.

- Victor

P.S. Oh, and the last thing I need to do is threaten you. Consider it a promise, sucker.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Wed, 07 May 2003 00:50:28 +0000

Well Victor, smart ass, you have all the solutions to the Worlds problems except that of making a living for your own self. In my walks during the last 21 years I have met a lot of people like you, none amounted to anything because they where always impressing everyone else with their gran ideas but where incapable of making a living. Imagine how tragic it would be if you had a wife and kids.

To tell you these things I do not have to resort to any foul language. The problem with harmful drugs like marijuana is that at first they make you feel good but with time they wear out your nerve cells so it becomes more frequent that you lose control of your emotions. Eventually the most prominant emotion is hate as a life driving force. When that happens all a person can do is repeat mentally negative thoughts until it drives him insane. A habitual user of marijuana exposed to life´s stresses can break with time. What is needed is willpower and faith in God to overcome a vice that in time can help destroy you.

I am sorry that you have not been able to take advantage of the educational opportunities in the United States, with or without your mother's help. You should while you can. That you declare war on me, that does not worry me, as you have through your letters demonstrated that you are not smarter than your old man. I certainly will not declare war on you. Life gives everyone what they deserve. Franklin


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Wed, 07 May 2003 01:55:09 +0000

Hi Again, just went through your letter again. Looks like you had my letter printed out and answered it line for line. Glad you did that, got you to thinking. Thanks for giving me your moms email. Your sister Laura unintentionally gave it to me in one of her loops but when I have written your mom she's had my correspondence locked out. When you where having the incidents with Laura and she was in your mother's house and you "out" on the street(friends) I emailed her and asked her not to oppose your return as I was making arrangements if possible for you to come and live with me. Having to live with you for her was living hell. You where giving her child a bad example, etc. So she went back to Dallas and began making her own life with her Arab boyfriend. Asking her to not oppose your reentry in the house did cost me my relationship with her, she obviously blames me for the hell she went through with you. Diana, well I only received a couple of letters from her and no more.

Initially in our correspondence I empathized with you to transmit my knowledge and experience. I was under some kind of delusion. It may be that I retained a receptivity to negative energies probably caused by my trying marijuana as a teenager. Since you have used it a great deal more your delusions are probably going to be a lot greater than mine. You knock down the value of learning from the experience of others especially me. However when you do not learn from the experience of others you are bound to repeat the common mistakes others make and that sets you back in your own evolution.

Allow me to ask you a question? Can you achieve your social goals without marijuana, must you use it in order to reach your goals? You mention that it is a divine herb, is that because God made it or is it because it makes you into a superman or so you believe you are. Marijuana is making you vulnerable to the power of the discipline of the U.S. government. Is it really worth spending the rest of your life in and out of jail over that " shit?" Boy are you smart!

If you where really smart you would learn to live within the system and use your smarts to change and improve it in an outstanding way since in America with modern news systems eveyone will listen to you. Good Luck Victor Gruber.

P.S. Do me a favor or yourself, succeed in the next ten years or change your name. Victor is only for real Victors, those who first have victory over themselves. You still have some time to prove that I was not wrong in giving you the title Victor after my father who was indeed a real Victor.

If you really want to open up a conversation with my current wife I do not mind it at all. I have the balls to allow it as I have had the balls to communicate with your mother if she would allow it. My current wife has a Jehova's witness background. Do you get along well with the people of that strict religion. They believe that the primary emphais of Jesus's teachings is to prepare for the kingdom of God. And they do believe in hard work, that is gainful employment. Marisol is a stoik person by nature.

She grew up in powerty and appreciates every bit of the work I do. She does not agree with my violent outspurts toward her two sons and daughter or even my harsh discipline with my current son.

Frankly I do not like to be harsh and disciplinary, its just part of my nature and probably has a lot to do with my overexposure to coffee and trials with marijuana as a teenager. However, in spite of my extreme disciplinary character, I succeed in establishing an orderly home. Arielity gets up early and immediately sweeps the floor, does that three times a day. Everyone has to wash his own dishes.

Would you also like to communicate with him directly? This coming week I shall install a computer with internet in our house hold. You can communicate with us any time you wish. Blow all the steam you want. I will never take any measures against you unless you harm me or my current family if you have vengeance on your mind. What I cannot allow now that I know you better is for you to come and live in my household, not because I do not care as a father but simply because you will never accept my authority........ so there is no point in me trying to teach you anything. I have to accept you as you are. But accepting you as you are does not mean agreeing with your genious ideas about marijuana and a World without money. Money gives people a degree of independeance. Without it man would have to succum to mad dictators who think they can impose on to others their gran self serving schemes. Follow the history of dictators and you find they are all basically " takers." They are so smart they outsmart everyone else in their societies so they can leach off the whole population. People are not basically "good" as you believe. They are born in the mayority basically good but the nature of the world they live in, energies in it, corrupt the innocent. If you do not believe me go on a tour of the third World. The competition of the takers is very very keen. It gets tough when takers start taking from the takers, its dog eat dog. You live in a society of givers because of the cristian ethic which formed its initial fiber, because of the love of god that creates that sharing spirit. But its not so much that way in Panama or the third World. O.K. smart guy, I have to get off the computer the store is about to close. Again good luck in being the best you can. Franklin


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Wed, 07 May 2003 17:37:44 +0000

Hello Victor, have some free time now so will get back to whats left of our dialogue.

You stated you do not want to be a pawn in some one eles game, that you are a player. Playing of course is not bad, the important thing is to win. However, I do not see that you are a player. A player is usually someone who is not a pawn and who is self employed. Can you explain your business better to me?

Can you define better your idea of a World Free of Money? Does that mean that people do not have to work? Or if they do they do not get paid? Or is it simply that you shall impose a model where people have to help each other spontaneously because that is the moral thing to do or maybe the law?

As people may react differrently to marijuana they may also react differrently to a plea for assistance from say a man with a heart attack laying on the sidewalk. One may stop and offer help, others just walk on by. People do not automatically do the right thing in an exchange of services? Can you define better your economic model how it will function in a World without money. Will everyone be igual or will there be a hierqui. What kind of authority would the maximum leader have, what is there to prevent him from abusing his authority. Have you thought of these questions. Do you have any replies. You say I am ignorant, well, then what does an illuminati like you have to say about these tough questions. After all you should be specific on many points of your save the world program.

Now if you cannot be specific, now if you want to organize society so it gives to its guru and its guru distributes be careful that you are not a professional taker playing the part of a giver. That would only make you a con man, either you provide workable solutions or become a taker without just compensation to the massess.

I know you better than you believe. I have received over one hundred emails from you where you have been very frank even to the point of given the most minute details on your daily expeditions. Are all the things you have told me lies? I believe not so I can make my own judgements as you are making yours about me. One thing that stands out in all your conversations is that you avoid gainful employment but want others to do what you avoid so you can enjoy the fruits of the capitalist system.

If you are sincere do entirely without money. I practically did when I rested on nature's bounty and learned to make my living from it. You will rest your plans on men, on associations, which vary according to individual interests. How the hell then are you going to make a World Free of Money?

Lets get back on the intellectual letter and but the emotionalism to one side. Emotionalism is not going to solve the Worlds problems. Get back to you in a few weeks. Franklin



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