


Failure Franklin 17

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Sat, 31 May 2003 22:47:09 +0000

Hello Victor. Yes you are right you are twentyfive years of age physically( born february 2 1978). Part of my current ailments affects my mind, however, still manage to make a living and support my family.

There is nothing wrong with your good intentions to bring World Peace. You are very bright in many respects, very detail oriented. Have a gift for expressing chronological events, like your daily wonderings etc. You would make an incredibly successful novelist. Your basic problem is that you distort reality causing other people to believe your many lies. The first is that I abandoned you. I never asked your mother for a separation. It was her idea. Second I made two expensive trips to fetch you all but your mother would not agree to a reconciliation. My mistake was reasoning that little children where best in the company of mama and hence I did not fight for your custody. It would have cost a fortune and still U.S. law would have intervened in your mother's behalf as she had legal custody. If you do not believe me I will check to see if I still have my U.S. expired pass ports. In it are the entries to the U.S. that coincided with my two trips to San Antonio. After exhausting my revenues in trying to bring you all to Panama, my failure in the attempt was part of what precipitated my nervous collapse causing me to seek a more tranquil way of life and in so doing for about 15 years my income was no more than 200 dollars a month average(selling ornamental plants on street corners weekends and being in the mountains learning about herbs week days.) The other mistake was in believing that you three would take advantage of the many opportunities the American Way of Life offers. I believed that for you three the U.S. would be better than Panama.

In many ways I do not blame you for not seeking and holding employment in San Antonio. For two years there I neither could find a stable job, the vast mayority where reserved for locals. San Antonio was just not my nitch and you behave there somewhat like I did. Had personal computers existed back then God who knows maybe I would have found a job in a search mode. After arriving in Panama I did hold a stable job until I feel sick. Had your mother accompanied me to Panama as a good woman should follow her man in good times and bad times, her moral support and assistance as a wife would have made the difference of my not having to leave the job. I installed the computerland franchise in Panama with just the general instructions from the owners. They left for the states to take the franchise courses while I set up the store and interviewed about 120 potential employees. All those I recommended where hired even my own replacement when I voluntarily left the company a year later. I still have among my belongins the letter of recommendation received from Mr. Howard Wenzel. The thing that broke the communication with your mother was a bank error by sending the two hundred dollars to an unknown destination. The fact that your mother did not believe that I did send the money caused me to blow up on the bank manager who proceeded to close my account and the 200 dollars where lost for good. Leaving the cities for the mountains in search of health was the correct thing to regain 90% of my health after a nervous collapse but the income was initially zero. I wore myself out trying to reconciliate with your mom as each trip there cost several thousand dollars. These are facts Victor that I can prove. While I was in the mountains your mother's letters went to Chorrera and where returned. She changed addresses and I knew not where to contact you all. Things went that way until your second accident and my cousin Mario informed me of Ada´s phone number which brought Laura's interest in communicating with me, then I received your email. You sent it to me. These sequence of events are provable. They have little to do with our current disagreements. However, you have distorted truth and that is provable. That does not mean that you are not capable of honest behavior. Its simply that you want to believe your own lies. Its simply convenient for you. You avoid the difficult questions I ask you, you refer me to a mountain of your correspondence. And you believe that the whole World is truly interested in episodes of our mismanagement of our own lives. That is a self delusion. The World in general does not really give a shit about you and me. Face it, that is a reality. If you die tomorrow some people will say yea he was a nice guy. Victor, your ideas are not knew. You do have a right to express them but are they going to solve your economic problems and life problems? As you rely on your mother and hand outs it proves that your ideas have very little current value. That's not to say that they are not ideally good. That may well be the case but it does little for you. You maybe famous because of your ideas. You are living walking propaganda which can make you famous. Maybe when someone writes a book about your mission and makes his million he might spend a few bucks to say some nice things on your grave.

Your grandmother Diana was very very famous in this country and widely known in the united states. She was a founding member of the American Penn Woman Club. When she died it was knews all over the states and she was in the papers and tv in Panama for several weeks. In her life Diana Chiari was among the most honored and awared citizens of Panama. She created an industry in La Arena De Chitre worth millions in sales today when she only earned 34 dollars a month, she introduced the potters wheel there. The current arts and crafts school there carries her name. Yet after she died, I was broke, could not pay for fixing up the traditional way her grave. A number of years went by, 5, and I went back and spent 375 dollars to fix up her grave. What I found was a rotten wooden cross over where her bones lay. None of the people she benefited cared enough to fix her grave the traditional way, some with her teachings where making over 20,000 a year and in Panama that is money.

When I came back from the mountains your grandmother's house had been vandalized, even the toilet was removed. Luckily before going back to the mountains I took all her valuable life papers. These have followed me for 16 differrent physical changes of address. I am writing the book on my mother's life. No one else that she benefited cares enough to do so. And she was great, and she was truthful, and she was pure love, a true giver, even upon those takers the World is full of, all ways looking for a con game to get things free. She was real, not an actor!

With regards to my current family. Why do you speak evil of people you do not even know? How do you expect me to put you in contact with my current wife if you do not give a "shit" about them? Like my own father who failed in his first marriage but succeeded in his second, I follow in HIS footsteps, your desires for my failure are part of the fiction generated in your mind. This is the happiest I have been since I left your mother. I pray to God that you also will find the woman that will help make you a success. She is out there somewhere. Seek and ye shall find.

Frankly I am surprised our dialogue has lasted this long. I have not been sending you hard balls merely to insault you. Simply believe that its my duty as your progenitor to enlighten you in some ignorant spots in your thinking. You may not like what I say but it goes into your subconcious mind(it has not budged your concious mind) and some day may make sense to you even if you deny me today. Believe me Victor as TIME goes on you will learn that in the vast mayority of things I have stated I was right!

Not to do so would add to your ignorance. Your problem will be like the hunter that was after the prize ram. He hunted him for decades until he killed it. Then he felt the sorrow, the loneliness of not having his enemy arround. And so like the mentioned hunter your VICTORY will be "empty." True Victories, even if unsung, come only with solid personal character foundations. Until you overcome yourself you cannot overcome the World. Victory over the World is granted from above not below!!! Old man of the mountain.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Peace be with you TOO!

Date :
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 04:23:36 +0000

Hello Victor, just received your may 25 email. Sorry I did not read it sooner. The last two weeks have been real hellish. My wife and I had to travel 12 hours to fetch her dying mother and revive her. She was very week and dying from mal nutrition. The daughter taking care of her wanted her to die so she could keep the house- Mrs Zenaida could not even raise her right arm, had fever and kidney pain. I frown on using antibiotics but was forced to for three days(get them without prescription in Panama).

Luckily we managed to bring her to the house we reside in. With fresh vegetable juices and other good food she is gaining strenth- However, every member in the family except her thank God has come down with diarria. We picked it up in the poverty stricken neiborhood where she lived. My little son, Jr., was the first to come down with it from playing in yards where open sewage moves through ditches.

I have had a hell of a time trying to get the internet service in the house. First problems with the computer store manager. The deal was to install the unit with internet working. The machine was to slow and would not process many addresses. Now finally its working and this is my first letter to you from the home unit.

With regards to money, its very scarce now. The investments have been made to upgrade my local business activity. It will take two or three months for income to double and triple. I did not even buy the land I promised my wife. She is somewhat upset about that. The only thing she can say is that she is living better now than she did last month when she had to wash all clothing by had. Even fixed the old refrigerator. The diesel truck I bought is in the shop with a major engine over haul. Nevertheless fifty dollars is within my reach in about four days when I go on the business route, but it will cost me 22.50, half that much to get it to you via western union.

Son, being good is not basic human nature! You think so because you are surrounded by a society that has been taught Cristian values for several generations, its part of the American Way. Primitive societies are extentions of immature human behavior- Most children by nature prefer to take than to give. You have claimed to be one of those who like to take, that you are a taker by nature. That is only profitable in a society where Cristians enjoy giving. In this part of the world about 90% of people are takers, even the rich bastards. If you take time to travel from the U.S. to say Chile you will experience what is commenly called "culture shock." Throughout latin american the common inheritance is that of the spaniard conquistadors not the cristian protestant movement that filled the U.S. in pioneer days. I am basically a giver so much so what little I have I have given to the point that I had to learn to be capitalistic to be able to work hard now to provide some inheritance for my children.

I am using my own small inheritance as capital so we can all have more in the future. You at least have your mother now but the time may come when you no longer have her- Possibly then I shall be strong enough to be of some help but also if you are of some help to this old man of the mountain who is growing old and feble. As you are grown now I cannot give to you as one gives a child. That would only spoil you- I must reward you for being a responsable man so please stay out of trouble. Money comes so hard now days that it should not be wasted on people who do not take care of themselves.

Learning to take care of yourself(staying out of trouble with the law and fellow citizens should be for you a priority.)

With regards to my business plans I am quite certain, if my health holds out, that I will become in the next five years a millionair. I have the product and the business experience and internet to make it.

Arthritis is an overwhelming problem World wide. Had you come to Panama 4 months ago you would have accellerated my entry into internet and we would not be having the financial problems we have today. Now I have to do it the hard way without the benefit of your advice. I am sure you enjoy that but it hurts us both for time is not what we really have much of. Had to invest 1250 dollars to be able to obtain a VISA card to be able to buy via internet. One of the small businessess I inted to establish now is marketing home alarm systems. There is a huge market for small cheap alarms in all latin america where stealing is prevalent. I want to leave a mother company operating before going to the states to continue my postgraduates business studies, Phd in Business Administration. Funny thing, when I was 19 years old ad i n the Army, I took a STRONG INTEREST TEST. Eventual acheivement level was PHD in Business Administration. I know formal education does not mean to much to you so these are just comments.

These are going to continue to be very difficult days for me but I will see what I can do for you. Please begin to learn from your life experiences.

With regards to your similarities to Jesus. Jesus was a giver not a taker at heart. We cannot change the fact that we are in a business World so if you really want to be generous learn to give the World something for its money then channel the millions into giving jobs and hence life to fellow human beings. Peace with you also, Franklin.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Hello Frank

Date :
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 18:18:41 +0000

Victor this will be my last email to you. I had tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but I can see plainly that any further communication with you is a waste of time. Don't waste your time thinking about your bad old man. Try to do something for yourself in life. Franklin


Re: Hello Frank

Good, you got the hint retard.

- your owner

P.S. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is DEATH.


Sent : Monday, June 9, 2003 11:19 PM
To :
Subject : Re: Hello Frank

Just reread your may 24th letter. Its very nice. Sorry I cannot bail you out of your economic problem at this time. No point in hating each other over money, that emotion as you say should be eliminated from mankind. As you can see trying to survive without money is HELL. I want to leave you a worthy inheritance, but it is not going to be any time soon, maybe in about 5 years. How did it go on your door to door job solicitation, any luck?


Sent : Saturday, July 5, 2003 7:50 PM
To :
Subject : Re: Hello Frank

How you doing now days, Victor? Admittely the last letters I sent you where negative in nature. At first I tried empathizing with you and your ideas hoping to build an affinity which would enable me to help you break away from the "counter culture." That failed, so I tried psychological " shock therapy" to see if you would want to " prove me wrong. " That also backfired. So what's left, just send you money? You are very emotional by nature and use very foul language, how do you expect financial help from me when you come at me " with a stick."

I have been thinking over many of your ideas. Ideally they are O.K. but you have not taken the time to explain the details to me in your letters as to how the World can function, for example without money! The only historical replacement for money is land. With land people can harvest foods and make clothing from cotton, etc. The Inca Impire in Southamerica was successful using food and land as money. Did the inca rulers have any other secrets useful to you today? There exists a book entitled "SECRET OF THE ANDES." Its very hard to come by, its a paperback, read it about 20 yearsago. Don't even remember the publisher. As I continue my experience with internet I realize you are correct about schooling. There are master degree programs from major U.S. Universities right on line. Take care. Best personal regards......Old Man of the Mountain.


Sent : Saturday, July 5, 2003 7:58 PM
To :
Subject : Re:Money for knowledge

O.K. how about a cultural exchange? There are some things I need to solve in internet and I am paying two local experts to give me advice when I could be paying you. They charge between 3 and 5 dollars an hour. Send me a reasonable quote for informing me what is the most economical way of mass marketing a web page? If this exchange works the first time, well, I will do a lot of consulting experts such as you in the future- Let me know!


Sent : Monday, July 14, 2003 12:22 AM
To :
Subject : Re: Hello Frank

Hi Victor! Well, I did say that that letter would be my last. However, its hard to forget a long lost son. I wish things were not the way they are. Its your choice to contact me or not but I will let you in on how things are going with me. Well, first of all, having the computer has been more expense than its worth in my life. I installed my web page in internet: /, but my marketing of it has been lousy, only 47 visitors in three weeks. No one has contacted me to ask questions. Some of the local hackers have ripped me off pretending to market my page. I have found that it takes time, a lot of time to get knowledgeable with computers. The only thing I found worthwhile was the search function, yes an education but that I could get off rental computers, so the 750 I spend on this computer system is of little use to me. I will be selling this system at a loss. Had I put that money in publicity in the paper I would have gained several thousand dollars. Too bad we where not able to collaborate on business matters. Your assistance would have made you a lot of money as each anti arthritis 4 ounce bottle costs 14.95, 10 of which belongs to me. Had I been able to sell 100 bottles a day income would have been 1000 dollars per day of which 200 would have been yours, a total of 6,000 monthly for your own living and endeavors. With my product one or two hours daily of your time could make you that sum of money, think it over Victor, I am serious, not joking or trying to con you. You wanted money from me here is your opportunity to use your smarts to obtain it. Just use your fingers and knowledge of internet to find the FREE ways of marketing my site. It will expire in about 27 days. Thats how much time you have to do something that will help yourself with little effort. Frankly, if you decide not to, I will understand. My rent is paid up until october and selling on the street I husle about 30 dollars a day, enough to survive on in Panama.

Recently I had made a cooking pot, custom made, that will cook me 40 gallons of medicine, concentrate at a time. In just three days I can manufacture 50,000 dollars of the anti arthritis oil, more than probably your own capacity to market????? Currently, El Boticario pharmacy in Panama an outlet of 6 stores is my principal national and international outlet. My average income now from them is about 500 dollars a month, anything above that amount monthly you will earn 20 percent. I will fax you a copy of their monthly check so you can verify that you are getting your 20 percent. What you do with your money, smoke pot, etc, is your business. Not that I want you to do that but your an adult and you are the one who has to live with yourself, your life is basically in your own hands. Think the deal over....let me know if it interests you.

Regardless of what happens I will be going into "Forced retirement" by next january. I have been out of the mountains for five years while I set up my sales route. It now provides me enough to survive on and say "goodby" to " modern" Civilization. I will continue to live from nature not be a parasite of fellow humans which is so prevalent now days. If I cannot do any "good" for the present generation its best for me to step aside, the only thing I have to offer is my medicine based on nature. While I sleep the herbs and trees I use in my medicine grow for me(and can for you). While I am in retirement 40 or 50 small stores and pharmacies are selling my medicine. I will not have to depend on social security or welfare or hand outs from neighbors, nor children for my financial support. I am among the very few in this country who cultivated the art of survival on even ONE dollar a day. Frankly I do not even need that as I can trade medicine for food. In the mountains of Panama, in nomans land I can obtain half an hectaria for as little as 50 dollars. Odds are in favor of a general human collapse, economically speaking, in the next ten years. Earthquakes, famines, pestilance will no longer be the exception. War will be everywhere. People will be eating each other. Victor, then your old man of the mountain will be in his hammock swinging in a tree watching from afar, getting the news, from his laptop computer. Anyone looking for me will be like finding a needle in a haystack. The World will need my knowledge of herbs to fight pestilance but the opportunity will be gone!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday 7 communities of Panama where underwater, in China 3 million families where affected by floods. " THE EARTH STRIKES BACK." Its just only beginning. When it begins to touch you it would be nice to have earned a little money to find a place to be a survivor. Try and put the hate to oneside it initself can harm you most. We are too much alike to live with each other. We both easily get too emotionally charged. But it does not mean we have to ignore each other. We can help each other even if living in Worlds apart. Yes, I can appreciate the forgiveness of a son. The nature of love is forgiveness. I want the best of good things for you even if you hate my guts. I would like to prosper you in some way before i die but it cannot come as an imposition by you. It will happen when it can happen. Do your part. If I receive no reply from you in the next 10 days I will allow my several email accounts to expire. Again I will severage myself from the past and look only forward even if I go as slow as a turtle. The legend of the old man of the mountain will continue to be heard. As he walks slowly through the jungle his footsteeps will thunder in the cities. Swarms of terrible insects will come down up those who dared make Panama their colony. Malaria and yellow fever will consume the invaders. Once upon a time Panama was a garden of eden, extraterrestials will protect their mining interests here. So this knowledge belongs to me and the mountains of Panama. It shall survive as modern civilization collapses. I wish mankind no harm, all harm comes from himself. Son, it i s time to retire to a peaceful place. Find peace and be happy!


Sent : Wednesday, July 23, 2003 11:48 AM
To :
Subject : Re: Hello Frank

Victor, whats new? How are your plans to liberate the World doing? Money makes people run on the fast lane of life like a jet over a valley. No one can appreciate the beauty of life if one is traveling too fast. Here recently I tried coming back into the rat race to please my current family, women regardless of where they come from do not like to live in mud huts as I prefer , betterwith brick walls and clay tile roofs near the edge of a mountain river or creek with fishing a possibility. Have you changed any? Will you be some day basically honest? Or are you still bent on outsmarting everyone else to get to the top? How is your vocabulary doing, still need to wash your mouth! Your disrespectful language is the reason I cut communication with you.

How's the " hei hei" alternate personality behaving? Are you going to remain a mere "opportunist" the rest of your life? Do you know the difference between opportunists and those with moral values??????????????????????

Those who have and radiate the LOVE OF GOD are truely human and tend to have stable characters. Those who do not cultivate the love of God and are empty thereof are just intelligent opportunistic animals. We are all free to chose what we want to be.

I do not mind you insulting me in intelligent ways. Its the foul language which communicates your I.Q. level, or at least, makes one think that its not very high. I know that you can be better than you are. Puerto Rican people are highly emotional and the german highly intellectual and emotional, some explosive combination of culture and genes you inherited. Its only by disciplining the negative side of both cultures that you can succeed in life. In spite of all the exchange of insults we have shared, I believe you will make a valuable contribution to humanity, you are perserverant, thats the key ingredient. Opportunistic people sometimes do good things in the end, not so much that the end result is what they wanted but that their determination is used by smarter people to get their ways.

A negative wing attracts a positive one and a positive one attracts a negative one making their contribution while cancelling each other out energeticaly speaking leaving the end result as they both nose dive. Such is the success of most opportunistic people. Opportunistic people are basically dishonest, their character presented publically changes with the circumstances, they have difficulty being and finding themselves. Its easier to accept the law of the World, big fish eat small one, and participate in that law until your eaten. People of principle do not have to compete, simply steep to the side and conform with the little their God allows them. In their humility, in time, whatever they need appears, with effort of course, but its placed in their path. WHO WROTE THE PATH OF THE MASTERS? Who was the soul that spoke through Edgar Cayce in his trances? Whoever it was, he "is" more powerful than we may ever be as he had the secret before computers of TRANSENDING TIME AND SPACE! He was a master of the PATH OF THE MASTERS. It will not surprise me if some day scientists through computers can speak to the " dead." All that is needed is the electronic magnetic interface......... When I retire to the mountains some day I will visit you! You will see and hear me as you awake from your sleep. In time you too will get to know the PATH OF THE MASTERS, BE IT IN THIS LIFE OR THE SUBSEQUENT. Within 7 generations you will be initiated.

HEY Vic. I sort of miss your insults. Having them is better than nothing, lets get back in touch. Life is long and who knows the day we can really help each other. Frankly you need me more than I need you. But I can't rule out the possibility that you may make a worthy contribution to my life. After all, I acknowledge, that I do not know everything, although. of course I would like to, and who doesn't. So come on write me if only to tell me to shut up.

Business wise things are looking better. Recently improved the publicity of the anti arthritis oil. Now in just 20 minutes of talking to american tourist after their reading the publicity, bingo I have sales, about 20 bucks in an hour. What I have to do know is find a place where there are a lot of american and european tourist. In other words, I am now to the point that I can pack my bags, take some medicine and travel the World over. All I have to do is make the concentrate of the oil, dilute it in cooking oil as I travel. My sales pitch is: " it costs 14.95 at the local pharmacy with me directly you can obtain it for 10 dollars. The literature sells them on buying the product, my offer simply closes the deal. So what I make in the pharmacies I can put in the bank and what I make on the street is for living expenses. Sincerely, its too bad, there is not enough goodwill among us to share my secrets with you AT THIS TIME. Possibly some day you may be interested. Maybe you can do something similar that will have people sticking their hands in their pockets just at the mere sight of you, if only enough money so you do not h ave to ask for hand outs. By the way in internet there are beautiful collections of orchids. Cultured people with money tend to love orchids, from them postcards can be made and sold as you travel. There is no doubt in your mind, you are going to travel the World and you need something positive that will attract attention and make you money.

Here is another idea. Consider working on an ocean line cruser carrying at least 4000 european and american tourist. For at least 6 weeks you will have a captive audience for your ideas. It will allow you to get a lot of feedback from people who generally have money! Let me know when your lack of communication punishment of me is over, if ever. I do not mind being your punching bag now and then if ya let me get in a few words occationally. You see, part of my character is not to hold a grudge and to forgive. That does not mean I won't argue or fight again, simply it my way, I can flare up with someone, maybe my own son, then later sit as nothing happened and drink tee with him. Thats part of the American Way. Latins are differrent, the slightest problem and they do not speak to you for life.

O.K., take care, do not take life or yourself too seriously, try to enjoy life as well. In cosmic time, man in general, is not worth shit if his actions are taken into account. Of the sea of consciousness we are but mere little drops that flew into the air as that ocean hits the " rock" of " reality. " We really do not know who we are, where we came from or where we are going. Only the masters of the path of the masters know. They can point the way and lead us through the differrent sun worlds but the very vast mayority do not have the vibration level to go through even the first sun. Life is light!

Souls are special kinds of atoms that acquire energy and expand or lose it and are captured by quartz cristals(sand). They become powerless ginees in the bottle suffering until the gardeners of space liberate them and replant them, if they are lucky. In this World we are in a fish bowel full of piranas. The masters are out of this world just watching and finding the worthy few to place on the Path of The Masters(not witchcraft). The wisest master that ever lived said " be in this World but not of this World." To be in this World is to remain trapped in the bottle. Why do it with your computer when you can do it with your soul? It would be more real and meaningful to be in India for five minutes and come back in a flash than watch India from a computer monitor connected to a satilite dish. Do not forget the differrence between the witches of the devil and the MASTERS of GOD. The masters are vehicles, like light bulbs, for the light of God here doing his will. The witches are opportunists playing pranks and wishing to be as God. They are creations. Creations cannot exceed their creator as they are only a very small part of the Creator. Some are allowed to think they are better and bigger than God until the gran cosmic dissolution is activated by the cosmic intelligence. One must get out of the rat race to get in tune with the Universe. I have my bad, foolish human side, yet listen to my wisdom which is not my light but HIS. God Bless You and Keep you. PEACE!


Sent : Sunday, August 10, 2003 5:11 PM
To :
Subject : Re: Hello Frank

How are you doing, wish you the best in spite of our differences! We are alike in some respects, our characters are somewhat variable. As you may have guessed the world of computers has not done much for me. I learned the hard way that having a web page and little financial resources to promote it is useless. Received only 50 visits in six weeks to my web page, consequently am discontinuing it. Also cancelled my credit card, there are a lot of things about holding one that I was not informed, like the 20 dollar late payment fee, 15 dollar fee to take cash out of an automatic teller, the 2 percent fraud insurance that is disconted. Unless I would be traveling internationally its not worth it. I discovered on the otherhand that sending faxes to fax addresses obtained in searches is more practical although also expensive. At a cost at least I can send my information to doctors in the U.S. that might prerscribe my medicine. In final analysis extending my local sales route is the best retirement option, that I am doing. I have several friends that are heavy into computers, they can do just about anything with the internet except make substancial sums of money for themselves. Hope you do better than my friends. As for me one of the things I do right is extract a living from nature. My herbs grow wild even as I sleep. There is a leaf called guarumo in Panama. Just one giant leaf, about a foot in circumferance, tends to be round,just one will produce 150 dollars of cough serup. Its scientific name is cicropia peltata. I use it to make asma medication as well. My kia truck is broken down, the computer is also on sale, works fine. Have not bought a piece of land yet for my current family. The area I am now living in is very expensive. So its sit back for about a year save and take another crack at better organizing my life next year. The advantage is that I have in stock now 20,000 dollars of medicine prepared for fungus and arthritis. This time next year I may have enough money in the bank to buy some land and build a home and a green house. Sort of miss your sarcasm. What's new, Best personal regards,

Franklin Victor Gruber.


Sent : Monday, August 11, 2003 1:04 PM
To :
Subject : Re: You where right!

Hi Victor, you where right about one important thing! There are a lot of good free things in internet.

If ya have time check out: // There are really some good hearted people in internet that give this information free. This is a goldmine! Best personal regards. Lets not forget every bad guy has his good side. I do not hold a grudge for very long, how about YOU? In the above address with just ten dollars you can make in artesan fashion stuff that makes ya money easily or just keep on hand as its very useful. Example, practical ways of getting rid of roaches.


Sent : Wednesday, October 8, 2003 8:32 PM
To :
Subject : Please have Ada contact Laura

Victor, your sister Laura is going through very hard times. She has developed a bad case o goiter and has lost her job. You and Ada should know, she is in bad shape emotionally and psychologically. She has taken the test to join the Army and may join. Her electricity has been cut off at her apartment and she may be going hungry. I sent her what money I could(less than what I sent you) and I know its not enough. Right now I do not have any more to send her or I would. She does not want to bother her mother anymore, apparrently prefers to go hungry. I am quite worried, have not heard from her in 10 days. She had broken up with Samier several weeks ago. Apparrently he was violent with her. Best personal regards Franklin



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