


Failure Franklin 16

From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: Hello Frank
Date: Wed, 07 May 2003 13:08:30 -0500


I have come to the conclusion that you just don't know shit. You're arrogant. You're ignorant. You're living a lie. In the holy bible, which you have accepted as truth, doesn't it tell of the day when the children take over? Doesn't it also state that the love of money is the root of all evil? Fucking duh.

I didn't have to have your letter printed out to respond to your last email accordingly. I remembered the key points you made offhand. I have mastered the compensatory strategies for my memory-deficits so much, that my memory has improved. Practice makes perfect. It didn't cost me a damn thing either. It's not rocket science, Frank. Anyone can do it. Why aren't my shortcuts publicized in mainstream media? Wouldn't that make perfect sense? But no, shortcuts don't make any money.

Why did you automatically assume I would go live with you? So much that you made arrangements. That positive-assumptive behaviour only works on the fools telemarketers prey on. You even went as far as to tell me about all the girls that couldn't wait to meet your son. How fucking pathetic of you. You and your bribes. Please, don't insult me. I also clearly recall you telling me that I could still smoke marijuana if I was discreet with it. They way you speak now, I doubt that would have been acceptable. You're one fat liar, Frank.

I know for a fact that I could achieve my goals without marijuana. The more you know the less you need. Me smoking it is a preferance, not a necessity.

I didn't put Laura through any hell. Where did you get that bullshit from? If she told you that then she has acquired the same bullshit-sickness you have. If that was the case, it seems both of you desperately need a major reality-check. As long as Laura left me alone, I left her alone. Laura's laziness(much like Ada's) is the only bad example in Carlitos' life. If anything, my productive behaviour was a great example for Carlos.

You are still under the fucked up delusion that you have anything to base our lives on. You can never forget that you are, after all, the absent parent. You're just a big fuckup. If taking care of your new family will make your dilluted mind forget about neglecting your old family, great. But, I wouldn't put it past you to drop out of their lives, too. Look at your track record.

I don't know how many times I have to tell you this before it sinks into your thick skull. I am in total agreement with you about learning from experience. But, you can't seem to handle the fact that a lot of the older generation's experiences have been grave mistakes. Therefore, us kids learn NOT to do them. Duh. Since we don't have to waste time making your mistakes to learn from them, we can concentrate on our new, more modern mistakes. It's simple evolution and adaptation, damnit. Only a fool would ignore that.

I accept your petty dare. Even though after you neglecting so much from me, you are in absolutely no position to take anything away from me, either. I will gladly change my last name, but never my first. Now, knowing of my father's stupidity, the name Gruber brings shame to me. For a long time now, when people ask me for my name I say, "Victor, just Victor." That is the only label I require, for I am living up to my name.

I don't have to go through the effort of waging war with you. That would be a waste of my time. I have better shit to do. You do it for me every time you reply with some more stupid bullshit. Remember, everyone will have access to my emails. So, thanks for being stupid and making my story so interesting.

- Victor The Liberator

P.S. "The point is not merely to fuck the system, but to destroy it."
- Abbie Hoffman(Steal This Book)


From :

To :

CC :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Thu, 08 May 2003 15:17:17 +0000

Y es Victor, I did say that I did not mind you smoking weed descreetly. What changed my way of thinking about it was your stupid way of getting caught. You where not paying attention and again you got hit from behind, that is the cops caught you off guard and did not give you time to get rid of it.

Your negligence in not being careful about using an ilegal substance cost your mother, it was unnecessary had you been more careful. Consequently to have you down here costing me in ways that are unnecessary changed my mind about having you in my household. You really do not care about your mother otherwise you would not do th ings that can cause her pain, nor you really care about yourself otherwise you would take care of yourself better. You are proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are your own worst enemy.

Lets do each other a favor. Lets just quit writing to each other so frequently as the dialogue is no longer constructive and we are just wasting each other's time. I am no longer going to try to influence your way of thinking. Neither am I going to judge you. There is one who will judge us all.

Farewell. Old man of the mountain.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Tue, 20 May 2003 15:26:09 +0000

Hello Victor, a couple of weeks have gone by since I received your bomb shell letter telling me how ignorant, stupid, fool, etc. I am supposed to be, that I do not know you etc. All over money. The stuff that you do not want to earn and want others to earn for you so you can make a World free of money. How do you explain all those contradictions, or do you?

You have been manipulating your mother for a long time using the "guilt trip" technique. Well, now that you hate me more you seem to appreciate your mother somewhat better. Looks like some good has come out of our interaction. Actually I do not expect you ever to say anything good about me again since when one does not like someone everthing that person does or says thereafter is bad or wrong, or he is just a fool. It would be easier for you to just accept the discipline for "fucking up" once again. If you do not pay a price you never learn, quite the contrary you keep fucking up because mama is always there to get you out of jail. I am not mama and playing the guilt trip on me for trying to teach you as an adult what you should have learned as a child will not work. Not that I do not feel guilt for things I do wrong rather that I see no sense in rewarding you for fucking up.

There is nothing that I would not like to to better than turn the clock back and reeducate you.

I do not see that the school of reality has taught you very much at all.

We are all victims of circumstances to one degree or another and circumstances do pressure us to make our own mistakes. Under the pressure of circumstances humans steal(hammocks and Uhauls) and refuge ourselves in pleasure abundant activities, marijuana, etc yet a MAN is known by his ability little by little to overcome circumstances, to grow to leave bad habits and acquire good ones.

You are doing with your life what you please and I am reacting merely to what you have told me about yourself. If I am judging its merely because God gave me the gift of intelligent discrimination which we all should possess. When you say I am stupid and a fool you are judging me. How do you want me not to judge if you are a judger.

O.K. So as a biginner father I failed. Between your mother and I we could not overcome circumstances for which we where not prepared. I knew your mother to be a God loving and fearing person. It never stuck me that you would have been better off with me i n Panama than learning the shit you have in San Antonio. Seems you have nothing better to do with your life. I have delt with a lot of people who smoke pot habitually, several dozen. Without exception they are either crazy or half crazy. They all have one thing in common. They easily lose control of their emotions. They constantly blow up with the slightest frustration bringing upon themselves the retaliation of friends, family and police. I do not see that you are an exception. You claim to be a hard worker, you are 27 years old. What do you have to show for your hard work?

You claim I do not know you? You have sent me about 100 emails telling me who you are. Certainly I do not know all about you but what I do know is sufficient to have a good impression of who you are. Your a big child that must have your way whenever you say so. Children are self centered and want other's to work for them.

So much for the negative. There are some positve elements in my letter. I agree that money should be done away with, however, not at the expense of personal liberty. Could you please enlighten me as how these two can be reconciliated. I do not agree with you in destroying the system, rather in evolving out of it. Frankly money is not the root of all evil. You can use money for good things as well as bad things. Money in itself is neither good nor bad, its the decisions we take with our evil minds that makes money on occations evil. So the root problem of money is the human mind. How do you propose to uncurrupt the World, can you explain in your next letter(beween the fucking words and other equivalent adjetives) as how corruption without doing away with personal liberties can be resolved? Frankly I do not think you will have a useful answer since how can a corrupt mind uncorrupt the World? Who is entirely free of corruption, lying and stealing now days? Each and everyone of us need to learn how to cleanse oursleves or with a little more time civilization will collapse. You won't even have to destroy the system, it carries the seed of its own destruction, the HUMAN MIND!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Tue, 20 May 2003 16:05:22 +0000

Just a note to inform you that I shall review in the coming weeks every email you have sent me( I had each printed out) to give you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there are some things I do not know about you that I have overlooked. If I am wrong about you, then I might consider trying some of that "divine herb." I might like it so much I may prefer it to meeting the needs of my current family. Who knows maybe my current wife will work and support me while I endulge in this eccentric activity.

The problem with this scenerio is that I tried it 2 times as a kid and after the hilarious laughing periods which granted where fun I came back to reality. The second time the reality was that the cops where watching and at age 15 took my little ass to jail along with my friend Gustavo who had induced me into trying that stuff. That was in Panama city 1964. The panamanian authorities handed me over to the canal zone (U.S.) police. We where lucky. The Canal Zone Police simply released us with a warning.

My best friend Gustavo did not heed the warning he became a habitual user and his thinking gradually became more and more negative. His girl friend left him, he had problems with his step father, wanted to kill him, wreaked the family car, etc. etc. etc. Last I knew Gustavo was in the insane asyslum. The negativity just churned in his heart. He wanted to destroy the system. But Newtons Law of action and reaction instead destroyed him. The negative vibs he intensely sent out also went in his soul and poisoned it. He became one of the living dead!

Take care, be happy! Franklin


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: Hello Frank
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 19:00:11 -0500


Once again I have to point out how I don't beg for shit. I merely ask. Since when does it hurt to ask? Pride can complicate things, especially stupid-pride. When I give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes THEIR decision. I'm not twisting anyone's arm. I give people the saintly chance to feel good about themselves. How can anyone find any fault in such goodness.

I apologize if I sound repetative. I know I've told you all this before. How many times do I have to explain it to you for you to see the logic in it? Fuckin' duh. Frank, you can only know of me, what I allow you to. For all you know, it could be one big act. You would know for sure if you had been around to really know me. But my dumb parents couldn't figure out their problems.

As far as manipulating my mother with guilt, I am only giving her a taste of her own medicine. Ada is a master of guilt-manipulation. Where do you think I learned if from? I had the world's best teacher. All my life Ada has weilded the sword of guilt to get her way. If something doesn't go her way, she starts to whine and complain like a school child. I'm sure you know this to be true. You lived with her. Ada is a walking sympathy-plea. And she's all talk. She is constantly waiting for someone else to do the dirty work. You should see how unorganized her house is. She, like you is always looking for something else to blame her defecits on. That seed of laziness may have been passed down to my female siblings, but sure as hell not me.

You tell me I should accept the discipline for fucking up, eh? I tell you you should PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH. You hypocrite. The lack of a son is the price you have to pay for fucking up, yet you still haven't learned. Damn straight you are not mama. Mama loves me and was willing to make a sacrifice to improve my condition. She is my mother. She was doing her job. In the end, bailing me out was ultimately her decision. I didn't tell her to. I ASKED her and she agreed to. She was in total control of that decision, just like she(and you) are in total control of ALL your decisions.

I don't expect you to reward me for fucking up. I expect you to reward me for YOU fucking up. Be a man and take some responsibility for yourself. May I remind you that I assured Ada that my new found father had given me his word on sending me the remaining sum and that I would reimburse her for bailing me out. So you see, there you go failing both of us again. Oh, but all you have to do is reach in to your big bag of excuses to validate that decision.

Reeducate me? Ha, you have got to be joking. You're the one that needs to be uneducated from all that bullshit you know. To believe the things you do would only curse my existance. Victim of circumstance? That's the excuse that people who constantly fuck up use. More like victim of stupidity. Let me give you a six-word formula for success: "Think things through, then follow through." You've got a whole lot of thining to do. I think you are the last person to have a firm definition of "man". A real man should be known for his ability to solve the problems that create circumstances in the most logical and efficient way. You think money is the best way to solve problems, when in fact it is just the easiest. Lazy people solve their problems with money. There is a better way to do everything. You're just too lazy to find those ways. What? You think you have only failed as a beginner-father? Dude, you have never stopped failing. Failure is the story of your life.

You are absolutely right. I cannot find anything better to do with my life than to devote it to bringing world peace. What better is there to do? Oh yeah, I'm 25 dumbass. You were off by 2 whole years. How dare you consider someone your son when you don't even know how old he is. Pathetic.

Damn straight I'm a hard worker. Because I walk around San Antonio so much with my rainbow beanie and walking staff, I am slowly making myself famous in this town. I run into random people who have seen me walking around almost every day. I have this huge network of friends all over the city. I guess you can call me a network specialist.

When I tell people that money is the root of all evil they always tell me, "No, it is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil." That may be the case, but if money did not exist, what would there be to love? Duh. All the followers out there cannot accept the fact that something they use every day could be bad. They figure that since money has always been around, there's nothing wrong with it. Well, times change. If we don't finally change with we are all doomed. In all I mean all life, not just humans. But, it will be because of humans(unless I do something about it).

On countless occasions I have tried to enlighten you on how it can work. You are either too impatient to read alll my stuff, or you just can't understand it. Even though I put it in very simple terms. I have also logged every email we've had because they will all be on my website when I put it up. So, if you don't think you printed them all out completely, let me know. I have them all. Thanks again for helping make my site so interesting.

Frank, do I note a hint of sarcasm when you say you will try some of that divine herb? I'd recommend it. It might smoke some sense into you. It shouldn't surprise you that I don't give a damn about your "current family". How long will it be before you abandon them too, like you did your former family? You are a man with his priorities all fucked up. Oh yeah, some time ago you offered to provide me with your wife's email. I would still be interested in writing her. Just in case she doesn't know the truth about you. She deserves to. The whole world will soon, too. Hehe.

Oh yeah, when I was at the library in Midland a couple weeks ago, I had typed up this badass reply to an email of yours. When I tried sending it, it wouldn't let me because you had reached your 2mb capacity for your free hotmail account. So, I saved it as a draft, so I could send it later. Well, when I got online again, I wasn't sure which one I had typed up, so I may have sent you an email I had already sent you before. Sorry if I did. It was an accident. I see you can accept emails again. I hope you didn't get suckered into paying for a bigger account. All you have to do is copy and paste your emails into a text file so you can delete past mails and make more room.

Until next time Frank,

- Victor

P.S. By word-of-mouth let it be known. The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary. Traveling from coast to coast. I'm the contemporary Johnny Appleseed.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Thu, 22 May 2003 19:01:58 +0000

Hello Victor, welcome back on line. Was reviewing some of your recent emails. Of everything you have said I agree most with the following statements: Humanity should keep its needs simple, there is'nt a need to buy so many things(paraphrasing) Yes, in that way, there would not be such a great need for money! I lived that way for about 15 years. However, like I said before the problem is not so money but rather the pervert nature of the human mind, its natural tendency towards corruption. As man seeks more pleasure and wants things easier he wants to work less and civilization eventually collapses.

We are subject to the energy we become receptive to. It largely determines our thinking in a particular environment. While I was in the mountains I thought one way, now that I have to support a new family I think another way.

Lets say that life in the mountains was purer but then I got tired of being looked down upon by those who had a little bit more than I. They could never understand that I was happier than they. Precisely thats how you feel about the rest of humanity. The mayority of humanity in their current condition cannot tune in to your wave length. Each of us has his own spiritual development and we cannot expect others to be overnight where we are at.

O.K., will be sending you some money in the future but not necessarily via Western Union. Its too expensive, 22.50 for the 200 I sent you. Money is scarce again. Give me a couple of weeks to investigate another alternative. It will probably be about 50 dollars. To get larger sums you will have to wait until my current investments become more productive which should be in about three months.

Inorder to avoid confusion, try to summarize the principal meat of your World message in one page.

If you cannot tell the World essentially what you mean in one page you are probably confused. The wisest man that ever lived managed to say everything in one statement: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

I am back in the rat race because I have to be not because I want to. Take care SON I do understand you but we have to live in the reality we are in, its like being in water, once wet you have to swim or sink. Love ya still. Go ahead, do the best you can in life but try not to fool yourself. Search and find the right woman, make that a priority. A plane cannot fly properly with one wing. We are quite volatile by nature. The right woman must have the capacity to assimilate our outbursts and reconciliate practically overnight. You must be able to offer something worthy for your defects, to support them.

Roof, food on the table, love. Wishing you the best, Franklin


Re: Hello Frank

Frank, thank you for changing the tone. I'm in a bit of a pinch. You see, I already have a ride back to California lined up from this hippe dude with a van. All I need is $50 to pitch in for gas.

Now, that's not the pinch. Also, I had had my original court date(May 1st) reset to the 22nd. I went the 22nd and had them reset it again for the 30th, next Friday. I had told the prosecutor lady to keep in mind I had spent 6 days in jail and should get some credit for time served. I also pointed out that I had been kidnapped at gunpoint right before I was arrested. She said I should talk to a District Attorney. She told me I had a $300 fine and $236 in court costs. When I told her about the 6 days she told me they would probably take care of the fine, and that all I needed was to pay the $236 court costs. I told her I didn't have any money, but maybe I could borrow it from somewhere. She gave me another week. Another week of freedom. Therefore, those $300 you had originally promised would hit the spot perfectly right now. I'd have the legal issue settled and my ride back to California guaranteed(I won't have to take off walking again). I have 6 days to make $286.

Either that, or I'll just walk around Ada's neighborhood and knock on people's doors. I'll walk up and tell them, "Hi, I need to round up $50 to chip in for gas to California. Do you have any labor you need done?" I will tell them to pay me only what they think the job is worth in the end. I can probably round up enough for everything. I dunno, that's just an idea. It's always good to have a plan B.

Ok, back on topic. What makes you think the human mind has a natural tendency towards corruption? What? Because that's the majority of minds you have come across in your life, corrupt ones? Well, not everyone has come across the same minds. It's human-nature to be generous. Not the other way around. You can almost count on generosity and my writings will prove it, finally. I think, for the majority, greed only exists because money does. I'm not saying we would totally kill greed off, but it would happen so much less with no money. We should be trying to make the world a better place for the kids, remember? Everyone is too preoccupied taking care of themselves to give a shit about the whole. Selfish bastards.

Do you not see the similiarities between me and that person you revere so much, Jesus? The other night I asked Ada to watch this Jesus video that she got years ago that was still in plastic. She knows all the scriptures by heart, yet she is ignorant to their meaning. She doesn't follow them. I do not consider myself Jesus. I just happen to be following the same path he did.

Even to the point that I even wouldn't mind dying for my people. If I was assasinated, it would only expedite my cause. Imagine the publicity my dissapearance or death would bring. EVERYONE would want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote. It would blow the lid on everything. It would be totally worth it. One life to save an entire dying planet. A sacrifice to benefit the ALL. I would die one happy man. You never know, history might be repeating itself very soon. No one can stop me Frank, they can only get in my way.

Now you say you got tired at being looked down upon by others. Why would you even give a damn? It's your choice if you want to allow it to get to you or not. Just ignore them. Just be content in your superiority.

Like I say in my quotes, great things take time, but not necessarily a long time. Don't you see, you can zap information around the world in seconds now. As soon as my truth hits the web, it'll just grease up the gears of the evolution machine. The human race will finally be truly free and great ideas will destroy hate. I don't even think the human emotion hate needs to exist at all. Hey, you get the most change by expecting the very best, right?

Now about shortening my stuff. Didn't you change your tune once you read over my stuff again. The secret to it is not making it as short as possible. It's making it as intereseting as possible so people will read it all. Leaving out any details out of my stuff would just lessen its great effect.

Oh well old man. Good to see we are being civil once more. If you can't help me out, I'll just take off the California anyway and hope not to run into cops. Even though I don't think they would extradite me all the way from Texas for a little misdemeanor. Either way, any litigation would only mean publicity for my ideas, so I'll win either way.


- Victor



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