


D'Iberville to Pensacola, FL

Thursday February 14, 2008

9:26am  I just realized that I didn't advance where I left off and I taped over a lot of stuff. I detest losing history like that. It sucks. Let me rewind and see where I left off.
9:29am  I rewound and researched where I left off. It was when I had found my missing weed at the Mardi Gras Truckstop. Let's see, after that the sun came down. I said screw it, I'm going to go walk around in the neighborhood and see if I can find another Katrina house to crash in. I started walking down the street in front of the truckstop. All of a sudden the MPs pull up and ask me what I was doing. I told them, "I'm going to go look for a flooded out house to crash in." They told me, "Why don't you try this house on Duels? The kids that live there never turn people away." I went there and found the house. These hippie kids, these gutter punks living in this house that's totally falling apart. They had long wooden planks instead of a floor. You like have to be careful where you step. They wouldn't listen to my story at all. I took pictures and stuff. I smoked them out. Two fat bowls with them. After that I crashed on their "floor" and the next morning I woke up and I walked all the way to I10 along 610. It was a longass hike. Shit, hold on. Let me think.
                    Oh no! What happened is I walked to my sign-flying spot again and started flying my sign. Hook a brother up/smoke a brother out. I got hooked up like crazy. I got most of that stuff recorded. I rode the bus then I walked Canal Street all the way to the Greyhound station. They closed at 7pm. I got there at exactly seven and they had already closed. So, I walked 
all the way back to the Mardi Gras truckstop. Umm, I think that's when I ran into the MPs that told me about that house to crash at. Ugh, I'm all confused.
                   Anyway, the next morning I caught the Greyhound when it came. I rode it to Biloxi, only a couple hours. In Biloxi I found a Katrina house to crash in like a couple blocks from the bus station. The next morning I woke up and I walked around. I got all these signs to leave. Biloxi sucked. Everybody is in the car. No pedestrians anywhere. It blows. I think I recorded most of what happened, but I taped over it. After that I walked down Division Street again aiming for the highway. I was told the wrong directions twice. I went to the onramp and stood there for about half an hour. I got bored and I walked down the street and I saw some guy outside. I asked him, "Is I10 down this street eventually? Somebody told me it was." He told me no, but I told him what I was doing and he smoked me out with a joint with this girl who wouldn't listen to me at all. She was all power-tripping and getting all defensive and shit. Seems she had a guilty conscience. That night I camped in these woods by some pond.  I think I got most of this recorded. I don't think I taped over that much stuff. This morning I camped in the woods near the I10 onramp. I woke up and walked like two or three miles to the Fleet gas station in D'Iberville. Alright, I'm going to ask for rides now.

9:38am  I already got my ride East! To the next exit, at least. Bruce and Clyde hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

9:59am  Bruce and Clyde just dropped me off at 63 North and I10. Bruce just hooked me up with two bucks. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

10:18am  I just got out of the restroom at the Coen Auto Truck Plaza. I bought some batteries. I spent like seven or eight bucks in batteries. I bought a pack of Double As and a pack of Triple As. I never did get my batteries charged. I could've done it at the laundromat yesterday, but I forgot. Right now I'm going to walk to the Eastbound side of the highway and try and get a ride. I'm going to try and get to Florida today.

10:49am  I am on the onramp. I just tagged the pole here. I'm going to take a picture of it.

11:14am  I put my stuff at the bottom of the hill on the onramp and walked all the way back to the gas station. It was a bitch walking there because of the fences they have up. It took me a while so I made a prayer to love to protect my stuff. It was still here when I came back. I'm back on the onramp next to that MTOD pole I tagged.

11:17am  In no-time I got my ride! Larry is hooking me up with a ride to Pensacola! Awesome. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Florida, here I come!

     11:47am  We are driving through this big tunnel.

                     We are Driving through Mobile, Alabama. First I asked to be dropped off, but then I changed my mind. Maybe I'll stop on the way back.

12:19pm  Crossing the Florida state line. Escambia County. Welcome to Florida. The sunshine state. World Series Champions.

12:34pm  I just got dropped off in Pensacola at another Fleet gas station. Actually, I am close to Pensacola. I have to go South. 29 North.

12:39pm  I went inside this Shell/Fleet gas station and used the restroom. I am walking into town now. It's a long way. I've got my WPTMJ shirt on.

                     That guy Larry wouldn't listen to me at all. He wouldn't shut up about how disease was the world's greatest problem. Disease of the mind. Man, I'm trying to cure that shit. Listen to me! At least he gave me a ride. Thanks, Larry.

12:42pm  Sweet, there's a bus stop! In front of the Waffle House.

12:47pm  The bus doesn't come until thirty two after, so I'm going to walk the bus route a little.

12:59pm  I walked like maybe two or three bus stops. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette. I'm showing my shirt to cars driving by.

1:18pm  Ten more minutes for the bus.

1:31pm  There she blows.

1:47pm  I just got to the transfer center. I'm waiting for the 2 that leaves at two 'o clock.

2:19pm  I just got off the bus. When I first got on the bus the driver was all yelling at me to sit down. I yelled back, "What are these handrails for?!" He insisted it was for my own safety. He even said, "This isn't a cruise ship!" I told him, "It's sure is a power-trip for you. Do what you can." He barked, "Well then don't use the service!" I yelled back, "Then let me off the bus! I'll walk." I should've remained standing up. So I'm in downtown Pensacola right now. I'm going to go find a park and tell my story.

                     I got to tell these two kids on the bus my story. They loved my shirt. I took their picture.

2:22pm  I took a picture of the bigass courthouse. I'm still looking for people to tell my story to.

2:24pm  Walking down Palafox. There's a little strip mall here.

2:29pm  Passing Intendencia Street. Sweet, there's a park. Cool, homebums. Maybe I can get some marijuana.

2:37pm  Curly at the park just volunteered me some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Some gasoline for my stomach.

2:46pm  I ate a can of Vienna sausages with some fruit punch this cool homebum Curly gave me. Welcome to Pensacola, Victor. I'm going to walk to the water. I want to get smoked out.

2:55pm  Argh, I had another mixup on my tape. I'm already in Pensacola. I hope I didn't lose too much stuff again. I hope I can patch it all up when I type it up.

3:12pm  I had a good presentation with Nick and Mandy by the water out here at the Palafox Pier and Nick just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, guys.  I took a picture of this bird afterwards.
                   I actually saw these two young kids walking around by the water. I told them my story. I didn't tell them the whole odyssey, but I told them the important part and gave them my webpage.

3:25pm  I came to the rescue mission here. I'm going to ask for a sewing kit. My frontpack I got from the Perry house in San Antonio is coming apart.

3:44pm  I stopped at the rescue mission to use the restroom and I scored me a backpack! My other one was dying. The blue bag I got after I cleaned out Katt and Amy's house in San Antonio. I needed either a sewing kit or a new backpack. I scored me a small blue Eastport pack. It's really perfect. Everything fits in it. Awesome.

3:45pm  Bill, at the Waterfront Rescue Mission hooked me up with a new bag. I appreciate it, Bill. Everybody gets credit.

3:58pm  Pensacola didn't impress me at all and I wanted to skip town. I started walking towards Highway 98. These kids just drove by and waved the peace sign at me first, so maybe that's a sign to not leave just yet. I guess I could still do something in this town. I can go to the library and check my email.

4:25pm  Hell yeah! Some magic happened! Right when I decided not to skip town just yet I was walking back aiming for the library. I walked by this park with a big wooden gazebo and I saw two young kids sitting there. Hmm, I walked up to them and asked them for directions to the library. I hit them up for my story and they listened great. When I asked them for the odyssey the girl told me, "To be honest with you, halfway through your story I started to lose interest. I have a short attention-span." I told her I liked a challenge and just told them the important part. Anyway, the dude Ben asks me, "So why Penscacola?" I told him my story was for everyone. He says, "There are a lot cooler places in Florida than Pensacola. I live in Panama City." My ears perked and I told him that was my next stop, was he going there anytime soon?" He said, "Actually, I'm driving there tomorrow." I immediately ask him if I could get a ride and he said sure! That he would pick me up at the gazebo, which I later found out was Seville Square at eleven 'o clock tomorrow. So you see, people. There was a definite reason for me to walk back into town.

                   The park is off Government Street.

4:45pm  I just took a picture of the Pensacola library with the big water tower behind it.

6:26pm  I left the library already. I layered up in the bathroom because I thought it would be really cold outside. Turns out they just had the AC cranked up inside the library.

6:28pm  Man, that's just too cool how I'm going to get a ride tomorrow. Umm, I shouldn't get my hopes up though. I'm supposed to meet him there at eleven tomorrow. Hopefully he won't stand me up. I don't know what to do. I'm going to go back to that plaza where all those homeless dudes were. I have to go get some water somewhere. Oh yeah, I emailed Clea! I have been meaning to write her for a long time.

8:56pm  I never told you I came to the mission. I'm going to crash here tonight.

Pensacola to Panama City, FL

Friday February 15, 2008

     6:28am  I woke up at five thirty at the mission. I didn't eat breakfast there because they have a mandatory mass to go to if you want to eat breakfast. I already had food. I'm all layered up and ready to go. I've been passing out my website to all these homebums out here like crazy.

      6:52am  I just had a good presentation with these two black guys and a girl at Jefferson and Government. Great way to kill a little time. They had to go to work, so I kept it short. I'm going to keep walking around.

     8:09am  I went to Seville Square and sat down and read my book. I know I am really early. I still have three hours to go. I ate some peaches and I'm going to walk to the library and check my email for something to do.

     8:40am  I am in front of the library waiting for it to open at nine.

     9:02am  They opened.
                   I left the library. I'm going to walk to the park and wait.

     11:07am  Ben showed up! Awesome! I'm on my way to Panama City. I am glad to get out of Pensacola. This town is dry.

                   Some water park.

1:01pm  Welcome to Panama City, Victor. Home of the world's most beautiful beaches. I'll find out for sure. I just took a picture of all this smoke in the sky. A big fire or something. Jumbo jets are dumping water from the ocean on it. I've always wondered how they extract the water from the sea. Do they swoop down and scoop it up? Do they land anywhere? Anyway, I am in Panama City and I'm all stoned. Ben had some chronic he smoked with me. I am having such a good day. I love that magic that happened. I was just walking down the street ready to skip town. At the last minute I said screw it, I have to check my email. I walked back and by Seville Square I saw the only other kids I had seen in Pensacola sitting down. I told them my story and Ben offered me a ride. He followed through on his promise and here I am in Panama City! That's where I was trying to go! Presto-manifesto!

1:40pm  I just got dropped off in front of City Hall by Ben. I appreciate it, bro. He told me he was so glad he was able to help me. That he was really excited for me. He said, "A lot of people are ready for it." I had some great presentations on the ride here. I told him all my stories. All my funny jail stories and shit. So I am in Panama City and there's no pedestrians in this town either. I wish I could describe how cool Ben was, but he got me all high. I'm all stoned and happy. I'm going to go find the rescue mission.

                   Hmm, I am really considering trying to walk the Appalachian Trail. So many people have told me about it. It would take me three months. I wonder if I could do that.

1:56pm  Right after Ben dropped me off I came to these woods right here where there is all this homeless trash. I'm just sitting here in the shade. I layered down, took my thermals off. I'm going to eat a snack and have a smoking session and then walk into town. I took a picture after I packed up my rain poncho.  I'll give cars the peace sign.

2:14pm  I took a picture of my little hangout here. I pulled out my green military rain poncho and sat down and had a little meal session. I took a picture afterwards. I had been meaning to take a picture with my tarp still down, but I already put it up.

                   I'm walking down Beach Drive. I should probably find the rescue mission first.

2:23pm  I just took a picture of the post office at 5th and Jenks Avenue. I'm going to look for the rescue mission now.

2:35pm  I came to the daycenter. The rescue mission isn't open yet.

2:40pm  At the daycenter they have this courtyard in the back where everybody smokes cigarettes. First thing I did was take my WPTMJ shirt off and put on my Make It Happen shirt. I had a great presentation with Nick.

3:19pm  The mission and daycenter is on Sixth Street close to Magnolia Avenue.

3:35pm  I was walking down Sixth Street and turned on this street where it's marked Downtown. I saw this guy selling produce and I asked him, "How much will forty five cents get me?" He asks me, "Oh, you're hungry?" I give him the usual, "I walk for a living. I can always eat." He hooked me up with all this fruit. I'm going to give some back because I don't want to be too weighed down. I logged his generosity and gave him my website then came and sat down on a bench to eat. All of a sudden he walks up and hands me ten dollars! "Get something warm," he said.

3:53pm  Johnny was his name. I had a great presentation with Johnny. He hooked me up phat. I gave him a lot of it back because I don't want to carry so much.

4:42pm  It's about time I made an update. I bought me a pack of rolling tobacco. Top because they were out of Buglers. I wanted to find somewhere to smoke and take a hit of weed. I went across the street from the rescue mission to the market and saw all these people hanging out outside. I saw these kids and I hit them up for my story and they agreed to listen. They've got a motel room and they invited me to crash tonight! They were waiting for a taxi cab to go to some Burger King where one of them work. The older guy told me to meet him at the McDonald's across the street from a Wachovia Bank. He said he would pay the ten dollars for my extra person. So I'm here in front of the McDonald's waiting. Oh yeah! They told me MTV was going to be here soon, like in a week. Dude, that sure is a sign to hang out. Not because I like MTV, fuck MTV, but there will be masses and masses of spring break people. I'll be here for the crowds. Publicity. I'm going to be on TV probably. Me and my shirt.

5:37pm  I had a good time in front of the McDonald's waiting for that dude. What was your name again? Chris: "Everybody calls me Homeless Chris and Revolution Man." He's a true hippie. He says his uncle is Jerry Garcia. Seriously? Chris: "Yeah, I grew up in Eugene, Oregon." I also had another good presentation with this guy who sat down in that smoking courtyard at the daycenter. He was agreeing with all my shit. He said, "That's a great idea about the pirated software. I can't believe I never thought of that." I gave him my website. Anyone who walked by. Now I'm going to that Star Motel. Chris is letting me crash. Chris' friend is Harry Potter. I took a picture of them.

6:30pm  Chris is telling me about somebody in Arcata on Takilma Road. He told me that Preacher John has a house on 2610 Takilma Road and that he has a hundred and fifty pot plants in the backyard and he had given them all to Chris.

                   Spirit Mountain in Eugene, Oregon. Remember that.

Next day..

Panama City, FL

Saturday February 16, 2008

     6:04am  I woke up at five in the motel room on the floor. Star Motel. Last night I had a great welcome to Panama City, man. They made some barbecue ribs. This hippie dude Chris, I met him and his friend Harry Potter in front of the general store yesterday. He told me to wait for him at the McDonald's and he eventually showed up. He let me crash in his motel room and I had an awesome presentation last night. Whole odyssey and all in front of like four or five people. All his friends he had made at the rescue mission. Umm, I'm going to be here for Spring Break. There's going to be a huge crowd. MTV and shit. So I have to chill here for a little more than a week. Like a week and a half. It'll be the end of the month when it starts. I'm going to have some fun. Anyway, I woke up at five and got 6.05 hours of sleep. I am already walking into town. I don't know where the hell I'm going. Right now I had to rewind and research my tape recorder. I had left it running in my pocket. I did and I'm walking down the street now. Hehe, everybody is telling me I'm going to get laid in this town. Alright. Wish I had some weed.

                   Morning Sky

6:16am  Choo-choo just hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

8:09am  I didn't tell you. Let's see, I went over to the rescue mission and hung out there and this dude Nick smoked me out. I put on my show for him and he listened good. He had to walk all the way across town to a Wachovia bank to cash his check, because the one closeby by the McDonald's is closed today. I put my rain poncho down in the grass behind the bank and smoked while I waited.  Right now we stopped at the Texaco on US 231 and Harrison Avenue and I ate a leftover rib from that barbecue last night. It was good.

9:20am  We went to the bank and Nick got his money and we are heading back now.

                   Pictures of me.

9:53am  We are so lost. We just got done walking like a whole mile in the wrong direction. We have to double back, it sucks.

10:13am  What was your name, again? Mr. Holliman was nice enough to give us some water. We got lost in his neighborhood.

10:40am  I forgot to tell you Nick called a cab and it just came. So we are on our way back to the McDonald's.

10:55am  The taxi came and we rode it to the McDonald's. Nick gave me five dollars! So I've got ten bucks for weed. I'm going to walk over to all the ghetto people at the rescue mission and try to get some marijuana.

11:22am  Choo-choo gave me a cigarette over at the rescue mission. I appreciate it.

11:52am  This black dude was lame. He told me, "Follow me, we're going to get some weed." We walked over to some house, asked me for the five dollars and told me he'd be right back. Well, I saw him coming out of the house and he started walking the other way. I kind of followed him keeping an eye on him through the brush. I was walking a trail parallel to him. I ended up right in front of him and surprised him. "I thought you were coming right back. Give me my five bucks back." He did. Shit, I've been burned way too many times. I'll try and get it somewhere else. I should know better.

11:56am  Josh just hooked me up with a cigarette and wouldn't take my change. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

12:54pm  Ahh, I got bored and wanted to go for a walk. It's Saturday. There are still no pedestrians out anywhere. I want to go find somebody to tell my story to. I was told about some marina, so I walked all the way down 5th to the water. I'm right where I was at yesterday, right where I got dropped off. By that little smoking spot I had. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I have like one hit of hash left. I got a little for five dollars. Maybe I'll sit down and take another break like I did last time.

1:05pm  I came to the public marina here and I'm sitting on the bench close to the water. There's all these little sailboats out there. Nobody is out here even though it's Saturday. That sucks.

1:49pm  I saw this guy walking by and I hit him up for my story. His name is Gill. He told me he had already seen me walking around town. I hit him up for my story, but he said he rather read his book. I'm all rested up so I'm going to walk back now.

4:08pm  I went and I hung out at Chris' motel room. I lost my one-hitter. That really sucks. It's so mission-critical. I just found out that there's a better side to town. I first thought this was all that Panama City was, but here's a beachside! That's where I'm going. Fuck this crackhead side of town.

4:43pm  I am walking down Highway 98 already. I'm walking towards the beach. I just passed the fire station with the big Smokey the Bear sign. I stopped underneath this tree and smoked half of this joint I had. I had gone over to Chris' motel room and asked if anyone wanted to smoke a joint. The only two guys who were there were the two that didn't smoke. Chris said he's not smoking until he gets back to Humboldt. Even though he had no trouble smoking my chronic yesterday. Now, I've lost all my weed. Man, I lost my one-hitter, too. That sucks. I hope something really cool happens at the beach. I'm going to start walking. I'm all stoned. I have walked so much today. My magic shirt is going to be all dirty.

4:52pm  I stopped in at the Domino's and asked for mistakes. They didn't have any.

5:03pm  I was giving all the cars the peace sign as I walked, like I always do. I was in front of the Big KMart over here. These two kids, a guy and a girl were walking by right in front of me so I offered them my website. They said sure so I hit them up for my story. All of a sudden Hippie Chris and Harry Potter walked up with backpacks. They got kicked out of the motel room because all the crackheads didn't have any money. Now they're going West. The same way I am going right now. We're going to the beach, sweet.

5:04pm  Lee just hooked Chris up with a cigarette. He appreciates it, bro.

5:14pm  Just crossed Frankford Avenue.

5:22pm  Welcome to Historic Saint Andrews. Still on 98. 15th Street/98. I'm walking with my friends.

6:10pm  We are about to start walking over this huge bridge. It's not that long.

6:22pm  Just finished walking over that bridge. I was really power-walking going over the uphill part.
                   I cannot believe that all this time there was a cooler side to Panama City. I just couldn't believe this is where MTV was going to come. Then I found the beachside.

6:35pm  We stopped after the bridge and took a piss-break. Kevin(Harry Potter) and Chris sat down in the sand and got stabbed with all these peyote-button lookin' things.

                   Be sure to look up about the shootings in Ohio just recently.

6:49pm  We just made it to Thomas Drive.

7:10pm  Leonel me dio un cigaro en el Chevron en Thomas. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

7:46pm  Some magic happened! We walked all the way to the other side. I was tired. We stopped at the Chevron on Thomas and Laird to get some water. Kim came out of the gas station and asked us where we were trying to go. She was going to give us a ride to the beach, so Harry Potter got in the truck and Chris and me rode in the back. All of a sudden Harry Potter tells me out the window that Kim is going to let us crash at her house! How awesome! We really appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                   What's the name of this place? Lynn Haven Apartments.

Next day..

 Panama City, FL

Sunday February 17, 2008

     12:12pm  Man, the coolest shit happened last night. This girl Kim. We sat down next to each other watching TV last night and started cuddling. We had some great sex last night. This morning I woke up and she gave me some money and let me and Harry Potter take her truck to get some weed! Right now we came over to the Tom Thumb gas station nearby to get some supplies. Kim gave me her credit card and I'm supposed to buy some groceries.

     12:19pm  They wouldn't let me get the stuff with Kim's credit card, so I have to go back and get and tell her. Then I'll go get weed.

     2:44pm  Harry Potter and me. Kim was cool as hell earlier. See, I had asked her last night what were her feelings on marijuana. She's not against it. She says she takes a hit once in a while. Last night was pretty fun. She let borrow her truck to go to the store to get her beer and stuff. She gave me some money to get some weed. That's what we're doing now. We don't know where to get any. I thought we should go drive around on the beach side and ask cool-looking people. Right now we are on Front Beach Road. I passed this oyster bar and saw some dude working on the outside of it with a mohawk. Oh shit, freak. We pulled over and I asked them and we have a possible. We're just waiting in the car. I'm going to have to get some shwag. We don't have enough money. Kim just gave me twenty for weed.

     5:05pm  I haven't made an update in a long time. Those kids ended up telling us they couldn't help us with the little money that we had. So we gave up on the beach and hit up our last resort, the rescue mission again. I am really glad that Harry came with me because he knew the people to talk to. We eventually scored twenty dollars of weed. So mission-accomplished. I was even able to buy another one-hitter. Thank you, Kim. So much. You enabled the magic. Now we are back I'm all stoned and happy. Mission accomplished. My name ain't Victor for nuthin'.

Next day..


Panama City, FL

Monday February 18, 2008

7:02am  Man, I better not sucked into Panama City. Umm, I have been blessed with a great wait-station to wait for Spring Break. At least I have, and so might my friends. It was so really cool how we ended up running into each other again when I was walking 98. I stopped to tell this couple my story and in the middle of it up walk Hippie Chris and Harry Potter. They got kicked out of their motel room and we were walking West, headed to California. We reunited and we hiked all the way over to the bridge to the other side. We turned left on Thomas and went to that Chevron. Right before the management was going to run us off, even though we were just resting, our angel Kim saved the day and rescued us. At first she was just going to give us a ride, but she ended up inviting us over to her apartment. We've been chilling here and we can chill for a long time if we want. At least until the rain is done.

                   Kim and I have hit it off great. We have been having some great protected sex. But, last night we had a long talk. I told her that I would have to leave eventually and that it would hurt both of us. I told her how I had already committed myself to my mission and she totally understands. She thought it was sweet that I even mentioned it. I assured her how I was always glad to be of service and was thankful she'd shared some love with me. She herself hadn't been laid in seventeen months. It's what's on the inside that counts. I think she's beautiful. Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do today. Oh yeah, last night was like severe weather and shit. Lightning, thunder and heavy winds. I thought a hurricane was coming. I hope it stops raining soon. It's going to be funny if Spring Break gets rained out. Yesterday was badass. Me and Harry drove around all day. First we went to the beach. This big strip of hotels. Every cool person I saw I would pull over and ask them if they knew where to score weed. We eventually gave up and decided to go back to the rescue mission and Harry Potter who had been there for two months, he knew people. He scored me twenty dollars worth of shake. I finally got a new container to put my weed in. I should take a picture of it.

7:24am  I just got done cleaning at Kim's house. I swept the floor and did the dishes. I even washed the counters. I took her cute little dog Harley out for a walk earlier and found out there's some woods nearby. I'm going to go look for a trail, or make my own. Kim gets off of work at three. Harry Potter and Chris are in there glued to the TV. It's rotting their brains.

7:29am  I'm on this Jeep trail. It's really beautiful out here. I should take a picture.

10:37am  I popped out of the woods at Harrison Avenue and Osprey Circle. I'm going to walk around.

11:30am  I had a damn good presentation right now with this guy Joel who was outside pressure washing his driveway. He's an investor and plays the stock market. When I was done he told me, "It was really nice meeting you. Thanks for the good experience. I don't have that many anymore." I took his picture.

                   He was all, "I would normally give you twenty bucks so you can get some marijuana, but I'm donating to the ACLU..." I told him, "Hey, I 
didn't ask.  Thanks anyway."

11:37am  Walked Harrison Avenue to Baldwin. Turning right.

1:41pm  Walked to Jenks Avenue and turning right.

2:04pm  I just walked to the Tom Thumb Citgo.

2:20pm  I am leaving from the gas station. I sat down and ate an apple and rested.

2:30pm  I have returned to Kim's.

Next day..


Panama City to PC Beach and back, FL

Tuesday February 19, 2008

8:13am  I woke up early and today I went out for a walk. Just for exercise and to learn the town and make my presence known. Right now I'm walking down Goose Bayou road through this suburb, this neighborhood.

8:21am  Damnit, I walked the wrong way. There's dead ends everywhere. I thought I was walking 390.

8:39am  I doubled back and I am back on 390 by the Tom Thumb. It sucks. I'm stupid. I walked the wrong way.

9:02am  I'm walking down 390 about to pass Baldwin Road.
                   By this airport.

9:16am  I just got to Lisenby and I asked this lady how far it was to that big bridge I walked over with Chris and Harry Potter. She told me it was like three miles. She told me I had to catch the trolley. Let's see if I can get a courtesy ride, hehe.

                   Just got to Sandy Blvd. I'm going to stop at the gas stations here. Express Lane Chevron. I already went to the Petro across the street.

9:40am  Jason hooked me up with a ride from the Chevron. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Hell yeah, I got me a little hop. I'm going to walk towards the bridge now. I'm at 23rd Street already. I was sitting there eating an apple and smoking a cigarette. I went inside and some lady told me I was three miles away. I'm like two now. I went and sat down at the storage place next door because they had two benches. Some guy who works there came outside and I gave him my website, hehe. Then I saw some cool-lookin' kid walk in the store so I grabbed my bag. I asked him if he was going any closer to the bridge. He told me no, that his truck was full. I started walking away from the gas station and as he was pulling out with his mother he tells me, "I got room in the back." I jumped in the back and bam, transported. His mom, or some older lady who was with him told me, "I like your shirt."

                   St. Andrews Street is where I turn on 23rd, on the way back home. Maybe I'll call Kim to pick me up.

10:00am  Stopped at Collegiate Drive. Gulf Coast Community College. Hmm.

10:03am  Florida State University. Weird, there's two colleges right next to each other. FSU and Gulf Coast University. I'm going to keep walking and look for a library.

                     I just got to the library. I'm going to go inside and check and see if I have to be a student to check my email.

10:13am  I cannot check my email until two 'o clock.

10:19am  I just gave my website to these two college girls.

10:30am  I'm walking over the bridge to kill time until two. I just took a picture of a Coast Guard boat.

10:43am  I am already on the other side of the bridge. I'm going to take a piss in the same place Chris and Harry Potter got those things stuck on them in the sand.

                     For food I brought an orange and an apple and some ham.

10:55am  I just got to Thomas Drive. Turning left. I'm going to walk over to the Chevron where we met Kim. Man, everybody is staring at my shirt.

11:06am  Coming up on the Chevron on Laird. I'm going to use the payphone.

11:08am  Damnit, I only have thirty five cents.

11:09am  I came to use the payphone but I didn't have enough. Frank hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

11:23am  I need to make an update. Some more magic happened. I only had thirty five cents and I needed to call Kim somehow. The payphone was right next to the stoplight. This couple pulled up in a truck, Frank and Andy. I told them, "I need fifteen cents. One-five," and they hooked me up. I asked them if they were going to the beach and they said no, but could give me a ride if I wanted. Awesome!

11:27am  I just got dropped off at the Burger King on Front Beach Road. Let me see if I can call Kim. I have enough money for a burger, awesome. I'm going to go across the street to the gas station and use the payphone over there.

                     I thought I had Kim's phone number, but it wasn't hers. It was my older sister's number. I don't want her to worry. I told Chris and Harry to tell Kim I had gone to the beach today. She's supposed to be working all day.

                     Earlier Frank hooked me up with like three dollars in change.

11:40am  I came in the Burger King and bought a couple sandwiches. Everybody liked my shirt. The cashiers loved it so I gave them my website. The manager got all mad yelling, "No solicitation!"

11:53am  I came outside to smoke a cigarette after I ate my Whopper. Autumn, the cashier saw my shirt and smiled, so I gave her my website. That's the only reason I give people my website, when they react to my message. The manager got all pissed off, but Autumn told me she got off at two and would smoke a brother out! Awesome. I'll be back.

12:00pm  I am on the beach. I'm going to take a picture. I went through Public Beach Access 41.

                     I am already on 37. I walked on the coast.

12:19pm  I am going back streetside at Willy's Pier Bar.

                     Oh, I didn't tell you. Autumn had first told me, "Trade some floorspace for some weed." Cool, might be a possible place to crash. I'd be torn about leaving Kim's. But, Autumn 
does live on the beach-side and Kim on the crackhead side. Autumn's location would be much more conducive to my Spring Break exposure I want to have. I may have found another crashpad. I don't know. Autumn said she gets off at two and that she'll smoke me out.

12:32pm  Popped out on Front Beach Road and Thomas Drive. I'm going to rest and smoke a cigarette.

12:37pm  I came up to this gas station here and I saw all these people smiling at my shirt. Janie just gave me five dollars! Thanks a lot, Janie. You will be on there when I update it.

                     That was awesome! This lady just read my shirt, walked out of her truck and asked me if I needed money. Sure! She gave me a five dollar bill! Hell yeah.

12:43pm  I walked into the Rainbow Shack and asked this guy, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything." He told me, "No thanks," and he shook his head. Nobody wants world peace, I said. Hehe. I'm supposed to meet this Autumn girl at two and she's supposed to smoke me out.

                     I was walking and this guy on the sidewalk asked me, "How far are you walking today?" I told him I was on my way to save the world and hit him up for my story. He said he was totally willing to listen, but that he had to work. I gave him my website.

                     Cool, I see a Mexican restaurant in this shopping center.

12:52pm  I just took a picture of this badass car in the parking lot. I think it's a Lotus.

                     It's a Lamborghini.

12:54pm  Right before the gas station, in the shopping center there's a Mexican restaurant called Los Rancheros.

                     Dylan hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Los Rancheros. I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

1:06pm  I had a good presentation with this guy and this girl in front of Los Rancheros. Their cab came so I had to cut the story short.

1:36pm  I went back to the Chevron and this girl Tiffany asked me if I could get her a Black and Mild because she didn't have her ID on her. She was way over eighteen. I went and and got it for her and she hooked me up with a lot of change. I appreciate it, sister. Always glad to be of service.

2:04pm  Autumn and Nacole, got off of work at Burger King, they met me at the gas station and they're going to smoke a brother out!
6:23pm  Be sure to download One Giant Leap. It's about marijuana. Right up my alley. It will be on my website for sure. I'll probably transcribe it and let everybody read it.(I'm proofreading this March 28th and I was unable to locate anything on a movie called One Giant Leap about marijuana.  I found a Mars movie they show in IMAX,)

                   I've had a wonderful night of storytelling over at Autumn's house. Her daughter Harmony. I didn't take any pictures. I need to. She's giving me a ride back to 26th and Jenks to Kim's apartment. Awesome. Thank you.

6:34pm  John and the Pizza Hut on 26th and Jenks is hooking me up with a pizza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

6:47pm  My powers of manifestation astound me. Autumn was driving me closer to 26th and Jenks and we drove by and I spotted a Pizza Hut. I yelled let's go get some pizza. Like it usually works, I went in there and asked them if they had any mistakes they could hook me up with and John gave me two pizzas! They're an hour old, but oh well. I totally called that shit. Presto-manifesto! That was awesome. I even have pizza to bring home.

9:01pm  I have to make an update before I go to sleep. It was awesome how I scored two pizzas earlier. I called that shit. I walked back to Autumn's car and said, "Here, proof-positive." I brought home some pizza and everybody ate some. Chris and Harry Potter are still here. Kim was asleep when I got home. When I got home Chris had heard that I met Autumn and went to her house and told me, "Don't cheat on Kim." Me thinking Kim had said something to him. Man, I thought I made it clear to her that I need to be free to do this mission. I might have another possible place to stash my bag during the day while I walk around and spread my word at Autumn's house. Autumn lives on the other side of the bridge, on the beach-side which would be way more conducive to my Spring Break exposure soon. Duty calls. I mean, I don't even want to be with this Autumn girl. It would be all for the mission, just because she lives closer to the beach.

Next day..

Panama City, FL

Wednesday February 20, 2008

     5:44am  I woke up at five thirty this morning. Kim's already gone to work. She went in at eleven last night. She's working eleven to eleven. In about five more hours she'll be back home. I'm looking for my weed right now.

     7:09am  I crashed back out but I am wide-awake right now. I waked and baked. I got a little weed from Autumn yesterday. Hippie Chris and Harry Potter are still here. They said they were going to leave today. I didn't want to do their dishes last night. Screw that. I was gone all day. I brought home pizza and smoked Chris out. I'm not going to do their dishes. Anyway, yesterday at Autumn's house. She's truly a hippie-in-hiding. She's got kids and stuff. She had a lot of books and I traded my Seperate Reality book for this Inner Simplicity - 100 ways to regain peace and nourish your soul, by the author of Simplify Your Life.

     7:25am  I don't think I mentioned. I had some superb presentations last night. I told almost all of my stories. I left out the Bexar County Jail story. We didn't have time for that. I got some really good reactions from Autumn. Her friend Nacole was kind of ignorant and way skeptical. It was funny though. Autumn told me that I was like a breath of fresh air. She said that she wants to be free too. She had just broken up with her boyfriend the day before yesterday, so she was kind of worried of my sticking around because he might come home and get mad and shit. Kim is distraught at me too. I had told her this girl just smoked me out. I wasn't cheating on her. I mean, I gave her my disclaimer that ours was a temporary relationship, that I had to be free to do my work. I'm going to straight out tell her that if I could somehow get a headquarters on the other side of the bridge, which is where I need to be come Spring Break, I'm going to go.

     9:50am  I never mentioned, I took Harley out for a walk. Dude, guess what I found on the grass right outside. My rainbow scarf my mom made for me! I had dropped it last night when Autumn dropped me off. It's really cool that I found it before somebody stole it.

     10:53am  I went to go retrieve my sweater that I stashed yesterday and found it. Last night Autumn drove my by the spot and I checked and didn't find it and assumed someone had stolen it. It's all pouring rain right now, but I put on my rainsuit and didn't get wet at all.

                    Random shot

                    Coast Guard from bridge.

                    Went to the beach.

                    Dudes in car at gas station.


                    Nicole and Autumn

                    Harmony posing with my stick

Next day..

Panama City, FL

Friday February 22, 2008

9:04pm  I haven't made any entries at all for the past couple of days. I don't want to say I've been stuck because it's been monsooning outside, but I've had this safe haven to chill in, Kim's apartment. We have been here for seven days straight. Kim is such an angel. We appreciate it so much. I want to take pictures tonight sometime. Before we leave tomorrow. Before the guys leave. We are departing very soon. They're leaving tomorrow and I'm going to leave Sunday. I'm going to go to the beach and hang out over there and have my awesome Spring Break exposure I'm planning. We've been watching television all day. Harley went to the vet and got $360 worth of stuff. I've been stoned. The crapweed I scored in Panama City the first day we were here is still lasting me. I don't know what I'm going to do. Tomorrow will be another day. Okay, signing off. Anybody else want to say anything? Chris? Kim? Peace out. Harry Potter hates Sex and the City.

                   Because he's a virgin, hehe.

                  Hippie Chrisorale.

Next day..


Panama City to PC Beach, FL

Saturday February 23, 2008

6:37am  Poor Kim, she got called into work. We celebrated last night. I had bought a box of twelve condoms not too long ago, so we've been doing it every day, a couple times sometimes. I finally got a picture of us. She just left for work and we're all going to be gone when she gets home. Maybe.

                     Me outside

10:22am  Oh, Kim got called into work this morning. I'm not going to leave with Harry Potter and Chris. I told her I wanted to spend a whole day with her alone, but she got called in, so I was getting ready to leave too. Chris says he has another friend on the beachside we can stay with, but I trust Chris about as far as I can throw him. I wanted to go to the beach today anyway, it's not raining. It was really cool how we scored that safe shelter during the storm at Kim's. It was almost flooding and shit. Severe weather. It's supposed to rain again on Tuesday. It's supposed to be sunny today and tomorrow and Monday. I want to leave. I've been in this house for exactly seven days. Saturday to Saturday. I want to leave already and get back to work. Kim has been such a blessing. She's been a perfect angel. We made love like rabbits. She hosted the liberator and friends and I am really grateful for that. Right now I'm going to the store to buy some dishsoap so I can do her dishes. I want to leave her house spotless before I leave. Wait, I don't even have to go to the Publix. I can go to the gas station. I'm going to turn around.

10:30am  I'm coming back from the BP gas station. I didn't turn around and go to the Tom Thumb. She gave me cash, so I didn't have to use her card which I can only use at the grocery store where they let you swipe it yourself and don't ask you for an ID. I know her PIN number and everything. Anyway, I got the soap. Oh yeah, at the gas station the employees loved my WPTMJ shirt. I gave them my website. I had started telling them my story, but it got too busy. They loved it. I'm on my way back. I'm going to do her dishes for her.

11:20am  We are taking off. Kim's giving us a ride to the beach. Thank you so much, Kim. I cannot thank you enough. That night right before we met her I was actually saying out loud, "Send me an angel." My prayers were answered.

11:55am  Kim just dropped us off at the McDonald's on Front Beach Road. Chris is supposed to call his friend Romona and see if she's there.

12:08pm  We were walking up Front Beach Road and we decided to walk the coastline, per my suggestion. We went through Public Beach Access 66.  Jellyfish.

12:37pm  It's so stupid. I thought we were going to somebody's house, to crash, like a friend of Chris'. Chris and Harry were trying to go West already. They said they were going to walk to Mexico. Yeah right. I am staying at the beach for Spring Break. Maybe I can call Autumn.  Public Access 69.

1:02pm  I'm walking the other way on Front Beach Road now. Vasil just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

1:09pm  I bummed a cigarette off of some Bulgarian dude. This black dude who was moving furniture in front of this hotel. The Palazzo Resort. Him and his friend told me it was like five or six miles back to the Chevron in front of the Burger King.

1:19pm  I stopped in at the Chevron at SR 79. They told me the other Chevron was only half a mile away.

2:42pm  At long-last I'm getting to the Burger King. I'll tell you when. I power-walked it non-stop. I was trying to get there by two 'o clock. Autumn didn't even end up working today. I'm going to buy me another Whopper like last time. I've got three bucks. I'll see if I can call Autumn. I've got her number somewhere. Maybe Nacole will be working. Oh yeah, the crazy manager, the first time I went there thought I was a terrorist. That's right, be afraid, be afraid. Live in fear!

2:45pm  Got to the Burger King.
2:47pm  I ate my Whopper. I got some good reactions to my shirt when I was in there. I just walked across the street to the Chevron. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. I'm going to call Autumn.

                   I called and she didn't answer and I didn't hang up quick enough and I lost my dollar. That sucks.

                   I'm going to stand out here in front of the gas station and wait for someone to take me home. Everybody is staring at my shirt.

3:49pm  Guess what happened. I was at the Chevron and I called Autumn and she didn't answer. I didn't know what to do. I decided to just stand there like I did the other day and get some good reactions to my shirt and hopefully borrow a cellphone and call Autumn again. I was getting all these great reactions. I was passing out my website left and right in front of the Chevron. Ilonka and Pete asked me if I had any weed and I told them I could give them a couple hits. I got in their car and we're going to score some more weed. They let me borrow their phone and I called Autumn and got a hold of her, finally. She's going to let me come over. I called that shit. Presto-manifesto. I was just standing there not knowing what to do. I couldn't get a hold of Autumn. I decided to just stand there and let my shirt do its job. Sure enough. Man, I could be a billionaire if I sold these shirts. I know this. I need to find someway to secure the rights for it.

3:59pm  Pete has some input for my book. Pete: "My dad, he escaped communism. He used a locomotive and crashed from East Berlin to West Berlin. He was a political escapee refugee. Berecz was hist last name. It's an old Hungarian name meaning having something to do with Birch trees. Also the earlier forms of the name, or the origins of the name come from King Carl the 16th from Hungary(don't quote him on that), the leader of the monorchy of the Austrian/Hungary empire."

                   Ilonka: "My name is Hungarian. Ilonka comes from Hungary. It's actually pronounced Eelonka."

4:53pm  I forgot to mention. John gave me a Camel cigarette earlier. He's listening to my story too.

8:55pm  What a good night I am having. I met Autumn's boyfriend John. He looks just like me. They're letting me crash here tonight and he even listened to my story. He was all drinking beer and interrupted here and there, but I got my story in. I'm going to go to sleep. I'm tired. I walked a lot today. All the way from Beach Access 69 to 41. That was awesome how I got that ride from the Chevron earlier. My shirt rocks. I am almost done smoking my weed. I have another place to stash my pack now. Awesome.

Next day..

Panama City Beach, FL

Sunday February 24, 2008

5:56am  I got almost nine hours of sleep last night. I don't know what's going to happen today. I had a great welcome to this house last night.

8:50am  I am taking off walking. I am free today. I get to walk around Panama City Beach without my pack. I got 8.44 hours of sleep last night. I haven't gotten that much in a long time. John and Autumn had been fighting the first time I met her, but they're back together now. He reminds me so much of me. I took his picture. He has long shaggy hair and a goatee. This morning I straight up asked him, "So should I procure another place to crash tonight, or do I have a curfew?" He made it clear that he did not want a roommate. Autumn doesn't care how long I stay, but he said himself that he's a jealous guy. I lost my little container with weed. I don't have weed to smoke. My tape is about to run out. I should've switched it out. I am walking down Wildwood past Brandywine. I'm going to walk over to the main street.

9:27am  Leaving from a smokebreak at a gas station.

9:32am  I am passing Zoo World. I took a picture. You can see the giraffe's head. I'll walk in front of it and take another picture.

9:48am  I just walked all the way to Thomas Drive. I'm going to keep going.

10:09am  I am leaving from the Circle K on Thomas and Beach Blvd. I peeled an orange and ate it.

10:43am  I came back to Beckrich Road, where the Burger King is with the Chevron across the street. I am waiting for eleven 'o clock for Los Rancheros to open. I'm going to go hit them up.

10:52am  I just had this good presentation with this one girl.

10:56am  I walked over to the taqueria to see if I get hooked up. Then I'll have enough fuel to walk over to Pier Park.
10:59am  They told me no at Los Rancheros. Oh well. Thanks anyways. They gave me the 'ol manager is not here bullshit. "We need a receipt." Blah, blah, blah. I am going to walk to Pier Park anyway.

                     I'm going to hit up the Waffle Shoppe. Let's see what they tell me. The worst they can do is tell me no.

11:04am  Christina at the Waffle House is hooking me up with some breakfast. I appreciate it, Christina. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

11:08am  Sweet, I can't believe I am scoring at the Waffle Shoppe across the street from the strip mall with Los Rancheros. I can't believe the Mexicans told me and these guys are telling me yeah. Hell yeah. The dude told me to sit down. He asked me what I wanted and I gave him the usual, "Surprise me." Not liking it is still a small price to pay for free food. I told him that I wanted to not be hungry anymore so I could walk.

11:17am  Badaboom badabing, it's a beautiful thing. I've got a happy belly. Thanks for feeding the peace machine, guys. Burger and fries. I took a picture.

11:40am  I stopped at the pier right after Alf Coleman and used the public bathrooms they have there. I'm going to keep walking to Pier Park.

12:03pm  I walked the coastline for a little bit and I've popped back on streetside at public access 50. Pier Park is far.

12:19pm  I am still walking Front Beach Road. Coming up on Ron Jon's Surfshop billboard that says it's two miles ahead at Pier Park. I've got two miles to go. What a walk.

12:29pm  Passing Hills Road.

12:41pm  I'm coming up on Pier Park. I see a Port-o-Potty. Let me see if I can use it. There's a lot of workers working on the pier here by public access 54.

12:43pm  Got to Pier Park.

12:47pm  I'm going to stop for a smokebreak at these benches in the shade. Across the street from Beach Scene and Paradise Found.

                     I walked to the end of the mall and smoked a cigarette. I'm walking back towards Front Beach now. Everybody is looking at my shirt. One guy told me to trek on.

1:13pm  Steve was nice enough to pull over for me and give me a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. He saw me walking yesterday.

1:24pm  Hell yeah, I just got this courtesy ride from this random dude who saw me walking yesterday. He was going the opposite way, but he gave me a ride in the direction I was walking. He pulled over for me. He pulled over and asked me if I got to where I was going yesterday. I told him sure. I asked him if he was going my way and he said, "I'll give you a ride. I have nothing to do." He gave me a ride back to where Thomas Drive starts at Front Beach Road. I'm going to start walking Thomas Drive. I have to walk all the way over to 98, where Thomas turns into Wildwood. It's only one thirty, but the walk will kill time. I'll stand at the gas stations and fly my shirt. That was really cool that I got a lift. I was tired. That was a long ass walk I just did. Like five or six miles. Pier Park was lame anyway. All these yuppies shopping. It was alright. I got some good reactions and passed out my website.

                     Steve said he just drives around and tries to help people out all day.

1:39pm  I am walking down Thomas Drive and I see a Pizza Hut. I'm going to go hit them up for mistakes.

1:43pm  Donald, at the Pizza Hut on Thomas Drive is making me some breadsticks. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

2:14pm  I paused at the Exxon on Ocean Street and I'm going to keep going. I took a piss.

2:35pm  I'm going to walk into the Condom Knowledge novelty and gift shop and tell my story.

2:36pm  I went in there and the dude was all hesitant to let me tell him my story. I just gave him my website. I'm going to keep walking.

                   Oh, I see another headshop called Puffs. I'm going to go hit them up for my story.

2:47pm  Sweet, I had a good presentation with this guy at the place next to Puffs called The Joint - the shop for cool people. He had given me a peace sign when I was smoking a cigarette outside. I had gone into Puffs and tried to tell the lady inside my story, but she wouldn't listen.

3:06pm  I had a good presentation with Tiara and Kim and Marcus. He didn't want to be in the picture, hehe. You guys will be on there when I update it.

                   Passing Upax Street. There's a Texaco here, but it's all dead. I'm going to go to the Chevron where Kim picked us up on.

3:14pm  I stopped at the Chevron on Raven Streeet, not Laird. Not the one Kim picked us up at. That's still a little further. I stopped and took a piss.

4:11pm  I walked down Thomas and got lost. I made the same mistake I made when I was driving Kim's truck with Harry Potter that one day. I ended up in St. Andrews Park State Park. I had to turn around there and double back. I hate doubling back.

                   At like every gas station I have stopped at I've passed my website out to like five people. I'm having some great publicity today. Good day at the office, hehe. I've been giving the peace sign to every single car that passes me. I've walked in a big loop. Front Beach Road all the way to Pier Park. I got like a mile hop from some old dude to where Thomas Road hits Front Beach and now I'm walking back to John and Autumn's. I'm kind of playing with the idea of skipping town before Spring Break. I have a lot of ground to cover and I came early for Spring Break. I don't know.

4:28pm  I'm doubling back and I just took a picture of Treasure Chest Restaurant and Lounge.

4:34pm  I just passed Captain Andrews Marina and Restaurant.

4:45pm  I gave this black dude Alvin my website at the Shell station in front of the fire and rescue place. I told him about my long walk today.

4:51pm  Passing Magnolia Road.

5:03pm  I was walking down Thomas Road and all of a sudden Autumn and John pull over for me! Thanks a lot, guys. I was going to make it, I swear.

Next day..

PC  Beach to Panama City, FL

Monday February 25, 2008

6:30am  This morning I woke up at five and got six and a half hours of sleep. I had an alright morning. I scraped some resin. I was going through all my shit and I found that little bit of weed that I had misplaced. There was only like two or three hits left. I thought I had lost it. I think I walked about twenty miles yesterday. Over twenty. I was walking nonstop for like eight hours straight. Another day at the office. I've gotten such great publicity in this town. I am strongly considering not waiting until Spring Break to leave. I've got a friend in Bradenton I just remembered. I really hope I can locate Chasity. I want to see her so bad. I miss her so much., I hope that's still her email.

7:04am  John had already taken off to work this morning before I got up. I offered to drive Harmony to school for Autumn. I have my license and everything. Harmony and I just drove to the gas station and got twenty bucks of gas. I'm going to drive Harmony to school and then drive back to Autumn's. I am still not sure what I am going to do.

7:39am  I just called my mom and she's all sick. I feel bad. I feel like going back. Umm, I've got a world to save. I'm going to heal everybody.

8:07am  I am walking the beach now. I got a ride with Autumn to the Burger King. Man, she all doesn't like her life. She wants it to change. She's got John for a boyfriend and he's an alcoholic and she doesn't drink at all. She feels uncomfortable there. She told me John has hit her before and gotten violent. She says he has to wake up.

8:53am  I just got out of the public restroom at that one pier.

9:04am  I went inside the Purple Haze headshop that's right after the pier. I told the girl that I wanted to see her selection of cigarette pinch hitters. They cost like $7.99. I tried telling the older lady working there my story. When I asked her if she was willing to listen she told me she had to get to work. There's like nobody there. It's all dead. I'm going to see who else I can tell my story to.

9:17am  I randomly took a left on Fern Street. I walked it all the way to Hutchison Blvd. Turning left. I see a gas station. I'm going to go stand in front of it.

9:23am  Coming up on Lantana Street. Barnacle Barnies. I'm going to sit down there and peel an orange and eat it.
9:50am  I came to the bus stop, the trolly stop. Baytown Trolly. Right in front of this abandoned building. It's got a fence around the area that says It's got a lot of graffiti on it. This big castle building. Somebody spraypainted, "Inocumatorium." I don't know what that means. I'll look it up on the internet. That place would be fun to crash in. I took a picture of it. I saw it a couple days ago.

                   When the bus comes I'm going to hit the driver up for a courtesy ride to the public library. I'll tell him that I'll walk it if I have to.

9:57am  A cop just drove by and he yelled something at me through the intercom. That was a sign to stash my weed. He might be down there coming this way. I don't know. Cool, he's turning away.

                   I can't forget my weed this time when the bus comes.

                   I'm having some great publicity at this bus stop with my shirt. Everybody is looking at it.

10:07am  The nice trolly driver gave me a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                     The nice driver's name is Choyce. Everybody gets credit.

11:15am  I am at the library. I'll take a picture.

11:20am  I have like an hour wait for the computer, so I'm going to go walk around. I am over here by Highway 78, I think, or 79. I'm going to walk to the coast.

11:23am  Shit, the batteries on my digital camera are dying. I switched out the poles and it came back on. I don't know how long it will work. I am going to the library first. Before I go and talk to people.

                     It was cool, while I was walking away from the library, almost to Front Beach Road I saw these three kids walking. One was carrying a case of beer and it was obvious they were Spring Breakers. I walked past them, then paused and let them catch up and offered my website. They were cool kids from Canada, eh. I told them my introduction while we were walking and they invited me over to their hotel room where there were other Canadians. Give me an audience, I told them. We walked to their hotel room and they gave me a Canadian Belmont cigarette. I didn't tell my story because I had to go back to the library.

12:02pm  I just finished up at the library. I'm going to try and get a courtesy ride back for only forty cents.

12:49pm  The trolly came and I only had forty cents and some other brother there hooked me up with the difference. Fare is a dollar, I think.

1:20pm  Amanda is the pretty girl I told my story to on the bus. I took her picture. Whole odyssey and all. Thanks for listening, Amanda.

1:33pm  I got off the trolly before 98. I'm going to go to the Chevron on Laird and hang out there for like half an hour. That was a pretty, pretty girl. She had really cute freckles. That girl, Amanda. Her eyes were locked on me the whole time. It was one great trolly ride. She was on her way to the community college to catch another bus. She was nodding her head up and down the whole time. She didn't smile too much during the presentation. It was like as if I had her in a trance. She didn't react to the mention of marijuana.

                   I had considered getting off at Beckrich Road and seeing if Autumn was working at the Burger King and if she would hook me up. She gets off at two thirty, so I'm going to hang out at the Chevron and around that time I'll go stand in front on the sidewalk and see if she drives by. I'm not that far from their house anyway. I'm going to stand in front of the Chevron with my shirt and see if they run me off.

2:11pm  I finally decided to start walking. I don't need a ride. It's not that far.

                   I just had a badass presentation with this homeless dude riding a bike. I am almost to 98. I took his picture. His name is Robert. I told him most of my odyssey. I got to the part right before I got a ride with Tony and Molly. Then I cut it short, because I need to be walking towards Autumn's house. I'm going to call Kim and see if she'll give me a ride to Tallahassee. I'm walking now. I'm wasting batteries, hehe.

2:45pm  Kim at Jade Garden is going to give me some rice. I appreciate it, Kim. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

2:46pm  Hell yeah, I scored at Jade Garden. I was thinking man, I'm hungry. I walked by and spotted this little shopping strip. A Dollar General and a laundromat and stuff. I thought I was going to go to the laundromat and tell somebody my story. Then I saw Jade Garden oriental food. The girl didn't understand me at all. I told her I was writing a book and I gave her my website and everything. I asked her, "Do you want to be in my book?" She was cool and agreed to give me some fried rice. So I have some food to take home.

4:06pm  I'm having a conversation with Autumn in her living room. She was reading me some good stuff from the Hopi Prophecy. Be sure to add a link on my website.

6:10pm  About twenty minutes ago, umm, I'm all stoned. Kim! How could I forget? Kim came and rescued me at Autumn's. Today was my last day because Jealous John would get all mad. He really thought I was cool. I know he did. Kim came and rescued me.

7:07pm  Man, Kim and I just had the most tantric love-making session on her couch. I've never had an orgasm like that before. She matched me! We came together. She told me that I was the first guy she's ever done that with. It was really special. She told me that I was the second person to ever give her an orgasm. Umm, I probably shouldn't be talking about all this stuff. I'm going to go to bed. I'm going to fall asleep with my beautiful Kim.   

Next day..


Panama City, FL

Tuesday February 26, 2008

2:39pm  This morning I woke up with six and a half hours of sleep. We had some great lovemaking last night. It sucks that I'm out of weed. Oh yeah, I made a bigass cookie. I used all of the cookie dough we had left. I ate that and we went back to sleep and took a nap. We woke up again and she has to work. She works at eleven thirty. She's pulling another double. I have the key to her apartment now, so I locked up before I left. I have some projects to do. I could've stayed and cleaned up her house. I thought about that, but she won't be home. I do have shit to do. I'm going to walk all the way to the college again and get some typing done. I want some weed somehow. I have three bucks from Kim for a burger. I want to manifest some marijuana somehow.

3:10pm  I walked 390 all the way past the airport, like I did last time. I'm going to walk all the way to the school.

3:31pm  I stopped at the same gas station I stopped at last time. 390 turns into St. Andrews Drive. I'm going to keep walking. I took a resin hit at the first Chevron where I got a one mile hop last time, but I'm walking it today.

3:45pm  I just got to 23rd Avenue. 23rd Street. 23rd and St. Andrews past Beck Avenue. Turning right. People are all honking at me and giving me the peace sign. This whole time.

3:53pm  I came to this gas station and I'm going to smoke a cigarette.

3:57pm  I took a couple drags and I'm walking again.

4:09pm  Coming up on Collegiate Road and turning right into Gulf Coast Community College/FSU campus.

4:22pm  I am at the library.

6:02pm  I just got out of the library. I didn't do much typing. I did do a lot of printing though(for free). I printed out like a whole book. All about three hundred quotes from my Universal Truths. I printed them all out. All my Mark Twain quotes and my marijuana quotes. I'm going to walk over the bridge and see if I can get a courtesy ride. I'm going to go hang out with Autumn and John. I'm trying to find the bus stop at the college.

6:49pm  I just walked all the way over the bridge to Autumn's. It's all windy today. I don't even know if they're going to be home. If they are I'll make it clear that I am not there to crash. I just want to rest, so I can walk back. Maybe they'll offer me a ride. I really rather walk back, actually. Like eight or nine miles.

6:52pm  I am at Autumn's. Nacole is here.

8:40pm  I just got dropped off at the Texaco on 23rd and Michigan Avenue, I think. Hehe, everybody is staring at me talking into my recorder. Autumn and John hooked me up with a hoodie since it got cold and I didn't bring enough layers. I went over to Autumn's place and they let me in. John wasn't home, but Autumn told me he would freak out if I was here when he got home. I told her alright, I'll just sit outside and smoke a cigarette and rest. Autumn ended up letting me in before he came home. When he walked in he told me, "You've been here for hours, right?" I told him no, that I had just gotten there. He said it was cool. I hung out there and they smoked me out rowdy. We smoked two fat joints in a row. Autumn gave me a ride in the end. I told them I didn't want to impose and I wanted to walk some more tonight, so she just dropped me off on 23rd and Michigan. They hooked me up with a hoodie. I'm all suited up standing in front of the Texaco recording myself. Haha, everyone is staring at me. I had a pretty alright day. I couldn't find any tennis courts at the college though. I need some new tennis balls. Well, they don't have to be new, hehe. I have four left after this one. Alright, I'm going to take off walking now. I want to go tell my story to someone somewhere.

9:27pm  Chris just hooked me up with a cigarette at the Exxon on 23rd Street. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

9:43pm  After I got dropped off I walked up to the Express Lane Exxon on 23rd. I'm talking to Kim. Telling beautiful Kim here my story. She's listening to all of my stories. I didn't get to finish my first one. I told her my head injuries story. Thanks for listening, Kim. Everybody gets credit, thanks. I took her picture too.

9:57pm  I am still telling this girl my stories. I told her my head injuries story in the middle of my odyssey. I got back to the odyssey and I am still telling her it. Right now this other lady walked in and said, "Hey, I saw you today. World peace through marijuana, right?" I gave her my website. Hell yeah, I am everywhere. Everybody recognizes me. I had a productive day today.
10:17pm  I had some great presentations with that Kim girl. I talked her ear off. I asked her if she saw that lady come in and recognize me. Kim told me, "Yeah, do you remember the girl who came in with blond hair just then? She asked me if you were a prophet." Hell yeah! That's the exact kind of image I am trying to portray.

                     That one lady who told me she had seen me walking before, when she went out to her car she asked me, "Do you have a home to go to? Do you want one of these blankets?" I told her I was alright, that it was the thought that counts.

10:19pm  That sucks. I left my water bottle there. I'm walking back.

10:24pm  I walked back and Kim let me fill my water bottle up with Hawaiian Punch. I'm walking now. I'm trying to get home before eleven thirty.

10:55pm  Turning left on State Avenue. For no reason whatsoever. I think I overshot St. Andrews.

11:11pm  Crossing Baldwin Avenue. I kind of remember seeing State Avenue close to her house, so let's see if it goes. I want to get home before eleven thirty so I can call Kim.

11:27pm  I just hit 390! I was right about State Avenue. I know where I am at.

                     I'm walking over the same field I walked over earlier. Shit, there's a lot of swampy water. I'm going to use my flashlight.

11:33pm  I am at the corner of Jenks and 26th, right where I need to be.

11:39pm  I am home. I heard Harley from outside barking his head off. I just let him out. I let him out without a leash.

Next day..

Panama City, FL

Wednesday February 27, 2008

     8:26am  I just woke up again. I had only gotten six hours of sleep, so I went back to bed.

     3:32pm  I spent all day cleaning up Kim's place. I dusted every little thing. I even took apart and cleaned out her floor-fans. They were caked with dust beforehand. It's perfect now. I hope she's happy. She gets off at three thirty. Man, she works a shitload.

     5:12pm  Oh yeah, Kim finally came home about half an hour ago. She gave me some money for marijuana! Hell yeah. She gave me twenty dollars and I'm going to put twelve dollars of gas in her truck. I'm going to go to my friend's Autumn and John's and see if they can hook me up.
     7:50pm  I am driving back. I'm going back to Kim's house. Man, it's so awesome how I have this temporary-relationship. I'm like driving a truck by myself in Panama City, Florida. I mean, I only left February third on a mission to save the world and look what I'm doing twenty four days later. I know I say that cars are death machines and I am chauffeuring empty seats and everything, but everything in moderation. I never thought this would be an experience I'd be having way over on the other side of the country, by myself. I mean, I don't have a job. Crazy.

                   Actually, I do have a job. This is proof that I am doing good work. This is a benefit. I get paid with love. I am so undercover, man. I am going back the same way I walked last night. State Avenue is a more direct route with less traffic.

     8:16pm  I am running to the store for Kim. She gave me a list of things to get. I'm getting us some personal pizzas for dinner.

Next day..

Panama City, FL

Thursday February 28, 2008

9:38am  I just woke up from my nap. I woke up at five when Kim woke up. She had to go to work. I only had five hours of sleep. I watched a little television. I watched some old Alamo movie. Man From the Alamo, or something. I went back to sleep and I just woke up again. I think I might walk to the college again. It's still early. I'll get there around two or something.
9:57am  I am leaving. I'm going to walk to the school and get some typing done. I'm wearing my Relax - I'm a Professional shirt. I'm not wearing my WPTMJ one.

                   My relationship with Kim is a really beautiful one. She's giving me just the love that I need to keep me going. She realizes the fact that I need to stay free. Free in the fact that I can't be devoting myself to someone else when I have this mission to devote myself to. Not so much that I need to be free to find another girl, or anything. Because I'm not. I'm not looking for one. They find me. I just go with the flow.

                   I found my hat. It was in my backpack.

                   Last night over at John and Autumn's. When I got there I drove up in the truck and they let me in. I'm like a homeless traveler and I pulled up in someone else's truck without my bag and shit, and I wasn't looking to crash. I wanted to buy some weed. When I got there I asked them if they knew where I could get a twenty sack. John told me that Autumn might know, that she was on her way home and I could wait. She eventually got home and called some dude and we had to go get it, me driving Kim's truck. I had some pretty interesting conversations with John. John likes me. At first he had been jealous. He kind of had a reason to be because Autumn's hot for me. She can't help it. She's only human, hehe. I'm just kidding. I made it clear to John that I wasn't going to cheat on my Kim while I was in Panama City. I told him how I have been documenting my life honestly for the past six years straight and that I was bound to the truth, bound to my word and that I just refused to compromise my mission. He understood. He even told me, "You know I trust you because I even let you drive around with Autumn by yourselves."

1:20pm  Passing Baldwin Road.

1:35pm  I just got to 23rd Street. Turning right. I've been walking nonstop with no resting.

                   I walked State Avenue, the way I came. I was getting confused because I kind of felt that I was walking the opposite way the whole time. I should look at it on map.

                   At the Sanford light these girls in a car stopped and gave me the peace sign. I yelled hey check out my website! I gave it to them. I told them it was about marijuana.

1:57pm  I'm going to rest. I've been walking for about an hour. I am almost to Frankford Avenue. I'm walking fast. Nonstop. I'm going to sit in the shade here and smoke some weed. Take a piss and stuff.

2:10pm  Leaving. I had a good thirteen minute break. I got stoned.

2:12pm  Hell yeah, right now right after I crossed Frankford Avenue this random car honked at me and the dude in the car yelled, "World peace through marijuana!" I ran up and gave him my website. He told me to give one to his friend in the car behind him too.

                   Where I had taken that last smokebreak there was this little swamp area with shade. I sat down and smoked. Right when I get up I pass Frankford and bam, I got recognized! I'm not even wearing the shirt and the guy yells world peace through marijuana! Everything happens for a reason. That made this walk all worth it. I'm not going to have that much time on the computer because Kim gets off at five or six. Maybe she'll pick me up.

                   I realized I don't have to wave at cars. I just have to smile at them. They'll remember me.

2:20pm  Passing Beck Avenue/St. Andrews. That's where I usually turn to go towards Kim's. Man, I still have a long way to go.

                   Do you see how I was meant to walk that way today? I could've just walked St. Andrews to 23rd, the way I usually walk, but I walked State Avenue to 23rd right before Frankford. That guy wouldn't have seen me otherwise. Do you see how everything happens for a reason? I'm going to keep going.

2:30pm  I'm stopping at the Taco Bell right across the street from Carmike Cinemas. I'm going to go get something to eat for after I finish typing. I'm a little hungry right now, but I'll be hungrier later.

2:34pm  Leaving Taco Bell. I have two double-deckers in a bag.

2:44pm  Turning right on Collegiate Road.

2:51pm  I'm walking up to the library. I'm going to sit down and eat a taco and smoke a cigarette and a little weed. Smoking on school grounds.

3:01pm  I'm going to go in the library and start typing.

4:47pm  I forgot to tell you, I left the library. I only typed up one day. I got to use the headphones. Kim was supposed to get off of work at three thirty. She'll probably be home around five or six, so I'm going to try and spend some time with her. Maybe I can get a courtesy ride on the trolly.

                   Shit, I left my water bottle.

4:55pm  I came to the bus stop and smoked a cigarette without water. I needed a water bottle bad. I scored me a clean Vitamin Water bottle out of the trashcan. I'm going to go fill it up with water in the library. Umm, I'm going to walk it.

5:39pm  I told Jazzie my story. Odyssey and all in the library. I took her picture. You'll be on there when I update it. Thanks for listening.

5:40pm  Hell yeah, dude. I had an awesome presentation right now with the library girl. They have a courtesy phone inside and I got to call Kim. She's going to come pick me up. Shweeet.

                   See, I had gone back in the library to get water and I asked this pretty girl if they had any tennis courts on campus. She said she didn't think so.

Next day..

Panama City, FL

Friday February 29, 2008

6:21am  We went to bed around ten 'o clock and made sure to get a good seven hours of sleep. Kim got up and got ready for work. Today is the first day of Spring Break. I'm going to be busy all day.

6:26am  I had to rewind because I left it recording accidentally. I had a big breakfast this morning. I made two eggs with cheese. I made a big bowl of Ramen noodles. I even made a grilled cheese sandwich. I'm all fueled up for the day. Kim has to drive to her two gay friend's house to let their dog out and stuff. She's going to drop me off at the Chevron on Laird where I met her. I'm going to walk to the beach from there and have fun.

7:16am  I am leaving from the Chevron. We had driven to the Chevron and I helped her clean her car out. She gave me five dollars. I appreciate it, baby.

7:35am  I just put on my clown wig. I am walking down Thomas Drive.

8:18am  I stopped at Scampy's Seafood and Steaks. I took a piss behind it because the septic tank at the gas station was busted. I sat down on a bench at the restaurant and took a smokebreak. I'm going to walk to the beach now.

8:22am  I am on the beach. I'm walking the beach. I took a picture.

8:45am  I'm going back on the street. I popped back out at public access 12A.

8:57am  I came to the Texaco on Thomas Drive. I saw some guy planting a garage sale sign. I'm going to follow him.

                   7001 South Lagoon Drive

9:18am  They were still setting up, so I waited a bit at the garage sale. They didn't have any good shit. I'm going to keep walking through this neighborhood here. I am on Ural Street.

                   Sweet, there's another garage sale here on Venus Street. They've got lots of clothes.

9:37am  Ahh, they didn't have much good stuff at this garage sale. I did buy a four-pack of pop-up tops. Those little spouts that fit on any twenty ounce bottle. That will come in handy. Right now, actually. I need to find a trashcan and find a bottle.

9:40am  I was walking down Thomas Drive and I came over by that Condom Knowledge place I stopped at the other day(2-24-08 2:35pm). I came and sat down at the bench outside and smoked. I saw they have a Plaza Mexico restaurant right here. I don't know when they're going to open. They don't have hours on the front. I took my wig off and I'm sitting at the bench. This pretty girl walks by and tells me, "Oh, it's you. You freaked out my coworker the other day." I laughed and told her, "I'll tell you what I'm doing if you get a chance. It's a free story."

9:59am  I just had a great presentation with beautiful Savannah. She told me, "I think you are adorable, but I have to get to work. We have a new hire to train. Give me your card."

10:07am  I stopped at the Exxon on Thomas and Ocean Street. I'm going to take a piss.

                    Coming up on Club LaVela.

10:39am  I am just now getting to Front Beach Road. I'm going to smoke at the Shell station. The Circle K.

10:55am  I left the Shell station. I'm hunting my prey, these two girls walking up ahead.

11:05am  I had an awesome presentation with Beautiful Anastasia from Russia. I went in the Party Shack and hit her up for my story. She understood me, but her boss came by. I just finished up the marijuana part and gave her my website. Beautiful girl.

11:12am  I walked a little past the Party Shack place and this guy called out to me. I ran across the street and gave him my website. I'm walking now and I see those two girls who I saw earlier up ahead. They had dipped into some store so I walked past them. They're in front of me again. I'm going to walk a little quicker.
11:15am  Those girls I guess saw me coming and they darted off through this parking lot to go get food, I guess. They wouldn't accept my website. "Oh, it's free?" They wouldn't take it. That's right, be afraid. Muhahaha. I'm going to go see if Autumn is working at the Burger King on Beckrich Road. I'll go hang out at the Chevron.

                     Cool, right when I was walking up to the Burger King I saw Autumn and Harmony walking out the door.

12:25pm  The coolest shit happened. I thought I changed my mind and started backtracking looking for a trolly stop. I thought I'd catch the trolly to the college and go do some typing. Then I'll call Kim. She gets off at three or so. Tomorrow is her day off, so maybe she can give me a ride to Tallahassee tomorrow. Then I was thinking, man, the crowds are about to start pouring into town. I've been walking hardcore all day. I walked by this liquor store right before the Party Shack, Beach Discount Liquor store. Some guy came up to me and asked me what my shirt said. I told him and I gave him my website. I went inside the store and started telling this beautiful girl working the counter my story. The guy rode off on his bike. I'm telling this beautiful girl inside my story. I took her picture. I want to get her name before I leave. She's got a big liquor order here, so I have to wait for her to do that shit and then I'll keep going on my story.

                     Another truck pulled up with another order and I couldn't get her name. This pretty girl with braces. The other girl who was there listening, she wouldn't look straight into my eyes. She was staring at my shirt the whole time, it seemed like. They told me the nearest trolly stop was at the Walmart, so I'm going to keep walking.

12:53pm  I'm at the bus stop at the Walmart. I've been here for about five minutes.

1:11pm  The trolly came. While I was waiting for it I stood there letting all the cars read my shirt.

1:35pm  I am at Gulf Coast Community College. I'm going to go to the library and use the courtesy phone and call Kim.

1:55pm  I ate some powdered donuts I had bought earlier. Kim had given me five dollars and I bought some snacks at the Circle K/Shell. I bought some Mother's cookies for fifty nine cents and $2.59 for a bag of donuts. I've got four left which I am saving for after I type. I'm going to get like an hour of typing done and then I'll call Kim.

4:05pm  I called Kim and she didn't answer her phone. I'm going to walk back in the library and type some more. I'll try calling her again later. I went to the bus stop and ate my last four donuts.

                   Damn, the library closed at four today. That sucks. I have to go bum somebody's cellphone now. Hopefully Kim will come and get me.

4:14pm  Orgretta hooked me up with a dollar. I told her that I had eighty cents and only needed twenty. She gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

5:00pm  I just got off the bus at Jenks and 23rd. I can walk home from here. Oh yeah, I had this excellent presentation with this bible thumper on the bus. He was pulling out his bible and quoting scriptures left and right. I got through to him a little bit. I didn't get too far, but it was a good conversation. I'm going across the street now.

                   Los Rancheros, hell yeah. I'm going to score.

5:06pm  Francisco en Los Rancheros en 23rd y Jenks me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

5:44pm  I walked all the way to Kim's apartment. She's not home. I need to call her somehow. I hope she didn't go look for me at the college. Damn, I need to borrow somebody's phone.

6:00pm  I'm going to walk to the Tom Thumb and call. I've got some change in my pocket. I ate my two tacos. I took a picture of them. They were kind dinky. I'm going to go call Kim. I hope she's not out looking for me.

6:04pm  I didn't have to go all the way to the Tom Thumb to use the phone. Right across the street from Kim's apartments is some Child Care Network place. I saw some people standing in front and I went and asked this guy to borrow his cellphone. This cool dude who works for Alexandria Cleaning Service driving a white van hooked me up with his phone. I called Kim and she didn't answer, but I left her a message telling her I was already home. That I got home at five forty five. I've got the key, so I'm going to go sit at home and watch television.

Next day..

Panama City to Tallahassee, FL

Saturday March 1, 2008

7:11am  I woke up around six. I got seven hours of sleep. I woke up and made breakfast. Kim is still asleep. She stayed up a little bit later than me, I think. I'm going to clean up the house one more time before she gives me a ride.

11:14am  I am leaving! Kim and I had a good farewell. We're going to go to her friend's house first then she's giving me a ride closer to Tally. I'm all packed up and I've done paranoid-checks up the ass. I wonder how far she'll take me. Hopefully she'll take me all the way. She says she can't be gone too long because her work might call her. Geez, this is like her only day off. She's a workoholic. I'm going to put my pack in her truck right now. Today's March first, by the way.

1:16pm  I am about forty miles away from Tallahassee. Random highway shot. Kim just dropped me off at some Shell station. I don't know where I am. Oh yeah, I'm at the Chatahoochee exit.

1:31pm  I walked to the onramp and no cars were going East at all. I'm going to walk the highway. I don't even know where the next gas station is. Alright.

                   Oh yeah, I put on my WPTMJ shirt. I did all my laundry at Kim's right before I left.

1:53pm  In no-time George pulled over for me. I appreciate it, George. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. I am thirty five miles away from Tallahassee. Here I come, Tally

2:18pm  I just got dropped off ten miles away from Tallahassee where I10 hits 90. I'm going to walk the ten miles to I90. Hop, skip and a jump.

                   I hopped on the other side of the highway opposing traffic so I can wave at cars.

                   Pretty picture

2:29pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I jumped back on the other side of the highway where there's shade. I'm going to eat and smoke. I'll take my last hit of weed. I'm hoping somebody might pick me up while I am sitting here.

                   I am proudly wearing my shirt. I smoked the last of my weed. They ain't got nuthin' on me.

                   Oh yeah, that guy George who gave me a ride, I tried to tell him my story. In my introduction when I say, "...only if you are willing to listen. I wouldn't want to waste your time," he straight up told me, "You'd be wasting my time." I told him alright, thanks anyway. That's why I asked.

2:42pm  George dropped me off at 90. I'm walking on the opposite side of the road so I can give cars the peace sign.

2:57pm  Passing sign that says Entering Leon County. Ochlockone River.

2:59pm  I said hello to some black dude fishing in the river. I'm crossing the river now. Welcome to Leon County.
3:05pm  Passing Sassy Tree Lane.

3:17pm  Passing Ida Road.
3:30pm  Passing Horseman Road. Leon County Horseman's Association. I'm surprised the Babylon isn't thicker. I am less than ten miles away from the capitol of Florida. It seems like country out here. Hopefully there will be a bus pretty soon.

                   I've almost walked for an hour now. I think at forty seven it will be an hour.

3:36pm  Passing W.B. Rogers Road.

3:40pm  Coming up on Aenon Church Road. There's a Thrifty Mart here.

3:56pm  I am leaving from the Texaco here. I guess Highway 90 turned into West Tennessee Street. That's what I am walking now into town.

4:18pm  Paused and took a picture of the Tallahassee City Limit sign.

                   Capitol Circle, half mile.

                   I'm coming up on Capitol Circle and I spotted a city bus. I see a sign pointing to Civic Center to the right. I'm going to cross the street now.

                   I didn't see any bus stops anywhere. I've already walked like a mile on Capitol Circle. I got the impulse to look back and I saw another city bus, turning. I should've gone straight instead of turning at the circle. Duh, I want to go 
into town, not around it. Alright.

4:26pm  Walking back up to Tennessee Road. I'm almost in front of the Walmart. I am sure there's a bus stop around here somewhere.

4:31pm  I walked to the bus stop. Star Metro Star Stop.

5:03pm  I am having some great exposure here at the bus stop next to the stoplight. All these cars are driving by staring at my shirt.

5:05pm  I just saw the 21 bus going the other way. I'm hoping it will come pretty soon. I wonder how much busfare is. I've got ninety cents in my pocket. I wonder if they'll let it slide. I have a five dollar bill Kim gave me.

                   I'm at the bus stop in front of the Taco Bell and Office Depot and Beall's Outlet.

5:15pm  I've been standing here at the bus stop and this guy Pete walked up. He just got out of prison. He just bought a prepaid cellphone at the Walmart and he bought a dime of weed from this kid and he's going to smoke me out! He also gave me change for busfare. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

5:22pm  The bus came.

5:44pm  We just got to the transfer center in downtown Tallahassee. There's no tall buildings at all. It's getting chilly.

6:04pm  We walked to Copeland and Tennessee. We're going in a liquor store. Pete needs some "elixir."

6:59pm  We walked Tennessee to Macomb and Pete is going to get me some Popeye's.

                   It's like one hour later. It's eight 'o clock right now. Did I pass a timezone?

                   Some museum

8:29pm  Dude, the coolest shit. This dude Pete and me walked off from the transfer center. He went and got some alcohol, so I wasn't too eager to tell him my story. I did eventually get it out to him. He asked me if I was hungry and we randomly walked around and found the Popeye's on Macomb. We went outside to smoke a cigarette afterwards and what do I see across the street? A place called The Shelter! I took a picture of it. Dude, that's a place to crash. Look where I ended up. How perfect.

                   I took my WPTMJ shirt off in front of the Popeyes.

8:54pm  I walked across the street to the shelter. The front door was locked, so I went to the back and asked some guy if it was too late to get in. He told me no, but that there was a better shelter like a black away. So I came to the Frenchtown Chapel and Community Center. It says, "God's mission is our mission." I went in there and talked to Jaime, this Mexican dude. I hit him up for my story. He listened good at first, but right when I got to the pirated software part he voiced that he did not like the marijuana part and he cut me off. He says that I am welcome there and I can stay up to fourteen days if I want to.

Next day..


Tallahassee, FL

Sunday March 2, 2008

6:21am  I got woken up at six with everyone else. Like forty people crashed on the floor. I don't know if that many, but like twenty, or something. They have mats to sleep on. At like three in the morning I woke up because like two guys were snoring loud. I fell back asleep though. I got 7.24 hours of sleep. I'm going to take a hit and wake and bake.

                   Oh yeah, I found out they do storage here for a dollar a day, so I can be free to walk around without my pack.

                   This place is called Haven of Rest.

7:02am  I am walking away from the rescue mission.

                   "God's mission is our mission."

7:04am  Dude, I came to the right place last night. I already put my pack in storage. They've got a big red storage bin out there which they lock. For only a dollar. I didn't even pay them yet. I totally spaced on tennis balls. I need one for my stick and they're in my pack. They wouldn't let me get back in the bin. Luckily, there's Florida State University right across the street! I'm going to walk around and look for tennis courts.

7:17am  I just got directed to the tennis courts by some guy on his cellphone on a bike. I gave him my website.

7:21am  I took a picture of this fountain here at FSU. I'm walking to the tennis courts.

                   Cool, I have at least scored one.

7:47am  Scored me a total of eight balls.

8:10am  I had an orange in my bag so I went up in the bleachers and wiped a seat with my hanky because it had dew on it. I sat down and ate my orange and smoked. This lady airblowing the tennis courts told me I couldn't smoke. It's alright, I just finished my cigarette. I got mine.

                   Scott Speicher Tennis Center.


8:17am  Walking in front of this big stadium here. Turning left on St. Augustine for no reason.

8:20am  Turning left on Woodward.

                   I jumped on Pensacola Street. There's a Gas Mart. I'll go get directions from there. I don't know where I'm going to go. I don't know this town at all.

8:26am  I'm walking the Legacy Walk.

                   I walked up to this cool statue with this Indian and baseball player. I took a picture of the Indian and the plaque under him.

8:32am  Walked Woodward to Tennessee and turning left.

                   Oh yeah, on those bleachers I found a water bottle. Perfect. An FSU water bottle.                   

9:16am  I was walking the wrong way. I should've turned right on Tennessee instead of left. I asked some dude with a beard and he told me I was going the wrong way.

9:29am  I'm walking by Mike's Beer Barn. The marquee says, "Beer - now there's a temporary solution."

9:33am  I walked back to the rescue mission where my pack is.

                   I walked up Tennessee by the bus station.

9:43am  Man, Tallahassee is all dead today. There's nobody anywhere. I walked all the way to the Greyhound station, the transit center here. I guess the buses don't run on Sundays. I might skip town tomorrow.

10:10am  I took a little smokebreak in the shade over close to FSU. I'm going to go see if the campus library is open today. I'm bored.

10:21am  Coming up on Strozier Library. I wonder if you have to be a student to use the computers.

10:22am  Access granted. They've got widescreens here too.

12:17pm  I'm coming out of the library. They don't have headphones. The ones I have only work on one side. I typed up a little bit and saved it to my little hard drive. I wasn't able to sign onto IRC either, so I can't spam. It's a beautiful campus.

12:54pm  I took a smokebreak right in front of Troy's music store. I took a resin hit. I took a resin hit earlier too. I'm walking now. I want to tell my story. I'm all resinated.

1:29pm  I had a good presentation with Kristin, Danielle and Melissa. I took their picture. Everybody's out here sun-tanning. Thanks for listening, guys.

                   I had another good presentation with this girl who just walked by. I got right before the marijuana part and she got a bit exasperated and asked me for my website. Sure, that's what it's for.

3:35pm  I just sat and wasted some time on the computer. I'm not typing stuff because they don't have headphones. I came outside to eat. There's tons of girls out here sun-tanning in front of the library. All these hot girls in bikinis. I'm just going to walk around with my shirt and wait for somebody to initiate conversation with me.

3:54pm  I'm bored. I want to tell somebody my story.

4:12pm  It's almost time, hehe. I had a really good presentation with these college kids sunbathing in front of the library. Cast of characters. Isabella, McKenzie, Andrew, Laura, Laura and Lindsey. I took their picture.

                   Other kids I told my story to

7:08pm  I got smoked out finally, cool. I went to Victoria Street where they were having a feeding and I ate a big bowl of pasta and meat sauce. I went back to the rescue mission and had another great presentation with these homeless people who read my shirt. This one dude listened to all of my shit. He even read Fawn's Message to All. He really liked my story. I even recited the Note From the Rich and he was laughing. When I was done he told me about some coffee shop. Yeah, there's always hip-kids at coffee shops. So I'm walking up Macomb Street looking for it. He said it was open twenty four hours. Maybe there will be somebody who saw me in front of the library today. I made a hardcore appearance there earlier.

                  Girl and guy behind the shelter I told my story to.


7:29pm  This ignorant girl in this red car! I asked her where the coffee shop was and she quickly rolled up her window! I know you can hear me! The sunroof is cracked. Damn, have you always been that ignorant! That's right, be afraid!

7:38pm  Dude, I was walking up Macomb and I just got egged! Someone just chunked an egg at me. Fuck this town. It was weird. I heard the impact on my pack then it landed in front of me. It all happened so quick. I can't believe it actually bounced off. Didn't get me at all. Suckers. How could you miss me?

8:01pm  I had a great presentation with beautiful Mary in front of the pizza shop. I had been walking the wrong way. I have to double back. I don't know, it's getting kind of late though. I think I have until ten 'o clock. I don't know.

8:21pm  I finally found the coffee shop. All Saints, it's called.

9:02pm  Lucien hooked me up with a cigarette at All Saints. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

9:08pm  I had a superb presentation with Jake and his friend. I told them goodnight and started walking off and Jake called me back and gave me five dollars! Awesome. Nickel-sack!

9:10pm  I had a great presentation at the coffee shop. Whole Odyssey and everything. They postponed their meeting when the friend they were waiting for showed up and everything. Jake said, "We're going to listen to this story first."

9:24pm  I had another presentation with Josh. As I was walking back towards the rescue mission he walked up to me and said, "Hey man, I hear you're doing some hippy thing." I told him my story in front of the Shell station. He just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..



Monday March 3, 2008

5:51am  We got a wake-up call at five, like we did yesterday. Man, this sucks. I really want to skip town and they won't let me get my pack out of storage. Last night I couldn't access it. Good thing it wasn't that cold. I came back pretty late last night. Everybody was already crashed out. They told me that in the morning I could access the storage, but no one knows where the key is. Man, this place is so damn complicated and disorganized. Just like they want it to be. These stupid volunteers and their petty power-trips.

7:26am  Man, I am having a hard time trying to score some weed. I can't wait to get the fuck out of Tallahassee. They're having such a huge ordeal opening that red stoage bin my pack is in.

7:40am  I came to this big park where there's a pond. I'm asking for weed, but nobody has any. Nobody will sell me five dollar's worth.

9:00am  Mark hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the rescue mission. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

9:04am  Mission accomplished. I retrieved my pack. I'm going to get the fuck outta Dodge.

9:25am  I came to the bus station. I am waiting for the 16 to come.

9:40am  Dickhead bus driver here in Tallahassee. I was only thirty five cents short for the fare. I was asking people for thirty five cents and the stupid security guard came up to me and told me I couldn't be asking for money. Fuck Tallahassee. Stupid piglet.

9:45am  I walked across the street and Carolyn was nice enough to give me the thirty five cents I needed. I have to wait another hour for the next bus at 10:40am. I'm going to try and get some weed.

10:15am  Ray just hooked me up with a cigarette at Virgina and Macomb. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

10:16am  I forgot to tell you that Shorty earlier hooked me up with a Hawaiian Punch.

10:46am  I am on the bus. #16.

10:50am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I was able to score a nugget of chronic right before I left. Perfect timing. Seems like I had to wait that extra hour. Sorry for saying fuck Tallahassee.

11:15am  I just got dropped off close to I10. Oh shit, I left my water bottle on the bus. I need to find another bottle. I have extra spouts for it I bought at that garage sale in Panama City.

11:27am  I went in the Circle K Express and took a shit and broke up my weed. At Thomasville and Timberlane Road, is where I got dropped off. I10 is to the right. I'm going to walk to the onramp. I'm going to find somewhere to smoke some weed.

11:53am  I said screw it. I got tired of thumbing on the onramp. I'm going to walk the highway to the next exit.
                     Close to the onramp they were doing construction. There was a whole paved lane on the other side of this cement barrier they were working on. I hopped over the barrier and started walking in the lane. A lot of construction workers see me and I gave them the peace sign.

                     This is some really good weed I scored at the last minute. I'm all stoned off of one hit. One-hitter shit.

12:10pm  Coming up on the sign that says I90 four miles, Lake City 102.

12:14pm  Passing Olson Road.

                     Walking underneath Centerville Road.

1:00pm  Taking my first break after an hour of walking.

1:15pm  Leaving. The craziest shit. I sat down to rest and I saw these two trucks doing some work nearby. A black guy and a white guy. They stared at me and I told them, "I'm walking. I'm resting." I got up to try and bum a cigarette off of one of them and the white dude showed me the barrel of his gun! I said, "Alright, forget it," and walked away quick.

                   Maybe he saw my shirt.

                   I've been out for a month exactly.

1:24pm  Great, there's a cop up ahead. State Patrol. Shit, should I stash my weed?

1:30pm  Guess what, the cop hadn't pulled over for me. He was just standing there in front of his car. He told me he had been standing there since seven 'o clock. State Trooper Castleberry. He seemed cool as hell, so I hit him up for my story! He wouldn't listen to my story. It was pretty loud. I gave him my website though. He agreed with all of it. Marijuana and everything. Hell yeah, I've got the biggest balls of them all! Hehe. I've got weed in my pocket and everything. He warned me that I can't really be walking on the interstate, but that he wasn't on duty. He was just letting me know. He was young. I am almost to Highway 90, a mile away. I walked up to him with my license drawn and everything. He told me that Highway 90 runs parallel to I10, so I can walk that.

                   Nice guy, Officer Castleberry. Really nice guy.

1:48pm  Sweet, there's going to be lots of stores at this junction. There's a Waffle House! I'm going to score again. Just watch.

1:50pm  Taking exit 209A.

2:00pm  I'm going to go hit up the Waffle House.

2:03pm  They're giving me some food at the Waffle House. I got permission from the manager outside smoking a cigarette. Awesome.

2:20pm  Hell yeah, I got this bigass waffle and a bowl of grits. I'm all full now. Now I'm going to go to the Circle K on the other side of the parking lot and ask for rides. I'll ask permission to ask first.
2:40pm  I forgot to tell you. I walked up to the gas station and an employee comes out and tells me, "I like your shirt!" I offered her my website. I hit her up for my story and she listened great! She was nodding her head up and down. She was all excited and laughing and shit. I had told her, "In between customers, of course." She smiles and tells me, "Look at my nametag." She was the manager! One customer asked her if she smoked marijuana and she said no, that she quit. I doubt it though. She just had a phone call so I had to put it on pause.

                   She had to go in her car. She said she'd be back though.

3:05pm  Raymond is hooking me up with a little bud! Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

                   Raymond even offered me a beer, but I told him no thanks.

3:11pm  This dude in a green shirt just hooked me up with a little roach! That's already the second time in less than ten minutes! This is a magic shirt.

3:23pm  Jim just hooked me up with a cigarette. He saw me asking some other guy. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

3:43pm  Tim just hooked me up with two cigarettes! Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   That guy was all smiles.

                   That guy earlier was a tree-yanker. A tree removal guy. I'm a tree-hugger and he's a tree-yanker. He was cool as hell. He was all smiles. It's so cool how I have permission to be here. The manager is cool. I can't wait until she comes back.

                   I had found a liter water bottle on the highway walking over here and one of those little caps I have fit it perfectly. They refilled it for me at the Waffle House where I scored. Hell yeah, I called that shit from a mile away, literally.

                   I have been hard at work handing out my website. Almost every single person that looks at my shirt gets one. Everybody takes it.

                   Be sure and sign my guestbook. I am collecting opinions. Be sure to express yours. It's for a good cause.

4:14pm  Spike hooked me up with a cigarette. He's on a motorcycle. A Harley. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

                   I saw another biker with a Zeus beard. I took a picture of him.
                   Pretty sky
                  My stuff in front of the Circle K.

4:54pm  Whoa, the Florida State Troopers just showed up. The K9 unit. Hopefully they'll just drive off. I hope they didn't see my shirt. I'm sure somebody called them. Oh yeah, and right now, that Zeus guy, a Harley biker, he told me he had stashed some weed for me in the trashcan by the door. I'm going to go get it when the cops leave. Awesome, I have gotten so much weed here.

                   Cool, the cops went away. I'm going to get this cigarette pack with weed in it that the biker stashed for me. I'm getting weed up the ass at this place.

                   Doesn't everyone see? The government is literally counting on us to smoke marijuana. People aren't going to just stop smoking weed. If they keep it illegal they're going to keep making money. They're counting and banking on us to smoke weed.

6:20pm  It was so rad how right when I walked up here the manager Leslie told me she liked my shirt. I didn't know she was the manager until she told me. So I've got permission to be here, man. I'm here until I get my ride. It's the patience game.

                   I want to go inside and tell this pretty black girl cashier my story.

6:40pm  I am telling this beautiful girl inside my story. She told me to give her twenty minutes. She's on the phone with somebody. So I'm going to continue my legend at seven 'o clock. This big shaggy dog pulled up in a blue Mazda pickup. When the guy got out of his car I told him beautiful dog, but he ignored me. So I repeated myself, "Beautiful dog." The old dude just tells me, "Yes, she is."

                   When he came out I offered him my website, but he was all scared. That's right, be afraid, be afraid.

                   When a cop comes up to me I'll tell him, "Man, I am 
trying to go to jail..for my website. I haven't had a good jail story since 2004.

                   I'm sure I'll go to jail sometime during this East Coast trip.

7:02pm  The birds are pretty.

7:28pm  Vic just gave me a cigarette at the gas station. I appreciate it.

8:02pm  I am walking away from the gas station. I'm going to go look for a campspot. My feet ache. I've walked like six miles today.

8:30pm  I haven't sat down at all. I stood a the gas station and passed out my website. I'll get a good night's sleep and then I'll start walking Highway 90 tomorrow.

8:40pm  I just found my campsite not that far from the gas station. I'll take pictures in the morning. Alright.

Next day..

to Monticello, FL

Tuesday March 4, 2008

3:56am  I had a good eight hours of sleep. Eight to four, that's seven. I am pretty well-rested. I found a little camp nearby behind a golf course, I think. I should probably take a picture, but it's too dark right now. I'm going to wake and bake. I don't have any cigarettes to smoke. That sucks.

4:12am  There's a Shell on the other side of these woods right here. I'm going to go see if I can go on a snipe-hunt at the Shell gas station and then come back to my camp. I'm going to wait for the sun to come up before I go stand in front of the gas station. I should probably go back to sleep. I don't know. I'm going to go find a cigarette and celebrate and then take a nap. Perfect little campsite. I took pictures and stuff.

4:29am  I went to the Shell but didn't find a cigarette. They have one of those smoking posts, so I can't dig through it. Luckily, some black dude walked up and gave me shorts off his cigarette. I'm going to walk back to the Circle K. It's not too far I walked back to my camp and got my tape recorder, because I had left it. I'm having a good morning. I'm all baked on that one-hitter stuff. I have a little bit of that chronic left. I'm going to go to the Circle K and find a cigarette.

4:34am  I got three different snipes and came back to my camp and packed up. Maybe I'll go tell this guy my story at the Shell station. There's a little strip mall back here with a grocery store. I'm going to try and get the guy at the Subway to give me some food so I can start walking 90.

5:17am  I'm all packed up and ready to go. I'm going to go to the Shell station and see what time the Subway opens. I'm totally out of food. I had my last Ramen yesterday. There's a Publix food market nearby. I'm going to go buy some more Ramen. I think I have fifteen cents.

5:24am  The Publix doesn't open until ten in the morning. I'm going to take a shit at the gas station.

5:35am  I went inside the gas station and took a shit and brushed my teeth. Some guy just walked outside and told me it was supposed to rain.
5:52am  I walked back to the Circle K. I ran into another hitchhiker sitting down on the ground. He asked me where I was going and I told him I was on my way to save the world. What was your name? Wheelo. I offered to smoke him out. We're going to smoke right behind the Circle K. I put down my military rain poncho and we're going to sit down and toke.

                   Wheelo had a good little quote. He told me to look at what today was. It's March fourth. That's a good little pun. That's exactly what I am doing, marching forth. Did you take a hit already?

5:58am  Wheelo is recommending I check out his buddy's music. Alright, I'll put a link to it on my website. You'll find his picture on the website. I'm going to take one of him anyway.

6:12am  Wheelo gave me a cigarette. I didn't mention.

6:15am  Wheelo is giving me a contact in Miami. His best friend. Hollywood, Florida. I'm heading there. Dale Bassing 954-240-8026. Crashpad? Wheelo: "Not just a crashpad, a tour guide. He's the greatest brother in the world. He's been studying Spanish like crazy. He would love to sit and talk to you and learn Spanish. He's been down there for fifty years.

                   Wheelo was telling me a story about a pig fucking a horse. How? Can you describe this to me? Wheelo: "The horse is laying on its side and the pig is behind him. They were in love." All we need is love, hehe.

6:34am  We had a good smokeout session. I smoked the whole half a joint Homer hooked me up with yesterday. The guy with the Zeus beard on the Harley. I told Wheelo a couple of my stories. I even told him the Note From the Rich. He was laughing the whole time. Great presentation. He gave me the number to some guy in Miami. I'm going to tell him my story. I wrote the number down in my wallet. Let's see who Dale Bassing is.

                   Oh yeah, I didn't mention. Right when I walked up I took my WPTMJ shirt off to put on a sweater, because it got chilly. Right after I took my shirt off a state trooper pulled up and parked his car and walked into the gas station. Seems like I took it off for a reason. I'm going to put it back on though.

7:51am  I put on my rainsuit. It's drizzling. I'm walking to the grocery store. I bought some cookies for fifty nine cents. I'm going to go buy as much Ramen as I can with my change.

                   I had fifty cents and I bought three Ramen's. I'm going to eat one.

8:38am  I walked back to the Circle K.

9:07am  Sweet, this sheriff walked up to me and told me no loitering, that I couldn't stand here.

9:08am  Some stranger gave me a lot of bananas. I appreciate it, brother. I tried to give you credit. He gave me all these bananas. He came to restock with fresh ones and gave me the old ones. Oh yeah, that cop was trying to run me off and I told him I had permission from the manager, Leslie. He all asked me what does she look like, making sure I wasn't lying. Just then Leslie pulls up and gets out of her car and he asks her. Leslie told him, "Yeah, he's cool." The cop told me to not be bothering anybody. I told him I don't bother anyone.

                   Illinois plates 797-0836, the guy who gave me the bananas. I tried to log his generosity and he told me, "Oh, I'm not generous." I tried to get his name, but he wouldn't give it to me. I got his license plate though, ha. They were old and he was going to throw them away so he gave them to me.

9:15am  Eddie just hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

9:27am  Oh yeah, Leslie came back. She told me she was coming back yesterday but she never did. She hooked me up with a cigarette and she's listening to the rest of my story.

9:52am  Matt hooked me up with a cigarette at the gas station. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

10:02am  Wheelo told me that when I call Dale to tell him that I'm a walker and ask him about his bicycle trip from Daytona to Miami. That he likes that story.

10:17am  I got tired of standing at the gas station and I'm walking. I tried standing there with my thumb out, but barely no cars are coming. I'm walking to 90. I10 is a little bit up ahead, I think. Exit 209B if my memory serves me.

                   I forgot to tell you that this dude Wheelo told me about some guy to call, that he carried around a tape recorder too. I'm going to call him when I get to Miami, in Hollywood. I'm walking the highway now. When I left to walk to go over to the onramp he told me, "You taught me a lot, man. Thanks a lot." He told me, "I love you, brother." I love you too, man.

10:24am  I just finished up my little project. I patched up my rainpants. Oh, I didn't tell you. I had taken off walking and I was confused with the exits. Before I walked here yesterday I thought I had taken Exit 209A, so I assumed 209B was up ahead a little more. I was walking and I looked back and I ended up being on I10. Highway 90 is the road the Circle K is on. While I was walking back I noticed that my rainpants had torn real bad and those pants are mission-critical. Hmm, how can I save them? Did I tell you it's been raining all morning? I thought I was going to stop under the bridge and try and fix them. I needed more light though. I went back to the Circle K and Wheelo was still here. He gave me a cigarette. It dawned on me that I could patch my rainpants with Shoe Goo. I sat down in front of the Circle K and patiently fixed that tear with Shoe Goo. It took me like half an hour, but I was able to save my pants. I'll take pictures and show you the work I did.

10:35am  I gave Brian my website here at the gas station. He's got a webpage himself. What is it?

12:17pm  I didn't tell you. I was finally able to detach myself from Wheelo at the gas station. He was totally cramping my style. I had competition to get rides. Well, Wheelo was conveniently in the restroom and I asked this brother Robert for a ride. He was heading East on 90, which runs parallel to I10 and he's being generous enough to give me a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks a lot.

12:48pm  Hell yeah, what awesome perfection. I'm in Monticello. What a great blessing. Wheelo was seriously cramping my style. If either of us got a ride we agreed to try and ask if a friend could ride too. I was dreading having to travel with this kid. I would never be able to get my story out with him around. He had been harassing all the customers at the gas station. He was asking every single person that walked out. Me, I'm real selective in who I ask. You can read people. Right after Wheelo goes to the bathroom I ask this brother if he's going East. He told me, "No, I'm going that way." I told him, "Yeah, that's where I need to go." He pointed to the I10 East sign and said, "No, that way's East. I'm going North." I said, "They run parallel eventually. That way is East too." I scored me a ride to Monticello. I'm going to eat me another Ramen. I'm hungry. It's so awesome how I totally escaped from that kid. I guess I should have asked Robert if he could give my friend a ride too, but Wheelo was totally cramping my style. I really didn't want to travel with this kid. He was totally monopolizing the possibilities at the Circle K. I was still trying to finish my story with Leslie. It was so awesome how she showed up when that sheriff was trying to run me off and she had my back. I'm out of there. I got dropped off by the Jefferson County High School. I got to tell Robert my story. I told him the spirit's part and asked him to do me the two favors and everything. I told him he would be on there when I updated it. That was an awesome experience. I just had to wait. The whole patience game. I had even considered starting to walk the highway and I double backed when my pants tore. I thought Highway 90 was a little bit further up. I started walking and I realized I was at Highway 90 at the Circle K! I took a picture of the courthouse here in Monticello. The opera house too. Shit, I lost my water bottle again. It's alright, I can make another one. I have more lids. I'm going to walk to this gas station now and eat my Ramen.

1:09pm  Some guy I couldn't understand his name on the recording gave me a cigarette in front of the IGA. I appreciate it, brother.

1:18pm  Leaving the IGA. It's not raining anymore.

                   Shit, it 
is raining. I'm going to go hit up Chicken Light.

1:31pm  I walked into the restaurant here. I walked in and asked if I could talk to the manager and the girl told me they were outside. I walked outside and realized she thought I had asked for the bathroom. I went back in and clarified and she told me to wait, that he would be right there. That he was busy. Well, it's not busy anymore and they are still ignoring me. Damnit, all you have to say is no. You don't have to be so friggin' ignorant. I know they're going to tell me no, so fuck this. I was just testing your greedy asses anyway.

1:34pm  Taking off.

1:41pm  I am following the To I10 way. There's a Subway right here. I'm going to go hit them up.

1:44pm  They told me no at Subway too. Oh well. He was all, "We get in trouble for that." Thanks anyway.

                   Ha, I freaked them all out in the Subway. I'm going to try the Pizza Hut.

1:48pm  The girl at Pizza Hut told me that everything extra they had went in the garbage. How wasteful we have become.

                   They told me no at the Pizza Hut. I'm going to walk up to the Burger King and hit them up. I doubt they will. There's a Hong Kong Noodle Shop too right next to the Winn-Dixie.

2:04pm  They gave me a bowl of rice at the Asian place. I appreciate it. Thank you very much.

2:05pm  Johnnie hooked me up at the Burger King. I appreciate it, Johnnie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

2:09pm  Hell yeah, I got hooked up with a Whopper and fries! A whole combo. I'm not going to eat it right now. I'm going to put it in a Ziploc bag.

2:19pm  About to pass sign that says Capps 10 miles, Perry 38 and St. Petersburg 234.

2:37pm  I decided to take a break and eat some of this Whopper. I could keep going, but I want to eat. The next town is ten miles away.

2:58pm  I took a little rest on this wooden bench here. I'll take a picture of it. The grass is still wet, so I pulled my rain poncho out and sat down on it. I've got a little bit more weed left. Like enough for two or three more hits. I smoked all the good shit. That cool biker Homer hooked me up with some too. I got totally hooked up at the Circle K all day long. Then I scored a ride out of there. I was able to get away from that Wheelo kid.

                   It's raining harder so I had to put my raincovering on.

3:08pm  I'm going to keep walking now.

3:29pm  Passing Too Long Keem Road. I wonder what the story is behind that name. I am almost about to pass the sign that says the town of Drifton.

                   Uh-oh. Jefferson Correctional Institution. Nobody's going to pick me up around here. That's alright. I'll walk it anyway. I think it's only ten miles to the next town.

3:38pm  I just took a time-consuming detour. It started drizzling so I tried to go under this bridge. It was a real bitch, but when I finally got down there it stopped drizzling. I'm going to climb back up and keep going on the highway. I took a smokebreak and took like three or four hits and I took a chug of Riovida so I'm all charged up.

4:07pm  I just ran into this sheriff. I volunteered him my ID and he told me, "Alright, whatever. Later on." Nice guy. I didn't get his name. I'm glad he didn't make me take my bags off. He would've seen my shirt. I gave him my website though.

4:19pm  Whoa, what a surprise. I am already at the I10 junction! I thought I was on my way to that town ten miles away. Sweet, there's lots of gas stations here.

                   Pedestrians Prohibited

4:29pm  Man, they have everything at this intersection. They have an Exxon/Wendy's, they've got a BP, they have a Days Inn Hotel, they've got a Chevron/McDonald's and they have a Mobile/Arby's. Sweet, I won't go hungry on this corner.

4:37pm  First I went to the Exxon/Wendy's. It's kind of lame. It's not too busy at all. The girl working there is busy talking on the phone so I can't tell her my story. I'll go try the Chevron. They don't have any cigarette butts in the ashtray here either. I'm going to walk over to the Chevron.

4:45pm  Ahh, the Chevron/McDonald's is lame too. I'm going to go try the Mobile/Arby's.

4:49pm  Nathan and his friend hooked me up with a cigarette at the Mobile. I appreciate it, brothers. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

4:55pm  I went across the street right on time. I went across the street and these hippie kids were there. Well, it was just some dude with long dreadlocks and a beard. I gave them my website. They're looking at it right now in their car. They're working and shit. I asked them if they could kick me a nugget, but they told me they couldn't have any while they were traveling.

5:32pm  Louis, the cashier at the BP gave me a cigarette.

                    I came to the onramp and I'm thumbing it.

                    Weird, I'm not on 90 anymore. I'm on 19 or something. It was because I followed the To I10 signs.

6:00pm  I am talking to beautiful Amy. She stopped and asked me if I was lost. I was looking at my map. I hit her up for my story, but she doesn't have time. Check out my website. That's what that's for.

6:01pm  I turned around and walked a little and Keisha just volunteered me two dollars for something to eat. I appreciate it, Keisha. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

6:05pm  I'm walking across the street to the Chevron, because they don't have any Bugler's at the Exxon. When I get hungry I'm going to score at one of these places here.

                    This beautiful girl, I forgot her name, but she asked me if I prayed. I told her sure, that I praised love. She asked me if I would pray with her. She said a really nice prayer to the universe and in the end she told me God bless you. She was beautiful. I wish she would've let me take her picture. I couldn't tell her my story, but I gave her my website.

7:17pm  Brian at McDonald's is hooking me up. Thanks, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

7:19pm  Dude, just as I was scraping a resin hit in front of the gas station this cop pulls up and asks me, "Didn't I talk to you earlier?" It was that one cop who stopped while I was walking. Turns out somebody called the cops about my shirt. I told him, man, nobody wants world peace! He said that I couldn't be at any of the gas stations there. I said, "Well, I guess these boots are made for walking." He smiled and said, "That's right." So I guess I'm walking the five miles back to 90, back to Monticello.

                    The cop told me I had to leave. I asked him if I could get something at McDonald's first. He said, "You've been here all this time and when I tell you to leave you think about getting something to eat?" I said, "Well, doesn't that make sense, that if I'm going to be walking I would want some food?" He told me to hurry up and I went to the McDonald's and hit them up and scored!

7:40pm  See, right when the cop pulled up I had a little pool of resin collected on my Leatherman. I was afraid he saw what I was doing. He saw my shirt. He told me, "Get your stuff and get out of here. You can't go to any of the gas stations here." I discreetly put the resin on my thumbnail, but when I put my packs on it ended up rubbing off on something and I lost it. Well, once I walked off a good distance I stopped under this bridge in hopes I could find the little resin ball. I took my pack off and luckily found the resin stuck on my pack. I just smoked it right now, hehe. I still got mine! Argh, it's five miles back to Highway 90. I wonder if I can find a place to crash. The sun came down. I woke up early this morning so I'm pretty tired.

                    I put my tights on which are a great walking layer when it gets cold. I still have these green tights I got from cool Troy in Albert Lea, Minnesota after I cleaned up his house.

                    Exit 19. Five miles to Monticello. Interstate is 27 miles.

8:25pm  The coolest shit. I walked like maybe a mile in the dark. I considered crashing next to these trees, but I changed my mind. It was too close to the building. All of a sudden I see a car pulled over up ahead. I doubted it had pulled over for me. I assumed it had broken down or something. I was getting closer to it and then all of a sudden this cop car pulls up behind me. He got out of his car and walked past me to the guy who had pulled over. He came back to me and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was on a mission and I was walking to 90 since I can't walk the interstate. He checked out that guy and it turns out he had pulled over for me! He told the cop he was doing his good deed for the day. At first the cop was asking me if I was flagging people down. I told him no, that I was just walking. I told him sometimes people just pull over. Awesome, I'm going to get a ride!

                    Plot thickens. The car won't start.

                    The guy who pulled over for me, his name is Mark. I am telling him my story. Thanks for pulling over for me, Mark. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

8:45pm  Mark is going to show me a place to crash! We are over by the courthouse I took a picture of earlier.

8:51pm  Hell yeah! What perfection! I got picked up and rescued! It was pitch black outside and I was wondering where I was going to crash. All of a sudden I see this car pulled over and then a cop pulled up behind me. I asked the cop if he pulled over for me or him. He told me to hold on and walked to the car. He told me to just stand there. Not to go anywhere. He went and talked to the kid in the car and it turns out he pulled over for me! I tried telling him my story, but cut it short. I asked him if he had a garage or backyard I could camp in and he tells me, "I know where you can camp." He showed me an abandoned house I could crash in! Hell yeah, I'll take pictures in the morning.

                    That was perfect, Love. Thank you so much. Welcome back to Monticello, Victor.

9:23pm  I decided to leave the abandoned house. I left my big pack there. I'm going to walk into town and see if anyone is awake to tell my story to, at least once.

                    I'll go find a gas station and tell my story there. Hopefully the cashier is a pretty girl, hehe.

9:59pm  I made my way back to my house. There was nobody to talk to in town. I walked all the way up Jefferson Street and back. I'm going to crash out.

Next day..

walking to Madison, FL

Wednesday March 5, 2008

7:59am  I am all packed up and ready to go. I woke up in this abandoned house I was magically delivered to last night.  I was actually able to manifest me another resin hit out of my fake cigarette. Cool, so I'm a little baked right now. I'm still chilling in this house. The sun's up and it's warming up. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. I'm all ready to go.

8:20am  I am in the bathroom at the Pit Stop gas station taking a healthy shit. I had to take a shit so bad. I should take a picture of it. Psyche.

                   Sweet, Jake's Country Kitchen - Come on in. I'm going to score me some breakfast.

8:32am  Demetria at Jake's County Kitchen is hooking me up.

9:09am  Hell yeah, I've got a full stomach now. I had a badass breakfast. I should've taken a picture of it.

9:12am  Walking Highway 90 now. Yesterday I just followed the sings pointing to I10 East. I walked Highway 19 North. I'm walking by the F&B Farmer's and Merchants 24 Hour Banking. On the marquee it says, "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." That's bullshit. I know lots of shortcuts. It was awesome how I scored that ride last night. I didn't even notice the car at first. I thought he was just broken down. I never imagined he had pulled over to give me a ride. To top it off I was close to that correctional institution, I think.

9:31am  Greenville 16 miles and Jacksonville 143.

9:32am  I just took a picture of this old highway marker for SD Clarke Highway. It's an old marker on the side of that road that I doubt anyone stops at and reads anymore.

                   It's beautiful out, hell yeah.

9:48am  I'm up from a smokebreak and I'm walking again.

10:00am  I just took another pause to take off my thermal bottoms. I'm walking again now.

10:15am  Took another pause to take my thermal top off and take a leak.

10:48am  Crossing over Wolf Creek.

11:12am  Passing Big Joe Road. I'm over by the sign for the Jefferson County Correctional Institution, or the road that leads to it. I guess it's between I90 and Highway 19.

11:14am  I'm going to stop at the top of this hill and rest, by Big Joe Road, I think.

11:33am  I am up from my smokebreak. I'm going to keep walking.

11:34am  Passing Kinsey Cemetery Road.

12:04pm  I meant to stop and stick my thumb out for a while because there's good sight-distance here, but I'm going to keep walking.

12:16pm  Cool, there's a cross-street up ahead with a flashing yellow light stop sign. I'm going to stop there and rest and eat the last Ramen I have in my bag. I hope somebody gives me a ride. With the sight-distance they will have a lot of time to think about it.

                     Junction 257. The stop sign isn't for Highway 90. I think there's a sign coming up that will tell me how far I am from the next town. Greenville, if my memory serves me. It looks like a single digit. Kwiky Food Mart. Aucillia 42 miles. La Mont 10 miles.

12:29pm  I walked to that gas station at that junction I was telling you about and Warren, the cashier is being nice enough to give me a dollar so I can buy me some Ramen noodles. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     I've walked seven or eight miles from Monticello.

12:37pm  Greg hooked me up with four cigarettes at the gas station. He's driving a county car, so he can't give me a ride. Oh well.

12:58pm  I finished my meal break. I've got me three extra Ramen noodles. I'm going to keep walking. Nine miles to Greenville. That's where the next gas station is at.

12:59pm  Nine miles to Greenville. Passing the sign right now.

1:04pm  I'm getting a ride to Greenville! Hell yeah. I was walking and I saw some black dude walking, more like limping ahead. Just then this other black dude was pulling out of this property in a pickup with his window down. I yelled, "Hey man, can I get a ride?" The black dude walking ahead asked for a ride too. He's giving us both a ride to Greenville.

1:13pm  Willie is the guy who gave us a ride in the truck. We appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thnaks.

1:14pm  I am in Greenville. At 90 and 221. I need a water fountain. I see some gas stations down there. That was perfect. Right when I finished eating my Ramen and left the Kwiky Mart I started walking East a little bit. I had seen this old black dude limping in front of me. I was going to catch up to him and ask him if he had any weed, hehe. Just then this guy was pulling out of his driveway and I asked him if he could give me a ride. He gave the other guy a ride too to Greenville.

1:31pm  I walked over to the Gas Mart. I saw all these cool black people and I put my WPTMJ shirt on real quick. Before I know it, some guy hooks me up with some weed! It's a magic shirt, I tell you. I didn't log his generosity. I didn't want to freak him and make him think I was a cop. Hell yeah. Welcome to Greenville, Victor.

1:42pm  Man, Greenville is living up to its name. It was so cool. I am being so well-prepared for this walk. I got hooked up with a dollar and bought all these Ramen noodles at the Kwiky Mart. I'm not hungry at all. I have everything I need. Remember, I could live without taste buds. Then I came to Greenville and I got some green! I didn't get the guy's name, but these two black dudes saw my shirt.

                   I took a picture of the town plaque in front of the Haffye Hayes Park. This place seems a lot bigger than Monticello and Monticello is on the map. I just took a little break on this bench in front of the park. Dude, I'm all stoned. Greenville is living up to its name big-time. When those dudes commented on my shirt I told them I was a journalist and offered my website. I told them I had been working on this for six years. One dude asks me if I got paid money for it and I told him no, that it was volunteer work. Then I got the idea to show him my fake cigarette and asked him if he could pinch me a hit for the cause. I held it out to him and he told me he didn't want to see it...but that he would give me some!

1:56pm  Madison 14 miles, Jacksonville 127.

                   I'm walking in front of the Evergreen Cemetery.

2:07pm  I see a cop car down there with its lights flashing. I was going to sit down and smoke a cigarette until he left, but he might be there for a while. I'm walking on the opposite side waving at cars. I've been doing this on all of my walking.

2:14pm  I'm taking an impromptu break just because there's shade here.

2:24pm  I am up walking.

2:30pm  Badass, I was walking down Highway 90 over by Oriole Road. All of a sudden I spot these big tall bikes in the distance. From a distance they looked like big tall circus bikes. I crossed the highway so as not to be in their way. When they came into view I saw it was a family riding. A husband and wife on two separate bikes. One had a trailer with a kid in it and the other one was a tandem with an older kid pedaling too. When they went by me the mom stopped and asked me, "How are you doing?" I smiled and gave her the usual, "I'm the happiest man in the world. How are you?" She asked, "Do you need anything?" I smiled brighter and told her no, that I had everything I needed, but thanks anyway. I asked her, "Hey, will you check out my website? I walk for peace." They gave me their website too( I took their picture and they mine. They were a family from Denmark doing a tour. Before we kept going she asked me, "Are you sure you don't need anything?" I told her, "All I need is love." I didn't mention marijuana because their kids were right there.

                   Oh yeah, my waving has evolved. I'm giving the peace sign to cars going in both directions now. I'm just charging up my karma-slingshot. Everybody is going to know me.

2:36pm  Passing Lovett Road.

2:53pm  I'm going to stop and rest where the road turns and sit and smoke a cigarette. Good sight-distance so cars can see me. Then I'll walk to the next turn and rest again.

3:07pm  Taking off walking. Man, I got a shitload of weed in Greenville. I got like a dimebag stuffed into a mini-baggie. It's in my wallet.

                   Sweet, a Dasani liter bottle. Exactly what I need. The bottle I have is a skinny 16fl oz one. I can transfer the water right now.

3:10pm  Whoa, cool. There's a big train heading East! A Union Pacific train. I think it's slowing down. Maybe not. If it does stop I'm getting on it. It's going in the direction I need to go. I've never hopped a train before.

3:25pm  I'm coming up on the next turn in the road. I'll tell you when I stop. I have been giving the peace sign to every single car that has passed me. Both directions. It's actually good to keep me occupied while I walk. It's fun. Most of them wave back, even the ones going East.

3:32pm  I didn't tell you a couple minutes ago I came and sat down in the shade over by Elizabeth Sim Loop and US 90.

3:43pm  Leaving.

                   That one pretty girl was right. 90 is a breathtakingly beautiful walk.

3:56pm  I'm taking the next turn. I'm not going to stop here. I'll skip a turn and rest.

4:00pm  Oh yeah, on my next rest I'm going to take a shot of Riovida. I keep forgetting. I just opened a new bottle. I've only taken one chug out of it.

4:18pm  Holy shit, guess what's going to happen. I'm getting closer to the shade where I'm going to rest at the turn of the highway. Umm, I'm two minutes away from it right now. That's just crazy that right at 4:20 I get to my resting spot. Seems like I skipped that last turn on purpose. I'm going to make 4:20 right on time! That's so awesome.

4:25pm  This guy Mike just rode by on a road bike and I yelled to him, "Spare any water?" He stopped and gave me some. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Here, check out my website. You'll be on there when I update it.

4:27pm  Mike recommends

4:29pm  Another magical encounter. I gave Mike my website. He didn't have time for my story. He told me, "I can't sit too long. I'll stiffen up." He hooked me up with water! I was going to die!

4:40pm  Up walking. Twenty minute break.


4:43pm  Next break is a meal break. I'm getting kind of hungry.

                   It was awesome how I walked into the Kwiky Mart earlier and I was hoping they had Ramen's. They had them on the top shelf! I dug in my pocket and I only had a nickel. I pulled it out and told the manager, "Oh, I only have a nickel." The manager said, "I think I have a dollar." I got to buy three more. I already ate one and I have two left. Umm, I can see the next turn from here, like a mile away. I might eat then if I'm hungry. If I feel okay I'll skip the turn like I did last time.

4:53pm  Coming up Floridan Road.

4:57pm  I just figured something out in my head. I've got this resting system where I rest at every turn. At each rest I'm going to take a forward view and backward view so you can see how much I walked since it's a straight shot.

                   I forgot to take a chug of Riovida on that last rest. I'll take it on this one coming up soon.

                   It's 5:11 right now. It'll probably be like 5:15 by the time I get to the shade where I'm going to rest on this turn. Let's see. 4:40 is when I left from my last rest.

5:14pm  I'm sitting down. Man, I'm beat. There's two things that I forgot to do last time. Take off my boots and air out my feet and drink some Riovida.

5:32pm  I totally forgot to eat.

5:54pm  I took a longass break. It's getting a little chilly. I'm going to walk on the side the sun is on. I'm all stoned. I dried out my feet good. I forgot that I didn't eat until towards the end.

                   I couldn't take pictures like I said I would because the shade spot was a little bit after I turned.

6:07pm  I'm coming up on an information marker on the highway. I'll take a picture of it.

                   It looks like I am coming into Madison.

6:10pm  Right now I ran into some homeless dude and he told I was only five miles away from Madison. He told me to go to St. Vincent du Paul's. Hmm, this might be a cool little town. I can't believe I've pretty much walked all the way from Tallahassee. Anyway, that homeless dude was a hardcore Christian. He asked me if I believed in god. He told me to go to St. Vinnie's tomorrow morning and talk to some preacher and that he would turn me into a Catholic. I told him that I didn't want to be a Catholic. That I had already been a Catholic. Stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, sit down, sleep. I told him I had a world to save. That I couldn't waste my time. When I told him about my mission he was all, "I don't smoke weed." He sure did drink.

                   Cool shit happens to me in towns called Madison.

6:25pm  Coming up on Sullivan Still Road. I seem to be getting close to town.

6:46pm  Badass, I scored me some good leather work gloves. Extra large. See, I had walked by one glove and saw it and wished I knew where the other one was. I walked a little more and I saw the other one. I went back for the first one and I have the pair now.

6:54pm  Walking by the Landmark Baptist Church.

7:04pm  Walking in front of the Tri-County Electric Co-op.

                   Man, I'm tired. I'm not going to rest until I get into town though.

                   Walking by Madison Academy. I don't know what kind of school that is.

7:10pm  Walking in front of the Madison County High School.

7:15pm  Walking in front of the Florida Highway Patrol Station.

7:28pm  I've got two more miles to the McDonald's. That's a longass way. It's weird that they have the highschool this far. I hope I can find a place to crash soon.

                   I'm going to go to the McDonald's and tell them I just walked all the way from Monticello. Can I please have a burger?

7:37pm  Madison City Limit.

                   There's a gas station down there. Cool, I think I see a Pizza Hut!

7:47pm  I'm going to hit up Pizza Hut when I get there. I'm coming up on it. Man, this town is all spread out. I hope I get a pizza.

7:50pm  I came to the Pizza Hut and asked the dude working if they had any mistakes and he told me no real quick, without even checking. I told him alright, thanks anyway. This other lady working there saw me and asked me what I was looking for and I asked her if they had any mistakes. She's going to hook me up! Awesome. That's right, dude. Be afraid.

7:51pm  Lakesha was nice enough to give me some pizza at the Pizza Hut. Welcome to Madison, Victor.

                   Whoa, Monticello is twenty three miles away, Lakesha told me. I forgot to give her my website. I came outside and I'm going to finish eating and go give it to her.

8:53pm  I forgot to tell you. I found me a perfect campspot about a hundred feet from the Pizza Hut entrance. There's a little patch of woods here. I'll take pictures in the morning. Man, my feet ache.

Next day..

Madison, FL

Thursday March 6, 2008

6:24am  I woke up a little bit after four this morning. I should've made an entry right when I woke up. I got seven hours of sleep. Hold on, let me check my watch. Almost eight hours of sleep. I woke up and waked and baked. I've just been chilling at my camp waiting for the sun to come up. My stuff is a little moist due to the condensation. I'm just going to chill here until after the sun comes up and dries everything off. I have some sewing projects I can do.

8:41am  I am just now getting all my stuff packed up. I woke up at four this morning and I just chilled out for five whole hours. I ate some Ramen for breakfast. I have one more cake left.

8:43am  I am leaving no trace but my imprint. I am taking my trash too.

                   Last night I devised a genius way to piss without standing up and having to get out of my sleeping bag and stuff. I used my pizza box from last night. I just peed and let it run down the box away from me. I used it this morning too. I'm going to throw everything away though.

8:48am  I am going to go in the Winn-Dixie and get some water. I'm a little hungry. I might hit up the restaurant here. I wish there were a laundromat here.

                   Tagged handrail

9:20am  I bought me a cake of Ramen and came in front of the Winn-Dixie. I came outside and I am talking to Jake. I told him what I was doing and he volunteered me three bucks! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. Hey, can I take your picture for my journal?

9:24am  That was badass that I got three bucks. Breakfast at McDonald's. I didn't eat that Ramen that I bought. This girl cashier asked me how I was going to heat it up. I told her that I wasn't. That I was going to eat it raw. I'm going to throw away the seasoning too. I don't need that shit. As long as I'm not hungry anymore and if it's good for me, even better. I could live without tastebuds. I'm a survivor. Then I went outside and this cool black dude hooked me up with three bucks after I told him what I was doing.

                   Sweet! There's a North Florida Community College right across the street! I'm going to get some typing done!

                   This town is cool so far and I haven't even walked into it. I'm going to walk to the McDonald's and buy me a burger, I mean breakfast.

9:40am  I walked by this badass little plaza they have here. I took pictures of the plaques and stuff.

9:47am  I came to the McDonald's and bought me a sausage egg McGriddle. I'm going to walk back to the college and do some typing.

10:11am  I got directions to the laundromat. I'm going to go find it and do my laundry somehow.

10:19am  Man, nobody is hooking me up with change at the laundromat. I'm just going to go to the college.

10:27am  Right now I just accidentally stepped in wet concrete. They're making a sidewalk here. My boot went all the way down. I need a hose to wash off the concrete before it dries. Luckily, I asked this dude outside and he told me where there was a spigot closeby. I washed my boot off. My socks are a little damp now.

                    The city of four freedoms. That's all you get? You only get four. That's hilarious. It says that on the police cars.

10:32am  I've located the Mexican restaurant. La Reyna. At Pinkney and Hory. I'm walking back towards the college.

10:49am  I came to the college and I found the library. I asked some kid and I gave him my website. They should let me use the computers here.

1:34pm  I am coming out of the library. I don't know if I'm going to go back today. I got a lot of typing done. I'm tired, even though I got like seven hours last night. I get tired when I'm sitting in front of a computer. I took a break earlier. Cool, I found a dollar bill on the ground. No, I didn't. I took a break earlier and I came out to the little gazebo and took my last hit of weed, a resin hit. I'm going to walk and go get some food somewhere. At the gazebo I ate a cake of Ramen, but I'm hungry again. I'm going to go get some food somewhere.

2:48pm  I tried to take a nap. I found a spot right next to this pond in front of the school. It was a weird angle, so I couldn't fall asleep. I found a tick on me from last night. I hope I didn't get it here. I yanked it out. It was on my right leg. I checked my pubic area real quick. It didn't seem like I had another one.

3:47pm  I had a good presentation with these people from Lima, Peru. The wife was Peruvian. I took their picture and everything. I'm standing in front of the grocery store wearing my shirt killing time hoping someone will give me some money for food.

4:25pm  I had a good break in front of the grocery store. I talked to a couple people. Nobody gave me any money. That sucks. I'm hungry. I ate a Ramen cake. I'm going to go back and get some more typing done across the street. I'll go hit up Pizza Hut again.

4:29pm  I came to Ken's BBQ and they're hooking me up. The old white dude here told me he could get me a sandwich. I gave him my gasoline-for-the-stomach line. Hell yeah. I'm going to log his generosity when he gets back.

                   Bill, at Ken's BBQ is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

8:10pm  I am leaving the library. I got a lot of work done. I checked the weather forecast and there's a hundred percent chance of rain tonight. Fuck, I should've looked ahead days ago. I haven't secured a dry place to sleep at all. I don't know what the hell I am going to do. I'm going to go hit up Pizza Hut again.

                   Please Love, manifest it for me. Please give me a place to crash tonight in the dryness. I have my rainsuit, but I would have to stay up all night in order to keep my shit dry. I don't know where I can crash.

8:40pm  I went to the Pizza Hut and Lakesha hooked me up with some breadsticks. There's no rescue mission in town, so I don't know what's going to happen. I don't see any clouds in the sky yet. I wonder when the rain is going to start. But, parked in front of the Winn-Dixie is a schoolbus. I already went and checked and the door is unlocked. I'm going to walk into town. If it starts raining and I can't find a place to crash I'll just walk back to the school bus.

9:11pm  I was walking a bit past the schoolbus and I saw this hip-looking dude with long hair walking by. I walked up to him and hit him up for my story, like I do to everybody else. He liked my story and even volunteered me five dollars. I asked him if he had a garage I could crash in because it was going to pour. His roommate at his apartment would object...but he just showed me a place to crash over at the skatepark. This covered building with concrete picnic tables. I can crash here and stay dry for sure! I really appreciate Nathan. It's supposed to start raining at midnight.

10:37pm  Nathan took off and I went and bought a pouch of Top because they didn't have Buglers. I walked back towards the skatepark and I see this lady in front of it standing in front of her car. I walked up to her and she got all scared. I freaked her out, haha. When I walked closer to her she backed away and got in her car real quick. Haha, be afraid! Because I didn't want that lady seeing me walking back to my spot, I had left my pack under a table, I walked around and hiked up this wooded hill on the other side of the covering.

Next day..

Madison to Live Oak, FL

Friday March 7, 2008

6:04am  I woke up at six with seven hours of sleep. Dude, last night it friggin' monsooned! It was drenching hardcore. Needless to say, I take nothing for granted. Last night was really cool. Right when I started stressing about the impending rain, see, I had checked the forecast on the internet a the library and found out there was a hundred percent chance of rain the next day. I was all stressing out wondering where I was going to crash. I walked in front of the Winn-Dixie and stood there with my shirt. I wanted to spend like half an hour talking to people. I had one good presentation with this Peruvian lady and this guy. I walked over to the Pizza Hut hoping they would hook me up. At first she said no, but then she gave me some breadsticks. Then I was walking, I don't know, I was going to walk into town. All of a sudden I see some kid crossing the street in front of the Winn-Dixie with a backpack and long hair. I hit him up for my story. He had told me he had all the time in the world, but he wouldn't listen to me at all. At every interruption I would tell him that's why I asked you if you were willing to listen. I'm trying to tell you my story. He said something like, "Oh, but I have things to say and if I don't say them now I'm going to forget them." I told him forget it, here's my website. Then I asked him if he knew where there was a dry campspot anywhere. He took me to this skatepark where there's this covered gazebo in the back I could crash underneath. I crashed on the side of it not facing everything else. Around three thirty I got woken up by cops. Three or four of them. They were cool with me crashing there. They said they were just checking it out for graffiti taggers. They said I was cool, that it was going to pour. They were cool with it, so I got my sleep, seven hours. The sun comes up soon, like in an hour or something. I don't know what I'm going to do today. I wish I had some weed.

                   Do you see how I was magically transported to a dry spot last night? Everything happens for a reason.

6:52am  I found some projects to kill time for the sun to come up. There's just tons of graffiti out here all over this gazebo by the skatepark. The cops woke me up this morning and they told me they thought there was somebody back here writing on stuff. I can totally see where they would get that idea. This place is all tagged up. Sooo, this morning I woke up a tagged the picnic table with WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA and I took a picture of it. I mean, I might as well. There's some pretty stupid graffiti already. Like a girl with a camel toe. Mine is good graffiti.

                   Perfect tool for subversion. Ha, I like that phrase.

7:57am  I just got done doing my morning ritual in the Winn-Dixie bathroom. They have big stalls with a sink and everything. I took a shit, brushed my teeth, used some mouthwash and I'm going to get me some water out of the fountain. Fill up my bottle.

8:11am  I just walked across the street from the Winn-Dixie and I'm going to go to the college and type at the library some more. They opened at eight 'o clock. It's so awesome that they are already open. I had a quarter, so I bought me a Ramen cake. I'm going to eat.

                   Oh yeah, yesterday when I got hooked up at Ken's BBQ I came and ate at this gazebo. I had left my ice tea here and it's still here. I'm going to drink it. I'm going to eat breakfast.

8:37pm  I'm in the library about to get to work.

12:37pm  I got hungry so I walked back across the street. I'm going to buy me another Ramen cake. That's all I've had to eat today. I'm going to eat it and smoke a cigarette. I am already on Valentine's Day in my typing. February fourteenth.

12:55am  I ate my Ramen. I've been emailing Kim back and forth. She's my friend. Kim from Panama City. I see these two kids talking about bullshit in the library. I'm going to go hit them up for my story. Let's see if they're ignorant or not.

                   I just had an excellent presentation with Dana and Candice. They listened to me good. Odyssey and everything. They liked it.

4:04pm  I am leaving the library. I had a full day of typing. I'm going to go try and go do laundry. I have three bucks. I'm going to go find the laundromat now. It's still raining like crazy.

4:11pm  I came to the laundromat and I ran into Nathan Marini again who hooked me up with some money last night which I am doing laundry with. He's here with his roommate washing his clothes. He recommends that when I am in West Virginia to look up who? Nappy at Purple School, cool.

5:25pm  Leon, el amigo que hice en la laundromat, me acaba de dar cinco dolares. Te lo agradezco, Leon. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias. Yo tenia hambre, gracias.

5:45pm  Hell yeah, I made friends with this Mexican dude. I talked to him in Spanish. I told him how I was living off of Ramen noodles and he volunteered me a five dollar bill. That's awesome. Afterwards I was looking through my pack and I gave him those leather gloves I had found the other day on the side of Highway 90. He's a good man. He wouldn't let me take his picture though. Hell yeah, I'm going to eat! That's awesome.

5:55pm  I just finished all of my laundry. I'm going to go eat now.

                   It's cool how I saw that Nathan guy who hooked me up with five bucks last night. With those five bucks I bought some tobacco and with the three bucks left over I did laundry. Madison has one shitty laundromat. They had no soap vending machine, they had no change machine. It sucked hardcore. When I got there Nathan's roommate let me have some detergent, so I had enough quarters to get all my clothes dry.

6:21pm  I finished eating at McDonald's. I'm outside smoking a cigarette. I'm wearing my backup shirt. The one that doesn't have a space between world and peace.

6:22pm  This black dude just gave me a dollar. He walked out of the McDonald's and I was outside smoking. He saw my shirt and asked me if I wanted a donation. I said sure. That I accept donations. I just don't expect them. I love surprises.

                   I logged his generosity and offered him my website and he refused it, "I'm straight, I'm straight."

7:06pm  I walked all the way over to the Winn-Dixie and I just realized I left my water bottle at the McDonald's, so I'm walking back. It finally stopped raining so I took my raincoat off and shit. I'm friggin' bored. I have nothing to do. It's only seven 'o clock. I'm going back to get my water bottle. I might as well just start walking 90 East. The library is going to be closed until Sunday and it opens at one thirty then, so fuck that. I've got nothing to do in this town so I'm going to try and get out of here. Maybe I can find a place to crash on the way out there. I hope it doesn't rain again.

7:30pm  I retrieved my bottle. It was right where I left it, on the ashtray leaning on the window. It's valuable to me because it has one of those nozzles I scored at that garage sale in Panama City. I've got two dollars. I'm going to try and skip town tonight even though it's not smart. Maybe I'll find a good spot to crash while I'm walking. Maybe I'll go to a gas station and ask people for rides. I don't know.

                   Cool, there's a Jiffy food store like a block from the McDonald's. I'm going to stand out in front of there. It's still early.

7:49pm  Man, I'm getting my ride out of town already. Clay is being nice enough to give me a ride. I had gone in and bought a cake of Ramen and I started telling the cashier my story. In between customers of course. Clay walks in and sees my shirt and smiles. I ask him if he's going East and he says he would take me to I10. He smoked me out with some badass weed, but there was nothing at I10/Hwy 90. I asked him if there was a gas station nearby and he told me he'd take me to Live Oak. Badaboom, badabing, It's a beautiful thing. Clay had even told me, "I don't usually give people rides, but you seemed cool. I had a feeling about you." He listened to my story great too. Thank you so much, Clay.
8:23pm  I just landed in Live Oak at another Jiffy food store. That was just awesome how I got out of Madison. Thank you, Love. Thank you, Love. I'm so happy. And I got smoked out! Clay had this little spark-plug pipe and he let me smoke some Madison County homegrown. Man, I thought this place was dry. Sweet, there's these kids at this store and I'm going to tell them my story. Hell yeah.

                   It's only eight twenty four. Hell yeah. Madison County, I give you props. I've been treated so well in Madison County. I walked into Madison County all the way from Monticello. Bam, I scored all these resources right at the edge of town. Pizza Hut hooked me up with a pizza. I ate and got to camp out behind it. The next morning I wake up and there's a friggin' community college across the street! I got a shitload of typing done. Towards the end I said screw it. The library was going to be closed tomorrow. That was my sign to leave. I was living off of Ramen. I bought an extra cake at the Jiffy in Madison for forty cents. I got a lot of typing done. I had a full day of typing today. I'm on the side of the tape I need to finish typing up. I had internet access the whole time. It was just awesome. I got hooked up everywhere. I even scored at Ken's BBQ in front of the Winn-Dixie. "I'll give you a sandwich," he said. Then I scored a ride out of town and got smoked out with some Madison County homegrown! Now I'm going to go inside and tell these girls my story. They're staring at me talking into my recorder right now. I'm going to go in there and tell these girls what I'm doing.

9:01pm  Man, Madison County has treated me badass. I'm all stoned off some homegrown. Beautiful Jaclyne was one of the girls watching me record myself from inside. I went in there and stood looking around for a second. The cashier girl seemed to busy for my story, so I hit up Jaclyne who was just sitting down by the front door. She listened to my story great. My whole Odyssey and she just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

10:07pm  Holy shit. What a magical adventure I am on. That beautiful girl Jaclyne. She just disappeared. I don't know where she went. I got so high. She smoked me out rowdy. I was telling her my Odyssey and I took a smokebreak outside. When I go back inside Jacylne asks me if I wanted to go for a ride. I knew what that meant. We drove around in her car and got super baked for like half an hour then we drove back. I got to leave my heavy pack at the gas station. Jaclyne was a total angel. What a nice welcome to Live Oak I have had. It's drizzling. I should put my rain poncho on. Screw it. It's not raining that bad.

                   They told me I couldn't loiter at the Jiffy. I was just hanging out. I've been telling my story like crazy tonight. What a crazy ride I went on with Jaclyne.

                   That was just twisted weird. Do you see how I forgot my water bottle on purpose? I had walked all the way to the Winn-Dixie, like a mile away and I said screw it, that water bottle is worth going back to get. I knew where I had left it. On the ashtray. It was raining and I was getting hot so I walked to the Winn-Dixie and took my rainsuit off in front. I was going to walk all the way back to the McDonald's to get my bottle. I thought I was going to sleep at the skatepark again. Then I thought screw this town, I don't need to crash here. The library is closed tomorrow so I can't use the computer at all. That's a sure-ass sign to leave town. I'm going to get out of town tonight. I totally manifested it. I went to the Jiffy and started telling the black girl cashier my story. Before you know it bam, I get teleported to Live Oak! First Clay was going to take me to I10, then he brought me to Live Oak. Clay was my ticket out of town. I'm out of Madison, but still in Madison County.

                   Oh yeah, and right now at the gas station, right before this lady told me I had to leave because the cops would mess with me, this guy saw me and said, "Didn't I see you in Madison at the Winn-Dixie? You were wearing a big green rainsuit. I want to know what you're doing. I seem to be following you." Bam, recognized. What a crazy ride I've had tonight. I am having so much fun.

                   I've got an extra McChicken in my bag. I had two dollars left. It was cool that guy gave me a dollar donation earlier. At the Jiffy in Live Oak I decided I deserved some ice cream. I bought a big jumbo cone and ate it outside. Now I am walking into town. Supposedly two miles.

                   Right now I was driving around with Jaclyne. I couldn't believe I was driving around with this girl I had just met. She even told me she was a massage therapist. I told her, "I don't believe you. Prove it. I 
did just walk thirty miles in one day hauling sixty pounds. It's for a good cause." She told me she would think about it. And she just disappeared without saying goodbye, but she'll see me again. I'm everywhere. I'm going to walk into Live Oak and spread the word here.

                   I am such a professional. I am so proud of how I have evolved. I'm in great shape and on top of my game. But, I worry about this cold-sore. I've had cold-sores before, but I knew that the next cold-sore I got would make me worry I had Herpes. The whole Clea incident in Rolla, Missouri. I need to go get checked. It's about time. It's been four months. It's been long enough to know for sure. Maybe I'll get checked in Tampa, or something. Some big city.

10:30pm  I took a water drinking pause and I just realized I left my little red flashlight in Jaclyne's car. That sucks. Good thing I have a backup one that Kim gave me in Panama City.

10:33pm  Just crossed the Live Oak City Limits.

                     I took a big long pause to waterproof myself. It stopped raining right after I did it.

10:56pm  I'm not tired at all. It's still drizzling hard. I'm walking into town and I walked by the Sunshine Inn. I noticed a waterproof recess that I could go stand in. I came in here and I'm eating my McChicken sandwich. I'll smoke a cigarette and then I'll keep walking.

11:14pm  I took a pretty long break underneath the covering. I ate and smoked a cigarette. I waterproofed all my stuff. It's raining a little harder now. I don't know where I'm going to crash. Hopefully the opportunity will present itself. I just have to keep walking.

11:17pm  Passing Walker Avenue.

12:03am  About ten minutes ago I already secured my squat. I saw a church on Main Street and I walked around it, but didn't find any concealed areas. I saw a cross on a building not that far away and found another church, some Ebanezer one. No luck there, either. They had a carport in the back, but I would have to jump the fence, so forget it. All of a sudden I walk around this baseball field that had barbwire fencing and next to this wall I saw there was a little covering that sticks out over these bushes. It was all dry underneath. I am already situated in my spot. I'll take pictures in the morning. Oh yeah, and right across the street is a police truck, but I'm not scared.

Next day..

Live Oak and walking to Lake City, FL

Saturday March 8, 2008

6:52am  I woke up around six behind my bush. Dude, there's a State Law Enforcement truck parked right across from the bushes.
7:26am  I am up and at 'em. I took a picture of where I slept underneath. The platform holds speakers for the baseball field. Underneath the plaform behind the bushes was all concealed and dry. That was awesome how I found a place to crash last night. I had been zigzagging around the neighborhoods and stuff. I'll tell you what street I am on when I get to a sign.


                   I walked Parshley Street to Ohio/Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue. I'm going to look for a store.

                   24 miles from Lake City. 84 from Jacksonville. Yesterday Clay had told me when he dropped me off, "Thanks for much for talking to me. I appreciate it. It was a good talk."

                   I walked to 90 and turned right towards Lake City.

7:54am  I just walked to Lee Avenue and there's another Jiffy.

8:12am  I smoked a cigarette at Lee Avenue and I'm going to keep walking.

8:15am  Walking in front of the Bulldog Flea Market.

8:16am  All I had for breakfast was a Ramen this morning. I'm hungry. I don't have any food or money.

8:31am  Coming up on Junction 49. There's a Shell station.

8:32am  In the Shell they have an Anne's Kitchen. I'm going to go hit that up.

8:54am  I am a measly twenty four miles away from Lake City. Eighty two from Jacksonville.

9:31am  Carol at Anne's Kitchen is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, Carol. Everybody gets credit.

9:56am  After I ate I went and stood on the shoulder right at the sign that says how far to Lake City. It was cool how I got hooked up at Anne's Kitchen. Called that shit. I'm walking to Lake City now.

                   It awesome. I found a quarter on the ground in front of the Jiffy and I was able to get another Ramen cake.

10:44am  I walked to the top of the hill for sight-distance and in no-time Paul pulled over for me. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

10:46am  Clifford is his friend's name who's riding with him. Clifford just turned around and asked me, "Hey man, do you smoke?" I told him hell yeah, that that's what my mission was all about. He smoked a brother out. I appreciate it, man.

                      Clifford, like the big red dog.

11:13am  Hell yeah, once again I had another roller-coaster ride. Right now we came to Zaxby's chicken and they're going to buy me some food. This is a big-ass town, Lake City. I didn't think it was this big. There's a Walmart there. They might have a city bus. I don't know. I've got work to do here.

11:55am  I just got out of the bathroom at Zaxby's. I had gone back in there because I thought I had left my scarf, but it was in my frontpack. That was some good chicken. I'm all full now. Somebody told me to turn right on this street on 90.

12:18pm  I'm walking 90 still in Lake City. All of a sudden I see this dude standing on the sidewalk. Mitch Jones, he said he saw me walking in Tallahassee. Where in Tallahassee did you see me? He was part of a construction crew off of I10. Remember(3-3-08 11:53pm), when I rode the bus from downtown and starting walking the I10 on that paved lane? I think I mentioned waving a peace sign to some construction workers, or something. Mitch Jones was one of the construction workers that I waved to. He saw me walking today and pulled over to talk to me. I'm going to tell him my story at his car.

                   I'm telling my story to Mitch Jones and what did you think when you saw me walking today? Mitch: "I knew there had to be a reason for you to be walking from Tallahassee to Lake City. I saw you in Tallahassee Tuesday and here it is Saturday and you're in Lake City which is over a hundred miles away."

                   Mitch was nice enough to volunteer me three bucks. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps.

                   Shweet. Welcome to Lake City, Victor. I've got me three bucks and two cigarettes, thanks.

                   Freedom Tree

                   He didn't have any weed, because he got busted for having hydro and gets tested now. Cursed.

12:36pm  I see a sign for Lake City Community College. I'm going to go finish typing.

12:54pm  I took a picture of where I stopped and smoked a cigarette.

1:09pm  I'm done with my smokebreak. I switched out my socks too.

1:11pm  I saw a garage sale sign on Ashley Street. Turning left on Lake Jeffries Street.

1:15pm  I never found Ashley street, but I took a picture of all the graffiti on this building across the street from some park. Right next to Parkview Baptist Church.

1:16pm  I'm over here by Youngs Park across the street from the future home of the Lake City Skatepark.

                   I walked Madison Street to Person and turned left.

                   Turning left on Main Boulevard.

1:53pm  I just came to this big lake. I guess it's the one Lake City is named after. It's not that big. I'll take a picture of it. Escambia County, Florida.

                   Lake Desoto is the lake I took a picture of.

                   Lake City used to be called Alligator.

                   I forget the old dude I talked to's name, but he gave me some history on the town. How they had thrown away all the Civil War muskets in the lake and they eventually drained it in 59 or something. He told me the community college is like four or five miles away. I don't need to go there. I'm going to start walking to Gainesville. I'm going to walk Highway 41.

2:32pm  I'm leaving this store here, the Tobacco Outlet, the Stop and Go food store. This stupid bum was there when I walked up. When he saw me he hit me up for a couple bucks. Then he asked me to roll him a cigarette. Then I asked some person if they were going South and the bum got all mad at me, "I'm panhandling this store! You're going to have to find another store. You're going to end up in jail wearing that shirt." I told him, "Shit, you will before I do. You're the bum." Then I took a picture of the Fu King Chinese Restaurant sign. Man, it would be so easy to write in a cee and make it fucking. That bum was all, "Geez, why do you want to take a picture of a Chinese restaurant?" Man, it's fucking Chinese. Stupid bum.

3:47pm  I walked 41 all the way to the top of the hill. Passing Southwest Bascom North Drive. I'm going to sit here and stick my thumb out for a little bit. Good sight-distance and a stoplight. Look at my shirt, everybody!

                   This guy in a blue Chevrolet just pulled up at the light turning left on Bascom. He asked me, "Hey, are you going to Gainesville?" I told him yeah and he said he would be back in a minute.

3:54pm  These girls actually came back around to take my picture.

                   I am still her thumbing cars, even though it's more for publicity than anything else. I'll get a ride eventually and get to Gainesville today hopefully.

4:44pm  I put my clown wig on. Maybe that will make a difference. When five 'o clock comes I'm going to start walking.

5:00pm  I'm walking now. I've got my rainbow wig on. Maybe someone will pull over. Or maybe they won't because of it. I'm going to walk.

5:31pm  I walked to the next light. There's a B&B food store and a Shell station on my right. B&B has a Subway attached to it. I'm going to go hit them up.

5:35pm I came to the Subway and Megan is hooking me up. I really appreciate it, Megan. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

6:00pm  This lady who wouldn't tell me her name volunteered me some change, even though she shouldn't be so quick to judge. She thinks I'm a bum and she's ignoring me now. She gave me some change, thanks.

6:19pm  I'm walking now.

                   I've seen a lot of racecars being towed. Everybody is going to Daytona, I think.

6:52pm  That explains the racecars. There's the North Florida Speedway right here.

7:04pm  There's another gas station. A Gas Mart Stop and Go food store.

10:11pm  I'm looking for a campspot already. I didn't tell you. I got bored and the Gas Mart and gave up on getting a ride tonight. I'm going to go find a place to crash. It's going to be really cold tonight. I went to this Oasis Lounge. the bar they had nearby. I went inside and asked the lady if it was alright if I just sat down and smoked a cigarette. I went to the bathroom and stole a lot of toilet paper out of their dispenser. I just wrapped it up. I had seen a wooded area across the street from the Gas Mart. I went and explored around and started making my bed. Then I realized that I was way too close to the racetrack and the noise would keep me up all night. So I walked like maybe a mile up the road and found a better spot in these woods. I'll take pictures. Alright, I'm going to go to bed now.

                     Suwannee County

Next day..


Lake City and walking to High Springs, FL

Sunday March 9, 2008

6:32am  I just woke up in my campsite. I scored me eight hours of sleep last night. The sun's started coming up. I had a beautiful campsite last night. I'm going to take pictures.

7:43am  I walked the mile back to the Gas Mart hoping I could get some breakfast somehow. I have forty cents so I'm going to buy some Ramen noodles. It's not open yet. I have to wait until eight. Shit, I want a cigarette.

8:57am  I just found out the time changed. It's an hour ahead now, but the store still isn't open.

9:47am  I am taking off. I'm going to walk the four or five miles to the next gas station.
10:02am  I was walking the highway and some guy going the opposite direction waved at me and I instinctly gave  him the need-a-cigarette hand gesture. He pulled over and hooked me up. He said he had seen me walking yesterday.

                     I stopped in front of the Church of Christ and I'm sitting down smoking a cigarette.

10:15am  I'm just now walking by the woods where I crashed last night.

10:19am  Passing by Alfred Markham Street.

10:33am  I just took a picture of the DeSoto Trail sign.

                     Another picture.

10:45am  I stopped in front of Ramona Park Church. I'm going to smoke a cigarette I found on the ground.

10:50am  Leaving.

11:03am  I took a pause and took a leak. I passed Gabe Street not too long ago.

                     Coming up on Watermelon Park. There's an F&S Gas station. Breaktime.

12:03pm  I walked to the F&S gas station here on 240 and Will saw my shirt and liked it and he hooked me up with a little bud! I really appreciate it, bro. He gave me a cigarette too. Thanks for helping me live this dream.

12:12pm  That was perfect, man. I got hooked up with some weed! He gave me a dollar too so I bought me two more Ramens.

                     To kill time I sewed up a tear in my cargo shorts.

12:43pm  It's so awesome how I got hooked up with some weed! I went in the bathroom and cleaned out the seeds and stems on my little Frisbee. Next gas station is four and a half miles away. I'm going to get ready and take a big hit of weed. I'll take a chug of Riovida and march forth on March ninth.

12:55pm  It's warmer now. It's still a bit windy. I'm walking now. I'm all stoned. I took two big hits and drank some Riovida which totally enhances the high.

                     I lost my Make It Happen shirt. That sucks. I had that shirt for years. Since 2004.

1:22pm  I am leaving. I had a bitter-sweet break. I hadn't changed my socks since early yesterday. One of the main rules of walking is to keep your feet dry. I took off my socks and let my feet air out in the wind. It sucked because right where I put my heel down there was an antbed! First I saw just one ant and I took it off. I might have killed him, but it was an accident. Sorry. Then I got bitten again! Now, they're all over my feet biting me! I felt less bad for killing that first ant then. They were all over my boots. I picked them all out. I'm still pretty full from the Ramen I ate. I've got another one and the next gas station is not that far away. I'm all stoned and happy. It happens all the time with my magic shirt. I get everything I need with this shirt. At that last gas station I sat down and sewed my shorts. Eventually this dude pulled up in a pickup with a crucifix hanging in his car. A Toyota Tacoma. I think it was red and it had mud all over it. He hooks me up. First off he walked up and said, "I love your shirt." I offered him my website and told him I was a journalist. I asked him, "You don't got any, do you?" He said no, that he didn't drive around with any. I showed him my special cigarette, my one-hitter and the guy said, "Let me check my ashtray. I'll be right back." He hooked me up with a lot of weed in a cigarette cellophane. I've already taken two hits. I have about six or seven hits left on it. I put the cellophane in my wallet.

                    See, at the gas station after I got hooked up I changed my shirt because I had weed in my pocket. I put on my Relax - I'm a Professional shirt, but when I get to the next gas station I'm going to put my WPTMJ shirt back on. I'm not skeered.

1:25pm  About to pass English Street.

1:30pm  Passing Aviation Drive.

1:32pm  Entering Mason City.

1:33pm  I just took a random picture of the trees and the water and stuff.

                   Right when I got to that last gas station I rolled four snipe-rats from cigarettes in their ashtray.

                   Oh yeah, I've been giving the peace sign to every single car that passes me. Going in both directions.

1:38pm  Almost passing Katherine Lane. I'm going to rest at the top of this hill. I'll sit down and have a smokebreak.

1:52pm  When I stopped at the top of the hill I looked back and there's a sign that says Mason City, so I've already walked through Mason City. There's nothing there. A couple houses and that's it.

2:05pm  I am up walking.

2:09pm  Passing by the sign pointing to Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Oldest in Florida. Should I go? It's right there. I might as well.

                   I took a picture of the sign.

                   Screw it, I'm not going to go to that church. Maybe I should. It is Sunday, after all. I'm going to go.

2:11pm  This church didn't even seem like it would be worth checking out. I think it's closed. There's nobody here. I'll take a picture of it from the other side of the cemetery because I don't want to walk over to it. I'm hungry.

2:22pm  Shit, I see a highway like a mile away. Maybe there's gas stations. Maybe that's Highway 75. I'm in Columbia County right now.

                   Everybody is afraid on the East Coast. Not so much that they are ignorant, just scared. The government has everybody by the balls. Good little slaves.

2:34pm  Coming into the town of Ellisville.

2:36pm  Holy shit! That exact same spot where I decided to stop and take the picture of the Ellisville sign, behind it there's a sign that says Victory - Assembly of God. Check out the picture.

2:43pm  The highway is 238 I'm coming up on. It's not 75.

2:46pm  I was walking almost to 238 and they had a fruit stand. I walked up and asked the lady if I could buy any fruit for a quarter and she volunteered me a huge orange. I appreciate it. Thanks for feeding the peace machine, Brenda.

2:55pm  Oh yeah, I am only twelve miles away from High Springs. I'm walking there for sure. I just have to go to High Springs.

3:08pm  What a great orange that was. I sat down on this white chair they had at the gas station before the interstate and ate it.  That was the best orange I have ever eaten in my whole life. It was delicious. It filled me up. It was huge. To top it off, there's a whole cigarette on the ground right here. After-meal smoke. I'm all fueled up to walk to High Springs. I still have another cake of Ramen in my bag.

3:10pm  I'm walking to the other gas stations on the other side of the highway. Oh yeah, this is 75. Maybe I'll thumb it on the onramp. Nah, I'm going to High Springs. I'll come back to 75 later. Gainesville 35, High Springs 12. I'm definitely going to go hit up the Subway.

                   I just walked all the way from Lake City yesterday. Before that I practically walked all the way from Tallahassee. Walked all that on Ramen alone. Sweet, I see a sign for a Mexican restaurant. Hell yeah. I'm going to hit them both up and get some traveling food.

3:17pm  The greedy ass at the Subway told me no. Ha, I said that right in front of her. I'm going to go score at the Mexican restaurant. I should've told her good thing there's a Mexican restaurant. They know the rules.

                   There's a place called Texas Burgers, awesome.

                   Damnit, the Country Station place here is closed. Nothing is open. So no Mexican restaurant. I'm going to eat my Ramen and try and get a ride. Maybe that's a sign to thumb it on 75 to Gainesville.

                   I'm glad I didn't tell that girl at the Subway about the Mexican restaurant. She would've told me, "Too bad it's closed."

3:36pm  Mark gave me a dollar so I can buy me some more Ramen so I can walk to High Springs. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

3:51pm  Wendy just hooked me up with a dollar. I had asked her for ten cents so I could get me some cookies.

4:12pm  I celebrated early. I'm walking to High Springs. I'm going to smoke all my weed on this walk. The gas stations have been at five mile intervals all the way from Lake City.

                   Oh, and Wendy, I hope you weren't offended when I called you bro at first.

                   Thank you, Wendy for that dollar. I was able to buy a lot more stuff. I got two things of thirty cent crackers and some soft cookies. I've got three Ramens now. Oleno State Park, five miles. That's where I'm going. Maybe I can find a campsite.

was Highway 75 at Ellisville. I took off my WPMTJ shirt again. There's no point in wearing it while I walk.

                   As far as me calling Wendy a bro, I'm sure as hell not the first person.

4:50pm  Passing Generations Loop.

4:53pm  Passing Generations Loop again. The Southside of it.

                   Change the link that says The Life of a Free Man to A Life Outside the Box.

5:05pm  Walking by Rob Martin Glen.

5:07pm  Hammock Hill Circle.

5:12pm  I'm going to rest at the sign that says how far High Springs is. I'm going to air out my shoes.

                   Passing sign that says Worthington Springs, left.

5:16pm  The lady at the last gas station told me it was five miles. The sign says High Springs 8. The last sign said twelve, so I've only walked four miles. So I should have one more mile left to the gas station. That's where I'm going to rest. I'm tired though.

                   I forgot to tell you I am in Mikesville right now.

                   I never told you that people have been honking at me all day.

5:23pm  Passing by Clubhouse Lane.

5:24pm  I'm going to rest and take a leak.

5:50pm  Taking off. I had a good rest and aired my feet out. I'm feeling better.

5:53pm  Passing Moonlight Drive.

6:01pm Oleno State Park straight ahead. Ichetuckne Springs Park.

                   Fort White to the right.

6:03pm  High Springs 7, Gainesville 29. I wonder if I will walk to Gainesville. I was thinking about stopping at the state park and crashing there for the night. It's still daylight though. I have an extra hour of daylight since the time changed this morning.

                   Badass, there's a sidewalk here. Actually, there's been a sidewalk on the other side for a while, but I've been walking on the side opposed to traffic this whole time. So I can wave at cars. I am where the sidewalk on this side starts, sweet. Oh yeah, I put a fabric Band-Aid on my fingertip because my cuticle snags on stuff and it hurts. I used some triple antibiotic too.

                   Passing Sprite Loop 617. Oleno State Park entrance. I took a picture. Not passing, but taking Sprite Loop.

                   Passing Bible Camp Street. The Florida Bible Camp. Boat launch 3.5 miles.

6:06pm  I have decided not to go to Oleno State Park. I'm going to keep going to the gas station. The day's still young. The sun hasn't even come down yet. The gas station isn't that far.

6:42pm  Back on Highway 41/441.

6:46pm  Passing by Frances Watson Lane.

                   Passing Old Bellamy Road.

7:02pm  Walking in front of the Oleno Baptist Church.

7:04pm  Walking up to Gallop-N-Gary's. I'll take a picture. Deli, Pizza, Ice cream.

7:07pm  They told me no at the place. Good 'ol manager's-not-here bullshit. That's right, be afraid.

                   I'm going to stand here with my shirt and ask for rides.

7:10pm  I went outside to munch on a Ramen cake since they told me no. This dude came outside and asked me how I was doing. I told him that I was the happiest man in the world. He asked me, "Are you looking for something to eat? I'm the manager's son so if they fire somebody it will have to be me." He's hooking me up, awesome.

                   Lee, was the owner's son's name.

                   I was still packing up all my shit and Lee came back outside and asked me if I was going to High Springs. He said that if I waited a while he would give me a ride.

                   I told Lee my story and everything. Well, just the important part. Oh yeah, and before his coworker told him, "Be happy you've got a job." He told her, "What? Be happy I have a job? I hate my job." The lady said, "Then why don't you quit? I'll take your hours."

8:30pm  I forgot to tell you we took off. Lee is giving me a ride to High Springs. He's going to drop me off at the Winn-Dixie.

                   I'm going to go find a camspite in the woods here behind the Winn-Dixie.

Next day..


High Springs to Gainesville to Ocala, FL

Monday March 10, 2008

5:35am  Man, this really sucks. I woke up around four this morning. I went to bed pretty early and I only got six hours of sleep. My water bottle spilled and I got all this red Power Ade that Lee hooked me up with last night all over. I got the bottom of my sleeping bag wet. I don't know what I'm going to do. I soaked some of it up with my handkerchief. I'm having a good morning, anyway. I'm eating a cake of Ramen for breakfast right now. I've been holding my flashlight with my mouth, so I hope I understand everything I record. Anyway, I'm going to wait for the sun to come up. It sucks that it comes up an hour later now. I have to wait for it to dry my stuff off.

8:33am  The sun is coming up. I'm still chilling at my camp. I did a little sewing project on my glove to kill time.
10:29am  I am all packed up and ready to go. The other morning in Madison I woke up and chilled out at my camp for like five hours straight. This morning I woke up at four. I kind of went back to sleep. I just leaned over on my pack and closed my eyes until the sun was up. Right now it's like ten thirty, so I chilled out for like seven hours. I ate the Ramen I started eating before Lee hooked me up yesterday and I ate a whole other one too right now. I am all good to go. I got all my trash in a little Ziploc bag. I am leaving no trace, except for a worn-out tennis ball. My marker.

                     I smoked all my weed. Hopefully I will get smoked out in High Springs.

10:52am  I just left the Winn-Dixie. I took a shit. I tagged the bar in the bathroom with my website, just like all the other Winn-Dixie's I've been to. Right when I was done brushing my teeth and left the bathroom the manager walked in there. I high-tailed it out of there. I was going to stop and get water, but forget it. I'm out of here.

11:02am  Nellie is hooking me up at the Subway. I appreciate it, Nellie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

11:12am  I came to the Little Champ food store here in High Springs. I am eating my six-inch sub I got hooked up with. Close to Little Champ there is a civic center with basketball court and tennis courts. I'm going to go look for some tennis balls.


11:59am  It was Daniel I took a picture of in the basketball court. He listened to my story real good.

12:07pm  That was a great presentation with Daniel. Odyssey and all. He was out playing basketball by himself and I walked up and asked him if he had seen any tennis balls. He loved my story and he was smiling the whole way through. He was nodding his head up and down and agreeing with every point I made. Hell yeah. It's going to happen soon! I haven't said that in a while.

12:15pm  I was actually able to get a resin hit out of my pipe, my one-hitter. I'm walking down NW 8th Avenue. I'm going to go check out downtown.

12:36pm  Passing Main Street and 1st. I took a picture.

1:02pm  Tanya at Bev's Better Burgers is hooking me up. I appreciate it, Tanya. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Hell yeah, I got hooked up at Bev's. They have this busy drivethrough and all these cars were backed up. I had first gone, but they were too busy to hit up, so I hung out at the gas station right behind it until it slowed down. I was standing there and there were these two guys with Dixieland flags. "Rednecks and Whitetails - It's a Southern Thang"

1:12pm  Let's see, I had walked downtown and wasn't too impressed with this town at all. I'm going to walk to the stop sign closeby and stick my thumb out. I've got a burger to eat whenever I get really hungry. I kind of almost am. Maybe I'll walk it. I don't know.

1:29pm  In no-time Robert pulled over for me at the stop sign. He's taking me a little bit up the way. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. He's driving a Mac-Tools truck.

1:36pm  The Mac-Tools guy gave me a ride. He all had a porno playing on his laptop in the back.

1:48pm  Dude, I was on the onramp for like five minutes after the other guy dropped me off and Rich was nice enough to pull over for me in his PT Cruiser. The back seat was missing, but it was perfect for my luggage.

                   Rich is smoking a brother out. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks for making my day.

                   Rich is telling me about the Ultra Music Festival March 28. East of Miami.

2:22pm  Hell yeah, I got dropped off in Gainesville. Sweet, I'm close to the college. That guy Rich is all brainwashed. He couldn't accept that money was evil. He kept insisting we needed money. He told me about some big festival in Miami.

                   I'm at Third Street and Second Avenue. Orange and Arredonda Street. I'm going to have fun. I'm all stoned.

2:29pm  I went to this plaza place and asked some guy to direct me to the college. He did and I gave him my website.

                   Walking down University Heights.

3:47pm  I'm totally skipping this town. I can't use the computers at the college. It sucks, because my tapes are almost full and I'll have to write stuff down. While  I was walking through the school here looking for the library I saw these two girls walking and I offered them my website. They ended up being with that church of latter day saints. They were cute. They let me tell them my story, odyssey and all. I had them captivated. I totally gave them a taste of their own medicine. After I finished my odyssey the cops showed up. Perfect timing. The white cop smiled at me. He liked me a lot. They were all, "Are you asking for money?" I told them no, I was totally non-profit. It's a free story.


4:01pm  I walked over by some pizza place and I saw these three kids outside. I took my bags off and smoked a cigarette. I hit them up for my story and one girl was really ignorant to me. I just gave them my website.

                   I was just testing them anyway.

                   Those church girls from earlier loved my story. They were laughing at all the funny parts.

                   I'm going to keep walking this way. I'll walk all the way to Ocala.

4:07pm  I walked down University Avenue. A little past Gale Lemerand Drive. I'm going to ask for a courtesy ride when the bus comes.

4:17pm  Here comes the bus.

4:19pm  I scored a courtesy ride on the #5. Let's see where I end up. I think it's going to some mall.

4:34pm  I landed at The Oaks Mall. I wonder what bus will take me South.

5:02pm  The nice 75 driver is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

5:07pm  Taking off.

5:13pm  I got off close to Highway 75.

                   I'm at 69 Terrace and Newberry Road. I'm going to go to the onramp and thumb it.

5:38pm  I went and hung out in front of the BP and smoked a cigarette and ate a Ramen. I'm going to go back to the onramp and stick my thumb out.

5:43pm  I am on the onramp.

6:01pm  I got my ride in no-time, yet again. I'd been there for like fifteen minutes and Sean was nice enough to pull over for me.

6:18pm  Sean is letting me tell him my Odyssey story and he just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Going to Tampa.

6:31pm  I was magically transported to South 27 and I don't know. I'll find out where I am soon. There's a homebum down there. There's a Pinstripe Bar and Grill and a closed down Shell station with a Chevron behind it. I'm going to go hang out there and fly my shirt.

6:45pm  I just got dropped off. Man, it's easy to hitchhike in Florida. I haven't been standing on the onramp for that long at all. Man, I've had some great presentations today. Right now I'm going to go to the Burger King and hit them up. If not, I'll go to a gas station and buy some Ramen if they don't give me any food at Burger King.

6:47pm  Kathy, here at the Burger King is a hooking me up. What town is this? Whoa, this is Ocala? This is where I wanted to go! Awesome.

                   Shit, I'm in Ocala! This is where I wanted to go. Kickass. I see a billboard.

7:24pm  Hell yeah! These cool kids at Burger King hooked me up with a ride. I was getting hooked up at the BK and they walked in and saw my shirt. I told them I had a story I'd tell them after I got my burger. Afterwards, I went outside and told them my stuff. They ended up giving me a ride to the library! Here I am at Marion County Public Library. Headquarters Ocala. I took pictures.

9:20pm  After the library the highschool kids tried to find out if I could crash at their house. Even though the dad's a stoner he wouldn't let me. I've got Shane's phone number. I put it in my wallet. They told me about a place I could camp behind the Staples. It's already nine 'o clock. My feet hurt.

10:15pm  Those kids told me about some woods behind the Staples down the street, so I came over here and already secured my campsite. I'll take pictures in the morning. I'm going to bed.

Next day..

Ocala, FL

Tuesday March 11, 2008

6:57am  I got a whole nine hours of sleep last night. I went to bed at ten last night. My feet really needed it. I had a perfectly concealed little campsite right in the middle of Babylon.

                   No trespassing

7:38am  I am all packed up and ready to go. I'm walking into town.

7:46am  Todd, who's out here cleaning in front of the Arby's, he's hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

8:08am  I went to the Tas-T-O donut shop and bought me an apple-fritter for a dollar. I'm walking to downtown now.

                   I'm walking down Silver Springs Boulevard.

                   Walked up Watula and turning left. There's signs pointing to downtown.

9:20am  I walked back to the plaza downtown. Ocala History. I was walking around looking for someone to tell my story to. I made my way back to the plaza with the painted horses. I walked by the elementary school and gave my website to a couple kids walking. I want a cigarette.

9:33am  Judy, who's working at the food cart downtown, hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Judy. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   I just got out of the bathroom at the Walgreen's on Eighth Avenue. I'm going to a gas station and stand there wearing my shirt.

10:46am  I came over by the Citgo close to where I crashed. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and expose my shirt.

11:08am  The greedy ass at the Arby's told me no. I was just testing you anyway.

                     Hehe, I'm going to go hit up Zaxby's, I'm going to hit up the Burger King, I'm going to go hit up Lee's. It's all a number's game.

                     The greedy ass at the Zaxby's told me no too.

                     I went across the street to Lee's Famous Recipe Chicken.

                     Hehe, I love telling them I was just testing them anyway.

11:21am  Sweet, I'm getting hooked up at the Subway. The manager was doing an interview with somebody.

11:25am  It was Roberta who was nice enough to hook me up with some food at the Arby's. I appreciate it, Roberta. Oh, it was Tracy? Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

11:29am  The greedy asses at Lee's told me no too. They failed. I was just testing you guys, anyway. Greed shall be your downfall. Hahaha. Thanks for making my story so interesting.

                     They told me no real quick at Lee's. "We can't give you food."

                     It's alright, I got Subway anyway. Muhaha.

                     Charlie Horse, steak, seafood and cocktails.

11:37am  Ken Bryant at the Charlie Horse is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                     Man, it sucks. I walked the wrong way to the highway. I walked down Silver Springs and now I have to walk all the way downtown to get close to 75.

                     Earlier I called Shane's phone number and it didn't work. So I'm getting out of town.

12:32pm  I came to the plaza again and I'm going to eat. There's a cop over there by the food stand. Hopefully he won't see my shirt. Actually, I hope he does. I want to talk to him.

12:40pm  John, his friends call him David, he volunteered me a donut. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

12:51pm  I got directions from that cop.

12:53pm  The greedy ass driving the bus won't give me a courtesy ride. "No, we don't give courtesy rides. That will be a dollar."

1:04pm  Passing Pine. I see a sign that says To 75.

                   This black dude just came up to me and asked me if I wanted to make some money. He said he had some payroll checks. I told him screw that, got any weed?

1:48pm  I just stopped at the Chevron to rest and made a snipe-rat from the ashtray. I wish I had a dollar and change for a pouch of Buglers. The guy inside told me it was a couple miles to the interstate.

1:54pm  Leaving the Chevron over at 27th Avenue. Walking SR 200. A couple miles to the highway.

2:01pm  Badass, Central Florida Community College. I'm going to go see if I can type.

                   This isn't a real community college. You have to be a student. It's not a community college at all. I guess they only consider you a part of the community if you are paying tuition.

2:17pm  I see the highway like half a mile down the road.

2:28pm  I just took a picture of myself in the mirror.

2:29pm  The cashier at the BP gas station by the interstate gave me a couple cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

2:34pm  I am on the onramp. Please Love, mobilize me.

4:02pm  I got tired of thumbing it. I saw a bum on the corner. I don't see him anymore. I'm going to make a sign and take over his spot.

                   I went back to the gas station and found an empty box. I'm going to make my signs. Hook a brother up/smoke a brother out.

                   Shit, that bum is still there. He's got a big Great Dane with him.

4:44pm  I'm on the other side flying my signs and passing out my website.

4:50pm  The state trooper is at the stoplight. I'm going to cover my shirt with my sign.

4:54pm  Jennifer gave me the first donation of the day. She gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, Jennifer. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

5:19pm  The bum gave up his corner. It's all mine.

6:05pm  David hooked me up with a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

6:18pm  Some guy right now driving a Mustang Cobra just hooked me up with a handful of change. He said, "It's just because you got that shirt on."

6:20pm  The bum's friend drove up and asked me how long I was going to be working that corner. I told her not that long, that I already had the money for cigarettes. I'm going to go buy some cigarettes and thumb it on the onramp again.

6:32pm  I manifested that tobacco money, I went and bought some cigarettes and I'm back on the onramp thumbing it. The bum is back there with his dog.

8:56pm  I found a camp real close to the onramp in the patch of woods right next to the Volkswagen dealership. Other homeless people sleep here. They have a camp set up. I wandered off in the woods and found me another spot. I had to cut some branches with the saw on my Leatherman. I'm going to go to bed soon, even though it's still early. Nobody is going to pick me up at night. Hell, nobody is going to pick me up in the day either. I think maybe my shirt is a little too strong for the East Coast. The two times I got picked up quick yesterday, they didn't see my shirt at all.

Next day..

Ocala to Wildwood to Tampa, FL

Wednesday March 12, 2008

3:07am  I feel really rested, but I only got six hours of sleep. I had a dream last night! I don't remember having a dream in years. I dreamt that Vince and Amy  from San Antonio had broken my walking stick in two. I woke up and thought oh man, thank goodness that was only a dream. I love my walking stick. I think what woke me up was that it started to drizzle a little bit. I scrambled to get my stuff together and then it stopped. I think I'm going to go back to sleep.

7:27am  I just woke up again at my camp. Hell yeah, I got a good ten hours of sleep total. I woke up after six hours and I felt pretty awake.

                   Oh yeah, I remembered another dream I had last night. I dreamt that my project was found out and that these people were onto me. It was weird.

                   I dreamt because I didn't smoke any weed yesterday. Maybe that's why.

8:20am  I am all packed up and ready to go.

          This guy at the gas station I talked to. He told me a story about this girl who got abducted and killed walking the Appalachian Trail by herself, on Blood Mountain.

9:16am  I got tired of asking people for rides at the Chevron. I'm going to go stand on the onramp for a little bit.

                   I started flying my sign on that bum's corner and a guy in a Chevy Tahoe just gave me two bucks.

                   This beautiful girl with dreadlocks just gave me a Clif Bar! I was hungry.

10:32am  Ashley just gave me a whole five dollar bill. I appreciate it, Ashley. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

10:54am  There's the police. Showtime.

11:07am  That's awesome. They let me go. They didn't even see the smoke a brother out sign. They just saw the hook a brother up one. They told me that somebody called them and told them they saw my lighting up a joint(Bugler cigarette, total illusion). They asked me if I had any weed on me and I told them I wish I did. One cop said, "Well, that's enough information. I didn't need to know that." Hehe.

11:49am  Right after the cops ran me off for flying my sign and passing out my website I walked to the Chevron to use the restroom. I walked out and crossed the street and all of a sudden this old couple in a car wave at me and I ask them if they're going South. The guy told me he was going to Belleview. They were at the stoplight, so I ran across the street and they were nice enough to pick me up. I really appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Willie got me out of there! How perfect, hell yeah. Everything happens for a reason. I am in Belleview, wherever the hell this is. It's only nine miles away. Paranoid check. Got everything? Yeah. That old couple told me they had seen me walking around Ocala more than once already. I'm everywhere!

12:17pm  I'm at the Pilot Truck Stop and Travel Center on 75. I went in the Arby's and bought a burger. I'm going to sit at a table and cut out some more havethisbook.coms. I need to switch out my tape. I am running out.

                   I saw this girl with a Grateful Dead license plate cover and I quickly ran up to her and asked her if she was going South. She told me no, but I for sure gave her my website.

12:47pm  I got bored of standing out in front of the Pilot and came to the onramp.

2:40pm  Tom, who works for Gator Pie, he pulled over and picked me up and is taking me to the next exit. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

2:53pm  Tom gave me a handful of change, hell yeah. He just dropped me off. I am already at the truckstop at the next exit. I'm in Wildwood. I'm going to see if they sell microcassette tapes. I've got ten bucks. I'll do laundry too. Wildwood Travel Center is where I am at.


3:47pm  I had a great presentation with Phillip while I was waiting for my laundry to finish. He wants me to say that he thinks the world's greatest problem is selfishness, not ignorance.

                   I am on the onramp. There's a bum on both sides flying signs. I'm all out of money. I used all my money on laundry and a pizza. I've got a Ramen left. I had a good rest doing my laundry and telling that kid my story.

5:05pm  I was on the onramp for like thirty seconds and Sergei from Russia picked me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

6:14pm  Me and my Russian friend Sergei, we're coming into Tampa right now. I should take a picture. Cool, I never thought I would be in Tampa so soon. My tapes about to fill up. I already typed up the first half of the other tape I have, so I can tape on that. I need to buy another microcassette tape somewhere.

6:23pm  I just got dropped off on the side of the highway. There was tons of traffic and Sergei just dropped me off on the shoulder. I told him to get me close to the big buildings. Sergei, he could barely understand me. He told me I was his teacher and stuff. It was so cool that he pulled over for me. He's just a traveling tourist. He told me that the roads in Russia were nothing like here. They were dirt roads and stuff. He said the police were all messed up too. That all they wanted was money. He dropped me off at Exit 42. I am paranoid I forgot something. I've got everything.

                   I want to go look up Chasity.

6:35pm  I'm walking down Lasalle Street.

6:41pm  Passing North Willow Street.

6:52pm  Lasalle ends at Munro Street.

                   I'm going straight. I'm on this road by the Boiling Reels Club. Turning left. Cool, there's a bus stop. I'm going to get me a courtesy ride.

7:00pm  I walked over to this park here and I'm about to cross over the Hillsborough River Bridge. Some drawbridge. I'm aiming for the tall buildings. Downtown. This nice black dude at that bus stop gave me directions.

7:07pm  Hmm, I see the John F. Germany library. I'm going to go check my email.

7:12pm  What a joke. The only way I can come in this library is if I could fit my gear in this little box. I'm going to take a picture of the box. This is America, man. How discriminatory. Thanks for making my story so interesting.

                   Ha, I said that to the librarian as I took the picture and she said, "I think you'll find that true of 
any library in the United States since 911." I told her, "I've been all over. That's not true at all."

7:40pm  I went to the plaza right in front of the police station. Gaslight Sykes Park. I ran into this other homeless dude. This crazy shell-shocked Vietnam Vet. I didn't try and tell him my story at all. He did tell me he was going to get some weed pretty soon, so I hung around. The weed never came, so I'm going to walk to the transfer center and catch a bus somewhere and find a place to crash.

                   Right now this other homeless dude Tony told me about a bud of weed he stashed. I'm going to go look for it. He told me it was under this spiral staircase about three of four blocks down the street. I've got a flashlight, so I'm going to try and find it.

9:11pm  I couldn't find the weed. I found the spiral staircase he was talking about, but I couldn't find the weed. Oh well.

10:33pm  I walked over to the Greyhound station and I saw this girl arguing. I stood there for a minute with my shirt. Then I went over to the girl and hit her up for my story. She told me sure, but to tell it to her old man too. That he was over at the place where she crashed. She brought me to the church where all the homebums crash. How perfect. So I'm going to crash here tonight. Please Love, protect my stuff while I sleep.

Next day..


Tampa, FL

Thursday March 13, 2008

     7:09am  I woke up at seven, about ten minutes ago. I got a full eight hours of sleep. I slept great. It was just awesome how I ended up meeting that girl who showed me where to squat. See, I had gone to look for that weed under the staircase. I couldn't find it, so I walked to the Greyhound station. The girl who was outside ended up not waiting for a bus and being homeless in Downtown Tampa. She brought me to where lots of homeless people crash, at First United Methodist Church. I took a picture of the plaque. Anyway, I'm going to go see what happens this morning.



7:29am  Doyle is going to show me where I can score breakfast.

8:31am  Let's see, I woke up and talked to the homebums. I walked up to the tranfer center and took a shit. My tapes about to run out.

9:09am  I made my way back to the plaza by the police station.

                   It's Thursday March 13. I am in Tampa, Florida. I just switched out tapes. I have a whole half a tape to tape on, seven days. I just finished up the second side. I only brought two ninety-minute tapes with me from San Antonio, so here we go.

10:53am  I walked back to the transit center and took a piss. I was directed close to the Salvation Army and I got a meal ticket for eleven thirty. I am thinking about just skipping town. Right now I am having a good presentation with this other black homeless girl. She wouldn't let me take her picture. I was way past the spirit's part with her and her boyfriend got mad and told me to keep the conversation short.

                     I've got about half an hour to wait for food.

                     Oh yeah, I never mentioned. I was able to buy a little nugget of weed for a dollar. This guy hooked me up. Weed turns the peace machine on, so I'm glad I found a listener.

                     That was Will I took a picture of. He liked my story a lot. In the end he said it was a pleasure meeting me.

11:51am  The nice people here at the Trinity Cafe are serving this awesome meal. I want to take pictures of the quotes on the wall.

11:58am  I left the bum-feed. That was a great feeding. Almost as good as that one in Madison, Wisconsin I went to. I'm going to sit down somewhere and smoke some weed.

                     Damn, I forgot to get the quotes inside. They had an excellent Dorothy Day quote.

12:45pm  Mark hooked up Katrina with a cigarette. She appreciates it, Mark. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Katrina is that girl I met last night who showed me where to crash. Anyway, Katrina just gave me a dollar fifty because I gave her fifty cents last night. That's bus fare. I'm going to ride the bus to a university and see if I can type there. I doubt it though. UATC, whatever that is.

3:24pm  At the bum-feed I scored a book. Mexico by David Mitchener. It's a novel, so it's fiction.

4:24pm  I just rode the bus to the university transfer center. I'm going to walk to the school and find the library. I'm hungry.

4:35pm  I am at the corner of Fletcher Avenue and Bruce B. Downs Boulevard. I am over here by USF. University of South Florida. I'll take a picture.

4:39pm  The greedy asses at Burger King told me no.

                   They told me no at the gyros place next door too.

4:44pm  The greedy asses at Subway told me no too. "Oh, we don't have anything."

                   Two no's in a row. It's all a number's game.

                   Whoa, Malena's Mexican Restaurant. I'm going to eat. Just watch.

4:49pm  Jessica en Malena's me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, señorita. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                   Third time is a charm. Jessica is one beautiful girl. I should've taken her picture. She even told me, "Bien viaje." Have a good a good trip.

5:22pm  I was walking down Fletcher and I saw a taqueria! Hell yeah, I ate good. She gave me four tacos. I took a picture of them. I should've taken a picture of her. Right now I am walking back to the college to see if I can type there. I really doubt it, but I'm going to try anyway.

                   Maybe I'll go to the Walmart and tell my story if I can't type.

5:47pm  I went in the Moffit Cancer building here. I gave out my website a couple of times to people walking around. Somebody told me there was a library on the second floor. I saw a nurse walking around and asked her for the library. She wasn't sure, but I gave her my website. I didn't tell her what it's about. I asked the guy at the information desk and he gave me directions. Told me it was on the other side of the pond.

5:58pm  I stopped and played with this squirrel with my stick, like I do with the squirrels in Travis Park in San Antonio. I'm still looking for the library. I took a picture of the squirrel.

6:01pm  Found the library.

6:05pm  Sweet, access granted. I can use the computers all I want.

7:59pm  I am finished up at the library.

8:06pm  I am walking away from the library. I couldn't use Windows Notepad on the computer I was on because of some restrictions on the computer. It had MS Word, but only the viewer so I couldn't type anything. So I just had a good email session. I emailed this girl Courtney who lives in Bradenton telling her I was going to be in the area pretty soon. Hopefully she will reply. She didn't last time I emailed her. Over by the taqueria I scored at I saw a Domino's. I'm going to go ask them if they have any mistakes. Then I'll see if I can get a courtesy ride back downtown. If not I saw some woods next to the transfer center I can crash in, I hope. I don't know.

                   Man, the government has everybody so distracted. All the conversations I overhear are about cars and money and bullshit.

8:31pm  I just walked to Bruce B. Downs and Fletcher. I'm going to go hit up the Dominos.

                   They told me no at the Dominos. Let me try Arby's. Hmm, there's a Bruno's Pizza across the street.

                   Salem's Gyros and Subs. There's Arby's, there's Dairy Queen, McDonald's.

                   The greedy asses at Salem's told me no. I told them I was just testing them anyway. Everybody gets credit.

8:45pm  They told me no at Arby's too.

                   Westshore Pizza. Hmm, they're open.

8:47pm  They gave me the old manager is not here excuse. I was just testing you anyway. Dairy Queen next.

                   Dairy Queen is a little busy. I'm going to stand out here and smoke a cigarette and take a hit of weed.

                   I'm not going to hit up the DQ. There's a big line. Maybe later. I'm going to go hit up Popeye's on the other side.

8:56pm  I scored at Popeye's! Nice Gary is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Gary asked me, "You didn't try Churches?" I told him not yet. I thanked him and gave him my website. I told him it was about world peace through marijuana. He smiled and said, "That's what's up." I'm going to go to the transfer center and see if I can get a courtesy ride downtown.

9:07pm  The nice bus driver is hooking me up with a ride downtown. I appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

9:53pm  Downtown.

10:28pm  I've already made my camp at the church. I'm sleeping over by my friends Mack and Katrina over on the side of the church behind these bushes. I'm going to bed.

                     I got two pieces of chicken and a biscuit from Popeye's. I waited until now to eat so I won't be hungry in my sleep.

10:43pm  I secured all my belongings to my stick and I've got my stick under my legs, so nobody is taking my stuff tonight. Anyway, I'm going to sleep. I'm going to go to the school again tomorrow.

Next day..



Tampa, FL

Friday March 14, 2008

6:15am  I woke up a little bit after six. I got seven hours of sleep last night. I slept fine. I've got a cool crashpad. I'm glad I have a good place to crash here. I'm going to walk to the transit center and go back to school.

6:26am  Nicole gave me a cigarette at the the transfer center. I appreciate it Nicole. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

6:39am  I came to the Marion Transit Center and I took a piss. I asked a bus driver for a courtesy ride to the college, but the guy told me no. I need to score breakfast first. I can probably get breakfast over by the college. Oh well. I'm going to walk downtown and make some friends and smoke a cigarette and tell my story. I'll eat at eleven thirty again. Then I'll go to the college and do some typing.

                   I took my last hit of weed at the bus station this morning.

7:14am  Yesterday I was in line to eat and some guy told me about some church that had breakfast at eight. I couldn't remember the name. Some guy told me the name of the church is Deeper Life.

7:34am  Hope just gave me a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

7:36am  Seek and ye shall find. I'm getting closer to this church. I bummed a cigarette off of this pretty black girl named Hope. I took her picture. She's pretty. I'm looking for the big red church.

                   Lisa gave me a cigarette on Nebraska. I appreciate it, Lisa. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

7:44am  I found the church they have breakfast at. I took a picture of it. I have to wait until eight thirty for breakfast.

8:32am  After breakfast I came to the Coastal gas station and had a little sewing project. I sewed up my backpack good. I'm going to go eat breakfast now. I love having a sewing kit. I smoked some resin too.

                   I'm leaving breakfast. I had a plate of gruel and a little pastry. It wasn't that much. I scored a pouch of beef-jerky too. I'm having my after-meal smoke right now. I'm going to walk back to the Marion Transit Center and see if I can get a courtesy ride out to the college again. Maybe I'll see my friends, Mack and Katrina.

9:00am  I was walking back towards downtown and Gabriel gave me a quarter so I could buy me a cigarette at the store. I appreciate it, Gabriel. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

9:02am  I just took a picture of these two cops arresting this black dude over on Nebraska and Hugh. They had him handcuffed.

9:05am  John hooked me up with a cigarette at the food store here at Nebraska and 21st.

11:19am  Script-change. Be sure to add after I ask people if they are willing to listen, "and not interrupt me."

                     Church downtown

11:35am  I came to score food at St. Andrew's. All the bums are standing in line. Then I'm going to go where I ate yesterday and hit up the feeding they have there. Then I'll be all set to get a courtesy ride to the college and do a lot of typing. I'll have tons of food.

11:49am  I just hiked back to the Trinity Cafe. I power-walked over here. I'm going to take pictures of all the quotes I wanted to capture.

                     Pope John Paul  MLK

12:35pm  I left the Trinity Cafe. Man, I am so stuffed. I took a picture of the food I ate. Egg rolls and tons of rice. It was like a catered meal, hell yeah. And, I have a shitload of food from before at St. Andrews. I am all ready to go to school and do some typing all night long.

12:44pm  Freddy-Tony hooked me up with a cigarette at the transfer center. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks

12:59pm  The nice #5 driver is giving me a ride to the college. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

1:01pm  Sweet, got a courtesy ride to the college. I'm going to do a lot of typing today. This cool bus driver with dreadlocks hooked me up with a ride. He was only the second guy I asked. The first one was this old man who told me no real quick. He said, "That will be a dollar fifty. There's cameras watching." That's right, grandpa. Be afraid. The second driver I told me that in the future to ask a supervisor, but he let me on.

1:43pm  Sweet, the bus took me right to the library. I don't have to walk through this huge campus to find it. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then start typing.

6:00pm  I just got out of the library. I spent a lot of time typing today. Oh yeah, I've got a lead on Chasity's hometown. I think she's in Brandon, FL, which isn't that far at all. I want to go over there and look for Chasity. Maybe I'll find her phone number in a phonebook or something. I don't know. It's raining outside.

6:08pm  The greedy ass bus driver wouldn't let me ride in the rain.

6:50pm  Man, it was pouring at the bus stop and I wanted a cigarette so bad. I left my bags and ran back over to the library. I asked Jeff if he had a cigarette. He didn't have one, so I started making a snipe-rat from cigarette butts. Jeff told me, "I've got a little weed to put in there." I was able to roll up a spliff and now I'm all stoned. Thanks, Jeff. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

7:28pm  Man, that was an awesome little session I had with Jeff. That's the second spliff I've smoked today. I smoked one with Katrina this afternoon after lunch. It was raining and I ran back in front of the library to get a cigarette. This guy was there who told me he saw me yesterday downtown, that I had a walking stick. I got totally recognized, hell yeah. He told me, "It's weird how these things keep happening to me, these weird occurrences." He told me about some Life Science building where they have a computer I can use twenty four hours a day. The first #5 that had come told me no. I decided that if I didn't get a courtesy ride on the next one I would just go back in and do some more typing.

8:00pm  Janie and Oliver hooked me up with some food on the bus.

8:09pm  I forgot to tell you what happened. I was waiting for the bus driver to be my deciding-factor, but luckily Jeff bummed me fifteen cents, so I had a dollar fifteen. I thought alright, if the bus driver doesn't let me ride being thirty five cents short I'm going to go type some more. Then I asked the driver when the last #5 comes and it only had an hour left. So forget typing. But luckily, the next #5 let me ride thirty five cents short, so I'm going back downtown. I'm going to wake up early tomorrow and get some food somehow and come back to the college. I need to get caught up on my typing and then I'll get out of here.

8:21pm  The driver who let me ride thirty five cents short was Isaiah.

8:24pm  I am at the transit center downtown. I scored some food too, so I won't go to bed hungry. I'm going to go take a piss in the bathroom and crash out.

8:31pm  Mike just volunteered me a cheeseburger out of the blue at the MTC.

8:32pm  Fred was nice enough to let me have a cigarette at the transfer center. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..


        Tampa, FL

Saturday March 15, 2008

3:41am  Man, I got woken up in the middle of the night from all the partying going on in the street. Bassing lowriders and stuff. I was able to make a snipe-rat and went outside and stood on the corner with my shirt hoping to bum another cigarette. I'm going back to bed now.

7:54am  I woke up again. I got enough sleep.

8:50am  Randy hooked me up with a cigarette at the Salvation Army. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

9:18am  I'm in line here at the Salvation Army. Be sure to look up on the internet about the Tornado that hit Atlanta yesterday.

10:11am  I ate a big breakfast at the Salvation Army. I'm stuffed. Some meatballs and pasta and cake. I need to get some spare change for world peace. I need some tobacco. I need some weed.

10:36am  Gaynell hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Hyatt, I think. I appreciate it, Gaynell. Everybody gets credit, thanks.


10:47am  I had a great presentation with Kevin, who works at the hotel here. I took his picture. He told me about some gathering.

11:12am  I walked around downtown a little bit. I went to the Sykes plaza and stood there with my shirt on. They're having a big Christian concert. I made my way back to the transit center. I'm going to see if I can to Brandon today, just to be in that town. I want to see Chasity so bad. I miss her so much. She's like the only girl I have truly loved the most. I was with her for four years. I just want to see her again.

                     Police Station

11:22am  The greedy ass bus driver gave me the 'ol ask-a-supervisor line.

11:26am  William gave me a cigarette at the transfer center. I appreciate it, William. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

1:10pm  I'm out here flying my shirt and hook a brother up sign in downtown Tampa! In front of the CVS I met this brother and sister who are traveling together. We walked up to the John. F. Germany library where they wouldn't let me in because my pack didn't fit in their box. I ran into Katrina again. She asked me if she could use my hook a brother up sign(even though she's a sister). I let her put my clown wig on and she went to the stoplight in front of the library and stood there. She hasn't gotten anything. I'm standing here showing everybody my shirt. I'm going to pass out my website. We smoked some weed, hell yeah.

1:14pm  I'm taking a turn flying my sign.

1:36pm  Martin gave me a cigarette. He took my website too. You'll be on there when I update it.

2:09pm  I had a badass time flying my shirt right in front of the library. Ashley and Tyler. Dude, like five people took pictures of me and my shirt. I passed out my website like crazy.

                   I'm over at a Church of God feeding they have. Essie is giving out food to the homeless. That's very generous of you.


2:15pm  We are still waiting for food. We have to hear all this bullshit preaching before we can eat. What an expensive meal. It's absolutely nothing new. I've heard it all before. It's such an old story.

3:29pm  After the big bible-thumper feeding they had I met Bob and Pam and asked them if they had any weed. Bob was nice to invite me to smoke. We came to this old, abandoned ampitheatre building right across some canal with some big silver dome on the other side. I'll take pictures of it. We're going to smoke a bowl, hell yeah.

4:20pm  I just got done smoking with this guy and girl in this ampitheatre. I took pictures. The guy said he would listen to me, but his girlfriend would not stop interrupting. We smoked a couple fat bowls, so I'm going to go find somebody to tell my story to.

4:52pm  Man, downtown is dead today and it's Saturday. Nobody is here at all. I walked all the way over to the transfer center in hopes of finding someone to tell my story to. I didn't find anyone. I got directed to Footsoldiers, this other bum-feed their having.

5:24pm  Man, I am so bored with Tampa. I can't wait to get some busfare to get out of here. No drivers give me a courtesy rides anymore. Ugh, all I did today was just walk to and from bum-feeds. I should've gone to the college and typed up my stuff. I want to go to Brandon. I want to manifest Chasity. I miss her so much. I just want to see her one more time.

6:05pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.
                   AJ's sister

6:58pm  Daniel hooked me up with a cigarette here at FootSoldiers feeding. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

8:23pm  The brainwashing continues. All these people talk about is god. They think God is a person. "Let him come into your life." It's not a person! When will we ever learn? LOVE, that's all it is. This pretty girl who impressed me playing the keyboard, I went up to her and told her she rocked on the keyboard. She told me, "Thanks for coming out tonight. God bless you." I told her, "Praise Love. It's all we need."
                   Oh yeah, I've got all these signs to walk to Brandon. I want to go to Brandon because Chasity might live there. Then I ran into some other kid who said he was going to walk to Brandon tonight. I asked him how we was getting there and he surprisingly told me he was going to walk. I told him I would walk with him, but I would most likely pass him up. Man, I miss Chasity so much. I just want to see her one more time. She was the girl I loved the longest. For four years I was with her.
                   Live music
                   Thumbs up

9:12pm  Oh yeah, I found out that Brandon is only nine miles away. Hop, skip and a jump. I was about to start walking to Brandon but hey, there's a St. Patrick's Day parade going on right here! I just need to make an appearance with my shirt. Oh yeah, and I had some great publicity at this bum-feed. I was just walking around the whole time and everyone was staring at my shirt. I was passing my website out left and right. I took pictures and stuff. Everybody knows that I am doing something. Awesome.

10:27pm  Bob hooked me up with a cigarette at the St. Patrick's Day parade!

10:48pm  What a crowd. Man, I am having such great publicity here at the parade. What a surprise! Everybody has been taking my picture and I am passing my website out like crazy.  Some couple.
                   Holy shit! I ran into Son, who I met in Arcata and Haight Street in San Francisco! Hell yeah! I wish I would've taken his pictures, of his tattoos on his arms and everything. He said he would come back.

11:13pm  Johna hooked me up with a cigarette at the parade. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

12:02am  Some cartoonist guy volunteered to draw me! He said, "You certainly are a character."

12:07am  Mark is the cartoonist that came by and he drew my picture for free. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.
                     More people

12:22am  Dude, I just ran into Gonzo, another guy who recognized me! I met him at the White Buffalo Farm in Paonia, Colorado.
1:01am  Lisa gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Lisa. Everybody gets credit, thanks.
                   Girl I gave a flower to.

1:07am  Jeanette and Gina just hooked me up with some money. I told them I wasn't doing this for money, just for the cause, but they hooked me up anyway.

2:01am  Another day at the office for me. I'm going to walk home and crash at the church. I won't get that much sleep because they'll wake everyone up at six.

2:23pm  I am walking a hell of a long way back to the church. Dude, I am only going to get like three hours of sleep when I get there. Tomorrow is Sunday  morning so there will be church there and they'll wake everyone up. It sucks. I gave out my website so much. Umm, I need a friggin' shower. I haven't taken a shower since Panama City at Kim's house. I've walked like over a hundred miles since then. I just feel dirty giving girls hugs and shit. I'm not going to get that much sleep tonight. I don't know what to do. This sucks. I was really hoping I would see Chasity tonight. I'm almost crying. I want to see Chasity. It's just a shame that I am this close to her and she's still ignoring me. It's been so long. I miss her so much. I want to see her again and I was hoping I would at the parade. I did run into a lot of ignorance today. I was yelling at people who ignored me hardcore. "Man, NOBODY wants world peace! That's right, be afraid! Be afraid! What? Are you scared?!" One girl yelled at me, "I love your shirt! I love weed!" As soon as I offered her my website she walked off. I yelled at her, "Talk is cheap!" I was hoping some girl would invite me over to her place so I could take a shower. Oh well, right now I'm walking all the way down 7th to Marion. Such a long way. At least I learned about another busy strip. Where they had the parade is technically Ybor City. Tomorrow is Sunday and the buses aren't running out to Brandon tomorrow. I might end up walking out to Brandon even though I haven't taken a shower. I just want to go to sleep now. I've had a long ass day of work today. I gave out my website like crazy tonight. I had to stop and cut out two whole sheet's worth of havethisbook.coms because I ran out. One hundred each page.

3:07am  I walked all the way back to the church. I'm going to crash out for three hours, that's it.

Next day..


Tampa, FL

Sunday March 16, 2008

8:47am  I forgot to tell you, four hours after I went to sleep Katrina woke me up, "Hey, I got some weed." She made me give her two dollars. I went to her "room" and we smoked. I ate breakfast. I thought I might be able to go back to sleep, but it's Sunday and the church people will wake me up. I got stoned. Wake and bake. Oh, and I met this brother who was crashed out around the corner, Deon. He's from St. Thomas and has a Jamaican accent. I took his picture. Anyway, we're walking to Hyde Park for breakfast. Alright. I'm going to take a shower tomorrow on Monday when they take showers, Katrina told me.

                   Bob Barker soap I found.
9:59am  I thought I had lost my Make It Happen shirt, but I found it right now. That's awesome.

1:08pm  Dean and Arlene are out here feeding homeless people at Tyler and Franklin. We appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

1:19pm  I came to this feeding they had here. My Irie friend and I came. I've been hanging out with him all morning. Some lady at the CVS had given him five bucks for watching her bike while she went in the store. So we have a little cash for weed. We've been walking around looking to score. Man, I'm totally manifesting shit left and right. Somebody told me about this feeding they were going to have a couple blocks down. This random family feeding homeless people.

                  Pretty girl

                  Oh yeah, Pops, this other homeless man who I met when I first walked to the Gaslight Park, another homeless guy who has a walking stick and he's always at the park in front of the police station. Well, he found one of my worn-out tennis balls and he put it on his stick too. Hell yeah, I am totally impregnating Downtown Tampa with my presence. Good 'ol Victor-effect, hehe.

1:53pm  I am leaving the bum-feed.

4:00pm  I just got totally blessed! I saw these two kids sitting at the table in front of the coffee shop, this couple, a dude and a girl. Well, you know me, I walked up to them and hit them up for my story and they were all ears. Odyssey and everything. In the end I loaded up to leave and the girl volunteered me a twenty dollar bill! I forgot that couple's names. I took their picture though.

                  See, I just had to play the patience game. Yesterday I was stressing because I didn't have any money for busfare and no drivers were giving me courtesy rides. I just had to wait it out and I got twenty dollars today for doing my job.

4:49pm  I am leaving from behind the Greyhound station where they had another bum-feed. You really can't go hungry in this town at all, man. The food is everywhere. Hmm, since I have twenty bucks I'm going to go buy some microcassette tapes. I guess I should get my stuff typed up so I can record over the ones I have.

5:03pm  I walked back to the CVS, but they ended up being closed. I was going to see if they sold microcassette tapes. Tomorrow I will have a big day of work at the college. I'll get some more food and then I'll ride the bus out to the college in the morning and type all day long. There's a Walmart over by the university transfer center. I'll buy some tapes there.

                  Since downtown is so dead on Sunday I'm going to walk back to the bus station, The Marion Transit Center(MTC) and refill my water bottle. I'm going to go crash out at the church early. I'll wake up at like three in the morning tomorrow. Alright, I'm going to go to the bus station and get some water.

5:38pm  I walked to the MTC and met up with AJ and his sister. AJ's from California. I'm going to buy ten dollars worth of weed and with the other ten dollars I'll buy some tapes and I'll have busfare to the college tomorrow. I'm going to go out to Brandon and look for Chasity.

6:39pm  I'm leaving this park where I got a little bit of weed. Not that much, but it's pretty good weed though. I'll have enough for typing-fuel tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me. I'll ride the bus out to the college and do some typing. It'll be Monday, start of my work week. I'll get caught up on my typing. Oh yeah, and I can buy some tapes at the Walmart too.

                  The park I came to was Tampa Waterworks Park. Now I know of a place I can come and take a nap at. I wish I would've known about it this morning. I'm all tired. I'm going to go to the church and fall asleep right now as soon as the sun goes down.

6:54pm  I was walking to almost to the highway, which the bus station is on the other side of. I walked up to where these branches come down and always get snagged on my pack when I walk through. I am still waiting for the sun to come down so I can crash, so I took it upon myself to use the saw on my Leatherman and cut those branches so they don't get snagged on my pack anymore. I took pictures, before and after.

7:22pm  About ten or fifteen minutes ago I got back to the church and made my camp. I'm going to go to bed early tonight. I'm going to eat a peanut butter sandwich I have and brush my teeth and crash.

8:22pm  Dog-damnit, Katrina came over. She's my neighbor. Her and Mack sleep close to me at the church. Mack walked up and gave her a little weed he got for her since he doesn't smoke. She took a couple hits by herself. I didn't mind, I had my own weed to smoke. Then she asked me if she could bum a cigarette. I said sure, I just bought a pouch of Buglers. I handed her the pouch and let her roll a cigarette. Then she asked me if I had any weed and would smoke her out. I told her I just had a little and that I had to conserve for my typing tomorrow, that I had a big day of work. I want to go score a shower in the morning and then do a lot of typing. Then all of a sudden she disappears with my pouch of tobacco! I yelled at her, but she pretended like she was asleep and ignored me. I can't believe she got so mad at me for not smoking my weed with her, even though she was already high because Mack just gave her some, and she had just smoked it in front of me and didn't offer me any. This crackwhore goes and steals my tobacco! She just doesn't give it back and ignores me. Then all of a sudden I look and she's gone. Mack said she went to go hustle. Fuckin-a! Why does everybody always have to fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?! Thanks for making my story so interesting you cracksmoker.

                  Ugh, she got mad at me because I didn't smoke her out with my weed. She was even complaining to Mack about it. Hell, she didn't smoke me out with hers. Ugh, she expects everything. She was all, "Give me a cigarette, give me a cigarette." You need to ask for it, bitch. You need to learn the rules.

                  Ugh, fuck this whole coast. When is everyone going to learn? It's so ass-backwards here.

Next day..

Tampa, FL

Monday March 17, 2008

3:51am  I woke up around three. All the people partying and the bassing cars driving by woke me up. Ugh, every single night there's cars and partying. I woke up and I wanted a cigarette real bad. I didn't want to smoke any weed, because Katrina would expect me to share it with her and she doesn't deserve a damn thing. Fuck Katrina. She's a taker. She stole my cigarettes last night and lied to me right in front of my face. She all pretended to go to sleep then soon afterwards I look over and she's gone, she went to go hustle. She totally denied it and she had it last. What bullshit. She got mad because I wouldn't smoke her out with my weed. She had her own weed and she didn't smoke me out, so fuck that. She's a taker. It's on her conscience though. Justice will be done. I don't know about me getting back to sleep though. I need to go take a shower at eight thirty.

4:34am  I'm out here telling TJ my story. A morning story, a four-twenty story. He hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

9:11am  I friggin' missed the shower van! I was too busy trying to tell people my story at the bum-wall here. It came and went. They told me two people got in it. Ugh, I could be clean right now! Damnit.

9:46am  I went to the MTC and did my morning routine. I thought I'd ride the bus down Nebraska to the place where you take showers, but I've decided I'm just going to wait until tomorrow to conserve money. I've got nine dollars. I'm going to walk to the CVS downtown and buy another pouch of tobacco since Katrina stole mine this morning. I'm not going to go to the college today because I only got four hours of sleep and will get all tired in front of the computer. I could go to the park and take a nap, I don't know. Right now I'm going to walk to the CVS and buy another pouch of tobacco and see if they sell microcassette tapes there, if not I know I can buy them at the Walmart by the college when I go typing tomorrow on a full night's rest.

                  After I get my typing done and update my website I'm going to go to Brandon and try and manifest Chasity.

11:50am  I came to that Tampa Water Works park and tried to take a nap. I didn't sleep that long. They feed at eleven thirty at the Trinity Cafe, so I better hurry. I already have a ticket in my pocket.

1:00pm  I already went to lunch and then I walked to the CVS and bought some tobacco. They do, in fact sell microcassette tapes at the CVS. They're six bucks, but I'm going to hold off on buying them there. I think they're like four or five bucks at Walmart. Plus, I don't really need them right now because I have like four days or so to record on this side. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to type again. I only got four hours of sleep last night and then only an hour at the park earlier. I want to finish my typing and get the hell out of Dodge. I'll make my update and leave.

1:53pm  I got to tell Ryan my whole Odyssey in this little plaza across the street from the Gaslight Sykes Park. He volunteered me a dollar in the end and he gave me a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

1:54pm  I just told this feddy my whole Odyssey. He loved it too. When I had asked him if I could take his picture he said no. When I gave him my website in the end I told him if he would let me take his picture he would be on there. He told me, "No, you don't know who I work for. I actually work for the federal government, but keep going. You are on your way." He was all smiles.

2:38pm  I came back to that amphitheatre that one dude showed me the other day. I was hoping there would be some college kids here to tell my story to. It's covered in graffiti already, so I tagged it good with WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA and I took a picture and everything. I even dated it.

                  Ha, that's funny I talked to a federal agent today. Well, I don't know if he's an agent, but he works for the federal government, he told me.

                  I'm not afraid of agents. I took the red pill, damnit.

                  I think I have decided to go to the college. That guy hooked me up with a dollar, so that helps with busfare. I'm probably not going to do that much typing, but I'll at least check my email and see if there are any guestbook entries from St. Patrick's day.

4:01pm  I got on the bus to go to the college. I paid a dollar fifty.

4:36pm  It was James I told my story to on the bus. I took his picture.

4:48pm  I just got to the school. I'm going to go check my email. I might have a smokebreak before I go in.

5:34pm  Guess what. I found Chasity's phone number on the internet. I'm going to borrow somebody's cellphone and call her. I didn't type at all. I just checked my email and did a people search for Chasity Rafferty. had her number. Hell yeah, I'm going to call her. I hope she's answers. I'm excited.

6:15pm  I tried calling Chasity. She didn't answer. It didn't sound like her voice on the answering machine. I didn't leave a message. I'm going to keep trying that number though.

8:21pm  Grant was nice enough to let me borrow his cellphone in front of the library so I can call Chasity. I appreciate it, Grant. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

8:35pm  I got to tell Grant a little bit of my story until his girlfriend came. In the end he told me, "Good luck, man. I will definitely check your website." I called Chasity and left her a message saying, "I really hope this is you. I really hope we can see each other again. Check out my website." Alright, back to work.

9:11pm  I am leaving the library early. I thought I was going to find some place to crash on this side of town, but I'll be able to take a shower in the morning if I am downtown at nine. I really want to take a shower, so I'm going to go crash out at the church one last time. I hope Chasity gets a hold of me. I miss her.

9:52pm  After I finished typing at the library I went outside and these cool kids were outside. I walked by them and offered them my website and told them my story. What were your names? Abraham and Carla and Irena from Russia. I told them the first part of my story and they're going to show me a place I can take a shower and crash. Sweet, some pool or something.

10:35pm  I got magically transported to a campspot behind these condos. They told me there was an outdoor shower somewhere by the pool, but I don't see it. Umm, I'm probably going to wake up early and go downtown for the shower. Anyway, I'm going to crash out. It's already late. I don't know exactly where I am. Abraham gave me a ride here. It's on Fletcher.

Next day..

Tampa, FL

Tuesday March 18, 2008

6:01am  I just woke up at my camp in these woods here. I got seven hours of sleep. 

6:52am  I'm up and at 'em. I am leaving from behind The Falls. This condo, or hotel. I woke up this morning and grabbed my Bob Barker bar of soap and scanned around for that outdoor shower Abraham told me about, but I didn't see it anywhere. This couple walked by and saw me by the pool.

                   I'm really bummed out about Chasity. I knew it was her who answered the phone. Oh yeah, Abraham let me borrow his cellphone last night. Some girl answered the phone last night. I knew it was Chasity, but she denied it. I just told her, "Thanks anyway, I'm sorry to bother you."


7:13am  I just came out of the Shell/Circle K. I took a shit. I'm at Lettuce Lake Parkway and Fletcher.

7:40am  I just went on a bigass hike down Fletcher and just passed 56th. I'm going to keep walking. Hopefully I will get to the bus stop in time to get downtown to take a shower. The bus will take about fifty minutes to get downtown. Hopefully I'll get there on time to catch the shower van.

8:07am  I just got to the library. I'm going to take a piss inside and wait for the bus outside. I'm going to be cutting it close.

                   I went inside and took a piss and refilled my water bottle and I missed the bus, damn. I'm going to be late.

8:30am  I am still waiting for the bus. It came around going to the transfer center, but it's going to be back at eight forty. I'm going to get downtown around nine thirty, but I have five bucks. I'm going to ride the bus to the shower place.

8:43am  There's the bus finally.

                   False alarm. It's not going downtown. It's going to the transfer center. I'm still waiting.

                   I only have a dollar thirty five. If the driver doesn't let me ride fifteen cents short I'm going to turn my head and ask does anybody have fifteen cents since the driver is being a greedy ass? Hopefully I will log the person's generosity and be able to tell him or her my story on the ride downtown.

                   I'm a bit bummed out about Chasity. I 
know it was her. I recognized her voice when she first started talking. Man, the East Coast totally changed her. She's still ignorant. I miss her so much.

8:49am  The bus came finally.

                   I didn't tell you. Abraham last night, when he dropped me off, he hooked me up with a couple of Boost, liquid nutrition drinks like I used to steal from University Hospital in San Antonio years ago. I had one before I went to bed and one for breakfast.

                   I was sure to take my trash with me when I left my camp and left no trace.

9:28am  The St. Patrick's day parade was in the town of Ybor City. I got a guestbook entry from that night.

9:37am  I just got to the bum-wall on Henderson and was told the shower van hadn't come. I didn't miss it.

10:07am  Fuckin-a. I missed the shower van and the meal ticket(because I was too busy telling my story)! In a community of plenty, none should go hungry! What happened to that? Damnit. What would Jesus do??

10:28am  I am at the MTC and I'm trying to get on the #2 with just a dollar. I have a five dollar bill, but the greedy ass lady inside wouldn't give me change. She told me I could buy a daypass for five dollars. Screw that. I'm going to try and go to the shower place.

10:31am  The greedy ass #2 driver won't let me on fifty cents short.

10:32am  After the bus driver wouldn't let me ride fifty cents short, Jessica was nice enough to volunteer me fifty cents. I appreciate it, Jessica. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

11:09am  Shit, I overshot the shower place! I didn't know exactly where it was. Somebody told me it was by a Publix grocery store, so that's what I was on the lookout for. I passed it up three miles ago, I was told by some homeless guy. Damnit, I need to score me some breakfast somewhere.

11:19am  They told me no at Church's, oh well. Man, nobody wants world peace.

                     Carriba's Eatery. I'm going to eat, hopefully. Sweet.

                     They told me no. I thought I was going to eat. Man, 
nobody wants world peace! It was some black lady working there, not Mexican. Oh well.

11:40am  Passing Sligh.

12:34pm  I just got out of the shower at The Shop at 220 N. Nebraska. I feel great now. It was all ghetto and shit, but oh well. I did a dry shave too. They have a big van outside, some mobile medical center. This dude wanted me to do my blood pressure before I took a shower.

12:42pm  I came to The Shop to take a shower after walking back like three miles. Arthur just let me hit his joint. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

1:48pm  See, this one black dude at The Shop, he wanted me to follow him because he was going to show me where a laundromat was. He told me he was going to smoke a joint with me. But we were walking a long way and even overshot a laundromat. I told him the laundromat was right there, but he kept walking telling me we were going to go over the bridge. I got a little paranoid wondering where this guy was leading me so I told him forget it, that I needed to do my laundry more than I needed to smoke a joint. Right before we left The Shop this minister guy had told me, "Be careful," so I should follow that sign. I walked back to the laundromat we passed on Sligh. I'm going to do my laundry now at the Nebraska Wash House.

2:09pm  I am finishing my laundry. I'm going to go back into town.

3:03pm  I see the bus coming. I have exactly a dollar fifty left over after laundry. I'm not going to be able to buy any microcassettes. That's alright. All I have to do is tell people my story and I'll get money again.

3:39pm  Back at the MTC. I'm stupid. I should've caught the bus going in the other direction on Nebraska Street. It would've gone towards the college. It seems like I came downtown for a reason. I'm going to try and get me something to eat, because I didn't go to any bum-feeds. I have this big loaf of bread that I've been munching on.

                     I never mentioned, but I've been having great presentations on every single bus I've been on. I always hit people up for my story and give them my website. I've been handing them out like crazy.

4:06pm  Damnit, I lost my pouch of tobacco.

4:20pm  Tom hooked me up with an after-meal cigarette in front of the pizza shop here. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

4:22pm  I was just walking around downtown looking for a cigarette to bum. Some old guy in front of Eddie and Sam's Pizza By the Slice, he ends up giving me a cigarette and I logged his generosity. Then this girl comes out of the restaurant and hands Tom a chicken salad and says, "Here, are you going to eat this? I'm going to throw it away." I stepped in and said, "Why would you throw that away? I'll take it." Hell yeah, I'm going to eat.

                   Do you see how I was meant to lose my tobacco now? I went and bummed a cigarette and I got fed, so I have fuel. I'm going to walk back to the transfer center and see if I can score me a dollar fifty for busfare or score me a courtesy ride and go to the college again.

5:18pm  TJ hooked me up with a cigarette at the transfer center. I appreciate it, bro.

5:28pm  The greedy ass told me no on the bus. "There's cameras." That's right, be afraid. Be afraid.

5:33pm  Malcolm hooked me up with fifteen cents at the MTC.

5:37pm  Happy, from New York hooked me up with some change for the bus. I appreciate it, brother. Happy: "I'm usually on Florida and Bush on Sundays. I dress up as a clown and sell newspapers. I make people smile." I've got a clown wig too. Making people smile is my job too.

5:45pm  Allan just volunteered me a cigarette at the MTC. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

6:02pm  This ignorant girl right now on the bus. Her boyfriend is all about the marijuana, but she wouldn't shut up about, "No, I have kids!" Goes to show how much you know. Thanks for making my story so interesting.

6:46pm  Just got dropped off at the library at USF. I also have to score some tennis balls somehow tonight. I don't know when I'm going to do that. I should probably go do that first. I hope the tennis courts aren't that far. Then later I'm going to go manifest some food somehow. I still have some bread in my bag. I'm going to smoke a cigarette before I go in.

8:49pm  I just finished up typing up a whole side of my tape. I'm going to walk out and try and score some food and come back and start typing up the tape I haven't typed up.

9:22pm  I finished up my typing at the college and thought I'd go try and manifest some food somewhere. I went outside and ran into Matt and his friends out here smoking cigarettes. He drives the Bull Runner buses on campus and he saw me the other day. He just hooked me up with three cigarettes! He volunteered them. And a lighter. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks.

10:22pm  After I was done at the library I went outside and talked to these kids and now I'm going to go to Matt's apartment and practice what I preach! Hell yeah! He's got a nugget. Purple Haze, I think he said.

11:46pm  Hell yeah, man. I'm all stoned. Purple Haze. Matt smoked me out. He was able to get a nugget off of some guy right before we left the library. We rode the college bus over to his apartment on 42nd. I rode as a guest. He's going to let me crash here tonight. He's listening to Bob Dylan right now. He told me earlier, "Man, I want to do what you're doing. I envy your lifestyle." I told him to spread his wings and fly. Right now I just had a really bad case of urinary-anxiety. I stood there in front of his toilet for like ten minutes trying to piss. It's because his radio was on so loud. Also because I am super-stoned and it's hard to concentrate. Purple Haze. Some good shit, mang. I'm going to go to sleep. The music is on too loud though.

Next day..

Tampa, FL

Wednesday March 19, 2008

7:37am  I got seven and a half hours of sleep. I went to bed at midnight last night. I got to crash on his huge couch.

8:33am  We were able to collect some resin and we had a good wake and bake. Matt and I are on his front porch smoking a cigarette. Do you have any thoughts on anything, Matt? Matt: "Yeah, I just want to say that Maya Angelou said to be careful when a naked person gives you a shirt. I think that can go along with the mentality of living on the road. That's good advice to follow. Make sure somebody has some clothes before they give you shit."

9:49am  I have a marvelous update to make. The Liberator is hosted at the college in Tampa! Matt has a laundry closet right outside his door that I can use to stash my heavy pack in during the day. This way I can be free and have a secure stash spot close to the college and I can get all my stuff typed up! Hell yeah, I can walk around and tell my story. Man, we got all high this morning too. Wake and bake.

                   Oh yeah, Matt gave me five dollars too! I can buy some cigarettes.

                   Welcome to Tampa, Victor. Screw downtown. Matt's apartments are The Oaks and his is 101. That's where my bag is at.

                   101, just like the highway.

9:56am  I just walked 42nd up to Fletcher, turning left.

10:02am  Walking down USF Palm towards the library.

10:06am  I am still walking through the college. I took a picture of the sidewalk here where it says, "Smoke Pot." Nice. The signs are everywhere. I am still looking for the library. Man, this place is huge.

10:09am  I got on USF Holly, about to pass USF Laurel. I think the library is this way. I don't know.

10:20am  I walked by the Life Science building and I took a picture. That's where I keep getting directed to.

10:26am  At long-last I am at the library. I'm hungry.

10:39am  Danny hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the library.

10:59am  Rawad from Lebanon hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the library. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Be sure to add a link about the Gutenberg Project on my website.

12:42am  Matt just hooked me up with an American Spirit in front of the library. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

12:48am  I am already like on the 28th of last month in my typing. I came outside and smoked a cigarette and bought me a honeybun from the vending machine, because Matt gave me five bucks this morning. I had one for breakfast when I first got here too. Six hundred calories, I think. I bought another one. I'm going to go look for tennis balls right now. Hell yeah, I'm coming to college. I'm all walking around with my walking stick and everyone is staring at me. I'm going to go get some tennis balls. Tap the resources. Fuck the system!

                     Dude, I scored me a shitload of tennis balls out of the trashcans in the courts. Hell yeah, I've got a backpack full now. I'm going to go back to the library and keep typing. I got stung by a bee on my right shoulder when I was digging through the trashcans.

                     Oh yeah, earlier before I went to get tennis balls I ran into Grant who signed my guestbook. Him and his girlfriend Nicole signed it. They liked my website.

1:20pm  All the terminals were being used at the library. I'm going to go to the Life Science building and see if I can type there.

1:29pm  I just got directed to the SCA building, to the lab there. I'm going to check that out.

1:33pm  I found the computer lab, but they don't have any headphones so I can't do my typing there. I'm going to go back to the library and wait for an empty terminal.

3:15pm  I scored a total of fourteen tennis balls today. I just counted them.

3:24pm  I took another meal break. I ate this cheese ciabatta bread that Matt had hooked me up with last night. I forgot I had it in my bag. I also ate the rest of this big round bread I scored at The Shop where I took a shower at. Right now I'm going to walk to the store and buy a pouch of cigarettes.

                   Dude, I walked Fowler all the way to Bruce B. Downs. A long ass way. Like a couple miles. I'm going to go in the BP and buy some Buglers.

3:45pm  The BP didn't sell Buglers. I'm going to go in the CVS across the street. I know they sell them there because they sell them at the one downtown.

3:51pm  Walking back.

4:09pm  At long-last I am back at the library.

4:15pm  I smoked a cigarette outside and I'm going to go and type some more.

5:41pm  I came outside. I'm real tired and sleepy. I am tired of typing. I typed a hell of a lot today. All day long. I am already on March first in my typing.

7:39pm  I finished my typing for today. I had a long day of typing. I'm going to walk back to Matt's apartment and get my bag. I'm still a little hung up about Chasity. I know it's her phone number. I know it was her who answered the phone that night. I did a reverse phone number lookup and it came up with her name. Chasity S Rafferty. I'd have to pay money if I wanted to get her address. She lives either in Clearwater or Brandon. I don't know. Clearwater is not that far either. I want to catch up on my typing first, but they don't have Frontpage so I can't make my html files. I'm just going to get my typing done and go somewhere else.

8:01pm  I walked the wrong way on Fletcher and I have to walk all the way back. I saw 50th and kept walking and came up on 52nd. So I have to go all the way back. Fuck a duck.

8:05pm  Right now I'm walking back on Fletcher. I was at the 50th Street stoplight. I've been walking the middle of the road, the median. Right now at the light this guy in a truck asked me, "Hey, are you just walking for exercise?" I told him yeah, check out my website.

8:13pm  Passing 46th Street.

8:19pm  I stopped and took a piss in some corner at 42nd and Fletcher. I'm going to walk to my bag. Hopefully Matt is home. Hopefully he'll smoke me out. I want to go get high.

8:27pm  I found his apartments, The Oaks. I'm looking for apartment 101.

8:28pm  I found it and Matt's not home, that sucks.

8:44pm  I sat down and smoked a cigarette in front of his apartment. I put all my new tennis balls in my pack. I'm going to walk and try to get some food.

8:54pm  I'm almost up to Fletcher again. I walked by this Mormon church and I might have found a place to camp. Badass, like half a mile away from Matt's apartments.

9:07pm  I just walked up to the light at Bruce B. Downs. I'm going to go hit up some restaurants. 

9:15pm  I'm going to go hit up Church's. Last time when I scored at Popeye's the manger had asked me, "Have you asked Church's for some gas?" Hopefully I'll score.

9:17pm  The greedy ass at the Church's told me no.

                   Haha, I just logged that in front of his face and told him everybody gets credit. I'll go back to Popeye's. They know me there.

9:20pm  The Popeye's told me no too. He said, "I've already hooked you up."

                   Krystal, I wonder what that is. I'm going to go check that out.

9:31pm  The greedy asses at the Krystal won't give me food either. NOBODY wants world peace!

9:32pm  Sweet, there's an El Pueblo Chico, but they're closed. A Mexican restaurant. Mental-note. Let me go see who else I can hit up.

9:46pm  Pepe at Bruno's Pizza is hooking me up with two big slices.

9:47pm  That was perfect. Right when I was walking back I decided to hit up Bruno's. I had walked by it earlier and dismissed it. I was considering going to Walmart and buying some Ramen noodles. Then I walked by Bruno's. It's a drivethrough pizza place. Not a chain store or anything. I walked in and asked Pepe if he had any mistakes. He quickly turned around and gave me a couple big slices. Awesome.

10:18pm  I am so lost. It happens every time on this campus. I am trying to find the library. I'm just going any which way. I had to jump the fence at the Shriner's Hospital. I'm still carrying those two slices. One almost fell out of the box. I'm just going to go back to my bag at Matt's. I have to find out which way Fletcher is now. I think I turn right on Bruce B. Downs.

10:46pm  I found 42nd at last and I came to the Bull Market. Jamie, the beautiful cashier here was nice enough to let me fill up my liter bottle with fruit punch for only sixty five cents. I appreciate it, Jamie.

10:51pm  I made it all the way back. Man, I got so lost tonight. I was going everywhere. I ended up behind the Shriners Hospital and had to jump the fence. I just came back all the way to Matt's and he's not home. I'm going to scout around for a place to camp. I'm going to sit down and eat first. I walked a shitload today.

11:20pm  I sat down in front of Matt's and ate my pizza, my two slices. Man, I don't know what time he's going to be home tonight. I thought I should probably walk around and see if there's any woods behind this place. I did and there's none. There's other apartments on the other side of the fence. I might go crash behind that church. People might see me walk back there and shit and call the cops on me. I thought I'd load up and start walking away. When I opened the door to the laundry closet I found a note on my pack from Matt. It's marked 10:01pm. It says, "Brother, I got off work not too long ago. I'll be back here before midnight. I went to a friend's place. If you need a place to crash expect me home around that time. I hope typing went well for you today. I'll see you shortly. Your pal, Matt. 813-731-2460 is my number." Maybe I'll give him a call.

11:46pm  I am still waiting for Matt to come home. Maybe I'll try and tell some neighbors my story.

12:50am  Matt finally came home and let me inside. I'm going to bed. Umm, I mean, I'm going to couch.

Next day..

Tampa, FL

Thursday March 20, 2008

6:53am  I woke up around six thirty this morning. Matt woke me up. This morning Matt called me into his room and told me he had to talk to me. We smoked a cigarette outside and he told me that last night was the last night was I was going to be able to crash there. He told me that his roommate wouldn't understand about some homeless guy sleeping there. That he was "hobophobic." I told him I totally understood, but it's raining today. So that sucks. I'm going to go to the college and type. The library opens at seven. It was good while it lasted.

7:05am  I am off in the rain. I've got my green military rain poncho on over my pack. I look like the hunchback of USF, hehe. I just stopped at the Bull Market and bought me a thing of Ramen noodles for thirty cents. That's breakfast. I'm going to get to typing again. I guess I'll go downtown again. I'm going to do some more typing and tell my story and see how that goes.

7:09am  I walked 42nd up to Fletcher and walking down USF Palm. I'm going to hunt for the library again. Matt offered me a campus map yesterday but I refused it. Stupid me. This campus is huge. I get lost everytime.

7:28am  I walked USF Holly all the way to Bruce B. Downs. I still don't know where the library is.

7:37am  I came to the Moffit Cancer Hospital. I'm looking for the library. There's the police, hehe.

7:48am  At long-last I am getting to the library. I should take a picture of myself. I look like the hunchback of USF with my rain poncho. It's not raining anymore, but I'm going to keep it on until I get to the library so I can take a picture of myself.

8:09am  I ate my Ramen outside of the library. I'm going to go type. A lot of people are looking at my shirt. I'm wearing my WPMTJ shirt. I don't care. I'm fearless. Alright, I'm going to go do some typing.

9:45am  Smokebreak.

9:56am  I took a smokebreak. I'm going to go back inside to type.

                   I forgot to mention. I came out for a smokebreak. I am already on March 5th. I'm catching up. I have fifteen more days to go.

1:01pm  I came outside and took a smokebreak. My brother Matt hooked me up with some raisin bran so I'm going to much on that and type some more.

                   Everyone is staring at my shirt, hell yeah. Not that many reactions today. Everybody is already used to seeing me. Back to work.

1:37pm  I finished typing and I'm going to take another smokebreak.

                   Hopefully someone will see my shirt and smoke me out. People are staring at me. They should take a picture. It'll last longer.

3:49pm  Back to work. Back to work. All day long.

6:01pm  I am calling it quits for the day. Eight to six. Ten hours. I'm going to go get something to eat.

                   I am already on when I was walking Highway 90 and I ran into that Dutch family. I went to their website. They have tons of pictures on their website. Not one of me though. They took one that day. I'm going to go score some food somewhere. At some Mexican restaurant on Fletcher.

6:34pm  I walked past the Shriners Hospital. I'm walking to Fletcher now. I'm going to go hit up a taqueria down there. I'm going to score some food and then go back to the library.

                   El Rey de Oros. Taqueria/Panaderia. Let me try my luck.


7:00pm  Kelly en la taqueria me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, Kelly. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

7:03pm  I scored at El Rey de Oros. I took a picture of it.

7:22pm  I hit up the Dominos for mistakes and the guy shook his head no. He didn't even check. I already have three tacos from that Oros place. I'm going to go see if Malena's will hook me up again.

7:35pm  I changed my mind about hitting up Malena's and bought me a fourteen cent Ramen at the Walmart for extra fuel. I'm walking back to the library. I'm going to finish up some typing.

9:20pm  I had a great reception when I got back to the library. My pal Matt was there. I got to tell one of his friends my story. I forgot his name. Some guy with this Asian girlfriend who didn't seem to understand me too well. Everybody tried wearing my big pack and I took pictures.

10:45pm  The coolest shit happened. I ran into my friend Matt and gave him a hug. I told him how I had been at the library all day and even manifested some free food. I even gave him a couple bites of the tacos I got. He apologized about his roommate. That's why he kicked me out this morning, because his roommate didn't like the idea of some bum being in his house and was scared I would steal something. He called up his roommate and asked him if it was cool if I slept on the floor in his room. His roommate said yes, so I get to crash there again tonight. Awesome. I should take Matt's picture right now. He put my pack on and he's riding his bike with it on. I'm all stoned right now. He gave me a hash-oil painted cigarette I just smoked. We took a couple hits off my one-hitter too. He ended up inviting me over to crash! Sweet. It's because I am going to school. Room and board for school.

                     Any resemblance?

11:35pm  I'm telling this brother Will, like Will Smith my story. He lives in an apartment right across the way from Matt. He had some comments. What was that? Will: "Ok, basically, like I said. It will work for some people. People like you, because like I say, you're possibly the most self-motivated person I have ever met in my life. People who are self-motivated will still get up and go to work because that's what they enjoy doing. They'll still get up and go to the restaurant and serve the customers because they love the customers and the customers come there because they love the people. But, you have some people like me who need a kick in the fuckin' ass who need, you know what, you're getting out of this motherfucker if we don't get our rent money on the first, who are gonna be like aww man, I'm gonna get up and go wash some cars..." Do you believe in the universal law of karma? That you reap what you sow? That it all comes back to you? Will: "I do." Well, a lot of people haven't been convinced of this yet. So whenever we learn and know better people will change. Will: "You just brought up a very valid point. That's where I was going to go next. Even after we get past the physical part.." Once I prove, for a fact, that karma really does exist, people will think twice before doing anything evil. Do bad at your own risk. Will: "I agree with that. But second, we've been mentally conditioned. Like I say, once we get past the physical part of that, come on, you've got CEO's of companies who can't take a week vacation and cut their cellphones off and not answer that motherfucker if it's the office. You have doctors who can't fuck their wives without having their pager on, you know what I'm saying, because somebody might be having their baby. I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it's a mountain to climb." You can't say I'm thinking small here. See, I'm going to prove that when you are free, you evolve. Will: "I'm saying even in the world community, you're saying you want to do it widespread is all I'm saying."

Next day..


Tampa, FL

Friday March 21, 2008

     7:51am  I woke up around seven. I got six and a half hours of sleep last night. I've had such an awesome welcome to SFU. Matt's cool as hell. He let me crash last night. He did it for the cause. I wonder what's going to happen today. I just have a couple more days of typing before I am caught up.

     9:45am  I'm all stoned. Matt left to work at the school driving the student bus. It's cool, he let me stash my pack in the laundry closet again, so I'm free today. I can walk around. I don't know what I'm going to do today. I'm going to do a lot of typing again. Alright, I'm going to the library.

     10:13am  I get lost every single time I walk through this campus. I need a campus map so bad. I walked Holly all the way to Bruce B. Downs again. I passed the library. I'm doubling back now.

                    USF Magnolia is the street I was supposed to turn on.

                     Bird by pond

10:31am  At long-last I made it to the library. I'm going to smoke a cigarette outside. I'm wearing my green Liar Bush shirt that some kid gave me in San Antonio on the bus. I forgot his name, but I can look it up.

10:36am  I went inside.

                     I'm taking a lunchbreak.

12:29pm  I am done with my lunchbreak. I took a hit of weed and I'm going to get back to typing.

1:02pm  Matt got an hour and a half break from driving the bus. I was hanging out with him for a while, but I'm going to go back inside and do some more typing. Duty calls. He hooked me up with a little nugget this morning and I gave him a hit of weed.

3:46pm  I am leaving the library. I'm already on March 8 in my typing. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then I'm supposed to meet Matt at his place around six. I'm really hungry. Matt gave me thirty five cents this morning so I'm going to go to the Bull Market and get a Ramen. I'm going to eat and meet him at his house at six.

4:07pm  I smoked a cigarette outside the library then I overheard this guy with a Jamaican accent talking about marijuana and peace. I went up to him and told him I had a story that was right up his alley. He gave me permission to talk at first, but then he started saying stuff like I had one minute left. In the middle of my story he told me, "You should be a Christian." Anyway, I gave him my website and everything. Good presentation. Like four kids listened to me.

4:27pm  I walked to the Bull Market and bought me a Ramen. I'm eating it right now.

5:15pm  I came to the Bull Market and ate some Ramen outside. I still have like forty five minutes to wait. To kill time I sat down in front of the store and sewed up my hat again.

5:24pm  I'm just sitting down in front of the Bull Market and Bobby volunteered me some change. I appreciate it, Bobby. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Check out my website.

                   I was just sitting out in front of the Bull Market waiting for six. I was just sitting there sewing my hat and smoking cigarettes. This one black dude in a truck, he came up to me and said, "Hey man, will you give me a dollar?" I told him that I didn't have a dollar, that I hated money. I even told him, "It's the root of all evil. Haven't you heard?" He was surprised I said I hated money and said, "It can be used for good too." Then not too long ago, this other black dude walked out and asked me if I needed some money. I told him, "I guess, sure if you can spare it. I could use another thirty cents for a Ramen noodle cake." He dug in his pocket and he couldn't find his change. I told him not to worry about it, thanks anyway. That it was the thought that counts. Then he found the change in his bag and gave me eighty five cents. I went inside and I bought two more Ramens. Man, everyone is so quick to judge on the East Coast. Oh well, at least I got more food.

5:39pm  Yarisa just volunteered me some food. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

5:42pm  Hell yeah, I was still sitting there waiting and this other girl volunteered me some food.

5:48pm  Man, I am just standing out here. I'm not doing anything. I'm not asking for shit. I'm just waiting for six. I'm not a bum. It's a total illusion.

5:49pm  These kids pulled up and one was wearing a NOFX shirt. I thought I'd hit those kids up for my story for sure, when they came out. They came out and I did. I said, "Only because you're wearing a NOFX shirt." They didn't have time but they happily accepted my website and said they would sign my guestbook.

7:42pm  I have to make an update. Ryan, who lives right behind the Bull Market. See, Matt eventually showed up and brought me over to Ryan's apartment. I had a superb presentation with Ryan and he ended up volunteering me an awesome blue rain poncho with its own pouch. Oh yeah, Matt just gave me a new hat too! My hat was dying, the one I was sewing in front of the Bull Market. We're walking to some art show at the college right now. I'll take pictures.


                   Ryan and Me

                   Not sure

7:54pm  Ryan asked me earlier if I needed anything. I've taken pictures of how messed up my cargo shorts are and I've sewed them up more than once. I asked Ryan what size waist he wears and he wears a thirty, just like me. I could probably wear a twenty eight by now. He said he had some cargo shorts I could look through.

9:27pm  We came to that art show and I met beautiful Victoria. She just told me that there is forty thousand people at this school. That's amazing. It sure is big enough. Everytime I walk through the campus I get lost. I can never find the library.

9:38pm  Right now this girl came up to me and said, "Dude, I saw you in Ocala!" Stacy: "It's okay if you don't remember me because I remember you and that makes it even better." It's okay, I can look it up(3-12-08). Where did I meet you at? Stacy: "You were standing in front a Pilot gas station and I was getting gas and you saw my Grateful Dead tag on my car and you asked me if I was heading South and I told you no, that I had just gotten back from Langarado. You gave me a slip of paper with your website."

10:25pm  I was hanging out in front of the art show they have at the school. They've got a keg, so everybody's drinking. Beer totally effects my storytelling because my story is pretty attention span intensive. Anyway. Chuman, Alex and Jeff were there. Chuman saw my shirt and he just invited to smoke me and everyone else out. Hey, can I take a picture?

10:58pm  Matt and I were walking in the cold. Erin and Alissa were nice enough to give us a ride so we won't have to walk in the cold.

11:49pm I just found out that today was Good Friday. 

Next day..

Tampa, FL

Saturday March 22, 2008

9:15am  Last night I crashed at Ryan's apartment. After the art show everyone came over and they had a Victor Antonio Party. I was telling my story like crazy yesterday. I went to that art show thing. Nobody was paying attention to art. They had a keg there and everyone had a cup of beer. Everybody was drunk. I wasn't wanting to tell anybody my story. Then eventually I broke down and told this beautiful Korean girl Victoria my story. I took her picture. She actually listened to me a lot. We all came over to Ryan's apartment afterwards and hung out. I was reciting my story like crazy. I had a couple ignorant encounters. That was just awesome how that girl Stacy recognized me. She was somebody I had asked for a ride. I have to type it up and look it up. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it when it happened. Right now I'm at Ryan's apartment in the back eating a cake of Ramen. I dug through his ashtrays and scrounged up a tiny bit of weed.

                   Victoria and me

                   I gave that cartoon of me to Ryan and he'll have it on display for me.

9:30am  I am leaving Ryan's house. I'm going to walk over to Matt's and access my pack in his laundry closet and get another shirt. Oh yeah, I never mentioned. Matt hooked me up with some MRE high protein meal replacement pouches( He gave me three, so that's like a thousand calories total. I'll eat one if I get hungry. Right now I walked off and realized I hadn't changed my socks out. I'm going back to do that.

10:01am  Alright, I changed out my socks. I took a chug or Riovida. It's cool, I got a new rain poncho last night. It's a badass poncho. I can do away with my railroad workers raincoat.

                     Matt's sack of weed.

10:08am  I walked back to Ryan's. I'm going to see if I score a shave.

10:43am  I just finished shaving at Ryan's. Everybody is still sleeping. They partied last night. I'm going to walk to the library and do some typing.

10:47am  I just walked up to Fletcher.

11:02am  I just got to the library. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then get to typing.

1:45pm  Taking a mealbreak.

                   It's raining outside. I'm going to go back in and type.

2:07pm  I'm leaving. I'm going to walk over to Ryan's on 42nd.

2:43pm  I walked all the way back to Ryan's apartment in heavy drizzle. Matt's bike is still here, so he's probably still sleeping.

                   Matt's friends

7:58pm  I just walked all the way to Matt's apartments to get my pack. It's been raining all day. I went to the library earlier today, but I left around two or three. I'm walking back with my pack now.

9:11pm  I have an update to make. I had a good presentation with Jessica. Jessica just gave me a rock she found in Alaska. My new pocket pal. I showed her my fossil. I should've given it to her, but it's my good luck charm.

Next day..

Tampa, FL

Sunday March 23, 2008

7:42am  I woke up about half an hour ago around seven. I got about eight hours of sleep last night. Last night was kind of weird. I've been telling my story lately. Ryan and Matt have been giving me audiences left and right. Last night I thought these guys were all happy with me. It was raining all day, so I'm glad I had some shelter and stayed dry. When it stopped raining I decided I'd go get my pack from Matt's place. I mean, in the morning Matt had told me that I might as well bring it over. So I thought It'd be cool if I stayed here for a couple of days. When I came back with my pack Ryan was all, "Oh, you're moving in?" I mean, it's all my shit. I want to have it with me. It was getting cold. So then later on last night Matt came up to me and said, "This is probably the last night we are going to be able to house you." I told him that's alright, that I had woods to crash in and the rain should be done. This morning I woke up with eight hours of sleep. Ryan's alarm clock woke me up, like it did the night before. It was playing that Octopus' Garden song. I just got baked on the porch. I'm going to go do some typig whenever it opens. I don't know what time it opens. Oh yeah, last night Matt hooked me up with a couple nuggets of Purple Haze. Awesome.
8:27am  It's about time I made an updated for the day. See, I woke up and and went on the back porch and packed all my stuff, making sure I had everything. I went outside and put my boots on, because they make you take them off when you come in. It kind of surprised me that Matt told me they couldn't house me anymore. I really hope I didn't offend anybody. I'm sorry if I did, guys. I'm aight. Today it's not supposed to rain. Matt knows I am a rambling man and that I understand when it's time to leave. I don't know what I'm going to do about breakfast this morning. I haven't eaten. I'm going to walk down Fletcher and go hit up Malena's for breakfast. I chose not to hit them up the other day after I scored at El Rey do Oros. I don't want to abuse the priveleges. That was the night that I ran into Matt again and he let me crash. That was badass how I scored a temporary headquarters at the college while I got my typing done. I've got ten days to type up. That's it. I'll see what happens.

                  Ryan's dining room table.

                   Right before I left Ryan's apartment I saw some black dude walk to the Bull Market. When he came back out I hit him up for my story, but he told me he was in a hurry. I gave him my website. Then I was walking up 42nd almost to Fletcher and another black dude walked by and I hit him up for my story. He told me, "Man, I just walked fifteen miles." I told him that's what the website was for, to check it out when he had the chance. I should have my picture taken. I'm wearing the hat Matt gave me. It's badass. I wear it backwards. It gets all the dreads out of my face. I should take a picture of myself somewhere. I need to charge my batteries today at the library.

8:41am  I walked up to Bruce B. Downs.

8:54am  I found ten cents in front of the Bull Market, two nickels on the ground. That's almost a Ramen right there. I was going to go in the Walmart and tell them I only had ten cents, that I was four cents short and see what they'd tell me. But, Walmart eneded up being closed for Easter. I'm going to walk to the gas stations and stand there with my shirt. Manifest some breakfast somehow.


9:09am  Ahh, I didn't have that much fun at the Citgo gas station. I walked in and asked them if they had any water on their fountain and the white dude gave me a rude NO. I said screw it, I'd walk over by Malena's and see what time they opened. Then I remembered I had three meal replacement shakes in my bag. I'm going back to the college. I can eat those today.

9:17am  I doubled back on Fletcher to Magnolia and I'm cutting across the field to Magnolia. I'm thinking about going downtown because there's free food everywhere on Sundays.

9:28am  I'm walking by the pond on campus and somebody has a tent pitched. Hmm, could I possibly camp here? I'll try it tonight, hehe.

9:37am  I just walked to the library and it opens at noon. That sucks.

9:52am  I have two hours to kill for the library to open. I needed some water. My bottle was empty. I was walking around the buildings looking for a spigot somewhere. I found this huge water main thing on the side of this building. It had a nozzle water would come out of, but you were supposed to screw something in it and turn the handle and it sprays up. I opened the valve and I was able to hold the nozzle of my bottle at an angle and I was able to catch some water. Because I need to mix up one of my protein shakes I have. I'm about to eat my breakfast and smoke a cigarette.

10:18am  I took a picture of this plaque thing they have in this courtyard here close to the library. I want to tell somebody my story. I had a good breakfast. I sat down on this bench and ate my meal replacement thingy. I'm not hungry anymore. I want to go find somebody to tell my story to until noon. I have to take a piss. I need to find a concealed area somewhere.

10:22am  I took a piss behind a tree next to the Communication Information Sciences(CIS) building. 12011 USF Sago Drive.

10:31am  I figured out a project to kill time. I could go to the tennis courts and see how many balls I can find, even though I already have shitloads of them. I got directions from some black dude in front of Cooper Hall. I hit him up for my story, but he's in a hurry. I gave him my website and he said he'd check it out. He was all, "You walk everywhere?" I told him all the places I've been so far.

10:35am  I found the tennis courts. Four trashcans for ten courts.

10:42am  I only scored two.

10:54am  I had a good presentation with this dudes. I went to the tennis courts to get balls. I noticed some black dudes playing basketball and soccer nearby. I saw these two dudes just hanging out by their car, so I walked over and hit them up for my story. I gave them my website at first, and this one guy listened to me hardcore.

11:10am  I came back to the library and there are a couple people waiting outside. This one girl who walked over got all scared. She was all, "No, no, no." That's right, be afraid.

12:00pm  Haha, I just got banned from the campus by the cops. That's the sign to leave I have been waiting for. One sign was being kicked out this morning from Ryan's. Now I received a definite sign to leave. Trespassed from campus. If I came back I would go to jail. The cops were cool though. Officers Pearson and Hill. I had just gone and sat down on this bench on the side of the library and attempted to get a hit of weed ready. Right when I was about to take the hit I saw a cop car pull up. I discreetly put my loaded fake cigarette in my left cargo pocket. One walked up to me and I told him I was waiting for the library to open. He asked me if I was a student and I said no, that they had public access terminals. He said he knew. Then he walked up to me and read my shirt. He asked me if I had any marijuana and I told him no, that I wished I did. That he was more than welcome to search me. He told me to put my hands over my head and spread my legs. At that moment I saw the jig was up and I told him I had a little weed. He asked me where and I told him my left cargo pocket. They took it. They could've taken me to jail, but they didn't. They were cool. They told me that I was very cooperative and that I was being a nice guy. They had me handcuffed and everything. So that's my sign to leave. I'm out of here.

12:34pm  I just walked to Fletcher and Bruce B. Downs. I'm going to walk to the transfer center. I'm going to see if I can score at Malena's one last time.

12:40pm  I'm going to go hit up Malena's.

12:41pm  They told me the manager was real busy right now, but if I came later she would probably be able to give me something.

1:01pm  James just gave me a five dollar bill! I just asked him for change for busfare. I appreciate it, brother. Check out my website. You'll be on there when I update it.

                   I went and stood in front of a gas station with my shirt. I had thirty five cents in my pocket. I found ten cents this morning and one of the cops dropped a quarter and before I left I asked him if I could have it. The only person I asked just gave me a five dollar bill! Sweet! So I've got busfare now. I'm going to go downtown to a bum-feed. I'm going to ask for a courtesy ride because I only have a five dollar bill. I'll get me a nickel sack, hehe. Oh yeah, at the gas station the Middle Eastern guy working hooked me up with a Ramen being ten cents short.

1:10pm  I came to the University Area Transfer Center(U.A.T.C.). I'm going to ask the #6 driver for a courtesy ride downtown.

1:12pm  The nice #6 driver is hooking me up with a ride downtown. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

1:13pm  Sweet, I asked the driver and he hooked me up. He was smiling the whole time. I logged his generosity and gave him my website. I'm going downtown and I didn't have to spend my five bucks. I'm gonna go find some marijuana.

2:12pm  I'm almost downtown on th #6. I'm waiting for this side to run out so I can flip it over and tape on the other side.

2:17pm  MTC. Oh yeah, today is Easter Sunday. I was directed to this bum-feed by the army surplus store. Argh, you gotta sit through the sermon before they feed you.
2:45pm  Freedom Baptist is over here feeding the homeless over by the army surplus store. We appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

3:09pm  Oh yeah, I ran into Deon, the friend I made the other day. He's showing me where there's a store where I can buy some cigarettes. There's a skatepark over here, cool.

5:18pm  I met up with my friend Deon and we walked to some grocery store that was open today where I bought some Buglers. We went over to some bar on Nebraska Street just asking people for four dollars worth of weed, with absolutely no luck. I need busfare, so I changed my mind about spending three dollars on weed. He only had one buck some lady gave him earlier.

                   I'm going to walk back to the MTC and catch the bus to Clearwater.

                   I've just been bouncing around. I misplaced Deon and walked downtown. It was dead so I went to the MTC and this other Puertorican dude I know hooked me up with half a joint. I walked back to the skatepark and met up with Deon again. He had a tiny bit of weed too. We combined our weed and rolled a joint and smoked it. This one black homeless dude walked up and he listened to my story hardcore, odyssey and all. At first I had tried telling my story to the skaters but they were way ignorant, as skaters usually are to my story. They were all, "You're just one person. You can't make a difference." If I would've noticed they were drinking beer I wouldn't have even approached them.

7:11pm  Kurt not only listened to my whole entire Odyssey...what did you think, Kurt? Kurt: "It was awesome." He hooked me up with a cigarette in the end.

7:41pm  I had yet another presentation with this guy as I was walking away from the skatepark. He listened to me, but I cut it short.

                   I have plenty of food from the bum-feed. I won't be hungry tonight. It's supposed to get cold tonight.

8:40pm  I walked downtown looking for people to tell my story to. Anyway, I walked to the church and there are no homebums anywhere. Maybe they banned this place. I'm still going to crash here though.

                   I have three bucks for busfare to Clearwater tomorrow. I'll go look for Chasity.

8:44pm  It's still kind of early so I'm not going to make my camp just yet. I'll sit down on the corner and hope somebody walks by so I can tell them my story.

                   Mack just walked up. He had left his sleeping bag there. He told me, "Don't camp here. The police ran everybody off three night's ago." He did tell me about some pavillion where other people crash nearby.

8:49pm  It turns out the pavillion he was talking about is at the skatepark I was at earlier today. I remember seeing homeless dudes there and was wondering if they were going to crash there. It seems to be the new spot now.

Next day..


    Tampa to Clearwater, FL

Monday March 24, 2008

5:06am  I woke up around four thirty at the skatepark. I'm going to walk to the MTC and use the bathroom and see when the first bus to Clearwater leaves.

5:36am  I walked over to the transit center and right when I came out of the bathroom the bus to Clearwater was out there. I'm on it right now. Skipping town.

6:00am  I am in Clearwater already.

6:04am  I got dropped off in front of Best Buy. The highway here is 19. I asked these Mexicans at the bus stop which way el centro was and they told me this way.

                   I am on Drew Street.
                   Whoa, I just walked under the highway and what do I see? St. Petersburg College! SPC. I'm going to look for the library. It's still a little early though.

6:15am  The library opens at seven thirty. I'm not even sure if they'll let me type here. I'm going to keep walking Drew Street towards downtown.

6:27am  I walked down Drew Street a little and the public library is here too!

6:29am  The public library opens at nine, that sucks. I'll just walk to a gas station and hang out there until seven thirty and then I'll go see if I can type at the college.

6:37am  I walked up Drew a little and I just got to a HESS gas station on Belcher.

6:55am  I walked to the gas station and smoked a cigarette and I'm going to walk back to the college. I'll wait over there.

                   I took off my hoodie and put my thermal on underneath, so my shirt is exposed.

7:10am  I made my way back to the Micheal M. Bennett library building.

7:26am  I had a good presentation with this black dude in front of the library here. I cut to the important part because the library is opening pretty soon. This other girl told me that you didn't have to be a student. You only had to sign in. That's awesome. I'm going to get some typing done.

8:55am  First break.

10:02am  Hell yeah, I'm having a badass time. I've got me another workstation! I'm going to do my typing and get caught up. They have Microsoft Publisher that lets me log onto my website. I can update my website here. Hell yeah.

1:59pm  I came out of the library. I'm done typing for today. I spent a longass time. I'm already on the thirteenth or fourteenth of March. Ten days ago. But, I thought I'd be able to add my pictures and update my website here. But, for some reason my website isn't working anymore. It says restricted, and I could've sworn it worked when I first got to the library. See, when I first got here I was able to sign onto IRC to check to see if I could spam. I was able to go into #wareznorth on Undernet and did my ad. I got kicked and evnetually G-lined. So fuck, I should never have done that. Dot5Hosting had already sent me a couple warnings for spamming. I don't know. I'm not going to stay here and type up my stuff if my website won't work here. It sucks. Anyway, I came outside and the wind-chill is real strong. I layered up. I've got a little tiny bit of food left. I don't know what to do. I'm kind of getting depressed. I need to get moving.

                   Love, help me out. I need to smoke some weed to get happy again.

2:21pm  I'm walking up Drew Street again. I walked by the public library to check if my website worked and it doesn't work there either! It says restricted also! What the fuck?! Hopefully my website didn't get shut down.

2:24pm  I talked to this other dude at the library and he told me there was a beach in town. Three miles this way.

2:46pm  I walked Drew Street to Saturn. I'm going to wait for the bus and see if I can get a courtesy ride.

3:16pm  I got tired of waiting for the bus so I started walking. All of a sudden this guy and his son pull up to me and ask me where I'm going. I told them I was on my way to save the world. That I was just walking around and to check out my website, that I was a journalist. I asked him if he was going that way. He was taking his son to a job interview. This dude warned me about the Scientologists downtown over by the beach. He told me to watch out for the Scientologists, that they would get me.

3:27pm  I was walking up Drew Street a little bit past the bus stop I stopped at. I was going to ask for a courtesy ride. Mark and Sean are being nice enough to give me a ride a little bit West. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

3:36pm  That dad and son gave me a ride like less than a mile. They were all brainwashed. They gave me a ride to Missouri Street, not that far. I tried to tell them my story. I got to the part where I ask them if they would work for free and the son said hell no, that you need money. Millions of brainwashed must open their eyes.

                   I'm walking and I see a sign pointing to Downtown Clearwater.

3:59pm  Passing Myrtle Street.

4:11pm  I walked down to the water. I'm going to walk over this big long bridge. I don't know where it goes, but fuck Clearwater so far. It's an ignorant ass town.

4:25pm  Coming up on the bridge.

4:35pm  Walked over the bridge.

4:52pm  I got to the beach and I ate a fruit pie I had. I'm going to go on this pier here. Pier 60.

                   Guy in sand

                   Screw that, it's fifty cents to go to the end of the pier. Everybody is staring at me.

5:10pm  The wind-chill is strong as hell.


5:30pm  I was standing there on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette and scanning people for listeners. I saw this cool-looking dude with tattoos on his arms and he agreed to listen to my story. I told him the important part. He let me take his picture, Zack. In the end he told me good luck.

                   I forgot to bum a cigarette off of him so I yelled Zack! He gave me three!

5:59pm  I walked to the Hess Gas Station. These two pretty girls walked outside and I am telling them my story. What were your names? Denise and Christine. Denise offered me a bite of her Subway sandwich and a piece of cookie. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

6:08pm  I came up to the Hess on Mandalay and those two girls, this gay couple. In the end they had to go but Denise volunteered me five bucks! Christine had just talked some guy at the gas station into getting them a motel room.

                   Me and Christine

                   Me and Denise

7:10pm  I got on the #80 bus. Thanks for the busfare, Denise.

                   I'm back downtown at the transit center. I saw a sign pointing to the main library. I'm going to check my website. I'm paranoid. I hope it's not shut down.

                   Ack, it didn't work here either. My site got shut down for spamming.

7:49pm  It's a sad day. My website got shut down. My bread and butter, my livelihood.

8:02pm  I just left the library. Dog-damnit, I'm so sad. I'm almost crying. My website is down. How am I supposed to work my magic without my website? I'm so stupid. I did one advertisement on IRC this morning and they shut me down. I was able to check my history on my VDeck control panel. Dude, they had just sent me one email about spamming telling me to be sure to remove a certain email from my list. I don't spam my stuff via email, so I totally disregarded it. God-damn. I totally don't know what I'm going to do now. I mean, I could get a new webhost, but that would cost money and I'm on the road and I don't have a phone. I'm considering going back to Panama City and see if I can stay at Kim's and use her phone and stuff. I am even thinking about going back to San Antonio. I'm really flipping out here. I wrote Dot5 a message at the library:

My site is down because I spam for peace. :[

Hello Dot5,
I am traveling and now on my legendary East Coast trip. I don't know if you are familiar with my site( It's totally non-profit. I ask for money NOWHERE on my site.
It took me awhile to finally read all the tickets I have in my history. I assumed you guys saw it as harmless as I intended it and that's why you never shut me down.
Well, today at St. Petersburg University in Clearwater, FL I "spammed" again. One ad: "World Peace Through Marijuana very interesting FREE non-fiction, enjoy, non-profit" and before I know it my site is offline.
Since when does it hurt to ask? It said "no permission." I quickly went to the public library and got the same message.
I am totally flipping out here. My website is my livelihood. The only email I have gotten from Dot5 was one telling me to take a certain name off of my "mailing list." I don't send emails advertising my site, so I disregarded it.
Please, please, please put my site back up. It's paid until August 08. Was that the straw that broke the camel's back? Is it too late?
All these people I am sharing my story with in person have no way of seeing the work I have done. Please tell me how to fix this problem. I am really desperate here.
What will happen with my domain name? I will try to call as soon as possible, but I don't have a phone. I won't ever set food on IRC ever again. Lesson learned. My site is in the best-interest of everyone. Please help me.

- Victor Antonio

Please contact me at

8:49pm  I walked Drew Road all the way back to Saturn, where I got that ride earlier. Jupiter Street. Man, I just realized that they're number is toll free and I can call them from any payphone. I'm going to go to a gas station and call.

9:13pm  I am here at the 7-11 on hold for technical support. I've been on hold for so long already.

                   Ticket number 4819461. Okay and if it's not on what do I do? Call back and be on hold for another hour?

10:38pm  After so long tech support answered and wrote me out a ticket and told me they would get my issue resolved in four to six hours. So I have a little hope. I'm going to go to the taqueria across the street and see if I can score me some food. Actually, I have a little food left in my bag. I'll hit them up in the morning when I come to call Dot5 again.

                   When I was at the college earlier I noticed that across the street there was a patch of woods. This whole time I've been thinking I'm going to stay on hold until they answer, even if it's until one in the morning and then hopefully go crash in those woods. I'm all stressed out about this. Let's see what happens. I'm going to hit up the taquerias in the morning because I still have a snack to eat before I go to bed.

                   Please Love, let them put my website back up. Please, please, please. I promise I won't ever step foot on IRC ever again.

10:56pm  Damnit, I left my water bottle on top of the payphone at the 7-11. I have to go back and get it now. I already walked like more than half a mile.

11:11pm  I went back and retrieved my bottle. It was right on the payphone where I left it. They didn't have any water on their fountain at the 7-11. I'll stop at every single store on the way back to my campspot.

11:20pm  I stopped in at Hungry Howie's Pizza and Subs and the guy inside was nice enough to refill my water for me. I had walked by them before I noticed my water bottle was missing and hit them up for mistakes. They told me no, that it's been dead. I'm going to walk to that patch of woods now. Ahh, it's so far away.

12:00am  I've made my camp already. The woods were a bit misconceiving because there's a creek that runs through it. I was able to climb down and hop the creek. There was a couple cement blocks I could step on. I climbed up the roots on the other side and made my camp in a little concealed area. It really was too perfect, considering the bad night I just had. I hope nobody wakes me up.

Next day..

Clearwater to Gulfport, FL

Tuesday March 25, 2008

     7:54am  I woke up at seven this morning. I found a badass campsite. It's so perfectly concealed right in the middle of Babylon. I'll take pictures. I got a full seven hours of sleep last night. I really hope that my webhost is nice to me. It seems like they like me because the guy last night read that note I had written and said, "You should be okay. You're non-profit." He said it should be fixed in four to six hours. If it does work I can totally do my typing at the school and catch up today. I also have tons of taquerias everywhere. Even a Puertorican restaurant. Hopefully I can get a lot of work done here.

     8:48am  All packed up and ready to go.

     8:53am  I'm on Drew Street already, on the sidewalk. There's a big sand parking lot with those woods behind it right across the street from the college. Perfect. I can get a lot of work done here. I really hope my website is up today. I am crossing my fingers. I really hope it's back up.

     9:11am  My website is back up!  Hooray!

     4:31pm  I am hereby caught up on my typing! I am making this entry off-tha-brain. This morning I ate a turkey sandwich I had left. My last food. Then when I got hungry around ten I had a protein shake. I'm really hungry now so I'm going to go hit up a taqueria. I want to figure out how I can make my HTML files with Microsoft Publisher here at the library. Maybe I can do it with straight HTML, sans editor. Earlier this cool black dude bummed a cigarette off me and I gave him my website. Maybe he'll smoke me out. Who knows. My stomach is grumbling now. I'm going to go eat. I'm caught up on my typing! Hooray! Wow, regular nine to five workday today.

     4:44pm  I forgot to check my email and the weather. I'm walking back to the library.

                   It's not supposed to rain until Sunday. And even Sunday it's only a thirty percent chance. The weather rocks in Florida. 

5:04pm  I stopped at the bus stop in front of the college and I took my thermal bottoms off. 

5:12pm  I paused again in front of the First Christian Church to take a top layer off. It's seventy three degrees right now. The weather report said the high would be at sixty seven. No one can predict the future!

5:16pm  Just got to Belcher. There's a taqueria. I might hit them up. 

5:19pm  I'm about to pass Belcher and I see a Taqueria Del Valle. Hopefully I will eat. 

5:20pm  The "manager is not there." The guy even tried to offer me water. I got water.

5:24pm  Gorditas del Don Huicho.

5:27pm  Saul en Don Huicho's me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, senor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias. 

                   Sweet, I scored on the second try. Now I'm going to walk this to the 7-11 and eat it and tell my story until the sun comes down. Then I'm going to crash out and have another day of typing tomorrow. I don't have any typing to do, I just have to try and update my site now. 

5:42pm  Man, I totally scored at that last taqueria. The guy gave me a heavy bag of tamales. Six tamales. I'll take a picture of them. 

                   Ha, right now this bible thumper taxi driver saw my shirt and tried to hand me something. I quickly denied him saying, "Nah, that's an old story. Let me give you something new." He was all, "I'll trade you." He actually listened to a lot of my story. 

6:37pm  I'm still over at the 7-11 close to Keene Road and Saturn. The same one I came to the other night. It was awesome. Right before that bible thumper took off in his cab this guy with his girlfriend yells, "I like your shirt!" I gave him my website.

6:38pm  These ignorant kids were walking and I scared them by offering my website. "What? You don't want world peace??"

6:54pm  I had no presentations at the 7-11. I gave out my website very little. I did give it out though. I'm going to walk back to the college and get on a computer. I'm bored. The library closes at nine. I'm going to go figure out how to update my website with this MS Publisher program. I wish I had Frontpage. I got my batteries charged at the library while I was typing. Eight hours straight. 

7:35pm  My camp is behind Joe DiMaggio Sports complex. Right across the street from the college. 

7:40pm  I'm at the library. 

8:53pm  I'm leaving. They're closing. It's cold. I should go to the bathroom and layer up first.

9:16pm  I walked up to the Hess gas station at Belcher. I'm going to hang out here and loiter for a while. I should go back to my camp, but I'm not that tired. Plus, I saw a white car in the sports complex parking lot. It's probably a cop, so I'll walk down there later. I was on the computer for a shitload of time today.

9:45pm  Some magic happened! After I got finished up at the library I walked up to the gas station at Belcher. I had gone to the 7-11 earlier and nobody talked to me there. I was just standing there exposing my shirt, exercising my freedoms and passing out my website and I met Crow. He's going to take me to some magic place. It's called The Blueberry Patch( He asked me if I had anything tying me down to Clearwater and I told him not at all. I just caught up on my typing and am free to go. We're going there after we stop for coffee. Let's see what happens. 

9:48pm  We came to PJ's Coffee House of New Orleans. I was actually in New Orleans not too long ago.

10:04pm  Crow has a message for everybody. Crow: "There are a few things that I want the world to find out. Chaos is going to come your a peaceful way. Save all your seeds in a nice little jelly jar hidden back in the back of the closet. When that day comes that you feel you need to take a ride, go out and release those seeds back into the nature where we all came from. Let's re-populate the planet with marijuana."

                     "The game we play is let's pretend and pretend that we are not pretending."

11:42pm  Man, I have been magically transported to this haven, this Shangri-La in Saint Petersburg. I cannot wait to take pictures in the morning. What's this place called again? Let's have some history on this place. The Blueberry Patch. It's been around for thirty years. Dallas Bohrer owns this place. It's an artist-retreat. The oldest surviving artist-retreat in Florida. It's so amazing. I cannot wait to take pictures in the morning. What was your name again? Brian. Can I take your picture?

                     Tiki God made by Brian Ottoson, filmed by Mike Stanley

                     Group picture with Joni.

12:58pm  I met William Mason Beck. Billy Beck. He's telling me about the law of attraction. Billy: "The law of attraction is that everything you think, everything you say and everything you do comes back to you. It's like Karma, but it also works in such an act that you can project out thoughts and have it come to you and manifest in reality. That's the law of attraction. And there's ways to train yourself to learn how to attract anything you want in your life. 

2:27am  Oh my Love, I can't believe where I landed tonight. I am still in shock. There are so many cool people here. 

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Wednesday March 26, 2008

     9:04am  I woke up early. I got five and a half hours of sleep last night. I went to bed around two or three. I cannot wait to take pictures of this place. The sun is up, hell yeah.

                   Frontgate to backyardmuralbackyard with blue beetleBrian's gardengarden againbackyardCadillacrandom picture1, random picture2random picture3random picture4random picture5random picture6random picture7random picture8peace tableSharevivalDallasrandom picture9seatspaintingrandom picture10random picture11random picture12random picture13random picture14random picture15Environmental Designersrandom picture16picture windowOliver and Dallasrandom picture17Blueberry HillRebrandom picture15                               


9:48am  I have to make an update. I was walking around The Blueberry Patch taking pictures everywhere. I could make a movie here. Finally some people woke up. I met Oliver and Mike Stanley. Mike is letting me check my email on his Apple laptop. Mike just hooked me up with a mushroom chocolate. Hell yeah, welcome to St. Pete, Victor.

                   He's smoking a brother out too, shweet.

10:09am  Mike is listening to my story. Mike: "Alcohol has the same chemical content as ether does, except ether doesn't have water in it. Every time you drink it's like taking a huff of ether, so eventually you pass out."

10:49am  I am having a good presentation with I forgot his name already, I think Mike. Right now I just accidentally walked into his house with dog shit on my boots. I really want to start cleaning here. There's a lot of dishes.

          , be sure to put a link on my website. Suggested by Billy Beck., "It's supposedly a higher Avatar consciousness written down on the internet trying to bring people closer that are looking to reach the highest form of god-thought which is nirvana. I really think the site has some really good foundation to it, but I'm not a hundred percent sure about the guy who wrote it. Nor where he is from. He wants people to study his books. He has them right there and all they are is expanding your consciousness and the ability to see light and love."

                    " is another one. That's the official website of the spiritual teacher Osho who's not on this physical plane anymore. He died in ninety two of natural causes. He was a mega-radical and totally trying to enlighten the minds of thousands and give birth to this new age of Zen Buddhism fused with spiritual living. Even Einstein said that Buddhism is the only way that this world is going to survive. The mind of a future man will be that of a Zen mind. Acceptance of all things in their natural course. That is the path of the Dow, the path of following the way that we give no resistance to nature. We provide no stress. That would be walking your path. There are many things that are not in accordance with nature right now. People aren't accepting anything and they wish to conquer all they can find. There's no need for it. We are wasting resources. We're wasting millions of dollars and more importantly billions of lives. It's much more important that lives are not seen as dollar signs any longer, but recognized as an actual living being with life and potential energy in it. That's not the respect we have for living life right now, anywhere. There are people that are being born into our culture and immediately assimilated into a technological databank that keeps track of them and their records. They are also wanting to chip people and everything like that. It's sickening, these RFID chips that are already in most people's passports. They're trying to put it in everything. I am glad that this is not a cellphone right now."

1:45pm  I had a great presentation out here at The Blueberry Patch. I'm talking to Barney. What were you going to say, Barney? Barney: "I was saying that I am working on another film right now, but you would be a great documentary because you have all your stories and I can see how the whole edit would go on the timeline. You could go from one story to the next. You also have to cut back and the audience would have to know you a little bit besides your story. I would be able to ask you about your past or see you in random interactions that are different." I do have a background-information story. "Okay, that would be part of it." I just think that maybe when I finish this film I'm working on, which is a fiction film, around the end of 2009. I'll look for you so if you're still doing this I would be very interested in talking to you."

1:58pm  Oh man, what a great reception I have had to St. Pete. This place is just magical. I can't wait to tell the owner of this place, Dallas my story. I've been telling my story like crazy here. I just told my story to a film-maker. Right now I'm going to walk into town and tell my story some more. I've got two bucks so I'm going to buy me something to eat. If I pass a taqueria I will hit them up, for sure.

2:01pm  I just came for a walk. I'm going to go tell my story to people. World peace through marijuana. I'm at Gulfport Avenue and 49th Street.

2:13pm  I just had this awesome presentation with this random black kid who was walking down the street. I'm walking to the McDonald's now. I gave him my website and took his picture. I'm all stoned. I am still in awe at the magic that happened last night. I've been delivered to this haven. They're letting me do my laundry so my uniform will be clean.

2:16pm  I was walking down the sidewalk and this older black woman told me, "You've got pretty legs."

2:21pm  I walked up to the McDonald's and I bought me two burgers. The cool cashier hooked me up, I didn't have the fourteen cents for tax. I've got my fuel for walking downtown today. I'm going to walk back to the Blueberry Patch today too.

                   I'm walking down 52nd Street South. Behind the closed down Winn-Dixie and the Wachovia bank.

                   Beach Boulevard

2:49pm  I walked up to this public area. Williams Pier. I'm in front of Maggie's Bar and Grill. All these people are outside watching me recording myself right now.

                   I had some badass reactions to my shirt at that bar. I gave my website out twice to people there. "Badass shirt." Hell yeah, sweet.

2:53pm  I found this beach area, public beach. I took a picture.

                   I'm in Gulfport, not Saint Pete.

3:06pm  I walked down Beach Boulevard. I'm at 29th Avenue right now.

                   I'm going to stop at the Food Mart and sit down and smoke a cigarette.

                   I used the restroom at the public library and just came out. There's an Altima outside with a bumper sticker that says, "The meek are getting ready." Hell yeah. I'm going to walk back to The Blueberry Patch.

                   I'm going to turn on 27th and zigzag back to 52nd Street.

3:18pm  I walked to 53rd and Gulfport Ave. I'm zigzagging.

                   I did the dishes earlier. I just jumped on them in the morning. I am honored to do the dishes here, really. This is a famous place. I was shown a badass video of the place too.

3:45pm  I made my way back. I'm kind of tired. I didn't get enough sleep last night. I only got five and a half hours.

                   I went back out and by the Subway here there's a Khan's Market. I walked in front of it and these black dudes were outside smoking a blunt. They saw my shirt and let me hit it and gave me the roach.

7:30pm  This sucks, I want to tell my story so bad. I'm all stoned. Oh, I met this beautiful girl Demi at the The Patch. I'm not sure of her nationality. Man, I have my work cut out for me on this coast. Right in the middle of my story she trailed off and started talking about caterpillarsThey seemed to be more important than world peace right then. It's really frustrating, so I'm going to go find someone to tell my story to. I just gave Demi my website. Alright, I'm going to go walk around some more. I don't have any weed on me so the cops can't tell me shit.

7:36pm  I'm going to go hit up Dominic's Pizzeria for mistakes.

                   It seemed to be a high-class sit-down pizza place. Not a chain restaurant or anything. I changed my mind.

7:46pm  I had a badass presentation with Mike, this dude who was sitting down. I walked by and hit him up for my story and he was all receptive to it. In the end he got a phone call so he had to go. I just took a right on 49th Street. I'm going to follow the sign pointing to the marina. I'm just going to go for a walk. It's cool that I got to tell my story, even though that beautiful girl Demi wouldn't listen to me.

8:01pm  I walked up to the marina and I took a picture.

8:26pm  I'm going to test all the restaurants here.

8:36pm  Mike at Subway is hooking me up in Gulfport. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

8:39pm  Hell yeah, I scored at the Subway. I called that shit. The first restaurant I asked. See, when I walked up to Subway this black dude outside started talking to me. He kept asking me if I was "straight" or if I wanted to buy some weed. I told him how my job doesn't pay me money, that I work for free. I couldn't get my story out to him, but I gave him my website. Then I went right inside and hit them up for free food and scored right in front of everybody. Proof. I'm going to walk back to The Blueberry Patch and show them my evidence too.

11:42pm  I never told you. I've got a workstation! Billy Beck has a laptop I can use! Guess what. It has Frontpage! I am going to be able to make my update! Pictures and everything. I am formatting text files right now. I am so happy right now. Everything happens for a reason!

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Thursday March 27, 2008

8:16am  I woke up around eight. I don't know how much I slept last night. I didn't set my watch before I crashed. I went to bed around twelve thirty or something.

9:25am  Man, it's been a great morning so far. I woke up and that movie-maker guy, I forgot his name, he asked me if I wanted to "roll" with him to get donuts. He told me, "I really would jump all over it(my documentary), but I'm doing something else." I told him whatever. I'm out here smoking a cigarette. I had me an apple fritter and another donut for breakfast. Hopefully, I can get smoked out and then I'll walk into Saint Pete today and make my presence known.

10:03am  Leaving The Blueberry Patch. I'm going to walk to Downtown Saint Pete today. I took a left on 49th and I'm going to walk to Central and turn right. I had a good morning this morning. Waked and baked. I should get smoked out by someone on my walk. I don't have any weed on me.

10:27am  I just got to Central Avenue, turning right.

10:39am  I was walking up Central. I just turned off of 49th. I walked all the way from The Blueberry Patch. I walked by these kids at a bus stop and this one girl yells, "Hey, I like your shirt!" I went over to them and started telling my story. They were smoking a blunt at the bus stop and I got smoked out again! I'm going to have a great walk into Saint Pete!

10:43am  In the end Crystal gave me a cigarette for my walk. I appreciate it. Can I take your picture?

                     Hell yeah, in the end one of the girls told me, "You made my day. I will never forget you. If that's what your mission is, how could I?" I gave her my website.

                     At the end of the money-part of my story when I say, "In the end we will just stop doing things we don't need to be..." After that ask, "Now doesn't that sound like a good idea?"

11:11am  I walked up to 31st Street and I see La Nueva Cabana. I'm going to see if they'll hook me up.

                     The pretty girl told me no. She told me that I was the third person who asked her today. Whatever. Thanks anyway. I gave her my website. I think she was Puertorican.

     11:21am  I just took a picture of downtown. I took a picture of the shopping strip here on Central. I am standing in front of Janet's Antiques. I'm going to keep walking.

11:23am  I crossed the street and spotted this Roman Gardens restaurant. I figured I would go hit them up. The worst they could do is tell me no. I saw this lady standing in the doorway and I asked her if she worked there. She smiles and tells me, "I own this place." I hit her up and she quickly told me to have a seat. Awesome. Welcome to St. Petersburg, Victor.

11:32am  It was Chef Paege who hooked me up.

11:49am  Chef Paege at Roman Gardens fed the peace machine! She's from Houston. I started telling her my story and when I said I was from San Antonio she took me over by the door and showed me a Texas sticker. I smiled and told her, "Get 'er done." She fueled me up for my walk downtown with a huge serving of spaghetti and meatballs. She told me, "There's not too many people walking for peace nowadays." I told her, "I am the chosen. I'm the one." She told me I could come back by anytime, hell yeah.

                     Downtown St. Pete

11:55am  I just took a picture of Jeremiah at Central and 22nd.

12:09pm  Just walked in front of the police station.

12:28pm  What was your name again? John March Collowell from North Carolina. I just took a picture of him.

12:40pm  I sat down at a bench at 100 Bay Central. I see a sign pointing to the Bay Walk. I'm going to follow that.

12:45pm  I am walking through downtown now. 1st Street E and 2nd Avenue N. I'll take a picture.

12:57pm  I'm getting back on Central.

                     I've given my website out like crazy on this walk. Everybody's eyes have been glued to my shirt.

                    Some church.

                     I took some pictures of myself at Central and 3rd.

1:11pm  I was walking down Central, doubling back and I thought I wanted a piece of gum. I stopped and fished some out of my backpack and this brother rode by me on a bike. He saw my shirt and said hello so I offered him my website. He stopped and turned around to come talk to me. He just now volunteered me more than half of his banana and poured me a cup of hot coffee from his Thermos. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man.

1:57pm  I had an awesome presentation with Tim. Whole Odyssey and everything. He offered me a ride back to Gulfport. Not on his bike.  He's got a car at home.  We're walking to his house now.

3:19pm  Tim and I had a good safety meeting on his back porch. He smoked this brother out and is giving me a ride back to Gulfport.

                    I was just delivered back to The Blueberry Patch. I wonder who's here.

3:58pm  No one was home, so I decided to go back to St. Pete's. It's still early. I got bored at the house so I came to the bus stop. I'm going to see if I can get a courtesy ride back downtown.

4:00pm  There's the bus. Let me try my luck.

4:01pm  The nice bus driver is giving me a courtesy ride. I appreciate it.

                    I totally wasn't expecting that. She said, "I guess you can get a ride."

4:23pm  I just randomly jumped off the bus at Pasadena and Central Avenue. I'm not sure which way is downtown. I'll just walk around, I don't know.

4:26pm  Hmm, I see a Little Caesar's. There's a sign pointing to Pasadena Business District. Maybe there'll be crowds there.

4:34pm  I am walking down Pasadena. I see a psychic place with an open sign. I'm going to go tell my story.

                   Psychic Pauline wouldn't listen to my story. She said she didn't have time. I gave her my website though.

5:09pm  I had gotten dropped off on Central and I walked Pasadena and it seems like Pasadena turned into Gulfport Avenue over by the Dunkin Donuts I came to this morning with that movie producer guy.

5:56pm  I walked all the way to 49th and Gulfport. I'm going to go hit up the Golden China. Let's see what they tell me.

5:58pm  They told me no at the Golden China. Oh well. "The manager's not here." I'm going to try Hong Kong next.

                    They told me no too. Oh well. Man, 
nobody wants world peace! I would hit up the Gulfport Family Restaurant, but there's a cop in the parking lot.

     6:15pm  I'm going to go back and hopefully they'll give me some food at The Blueberry Patch.

                    I've got my bed made in the back and I was looking for my recorder to make my last entry of the day. Nice Oliver came by and handed me a banana. I'll sleep great tonight. Thanks, Oliver. I don't know where he's from. He has a European accent. I was a little hungry and he brought me a banana. He read my mind. Good things are happening. This place is so beautiful.

Next day..

Gulfport to St. Petersburg and back, FL

Friday March 28, 2008

8:27am  I have to make an entry already. This morning when I woke up at The Blueberry Patch, Billy woke up. He's going to work and his friend Nikki came over. I didn't have time to finish my story with her last night. They're both going to work at some festival and they invited me to come work with them. Always glad to be of service.

8:48am  We came to the park where the festival is at. It turns out they didn't need my help and I had to take my shirt off, so forget it. I'm going to go walk around downtown Saint Pete and show my shirt off and tell my story.

9:29am  I just walked 1st Avenue to Central again like I did yesterday. I haven't eaten breakfast or told my story at all today. I've got my shirt on. Maybe I'll walk up to Roman Gardens and maybe Chef Paege will feed me breakfast. I don't know. It's still kind of early.

9:34am  I took a break in front of this spa on Central. I'm going to keep walking now.

9:54am  I gave the black dude at the B&J Cafe my line and he offered me water. Thanks anyway.

10:19am  I was walking around wondering where I was going to score breakfast. I walked in front of the Roman Garden who hooked me up yesterday, but I didn't see Chef Paege. I walked up Central some more and all of a sudden this old man sitting at a bus bench asks me if I wanted some hotdogs! Phillip hooked me up. I really appreciate it, bro. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. Everything happens for a reason. Thanks a lot. Everybody gets credit.

11:10am  The nice bus driver hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

11:29am  I got dropped off at the bus terminal not that far from when I got on. The 79 came, which is the bus I'm supposed to catch to go back to Gulfport. The driver was all scared to give me a free ride. He was all, "I'd do if it was my company, but I can't." I told him that's right, be afraid, be afraid.

11:48am  Joanne was nice enough to give me a hit of weed at the bus terminal. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

12:17pm  The nice 79 driver is hooking me up with a ride to Gulfport. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.
Ask and thou shall receive. The rules haven't changed.

12:28pm  I came back home, or I came back over to Gulfport. I got off by the Wachovia Bank and I'm going to walk to The Blueberry Patch. Billy said I could use his laptop today, so I'm going to do a lot of typing. More like formatting text files. I'll make my HTML files then proofread and add pictures.

12:30pm  It was cool at the transit center. That girl Joanne was beautiful. She had the most beautiful skin, legs too. She was sitting with her friend and told me she would listen to my story. At first I had seen her emptying a cigar and rolling a blunt. I walked up to them and asked them if they would smoke a brother out for the cause. Joanne's friend wasn't comfortable with me hitting it, so Joanne gave me a "shotgun." Alright, let me go inside and see if I can type.

12:32pm  I was hoping the laptop would be where I left it, but Billy put it in his room. I'm not going to go in his room and look for it. I'll wait until someone else wakes up and see if they have Billy's number. I'll call him and ask for permission.

11:47pm  I spent all day on the laptop. Right now Billy and Nikki got off of work at that festival and Theresa came over too. I'm going to work with them tomorrow so we are going to go over to Nikki and Theresa's place and crash there. Nikki and Theresa are roommates. I'll let you know what happens.

                     I had a great day of proofreading. I am almost ready to add all my pictures and make my update.

Next day..

Saint Petersburg to Gulfport, FL

Saturday March 29, 2008

     1:05pm  I woke up about ten minutes ago. I crashed out hard. Last night was awesome. I hung out with Nikki all night last night. She's a cute hippie with dreadlocks. I got to sit outside with her in her loveseat and just hold her. We talked about so much. I told her all my stories. We were going to work at six or seven in the morning, but I was tired. Nikki and I crashed out around five in the morning. Nobody was very sure that my help would be needed. Last time they called the boss he said I should just show up just in case, to check if they needed me, so I said forget it. Nikki and Billy left me sleeping at her house. I just woke up. There's a huge mountain of dirty dishes and I want to clean before I leave.

     3:07pm  I finished cleaning. I washed all of those dirty dishes and even cleaned the kitchen. Swept too. I don't know where this house is. Some suburb. I'm walking away now and I don't even see the address for the house. It's right next to 4027, to the left of it. Now I'm going to walk to this festival. I don't even know where that is. I'm all late.

                   I really liked that dready girl last night, Nikki. She's cute as hell, twenty years old.

     3:10pm  I'm walking to 5th Avenue and turning right. I still don't know where I am. If I see somebody I will ask for directions downtown.

     3:18pm  I walked to 36th Street. I'm going to go hit up the Subway.

                   Nevermind. There's a long line. I'm going to keep walking.

     3:29pm  Walking in front of the St. Petersburg High School.

     3:35pm  I came to the bus stop at 22nd and 5th Avenue. I found a whole cigarette on the ground. I'm going to smoke it.

     3:38pm  Leaving. I smoked that cigarette.

                   I stayed up all night talking with Nikki. She loved my stories. Her youth and energy kept me awake.

3:41pm  Walked underneath N I375.

                   I found a piece of paper on the ground that says, "Harmony or beauty of sound, pleasing effect on ear."

                   Another piece of paper from the same collection, I guess. "Implied or indirect reference to something assumed to be known by reader(like event)."

3:46pm  I turned right underneath the bridge. I'm on 4th Avenue now. 16th Street and 4th Avenue. I'm going to turn right on 16th. I hope there's a restaurant pretty soon. I'm hungry.

                   Turning on Central Avenue. I'm going to stop at the Roman Gardens and see about breakfast. It's not that far.

                   Ahh, maybe it is too far. I'm going to keep walking towards downtown. I'm not that hungry. Well, I 
am hungry, but I'll get some food somehow.

                   I cut through to the Greyhound Station. I'm walking on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. N Street now. I think the water is this way.

                   I zigzagged through some field and took a piss. I'm going to turn right on 4th Avenue N. I'm walking down 8th, I think.

4:20pm  Magic number. I'm coming up on the water finally. I've just been asking people to point me to the water. I don't know where the festival is. I see tents right here, so maybe that's it.

                   It's weird. I didn't even know where this place was and the random turns I took walking led me straight to it.

     4:25pm  Hmm, this isn't a festival. It's a big car show. Maybe this is it. I'm going to ask around for the smoothie stand.

                   I'm proudly sporting my shirt.

4:29pm  I'm walking around this car show. I don't think this is the right festival, but I'm still walking around looking for the smoothie stand. Some guy just walked up with a camera and said he liked my shirt and if he could film me. Document me, please, I told him. I gave him my website.

                   The Mercury Racing guys stopped me to take my picture too. Hell yeah.

4:50pm  DJ, at the hotdog stand here is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. I was hungry and I didn't know where I was going to eat.

                   I'm walking up Central now. I smoked a cigarette. I'm going to walk up to Roman Gardens and see if Chef Paege is working and she'll hook me up. I just had a hotdog, but I'm still hungry.

5:15pm  Passing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street again.

5:22pm  Mike, who's barbequing in front of Ferg's Bar and Grill is hooking me up with some rice. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

                   Sweet, see, I had seen that guy barbequing when I was walking downtown earlier. When I was getting close to Ferg's again I remembered the pit and crossed the street so I could walk by him. Right when I walked up to him he asked me, "What's going on, brother?" I said hello and asked him if he could hook me up for the cause, look at my shirt. He quickly gave me some rice. I'm going to sit down and eat it.

                   Whoa, that's more than just rice. It's got chicken in it too. Yummy. I took a picture of it.

5:29pm  I sat down on a bench in front of the big dome and I'm going to keep walking. I'm still going to stop at the Roman Gardens, but just to get water. It's some damn good chicken and rice. I only ate a third of it. I'll save the rest for later.

5:49pm  I stopped at Roman Gardens and saw my friend Paege. I went inside and asked her if I could get some water and she said "The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them."

                   I went inside and saw my friend Paege. I asked her if I could get some water and she said sure Victor, help yourself. I ended up helping her move these big fifty pound metal drink cylinders. No problem, always glad to be of service, I told her. I told her, "I would've hit you up for free food, but I just got hooked up at Ferg's."

                   Paege totally remembered my name. When I walked in she was all, "Hey, how's it going, Victor?"

5:53pm  I went out and smoked a cigarette and now I'm leaving. I'm going to walk to the bus terminal and see if I can get a courtesy ride to Gulfport.

6:07pm  I didn't tell you I already got to the terminal and I'm waiting for the bus, the 79. Please love, grant me a courtesy ride.

6:15pm  The greedy ass driving the 79 won't give me a ride. Nobody wants world peace! Like I say, I will walk it if I have to.

6:24pm  I walked Central all the way to 36th Street. I'm going to zigzag over to Gulfport. I think it's to the left.

6:33pm  4301 whatever street this is. This black dude outside the house saw my shirt and complimented me on it. He showed me his little plants he has growing outside. I asked him if he would smoke a brother out for the cause, but he said he didn't have any dry. I gave him my website.

                   Walking down 5th Avenue S passing 44th Street. Five more blocks to 49th.

6:45pm  Turning left on 49th.

7:04pm  Coming up on the Wachovia. Hell yeah, I am almost there. I had another long day at the office today. I told the bus driver that I would walk it if I had to. I sure as hell did.


Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Sunday March 30, 2008

11:13am  I had a good morning. I was on the computer all night and I crashed out on the reclining chair I sit on to type. I had some weed to smoke. This morning Brian brought me some fruit and told me it was from Dee, to come say hi to her when I got the chance. I did and we are all smoking a joint and I'm all happy at the Blueberry Patch here. Thank you Dee, I appreciate it. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

11:32am  I'm talking to Dallas, the owner and I got to tell him my story finally. Right now he's telling me about some castle. What's it called? Solomon's Castle. Dallas: "This really renown sculptor from Jamaica came there and built this castle. It draws hundreds of people." Where is it located? "Right down the middle of Florida near a town called Arcadia. He has his own town with his boat in the moat." I want to go tell him my story. "Yeah, I've got a brochure of his I'll go get."

                     Hell yeah, this place is like heaven, man. That's what Oliver was telling me and he's right. This is as close as we're going to get. I kind of want to stay here. I won't. I am almost ready to update my site.

12:13pm  I have hereby finished adding all of my pictures. I'm going to do one more proofread. Man, I am only updating like two months, so it shouldn't take too long. I'm going to proofread and throw that shit up.

11:03pm  I should make an update already. I spent all day on the computer today. I caught up! Well, not that I caught up, but I updated my website is what I did. I have it current to March 25th, five days ago. I left it off in Clearwater. It's updated and ready to go and going. I am so grateful I was able to have the resources to do this in this little Eden that magically came into my path. On the East Coast, of all places. My work is basically done, but I still want to hang out at the Blueberry Patch here until Tuesday, two days from now. They're having one of their events, like they have every week but I missed the last one. I'll take tons of pictures and tell my story plenty. I can't wait. I've had such an awesome time here. I feel so accepted. So I spent all day on the computer again and added all my pictures and posted it all.


                     Oh yeah and last night I watched this movie my dad Frank sent me called 2012 Enigma. It's an hour and a half and pretty interesting. After the first ten minutes of the movie I already had a link to it on my website. It's a pretty current thing too, dated March 10, 2008.

12:03am  I'm about ready to crash, but I'm not going to camp outside. I'm just going to lean back in the recliner again. I'm going to leave the house tomorrow and try and walk all day. I can't believe my webpage is already updated. That's awesome.

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Monday March 31, 2008

10:03am  I don't know how much I slept last night. I didn't set my watch. I think I went to bed around midnight but soon after Billy Beck and Nikki woke me up and smoked me out. I went back to bed though. I'm going to go walk around today.

11:04am  I am leaving The Blueberry Patch. I am totally free today. I'm not bringing any bags. I even have a new walking stick that Nikki and Billy got me last night when they woke me up. It's real light. I should take a picture of it. I'm going out without my backpack too. My shirt is all exposed. WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA.

                     I'm going to go hit up the Gulfport Family Restaurant for breakfast.

11:07am  The greedy asses at the Gulfport Family Restaurant told me no. This old white lady shook her head the whole time. I told her it's okay. That I was just testing her. Everybody gets credit. I walked out talking into my tape recorder. Let me take a picture of the sign outside.

11:19am  The nice bus driver gave me a ride on the 23. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

11:20am  Hell yeah, I got me a courtesy ride. I went and hit up the restaurant. They told me no off the bat. They all shook their heads right when I walked in. Hehe, I'm wearing my shirt all loud, WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA! I don't have my backpack on so it's totally clearly visible. I left the place and wondered if I could get a courtesy ride to downtown Saint Pete, since I didn't get any food. I saw the bus coming and I flagged it down. He motioned me to run to the bus stop around the corner. I got on and asked for a courtesy ride and I hit him up. He asked me, "You don't have any money?" I told him that my job didn't pay 11 money, that I worked for free. That I was a volunteer, a journalist. He let me on. See, the bus said Tyrone Mall on it so when he asked me where I was going I said to the mall. He told me I had to catch a different bus. I insisted and told him, "I don't care. If you don't plan things you don't get let down. I'm free." He hooked me up with a ride. Perfect, man. Let's see where I go today.

11:23am  I impulsively got off the bus not that far from where I was at. I'm going to go hit up some restaurants and try and get some breakfast. There's a KFC over there. There's a Lake View Shopping Center.

11:27am  I changed my mind about Church's. They didn't have too much chicken made. Then I saw a Taste of the Islands Restaurant. I'm going to go hit them up. In Spanish, if I can.

11:32am  Courtney and the nice people here at Taste of the Islands are hooking me up. I really appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

11:33am  Hell yeah, I got the hookup! It's a Jamaican restaurant. They hooked me up rowdy. I went outside and took a picture of it. I'm going to walk a lot today.

11:43am  I started eating it outside, but it was so good I went back inside and sat down. Jamaican food is divine. I'm going to take a picture of this place.

11:50am  Crossing 18th Avenue S.

11:58am  Man, I was wanting a cigarette so bad. I'm walking down 34th and I found one! A whole cigarette. Thank you, Love. Presto-manifesto. I'm going to keep walking on 34th though. I'm passing 11th pretty soon.

12:05pm  I stopped at the bus stop a little after 11th for a smokebreak. After-meal smoke. I'm going to keep walking now.

12:13pm  The nice bus driver is giving me a courtesy ride.

12:14pm  Man, I wasn't even waiting for the bus. I had seen this seagull in the middle of the street and he got run over by a car, but was still flapping around. I saw another car run over and him, but yet he still kept flapping around and trying to walk away. I ran out in the middle of traffic and rescued him. So when the bus pulled up, she overshot the stop and waited while I ran up to her. I got on and told her, "I just saved a bird from getting run over. Can I please get a courtesy ride?" She smiled and let me on. Hell yeah. I don't know where I'm going.

12:17pm  I just got dropped off at the Central Street Terminal. Hell yeah, courtesy ride. Hehe, everybody's looking at my shirt. I'm walking downtown from here.

12:28pm  I'm walking down Central and Martin hooks me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

12:49pm  I had a damn good presentation with Martin. I told him the Note From the Rich and everything. He hooked me up with like four cigarettes in the end. I appreciate it, brother.

1:03pm  I was just walking down Central and Walter just hooked me up with a nugget. I really appreciate it, brother. You made my day.

                   That was some awesome magic that just occurred. I was just walking on the sidewalk and this guy saw my shirt and just hooked me up! He saw my shirt and commented and showed me his sack. Of course me, "Smoke a brother out? For the cause?" He gave me a good nugget, like a joint's worth. I needed to find a place to roll it and I walked a little more and ended up at this perfect little garden. I'll take pictures. I came here and sat on a bench and picked out the stems and seeds and rolled a joint. I'm going to smoke it here too. Oh yeah, and right before then this black lady pushing a stroller stopped and talked to me. She was wearing a red shirt that said GOA. She gave me a hug in the end. She totally loved me. I gave her my website and told her I love you, sister. She thinks I'm beautiful. She said she would sign my guestbook.

1:32pm  I smoked half of that joint. I'm all stoned walking around downtown Saint Pete. I am totally free today. No bags or nothing. Me, my new walking stick and my water bottle. That's all I got. That's all I need. I am really loving this trip. Florida is so much fun.

                    I love my shirt. I love you, Ezrah. Thank you so much.

                    Some guy

                    Damnit, I forgot to take pictures of that little garden I stopped at. I'm all stoned. That's why, hehe.

1:41pm  I'm walking down Central right now. I walked by and noticed this homeless dude sitting on a bench. He asked me for a cigarette and all of a sudden this old dude sitting in front of some store started yelling at the homeless dude, "You know you can't panhandle here!" I took that as my cue and yelled back at him, "Since when does it hurt to ask?! Ask and thou shall receive. The rules haven't changed." The old man mumbled, "Well, they did." I am recording myself in front of him now. Thanks for making my story so interesting, grandpa. Ha! Since when does it hurt to ask? It's all about freedom and personal liberty. If he doesn't fuck with you, don't fuck with him.

1:47pm  Heather hooked me up with a cigarette at Third and Central. I appreciate it, Heather. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    Sweet, I found Williams Park. A lot of buses stop here. There's tons of people in the park I can hit up for my story. Mostly homeless people sitting on park benches and stuff.

2:01pm  I found this cool park and these two brothers saw my shirt and are smoking me out. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. It's a good cause.

                    It's so cool, because the sun is out and it's all hot, but it's drizzling at the same time.

2:17pm  It was Adam I just had a great presentation with.

2:21pm  I came to Williams Park and Amber saw my shirt and immediately volunteered me a cookie. She said, "I like your shirt." I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                   Random downtown shot

2:56pm  I walked along the water to North Straub Park. I took a picture. I'm going to walk through it.

3:51pm  I had such an awesome, superb presentation with these kids, Adam and his friends. I took their picture in the park. It was weird, I was just randomly walking around letting people react to my shirt.

4:01pm  I was walking down I don't remember what street. I saw this lady walking pulling some luggage. It really seemed like she needed help. She was all breathing heavy and stuff. I immediately offered my assistance and she agreed. I asked her, "Can I help you? I am always glad to be of service." I brought her stuff closeby in front of this building. She ended up handing me a wad of cash. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit. Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps. I accept donations, I just don't expect them. I love surprises.

                    Yeah, score! I totally wasn't expecting money. Sweet, I got paid. She gave me eleven dollars, hell yeah.

                    It's 5th Avenue I'm walking up. Fifth Avenue before First Street.

4:10pm  This bus driver who just pulled up while I was walking is hooking me up with a ride.

4:11pm  I just got delivered back to the park.

4:38pm  Right now this guy just pulled up to the stoplight. He asked me about my shirt and I gave him my website. I offered to tell him my story and he pulled over and listened to it. I am having a great day. Very productive.

                    Liz with the dreadlocks and Leslie is her friend. I took their picture. They listened to my story in front of The Kitchen.

                    I have had such a damn good productive day. This is a magic shirt. I'm going to get shot, hehe.

5:08pm  I am walking up Central and Josh just hooked me up with a cigarette. He liked my shirt. 

                   I forgot who they were, but they listened to my story.

5:50pm  It started sprinkling so I sat down and smoked a bowl. With the stuff I got hooked up with this morning I was able to roll a joint in that wooded garden area where I came before. Serenity Garden. Those kids I had a great presentation with told me they'd see me tomorrow at The Blueberry Patch. It's a big event there. It's Patch Night. Oh yeah, they had hooked me up with a pipe. The kids I told my story to at Straub Park. I have a replacement for Brian's glass pipe that got broke last night. I harvested all the resin from the broken one. Nikki had dropped it accidentally and it shattered. I have some money too. I stopped at the store and bought me a pouch of tobacco and some snacks for like four dollars total, or something. I have enough money. I need to buy me some razors so I can shave for Patch Night tomorrow. Hell yeah. I'm excited. My mission is evolving. It's going to happen soon.

                   Pictures of me

6:17pm  I am going to go hit up La Nueva Cabana. I'll go talk Spanish to them.

6:18pm  Umm, I had been here before. I had totally forgotten. The girl inside told me, "You've been here before. You gave me a little piece of paper." I felt stupid.

6:43pm  I just got off the bus at 49th Street and 15th Avenue. I rode the #5 bus.

7:11pm  I just now got back to The Blueberry Patch.

11:23pm  I have secured my campsite for the night. Behind these benches at the stage. I'll take a picture in the morning.

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Tuesday April 1, 2008

     6:20am  I just woke up. I got seven hours of sleep.

     6:59am  I just checked my email and my twin sister Laura is getting married and pregnant with another kid. Oh my gosh.

     3:50pm  I had another productive stint of typing. I didn't log yesterday and that's it. I haven't typed that up. Tonight is the big party at The Blueberry Patch. I am thinking about heading out afterwards. Like the next day or something. We'll see what happens from there. I have had such a great time at The Blueberry Patch. It's like heaven. On the East Coast. I almost can't believe it. This is right where I needed to go.

                   Mike's Cadillac

                   Dave-O just recommended something I can't understand on my recording. Sounds like "Brader 11, your something at work."

7:35pm  I'm going to take a break. I'm still typing up yesterday. It was a pretty exciting day. Umm, I'm on 35 right now, so I have to go back to 0 on the tape counter. Because I am typing up stuff from the same tape I am recording. I have to be sure to remember to go back. I'm a little hot inside the house. The party is starting up, I guess. I'm going to go outside and smoke a cigarette.

9:55pm  I made a new friend. Echo was nice enough to feed the peace machine at tonight's party. I appreciate it, Echo. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Echo lives nearby and her mom cooked me a big plate of food and she brought it over.

11:22pm  I've had an interesting night so far. There are a lot of people here at this party. I actually got to tell my story up on stage. Before it got dark, so I didn't have too big of an audience since not that many people had shown up yet. More people were listening in the back, so it was more than these two people. I really shouldn't have told them my whole story. I shouldn't have gone into the Odyssey on stage. I should've just told them the important part and the two favors. Then jump into the note from the rich, hehe.

                   Cute girl

                   Me and I forget her name


                   Tonight I met this pretty hippie girl named Echo. She showed me a van I can crash in, if need be. Maybe I'll stick around.

                   What did you want me to remember, Echo? Echo: "Ron Bubsby Dream Theater Sedona Arizona. Tell them you know Echo. And Ron, take care of him, brother. He's The One."

1:42am  I haven't been updating that much at all. The party started up around six or seven. All these people showed up. I didn't take pictures because it was too dark outside. It was a big bash. There were people spinning hula hoops of fire and stuff. Still early I got to tell my story on stage. It was mainly these two kids sitting up front. They heard the whole thing. There were some more people in the background listening to me. Mike Stanley actually sat and listened, even though he had already heard my story when I first got to The Patch. It was an alright night. I didn't get to tell my story that much. It was a party with lots of alcohol.

                   Oh yeah, I met Echo, this pretty hippie girl. She's crazy too. She showed me her van I could crash in if I ever needed to. It's like a couple blocks away on the other side of the Winn-Dixie. Oh yeah, Echo took me over to her house. She got me to tell her mom my story. Her mom was an old hippie. They gave me food and stuff. I kind of feel like it's time for me to leave already. I've been here for about ten days. I might get out of here tomorrow. I don't know. Let's see what happens.

Next day..


Gulfport, FL

Wednesday April 2, 2008

5:09pm  I haven't done shit all day. I've just been hanging out at the house smoking weed. Actually, I was able to do some stuff on the computer. I got on IRC and was able to download Office 2003, which has Frontpage on it. I put it on my 1gb hard drive so I can always just install it when I need it.

                   Me and Billy Beck walked over to Echo's house. We were bored so we went for a walk around the hood. Over here by York Street.

6:22pm  I just had an awesome presentation with this girl Heaven. She was walking down the street. I was walking with Billy and I saw this cute girl walking. I told Billy I was going to go hit her up for my story. She agreed to listen to it, but the next time I asked her if I could keep going she said she had to go. She was all smiles and nods and agreement. It was awesome. Her name was Heaven.

                   Pretty Chaya

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Thursday April 3, 2008

9:14am  Let's see, I woke up around nine this morning. I forgot to set my watch before I went to bed. This drunk annoying guy named was here last night. I don't remember his name, but he wouldn't listen to my story at all. He wouldn't shut the hell up. Even after people were trying to get to sleep he stayed up talking to himself. He got on all of our nerves. Hmm, I'm going to get out of here today. I'm going to go talk to a lawyer. That's what I'm going to do. Let me get motavated and go talk to a lawyer about trademarking my shirt. I got a couple addresses off the Internet.

                     I'm walking down 49th Street aiming for Central. 535 Central. The lawyer's office.

10:09am  I am walking down 49th and at the stop sign this black guy told me, "Hey man, I like your shirt." I offered him my website. "Check it out, it's free. It's not religious, I promise. They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing." He said, "For sho."

10:18am  I walked down 49th and turned right on 6th Street.

10:37am  I stopped at the bus stop right before 34th. I'm waiting to see if the bus will give me a courtesy ride. I'm smoking a cigarette. If the bus doesn't come before I finish smoking then I'll keep walking.

10:41am  I am done smoking and the bus hasn't come. I'm going to keep walking.

10:48am  I walked 34th all the way to Central. I'm going to walk to the bus terminal. Maybe I can get hooked up at the Roman Gardens for breakfast. I haven't eaten today.

10:51am  I'm going to go hit up Popeye's.

                     Forget it. The line is too long.

10:52am  What do you know, I'm already over here by the bus terminal. I'm going to try and score a courtesy ride to the 500 block.

10:56am  The greedy ass driver wouldn't give me a ride.

                     I'm going to go hit up Roman Gardens and see if Chef Paege is there.

                     Chef Paege is hooking me up again, awesome! Spaghetti and meatballs again.


                     I went to this other address about a lawyer and left a note with my email address.

12:27pm  Wendy is out here giving samples in front Old School Bakeshop. She listened to my story and gave me a cigarette in the end. I appreciate it, Wendy. You'll be on there when I update it.

1:21pm  I have to make an update. I was standing in front of the Blimpies smoking and what was your name again, bro? Brad came by and I offered him my website. He liked my shirt. He walked back up to me and offered to get me some food! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   The greedy ass bus driver wouldn't give me a ride.

                   Screw that place. They want a hundred and fifty dollars for just a consultation.

2:13pm  I never told you. I walked around downtown. I saw some water so I went over to this lake. Now I'm on Martin Luther King, Jr. Street. I don't know where I am. I'm waiting for a bus, I guess. The first guy told me no already.

2:21pm  Here comes the bus. I'm going to try my luck.

                   Man, nobody wants world peace.

                   I walked all the way back to Central. That sucks, I hate doubling back. I'm going to keep walking now, towards The Blueberry Patch. I'm going to skip town tomorrow morning.

4:27pm  I just walked all the way back to the Central bus terminal. Let me see if I can get a courtesy ride.
                   The greedy ass driving the 76 won't let me on.

                   The next greedy ass wouldn't let me on either.

5:10pm  The generous driver driving the 15 is giving me a ride to Gulfport. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

5:12pm  Third time's a charm. I got mobilized on my third try. He who knocks persistently ends by entering.

                   Just got dropped off at 49th Street and 15 Ave S. I'm going to walk to The Patch. It's not that far.

5:33pm  I went over to Echo's house and she wasn't home again. I'm going to walk to The Patch and take a shower. I'm going to leave in the morning, I think.

5:37pm  Back at The Patch.

9:56pm  I should make an update already. I think I just made a really big mistake. I searched Google for how to trademark or something. Stupid me, I clicked on this and it walks you through all these steps and I had to put in all my information. At first it said it was free, so I went through all the steps and it ended up being like five hundred dollars. Screw that. So I think I just got scammed. I talked to beautiful Demi and she said I should do a poor-man's patent and just mail it to myself. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. I need to round up some spare change to get a picture of me wearing my shirt printed out at Walgreen's. Then just mail that to myself. First thing tomorrow. I can't believe I did that shit. I'm stupid.

                   Oh yeah, I might have a ride to Miami in a couple days. Mike Stanley's friend Mike, he lives in Miami and is going to be driving there pretty soon. I'm getting a ride to Miami, hell yeah.

2:14pm  I just got dropped off downtown. Mike dropped me off. I'm going to get a ride to Miami soon! I can't wait. I just got dropped off downtown and there's all these noisy race cars. Hopefully there's a big crowd. I need to make an appearance. I am wearing my backup World Peace Through Marijuana shirt, the one with no space between world and peace.

2:35pm  I had a great time walking around downtown passing out my website. Right now some guy Josh saw me and asked me if I was still walking around. He shook my hand. Recognized, hell yeah. I'm everywhere.

2:54pm  I was walking down Central and I walked by Patrick and Lilly, they liked my shirt and I told them my story at the table they're sitting at. I took their picture. You guys will be on there when I update it. What did you guys think? Patrick: "Bro, you have the greatest story ever. Your cause is so righteous. Don't you ever stop."

3:07pm  I talked to Brett on 4th and Central Avenue. I gave him my website. I took his picture. You'll be on there when I update it.

                   I just talked to this beautiful girl. She was just standing there at the stoplight waiting for it to turn green. I hit her up for my story but she said she had to go. I offered her my website and she said, "Perfect." That got her attention and she stayed and listened. I took her picture. Her name is Brenda(I think). Good presentation. When I hit her up I said, "It's not religious, I promise." She said as long as it's not religious.

3:09pm  Joe just hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus stop at Third Street and Central. I appreciate it, Joe. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

3:11pm  I just tried to give this couple my website. The guy was wearing a REVOLUTION shirt. I walked up to them and told the guy, "Since you're wearing that shirt, check out my website." He got scared and said, "No thanks, no thanks." I yelled, "Man, nobody wants world peace!" He was all, "It'll never happen." People don't see the world as it is, but as they are.

3:34pm  I was walking up Central again and I walked by that garden I stopped at that one time when I had forgotten to take a picture. It's right next to the Agnis Godfrey and Tony's Auto Service. In between those two.

                   A Serenity Garden. I'm going to take a picture of it.

3:46pm  I took a picture of some sidewalk chalk art. It says Become Your Dream Love is the Light of Life. It's in front of Interior Motives Incorporated.

3:59pm  I walked all the way to Roman Gardens about ten minutes ago. It's closed. It opens at five. I wanted to go in there and say bye to Paege since I'm leaving. Maybe she'll hook me up. I don't know. I'll get my water bottle refilled at least. I came up close to the Cigar Box. I'm going to see if I can tell somebody my story in there.

4:07pm  I'm just hanging out. The Roman Gardens isn't open yet. Allan, he's seen me walking around town. I came to the skateshop here and started telling all these girls inside my story. I cut it short and gave them my website. Allan just volunteered me a drink. I appreciate it.

4:26pm  I am still standing out here waiting for the Roman Gardens to open. Mike walked out of one of these offices and I hit him up for my story and he listened to a lot of it. He said he wants to give me something. He gave me a silver dollar.

4:36pm  Kim was nice enough to give me a cigarette in front of Café Dolce. I appreciate it, Kim. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

4:41pm  I'm going to go hit up Grillie's BBQ.

                   This black dude inside told me, "I would if it was my store, but the manager is not here. I told him thanks anyway, check out my website though. He gladly accepted it. I told him they didn't call them peace pipes for nothing. He laughed.

4:57pm  I had a good time right there on that strip in front of the stores. I talked with Allan, the guy with longass dreadlocks. I took his picture. Then I had a great presentation with Mike. He was an older dude. He liked my story a lot. They told me Paege doesn't come in for about an hour. I don't know if I'm going to wait that or not.

5:13pm  I walked to the bus terminal about ten minutes ago.

5:16pm  Some girl gave me a cigarette but she didn't want to tell my her name.

5:35pm  The nice #15 driver is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   Ask and thou shall receive. Some rules never change.

5:45pm  That bus driver liked me a lot! He was saying, "Good journeys, take care of yourself."

                   I would've walked it, but I didn't get hooked up at the Roman Gardens.

12:40am  I am spending my last night here at The Blueberry Patch. I am leaving tomorrow morning going to Miami. I have had such a magical time here. Billy Beck was great and everybody else. I felt so accepted. It was perfect.

                     Cool hat Brian painted

Next day..


Gulfport to Miami, FL

Friday April 4, 2008

9:24am  It's about time I made an entry this morning. I got 7.26 hours of sleep. Me and Mike, not Mike that lives here, but his friend Mike, he's giving me a ride to Miami today. I haven't eaten breakfast yet.

                   Oh yeah, Billy Beck gave me another Carlos Castaneda book this morning. The Eagle's Gift. It's like the fifth one in the Don Juan series. I'm reading them all out of order. The Teachings of Don Juan is the first one. A Separate Reality was the second one. Journey to Ixtlan was the third one. Then another one I don't remember the name and The Eagle's Gift is the fifth one. I want to read them all.

10:17am  Echo has something to say. Echo: "Okay, Riverside Hotel. Michael Broderick, 954-261-4642. Say you're a friend of Echo's and see if he has a safe place for you to sleep. At least he'll feed you. Tell him Echo said to feed you. Michael Broderick owes me one."

                     Ready to go

11:50am  Mike and Mike invited me over to the Gulfport Family Restaurant for breakfast. Thanks, guys. These people didn't like me last time I was here.

1:07pm  At long last we are off.

1:12pm  We came to the Exxon right here on 22nd Avenue and 49th Street. Mike is gassing up for our trip to Miami. Bye-bye, Gulfport. What a great ride Florida has been this whole time.

2:03pm  We just stopped at some rest area off of 75. Way off of 75. It's a really inconvenient rest area. We're not far from Naples.

                    Umm, I kind of regret passing up so much ground and not visiting the towns in between here and Miami. Screw it, I'm going to Miami today. I can go to those other places some other time.

4:59pm  We are coming into MiamiShot taken out of car.

5:03pm  I just got dropped off in Downtown Miami at this bus terminal. Mike hooked me up with a twenty dollar bill, hell yeah.

5:12pm  I am walking down Highway 1/Biscayne Boulevard. I'm walking towards the tall buildings. I didn't try for a courtesy ride at the bus stop. Screw it, I'm going to walk. I've been sitting in the car all day long. Like four or five hours. I need to walk.

5:18pm  I stopped at Biscayne Boulevard and 10th Street and I took a picture of downtown. I see a BP gas station across the street. I'm going to go buy me some cigarettes. Another picture.

                   No Buglers at the BP. I'm going to keep going.

                   Torch of Friendship

5:33pm  I bought a small hotdog for two dollars at a hotdog stand. I'm going to keep walking now.

5:54pm  I came to the bus stop in front of El Pollo Tropical. I'm going to ride the bus to the beach.

6:09pm  What was your name? Tony hooked me up with a cigarette in Downtown Miami. I appreciate it, brother.

6:20pm  Shit, I left my Carlos Castaneda book in Mike's car. That sucks.

6:29pm  The C bus came and the driver let me on twenty cents short. She said, "Don't worry about it." I didn't even have to ask.

6:56pm  I got off the bus at 5th Street and Washington. I saw a CVS pharmacy and they sell Buglers there. I'm going to go buy some cigarettes.

7:39pm  Dude, I just rode the bus to Miami Beach and got off at the CVS to buy cigarettes. I went outside and smoked one and then kept walking. All of a sudden I hear this girl cry out, "Victor!" I actually ran into somebody I knew in South Miami Beach! What a small world. It was Jenn, this thirty seven year old girl I met the first night I landed at the Blueberry Patch. She's here with some dude named Will. They have a hotel room and we're going to go chill out there. How awesome.

                   I called Mike Stanley up and asked him to give me the other Mike's number.

8:14pm  Hell yeah, I am already having fun. I was just riding the bus and I randomly got off. Well, I saw the CVS and knew they sold Buglers there. After that I ran into somebody I knew! At first I didn't recognize Jenn because I had met so many people at The Blueberry Patch. They invited me over to their hotel room. Oh yeah, Jenn had already made friends with this homeless dude with a rat. I'll get a picture of it. I'm in the hotel room now and I'm waiting for them to come back so I can tell my story. Welcome to Miami, Victor.

8:20pm  I just researched Mike's phone number and I have to call him about my book. Right in the middle of my researching Jenn's friend Will up and hooks me up with ten bucks! I appreciate it, brother. I'm going to go buy some food at the Burger King now.

                   Vanessa in front of Hops hooked me up with some free food. I appreciate it, Vanessa. Some salad.

8:52pm  I'm just walking around trying to find this guy. See, coming out of the hotel Jenn saw me and told me she had found somebody to get weed for me. She told me to walk 17th to Washington and walk down four blocks and they guy would recognize me. She had told him about me and my stick. I walked all the way to 11th and he never saw me. It's awesome, I got to leave my bags at the hotel and walk around free with my shirt well-exposed. It's so cool how I am actually walking around Miami Beach with my shirt on getting so many good reactions and passing out my website. I gave out all my flyers. I have to go back to the hotel and cut some more.

                   Oh yeah, I couldn't find the dude with the weed so I said screw it. Anybody who reacted to my shirt I asked them if they knew where I could get any. I got me a nickel sack real quick. I was going to buy a ten at first thinking it would be hard to get a nickel sack. This dude asked me what I wanted and I told him ten. He said he didn't have that much and sold me five dollars worth. Score. I'm going to go back to the hotel and triangulate my position from there and go to Burger King.

1:32am  Man, what a blessed welcome to Miami I have had. I am just in awe how I get taken care of by the universe. I mean, I rode the bus out to the beach. The driver was cool and she let me on for a dollar thirty. I got off the bus to buy some cigarettes. Before I got off I asked the driver if the beach was far and she told me just a couple blocks. I got my cigarettes and walked down the street some more and I got recognized! I get to crash in a hotel room tonight. It's hot outside. This brother Daniel, who Jenn just met this morning. He's this homeless guy here in Miami. He's crashing at the hotel room tonight and I just told him my story. He just volunteered me a badass marijuana necklace. I'll take a picture of it.

Next day..

South Beach Miami, FL

Saturday April 5, 2008

1:13pm  I went downstairs and hung out on the Claremont Hotel balcony. I get to stash my bags in the hotel room and walk around and show off my shirt.

1:35pm  I walked down Collins. I am doubling back to 17th Street. Trying to get back on Washington.

1:46pm  I just took a picture of some Masonic architecture in the outdoor mall here.

                   Watch the movie The Notebook. Download it.

3:13pm  I had walked to the beach and I had a great presentation with Jennifer. This beautiful girl.

3:44pm  I got baked and walked up and down the beach for a while. I've been giving out my website like crazy. Everybody is loving my shirt. I got to tell my story a couple times too. I talked to this beautiful Cuban girl with three kids. One of her kids was buried in the sand.  They made boobies on him, hehe.  It sucks because I left the little bit of weed I had at the hotel. So I guess that's cool that I don't have any weed on me. I was able to get a resin hit from my pipe. Hehe, I'm all resinated. I want to tell my story. I'll go back to that Lincoln Mall.

4:04pm  I had a great presentation with these two dudes walking down Collins almost to 17th Street. I wonder where my friends are.

4:11pm  I came back to Lincoln Street Mall. Doing my firsts lap.

4:30pm  I had an awesome presentation with Christina and her friend inside the Starbucks. I walked in front of it and they saw me from inside and waved at me. I went inside and gave them my website and hit them up for my story. They're Puertorican too. Boricua power!

5:40pm  Man, I've had such a great reaction to my shirt in this outdoor mall here. Everybody was looking at my shirt. Their eyes were locked on it. I gave out my website plenty. Everybody is talking about my shit. I'm going to be everywhere pretty soon. They might shoot me today, hehe.

5:58pm  Scott, standing in front of The Cascade Apartments on James and 17th. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Dr. Scott. Oh, you're a naturopathic doctor? I've got a story for you.

6:17pm  Did I tell you I walked to the beach? I've been walking up and down the wooden walkway they have here. I don't have that many more webpages left to give out. I have to go back to the hotel room and cut some more.

                   Lincoln Road Beach Walk.

7:13pm  I walked up to these three skater kids sitting down and I gave them my website. Mikey hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Look up HR 1945 on the Internet. The violent radicalization of homegrown terrorism. Suggested by this pretty girl.

8:55pm  It's about time I made an update. I ran into Ellie and Odin, these two squatter, traveling kids. We are on a quest for marijuana. We came by the beach and we have a lead on it, but I just got a tip that the guy sitting down out here is an undercover cop. The guy who told me said he had busted him.

                   Dao-de-jing, look that up.

                   I had a good presentation with those traveler kids earlier, under this cover because it was raining. I walked back to the hotel like three of four times now looking for someone to be in the room, but no one is there.

9:55pm  Dude, I was trying to tell Francis my story and he just volunteered me five dollars! I didn't ask for anything. Everybody gets credit, man. I appreciate it.

12:16am  I am having fun tonight. It was awesome how I got five dollars. I should buy a new water bottle. I came in the CVS. They have this big bag of cookies for a dollar. Twelve ounces of cookies for a dollar. I was even munching on those for breakfast this morning. I'm going to go try and find a water bottle.

12:57am  I never mentioned Will and Jenn came back to the hotel. They moved to a different hotel room. 216 instead of 218. Jenn was looking out the window and she saw me and yelled the right hotel room number. They had just transferred my pack and stuff to the other closet. I had a great day today. Tomorrow I think is the last day that I'll have a place to keep my bags.

Next day..


South Beach Miami to Key West, FL

Sunday April 6, 2008

11:00am  Let's see, Jenn and Will already took off to go to work. Tonight was my last night in a hotel at Miami Beach. That was awesome how I had a hotel room to crash in for two nights. How blessed I am. Just right now, right before Will left, he left the key and he came back up to get them. I asked him if he could spare any change for busfare and he unloaded all this change on the bed. I hit the jackpot! Like ten dollars in a quarters and a lot more. Will is a really nice guy. He had given me ten dollars when I first met him. I spent it all on weed, hehe. Anyway, I'm all packed up and ready to go. I figure since I have some bus money I'm going to try and get to Key West. I've got a little weed too, badass.

11:26am  I came out of the hotel room already. I went back upstairs to cut out some more havethisbook.coms. I have a fresh batch of a hundred in my wallet now. I gave them all out yesterday. I'm going to walk into town and tell my story a little bit and start thinking about heading to Key West.

11:35am  Sarah gave me a cigarette on Lincoln Street Mall. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

11:42am  I went to the CVS and printed out a fresh picture of me holding my sign in Berkeley. Now I'm going to go to the Pirata Smoke Shop and buy some Buglers.

12:53pm  I forgot to tell you that I jumped on the X bus to go downtown. I am aiming for Florida City. I want to try and get to Key West eventually. I hope I have enough money. I have like ten dollars in quarters.

1:50pm  I just got to the Dadeland South Station. I rode the elevated metrorail. I'm going to aim for Florida City. View from the El.

1:54pm  When I got off the metrorail the 38 bus was there. I'm going to Florida City now.

2:04pm  I just got off the bus in Florida City at the Walmart. The bus I need to catch all the way to the keys comes here. I think it's less than six dollars. I'm going to go to the restroom in the Walmart and take a shit.

4:45pm  I haven't updated in a while. I had an awesome presentation with this homeless dude Johnny at the bus stop at the Walmart. We came to his little camp behind the Walmart and I smoked him out. What did you have to say about my story, Johnny? Johnny: "You made my think."


5:08pm  I had an awesome inspirational story-telling session with Johnny at his camp behind the Walmart. He was so happy that I hung out with him and smoked him out.

                   I took a picture of my stick.

6:04pm  Roy, the #38 driver hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

6:29pm  I am on the bus on the way to Marathon. I put my pack and walking stick underneath the bus.

                   I'm on the bus heading to Marathon and I saw a Florida Keys Community College. There's a college I can come back and type at.

8:21pm  I forgot to tell you I'm in Marathon. The Key West bus comes at nine forty, in about an hour.

8:59pm  I just had a badass presentation with Jason. I took his picture. He told me he had just come from his Aunt's house and was hauling all these groceries. He's hooking me up with some traveling food! Awesome! I really appreciate it, thanks a lot.

9:54pm  About ten minutes ago the bus got here. I'm on my way to Key West now. I made a friend. This kid named Jason at the bus stop. This eighteen year old kid. He loved my story. I talked his ear off. Odyssey and everything. I smoked him out. I'm out of weed now, I think.

11:00pm  I just landed in Key West. Awesome. I'm going to walk back up to the first bus stop Jason got off at. I should've gotten off with him. It's lightning and shit. I don't know if it's going to rain tonight. I'm going to go find a place to crash. I have some new rain gear to try out. I've got a McDonald's burger I'm going to eat when I walk back to that first bus stop.

11:28pm  I have already secured my camp. Right behind these bushes by a wall next to Dive Key West Incorporated dive shop. I'll take pictures in the morning. I can't wait until the sun comes up and I can see. It sucks that I got to Key West in the dark. Hopefully I won't get rousted by the police tonight. It's not as concealed as I wish it was. I'll take pictures in the morning. Maybe the dive people will get here and discover me, hehe.

Next day..

Key West to Cavanier, FL

Monday April 7, 2008

4:35am  I just woke up. I got rained on last night, but I stayed alright. I was sure to use my new blue rain poncho I got at USF to cover up my pack. I waterproofed it good with it. I laid on one half of my military rain poncho and folded the other side over me so I didn't get the wet. I'm still waiting for the sun to come up.
5:58am  I am up and at 'em. I had a good wake-and-bake. I took my last two hits of weed out of my wallet. I got soaked last night because it rained. Well, I didn't get that soaked. Actually, I'm pretty soaked. My pack is completely dry because I covered it with my new rain poncho. I'm going to find a laundromat. I've got some quarters left, I think. It was awesome. I didn't need that much money at all to get to Key West. Here I am. I can't wait until the sun comes up so I can take pictures.

                   My camera got a little damp and the shutter is not opening all the way. I can stick my finger in it and it'll open up. I'm cold right now.

                   I only got four and a half hours of sleep last night.

                   Painting on a power box.

6:07am  I am walking into town through all this Babylon. Walgreen's, Home Depot, Pizza Hut, Domino's, Albertson's, you name it. Right now all these roosters are crowing. There's roosters and chicken everywhere. Like a tropical island.

                   Last night my fifteen year old friend Jason told me there were a lot of homeless people here. I'm sure there'll be resources I can tap if I need to, which I usually don't. He said they have a shelter here and stuff. Which I probably could've used last night, but I don't care. I toughed it out. I woke up fine only after only four and a half hours of sleep. That's okay, I can take a nap today if I have to. I'm going to walk around and look for a laundromat. Hmm, there's some apartments. Maybe I can find a laundry room.

                   Ahh, these look more like townhomes and they probably have their own locked laundry facilities. Then I also saw this girl and her dog started barking at me, so maybe I don't need to go explore in there. I'm going to keep walking the sidewalk. I don't know what street I am on. I'll tell you when I find out.

6:18am  Crossing over Gulf View Drive.

6:26am  I was walking down the street and I see some guy walking on the other side side parallel. I yelled at him across the street, "Hey, do you know where the laundromat is??" I crossed the street and started talking to him. I started telling him my story while we're walking. Which is kind of hard because I'm carrying a load. Every point I made he was saying right, right, right. We got a little farther and he told me he had to go. He pointed me to a laundromat. I have to walk all this way to Duvall and it's around there. I'm a little hungry. I might stop and eat something.

7:14am  It was sprinkling real bad so I took a pause at this covered bus stop on US1 and Eisenhower/Jose Marti Drive, which is the road I've been walking . I'm going to keep walking to Duvall.

7:32am  I stopped and took a shit at the Chevron.

7:57am  I got to the laundromat on Duvall Street.

9:00am  Finished up at the laundromat.
9:42am  I walked over to the Emma Carrero-Cates Pier on South Beach. I'm going to sit down and take a smokebreak. I'll take a picture of where I sit.

                    Key West Marine Park

10:20am  I was standing on Duvall Street and Pretty Hippie saw me rolling a cigarette and asked me if I wanted a real cigarette. He hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Some dude I told my story to.

                     Duval Street again and again.

11:02am  I went to go check my email at the internet cafe for two dollars. I checked my webstats and I had like seventy visits one day. It's blowing up.

11:46am  I took a picture of the Scottish Rite Masonic Center.

                     I asked some homeless dude where any free food was and they told me about some tabernacle. I'm doubling back the way I came.

12:00pm  Man, I can't eat at the Lighthouse because I am too old. That sucks. In a community of plenty none should go hungry! Age is just a number. You can grow young too! I'm glad I got this big box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch that Jason hooked me up with. I'll munch on that. Man, this town is hella-ignorant. I am getting barely any reactions to my shirt here. Not like I was in Miami or Tampa.

12:40pm  Barely anybody is reacting to my shirt at all in Key West. Right now I am standing in front of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. I was in front of the Earthbound Trading Company, but I got bored there. I'm standing here recording myself in front of the church. These people are watching me. Man, this town needs to wake up bad. I've got my work cut out for me in this town.

12:50pm  Hell yeah, this group of girls just walked by and asked me, "Hey, were you in Ybor City?" I smiled and said, "Yeah, at the St. Patrick's day parade(3-15-08  9:12pm)." I got recognized! I'm everywhere.

1:00pm  I had another great presentation with this group of girls and this one girl told me, "You're my hero."

1:37pm  Earlier I talked to this pretty girl Jo from Great Britain. From Worcester, I think she said. She works for the glass-bottom boats people so she got busy. I just gave her my website. Anyway, I'm going to set up shop somewhere else. Screw the church. I'm going to go stand somewhere else. The streets are really packed and it's only Tuesday, man. Imagine this place on the weekends.

                    Like five kids just stopped and took my picture. I've gotten my picture taken like three of four times already. I told them, "Only if I can take a picture of you guys."

2:00pm  I am playing around with the idea of leaving already. This place is way ignorant. People don't react to my shirt here like they do in other places. I have had some good reactions to it. Everybody's eyes are glued on it. I'm going to ride the bus back to Miami and keep going North. I have to call this Dale Bassing guy in Hollywood, that Wheelo guy told me about when I was walking I90. I have his phone number in my wallet.

2:05pm  I've decided I want to leave. Screw Key West. Way too ignorant. I really haven't explored it much, but I am leaving. I'm walking on US1 and walk up to where I got off the bus yesterday.

                    I'm standing in front of the Burger King smoking a cigarette. Maybe I'll spare-change people as they come out. I'm hungry.

                    I refilled my two sixteen ounce water bottles at the Burger King. I'm going to keep walking.

3:27pm  I'm going to go hit up Taco Bell, yeah right.

3:30pm  The greedy asses at Burger King told me no.

3:34pm  Ann, at Checkers is hooking me up with some fries. I appreciate it, Ann. Everybody gets credit.

4:30pm  This dumb guy at this bum-feed place. See, I got my little plate of food they gave me and I took the plate outside and just stood there and ate. I didn't want to sit down with everybody else at the table. This old black dude started bitching at me telling me if I was going to eat that I had to sit down. I told him, "No, I'm going to take my last two bites and leave, and never come back. Screw this town." He told me, "Go sit down now! You better do it." I laughed at him and said, "Well, what are you going to do about it?" He threatened me with calling the police and I smugly told him, "Tough guy, big man, do what you can." Sucker. Screw this town. "Man, NOBODY wants world peace," I told him.

4:33pm  I forgot to tell you. I had walked over by the Domino's and went and hit them up for mistakes. They said no then I saw some street kids hanging out outside. This beautiful girl from Madison, Wisconsin. Jessica, I think her name is. I hit her up for my story and she told me she would listen, but she didn't at all. She's all brainwashed with money. All playing guitar for change. That's all she thinks about. Anyway, she told me about the bum-feed they were having on Flagler Street. I had gotten directed to it earlier, but I said screw it, let me go hit up the Pizza Hut and get the hell out of Dodge. I should've, because the bum-feed was a big waste of time. I barely got any food. I've got a couple sandwiches and some fries from Checkers in my bag though for the bus ride the fuck out of here. Screw this town.

4:36pm  I came to the bus stop so I can leave this hell-hole. I made a friend, Anthony, he's sixteen. He hooked me up with a couple bucks in case I don't get a courtesy ride. I'm still going to ask.

                   Anthony's artwork

6:42pm  I never mentioned. I already left on the bus. Anthony was cool. He was all intrigued with my story. He said he couldn't smoke weed because he's on probation, but that he has an ounce at home. He invited me over. He gave me two bucks in case the driver wouldn't give me a courtesy ride, which he didn't. I gave him the two bucks back and told him if the driver told me no to offer to pay for me. I'm going back to Marathon now. Key West sucked. I'm going to go traveling. I want to go back to Miami so I can call Mike about that book.

                    There were all these ignorant high schoolers on the bus earlier. I tried telling my story, but they wouldn't shut the hell up. One guy was listening to me though. It frustrates me, but not really because it proves me right too. Damn the ignorance in this world. I'm going to keep going.

6:46pm  I am back in Marathon. I just got dropped off in front of the Publix in Marathon. Brass Monkey Lounge.

                   Man, the bus to Florida City comes at nine. I've got two hours to kill. Maybe I'll go stand in front of The Lazy Lizard and show my shirt.

8:15pm  I had an awesome presentation with this brother Nathan. I gave him a resin hit before I started the story. He listened to my story good. I appreciate it. I took his picture.

9:12pm  Les was nice enough to let me borrow his cellphone on the bus going to Florida City. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

9:50pm  I had an awesome presentation with the guy I bummed the cellphone off of. At first I didn't think he would listen to my story at all, but he did. He did have a lot to say too. I might just get off somewhere. I don't know.

9:53pm  I got off at some random place. I'm going to go find a campsite. I'm in Cavanier. There's some woods here. I still had an hour to go to get to Florida City. I think I'm still in the keys. It's drizzling again, so it's probably going to rain again. I'm going to get my stuff ready. I can eat a Ramen and I have a bag of cereal too. I won't go hungry.

10:48pm  I just had an awesome presentation, what a surprise. See, right close to the bus stop I found a place to camp in the woods. I went across the street to the Winn-Dixie and was digging through the ashtrays. I see these three pretty girls sitting on a bench outside. I went over there and hit them up for my story and they let me tell it to them. Carrie, Alex and Brittany. They just volunteered me a Klondike Heath Bar. I appreciate it, guys. Thanks for listening.

                      cute raccoon paid me a visit in the night.

Next day..

Cavanier to Florida City to Hollywood to Fort Lauderdale, FL

Tuesday April 8, 2008

6:56am  I just woke up. I got seven hours of sleep, hell yeah. I got some good sleep last night. I just woke up at my camp behind the bus stop and started getting ready. It drizzled a little, that's what woke me up. It stopped. When I woke up I noticed people were at the bus stop. I was almost ready to go and I hear the bus pull up. I am all paranoid I am forgetting something. I'm pretty sure I got it all. I ran over to it and sure enough, the driver gave me a courtesy ride. On my way to Florida City. That was perfect, man.

8:12am  I just got to the Walmart in Florida City. Johnny was here.

9:01am  I just scored a courtesy ride on the 38. Going back to the Metrorail. The nice driver even gave me a transfer for the Metrorail.

10:16am  I just got to Dadeland South. I'm going to catch the Metro from here. I've got a transfer from the cool driver. Awesome.

                     I'm stupid. I thought I was on the right side. The Southbound train was all packed with people. I just read the sign that said Northbound trains are located on both sides of the platform. This is an end of a line. When I realized that I grabbed my bags, but I couldn't get on before the doors shut. I'm not sure how long it will be before the next one.

                     I put my clown wig on, hehe. I should've been wearing it this whole time.

10:45am  Leaving on the train.

11:24am  I just got off at the Tri-rail station. Some old guy gave me directions on the bus. I gave him my website. I am aiming for Hollywood. I'm going to call up Dale Bassing.

12:05pm  I am at the Metro-rail station waiting for the Northbound train. I will be damned if I pay the fare.

12:09pm  I just got on the train.

12:27pm  I am in Hollywood. A fare inspector busted me. He gave me a warning. He said next time it will be a fifty dollar fine. He was real nice about it, though.

                     About to walk in Stan Goldman Memorial Park. There's a paved trail here. I'm going to find somewhere to sit down and eat. I've got some Cinnamon Toast Crunch left.

12:51pm  I finished my meal break. I sat down on a bench and ate. I'm going to keep walking. I saw some homebum walk by. I'm going to go ask him for directions.

1:03pm  The park path comes out at 103rd and Johnson Street.

1:54pm  I walked Johnson Street way past this golf course. I noticed there weren't any more bus stops. I've been stopping at each bus stop and turning around to see if one is coming. I asked this guy and he said I had to double-back and turn left on Highway 1. Downtown Hollywood.

                    I turned left on 13th instead. I'm going to zig-zag over to Highway 1. I'm coming up on a light. I will tell you what it is in a second.

                    Hollywood Boulevard. Sweet, there's a bus. I'm not going to catch it but I can wait for the next one. I'll stop and rest somewhere. I want a cigarette.

3:20pm  About five minutes ago I walked to this Walgreen's. I've already passed out my website like three times. "Nice shirt, nice shirt."

3:26pm  The nice driver driving the 1 just gave me a daypass. I asked her for a courtesy ride downtown and she said she didn't go there, but gave me a daypass anyway.

3:35pm  I caught the bus going downtown. I've got a daypass. That's awesome.

4:32pm  Oh, I didn't tell you. I came to the library. Broward County Library. I got to check my email. My friend Jenn emailed me. My dad emailed me. I was in the middle of reading it when my time ran out on the computer. I'm going to go smoke a cigarette outside and show my shirt off.

                   Oh shit, I just found out I am in Fort Lauderdale, not Hollywood!

4:55pm  I came to the library and found out I am in Fort Lauderdale. Ricky was nice enough to give me a cigarette outside the library. He just listened to my story. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Ricky and I went over to some concrete stage thing and smoked some resin. This nice brother just gave me a peace of meat. I appreciate it, brother. I was hungry. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot. Err, I tried to give him credit, but he doesn't want to give me his name. Whoa, he gave me some crackers too.

7:03pm  I have to make an update. Ricky and I came over to this cool store called The Shore Thing. We came over to ask the guy working that Ricky knows if he knew anyone who would want to buy a mushroom chocolate. His name is Niles. Did I ever tell you Mike Stanley gave me a mushroom chocolate bar the first day I got to The Blueberry Patch? Niles kind of wanted it himself. When we were walking back passing the store again it just dawned on me that they sold weed(err, tobacco) stuff there. I was able to trade Niles the chocolate for a new cigarette pinch hitter aka one-hitter, aka fake cigarette. Every travelers best friend. I am now whole once more. Good 'ol barter system at work. Back in business now.

7:27pm  I should make an update. I tried telling Niles my story, but he got busy. Then this other guy walked in there and I tried telling my story to him. He agreed to listen and everything, but once I started he started playing around with shit on the shelf. So I just volunteered him my website and he didn't object to that at all. Man, I've got my work cut out for me in this town. I'm going to walk around and find someone to tell my story to.

9:25pm  Some magic happened right now. I got tired of hanging out with the kids in front of the library. None of them would listen to my story. I was walking down the street and I hit some random guy up for my story. He listened great and right in the middle of it he tells me, "Are you saying you want to smoke a joint?" I told him, "Umm, no, but that would be awesome." We went in this alley and smoked weed. We smoked a fat joint. It was all loud from this loud music nearby, but I was able to yell my story over it.
                   Dude, welcome to Fort Lauderdale, Victor. I got smoked out rowdy! I'm still high. I was about halfway through my Odyssey and he told me he worked in this bar and he had to go. He told me, "You're more than welcome to hang out." I assumed the music was coming from the bar he worked at, so I told him that it would probably be too loud. After he took off I walked out of the alley and noticed the bar he was talking about 
wasn't the place the loud music was originating from. "I could totally hang out there," I told myself.
                   I went in that bar and put on some great presentations. I was yelling over the music hardcore. I am surprised my words were coming out audibly. Three other guys, even though they were drinking listened to my story. One of them hooked me up with four dollars. I didn't get his name. I just sat there and yelled my story out. I took lots of turns though. I have to remember what coast I am on, hehe. They had lots of questions. I'm going to go to the 7-11 and buy some cigarettes. I could do laundry too, but I'm kind of hungry. I have to wash my shirt. I can't believe I am in Fort Lauderdale.

                   I went to the 7-11 and bought some Buglers.

9:42pm  I left the 7-11. I might pull an all-nighter and take a nap in a park or something. I got seven hours of sleep last night. That should be good enough for a while. I'm all awake right now. I hope I am able to tell my story after the shot I just took at the end of my presentations in the bar. I probably shouldn't have taken it.

10:03pm  I've got an update to make. After the bar I was just walking down the street looking for some church someone told me about on 9th and Broward, where they let people sleep in front of. I walked to that intersection and asked some guy walking on the sidewalk if he knew where it was. He told me, "This is a really bad part of town, I'll give you a ride." He was driving a U-Haul truck, he had just helped his friend move today. He's letting me tell him my story right now. I appreciate it, brother.

11:09pm  Jim and I stopped at some store and bought some snacks. He's going to let me crash in the U-Haul tonight. I'll wake up in the morning and take off walking. Right now he just told me about some resources I can tap to do my laundry and take a shower and stuff. It's called Cooperative Feeding at 33rd Avenue and Broward. Sweet. I'll walk there tomorrow morning.

11:22pm  I've got a somber update to make. On the way over to where he lives Jim was telling me he was worried about his roommate. How recently he was having panic-attacks and he was white as a ghost earlier and drenched in sweat. I was telling Jim not to worry, that he would be alright. Jim just walked in his house and found his roommate John dead in the bathroom. I touched his toe and it was frozen cold. Damn, that's some crazy shit. I took his picture. I should probably change my shirt before any authorities come over.

11:29pm  Man, that's some messed up shit that I saw a dead guy. When we had pulled up I opened the back of the U-Haul and Jim asked me if I would rather crash in the screened patio of his mobile home. I said sure, perfect and moved my pack to the patio. Then Jim went inside and found his roommate on the floor dead in the bathroom. That's some messed up shit.

11:57pm  The paramedics have been here for a while. They asked Jim and me the normal questions. There was all this medication on the counter and an empty beer can. It was pretty obvious that it was a suicide. I had overheard Jim telling the cops that John had recently received a big settlement. Just goes to show, don't believe the fairy tales of million-dollar happiness.

3:00am  At long-last the cops left. The house is empty now. What a crazy turn of events.

3:39pm  I'm finally going to sleep. Jim let me crash inside in the living room. What a crazy night tonight was. I saw a dead body. I touched one.

Next day..

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Wednesday April 9, 2008

9:17am  I just woke up with six hours of sleep.

2:50pm  I have to make an update already. Jim woke up around twelve thirty or so. I was getting worried about him. I didn't want to see another dead body today. He did wake up eventually. Oh yeah, I cleaned up his whole house basically. The living room was all trashed. I organized all of the mess into one corner. I even swept the carpet for him. I did the dishes and cleaned the counter. He woke up and he was pleased. He was impressed. He asked me to help him empty out a storage unit, because he's wasting sixty bucks a month for nothing. We just came back and I'm unloading the U-Haul. I am doing it all. He's grateful. I'll take a picture. Well, after I finish unloading it. I'm kind of busy.

                   Random paintings that Jim had in storage.  Lots of valuable stuff.

3:58pm  Jim and I took the U-Haul back. We're on Dixie and we're walking. We'll catch the bus eventually.

4:22pm  I am two minutes late. I forgot to tell you that I got on the bus and the nice driver gave me a courtesy ride. It was weird that the bus does it's announcements in Creole too.

4:31pm  I got off the bus at the central terminal. I'm going to walk to the library and check my email. I want to try and get some weed somehow. I'm wearing my backup WPTMJ shirt. I don't have my stick either. I feel naked. Later I'll catch the 30 bus back to the mobile home park where Jim lives.

4:56pm  I forgot to tell you. I got off the bus and right across the street from the terminal there's a McDonald's. Everybody eyes are glued to my shirt. It's such a magic shirt. These two kids Amber and Billy came up to me. Amber saw my pet monkey in my pocket, which I use to spank the monkey, hehe. They smoked me out because I gave it to her.

5:38pm  I just had an awesome presentation with those kids. Amber's eyes were locked on me the whole time. Billy is like twenty six and she's fifteen. I told them they should take off traveling. They're all brainwashed needing money and panhandling. They smoked me out rowdy with two joints.

5:56pm  I just had an awesome presentation in the park in front of the library. I told my stuff to these two black dudes and a Puertorican guy. They listened to me like crazy. I'm going to go check my email now. I'll do a little short session and then I'll ride the bus back to the house where the guy died last night. I am still in shock I went through that. I can't believe I feel comfortable staying there. Like, this morning I was taking a shit and just hours before there was a dead guy in front of the toilet.

6:37pm  I just got out of the library. I'm going to go back to the terminal and score a courtesy ride. Davie and Highway 95 is what I am aiming for. Bus number thirty.

6:48pm  The greedy ass driving the bus wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I told him I would walk it if I had to...and I will.

6:56pm  Duchon, he loved my story here at the terminal. See, I didn't get a courtesy ride so I turned around and asked this guy to point me to Davie and 95. He told me it was a good hour walk. I told him I didn't care. I am up for it. I don't have my walking stick today. I am free. I just remembered I had these coupons Jim gave me to Dunkin' Donuts.
                   Oh yeah, I ran into Jim at the bus terminal. He got on the bus before I did. See, I always wait to be the last person when I'm trying to get a courtesy ride. The driver was all scared telling me, "We've got cameras. I am on tape right now." I told him, "Good, hopefully my shirt comes out on tape." When I stepped off the bus I told him, "That's right, be afraid. Be afraid." It was funny. Then I turned around and bam, I had a marvelous presentation with Duchon. I didn't get the country he was from, but he loved my story. His bus came so I gave him my website.

7:00pm  Umm, I almost got hit by a bus! I was asking this one girl directions and I was walking and this guy almost ran my ass over. I'm going to walk to Andrew and keep going all the way to 95. These two girls, as soon as I said eliminate money one said, "Oh no! That'd be like Communism!" In the park in front of the library everyone was saying that too.

                   It was cool, right when I said, "And you're going to think I'm crazy...." She cut me off and said, "I don't care. I'll still check out your website though."

7:04pm  Right now at this stoplight at Andrews and SE 2nd Street, these kids at the stoplight honked at me about my shirt. I yelled my website to them. "It's not religious, I promise!" I was totally meant to be on this walk, hell yeah.

                   I was able to score a shower in the dead guy's bathroom yesterday.

                   A guy riding his bike just went by and yelled, "Nice t-shirt!"

7:20pm  I walked up to Davie Boulevard and Andrews Avenue. I'm going to go hang out in front of the gas station here and smoke a cigarette. I wonder where there's a Dunkin' Donuts. I have coupons for there. I've got one for a free personal pizza.

7:31pm  I stopped at Federal Highway. I see a Pizza Hut. I'm going to hit them up for mistakes.

                   I have been waving the peace sign to every single car that passes. Man, it's so awesome how I have a headquarters in Fort Lauderdale where I can keep my bags and walk around with my shirt exposed. Even though I had to see a dead guy for it. Today I am totally free. I don't even have my stick. I didn't get a courtesy ride, so I'm having a glorious walk. I'm going to go get hooked up with food hopefully.

7:34pm  They told me no real quick. I gave them my website though. I don't know where the Dunkin' Donuts is. I got directed to Federal Highway.

7:39pm  I talked to this Irie brother right now. He wouldn't listen to me. He kept telling me, "You've got one minute." I said forget it then, just check out the website. I asked him to do me the two favors and everything. He was all, "I love you, brother."

                   Jim hangs out at the Dunkin' Donuts a lot. Oh, did I tell you he was sixty four? He hangs out there with other old guys.

                   It was awesome. I saw a peacock at a gas station. I pulled my camera out and it came on. See, earlier I emailed Jenn, who I had met at The Blueberry Patch. I told her about what happened yesterday. Dude, I was going to email her the picture of the dead body. When I hooked the camera up to the computer to send her the picture, it didn't come on. I thought the batteries might be dead or something. I even wrote her a P.S. saying how weird it was that the camera didn't come on. The batteries weren't that old. And now when I saw the peacock the camera came on just fine. I even took three pictures of it. I guess I am not meant to share that picture. But screw it, it's going to be on my website. Right now I am walking to the Dunkin' Donuts.

7:44pm  I walked down Federal/Highway 1. I see a Papa John's Pizza. I'm going to go hit them up for mistakes.

                   They didn't have any mistakes so I asked them directions to Dunkin' Donuts. They told me I had already passed it. Weird.

7:52pm  Found the Dunkin' Donuts right here in the Rio Vista Plaza. I'll take a picture if I can.

8:07pm  Marvin is hooking me up with a drink for the cause. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

8:08pm  That was awesome the presentation I just had. I went in the Dunkin' Donuts and Marvin was working there. His wife was visiting too. I had two coupons. One for three donuts and the other for a personal pizza. I ate all the food. I am full as hell. Afterwards I wanted a cigarette, but I wanted a drink too. I walked over to the drink cooler and told him, "Hey Marvin, will you hook me up with a drink for the cause?" He said, "What?" I asked him like three times. He said, "I've got my own cause, but I'll tell you what. I'll turn around and you take it out of there." I'm going to keep walking to Jim's. I've had such a good walk. I am all full.

8:26pm  Walked to Davie Boulevard and turning left.

8:35pm  Right now I am walking down Davie Boulevard. These two cute girls saw my shirt. This one girl said, "Hell yeah, that's what I'm about." I gave her my website. "It's not religious, I promise." I am totally saturating this town with my presence.

                   On my website, at the top have it say, "Under constant construction(evolution)."

8:50pm  I am getting close. I just crossed over the canal they have here. I am almost to the RV park.

                   Hmm, I've already walked over the bridge but I can't seem to find it. I need to find where the railroad tracks are because I remember his trailer being right next to some. I turned after the bridge and walked around. I double backed and tried the other side too.

                   Ohh, I know what happened. I mistook the drawbridge signals for railroad track markers, so I assumed it was up ahead. Duh, I wasn't at 95 yet and I just have to keep on walking. Like a half a mile more past the drawbridge. I'm all stoned, hehe.

9:10pm  I'm stupid. 95 is like the next light up. I'm coming up to it now.

9:16pm  Crossing over I95.

9:26pm  Coming up on the RV park.

9:32pm  I found Jim's trailer.

9:40pm  Jim was home and he let me in the house. At first I knocked on the door and he wouldn't answer. I was like, "Did he kill himself too?" I saw his light was on in his room so I yelled and got his attention. He let me in and we had a nice little talk. I told him about my magical day. I even told him about the picture and how the camera wouldn't turn on. He told me that I am welcome to anything in the fridge. His house looks good after I cleaned it. I should've really taken before and after pictures this morning.

10:16pm  I am crashing out on the floor in the living room again. I'm going to set my watch and see how much sleep I get tonight.

Next day..

 Fort Lauderdale, FL

Wednesday April 11, 2008

     6:55pm  I just woke up. I got 7.36 hours of sleep. Good.

                   Some random pictures.

8:09am  I left the trailer. I heard the TV going in Jim's room, so I assumed he was awake. I woke him up and he got a little upset. He gave me some directions to a laundromat. I'm going to wash my uniform shirt.

8:29am  I just walked to the laundromat on 34th and Davie.

                   Be sure to look up Peter Tosh.

9:16am  I didn't have enough quarters so my stuff isn't dry all the way. I'm going to walk back to Jim's. He's got a clothesline outside. I'm going to go to Las Carnitas across the street. Some Honduran food place. I'll score some gasoline for my stomach, hopefully.

9:28am  Tony en Las Carnitas me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

9:56am  I got treated like royalty at Las Carnitas. Tony gave me a huge sandwich.  They were all about me. Tony pulled out a laptop and looked at my website and everything. I'm going to smoke a cigarette.

                   Tony even volunteered me five bucks.

                   Right after I left Las Carnitas some black guy asked me, "Do you party?" I went, "What do you mean, do I party? You mean weed? I've got five on it." He told me to walk to this park nearby and I'm going to score me some weed! Hell yeah!

10:28am  I got hooked up with a nickel sack! Sweet! The universe provides. Tony even looked at my website in the restaurant. He asked me, "So you've got lots of pictures on here?" I showed him my journal and he said, "What about us? Are you going to take our picture?" Sure!

10:37am  Back at the RV park. I'm going to hang my clothes up to dry.

                     Jim and I drove over to Edward W. Smith Jr. Family Nutrition Center. The Cooperative Feeding place.

12:06pm  I am at NW 33rd Terrace and Broward Boulevard. I'm going to walk downtown. I'm having a great day so far. I've got weed and everything.

12:32pm  I just came out of the Racetrac on 24th and Broward. Going over the bridge now. This guy in the bathroom complimented my shirt and I gave him my website.

12:51pm  I'm waiting for the light at 11th Avenue. I walked all the way from 33rd. I was going to mention something, but I forgot.

1:03pm  Passing the transit terminal and I'm going to the library across the street to check my email.

                   I'm going to smoke a cigarette before I check my email.

1:32pm  I heard some brother asking for a light so I gave him one and he hooked me up with a cigarette.

2:16pm  I think I'm going back to the St. Pete area again. I checked my email and I finally got a reply from Cortney. My friend who I used to know from the Sage Crossing tree in San Antonio. I'll put links. She lives in Bradenton close to Tampa. She said I could come visit her. Also, one of Jenn's friends signed my guestbook:

Date: 2008-04-10 17:19:01
Name: Shanna
Number: 201

Hey, i'm Jenn's roomate. I love your 'Dear Slaves' piece (or whoever wrote it) and love what you're doing. I am starting a clothing company called "Just Be." It is accompanied by what i'm calling the "Movement for Global Positivity." Each shirt features a simple phrase to change the world one person at a time. I think you'd really like it. I would like to send you a promotional shirt to wear in your travels if you would be interested. Is that possible??

                   So I do believe I am headed back to St. Pete after I leave Jim's.

2:37pm  I am talking to Amanda. She's Puertorican too. She's telling me about Plastic Soup. Amanda: "They discovered this waste. It's West of California in between the Indonesian Islands. It's humanity's waste circulating in the ocean. They estimate it to be around the size of the continent of the U.S. Not just floating on the surface of the ocean, but it's also to the bottom. I don't know how many layers full of junk. You can look it up on the Internet. They don't know what to do about it.

                    I'll put that on my website for sure. Thanks for helping me educate the masses.

2:47pm  I walked by the Metro Cafe and this beautiful greeter girl told me, "Hey man, I like your shirt." I'm telling her my story right now. She volunteered me a cigarette.

                   What a surprise! Amanda gave me a 
special cigarette. Weed-tipped. She told me, "We need more people like you in Florida."

3:18pm  That beautiful Puertorican beauty gave me a weed-tipped cigarette like the ones I used to make.

3:53pm  I just had a badass presentation with Joey and Connie. I told them my entire Odyssey. Beach Boulevard. They saw my shirt and I hit them up for my story and they said sure. Las Olas, not Beach Boulevard.

4:20pm  Magic number. The bus driver hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit

                   John Paragat, John the Baptist. From India. I took his picture. He likes America. Very much he like America, even though it's evil. John: "
Nonot at all evil. May God bless America."

4:32pm  Ariel, like the mermaid hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus terminal. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

4:52pm  Baby Andre with the black hat. I took his picture.

4:59pm  The nice #10 driver gave me a transfer. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   "Real secrets are hidden on billboards."  Take a walk, live longer.

5:05pm  What a great time I've had at the terminal right now. I walked up to get on the 30 but he took off. I just started walking up and down the terminal letting everyone see my shirt and passing out my website like crazy. Then I figured I would just hit up random drivers for a transfer, like I do in San Antonio. I walked up to the #10 and asked the driver, "I don't suppose you'd hook me up with a transfer. I'll walk it if I have to. It's for a good cause." Hehe, then when the 30 pulled up I asked the driver for a courtesy ride. It was the same black dude who told me no yesterday. The one who told me about there being cameras and I yelled, "Be afraid, be afraid," to. I waited to be the last person to board the bus and I asked for a courtesy ride. He shook his head and yelled, "You asked me yesterday and you cussed me out!" I went, "Come on, please," and he got all flustered and kept telling me no. I laughed and pulled out my transfer and told him, "Psyche! I was just testing you."

                   I had started telling this pretty girl with dreadlocks my story and she cut me off in the middle and wouldn't listen to me anymore. Fuckin' hippiecrite. I should've told her, "You need to cut your dreads off. You don't deserve them." Right when I started the marijuana part, where I say, "Is it just a coincidence that two naturally occurring...." She cut me off saying, "Are you saying alcohol isn't naturally occurring?!" Right before the bus came I walked back up to her and said, "I thought you told me you were willing to listen. I thought I had permission. My mistake. Man, 
nobody wants world peace." Haha, what a crazy ride I am having in Fort Lauderdale. I like this place. It's awesome. I might be leaving soon.

5:22pm  I just got off the bus over by I95 and Davie. Before I go back and tell Jim what a great day I had, sweet, I just found a new cigarette on the ground! The blessing are everywhere. What a great productive time I had at the terminal.

5:25pm  Sharpon hooked me up at the Subway. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Hehe, I had just come in here to refill my water bottle.

5:49pm  Jim isn't home. John's car is here, but Jim isn't home. I ate that sandwich from Subway. It was damn good.

6:15pm  Oh, it ended up that Jim was home after all. I was just sitting in the patio smoking and he eventually opened the door.

8:51pm  Max: "The world according to Max, right here. Treat those that you know well. Treat those that treat you kindly better and pretty ladies treat the best. That's all I have to say, thanks."

9:53pm  I just found my fossil I thought I had lost. It was in my other pocket. I thought I had lost it. I was all heartbroken about it.

12:19am  I stayed up talking with Jim. He's smart. I think I kind of overheard him talking about gay sex on the phone with one of his friends. I shouldn't be talking about that. I'm going to crash. Goodnight everybody.

Next day..

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Saturday April 12, 2008

7:12am  I woke up about ten minutes ago. I just got out of the bathroom and took a shit. I don't know what I'm going to do. I've got my clean shirt to wear. It's semi-clean actually. It didn't get clean all the way. Maybe I should go back to San Antonio and get a new one made.
12:06pm  I'm about to take off walking. I had a good morning. I got lots done. I did a little more sewing. My cargo shorts are perfect, like brand new. I brought them back to life. I went through all the change John had in the kitchen. There's a shitload of quarters. I'm taking some for busfare and five dollars worth for weed money. And, I'm going to try and trade my digital voice recorder for some weed. I just put new batteries in it. I stole some last night from Big Lots. I stole a flashlight too. So, I'm going to go have a good day. It's Saturday so there should be lots of people. I'm wearing my clean uniform shirt and I'm going to go spread the word. I need to go to the library and get some havethisbook.coms printed out. Yeah.

                     I'm bringing peanut butter sandwiches with me too in a Ziploc bag. When I get hungry I'll eat that. I ate this big entree of Chinese food someone had given me last night. I ate it for breakfast.

12:14pm  Fuck a duck. My tennis ball is going to wear out today and I didn't bring a spare one. That sucks. I'm walking back. I'm not that far.

12:19pm  I am back. I switched out tennis balls.

12:31pm  I had a badass presentation with these kids in the back of the bus. I'm already downtown. I hope we didn't pass the transfer center and I didn't notice.

12:55pm  I got to the transfer center. I put on a great show in the back of the bus with these four kids. I took their picture.

                     I just got off the bus and across the street in front of the library they are having a bum-feed. Perfect.

2:06pm  It's about time I made an update. I was supposed to get on the computer at one fifty, but I was busy. While I was waiting I went and hung out in front and asked people if they knew where I could get a nickel sack. I did eventually. Man, people are just loving my shirt in Fort Lauderdale. I've been passing my website out left and right. I've got a little change so I can print out some more at the library. I went through all of John's change, all the dead guy's change and took all the quarters. I took like three dollars in quarters for bus fare. I went to the park and nobody had weed. Eventually this one Puertorican guy riding a bike, we came over to that cement stage and I saw these people I recognized and this cool girl sold me a nickel. So I've got weed and I'm going to go back to the library and sign up for another internet session.

                   It's so cool that I got to eat at the bum-feed and I still have a sandwich in my pocket.

                   I just took a picture of a big lizard or a miniature iguana. I'm going to go sign up at the library for an hour session.

3:46pm  I had a good internet session at the library. I looked up stuff about all the trash in the Atlantic. I'll be sure to put a link to that on my website. I got sixty cents worth of printouts, so I have more havethisbook.coms to give out.

4:05pm  I just took a picture of the blue towers at Andrews and 2nd Street.

4:22pm  Hell yeah, I just had a badass presentation. I got stoned right before four twenty with these two girls at the Riverfront Mall. I took their picture. Everybody's eyes are glued to my shirt.

4:27pm  This one bible thumper riding a bike, he turned around and came back to me and started yelling like he couldn't believe the shirt I was wearing. "World peace through marijuana?! Do you know Jesus?!"

4:39pm  I randomly walked to Las Olas. I've decided I'm going to walk to the beach. I saw a sign pointing to the beach. I asked some guy driving a bike taxi and he told me the beach was like two and a half or three miles away.

5:12pm  Welcome to Fort Lauderdale Beach.

                    Across the bridge I took three shots. Panoramic view.

5:44pm  Some magic happened! I was a bit bummed at first because people weren't reacting to my shirt that much at first. That's the only people I offer my site to, the ones that give me any reaction. I came to the beachfront street and walked up and down it. I ate my peanut butter sandwich and smoked a cigarette. Since my boots are still Shoe-Gooing I'm wearing my sandals. So when I got to the beach I took my socks off and walked along the surf. I decided I was going to get off the beach and find a place to rinse my feet off at. I walked a little more then all of a sudden I see this couple smiling at me, I assumed they were looking at my shirt. I smiled back and told them, "Hey, will you check out my website? It's free," like I do to everyone. They laughed and then I noticed I knew these people! It's Mike Stanley and Chaya from The Blueberry Patch in Gulfport! They're randomly in Fort Lauderdale for a concert or something. What a small world! Man, Florida has been so much fun, dude. Everybody else who doesn't live here hates it, but it's alright.

                    I had a great presentation with Andres. I took his picture. You'll be on there when I update it, bro.

6:20pm  Dude! That was the best presentation I have had in such a long time! He was all full of joy. While I was telling him my story his friends were calling for him, but he still insisted I continue. "Keep going, keep going." Dude, Andres just ran up to me. I was walking along the beach and this kid ran up to me and said, "Hey, I want to know about world peace through weed. Yeah, I saw your shirt." Dude, that's what it's for. I totally blew this kid's mind. Oh, and it was awesome how I ran into my friends from The Blueberry Patch too.

                    I'm supposed to go hang out with Mike and Chaya after eleven at the Courtyard Marriot where they are staying, but I'm not going to. I'm going to go back to Jim's and make sure I have my shit. I'm going to leave tomorrow. My boots are still Shoe-Gooing. That's all I'm waiting for.

                    Oh yeah! How could I have forgotten to mention that Mike gave me forty bucks! That's friggin' awesome! Also, I told Mike about the dead guy I had seen and how I had a very momentous update to type up now. I asked him if I would be welcome to return to Gulfport and get my stuff typed up on Billy Beck's laptop again. He said sure. Blueberry Patch, here I come.

                    "I found the bars to the cage. Let's get out of here." - Victor Antonio(inspired by Ishmael)

                    I'm all stoned. I stopped on this bench here and took a picture of the oceanfront. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm going to go back home. Ha! My Fort Lauderdale home.

7:53pm  I'm walking back already. It started to drizzle a little. I was a total hit right now at the beach. It was just awesome how that one kid ran up to me.

                    I forgot to tell you. I found a white towel. I want it. It was draped over this trash can drying. I've got my a new towel. It's better than the towel I have already. I just took it. I'll hang it on my stick and let it dry while I walk. Oh yeah, and it was cool that at the edge of the sand they had these water jets you could wash your feet off with. I walked around and let sandals dry a little bit. I used my snotrag to soak up some wetness from the sandals. I've got my red rag hooked to the caribiner on my waist drying. I look like a gangbanger. Ha, with a marijuana shirt. I'm going to keep walking. I'm stoned.

                    I don't know if I mentioned, but today I took the time researching that toxic soup thing. All the trash in the Atlantic. I read a big article about it.

                    It's all our damn fault. The article talks about plastic and how it totally defeats nature's ability to degrade it. That no bacteria can digest plastic. It's evil.

8:29pm  I've been downtown for a while. It's still lightly drizzling. All these Babylonians are staring at my shirt.

9:30pm  Cannabis Kenny, from New York, I think. He had an accent. He's this cool bus driver. I just had a badass presentation on the bus with the driver. I had actually paid my fare. Right before I got on he walked up to me and asked me, "Oh, you're going to get on this bus? I like people like you." I told him my story while he was driving. I just got off right after I95. I'm going to walk to the trailer park. I want to call and see how much a bus ticket is to Tampa. Screw it, I'm going to hitch it since the bus doesn't run on Alligator Alley. I'm going to take off tomorrow.

9:40pm  The weirdest shit. I see those same lights in the sky that I saw in Madison, WI(10-19-07  7:09pm). They're crazy. They're not spotlights. They're doing a similar flower pattern. I'm going to go see if Jim is home and tell him to come outside and watch this shit. The center of the pattern used to be overheard, but now it's more distant. Jim's not home in his trailer. I'm going to wait for him to come home. Crazy.

                    There's only four points now. They're all going to the middle and they're going out again. I want to find someone else walking and ask them, "Hey, look at that. Do you see that too?"

                    Some guy rode by me on a bike and I asked him if he saw the lights. He said, "Yeah, those are advertising lights."

10:30pm  I had a great presentation with Dane Thomas. He had seen me in front of the library earlier today and I had given him my website. He told me he was passing out my site to all of his friends. I'm going to take his picture now.

                    I cut it short because he had to go. I told him The Note From The Rich and he liked it.

                    That was friggin' magical, man. I went over to Jim's house, but he wasn't home. I thought the night is still young. It's Saturday. I figured I would walk down Davie Street over close to the Subway. I went in the Subway and refilled my water and used the restroom. I went outside and took a hit of weed and all of a sudden this guy runs up and tells me that he's giving my website out to all of his friends. What a crazy day I have had in Fort Lauderdale today. I hope Jim's home. I want to crash.

                    Now the pattern of the lights is all crazy and irregular. I have seen this before(10-19-07  7:09pm). I remember seeing it with my friends in Madison on their back porch. You can't see the light coming from the ground like you usually can with spotlights. The lights are up in the clouds.

10:48pm  I got home about ten minutes ago and Jim was home. He had to go shit so I haven't told him about my rollercoaster ride today.

Next day..

Fort Lauderdale and walking, FL

Sunday April 13, 2008

8:55am  I am walking into town already. I'm going to score me a sack of weed somewhere. Then I'm going to go hitchhike over Alligator Alley to Naples. It will be fun.

8:56am  I think I'm going to go score some breakfast at the Honduran `restaurant again.

9:12am  I'm going to go hit up La Aurora Restaurant instead. Comida Salvadoreña. Let's see what they tell me.

9:15am  Maria en La Aurora me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, Maria. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                    I didn't even have to walk all the way to the Honduran place. I saw La Aurora on 31st Avenue. I'll take a picture of the front.

9:34am  I went to the bus stop right in front of the restaurant and ate my breakfast. I had eaten some oatmeal at Jim's house, but I was still hungry. The food they gave me was damn good. Meat and rice and beans. I took a picture of it. I mixed it all up together. It was good.

9:46am  I walked over to the Winn-Dixie plaza over by the laundromat. I'm going to go say bye to the nice people at Las Carnitas.

                    "I'm just saying goodbye. I'm leaving today. Thanks a lot for helping me the other day," I told them in Spanish.

9:51am  I'm just going to wait for the bus. Some guy got off the bus going the other direction. I asked him if hew knew what time the bus came going my way. He pulled out a schedule! At ten thirty one. I have until then to wait. I'm going to walk around and try and find someone to tell my story to.

                    THAT rule has never change.

                    SOME rules never change.

10:27am  Man, NOBODY wants to hear about how I'm going to bring world peace, man. These two cheerleaders at the bus stop told me no. They rather do nothing that hear about how I'm going to bring world peace with the internet. Damn the ignorance in this world.

                    I am getting proved right left and right in Fort Lauderdale. My name ain't Victor for nothing. Haha, I recorded all this right in front of those ignorant cheerleaders.

10:50am  Just got to the terminal. I'm going to walk to in front of the library and try and score some weed.

11:10am  There are all these people out here in front of the library and Kevin just hooked me up with some food. I appreciate it, brother. I was hungry. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

11:30am  David and Reverend Stevens is giving out food to the homeless people here in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                    Tony hooked me up with a daypass at the terminal. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

1:05pm  I had a good time waiting at the terminal for the bus. I'm still waiting for it. I have to get on the 1 that will take me to I75. I'll start walking it. I've got a sack lunch. I'm ready to go. I'm going back to Jim's house. Oh yeah, when I walked up I saw a bus that said, "HelpCall 911." Oh shit, I took a picture of it. I walked up to it and the driver told me it was an accident. I told him, "I'm a journalist. Check out my shirt. Could you please hook me up with a transfer for the cause?" He immediately stepped inside the bus and made me a transfer. He hooked me up. I logged his generosity and gave him my website. I've been passing it out like crazy. Oh, and my little papers have evolved too. Before I used to space the havethisbook.coms out, but now I'm not so every slip of paper after cut will contain two havethisbook.coms, on on top of the other. Oh yeah, and I got ten dollars worth of weed too. Two little nickel sacks from Victoria. Oh yeah, and I ran into this girl named Trevor. I'm pretty sure she's a girl. Sweet, there's another 30. There's the bus right now. I'm going to get on.

                   I'm so stupid. I forgot I scored a bus pass and I paid a dollar for fare.

1:29pm  I just got off the #30 bus where I'm supposed to get off, over by I95. I'm walking to Jim's mobile home to get my pack and skip town. I still have that daypass so I have to catch the #1.

2:08pm  I'm all packed up and ready to go. Jim's giving me a ride to the bus stop in John's car.

2:27pm  I got on the bus heading to the bus terminal.

2:37pm  I'm stupid. I got off the bus. For some reason I thought I was on my way to somewhere else. I thought I had missed I95, but I forgot I was on my way to the bus terminal. I got off on Davies and Andrew. It'll be a long time for the bus to pass again. I got off here for some reason.

2:58pm  I'm back in Hollywood. I have to transfer to the 7 bus.

4:00pm  I walked all the way to the Walgreen's where I walked to when I first got to this area the other day. The #7 was across the street, so I jumped on that one already. Aiming for I75.

4:52pm  I just got off over at I75.

5:18pm  I forgot to tell you. About five minutes ago I got to the onramp. I'm thumbing it. I'll take a picture.

5:53pm  I got bored on the onramp. I'm walking to the next gas station.

6:10pm  Taking Exit 11A.

6:30pm  I'm going to chill on this onramp until it gets dark and then I'll go to the gas station.

7:30pm  I got bored thumbing it and I'm going to walk to the gas station. I haven't even seen it.

7:36pm  I came to the Extra Mile/Chevron.

8:54pm  I had a badass presentation with this Oscar kid. I even told him the Note From the Rich. He loved that shit.

9:26pm  What was your name again? Annie just volunteered me some chocolate. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

9:29pm  I spent a long time at the gas station. At the Chevron. I had some great presentations there too. I gave out my website plenty. Nobody hooked me up with a ride. I'm going to walk to the next exit. Olivia. The pretty cashier Olivia, she didn't let me take her picture, but she listened to my whole story. When I first got there I started telling her my story. In between customers, of course. I gave her my website, awesome.

                   Plant the seed in every town I go.

                   That lady Annie gave me a big heavy bible. I chunked it in the bushes. She gave me a big box of delicious chocolate covered pretzels.

10:09pm  I didn't tell you. About ten of fifteen minutes ago I already secured my campsite right next to the highway. In the trees here near a big tall fence. I'll take pictures in the morning.

Next day..

walking to Weston to South Bay to Belle Glade to Canal Point, FL

Monday April 14, 2008

6:22am  I got about eight hours of sleep. I woke up at six at my little camp right next to the highway. It was a little loud, but I still got a lot of sleep. I'm all stoned too. Wake and bake. I took like three hits. I'm going to wait for the sun to come up.

6:48am  I'm up and at 'em walking the highway. Griffin Road 1 mile.

                   Ugh, I just saw a city bus pass by. I could've ridden the city bus down here, that sucks. It even goes further. The 23 route.

7:21am  I just got to the Griffin Road Shell Station. I'm going to take a shit.

8:08am  I went to the gas station and looked around for snacks before I took a shit. A can of Ravioli is like three bucks. Screw that. Oh shit, there's a Burger King next door and it's open. I asked the cashier, "Hey, can I come back and ask for rides? I'm not asking for money. I'll only ask them as they're leaving and one complaint and I'm gone. I am very selective in who I ask too. I don't just ask everybody." He frowned and said, "I can't let you do that." "Since when does it hurt to ask?" I told him and walked out of there. He yelled something at me that I didn't understand. I went to the Burger King and spent five bucks. I've got fifteen left. More like eighteen. I bought me an Enormous Breakfast Sandwich. I came to the onramp and sat down and ate it. I asked this one fire department guy how far the next gas station was. He told me to walk over the Griffin bridge here and then take a right on Weston Road and that would be a nice walk. I'm going to keep walking.

8:21am  Walking up on Weston Road/Dykes. I see a big sign that says City of Weston. I'll take a picture of it.

8:39am  Passing South Post Road. I can see the highway to my right. I'm walking parallel to it.

                   I could've totally ridden the 23 bus out here.

8:45am  Passing Meridian Business Campus.

8:48am  I am going to stop and take a breather under the shade of this tree. My pubes itch from the walking.

9:06am  Leaving from my break. I took a picture of where I sat in the shade. I took like three big hits. I'm stoned.

9:19am  walked to Royal Palms Boulevard and I'm turning right. There's a sign that says I75.

9:30am  I just got to 75. I'm going to walk down the loop thing. I'm going to walk down the hill in the grass. I just found me a tennis ball, perfect.

9:39am  I forgot to tell you. I'm on the onramp already. I put my shirt back on. I had taken it off while I walked.

10:25am  I stopped thumbing. I saw three cops in a row so I took that as my sign. I'm walking.

                     I paused underneath a bridge and took a piss.

10:47am  I stopped underneath a bridge and I'm going to take my WPTMJ shirt off.

10:55am  Nelson pulled over for me, but he's going back to Fort Lauderdale. Thanks anyway, brother. It's the thought that counts.

                     Make it happen

11:34am  I walked almost to the turnpike. There's a Khol's.

                     I95 East. Big junction here.

11:45am  I crossed the street and stood under the sign that says Naples and thumbed it for a while there. I got bored and figured I would just walk to the turnpike and see what they tell me. I've got money. I'll pay the toll.

12:20pm  These two kids pulled up and asked me where I was going. I told them I was on my way to save the world. One kid told me, "Yeah, I saw you this morning wayyy down there." They split though. Hell yeah, recognized.

12:34pm  I stopped to rest. I'll take my boots off and air out my feet.

12:55pm  Leaving from Bonaventure Boulevard. This bridge here by the highway. I took a piss on the wall and rested. I ate some of those pretzels this Christian lady gave me last night. She gave me a big bible too, but it was too heavy. Not to mention, old.

12:57pm  I stopped right before the bridge and switched out my tennis ball.

1:06pm  All of a sudden State Trooper Walker pulled over and he's giving me a courtesy ride to the next gas station. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

2:02pm  I just had a badass presentation with Trooper Walker. He was smiling the whole time I was telling my story. Especially with the marijuana part. Indian Springs is where I am now. I'm fearless, hell yeah.

                     The gas station is dead. I'm not going to get a ride there. I'm going to go to the onramp and stand there with my shirt.

2:44pm  Manon came up to me and told me that because she just saw the Into the Wild movie she felt like volunteering me a twenty dollar bill. She wished me luck. I really appreciate it, Manon. Thanks for helping me live this dream.

                    Manon is French Canadian.

                    This cop at the gas station told me he didn't think I could walk Alligator Alley.

                    I'm getting tired of the onramp. I'm going to go back to the gas station and ask them if they have any public transit that stops here. I've got money.

3:01pm  Came back to the gas station.

4:02pm  I had gone back to the onramp and got bored. I'm going to walk the highway. I see a sign pointing To 75.

                    Some more magic just happened! I was walking down the access road going towards 75N. What were your names? Vinny and Tom. They pulled up and one said, "Hey,!" I'm going to smoke them out. How did you get my website? I gave him my website over at the Chevron off of Sheridan yesterday, I think."

                    I switched out tapes. I filled up my other one. I just got magically teleported to South Bay over by Lake Okeechobee. Wait, there's a guy with a Puerto Rico shirt at this gas station.

                    The guy with the shirt told me no. Oh yeah, I just magically teleported to South Bay on Highway 27. I'm not on 75 anymore. I want to find out if the Greyhound stops here. I've got twenty five dollars. I gave them five bucks for gas. Shit, I forgot what their names were. I had given this kid my website last night at the Shell station on Sheridan. He saw me walking today and picked me up. It sucks that I didn't get their name or even take their picture. I showed them the picture of the dead body.

                    Behold the perfection. I was just bouncing back and forth between the gas station and the onramp in Weston. Like three or four times. I said screw it, I'm going to walk it. Maybe like a mile later I get recognized and picked up.

5:09pm  Clewiston 16, Ft. Myers 78.

5:24pm  Permission granted at the Marathon gas station here, GR's. I'll take a picture.  Some guy.

6:02pm  I got tired of thumbing it. I am a long-distance walker, after all. I'm going to walk to the next town. It's only fourteen miles away, Clewiston.

6:07pm  Hmm, passing sign for Lake Okeechobee Scenic Trail South Bay trailhead. Tempting. It's got a picture of a hiker with a walking stick.

6:14pm  Coming up on Levee Road. Scenic trail .2 miles to the right. I'm going to take it.

6:17pm  I've only got four big chocolate covered pretzels left, a Ramen noodle cake and a jumbo honey bun. That's alright until I get more food. I'm going to walk this scenic trail. I took a picture.

                    I walked to this part that dead-ends. It sucks. I have to go all the way back. The nature trail veers off to the right. I see a road on the other side of this golf course and there's this big building, I don't know what it is, I took a picture of it. It's all fenced off with barbwire everywhere. I came behind it to rest and smoke by the water. I guess I'll just climb over the wall and keep walking the scenic trail.

                   Swamp Buggy

7:06pm  There does seem to be a way through. There's this green bridge I have to cross.

7:09pm  On the other side of the bridge there's a sign that says, "Entering golfing area, beware of errant golf balls."

7:18pm  Going to turn left on this road. There's a big mobile home community out here.

7:30pm  I came in and walked around Tooley Island, this big RV park out here. Maybe I'll walk around some more and look for someone to tell my story to. Maybe I'll just forget it and double back.

7:38pm  This kid just talked to me in a golf cart. I offered him my website and he stopped and talked to me. I told him it was all about world peace through marijuana. He smiled. He told me I was four miles away from the next store.

7:44pm  I walked in and roamed around the RV park, but there wasn't an outlet anywhere. I walked out and on top of this hill there's a light at the drawbridge. This brother Otis gave me a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

7:50pm  I am in the town of Belle Glade at the Marathon gas station.

8:13pm  It looks like I am going to West Palm Beach. I came to this gas station here and all these cool black dudes are hanging out. They told me there's a city transit bus that goes all the way to West Palm Beach! I am all zigzagging around Florida.

8:54pm  About five minutes ago I got on the 48 bus that came. I'll transfer to the 40 bus that will take me to West Palm Beach.

9:00pm  We stopped at some place called West Tech. The nice bus driver, she was real talkative, she was telling me that the bus going to WPB doesn't take any passengers going back on it's last run. Duh, I was supposed to run and ask the driver if he would make an exception for me, but I spaced it. So, I'm going to keep going on the 48.

9:24pm  Virginia, the nice bus driver, she's dropping me off in Canal Point, she just volunteered me two free bus tickets for tomorrow. I appreciate it, Virgina. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

9:33pm  Per Virginia's suggestion I am camped in this empty lot behind this grove of palm trees. I'll take pictures in the morning. I'm like less than a block away from where she dropped me off. We drove through Pahokee, but she didn't feel right dropping me there because of the crime and drugs. She gave me two bus tickets. That's awesome.

Next day..

Canal Point to West Palm Beach, FL

Tuesday April 15, 2008

6:57am  I'm up and at 'em. I crashed in this empty lot at the corner of Lakeshore Drive and US 441. I took lots of pictures of where I crashed last night.

7:40am  The bus came. I'm on my way back to West Tech. Right before the bus came I took a picture of the intersection where the bus stop is at. I was actually able to scrape some resin while I waited. I smoked all of my weed yesterday. Going to West Tech to transfer to the 40 bus.

8:02am  Blair hooked me up with a cigarette at West Tech.

9:02am  Still riding on the bus going to West Palm Beach. I've got a two hour ride so to kill time I sewed my boots. The stitching I had done on the left side-zipper snapped when I put it on this morning.

9:42am  We're almost there. We stopped at the airport.

                    It was awesome how that random way I walked on the scenic trail yesterday is going to end me up in West Palm Beach.

9:56am  I am in downtown West Palm Beach. Clematis and Quadrille.

10:03am  I just took a picture of Nancy M. Graham Centennial Square.

                     It's cool, the random park I found, not only are there bathrooms right outside, but the public library is here too. I'm going to get to check my email.

10:45am  Dude, what a marvelous update I have to make! Right at the last minute of my email session, my friend Katt who lives in my mom's hood in San Antonio messaged me on MySpace:

Apr 15, 2008 10:31 AM
Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [?]



I thought I'd let you know that there finally concitering a side walk there down ol'tezel.... you fence line made the 5 pm news and a councel woman is being held responcible to do something about it.... Good job man, thought I'd let you know.... Where are you? how are you doing?

                     Hell yeah! I'm going to manifest a sidewalk!

12:19pm  That was Malik I took a picture of in front of the library. He loved my story. He's going to score me a nickel sack right now.

                     West Palm Beach, Florida

                     Reading Together

12:56pm  I was out there eating the last of my cereal in front of the library. Leonard was nice enough to volunteer me some tune fish and crackers. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

1:47pm  Greg hooked me up with a cigarette on Clematis Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:57pm  I just walked Clematis to Rosemary and turned left. I'm aiming for the Publix. I'm going to buy a pouch of tobacco.

                   I smoked that dude who gave me crackers out and this other dude by the water. I took pictures. I smoked them out.

2:02pm  See, anyone who says hi or smiles at me I offer my website to. This one guy from Katy, TX, he's a general contractor, his hat said, he told me he had just put in The Limited Too in I forgot what mall in San Antonio.

                   I'm on Rosemary Avenue now.

2:18pm  paused at this fountain and smoked a cigarette. I did my stretches and stuff.

2:47pm  Mario at the Domino's on Dixie is hooking me up with some pizza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   That was awesome. I was just walking and I was real hungry. I saw a Domino's, oh, I'm going to go hit them up for mistakes! Sure enough, I asked the cool black dude and he hooked me up! He quickly turned around and grabbed a box for me saying, "The employees have been eating from this." Awesome. Welcome to West Palm Beach, Victor.

3:06pm  I sat down and ate. I have three slices left for later on. Hopefully for the train ride. I'm going to walk to the train station and see how far I can get with fifteen bucks. The Domino's across the street from the Saint James Residence. The trolley stops here at Fern and Olive.

3:16pm  I walked back to the library.

3:32pm  I walked to in front of the library and changed my socks out. Put a fresh pair on. I'm going to walk to the train station.

3:50pm  I walked to the train station.

4:15pm  I changed my mind. I'm not going to ride a train. I'll stick around for a little bit. This town's treated me alright so far. I have to do my laundry too. I've got fifteen bucks and I don't want to spend it on bus fare. I can always hitchhike or walk.

                   I walked Clematis back to the library.

4:20pm  I took a picture of the big globe sculpture in front of 61028 Clematis.

5:40pm  The only hip kid I've seen in this town so far, Jesse, who's on his laptop at a table in front of the library. I told him I didn't want to interrupt whatever he was doing, but he said he didn't mind. I had eaten my two last slices of pizza and told him my story. He said he was staying at some hotel nearby and he'd let me crash there. I asked him if he could spare some floorspace and he said sure. I appreciate it, brother. Room 309 at the Lavernia Hotel. He said it was like eight blocks away. I'm going to walk around and tell somebody my story.

7:00pm  Hell yeah, I just had a great presentation with the Public Safety guys. They came up to me and I started telling them my story. Right before I got to the marijuana part they started tripping about money. "Oh, people wouldn't be motivated to do anything without money." Right after I walked away from them I found a Snickers bar on the ground! Hell yeah. Peanutopolis. I touched it with my stick convinced it was an empty wrapper. It was brand new! That's a sign to start walking. I ate a Ramen that I bought at the Publix earlier.

8:49pm  I just had a great presentation with Robbie and Paige. I took their picture.

8:50pm  I got all stoned and was itching to tell my story bad. I asked like two or three people and they shut me down real quick. "No, no, no, no." They just kept walking. Man, nobody wants world peace. Then I walked up to this couple walking and they were totally into my story. I cut to the important part because they had to go catch a movie. Their eyes were locked on me and heard everything I said.

8:56pm  Hehe, I walked up to this security guard and hit him up for my story. He told me no real quick and said, "We've been getting calls about you. Pretty much, you have to go." What do you mean I have to go? I'm just telling people my story. I'm not asking for money. I'm a professional. I got permission from one of the Public Safety guys earlier. Cops haven't told me shit. I'm still waiting a couple hours to call that guy who's going to let me crash in his hotel room.

10:12pm  I hit Zacon up for my story. I took his picture in his red shirt. He let me bum a cigarette at the end. I appreciate it, brother.

                     I had a badass presentation with that Zacon dude. In the end he told me he really admired what I was doing. He said he was really glad there was people out there like me. I told him the Note From the Rich and everything. He loved it.

10:27pm  Joshua at the City Place, this little mall here, he let me borrow his cellphone so I can call Jesse. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

10:39pm  I had an awesome presentation with Joshua. I took his picture and everything.

10:53pm  Haha, see, the cops like me. I'm just exercising my freedoms. They didn't search me or nothing. I was busy telling Joshua my story then the cop walked up. Joshua told him, "He's not bothering me. He has a story and I want to hear it." That was awesome. I'm blowing minds here.

11:29pm  I didn't tell you. I'm going to try and find a place to camp. I was able to call Jesse and he told me that he was going to stay up and party until like three in the morning. Screw that. I'm walking down Olive now away from downtown. I'm looking for woods.

12:32am  I found my campspot about fifteen minutes ago. I'll take pictures in the morning. Alright, I'm going to go to sleep. It's late.

Next day..


West Palm Beach, FL

Wednesday April 16. 2008

6:43am  I just woke up with seven hours of sleep. Awesome.

7:23am  I am up and at 'em. I just packed up all my shit. I'm leaving my camp. I took pictures.

                   I think I can walk this sidewalk along the water all the way to the library. I took a picture of the El Cid Marker. Flagler is the street that runs along the water.

7:39am  I just took a picture of the Unity building. I don't know what that is, but I took a picture of the sign. It said 4/20 on the sign.

7:45am  I just walked by this group of three protesters holding signs to traffic. I'll keep the paper about their cause they gave me. I gave them my website too. Help Save the Flagler Drive Waterfront. They've got an email address, but no webpage. I think they're just wasting their time. Nobody cares. Hehe, I bet people say that about what I'm doing.

                   It says peace on the sidewalk. I'm going to take a picture of it.

                   The signs are everywhere. Another peace on the sidewalk.

8:14am  I made my way back to the library.

10:30am  I just got out of the library. I checked my email and got me five more printouts of havethisbook.coms.

11:32am  I am playing around with the idea of scoring a bus ticket all the way to Tampa. Through Vickers. They have signs next to the restrooms in front of the library that says, "Homeless? Need help? Pick up the phone," but I have to have a family member to go home to. I was going to call Mike Stanley in Gulfport and get him to pretend to be my brother. Ahh, that's too complicated. A train ride to Okeechobee is twelve dollars, but I can get there for a dollar fifty on the city transit bus. I just found out right now. So I'm going to take off today. I want to be out there on the road. Hmm, right now I'm looking for the Domino's that hooked me up yesterday and see if they'll hook me up with some traveling food. Wait, I'm going to go get change then I'll find the pizza place.

11:40am  I wanted to get some change. I went in this store and asked them if they had change for a five, and this lady just gave me some loose change. The old dude in there gave me change for my five. I'm going to find Domino's now.

11:58am  Some more magic happened! I was just wandering around the streets looking for Domino's. I see this girl Jocelyn sitting in her car with her window down. I asked her if she knew where the Domino's was. I hit her up for my story and to my delight she got out of her car and sat down on the sidewalk to listen to it. She was all ears. In the end she asked me if I wanted to smoke. Sure! She's smoking a brother out now, for the cause. Thanks!

1:28pm  This sucks. Jocelyn dropped me off and I realize I just lost my marijuana. Maybe I'm not meant to have it in this town. Blue Heron and Beach Court. I got dropped off in this parking lot. I don't know where I am. Singer Island, I think. Wow, I am just in awe at the magic of my departure. This random girl who was sitting in her car with her window rolled down. I told a great story and she smoked me out and ended up being my ride out of town.

1:56pm  I met this dude where I got dropped off. He was waiting for the bus and he told me about this cool place on the other side of the water here. He said that's where he was headed and that there would be cool people to talk to there. I thanked him for the destination and decided I was going to walk it, and then so did he.

1:57pm  I just took a picture of Peanut Island. JFK's beach house. Palm Beach over there in the background. Look it up on the internet. I kind of know where I am now.

2:02pm  I took a picture of these cool islands a lot of bigwigs live on.

2:07pm  I'm at Blue Heron Blvd and Lakeshore Drive.

2:10pm  Steve is the key I'm walking with. He brought me to Riviera Beach. I was in West Palm and I came here.

2:19pm  Just walked to Broadway and turned left.

2:41pm  I came over to this bathroom by the Tiki Waterfront Sea Grill. I took a piss. I also took off my thermal bottoms because I'm walking.

2:46pm  I just came to the Riviera Municipal Marina and Bobby just hooked me up with some food. I had walked by this little Tiki hut amd I saw they were preparing food. I walked up and asked them if they had any for sale. They're hooking me up with some food! I appreciate it, guys. In a community of plenty none should go hungry. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

                   Group picture

                   This guy gave me some directions.  Take 95 N to Exit 262 which should be Coco Beach. I head west at Coco Beach. I'm going to pass Cape Canaveral, sweet. NASA's there, right?

5:32pm  I forgot his name. This guy I told my whole Odyssey to from the marina, in between interruptions. Well, there weren't that many. He's going to let me crash in his boat tonight. I am in the shower house right now. I scored me a shower! Welcome to Riviera Beach, Victor.

                   Shit, the shower doesn't work in here, that sucks. I am all unpacked and naked and everything.

6:07pm  I just came out of the working shower. I feel like a hundred bucks. I found my weed too!

7:12pm  I got some badass accommodations here. George, he just showed me his boat I can crash in tonight. I have to take pictures. I get to sleep on a big mattress with no wind. Perfect.

7:56pm  I just went for a walk. Man, I had a great reception at the marina. I've got a place to crash for the night and everything. I just went for a walk a little bit outside of the marina. I'm at Broadway/1. This prostitute just came up to me and asked me, "Where were your green long-johns. I saw you walking earlier." I tried to tell her my story, but she quickly said she had to go. I told her how I was self-employed and she said, "Me too. I provide stress-relief. "So be thankful for migrant workers, prostitutes and homeless street-people." It's getting cold and I left my bags in that boat I'm going to crash in. I'm going to go back and get my green tights and put them on.

8:42pm  I'm having such a good time tonight. I couldn't find the boat where my bags were, it disappeared. George had moved it. I did finally find it. He had just moved it. I've got my green thermals on and my rainbow scarf. I'm waiting for this girl to come back. She said she'd smoke me out. Her and her friend wouldn't listen to my story. They were all drinking. They're still drinking. Her and some other guy. We're going to walk to the store and buy some cigarettes. She said she'd smoke a joint with me. I did find my weed. I thought I had lost it. I'm already stoned.

                   The sun is already down. I'm going to be able to crash in that boat! It's cool that I have a headquarters at the marina. A place to stash my shit and walk around with my shirt exposed.

10:03pm  I decided to go on a walk. I'm walking into the ghetto by the marina. I just ran into Tommy. He saw me at the marina earlier. I'm just going to walk a little bit further down the street and then turn around and walk back to the marina. I have to wait until eleven thirty. George is having some guy clean the fuel system in his boat. I might crash out on the other boat that was offered to me first, but I would be outside.

11:31pm  I'm crashing out inside George's boat. I'll take a picture of it in the morning.

Next day..

West Palm Beach to Jupiter to Saint Lucie to Vero Beach, FL

Thursday April 17, 2008

7:13am  I just woke up. I slept great last night, dude. It's like a got a hotel room. I'll take a picture.  Another picture.

                   Bird waiting for fish

9:13am  I am packed up and I am leaving. I'm traveling, skipping town. This place is cool, but there's not too many cool places close to the marina. There's all this ghetto. I'm going to keep traveling aiming for Tampa. Now I really need to get my update typed up.

                   I had such a great reception to the marina last night. Hell yeah. I got to crash in a boat. I took a picture of where I crashed. This guy George was cool as hell. He had a brand new pack of Captain's Wafers and he hooked me up with four of them. I've got a little bit of traveling food. I've got five bucks left too. I'm going to keep walking.

                   Hell yeah, I was walking 1 and the bus actually waited for me. He's only going up to Jupiter, but he gave me a courtesy ride. "I'll walk it if I have to."

9:30am  It was the nice #1 driver who's hooking me up with a ride. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

9:57am  I just landed at Palm Beach Garden Mall. This cool bus driver gave me a courtesy ride. I told him the Note From the Rich on the bus and he liked it. He hooked me up with a transfer so I can catch the #10 going North.

10:04am  I just got smoked out rowdy at the bus stop at the mall by Matt. Some Cali-Kush. Hell yeah, I'm all stoned. I took a drag off my special cigarette, hehe.

10:45am  I impulsively got off the bus when I saw a library sign. I don't even know where the library is. I'm going to keep walking. I don't know where I am, hehe.

                     The intersection I got off at was Toney Penna and Military Tr.

                     Entering the Palm Beach County Library. Jupiter Branch. That's where I am, Jupiter. I'll take a picture of the sign when I leave.

11:01am  I have to wait until eleven twenty five for a computer. I'm going to go eat some Captain's Wafers and have a smoking session.

                     I'm still stoned from that Cali-Kush I got smoked out with by Matt at the mall. That was cool as hell, man.

                     It was cool earlier when I left the marina. I was just walking up 1, Broadway. All of a sudden I see a bus pass and I think, "Damn, I could've caught that one." Then I noticed that like two blocks away he was waiting after the light for some reason. I got to the light and I had to wait for some cars to pass by. I got to the bus and the driver wasn't even there. When he got back I asked him how far North he was going. He told me not that far, just to Jupiter. He hooked me up with a courtesy ride and I got to tell him The Note from the Rich and he friggin' loved it. I've been telling my stories like crazy. And at the mall I got hooked up with some weed by Matt. That Cali-Kush. I told him my story. I didn't tell him the important part because we didn't have that much time. I told him the Note From the Rich on the bus. I am all wired up and giddy.

11:53am  I left the library. Walking to Indian Town Road now.

12:01pm  I came up on Indian Town Road. There's a sign that says To I95, Florida Turnpike. I'll take a picture.

12:20pm  I took a picture of can't understand the name. She listened to my whole story.

12:31pm  I got kicked off the bus because it was the end of the line at the Walgreen's on Clocktower and Military. I'm going to walk to I95, like three miles away.

12:54pm  John and Neal. These two kids riding skateboards. They were coming up behind me, so I stopped and offered them my website. I hit them up for my story and it was a great way to kill time on this walk. I'm already by the Shops at Jupiter Creek.

1:13pm  I walked Indian Town all the way to Safewood Plaza.

1:30pm  I went in the McDonald's right across the street from the Shell station and took a piss. I'm pretty close to the highway now. Indian Town Road and Island Way/68 Terrace.

1:46pm  Leaving the Shell. I didn't ask anybody for a ride. I'm just going to thumb it on the onramp. The second right is 95N.

2:00pm  Man, like after three cars passed after I got on the onramp Ken and Bobby pulled over for me. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

2:23pm  I just got dropped off at Justice Street and Gatlan Boulevard. Man, that was magical. The third cars that passed when I got on the onramp pulled over for me, hell yeah. It's going to happen again, just watch.

                     I have decided I'm heading West at Vero Beach on 60 to Tampa.

                     I didn't go to the gas station. I just came over to the onramp. I still have five dollars left.

2:49pm  In no-time. I waited for like twenty minutes and Chris pulled over for me. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

3:15pm  I just got dropped off at the gas station in Saint Lucie. I'm going to check out the cashier and hang out at this gas station. I spent my five bucks. Chris took me to some dude's house and scored me a nickel sack. So no more money. I'm going to go hit up the Subway.

3:19pm  Scott at the Shell Station in Saint Lucie hooked me up with some cookies at Subway. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

3:27pm  I am on the onramp. I walked down to the Pedestrians Prohibited sign and I'm thumbing cars. I put my dirty shirt on. I'm getting good publicity with it.

3:50pm  In no-time Allan picked me up and is giving me a ride to Vero Beach. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

4:35pm  Lisa at the gas station in Vero Beach at the Citgo is hooking me up with some crackers for only thirty cents. I appreciate it, Lisa. Everybody gets credit.

                   I only had like forty cents left in my pocket. I asked Lisa, "Hey, are these crackers thirty cents? They are sometimes." She told me, "They're fifty nine, but you can give me thirty." I logged her generosity and gave her my website.
Oh yeah, I found out I am already on Highway 60. 60/95. I'm going to walk to Tampa. Hehe, yeah right.

                   It was awesome how that last guy picked me up. He was from Cuba. He was a really cool dude. He gave me some cookies and a drink. He let me call my mom on his phone and he even talked to her for a long time. My mom was all, "Que barbaridad!"

5:31pm  I bought the crackers at the gas station then I walked towards the onramp and I see a sign-flying bum on the corner. I asked him what was up and offered to smoke him out. We went around the corner and sat down in some woods and smoked some weed. I'm going to go back up to the Citgo and ask for rides. Rogue was his name. We had a good little session and I told him my story.

6:26pm  I'm going to go fly a sign on the interstate! I just wrote one up right now. I took a picture of it. Donations for the cause and I've got my t-shirt on. I'm going to bank.

6:32pm  Skip just hooked me up with five dollars! Sweet. Here, check out my website. I'm a journalist. Long distance walker. You'll be on there when I update it. Thanks a lot, brother. It's a good story. I appreciate it.

                   Hell yeah, this kid honked at me on the onramp and handed me a five dollar bill!

                   This dude on a blue Cadillac truck just gave me another five!

                   I just got another dollar from this lady.

7:13pm  I got another dollar from this guy in a truck.

                   Wow, people are just throwing money at me.

                   831-CAV, some old lady in a Toyota just gave me a dollar. Hell yeah.

7:19pm  This guy driving a New Century Transmissions Incorporated gave me a dollar, hell yeah. That's the second or third trucker that's given me a dollar.

8:14pm  This cop drove by and I used that as a sign. I'm leaving my spot. I've got twenty bucks. That's more than I need. I'm going to go to the gas stations and ask for rides. I'll offer people gas money.

                   Shit, I left my sign. I have to go back and get it. My Donations for the Cause sign. I'm going to fly that everywhere. Tampa, here I come.

8:26pm  I had a good welcome at this TA truck stop here. I came to the TA and this brother, what was your name? Greenhead, I asked him if they had any laundry facilities. Oh yeah, this place is all under construction, but still open. It's all tore up. They're remodeling the whole thing. Greenhead hooked me up. He's washing my shirt and a couple pairs of socks for me. He's saving me two bucks. Welcome to Vero Beach, Victor.

10:09pm  I have secured my camp in the woods across the street. I'm walking back to the TA to get something to eat. Then I'll have a smoking session before I go to bed.

10:28pm  I returned to my camp. I went to the TA and spent six dollars and bought plenty of food. I bought a chocolate milk and ice cream sandwich and some cookies and some other treats. I'm going to make more money tomorrow morning, hehe.

                   Oh, and I got my shirts washed. Greenhead. My good shirt is stained as hell. It's all tan now, not white. Hopefully I can wash it again and it will be white again.

Next day..

Vero Beach to Yeehaw Junction to Lake Wales, FL

Friday April 18, 2008

5:33am  I woke up at around 5:15 at my camp. I had a badass camp and got plenty of sleep last night. I didn't set my watch before I went to bed. I am guessing I went to bed around eleven. I'm going to try to get to St. Pete today.

6:36am  I had to take a shit real bad, so I left all my stuff at my camp and walked to the TA. I just came back and I'm going to eat breakfast and smoke a cigarette and stuff. The sun is coming up.

8:23am  I am all loaded up and ready to go. I just packed up my camp. I chilled out for a long time at my camp this morning. I had to sew up the zipper on my boot again. For like the fourth time. I did a really good job this time. I'm going to go fly my sign some more and make some more cash. I only have six dollars left.

                   Taking all of my trash. Leave no trace.

9:26am  I just had a great presentation with Sholanda, the cashier at the TA. I told them my whole Odyssey. Now I'm going to go to the highway and fly my sign. Maybe I'll get me money for a bus ticket.

                   I forgot I had gotten change for three dollars in quarters to do laundry, but that cool dude Greenhead hooked me up so I didn't have to spend it. I had bought some soap, but I returned it because he hooked me up.

9:33am  I am standing at my corner.

9:35am  Vincent just pulled up in a truck and volunteered me a banana. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. It was cool, right when I walked up to the stoplight these two guys in a truck saw my shirt and started smiling. I pulled out my Donations for the Cause sign and Vincent immediately offered me a banana.

                   Be sure to download Toby Mack.

                   J97-RQF just hooked me up with some change. I gave him my website. He told me, "You know where it's at."

10:40am  I walked over to 98 Avenue and I'm going to stand here by the stoplight and thumb it.

                     Right when I walked up these guys in a Logistics van gave me another banana. Second banana for the day so far.

     11:37am  I just got talked to by a state trooper. He was all cool. I told him, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing." He had seen me roll a cigarette at the stoplight and he turned around. He jokingly asked me if I was only rolling tobacco. He said he'd take my word for it. He just told me I had to stand by the cars and I couldn't go out in traffic.

12:08pm  Some magic happened. I had been passing out my website at the stoplight. I was thumbing a ride one way and flying my donations for the cause sign the other way. I'm multi-tasking. Sarah had accepted my website earlier and she eventually pulled over and offered me soe fruit. She's also giving me a ride a little bit West to the next gas station, cool. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

12:35pm  Sarah dropped me off at some Pilot gas station. I don't know where I am. Sarah's beautiful. Sarah: "I know the turnpike is right there." It doesn't matter where I am. I'll find out eventually. She volunteered me some cash. I appreciate it, Sarah.

                     I just got totally blessed. I can get a bus ticket now.

1:02pm  That's awesome. I just got twenty dollars. I have a total of forty now. I counted all the change that I got. This one lady had given me a handful of change after she took my picture. Back when I was on the onramp before. I just got blessed by some random guy with twenty dollars. He saw my shirt. Right when I had loaded up and started walking away he yelled at me. I walked up to him and he gave me twenty dollars! Sweet. I gave him my website. I got sponsors! Thank you, Love.

                     Yeehaw Junction, I think I'm at. A hundred miles away from Tampa, 101 to be exact. By the 441 Junction. Desert Inn, historic site.

1:27pm  I got bored on the onramp. I'm going to walk back to the Pilot truck stop.

                   Hmm, I'm going to go stand by the stop sign so people will have time to think.

                   Some sherrif pulled over right behind me. I don't have any weed. I'm alright.

2:39pm  I spent like an hour thumbing it. I went up to the stop sign and Danny is hooking me up with a ride. He's Puertorican, right? Boricua de pura cepa!

                   Be sure to download or at least get the lyrics for Cultura Prophetica. This Puertorican band. I like the name. I'm going to download them. I'll put them on my website. Recommendation by Danny Brasero.

3:28pm  I am in Lake Wales. I just got dropped off at the BP gas station. Man, I wanted to get a picture of the Puertorican flag on his car.

                   Cool, I think I see a sign that says public library. I'm walking towards the onramp.

                   The blue sign says Drivers License Office, not library.

                   54 to Tampa and 15 to Bartow.

3:40pm  I'm standing by the sign.

4:05pm  I am leaving from in front of the IHOP. I'm going to stand in front of the gas station now.

4:45pm  I got exasperated waiting for a ride. I got some good publicity with my shirt though. Everybody is going to recognize me. I figure I have forty bucks. I'm going to go to the Greyhound. I was thumbing it by these railroad tracks. I asked this lady at the gas station and she told me it stopped downtown. She told me to walk over the overpass, take my first left and then next right and go downtown. That there's a 7-11 I can ask at.

                   Passing Sharp Street. Walking into town.

                   Turning left on 4th Street following the sign pointing downtown, that way. Oh hey, I'm going to go hit up Domino's for mistakes.

                   The kid didn't even look and he told me no. They're hot-rack thing was packed with pizzas too.

5:16pm  Coming up on Central Avenue. I took a picture. Water tower in the background. Central Avenue, here I come.

                   I walked down Central Avenue and this city is dead. Nobody out anywhere. Hmm, I'm going to go ask the police for directions.

5:37pm  On my way to the police station. I'm going to go ask them. Man, that lady at the gas station lied to me. The Greyhound doesn't stop in this town at all. Hmm, I can't find the police station.

                   The police station is completely empty. No cars or bodies anywhere.

                   I picked up the receiver and talked to this lady. She told me that the city transit bus stops running at five and that there is no Greyhound in Lake Wales.

6:00pm  Hey, there's a Pizza Hut.

                   Sweet, I went in and asked the girl working for mistakes and she told me I would have to ask the manager who just walked by. I said hi to the manager and he asked me if I wanted a personal pan pizza. I asked him if they had any mistakes and he smiled and told me, "I've got one mistake coming up in ten minutes." Awesome.

                   His name is James, the cool manager at the Pizza Hut I was telling you about.

6:25pm  Brenda was nice enough to volunteer me some bread outside of the Pizza Hut. I appreciate it, Brenda. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

6:32pm  Hell yeah, I had a great presentation with James. I told him thanks for the blessings and he told me, "You coming here is a blessing to me." I thanked him and said always glad to be of service.

6:48pm  I had a great presentation with Rachel and her friends in front of some something Crust Original Pizza Place. Rachel's eyes were locked on me the whole time. I'm walking West already. Over by 3rd Street. I saw all these kids hanging out in front of the pizza place. I thought story time. Beautiful Rachel was the one who listened most of all. She agreed with everything I said nodding her head up and down.

7:26pm  I walked all the way back to where that lady gave me false information at the gas station. I am only fifteen miles away from Bartow. I could've walked there by now. I came to where I was before, by the railroad tracks and I'm thumbing it. I got a couple paper clips from Autozone.

7:48pm  The sun is at the bottom of the sky now. It's going to be dark pretty soon. I'm going to start walking towards Bartow. It's only fifteen miles.

8:13pm  I sat down to rest at the last traffic light. Oh yeah, James from the Pizza Hut, he hooked me up with an almost full pack of 305 cigarettes.

8:20pm  I'm up walking.

8:40pm  Passing West Lake Wales, left arrow sign. Maybe there's a gas station. Maybe there's not.

9:05pm  About ten minutes ago I found my campspot. Underneath this tree in this orchard by the highway. I'll take pictures in the morning. There's lots of mosquitoes, but I'm in my sleeping bag and they won't bite me as much. I'm going to bed. I'll remember to set my watch this time.

Next day..

Lake Wales to Tampa to Saint Petersburg to Gulfport, FL

Saturday April 19, 2008

6:47pm  I got 9.41 hours of sleep last night. I got almost ten hours of sleep last night. I crashed out good.
7:44am  I am up and at 'em. I am all packed up and am leaving no trace. Except for a worn out tennis ball, my marker. Hey, I just might make it to The Blueberry Patch by four twenty. Hopefully today. I camped in this orange tree orchard last night. There was trickle tape and stuff. There's no fence and it's right off the highway. I'm going to keep walking now. Actually, I haven't taken a shit this morning. I don't have to go that bad. Hopefully there will be a gas station soon. I had an apple for breakfast that that beautiful girl Sarah gave me yesterday. I ended up giving the whole bunch of bananas to the Puertorican guy who picked me up. I thought they would weigh me down, but I wish I would've kept it now. Wait, I keep forgetting how much money I have in my wallet. Let me count it again. Forty three dollars.

                   4000 SR 60 West, Petersen Industries, is where the orchard I crashed at was.

8:26am  I couldn't find a concealed place to take a shit at, I had to go real bad. I hopped a barbwire fence and I found a place to take a shit. Mission accomplished. Right where I hopped the fence there's a white plastic chair next to the highway. I'm going to sit down and eat and smoke a cigarette.

8:39am  Leaving from my break. I sat down in the plastic chair and ate this cheese bread this lady gave me a the Pizza Hut yesterday. I still have a hundred calories of apple crisps Sarah gave me.

                   This truck just pulled over, not for me. I walked up to him and asked him how far the next gas station was and he told me right up the road. It's not that far. Like a mile away.

9:10am  I see the Circle K. About three quarters of a mile away.

9:22am  I walked up to the Circle K. I'm going to use the restroom.

                   I spent five dollars at the Circle K. I bought some snacks. I bought me a Jimmy Dean's ham, egg, and cheese hot muffin. I got two Ramens, sevnty cents each. I also bought a thing of Mother's cookies and some crackers.

                   I got clearance for asking for rides. They were real nice in there.

10:19am  In no time, I went in front of the Circle K and thumbed it for a little bit. For like ten minutes maybe. All of a sudden Mark pulls over for me in his Jeep and picks me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                   Mark also known as Meatloaf.

11:24am  Oh yeah, that was magical. I am already in Brandon! I am already in the Tampa area! I just got dropped off at the bus stop at the mall here. I'm waiting for the #8. Hell yeah! That was so awesome. He even told me, "I had a feeling about you." He turned around and came back for me. At first he was just going to take me to Zephyrr Hills, he was going skydiving. Then he agreed to take me to Tampa! He said, "It's like forty miles out of my way, but I don't mind." I tried to tell him my story, but his Jeep was loud, because there are no windows. He's got my website, though. I took his picture at the end. That's so awesome that I'm going to make it to The Patch by four twenty. I was trying to yell my story to him over the noise. He told me, "I am really envious of you." I asked him, "Wouldn't you rather be free than rich?" We even went to the Checkers and he bought me a combo. I've got tons of food. When he picked me up he gave me a cold McDonald's breakfast sandwich. I am so happy right now. I am elated. Awesome, awesome. The bus comes at eleven forty. It's eleven twenty eight right now.

11:44am  Leaving on the bus going to Tampa.

12:32pm  We are driving through beautiful Ybor City. I was here at the Saint Patrick's Day Parade. I've never walked around it. Maybe I should. It's a really pretty city.

12:44pm  MTC.

12:46pm  Damn, no buses to St. Pete until Monday. That sucks. I'll miss four twenty at The Patch. But, there's a Greyhound station and I've got cash. I'm going to go see how much a ticket costs.

12:57pm  I just bought my ticket to St. Pete at five thirty. I could be leaving at one, right now, but I'm going to try and score me some weed. I'll be alright. I'm going to go score some weed downtown.

1:30pm  I came to the Sykes Park in front of the police station. This black dude who recognized me is already getting me some weed. I hope he comes back.

2:23pm  I scored me a dimesack eventually. The guy with the weed came back finally. I got to talk to the prostitute girl, Pat. I remember Katrina telling me she was Tampa's best hooker. I got to tell her part of my story. I told her the Note from the Rich and she loved it. I'm going to go smoke some weed somewhere.

                   I came over to this concrete amphitheatre that I came to a while back. Stoners supposedly hang out here. I'm going to see if there are any. I'm going to check my tag too. I tagged WPTMJ with I took a picture of it. Let's see if it's still there. I had taken a picture of it.

3:02pm  I came to the bathroom at the Greyhound station and ran into Nation. He volunteered me some food. He's Native American. What tribe? Micmac, it sounded like he said.

3:14pm  I made a friend. I met him in the bathroom when I was washing my hands. I just told him my whole entire Odyssey outside. He did art and stuff, so I told him he should come check out The Blueberry Patch. They'll let him hang out there for like a day and then he can catch the bus back to Tampa on Monday. I gave him nine dollars for his bus ticket. He's coming with me. I didn't work for that money. It wasn't mind to keep.

5:23pm  We are in Saint Pete.

5:40pm  That was beautiful Kim I took a picture of. She listened to my story great. I could probably keep going with my story, but I'm smoking a cigarette.

5:57pm  I had a great presentation with this beautiful black girl Kim outside the Greyhound station.

6:32pm  We stopped at the Serenity Garden to smoke, where I've come before. Wups, I just broke a bench. Sorry, guys.

7:12pm  Leaving from the Serenity Garden.

                   That dude Nation, when I told him my story, right when I told him the spirits part he actually said, "You've got confirmation!"

                   That pretty black girl Kim I told my story to, she actually complimented my hair. Nobody has ever complimented my hair before. That was awesome. I didn't say thank you because I was kind of taken aback. I told her, "I just leave it alone and let it grow by itself."

7:44pm  Nation and I walked all the way to the Central Terminal and I had a badass presentation with Mark. I took his picture. He's got a peace tattoo on his calf.

                   Mark just walked back up to me and told me, "That made me think!"

8:14pm  We got off the bus at 55th Street.

10:19pm  I am doing Dave-O a favor. Buying him some beer. I had two dollars left over so I bought some snacks. I hope my friend Nation I brought along doesn't piss anybody off here. He's loving it too. He is enjoying it a lot. I told him, "You haven't seen nothing. Just wait until you see it in the daytime." He's probably going to stay until Tuesday, the big party. I did Dave a favor and walked to the store and bought some beer for him. Three four-packs of Natural Light. I got some snacks too. I'm going to share them with Nation. I saw beautiful Demi. She's so beautiful. She doesn't think I should put the picture of the dead guy from Fort Lauderdale on my website. Screw it, nothing but the truth. I'm still going to do it.

Next day..


Gulfport, FL

Sunday April 20, 2008

11:00am  I am just now making the first entry for the morning. Happy four twenty everybody. I'm going to walk over to Echo's house and see if she's home. I want to say hi to her. My friend Nation woke up. He slept on the hammock outside.

                     Oh yeah, it sucks. Billy Beck moved out. I thought I was going to be able to type my stuff up on his laptop. He moved to the Sweetwater Farm, some organic farm in Tampa. Hopefully there's another computer I could use. Mike, who I saw with Chaya on Fort Lauderdale Beach, he's supposed to come home today. Maybe he'll let me use his Macintosh. I really wish I didn't have to type it up on a Mac, but whatever works. I can't update my website with a Mac. I need Microsoft Frontpage. I could just do it HTML, but it would take too long.

11:37am  Sweet, I was walking back from Echo's house, she wasn't home. I was walking in front of the closed down Winn-Dixie. I walked by the mailboxes they have here and I found a full pack of cigarettes! Menthol Newports.

1:00pm  I had a great presentation with this beautiful black girl. I told her the Note From the Rich and everything. She was flabbergasted, "Oh my god. I can't believe we're slaves." She was all taken aback by the Note From the Rich. She liked it a lot. She was all, "Thank you, thank you." I think I'm going to walk to the public library. I want to check my email. Damnit, I'm stupid. I didn't think to bring extra batteries. My tape recorder is going to go out soon.

1:09pm  I walked Gulfport Blvd to Beach Blvd and turning left. Aiming for the library.

                   Waterfront District

                   I called my mom to see if she would help me with my website this year. I told her I was going to go fly a sign and do some fundraising. She told me, "Raise some funds and I'll help you out with whatever else you need." She's going to Brazil pretty soon. Her and my little nephew are going to be missionaries. The library is closed today. It opens at ten tomorrow. I'm going to walk to the beach and tell my story and get smoked out.

1:26pm  I came to the beach. I took a picture. I'm going to walk along the water. I took my socks off.

1:29pm  I just had a good presentation, err, I just gave out my website. I walked over and these people started saying, "Hey, look at his shirt!" They took a picture of me.

2:01pm  I walked up and down the beach and I came to this concrete thing at the end and rinsed off my feet and dried off my sandals. I'm waiting for the sun to dry them more. I put my socks on. I kind of dried the parts of the sandals that weren't dry yet with my red handkerchief. I'm wearing it on my caribiner so it'll dry out. I'm a gangbanger.

                   I'm going to sit down on this bench and eat this other burger I got from McDonald's earlier. I bought me a triple cheeseburger and a double cheeseburger. I'm going to eat the double cheeseburger now.

2:37pm  Steve and Sherri, they listened to my whole Odyssey. I was walking up the sidewalk on Gulfport Blvd and I hit them up for my story. When I was done they asked me, "Have you been to The Blueberry Patch yet?" I told them, "That's my Gulfport headquarters.

10:51pm  My night got lots better. I hung out with Echo. I think she's really beautiful. I think she's hot as hell. She's got some issues though. She's so scatter-brained. She's out there. Everybody thinks she's crazy. She's got some clarity-issues, I don't know. She just got married, she said. Last time I was here she was with this guy Mike. Darn, I can't kindle anything. I came over yesterday and I see this girl kissing on some guy and it ended up being her. She's totally not sure about getting married. They're just engaged. I don't know. It's a lot of stuff. I shouldn't be talking about it at all. It's her private life. I really like Echo. She's thinking about leaving her fiancée a Dear John letter and taking off North pretty soon to Kentucky. I might get a ride with her, I don't know. I don't know what I should do. I should probably stay by myself.

                      Full moon

Next day..


Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Monday April 21, 2008

     6:20am  I got seven and a half hours of sleep.

                   Dallas' front door

8:05am  Let me tell you about this morning. I woke up and I told myself I'm going to go fly my sign today. I walked to the gas station and found a piece of cardboard. I made a SUPPORT THE CAUSE sign. I'm going to go find a corner to stand on and fly it. I think Brian told me something about 58th and 34th. I'm going to go there and fly my sign. I'm not going to be asking for anything. Support the cause doesn't ask for anything. It's more of a command, hehe. I can't wait to talk to cops.

8:15am  I am off. I'm going to find a corner to fly my sign. I'll take a picture of it.

8:37am  I stopped at the Citgo gas station. The Suncoast food store at 58th and 15th. I'm still walking 58th and I'm going to go to 34th Avenue.

                   Oh yeah, right when I left The Blueberry Patch this morning I found thirty five cents on the ground. I had enough to buy me a cake of Ramen.

                   This sucks. 34th and 58th don't meet. There's a body of water. I don't know if I got the intersection right from what Brian told me.

9:19am  The 22 driver hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

9:35am  I'm at the corner of 66th and 22nd Avenue. I just got delivered here by the bus driver. I asked him to recommend a spot where bums fly sign in this town. He told me over by Tyrone Mall, where he was headed.

9:38pm  Tony hooked me up with a couple cigarettes at the stoplight. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

9:53pm  I came to 66th and Tyrone. There's a big intersection here. I asked a couple of homebums and they told me they fly their signs right in the median. That's what I'm going to do.

10:00am  I just got a water! A Dasani bottle. First donation of the day.

10:15am  Darrel hooked me up with a roach! I appreciate it, brother. You made my day. Darrel from New Orleans.

10:31am  Elise just gave me a couple of dollars. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

                     I've been passing out my website like crazy and yelling at all the ignorers.

11:15am  I've been bouncing around all the medians seeing where the traffic piles up best. I am back at 66th and 22nd where I started. There's a bum on ever corner. There's like four or five out there. Competition up the ass.

11:30am  Hell yeah, I'm having a field day! I am so stoned off my ass. Dude, I got hooked up with a big fat roach. I smoked half of it behind the tree in front of the Sears. I stashed it there. It looks just like a snipe, so nobody's going to pick it up. The cops don't have shit on me today. I didn't even bring my fake cigarette today. I knew I would get smoked out. I've got papers. I can't wait for the cops to come.

                     I've got my rainbow wig on and everything. I'm going to get shot today, hehe. Shyeah right.

11:43am  I got hooked up with a dollar by a pretty girl. I gave her my website. She's driving a Saturn X95-9NV.

12:08pm  Showtime. The cop just got on his intercom, "Young man in the median. Come over here."

                     Ha, right when I was walking over I gave my website to these two kids in a car that liked my shirt.

12:20pm  Officer Gilmore was just IDing all the sign-flyers. I told him I was a journalist and long distance walker. That I was non-profit and was just passing out my website. He says he gets off at three, so I could continue my protest then. Oh yeah, I'm going to tell him my story. I forgot.

                     J.G. Gilmore. Great presentation right now with the police. Maybe I'll just go to another corner, I don't know. Hmm, I've got two hours to kill. I want to find someone to tell my story to. I'm going to go puff on that joint I have stashed.

12:40pm  The greedy ass driving the bus wouldn't let me on. "I can't let you ride for free." That's right. Be afraid, be afraid. That's a good little slave.

                     I could've paid fare, but screw it.

12:53pm  It's weird. All the other homebums have reclaimed their positions on the medians way before we were told we could. I am standing here at the bus stop though. Cars pile up here just fine for my giveaway.

12:58pm  Hell yeah, I just got hooked up with a five dollar bill! Sweet, badass.

1:48pm  These kids in a white truck gave me a five dollar bill! He told me, "That's all I got." For the cause!

2:08pm  This lady just threw like three dollars out the window for me.

2:16pm  Man, I've been having fun all day in my little shady spot. I have a perfect little signing strip right here. All these dumb bums are working the medians in the hot sun. This strip of trees right here where the bus stops provides perfect shade for my job. The cars back up just fine and I give my site out here. I can do this all day. I am yelling at people hardcore again. I bet the switchboard at the police station is out of control.

3:06pm  I forgot to tell you. Jugas and Oliver, they pulled around the Sears parking lot and parked and walked up to me. They come over and wanted to get my picture. Then they offered to smoke me out! We drove around to some park and took a hit. I only got one, but it was some good sheet, man. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. I took their picture.

3:25pm  The 79 driver hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Guy on bus I told my story to.

3:26pm  Another day at the office. I'm trying to give some peace away, but nobody wants any. I passed out my website plenty and ended up with eleven dollars total. That's alright. I'm just doing it for the cause.

                     Oh yeah, Echo's fiancée. I really doubt she's going to marry him. Umm, he has to go to work at five. I want to hang out with Echo tonight. I have to wait until after he goes to work. I don't know.

                     Echo is a big wingnut. She totally can't be my traveling partner. I don't know. She said she might give me a ride up to Kentucky pretty soon. I'll do that. I'd like to go on a short trip with her. She's beautiful. She looks like Ariel the mermaid.

3:40pm  I took a picture of this dude with some cool dreadlocks. How old are you, brother? Twenty eight.

3:54pm  I am at The Blueberry Patch.

6:08pm  I came back to The Patch. I felt like taking a nap in Billy's old room, which is where I slept last night. Mike came home yesterday and told me I might as well sleep in that room. It's awesome. It's like I have my own room. Then Echo came over. My friend Echo. I have a small crush on that girl. We've been hanging out and she makes me giddy. But, she's so scatterbrained and way to unstable to help me save the world.

Next day..


Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Tuesday April 22, 2008

11:00am  I woke up again. Last night Echo had some troubling times. I got to sleep with Echo last night. Just sleep. I had a cuddle-buddy. I kind of feel bad because she's cheating on this John guy. But then she says she wants a husband for her kids and somebody to be there. That's not me. I think Echo is beautiful. She's not all there though.
3:42pm  I haven't made that many entries today. I just stayed home. Man, I can't believe I've got a room at The Blueberry Patch. Since Billy is gone I am welcome to be in this room. I've got all my stuff in here. I just cleaned up the whole house. I did the dishes. I rearranged the furniture in the living room and swept real good. It looks real nice. I hope they like it.


                   Patch Night

9:30pm  Echo just brought me over to this guy Aaron Camacho's house. He's part Puertorican too and he's got his own tee-shirt business. He knows about tee-shirts. Hell yeah. I have all his information. As the mission evolves. Oh yeah, tonight's Patch Night. Echo was nice enough to come over and took me to her house and fed me. I was really hungry too. I'm out of money too. I met her daughter and son LIttle Bird Thunder Bear and he made me a couple of hamburgers.

9:42pm  Tonight's Patch Night. There's a big crowd here. I tried taking pictures, but it's dark. A lot of people showed up.

11:06pm  Mandy was nice enough to give me a cigarette at The Blueberry Patch tonight. I appreciate it, Mandy. Everybody gets credit, thanks.


12:32am  I totally forgot to make an update. What was your name again? Nikki, another Nikki, I met her at Patch Night tonight. I was telling her about how I had been here before and used Billy Beck's laptop. She offered to let me use her laptop. We drove to her house after The Patch. I am telling her my story now. She's going to let me crash here and use the computer tomorrow. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. Everybody check out her cute nine year old mutt.

Next day..


Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Wednesday April 23, 2008

12:35pm  I have to make an update already. I am taking off from The Patch. Oh yeah, last night was awesome. I met Nikki, who goes to college, she's in school, she let me crash at her house and this morning I got to type a shitload. I am already on March 4th. Like twenty days away from being caught up. I can type it up at the college here. I want to do that. Right now I'm going to go do a little fundraising. Actually, I'm going to walk to Echo's and see what's up with her. I've got some things on my agenda. She's supposed to give me a ride to the Health Department so I can get a blood screening. It's about time I got tested for Herpes already. Oh yeah, this guy Aaron I talked to last night, he's going to help me with my tee-shirts. He knows computers too. He runs this website that I can start a store for free and distribute my shirts. I just have to upload the design and people in Asia print them and ship them. Right now I'm going to go to the bus stop and try my luck with a courtesy ride. I've got eighty five cents. I should go buy some Ramen. That's what I'll do. I'm going to go buy a Ramen and go by Echo's.

                     Today at Nikki's was great. I was all stoned and she even gave me two dollars so I could walk to the store and buy Buglers. I typed my stuff up. I'm still at The Patch in my typing. Haven't taken off to Miami yet.

12:40pm  I walked to the King's store and they all liked my shirt. I bought me two things of Ramen for thirty five cents each. I am all ready for my sign-flying today.

12:42pm  I just realized that I needed more pieces of paper. I'm walking back to The Patch. I'm going to cut some more papers and then go see about Echo.

1:05pm  I left again. I left my clown wig inside in my room. I'm going back for my clown wig.

1:07pm  I am off again. I've got my wig and my flyers to hand out. I cut like two sheet's worth of them. It's cool how they're doubled now. I have two havethisbook.coms on each little paper. It makes them a little bigger.

1:28pm  The greedy ass driving the 79 won't let me on. I was just testing you, anyway. You failed. Man, NOBODY wants world peace! I'm going to go in this thrift store and see if they have any cargo shorts.

1:50pm  Ohio plates 1BBL, this guy hooked me up with gas. Oh yeah, I didn't mention. I went over to the bus stop in front of the McDonald's close to Echo's house and tried to score a courtesy ride. After the driver told me no I thought I saw Echo and her fiancée. I walked over there and Echo asked me, "Do you have a couple bucks for gas?" I told her, "Nah, but do you have a gas tank? I'll get you some." John was all, "You're going to steal gas?" I told him, "Nah, just give me a gas tank and I'll be right back." Sure enough, I walked to the Sunoco and asked a couple people there. They told me no. This lady got all mad when I asked her saying, "You're like the third person who's asked me for something today. A gallon costs four dollars!" I barked back at her, "Calm down. All you have to say is no. Since when does it hurt to ask??"
                     I walked over to the Marathon across and down the street a little. I saw some old guy pumping gas and I told him, "I just ran out of gas down the street. Could you spare a gallon?" He said sure and filled up my tank for me. He gave me two gallons. Like eight bucks worth. Nice.

                     Presto-manifesto. Ask and thou shall receive. Third time was a charm.

                     I walked back to Echo's and John was outside. I walked up and told him, "No luck." He said, "That's Gulfport for you." Then I handed him the full tank and said, "Psyche!" Him and Echo are giving me a ride to Tyrone so I can fly my sign! I got a courtesy ride anyway! What perfection.

2:13pm  I just got dropped off by Tyrone Mall. I'm going to go fly my sign at the bus stop like I did last time. I'm not going to stand on the median. There's a lot of traffic right now. Maybe I will go stand in the median.

                     I offered this off-duty cop my website and he got a grimace on his face and showed me his badge. I didn't care and still tried to give him my website. He yelled at me to get off the median. Whatever, I can just go back to the bus stop. At first when he pulled up he asked me, "Are you giving out weed?" I didn't know he was a cop yet so I told him, "Not yet. Eventually though."

2:48pm  Scott just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

2:49pm  Hell yeah, I'm giving my website out left and right. This one lady in a car asked me, "Are you writing a book?" I told her, "No, I'm living a book. Check out my website. I'm a journalist." She said, "So am I." I told her, "See you on the other side." Then I was just walking back, letting people read the back of my shirt. All of a sudden this girl hands me a dollar bill. Hell yeah. Sweet.

                     Right now this lady driving by yelled at me, "You're going to jail!" I yelled back, "I'm not scared!"

3:02pm  Dovile just hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Beautiful girl. She said, "I'll support your cause." I gave her my website.

                   Bums on median

                   The guy who hooked me up with a roach the other day just drove by in a delivery van and asked me, "Hey, how did you like that joint?"

3:21pm  Man, it was magic that I scored that ride earlier today. The bus driver told me no and I saw Echo outside. Her and John. She hit me up for money for gas. I said no, but do you have a gas tank. After my third try I got it filled and ended up scoring a ride here.

4:22pm  These cops are probably going to come talk to me now. Showtime.

                   This bum just walked by and told me the cops just ran everybody off the medians.

                   Man, the cops didn't come talk to me at all. They told everybody else to get off the median. I'm on the sidewalk and just exercising my freedoms. They leave me alone. Hell yeah. I'm undercover man, hell yeah.

4:29pm  This idiot in a car just yelled at me, "Get a job!" I yelled back, "This is my job!"

                   Check out this lady standing on the corner with a Jesus sign.

                   DT1-6TF, this blue minivan just hooked me up with like two or three dollars. Hell yeah. They called me over. Support the cause. I gave them my website.

                   Pretty girl who accepted my website.

                   I offered this guy my website and he gave me his too.

4:55pm  This pretty girl walked up to the bus stop and I tried telling her my story. The 79 pulled up and he wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I pulled out some money and paid the fare, just for the sake of finishing my story with the pretty girl, who ends up living in Gulfport too. Totally worth it. I'm going to go back to The Blueberry Patch and talk to Echo again.

5:30pm  I had a great presentation with Amber. She listened to me great. She was all smiles the whole way through. Sign my guestbook. Let me know what you think.

                   I got off the bus at 54th Street in Gulfport. I'm going to walk. I had an awesome day today. I was totally free today. Just my walking stick and my water bottle. That's it. No bags at all.

5:58pm  I'm over here at Echo's and she looked up free in the dictionary.

Main Entry:
1free Listen to the pronunciation of 1free
Inflected Form(s):
fre·er; fre·est
Middle English, from Old English freo; akin to Old High German fri free, Welsh rhydd, Sanskrit priya own, dear
before 12th century

1 a: having the legal and political rights of a citizen b: enjoying civil and political liberty <free citizens> c: enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination d: enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another2 a: not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being : choosing or capable of choosing for itself b: determined by the choice of the actor or performer <free actions> c: made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously3 a: relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome <free from pain> <a speech free of political rhetoric> —often used in combination <error-free> b: not bound, confined, or detained by force4 a: having no trade restrictions b: not subject to government regulation cof foreign exchange : not subject to restriction or official control5 a: having no obligations (as to work) or commitments <I'll be free this evening> b: not taken up with commitments or obligations <a free evening>6: having a scope not restricted by qualification <a free variable>7 a: not obstructed, restricted, or impeded <free to leave> b: not being used or occupied <waved with his free hand> c: not hampered or restricted in its normal operation8 a: not fastened <the free end of the rope> b: not confined to a particular position or place <in twelve-tone music, no note is wholly free for it must hold its place in the series — J. L. Stewart> c: capable of moving or turning in any direction <a free particle> d: performed without apparatus <free tumbling> e: done with artificial aids (as pitons) used only for protection against falling and not for support <a free climb>9 a: not parsimonious <free spending> b: outspoken c: availing oneself of something without stint d: frank, open e: overly familiar or forward in action or attitude f: licentious10: not costing or charging anything11 a (1): not united with, attached to, combined with, or mixed with something else : separate <free ores> <a free surface of a bodily part> (2): freestanding <a free column> b: chemically uncombined <free oxygen> <free acids> c: not permanently attached but able to move about <a free electron in a metal> d: capable of being used alone as a meaningful linguistic form <the word hats is a free form> — compare 5bound 712 a: not literal or exact <free translation> b: not restricted by or conforming to conventional forms <free skating>13: favorable —used of a wind blowing from a direction more than six points from dead ahead14: not allowing slavery15: open to all comers
— free·ness Listen to the pronunciation of freeness \-n?s\ noun
— for free
: without charge
synonyms free, independent, sovereign, autonomous mean not subject to the rule or control of another. free stresses the complete absence of external rule and the full right to make all of one's own decisions <you're free to do as you like>. independent implies a standing alone; applied to a state it implies lack of connection with any other having power to interfere with its citizens, laws, or policies <the colony's struggle to become independent>. sovereign stresses the absence of a superior power and implies supremacy within a thing's own domain or sphere <separate and sovereign armed services>. autonomous stresses independence in matters pertaining to self-government <in this denomination each congregation is regarded as autonomous>.

6:27pm  I got off the bus. I walked not that far from the corner, 49th and Gulfport. I walked by Echo's and she was home and so was John. She's going to feed me again, awesome. We were going to go mow some guy's lawn today, but I guess not. I left my sign in the bushes when I got off and finished my story with the pretty girl. I'm going to double back to the bus stop and retrieve it.

7:19pm  I got burned for three dollars by the black dudes at Khan's. It's alright, because they let me hit their blunt and smoked me out. It's only three dollars. Justice will be done.

7:37pm  After I got burned I started walking back to The Patch and I see this girl riding towards me on a bike. I quickly hit her up for my story and she turned around and stop to listen to it. "It's not religious, I promise." Autumn listened to my story. I'm going to cut to the important part since she's in a hurry. I'll take her picture too if she lets me. Oh wait, did I already? Hehe. I'm all stoned.

7:40pm  Man, that was awesome. I had such a great presentation with Autumn. She's this beautiful girl. I took her picture. She just rode down the sidewalk on her bike and when I hit her up she stopped and turned around. "Okay!" She got a phone call, so I just cut to the important part. I said bye to her and thanks for listening to my story. She said next time she saw me she would tell me hers, thanks for the story. Sweet, I'm going to go back to The Patch now.

10:46pm  I came home to The Patch and told Brian in his room, "Mission semi-accomplished. I got burned for my three dollars, but I got smoked out." He told me, "There's some pasta in a bowl in the kitchen if you're hungry." It was a huge bowl of pasta. I asked him if I could have it all and he said, "Yeah, that's for you." Sweet, I had food waiting for me.

11:42pm  I just finished up my sewing project on my cargo shorts. They're going to die pretty soon.

Next day..

Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Thursday April 24, 2008

6:25am  I woke up. Let's see how long I slept. 7.56 hours. Almost eight hours.

7:24am  I am off for the day. I'm going to go fly my sign again. I might go type up my stuff. I've got my cassette in my pocket. I'm going to go see if I can get a courtesy ride on the 79.

7:33am  The nice driver is giving me a ride on the bus. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man.

                   He pulled over and I asked him for a courtesy ride. He asked me where and I told him, "Tyrone. I'm going to go spread the word." He told me, "You can't be spreading the word on my bus." I told him I wouldn't, that I would just sit down. At first he told me no and I went, "Come on, you don't want world peace?" He let me on. Hell yeah.

7:54am  The eagle has landed. Oh yeah, on the way up here I saw SPC, the college. It's not that far from here at all. I can just walk to the college when I get tired of passing out my website. I'll go type up my stuff. I'm free again today. Just my stick and water bottle. No bags. See, yesterday I had stashed my tin of weed by the bus stop with one hit of weed. I forgot it when I left. I'm going to go get it and take it.

8:12am  First donation of the day. I got a dollar, sweet.

                    I am out here in the median in front of the Vitamin Shoppe. There's a lot of traffic right now. I'm going to go back to the bus stop, I don't know. When I get called off.

                    Right now I offered my website to this black guy who had seen me at the Khan's in Gulfport yesterday. He told me, "You already gave me one."


9:13am  I got like three dollars in change. I'm going to stop for now and walk to the school and type my stuff up. I'm going to go to McDonald's first and get some walking fuel.

9:27am  I got me two egg McMuffins. I am walking to SPC now.

                   Just passed 9th Avenue. I think the school is this way.

10:33am  I just had an awesome presentation with this girl. I walked up to 56th Street. I was hoping there would be someone outside soon to ask directions. I saw this girl painting the curb in front of this church. She's doing some community service. She listened to my story great. Odyssey and all. I've been standing here for like half an hour talking to her. She was wide-eyed and nodding through the whole presentation. She wouldn't let me take her picture though. I took a picture of the church. She gave me three cigarettes too.

10:49am  I walked some more and I see SPC now. I'm almost there. I've got an extra sandwich in my pocket.

                     I couldn't do any typing because I didn't bring any headphones.

12:08pm  Back at my spot on 22nd Avenue and 66th Street. My undercover spot. The sun is still up high, it's not undercover yet.

12:20pm  Conner, who came and planted a sign for a 2bdr/1bath, he saw my shirt and hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

12:56pm  Hell yeah, I just got smoked out by this girl who saw me last time I was here. That one time when I talked to these kids at the bus stop by Life Skills. She said she was so glad she saw me again and turned the car around. Crystal, I think.

1:05pm  I got smoked out rowdy. I took like four hits off this blunt. This girl who smoked me out at the bus stop a long time ago. My tape is about to run out. I'm having a blast.

                   Haha, I offered another off-duty cop my webpage and he showed me his badge. "You don't want world peace?" I asked him. He rolled down the window and told me, "What I recommend you do is find another place to..." I cut him off, "I'm just exercising my freedoms, sir."

1:12pm  I'm having so much fun.

1:13pm  Herbert just hooked me up with some weed, hell yeah! I got kicked down! I'm going to go wait for the bus now. That's a badass little spot right there. I should keep doing this.

1:14pm  I got off the median because I had weed. One off-duty cop already told me shit. Just like the first time I did this, I got warned by an off-duty cop. I should've yelled at him, "I'm not afraid!" I thought since I had weed, I'd stop. But fuck it, I'll go to jail for my cause. I'll get bailed out by The Blueberry Patch in no-time. I need another good jail story. It's been four years.

1:18pm  I am giving away my website hardcore. I'm making sure to turn around so people can read the back of my shirt. I'm going to keep spreading the word. Fuck the police.

1:24pm  A cop just told me, "You, come over here!" Showtime.

1:28pm  Ha, I totally jumped into my story with this cop. I didn't get his name, but he told me that they've gotten so many complaints about me today. That people are scared of me and my clown wig. I have been yelling at people hardcore. I knew they were going to call the cops. I'm always waiting for them. This cop seems pretty cool. I hope he doesn't search my pockets. I don't care. I'm not scared anyway. I'll tell him, "Hey, will you listen to my story? Officer Gilmore let me tell it to him."

1:38pm  I got told to stop. Actually, I volunteered to stop. I told the cop, "I've spread my word enough today. I'll stop for now." I'm at the bus stop waiting for the 79. I had a badass day today. I got weed and the cops didn't take it. They didn't search me or nothing. I've got my story to protect me.

                   I told the cop, "When you're playing my game 
any reaction is a good reaction. There's no such thing as bad publicity." Officer Wilson.

2:00pm  I forgot to tell you I'm on the bus. The same driver who hooked me up this morning. When I left SPC today he pulled up and I asked him, "Would I be pushing my luck if I asked for another ride." He said I sure would be. I was sure to wave a dollar bill in the air this time so he would stop. I gave him fifty cents, a nickel over and he said, "Well, you owed me five cents from the last time."

                   That cop told me that I was scaring people. That's right, be afraid you little slaves.

                   The cop was telling me, "You know you don't have the power to do that." I smiled and told him, "It'll be a surprise." I should've told him how my power was growing every single day. Each time I gave out my website.

2:38pm  I got off close to Echo's house. I'm going to go smoke them out. She said she quit smoking but I don't believe it.

                   Echo's trashcan outside

9:50pm  Man, I hung out at Echo's for a long time. I had gone over there to type up some stuff. She's got a computer there without internet. She was talking to me the whole time and she even accidentally deleted a whole day I had typed up. Echo, she doesn't need to be with this John guy, or he with her. I'm not saying so because I want to be with her. Not at all. I need to be free to do my mission. Echo is a bit out there and way unstable. I still really care about her a lot. She wants to be free. I even considered it and told her, "We'll go on a trip. We'll try it out."

10:03pm  Man, I should elaborate more. I am sitting here in my comfortable room at The Blueberry Patch. I am loving this place. I am about to take a shower and do my laundry. I wanted to talk a little more about Echo. She's beautiful. She's another fairy nymph that has crossed my path. She has given me this big dose of loving. She totally wants to be free of her bounds, it's obvious. She's like "engaged" to this guy she's not really serious about. I am frankly worried about John. He's four years younger than her. She's twenty nine. John feels like he's found his soulmate with Echo. I don't think Echo reciprocates. She's always planning their breakup behind his back. I told her, "You shouldn't lead him on. You shouldn't keep playing along. You should let him know that there is something amiss." I mean, she's really considering taking off traveling with me. She's all trying to cover her bases so she can break free. Like have her mom watch her kids while she's traveling. She wants to go traveling with me. On one hand I think she'd be totally beneficial to my mission, but on the other hand I think she might be a detriment. I straight up told her, "You need to figure out a way to break free from all the ropes you have tying you down. I mean, she hasn't even started telling John how she plans to break up with him. He thinks you guys are engaged to be married. He thinks he found his soulmate. I told her, "If you can break free from that we will go on an evaluation journey and see how we travel together. I'm serious about my job. Echo is just, I don't want to label her, but she's brainwashed. She's a bible thumping minister.
                       I told her, "If you want to come traveling with me you have to believe in Love, not God. God is the personification of Love. Love is all we need. It's a big trick to control people. The God that you trust, which is on the back of the dollar bill, is destroying the world. It's a false God. We need to start believing in Love and start practicing what we preach." I don't know what's going to happen with Echo. I mean, I am really tempted to just wrap her up in my arms and caress her all over. I mean, I told John, just to calm his nerves(and because Echo asked me to) "I've been recording my life honestly, every detail of it for six years. I am bound to the truth and I refuse to compromise my mission. I assure you that Echo and my relationship will remain platonic while she is with you. I know the boundaries." I went over there and smoked them all out. I got hooked up with weed hardcore today. I still have a nugget left. I got some typing done at Echo's too. I am still only in Miami, but I'll get some more typing done later on.

Next day..

Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Friday April 25, 2008

7:41am  I woke up like about fifteen minutes ago. I got about seven and a half hours of sleep last night. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm supposed to call Echo at eight.

12:31pm  It's about time I made an update. I totally went gonzo in Mike's kitchen today, dude. I woke up early this morning and went at it. It's perfect now. I should've taken before and after picturesIt's perfect now. I dusted everything in there. It was filthy. I took a long time doing it. I was pretty thorough. In the middle of cleaning Echo came over with some pastor. Pastor Bruce, I think. She introduced me to him. She told him, "He's the one I'd be traveling with." Umm, I don't know about Echo. She's still brainwashed and is always talking how she does so much with the US Department of Peace. I think it's all a waste of time. The government is just a game. I believe my ideas are right and they will give all the people the things they want, without needing the complication of having anything to do with the government, which is evil. I mean, people actually trust the government and think they are acting on their behalf. It's going to get to the point where I'm going to tell her, "Listen, if you want to come with me I will require you to obsess yourself with my mission and my mission only. I am not trying to do anything with the government. You can't fuck the system with the system. There are safeguards in place to prevent that. If you are not willing to commit yourself to my cause then I need to continue on my own. You cannot walk with me." Ultimatum. Plus, she's got that whole John thing going. She's supposed to be getting married for crying out loud! He has no clue of her lies. Echo is going to rip John's heart out. She's a space-cadet.

                   took shots of myself in the mirror to show my streamlined-nesshehe.  Compare that to me from 12-17-03, five years ago.

1:18pm  I am leaving The Patch. Brian made some delicious fried rice and gave me some. It was delicious. I'm going to go buy me some Ramen. Then I'm going to walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus and try to get a courtesy ride. I'm full. I'll walk it if I have to.

1:26pm  I went and bought me a Ramen for thirty five cents. I walked back to The Patch and I refilled my water bottle. They have a filter on the sink. I'm going to go wait at the bus stop over by York Street where Echo lives. Maybe she'll come outside.

1:58pm  Man, I waited for like a whole half hour and the bus driver recognized me and didn't stop.

2:03pm  I'm not going to walk all the way to Tyrone. I'm going to walk to the public library here in Gulfport and check my email for an hour. I can hopefully get some typing done at Echo's tonight. I'm going to have a big talk with Echo.  Poster at library.

                   I'm going to tell her, "Listen, if you want to walk with me, before you break up the new family that you're starting, you know you shouldn't be with this guy because he's not for you anyway, if you want to go with me you must abandon 
all your causes and support only mine. Because mine is the only one that's going to realistically work. The government doesn't want us to be free or happy. Why would you trust them?"

                   You don't think the system has safeguards to prevent it from destroying itself? You are wasting your time, Echo.

                   The internet is 
not part of the system, nor will it ever be.

3:11pm  Library.

3:27pm  Guess what. I came to the Gulfport library and have secured myself a workstation here I can type on. I can type on a catalog computer. They've got two and they are barely used. There's no internet access on them but I just need Windows Notepad, which it has. I've got everything I need here. I'm taking my first break. I'm going to eat this Ramen and smoked a cigarette. Then I'll go back inside and do some more typing. I don't really need Echo's computer now. I can just come to the library and type all day.

3:48pm  I took a meal break and I'm going to get back to typing.

4:45pm  I am done at the library. I am really psyched out about my new workstation. I can come here and do this all day. I am only on April 7th. I've got like eighteen more days to go. I already left Key West in my typing. I'm headed up to Fort Lauderdale.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to go hang out with Echo and tell her that ultimatum I've been thinking about. Let's see how she reacts to that.

4:51pm  I smoked a cigarette outside the library and I'm walking to see what Echo's gotta say.

                   Her car's not at her house. I wonder where she is. I'm going to walk to The Patch.

5:06pm  I'm almost to The Patch and there's Echo's car, cool.

6:50pm  Echo and I drove around. Man, she lost her engagement ring. Her promise ring. Man, she's got to follow the signs and break up with him already. She's like been having sex with him every night. Shocked, I asked her, "Don't you feel guilty? That you're planning on breaking up with him, but are still giving him the impression that you still want to marry him by continuing to have sex with him and pretending to be passionate?" She's always calling up her pastor for advice and she wants to have a group session with all three of them to talk about the sins of premarital sex. Like she's going to try and use that as an excuse to call the wedding off. Anyway, she lost her promise ring John gave her. She came over to The Patch and pestered Mike to give her twenty dollars and we, me and her, drove over to the Walmart to buy another ring so John will never notice. She needed a replacement so she could still play along.

Next day..

Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Saturday April 26, 2008

8:39am  I am leaving from the Patch this morning. See, last night, Echo and I made out again. I couldn't resist. She's hot. I love her a lot. I wanted her to come traveling with me at first, just an evaluation run. I thought maybe I'd get the change to prove to her how delusional she is and how my system works. I really thought I could help her see how the things she believed were not true. Argh, I've got my work cut out with her. She's a minister and that's how she pays her bills. I still think she's beautiful and I still want to try and help her wake up. Today is Saturday so I want to go to Tyrone and pass out my website again. I'm all out of weed. I took my last resin hit this morning. I got a good seven hours of sleep. Right now I'm walking over to Echo's. I think I left my water bottle over there. I'm going to go get that before I take off.

8:58am  I didn't see my bottle there. I didn't want to wake anybody up, so I didn't knock on the door. I just walked around to the side of the house to see if I could spot by bottle anywhere. Echo ended up being awake and seeing me through the window. She came outside and John was still sleeping. She might give me a ride to Tyrone so I can fly my sign today.

10:19am  Echo brought me over to her friend's house Steve and Ben's. Steve smoked a roach with me at first. I got to start telling my story.

                     Be sure to look up the book Dark Majesty.

11:28pm  Echo and I are leaving from Ben and Steve's. I had an awesome presentation with Ben's girl friend who had been asleep in his room when I first got there. She's Jamaican, I think. Steve, he listened to my whole Odyssey outside. It was awesome, even with Echo's interruptions.

                     What did you say, Echo? Echo: "Umm, I'm working on communication skills. I'm really thankful to be hanging out with this journalist who's all about communication, because without a man like this in our world and in our society, what are we to do? I just pray. I think if I was talking to George Bush and I was on the phone with him, if I had better communications skills and I could talk to him I would say, "You gave me an empty tank of gas to fuel a whole damn economy." That's what I would say if I was sitting down there with my friend in Fort Lauderdale with Janet Reno and the United States Department of Peace and non-violence, come on now, this is not a local issue, this is a national and international one that we're talking about. We're talking about relating human beings in the name of world peace through marijuana."

                     I'm trying to murder the government and they've got you tied around their little finger.

                     Echo: "Antidisestablishmentarianism. Look it up. Really, we have a very strong government in place.."

                     No, that strong government you talk of is killing the world! You need to wake up, Echo. I think I can ake you up. You're almost there! I get frustrated though because you're still hung up on the need for a government. The government is NOT going to make anything better. If we haven't learned by now representative government does not represent. The government has safeguards in place that won't let it fuck itself. You can't kill the system from within. We don't need money!

                     Echo: "Peace, Victor. Shalom. Shalom be unto you today. If nobody else but me noticed on four twenty, let it be known, the pope came to New York Stadium. The pope came to New York Stadium on four twenty! Haha! Let it be known unto all nations! Jah, Rastafari! Let it be known to all nations that the pope himself came to the United States of America in four twenty, folks. That's right, four twenty. I hope everybody that reads this is beautiful and happy and enjoying a peaceful day. Praise Love, haha."

12:01pm  Echo just gave me a ride to my spot, my sign-flying spot in the shade on 22nd/66th. Today is Saturday.

                     Hell yeah, everybody is taking my picture today!

12:20pm  Haha, a cop just ran me off. I was on the median and he told me, "You gotta go. I'm having way too many calls."

12:36pm  Sarah just volunteered me some food. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

12:49pm  I had a great presentation with Officer Tom Tully. I took his picture.

12:51pm  I just the most awesome presentation with Officer Tully, dude. When he walked up to me I had my ID out. He walked up to me and actually asked me, "How was your four twenty?" I just busted out with my story. He agreed with everything I said, even the marijuana part. In the end he was all, "Victor, I don't doubt you." Hell yeah! I asked him, "Can I continue with my protest?" He said go ahead.

                     I've got permission.

12:57pm  Cory just hooked me up with a dollar for the cause. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

1:01pm  I just offered my website to this guy in a blue Durango, X47-MDY. He told me, "I already got one." He was the dude that gave me the Newport the other day. Hell yeah.

                     Some guy gave me another dollar. He told me, "I have to hook you up for your shirt."

1:41pm  I got hooked up with some weed! Hell yeah! Made my day. A little roach.

                     I just gave my website to this guy and he told me, "I'm taking this to New York." Hell yeah, tell your friends. Water my seed.

2:40pm  I'm going to take a break. I'm going to go to the CVS and get some water and take a piss.

3:15pm  I had an excellent presentation with Robbie and Andrew. I took their picture. You guys will be on there when I update it.

3:34pm  Hell yeah, that roach I got hooked up with earlier is lasting me a long time. I still have another hit left.

3:41pm  The 79 driver is hooking me up with a ride to Gulfport. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     I'm going to go all the way to the library.

4:11pm  I had a really good presentation with Lisa the bus driver. She gave me a ride all the way from my undercover spot.

                     Download High Society by Ben Elkton.

4:20pm  Damn, I left my sign on the bus. That sucks. That bus driver loved me. When I got off she told me, "You have a great day, Victor." It sucks that I lost my sign. Oh well, I'll make another one. I got dropped off on Gulfport Boulevard. I'm going to walk to the library and type this up.

4:27pm  Coming up to the Gulfport Public Library. Shit, they closed at four. They don't open again until ten 'o clock Monday.

6:39pm  I am finally telling Aaron my story here at The Patch. He's got a story of his own. Aaron: "Okay, the story is I'm in a car for three days trying to find this particularly rare magical crystals. They cost a lot of money. I'm driving around, driving around, driving around looking for them. The bass was pounding. I hadn't been to sleep for a long time. I finally can't understand why in the world I am doing this. I stop at a gas station and it suddenly occurs to me that I'm having a nervous breakdown. I am crying wondering what in the world this is all about. Why am I on such a persistent quest to get these things. What am I trying to do really? Suddenly it hits me and I write it all down. It goes like this. One time, blew your mind, put the brain pills on decline, get your thinking to the details of the divine design, burst the symbols, the signs, you're reading in between the lines, fearlessly facing federal fines, an infenitismly free mind, not the form, but each and everytime..." I can't understand the recording too well. Hopefully Aaron can send me a copy of the right rhyme. It's some really good stuff.

8:00pm  I forgot to tell you. Me, Aaron and Echo came to this festival they're having at the waterfront district here in Gulfport. I'm walking around letting people see my shirt. I'm passing out my website and getting good reactions. Aaron is going to hook me up with a store on his webpage,

9:43pm  Aaron and I had a really productive time on the Internet on his laptop at this coffee shop. Aaron Sun Camacho. My stuff is rolling faster now.

                   I don't know what time it is. I don't have my watch on. Echo just went crazy, man. See, she made it seem to me like she had finally decided to break up with John. She had already said she wasn't going to sleep at her house with him tonight. She got all tired and said she wanted to sleep with me in my room at The Patch. So, we got into bed together and started kissing and hugging and groping. We started going at it. She even brought my shorts down and asked me if I wanted to be inside of her. I thought about it for a second and told her, "Let me get a condom." She was all, "For what?" "So you won't get pregnant, duh. Plus, I won't want to pull out." We went at it and after a few thrusts she told me, "Tell me you love me," and I did. Then she asked me, "Will you marry me?" I said, "No way. I'm never getting married. Marriage breaks people up. It's the number one cause of divorce." I asked her if she wanted me to stop and she said yes. She got all pissed and butt-hurt and started walking around the room. She even went out of the room. Just then John had come over and told her it was finished with them. He had told her earlier if he caught her sleeping with me it was over. Now she's trying to blame all this shit on me! I never twisted her arm. It takes two to tango. She's the one who asked me if I wanted to be inside of her. She's all nuts. I'm just going to go to sleep.

Next day..

Gulfport , FL

Sunday April 27, 2008

4:43am  About five minutes ago I got woken up. Echo's crazy ass was yelling at me from outside. Let me tell you what happened last night. I mean, Echo was always talking about how much she hated being with John. She was always talking about breaking up with him to me. The whole time I didn't feel right being romantic with her because she was engaged! She told me it had gotten the point where she had finally given him the "hint" and that he knows she plans to break up with him. Then she'd tell me how much she cared about me. She told me she was looking forward to a full night's sleep with me tonight. Then last night when we went to bed we started caressing each other and one thing led to another. SHE pulled down my pants. She asked me if I wanted to be inside her. She was all hot and bothered and horny and shit. I told her let me get a condom and she said, "You don't need a condom." I said yes I do and suited up. SHE initiated the penetration. I stuck it in her. I hovered at the entrance for a little bit then I stuck it in a little bit deeper. I thought she'd be enjoying it, but it seems like she turned crazy.
                   Right now I just got woken up by her screaming outside. She came over with John and yelled, "Victor, if you come over I'll call the police!" Man, I need to write John a letter. I need to let him know the truth of what exactly happened tonight. He friggin' deserves to know. He's getting played. Echo's a fucking psycho wingnut. I'm going to write a letter and take it over to him right now. I don't care.

                   I just wrote John a big letter:

Dear John,
                   It's 4:30am and I was just woken up by Echo yelling at me, "Victor, if you come to my house I'm going to call the police!" You, of ALL people deserve to know what happened. Recently, anytime Echo spoke about you, she always spoke badly about you, always saying, "We're not married!" I would tell her, "But you are leading him to believe that you love him like a fiancée, all the time demonstrating blatant attraction towards me. I did not feel comfortable loving on Echo while she was still engaged to you. Last night she said it was over between you two and that you finally got the "hint." Echo has always been the one to initiate flirting with me. Tonight she even said, "I even told John I wasn't coming home tonight." Therefore, I assumed you guys were officially done.
                   Tonight I spent time with her and her ex Aaron working on starting my tee shirts up. Recently, I gave Echo an ultimatum. All this time, ever since I came back Echo has been planning to break free from you to take off traveling with me. At first I played around with the idea, but I told her that if she wanted to walk with me that she would have to abandon all of her causes and devote herself only to mine. She agreed at first, saying she would merely follow. You know Echo and her craziness. It soon become obvious to me that she had absolutely no intention of changing for my cause. But, she would still flirt and be amorous with me.
Last night, after we left the party Echo told me that she could not wait to get a full-night's sleep with me in my bed. We lay down and started cuddling and kissing.                    SHE brought my pants down. SHE asked me if I wanted to be inside of her. I put on a condom. SHE initiated the penetration. After a couple of thrusts she told me to tell her that I loved her. Then she asked me if I would ever marry her. I told her I would never get married. That marriage broke people up. After I told her no her attitude towards me changed totally. I asked her if she wanted me to stop. She said yes and I did. She sat on the floor and started collecting her stuff. She went outside and I followed. I tried talking to her, but she was acting crazy. I even asked her, "Do you mean that if I would have agreed to marry you, we would still be in there?" She plainly answered yes.
                   Echo has been dishonest with you ever since I met you, John. I am sure you have noticed. You're not stupid. You deserve so much better. You deserve a wife who won't lie to you. Echo even lied to me. If you still want Echo, she's all yours(so she'll make you think). I cannot afford her lies and instability on my mission. I've got a world to save. I really hope you make the right decision about Echo. She cannot be trusted.

- Victor Antonio

                   I walked over to Echo's house to warn John about what a big liar she was.

6:42am  I am back from Echo's house. Haha, I put on a show. She was all threatening to call the cops, like I'm scared of them or something. John is so whipped. He was all trying to defend her. I was actually able to throw the note inside the house when Echo had the door open. She didn't even notice. It landed right at his feet and he picked it up. I really hope he reads it.

1:00pm  I just woke up. Last night was crazy. I'm going to start cleaning the bathroom.

1:55pm  I forgot to tell you. Mike gave me some change so I could go buy some Ajax to clean the tub. On the way back Dallas, the old man who started The Blueberry Patch came outside and told me, "Victor, you're not welcome here anymore." I told him, "You don't want to hear my side of the story?" He totally refused saying that Echo was an old friend. I told Dallas okay and walked over to Mike's house. I told Mike that Dallas had just 86'ed me and Mike told me, "Well, this isn't Dallas' house and you're still welcome in my house."

4:21pm  We celebrated right on time. Dallas hasn't told me shit. This is Mike's house. I can be here if I want to. Man, I went gonzo on that bathroom. It's totally spotless now. I asked Demi and she said that it had been in it's current condition for over a year. The bathroom AND the kitchen hadn't been scrubbed in that long. I totally kicked ass on that. Mike's going to be happy when he gets back. I cleaned up perfectly. I even cleaned the whole shower curtain. It's a transparent curtain but you couldn't see through it before I cleaned it. Now you can see right through it. I remember doing that to the Alberta House in Portland last year.

                   I kind of feel better after talking to Brian and him reaffirming that this was Mike's house and that Dallas couldn't make me leave. Mike is totally supporting the cause.

                   Once again, I regret not taking before and after pictures.

4:44pm  I even went gonzo on the kitchen floor. I scrubbed it too. Everybody came over and they were impressed. Oh yeah, Echo came over and got some book out of my room that she left. When she left I asked Brian and Demi if she had told them anything and they said when she first got there she told them, "You know Dallas doesn't want him over here, right?" Brian told her, "Well, this isn't Dallas' house."

                   I should've told Echo, "Why does everybody gotta fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?! And you call yourself a minister."

5:03pm  I left the house. I'm going to go for a walk. Mike let me have his leftover pasta he made this morning, so I've been eating off of that all day. Mike likes me and I him. I really appreciate him for supporting my cause, which is everyone's cause. He makes me feel like somebody believes in me. This all goes back to that Conversation I had with Donovan that's on my website.

                   I'm simply pulling a Gandhi. Being the change I wish to see in this world. I totally kicked ass cleaning. Man, I haven't woken up at 1pm in a longass time. I've got four bucks. Mike gave me lots of quarters to buy some Ajax this morning. That's when I saw Dallas. The Ajax only cost a dollar, so I had like three dollars left in quarters. I'm going to walk over to Khan's and buy me a joint. Hopefully get smoked out.

5:06pm  I was walking in the Winn-Dixie parking lot and Trish just pulled over and called out to me. I walked over to her and she had a big plate of food. She told me, "I just had this leftovers. I kind of wanted to eat it, but then I saw you walking." I told her, "Listen, Mike made some pasta this morning that I've been eating off all day. Don't worry about it. You enjoy it." She seemed glad she was going to enjoy it. I told her it was the thought that counts. She asked me what I was doing and I told her, "I'm going to try and manifest me a joint." She said if she had some she'd give me some.

                   I told her, "I wouldn't eat that now if I took it from you, so enjoy. Don't worry about it. Thanks anyway." She said she'd give me a raincheck.

5:39pm  That was Gina and Audrey I just took a picture of. They listened to my story great in front of the Golden China. Awesome presentation. They loved it.

7:58pm  I am leaving The Blueberry Patch. I'm going to go for a walk. My good friend Brian made some pasta and gave me a plate. I put my Make It Happen shirt on. I'm going to walk to the beach.

8:14pm  I'm walking down Beach Blvd and this guy rode by on a bike and said, "Hey, stick-man."

8:38pm  I had a good presentation with Duncan and Maria. I'm just walking along the beach. They told me they saw me walking the other day too. I am everywhere.

                   Guy I told my story to in front of the casino.

9:22pm  I didn't tell you, I'm walking back already. I'm almost to Gulfport Boulevard. I'm going to go hang out in front of Khan's and try to manifest me some marijuana. I've got four bucks.

10:15pm  Looks like I got burned once again. I never learn.

Next day..


Gulfport, FL

Monday April 28, 2008

     7:11am  I got seven and a half hours of sleep. I woke up about fifteen minutes ago. I only have three hours to wait until the library opens. I'm going to go and type a lot of stuff.

     9:32am  Mike Stanley just dropped me off at the beach. He gave me a ride so I won't have to walk to the library. There's still half an hour before it opens. I'm going to go walk around the beach.

     9:45am  I came to the library and hit up these two guys for my story waiting for it to open. This one guy in a tie-dye wearing a crucifix. They didn't want to listen, but accepted my website.

                   Crane by library

1:30pm  I am leaving the library. From ten to one thirty. A good little three and a half hour chunk. I got a lot typed up. I've ony got like eighteen more days to be caught up. The senior citizen librarian gave me some grief about typing on the catalog computer, even though there's one that's barely even being used right next to it. Maybe this isn't as pristine a resource as I thought it to be. She told me that I could type on the internet computer and if there was nobody waiting I could get an extension. I don't know. I'm hungry. I bought two Ramens this morning and I have one left at home. In my room. That's awesome how I have a room.

2:18pm  I came to the bus stop. I'm going to try and get a courtesy ride to Tyrone Mall to go spread the word. On the walk home from the library I found me a little baggie of Honey Nut Cheerios. I ate them. Hopefully I'll get some donations today. I'm hungry. I've got a Ramen in my pocket for my lunch break.

2:26pm  The greedy ass bus driver wouldn't give me a ride. Good little slave. I'm going to wait for the next one.

2:51pm  Haha, I am sitting at the bus stop right across from Echo's house. She just came outside and saw me and motioned for me to get out of here. I yelled, "Call the cops! You don't own shit!"

2:56pm  Ha, she's on the phone most likely calling the cops to report me.

2:58pm  The other driver wouldn't give me a ride either. I'm going to stay here and wait to see if the cops actually come and try the next bus. He who knocks persistently ends by entering.
3:26pm  Otto Cosmo stopped and listened to my story. I took his picture. What did you think, Otto? Otto: "I think it's great. I think you're a form of genius." I don't know nothing, man. Anything is possible.

                    Otto just told me I made his day. Hell yeah. He told me, "Man, I'm proud of you." That's music to my ears, man.

3:39pm  The third driver told me no too. Alright. I'm walking back to The Patch now. I'll ask someone for a dollar fifty. 4:10 should be the next bus.

4:12pm  I'm going to walk to Tyrone. I've got a full stomach. Brian hooked me up with a big plate of food.

4:18pm  Damnit, I forgot my sign.

4:23pm  I went back and got my sign. I'm walking down 49th Street. Brian told me to walk 49th to 5th and take a left. Oh, did I tell you that my mom agreed to pay my website for another year?

4:27pm  The bus driver wouldn't stop for me. They know me already, hehe.

4:43pm  I passed 5th a little, so I'm going to double back and turn right. I'm going to keep walking. I don't know how close it is.

4:50pm  I went down 5th Avenue and it dead-ends at this big cemetery. I'm going to walk straight through it. Hopefully 5th will continue on the other side.

4:54pm  I'm walking through the cemetery. Turning right on 58th Street. I see some gas stations. I'm going to go ask for directions.

5:00pm  I walked to 1 Avenue South and got directions from this cool kid gassing up with his girlfriend. I gave him my website and everything.

5:15pm  Turning right on 66th. Coming up on Central Avenue.

5:17pm  I came in The Finest Skate Shop and asked for directions to Tyrone. This dude told me to keep walking straight past Central.

5:25pm  Crossing 5th Avenue N. By SPC, the college. There's somebody waiting for the bus up here. Maybe I can get a courtesy ride.

5:29pm  Some kids just drove by right now and this kid in the back seat told me, "I know you."

                    I hate to say it, but I kind of miss Echo. I love Echo and I always will. She won a piece of my heart. Especially after giving me such a great chapter.

5:42pm  I forgot to tell you. I am already at my shaded signing strip at 66nd/22nd. I walked all the way here. I can't believe it. It wasn't that long at all.

                    I got a handful of quarters, hell yeah.

5:49pm  Showtime.

5:51pm  Haha, those cops were all mad at me. One was all, "Oh, you're not asking for money?"

6:29pm  I had some more police contact. In the end he just let me go. He was all, "Be careful, Victor. Be careful."

7:13pm  The 79 driver is hooking me up with a ride back home. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                    How can something of anything be the root of that thing?

                    Check out my sign

7:36pm  I forgot to tell you about the only donation I got today. Right when I walked to my corner this guy yelled at me and I ran up to his car. I thought he was giving me some weed because he just held out his hand. He hooked me up with five dollars worth of quarters. I also got a dollar from this girl afterwards. I made six bucks today. That's not bad. Cigarette money. I'll see if I can go get me a nickel sack, hehe.

7:37pm  Oh yeah, I made up a new sign before I left The Patch earlier. Remember, I had left it on the bus yesterday? This morning when I woke up I made a new one. I'll take a picture of it.

7:44pm  I just got off the bus by Echo's house. At the bus stop in front of McDonald's. That last bus driver loved me. In the end he told me, "Good luck on what you're doing. You're going to make a lot of money." I told him I would just give it away. Hell yeah, he believes in me. He shook my hand and everything.

7:47pm  Hell yeah! I was walking through the McDonald's parking heading towards The Blueberry Patch. All of a sudden Mike pulls up on his scooter. He asked me what was going on and I told him how I walked all the way to Tyrone today because nobody gave me a courtesy ride. He told me that on the table in his house was a little bit of weed! Hell yeah! He blessed me for all the good work I've been doing today. I could do this forever. I kind of don't want to leave Gulfport now. I need to get my stuff typed up. I have been on task all day. I went to the library earlier then I walked to Tyrone and passed out my website like crazy. I've been working it nonstop today. It's my job. What a great day.

9:19pm  Oh yeah, earlier I came home and smoked some of that weed Mike told me about. I was sitting outside with Brian and Demi. What's Dallas' friend's name? Duffy came outside and relayed a message from Dallas. Dallas is scared that I'm going to bring the cops to The Blueberry Patch. I am sure this has everything to do with Echo, too. Brian totally had my back. He told Duffy exactly what I was thinking. Let's see what happens. Brian pretty much told him that Dallas needs to come talk to us himself. We don't need an intermediary or laison. If there's a problem he should deal with it. I told him that Dallas should just read my website, that it would make him feel better. Duffy told me, "Well, if you could print it out for him..." I cut him off and said, "I can't afford to print it out. That was be an awesome project to do if Dallas wanted to pay for it." It would be a hell of a lot of pages. It'd be kind of fun, but I can't afford that. My job doesn't pay me money. I work for free. I'm a volunteer.

                    Oh yeah, and the icing on the cake is that someone brought a vaporizer here for us to use. Mike and I have been taking vapor hits. We're all stoned. Mike: "Hey-yo."

Next day..

Gulfport to Saint Petersburg and back, FL

Tuesday April 29, 2008

     6:53am  I got 7.06 hours of sleep.

     7:10am  I woke up at like seven. I got stoned off this vaporized weed reburn. Last night with the last four dollars I had. I got six dollars total from donations yesterday, but I spent two on tobacco. Also, I bought all this cereal. I bought two little self-serve bowls of cereal at the gas station. McDonald's was closed. I had cereal for breakfast and a pint of milk. I had a nice little breakfast. I think I'm going to walk all the way out to Tyrone again. Now that I know that it's not that far.


8:56am  This morning my shitter book was one I found in Billy Becks old room. It's called The Ancient Ones: The Mission Remembered, by Riegie. It's such a great book. Everybody should read it. I should quote from it.

                     Blue and Rocky

10:12am  I just cleaned out the whole hangout room here. I swept and everything. I've been keeping myself busy cleaning all morning. Mike is up and he told me he just talked to Dallas. Dallas is all scared to have his patch associated with marijuana. Last night Dallas sent one of his friends to confront me, because he doesn't have the balls to himself. I got to thinking, man, wouldn't Dallas want The Blueberry Patch, the seed he planted thirty years ago, to be known to have fostered world peace? What the hell? Mike totally had my back. He told Dallas, "It's not about marijuana. It's about peace THROUGH marijuana. Victor is just here to type his stuff up and then he'll go on his way. I'm going to let him take his time." It's good to know people have my back. I'm cleaning hardcore too.
11:15am  The greedy ass at the King's Food Mart won't let me get another Ramen because I am twenty cents short. Greed shall be your downfall, man.

                     Haha, I called him a good little slave.

                     Oh yeah, I might be getting a ride to Virginia pretty soon. I was walking out towards King's. Brian gave me thirty five cents so I could buy me a Ramen. I was almost to The Patch and Laura pulls up in her car and tells me that she's going to Virginia pretty soon. So I might get a ride in a couple days.

1:48pm  I never told you that Laura gave me a ride to SPC so I can do some typing. I just got done with my smokebreak. I smoked some vaporized weed leftovers. I'm going to get to typing.

                   Laura never showed up. She was supposed to be back in a couple hours.

4:20pm  I just started recording on my other tape. I am on my way to The Patch in my typing, like fifteen days ago. I am almost caught up. Laura eventually returned and gave me a ride to SPC. I have everything I need at SPC. They have Microsoft Frontpage and I can update my site here. Let me see if I can get a courtesy ride back to The Patch.

4:44pm  I found The Pinellas Trail that Mike told me about. This paved walking path that will go straight to Gulfport. These two ladies told me I'd go by the cemetery. I'm assuming it's the same one I walked through yesterday.

4:55pm  I came down from the big bridge. I'm hungry. I saw the Checkers out of the corner of my eye down there. I'm going to go try and score.

4:58pm  Let me go try my luck at Checkers.

5:01pm  T is hooking me up at the Checkers. Everybody gets credit, brother. Thanks a lot.

                   Nice, called that shit. I'm going to eat. I asked for the manager and gave T my line. He told me, "I can give you a burger or something." I'm going to eat so I can keep walking the Pinellas Trail. Gulfport, here I come. The Checkers at Pasadena and whatever else this street is.

                   I got hooked up with a burger and fries, hell yeah. Maybe I won't walk to Gulfport. Maybe I'll walk back to SPC and keep typing. Actually, it's five thirty. I'm walking to Gulfport.

                   I totally called that. I was walking over the footbridge and I saw Checkers out of the corner of my eye. "Sweet, I'm going to eat." I scored and I am.

5:33pm  I had a good meal break. I'm going to keep walking The Pinellas Trail to Gulfport. Thanks, T. T is this cool black dude with dreadlocks.


                    Pinellas Trail

5:42pm  Crossing 58th Street. I see a cemetery now.

5:46pm  I am in Gulfport! I'm passing the sign on the trail that says Gulfport. Sweet, that wasn't far at all.

5:54pm  Nice, coming up on 49th Street. Over by Andersen Lumber. Green building. 666 49th Street. I'm pretty sure I turn right. Sweet, that wasn't that far at all.

                   The trailhead on 49th starts right after 8th Ave. It's not that far at all.

5:58pm  Earlier when I started walking the trail I asked this dude if the trail went out to Gulfport eventually and he told me yes, but that it would take me an hour and a half walking. I wonder if it took me that long. I'll find out when I type it up. It only took me an hour.

6:09pm  Back at The Patch.

                   I got home and Chaya and Mike were in his room taking vapor hits off of the Volcano. They invited me in and let me hit the bag. C-h-a-y-a, ok, I'll spell your name right from now on.

7:03pm  I just talked to Aaron Camacho. Man, my shit's evolving. He knows all the avenues I have to go through to get my tee shirts distributed. He also knows about a lot of stuff about spreading my word. He told me about Some MySpace-like thing with smart people on it, not ignorant high-schoolers. I can't wait. He said he was going to call in a couple hours. He was busy right now. Sweet, my stuff is evolving.

                   He told me he looked at my website and he was impressed with it. He even looked up my stuff in Google and saw the following.

7:33pm  I'm going for a walk. I'm really excited about talking to Aaron. He knows a lot of shit that I don't know.

                   Water and guy fishing

                   He told me, "Helping you would help myself a lot."

                   Mike smoked me out so hardcore when I got home earlier. Vaporizer hits.

7:48pm  I talked to Theresa walking down Beach Blvd. She got a phone call and had to go. She's only fourteen and she agreed to listen to me real quick. It's probably her parents calling her to tell her to stop talking to me, hehe. Theresa was totally loving my story.

                   I'm reading this book I found in Billy Becks old room called The Ancient Ones, by Riegie.

Next day..

Missed a couple of days

Saint Petersburg, FL

Friday May 2, 2008

                   Hanging out last night.  Entrance.

                   Cars in parking lot at Patch Night last night.  Nation.

2:31pm  We left to Best Buy and Circuit City. Laura wants to buy a laptop before we leave so we are pricing. Laura talked about wanting a laptop with a camera so we could document our road trip. I reminded her how I already had a camera. We changed our mind at the last minute and double-backed and bought one for $429. A Compaq. That's all we need. It's more than we need, actually.

3:48pm  We just got to the beach. The St. Pete beach.

7:16pm  Me and my beautiful mermaid Laura. I had asked her if she had ever eaten at the Jamaican place, Taste of the Islands. She said no and promptly drove us over. She's treating us to dinner. Yummy Jamaican food. I appreciate it, Laura. Everybody gets credit.

3:31am  I am finally going to bed. Laura and I stayed up all night talking and watching movies on Youtube. I'm having such a great time with Laura. She won't let me sleep next to her. I think she's beautiful. I'm going to bed now. I'm supposed to meet with Aaron and ten in the morning. He's going to give me the tee shirts tomorrow that I need before I go to Washington D.C.

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Saturday May 3, 2008

11:57am  I forgot to tell you. Laura and I drove over to Aaron's and me and him are having a big internet design session. Fine-tuning my shirts. Aaron just told me about a program called Picasa. Some program that can get rid of all the red-eye in my pictures.

1:28pm  We are leaving from Aaron Camacho's. I had some really productive time with him. He helped me fine-tune my shirt design to exactly how I want it. I already have two holes in my uniform I'm wearing now. Well, I have been wearing it every day practically since November(I think). I'm needing a new shirt, bad. I am loving Laura to death.

                   My beautiful mermaid Laura strutting her stuff.

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Sunday May 4, 2008

     5:16pm  I haven't made an update in a long time. Me and my mermaid of magic had a magical night last night. I got a cuddle-buddy. Everything is going beautiful right now. We ordered some shirts from Aaron. Laura gave him a hundred dollars. That's the down payment and she'll give him another hundred and fifty. Thirty WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA shirts I am going to have at my disposal. Whoopee! That's so awesome. The mission is evolving. I am so glad I found the right people to make my shirts happen. I am grateful for meeting Echo, even though she is totally not able to go on this mission with me. I love the fact that I fell into my mermaid Laura. We had a magical night last night. I had a cuddle-buddy. Umm, that's as far as I'm going to let you guys know about that. Use your imagination.

                   We cooked some tenderloins for dinner.

6:01pm  I never mentioned. I've been working on my website hardcore. I have been blessed with a dual terminal workstation here at Laura's. Her new laptop and her old desktop. Right now I am uploading all my pictures to my website. All 564 for just a month. Now I have to go through each day and add them in.

Next day..


Gulfport, FL

Monday May 5, 2008

     10:22pm  Today is Cinco de Mayo. I had another great productive time on the computer. All day long. Laura has been here cleaning getting ready to move. I am done with the bulk of my work. I have my update all typed up and proofread. It's ready to go. I just have to throw it on there. Right now I am downloading every picture I have on my website so I can do a search and find a comparison shot for my muscles. I am getting tired too. I've been in this spot all day.

Next day..


Gulfport, FL

Tuesday May 6, 2008

      4:53pm  Me and my darling Laura, we are preparing for our departure. We're getting everything ready. Actually, we just got back from the beach. We went to DeSoto Beach. It's truly beautiful. We've been going to the beach every single day and taking a swim. I wish I had some goggles so I could swim more. We went to the Gulfport beach today. I think it's dirty. It's got all this seaweed at the bottom. Right now we are packing up. I should probably take a picture of the yard out here. I don't know. I don't know how documented Laura wants to get on this. Nothing but the truth, right? Laura: "I do cute." You are cute. I don't know what else to say. I am all stoned. I haven't been not-stoned since I came back to Gulfport. I stay stoned traveling everywhere too. Marijuana is the key to my mission, remember? Anyway, we're going to get to work packing. I'm going to jump in the shower real quick to rinse the salt water off my body. I'll take a hit of weed first.

                    I am having so much fun here at Laura's. She's one of the best blessings I've had. She's the greatest angel. I mean, she got me some tee shirts so I can take off traveling and distribute them. Hell yeah, as the mission evolves. It's going to happen soon. Thank you, Laura. I love you.

                    This morning I told Laura about my whole being paranoid about having Herpes. Sometime's I think it itches down there, but that might just be placebo. I don't have any sores or anything, so she feels alright. We did have some really nice lovin', hehe. She's just ageless. She's awesome.

                    Laura's reading this Destiny book, about Aquarius':  "Acceptance, artistry. Youth and ease. Aquarius too, placed on the way of artistry may turn out to be a crowd-pleaser of the highest caliber, indeed. It can sometime seem that they have a curious knack of being able to please all the people all of the time. There is little chance that they will stuck or trapped. Will probably look back fondly at the people and places of their youth for most of their lives. Technique and craftsmanship are important to this group. Their principal danger being that having established a certain virtuosity in a given realm of endeavor they will never move from beyond what works for the moment in order to connect with a higher goal. They will never move beyond what works, what works for the moment in order to connect with a higher goal. They are natural performers, self-satisfaction and even a measure of conceit can be problems here as can the challenge to go beyond what is merely popular to that which will endure. Advanced Aquarians too, on the way of artistry are quite uplifting for they have the inevitable knack of making even the most difficult of large endeavors look easy. So, with that knowledge when you are challanged and it comes up you have the foresight to make a choice. Are you going to get hung up on, well, your higher nature will rise to an evaluation of intuitive intelligence..."

     10:34pm  Laura and I are about to take off to The Patch. We're going to give them this tree. We cleaned up a lot here today. We are about ready to take off. We're going to Virginia. I even have contacts already in Virginia. This girl off of MySpace.

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Wednesday May 7, 2008

     4:33pm  I should make an update already. I've barely been making any at all since I've been at Laura's house. We're supposed to leave tonight. I don't think we will. I took a bigass nap today. We both slept a lot. I woke up at like three. I had gotten seven hours of sleep last night. I went to bed around twelve.

                  Anyway, we're taking off today. I'm supposed to get my brand new WPTMJ shirts from Aaron today. Man, what a great adventure I have had with my beautiful mermaid Laura. We messed around at first, but afterwards there was just a respect and we've kept it non-sexual. She's totally supporting the cause. I've worked and cleaned up so much here at the house.

                  Laura has been just this beautiful blessing to me. She's my beautiful mermaid. I wish she'd let me take more pictures of her.

Next day..


Gulfport, FL

Friday May 9, 2008

6:52am  I haven't been updating that much lately since I've been hanging out with Laura. I've been hiding with the mermaid. I'm undercover. I haven't been walking that much either. I was able to get the update for my website all finished up and typed up and updated until April 29. I should probably add the update right before we leave today. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I'm going to go back to sleep. This morning I woke like at four thirty for some strange reason. I got up and I took a shit and I played Tetrinet. Laura woke up and she gave me a surprise. We made love this morning. I love Laura to death, man. I don't care if she's fifty five. She's ageless to me. We're going to go to Virginia soon. She's going to take me to Virginia and to Washington D.C. I'm going to miss her so much when we part. I have to keep going. I've already made a friend Jayme from West Virginia. Alright, later on. I'm supposed to go get my tee shirts today. Laura's going to let me borrow her truck.

11:39am  I went back to sleep. I took yet another nap. I got a couple more hours. Oh yeah, and I called Aaron and he told me he wasn't going to be able to get my shirts until Monday. Dude, he could've emailed me. So we're going to go to the beach again. I'm still in hiding. I need to get some exercise.

12:05pm  Leaving from Laura's to Tyrone Mall. She's going to buy me some cargo shorts. Awesome. Thank you Laura. I love you.

4:16pm  It's almost the magic time. We get to celebrate right on time. Laura and I drove to Tyrone Mall here in Babylon. First we saw the same exact Levi shorts that I have that I got for ten bucks in San Antonio. They were forty four dollars at JC Pennys. Then the next store had a twenty nine, the size I need for thirty bucks. Afterwards we went to the army surplus store and I walked in there, put a belt on and walked out. Fuck the system.

4:53pm  We're driving to the beach. Sunset Cove, I think. St. Petersburg Public Beach.

                    Piangipams, what the make Lei's out of in Hawaii, Laura says. We're just about done. We did a little quick dip at the beach. I don't know what time it is. I left my watch in the car. 5:20pm We are leaving from St. Pete Beach. In and out.

5:46pm  I forgot to tell you. When we went inside the mall earlier to look for cargo shorts. I asked this guy directions who works at the mall. This cop was standing nearby and he told me, "Hey, I know you." I got recognized by a policeman, hell yeah. From that other day when I was out flying my sign in front of the mall. I'm sure all the cops are talking about me. I am totally out of uniform today. I am wearing my Blueberry Patch tie-dye and my swim trunks with no underwear. I'm glad I did because we went to the beach afterwards. I went and Laura bought me the cargo shorts and I wore them out. We went to the beach and I changed in the bathroom. We are just now getting back home. My new Gulfport headquarters, with my mermaid.

6:34pm  I've got my uniform back on and I'm off. I'm out of hiding. I've got my camouflage cargo shorts. This town is dead as hell right now. I'm going to walk the Pinellas Trail to SPC and go collect some tennis balls. That's my project for the night.

6:59pm  I walked 49th Street to The Pinellas Trail. I contemplated going back home to my lovely Laura. I said screw it. I need to get my exercise. I've been in hiding a long time. Laura and I have the most beautiful relationship, even though it's temporary. She's so young at heart. She's beautiful. I don't care that she's fifty five at all. She's hot as hell, too, hehe. She'd be hot even if she never got a facelift. See, she got like a million dollars or something in inheritance from her dad. She's helping me out. She believes in me. She said that I have taught her so much. She told me thanks for helping her see the evil in this world. That's music to my ears.

7:10pm  I just crossed 58th Street.

                   Man, I was totally blowing the whole Herpes thing out of proportion. It's been about eight months since the questionable incident with Clea in Missouri. The only time my crotch itched was when I was wearing those compression shorts my sister Laura bought me that one day at Walmart in San Antonio. I stopped wearing them and my crotch hasn't itched at all. It's because of the constant pressure on my pubic hair, I'm guessing. See, because I regularly trim my pubes so it was probably the hair poking into my skin making it itch. I never got any sores or blisters or nothing. I am glad that's dealt with. I still want to get tested though.

7:19pm  I walked by two black guys on the trail. They listened for a little and then I gave them my website.

7:28pm  One guy just walked by and asked me, "Hey, where can I get one of those shirts?" I gave him my website and told him to email me about the shirts. I told them I would have them available for sale pretty soon. These old dudes just walked by and said, "Nobody would fight." The guy at first said, "My grandson would eat it up. Actually, he'd smoke it up."

7:33pm  I just crossed over Pasadena. I'm going over this footbridge now. Hopefully I'll get to SPC before dark so I can look for tennis balls.

7:41pm  I stopped underneath the St. Petersburg sign on The Pinellas Trail. I'm going to take a picture.

7:42pm  I'm getting closer to the college. SPC to the left. I see the college down there. I'm surprised there's still light. I didn't think I would get here that quick.

8:12pm  I walked all the way around SPC and there are no tennis courts anywhere. I'll come home empty-handed, but I'm going to walk all the way back on The Pinellas Trail. It's still a little light outside. The sign says that the trail closes at dark. I had eaten like 390 calories of peanuts I got at the Scratch and Dent and some Power Bar energy drink.

8:20pm  Back on The Pinellas Trail.

                   Hmm, I am really thinking about selling my tee shirts for a really expensive price, like a hundred dollars. They're priceless. Support the cause. I'll talk to Laura about this. If I should ask for an exorbitant amount of money. Support the cause. Help me grease the evolution machine. It's stuck. Then watch me evolve.

8:50pm  Crossing 58th Street.

8:54pm  Crossing underneath the Gulfport marker on The Pinellas Trail.

9:03pm  Just crossed 49th Street, turning right. I am almost there. Hell yeah, I've been power-walking.

9:40pm  I have arrived. I am back home, back at Laura's house.

Next day..


Gulfport, FL

Saturday May 10, 2008

7:51am  I got 7.27 hours of sleep last night. I slept great. It wasn't too hot at all.

8:04pm  I forgot to tell you. I came to The Blueberry Patch. There's a Patch Night tonight. I came over to The Blueberry Patch. I am supposed to meet Aaron to give him the rest of the money for the shirts. I called him earlier today. I'm getting the tee-shirts hopefully tomorrow. Oh yeah, when I woke up at Laura's I found a badass Chinese rice-picking hat. I took a picture of myself with it. I'm going to wear it to The Patch tonight, it's funny. I just walked in Mike Stanley's side, so Dallas wouldn't see me enter. He's scared of me.

9:02pm  I never told you. I came back to Laura's. I saw Aaron and gave him the money. He said he'd deliver my shirts tomorrow.

Next day..

Gulfport, FL

Sunday May 11, 2008

6:22am  I woke up early this morning. I got seven and a half hours of sleep. Laura and I cuddled up next to each other and went to sleep on the couch in the living room that we put a mattress next to. Right under the ceiling fan. I've taken pictures of inside the house and stuff. Right now I am walking to the store to buy some Half and Half for breakfast. She gave me five dollars. She wants the Half and Half. I'm going to get some regular milk.

6:32am  Man, nobody is open in Gulfport this early. The only place that is open is the Exxon, but they didn't have good milk selection. Khan's is closed. King's over by The Patch isn't open yet either. There's nowhere to buy milk right now. I have to wait.

6:50am  I just had an awesome presentation with Jennifer, the cashier at the Exxon. Hehe, I'm all late for my breakfast date with Laura. I got us some milk for breakfast. I'm going back over to Laura's.

7:45am  I came back home and hopped on some projects. I told Laura that I didn't want her to work today. I told her to write me up a list to do and put me to work. Right now I just finished sweeping off her whole roof. I took pictures. I'm wondering how I am going to collect all this debris here. I'll probably go down to the ground and lay some tarps down and sweep the stuff down.

11:58am  We woke up early this morning and got a lot of work done until the sun came up and it got hot. We are almost ready to break free. I called Aaron and we're going to go pick up the shirts. Even though he told me last night he was going to deliver them. We're going to go turn in the cable modem, turn off the water and get ready to leave. I am proud of you Laura. We are getting things done. I am going to try and spange for gas when we get on the road. Laura's got a big five gallon gas tank.

12:22pm  Steve helped me out with some gas at the Citgo. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Check out my website, it's free.

12:31pm  We came to the next gas station to try our luck there. Right after the first guy told me no, he called me back and gave me like a gallon or something. I'm going to try this next gas station wherever we are.

12:34pm  Harry is helping me out with gas at the Circle K/Shell station on 34th and 5th Ave.

                     That was awesome, he's the second guy that's called me back after telling me no today.

12:41pm  Andy is hooking me up with some gas at the Circle K. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

12:43pm  Hell yeah, that dude filled me up. A whole five gallons. Andy was an old guy and he gave me a little bit. I was surprised he called me back.

9:21pm  I am doing my last walk to Khan's. I'm going to go up there and I'll get asked, "Whatta you want?" I'll say, "I'm straight." Okay, I'm going to walk back to Laura's.

Next day..

Gulfport and driving, FL

Monday May 12, 2008

10:55am  I woke up from a nap about fifteen minutes ago. We both tried to take a nap, but she didn't fall asleep. We're finishing up the house. I'm going to take pictures.
8:32pm  I just want to thank you, universe. Thank you, Love for my beautiful mermaid you granted me with. We are taking off, finally today. I think I've been at Laura's for about a week. I could look it up. Since the 29th, I think and it's already the twelfth. It's awesome how I've been able to crash here. Even awesomer how we made loves a couple times at first. I am still so in awe that she's fifty five years old! She's like five years younger than my mom! She's totally ageless, man. She's just beautiful.

                   Laura is really the master packer. We did so much work on the house.

8:52pm  I am so stoned and happy. I love Laura so much. It still blows my mind that she's twenty five years older than me. We've had this beautiful mini-relationship. She totally believes in me and is totally supporting the cause. We're going to go up to her property in Virginia and set up a tent that attaches to the car. I'll take pictures. It will be awesome. What a wild adventure I am having. I am loving the East Coast so far.

9:40pm  We are all loaded up and ready to go. First thing is go pick up the tee shirts from Aaron's. Where we're going to put them I have no idea. Laura's Pathfinder is jam-packed.

                     Random shots of house.  I took a lot of them.  Here's some more.


10:21pm  I just took pictures of my new shirts! I have twenty shirts, after all. Not thirty. It was still a good deal. Eleven dollars a shirt. on the back is awesome. The only thing I didn't like about these is that the WPTMJ phrase is a little smaller and it's a bit lower on the shirt. It's not up by the neckline, like the one Ezrah made me in San Antonio. I am not sure if I'll still charge fifty bucks for them. So I got twenty larges. He left four XL's out of the order so he said he'd mail them to me. He can mail it to Laura's PO box in Washington, Virginia.

10:06pm  About fifteen minutes ago we had a little mishap. My strap-down job, which I was all paranoid about, all of a sudden the tent was hanging on the side. I had to pull it inside through a window. We took the next exit and parked in some Burger King parking lot. Laura figured out an ingenious way to strap everything down better. Good job, Laura.

10:16pm  Oh my gosh, we just messed up. Laura didn't notice it was a one-way street when we left the BK parking lot. All these cars were all honking at us. 21st Street and 13th Avenue. We had pulled over in the Burger King parking lot to secure the car. Laura didn't see that the sign said one-way and she turned left.

10:52pm  We stopped at some Hess Express on 75, which she got on accidentally. We didn't stay on I4. We're going to pass Ocala. We are already on the other side of Tampa though. She's paying for gas since there's nobody to ask, hehe.

11:35pm  About fifteen minutes ago we stopped at the McDonald's in Lake City. I bought a burger.

11:53pm  We already hit I10. We are stopping at the gas station at Exit 301.

The rest of my East Coast trip

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