


1. Teapacks - Push The Button (Israel) Live 2007 Eurovision Song Contest⁩ | 3m 8s

2. teaneckpush.mp4

3. jokes - forums - craigslist


5. Ween Piss up a Rope⁩ | 3m 34s



8. Ween - Reggaejunkiejew⁩ | 4m 53s


10. Who said “History is written by the victors”? The origins of the quote. 


12. Bruce Lee vs O'hara - Enter the Dragon⁩ | 3m 50s

13. fufence.jpg

14. Blazing Saddles _ Kansas City Faggots⁩ | 11s

⁨15. Despacito - Ska Punk Cover by The Holophonics (Luis Fonsi / Daddy Yankee)⁩ | 3m 46s

16. Cutting Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight - Ska Punk Cover by The Holophonics⁩ | 3m 16s

⁨17. OZMA - Baseball⁩ | 5m 34s

18. Ween - Waving My Dick In The Wind⁩ | 2m 13s


20. Ween - Zoloft⁩ | 3m 52s

21. Ween - The Fucked Jam⁩ | 2m 59s



24. NOFX - "Johnny Appleseed" (Full Album Stream)⁩ | 2m 39s

25. nofxjohnnyapple.mp4

Session Start: Sun Sep 10 04:44:15 2023
Session Ident: #Gulag
[04:44.15] * You have joined #Gulag
[04:44.15]  Topic: +,
[04:44.15] Channel Topic Set by: OldMole on 10:18 PM 9/9/2023
[04:44.15] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[04:44.15] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[04:44.20] <wptmj> blah
[04:44.28] <wptmj> :]
[04:44.51] * gloops ( has joined channel #Gulag
[04:45.02] <+Timur> wat
[04:45.46] <wptmj> amp
[04:46.02] <+Timur> !
[04:46.03] <gloops> Bismark caught HMS Hood with a 15 inch shell, to the astonishment of the Brits, the Hood sank literally in seconds
[04:46.09] <wptmj> ohm
[04:46.43] <gloops> what kind of guns does Germany have that can sink such a formidable vessel so summarily
[04:46.45] <+Timur> +,
[04:46.46] <wptmj> redundancy
[04:46.46] <+Lard> [Twitter] Kelly Jones (@RealKellyJones): 1/Alex Jones is my ex husband. I’m a survivor & a whistleblower & there’s lots on my feed about Alex’s ties Russian State media. ⏎ .@TheJusticeDept  & .@FBI pls investigate “who” bought those “supplements when “infowars” morphed into Trump TV featuring Roger Stone as “anchor…” +, | 2130 RTs | 6613 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-09 - 01:47:26UTC
[04:47.08] <wptmj> latent
[04:47.09] <gloops> (it later transpired the german shell had hit the Hoods magazines)
[04:47.24] <wptmj> resistor
[04:47.53] <gloops> Jones has a few bills to pay
[04:48.16] <wptmj> just stare at the beautiful people
[04:48.34] <wptmj> mr jones strikes up a conversation
[04:48.54] <wptmj> with a black hair
[04:49.01] <wptmj> flamenco dancer
[04:58.19] <+chowder-pop> ya dont say... +,
[04:58.20] <+Lard> [url] Despite Biden's claim, Europeans WEREN'T trying to oust Ukraine prosecutor targeting Hunter's firm | ( +, )
[04:58.36] * AndroUser2 (~thsh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[04:59.56] * AndroUser2 (~thsh@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[05:00.10] * AndroUser2 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[05:01.19] * euphony (~quassel@ has joined channel #Gulag
[05:01.21] <Lottoman> the golden bb
[05:02.20] * P-1 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[05:02.23] <+Timur> morning
[05:06.32] <+chowder-pop> +,
[05:10.24] <P-1> silence dummkopf!
[05:12.37] <P-1> US ready to offer assistance after Morocco quake kills 2,000 as Ex President Trump offers to toss rolls of paper towels to survivors.
[05:14.23] <Tina`a> heh
[05:23.22] <+Debaser> +,
[05:23.23] <+Lard> [url] AR5 Results Puncture Renewables Fantasy - by David Turver | ( +, )
[05:23.29] <P-1> CAPE CLITORIS, NC. — Lifeguards are anticipating rough surf and rip currents because of Hurricane Lee. The public is warned to avoid swimming activities at east coast beaches.
[05:23.41] <+Debaser> If hippies could understand that post, they'd be crying
[05:26.37] <+Timur>  +,
[05:26.38] <+Lard> [url] Jewish Heart of Marrakesh in Ruins - | ( +, )
[05:27.02] <+Debaser> Hehe, P-1. Has a Republican ever been able to find Cape Clitoris?
[05:27.42] <+Debaser> Morning all
[05:28.16] * Victora ( has joined channel #Gulag
[05:28.38] <+Timur> morning, Debaser
[05:28.57] <Victora> hi smirks suckit Timur and gang
[05:29.01] <Victora> hi debaser
[05:29.23] <Victora> Setting up a base station.  I have radios, and never thot of using them before.
[05:30.11] <+Timur> ok
[05:30.13] <Victora> So decided to make myself a base station.  I need 100 foot rod for my antenna, and some thick copper wire connections. finger size.
[05:30.17] <+Timur> ok
[05:30.34] <Victora> The ground is easy, just 6 foot into the ground.
[05:30.50] <Victora> But antenas are semi hard to get set up.
[05:31.24] <+Timur> ok
[05:31.41] <Victora> the A99 or perhaps, a simple double H antena
[05:32.01] <Victora> a crossbow perhaps
[05:32.04] <+Timur> ..
[05:32.22] <P-1> Debaser LOL I dont think so
[05:32.36] <Victora> but its fairly cheap.  Seems intersting to me to chat with peeps traveling thru san diego
[05:33.07] <Victora> debaser, are you on my ignore, i dont see yas type?
[05:33.42] <Victora> unignored ya
[05:33.51] <Victora> if you were ignored to start with
[05:35.08] <Victora> I have a sideband radio, which i hear is good for AM radio base station.  Its an old person activity, bunch of old farts chatting.
[05:35.33] <Victora> sorta like irc, an old fart chat thing
[05:36.55] <Victora> its not uncommon to chat 2200 miles away, to another old fart on their cb, perhaps a trucker carring the corpse of the guy that tried to steal his wives innocense.
[05:37.06] <+Timur> lifeblogging, Victora
[05:37.15] <+BathSheba`> mm
[05:37.24] <Victora> yup, thats a good word for it.
[05:37.42] <+BathSheba`> afternoonish
[05:37.47] <Victora> chat on old networks, to other old farts, is a sort of life blogging
[05:37.49] <+Timur> BathSheba`: shalom
[05:38.02] <+Timur> Victora: ok, but it's not that interesting.
[05:38.24] <+BathSheba`> Timur: shalom
[05:38.34] <Victora> nobody likes my actual music links since they are analytical.  People working to improve their voices
[05:40.09] <euphony> gazrop gazorp
[05:40.15] <+Timur> gazpron
[05:40.19] <+Timur> prom :D
[05:41.41] <euphony> our main office screwed something up so now i have to ask them to unscrew someone's donation and hope they get it done in 20 or they will be charged twice. blech. how you folks doin?
[05:41.45] <Victora> take a listen to boring stuff i enjoy :  I like peter barber analysis >>  +,
[05:41.45] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨My First Time Hearing JINJER! Opera Singer Reaction (& Analysis) | "Pisces (Live Session)"⁩ | 18m 46s | ⁨Peter Barber⁩ | 58,039 views
[05:42.27] <+Timur> euphony: great thanks, had a fun Sat.
[05:42.34] <Victora> it does have cool syncopations
[05:42.38] <+Timur> hope that donation thing works out well
[05:42.38] <euphony> nice :)
[05:42.46] <+Timur> thx
[05:43.18] <euphony> i also hope it works out, dont want an angry donor on the phone with me tomorrow lol
[05:45.30] <+Timur> no doubt
[05:46.35] <Victora> I have selected executive directors for non profits, and they occasionally would ask me to cover for them for a day or two.  Its a major hasle listening to calls to non profits for donations, or to pay money to.  I rather jump in front of a train than do that again,  Just kidding, but its no fun.
[05:49.30] <euphony> this is the first time i am directly interacting with donors, my job is not directly donor facing
[05:50.17] <Victora> I did it for big brothers big sisters and big brothers, which involves interviewing people who hire people that  hire other people to set up taking kids into the system, and parcelling them out to families, then supervising them, huge responsibility and yes, hasle.   I also helped aclu, helping them find lawyers to help people being discrimated against in the realm of civil rights.  A very
[05:50.17] <Victora> complex job, even doing it a few days to cover.
[05:50.39] * AndroUser2 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:51.24] <euphony> i can imagine, thats a LOT of moving parts
[05:51.49] * OldMole ( has joined channel #Gulag
[05:52.37] <Lottoman> +,
[05:52.38] <+Lard> [url] Blue Ridge Rock Fest | North America's Largest Rock & Metal Festival | ( +, )
[05:52.51] <Victora> challenging job and even when I did it for a few days, I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility.  I couldnt just go junk in my efforts, I felt and I did work damn hard to be sure to attain the proper coucil for the defendants, and in some cases even the plaintiffs.   Do you know the short hand way to write Plaintiff and defendant?
[05:53.11] <Victora> Plaintiff is Pi symbol
[05:53.25] <Victora> Defendant is a delta, or triangle
[05:53.40] <Lottoman> not my kind of music..  
[05:53.57] <Victora> just draw a little triangle, instead of defendant, and pi instead of plaintiff saves loads of writing.
[05:54.20] <Victora> i know its boring lotto, but its knowledge that can save you lots of writing.
[05:55.22] <Victora> It doesnt matter how much your pi wants, my (triangle) refuses to pay more than 10k, and in fact has no more than that to pay.
[05:55.45] <Victora> see how that cud save writing?
[05:56.44] <wptmj> money complicates so much goodness
[05:56.52] <Victora> You guys just like to make others feel bad.  That is your primary goal, it seems.  As hard as I try to be cordial or colloquiele, it just doesnt happen
[05:56.55] <wptmj> we need more volunteers
[05:57.00] <wptmj> YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE
[05:57.06] <Tina`a> Sounds tense euphony. What are the donors donating to?
[05:57.18] <Victora> Tina`a, do i owe you money?
[05:57.19] <wptmj> good morning everyone, btw
[05:57.20] <wptmj> :]
[05:57.32] <+Debaser> Just a reminder, UK held a bid for offshore power, and got zero bidders.
[05:57.34] <Victora> gm wptmj
[05:57.41] <euphony> Tina`a I work for a non profit that provides medical assistence to folks in Israel
[05:58.42] * MAGA-Carta (~bleah987@ Quit (Quit: ...)
[05:58.44] <Victora> Offshore is politically fucked up.  Germany built 60 percent of a huge offshore windpower system, and were forced to dismantle it.  Utter stupidity.  Laborers hate windpower and will do anything they can to prevent its implimentation
[05:59.02] <Tina`a> interesting, euphony. I wonder why they would do that.
[05:59.11] <wptmj> did everyone check out the multi-cultural karaoke song I put together?
[06:00.04] <wptmj> some days ago Timur shared this in the chat
[06:00.07] <wptmj> +
[06:00.07] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Teapacks - Push The Button (Israel) Live 2007 Eurovision Song Contest⁩ | 3m 8s | ⁨Eurovision Song Contest⁩ | 301,876 views
[06:00.10] <Victora> from where euphony, how far is it shipped, and if not shipped, if you send money, how do you ensure no defalcation occurs?
[06:00.31] <+McChicken> euphony suppor killers of palestinians
[06:00.54] <wptmj> i karaokized it, with lyrics in english, french, even Hebrew lyrics!
[06:01.17] <wptmj> +
[06:01.18] <+Lard> [url] teaneckpush.mp4 - Google Drive | ( +, )
[06:01.25] <Victora> i dont mind helping anyone thats injured, regardless of race, political affiliation.  But, I wish funds go to actual treatment, not get flooded to the political mavens that run the thing.
[06:01.51] <Tina`a> I prefer to help those nearest and dearest
[06:03.00] <Victora> I hate to say this, but women with political power sending local funds thousands of miles away, instead of helping locals is apalling.  As much as I like women.  Their political impetus of delivery of services is wanting.
[06:03.12] * JustBeKalm likes to help the most vulnerable people and, of course, all animals, no matter where they live.
[06:03.22] <euphony> TIna`a as much as most news out of Israel-Palestine focuses on the conflict and the violence, there is also a reality of poverty over there, among Jews and Palestinians alike. So a lot of them lack basic social support. We're a jewish organization, but we provide help to anyone who needs it, regardless of race or religion.
[06:03.24] <+JustBeKalm> Well, I usually help Americans if it's humans.
[06:03.33] <Victora> me too, animals suffer due to dumbass humans
[06:03.33] <euphony> Victora I dont quite understand your question
[06:04.11] <euphony> Our organization is based in Israel, in Haifa, so its not really a matter of aid being shipped overseas
[06:04.34] <Tina`a> euphony how much money does the US send to Israel?
[06:04.39] <Victora> Euphony, 1.  From where to where shipped, how many miles.  2.  Why not care for more local people.
[06:04.46] <+McChicken> stolen land!
[06:04.47] <+JustBeKalm> euphony, you don't have to apologize for whom you help. We who do like to help choose whom or what we want to support.
[06:05.01] * Cleland (~JasonArgo@ has joined channel #Gulag
[06:05.11] <+Debaser> The local rich are more concerned with a new animal shelter here than with the homeless people
[06:05.12] <+JustBeKalm> Tina`a, they are two different things and it's up to his organization whom it wants to support.
[06:05.20] <Victora> i agree, help is help, and i am behind it.  But also it should be in concert with common sense.
[06:05.44] <Tina`a> JustBeKalm absolutely, I'm just interested to know how much money goes from the US to ISrael
[06:05.47] <Victora> Support, or Supplant is the actual question!!
[06:06.01] <euphony> Tina`a, well I mean that's a whole other thing. The American government sends military aid. We're a non ogvernmental organization that asks Israelis and folks in other countries to give to help kids get needed surgeries, help the elderly get assistive devices, and the like
[06:06.05] <+JustBeKalm> Debaser, my concern is pretty much 50/50. I try to help both. However, I am not perspective isn't from that of a rich person....more of somebody who could have used help at some time.
[06:06.10] <Victora> To send local funds a long distance away supplants the goals of local needs.
[06:06.39] <+JustBeKalm> I don't believe humans are more important than other living beings, as weird as that may seem.
[06:06.44] <Victora> I mean euphony, what organization, how much money, from where to where, be precise in your description please.
[06:06.51] <+Debaser> Israel doesn't have a socialized healthcare system?
[06:06.57] * JustBeKalm is aware of her weirdness.
[06:07.08] <Victora> Israel has a very good medical system.
[06:08.22] <Victora> USA and other nations in NATO have been helping Israel so long that they are flush with the operational programs and resources for medical care.  You might get a better heart bypass in Israel than in Detroit.
[06:08.43] <+Debaser> So Israel needs donations for gun and bombs *and* to get kids surgery?
[06:09.01] <Cleland> Racist
[06:09.06] <+Debaser> euphony: that's messed up
[06:09.09] <Victora> exactly debaser, thats my fear too.
[06:09.28] * gloops ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[06:09.42] <+JustBeKalm> Jewish organizations often help other Jews, like Christians help Christians. But Jewish groups are generous is also helping others who need it.j
[06:09.46] <Cleland> my fear?
[06:09.51] <Cleland> WTF
[06:09.57] <+JustBeKalm> You can't punish Israelis f or their government.
[06:10.07] <+JustBeKalm> Well, except they we did for Trump (puke)
[06:10.21] <Victora> Debaser, do you agree Nato has helped Israel more than any nation, specially palestinian nation people causing an inbalance and a lot of hatred in the middle east for them being so spoiled.
[06:10.28] <+JustBeKalm> And in that way, the citizens are responsible.
[06:11.41] <Victora> lets not help nor hurt israel. lets leave them alone, specially not send more money.  The dickheads have the most modern missles given for free from usa.
[06:12.02] <+Debaser> I remember when Timur claimed Netanyahu would bow to public pressure and not prevent judicial oversight of the government
[06:12.04] <Victora> remember those scud missles?
[06:12.30] <Victora> Usa gave irael affirmative systems to shoot them and any similar type missles out of the air.
[06:12.42] <+McChicken> yes send money instead to the poor palestinians they can make rockets and defeat the evil jews
[06:12.47] <Cleland> lol
[06:12.56] <Cleland> I sense some major virtue signaling this morning
[06:13.00] <Cleland> But then again--
[06:13.21] <Victora> Bah, Palestinians are fairly evil I agree.  But food and sustanance isnt bad to send to them.
[06:13.49] <+McChicken> send rockets too
[06:13.59] ->> armorall :No such nick
[06:13.59] ->> armorall :End of /WHOIS list.
[06:14.13] <+McChicken> biden must send
[06:14.17] <+Debaser> Cleland: who is signaling what virtues?
[06:15.23] <euphony> Victora my name, face, email and ph# are on our organization's website, so I wouls rather not say the organizations name.
[06:15.26] <Tina`a> Palestinians are... evil?
[06:15.34] <Victora> I personally met Senator Henry Belman.  A senior senator, now retired.  I asked him what the biggest challenge was in the senate, he said, food.  We must ensure food is distributed to the poor.  I met him in 84.  He said, any bill in usa congress that restricts food for the poor in usa or other nation is bad in the making and bad in its execution.  We must always help the starving.
[06:16.07] <euphony> Debaser 50 years of far right politics have left the social safety net gutted, and driven everoyne into poverty, it is that sort of depseration that has fueled the increasing radicalization
[06:16.16] <+JustBeKalm> They certainly aren't fun neighbors, but I don't have much respect for those who are backwareds due to religious practices.
[06:16.25] <+JustBeKalm> And no people should be targeted.
[06:16.34] <Victora> i know my met Belman 40 years ago, but his words echo honestly.
[06:16.48] <P-1> morse code: ...- .. .-. - ..- .
[06:17.16] <Lottoman> P1..   send beer?
[06:17.28] <euphony> And ya, I am proud to work for an organization that while Jewish, helps everyone - Jewish, Christian, Druze, Muslim and others, with equal energy and comittment to humanitarian values.
[06:18.04] <Tina`a> Israel has starving people?
[06:18.06] <Cleland> Esquillo!!!
[06:18.10] <P-1> Lottoman: it's morse code signal for "virtue" ....
[06:18.12] <Cleland> Victora!
[06:18.13] <+JustBeKalm> euphony, Jewish organizations are good at helping everybody. I helped a few as a kid, before I wisely bescame anti-religious dogma.
[06:18.19] <+JustBeKalm> And agnostic.
[06:18.25] <Lottoman> oh. ..  then.. please return the beer
[06:18.52] <euphony> Yes :( it is a serious problem there Tina`a. Its been half a century of right wing policy over there, the army is well funded, the rich enjoy beautiful resorts, and the people suffer.
[06:19.08] * JustBeKalm respects exactly NO religion that tells it's cult that women are inferior and gays should be in jail or dead.
[06:19.19] <Victora> Yes, when alison *sam* and myself were dead broke back in 13, temporary thing.  A jewish food bank delivered food of all sorts, and were generous as to meat.  They provided roasts, fish, chicken, and all variety of food.  Yes, Jewish food bank was far better than regular usa foodbank.
[06:19.36] <Tina`a> ^5s JustBeKalm
[06:19.40] * gannon (~gannon@ has joined channel #Gulag
[06:19.41] <gannon> mad?
[06:19.43] <+JustBeKalm> Tina`a :)
[06:19.55] <gannon> Added *!*threedogs
[06:20.03] <gannon> Added *!*Tinaa
[06:20.08] <Victora> So, I sorta have positive view to Jewish people assisting the poor.
[06:20.17] <euphony> I am an atheist, but I attend the local reform synagogue sometimes (more before COVID). Its an activist religion. And I like that. Kind of funny as my grandparents were orthodox, and my parents converted to Xianity lol.
[06:20.20] <gannon> Added *!*
[06:20.25] <Cleland> Wow I’m sure the Jewish people are excited to hear that
[06:20.31] <gannon> Added *!*quassel
[06:20.45] <+JustBeKalm> euphony, reform doesn't really tell the members that women are inferior.
[06:20.48] <wptmj> religion is division!  there's only one love!
[06:20.54] <wptmj> IN FRAUD YOU TRUST!
[06:20.58] <Tina`a> bullcrap
[06:21.04] <+Debaser> gannon: you're joining the channel just to ignore everyone?
[06:21.14] <+Debaser> Are you smoking meth or something?
[06:21.15] <Tina`a> religion is the opium of the people
[06:21.16] <Cleland> gannon dude can you tell us who isn’t on ignore
[06:21.18] <+weenerd0g> hm... must be sunday
[06:21.21] <Cleland> That would be helpful
[06:21.22] <+weenerd0g> >snarfle<
[06:21.24] <+JustBeKalm> Tina`a, some people.
[06:21.25] <Tina`a> Debaser dang, you broke the 4th wall!
[06:21.31] <gannon> Fans frustrated, confused as Ed Sheeran cancels Las Vegas show
[06:21.40] <Cleland> gannon our expert on pop news
[06:21.43] <gannon> if you're a fan of Ed Sheeran, aren't you by definition frustrated and confused
[06:21.44] <Cleland> This is his life
[06:21.50] <+JustBeKalm> You can believe in a man in the clouds and reject the bibical hatred.
[06:21.53] <Victora> why dont they make their offensive efforts to make you silent, silent.  I have yet to discover anyone that blocks me, actually blocks me.  They do it entirely for entertainment.  And, actually do nothing but make a huge waste of screen space.
[06:21.54] <gannon> Added *!*JasonArgo
[06:21.56] <+JustBeKalm> but most do both.
[06:22.00] <Cleland> He reads People magazine daily and reports in
[06:22.18] * Tina`a taunts Cleland
[06:22.30] * Cleland pees on Tina`a webbed foot
[06:22.36] <Cleland> shit happens
[06:22.37] <Tina`a> a man?
[06:22.41] * Tina`a howls
[06:22.50] <Victora> gannon you asshole, just block *.* for as many as you pretend to block you clown.
[06:23.01] <+McChicken> evil white jewish man
[06:23.03] <Tina`a> a MANNNNNNNN
[06:23.20] <Victora> I love this day coming.
[06:23.24] <Tina`a> I have to ask you guys... why does your god need a dick?
[06:23.25] <euphony> JustBeKalm, I mentioned this before, but its a funny situation here in Hamilton, all my lesbian friends go to the Orthodox synagogue, where they literally have that fucking bullshit curtain, and they literally heckle the Rabbi lol.  Its a wierd irony between the official doctrine, and what actually happens inside.
[06:24.10] <euphony> "Talk louder I am falling asleep!" during Yom Kippur lol
[06:24.10] <wptmj> suckers!
[06:24.29] <+JustBeKalm> euphony, I guess it could be! But my family used to drag us to an Orthodox Temple and everyone was just sitting there being bored.
[06:24.31] <wptmj> god is the simple false personification of LOVE!
[06:24.37] <wptmj> god pretends to be LOVE!
[06:24.40] <Victora> I have a full calendar, loads of fun stuff to do.  Even though I am a poor musician, I got 2 short gigs that will pay 300 dollars.  I know thats not much.  But, one is helping people learn to sing.  So I must play very exactly their sheet music for them to practice.  Its exacting work few guitarists can do.
[06:24.43] <+JustBeKalm> I personally see no need for anyone else's dogma.
[06:24.54] <wptmj> that is the great test of our lives!
[06:25.02] <wptmj> do we fall for it or not?
[06:25.11] <Cleland> Victora--STFU- your biography is irrelevant
[06:25.24] <Victora> and the above is just today.  My excellent day.
[06:25.28] <gannon> god stinks
[06:25.41] <Victora> you care about god gannon?
[06:25.46] <euphony> JustBeKalm I have only been to an arthodox synagogue a few times, high holy days and when certain events are happening. I spend most of my time at the Reform place. Also the local conservative Rabbie is awesome, shows up at Pride with his family in rainbow kippah's and he gave an official Kosher certiification to the local vegan wiccan bakery lol
[06:25.54] <Victora> I woudnt imagine you smelled god. for gods sake.
[06:26.05] <wptmj> WE NEED TO BELIEVE IN LOVE INSTEAD!  
[06:26.07] <wptmj> LOVE IS ALL WEED!
[06:26.10] <wptmj> :P
[06:26.14] <+JustBeKalm> euphony, that's certainly an improvement :)
[06:26.26] <wptmj> LOVE IS ALL WE WEED
[06:26.27] <euphony> JustBeKalm, yee :)
[06:26.29] <wptmj> i mean
[06:26.31] <Victora> great euphony
[06:26.52] <Victora> Pot and weed is legal, and strong as hell.
[06:26.58] <+JustBeKalm> We used to walk to Temple and the closest one to where we lives was Orthdox. All the Jewish folks in Lincolnwood IL walked there.
[06:27.09] <gannon> does weed make you peaceful
[06:27.14] <+JustBeKalm> It was boring to be a kid listening to some man singing off key in Hebrew.
[06:27.16] <gannon> what about big Mike Brown in Ferguson
[06:27.21] <wptmj> yes! thats why its made look bad
[06:27.25] <Victora> nice for you gannon.
[06:27.28] <wptmj> WAR IS BIG BUSINESS
[06:27.36] <wptmj> peace doesnt make money!
[06:27.46] <gannon> all these fellas in Chicago who shoot each other, aren't they all on the weed
[06:27.48] <Victora> just be kalm nice sharing
[06:28.38] <+JustBeKalm> In comparison, I thought churches were at least more entertaining until I spent a year going from church to church to see if any hit the spot with me. None did. I was more horrified than anything. No more places of "worship" for me.
[06:28.57] <wptmj> adversely, ALCOHOL BREEDS IGNORANCE.  thats why its legal!  IGNORANT PEOPLE ARE EASY TO CONTROL
[06:29.00] <euphony> JustBeKalm, ya. Religious services can be just... blech.
[06:29.11] <gannon> is weed why people listen to Ed Sheeran
[06:29.19] <+thefed> D:
[06:29.19] <wptmj> alcohol is the opposite of weed!
[06:29.22] <+JustBeKalm> Well, I didn't agree with the messages at all. I was kind of shocked at some churches.
[06:29.25] <Victora> I can show you a client of mine who was murdered.
[06:29.40] <gannon> when i was a kid and i smoked weed I'd listen to Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin
[06:29.50] <P-1> gannon: they inject weed....goes right to the blood stream and induces violence. There a huge PSA campaigns warning people against injecting the pot
[06:29.53] <euphony> wptmj, Catherine the Great nationalized vodka production to encourage the lower classes to debase themselves. Lenin had the distilleries destroyed. Stalin brought them back. the history of alcohol in russia is very political
[06:29.57] <Cleland> gannon fascinating
[06:30.29] <gannon> Added *!*P-1
[06:30.33] <P-1> lol
[06:30.34] <wptmj> uber interesting euphony
[06:30.42] <wptmj> sincerely
[06:30.46] <gannon> this channel is so much better when you ignore the worthless imbeciles and miserable losers
[06:30.46] <euphony> ... injecting pot? I assume that is a joke but like... I dont think you can put THC or CBD right into the blood stream. Can you?
[06:31.02] <+thefed> Narcan has saved the life of many people experiencing a marijuana overdose.
[06:31.07] <P-1> euphony: i was trolling gannon :)
[06:31.11] <euphony> Churches can be astoundingly fucked up ya
[06:31.17] <+McChicken> gannon who is not in ignore list??
[06:31.22] <euphony> P-1 I know it was a joke, just made me think for a second
[06:31.35] <gannon> only 6 in the list bro
[06:31.39] <+JustBeKalm> Just "if you don't believe in Jesus you will go to hell" is a big turn off.
[06:31.41] <Victora> I was starting to produce a band in oklahoma city, and raised 35k for them to do a small tour.  7 cities.  We were all so stoked.  The night before leaving. Rodney, the trumpet player took a business card from a lady, went to her home, her husband came home early.  And shot Rodney dead.  clip of their music, trumpet player rodney, candy is fem singer, sax is david carr, still find of mine today
[06:31.42] <Victora> >>  +,
[06:31.42] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨I Feel For You - Prelude, Cajun's Wharf, OKC 12/26/1984⁩ | 5m 14s | ⁨Bob Fisher⁩ | 500 views
[06:31.51] <wptmj> all churches, all religions, serve the same master, and its NOT LOVE!
[06:32.11] <gannon> i remember listening to Bob Marley and enjoying it
[06:32.23] <gannon> can you imagine
[06:32.28] <euphony> More like "If you don't believe in the Jesus of the One True Religion - Northest Associate Reformed PresbuLutheranism, you will go to Hell" lol. Like that joke about two baptists who meet on a park bench
[06:32.30] <Cleland> ganon is left with his two fellow autistics--Victora and wptmj--priceless
[06:32.31] <+thefed> +,
[06:32.32] <+Lard> [url] Just a moment... |, ( +, )
[06:32.37] * nomic ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:32.41] <gannon> is Ed Sheeran like Bob Marley
[06:32.45] <+thefed> "We present a case of a middle-age male with heavy acute cannabis use resulting in hypoventilation, somnolence, and hypothermia successfully treated in the emergency department and medical intensive care unit with a continuous naloxone infusion. "
[06:33.01] <+thefed> huh
[06:33.08] <gannon> banal, pedestrian songs that appeal to low IQers and drug addicts?
[06:33.09] <Cleland> lol
[06:33.09] <wptmj> What kind of car did Jesus drive?
[06:33.14] <wptmj> A Christler
[06:33.35] <gannon> see the problem is there were no cars back then bro
[06:33.37] <euphony> *groaning intensifies* lol
[06:33.40] <wptmj> Don’t forget.  If you never sin, Jesus died for nothin’.
[06:33.42] <gannon> so the joke kinda eats its own ass
[06:34.06] <wptmj> yeah,the joke is just joking
[06:34.08] <+JustBeKalm> I guess gannon just talks to himself all day. I took him off ignore to see. But he's boring.
[06:34.08] <wptmj> :P
[06:34.30] <Lottoman> lol
[06:34.33] <Lottoman> he is
[06:34.47] <wptmj> I bet if Aquaman and Jesus had a fight,
[06:34.47] <gannon> Added *!*Lottoman
[06:34.51] <wptmj> Jesus would walk all over him.
[06:34.54] <wptmj> :P
[06:34.54] <pUnki> JustBeKalm is the king of nobody fucking asked
[06:34.57] <P-1> thefed: i liked pot when i was a teenager and my early 20's.....then something changed. I started having panic attacks, hyperventilation, etc....was horrible experience....i left it alone ever since
[06:35.03] <gannon> much better bro
[06:35.06] <wptmj> tyty
[06:35.10] <nomic> ty.z
[06:35.37] <wptmj> Jesus went to a palm reader.  
[06:35.43] <wptmj> She told him his story was full of holes.
[06:35.58] <gannon> works well because Aquaman and Jesus are both fake, fraudulent and fictional - like creepy offender Lottoman's stories
[06:36.05] <wptmj> LOL
[06:36.08] <euphony> The way the brain processes THC and dopamine can change over time, stimulaqting other parts of the brain and creating a negative experience. HealthyGamerGG, a neuroscientist on youtube, did an episode on it when he was talking about how people treat their ADHD before they get diagnosed. THC is a great source of dopamine.
[06:36.17] <nomic> hi point. 9mm. $199
[06:36.35] <+thefed> HealthyGamerGG
[06:36.38] <P-1> gannon: Youre going STRAIGHT to hell.....blasphemer!
[06:36.44] <nomic> fkit
[06:36.47] <wptmj> Chuck Norris was originally considered for the part of Jesus in the Passion of the Christ.
[06:36.51] <euphony> Happened to me too, weed stopped being fun years ago, it was an awful experience for me, but I needed it because it was a source of dopamine, I got more creative during the high, miserable as it was otherwise
[06:36.55] <wptmj> However, the director realized that Chuck Norris cannot show the emotion of pain.
[06:37.03] <wptmj> He can only inflict it.
[06:37.09] <wptmj> :p
[06:37.18] <gannon> Chuck is 90 and big into Jesus now
[06:37.25] <wptmj> how ironic!
[06:37.33] <wptmj> dayum, that old eh
[06:37.52] <gannon> 83
[06:37.55] <+JustBeKalm> pluki, I love bugging you.
[06:37.55] <gannon> close enough
[06:38.07] <wptmj> Jesus can walk on water, but Chuck Norris can swim on land.
[06:38.11] <+thefed> Does Chuck toke?
[06:38.15] <+JustBeKalm> I like to bug bad people who like Trump and hate everyone nice.
[06:38.48] <gannon> he has a Twitter account but hasn't updated in over a year
[06:38.52] <gannon> i hope ol Chuck is OK
[06:39.06] <wptmj> In his college years Jesus could turn oregano into weed.
[06:39.12] <wptmj> :P
[06:39.34] <gannon> Happy Easter - Resurrection Sunday. We are excited to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. God bless, Chuck & Gena Norris
[06:39.38] <Cleland> Jesus was walking across the Sea of Gailee--when one of his disciples shouted from the shore--“Jesu Jesus, how do we walk on the water”? He replied--“Dummies, walk on the rocks”
[06:39.55] <wptmj> LOMFL!
[06:40.12] <gannon> do you feel bad for religious simpletons or do you admire that they can enjoy the benefits of the delusion
[06:40.23] <wptmj> i cant believe Cleland actually said something funny
[06:40.34] <wptmj> see!  ANYTHING really is possible!
[06:40.35] <Cleland> No idiot, unlike you, I didn’t claim to make up that joke
[06:40.39] <gannon> if I thought i had a Special Purpose and Destiny in the universe because the Creator Himself liked me, i'd feel pretty good about myself
[06:40.42] <Cleland> Now take your meds
[06:40.52] <wptmj> i dont claim to make any of my jokes up
[06:40.59] <wptmj> I COPIED ALL OF THEM
[06:41.02] <euphony> Would Jesus have gotten high.... that's kind of a interesting question. Drugs of all kinds were popular in the Greco-Roman world, stimulants, depressants, hallucinegens, opioids, they had it all. And Judea was heavily hellenized at the time.
[06:41.12] <wptmj> they were shared freely to begin with
[06:41.21] <wptmj> i will even show you my source
[06:41.52] <+JustBeKalm> gannon is probably so stupid he thinks you use drugs if you vote the sane way.
[06:42.00] <wptmj> +
[06:42.00] <+Lard> [url] jokes - forums - craigslist | ( +, )
[06:42.05] * JustBeKalm doesn't drink or use recreational drugs and votes Dem only
[06:42.41] <+JustBeKalm> gannon probably is already drunk and full of other substances too....maybe bleach, at Trump's recommendation.
[06:42.44] <gannon> Elon and Grimes have three kids named Exa, X Æ A-12, and Techno Mechanicus
[06:43.12] <Cleland> wow thanks gannon--what would we do without your total immersion in pop culture and useless facts
[06:43.22] <gannon> will those kids get beat up by the other kids in their expensive boarding schools
[06:43.33] <wptmj> if stupid people dont want to open their minds, fuck em
[06:43.39] <wptmj> let them be stupid
[06:44.20] <wptmj> nothing in between tho
[06:44.36] <wptmj> no half-assing
[06:46.44] <Victora> david carr is a wonderful sax player, awesome still, plays in dallas, Takes years to develop a palatte for fine sax.  I promise you D. Carr is one of the masters, even if he seems at first listen to be distant.  Look him up and see him if you live there, or near.  Worthwhile.  He started playing as a kid.  His dad was a sax player, and handed down his sax to David.>> Listening and appreciating
[06:46.44] <Victora> D. Carr, is appreciating top drawer  SAX >>> +,
[06:46.44] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Crimson⁩ | 7m 10s | ⁨David Carr Jr ⁩ | 443 views
[06:47.00] <+thefed> Maybe Elon's kids will wear a  +,
[06:47.02] <+Lard> [url] Protection Bracelet - The Tony Robbins Foundation |, ( +, )
[06:47.23] <gannon> Walking Dead spinoff pinoff “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon” premieres
[06:47.37] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:47.49] <gannon> are Walking Dead fans the same fans of weed and Ed Sheeran
[06:48.19] <wptmj> and Cleland, you try to be an informed critic but fail miserably, you're just a little inexperienced child wishing he knew stuff that wasn't lame
[06:48.37] <wptmj> do something already
[06:48.43] <wptmj> talk is cheap
[06:48.53] <Cleland> wptmj tell a joke stupid
[06:49.11] <Cleland> And take your fucking meds
[06:49.17] <wptmj> my jokes contribute more to this channel than your lamity
[06:49.28] <wptmj> just made that word up :]
[06:49.35] <gannon> sad losers like Cleland can't contribute so they lash out
[06:50.07] <Cleland> haha--not on ignore!
[06:50.09] <gannon> lot of miserable, insecure, self-hating peeps in this chan
[06:50.10] <wptmj> he's going to start scrolling quotes
[06:50.12] <Cleland> YOu dumb little nazi fuck
[06:50.13] <wptmj> any second now
[06:50.21] <wptmj> stuff that i said
[06:50.26] <Victora> anyway, for you nerds, a chance to listen to a truely honest to god great saxist, d carr. for what its worth
[06:50.31] <Cleland> so lonely you are fucking talking to an autistic who happens to be bi-polar
[06:50.39] <Cleland> gannon you have become a cartoon character
[06:50.59] <wptmj> arent autism and bipolar closely related to genius?
[06:51.14] <wptmj> please, dont insult me so harshly again
[06:51.16] <Lottoman> getting some rain here finally
[06:51.17] <gannon> no
[06:51.19] <Lottoman> not much
[06:51.20] <wptmj> not sure i can handle it
[06:51.20] <Cleland> not in your case douchebag
[06:51.28] <Lottoman> sprinkling.. I've been out there in it
[06:51.31] <Tina`a> have some of ours Lottoman
[06:51.34] <Lottoman> dancing
[06:51.41] <Lottoman> need more here Tina
[06:51.44] <Victora> I have a question.  Doesnt matter how good or bad you play an instrument.  Who here plays music for themselves or friends at home or such?
[06:51.48] <Lottoman> my lake is down nearly 2 feet
[06:51.58] <wptmj> dont you get it, you stupid motherfucker.  YOU HAVE TO BE CRAZY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE
[06:52.14] * Slayer78_ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[06:52.22] <Victora> who is stupid today wptmj?
[06:52.24] <Slayer78_> Hi
[06:52.34] <wptmj> just cleland for now
[06:52.40] <wptmj> :[
[06:52.42] <wptmj> ]
[06:53.08] <Lottoman> funny..  early yesterday.. before the skies darkened..   ppl were here..  buying bait like crazy
[06:53.15] <Lottoman> trying to get fishing. . before the storm
[06:53.20] <Victora> yeah, cleland speaks for effect more than to share his ideas.  I wish he would belly up and talk his truth.
[06:54.18] <Victora> I have tried to get cleland to settle down, and speak honestly.  But never worked out.
[06:54.21] <gannon> The 16-year-old daughter of a top Lowe’s executive was killed and her two friends were injured after she crashed her Porsche into a tree near her family’s $2.6 million North Carolina mansion
[06:54.48] <Victora> 2.6 is pocket change
[06:54.49] <Slayer78_> Hi gannon
[06:54.51] <wptmj> :P
[06:55.01] <Slayer78_> gannon: she probably was intoxicated
[06:55.29] <Victora> no no no, we shouldnt kick anyone, even cleland, we arent barbarians and cruel to people.
[06:55.39] * sevi (~sevi@ has joined channel #Gulag
[06:55.41] <Victora> He enjoys visiting.  So let him hang out.
[06:56.07] <wptmj> “Run from what's comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I'll be mad.”
[06:56.09] <wptmj> ― Rumi
[06:56.18] <Victora> some of you clowns arent much better than cleland.
[06:56.19] <wptmj> >:[
[06:56.25] <gannon> don't you hate it when low IQ rich kids with no impulse control or sense of responsibility die in accidents
[06:56.49] <gannon> she won't get the chance to grow up and become a criminal drug degenerate like Hunter Biden
[06:56.50] <Victora> People die, thats all there is to it
[06:57.00] <Victora> dumb and smart people die. full stop
[06:57.05] <+JustBeKalm> I wish we'd get lots of rain. We totally need it.
[06:57.06] <wptmj> rumi has some badass quotes
[06:57.23] <Victora> example JustBeKalm
[06:57.26] <+JustBeKalm> And I like a good storm now and then. We don't really get many dangerous storms, even if they get windy.
[06:57.27] <sevi> keep wishing loser
[06:57.39] <+Debaser> +,
[06:57.40] <+Lard> [Twitter] Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24): BREAKING: ⏎ The Turkish Foreign Ministry: ⏎ “If Iran takes action against Azerbaijan, the Turkish Army will be quick to respond” ⏎ 🇹🇷🇮🇷 +, | 980 RTs | 6505 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-09 - 23:28:26UTC
[06:57.52] <wptmj> .
[06:58.10] <wptmj> “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
[06:58.12] <wptmj> ― Rumi
[06:59.07] <euphony> Been reading about the first trans advocate, Karl Ulrichs, in the 1860s, those quotes are super relevant to their life
[06:59.45] <wptmj> “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.  I'll meet you there."
[06:59.52] <Victora> not video? just static pic of guys holding star and sickle flag?
[07:00.10] <+Debaser> No it's video, keep watching
[07:00.16] <wptmj> “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
[07:00.19] <wptmj> - Rumi
[07:00.29] <+Debaser> The jpg file will eventually move
[07:00.32] * wptmj has had two traumatic brain injuries
[07:00.37] <wptmj> that explains it!
[07:00.40] <wptmj> :P
[07:00.50] <gannon> Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī was a 13th-century poet, Hanafi faqih, Islamic scholar, Maturidi theologian and Sufi mystic originally from Greater Khorasan in Greater Iran
[07:01.01] <gannon> sounds like a jerk to me
[07:01.20] <wptmj> .
[07:01.22] <Victora> nope, not vid
[07:01.59] <Victora> just soldiers holding big flag
[07:02.06] <Victora> doesnt matter, just saying
[07:02.15] * gloops ( has joined channel #Gulag
[07:02.18] <Lottoman> JustBeKalm..  mother nature shut down the rock fest here!..  combined with the LAW!!!..  health department and highway patrol..   shut the entire thing down!!!
[07:02.58] <wptmj> "Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.  Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."
[07:03.05] <wptmj> - Rumi
[07:03.29] <wptmj> “Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”
[07:03.34] <+JustBeKalm> Wow....I have to admit I'm not a big fan of stuff like that...hehe. I stay away from big crowds :) But that's too bad for those who wanted to go.
[07:04.07] * sevi (~sevi@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:04.45] * caleb` ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[07:05.23] <Lottoman> they over sold the event!!!!..   get this..  by a whopping..  70k
[07:05.29] <Lottoman> imagine
[07:05.42] <+JustBeKalm> Wow. That's really bad planning.
[07:05.50] <Lottoman> greed!!!.. pure greed
[07:05.59] <Victora> I like airline disaster films.  I am usually very calm and relaxed on planes; but, i wonder if after watching a load of these disaster films, mechanic used wrong tool, pilot got disoriented, co pilot didnt tell pilot he was fucking up, plane loses part such as an engine.  I might be a little more circumspect next time i strap into a seat on American Airlines >>  lower volume >> +https://youtu.,
[07:05.59] <Victora> be/QMIpXD46_eU?si=w0c4mR41ibAraNd7
[07:06.06] <Lottoman> now?..  they are being told to..  REPAY everyone!!!!
[07:06.10] <Slayer78_> Hi gannon
[07:06.12] <Lottoman> huge, huge screwup
[07:06.30] <Lottoman> not my thing either JustBeKalm..  I like smaller events
[07:06.39] <Victora> my wife at the time was flying thru chicago that day.
[07:06.41] <Lottoman> still like to ppl watch..  but damn..  
[07:06.55] <Lottoman> it took ppl 5 hours..  to leave!!!!!
[07:07.00] <wptmj> please enjoy ween's country parody album.  It's called 12 Greatest Country Hits and there's only 10 tracks!
[07:07.01] <Lottoman> 5 hours..  in the rain
[07:07.02] <Slayer78_> euphony: I truly don't understand your interest in 'queer history '
[07:07.03] <wptmj> +
[07:07.04] <+Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: 12GoldenCountryGreats | ( +, )
[07:07.08] <Victora> she went to a training school in Saint Charles, just south.
[07:07.10] <Lottoman> can you say..  law suits coming?
[07:07.11] * nicos ( has joined channel #Gulag
[07:07.18] <wptmj> greats
[07:07.35] <+JustBeKalm> I'm more boring, Lottoman. Stay away from having two or three people around, but that's it :) My husband is the same way.
[07:07.42] <Slayer78_> wptmj: didn't those guys play the South park anniversary show in Colorado?
[07:07.52] <wptmj> PISS UP A ROPE IS FUNNY AF
[07:07.54] <nicos> good morning JBK! 🌞
[07:07.55] <wptmj> +
[07:07.55] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Ween Piss up a Rope⁩ | 3m 34s | ⁨bcd120iu⁩ | 2,555,543 views
[07:08.07] <Victora> I believe if you are a pilot, and a crash is eminent.  you should crash the fuck out of the plane, do spirals and rolls loops etc.
[07:08.08] <wptmj> yes! i think so Slayer
[07:08.12] <wptmj> hi btw :]
[07:08.15] * deRuyter ( has left #Gulag (Closing Window)
[07:08.33] <+JustBeKalm> Hey, nicos!!!! How you be?
[07:08.43] <wptmj> damn straight Victora.  a blaze of glory
[07:08.51] <wptmj> go out in style!
[07:08.57] <Victora> everyone that has me on ignore say iggy. So I know.
[07:09.15] <wptmj> lol great job of ignoring that way
[07:09.17] <wptmj> :P
[07:09.27] <wptmj> i getcha
[07:09.41] <wptmj> great nick, btw
[07:09.46] <Victora> nobody then.
[07:09.48] <Victora> cool
[07:09.59] * wptmj is another Victor
[07:10.18] <wptmj> everyone should try and live up to their name
[07:11.06] <wptmj> I am also a VICTOR A too
[07:11.11] <wptmj> middle name is antonio
[07:11.12] * gloops ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[07:11.15] <euphony> I'm related to Emma Goldman, a name I idolize and could never approach lol
[07:11.32] <wptmj> you should still try tho, imo
[07:11.45] <euphony> Sure, give me some bombs lol
[07:11.57] <wptmj> kaboom!
[07:12.21] <Slayer78_> euphony: what's your interest in queer history exactly?
[07:12.32] <wptmj> gonna look up ema to better understand joke
[07:12.36] <wptmj> +m
[07:12.46] <euphony> "The most dangerous woman in America"
[07:12.51] <euphony> a famous american anarchist
[07:12.57] <wptmj> +
[07:12.57] <+Lard> [wikipedia] Emma Goldman | "Emma Goldman (June 27, 1869 – May 14, 1940) was a Russian-born anarchist, political activist, and writer. She played a pivotal role in the development of anarchist political philosophy in North America and Europe in the first half of the 20th century. Born in Kaunas, Lithuania (then within the Russian Empire), to an Orthodox Lithuanian Jewish family, Goldman emigrated to the United States in 1885. Attracted to anarchism after […]"
[07:13.09] <Slayer78_> I prefer Ayn Rand
[07:13.15] <wptmj> LOL i get it now
[07:13.23] <Victora> I have no idea how i can be associated with you with individuals among you.  I believe I am decidedly different.  But if you wish to use my name, you needs to sing this song with me >> +,
[07:13.24] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Don McLean - American Pie (Lyrics)⁩ | 8m 45s | ⁨Young Pilgrim Music⁩ | 12,809,200 views
[07:13.39] * Mantra (~Mantra@ has joined channel #Gulag
[07:14.04] <Victora> bye bye miss american pie ... sing along !!
[07:14.19] <Slayer78_> Hi JBK
[07:14.25] <Victora> dancing allowed too
[07:14.44] <Victora> slayer we are singing and dancing
[07:15.13] <+thefed> +,
[07:15.16] <+Lard> [reddit] Mike Lindell is beginning to crack under the pressure during his Dominion defamation trial deposition. (+, to r/PublicFreakout | 4715 points (95.0%) | 831 comments | Posted by CumBobDirtyPants | Created at 2023-09-08 - 18:08:06UTC
[07:15.16] <Victora> the day the music died
[07:15.28] <Victora> I started singing this is the day that I die.
[07:15.45] <Victora> For 10 years we have been remembering how it used to be.
[07:15.46] <Slayer78_> Well rock music is certainly , visibly dying
[07:16.09] <Mantra> Lindell has been a cracked egg since he started supporting Feather head Trump with his pillow money
[07:16.11] <Victora> The Jester stole his phoney crown.
[07:16.25] <Slayer78_> Here comes Mantra to whine about Trump forevermore
[07:16.30] <Victora> wonderful lyrics
[07:16.41] <Victora> repost of song with lyrics >> +,
[07:16.41] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Don McLean - American Pie (Lyrics)⁩ | 8m 45s | ⁨Young Pilgrim Music⁩ | 12,809,200 views
[07:17.19] <Victora> This is about as close as any rock song has come to being a national anthem.  Anyone have ideas about that?
[07:17.20] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[07:17.41] <Slayer78_> Victora: more than the Beatles? Er no
[07:17.54] <Mantra> Slayer78_  only you weep and weep .. sorry.. dry your eyes it will not stop till Drumf is no longer a threat to the world.. so hope and pray the worm of all worms does not somehow by some miracle of Satan win the presidency
[07:18.04] <Victora> we started singing bye bye miss american pie, this will be the day that i die
[07:18.15] <Victora> we were all in one place, a generation lost in space
[07:18.19] <Slayer78_> Mantra: and you're predictable in your responses too
[07:18.24] <Victora> so come on jack be nible jack be quick...
[07:18.27] <wptmj> good song for my daily thoughts, Victora ty
[07:18.31] <+dry_> Mantra: apparently Lindell has been brought in to be deposed multiple times and each time storms out  or gets so angry the deposition has to be cut short
[07:18.32] <wptmj> +
[07:18.33] <+Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: dayleethawts | ( +, )
[07:18.40] <Mantra>    Slayer78_  yea like you predict the weather
[07:19.20] <Slayer78_> Trump isn't in power now ergo he's not a threat to the world
[07:19.37] <+dry_> Slayer78_: but he is running for President
[07:19.41] <Slayer78_> Unless of course you define the world as your mere weak psyche
[07:19.55] <+dry_> and currently Trump is the GOP 2024 front runner
[07:19.56] <wptmj> +
[07:19.57] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Ween - Reggaejunkiejew⁩ | 4m 53s | ⁨The Man Makes The Hat⁩ | 119,660 views
[07:19.59] <Mantra> dry sounds like a Lindell move.. the guy is nutz but then most trump supporters have something going on in their heads to support that crazy shit called Trump
[07:20.17] <Slayer78_> Mantra: yawn,  you're so fucking boring
[07:20.23] * tzip ( has joined channel #Gulag
[07:20.29] <Slayer78_> Hi tzip
[07:20.36] <Tiramisu> hi guys
[07:20.46] <Tiramisu> how are u guys
[07:20.48] <Mantra> Slayer78_  and you are stupid...naive and a Trumper from cannuckland.. so now everyone knows here
[07:21.02] <Slayer78_> Mantra is gay for Trump
[07:21.08] <Slayer78_> I'm fine
[07:21.15] <+Timur> logorrhea
[07:21.24] <Mantra>  Slayer78_ you are fucking far from fine or ok
[07:21.26] <wptmj> SEPERATION IS AN ILLUSION
[07:21.32] <wptmj> IT'S ALL THE SAME FAMILY
[07:22.35] <wptmj> POWER IN NUMBERS
[07:22.49] <+JustBeKalm> This is the wrong place to chat, full of U.S. Americans, if you don't want to hear about our #1 news item....Trump.
[07:22.54] <wptmj> FUCKING DUH
[07:22.57] <wptmj> :p
[07:23.09] <Slayer78_> Mantra: you're free to believe that you think that
[07:23.13] <nicos> I'm good thanks JBK! How about you?
[07:23.23] <+JustBeKalm> Try newsgarden. It's most Australians there, however they do talk about Trump. The U.S. is important to the world.
[07:23.28] <gannon> Added *!*Mantra
[07:23.29] <tzip> Disney CEO Bob Iger said there will be a pullback in content spending and creation for the Star Wars and Marvel franchises."    aw, I liked those.  :(
[07:23.29] <Mantra> Slayer78_ one of your most empty common posts ...
[07:23.33] <gannon> sad welfare guy
[07:23.39] <nicos> I'm tired of non stop Trump news.
[07:23.45] <Slayer78_> tzip: why?
[07:23.50] <+JustBeKalm> nicos, doing great. We are in the glory of autumn here!!! I love it :)
[07:24.03] <nicos> awesome
[07:24.09] <nicos> I'm ready for Fall 🍁
[07:24.25] <Mantra> tzip thank god.. Marvel should die a quick death.. the super hero stuff is so played
[07:24.29] <+JustBeKalm> nicos, I hate how the media props Trump by giving him so much news, which is why I read the news. However, he is still news and the U.S. and our elections are worldwise news.
[07:24.40] <Tiramisu> is it possible for a man to fight a woman
[07:24.47] <+dry_> I like the Trump news since I find the legal stuff interesting
[07:24.57] <wptmj> I heard Trump wants to make government as small as his hands.
[07:24.58] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: by talking about him endlessly,  they are helping him
[07:25.02] <+JustBeKalm> dry_, I would, if I was sure justice would happen.
[07:25.04] <tzip> Mantra,  we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
[07:25.13] <nicos> it might actually help re elect him though.
[07:25.36] <+JustBeKalm> nicos, sure. It did in 2016, although I never forget he lost the popular vote by quite a lot.
[07:25.47] <wptmj> Therapist: "Trump, You are a delusional narcissist who uses dismissive indignation as a coping mechanism."
[07:25.55] <wptmj> Trump: "That was really hard to hear from a stupid jealous piece of shit."
[07:25.58] <Slayer78_> The mass media would prefer to shit talk Trump rather than praise Biden
[07:25.59] <wptmj> :P
[07:26.10] <nicos> my crazy Trump supporting relatives think the Biden Crime Family is a bigger threat. lol
[07:26.18] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, you don't want the news, right?
[07:26.30] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm why would I?
[07:26.32] <Mantra> tzip yeah.. nwo I saw Opernheimer.. good stuff... but man... even Barbie at least is an orinal idea.. but when you get up to 5 sequals and mixing and matching superhero's and xman 9.. ugh..
[07:26.53] <wptmj> "We're not in the business of providing news and information, We're simply in the business of selling our customers' products. "
[07:26.53] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, I don't need to answer sthat but if you don't watch it you don't know what they report and what they say. That's all.
[07:26.54] <wptmj> - Clear Channel CEO Lowry Mays
[07:27.02] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm ok
[07:27.13] <tzip> Mantra,  but doesn't Marvel have bunches and bunches of superheros?  Bring a new one up in a movie.   Why not?
[07:27.29] <+JustBeKalm> mantra, Barbie as in Barbie dolls is ORIGINAL???  Tell that to my daughters!!!!
[07:27.32] <+dry_> <Slayer78_> The mass media would prefer to shit talk Trump rather than praise Biden  <-- because outrage and gloom sell better than good news?
[07:27.50] <tzip> Mantra,  I'm not this invested in superhero movies though.  Have it your way.  :)
[07:28.06] <wptmj> "Television is altering the meaning of "being informed" by creating a species of information that might properly be called disinformation... Disinformation does not mean false information. It means misleading information - misplaced, irrelevant, fragmented or superficial information - information that creates the illusion of knowing something, but
[07:28.06] <wptmj> which in fact leads one away from knowing."
[07:28.08] <wptmj> - Neil Postman
[07:28.22] <nomic> mrlamont aint here (sunday) cos he HAS A LIFE
[07:28.32] <Slayer78_> dry_: I'm not deluded enough to believe 'the news' matters
[07:28.32] <+Timur> I read a good review of Barbie (which made me even more determined not to see it)
[07:28.32] <+JustBeKalm> Movies and Hollywood in general is imho getting more boring.
[07:28.41] <Mantra> nicos I have some family that are very very very ignorant and stupid like that...  Trump to them is somehow a fight agaisnt the system lol.. what a munch of mixed nutz.. Trump is ntohing but a laughable wannabe dictator ..but the laughing when one realizes how many ignoran people there are in the states
[07:28.42] <nomic> i dunno theres ok films
[07:28.49] <+JustBeKalm> And so much PC....enough to ruin a good story by being overly political.
[07:28.52] <+dry_> Slayer78_: depends on what the news is covering.
[07:29.01] <Slayer78_> wptmj: interesting and relevant quote
[07:29.07] <nomic> try that in a small town
[07:29.09] <wptmj> their titties are drying up
[07:29.12] <+Timur> +,
[07:29.26] <wptmj> ty slayer
[07:29.27] <nomic> u wouldnt do that in a small town
[07:29.31] <Mantra> tzip its not so much that.. they spend a fortune on them and the oroginal movies die on the vine with funding..
[07:29.36] <+JustBeKalm> Mantra, my sister is like that and she would not "agree not to talk politics" so we only text now and then. I can't deal with her constant fake politics chatter and she is obsessed.
[07:29.37] <nomic> e'll kick ur fking ed in e will
[07:29.40] <+Timur> not that I'm a fan of most of Hollywood movies, which tend to be mind-numbingly stupid
[07:29.45] <nomic> 'say that to im'
[07:29.47] <Mantra> or more exactly not funding new movies
[07:29.52] <+JustBeKalm> It's sad to have to pull away from a family member for that, but....she won't compromise.
[07:29.54] <wptmj>  "The twentieth century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy."
[07:29.56] <wptmj> - Alex Carey
[07:30.03] <tzip> Mantra, well yes, they're dead now, according to this story.
[07:30.04] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: will you?
[07:30.05] <nomic> interesting
[07:30.07] <+JustBeKalm> Timur, I agree.
[07:30.23] <gannon> cool quote
[07:30.28] <+Timur> JustBeKalm: :)
[07:30.46] <+Timur> JustBeKalm: you might find that NYT review interesting
[07:30.47] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, yes. I would not have spoken politics at all. In my real life, I don't talk politics barely ever and don't put out political signs or anything.
[07:30.49] <wptmj> i am quotes/jokes/puns connoseur
[07:30.52] <+dry_> JustBeKalm: it's sad when that happens. Fox News Brain or whatever
[07:30.54] <wptmj> or however you spell that
[07:30.56] <gannon> Timur name three great non-stupid movies
[07:30.57] <Mantra> JustBeKalm  that is not very wise of her..I do not talk politics with trumper relatives..because a cult will not .. ever ever move from its cult we do no talk about it... sadly
[07:31.09] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: kewl, I respect that
[07:31.24] <+JustBeKalm> dry_, I tried with her many times. It got worse when she met a guy who is a Trumper. So now we text for birthdays etc. and that's it.
[07:31.26] <wptmj> "The media serve the interests of state and corporate power, which are closely interlinked, framing their reporting and analysis in a manner supportive of established privilege and limiting debate and discussion accordingly."
[07:31.28] <wptmj> - Noam Chomsky
[07:31.32] <Slayer78_> Mantra: what of your own Trump hating cult?
[07:31.39] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, ty. I don't think anyone needs to now how I vote.
[07:31.42] <+dry_> +,
[07:31.43] <+Lard> [wikipedia] The Brainwashing of My Dad | "The Brainwashing of My Dad is a 2015 American documentary film directed by Jen Senko about her father's transformation from a nonpolitical Democrat into a political Republican. The film was mostly funded by a Kickstarter campaign."
[07:32.02] <Mantra> Slayer78_  I hate all cults ..  your charge is illogical
[07:32.06] <nomic> .z.z.z_
[07:32.20] <gannon> Added *!*drycider0
[07:32.21] <+dry_> Slayer78_: why assume it's a cult? we can see the merits of the criticisms in the indictments
[07:32.26] <Slayer78_> Mantra: you literally spend your days hating Trump
[07:32.31] <wptmj> "Media manipulation in the U.S. today is more efficient than it was in Nazi Germany, because here we have the pretense that we are getting all the information we want. That misconception prevents people from even looking for the truth."
[07:32.33] <wptmj> - Mark Crispin Miller
[07:32.59] <Mantra> Slayer78_ you have no idea at all of how I spend my days which 98 percent not here
[07:33.09] <Slayer78_> dry_: as a general rule,  it's dumb to let the blind lead a flock of sheep
[07:33.27] <+dry_> Slayer78_: no idea how that addresses the point about the indictments
[07:33.36] <wptmj>  "The U.S. record of war crimes has been, from the nineteenth century to the present, a largely invisible one, with no government, no political leaders, no military officials, no lower-level operatives held accountable for criminal actions... Anyone challenging this mythology is quickly marginalized, branded a traitor or Communist or terrorist or s
[07:33.36] <wptmj> imply a lunatic beyond the pale of reasonable discussion."
[07:33.39] <wptmj> - Carl Boggs
[07:33.42] * weenerd0g (~weenerdog@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:33.45] <Slayer78_> Mantra: regardless that 2 percent is all about hatred of Trump
[07:34.06] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, I don't think about Trup at all when I'm not here.
[07:34.23] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: and nor should you
[07:34.27] <nomic> trup
[07:34.29] <+JustBeKalm> I don't.
[07:34.35] <Cleland> STFU Slurper88
[07:34.38] <+dry_> why are you guys so critical of a president that is currently being tried for trying to overturn an election?
[07:34.39] <Cleland> Nazi fuck
[07:34.40] <Mantra> Slayer78_ its all about warning.. if you saw a earth destroying astroid heading to earth would  you want to tell/warn everyone you could ?
[07:35.06] <Slayer78_> Mantra: melodramatic much?
[07:35.08] <wptmj> can i relay the lengthy Four Sorrows quote by Chalmers Johnson?  it's good
[07:35.13] <wptmj> anyone heard it?
[07:35.17] <nomic> trup.
[07:35.42] <wptmj> Four sorrows ... are certain to be visited on the United States. Their cumulative effect guarantees that the U.S. will cease to resemble the country outlined in the Constitution of 1787.
[07:35.47] <Mantra>   Slayer78_  sadly my hope is you never get to find ou for certain.. the danger you do not see does not make it any less dangerous
[07:35.55] <Slayer78_> Mantra: ok
[07:35.59] <wptmj> First, there will be a state of perpetual war, leading to more terrorism against Americans wherever they may be and a spreading reliance on nuclear weapons among smaller nations as they try to ward off the imperial juggernaut.
[07:36.04] <+dry_> Slayer78_: given Trump's actions, and the resulting lawsuits, indictments, etc...  why shouldn't people discuss it?
[07:36.08] <Mantra> Slayer78_ ignorance is be blissful
[07:36.19] <wptmj> Second is a loss of democracy and Constitutional rights as the presidency eclipses Congress and is itself transformed from a co-equal 'executive branch' of government into a military junta.
[07:36.35] <nomic> mutherfkr.
[07:36.38] <Slayer78_> dry_: discussion won't bring about the results you want by sheer osmosis
[07:36.38] <nomic> trup.
[07:36.47] <wptmj> Third is the replacement of truth by propaganda, disinformation, and the glorification of war, power, and the military legions. Lastly, there is bankruptcy, as the United States pours its economic resources into ever more grandiose military projects and shortchanges the education, health, and safety of its citizens."
[07:36.47] <+dry_> Slayer78_: but they are interesting
[07:36.50] <wptmj> - Chalmers Johnson
[07:36.55] <+dry_> *it is interesting rather
[07:36.58] <Slayer78_> dry_: I disagree
[07:37.18] <+dry_> Slayer78_: but do you understand why others would find it interesting?
[07:37.28] <wptmj> johnson mustve had a crystal ball
[07:37.31] <Slayer78_> dry_: sure, but that doesn't make it interesting to moi
[07:37.45] <+dry_> Slayer78_: ok, so it's a matter of your personal preference.
[07:37.57] <nomic> HANG PENCE. from the RAFTERS. he said. HANG HIM. GET HIM AND HANG HIM. BURN IT ALL DOWN. be there BE WILD. burn it down I WILL BE THERE WITH YOU ~ trup.
[07:38.12] <+Timur> In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and nothing was true… The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day,
[07:38.12] <+Timur> and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness. - Arendt
[07:38.31] <Slayer78_> The only thing I find interesting about these purported indictments is how much the supposed left fears Trump
[07:38.42] <wptmj> "Fascism is on the march today in America. Millionaires are marching to the tune. It will come in this country unless a strong defense is set up by all liberal and progressive forces.
[07:38.51] <+dry_> Slayer78_: the indictments are because a grand jury determined the law was broken
[07:38.52] <wptmj> A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government, and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy.
[07:39.03] <Slayer78_> dry_: what law?
[07:39.14] <wptmj> Aboard ship a prominent executive of one of America's largest financial corporations told me point blank that if the progressive trend of the Roosevelt administration continued, he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism to America."
[07:39.17] <+dry_> Slayer78_: described in the indictments
[07:39.17] <wptmj> - former ambassador to Germany William Dodd in 1938
[07:39.26] <Slayer78_> dry_: but not by you... check
[07:39.39] <+dry_> Slayer78_: and I don't know why you refer to them as purported. We know the indictments exist
[07:39.54] <Tiramisu> lol
[07:39.56] <+Debaser> Purportedly they exist in some version of reality
[07:40.00] <wptmj> cuz cnn told you, right?
[07:40.02] <wptmj> :P
[07:40.02] <Slayer78_> dry_: an indictment doesn't mean a person will be automatically arrested
[07:40.04] <+Debaser> Maybe not slayers
[07:40.10] <Mantra> Russia and China are what happen to countries who have a large minority of its populace believe a demagogue piece of shit like Trump
[07:40.11] <+dry_> Slayer78_: ok, but they still exist
[07:40.20] <+Debaser> wptmj: they're available on .gov websites as PDFs
[07:40.27] <+dry_> so you can just call them "indictments"
[07:40.30] <Slayer78_> dry_: yes, they make for good humor
[07:40.40] <wptmj> oh, then it must be true!
[07:40.42] <wptmj> :P
[07:40.46] <+dry_> Slayer78_: do you think the proud boys are laughing about them?
[07:40.51] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, have you read them?
[07:40.52] <Cleland> So if you are indicted, you fucking imbecile--you don’t get arrested?
[07:40.56] <Cleland> WTF is wrong with you
[07:40.58] <+JustBeKalm> If not, you don't know what they are.
[07:41.01] <Slayer78_> dry_: you would have to ask them
[07:41.04] <+Debaser> wptmj: "have you ever seen your fingers fing?"
[07:41.06] <+JustBeKalm> Trump isn't laughing.
[07:41.11] <Cleland> Every day its something dumber
[07:41.12] <+dry_> Slayer78_: 22 years in prison doesn't sound like fun
[07:41.13] <Cleland> Dumb fuck
[07:41.15] <+Debaser> You sound like you've smoked too much weed
[07:41.21] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: I have no interest in how utterly desperate the left is
[07:41.23] <Cleland> 10:15:42]  <Slayer78_> Well rock music is certainly , visibly dying
[07:41.30] <Cleland> WTF does visibly dying mean
[07:41.34] <Cleland> you morn
[07:41.35] <wptmj> or am just appearing to "sound" that way
[07:41.37] <wptmj> :]
[07:41.44] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, I said Trump doesn't think being indicted is funny.
[07:41.46] <wptmj> one never knows
[07:41.46] <Mantra> Trumpers are the most sad people in the usa.. they ride of the doomed train in ignorant bliss  as it barrels to smash everything they thought they were rooting for in the half baked brain of megalomaniac demagogues like Trump
[07:41.55] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: who cares?
[07:42.06] <wptmj> grain of salt to anything read online!
[07:42.07] <+JustBeKalm> He's not "the left." I'm not either. I don't think you understand what the U.S. left is or how diverse we are.
[07:42.16] <+dry_> Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: I have no interest in how utterly desperate the left is <-- no idea how being aware of the indictments makes the left "desperate"
[07:42.31] <wptmj>  "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
[07:42.35] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: I'm tired of that 'argument '. Shit or get off the pot
[07:42.35] <wptmj> - Abraham Lincoln
[07:42.41] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, if you don't care about anything we talk about, why even come here?
[07:42.51] <Slayer78_> To laugh at you
[07:42.55] <Cleland> Bigger question is why do YOU talk to him
[07:42.55] <wptmj> "This [the U.S. Constitution] is likely to be administered for a course of years and then end in despotism... when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other."
[07:42.57] <wptmj> - Benjamin Franklin
[07:43.11] <+Debaser> wptmj: are you saying we can't trust PDFs of legal charges from government websites
[07:43.11] <Cleland> You mock Nazis--you don’t talk with them
[07:43.19] <wptmj> "The news and truth are not the same thing. "
[07:43.20] <wptmj> - Walter Lippmann
[07:43.39] <+JustBeKalm> Okay, Slayer.
[07:43.45] <wptmj> "America has always viewed oil as a security consideration, and protected it by any means it deems necessary. Few of us doubt that the U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf has little to do with its concern for human rights and almost entirely to do with its strategic interest in oil."
[07:43.47] <wptmj> - Arundhati Roy, author and activist
[07:44.03] <euphony> There is no organized leftist mass movement in America thanks to a century of American government terroristic repression and the most advanced propaganda system in world history.
[07:44.07] <+dry_> Slayer78_: A sitting president breaking the law by trying to overturn an election is big news. It's weird that you complain about people chatting about it in a politics chatroom
[07:44.15] <+JustBeKalm> euphony, nope.
[07:44.22] <wptmj> "The crimes of the U.S. throughout the world have been systematic, constant, clinical, remorseless, and fully documented but nobody talks about them. "
[07:44.23] <+JustBeKalm> We are a very conservative country.
[07:44.24] <wptmj> - Harold Pinter
[07:44.26] <+Debaser> wptmj: of course, modern living depends on energy. Hence why we need to get uraniumpilled
[07:44.31] <euphony> JustBeKalm ya :(
[07:44.38] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: the modern day leftist movement,  with its boutique interests, has zilch to do with the original mo
[07:44.46] <wptmj> :[
[07:44.46] <Cleland> WTF
[07:44.52] <Cleland> boutique interests
[07:44.53] <+dry_> boutique interests
[07:44.53] <Cleland> WTF
[07:44.55] <Cleland> LOL
[07:44.55] <+dry_> lol
[07:45.03] <wptmj>  "Truth is always subversive, otherwise why should governments spend so much energy trying to suppress it?"
[07:45.05] <wptmj> - an Indonesian activist
[07:45.11] <Cleland> He didn’t make that up himself
[07:45.12] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, I am not sure what you think is a modern leftist movement in the U.S. I'm not part of any extreme movements and don't know of any in the U.S.
[07:45.13] <Cleland> He got that from one of his “sources"
[07:45.23] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: the 'woke'
[07:45.27] <Cleland> JustBeKalm  WTF is wrong with you
[07:45.34] <wptmj> "Those countries with the most developed welfare states have far less violence than the United States, the industrial nation with the least developed welfare state."
[07:45.36] <Slayer78_> Though it's amazing how asleep they are
[07:45.36] <wptmj> - Elliott Currie
[07:45.37] <Cleland> Why do you give this nazi a platform
[07:45.43] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, since "the woke" is made up, I have no idea what you mean.
[07:45.48] <+JustBeKalm> Cleland, he needs to be answered.
[07:45.53] <Cleland> no he doesn't
[07:45.54] <+JustBeKalm> He's not making sense.
[07:45.54] <Slayer78_> It isn't
[07:45.56] <Cleland> he needs to be mocked
[07:46.04] <+JustBeKalm> He is!
[07:46.05] <wptmj> if you can't learn from other people Cleland, you need a nap
[07:46.08] <Cleland> You think he has any intention of answering
[07:46.09] <Cleland> LOL
[07:46.15] <+JustBeKalm> NO! lolol.
[07:46.19] <Cleland> So why?
[07:46.20] <+JustBeKalm> Like gannon doesn't :)
[07:46.23] <+JustBeKalm> I don't know.
[07:46.25] <Mantra> Slayer78_ define woke and leftist.. does it get to be any group you feel like ?  or is there a set of groups defined by it ?
[07:46.30] <Cleland> same shit--but gannon’s IQ is four points higher
[07:46.34] <Slayer78_> Any knuckleheads who believe in 'systemic racism ' and fuck knows how many genders is 'woke'
[07:46.35] <Cleland> mock gannon
[07:46.39] <wptmj> "I have no color prejudices nor caste prejudices nor creed prejudices. All I care to know is that a man is a human being, and that is enough for me; he can't be any worse."
[07:46.40] <+JustBeKalm> Mantra asked a good question though. I like to see them try to answer.
[07:46.41] <wptmj> - MT
[07:46.50] <Cleland> When has he ever answered a question?
[07:46.52] <Cleland> WHEN?
[07:47.00] <Mantra> JustBeKalm they never do answer :)
[07:47.02] <+JustBeKalm> Hmmmmmmmmmmm....never?
[07:47.03] <wptmj> "Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned."
[07:47.05] <wptmj> - MT
[07:47.06] <+JustBeKalm> Mantra, that's true.
[07:47.12] <Cleland> Okay JustBeKalm whatever.
[07:47.23] <wptmj> "A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds."
[07:47.24] <+dry_> Slayer78_: the laws Trump is charged with breaking are: 18 U.S.C 371, 18 U.S.C 1512(k), 18 U.S.C(c)(2), 2 and 18 U.S.C 241
[07:47.27] <wptmj> - MT
[07:47.30] <+JustBeKalm> Hey...I'm waiting for Political to have a good convesation going on.
[07:47.35] <+dry_> Slayer78_: all cleared up?
[07:47.36] <+JustBeKalm> Oh, crap.
[07:47.38] <+JustBeKalm> Phone.
[07:47.40] <Slayer78_> dry_: no
[07:47.46] <Mantra> JustBeKalm well not with anything that defines it other than saying Woke gruups have woke people in them
[07:47.47] <+dry_> Slayer78_: then why did you ask?
[07:47.54] <wptmj> "I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening."
[07:47.55] <wptmj> - Larry King
[07:48.17] <+Timur> In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and nothing was true… The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day,
[07:48.17] <+Timur> and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness. -Arendt
[07:48.24] <+Timur> ops
[07:48.30] <+Timur> sry for repeat
[07:48.32] <+JustBeKalm> Mantra (phone but...) they need to explain what they think woke means first. I have no idea what it means.
[07:48.37] <wptmj> "If I've got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I'm going to succeed."
[07:48.38] <wptmj> - Dan Dierdorf
[07:48.40] <Slayer78_> I explained it
[07:48.49] <+dry_> you didn't
[07:48.51] <Slayer78_> If you don't see it buy fucking glasses
[07:48.59] <+dry_> you asked for what laws Trump broke. So now you know
[07:49.01] <wptmj> "Censorship feeds the dirty mind more than the four-letter word itself."
[07:49.02] <wptmj> - Dick Cavett
[07:49.04] <+dry_> your welcome
[07:49.13] <+dry_> you're
[07:49.17] <wptmj> "As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it."
[07:49.19] <wptmj> - Dick Cavett
[07:49.33] <+Debaser> wptmj; stop
[07:49.39] <+Debaser> We don't need a quotes bot
[07:49.46] <wptmj> i wont stop until i am done!
[07:49.58] <+dry_> I'm not typing out the Georgia indictment laws since there's 41 of them since Trump is being charged as part of a RICO prosecution
[07:50.00] <wptmj> but what i really want to know is....
[07:50.03] <wptmj> :P
[07:50.44] <wptmj> "The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment."
[07:50.46] <wptmj> - Earl Nightingale
[07:50.50] <Slayer78_> For the  terminally dumb... woke means being stupid enough to believe in 'systemic racism '
[07:51.00] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, your explanation did not explain squat to me.
[07:51.07] <nomic> welcome to 'the eternal fuckup'
[07:51.19] <euphony> Every time my partner tells me about new charges involving like 50 accomplices I am like "Oh, is it RICO?" and the answer has been "No." Every time, till the charges from last week when I was like "RICO?" and she said "Yes." Felt like I finally got Bingo lol.
[07:51.19] <wptmj> "Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us."
[07:51.22] <wptmj> - Earl Nightingale
[07:51.24] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: how convenient
[07:51.28] <euphony> Or two weeks ago, its so hard to keep track
[07:51.33] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, so all it means is you know about systemic racism? Nothing else. Okay. Well, yes, it exists.
[07:51.46] <+JustBeKalm> I don't know rightwing speak. sorry.
[07:51.51] <+JustBeKalm> I speak English.
[07:52.00] <Slayer78_> euphony: SHE said? Aren't you like a homosexual, by your own accord?
[07:52.05] <wptmj> "A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change."
[07:52.08] <wptmj> - Earl Nightingale
[07:52.22] <nomic> BURN IT.
[07:52.27] <Mantra> JustBeKalm exactly because it means nothing but whatever the person you ask thinks it does.. there are endless things a person who uses  the word means but they can fulfill their need to be part of a group... so one might mean being gay is "woke" while talking to the another person who uses the term woke but to him it means allowing women to do "traditional mens" jobs.. .. but underlying
[07:52.27] <Mantra> everything is their insecure need to be part of the same "against woke" hate group
[07:52.53] <+JustBeKalm> Mantra, yep. It's meaningless.
[07:52.57] <nomic> woke is just another lazy expression
[07:53.06] <wptmj> "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
[07:53.07] <wptmj> - Mother Teresa
[07:53.21] <+JustBeKalm> Well, I don't know what woke means so it needs to be defined to me or else talk to me in real English, words that I can define.
[07:53.34] <wptmj>  "Miracles do not happen in contradiction of nature, but in contradiction with what we know about nature."
[07:53.36] <wptmj> - Augustine
[07:53.48] <euphony> Woke is when the Jews put black women in our video games! <-- is more or less all right wingers mean by it.
[07:53.53] <Mantra> so when you sum it up.. really the undefinable "woke" word  is eally to allow haters of various people to clump together in a meaningless word and be in this group of haters .. group think and groupism.
[07:53.59] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: a conversation mired in bad faith is of no interest to me. Clearly,  I could have re written Greek mythology as an answer and you would have denied it
[07:54.02] <wptmj> "I believe it is the nature of people to be heroes given a chance."
[07:54.03] <wptmj> - James A. Autry
[07:54.10] <+dry_> woke: "aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"
[07:54.14] <Tiramisu> i have lappy and printer
[07:54.23] <Tiramisu> bye sleep
[07:54.24] <+dry_> +,
[07:54.25] <+Lard> [url] Woke Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster |, ( +, )
[07:54.25] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, I explained. I have no idea what rightwing speak means and I don't think rightwingers know either.
[07:54.31] <Slayer78_> 'Racial and social justice ' are unnecessary
[07:54.35] <wptmj> "It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has."
[07:54.38] <wptmj> - Henry Ward Beecher
[07:54.38] <+dry_> Slayer78_: I disagree
[07:54.46] <+Timur> wptmj good quote
[07:54.50] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, that's your opinion. An opinion is not a fact. I think it is.
[07:54.50] <Slayer78_> Justice itself however is more than highly necessary
[07:55.06] <wptmj> ty timur
[07:55.08] <Mantra> JustBeKalm exactly..the only reason for the word "woke" is a bunch of insecure haters gruping toghter in their hate in a sad need to be part of a group in their inherent insecurity
[07:55.10] <+Timur> ty
[07:55.18] <+dry_> more than highly necessary?
[07:55.20] <wptmj> "Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements."
[07:55.22] <+dry_> wowza
[07:55.22] <wptmj> - Napoleon Hill
[07:55.24] <Slayer78_> Mantra: like your hatred of Trump?
[07:55.35] <+dry_> lol
[07:55.38] <nomic> ~ we aint out to get u, do u in. annihilate you ~ the state
[07:55.40] <+Debaser> wptmj: tell someone dying of an easily curable disease without indoor plumbing electricity that they're rich because of what's in their heart
[07:55.41] <+JustBeKalm> Mantra, yep. But I'm not a rightwinger. If you make up a word, you need to give me your definition of it or I can't or won't answer.
[07:55.43] <+dry_> Trump is being indicted.
[07:55.44] <+McChicken> woke: an oxymoron term used to describe the many indoctrinated & radically left-wing people of today's world who are obsessed with jumping on whatever mainstream bandwagon is necessary to feel included, though ironically being the most intolerant and hypocritical people on the planet.
[07:55.46] <+Debaser> Let me know how that goes
[07:55.50] <wptmj> "Everybody can be great...because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love."
[07:55.51] <wptmj> - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
[07:56.01] <Slayer78_> McChicken: yeah that sounds right
[07:56.09] <+dry_> Slayer78_: why pretend the criticisms of Trump are not merited given the indictments?
[07:56.15] <+dry_> weird
[07:56.21] <nomic> i did ok meal earlier. no fkup. no unhealthy. correct amount. well cooked.
[07:56.25] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, I need to know specifics. That's just a stupid word salad.
[07:56.32] <+JustBeKalm> Sounds like Fox indoctrination.
[07:56.33] <wptmj> "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same."
[07:56.34] <wptmj> - Flavia Weedn
[07:56.43] <+McChicken> word salad
[07:56.52] <Slayer78_> As opposed to CNN indoctrination?
[07:56.52] <+McChicken> you are too dumb for english
[07:56.54] <+JustBeKalm> It's an opinion too, which isn't fact.
[07:56.58] <wptmj> "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely help another without helping himself."
[07:56.59] <wptmj> - Ralph Waldo Emerson
[07:57.04] <+McChicken> fact is you are one of them
[07:57.10] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, I know English. That said nothing specifically.
[07:57.20] <Slayer78_> wptmj: that last Emerson quote,  very relevant
[07:57.23] <+dry_> Slayer78_: do you think CNN indoctrination is a thing?
[07:57.25] <+JustBeKalm> Just that "I don't like woke people" which I already said I don't understand. It's not English.
[07:57.37] <Slayer78_> dry_: why would it not be?
[07:57.42] <Mantra> Slayer78_ I do not hate Trump.. I hate is ideas which he has stated and Trumpism which is the large group of people who find some blurb from the demagogue to like.. for instance Trump basically said to smash suspects heads against police cars when arresting them... now you think that would make you never advocate for Trump.. now is it your ignorance or your knowing that makes you advocate for
[07:57.42] <Mantra> Trump ?
[07:57.51] <wptmj> "It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action."
[07:57.53] <wptmj> - Gandhi
[07:57.58] <+dry_> Slayer78_: because CNN is another liberal / centrist channel in a sea of them?
[07:58.07] <+Debaser> If Slayer can be indoctrinated by shitty YouTube videos, I'm sure CNN can indoctrinate people
[07:58.07] <Slayer78_> Mantra: dude, your hatred of Trump is predictable and boring
[07:58.10] <+dry_> reporting the same shit as MSNBC, ABC, etc.
[07:58.13] <euphony> That Emerson quote. It's a good example of the Republic of Lovers the transcendentalists strove for. Tho Emerson himself was not queer like otherws in the movement like Whitman
[07:58.34] <euphony> Imagine being indoctrinated by CNN. Such a vapid, pointless thing to be indoctrinated by.
[07:58.36] <Mantra> Slayer78_ see you are just do not even think before you post
[07:58.43] <Slayer78_> dry_: I don't deny FOX is a propaganda outlet either,  if that's your meaning
[07:59.03] <+dry_> Slayer78_: which outlet was sued for 700+ million for lying?
[07:59.04] <Mantra> you ask Slayer78_ a question about a Trump statement and you get the "trump hate" answer..
[07:59.09] <+JustBeKalm> I think most of us just hope Trump isn't elected so that he can't end legal elections. I'm not sure most of us give two shits about him as a person. Not worthy of the stronfg emotion of hae.
[07:59.10] <+JustBeKalm> hate
[07:59.20] <Slayer78_> dry_: you're free to justify yourself to yourself
[07:59.21] <kmh> so ......
[07:59.22] <+JustBeKalm> I know that's how I feel (shrug)
[07:59.29] <+McChicken> woke is similar to sjw, politically correct, or identity politics.
[07:59.29] <+McChicken> in the context of media it is:the obsession with, and glorification of, identity, diversity, inclusion,and equity to the point of absurdity.
[07:59.29] <+McChicken> pandering to minorities and excessive veneration of lgbtq people and minorities and denigration of white cis heterosexual males.woke tend to be authoritarian, sanctimonious, hyper-moralizing, virtue-signaling, tribalistic, cultish and generally off-putting/repulsive to all normal human beings.
[07:59.33] <+dry_> Slayer78_: no idea how that addresses the point
[07:59.43] <+dry_> we know Fox News lied to their viewers about the election
[07:59.58] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, how is anyone "panderinfg tro minorities?" Explain with concrete examples that actually are happening.
[07:59.59] <+dry_> they lost hundreds of millions in a defamation lawsuit as a result
[08:00.04] <Slayer78_> dry_: we know mass media lied thoroughly about RussiaGate
[08:00.06] <Mantra> Fox News News is an oxymoron in that context
[08:00.11] <+JustBeKalm> You have five seconds. but you will never answer. You don't HAVE an answer.
[08:00.13] <Mantra> Fox has nothing to do with news
[08:00.14] <+dry_> Slayer78_: we don't though
[08:00.32] <+dry_> Slayer78_: can you reference any defamation lawsuit to support your RussiaGate claim?
[08:00.36] * JustBeKalm also has no idea what goes on here that panders to minorities. And what minorities?
[08:00.40] <+McChicken> fuck you idiot, i am not your fucking slave, google yourself
[08:00.42] <Slayer78_> dry_: your denial of reality herefor is your problem
[08:00.46] <+dry_> Slayer78_: can you reference any defamation lawsuit to support your RussiaGate claim?
[08:01.02] <+McChicken> fucking facist
[08:01.15] <Slayer78_> dry_: Mueller found no evolution of Russian interference,  remember?
[08:01.21] <+dry_> Slayer78_: false
[08:01.21] <Cleland> evolution
[08:01.25] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, I can't help it if you can't explain what you say. It's just a bunch of word salad. My point is made when you can't converse about what you say.
[08:01.26] <Cleland> you fucking idiot
[08:01.28] <kmh> +,
[08:01.29] <+Lard> [url] Podcast #219: When DEI ‘Training’ Becomes Harassment—A Tragic Canadian Case Study | ( +, )
[08:01.32] <Cleland> evolution
[08:01.33] <Cleland> WTF
[08:01.34] <+dry_> Mueller found no evidence of conspiracy
[08:01.36] <Cleland> acrhicved
[08:01.44] <+dry_> Slayer78_: it's weird that you lie about these things
[08:01.54] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: you're not even receptive... what's the fucking point of talking to you then?
[08:02.00] * JustBeKalm likes to own the righties. Since they have no real thoughts of their own, and no facts, they are powerless. They are the channel serfs.
[08:02.01] <+dry_> Mueller found lots of evidence of Russian interference
[08:02.04] <+McChicken> jbstupid i can not help if you are to stupid to understand simple english now fuck off idiot
[08:02.16] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, I'm receptive if somebody explains what they mean.
[08:02.17] <kmh> dry_, yes but he didn't look for too much either
[08:02.27] <Slayer78_> kmh: that's the dude that killed himself,  right?
[08:02.29] <+JustBeKalm> I'm not going to answer nonsense that has no meaning.
[08:02.36] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm bull fucking shit
[08:02.44] <+JustBeKalm> "pandering to minorities." Has no meaning.
[08:02.54] <+JustBeKalm> Explain what they means. Means nothing as it is.
[08:03.01] <kmh> dry_,  and the interference claims are not wrong but sometimes hyped/overstated
[08:03.01] <+McChicken> google it stupid
[08:03.25] <kmh> dry_,  calling things like RT pushing as Trump as "interference"
[08:03.27] <+McChicken> and get executed by a nazi
[08:03.28] <+dry_> kmh: Slayer78_ claiming that Mueller reported finding no evidence of Russian interference is a straight up lie though
[08:03.30] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, I'm not going to google word salad. Maybe you can speak with real concrete examples, but you probably don't have them. Because it isn't happening.
[08:03.34] <+McChicken> fuck off
[08:03.40] <kmh> Slayer78_,  it is about him
[08:03.53] <+JustBeKalm> That's the #1 reason rightwingers, the channel serfs, can't explain what they mean. Bescause it's not even true.
[08:04.12] <+JustBeKalm> No rightwinger bosses me around. Sorry.
[08:04.15] <Slayer78_> dry_: it is not
[08:04.19] <+dry_> Slayer78_: it is
[08:04.38] <kmh> JustBeKalm,  only leftwingers boss you around?
[08:04.48] <kmh> JustBeKalm,  or centrists?
[08:04.52] <+JustBeKalm> kmh, no, but I do listen to people who make sense.
[08:04.59] <Slayer78_> dry_: it's the very conclusion of his report, and he made Rachel Maddow cry
[08:05.01] <+dry_> Slayer78_: what the Mueller report said it didn't find is evidence of a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign
[08:05.07] <+JustBeKalm> Not as in listen to what they ask me to do, but as in converse.
[08:05.19] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:05.22] <+dry_> however, it reported a lot of Russian interference
[08:05.31] <+dry_> Slayer78_: it would be awesome if you didn't lie
[08:05.35] * euphony (~quassel@ Quit (Quit: +, - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
[08:05.39] <+JustBeKalm> Everyone with a brain knows Russia interfered.
[08:06.00] <+JustBeKalm> Just like everyone with a brian knows OJ did it even though the jury made a poor verdict.
[08:06.20] <+McChicken> brian? word salad.. so not true.. :)
[08:06.25] <+McChicken> hahaha stupid
[08:06.36] <P-1> +,
[08:06.37] <+Lard> [url] Trump plans to become a dictator — denial will not save you | |, ( +, )
[08:06.46] <+Debaser> +,
[08:06.47] <+Lard> [Twitter] Mark Elliott (@markmobility): Elon and Grimes have three kids named Exa, X Æ A-12, and Techno Mechanicus, and his biggest worry is the woke-mind virus infecting his kids. 😂😂😂 +, | 110 RTs | 429 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-10 - 10:48:50UTC
[08:07.01] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, you can not give examples of pandering to minorities. That's a sure sign that it isn't really happening. You have not one example.
[08:07.15] <Slayer78_> Salon is a fucking stupid woke website
[08:07.20] * vulcan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:07.26] <kmh> P-1,  ze coming of the trumpenführer
[08:07.27] <tzip> JustBeKalm,  it seems it's a matter of what sources people access.  Both WIRED and PC Magazine had a couple of articles each explaining how THEY tracked down the hacking and had heaps and gobs of evidence Showing that Russia was sending out propaganda, lies about race and political individuals 24/7.    
[08:07.35] <+McChicken> fuck off jbstupid
[08:07.42] <tzip> JustBeKalm,  people just don't take the trouble to be informed by the experts who know this stuff.
[08:07.51] <+JustBeKalm> tzip, I don't need a site to explain why minorities suffer bigotry in the U.S.
[08:07.53] <P-1> kmh: Mango Mussolini
[08:07.56] <+McChicken> you are to stupid to understand simple english
[08:08.00] <+JustBeKalm> They shouldn't either.
[08:08.16] <kmh> P-1,  agent orange
[08:08.18] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: so do fat people,  and skinny people and kids with acne
[08:08.22] <+Debaser> tzip: neither do most environmentalists
[08:08.25] <tzip> JustBeKalm,  I was talking about the Russian influence in the Trump/Clinton election.
[08:08.34] <+Debaser> Cult like thinking is all across the political spectrum
[08:08.39] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, sorry. "Woke" isn't English. "Pandering to minorities" gives not one example of how this is happening in the U.S. Do you live in the U.S? If not, you should be able to type that up quickly, if it's true.
[08:08.40] <Slayer78_> Fuck slashing your wrist over 'discrimination of minorities '
[08:08.51] <+McChicken> fuck off jbstupid
[08:08.52] <+McChicken> you are to stupid to understand simple english
[08:09.03] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, lol, I don't know why you said that.
[08:09.06] <+dry_> The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that s
[08:09.07] <+dry_> ame month. Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in October and November. - From the Mueller report, Slayer78_
[08:09.24] <+JustBeKalm> Do you feel suicidal over cultural issues?
[08:09.25] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: because discrimination is inherent in humans,  even you
[08:09.25] <wptmj> “Dad, are you vicariously living through me in the hope that my accomplishments will validate your mediocre life, and in some way compensate for all the opportunities you botched?”
[08:09.26] <wptmj> – Calvin
[08:09.36] <+dry_> Slayer78_: so...  when you claim the Mueller report says they found no evidence of Russian interference, wtf are you talking about?
[08:09.56] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, that is probably true, but there are people working to make it better and people who deny it is a fact, although it IS a fact.
[08:10.06] * rially (~igloo@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:10.11] <vulcan> define interference
[08:10.12] <Slayer78_> dry_: I meant,  they had fucking zero to do with Trump
[08:10.24] <+dry_> Slayer78_: oh, a completely different thing
[08:10.28] <+dry_> thank Slayer78_
[08:10.33] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: how can you 'make it better '?
[08:10.35] <wptmj> "It is the friends you can call up at 4:00am that matter."
[08:10.37] <wptmj> - Marlene Dietrich
[08:10.59] * wptmj has no friends he can call at 4am. :[
[08:11.41] <wptmj> most people suck!
[08:11.50] <P-1> semper mors tyrannis
[08:11.51] <tzip> aw, wptmj, not true!  
[08:11.53] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, I can treat everyone with respect and decency unless they are nazis. And I do. I've also volunteered at soup kitchens and given help to the homeless, etc. We can all do little things or nothing at all. And I don't care if the person I try to be kind to is white, black, pink, etc.
[08:11.58] <wptmj> for now
[08:12.15] <wptmj> CHANGE IS INEVITABLE!
[08:12.27] <+JustBeKalm> As you know, my family is multi racial and all of them are very beloved.
[08:12.33] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: you just have to extend that thinking politically and thus let go of 'woke ' orthodoxy
[08:12.37] <+JustBeKalm> I can do my little part. Nobody has the power to chnage the world.
[08:12.45] <tzip> wptmj,  everyone is sleezy at points, but most of the time we behave morally.
[08:13.13] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, sorry. I have no idea, nor do you, what woke means. You would have to define it with specifics. It's like telling me not to be "blah blah."
[08:13.23] <P-1> treating people with dignity = woke
[08:13.23] <+JustBeKalm> tzip, most of us, sure.
[08:13.23] <wptmj> just because you dont believe you can change the world, isn't going to stop me from believing I can, JBK.
[08:13.27] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: see, not receptive
[08:13.35] <wptmj> you need to believe in yourself more, imo
[08:13.44] <wptmj> YOU CAN DO ANYTHING
[08:13.49] <+JustBeKalm> P-1, if that's the definition, then I try to be woke. Even here. but I'm not perfect. Who is?
[08:13.52] <Slayer78_> P-1: are Trump fans, conservatives and Southerners people?
[08:14.01] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, I can not be receptive to a word I don't understand.
[08:14.11] <+JustBeKalm> A made up word. Tell me in English what you mean.
[08:14.16] <wptmj> even if you cant do anything!  pretend you can!
[08:14.28] <wptmj> until you do!
[08:14.32] <wptmj> DO
[08:14.34] <+Debaser> wptmj is a tzeentch cultist
[08:14.39] <+JustBeKalm> I don't watch or read rightwing media. I have no idea what they mean when they use a made up term like "woke."
[08:14.46] <wptmj> a good cult!
[08:14.52] <wptmj> a positive one!
[08:14.54] <+JustBeKalm> I'm not even sure what liberal means. It has many meanings, actually.
[08:15.07] <wptmj> finally!
[08:15.08] <vulcan> people know what "woke" means
[08:15.20] <+JustBeKalm> brb....
[08:15.24] <P-1> Slayer78_: do MAGAs believe in such concepts as basic human respect, equality under the law, threating others with dignity?
[08:15.42] <Slayer78_> P-1: answer my question first
[08:15.45] <wptmj> if OCCULT means hidden, i will glady expose myself FULLY
[08:15.50] <vulcan> P-1 some do some dont
[08:16.13] <Slayer78_> P-1: because dehumanizing people,  that's not treating them with dignity
[08:16.29] <Cleland> Like you do to Jews
[08:16.36] <P-1> Slayer78_: that would depend on the individual.....MAGAs and traditional conservatives are VERY different idoligically
[08:16.36] <wptmj> +
[08:16.37] <+Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: wptmj | ( +, )
[08:16.42] <vulcan> Biden believes males should compete against females in sports
[08:16.52] <Slayer78_> P-1: it doesn't depend on shit
[08:17.07] <P-1> ideologically
[08:17.11] <Slayer78_> P-1: you can't even fucking live up to your lofty ideas
[08:17.15] <P-1> slayer: sure it does
[08:17.24] <wptmj> “People cannot learn by having information pressed into their brains. Knowledge has to be sucked into the brain, not pushed in. First, one must create a state of mind that craves knowledge, interest and wonder. You can only teach by creating an urge to learn.”
[08:17.25] <wptmj> -  Victor Weisskopf
[08:17.46] <Slayer78_> So, again are Trump fans, conservatives and Southerners people?
[08:19.20] <P-1> Slayer78_: "woke" and other buzz words from the neo fascist right.....are meant to discredit the notion of empathy and basic human are transparent
[08:19.34] <Slayer78_> P-1: as are you
[08:19.38] <wptmj> In my dream, this Victor is TYPING history before your very eyes.
[08:19.41] <wptmj> <l:0)
[08:20.03] <Slayer78_> P-1: you're fully in favor of dehumanizing people,  not unlike the Nazis themselves
[08:20.08] <vulcan> woke is just another word for lgbqxyz whatever
[08:20.29] <wptmj> +
[08:20.38] <+JustBeKalm> P-1, buzz word. I like that.
[08:20.41] <+Lard> [url] Who said “History is written by the victors”? The origins of the quote. | ( +, )
[08:20.44] <Slayer78_> 'These people don't think the right things so dehumanizing them is morally right'
[08:20.54] <+JustBeKalm> How has P-1 ever dehumanized anyone? I can't remember.
[08:20.55] <Slayer78_> Well,  fuck you
[08:21.00] <vulcan> if you promote protesters blocking traffic for climate change, th en you are "woke"
[08:21.09] <wptmj> "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
[08:21.12] <+JustBeKalm> Do we have any concrete examples?
[08:21.29] <P-1> vulcan: LGBTDQ.....lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and DQ for "dairy queens" represents gay milk men
[08:21.37] <wptmj> "From the cultures of the past spring the dreams of the future."
[08:21.38] <wptmj> - HSU Decorated Bridge
[08:21.43] <wptmj> GO HUMBOLDT!
[08:21.43] <+JustBeKalm> P-1, lolol.
[08:21.46] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: he refuses to consider Trump fans,  Southerners and  conservatives as people
[08:21.56] <vulcan> P-1 we need humor
[08:22.18] <Slayer78_> Twice he was asked and Twice he scurried out
[08:22.19] <wptmj> "They're rich because you're poor."
[08:22.20] <wptmj> - Sidewalk in Arcata
[08:22.44] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, I don't like the south at all, but it's a stretch to say I don't consider southerners people. There are all kinds of people who live all over. I've never seen P-1 even mention the south. I'm sure he's good with certain conservatives who don't wallow into bigotry.
[08:22.47] <wptmj>  "Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
[08:22.50] <wptmj> - American Chief Seattle
[08:22.53] <+JustBeKalm> P-1, sorry to speak for you :P
[08:22.53] * rially (~igloo@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[08:23.13] <wptmj> "Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten."
[08:23.13] <P-1> JustBeKalm: by all my guest :)
[08:23.14] <wptmj> - Cree Indian Prophecy
[08:23.23] <+JustBeKalm> P-1, hehe. If I'm wrong, tell me :)
[08:23.49] <wptmj> "The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but they know so many things that ain't so."
[08:23.50] * Lottoman bites his hand
[08:23.51] <wptmj> - Mark Twain
[08:23.54] <Lottoman> ;)
[08:24.06] <+JustBeKalm> I have to go see my daughter and son in law today. Their first Anniversary.
[08:24.22] <vulcan> JBK sweet
[08:24.26] <wptmj>  "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."
[08:24.28] <Slayer78_> So being woke means 'treatment of people with dignity ' ? Fuck no
[08:24.54] <wptmj>  "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand."
[08:24.56] <wptmj> - Mark Twain
[08:24.57] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, well, since it's not a real word it means whatever each person thinks it means. A thought isn't a fact.
[08:25.04] <vulcan> being woke basically means being an idiot
[08:25.04] <P-1> <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: he refuses to consider Trump fans,  Southerners and  conservatives as people  <------ when did I say that?
[08:25.06] <+McChicken> yes and blm means boo libtard moron :)
[08:25.11] * JustBeKalm is glad her news sources don't use fake words.
[08:25.18] <Slayer78_> P-1: you didn't answer the fucking question
[08:25.22] <Lottoman> JustBeKalm.. I found a crystal pitcher..  22k gold embossed..   50th Wedding Anniversary..   dunno why I bought it..  for 3.99..   come on
[08:25.25] <wptmj>  "If a person offends you, do not resort to extremes. Simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick."
[08:25.28] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, why is BLM a bad thing? Can you actually explain?
[08:25.31] <Lottoman> how long you two been married?
[08:25.31] <Slayer78_> Further,  I asked it twice
[08:25.32] <wptmj> - MT
[08:25.37] <Lottoman> might ship it to you
[08:25.44] <+JustBeKalm> Lottoman, being sentimental?
[08:25.51] <+McChicken> becaus it is racist justbestupid
[08:25.57] <P-1> Slayer78_: what was the essence of your question?
[08:25.57] <Lottoman> too cheap..   for that expensive a piece
[08:25.57] <+JustBeKalm> My daughter got married last year.
[08:25.57] <vulcan> BLM burned black businesses during George Floyd protests
[08:26.04] <wptmj> "It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."
[08:26.07] <Lottoman> in a thrift shop
[08:26.12] <+JustBeKalm> Well, it's a bargain then. I love bargains.
[08:26.24] <+McChicken> you love to be a racist
[08:26.27] <Lottoman> buy it anyway?..  scratch off the 0..   want 4 more years
[08:26.28] <Slayer78_> P-1: I have to say it a third time? How about no?
[08:26.30] * Lottoman shrugs
[08:26.30] <+Lard> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[08:26.33] <+McChicken> thank you for proving
[08:26.33] <+JustBeKalm> Lottoman, it's my kid. They have been married exactly one year today.
[08:26.44] <wptmj> "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."  <--- that one is for you Cleland!
[08:26.47] <wptmj> - MT
[08:26.54] <wptmj> :P
[08:26.56] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, can you please give one example of my racism? I will wait.
[08:27.10] <+McChicken> scroll back stupid
[08:27.12] <vulcan> oh layoff cleland, he is a good person
[08:27.26] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, no. You can type it if you want me to see. I don't take orders from rightwingers.
[08:27.27] <wptmj> i like pokin' at him
[08:27.29] <P-1> Slayer78_: want to know if I consider rednecks, conservatives, MAGAs, etc to be biologically human?.....yes, as far as I know they are.
[08:27.37] <wptmj> in total jest
[08:27.42] <+JustBeKalm> Redneck isn't a race.
[08:27.51] <+McChicken> no you can scroll back if you want it to see i do not take orders from left woke fascist racists
[08:28.09] <wptmj> he's very predictable
[08:28.16] * Lottoman (~Lottoman@ has left #Gulag
[08:28.17] <wptmj> as you all know already
[08:28.27] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, I think I can stand to miss w hat you said. You don't ever have any examples to explain the nonsense that you post anyway.
[08:28.29] <+McChicken> you are ful with hate. everyone you hate is a right wing trumper
[08:28.30] * vulcan thinks the word "fascist" is used incorrectly in here
[08:28.34] <+McChicken> now fuck off
[08:28.57] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, is a Trumper a race?
[08:29.06] * JustBeKalm shakes her head. These people are dumber than dirt.
[08:29.09] <wptmj> "I never let my schooling interfere with my education."
[08:29.11] <vulcan> a race for the wh
[08:29.13] <+McChicken> are you a race?
[08:29.14] <wptmj> - MT
[08:29.18] <+McChicken> why you support blm?
[08:29.21] <+McChicken> are you stupid?
[08:29.27] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, you can answer that yourself.
[08:29.31] <+McChicken> why you do not support wlm?
[08:29.43] <+McChicken> fuck you idiot
[08:29.44] <wptmj> "Worrying is like paying interest on a debt you may never owe."
[08:29.46] <Slayer78_> BLM was unsurprisingly a massive scam
[08:30.06] <wptmj> "Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain."
[08:30.10] <wptmj> true that slayer
[08:30.20] <vulcan> Slayer78_: the BLM leaders sure lived high on the hog
[08:30.23] <+JustBeKalm> Biden? Because he won't end our democratic republic. I would vote for my dog over Trump because he acted like a facist and would not give up after he lost the election. Those are actual examples. Biden? He's average.
[08:30.36] <wptmj> yet another limited hangout
[08:30.41] <+McChicken> biden is a pedo
[08:30.47] <+JustBeKalm> Why are you voting for Trump?
[08:30.55] <vulcan> biden is a hair smeller
[08:30.59] <wptmj> dangling "equality" in front of us
[08:30.59] <Slayer78_> McChicken: they hate the right people,  see... that makes their hatred 'alright'
[08:31.08] <+JustBeKalm> Can you explain it, like I just explained in detail why I am voting for Biden?
[08:31.22] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, I don't hate people. Waste of time.
[08:31.31] <wptmj> just like all the truthers making money off of bullshit space stories
[08:31.39] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: your woke friends disagree
[08:31.39] <+JustBeKalm> I choose who to be friends with, like everyone else, due to mutual interests.
[08:31.41] <wptmj> like the HOMOSEXUAL Rob Potter
[08:31.45] * pUnki (~slp99@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:31.46] <nomic> +,
[08:31.49] <wptmj> and his cobra nonsense
[08:31.58] <nomic> J.F.K. Assassination Witness Breaks His Silence and Raises New Questions
[08:32.13] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, sorry. I dont' respond to the word woke unless you can define it for me. I don't have "woke" friends, unless you mean they aren't asleep in in their bedroom.
[08:32.25] <vulcan> LBJ participated in killing of JFK
[08:32.29] <nomic> cant get at that article
[08:32.31] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: the dumbass shitsin this channel
[08:32.35] <wptmj> corey goode, eceti, you name it
[08:32.35] * dry_ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:32.41] <wptmj> frauds
[08:32.47] <kmh> +,
[08:32.47] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨South China Sea tensions: Confrontation between China and Philippines⁩ | 2m 48s | ⁨Al Jazeera English⁩ | 20,666 views
[08:32.50] <+JustBeKalm> I agree. I like Political more. When it's good there, I stay there. It's quiet now.
[08:33.04] <P-1> BLM was very effective in achieving their made Cletus and Gomer feel very uncomfortable and forced authorities to hand out some pretty stiff prison sentences to corrupt cops instead of giving them a "he was in fear for his life" pass
[08:33.05] <+JustBeKalm> Nazis are banned there.
[08:33.11] * wptmj PERMA BANNED from politcal
[08:33.13] <wptmj> :P
[08:33.26] <+McChicken> i am not banned there means i am no nazi
[08:33.28] <+McChicken> haha
[08:33.30] <+JustBeKalm> Well, MY idea of a nazi. That's also subjective.
[08:33.31] <nomic> +,  Secret Service agent who was with JFK on day of his assassination breaks silence with claim that blows up the 'magic bullet' theory and suggests there WAS more than one shooter
[08:33.31] <nomic>  
[08:33.31] <Slayer78_> P-1: meanwhile,  crime runs rampant
[08:33.32] <+Lard> [url] Secret Service agent who was with JFK on day of his assassination breaks silence with claim that blows up the 'magic bullet' theory and suggests there WAS more than one shooter | Daily Mail Online |, ( +, )
[08:33.33] <+McChicken> now what?
[08:33.37] <+McChicken> stupid fuck
[08:33.49] * gloops ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:33.57] <wptmj> i might have some nazi lineage, actually
[08:34.02] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, if you were there for a half an hour you'd get banned. I'd love to see you trying to follow their rules. It's always nice to see rightwingesrs trying to be decent.
[08:34.02] <wptmj> my last name is gruber
[08:34.16] <+JustBeKalm> But you have to be able to do it. They ban fast if you're a turd.
[08:34.28] <+McChicken> make me banned there jbstupid use your nazi tactics
[08:34.44] <nomic> 'magic bullet'
[08:34.55] <wptmj> lol, what a cheap emulation IRC is
[08:35.02] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, oh, it's not my channel. But you can't call anyone names or talk about "the Jews" like you do. That's why I like it there. I can do without that element.
[08:35.04] <wptmj> so many get sucked into it
[08:35.17] <wptmj> because they cant handle the real world
[08:35.17] <gloops> your new fave butt sex toy nomic?
[08:35.19] <nomic> The bullet, which had been fired but was nearly fully intact, was positively matched to Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano through ballistics analysis.
[08:35.22] <+McChicken> yes make me anti semite now
[08:35.23] <+McChicken> haha
[08:35.24] * vulcan ( Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[08:35.32] <nomic> stfu gloops
[08:35.36] <nomic> unpleasant nazi
[08:35.41] <+McChicken> you are the biggest moron i ever see
[08:35.43] <wptmj> i am not saying i am not guilty of getting sucked into it too
[08:35.58] <wptmj> everyones a hypocrite sometimes
[08:35.58] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, I have no idea what you are. I'm bored this morning or I wouldn't be chatting and I honestly don't pay that much attention to your chat.
[08:36.01] <gloops> im not nazi, im a dont know
[08:36.11] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, an opinion is not a fact.
[08:36.24] * salkas (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:36.25] <+JustBeKalm> gloops, you have made some interesting pro-Hitler comments.
[08:36.30] <+McChicken> you are stupid.. fact.. scroll back.. fact..
[08:36.42] <+JustBeKalm> They wouldn't fly next door, which is why I prefer it. I can go my entire life and not listen to that stuff.
[08:36.50] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, nope.
[08:36.54] <wptmj> "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great."
[08:36.57] <wptmj> - MT
[08:37.10] <gloops> JustBeKalm you say that like its a bad thing!
[08:37.16] <+JustBeKalm> I think there is a new channel starting off of gulag because it's getting so bad here.
[08:37.23] * smirks ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:37.39] <+JustBeKalm> gloops, like I said......apparently you are pro nazi. That's your choice.
[08:38.10] <+McChicken> another nazi :)
[08:38.13] <gloops> i have no sides, im just a scholar of life
[08:38.14] <nomic> hes a fking full on nazi hes got all the bling all the books. gloops is a real fetishist
[08:38.18] <+McChicken> eevryone here is a nazi
[08:38.25] <gloops> wtf nomic
[08:38.41] <nomic> lol
[08:38.49] <gloops> try to restrain these savage outbursts
[08:38.51] <+JustBeKalm> Is nomic here?
[08:38.54] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: what's 'so bad here'?
[08:38.56] <nomic> no
[08:38.59] <+JustBeKalm> He talks too much so I put him on ignore.
[08:39.08] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, the bigotry.
[08:39.18] <+JustBeKalm> I prefer taking where it isn't.
[08:39.21] <gloops> yes, for reasons unknown, nomic is here
[08:39.22] <+JustBeKalm> talking sorry
[08:39.33] <+JustBeKalm> gloops, I'm glad he's on ignore. He never stops talking.
[08:39.37] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: I agree,  hatred of Trump fans, conservatives and Southerners is out of bounds here
[08:39.48] <wptmj> any MARIACHI fans here?
[08:39.53] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, there are plenty of channels where you can avoid that.
[08:40.12] <nomic> next to his king bling.
[08:40.22] <gloops> JustBeKalm he is a bit of a spree chatter
[08:40.32] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: I'm just saying... the people screeching about 'bigotry' aren't white as snow either
[08:40.35] <nomic> they sellin off the shortbread i should get some big tins 2/3rds off
[08:40.39] <wptmj> hay alguien que me entiende en este canal?
[08:40.43] <nomic> nice shortbread
[08:41.02] <nomic> king bling things. all the plastic crud
[08:41.12] <nomic> restocking ebay wont move for about 8 decades
[08:41.21] <nomic> along side 'masonic memorabilia'
[08:41.35] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, I like good discussion. Nobody is perfect. But I'm fine leaving out those who actually like Hitler.
[08:41.41] * Crocz ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:41.42] <gloops> it is legal to eat stock on your way around the supermarket you know
[08:41.44] <+JustBeKalm> That's not intelligent conversation to me.
[08:41.45] * Bathy ( has left #Gulag (WeeChat 4.1.0-dev)
[08:41.52] <nomic> did i say i fking did that
[08:41.53] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: lol, who the fuck does?
[08:41.57] <nomic> ive never done that
[08:41.58] <Crocz> no krit
[08:42.03] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, it's allowed here and plenty do it.
[08:42.08] <nomic> why is it 'legal'
[08:42.10] <Cleland> Thats why you have spent the last hour talking to Slayer
[08:42.12] <nomic> how can it be legal
[08:42.13] <+McChicken> jbstupid name chatters who like hitler?
[08:42.14] <Crocz> wanted to see if he had to kick anyone out last night
[08:42.22] <gloops> i was in Aldi last week, this bloke was opening bags of crisps for his kids, he said 'here get some of these fuckers down you'
[08:42.23] <+JustBeKalm> Cleland, true, true.
[08:42.33] <Cleland> Spare me the repetitive nonsense
[08:42.36] <+JustBeKalm> And gloops is here.
[08:42.39] <+JustBeKalm> Lovely group.
[08:42.43] <Cleland> 9:54:02]  <gloops> well yeah, the SS were blonde haired, blue eyed, 6ft plus, skin like ivory
[08:42.43] <Cleland> 10:30:33]  <gloops> yes, the SS selected the fittest clean limbed youngsters
[08:42.43] <Cleland> [10:30:45]  <gloops> these were indeed the flower of germany
[08:42.43] <Cleland> [10:30:54]  <gloops> needlessly saughtered
[08:42.48] <nomic> lol
[08:42.50] <Crocz> gloops reminds me of poops
[08:42.53] <gloops> nomic its legal to eat in supermarket so long as you take the wrapper to the checkout
[08:43.04] <nomic> yes so long as you pay
[08:43.05] <gloops> Crocz reminds me of herpes
[08:43.11] <Cleland> You want some Slayer quotes cause you seem to think he doesn’t love HItler
[08:43.13] <Cleland> JBK?
[08:43.13] <Crocz> you have them?
[08:43.27] <gloops> nomic yeah but they never challenge you at the checkout
[08:43.28] <Crocz> no cure
[08:43.31] <+JustBeKalm> I've seen them.
[08:43.34] <gloops> if they do you just say you forgot
[08:43.43] <Crocz> you've seen herpes?
[08:43.52] <Crocz> JustBeKalm?
[08:44.00] <Crocz> yuck
[08:44.08] <Crocz> where did you see them
[08:44.22] <wptmj> How does herpes leave the hospital?  
[08:44.27] <wptmj> On crotches.
[08:44.30] <wptmj> :P
[08:44.33] <Crocz> nasty nasty
[08:44.34] <gloops> you could down a bottle of wine
[08:45.21] <gloops> in theory you could drink a bottle of wine, then when they challenge you, just say it tasted funny so you arent paying
[08:45.38] * Crocz ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[08:45.39] <gloops> you gotta learn the pro lifters tricks
[08:45.59] <nomic> e'll kik ur ed in e will u say that to im
[08:46.05] <wptmj> When Chuck Norris jumps on a Tempurpedic mattress, the glass of wine falls over.
[08:46.19] <nomic> chuck norris can slam a revolving door
[08:46.38] * nomic only knows 1 chuck norris joke
[08:46.40] <gloops> Norris isnt a real king fu master
[08:46.40] * salkas (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:46.57] * Crocz ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:47.04] <wptmj> If red wine is the blood of Christ
[08:47.10] <wptmj> there's no way way I'm drinking the white wine.
[08:47.15] <wptmj> :P
[08:47.17] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: I find the concern over neo Nazis kind of dumb
[08:47.33] * Lottoman (~Lottoman@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:47.33] <Slayer78_> Such people have been discredited a long time ago
[08:47.46] <nomic> +,
[08:48.01] <gloops> yeah the magic bullet
[08:48.19] <gloops> this is when the term 'conspiracy theorist' was coined, by the CIA
[08:48.22] <wptmj> +,
[08:48.22] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨bruce lee vs chuck norris  (full fight)⁩ | 10m 6s | ⁨Topideo⁩ | 1,470,772 views
[08:48.22] <nomic> +,
[08:48.43] * Crocz ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[08:48.59] * Crocz ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:49.10] <nomic> oswald there has still got the offended look on his face. when challenged by the press when he first went in. he shows shock, realisation, resignation 'did you kill the president'
[08:49.13] <+mouses> nomic: fake image the UFO is edited out as well as the MK ULTRA II super soldiers from the future
[08:49.23] <nomic> he is actually offended  by it
[08:49.28] <wptmj> I want to share my almost 200 CHUCK NORRIS I've collected
[08:49.35] <wptmj> please accept my gift
[08:49.39] <wptmj> +
[08:49.40] <+Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: Chuck | ( +, )
[08:49.43] <Mantra> Slayer78_ how long ago has it been discreditted ?  Russia 2020s china 1960s ?.. how about Germany 1930s ?
[08:49.44] <wptmj> +jokes
[08:50.17] <+mouses> no wptmj bad
[08:50.20] <+mouses> back to your corner
[08:50.21] <nomic> aint seen that photo ..   Landis (circled) is seen looking over his right shoulder after hearing a gunshot. In the limousine, Kennedy can be seen hunched over, clutching his neck, second before another bullet ripped through his head and killed him  +,
[08:50.30] * mouses gets out the water spritzer
[08:50.33] <+mouses> pspspspspspspspspsppspst
[08:50.34] <Slayer78_> Mantra: why does that even matter?
[08:50.43] <nomic> thats the following car, 'landis'
[08:50.47] <Mantra> Slayer78_ why would it not matter ?
[08:50.53] <wptmj> Chuck Norris can put out a fire with a gallon of gasoline.
[08:50.57] <Slayer78_> Mantra: because I live today
[08:51.05] <+swin> nazi live today as well
[08:51.06] <Crocz> mouses: are you still in love with krit?
[08:51.12] <+mouses> Crocz: yes
[08:51.12] <gloops> +
[08:51.13] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Bruce Lee vs O'hara - Enter the Dragon⁩ | 3m 50s | ⁨BruceLeeVideos⁩ | 3,400,211 views
[08:51.21] <Slayer78_> swin: they're a insignificant minority
[08:51.24] <Crocz> cool
[08:51.25] <gloops> O hara was a big ugly fucker
[08:51.30] <+swin> no.. they are not
[08:51.33] <Mantra> Slayer78_ those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.. so today is just a repeat of some yesterday
[08:51.40] <kmh> wptmj,  or a gason of galloline?
[08:51.42] <gloops> famous line from that scene 'boards dont hit back'
[08:51.47] <Slayer78_> swin: well feel free to slash your wrist over them
[08:51.49] <+swin> yep mantra
[08:52.05] <wptmj> thanks for that link gloops!
[08:52.08] <Mantra> swin :)
[08:52.11] <+swin> Slayer78_ i leave that drama to the nazi deniers
[08:52.34] <Slayer78_> swin: if you can't understand English,  you shouldn't behere
[08:52.59] <+swin> Slayer78_ when was the last nazi march?
[08:53.06] <kmh> +,
[08:53.07] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Only in Finland! Cool waterfall in the middle of Tampere!⁩ | 15s | ⁨tuiske84⁩ | 170,228 views
[08:53.08] <Slayer78_> swin: who cares?
[08:53.22] <gloops> bruce lee strikes first with the famous '1 inch punch' unstoppable
[08:53.34] * katy-uk ( has joined channel #Gulag
[08:53.55] * P-1 ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[08:53.55] <kmh> +,
[08:53.55] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Only in Finland! Cool waterfall in the middle of Tampere!⁩ | 15s | ⁨tuiske84⁩ | 170,228 views
[08:56.03] * nicos ( Quit (Quit: Quit)
[08:56.16] <Slayer78_> It's YOUR choice to make neo Nazis important.. that choice can easily be reversed
[08:56.48] <+Debaser> Make Punching Nazis Great Again
[08:57.03] <+JustBeKalm> 1/6 was a taste of our nazis in the U.S.
[08:57.05] <nomic> make coffee
[08:57.07] <nomic> brb
[08:57.10] <+JustBeKalm> Trump appeals to them.
[08:57.31] <+JustBeKalm> Them and evangelicals and they are often the same thing in one person.
[08:57.33] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: lol they weren't Nazis.... look at them carefully before shutting out your mouth
[08:57.43] * Crocz ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:57.51] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, you actually don't know. You don't pay attention to the news.
[08:57.52] <Slayer78_> How fucking retarded
[08:58.11] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: I know what you just said is pure foolishness
[08:58.15] <+JustBeKalm> Who do you think The Proud Boys are?
[08:58.26] <Slayer78_> They're the Proud Boys
[08:58.35] <+JustBeKalm> They're in jail, for one. They are White Supremists.
[08:58.42] <Slayer78_> You know,  led by a Cuban American
[08:58.45] <+JustBeKalm> WEll, you just don't read the news.
[08:58.46] * salkas (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[08:59.00] <+JustBeKalm> There are always a few minorities who think they deserve to be inferior.
[08:59.07] <Slayer78_> White supremacists have foreign people as leaders?
[08:59.13] <+swin> Slayer78_ more and more of our shooters have identified as nazi.. if somehow you don't think this is a problem.. or the hate they spew.. well.. i don't know what to tell you.. other than read before you preach
[08:59.16] <salkas> hi
[08:59.18] <Slayer78_> You're fucking retarded
[08:59.19] <+JustBeKalm> It's white supremecy and they are all locked up where they are best enjoyed.
[08:59.56] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: quit spewing bullshit propaganda and look them yourself
[09:00.06] <+swin> it just shape shifts with each new generation..
[09:00.08] <salkas> why is it NOT may 1 labor day in the us?
[09:00.41] <katy-uk> Salkas Because that would be communist!
[09:00.47] <Slayer78_> swin: there are transgender shooters too but hey... you  can do like CNN and ignore that
[09:00.58] <+swin> slayer how many? two?
[09:01.00] <salkas> katy-uk,sad
[09:01.10] <+McChicken> 5
[09:01.13] <Slayer78_> swin: I figure one is too many
[09:01.14] <gloops> the US was actually approaching revolutionary status in the early 20th century
[09:01.17] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, what you are saying to me and about me really makes no sense in regard to who I really am.
[09:01.24] <+McChicken> compare that to the % of transgenders in population
[09:01.35] <gloops> the socialist spirit has been utterly crushed however
[09:01.38] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: but it is consistent with what you sa
[09:01.49] <+swin> national alliance was behind much of the oklahoma city bombing.. idealogy..
[09:01.50] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, give me an example or don't tell me what I am.
[09:01.54] <+JustBeKalm> Please.
[09:02.22] <+Debaser> +,
[09:02.22] <+Lard> [url] NOELREPORTS 🇪🇺 🇺🇦: "Footage from early June. A Ukrainian Leopard 2A6 …" - Mastodon 🐘 | ( +, )
[09:02.27] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: the Proud Boys obviously aren't a neo Nazi group, no matter how much you believe it or desire it
[09:02.31] <+McChicken> stupid for three hours and need a example
[09:02.32] <+Debaser> Lol get fucked, Russian armor
[09:03.11] <gloops> a spirited performance by Ukraine
[09:03.28] <salkas> gloops,black panther seems to have been a good party
[09:03.31] <+swin> from wiki 'The Proud Boys is an exclusively male North American far-right neo-fascist militant organization that promotes and engages in political violence.'
[09:03.31] <gloops> unfortunately the counter offensive was doomed from day 1
[09:03.50] <Slayer78_> swin: consider that Wikipedia may be wr
[09:03.52] <Slayer78_> Wrong
[09:04.04] <+JustBeKalm> Ideology: The Proud Boys are a right-wing extremist group with a violent agenda. They are primarily misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration. Some members espouse white supremacist and antisemitic ideologies and/or engage with white supremacist groups.<----What are The Proud Boys. This says it pretty well. They are mostly known as violent.
[09:04.29] <gloops> salkas im not sure a marxist party can really be founded on the basis of race
[09:04.31] <Slayer78_> It's easy to recite CNN talking points
[09:04.32] <+McChicken> jbsupid explain it
[09:04.43] <+McChicken> if you can not explain it then it is fake
[09:04.51] <Slayer78_> It's certainly easier than researching things by yourself
[09:04.52] <+McChicken> you have five seconds
[09:04.55] <gloops> although many have been, pol pots khmer rouge
[09:05.34] <salkas> gloops, their aim was to create a soccialisst usa after democratic freedoms
[09:05.47] <+JustBeKalm> I'm right.
[09:06.08] <+JustBeKalm> It's not like this is a big secret.
[09:06.11] <Slayer78_> No, you believe that you are,  big difference
[09:06.17] <gloops> understandable that certain groups may want to press their own specific cause towards the greater goal of socialism
[09:07.00] <+swin> birds of a feather.. 'Last Sunday, community members mobilized in Denver, Colorado, as the pro-Trump street gang the Proud Boys teamed up with neo-Nazis from the Traditionalist Worker Party and Patriot Front to protest “Drag for All Ages,” a monthly event held at Mile High Comics, which was also serving as a benefit for a scholarship fund. Members of the Parasol Patrol, a LGBTQ youth support
[09:07.00] <+swin> group, along with antifascists, were on hand to protect the event from about two dozen Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, and far-Right Christians, and were able to successfully drown out the neo-Nazi and far-Right groups who screamed “graphic and obscene” statements at those attending the event.'
[09:07.06] <gloops> the danger being that a race or culture fighting for equality may progress to being a superiority movement
[09:07.28] <Slayer78_> Well,  'drag for all ages' is a terrible idea
[09:08.19] <+swin> \In a livestream posted to Facebook, one of the Denver area Proud Boys, Antonio “Enki” Balderas, recorded himself and a collection of Proud Boys, far-Right trolls, and neo-Nazis, marching towards Mile High Comics. '
[09:08.27] <Slayer78_> swin: what neo Nazis? Is it possible the 'journalists' invented them out of thin air?
[09:09.02] <Slayer78_> 'Dur this dude says there were neo Nazis so dur they were'
[09:09.30] <nomic> dur.
[09:09.39] <Slayer78_> It's so fucking easy and pathetic to lend your brain to fucking shitty journalists
[09:09.42] <+swin> Slayer78_ they were introduced by the proud boys.. get a fucking grip
[09:09.53] <nomic> killing fields is a depressing fking movie
[09:10.00] <Slayer78_> swin: what was the name of the neo Nazi group?
[09:10.16] <+swin> there are here.. they are active and they not finicky about being involved in shootings..
[09:10.17] <nomic> im gonna watch it mebbe, lter
[09:10.24] <gloops> killing fields is realistic
[09:10.29] <Slayer78_> swin: but they don't have a name
[09:10.31] <wptmj> How does on account for all the rampant pedophilia in the church?   
[09:10.32] <gloops> thats how quick it happens
[09:10.33] <wptmj> that's the red flag for me that Christians worship the devil
[09:10.34] <wptmj> +e
[09:10.50] * Crocz ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:10.53] <Crocz> c
[09:11.14] <wptmj> many have been deceived
[09:11.17] * Crocz_ (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:11.21] <Crocz_> c
[09:11.23] <Slayer78_> swin: it appears you have been mislead for the gazillionth time
[09:11.25] <+JustBeKalm> According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the national poverty rate was 11.2% in 2021, the same rate as in 2020. These states and territories have the highest percentages of poverty in the country: Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arkansas, West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, the District of Columbia, South Carolina, and Oklahoma. <---------Our poorest states in 2023. Almost all are in the bright
[09:11.26] <+JustBeKalm> red backwards conservative south.
[09:11.32] <+JustBeKalm> I like to remind people.
[09:11.33] <+swin> they have approximately 9-10 organizations.. look em up
[09:11.41] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: irrelevant to the discussion
[09:11.57] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: but relevant to your bigotry
[09:11.58] <+JustBeKalm> I felt like posting it anyway.
[09:12.00] <Crocz_> JustBeKalm likes to feel included
[09:12.16] <Slayer78_> swin: which fucking one was in Colorado?
[09:12.21] <gloops> ince the revolutionaries get a general or two on side, youre fucked
[09:12.22] <+JustBeKalm> Bigotry? You're right. I would not live in the southern part of the country. And they sure wouldn't appreciate a Canadian either.
[09:12.25] <gloops> once
[09:12.44] <+JustBeKalm> It's very poor with bad health and low education, which is why it's poor.
[09:12.44] <gloops> martial law, purges begin
[09:12.58] <Slayer78_> JustBeKalm: ok, bigot
[09:13.20] <gloops> not long before your head is being shaved and youre being doused with lice powder
[09:13.26] <+Debaser> Slayer talking about researching things himself.  Lmao.
[09:13.49] <+JustBeKalm> Massachusetts
[09:13.49] <+JustBeKalm> New Jersey
[09:13.49] <+JustBeKalm> Hawaii
[09:13.49] <+JustBeKalm> California
[09:13.49] <+JustBeKalm> Connecticut
[09:13.50] <+JustBeKalm> Washington
[09:13.52] <+JustBeKalm> New Hampshire
[09:13.54] <+JustBeKalm> Colorado
[09:13.56] <+JustBeKalm> Virginia
[09:13.58] <+JustBeKalm> ‎Richest States In Usa 2023 · ‎1. Maryland · ‎2. Massachusetts<---------richest states. Looking pretty blue.
[09:14.20] <nomic> 'year zero'
[09:14.20] <Slayer78_> JBK hates poor people
[09:14.21] <+swin> +,
[09:14.22] <+Lard> [wikipedia] Category:Neo-Nazi organizations in the United States | ""
[09:14.27] * AAAman (~AAAman@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:14.34] <Crocz_> now recite the state capitols
[09:14.43] <nomic> purge brexiters
[09:14.43] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer78_, nope. It is what it is.
[09:14.48] <gloops> richest state isnt necessarily an indicator of gpd per head
[09:14.53] <Slayer78_> swin: I gtg...but it's been a pleasure showing you you have been misled
[09:15.02] <gloops> could be a few very rich people
[09:15.04] <+swin> slayer you the fool
[09:15.14] <nomic> starmer = a 'year zero'
[09:15.14] <+JustBeKalm> Our rich states are good states. Most of our rightwing U.S. chatters live in a blue state. Even imagi did.
[09:15.33] <Slayer78_> swin: next time out feel free to specify WHICH Neo Nazi group was in Colorado
[09:15.36] <Crocz_> JustBeKalm doesn't hate all poor people just the white ones
[09:15.41] <+swin> Slayer78_ look it up
[09:15.48] <nomic> william hill uk election (outcome) tories 1.14 labour 5.0
[09:15.53] <+swin> +,
[09:15.54] <+Lard> [url] Active Neo-Nazi Groups | Southern Poverty Law Center |, ( +, )
[09:16.01] <Slayer78_> swin: I  ain't doing it for you toots
[09:16.15] <+swin> no.. you couldn't do it if your ass was on fire
[09:16.16] <gloops> UK polls arent a reliable indicator at this point
[09:16.16] <AAAman> State with the higest median family income is?
[09:16.27] <gloops> id be surprised if labour get a working majority
[09:16.38] * Crocz ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[09:16.40] <+swin> slayer admit nazi exist and are a problem.. oh my.. what's next!!!
[09:16.47] <Slayer78_> swin: conclusion... there were no Neo Nazis in Colorado
[09:17.15] <gloops> the tories are keeping their powder dry
[09:17.22] <+JustBeKalm> Which US state has the highest median income?
[09:17.23] <+JustBeKalm> Maryland
[09:17.23] <+JustBeKalm> States and territories ranked by median household income
[09:17.23] <+JustBeKalm> State Rank    States and Washington, D.C.    2021
[09:17.23] <+JustBeKalm> United States    $69,717
[09:17.24] <+JustBeKalm> –    Washington, D.C.    $90,088
[09:17.26] <+JustBeKalm> 1    Maryland    $90,203
[09:17.28] <+JustBeKalm> 2    Massachusetts    $89,645
[09:17.30] <Slayer78_> Gtg
[09:17.30] <+JustBeKalm> There
[09:17.31] <gloops> theyve got a lot of shit to sling at key labour figures
[09:17.31] <+JustBeKalm> Highest median income.
[09:17.33] * Slayer78_ ( has left #Gulag
[09:17.37] <+swin> +,
[09:17.37] <+Lard> [url] Colorado | Southern Poverty Law Center |, ( +, )
[09:17.43] <+JustBeKalm> This is Maryland #2 even with the big city of Baltimore
[09:17.45] <gloops> this is about hitting form in the polls at the right time
[09:18.02] <gloops> no good being miles ahead mid term
[09:18.04] <Crocz_> lots of negrows in baltimore
[09:18.13] <AAAman> The states with the highest median household income are Maryland, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. The states with the lowest median household income are Mississippi, West Virginia, and Arkansas
[09:18.17] <salkas> JustBeKalm so boston is full of rich?
[09:18.25] <+JustBeKalm> AAAman, yep.
[09:18.30] <Crocz_> knee grows
[09:18.37] <+JustBeKalm> salkus, I'm sure there are rich areas of Boston.
[09:18.43] <+JustBeKalm> There are very rich areas of Chicago.
[09:18.50] * MissBliss ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:18.51] <gloops> west virginia looks a nice place, lakes, mountains etc
[09:19.04] <gloops> find a nice rural spot
[09:19.05] <Crocz_> yeah there are rich areas of all cities
[09:19.08] <+JustBeKalm> gloops, it's one of our poorest states with no jobs asnd is close to #1 in drug overdoses.
[09:19.19] <+JustBeKalm> The kids are leaving WV in droves. There are no jobs.
[09:19.27] <+JustBeKalm> Crocz_, some more than others.
[09:19.28] <gloops> JustBeKalm probably great for people with a bit of money though
[09:19.44] <+JustBeKalm> gloops, if they don't mind being around very high crime, drugs, and as poor educational system.
[09:19.49] <AAAman> The state with the highest household median income is Maryland at $97,332, according to the 2021 U.S. Census Bureau population survey.
[09:19.52] <+JustBeKalm> Poor healthcare choices too.
[09:20.24] <Crocz_> i used to live in a nice area of a city but the very bad areas aren't far away
[09:21.06] <+JustBeKalm> 12 Most Dangerous States in the US (2023)
[09:21.06] <+JustBeKalm> Alaska. Alaska is widely recognized as the most dangerous state in the US, primarily due to a combination of factors contributing to its remarkably high crime rate of 837.8 incidents per 100,000 people. ...
[09:21.06] <+JustBeKalm> New Mexico. ...
[09:21.06] <+JustBeKalm> Tennessee. ...
[09:21.06] <+JustBeKalm> Arkansas. ...
[09:21.08] <+JustBeKalm> Arizona. ...
[09:21.10] <+JustBeKalm> Louisiana. ...
[09:21.12] <+JustBeKalm> Missouri. ...
[09:21.14] <+JustBeKalm> Mississippi.
[09:21.22] <+McChicken> floooood!!
[09:21.35] <+JustBeKalm> Get your life jacket on. Nobody will ban me, serf.
[09:22.28] <smirks> new mexico
[09:22.31] <+McChicken> no you are protected here because you are with the woke libtards
[09:22.31] <smirks> tennessee
[09:22.31] <Crocz_> JustBeKalm: are you going to move in with Lottoman ?
[09:22.34] <smirks> arkansas
[09:22.39] <smirks> louisiana
[09:22.45] <smirks> missouri
[09:22.49] <smirks> mississippi
[09:22.53] <gloops> +,
[09:22.55] <+Lard> [url] 595 Harness Rd, Fenwick, WV 26202 | MLS #23-434 | Zillow |, ( +, )
[09:22.58] <smirks> flooooood!
[09:23.00] <gloops> 5 acres and a cabin!
[09:23.12] <+JustBeKalm> Crocz_, nope. I'm married.
[09:23.35] <smirks> McChicken, call desperately for H-E-L-P!  I ain't getting banned either,   :D
[09:23.46] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, most of the people here are stupid MAGAs.
[09:23.55] <+JustBeKalm> Like you.
[09:24.03] <+JustBeKalm> I don't break the channel rules.
[09:24.04] <+McChicken> smirks is never banned same reasen
[09:24.14] <+JustBeKalm> No idea. I don't watch smirks.
[09:24.27] <+McChicken> i am a maga jbstupid? because you are to stupid to understand english? hahahaha
[09:24.29] <smirks> McChicken, I'm not banned because I'm   The  LEGEND!
[09:24.35] <+JustBeKalm> You're here, McChicken. Why don't you go to a redneck channel if you don't like it here?
[09:24.45] * Crocz_ (~Jack@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[09:25.01] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, nope. You're a MAGA due to your silly political views and your hatred.
[09:25.06] <+McChicken> just be stupid, you said you do not like it here and you promote other room not me you sick fuck
[09:25.13] <smirks> JustBeKalm watches me...  queue Rockwell
[09:25.28] <smirks> nyuk  nyuk  nyuk
[09:25.31] <+JustBeKalm> McChicken, you sure do get upset easily, like all MAGAs. Carry on your rage.
[09:25.33] * JustBeKalm sits back
[09:25.46] <+JustBeKalm> You must be fun to live with. I hope you're single.
[09:25.54] <smirks> i think someone hacked my free vpn account.  they won't accept my known login for them
[09:26.00] * rially (webchat@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:26.16] <+JustBeKalm> Aw, come on. I know you want to lash out, like a typical rightwinger with no control over his emotions.
[09:26.33] <+JustBeKalm> The only reason you aren't is because I pointed it out.
[09:26.37] * ^skunk`` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:26.56] * JustBeKalm will see him rage later...he can't keep it up.
[09:27.28] <smirks> * JustBeKalm will see him rage later...he can't keep it up.  <<<----  and he's impotent.
[09:27.44] <smirks> a TWO-FER crisis for McChicken!
[09:27.53] <smirks> nyuk  nyuk  nyuk
[09:29.28] <smirks> McChicken, JustBeKalm and I have painted you as a CONFIRMED and DEDICATED  I-N-C-E-L.   How do you plead, Bubba?
[09:29.47] * smirks smirks
[09:30.24] <smirks> McChicken just got a tag-teamed butt kicking...and we're not even really a team
[09:30.26] * Core6680 (~Core6680@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:30.35] <smirks> :S
[09:30.37] <+McChicken> go on and make me laugh smirks
[09:30.48] <+McChicken> more more!!
[09:31.02] * Core6680 is now known as dry_on_train
[09:31.05] <smirks> McChicken, that's the idea...laugh through your pain,  I-N-C-E-L...
[09:31.22] <+McChicken> together with jbstupid it is hilarios to read
[09:31.46] <+JustBeKalm> You mean..."make me rage." You have a hot temper, like all rightwingers do.
[09:31.50] <nomic> nyuk nyuk
[09:32.07] <smirks> McChicken, you can't recover now   you waited too long
[09:32.10] <+JustBeKalm> It's a trait of childishness.
[09:32.25] <+McChicken> yes yes, more please
[09:32.37] <nomic> mcdonalds appears to own uk radio advertising and its like .. irritating ads. patronising. n its total 'delivery'.
[09:32.49] <+McChicken> maybe i am kkk to
[09:32.49] <nomic> they r saturation. they own it
[09:33.17] <+McChicken> and a convict
[09:33.18] <smirks> McChicken, everybody KNOWS you are a nowhere chatter...a nowhere I-N-C-E-L...
[09:33.33] <nomic> was a betting co. had all the spots. now its mcdonalds
[09:33.49] <smirks> Notice/Like how I conbined John Lennon AND Neil young?
[09:34.01] <+McChicken> yes smirks you are totaly right smirks you are adored smirks good boy smirks go on smirks give me all you have smirks
[09:34.03] <+McChicken> :)
[09:34.04] * smirks is totally awesome at this     
[09:34.23] <smirks> too bad you can't actually get paid for doing it
[09:35.21] <^skunk``> it is good to see ppl being nice to smirks, he has mental problems.  be nice to him always ok.
[09:35.44] <smirks> McChicken, I gave you NOTHING...and you're begging me for MORE, Sir!   everybody sees this...  and laughs at you
[09:35.51] <smirks> ^skunk``  ditto, stupid
[09:35.54] <smirks> ibid
[09:36.00] <+McChicken> yes ^skunk`` or he wil cry :)
[09:36.36] <nomic> all the ads are patronising tbh
[09:36.50] <smirks> now, gotta figure out if my vpn account got hacked   haven't used it in months  they don't recognize my login
[09:36.51] * Crocz (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:37.07] <smirks> and, maybe they're inflating their signup numbers like this
[09:37.11] <smirks> hmm
[09:37.18] <Crocz> oh
[09:37.24] <smirks> no reason to hack someones free vpn account
[09:37.27] <+McChicken> yes you have something to hide smirks
[09:37.41] <Crocz> wisconsin lost last night. i was watching the game
[09:38.15] <Crocz> alabama lost too which was good
[09:38.21] <Crocz> about time
[09:38.38] <smirks> McChicken, yes   i'm going to pirate feed nfl games today.  free.  only the truly blathering idiot (like you) would use your regular connection for THAT...
[09:38.49] * salkas (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:38.57] * dry_on_train (~Core6680@ Quit (Quit: CoreIRC for Android -,
[09:38.57] <gloops> Ukraine has little more than 30 days left of fighting before the weather hinders its counter-offensive, the top-ranking US military officer says. Speaking to the BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg
[09:38.59] <smirks> Crocz  i can't believe lowly texas beat 'bama
[09:39.03] <nomic> the first movie with computer graphics in it was 'westworld'
[09:39.29] * salkas (~user@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:39.46] <+McChicken> yes smirks only you are sooooooo smart
[09:39.51] <gloops> Kiev 2 week forecast is fine
[09:39.59] <+McChicken> all others are idiot maga incels
[09:40.03] <gloops> General October is coming though
[09:40.09] <smirks> McChicken, like you, apparently
[09:40.15] <smirks> D'ohpy!
[09:40.33] * caleb` (~caleb@ has joined channel #Gulag
[09:41.28] <+McChicken> yes like me.. i am the biggest insel here smirks, yes?
[09:41.36] <Crocz> more ukraine chat
[09:41.40] <Crocz> boring
[09:43.09] <Crocz> i think sometimes i wipe my ass too many times. do you have an ass wiping manuel you follow?
[09:43.32] <Crocz> tis?
[09:43.49] <gloops> Marrakesh = fucked
[09:44.09] <Crocz> marrakesh express = song
[09:44.13] <gloops> wait for it ..UK announces 1 billion aid
[09:44.47] <Crocz> is that the same place as the song
[09:45.03] <smirks> McChicken, you claim me to be a MAGAT.  you make yourself look like the stupid motherfucker everyone knows you are...stupid is as you post...
[09:45.12] <gloops> how many Marrakeshes do you know?
[09:45.19] <Crocz> 453
[09:46.02] <+McChicken> smirks how much you donate for morocco disaster?
[09:46.08] <+McChicken> nothing?
[09:46.10] <smirks> nothing
[09:46.15] <+McChicken> not even a $
[09:46.34] <+McChicken> good boy, keep everything for yourself and fuck them, yes?
[09:46.43] <smirks> why should I?  disasters happening in America alot now...
[09:47.08] <+McChicken> name five
[09:47.48] <smirks> McChicken, see how profoundly stupid you are and you show everyone?  no, I guess you don''s entertainment   perverse entertainment   but entertainment nonetheless   :D
[09:48.05] <Crocz> smirks you gotta donate
[09:48.09] <+McChicken> you show how stupid you are i am just watch the show
[09:48.27] <+McChicken> smirks is spending on alcohol and drugs
[09:48.31] <Crocz> oh
[09:48.37] <Crocz> that takes money
[09:48.44] <smirks> McChicken, why are you dedicated to using my Colon as your Cranial Holster?    Riddle us THAT, Fatman!
[09:49.03] * ^skunk`` ( Quit (Quit: If you look for shit with binoculars, you will find it - Li Wong Tzu, ancient philosopher)
[09:49.04] <smirks> McChicken, see how profoundly stupid you are and you show everyone?  no, I guess you don''s entertainment   perverse entertainment   but entertainment nonetheless   :D
[09:49.04] <+McChicken> wait a bit then he is drunk again and start to flooding the room with his sperg
[09:49.29] <+McChicken> yes smirks you are totaly right smirks you are adored smirks good boy smirks go on smirks give me all you have smirks
[09:49.42] <smirks> i don't drink.  A1C 4.4.  I like that...
[09:49.49] <smirks> McChicken, why are you dedicated to using my Colon as your Cranial Holster?    Riddle us THAT, Fatman!
[09:49.52] <smirks> answer
[09:50.01] <smirks> it's not really rhetorical
[09:50.05] <nomic> windows nt was just depressing to me.
[09:50.05] * smirks smirks
[09:50.16] <wptmj> LOL, look at what my wife just sent me from her fbbing
[09:50.19] <wptmj> +
[09:50.26] <smirks> windows 3.1 and windows 2000 were the best
[09:50.53] <smirks> 3.1 adopted orphan programs  and 2000   no key needed
[09:51.05] * terje ( has joined channel #Gulag
[09:51.06] * salkas (~user@ Quit (Quit)
[09:51.07] <terje> hi
[09:51.14] <+McChicken> yes smirks you are totaly right smirks you are adored smirks good boy smirks go on smirks give me all you have smirks
[09:51.28] <smirks> win 95 stopped adopting orphan programs   the bastards!
[09:51.35] <+Debaser> Hi terje
[09:51.37] <smirks> McChicken, see how profoundly stupid you are and you show everyone?  no, I guess you don''s entertainment   perverse entertainment   but entertainment nonetheless   :D
[09:51.44] * smirks shrugs
[09:51.45] <+Lard> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[09:51.55] <+McChicken> yes smirks you are totaly right smirks you are adored smirks good boy smirks go on and on smirks give me all you have smirks
[09:52.09] <wptmj> thats why i am still allowed to spew in here, smirks, me thinks
[09:52.26] <nomic> +,
[09:52.28] <+Lard> [url] ALEXANDRA SHULMAN'S NOTEBOOK: Even people who despise Angela Rayner want to join her gang | Daily Mail Online |, ( +, )
[09:52.35] <+McChicken> fucking boring maga nazi facists here
[09:53.08] <wptmj> FUCK THE SYSTEM
[09:53.09] <wptmj> ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮
[09:53.16] <wptmj> :[]
[09:53.39] <gloops> Rayner is despicable
[09:53.49] <gloops> shes like a poor mans boris johnson
[09:53.59] <smirks> yes, wptmj    you're certainly a trainwreck poster...
[09:54.12] <smirks> McChicken, why are you dedicated to using my Colon as your Cranial Holster?    Riddle us THAT, Fatman!
[09:54.17] * smirks smirks
[09:54.20] <wptmj> ha, great descriptor!
[09:54.25] <wptmj> i am honored
[09:54.31] <wptmj> :]
[09:55.01] <wptmj> pity me, fools!!
[09:55.02] * Crocz (~Jack@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[09:55.03] <wptmj> :P
[09:55.28] <wptmj> i love dabbin'
[09:55.51] <wptmj> Chuck Norris pities Mr. T.
[09:56.39] * tzip is now known as tzipsaway
[09:57.39] <wptmj> i just love it here.  
[09:57.47] <wptmj> its kinda like there are no ops at all!  
[09:58.01] <wptmj> i feel so at home
[09:58.43] <wptmj> a world where wrong has right-of-way?  
[09:58.46] <wptmj> FUCK THAT WORLD!  
[09:58.52] <wptmj> FUCK THAT HEIRARCHY!
[09:58.58] <wptmj> :]
[09:59.04] <wptmj> RABBLE!
[09:59.06] <wptmj> RABBLE!
[09:59.29] * rially (webchat@ has left #Gulag
[09:59.49] <wptmj> I AM PISSED IT'S TAKING SO LONG   
[09:59.52] <wptmj> >:[
[10:00.24] <wptmj> +,
[10:00.25] <+Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl! | ( +, )
[10:00.47] <wptmj> AD-FREE AND NON-RELIGIOUS = TRUE
[10:00.49] <nomic> angela raynor is foul
[10:00.50] <nomic> horrible
[10:01.03] <nomic> rough
[10:01.37] <nomic> wtf she got any pride in it. sh starts up .. on radio "pride m me roots" then she forces her accent to be rougher. shes fking labour. its disgusting. they create thaT
[10:01.45] <nomic> shes fking disgusting
[10:01.47] <wptmj> i am going to make that a title somewhere on my blog
[10:02.07] <nomic> never heard anything like it
[10:02.10] <nomic> she is fucking disgusting
[10:02.34] <nomic> 'proud of me trash fking life' shit 'drugs' 'booze' shes pure labour garbage
[10:02.36] <nomic> her voters.
[10:02.48] <nomic> loudmouthed garbage
[10:03.16] <nomic> multiple shit kids idiots. why is she in politics. cos she slept her way rite thru the unions
[10:03.35] <nomic> can't stand her
[10:03.38] <wptmj> +,
[10:03.39] <+Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: dayleethawts | ( +, )
[10:05.05] <nomic> gloops likes her a lot
[10:05.07] * ScoreTT (~LDog@ has joined channel #Gulag
[10:07.51] <wptmj> has anyone ever been to Ashburn, VA?  its really close to the lion's den.
[10:09.18] <wptmj> for some strange reason blogspot stats(which might just be bots)tells me I have more blogviews from that town, than anywhere else in the world.  Even more than San Antonio.
[10:09.41] <wptmj> SA is #2
[10:10.29] <wptmj> so the other day i started calling coffee shops in Ashburn and offered my blog
[10:10.49] <wptmj> aiming for the bohemian, stoner crowd coffee shops attract
[10:11.34] <wptmj> the first one i called the dude was all, "i think I heard about you."
[10:12.07] <wptmj> so yeah, i might be going kamikaze
[10:12.18] <wptmj> but somebody needs to already
[10:12.24] <nomic> ur gonna crash a coffee shop into the wtc
[10:12.37] <wptmj> MUHAHAHAHA yes!
[10:12.46] <wptmj> theyll never know what hit em!
[10:13.06] <wptmj> caffeine bombs!
[10:13.12] <nomic> wtf was that <roar> was that a coffee shop <BOOM> HOLY FUCKIG SHIT
[10:13.20] <wptmj> hahaha
[10:14.33] <wptmj> my first question calling shops was "Hi, are you 420 friendly?"
[10:14.45] <wptmj> if they told me no i hung up on e quick
[10:14.50] <wptmj> +m
[10:15.04] * gloops ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[10:17.15] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:19.50] * LionClan ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[10:20.08] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:22.48] * LionClan ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[10:23.00] <Lottoman> lol
[10:25.50] * caleb` (~caleb@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:30.32] <Lottoman> anybody here?
[10:31.53] <smirks> counting you, Lottoman?  nope.  Nobody here.
[10:32.01] <smirks> :D
[10:37.38] * Lottoman (~Lottoman@ has left #Gulag
[10:38.50] <smirks> i can make 'em rage quit in ONE post.    :D
[10:44.28] * mgm17 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[10:44.50] * smirks ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:45.54] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:08.35] * kmh (~kmh@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[11:15.44] * Deanr` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[11:59.37] <wptmj> :]
[11:59.37] *** Server disconnected on LosAngeles.CA.US.Undernet.Org
[11:59.53] wptmj resolved to
[12:00.06] * You have joined #Gulag
[12:00.06]  Topic: +,
[12:00.06] Channel Topic Set by: OldMole on 10:18 PM 9/9/2023
[12:00.06] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[12:00.06] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[12:00.11] <wptmj> high-a
[12:00.19] <+Cleland> Tesla and SolarCity continue to report net losses after a decade in business, but the stocks of both companies have soared on their potential; Musk’s stake in the firms alone is worth about $10 billion. (SpaceX, a private company, does not publicly report financial performance.)
[12:00.36] <+Cleland> Musk and his companies’ investors enjoy most of the financial upside of the government support, while taxpayers shoulder the cost.
[12:00.59] ->> armorall :No such nick
[12:00.59] ->> armorall :End of /WHOIS list.
[12:01.29] <+gannon> Added *!*debaser
[12:02.37] <+payiurtuk> gannon has half of irc ignored as per usual
[12:02.49] <+Cleland> nobody is ignored--its all fake shit
[12:03.12] <+Cleland> Just continue to mock the sorry asshole--
[12:03.13] <wptmj> why can't people just ignore others all on their own?
[12:03.21] <+RatBytes> Debaser -  actually, SpaceX hasn't had a successful launch in years.   All those "launches" you see on TV are fakes done in a sound studio in Burbank.   And Birds Aren't Real, either...
[12:03.49] <+gannon> some bad and damaged people here
[12:03.57] <+Debaser> wptmj: if a tree falls in a forest....
[12:03.58] <wptmj> Don't you hate it when people answer their own questoins?  I do.
[12:04.00] <wptmj> :P
[12:04.22] <+RatBytes> wptmj -  gannon isn't actually ignoring anybody.  He occasionally forgets who is on his long long list of fake ignores and he responds to them.   This is just gannon's passive aggressive soy-boy way of limp wristed attempts to be insulting...
[12:04.45] <wptmj> i see the light now, thanks
[12:05.12] <wptmj> lol @ playful derision
[12:05.23] <+Debaser> RatBytes: yes, same with CANDU reactors providing safe clean reliable power for decades, it's all just green screen effects!
[12:06.06] <+RatBytes> Debaser -  CANDU are a good method.  They are not perfect.  There will be future designs that are better.   We need to continue research into the future.
[12:06.12] <wptmj> The first rule of Passive Aggressive Club is, you know what? Never mind. It’s fuckin’ fine.
[12:06.15] <Lottoman> lol
[12:06.17] <wptmj> :P
[12:06.35] <gloops> lost vape of many months, disaster
[12:06.54] <+Debaser> RatBytes: what's imperfect about them?
[12:07.01] <wptmj> try dabbing instead
[12:07.12] <wptmj> if ya want, of course
[12:07.30] <gloops> you get used to a vape, that was unique, irreplaceable
[12:07.41] <wptmj>  Welcome to National Sarcasm Society.
[12:07.43] <wptmj> Like we need your support.
[12:07.47] <wptmj> :P
[12:07.59] * RatBytes (webchat@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[12:08.22] <wptmj>  The first rule of The Condescending Club is
[12:08.32] <wptmj> pretty complex and I don't think you would understand it even if I explained it to you.
[12:08.40] <wptmj> :P
[12:08.50] * ScoreTT (~LDog@ Quit (Quit)
[12:09.19] <gloops> Watered-down G20 statement on Ukraine is sign of India’s growing influence
[12:09.33] <gloops> china got too big, lets build india up instead
[12:12.18] * RatBytes (webchat@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:12.30] <RatBytes> Debaser - the Nuclear Regulatory Agency sees several possible ways that CANDU can fail... both minor failures and quite severe failures.   +,
[12:15.13] <RatBytes> Debaser -   how about Triso fuel ...  Bangor University scientists think that the way to go big with nuclear power is to, in fact, go small. Their tiny nuclear fuel pellets called triso fuel are said to be the size of poppy seeds and are meant to power a reactor by Rolls Royce the size of a “small car.” We aren’t sure if that’s a small
[12:15.13] <RatBytes> Rolls Royce or a small normal car.
[12:15.37] <+Debaser> MAAP4 CANDU results to-date show the slow nature of
[12:15.37] <+Debaser> CANDU severe core damage accident progression
[12:15.37] <+Debaser> • Cooling provided by the shield tank prevents failure of the
[12:15.37] <+Debaser> calandria, thereby containing the core
[12:15.37] <+Debaser> • Significant time will be available to arrest accident
[12:15.37] <+Debaser> progression.
[12:15.37] <RatBytes> Each tiny pellet consists of a kernel made of uranium, carbon, and oxygen. The fuel has an outer jacket around the kernel made of three layers of carbon- and ceramic-based materials to isolate the radioactive material. Traditionally, the kernel contained uranium dioxide, but recently, the pellets contain uranium oxycarbide. Because of the
[12:15.37] <RatBytes> self-containment system, the pellets won’t melt and release radioactive material even when heated for 300 hours at 1800C.
[12:15.56] <RatBytes> +,
[12:15.57] <+Lard> [url] Triso Fuel And The Rolls Royce Of Nuclear Reactors | Hackaday | ( +, )
[12:16.05] <+Debaser> So the summary is that there's lots of time to deal with any accidents
[12:16.17] * PrezPusy_ (~abc@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:16.32] <PrezPusy_> :D
[12:16.38] * PrezPusy_ is now known as PrezPusyGrab
[12:16.57] <+Debaser> Also confirmed by this expert analysis: +,
[12:16.58] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Case for Candu⁩ | 1h 22m 24s | ⁨Decouple Media⁩ | 2,238 views
[12:17.17] <RatBytes> Debaser -  yes... lots of time to deal with accidents.   A perfect reactor would not need any time to deal with accidents.  CANDU is good. It's not perfect.
[12:17.22] <+Debaser> Talking about you can basically cool the thing with a line of people passing buckets
[12:17.37] <RatBytes> The Triso fuel CANNOT melt down
[12:17.49] <+Debaser> RatBytes: you think it's possible to engineer something with 100% safety?
[12:17.55] <+Debaser> For real?
[12:18.00] * AAAAman ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:18.13] <+Debaser> Zero chance of any accident *ever*?
[12:18.20] <RatBytes> Debaser - as I said..> CANDU is good, but we need to keep doing research to find ways to do it better
[12:18.24] <+Debaser> No
[12:18.31] <+Debaser> That's silly
[12:18.59] <+Debaser> Like grounding all air traffic because of an airplane crashing when it's far safer than driving
[12:18.59] * vulcan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:19.21] <RatBytes> Debaser - we keep doing research to make planes  safer
[12:19.35] <+Debaser> In reality, all complex systems have a chance of failure. CANDU having multiple passive safety systems means it is a very good system
[12:20.03] <RatBytes> I agree.  "very good".  But that doesn't mean it's The Best Ever.  We need to keep doing research.
[12:20.03] <+Debaser> RatBytes: so you think all current plane tech is just a "placeholder"?
[12:20.28] <+Debaser> Or do you fly on airplanes when you need to go long distances
[12:20.37] <gloops> when has science ever stood still
[12:20.43] <RatBytes> I don't think CANDU is a placeholder.  It's good.  It can be used now while we continue to work on Fusion and better ways to do Fission
[12:20.57] <+Debaser> You *literally* it's a placeholder lol
[12:21.15] <+Debaser> But whatever
[12:21.15] <gloops> newton was wrong, einstein was wrong
[12:21.36] <gloops> we know next to nothing
[12:21.41] <gloops> about anything
[12:21.49] <+Debaser> When I announced the new build in Ontario you called CANDUs a placeholder lmao
[12:21.58] <+Debaser> And were disappointed
[12:22.14] * AAAman (~AAAman@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:22.31] <RatBytes> Debaser - wow, you really have sunk your teeth into that one sentence that I uttered WEEKS ago
[12:22.36] <+Debaser> And haven't done any reading on their ability to use thorium or watched an expert discuss on tr multiple redundant safety systems.
[12:22.41] <gloops> we cant even save the climate
[12:22.55] <+Debaser> RatBytes: you just told me you never even said it lmao
[12:23.14] <wptmj> +,
[12:23.15] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨George Carlin - Saving the Planet⁩ | 8m 4s | ⁨Dadniel⁩ | 10,086,413 views
[12:23.52] <gloops> saving the planet = a joke
[12:23.59] * AAAAman ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:24.04] <+warehouse> same losers on here all day. no lifers
[12:24.05] <+nomic> u dont even get soy milk
[12:24.09] * warehouse (~leaking@ Quit (Quit)
[12:24.11] <gloops> not going to happen, humans are addicted to bourgeosie comforts
[12:24.17] <+nomic> hypocrite
[12:24.20] <RatBytes> Debaser - I meant to say "I didn't say that today"...  generally I think of discussions happening on a day to day basis, and I don't think that casual conversations on IRC is typically about specific words used weeks ago
[12:24.39] <gloops> i cant drink tea with soy milk
[12:24.46] <gloops> or make porridge
[12:24.57] <gloops> theres too many people, not my fault
[12:25.18] <RatBytes> I meant "I didn't say that today"...  I didn't MEAN to say it...  I just sort of assumed that we were talking TODAY, not continuing a discussion about a specific word from weeks ago
[12:25.29] <+Debaser> RatBytes: lmaoooooo
[12:25.41] <gloops> look at them, all discussing ways to keep this shit going
[12:25.49] <+Debaser> Such an absolutely silly person
[12:25.51] <RatBytes> gloops - if God had meant for us to drink Soy Milk, He would have put teats on soy plants
[12:25.58] <gloops> not one of them will make any lifestyle sacrifice
[12:26.01] <RatBytes> Debaser - don't go all gannon on me
[12:26.12] <+Debaser> ?
[12:26.12] <+nomic> i thought of a fking huge ide upgrade
[12:26.22] <wptmj> the planet is fine, the PEOPLE are fucked
[12:26.24] <+nomic> if i fk up the deal is i gotta think of something
[12:26.35] <gloops> Debaser has this crazy idea that Canada is going to be a global nuclear energy supplier
[12:26.50] <+Debaser> You're a silly person, I've been telling you that for a while now
[12:26.56] <RatBytes> Debaser -  shall we discuss the physics and engineering, or do  you want to turn the discussion into a mutual insult fest?  I enjoy the former.  The latter is something I reserve mostly for far right assholes
[12:27.14] <gloops> India will annex Canada this century
[12:27.20] <+Debaser> RatBytes: +,
[12:27.20] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Case for Candu⁩ | 1h 22m 24s | ⁨Decouple Media⁩ | 2,238 views
[12:27.33] <+Debaser> Feel free to get up to speed on the actual design features.
[12:27.39] <+Debaser> And I'll be happy to discuss
[12:27.40] <gloops> Cantdu
[12:27.55] <wptmj> "a surface nuisance"
[12:28.20] <gloops> who would buy anything canadian, other than lumber
[12:28.28] <RatBytes> CANDU is surprisingly good considering it was designed on birch bark using moose turd ink.  :)
[12:28.38] <wptmj> you verbose rat, you killed my father
[12:28.46] <wptmj> :]
[12:28.46] <RatBytes> and I'll be hearing about THAT statement for MONTHS !!!
[12:29.00] <gloops> hey we're switching to this new canadian energy thing < said nobody ever
[12:29.29] <+nomic> welp i rn outta money again
[12:29.46] <wptmj> need more peanuts
[12:29.47] <gloops> well at least you got ebay parcels coming
[12:30.04] <+nomic> wut ebay parcels
[12:30.27] <gloops> imagine the joy when youre unwrapping that very common 17th century coin on wednesday morning
[12:30.30] <wptmj> HUSBAND: “When I get mad at you, you never fight back. How do you control your anger?”
[12:30.37] <wptmj> WIFE: “Easy!! I clean the toilet.”
[12:30.40] <+nomic> oh rite .. i got it. n it was ok
[12:30.43] <+nomic> better than i thought
[12:30.44] <wptmj> HUSBAND: “Hmm.. how does that help?”
[12:30.50] <wptmj> WIFE: “I use your toothbrush.”
[12:30.50] <+nomic> 1876 2 kopek
[12:30.58] <+nomic> better one than the ebay photo
[12:31.01] <RatBytes> wptmj - I saw a great meme about that...   Inigo Montoya's lesson on meeting management..... first, greet the other person.    "Hello"   Next make sure everybody knows who each other is.  "My name is Inigo Montoya".     Now, try to establish some mutual connections.  "You killed my father."   Finally,  manage expectations. "Prepare to
[12:31.01] <RatBytes> die".
[12:31.30] <wptmj> yeah, i left out the last part on purpose
[12:31.44] <wptmj> i only wanted it to be a complimenary jest
[12:31.59] <wptmj> :]
[12:32.10] <wptmj> _t
[12:32.12] <wptmj> +t
[12:32.38] <wptmj> i like how you word
[12:32.48] <wptmj> word up, homeboy
[12:33.02] <RatBytes> truth!
[12:33.04] * AAAman ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:33.04] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:33.04] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[12:33.49] <wptmj> everybody toke it up and enjoy life
[12:33.55] <wptmj> while you still can
[12:33.59] <+nomic> i dunno
[12:34.02] <wptmj> smoke em if you got em
[12:34.04] <wptmj> dont worry
[12:34.08] <wptmj> be happy
[12:34.11] * kmh (~kmh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:34.11] <+nomic> try to fking stay healthy m fked up
[12:34.14] <RatBytes> who the hell put the black queen under the red nine ?
[12:34.26] <+nomic> sm ppl dont fking just indulge are a mess
[12:34.38] <kmh> +,
[12:34.39] <+Lard> [url] Fulton County Jail: Shawndre Delmore Is 10th Person to Die at Notorious Facility So Far in 2023 | Democracy Now! |, ( +, )
[12:35.02] <+nomic> i mebbe figured out a major thing
[12:35.31] <RatBytes> kmh - so, if the judge locks up Big Mouth MAGA for trying to prejudice the jury pool,  we might get LUCK !!
[12:35.56] <vulcan> to hell with free speech
[12:36.42] <wptmj> and i love bytes!  NOBODY CAN STOP BYTES!
[12:36.43] <+nomic> i got routines that are always around. n they dont go away
[12:36.57] * vulcan ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[12:37.02] <+nomic> loadx was a fkin huge one theres like 2 routines
[12:37.05] <wptmj> NOT EVEN GOD
[12:37.06] <+nomic> its lik awt sring
[12:37.07] <+Debaser> RatBytes; page 21 of this report is pretty good +,
[12:37.16] <wptmj> WHICH IS REALLY THE DEVIL
[12:37.22] <+nomic> ok
[12:37.22] <wptmj> in fraud you trust!
[12:37.30] <+Debaser> Comes with references of course
[12:37.52] <wptmj> this is some good sheet, mang
[12:38.01] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[12:38.01] * AAAman ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[12:39.11] <+Debaser> RatBytes: or straight to this source +https://www.,
[12:39.11] <+Debaser>
[12:39.11] <+Debaser> loca_CNS2009.pdf
[12:39.21] <wptmj> praise canada!
[12:39.27] <wptmj> FOR KIDS IN THE HALL
[12:39.31] * Crocz (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:39.35] <+Debaser> +,
[12:39.38] <wptmj> and PROPAGANDHI
[12:40.13] <RatBytes> "Has inherently large safety margins thanks to reactor physics and layout."            Remember,  an RBMK reactor cannot explode !!!
[12:40.22] <wptmj> i forgot abot KITH!
[12:40.28] <wptmj> +u
[12:40.37] <wptmj> yay
[12:40.43] <RatBytes> propagandhi ???  is that slanted news from a small bald indian fellow ?
[12:40.51] <+Debaser> RatBytes; so the same can be said about any future technology you're proposing
[12:40.56] <wptmj> my laugh bomb is evolving so beautifully
[12:41.08] <+Debaser> We can pretend it's from a  communist country and just lie
[12:41.10] <Crocz> i gotta pee
[12:41.11] <+Debaser> Right?
[12:41.13] <wptmj> lol
[12:41.19] <wptmj> gandhi
[12:41.37] <+nomic> +,
[12:41.37] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Lightning Seeds - Sweetest Soul Sensations⁩ | 3m 31s | ⁨Chris Pell⁩ | 8,541 views
[12:41.40] <RatBytes> Debaser -  so, do you think we should stop looking into other reactor designs, other fuel designs, and stop looking at fusion, because CANDU is essentially the best it will ever get ?
[12:41.42] <+Debaser> And why is your PDF not just dismissed as lies as well
[12:41.59] <wptmj> "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
[12:42.21] <+nomic> terry hall died
[12:42.28] <wptmj> "It's the action, not the fruit of the action, that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there'll be any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action."
[12:42.36] <+Debaser> RatBytes: I think we should build out CANDU rapidly because it's a proven design with many features of so called advanced reactors that have 50 years of record without a major accident
[12:42.43] <+Debaser> And climate change is a pressing issue
[12:42.45] <gloops> specials werent v good
[12:42.59] <+nomic> ur joking
[12:43.02] <+nomic> they were brilliant
[12:43.09] <+Cleland> +,
[12:43.10] <+Lard> [url] A church in Kansas City says they have a miracle: The body of a nun who died 4 years ago has not decomposed and might be a saint |, ( +, )
[12:43.11] <+Cleland> Jesus!
[12:43.14] <+Cleland> Damn
[12:43.17] <+Cleland> Its real
[12:43.27] <RatBytes> Debaser -  the PDF I gave you has bias.... it's produced by the agency that has experienced a great deal of influence from the american PWR PBWR reaction companies.  It's suspect.  Your PDF is from a "grass roots group" made up of people who mostly get money from CANDU companies.  It's suspect, too.
[12:43.28] <+Debaser> RatBytes: is there a reason I should take you seriously at all when you just make up lies when I provide a source about the reactor after you say you want to discuss the physics
[12:43.30] <gloops> 4 years
[12:43.31] <+nomic> +,
[12:43.32] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Terry Hall with the Lightning Seeds. Sense. Eric Cantona Version⁩ | 2m 54s | ⁨Andy Medina Music⁩ | 988 views
[12:43.46] <wptmj> +
[12:43.47] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Blazing Saddles _ Kansas City Faggots⁩ | 11s | ⁨Michael⁩ | 129,381 views
[12:44.04] <+Debaser> RatBytes: the 50 years of safe operation is a matter of public record
[12:44.13] <+Debaser> But I get it
[12:44.22] <+Debaser> You want to make up lies and feel smug
[12:44.26] <+Debaser> Which is why I told you you're a silly person
[12:44.27] <RatBytes> Debaser - and it seems that Canadians have attached a huge amount of ego and national pride to "CANDU IS CANADIAN, EH"...
[12:44.33] <+Debaser> No it doesn't
[12:44.37] <+Debaser> Not at all
[12:44.49] <+payiurtuk> gandu is
[12:44.56] <wptmj> <gloops> specials werent v good   what special?
[12:44.59] <+Debaser> We haven't built any for decades
[12:45.04] <gloops> rolls royce is on with nuclear, pointless anyone trying
[12:45.06] <+Debaser> And we've wasted 60 billion just in this province on wind and solar
[12:45.09] <+Debaser> Lol.
[12:45.17] <+Debaser> Are you high?
[12:45.19] <+nomic> z.z.
[12:45.24] <gloops> the group - the specials, ska band
[12:45.41] <+nomic> +,
[12:45.41] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Fun Boy Three - Our Lips Are Sealed (Official Music Video)⁩ | 2m 53s | ⁨Chrysalis Records⁩ | 3,527,613 views
[12:45.41] <+Debaser> We turned off a perfectly good one in Quebec after severely under building it for what the site was approved for
[12:45.42] <wptmj> thought so, ty
[12:45.45] <+Debaser> How is that some irrational national pride in the technology?
[12:45.51] <RatBytes> Debaser - back to person commentations again?    stick in a comment about my mom and you can be hopesnothere.
[12:45.53] <+Debaser> You have no idea what you're talking about, RatBytes
[12:45.57] <+Debaser> You're a profoundly unserious person
[12:46.09] <+Debaser> Why shouldn't I insult you when you make up lies?
[12:46.14] * dopethrone (uid574653@2a03:5180:f::8:c4bd) has joined channel #Gulag
[12:46.15] <wptmj> thought you mightve meant terry halls specials
[12:46.17] <RatBytes> Debaser -  my mother is dead...   you want to have sex with her?
[12:46.23] <+nomic> im mebbe. i cn get the ... ide to go into this new stuff i dunno
[12:46.26] <wptmj> since it was mentioned just before
[12:46.39] <+payiurtuk> wptmj turns mon
[12:46.43] <gloops> canada = redwood lumber, hardwood flooting and maple syrup
[12:46.47] <wptmj> was about to google terry hall specials, lol
[12:46.48] <+Debaser> RatBytes: you asked if I wanted to discuss the physics and I posted you a source about passive safety and other features and you responded with some crap from the USSR
[12:46.52] <+Debaser> Is there a reason you shouldn't be insulted?
[12:46.53] <wptmj> i should still
[12:47.06] <+nomic> terry hall was sorta a syd barret
[12:47.10] <+Debaser> You're just a very silly smug man
[12:47.21] <RatBytes> Debaser - personal insults again
[12:47.28] <+Debaser> I explained to you why you're being insulted
[12:47.29] <wptmj> gonna listen to specials again, been a while for me
[12:47.35] <+Debaser> Because you lied after I posted sources to you
[12:47.50] * Crocz (~Jack@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:47.51] <+nomic> +,
[12:47.52] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨The Specials with Amy Winehouse⁩ | 7m 29s | ⁨tom51⁩ | 7,441,263 views
[12:48.02] <+nomic> mebbe sober
[12:48.02] <wptmj> i love ska
[12:48.03] <+Debaser> And compared a known public design to the rbmk which kept the presence of graphite secret from the operators.
[12:48.11] <wptmj> holophonics rule!
[12:48.13] <+nomic> she was a fking mess
[12:48.17] <+Debaser> You're a profoundly silly man, RatBytes
[12:48.28] <RatBytes> Debaser -  and you KNOW for a fact that there are absolutely no secrets about CANDU ?
[12:48.35] <gloops> ub40 sold quite a lot
[12:48.36] <+Debaser> Lol.
[12:48.44] <wptmj> +
[12:48.45] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Despacito - Ska Punk Cover by The Holophonics (Luis Fonsi / Daddy Yankee)⁩ | 3m 46s | ⁨The Holophonics⁩ | 2,014,841 views
[12:49.19] <+Debaser> It's been built in multiple other countries. There's no secrets about it.
[12:49.26] <+Debaser> It's a well understood design
[12:49.40] <+Debaser> You're comparing Canada to the USSR and asking to be taken seriously
[12:49.44] <+Debaser> Hilarious
[12:50.01] <+Debaser> Just a profoundly silly, unserious person
[12:50.24] <+Debaser> Have a good one
[12:50.46] <gloops> 17     UB40     6.6 MILLION
[12:51.09] <RatBytes> Debaser - "Have a good one"  does that mean you've wound down for today ?
[12:51.13] <gloops> 2     QUEEN     12.8 MILLION
[12:51.36] <+Debaser> It means you're too silly of a person to discuss anything technical with
[12:51.40] <+Debaser> So have a good one
[12:51.48] <RatBytes> Debaser - thank gawd...
[12:51.48] * Crocz (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:52.12] <+Debaser> Enjoy using your placeholder computer, it might have a secret that makes it explode!
[12:52.40] <RatBytes> and you call me silly ... that was so silly it made me smile...
[12:53.18] <wptmj> +
[12:53.19] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Cutting Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight - Ska Punk Cover by The Holophonics⁩ | 3m 16s | ⁨The Holophonics⁩ | 110,751 views
[12:53.21] * RatBytes wanders off to do silly things on his silly farm with his silly dogs...
[12:53.25] * RatBytes (webchat@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[12:53.26] * Crocz_ (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[12:53.35] <+gannon> Added *!*IceChat95
[12:54.21] <+gannon> the only thing possibly worse than a "Ska Punk Cover" is child rape
[12:54.30] * AAAman ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:54.30] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:54.30] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[12:54.44] <wptmj> i love em, they make me bounce inside
[12:54.48] <Crocz_> AAAman is a beautiful woman
[12:55.00] <+gannon> he's a retarded adult on welfare
[12:55.20] <+gannon> i mean there's a lot of those here, but especially him
[12:55.32] <wptmj> <- retarded adult on welfare
[12:55.36] <wptmj> PROUD OF IT
[12:55.48] <wptmj> go ahead, work, waste your life away
[12:55.50] <wptmj> :]
[12:56.00] * hopesnothere ( has joined channel #Gulag
[12:56.15] <wptmj> i rather be free than rich
[12:56.19] <wptmj> you cannot be both
[12:56.44] <hopesnothere> UPDATE: Governor Suspends Constitution! Lawsuits Filed…Where Is The Arrest?!     --       +,
[12:56.45] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨UPDATE: Governor Suspends Constitution! Lawsuits Filed…Where Is The Arrest?!⁩ | 11m 31s | ⁨Guns & Gadgets 2nd Amendment News⁩ | 46,832 views
[12:56.54] <wptmj> work for money*
[12:57.31] <+gannon> Added *!*bleah987
[12:57.52] <+gannon> he posts 10-15 minute videos from right wing imbeciles on youtube
[12:58.00] <+gannon> like anyone is going to watch them
[12:58.04] <+gannon> bro is dumb
[12:58.08] <gloops> live by the principles of stoicism
[12:58.12] <wptmj> nobody is destined to make money. money distracts people from striving for their fulll potential
[12:58.24] <wptmj> and following their true path
[12:58.50] * Crocz (~Jack@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:58.51] <+gannon> are you guys enjoying the sportsball games
[12:58.54] <wptmj> money makes the world unbalanced
[12:59.13] <wptmj> we can live happier without government at all
[12:59.22] <gloops> 5 Stoic Rules For Life
[12:59.22] <gloops>     Stoic Rule 1 - Accept what you can and can't control.
[12:59.23] <gloops>     Stoic Rule 2 - Accept Fate.
[12:59.23] <gloops>     Stoic Rule 3 - Accept Death.
[12:59.24] <gloops>     Stoic Rule 4 - Accept that your happiness is your responsibility.
[12:59.24] <gloops>     Stoic Rule 5 - Accept That Life is Change.
[12:59.36] <wptmj> we can govern ourselves
[12:59.48] <wptmj> with simple rules like those
[12:59.48] <+gannon> Browns beating the Bengals
[12:59.51] <+gannon> SPORTSBALL
[13:00.33] <gloops> You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone.
[13:00.35] <wptmj> "I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
[13:00.37] <wptmj> - Edward Everette Hale
[13:00.41] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:00.41] * AAAman ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:00.51] <+gannon> stoic rules are dumb
[13:00.58] <gloops> no they arent
[13:01.00] <+gannon> unless you're a slave or in prison or something
[13:01.00] <+nomic> sol
[13:01.06] <+JustBeKalm> That's too wordy. Just say you can't control anything but yourself. It's true. Period.
[13:01.10] <gloops> stoicism and taoism are the way
[13:01.16] <wptmj> i dont agree with all of them, but most
[13:01.19] <+gannon> the way for losers
[13:01.20] * Crocz_ (~Jack@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:01.28] <wptmj> 5 and 6 most of all
[13:01.32] <+JustBeKalm> They don't need any fancy, religious or philosophical names.
[13:01.38] <+gannon> better to turn to Jesus like Deanr`
[13:01.42] <gloops> JustBeKalm your efficiency with words is admirable
[13:01.45] <+gannon> at least you got some social support
[13:01.58] <gloops> taoism has no gods
[13:01.58] <+gannon> other alcoholic ex-cons like yourself
[13:01.58] <+JustBeKalm> I'm not trying to be admirable. Just honest.
[13:02.12] <+JustBeKalm> gloops, I didn't know that and don't care.
[13:02.16] <gloops> taoism =  the way
[13:02.25] <wptmj> but it is not impossible for one person to have power over others, we all know that
[13:02.42] <+gannon> good for 4th century rice farmers
[13:02.46] <+gannon> not so good for modern living bro
[13:03.13] <wptmj> JUST LOVE is the way!
[13:03.16] <wptmj> itsnever been tried!
[13:03.22] <gloops> life is the same in any period
[13:03.23] <+JustBeKalm> Man, it's slow today, but football coming soon so there's that.
[13:03.30] <wptmj> PRAISE LOVE!
[13:03.36] <wptmj> IT'S ALL WE WEED!
[13:03.40] <wptmj> :]
[13:04.21] <+gannon> life's what you make it bro
[13:04.46] <+gannon> +,
[13:04.48] <wptmj> wish other people would empower themselves so that'd be true for them too
[13:05.04] <+gannon> one of the greatest bands ever
[13:05.07] <+gannon> RIP Mark Hollis
[13:05.08] <wptmj> but most everybody is scared
[13:05.23] <wptmj> of their own liberation
[13:05.40] <gloops> “It is not the man who has little, but he who desires more, that is poor.”
[13:05.41] <gloops> - Seneca
[13:05.47] <gloops> yes that is very true
[13:05.47] * AAAman ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:05.47] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:05.47] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[13:05.49] * LionClan ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:05.50] <wptmj> yes!
[13:06.02] <wptmj> lemme find the similar tzu quote
[13:06.07] <+nomic> +,
[13:06.09] <+Lard> [url] Terrifying moment 'XL Bully' dog mauls 11-year-old girl in the street before crazed animal chases and attacks two men who tried to wrestle the youngster free: Suella Braverman commissions 'urgent advi |, ( +, )
[13:06.09] <+gannon> a cope is only a philosophy if you're a loser
[13:06.20] <wptmj>  "Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires."
[13:06.26] <wptmj> - Lao Tzu
[13:06.47] <gloops> “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” Epictitus
[13:06.55] <wptmj> right fucking on
[13:06.57] <+gannon> imagine civilized countries still allowing people to own pit bulls
[13:07.17] <+JustBeKalm> gloops, stop preaching.
[13:07.24] <wptmj>  "The goal of life is living in agreement with nature."
[13:07.26] <gloops> yes, the stoics and taoists were in step with one another
[13:07.26] <wptmj> - Zeno of Citium
[13:07.53] <gloops> Zeno is arguably the founder of stoicism
[13:08.00] <+JustBeKalm> Like who cares?
[13:08.16] <wptmj>  "I think we aught to make America the Beautiful the national anthem. It's not about war, there's no bombs bursting in air, no rockets red glare. It's about the land, amber waves of grain. That sounds good to me. Plus, it's a lot easier so sing."
[13:08.19] <wptmj> - Willie Nelson
[13:08.46] <gloops> Zeno had a vast fortune, but sailing to an island a storm struck and his ship sank with all his treasure
[13:08.57] <wptmj> i dont know who Zeno is, i forgot where i snagged the quote
[13:09.01] <hopesnothere> gannon  you fucking assfairy. Pull yor head OUT of Dicktaster's ass
[13:09.04] <wptmj> ill be sure to look him up now tho
[13:09.09] <+JustBeKalm> This is worthy of ignore for now.
[13:09.30] <+gannon> Wittgenstein gave away his fortune too and seemed miserable
[13:09.42] <+gannon> when he was a schoolteacher he abused the children
[13:09.43] <+JustBeKalm> He can talk to himself. I think I"m the only one active besides him and I'd rather not listen to religion or philosophy.
[13:09.44] <wptmj> dont you see talking about ignoring people acknowledes them?
[13:10.00] <+JustBeKalm> Yes, I know they are different, but....borrrrrrrrrrrrrrring.
[13:10.01] <wptmj> really igore them, lock them out of your mind completely
[13:10.12] <wptmj> +n
[13:10.26] <gloops> Zeno indeed, when he learned that his only remaining ship had been engulfed with its cargo by the sea, exclaimed: "Well done, Fortune! thus to confine me to a threadbare cloak" and a philosopher's life
[13:10.35] <+gannon> being a genius, he couldn't tolerate low IQers or even average IQers
[13:10.47] <+gannon> he would hit them for being stupid
[13:10.51] <+gannon> we could use more of that
[13:11.05] <PrezPusyGrab> gannon: such as yourself
[13:11.10] <gloops> hmm, Wittgenstein was a bit of an oddball
[13:11.11] <PrezPusyGrab> hey watch me scare the shit out gannon
[13:11.14] <PrezPusyGrab> gannon: BOO!
[13:11.24] <PrezPusyGrab> PrezPusyGrab come to make you cry
[13:11.29] <+JustBeKalm> You're probably on his fake ignore. He can't see you.
[13:11.34] <+gannon> Added *!*abc
[13:11.39] <PrezPusyGrab> haha there he goes
[13:11.47] <+gannon> that's so he can think he won or accomplished something
[13:11.53] <hopesnothere> Whatg a FUCKING PUSSY
[13:11.57] <+JustBeKalm> I doubt he has even one person on ignore.
[13:12.01] <+gannon> it's the only chance he has to feel anything life that in his sad life
[13:12.05] <+gannon> like that
[13:12.08] <hopesnothere> Only PUSSIES use IGNORE
[13:12.13] <PrezPusyGrab> It's not that I won, as much as gannon lost
[13:12.24] <+JustBeKalm> Yeah. gannon always loses.
[13:12.34] * gloops ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[13:13.04] <+gannon> the Buccaneers defeat the Vikings
[13:13.23] <+gannon> the 49ers crush the Steelers
[13:13.42] <+gannon> the Falcons wreck the Panthers
[13:13.46] <+gannon> your sportsball updates
[13:14.15] <wptmj> +
[13:14.16] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨OZMA - Baseball⁩ | 5m 34s | ⁨WeezerFan4Ever⁩ | 87,605 views
[13:14.42] <wptmj> this is such a beautiful song
[13:15.57] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:15.57] * AAAman ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:16.50] <+JustBeKalm> Time to watch the Bears kill the Packers...well, this may be one game the Packers win all season. Later.
[13:17.17] <wptmj> Everytime I think I'm finished being young, I catch myself having fun.
[13:20.42] * Tatyana ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:26.01] * caleb` (~caleb@ has joined channel #Gulag
[13:27.36] <hopesnothere> ..The Fuckiin'*ueers?
[13:29.53] <+nomic> sol is ok lager.z
[13:30.20] <+gannon> ‘Paul’s Boutique’ intersection in NYC Lower East Side officially renamed Beastie Boys Square
[13:30.38] <+nomic> that intersection was in the jazz singer 1929
[13:30.40] <+gannon> nice, that album was groundbreaking even though rap stinks
[13:30.41] <+nomic> that road
[13:31.22] <+gannon> 1929 wow bro
[13:31.26] <+gannon> you must be old af
[13:32.24] <Smax> he did that is black face
[13:32.39] <hopesnothere>  ...So, Which one are they going to remane after "The Ghastly Girls" ?
[13:32.52] <hopesnothere>         .. heheh
[13:35.14] * kmh (~kmh@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:35.20] * mOrO^ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:35.36] * kmh (~kmh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[13:37.23] <+Tiramisu> !ip
[13:37.24] <+Lard> [IP/Host Lookup] Hostname: | Location: Netherlands | Region: North Holland | City: Amsterdam | ISP: AS31898 ORACLE-BMC-31898
[13:40.40] * Mantra (~Mantra@ Quit (Quit)
[13:40.54] <PrezPusyGrab> hopesnothere: hows the motherfucking been going?
[13:41.00] * caleb` (~caleb@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:41.30] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:42.58] <mOrO^> !ip
[13:42.59] <+Lard> [IP/Host Lookup] Hostname: | Location: United States | Region: Indiana | City: Indianapolis | ISP: AS33363 BHN-33363
[13:43.39] <LionClan> gloops sounds like a steps program
[13:43.59] <LionClan> what do you call your higher power
[13:45.04] <mOrO^> !ip
[13:45.07] <+Lard> [IP/Host Lookup] Hostname: | Location: United States | Region: Oklahoma | City: Duncan | ISP: AS11492 CABLEONE
[13:46.21] <+Deanr`> +,
[13:46.22] <+Lard> [url] Gun rights group sues New Mexico governor over emergency firearm ban | US gun control | The Guardian |, ( +, )
[13:46.33] <LionClan> Buddha sermons align with the asanas of Hatha yoga
[13:46.45] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:46.45] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[13:46.51] <LionClan> the senses are a fire
[13:47.00] * terje ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:47.35] <LionClan> the way, is a response to the dualism of zarathustra, zoroaster
[13:47.57] <LionClan> you don't have to divide everything up into good or bad, there's just the way, and it doesn't have an opposite
[13:48.42] <+Timur> LionClan: I agree, manicheanist duality is self-limiting.
[13:48.58] * caleb` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[13:49.29] <LionClan> I knew you'd say that
[13:49.49] <+Timur> ok
[13:49.57] <LionClan> of course you would agree, you know everything too
[13:50.05] <+Timur> hardly that.
[13:50.30] <+Timur> but assuming you are being sincere, thank you for the compliment.
[13:51.16] <LionClan> it was a compliment yes you're a smart fellow and apparently read entire libraries
[13:53.15] <LionClan> you realize when you hit the 99.99* it is not everything but for anywhere near normal it's hard to tell the difference
[13:53.17] <+Timur> that's a bit hyperbolic.
[13:53.43] * katy-uk ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[13:53.44] * kmh (~kmh@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:54.06] * kmh (~kmh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[13:54.11] <LionClan> so only geometers may enter
[13:55.21] <+Timur> you know who did read entire libraries? Harold Bloom.
[13:57.20] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[13:58.24] <PrezPusyGrab> Deanr`: with 2 of the apostles betraying Jesus, he must have been doing something wrong, right?
[13:58.41] <PrezPusyGrab> Deanr`: Maybe he should have been a plumber instead of a carpenter so he could laid that pipe down better
[13:58.50] <PrezPusyGrab> could have*
[13:59.52] <+Debaser> Tarrio could have served 9-12 years if he pleas guilty. Instead he's facing 22. Lmaoooooo
[14:00.00] <+Debaser> Plead*
[14:00.09] <+Debaser> 9-11*
[14:00.11] <PrezPusyGrab> The Prison Boys
[14:00.21] <+Debaser> Hahah
[14:00.23] <+Debaser> So good.
[14:00.38] * Slayer78_ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:00.40] <PrezPusyGrab> Yeah these guys aren't smart at all, they threw their lives away for a guy who didn't give a shit about them
[14:01.05] <+Debaser> And then threw away a decade pretending they're innocent
[14:01.23] <+Debaser> Just racking up the Ls
[14:01.34] <PrezPusyGrab> They could have been out in 7 and a half years
[14:01.46] <LionClan> when Nixon found out CIA Miami station was doing domestic operations he gave e Howard hunt an office in the White House to find his leaks
[14:01.46] <PrezPusyGrab> now its a minimum of 18.7
[14:02.18] <PrezPusyGrab> in federal court you have to serve 85% of your sentence before you can get out on good time.  But they could possibly get parole before then?  Not sure.
[14:02.20] <LionClan> you must have better sense than to trust Roger Stone
[14:02.47] <PrezPusyGrab> parole eligibility occurs upon completion of one-third of the term.
[14:03.04] <LionClan> CIA operations are primarily propaganda, election manipulation, and assassination.
[14:03.06] <PrezPusyGrab> so in reality if they had plead down to 9 years they could have gotten parole in 3
[14:03.16] <PrezPusyGrab> now its minimum 7 1/3
[14:03.31] <Lottoman> it varys from state to state..  federally?..  50%
[14:03.41] <LionClan> it would be a comforting thought to think that there are no domestic CIA operations but whatever floats your boat
[14:03.44] <Slayer78_> Hi
[14:04.07] <PrezPusyGrab> oh nm congress got rid of parole for federal
[14:04.22] <Lottoman> 20 yr sentence..  means..  at 10 yrs..  you can start getting denied parole..  every TWO years
[14:04.52] <Lottoman> a democrat. woman..  ended the day off prison..  for a day worked for the taxpayers
[14:04.53] <LionClan> if you wrestle with a pig you're going to get dirty. they were using words that came out of Roger Stone's mouth as a source of information, when they should know everything he says is some form of propaganda
[14:05.10] <Lottoman> thus ending the state prison highway cleanup thing
[14:05.22] <Slayer78_> Presumably you're talking about the Proud Boys serving federal sentences
[14:05.25] <PrezPusyGrab> Loserman: No looks like feds abolished parole
[14:05.30] <Lottoman> now?. we may illegal mexicans..  do what the prisoners did..  gladly..  for nothing
[14:05.31] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: they're the Prison Boys now
[14:05.54] <Lottoman> why do you call me that?
[14:05.54] <PrezPusyGrab> or will be shortly
[14:06.01] <PrezPusyGrab> That's your name.
[14:06.05] <Lottoman> ahhhh
[14:06.06] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I don't rejoice of America turning into a Banana Republic but seemingly you do
[14:06.07] <PrezPusyGrab> I christened you with it a couple of weeks ago
[14:06.11] <Lottoman> in your eyes?
[14:06.26] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: no, the people who tried to turn it into a banana republic are being sentenced.
[14:06.28] <Lottoman> oh..   just a few weeks ago?.. was it?.. i think you lie..   
[14:06.29] <Lottoman> lol
[14:06.32] <LionClan> I think all the rural rude boys should take it as a lesson, if you come into the city you're going to be judged by liberals, you could get a very long sentence
[14:06.41] <Lottoman> but what a nick like you have???..  ROFL
[14:06.42] <Lottoman> come on
[14:06.55] <PrezPusyGrab> Calm down Loserman its okay
[14:06.56] <Lottoman> pussygrab?
[14:07.01] <Lottoman> calm down???
[14:07.04] <Lottoman> why do you say that?
[14:07.13] <PrezPusyGrab> that's PREZPusyGrab
[14:07.17] <Lottoman> wtf is wrong with you?
[14:07.28] <PrezPusyGrab> its okay, when you're a star they let you do it
[14:07.36] <Lottoman> try to be civil to your dumbass..  and.  you insult me
[14:07.44] <Lottoman> fuck you. . and your mother
[14:07.48] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: it's Banana Republic shit to heavily sentence the perceived enemy
[14:07.49] <PrezPusyGrab> I'm not insulting you, your name is Loserman
[14:07.53] <PrezPusyGrab> I never changed it bck.
[14:08.09] <Lottoman> arent there rules for this type behavior?????????
[14:08.12] <Lottoman> seriously?
[14:08.18] <+Debaser> Perceived enemy. Lol.
[14:08.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: maybe don't order your gang to try to violently overthrow democracy.
[14:08.25] <PrezPusyGrab> its not hard
[14:08.28] <+Debaser> They're the *actual* enemy, dingus
[14:08.29] <Lottoman> normally.. I've ALWAYS put you on ignore..  because..  you are stupid
[14:08.44] <Lottoman> Added *!*abc@ to ignore list
[14:08.46] <+Debaser> Remember when right wingers were against violently attacking cops?
[14:08.49] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I have zero to do with what happened
[14:08.53] <Lottoman> how come nobody here says shit to him?
[14:08.55] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: then you have nothing to worry about
[14:09.14] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: my worries were expressed ab
[14:09.16] <Slayer78_> Above
[14:09.31] <PrezPusyGrab> Right, and so if people don't try to violently overthrow democracy with a mob
[14:09.35] <PrezPusyGrab> they have nothing to fear.
[14:09.43] <Lottoman> women can call me..  horrible 'female slurs'..  but..  I cant call them one back?????.  ppl like this fool here..  instantly pick a fight with a chatter.  ..  where are you precious rules?
[14:09.56] <+swin> so we not supposed to care they broke the laws.. got it.. heh
[14:10.03] <Slayer78_> It's bizarre to 'violently overthrow government ' without a damn weapon or more likely,  many weapons
[14:10.06] <PrezPusyGrab> I'm not picking a fight with anyone, if you want to be renamed from Loserman to something else, submit an application and I'll consider it.
[14:10.15] <LionClan> Mussolini didn't get to become dictator on the shoulders of his rural rude boys dressed up in blackshirt, but that's where he was in his mind, and Trump was there too
[14:10.22] <Lottoman> that's the republican way of looking at..   all of it
[14:10.24] <Lottoman> isnt it?
[14:10.25] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: Right, them beating the shit out of cops with flagpoles weren't weapons.
[14:10.43] <Slayer78_> Besides the cop shooting that woman,  what violence was there?!
[14:10.46] <Lottoman> if Democrats had pulled this.  Jan 6th shit..????!!!!!..  oh my god
[14:10.49] <+swin> the zip ties were for taking out the garbage
[14:10.54] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: go try to rob a bank and beat the teller with a flagpole and then use that defense.  "Your honor, could I violently rob a bank with a weapon without a gun???
[14:11.16] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: them beating the fuck out of cops with a flag pole?
[14:11.26] <PrezPusyGrab> the mob crushing that other cop to death?
[14:11.28] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I thought you hated cops
[14:11.35] <PrezPusyGrab> attempting to anyways
[14:11.37] <LionClan> my girlfriend said I know a bank robber do you want to meet him
[14:11.41] <Slayer78_> You know like most dunderheaded liberals do
[14:11.46] <+nomic> fkit
[14:11.52] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I never said I hated all cops, you asked what violence there was
[14:11.53] <Lottoman> I said when Obama was elected..   within minutes of it being announced..  and my senator. .along with the entire GOP..  vowed to do any and every thing possible to make the US presidency.. fail..   I knew at that moment..   we were at 'war'
[14:11.56] <Lottoman> and..   we are
[14:12.14] <Lottoman> despite what old women say..   we are already at war
[14:12.16] <LionClan> Gary was a bank robber but his plan failed so miserably he had to be very drunk to tell the story
[14:12.21] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: They violently attacked the capitol police, and were chanting to hang mike pence.  You don't get a pass because they successfully evacuated the intended targets dipshit
[14:12.39] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: well,  a flag pole should not be used as a weapon but it's not agun
[14:12.45] <PrezPusyGrab> no shit
[14:12.50] <PrezPusyGrab> but there was violence and weapons
[14:12.59] <+swin> hence the prison sentence
[14:13.01] <PrezPusyGrab> No one was killed because the intended victims were evacuated
[14:13.07] <Lottoman> feds..  dont like me talking/typing like this
[14:13.11] <LionClan> I mean he did successfully rob the bank, he got away with a bag of money but things got rapidly worse
[14:13.13] <Tatyana> Perfectly acceptable way to get Governance of a State by US Standards
[14:13.18] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab to guys without dicks, probably
[14:13.22] <PrezPusyGrab> But they made their intent clear.  If they were just joking about murdering the leaders of government, jokes on them
[14:13.48] <Lottoman> I've been told..   not once..  but.. twice.   but..  I'm just 1 man..  not a member of any group, organization
[14:14.00] <PrezPusyGrab> "we were just joking when we built a gallows, threatened congress and the VP, and violently forced our way into the building attacking police"
[14:14.15] <Lottoman> just one man  on iRc for 30 yrs..  with a limited..  very limited following..  if you dare use the word
[14:14.30] <PrezPusyGrab> if they had found mike pence they would have just jokingly hanged him to death and said "we killed him as just a prank bro"
[14:14.33] <PrezPusyGrab> consequences of actions, it's fucking hilarious
[14:14.41] <Slayer78_> I still think January 6 is overhyped
[14:14.41] <+swin> it would have been blamed on antifa
[14:14.57] <Lottoman> I've been 'right'..   all along..   batting 1,000.  as they would say
[14:14.57] <LionClan> Gary robbed the bank with a squirt gun and a note. he had used a black felt tip pen to conceal the day glow tip of the squirt gun
[14:14.57] <Lottoman> the feds are curious about me
[14:15.00] <Lottoman> still
[14:15.16] <Lottoman> I agreed for them to monitor me..  in any and every way possible!!..
[14:15.25] <Lottoman> I didnt have to sign..   but..  I did
[14:15.26] <Slayer78_> I certainly don't excuse the behaviors of those knuckleheads that day
[14:15.33] * gannon (~gannon@ Quit (Quit)
[14:15.34] * Lottoman doesnt have anything to hide
[14:15.38] <Lottoman> do you?
[14:15.49] <Slayer78_> But you feckless idiots need looking at successful coups
[14:16.03] <Lottoman> most of you here.. know a lot about me already..   where I live..   
[14:16.03] <Lottoman> what I do
[14:16.08] <+swin> nope.. better to nip this one in the bud
[14:16.09] <Lottoman> about my family
[14:16.20] <Lottoman> nip?
[14:16.32] <+swin> to show we don't take kindly to anyone trying to overthrow rule of law
[14:16.53] <Lottoman> it already happened..   the wheels of justice..  turn too slow
[14:16.55] <Slayer78_> As far as attempts go, it was pathetic
[14:16.56] <Lottoman> dont they?
[14:17.01] <Tatyana> swin So long as it is your own Country *hint hint*
[14:17.07] <Lottoman> trump has always..  bought time..  via the court
[14:17.14] <Lottoman> I think his time is up
[14:17.30] <Lottoman> sad. watching the republicans I know..  squirm
[14:17.54] <Lottoman> swin..  I dont like being right.. in this
[14:18.19] <+swin> it sucks.. but we cannot let this shit slide
[14:18.28] <Lottoman> no..  and..   we wont
[14:18.29] <Slayer78_> It's for a reason that successful coups are usually done by the military,  usually in already vastly corrupt countries
[14:18.54] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: it not being successful is why they're going to jail
[14:19.01] <PrezPusyGrab> if they had succeeded they would have taken over government
[14:19.12] <Lottoman> real Americans..  despite old women think..  will rise up..  and.. do violence against fellow Americans..  in order to preserve this nation
[14:19.17] <PrezPusyGrab> But you don't let people get away with violent crimes because they failed.  That's stupid as fuck.
[14:19.24] <Lottoman> we did it before..  it's about to happen again
[14:19.26] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: the punishment doesn't excuse the crime in this case
[14:19.46] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: trying to overthrow the election?  Democracy?
[14:19.50] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: are you saying Antifa should be jailed?
[14:20.05] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: when antifa tries to overthrow a legitimate election, sure
[14:20.16] <+swin> antifa was not there in any large numbers
[14:20.19] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: right, some grandparents from the Mid West can rule over the fucking US
[14:20.29] <PrezPusyGrab> what?
[14:20.38] <+swin> that conspiracy theory has been debunked for years
[14:20.38] <PrezPusyGrab> antifa isn't even an organization
[14:20.40] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I hope you realize how fucking ridiculous that is
[14:20.40] <Lottoman> how sad..   this new generation coming along..  have no idea to fend for themselves.. when the power grid stops working..  communications stop..  no phone service.  no internet..  gasoline?.. damn a line..  wont be any!!
[14:20.56] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: jailing people for trying to violently murder congress and overthrow an election is ridiculous?
[14:21.12] <Lottoman> I got two 330 gallon tanks..  up on the hill..  1..  diesel  ..  the other..  gasoline
[14:21.16] <+OldMole> if antifa organized a coup, broke into congress and tried to kill the vice president, yes, they should be imprisoned
[14:21.27] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: no, the idea that these people had any idea of how to rule
[14:21.49] <+nomic> they wont even let me exist
[14:21.51] <wptmj> :]
[14:21.52] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: since these idiots don't know how to rule the country they shouldn't go to jail for trying to overturn an election and murder members of government?
[14:22.00] <+OldMole> your defense is that they were morons who didnt know what they were doing?
[14:22.06] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: who was murdered?
[14:22.17] <Slayer78_> OldMole: that's obvious,  isn't it?
[14:22.20] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: I said trying.  Failing doesn't give you a pass.
[14:22.28] <+OldMole> Slayer78_ whats obvious?
[14:22.32] <Lottoman> I got a hit n miss engine..  and a generator system..  enough fuel to keep my family in limited comfort..  for several years
[14:22.52] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab should the same happen to the transgender freak tried killing Kavanaugh?
[14:22.59] <Lottoman> do you think you and your family could have endured..  WWII.. if you were in europe?
[14:23.06] <PrezPusyGrab> by Slayer78_'s argument no coup could ever be prosecuted, because if you fail, no harm no foul, but if you succeed, you make the laws
[14:23.07] <+swin> we've had t
[14:23.12] <+OldMole> Slayer78_ what transgender freak?
[14:23.16] * Tatyana takes the Moonshine away from Lottoman
[14:23.19] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: should someone be arrested for trying to murder someone?  Yes
[14:23.22] <LionClan> why don't you just drag it out into the light of day, Miami station CIA has been doing domestic operations for decades, Roger Stone is a known dirty Trickster look what he made those proud boys do
[14:23.26] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: its called attempted murder
[14:23.33] <Slayer78_> OldMole: the predicted res
[14:23.35] <+swin> two transgenders shooters.. slayer trying to make it sound like hundreds
[14:23.39] <Lottoman> look how some of us freaked out..  over the possiblity of not having enough toilet tissue!!
[14:23.57] <Slayer78_> swin: no.. in your fucked up imagination? Maybe
[14:23.59] <LionClan> LottoMan Canada might run out of trees
[14:24.05] <+swin> Slayer78_ bullshit
[14:24.12] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: are you saying we shouldn't prosecute people for attempted murder, because if they don't kill the person, they don't know what they're doing?
[14:24.17] <PrezPusyGrab> thats fucking stupid as hell
[14:24.21] <Slayer78_> swin: you are indeed full of shit
[14:24.30] <Slayer78_> Your eyes are brown
[14:24.33] <+OldMole> Slayer78_ what is your argument exactly, these coup participants should not be tried because there was a transgendered person who wanted to kill Kavanaugh?
[14:24.44] * pyirtuk_ (~pyirtuk@ has joined channel #Gulag
[14:24.48] <PrezPusyGrab> or that since they didn't succeed, it wasn't serious and shouldn't be a big deal?
[14:24.52] <+swin> yeah slayer tell that to the nazi in colorado
[14:25.00] <Slayer78_> OldMole: no, my argument is... should that person also be prosecuted?
[14:25.18] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: did someone attempt to murder Brett Kavanaugh and NOT get prosecuted???
[14:25.22] <+OldMole> Slayer78_ I dont know who youre talking about, but if they tried to murder someone, then yes, of course they should
[14:25.43] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:25.43] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[14:25.44] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: I only heard of the attempt and not of the cons9
[14:25.49] * payiurtuk (~pyirtuk@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:25.50] <Slayer78_> Consequences
[14:25.51] * pyirtuk_ is now known as payiurtuk
[14:25.57] <Lottoman> i find it amusing..  so do a few other of my close friends here. observing.. the lower IQ ppl keep talking to other..  lower IQ ppl
[14:26.03] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_: then maybe you should put more time into looking up the bullshit you're talking about, dummy
[14:26.12] <Slayer78_> PrezPusyGrab: bye
[14:26.31] <+swin> that'd be new and different.. slayer googling
[14:26.45] <Slayer78_> swin: fuck you bitch
[14:26.47] <wptmj> "Ignorant people are easy to control."
[14:26.50] <wptmj> - U.S. Government
[14:26.56] <Lottoman> a perfect example..   why are you talking to. . or at..  that fool?
[14:27.08] <Lottoman> are you 'gaining' any ground?
[14:27.10] <Lottoman> no
[14:27.13] <+swin> Slayer78_ and all his hate you say coming from me/us.. look at yourself
[14:27.16] <+swin> snowflake
[14:27.18] * Slayer78_ was kicked by X(  - Reason ((OldMole) nope)
[14:27.22] <Lottoman> 10 yrs from now..  you wont have gained any
[14:27.28] * vulcan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:27.32] * Slayer78_ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:27.41] <Lottoman> insanity?..  is .. defined..  by exactly what you are doing now
[14:27.44] <PrezPusyGrab> Nicholas Roske, who prosecutors say traveled to Kavanaugh’s home with a pistol, extra ammunition, a tactical knife and other gear, looked up terms like “most effective place to stab someone” and “quietest semi auto rifle,” the application states.
[14:27.49] <Slayer78_> swin: I hate the way you talk to me.
[14:27.54] <PrezPusyGrab> so yes, this person was prosecuted
[14:27.57] <Lottoman> swin..   see?
[14:27.57] <+OldMole> better
[14:27.58] <PrezPusyGrab> what a dumb motherfucker
[14:27.59] <Lottoman> you can hate my guts..   
[14:28.02] <Lottoman> but damn..   
[14:28.09] <Lottoman> you can see???
[14:28.10] <Slayer78_> swin: you don't get to whine when it comes back your way
[14:28.11] <+swin> Slayer78_ i hate the way you talk to me.. but i'll get over it
[14:28.17] <PrezPusyGrab> Slayer78_ for the first time learning attempted murder is against the law.
[14:28.30] <Lottoman> but.. not over the way I talk to ya
[14:28.32] <Lottoman> ROFL
[14:28.43] <Lottoman> swin..  you are such a huge hypocrite
[14:28.52] <PrezPusyGrab> Loserman is mad
[14:28.54] <Lottoman> and worse..  you are female too
[14:29.16] <Lottoman> hormonal and..  emotional.   no wonder you cant stand me
[14:29.21] <+OldMole> wtf
[14:29.27] <Lottoman> do you like ANY man?
[14:29.29] <+OldMole> jesus thats some old school sexism
[14:29.31] <Tatyana> The Comedy keeps coming
[14:29.33] * You are now known as Grabtitty
[14:29.54] * You are now known as Grabtitties
[14:29.57] <PrezPusyGrab> Grabtitty: they only let you do it if you're a star, sorry buddy
[14:30.04] * You are now known as wPtMj
[14:31.01] <vulcan> who was that dem Senator who simulated grabbing titty and caught all hell for it
[14:31.04] <wPtMj> I am terrified of elevators, so I am taking steps to avoid them.
[14:31.16] <PrezPusyGrab> al franken
[14:31.19] <Lottoman> #Glamour..   ROFL
[14:31.23] *** Server disconnected on Miami.FL.US.Undernet.Org
[14:32.34] wptmj_ resolved to
[14:34.03] Cannot send to channel
[14:34.17] * You have joined #Gulag
[14:34.17]  Topic: +,
[14:34.17] Channel Topic Set by: OldMole on 10:18 PM 9/9/2023
[14:34.17] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[14:34.17] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[14:34.23] <wptmj_> wups
[14:34.32] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[14:34.33] <wptmj_> was i just disciplined?
[14:34.38] <PrezPusyGrab> at the time of the picture, I mean
[14:34.51] * Aprounds (~Aprounds@ has left #Gulag
[14:34.55] <wptmj_> wtf is this ghosted nick shit
[14:35.14] <Slayer78_> It's disingenuous to speak of women rights... they already have those
[14:35.18] <wptmj_> weird lemme reset
[14:35.23] <LionClan> did you win the election too
[14:38.38] * You have joined #Gulag
[14:38.38]  Topic: +,
[14:38.38] Channel Topic Set by: OldMole on 10:18 PM 9/9/2023
[14:38.38] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[14:38.38] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[14:38.54] <kritklmas> .voiceall
[14:38.55] --X-- You're voiced by Lard (clowntown) on #Gulag
[14:38.55] * X sets mode +vvvvvv BathSheba` Smax Lottoman PrezPusyGrab dopethrone hopesnothere for #Gulag
[14:38.55] * X sets mode +vvvv Tatyana mOrO^ LionClan caleb` for #Gulag
[14:38.55] * X sets mode +vvvvvv kmh payiurtuk vulcan Slayer78_ kritklmas wPtMj for #Gulag
[14:39.11] * X sets mode +o kritklmas for #Gulag
[14:39.42] <wPtMj> What did the vulva hear from the clitoris?
[14:39.47] <wPtMj> "It's all good in the hood."
[14:40.03] <+Lottoman> hey hey kritklmas..  ole buddy.. ole pal..   thought you told my recent ban for a 'slur' (which woman use against a man. but a man cant use..  against a woman..  a man..  it's ok???)
[14:40.17] <+vulcan> cleland calls me vulva
[14:40.20] <+Lottoman> how long was I was banned?
[14:40.35] <+PrezPusyGrab> Loserman is a huge crybaby.
[14:40.44] * Lottoman is being persecuted. .unfairly. . due to female influence
[14:40.45] <wPtMj> What’s the male version of a Karen called?
[14:40.49] <@kritklmas> Lottoman I could not find your ban to lift it
[14:40.53] <wPtMj> I don’t know but a group of them is called a Senate.
[14:40.56] <+Lottoman> ;))
[14:41.00] <wPtMj> :]
[14:41.12] <+Lottoman> not good enough excuse..  try again
[14:41.14] <@kritklmas> honest, Lottoman
[14:41.18] <+PrezPusyGrab> call him Loserman
[14:41.23] <@kritklmas> that is the truth
[14:41.23] <+Lottoman> I know
[14:41.23] <wPtMj> hi krit, whassupwitchu
[14:41.25] <+Lottoman> honest
[14:41.25] <+PrezPusyGrab> I changed his name
[14:41.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> and until I or someone else who holds the rank of PPG or higher changes it back, that's his name
[14:41.45] * You are now known as wptmj
[14:41.46] <+Lottoman> I've told YOU the truth..   and..  YOU.. sided with those who lied
[14:41.59] <+Lottoman> so..  the truth..  doesnt really mean shit here
[14:42.05] <@kritklmas> PPG is a delusion, not a rank.
[14:42.09] <wptmj> YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH
[14:42.14] <+PrezPusyGrab> kritklmas: PPG is a way of life.
[14:42.14] <wptmj> :P
[14:42.32] * PrezPusyGrab grabs #gulag by the kritklmas
[14:42.42] <@kritklmas> lol
[14:42.49] <+Lottoman> that's ok kritklmas..   learned a valuable lesson..   
[14:43.02] * swin grabs song out of krit's pocket +,
[14:43.02] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Roger Miller - River in the Rain⁩ | 3m 52s | ⁨Bob Toomey⁩ | 723,711 views
[14:43.53] <@kritklmas> Lottoman my effort here is for the greater good. Grow a skin or find the exit.
[14:44.02] <+gris> good afternoon
[14:44.12] <+Tiramisu> i want to be op here
[14:44.12] <+Lottoman> my point exactly..  YOU should be telling THAT..  to the others
[14:44.13] <+swin> a proper foreskin krit ;)
[14:44.22] <+Lottoman> you miss my point
[14:44.31] <+Slayer78_> vulcan: people here generally are in favor of transgender dudes in female sport
[14:44.32] * KenoshaKid ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[14:44.34] <@kritklmas> Lottoman I do, when appropriate
[14:44.58] <+Lottoman> a foreigner. . attacks me..   and..   gets upset..  you kick me..  SHE can call me a vulgar word.. I cant call her
[14:45.03] <+Lottoman> seriously dude?
[14:45.12] <+Lottoman> I've looked at the log
[14:45.13] * LionClan ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[14:45.22] <+vulcan> Slayer78_:  then they support an all male final in the womens event at U.S. Open
[14:45.34] <+Lottoman> no point in sending any of you the log
[14:45.35] <+swin> sounds like a soap opera
[14:45.38] <+Lottoman> not one
[14:45.40] <+Lottoman> at all
[14:45.40] <+gris> +,
[14:45.41] <+Lard> [url] The ‘Real Nuclear Crisis’ Fear Behind a Single Pentagon Document – DNyuz | ( +, )
[14:45.49] <+Lottoman> but anyway..  kritklmas..  whatever dude
[14:46.24] <@kritklmas> Lottoman your argument is with Debaser
[14:46.29] <+Lottoman> who do I send these logs to???..  in the channel op world?..  all of you?
[14:46.36] <+Lottoman> no..   it is not
[14:46.49] <+Lottoman> wrong is wrong.. right is right
[14:46.53] <+Lottoman> nuf said
[14:47.19] <+Lottoman> BathSheba` should not be able to call ANY man.. or ANYONE here.. the C word..  
[14:47.22] <+Lottoman> period
[14:47.22] <+gris> +,
[14:47.23] <+Lard> [url] Cuba uncovers network trafficking Cubans to fight for Russia in Ukraine | Russia-Ukraine war News | Al Jazeera |, ( +, )
[14:47.27] <+Lottoman> rules. . be damned
[14:47.42] <@kritklmas> well, I enforce the rules of the channel, he's the CM, your argument is about the rules, not my execution of authority
[14:47.52] <+Lottoman> men..  cant use it.. but..  women can.. is a fucked up rule..  and. i contest it
[14:47.57] <+Debaser> Lottoman, don't be SnowflakeMan
[14:48.04] <+gris> haha
[14:48.17] <+gris> why is it always rules lawyering in here
[14:48.18] <+Lottoman> nobody can use the N word.  right?
[14:48.30] <+gris> harumph i object!! rawblerawblerawble
[14:48.39] <@kritklmas> right
[14:48.39] <+Slayer78_> Because the rules here are arbitrary
[14:48.50] <+gris> the rules are easy to grasp
[14:48.53] <+Lottoman> gris.. because..  a handful of man hating females..  have a few wussy ass'd IRC ppl in charge here.. in their pocket
[14:48.55] <+Debaser> No they arent
[14:48.58] <+Debaser> !rules
[14:48.58] <+Lard> Rules of the Gulag +,
[14:48.58] <+Lottoman> weak mean
[14:49.01] <+Tatyana> They are
[14:49.09] <+Lottoman> like to wear pink a lot
[14:49.09] <+vulcan> the rules allow cleland to tell me to DIE
[14:49.12] <+Slayer78_> But they don't apply to everyone,  despite the prete
[14:49.13] <+gris> haha
[14:49.14] <+Cleland> Tats, how are the kidnapped Ukranian kids doing
[14:49.16] <+Slayer78_> Pretenses
[14:49.17] <+Cleland> DIE VULCAN
[14:49.19] <+Lottoman> lol
[14:49.19] <+Cleland> DIE DIE DIE
[14:49.23] <+gris> haha
[14:49.25] <+Debaser> They do apply to everyone
[14:49.26] <+Cleland> DIE nazi boi Slayer88
[14:49.30] <@kritklmas> vulcan we are voting on that issue
[14:49.33] <+Cleland> DIE DIE DIE
[14:49.38] <+Cleland> Gris can live
[14:49.41] * KenoshaKid ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:49.45] <+Cleland> He’s kind of entertaining
[14:50.02] <+Lottoman> those type 'men' and insecure women.. who hate men..  like to control things to their advantage
[14:50.09] <+Cleland> Hey Vulcan so you don’t want to die but you want the Jews to die
[14:50.14] <+Cleland> And those people in Atlanta
[14:50.15] <+gris> cleland i dont think you are making a credible threat
[14:50.20] <+gris> as much as ragtime loading his glock
[14:50.20] <+Cleland> The city you want to burn down
[14:50.21] <+gris> or whatever
[14:50.22] <+vulcan> the jews?
[14:50.25] <+Cleland> Grris never doubt me
[14:50.26] <+Cleland> lol
[14:50.43] <+gris> ragtime loading the imaginary glock is a bigger threat than cleland saying "die die die"
[14:50.48] <+Cleland> Vulcan appears to be Woke
[14:50.54] <+Cleland> He’s melting like a snowflake
[14:51.00] <+gris> a more credible threat, one is funny whereas the other is a thinly veiled intimidation tactic
[14:51.07] <+gris> from an admitted fascist
[14:51.09] <+Cleland> Gris--those weere the good old days
[14:51.16] <+Cleland> But the mag he was talking about was kiddie porn
[14:51.19] <+gris> ragtime: ~loads da glock~
[14:51.26] <+Lottoman> lol
[14:51.27] <+gris> ragtime: ~cocks da grip~
[14:51.30] <+Cleland> By the way, Raggie and Vulcan are kind of like SA types
[14:51.34] <+Cleland> Load the MAG
[14:51.40] <+Cleland> Ie. jerk off to kiddie porn
[14:51.42] <+JustBeKalm> Halftime in an interesting game. Anything going on?
[14:51.47] <+Lottoman> the feds had Ragtimes nick on a sheet when they were here!!
[14:51.48] * Debaser inserts the energy cell into his 40W phased plasma rifle
[14:51.52] <+Cleland> Green bay is hanging in there
[14:51.53] <+gris> JustBeKalm: football?
[14:52.02] <+Debaser> "hey, just what you see, buddy"
[14:52.10] <@kritklmas> JustBeKalm listening to the GB/CHI game on the radio
[14:52.10] <+Lottoman> fed..  sat directly underneath my security camera
[14:52.11] <+JustBeKalm> Yep. Our first game without Aaron Asshole Rodgers.
[14:52.12] <+Cleland> Vulcan your feelings hurt?
[14:52.12] <+gris> hopefully nobody perishes on the field
[14:52.17] <+Lottoman> they already know this
[14:52.20] <+gris> in america the football players gleefully slay each other at will
[14:52.22] <+Lottoman> I've typed this before
[14:52.23] <+gris> a brutal game
[14:52.32] <+gris> too tragic
[14:52.32] <+Cleland> :09:35]  <+vulcan> eating Joy Behar would be a sin
[14:52.33] <+JustBeKalm> kritklmas, it's not bad. They have to get used to playing together, but I'm enjoying itj.
[14:52.35] <+Lottoman> but. . RagTime.. is on their list
[14:52.37] <+Lottoman> lol
[14:52.38] <+Debaser> Remember mutant League football
[14:52.46] <+Cleland> This is news to me: 11:32:21]  <vulcan> LBJ participated in killing of JFK
[14:52.47] <+Cleland> LBJ!
[14:52.52] <+gris> one day, you're a football star the next, your brains have turned to blueberry preserves
[14:52.53] <+Timur> gris: work out every day, take supplements, get CTE - here's $10 mil
[14:53.02] <+JustBeKalm> vulcan, let's not go off the deep edge. No, he didn't.
[14:53.07] <+Timur> (also, ankle and shoulder injuries)
[14:53.07] <+Lottoman> we had a group here..   white radicals.. rented a lot of land..  training
[14:53.10] <+Lottoman> got caught
[14:53.11] <+Cleland> lol
[14:53.12] <@kritklmas> JustBeKalm I'm heavily loaded into CHI in my fantasy football
[14:53.12] <+Cleland> hey, Vulcan there’s a nice scroll in the Beerhall
[14:53.17] <+Cleland> Why aren’t you there kicking people
[14:53.19] <+Slayer78_> gris: that certainly explains what's his face that got fired
[14:53.25] <+Lottoman> RagTime time ppl
[14:53.28] <+Slayer78_> Kaepernick
[14:53.32] <+Cleland> By the way Slurper almost topped sentient virus today
[14:53.32] <+vulcan> JBK some people have that opinion deep edge or not, they HATED each other
[14:53.42] <+JustBeKalm> Lottoman, you have the strangest people in your neck of the We don't have people like that
[14:53.53] <+JustBeKalm> Cleleland, how?
[14:54.01] <+JustBeKalm> Slayer, you are ten years behind.
[14:54.05] <+Cleland> Our expert on US Justice system
[14:54.06] <+Cleland> 10:39:58]  <Slayer78_> dry_: an indictment doesn't mean a person will be automatically arrested
[14:54.09] <+gris> honestly i only tolerate organized sports because so many people like it
[14:54.12] <+JustBeKalm> Kaeperneck hasn't played for almost that long.
[14:54.14] <+Cleland> you see you can be indicted and not arrested
[14:54.15] <+Cleland> lol
[14:54.16] <+gris> its a nasty racket
[14:54.17] <+Cleland> LOL
[14:54.21] <+Slayer78_> JustBeKalm probably but he's still a dumbass
[14:54.22] <+Lottoman> these ppl..  were are all ..foreigners..  rented/leased large amounts of land to ..  train
[14:54.23] <+gris> the government should break up the NFL
[14:54.28] <+Cleland> Why indict if you aren’t going to arrest the person
[14:54.29] <+gris> RICO charges
[14:54.32] <+JustBeKalm> gris, I started with liking each sport and now down to football.
[14:54.32] <+Lottoman> we're country.. not stupid
[14:54.33] <+Cleland> Do explain Slurper88
[14:54.36] <+Cleland> What does that mean
[14:54.45] <+vulcan> Kapernick gets aroused when he hears the national anthem
[14:54.50] <+Cleland> Best sport is the Canadian national pass time
[14:54.51] <+Cleland> Curling
[14:54.54] <+Cleland> Vulcan STFU
[14:55.03] <+gris> Cleland: ever seen the film "men with brooms"?
[14:55.11] <+Cleland> you get aroused when you see pictures of Hitler speaking at Nuremberg
[14:55.13] <+Cleland> YES
[14:55.17] <+Lottoman> sports in education..  is not needed..  except for the masses..
[14:55.18] <+JustBeKalm> gris, male witches?
[14:55.19] <+Cleland> Who was the “auteur” who made that one
[14:55.20] <+JustBeKalm> Haha.
[14:55.27] <+Lottoman> such things apply towards
[14:55.35] <+Cleland> Vulcan hating on the uppity black QB
[14:55.36] <+vulcan> Cleland: I dont get aroused at all now
[14:55.38] <+gris> JustBeKalm: about the canadian olympic sport where you brush the ice in front of a giant stone puck to slow it down
[14:55.41] <+Cleland> He doesn’t like the black people
[14:55.42] <+gris> "curling"
[14:55.46] <+Timur>  lol, Viktor Bout is running for office in Ulyanovsk
[14:55.48] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[14:55.48] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[14:55.55] <+Lottoman> i like curling!!. . think I'd be great at it
[14:56.08] <+JustBeKalm> gris, hmmmmmmmmm. Never saw that sport. I'm slowing down on watching sports, not adding to them :)
[14:56.24] <+Cleland> Its like shuffle board on ice
[14:56.28] * JustBeKalm can do great at curling...with the right curling iron.
[14:56.30] <+Cleland> but you have to be able to walk
[14:56.33] <+Cleland> or slip
[14:56.44] <@kritklmas> Lottoman I love that game! I wanna try it!
[14:56.48] <+Debaser> Curling should have checking and fighting
[14:57.01] <+Debaser> Make it more canadian
[14:57.03] <+gris> what if they had swords
[14:57.05] <@kritklmas> haha
[14:57.09] <+Cleland> Hockey died when they took fighting out of the sport
[14:57.14] <+gris> do mounties have swords??
[14:57.22] <+Cleland> no lances
[14:57.23] <@kritklmas> good q
[14:57.38] * BathSheba` ( Quit (Signed off)
[14:57.40] <+JustBeKalm> Hockey used to be the best sport. Then they added too many teams, the talent was squashed, I lost interest.
[14:57.43] * Krishna (~IceChat77@ has joined channel #Gulag
[14:57.46] <+Cleland> gris you ever hear of Jeanette McDonald
[14:57.54] <+Cleland> No they stopped the fighting
[14:58.02] <+Cleland> Thats what ruined hockeyr
[14:58.07] <+JustBeKalm> Cleland, I'm a girl. I didn't like the fighting part...lolol.
[14:58.13] <+gris> not familiar with any of that
[14:58.22] <+Cleland> JustBeKalm  you love to see men fight--don’t try to fool me
[14:58.22] <+JustBeKalm> I almost got hit with a puck at a Black Hawks game...haha. Went right past me.
[14:58.22] <@kritklmas> I think the US Calvary still has honorary swords for battle dress parades
[14:58.24] <+Lottoman> like NASCAR..  it is now.. not worth watching or following
[14:58.30] <+Lottoman> ruined.. by???. .  greed
[14:58.31] <+gris> American singer and actress best remembered for her musical films of the 1930s with Maurice Chevalier (The Love Parade, Love Me Tonight, The Merry Widow and One Hour With You) and Nelson Eddy (Naughty Marietta, Rose-Marie, and Maytime). During the 1930s and 1940s she starred in 29 feature films
[14:58.37] <+Lottoman> nothing but. . purely
[14:58.39] <+Cleland> YES__
[14:58.43] <+gris> this is ancient history
[14:58.45] <+Cleland> Nelson EDdy--all those mountie films
[14:58.49] <+JustBeKalm> NASCAR is NOT an interesting sport.
[14:58.51] <+nomic> fuck the us military. murderers and rapists, nothing else
[14:58.53] <+Cleland> they were like Canadian Operas
[14:58.55] <+nomic> not soldiers
[14:59.03] <+Lottoman> not now JustBeKalm..  long ago
[14:59.06] <+Lottoman> it was
[14:59.06] <+PrezPusyGrab> JustBeKalm: WE'RE TURNING LEFFT
[14:59.11] <+JustBeKalm> Lottoman, oh, could have been.
[14:59.11] <+PrezPusyGrab> FOR 500 MILES
[14:59.11] <+Cleland> nomic dude
[14:59.13] <+gris> mounties are like, canadian gendarmeria
[14:59.18] <+Lottoman> like.  go cart racing
[14:59.21] <+JustBeKalm> PrezPusyGrab lolol. As long as they turn left :P
[14:59.32] <+Lottoman> it was fun.. not EXPENSIVE
[14:59.34] <+Lottoman> now?
[14:59.35] <+Lottoman> shit
[14:59.45] <+gris> the concept of a gendarme is muted in most but not all western countries
[14:59.53] <+Lottoman> it's not a hobby.. it is a  . business
[15:00.06] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:00.08] <+gris> like a special national police force, often used to guard borders, often used to police morality or decency
[15:00.09] <+Lottoman> takes some of the fun out of it
[15:00.17] <+Debaser> It's not banned
[15:00.20] <+vulcan> you wont f ind woke mascar drivers
[15:00.34] <+gris> anti-communist, anti-liberal, anti-feminist, anti-lgbt
[15:00.35] <+Debaser> It's just not done due to practical reasons
[15:00.42] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[15:00.44] <+Cleland> Vuican--STFU
[15:00.46] <+Cleland> you aren’t funny
[15:00.47] <+Debaser> And it's practically banned in the minor leagues it seems
[15:00.49] <+Cleland> your trolling sucks
[15:00.52] <+Cleland> And you have one ball
[15:00.54] * KenoshaKid ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[15:00.55] <+Cleland> Thats horrible
[15:01.04] * KenoshaKid ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:01.08] <+vulcan> Cleland:  go find a tall building
[15:01.16] <+Cleland> Vulcan did you get a fake ball
[15:01.22] <+Cleland> Or it didn’t matter
[15:01.27] <+vulcan> didnt matter
[15:01.31] <+JustBeKalm> Oh, KenoshaKid. His favorite sport is shooting innocent people!!!!!!! He likes watching THAT.
[15:01.34] <+Cleland> Yeah thats why you never had kids
[15:01.59] <+vulcan> you can have kids with 1 testicle
[15:02.09] <+gris> don't have kids
[15:02.09] <+Cleland> I know but you never got laid
[15:02.11] <+gris> just don't do it
[15:02.14] <+Cleland> Cause you didn’t get the fake ball
[15:02.16] <+JustBeKalm> I loved having kids.
[15:02.17] <+Cleland> Now STFU
[15:02.25] <+gris> by sheer force of will just do not procreate
[15:02.25] * vulcan got laid a lot
[15:02.28] <+JustBeKalm> It was fun watching them playing sports too :)
[15:02.29] <+Cleland> lol
[15:02.37] <+Cleland> yeah you live with your sister on the ranch!
[15:02.38] <+Cleland> lol
[15:02.46] <+gris> take birth control, use whatever methods you have available to you
[15:02.53] <+gris> just stop it with the kids
[15:03.02] <+gris> enough with the ugly little monsters
[15:03.09] <+Cleland> And spare us the details of your fake military career
[15:03.09] <+vulcan> I live nextdoor to my sister in San Angelo, our ranch is 26 miles away near Mertzon
[15:03.10] <+gris> when seattle hipsters have children i am repulsed
[15:03.13] <+JustBeKalm> gris, lolokl. Well, not everyone should have kids. I respect that you know it's not for you and Ms. gris :)
[15:03.30] <+Cleland> You would have to be crazy to have kids in this day and age
[15:03.34] <+JustBeKalm> Okay, Packers coming back on. Cya later, gators!
[15:03.43] <+mouses> what a nice day, hope you are are super well
[15:03.44] <+Cleland> Pack is Whack
[15:03.51] <+JustBeKalm> Cleland, but you and Idid not know this day and age would come, so we did have kids.
[15:03.54] <+JustBeKalm> Okay, later.
[15:03.59] <Krishna> it's not so safe  now
[15:04.01] <Krishna> +,
[15:04.01] <+Slayer78_> I personally had no issues with gay people until they foolishly decided to hook up with the transgender crowd
[15:04.02] <+Lard> [url] Megyn Kelly Reveals Possible Vaccine Injury, Regrets Getting COVID Shot | ZeroHedge |, ( +, )
[15:04.07] <@kritklmas> nice to see you JBK
[15:04.09] <+Cleland> JustBeKalm I never thought it would be this bad
[15:04.19] <+Cleland> Seriously
[15:04.42] <+gris> Slayer78_: you have cut ties with the gay community????
[15:04.42] * DowderJ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:04.43] <+vulcan> Slayer78_: in fact I opposed the sodomy laws decades ago
[15:04.49] <+Cleland> LOL
[15:04.54] <+Cleland> Vulcan is virtue signaling
[15:05.01] <+Slayer78_> gris: I never had ties to them
[15:05.11] <+Cleland> LOL
[15:05.13] <+Cleland> after all--
[15:05.15] <+vulcan> Cleland:  give me a break, I was always libertarian
[15:05.17] <@kritklmas> brb, work stuff
[15:05.19] <+Cleland> gris he only has connections to the SA community
[15:05.24] <+Cleland> Which is kind of like the gay community
[15:05.40] <+gris> scrotal abcess?
[15:05.47] <+Cleland> No you were always a Trumptard with a low IQ
[15:06.02] <+gris> *abscess [sic]
[15:06.07] * Forbin (Forrbin@ Quit (Quit)
[15:06.10] <+earthrocker> Slayer78_: what is it about the gays that you like and what is it about the transgenders that you do not like ?
[15:06.28] <+Slayer78_> The point being,  most reasonable people see no link between transgender people and gay people
[15:06.30] * DowderJ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[15:06.32] <+Cleland> he loves gays and transgender--but he doesn’t like them together
[15:06.36] <+Cleland> Its wierd
[15:06.40] <+gris> Slayer78_ has formally withdrawn support to lgbtq
[15:06.42] <+Lottoman> super nice day here.!!!!..  sun came out..  briefly... .got hot ..  humid..  went back in...  love being cloudy
[15:06.47] <+Cleland> He also think Aunt Jemimah lost her royalties
[15:06.50] <+mouses> gris: oh shit
[15:06.52] <+Cleland> And he thinks that a virus is sentient
[15:06.58] <+earthrocker> lol no link ?
[15:07.03] <+earthrocker> both are doing gay shit
[15:07.03] <+Slayer78_> earthrocker: like? Not much,  besides Freddie Mercury and Rob Halford
[15:07.06] <+earthrocker> they are both gay lol
[15:07.07] <+gris> mouses: url forthcoming
[15:07.11] <+Cleland> I have a link on the sentient shit
[15:07.12] <+gris> mouses: signed documents are en route
[15:07.14] <+Lottoman> why do I have to constantly reminded to the LGBTQ community?
[15:07.16] <+mouses> I've noticed he rarely uses being transgender as a insult / way to hurt people anymore, proud of hm for that
[15:07.16] <+Lottoman> ?????
[15:07.19] <+Lottoman> seriously
[15:07.38] <+gris> gayxit
[15:07.41] <+Cleland> lol
[15:07.45] <+earthrocker> gay stuff is getting old
[15:07.52] <+earthrocker> it was a fad
[15:07.54] <+Cleland> gayness is very old--since ancient time
[15:07.54] <+gris> thats on you
[15:08.00] <+gris> try harder earthrocker
[15:08.01] <+earthrocker> it is
[15:08.02] <+Cleland> in the greek forum--lots of ass fucking
[15:08.03] <+gris> try new stuff
[15:08.06] <+earthrocker> it comes and goes
[15:08.08] <+Cleland> But those guys went both ways
[15:08.12] <+earthrocker> it is more popular some places than others
[15:08.14] <+Slayer78_> Gays are officially boring,  which they should have been decades ago
[15:08.14] <+Tatyana> A Fad since Antiquity; Impressive
[15:08.20] <+Lottoman> such a minority..  commanding such attention..  get over yourself..   the entire world. . really doesnt care. .or. . give a shit..  how..  or WHAT you use to get off sexually
[15:08.25] <+earthrocker> like the greeks they were some serious faggots
[15:08.27] <+Lottoman> seriously..  we dont care
[15:08.29] <+Cleland> 18:08:09]  <+Slayer78_> Gays are officially boring,  which they should have been decades ago<--WTF
[15:08.32] <+Cleland> What does that mean
[15:08.37] <+earthrocker> they really got down with LGBTQ
[15:08.37] <+Lottoman> dress in womens clothes..  we dont care
[15:08.46] <+Cleland> They weren’t boring decades ago
[15:08.50] <+gris> Slayer78_ can i subscribe to your rss
[15:08.51] <wptmj> +
[15:08.51] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Ween - Waving My Dick In The Wind⁩ | 2m 13s | ⁨The Man Makes The Hat⁩ | 1,787,677 views
[15:08.52] <+mouses> earthrocker: I feel the same about being transgender.  1-2% of people are trans, around 5-10% are bi or gay, it's been that way since we started recorded history we can now move onto things like hating each other for less goofy reasons
[15:08.53] <+Cleland> When they were in the closet and getting beat up
[15:08.57] <+Cleland> LOL
[15:08.59] <+vulcan> just dont compete against women in sports
[15:09.00] <+Lottoman> seems the main ones giving a FUCK..  is..  you
[15:09.01] <+Slayer78_> gris: no, don't have one
[15:09.09] <+Cleland> Slayer you never cease to amaze
[15:09.11] <+Cleland> You are that stupid
[15:09.22] <+earthrocker> mouses: transgendereds and gays alike need mental treatment
[15:09.26] <+Cleland> Vulcan yeah you like women’s field hockey
[15:09.27] <+earthrocker> which almost all get
[15:09.30] <+gris> man pulling out the rug under those queers like that
[15:09.31] <+mouses> Lottoman: I can assure you that being transgender is NOT how one dresses.  I know plenty of cisgender straight women who dress like guys, for an example
[15:09.34] <+earthrocker> but not for the gay/trans stuff
[15:09.40] <+mouses> earthrocker: thanks doctor, moving on
[15:09.49] <+Cleland> Earthrocker Md.
[15:09.54] <+earthrocker> but i agree there is underlying issues more important and gay and trans is just an effect of the cause
[15:09.55] <+Lottoman> mouses..  exactly my point. .  why are we suddenly.. in the past few years..  spending SOOOOOOOOOOOO much time..  about 1% of the population..  never happened before
[15:09.57] * vulcan never heard of field hockey
[15:10.04] <+gris> masterstroke cutting off the homos like that
[15:10.05] <+Lottoman> you expecting a different result?
[15:10.10] <+Cleland> Lottoman--can you spell insecurity
[15:10.11] <+Slayer78_> Bye
[15:10.12] * ^skunk`` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:10.13] * Slayer78_ ( has left #Gulag
[15:10.14] <+Cleland> Slayer
[15:10.16] <+mouses> Lottoman: because we got SO tired of being hurt and abused and hiding
[15:10.16] <+Cleland> Dont leave
[15:10.23] <+gris> the 2023 #gulag massacre
[15:10.24] <+mouses> that's how you break humans
[15:10.24] <+Lottoman> well???
[15:10.25] <+Cleland> Slayer88--
[15:10.29] <^skunk``> slayer has left to free quebec
[15:10.31] <+gris> slayer sliced those queers into sashimi
[15:10.32] <+Lottoman> it IS the life you chose
[15:10.34] <+Cleland> You watching the Hitler documentaries on History Channels
[15:10.42] <+mouses> Lottoman: I did *not* choose to be transgender lol
[15:10.46] <Krishna> +,
[15:10.47] <+Lard> [url] Megyn Kelly Reveals Possible Vaccine Injury, Regrets Getting COVID Shot | ZeroHedge |, ( +, )
[15:10.56] <+Lottoman> mouses.  dont tell me.  you didnt think about your choice.. a lot
[15:11.07] <+mouses> who the fuck would choose something so complex, hard to deal with in society for the first 5-10 years at least, and complex and expensive and difficult
[15:11.10] <+gris> they say some homosexuals were breezin thru town, actin fruity
[15:11.14] <+Cleland> Best study in the last twenty years was done at of all place University of Georgia---kind of exposed lots of anti-gay folks as being latent
[15:11.21] <+Cleland> Confirmed Freuds theories
[15:11.21] <+mouses> it's like choosing to be poor most people don't enjoy that
[15:11.23] <^skunk``> krishna take your invermectin, u have worms in your brain dude
[15:11.26] <+Lottoman> so mouses..  you were.   trans..  from birth?.  2 yrs old?
[15:11.27] <+Lottoman> when?
[15:11.28] <+gris> thats when slayer came out of nowhere
[15:11.32] <+Lottoman> please
[15:11.34] <Krishna> +,
[15:11.34] <+Lard> [url] Megyn Kelly Reveals Possible Vaccine Injury, Regrets Getting COVID Shot | ZeroHedge |, ( +, )
[15:11.37] <+mouses> ^skunk``: lol
[15:11.38] <+Lottoman> at some point..  'it happened
[15:11.41] <+Cleland> Trans is a whole different thing
[15:12.01] <+Cleland> My theory is why the fuck would you want to put yourself through that shit if you didn’t think you were born to the wrong sex
[15:12.01] <+mouses> Lottoman: since the first memory I have, i've been myself.  Just average silly girl.
[15:12.16] <+gris> aw
[15:12.18] <+mouses> clothing or society or anything can't change that
[15:12.21] <+Cleland> So, mouses is Mr. Mices still swinging
[15:12.23] <+mouses> I just am, it just is
[15:12.25] <+earthrocker> how long were you child abused mouses  ?
[15:12.26] <+gris> i admire that mouses
[15:12.30] <+Cleland> And does Mr. Mices invite you
[15:12.32] <+earthrocker> and at what age did it start ?
[15:12.43] <+Lottoman> 1st grade at school.  you wore a ..  DRESS???
[15:12.43] <+Cleland> gris its fine if the gal was not a lying grifter
[15:12.45] * LionClan ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[15:12.50] <+Lottoman> of course you didnt
[15:12.55] <+Cleland> Who wouldn’t know the truth if it stared him in HER face
[15:12.58] <Krishna> "For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical..."
[15:13.10] <+mouses> earthrocker: Never abused as a child.  Was sexually abused twice in my early 20's, and taken a few transphobic beatings also.  Nothing that really affects me much.
[15:13.11] <+Cleland> Krishna hopefully you will die soon
[15:13.28] <+Lottoman> oh bull mouses
[15:13.28] <Krishna> TRannieism is caused by the VAXX
[15:13.29] <+Cleland> Krishna did you ever think that fucking farm animals might not be good for your health
[15:13.29] <+PrezPusyGrab> Krishna: tell us about the chemtrails and flouride in the water the jews are used to control the brain of the conformists.
[15:13.35] <+Cleland> That its safer to jerk off
[15:13.37] <+mouses> Lottoman: No, but I would have if it was an option.  Literally would have been 'against the rules'
[15:13.42] <+Lottoman> you are as fucked up as a person can be
[15:13.43] <Krishna> "For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical..."
[15:13.48] <+PrezPusyGrab> earthrocker: its not the gays molesting kids, it's the christians.
[15:14.08] <+gris> Cleland: even if anybody on here can be characterized as a grifter or a liar i dont think it really amounts to much in the end, certainly my landlord is a way bigger thief and class enemy of mine than even ragtime or that other nazi guy with the james brown cover band
[15:14.08] <+mouses> PrezPusyGrab: sure as fuck is not transgender people or drag queens either
[15:14.12] <+vulcan> cleland jerks to painting of a cow
[15:14.12] <+Cleland> mouses doesn’t have a transgender issue--he has a character issue--one of the great Constitution artists on IRC
[15:14.18] <+earthrocker> many gays and molestors pose as christians
[15:14.21] <+earthrocker> MANY
[15:14.28] <+PrezPusyGrab> earthrocker: "pose"
[15:14.33] <Krishna> "For the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical..."
[15:14.39] <+earthrocker> if you look at what the bible teaches
[15:14.39] <+PrezPusyGrab> hinting that the Christians fucking kids aren't "real" christians
[15:14.54] <+earthrocker> it doesnt go for either gays or child molesters
[15:14.57] <+PrezPusyGrab> earthrocker: no true scotsman is a logical fallacy
[15:14.59] <+earthrocker> so if you are doing shit like that
[15:15.03] <+mouses> gris: best comment of the day.  Landlords.  Ewww+www.,
[15:15.04] <+earthrocker> you are not being very christian at all
[15:15.21] <Krishna> burning heretics is very christian
[15:15.22] <+PrezPusyGrab> earthrocker: no true christians murder kids with bears, just like in the bible
[15:15.25] <+mouses> earthrocker: does not give a shit about being gay or trans at least (the bible)
[15:15.29] <+earthrocker> Krishna: no its not
[15:15.32] <+earthrocker> its for antichrist
[15:15.33] <+Lottoman> well..  I was 'normal'..  sue me..  I grew up..  a noramal BOY..  I didnt 'abuse' girls/females'..  whatever they think being abused means..   
[15:15.36] <+Cleland> LOL
[15:15.37] <+mouses> beyond 3 mistranslations re: gay folks
[15:15.43] <+Cleland> Lotto is old school
[15:15.43] <+mouses> look those up, they are amusing!
[15:15.49] <^skunk``> +,
[15:15.51] <+Lard> [Twitter] Amazing Astronomy (@MAstronomers): Surface of Mars captured by Curiosity rover. Listen to the sounds from 140 million miles away. +, | 1957 RTs | 9471 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-10 - 12:26:28UTC
[15:15.55] <Krishna> burning heretics is very christian, the popes burned thousands
[15:16.13] <^skunk``> doesnt happen anymore dude
[15:16.14] <+Cleland> Lets burn Krishna and make the world a better place
[15:16.18] <+Cleland> I’ll light the fire
[15:16.24] <+earthrocker> the papcy is an antichrist
[15:16.27] <+earthrocker> if you read the bible
[15:16.30] <+Cleland> Krishna whats your favorite cut of steak
[15:16.30] <+PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: why do you always fight with your fellow spergmates?
[15:16.38] <+Cleland> PPG I got a good one for you
[15:16.39] <+earthrocker> you would see there would be false prophets like the papacy
[15:16.41] <+Cleland> HOld one sec
[15:16.44] <+vulcan> see, cleland WANTS to kill people
[15:16.48] <Krishna> lets burn 6 billion people to make the planet sustainable
[15:16.59] <+Lottoman> if you're 1.. max 2 %..   and that means I'm in the other..  98%..   please..   why am I bothering?
[15:17.02] <+PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: is it a.... spergout?
[15:17.07] <+Timur> as opposed to whom, ever nutjob mouthbreather 4channer Qtard?
[15:17.09] <+Cleland> ]16:24:18]  <+prezpusyg> mouses won't stop bullying mans0n, debaser agrees its wrong but doesn't want to do anything to stop it because he doesn't want to alienate Ms. Crazy, oldmole is probably trying to tell her in private that this is nonsense, I'm telling her in public this is nonsense, and krit is trying to say that calling out bullies is the real bullying.
[15:17.14] <+Cleland> Rememer that
[15:17.15] <+Cleland> Before you found Jesus
[15:17.24] <+Cleland> I got more
[15:17.25] <+Lottoman> accept your fate.. your choice
[15:17.29] <+vulcan> was Jesus lost
[15:17.38] <Krishna> jesus does not get lost, he has a gps phone
[15:17.40] <+Cleland> [14:37:11]  <+PrezPusyGrab> I heard he moved after I posted his address and number
[15:17.40] <+PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: where did I find Jesus?
[15:17.40] <+Cleland> [14:37:36]  <+PrezPusyGrab> I normally dont even do that shit but he kept fucking with me for months after being told to screw off so he deserved it
[15:17.48] <+Cleland> Mouses deserved it
[15:17.49] <+kmh> +,
[15:17.49] <+Lard> [url] Spain’s football chief Luis Rubiales to resign after World Cup kiss scandal | Women's World Cup News | Al Jazeera |, ( +, )
[15:17.49] <+Cleland> WTF
[15:17.53] <@kritklmas> wow Cleland everything you just said is wrong
[15:17.54] <+PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: you agreed they did
[15:17.57] <+Cleland> You are a humantarian
[15:18.02] <+Cleland> Dude
[15:18.03] <+Cleland> [14:37:11]  <+PrezPusyGrab> I heard he moved after I posted his address and number
[15:18.03] <+Cleland> [14:37:36]  <+PrezPusyGrab> I normally dont even do that shit but he kept fucking with me for months after being told to screw off so he deserved it
[15:18.07] <+PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: and you were messaging gadfly in private trying to get them to attack mouses too you dipshit
[15:18.11] <+Cleland> LOL
[15:18.13] <+PrezPusyGrab> what a sperg lol
[15:18.17] <+Cleland> YOu are so fucking owned
[15:18.18] <+Cleland> STFU
[15:18.24] <+Cleland> You want more
[15:18.27] <Krishna> leftist tard festival
[15:18.34] <+PrezPusyGrab> lol post the logs of you kissing my ass over it
[15:18.36] <+Cleland> 14:34:26]  <+PrezPusyGrab> I just joined that discord linked to his youtube channel and just searched his posts
[15:18.36] <+Cleland> [14:34:36]  <+KenoshaKid> lol
[15:18.36] <+Cleland> [14:35:23]  <+PrezPusyGrab> also had his real name, birthday, etc... in different posts you could go through and find
[15:18.38] <+Lottoman> I have him on ignore krit
[15:18.40] <+Cleland> You sick fucker
[15:18.46] <+Lottoman> to avoid the confrontation
[15:18.49] <+mouses> PrezPusyGrab: I don't mind.  You all helped make me a lot tougher, less naive, and a LOT more chill (and better at picking up on sarcasm)
[15:18.51] <+Cleland> You are so sick you and Kenosha were comparing notes
[15:18.52] <+PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: you were cheering me on for this rofl
[15:18.52] <+Lottoman> with with..   BathBoy
[15:18.52] <+Cleland> STFU
[15:19.04] <@kritklmas> Lottoman I appreciate it
[15:19.11] <+Cleland> You little fake
[15:19.14] <+earthrocker> sounds like a lot of ppl making fools of themselves
[15:19.17] <+PrezPusyGrab> mouses: the point is Cleland was for it, before he was against it
[15:19.18] <+Cleland> YES
[15:19.22] <+mouses> Even Cleland is fine, I just opt out of dealing with him as he does not make me laugh or amuse me, vs you - who do.
[15:19.23] <+Lottoman> not enough...  I was banned far too long
[15:19.27] * Krishna (~IceChat77@ Quit (Quit: ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!)
[15:19.29] <+mouses> PrezPusyGrab: oh lol
[15:19.30] <+Cleland> 14:31:48]  <+PrezPusyGrab> I mean mouses is a pretty horrible human being
[15:19.33] <@kritklmas> <shrug>
[15:19.34] <+Lottoman> for the incident. which SHE started
[15:19.34] <+Cleland> Now---
[15:19.37] <+vulcan> earthrocker: thats what this room is for
[15:19.39] <+Debaser> +,
[15:19.40] * Lottoman shrugs
[15:19.40] <+Lard> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[15:19.40] <+Lard> [url] Trapped in the trenches Russia appears to be covertly recruiting Cuban men for the war with Ukraine. Like the two teens in this story, many of them cannot read their contracts. — Meduza | ( +, )
[15:19.41] <+Cleland> To get on the channel they are lovers
[15:19.46] <+Cleland> Love under the IRC sun
[15:19.52] <+Lottoman> doesnt mean shit to you
[15:19.52] <+Cleland> You want more you creep Ppg
[15:19.58] <+PrezPusyGrab> Cleland: MOAR SPERG
[15:19.58] <+Debaser> I hope they had a good flight attendant for getting to Moscow from Cuba
[15:20.00] <+Lottoman> ppl are watching
[15:20.01] <+Debaser> Long trip
[15:20.13] <+Cleland> :32:23]  <+PrezPusyGrab> KenoshaKid: I doubt that, it was me who exposed their fraud
[15:20.14] <+Cleland> [14:32:31]  <+Briggs> "trans" today are mostly confused, ugly or mentally unstable girls like in that video
[15:20.14] <+Cleland> [14:32:39]  <+ChiefPhi> yankee white is a color
[15:20.14] <+Cleland> [14:32:39]  <+Briggs> exploited by activists and psychopath doctors
[15:20.14] <+Cleland> [14:32:39]  <+PrezPusyGrab> I was the one who posted them and all their families information onlin
[15:20.14] * Lottoman is now known as LottoAFK
[15:20.14] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:20.18] <+LottoAFK> customers
[15:20.19] <+Cleland> Kenosha and PPG
[15:20.21] <+Cleland> Funny shit
[15:20.24] <+Cleland> LOL
[15:20.27] <+Cleland> Dinner time!
[15:20.35] <+Timur> +,
[15:20.35] <+Lard> [url] The Wisconsin G.O.P.’s Looming Judicial Attack | The New Yorker |, ( +, )
[15:20.37] <+PrezPusyGrab> lol someone range the bell and the dog runs away
[15:20.38] * Cleland (~JasonArgo@ Quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:,
[15:20.38] <+Debaser> Nothing classier than hiring inexperienced Cuban kids to help invade your neighbor
[15:20.39] <+Timur> bon appetit
[15:20.50] * vulcan ( Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[15:20.51] <+PrezPusyGrab> hwat do spergs eat anyway?
[15:20.56] <+kmh> +,
[15:20.56] <+Lard> [url] Germany beat Serbia to win first-ever FIBA basketball World Cup | Basketball News | Al Jazeera |, ( +, )
[15:20.58] <+Timur> asperagus
[15:20.59] <+PrezPusyGrab> apergarus?
[15:21.01] <^skunk``> havent seen briggs on irc for years
[15:21.04] <+Timur> jinx!
[15:21.07] <+Tatyana> If People want to Volunteer - Why not..... Has not stopped others
[15:21.24] <+mouses> PrezPusyGrab: totinos, I think!
[15:21.26] <+Tatyana> The Crocodile Tears are amazing
[15:21.38] <+Timur> Tatyana: did you see Bout is running for office in Ulyanov
[15:21.44] <+mouses> tyson chicken nuggets?
[15:21.55] <+PrezPusyGrab> its so weird that cleland is mad at me for something he was cheering on earlier, because I made fun of him the other day and now he's mad
[15:22.11] <+PrezPusyGrab> fucking weird guy
[15:22.14] <+Tatyana> Timur That was announced a while ago I think
[15:22.19] <+Timur> Tatyana: ah ok
[15:22.21] <+Tatyana> Timur will see what happens
[15:23.07] <+Debaser> "Like the two teens in this story, many of them cannot read their contracts."
[15:23.09] <+Debaser> So what?
[15:23.20] <+Debaser> They're just being deceived! Who cares!?
[15:24.12] <+Timur> Cuba, a land of sadly limited options, like most of the 3rd world
[15:24.18] <+Debaser> According to the two teens who call one another “hermano,” both of them signed contracts written in Russian, thinking that they were agreeing to dig ditches and do construction work.
[15:24.22] <+Debaser> Since they were also forced to exercise and run, they realized quickly that they were being conditioned for combat. Like a number of their compatriots, the two teens asked to be sent back to Cuba. In response, they were brutally beaten by a Russian soldier
[15:24.33] <+Debaser> Who cares if they were lied to and then  brutally beaten?
[15:24.38] <+Debaser> Typical orc logic
[15:24.43] <^skunk``> Iran, U.S. to swap prisoners under Qatar-brokered deal - report.
[15:24.52] <^skunk``> iran hostage takers
[15:25.12] <+Debaser> Some real fucking human garbage in this channel
[15:25.23] <+LottoAFK> but yet Timur..  it survived americas.. ban
[15:25.27] <+LottoAFK> didnt it?
[15:25.39] <+Tatyana> All according to UA Claims of course
[15:25.40] <+LottoAFK> all we did was hurt the cuban ppl
[15:25.42] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:25.42] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[15:25.43] * LottoAFK is now known as Lottomn
[15:25.51] <+Debaser> The source is Cuban media lol
[15:25.55] <+Tatyana> As yet we have seen *how* many Cubans fighting for Russia?
[15:26.10] <^skunk``> cuba wont allow it
[15:26.28] <@kritklmas> I reiterate: #gulag is the best show in town
[15:26.34] <^skunk``> tats one double vodka and lemonade here please
[15:26.46] <+Lottomn> no comment
[15:26.47] <^skunk``> aeroplot plane
[15:26.51] <wptmj> +
[15:26.51] <+Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: 6mollusk1997 | ( +, )
[15:26.54] <+Lottomn> not after recent events
[15:26.59] <+Lottomn> seriously
[15:27.07] <+Tatyana> No; We see Cuban Media claiming they shut down a Recruitment Scheme..... Which is reasonable for Diplomatic/Legal Reasons
[15:27.10] <@kritklmas> Lottomn you haven't managed to escape yet.
[15:27.10] * ScoreTT (~LDog@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:27.10] <^skunk``> tats is lucky she wasnt prigs flight attendant
[15:27.13] <+Lottomn> I'd rather not chat..  AT ALL
[15:27.44] <+Lottomn> than to be subjecte to. . that kind of ..  prejudice and discrimination
[15:28.03] <+Lottomn> seriously.. this is why half. more than half..   dont chat
[15:28.07] <+Lottomn> never say one word
[15:28.17] <@kritklmas> ok
[15:28.45] <+Tatyana> Obviously there is *some* truth in the Story but some like Debaser cannot help but always run to the furthest possible Conclusions
[15:28.52] <@kritklmas> or they find us so interesting we're like background art to them
[15:28.59] <+Lottomn> a handful of man hating women..  have played up to a handful of..  very, very weak mean (coughcough)
[15:29.47] <@kritklmas> Lottomn not the case at all, but you've convinced yourself
[15:30.01] <+Lottomn> I can cut n paste the log
[15:30.08] <^skunk``> putins nukes are old and wont work
[15:30.17] <+Lottomn> recent ban..  was ridiculious
[15:30.25] <+Lottomn> provoked
[15:30.35] <^skunk``> musk shoulda let ukraine take down the russia navy
[15:30.38] <+Lottomn> planned and intimidated
[15:30.38] <@kritklmas> Lottomn your argument is about the rules. you don't get a vote.
[15:30.56] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[15:31.19] * Spiros ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:31.43] <+Timur> ^skunk``: Applebaum wrote that it could've ended the conflict earlier
[15:31.47] <+Lottomn> yes.  when the 'rules' say..  a WOMAN.. can call a MAN here.. a cunt..  and that is allowed(I can show you the log)..  but..   a man..  cant call a woman that.. but..  can call another man that word..   please
[15:31.49] <+Timur> but, that's a bit of surmise.
[15:31.52] * Spiros ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:31.55] <+Timur> hard to know with confidence
[15:32.09] <+Debaser> After they get better, they told Alain Paparazzi Cubano, they will be sent back to Ukraine.
[15:32.31] <+Debaser> So they were deceived according to *Cuban* media
[15:32.34] <+Debaser> Not Ukrainian
[15:32.39] <@kritklmas> Lottomn there are other channels, this one just happens to be the best.
[15:32.46] <+Debaser> Reading comprehension is hard though, for orcs
[15:32.50] <+Lottomn> instead of admitting you/someone made a mistake.. huge one..  by allowing the female instigator to .. PREVAIL..  you cant
[15:33.09] <+Debaser> Better stick to grunting sounds, written language is difficult
[15:33.17] <+Lottomn> tis ok kritklmas..  I agree.. to a point..  MY being here..  is a part of this channel
[15:33.20] <+Lottomn> like it..  or not
[15:33.28] <+Lottomn> 30 yrs on here
[15:33.31] <@kritklmas> Lottomn agreed.
[15:33.31] <+Lottomn> IRC, that is
[15:34.02] <+Lottomn> hateful old women..  I've dealt with. . since I started
[15:34.27] <+PrezPusyGrab> goh i'm watching andrew tate talking about how the root cause of all the worlds problem is that there's not enough men who walk around their houses with swords threatening women
[15:34.51] <+PrezPusyGrab> this dude is such a fucking weirdo lol
[15:34.56] <+Tatyana> Poor Debaser emotional as always
[15:35.08] <@kritklmas> Lottomn I don't know what to tell you, you seem to go in seeking a confrontation, and I can't help with that.
[15:35.17] <+Tatyana> Clearly hanging around with McBoatFace has encouraged a mutual Alcohol Dependence
[15:35.18] <+Lottomn> your OWN post..  show you are wrong..  although the rules..   allow it..  .. it is NOT ok..  for a female IRC chatter to use THAT word..  on anyone.. male or female..  just like it is not allowed to use the N word..  on anyone..  is it?
[15:35.29] <+Lottomn> kritklmas..  
[15:35.37] <+Lottomn> you see what you want to see
[15:35.40] <+Lottomn> nevermind
[15:35.45] <@kritklmas> as do you
[15:35.55] <+Debaser> Emotional about teenagers being deceived and beaten?! Oh no?
[15:36.00] <+Debaser> How silly!
[15:36.17] <ScoreTT> The report about Musk removing Starlink from UA use over Crimea was debunked. It was never turned on
[15:36.21] <+Lottomn> yeah.. but.. you lied to me..  it'll only be a short time..  
[15:36.35] <+Lottomn> it was you kritklmas..  due to BathBoy
[15:36.40] <+Lottomn> that's ok
[15:36.45] <+Lottomn> continue chatting
[15:36.54] * Lottomn is now known as LottoAFK
[15:36.55] <+Tatyana> According to the Articles - They literally signed up for it; with the Article underscoring that Cubans were *part* of that Process
[15:37.01] <@kritklmas> I lied to you? when?
[15:37.08] <+Debaser> Apparently orcs can't read
[15:37.08] <+LottoAFK> btw..  not drinking
[15:37.13] <+Tina`a> oi oi oi
[15:37.20] <+Debaser> They thought they signed up to dig ditches
[15:37.25] <+Debaser> Not go into combat lol
[15:37.39] <+Debaser> Wow, reading must be hard for an orc
[15:37.50] <+Tatyana> Digging Ditches; ah Yes - Fortifications
[15:38.05] <+LottoAFK> a handful of hateful female chatters(some may not be real women)..  are ruining this once.  productive and very social channel
[15:38.06] <+Tatyana> And Occupants regardless based on your Logic
[15:38.17] <+nomic> matrix resurrescions probably ok movie
[15:38.20] <+nomic> if i had the patience
[15:38.25] <+Debaser> No it isnt
[15:38.26] <@kritklmas> LottoAFK  lied to you? when?
[15:38.30] <+Debaser> Its a bad movie.
[15:38.31] <+nomic> is ok to watch like wallpaper
[15:38.36] <+Tatyana> 'In Moscow, they were met by a Russian woman and a uniformed man who looked Cuban. These people invited them to sign a one-year contract with the Russian army. According to the teens, they were offered salaries of 200,000 rubles (or about $2,000) a month, as well as Russian citizenships for themselves and their family members. Their Cuban passports were taken away, on the pretext of applying for citizenship.'
[15:38.46] <+Tatyana> That is by your own Article
[15:38.58] <+LottoAFK> if I start cuttin' n pasting..  you'll get pissed
[15:39.00] <^skunk``> get the feck out of ukraine
[15:39.05] <+LottoAFK> cause.. I surely can
[15:39.06] <@kritklmas> I have no reason to lie to anyone LottoAFK
[15:39.07] <+nomic> its ok
[15:39.09] <+Tatyana> They literally *joined* - Surrendering their Passports to do so
[15:39.10] <ScoreTT> Does anyone have a credible report on how many Russian troops are involved in combat in former Ukrainian territory?
[15:39.16] <+LottoAFK> let's just leave it alone
[15:39.22] <+LottoAFK> you got the power
[15:39.35] <@kritklmas> ok then.
[15:39.36] <+LottoAFK> the hateful women..  control you
[15:39.39] <+Debaser> Zug Zug! Orc cannot comprehend written language!
[15:39.40] <+Debaser> According to the two teens who call one another “hermano,” both of them signed contracts written in Russian, thinking that they were agreeing to dig ditches and do construction work.
[15:40.04] * PrezPusyGrab (~abc@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[15:40.06] <@kritklmas> LottoAFK wrong. but whatever.
[15:40.09] <+Debaser> Since they were also forced to exercise and run, they realized quickly that they were being conditioned for combat. Like a number of their compatriots, the two teens asked to be sent back to Cuba. In response, they were brutally beaten by a Russian soldier
[15:40.10] * chowder-pop ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:40.11] <+LottoAFK> continue on with the wonderful channel chat
[15:40.13] * Forbin (Forrbin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:40.20] * chowder-pop is now known as bastion
[15:40.21] <+Debaser> Zug Zug!
[15:41.40] <+Debaser> Are orcs this stupid?or is it an act?
[15:42.04] <+Tatyana> I know enough to say if you Sign Documents you cannot understand - That you invite trouble on yourself
[15:42.09] * caleb` ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[15:42.27] <+Debaser> Lol.
[15:42.51] <+Tatyana> I also know that they literally said they were invited to Sign One Year Contracts with the Russian Army - They knew it
[15:42.55] <+Debaser> Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify deceiving and beating teenagers
[15:43.00] <+Tatyana> It says it right in the Quote I provided
[15:43.00] <+Timur> I nominate Tatyana to be the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
[15:43.42] <+Debaser> "really isn't it desperate poor teenagers fault if they get into a situation they don't understand and are exploitated?"
[15:43.44] <^skunk``> i nnominate tats for head of the comintern
[15:43.49] <^skunk``> gauleiter for moskow
[15:44.02] <+Debaser> I nominate orcs for lingering pancreatic cancer
[15:45.03] <@kritklmas> and if you are provided no translation of the docs, you are a victim
[15:45.25] <+Debaser> Isn't it their own fault for being poor and desperate for a job though, kritklmas
[15:45.46] <+Debaser> Think like a orc! Zug Zug!
[15:45.51] <+Tatyana> The Irony is - I am open to the Idea that they were probably Exploited to a Degree..... The reality is though - Debaser is both too stupid and Brain Dead that this just force absolutist Arguments
[15:46.09] <@kritklmas> well, if you sign into Russia, I guess you do get what you deserve
[15:46.48] <+Debaser> kritklmas: I do agree they have no business occupying Ukraine
[15:46.49] <+Tina`a> Are the Ukranians failing in their defence?
[15:46.55] <ScoreTT> Joe Biden made a fool of himself again. This time in Hanoi.
[15:46.58] <+Tatyana> Desperate for Jobs..... Interesting - that could describe many in UA/RF - Yet you resort to Slurs about them despite being far more Emotionally Proximate to the Conflict
[15:47.08] <@kritklmas> Debaser it's monstrous
[15:47.11] <+Tina`a> well, Debaser, that's what happens in a war.
[15:47.21] <+Debaser> Tina`a: top notch analysis
[15:47.29] <+BodegaCat> heheh sneaky zeno
[15:47.32] <@kritklmas> illegal and unprovoked
[15:48.02] <+Debaser> Pretty amazing that Ukraine is managing what NATO spent decades arming and training for
[15:48.02] <+Tina`a> thanks! glad you accept my wisdom.
[15:48.10] <+LottoAFK> lol
[15:48.32] <+Tina`a> are they? I've just heard them whining about how difficult it is, slow progress, yadda yadda
[15:49.00] <+LottoAFK>  I wish joe biden would annouce he wasnt going to run
[15:49.07] <+LottoAFK> best thing for america.  
[15:49.08] <+Debaser> Tina`a: they fought the Russian army to a stand still and have been taking back ground since
[15:49.08] <+Tatyana> Tina`a - To be fair - Soldiers complaining about how difficult it is - I would not say are whining... That difficulty comes in Blood and Sweat
[15:49.14] * LottoAFK is now known as Lottoman
[15:49.28] <+Lottoman> we need a young leadership
[15:49.39] <+Lottoman> progressive and productive
[15:49.46] <+Tina`a> you're so fair, Tatyana. But on the one hand we hear they have success, on the other hand, not so much.
[15:49.57] <+Tina`a> Lottoman do you have anyone in mind?
[15:50.17] <+Lottoman> anyone..   democrat..  younger
[15:50.21] <+nomic> its not a bad movie
[15:50.23] <ScoreTT> Biden is helping Turkey in the WAR on Armenia.
[15:50.30] <+Lottoman> republicans.. have proven to not be trustworthy
[15:50.32] <+Tatyana> Tina`a The Offense is a Disaster..... But necessary to try get more external Support.... The Whole UA Effort is Media Orientated
[15:50.32] <^skunk``> the guy from california
[15:50.42] * imagi (~imagi@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:50.47] <^skunk``> gavin
[15:50.51] <+Tina`a> ScoreTT Trump sold golf to the Saudis
[15:50.56] <+Lottoman> the entire world knew trump was a fraud..   the entire GOP.  still back him
[15:50.58] <+Lottoman> fuck the GOP
[15:51.09] <+Lottoman> anybody..  Democrat..  
[15:51.10] <@kritklmas> hey Debaser, it's the weekend
[15:51.16] <+Lottoman> on Independant
[15:51.23] <+Tatyana> Meanwhile in 'Democracy' +,
[15:51.24] <+Lard> [Twitter] Ivan Katchanovski (@I_Katchanovski): Orwellian: “Grandma received 5 years in prison for [3] likes on “Odnoklassniki.” The woman used the social network Odnoklassniki, which is banned in Ukraine, and liked messages that were automatically displayed on her page in the news feed of her 178 friends. The Prilutsky city… +, | 489 RTs | 1086 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-09 - 15:13:18UTC
[15:51.27] <+Lottoman> but..  never a repubican.  never again
[15:51.32] * Mantra ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:51.42] <+Lottoman> they fucked up their chance at EVER leading this nation
[15:52.00] <ScoreTT> Tina`a  the US is a fascist hell hole
[15:52.09] <+Lottoman> fuck you ScoreTT
[15:52.13] * Crocz (~Jack@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:52.15] <+Lottoman> and your mother
[15:52.35] <+Lottoman> is that against the rules?
[15:52.36] <+Lottoman> lol
[15:52.38] <+Tina`a> ScoreTT it is, so do vote republican
[15:52.43] <+BodegaCat> tzipsaway i think you need to reconsider your assessment of zeno's civility level
[15:52.53] <+Lottoman> aim for the RED HAT
[15:52.56] <+Lottoman> all I'm saying
[15:53.04] <+Lottoman> shoot twice. . to be sure
[15:53.08] <ScoreTT> Tina`a  I am not able to vote
[15:53.17] <Crocz> why not
[15:53.18] <+Lottoman> good. .  shut the fuck up
[15:53.24] <+Lottoman> felon..  
[15:53.28] <+Timur> BodegaCat: apparently tzip is not very discerning.
[15:53.30] <+Lottoman> not an american
[15:53.31] <^skunk``> lol
[15:53.37] <Crocz> can felons vote
[15:53.41] <+Lottoman> either way..  undesirable
[15:53.47] <+Lottoman> no..  Crocz
[15:53.49] <+Timur> Crocz: depends on the state.
[15:53.54] <Crocz> oh
[15:53.56] <+Lottoman> depends on the felony
[15:53.57] <+nomic> The Matrix Resurrections grossed $40.5 million in the United States and Canada, and $118.7 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $159.2 million against a budget of $190 million, making the film a box-office bomb.[3][4]
[15:53.59] <@kritklmas> so Lottoman, I'm playing soldier in a game I have
[15:54.08] <^skunk``> littering in ohio
[15:54.15] <^skunk``> u can vote ?
[15:54.20] <Crocz> kritklmas: did you have any trouble at the campground last night
[15:54.45] <+Timur> nomic: it had moments, but was undermined by its trying-too-hard woke narrative.
[15:54.46] <^skunk``> tina your chan is quiet
[15:54.46] <+BodegaCat> Timur she's a sweet lady who was fooled by temporary civility by one of her fake nicks
[15:54.50] <+Lottoman> I played soldier..  for real..   
[15:54.56] <@kritklmas> Crocz not at all, everything was very mellow
[15:54.58] <+nomic> In February 2022, co-financiers Village Roadshow sued Warner Bros. for breach of contract, claiming that the decision to stream The Matrix Resurrections on HBO Max created "abysmal theatrical box office sales figures" and damaged the value of the Matrix franchise. Warner Bros. responded that the lawsuit was "a frivolous attempt by Village Roadshow to avoid their contractual commitment".[124]
[15:54.59] <^skunk``> hope it picks up
[15:55.00] <Crocz> cool
[15:55.06] <^skunk``> or else its gonna go one way
[15:55.07] <Crocz> did anyone shoot you Lottoman
[15:55.12] <+Timur> BodegaCat: sweetness is fine, but lack of intelligent discernment is not.
[15:55.12] <+Lottoman> yes
[15:55.20] <+Lottoman> next question
[15:55.23] <Crocz> your own men?
[15:55.27] <+BodegaCat> Timur we can't all be mental giants!
[15:55.31] <+Lottoman> did I shoot anyone?..  yes
[15:55.38] <+Lottoman> next question
[15:55.40] <+Tina`a> people who have served their time, should be able to vote
[15:55.41] <+Lottoman> jealous?
[15:55.44] <+Timur> BodegaCat: one can but try
[15:55.46] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:55.46] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[15:55.52] <+BodegaCat> Matrix Resurrections was also a meh movie
[15:55.58] <+Lottoman> Crocz..  you pussy you
[15:56.02] <Crocz> maybe that's what made you do crazy
[15:56.05] <Crocz> so
[15:56.08] <+mouses> BodegaCat: First and last were my fave
[15:56.09] <@kritklmas> BodegaCat agreed
[15:56.25] <+Timur> BodegaCat: that too
[15:56.25] <+Lottoman> no.. I was crazy to begin with..  the military used my crazy
[15:56.29] <+Lottoman> very well too
[15:56.34] <+mouses> and 2 for the kung fu, 1-2 just had such good martial arts
[15:56.37] <+Lottoman> I was very good at what I did
[15:56.46] <+Lottoman> Crocz..  what do you do?
[15:56.50] <Crocz> no you bring that to us
[15:56.54] <Crocz> thanks
[15:56.57] <+Lottoman> what have you done with your life?
[15:56.59] <@kritklmas> still crazy after all these years, who sung that?
[15:57.10] <+Lottoman> Paul Simon
[15:57.11] <Crocz> worked
[15:57.13] <@kritklmas> it's an album
[15:57.18] <@kritklmas> ty!
[15:57.34] <+Lottoman> song applies to me
[15:57.38] <+BodegaCat> those wieszhowsky sisters (however you spell their name) have a lot more miss than hit in their storytelling arsenal
[15:57.38] <^skunk``> graceland was his best song
[15:57.49] <Crocz> worked so the dems can collect welfare
[15:58.00] <@kritklmas> too bad I'm listening to football
[15:58.09] <+Lottoman> fuck you
[15:58.14] <+Timur> Crocz: right, all those welfare Dems in the Ozarks who vote for Trump
[15:58.15] <Crocz> and so we can send my tax dollars to ukraine
[15:58.19] <+Timur> oh, and W VA
[15:58.20] * Cleland (~JasonArgo@ has joined channel #Gulag
[15:58.20] <^skunk``> his song graceland wasnt actually about greacland
[15:58.24] <^skunk``> which ruined it
[15:58.25] * P-1 ( has joined channel #Gulag
[15:58.25] <+nomic> waschowski or something wa
[15:58.30] <+Timur> and Kentucky and southern Indiana and the rest of Appalachia
[15:58.44] <+Lottoman>  Added *!*Jack@ to ignore list   oh..  it's you
[15:58.46] <+Lottoman> lol
[15:58.53] <Crocz> brb
[15:58.58] <+nomic> paul simon ripped off jackson c frank. which was despicable
[15:59.00] <@kritklmas> Wachowski, I think
[15:59.05] <ScoreTT> Biden will not be in NYC or Washington DC tomorrow
[15:59.06] <+mouses> Crocz: pretty sure LOTS of people collect welfare, regardless of political party.  In fact, GOP states 'take' more from large DEM states, but that's not considering you have some GOP states with tens of millions of people, and some GOP states with like 19 people and 2 million cows.
[15:59.10] * Crocz (~Jack@ Quit (Quit: Igloo IRC: +,
[15:59.29] <+mouses> nothing wrong with helping people, I'd like to see a UBI myself.
[15:59.31] <+BodegaCat> it's kind of mesmerizing watching musk transform himself into james bond supervillain, month-by-month.
[15:59.31] * Lottoman only has a handful of chatters NOT on ignore. . !!!!. lol
[15:59.42] <+Lottoman> the rest??..  are too fucking afraid to speak
[15:59.56] <+mouses> Lottoman: I ignore about... 12 people or so at most
[16:00.00] <+Debaser> Hey kritklmas, enjoy the tea for me
[16:00.02] <+mouses> mostly spambots
[16:00.08] <+Lottoman> mouses. . you never say shit
[16:00.12] <@kritklmas> Lottoman you get from it what you put into it
[16:00.13] <+Lottoman> in any channel
[16:00.16] <+mouses> Lottoman: about what
[16:00.18] <+Lottoman> bullshit
[16:00.22] <+Debaser> It's not doing it anymore for me :~(
[16:00.27] <+mouses> Lottoman: oh I think you dont use IRC like me Lottoman
[16:00.30] <+Lottoman> seems.. I get a lot MORE than most..  kritklmas
[16:00.38] <+Lottoman> recent events..  prove this
[16:00.41] <@kritklmas> Debaser :( ok.
[16:00.50] <+Lottoman> IRC.. I been here 30 yrs hon..  
[16:01.01] <+mouses> I am here on the bouncer, so even if all my IRC clients are closed, I'm still 'here' and notice mentions and messages when I get back
[16:01.09] <+Lottoman> back when IRC had neat bells and whistles
[16:01.15] <+mouses> vs how you disconnect many times a day and join/part channels
[16:01.24] <+Lottoman> we shared music files.. video files
[16:01.41] <+BodegaCat> you can still share files on irc, that did not go away
[16:01.42] * hopesnothere ( Quit (Quit: ...)
[16:02.01] <+Lottoman> now?..   the government.. due to terrorist..   dont allow us..  good ppl to use the full function of our software
[16:02.09] <+Lottoman> the bad guys used it
[16:02.13] <^skunk``> What it would look like if the biggest asteroid in the Solar System collided with Earth.
[16:02.24] <^skunk``> +,
[16:02.25] <+Lard> [Twitter] Amazing Astronomy (@MAstronomers): What it would look like if the biggest asteroid in the Solar System collided with Earth. ⏎ Credit: Discovery Channel +, | 409 RTs | 2049 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-10 - 14:31:37UTC
[16:02.40] <^skunk``> end of
[16:02.42] * Lottoman isnt here to 'promote something'..
[16:02.56] <+Lottoman> to cheer for or against..  any particular thing
[16:03.03] <^skunk``> even keith richards would die
[16:03.10] <+Lottoman> I used to come here to meet women.. female friends
[16:03.22] <+Lottoman> now?..   it's a .   fucking insult fest
[16:03.27] * kritklmas cheers and promotes #gulag.
[16:03.34] <+Lottoman> all kinds of pissed off assholes..  
[16:03.41] <Forbin> +,
[16:03.43] <+Lard> [url] Worker Was Curious If The Product Was Flamable, Boy Did He Find Out! - Videos - | ( +, )
[16:03.48] <+Lottoman> hateful women..   wanting to get back
[16:03.57] <+Lottoman> hateful ppl.  period
[16:04.20] <@kritklmas> Lottoman where would these ppl vent, if not here?
[16:04.31] <+Lottoman> I promoted this channel..  unlike some of the WOMEN.  you show favortism to..  
[16:04.34] * Torkin (~Torkin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:04.48] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[16:04.50] <Torkin> hi
[16:04.54] <Torkin> i'm torkin
[16:05.09] <@kritklmas> Forkin' Torkin
[16:05.13] <+Lottoman> well kritklmas.. not to start up an old fight..   women chatters here.. or anywhere.. should not be allowed to use any slur..  that a man cant use
[16:05.14] <Torkin> ha
[16:05.20] <+Lottoman> do you agree???????
[16:05.25] <+Lottoman> you didnt agree the other day
[16:05.44] <+Lottoman> told me..  it was ok.. for a female chatter to use the C word..  
[16:05.49] <+Lottoman> but..  not a male chatter
[16:05.56] <+Lottoman> I can show you the log
[16:06.17] <Torkin> Lottoman: are the guy the announces the lottery numbers on tv
[16:06.21] <+Lottoman> I'll lose 'this fight'..  
[16:06.25] <@kritklmas> Lottoman would it interest you to know that we only have one female op?
[16:06.34] <+Lottoman> dont care
[16:06.38] <@kritklmas> k
[16:06.39] <Torkin> what's her name
[16:06.59] <Torkin> swim?
[16:07.05] <@kritklmas> she will reveal herself as she sees fit
[16:07.28] <+Lottoman> I was told..  it was ok.. for Bathsheboy..  to call ME a 'C word'.. but..  I could not call 'her' (if she she is a real female)..  I couldnt call her one in return!!!!!!
[16:07.43] <+Lottoman> and THAT.. is what I'm referring to..  channel rule???????
[16:07.45] <ScoreTT> swin is the female op
[16:07.48] <@kritklmas> Lottoman you understand it correctly
[16:07.49] <+BodegaCat> hmmm Elon Musk is playing a dangerous game sucking up to Putin.  Plenty of rich oligarchs have ended up "tripping down stairs" after getting involved with putin
[16:07.56] <+Lottoman> seriously..   I got banned for a long time
[16:08.01] <@kritklmas> yup
[16:08.14] <+Lottoman> you said.. another lie you told..  .. a short time.. I got that on log too
[16:08.17] <Torkin> i thought you were banned for harassing JustBeKalm
[16:08.18] <@kritklmas> sop
[16:08.22] <+Lottoman> you lied.. again
[16:08.25] <+Lottoman> bullshit
[16:08.31] <@kritklmas> no!
[16:08.37] <@kritklmas> I didn't lie!
[16:08.40] <+Lottoman> you use your power..  as you please
[16:08.44] <+Lottoman> yes you did
[16:08.49] <@kritklmas> <eyeroll>
[16:08.56] <@kritklmas> show me.
[16:09.03] <Torkin> Lottoman: think of kritklmas as the general
[16:09.09] <+Lottoman> lol
[16:09.12] <+Lottoman> rightttttttttttt
[16:10.19] <@kritklmas> <loud shrug>
[16:10.39] <Cleland> General of the Army of the Idiots
[16:10.53] <Cleland> Torking Krits asexual--you can’t seduce him
[16:11.01] <Cleland> He isn’t going to service you
[16:11.23] <ScoreTT> swin  has been doxxed
[16:11.28] <+Lottoman> bottom line is..  and remains.  a certain few female chatters here..  man haters??..  probably  ..  can get away with anything they want.. and..  have ppl removed..  at their whim
[16:12.08] <+BodegaCat> yep that's why they hate you.  you're too manly
[16:12.17] <@kritklmas> lol
[16:13.14] <+Tatyana> Lottoman Years of you being rude to many People (not just Women) has simply been to hard for anyone to ignore
[16:13.50] * kritklmas sips tea
[16:14.08] <Cleland> STFU Tats
[16:14.09] <Torkin> you smoke a lot
[16:14.18] <Cleland> By the way--TAts
[16:14.26] <Cleland> How are the bathrooms in first class
[16:14.33] <@kritklmas> I smoke what I need to, the perfect amount
[16:14.38] <+Debaser> Roomy?
[16:14.39] <Cleland> Do you have enough room
[16:14.41] <Cleland> Krit yeah thats every night
[16:14.49] <Torkin> what you need to?
[16:14.56] <+Lottoman> you need to get LAID
[16:15.05] <@kritklmas> right now they are clean as a whistle Cleland
[16:15.07] <Torkin> for medicinal purposes?
[16:15.21] <Cleland> Yeah she finished her business
[16:15.45] <Torkin> your lung?
[16:15.53] <Cleland> Tats---I’m still freaked out about your admission in public, on IRC about your “side job"
[16:15.57] <Cleland> WTF
[16:16.05] <@kritklmas> I self-medicate, if that's what you're asking
[16:16.20] <Cleland> Obviously and really, thats cool
[16:16.25] <+Debaser> Timur: this is looking pretty shitty +,
[16:16.26] <+Lard> [Twitter] Benzi Sanders (@BenzionSanders): Preview of what to expect from a Netanyahu-Musk meeting. ⏎ The Israeli government is becoming increasingly bold in providing cover for antisemitism. +, | 24 RTs | 77 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-10 - 16:55:20UTC
[16:16.39] <Cleland> shows you realize how harsh life is
[16:17.51] <@kritklmas> Cleland I'm no silver spoon boy
[16:18.09] <Cleland> I figured
[16:19.16] <Torkin> kritklmas had to start at the bottom and work his way to op level
[16:19.26] <@kritklmas> I even carved out kritklsongs with hard knocks
[16:19.42] <Cleland> lol
[16:19.47] <Cleland> Torkin thats creative
[16:19.49] <Cleland> ARCHIVED
[16:20.19] <@kritklmas> .quote add [4:19PM] <Torkin> kritklmas had to start at the bottom and work his way to op level
[16:20.20] <+Lard> quote [2143] added: [4:19PM] <Torkin> kritklmas had to start at the bottom and work his way to op level.
[16:20.24] <@kritklmas> :)
[16:20.53] <Torkin> Ha
[16:20.54] <@kritklmas> it's the truth
[16:21.29] <@kritklmas> I've got a lot of time in IRC myself
[16:21.52] <Torkin> Lottoman would make a good op
[16:21.54] <Torkin> haha
[16:22.01] <@tis> He won an election
[16:22.10] <@kritklmas> #gulag is my first channel to op in.
[16:22.13] <@tis> .duel torkin
[16:22.13] <+Lard> tis vs. torkin, loser's a yeller belly!
[16:22.14] <+Lard> tis wins! (Streak: 3)
[16:22.14] <+Lard> tis done killed ya, torkin!
[16:22.19] <bastion> +,
[16:22.20] <+Lard> [Twitter] Ford Fischer (@FordFischer): VIDEO THREAD: Gun owners - many visibly armed - rallied in old Town Albuquerque today to openly defy the New Mexico Governor's Executive Order banning the open and concealed carry of firearms there as a one-month "emergency." ⏎ Police did not intervene or enforce the order. +, | 935 RTs | 2577 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-10
[16:22.57] <@kritklmas> and it is my home away from home.
[16:24.04] <@kritklmas> :)
[16:24.08] <Torkin> i'd vote for krit
[16:24.16] <@kritklmas> no need to
[16:24.25] <@kritklmas> I'm already an op
[16:25.47] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:25.47] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[16:25.53] * ScoreTT (~LDog@ Quit (Quit)
[16:26.43] <Torkin> oh
[16:26.43] * DowderJ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[16:27.29] <Torkin> when will JustBeKalm and Lottoman compete for op
[16:27.40] <@kritklmas> prolly never
[16:29.03] <+Lottoman> hell.. she and other females here..  already have op power
[16:29.07] <+Lottoman> lol
[16:29.46] <@kritklmas> :)
[16:29.52] <Torkin> JustBeKalm had the opportunity but rejected it
[16:30.14] <@kritklmas> if you want to believe that Lottoman and still stay here, that's on you.
[16:31.06] <+Lottoman> the alternative?..  you or someone..  kick and ban me..  for too long of a time
[16:31.09] <+Lottoman> for nothing
[16:31.10] * RatBytes (webchat@ has joined channel #Gulag
[16:58.17] *** Server disconnected on Seattle.WA.US.Undernet.Org
[16:59.04] * You have joined #Gulag
[16:59.04]  Topic: +,
[16:59.04] Channel Topic Set by: OldMole on 10:18 PM 9/9/2023
[16:59.05] Channel modes for #Gulag are :+tnRC
[16:59.05] Channel Created on: 7:57 PM 7/9/2020
[16:59.07] <gannon> they will highlight her race and her "struggles" and "bravery" and "incredible talent" based solely on the fact that she's black
[16:59.09] <+Slayer78_> gannon: evidently,  for the press always champion racial division
[16:59.13] <gannon> they're the ones being racist - not me
[16:59.14] <wptmj> hello :]
[16:59.18] <+Timur> hi2
[16:59.18] <+gris> it has recently been determined gannon participated in the italian social republic
[16:59.32] ->> armorall :No such nick
[16:59.32] ->> armorall :End of /WHOIS list.
[16:59.43] <gannon> meanwhile, Coco Gauff has had a privileged life
[16:59.43] <+Timur> brb
[16:59.52] <gannon> two educated professional parents, college athletes
[16:59.57] <gannon> she was nurtured from day 1
[17:00.14] <gannon> If you point out these things, that makes you a racist moron - says Rayvyn
[17:00.16] <+gris> gannon served in decia flottiglia MAS in ww2 +,
[17:00.17] <+Lard> [wikipedia] Decima Flottiglia MAS | "The Decima Flottiglia MAS (Decima Flottiglia Motoscafi Armati Siluranti, also known as La Decima or Xª MAS) (Italian for "10th Assault Vehicle Flotilla") was an Italian flotilla, with commando frogman unit, of the Regia Marina (Royal Italian Navy) created during the Fascist regime. The acronym MAS also refers to various light torpedo boats used by the Regia Marina during World War I and World War II.Decima MAS was […]"
[17:00.26] <+gris> nasty fucker
[17:00.28] <gannon> Added *!*nanya
[17:00.31] <gannon> some bad people in this channel
[17:00.32] <+Rayvyn> gannon, please stop talking to me
[17:00.38] <gannon> gris I didn't do it bro
[17:00.44] <+Rayvyn> thank you!
[17:00.51] <+Rayvyn> please keep me on ignore
[17:01.26] <+gris> gannon was production staff on the italian film "Salò o le 120 gio"
[17:01.40] <+gris> *Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma.
[17:01.41] * fiffer (~fiffer@2607:fb90:55e1:59d:ad3:a58:5218:4f4e) has joined channel #Gulag
[17:01.59] <+gris> really grotesque stuff, you oughta be ashamed of yourself
[17:02.00] <gannon> I'm listening to live Pink Floyd from August 9, 1969
[17:02.05] <gannon> the night of the Manson murders
[17:02.11] <+Rayvyn> Slayer78_, gannon loves to put black folk down like you. if i mention the death of a famous black person, you'll find a way to put them down. if i mention a famous black person saying something, you put them down
[17:02.21] <gannon> it's creepy bro
[17:02.26] <+gris> that's cool gannon,
[17:02.27] <gannon> set the controls for the heart of the sun
[17:02.31] <+Slayer78_> Rayvyn: in your imagination? Maybe
[17:02.31] <+gris> have you heard the jonestown recordings?
[17:02.35] <+Rayvyn> Slayer78_, you have a sick creepy obsession with black people
[17:02.41] <gannon> as they hacked Sharon Tate's baby to pieces
[17:02.46] <+Slayer78_> Rayvyn: you certainly wish I had
[17:02.59] <gannon> i've heard those tapes yes
[17:03.09] <+Tina`a> Rayvyn he's not alone in that. People like them are unable and unprepared to accept equality.
[17:03.10] <+Rayvyn> Slayer78_, i have a good memory, especially when you do this over and over
[17:03.31] <+Slayer78_> Tina`a: that's because equality never existed and never will exist
[17:03.40] <+Rayvyn> Tina`a, they have inferiority complexes and need to feel their race makes them superior.
[17:03.55] <gannon> Added *!*Tinaa
[17:03.56] <+Slayer78_> Rayvyn: .. or you have a very fertile imagination
[17:04.00] <+Rayvyn> lol
[17:04.05] <gannon> is anyone dumber or sadder
[17:04.14] <+Rayvyn> Tina`a, oh shit, you're in trouble now! LOL
[17:04.28] <+gris> don't feel too bad
[17:04.31] <fiffer> you are all dumb and sad
[17:04.33] <+gris> you'll be off ignore before you notice
[17:04.38] <fiffer> hats evident
[17:04.56] <+Slayer78_> gannon: look at these champions of black folks ! Surely without them, black people would be astray
[17:05.08] <gannon> RIP Richard Wright
[17:05.16] <+gris> Slayer78_: don't you have some video games to play or something
[17:05.36] <+Slayer78_> gris: good idea but antagonizing you is better
[17:05.42] <gannon> that Farsifa organ - haunting, beautiful
[17:05.43] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:05.43] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[17:05.58] <fiffer> slayer prefers to eat ass
[17:06.03] <gannon> I mean it's not like today's talent like Lizzo and Yung Lean but still
[17:06.23] <+Slayer78_> Lizzy is my idol!
[17:06.40] <gannon> these guys weren't geniuses like Ed Sheeran
[17:06.48] <+Slayer78_> Far better than oh I dunno Paul McCartney
[17:06.51] <gannon> Ed Sheeran actually is a genius
[17:07.35] <fiffer> a bag of shit looks like a genius next to you
[17:07.36] <@tis> Racist people sure are retarded
[17:07.37] <gannon> how do you take a ugly frump dude who looks half-retarded, who writes banal sophomoric derivative songs, and sell millions of albums? That some genius right there
[17:07.56] <+Rayvyn> <+Slayer78_> To have exceedingly low expectations of 'people of color ' that ain't racist
[17:07.58] <+Slayer78_> Every time Lizzo shake her fat ass.. music is revolutionized
[17:08.41] <+Slayer78_> Rayvyn: familiarize yourself with the sarcasm concept before going further
[17:08.56] <+Rayvyn> uh huh
[17:09.08] <gannon> this channel has a lot of special needs adults
[17:09.26] <fiffer> you losers have scarred each other for life
[17:09.47] <fiffer> its hilarious
[17:09.51] <fiffer> and pathetic
[17:10.00] <gannon> is fiffer wrong
[17:10.11] * ^skunk`` ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[17:10.32] <+Rayvyn> When jennifer lewis called Kanye west out and said he needed mental help,  when kanye said he liked hitler and started hanging out with white supremacists, , slayer said she wasn't famous and put her down
[17:10.44] <fiffer> rant
[17:10.49] <+Slayer78_> Rayvyn: yawn
[17:10.54] <fiffer> didn't even read it
[17:11.00] <+Slayer78_> Wtf is Jennifer Lewis?
[17:11.25] <fiffer> loser asks loser loser question about loser story
[17:11.47] <+Rayvyn> Slayer78_, you don't remember of course adn I'm not going to dig up, logs but you were claiming she was a nobody because she called out your hero kanye beause he liked hitler
[17:11.54] <+Slayer78_> And in any case West clearly needs mental help
[17:12.03] <fiffer> losers go in circles
[17:12.05] * hotlatino (~hotlatino@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:12.08] <+Rayvyn> uh huh
[17:12.12] <hotlatino> ayyoo
[17:12.14] <+Slayer78_> My hero?
[17:12.19] <+Rayvyn> anyway, football time
[17:12.20] <+Rayvyn> bbl
[17:12.44] <gannon> swarthy latin dudes
[17:12.46] <+Slayer78_> I have always detested Kanye West
[17:12.50] <gannon> they steal your heart and then your hubcaps
[17:12.53] <fiffer> loser does other loser shit
[17:12.59] <fiffer> tells the losers about it
[17:13.01] <+Slayer78_> Rayvyn can't fucking read English
[17:13.04] <hotlatino> i steal your moms vagina
[17:13.30] <hotlatino> she fells in luv with me jajaja
[17:13.49] <+Debaser> Nice racist stereotyping, gannon
[17:13.56] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[17:14.01] <gannon> oops Debaser is mad, I said words
[17:14.08] <gannon> sorry boss
[17:14.12] <+Debaser> ?
[17:14.28] <fiffer> triggered gimp
[17:14.29] <+Debaser> I pointed out that you're using racist stereotypes
[17:14.34] <+Debaser> You gonna be ok?
[17:14.44] <hotlatino> dirty gringo
[17:15.00] <+Slayer78_> These fucking liberals know not the first thing about Nazis if they think that Nazis actively seek out black people to hang out with
[17:15.17] <gannon> we need a channel DEI officer to do sensitivity training
[17:15.25] <+Slayer78_> gannon: true
[17:15.39] <gannon> microaggressions are aggressive bro
[17:15.56] <fiffer> losers jerk each other off
[17:16.24] <+Slayer78_> Is coffee that's too hot a microagression?
[17:16.36] <fiffer> begs the loser
[17:16.37] <gannon> I don't drink coffee
[17:16.42] <gannon> it tastes like transmission fluid
[17:16.46] <+Debaser> gannon: why are you using racist stereotypes?
[17:16.53] <fiffer> answers loser loser
[17:16.57] <gannon> blame society
[17:16.57] <+Debaser> Why do you know what transmission fluid tastes like?
[17:17.02] <gannon> i tasted coffee
[17:17.05] <+Slayer78_> If I fart and it doesn't smell,  is it a microagression?
[17:17.08] <+Debaser> You don't take responsibility for your own action?
[17:17.09] * DowderJ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:17.13] <fiffer> another loser starts begging
[17:17.29] <gannon> no one is to blame bro
[17:17.52] <fiffer> loser replies
[17:17.56] <gannon> +,
[17:18.10] <hotlatino> jajaj you not smart
[17:19.15] <+Slayer78_> It's important to be inclusive because... reasons
[17:19.15] * hotlatino (~hotlatino@ Quit (Quit: Lost terminal)
[17:19.56] <fiffer> desperate losers spew desperately
[17:22.14] <gannon> A German tourist has been branded “an imbecile” and faces a large fine after clambering onto a Renaissance statue of the god Neptune in Florence. Tommaso Muccini, an architect who is responsible for the maintenance of historic monuments in Florence, said that the statue had been completely restored in 2018. He told the Italian daily newspaper La Nazione that a security system had sounded
[17:22.14] <gannon> an alarm as the “imbecile” visitor jumped down from the monument.
[17:22.17] <+BodegaCat> Slayer78_ is our local expert on nazis
[17:22.23] <+BodegaCat> tell us more about what nazis are really like, Slayer78_
[17:22.32] <+BodegaCat> "G'Day, Hitler!" = 78
[17:22.47] <gannon> I hope someone scolds this educated curator of important cultural artefacts about his inappropriate use of ablelist slurs
[17:22.54] <+Debaser> Tina`a: how do you feel about China being called West Taiwan?
[17:23.19] <+Slayer78_> Me too
[17:23.31] <+Slayer78_> Society depends on it
[17:25.24] <fiffer> losers talk to themselves
[17:25.26] <fiffer> hilarious
[17:25.53] * fiffer (~fiffer@2607:fb90:55e1:59d:ad3:a58:5218:4f4e) Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( +, ))
[17:26.01] <gannon> Slayer78_ why do they call you a Nazi
[17:26.36] <+Slayer78_> gannon: because I once was one
[17:27.08] <gannon> well that was awkward
[17:27.35] <gannon> why were you a Nazi bro
[17:27.41] <+Slayer78_> You would think 'liberals ' would rejoice of me realizing my errors of the past..but instead they always try dragging me back into it..
[17:27.46] <gannon> and do you have nazi tats
[17:28.02] <+Slayer78_> I dislike tattoos generally
[17:28.05] <gannon> do you have a big swastika like Ed Norton in American History X
[17:28.36] <+Slayer78_> Why was I a Nazi? Bad influences at the time
[17:28.52] <gannon> See this? This means "Not welcome"
[17:29.39] <gannon> were you bros with David Duke or something
[17:29.44] <+Slayer78_> No
[17:31.08] <wptmj> +
[17:31.09] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Ween - Zoloft⁩ | 3m 52s | ⁨The Man Makes The Hat⁩ | 363,789 views
[17:31.11] <+Slayer78_> Anyway its all passed now
[17:31.38] <gannon> it's good to kill bad things bro
[17:31.43] <gannon> but you know what you can't kill
[17:31.47] <gannon> you can't kill rock and roll bro
[17:32.15] <gannon> +,
[17:32.37] <gannon> RIP Randy Rhoads
[17:34.07] <+tzipsaway> aw,  Dallas just got a touchdown.  :(
[17:34.14] <+mouses> +, heh
[17:34.18] <+mouses> tzipsaway: ^^
[17:34.36] * gadflyy ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:34.38] <+mouses> gannon: you can kill the metal though
[17:34.45] <+mouses> with industrial metal
[17:34.57] <gannon> what's that
[17:35.05] <euphony> its wierd all the metal we see in a day is frozen
[17:35.10] <+mouses> metal but... industrial?
[17:35.16] <gannon> example plz
[17:35.29] <+mouses> gannon: +,
[17:35.40] * Hermana (~Hermana@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:35.41] * shinobi ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:35.42] <gannon> Added *!*mouses
[17:35.42] <+Slayer78_> Meh, industrial music ages badly
[17:35.44] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:35.44] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[17:35.44] <+mouses> black sabboth
[17:35.50] <gannon> that's not an example
[17:35.56] <+JustBeKalm> Hi there.
[17:35.57] <+mouses> Slayer78_: KMFDM never gets old
[17:36.06] <+Slayer78_> mouses: I disagree
[17:36.07] <+mouses> gannon: kmfdm is a good example
[17:36.21] <gannon> all those bands suck whole ass
[17:36.41] <gannon> i just watched a documentary about the label Wax Trax that was responsible for all that dreck
[17:36.51] <+mouses> gannon: front 242, pretty much anything Al Jorgensen has touched, etc
[17:36.52] <+Slayer78_> I'm not a teenager anymore,  why would I listen to that?
[17:37.02] <+mouses> gannon: yeah!  Old school CHItown scene!
[17:37.25] <+mouses> Slayer78_: Because it keeps having great years and new stuff
[17:37.35] <+Slayer78_> Mouses it doesn't
[17:37.58] <gannon> some 70 year olds are still self-cutting teens with eating disorders
[17:38.02] <+mouses> I mean, to each their own
[17:38.19] <+mouses> gannon: heh, even sisters of mercy are not that old :P
[17:39.05] <+Slayer78_> Type O Negative was a great Gothic band, mostly because the singer was a funny smart ass
[17:39.20] <wptmj> +
[17:39.20] <+mouses> Slayer78_: some gooo stuff there lately
[17:39.21] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Ween - The Fucked Jam⁩ | 2m 59s | ⁨The Man Makes The Hat⁩ | 67,181 views
[17:39.33] * Wilderness (~Wildernes@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:39.46] <+Slayer78_> That said,  pretty sure he died of a coke overdose
[17:40.04] <+mouses> Slayer78_: I've been into 'The L.I.F.E. Project' lady, STRONG vocals and very industrial rock + classic good just pure rock and roll
[17:40.24] <+Slayer78_> Ok
[17:40.32] <gannon> bro when you just said "Type O Negative was great", were you being ironic
[17:40.33] <+Slayer78_> I barely listen to new bands
[17:40.42] <+mouses> Slayer78_: +, she's got a voice I would kill for
[17:40.46] <+Slayer78_> gannon: no... I liked them then
[17:40.56] <gannon> Added *!*uid522228
[17:40.58] <gannon> sorry bro
[17:41.03] <+mouses> gannon: I hope not, type O did some groundbreaking work
[17:41.05] <gannon> i can't be friends with anybody who would say that
[17:41.10] * denton ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:41.17] <+Slayer78_> Er ok
[17:41.29] <+mouses> got cursed by the radio single format for sure
[17:42.14] <+Slayer78_> Mouses that's probably why I don't listen to them anymore.... fucking eight minutes songs
[17:42.22] <+mouses> lol
[17:42.53] <+mouses> Slayer78_: here, for you lol +,
[17:43.05] <+mouses> ny ny nya nya nya na na na na nay na na
[17:43.20] <Hermana> +,
[17:43.21] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨i wanna snack😋 #viral #funny #comedy⁩ | 12s | ⁨coco⁩ | 526,845 views
[17:43.30] <gannon> listening to Epitaph (Backing Track, 2019 Mix) by King Crimson
[17:43.36] <gannon> what a stunningly beautiful piece of music
[17:43.43] <gannon> I mean it's no Type O Negative, but still
[17:43.47] <+mouses> euphony: <3 hugs, hope you had a nice day
[17:43.54] <gannon> RIP Ian Macdonald
[17:44.02] <+mouses> gannon: ya
[17:44.27] <Hermana> Your wiener's the size of a tic tac. That's why your mom's breath smells so good.
[17:44.37] <euphony> :) mouses
[17:44.50] <+Slayer78_> mouses: funny
[17:46.33] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[17:48.03] <+mouses> euphony: hate to admit it, but the barbie movie was adorable and positive and just fucking fun
[17:48.47] <+mouses> I want to make a cut that gives that song/scene from DRIVE to every Ken driving or in a car scene
[17:50.23] <+Slayer78_> mouses: why do you hate to admit it?
[17:50.46] <+Slayer78_> Personally I won't go see it
[17:50.49] <+mouses> Slayer78_: I expected it to be low value kids stuff
[17:51.11] <Hermana> I don't like the Ford Fuckus
[17:51.16] <+Slayer78_> It was just low value adult stuff instead?
[17:51.32] <+mouses> vs just - a really good stab at showing people how to just be kind and excellent and how little most things mean, just live, be weird, be you, etc
[17:51.41] <+mouses> Slayer78_: nah, it was really good
[17:52.02] <+Slayer78_> mouses: I heard it's atrocious by any decent standards
[17:52.37] <gannon> lipstick cherry all over the lens as she's falling
[17:52.53] <+mouses> Slayer78_: nah, I mean - depends what you like. Comedy/Musicals that make ya think about life, youd like it.  Others not so much.
[17:52.53] <gannon> miles of sharp blue water coming in where she lies
[17:53.02] <+mouses> gannon: listen I love pink but..
[17:53.06] <+mouses> jesus christ
[17:53.14] <+Slayer78_> I can't think of a reason to go back to the cinema,  unless the dude that did The Lobster does a new film
[17:53.17] <gannon> the UK used to produce amazing music, now they produce Ed Sheeran
[17:53.19] <gannon> wtf happened
[17:53.26] <+mouses> that was a LOT of pink, Ken's dude ranch was better :P
[17:53.38] <+Slayer78_> I fucking hate musicals
[17:54.07] <+mouses> Slayer78_: you would not like it then, it's 100% a musical
[17:54.22] * Smax ( Quit (Quit)
[17:54.26] <+mouses> nothing really political or serious or about what anything thought
[17:54.47] <+Slayer78_> mouses: not what I heard... apparently it's PC crap
[17:54.55] <+mouses> 0 to say about that stuff Slayer78_
[17:55.06] <+Slayer78_> 'The patriarchy ' and so on
[17:55.10] <+mouses> totally not what it's about or involved in
[17:55.20] <+mouses> heh said line is used twice in a comedic way
[17:55.42] * kritklmas ( has joined channel #Gulag
[17:56.09] <kritklmas> I was mistaken I have no dog in the fight tonight
[17:56.38] <kritklmas> .voiceall
[17:56.39] --X-- You're voiced by Lard (clowntown) on #Gulag
[17:56.39] * X sets mode +vvvvvv gannon euphony caleb` wptmj Hermana shinobi for #Gulag
[17:56.39] * X sets mode +vvv Wilderness denton kritklmas for #Gulag
[17:57.01] * X sets mode +o kritklmas for #Gulag
[17:57.21] * Torkin (~Torkin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[17:57.32] * Torkin (~Torkin@ has left #Gulag (Igloo IRC: +,
[17:57.40] <+gannon> you're into dogfighting?
[17:57.41] <+gannon> that's gross
[17:57.55] <+BodegaCat> you're fighting dogs?
[17:57.55] <@kritklmas> no it's a figure of speech
[17:58.04] <+Slayer78_> Maybe he thinks of minorities as pets
[17:58.04] <@kritklmas> a metaphor
[17:58.27] <+JustBeKalm> Good evening, krit.
[17:58.29] <+gannon> wow look who took English class
[17:58.36] <@kritklmas> JBK hi!
[17:58.46] <+Tatyana> mouses Gosling was the best Part
[17:58.55] <+JustBeKalm> How are you? I'm leaving in a minute, but saw ya so I had to say hello :)
[17:59.03] <+Slayer78_> Gone
[17:59.06] <+Debaser> gannon: did you read about how the proud boys could have fled guilty and had half the prison time they ended up being sentenced to?
[17:59.06] * Slayer78_ ( has left #Gulag
[17:59.09] <+Debaser> Pretty funny
[17:59.13] <+mouses> Slayer78_: anyone who fooled you into thinking said movie was about like gay/transgender topics as anything but 'some people are gay and transgender, moving on to next song, it's all cool' was just selling outrage to you
[17:59.15] <+Debaser> Pled*
[17:59.41] <+mouses> Debaser: heh I mean when you are on cam like that, that the plea ya know
[17:59.43] <+BodegaCat> Slayer78_ if you previously advocated naziism of some kind & stopped, then I'll celebrate that as a great improvement.   I think people make fun of you because you (a) seem to deny ever being some flavour of nazi supporter  (b) are still racist.   So any such change in attitude appears to be "i don't like being ostracized" instead of "i now believe humans of all colours should be treated equally"
[17:59.45] <+gannon> putting guys in prison for decades for sending texts and taking selfies is hilarious
[17:59.46] <@kritklmas> JustBeKalm up to my eyeballs in football because of my fantasy stuff  :)
[17:59.55] <+JustBeKalm> DEbaser, just shows how stupid the Proud Idiots are. I'm glad they didn't take the plea.
[18:00.02] <+Debaser> gannon: is that they're in prison for?
[18:00.11] <+Debaser> Taking selfies and sending texts?
[18:00.16] <+gannon> what did Tarrio do
[18:00.17] <+JustBeKalm> The more time in prison, the better.
[18:00.31] <+JustBeKalm> The more of them in prison, even better.
[18:00.36] <+gannon> Added *!*threedogs
[18:00.40] <+gannon> hate-filled psychopath
[18:00.43] <+mouses> gannon: I think they were more worried about the dudes beating people and harming others and weapon violations and an attempted insurrection against the US government's seat of power
[18:00.54] <+mouses> but what do I know, girls are stupid
[18:00.56] <+JustBeKalm> Put me on ignore for the 100th time (you never do it)
[18:01.11] <+Tatyana> Speak for oneself
[18:01.13] <+Debaser> Ya, seditious conspiracy is apparently a bad thing to be charged with, who knew
[18:01.21] <+JustBeKalm> They are very violent
[18:01.38] <+gannon> but what did Tarrio do bro
[18:02.01] <+Debaser> gannon: am I your personal Google?
[18:02.16] <+gannon> Not only did Tarrio not commit any violent acts on January 6, he wasn’t even in town. And, after searching through more than half a million Proud Boy messages, US government investigators could not find any that contained an order from Tarrio or anyone else to forcibly stop the election certification, much less overturn the election. One week before January 6, Tarrio and other Proud Boys
[18:02.17] <+gannon> leaders had instructed Proud Boys members to obey police lines.
[18:02.21] <+gannon> why did Tarrio get 22 years bro
[18:02.24] <+gannon> what did Tarrio do
[18:02.26] <+mouses> Debaser: we were so nice, we used to *ahem* just take those people out behind the chemical shed
[18:02.47] * Wilderness (~Wildernes@ Quit (Quit)
[18:03.21] <+gannon> Debaser doesn't know what Tarrio did, or if he even did anything
[18:03.35] <+gannon> He just knows that Tarrio had a Red Hat
[18:03.42] <+gannon> therefore deserves 22 years
[18:04.02] <+Debaser> Hahah
[18:04.14] <+JustBeKalm> Today, the leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, learned that the consequence of conspiring to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power is 22 years in federal prison.”5 days ago
[18:04.22] <+Debaser> gannon: you're slayer with better English skills
[18:04.28] <+JustBeKalm> Too bad he wasn't in longer.
[18:04.30] * smirks ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:04.36] <+JustBeKalm> won't be in longer that is.
[18:04.42] <+gannon> I don't like Type O Negative bro
[18:04.42] <+JustBeKalm> I'm very anti-violence.
[18:04.57] <+JustBeKalm> Tarrio is a violent man.
[18:05.08] <+denton> Skinheads will survive on the inside
[18:05.41] <+JustBeKalm> denton, good. They can enjoy prison and if they survive there, however well that goes, at least the rest of us are spared their violence and hate.
[18:06.03] * Forbin (Forrbin@ Quit (Quit)
[18:06.03] <+JustBeKalm> That's a good place for violent white supremists. They even have Aryans in prison. It's not an easy place to be.
[18:06.11] <+Debaser> Tarrio privately claimed credit for the riot at the Capitol, telling Proud Boys senior leadership, “Make no mistake . . . we did this.”
[18:06.17] <+Debaser> .smock what did he do?
[18:06.18] <+Lard> wHaT DiD hE dO?
[18:06.20] * dry_ ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:06.23] <+denton> Ya they are more prepared for life on the inside
[18:06.28] <+gannon> well that's worth 22 years
[18:06.44] <+JustBeKalm> denton, yep. Whatever makes people violent and dangerous...they are better kept to themselves.
[18:07.00] <+Debaser> Seditious conspiracy is a serious charge
[18:07.02] <+JustBeKalm> I am def not pro-criminal.
[18:07.07] <+JustBeKalm> Very serious.
[18:07.16] <+denton> They aren’t as organized as the bikers
[18:07.26] <+JustBeKalm> Bikers are not as dangerous.
[18:07.49] <+denton> They are just smarter
[18:07.53] <+JustBeKalm> They don't go to the Capitol and threaten our leaders. They may fight, but it's among one another, not to try to overturn our democracy.
[18:07.56] <+Debaser> More pragmatic
[18:08.10] <+Debaser> Tarrio got a little carried away and thought he was George Washington apparently
[18:08.13] <+JustBeKalm> denton, I know some bikers and they aren't exactly dumb, but they aren't very educated.
[18:08.25] <+JustBeKalm> Debaser, lol.
[18:08.56] <+denton> No but they at least aren’t anti American
[18:09.00] <+gannon> thinking you're George Washington is a serious crime worth 22 years
[18:09.20] <+JustBeKalm> denton, I don't care if people don't like our country AS LONG AS they don't try to destroy it.
[18:09.27] <+JustBeKalm> And bikers won't do that, true.
[18:09.37] <+Debaser> If they'd lost I'm sure the British would have done worse than a prison sentence
[18:09.39] <+Debaser> Lol
[18:09.47] <+gannon> Cowboys wrecking the Giants
[18:09.50] <+JustBeKalm> It takes a special kind of crazy to have done 1/6 and I'm enjoying each one I hear is throw in prison.
[18:09.50] <+gannon> sportsball update
[18:10.04] * kritklmas is now known as kritklsongs
[18:10.19] <@kritklsongs> +,
[18:10.20] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Follow You Follow Me (Live) (1994 Remaster)⁩ | 4m 59s | ⁨Genesis ⁩ | 65,475 views
[18:10.20] <+Debaser> The British had executed the leaders of a failed Scottish rebellion in 1747, and it seems likely that they would have marched George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other American revolutionaries to the gallows as well
[18:10.35] <+JustBeKalm> Debaser, we should have done worse. However, we are a challegned country. Trump should be banned from running for the highest leader of the land, but that makes too much sense for us.
[18:10.45] <smirks> kritklsongs  don't ditch mike evans yet
[18:10.46] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:11.04] <@kritklsongs> smirks he has to play his contract
[18:11.16] <smirks> yup
[18:11.18] <+JustBeKalm> Anyhow it's time to spend time with my husband. So I'll see you all tomorrow, the ones who are not on ignore.
[18:11.19] <+Debaser> I'm not a death penalty supporter but for trying to overthrow the government with video and text proof, I can see the case for it
[18:11.22] <+JustBeKalm> bye!!!!
[18:11.29] <+gannon> it's a shame we couldn't hang Tarrio for thinking he was George Washington
[18:11.32] <+Tatyana> Indeed
[18:11.39] <+JustBeKalm> Debaser, I hate the dp, but I would support it for anyone who tries to overthrow the government.
[18:11.46] <+JustBeKalm> Maybe public hanging.
[18:11.48] <+JustBeKalm> Okay, bye!
[18:11.50] <smirks> but he's still too dangerous to ditch until later
[18:11.51] <+Tatyana> How Convenient
[18:11.52] <+Debaser> Bye
[18:12.23] <+Tatyana> Public Hanging, Ghoulish but on Brand
[18:12.37] <+denton> Troubled country yes and it reflects the trouble with a lot of western countries
[18:12.39] <+gannon> bring back the iron maiden
[18:12.45] <+Debaser> Defenestration is so much classier
[18:12.46] <@kritklsongs> gannon you want to conflate things to your benefit. don't really play here.
[18:13.03] <+gannon> huh
[18:13.15] <+gannon> kritklsongs is a serious 1/6 Truther
[18:13.15] <+Tatyana> *nods*
[18:13.28] <@kritklsongs> lol
[18:13.30] <+gannon> he really gets upset
[18:13.33] <LionClan> over the head is still a score, I count them anyway
[18:14.11] <smirks> gimpon gannon   limpon to gimpon douchery
[18:14.22] <+gannon> I mean it was so obvious that a bunch of unarmed middle aged yahoos in face paint were trying to overthrow the world's most powerful and militarized country in history and they almost got away with it too
[18:14.24] <smirks> nyuk  nyuk  nyukery
[18:14.24] * nomic ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:14.25] * dry_ pours one out for all the Jan 6th political prisoners
[18:14.32] <+gannon> kritklsongs can't believe they haven't all been put to death
[18:14.48] <@kritklsongs> gannon continue to lie
[18:14.51] <+Debaser> dry_: by refusing their plea deals they doubled their prison sentences, bahahahah
[18:14.56] <+gannon> what's the lie bro
[18:15.04] <dry_> Debaser: principles!
[18:15.10] <dry_> sovereign citizens
[18:15.42] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:15.43] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[18:15.48] <@kritklsongs> gannon we've already been over it, not winning this argument again right now
[18:15.53] <+Tatyana> gannon Haha it is indeed insane to think there was a *genuine* Coup/Uprising Attempt - Among them some might have been dumb enough to think it was the Case - but overall? Seizing a Singular Building?
[18:16.02] <+gannon> oh i see
[18:16.09] * turd (~Torkin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:16.10] <+Debaser> Lol.
[18:16.21] <@kritklsongs> +,
[18:16.21] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Too Late For Love⁩ | 4m 27s | ⁨Def Leppard ⁩ | 10,293,739 views
[18:16.23] <+Tatyana> Now was it Criminal? Most probably
[18:16.25] <+gannon> kritklsongs calls me a liar, then suddenly doesn't have time to talk about it when asked to show the lie
[18:16.26] <dry_>  Among them some might have been dumb enough to think it was the Case  <-- uh...  yea
[18:16.35] <+gannon> seems like a common "debate" tactic here in this channel
[18:17.09] <@kritklsongs> gannon you dispute facts in existence, repeatedly
[18:17.12] * turd is now known as barney
[18:17.13] <dry_> gannon: you mean kritklsongs didn't announce his ignore?
[18:17.14] <+gannon> make accusations, call people liar, make outrageous claims - then when it comes time to justify anything you say, suddenly you have other things to do
[18:17.17] <@kritklsongs> you are a LIAR.
[18:17.25] <+gannon> where did I lie
[18:17.31] <+Debaser> gannon: I showed you that tarrio claimed responsibility for the capitol riot in his own words
[18:17.41] <+gannon> Debaser how is that worth 22 years
[18:17.51] <@kritklsongs> by saying 1/6 was a sight-seeing tour
[18:17.51] <+Tatyana> Hold on, Is it an Uprising, a Riot, a Coup? What?
[18:17.59] <dry_> gannon: as per the sentencing guidelines
[18:18.13] <+gannon> what if I claimed responsibility for the riot
[18:18.19] <+gannon> should I get 22 years too
[18:18.20] <+Debaser> gannon: you're the law and order guy, remember?
[18:18.34] <dry_> gannon: if there was evidence you were involved as there is with Tarrio, sure
[18:18.34] <+Tatyana> Because a Coup is organized Top down, Uprisings go bottom up, and Riots - Tend to be rather more spontaneous
[18:18.35] <smirks> gimpon/gannon  yes
[18:18.36] <+Debaser> Figure it out, give your balls a tug
[18:18.39] <+denton> The list of charges add up
[18:18.41] <+gannon> is Tarrio responsible for the riot, even though he told his people to obey police?
[18:19.04] <+gannon> dry what did Tarrio do
[18:19.10] <@kritklsongs> gannon, forking SELFIES?! omg!
[18:19.12] <smirks> he lied
[18:19.17] <dry_> gannon: read the indictment
[18:19.20] <+gannon> kritklsongs how are you coming along with the lies i said
[18:19.25] <+gannon> dry can't say
[18:19.32] <@kritklsongs> gannon scroll up
[18:19.39] <+gannon> "read the indictment" means "I don't know" or "I can't say" or "I just make shit up"
[18:19.46] <dry_> gannon: why are you asking me? if you want to know what Tarrio was indicted for...  read the indictment
[18:19.54] <+gannon> i said 1/6 was a sight-seeing tour? I never said that
[18:20.05] <+gannon> why would I or anyone say such a thing
[18:20.21] <+gannon> It was obviously a riot with violence and assaults and people who died
[18:20.22] <+Debaser> It's fucking hilarious that they managed to double their own prison sentences
[18:20.42] <+gannon> Added *!*drycider0
[18:20.48] <+gannon> dry of course is completely worthless, as always
[18:20.51] <+denton> Just be a prisoner pen pal and ask around
[18:20.56] <+gannon> kritklsongs so do you have any lies that I actually said
[18:21.04] <dry_> I committed the sin of asking gannon to read the source material
[18:21.09] <dry_> i feel shame
[18:21.15] <+Debaser> You said he got 22 years for selfies and texts
[18:21.19] <+Debaser> Obviously a lie
[18:21.21] <+gannon> well what did he do
[18:21.32] <+gannon> he texted, didn't he
[18:21.35] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[18:21.45] <dry_> he also used the washroom that day
[18:21.46] <+gannon> he must have texted something really bad
[18:21.48] <+gannon> what did he text
[18:21.52] <@kritklsongs> gannon you referenced 'selfies' as the only things that happened that day in the Capitol Bldg.
[18:21.53] <dry_> probably had breakfast
[18:22.00] <+gannon> no I never said that
[18:22.07] <smirks> get pollard the td   motehrfuckers
[18:22.12] <@kritklsongs> yes you did
[18:22.12] <smirks> motherfuckers
[18:22.14] <+gannon> show the quote
[18:22.29] <smirks> td   pollard
[18:22.38] <@kritklsongs> I gotta scroll back gimmie a few
[18:22.40] <+gannon> why would I say such a thing when it's obviously false
[18:22.42] <+Debaser> gannon: if you're so curious you can read about it, this is a *chat* channel, not a  *paste indictments line by line* channel
[18:22.50] <smirks> yo  ho  ho  ho  an FF life for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
[18:23.13] <+gannon> I've used the expression "taking selfies" to mock the overreaction of prosecutors and the Biden Administration to label relatively banal actions as terrorism/insurrection
[18:23.34] <+gannon> but I certainly would nave say something like 'The only thing that happened that day was taking selfies"
[18:23.38] <+Debaser> "relatively banal"? Hahaha
[18:23.54] <+Debaser> Awesome
[18:23.58] <+gannon> in relation to "insurrection" or "ovethrowing the government", yes
[18:24.06] <+gannon> breaking a window or hitting a cop is relatively banal
[18:24.11] <+Debaser> Ashlii Babbit found out it was a rather non-banal day
[18:24.11] <barney> !seen krit
[18:24.41] <+Cleland> Krit is playing bridge at the Elks Lodge
[18:24.47] <+gannon> I'm sure you've rubbed many out thinking of that unarmed woman being shot to death for trying to climb through a broken door
[18:25.08] <+Debaser> gannon: why do you insist on decontextualizing why they were there at that government building on that particular day?
[18:25.16] <+Debaser> Are you just playing stupid for fun?
[18:25.16] <+gannon> why were they there
[18:25.22] <+Cleland> LOL
[18:25.27] <+Cleland> Gannon is all about law and order
[18:25.33] <+Cleland> They attack the capitol--
[18:25.38] <dry_> advancing on police who had their guns drawn telling her to stay back during a riot in the capitol
[18:25.39] <+OldMole> Debaser why, are you having fun?
[18:25.40] <+gannon> to collectively express grievance over the disfavored election outcome, or to "overthrow the government"
[18:25.41] <+Cleland> Break a window
[18:25.43] <+gannon> why were they there bro
[18:25.46] <+Tatyana> To replace the Government definitely
[18:25.47] <+Cleland> And dumb fuck Ashley climbs through
[18:25.52] <+Cleland> bang bang shoot shoo
[18:25.53] <+Cleland> moron
[18:26.04] <+Cleland> grivence--attack cops
[18:26.08] <+Cleland> Thats grivence
[18:26.11] <+Cleland> You fucking idiot
[18:26.12] <@kritklsongs> [6:00PM] <+gannon> what did Tarrio do   [6:01PM] <+gannon> but what did Tarrio do bro   [6:02PM] <+gannon> Not only did Tarrio not commit any violent acts on January 6  <<  lol there's your lies
[18:26.15] <+Cleland> Just sTF
[18:26.17] <+Debaser> OldMole; he's my slayer replacement
[18:26.18] <+Tatyana> And having commited to this Cause - They then dispersed peacefully
[18:26.22] <+gannon> you guys are so brainwashed and blinkered by this narrative, it's almost difficult to believe
[18:26.23] <+Debaser> So, mildly
[18:26.24] <+Cleland> This is the new Slayer
[18:26.27] <+Cleland> Gannon 88
[18:26.41] <+Cleland> Thats your new nick
[18:26.42] <+gannon> what violence did Tarrio commit on January 6
[18:26.50] <+gannon> and that's a quote from Shellenberger's substack
[18:27.02] <+gannon> +,
[18:27.09] <@kritklsongs> lol
[18:27.15] <+gannon> But it wasn’t right to sentence Tarrio to so many years in prison. Not only did Tarrio not commit any violent acts on January 6, he wasn’t even in town. And, after searching through more than half a million Proud Boy messages, US government investigators could not find any that contained an order from Tarrio or anyone else to forcibly stop the election certification, much less overturn the
[18:27.15] <+gannon> election.
[18:27.17] <@kritklsongs> twitter is funny
[18:27.19] <+gannon> where's the lie kritklsongs
[18:27.21] <+OldMole> gannon which narrative? the one about the crowds organized by Trump and his allies like the proud boys, the ones who he instructed to march on the congress to try and stop the certification of votes?
[18:27.27] <+gannon> what violent acts did Tarrio commit on 1/6
[18:27.34] * Deanr` ( has left #Gulag
[18:27.36] <dry_> <gannon> But it wasn’t right to sentence Tarrio to so many years in prison <-- sentencing guidelines say otherwise
[18:27.38] <+Tatyana> Did the Crowds march on Congress?
[18:27.40] <+denton> Another twat tweets a twat tweet
[18:27.59] <+OldMole> gannon what violent acts did Charlie Manson commit?
[18:28.01] <+OldMole> Tatyana yes they did
[18:28.06] <@kritklsongs> gannon, you know what? I don't care that you don't know. so have a nice day
[18:28.08] <+Debaser> Wow, has the orc been in a coma?
[18:28.13] <+Cleland> lol
[18:28.14] <dry_> no
[18:28.17] <+Cleland> OldMole I must say
[18:28.19] <+gannon> Tarrio wasn't in DC that day kritklsongs - where was he
[18:28.21] <+BodegaCat> tarrio didn't commit the acts, he merely organized the acts.  Which is why he was convicted of "seditious conspiracy" and not of personally committing violence
[18:28.22] <+Cleland> as much as I hate t osay
[18:28.23] <+gannon> and what violent acts did he commit there
[18:28.26] <+Cleland> good point
[18:28.27] <+Cleland> LOL
[18:28.33] <@kritklsongs> gannon, on twitter
[18:28.37] <+gannon> here's this imbecile's reply
[18:28.38] <+gannon> <@kritklsongs> gannon, you know what? I don't care that you don't know. so have a nice day
[18:28.41] <+BodegaCat> it's almost as if the courts convicted Tarrio of the crimes he did commit, and did not convict him of crimes he did not commit... wow
[18:28.43] <+Cleland> gannon the imbecile can’t kind of make up something
[18:28.44] <+gannon> Tarrio wasn't in DC that day kritklsongs - where was he
[18:28.46] <@kritklsongs> but you can find your own way now
[18:28.46] <+gannon> and what violent acts did he commit there
[18:28.48] <+Cleland> who did charlie manson kill
[18:28.52] <+Cleland> Answer
[18:28.53] <+Cleland> LOL
[18:29.00] <+Cleland> gannon who did Charlie Manson kill
[18:29.03] <+Cleland> Using your logic moron
[18:29.05] <+gannon> you said "I" lied when I quoted a journalist saying Tarrio didn't commit violent acts on 1/6
[18:29.06] <+Debaser> But gannon is a decent upgrade from slayer, I'll admit
[18:29.08] <+Cleland> duhhh
[18:29.09] <+gannon> Tarrio wasn't in DC that day kritklsongs - where was he
[18:29.10] <+Cleland> guhh
[18:29.11] <+gannon> and what violent acts did he commit there
[18:29.14] <+gannon> kritklsongs?
[18:29.15] <+Debaser> More "bro" and less "alas"
[18:29.18] <+Cleland> Yeah and gannon hates Trump
[18:29.29] <+Cleland> Dude you were just owned
[18:29.30] <+gannon> kritklsongs you are a fucking liar and imbecile
[18:29.31] <+Cleland> You were exposed
[18:29.36] <+Cleland> You have nothing to say?
[18:29.39] <@kritklsongs> whatever
[18:29.42] <+Cleland> This is going in the archives
[18:29.43] <+OldMole> guys, Vito Corleone never killed anyone!
[18:29.47] <+gannon> Added *!*JasonArgo
[18:29.53] <+Cleland> Yes--and HItler actually never killed anyone
[18:29.58] <+Cleland> Nor did Goebbels
[18:30.03] <+gannon> nobody can tell me what Tarrio did
[18:30.05] <+Cleland> or for that matter Marlene Deitrich
[18:30.11] <+Cleland> gannon--shut up
[18:30.14] <+gannon> but they can call me lots of names
[18:30.15] <+Cleland> have some self pride
[18:30.16] <@kritklsongs> I'm also a DJ hero:  +,
[18:30.17] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Juke Box Hero⁩ | 4m 20s | ⁨Foreigner ⁩ | 30,041,536 views
[18:30.21] <+BodegaCat> boy, if only there were laws against organizing a conspiracy to commit a crime even without personally performing the actual crime.  Oh wait, there is.  go figure.
[18:30.23] <+Tatyana> OldMole what did Trump say that *Instructed* them to march on Congress?
[18:30.25] <+gannon> this channel is a tru think tank
[18:30.26] <@tis> Racist people sure are fucking retarded
[18:30.34] * barney (~Torkin@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:30.41] <+Cleland> Dude you are like a poorly educated popculture addicted fascist
[18:30.43] <+Cleland> Gannon dude
[18:30.45] <+gannon> where did he "organize a conspiracy" - show me
[18:30.46] <+Cleland> Have some pride
[18:30.48] * Tiramisu ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[18:30.50] <+Cleland> lol
[18:30.51] <+gannon> i've been asking for a while now
[18:30.53] <+gannon> what did Tarrio do
[18:30.54] <+Cleland> gannon ANSWER
[18:30.56] <+OldMole> Tatyana +,
[18:30.57] <+Lard> [url] Transcript Of Trump's Speech At Rally Before Capitol Riot : NPR |, ( +, )
[18:30.58] <+Cleland> ANSWER
[18:30.59] <+gannon> specific actions which were criminal
[18:31.04] <+Debaser> gannon: your logic has a big hole in it, much like Ashlii Babbit
[18:31.07] <@kritklsongs> gannon the case was made, stfu
[18:31.09] <+Cleland> He plotted and organized an insurrection
[18:31.11] <+Cleland> You fucking idiot
[18:31.15] <+Cleland> What did Charlie Manson do
[18:31.18] <+gannon> Added *!*hardwire
[18:31.19] <+Cleland> What did Hitler do
[18:31.22] <+Cleland> YOu fucking idiot
[18:31.23] <@kritklsongs> lol
[18:31.23] <+gannon> go scrub the urinals
[18:31.35] <@kritklsongs> the case was made
[18:31.40] <+Cleland> gannon what did Stalin do
[18:31.46] * Roczhead (~Torkin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:31.46] <+Cleland> gannon what did your mother not do
[18:31.51] <+Cleland> And--did she have teeth
[18:31.52] <+denton> What would Jesus do
[18:31.56] <dry_> +,
[18:31.57] <+Lard> [url] Leader of Proud Boys Indicted in Federal Court for Conspiracy and Other Offenses Related to U.S. Capitol Breach | USAO-DC | Department of Justice |, ( +, )
[18:31.59] <+Cleland> what would Jesus do
[18:32.04] <+gannon> facts and reality are optional here in #gulag
[18:32.08] <+Cleland> LOL>:
[18:32.13] <+Debaser> It's like these people.never heard of John Eastman and the false electors scheme
[18:32.16] <+denton> He’d tell gannon to stfu
[18:32.19] <+Cleland> gannon is trying to save his sorry ass cause he has been so exposed
[18:32.22] <+gannon> the only thing that matters is that the Bad Guys in Red Hats are losing and suffering and going to jail
[18:32.23] <+Cleland> STFU
[18:32.23] <dry_> or gannon can read the indictment document
[18:32.27] <@kritklsongs> I don't give a flying fork about some fictional character
[18:32.42] <+gannon> if you don't cheer and applaud along, we'll call you names
[18:32.49] <+Debaser> gannon: I was just mentioning how hilarious it is that they doubled their prison sentences
[18:32.49] <+Cleland> ohhh
[18:32.53] <+gannon> high-brow intellectual channel you folks have here lol
[18:32.54] <+Debaser> By not taking a guilty plea
[18:32.56] <+Cleland> Hes getting snowflakey
[18:33.01] <+Cleland> He needs a safe place
[18:33.05] <+Debaser> And that *is* hilarious
[18:33.05] <+Cleland> He’s so fragile
[18:33.28] <+Cleland> gannon you so woke--take a toke
[18:33.31] <+Debaser> To prepare for the attack on the Capitol, Tarrio and the other leaders of the Ministry of Self Defense established a chain of command, chose a time and place for their attack, and intentionally recruited others who would follow their top-down leadership and who were prepared to engage in physical violence if necessary.
[18:33.40] <+Debaser> Tarrio privately claimed credit for the riot at the Capitol, telling Proud Boys senior leadership, “Make no mistake . . . we did this.”
[18:33.55] <@kritklsongs> lol
[18:33.59] <+OldMole> they certainly did
[18:33.59] <+Debaser> Proceeds to plead not guilty
[18:34.05] <+Cleland> I don’t know whats more pathetic--Gannon or Debasers attempt to present Gannon with evidence
[18:34.08] <+Debaser> Goes to jail for 2 decades
[18:34.11] <@kritklsongs> that's damning evidence
[18:34.12] <+Debaser> What a winner
[18:34.19] <dry_> the guy that thinks a single unarmed black man in handcuffs facedown on the ground is a threat...  but can't wrap his head around why a mob that stormed the capitol and is attempting to break through a barricade is a threat
[18:34.27] <dry_> weird
[18:34.42] <+Cleland> well not only attacked-but attempted to stop the ceritification of an election
[18:35.00] <+Cleland> Thats was the reason they didn’t peacefully demnonstrate
[18:35.05] <+gannon> after searching through more than half a million Proud Boy messages, US government investigators could not find any that contained an order from Tarrio or anyone else to forcibly stop the election certification, much less overturn the election. One week before January 6, Tarrio and other Proud Boys leaders had instructed Proud Boys members to obey police lines. The government’s entire case
[18:35.05] <+gannon> rested on the idea that the Proud Boys had a secret and unspoken plan to overthrow America’s democratic republic and replace it with a dictatorship led by former president Donald J. Trump.
[18:35.08] <@kritklsongs> +,
[18:35.09] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Wild, Wild West⁩ | 5m 43s | ⁨The Escape Club ⁩ | 2,932,059 views
[18:35.10] <+gannon> is this wrong?
[18:35.10] <+Cleland> ganon
[18:35.11] <+Cleland> STFU
[18:35.14] <+Tatyana> OldMole Maybe I am missing something but not seeing the Part where he told them to go Storm the Capitol Building
[18:35.24] * Roczhead is now known as buck
[18:35.27] <+Cleland> Tats love her Trump
[18:35.27] <+OldMole> Tatyana he told them to march on it
[18:35.33] <+gannon> when did he do that
[18:35.33] <+OldMole> Tatyana multiple times
[18:35.34] <+Cleland> Then again her Trump is Her Putin
[18:35.36] <+denton> I think black males should wear Viking helmets for their own protection
[18:35.37] <+gannon> show me
[18:35.38] <+Cleland> They are soul brothers
[18:35.41] <+Cleland> LOL
[18:35.45] <+Cleland> Tats and Putin
[18:35.47] <+OldMole> Tatyana but more importantly, it was his proxies who organized this
[18:35.54] <+Cleland> Tat and Putin and Trump
[18:35.59] <+OldMole> have you been following the trial evidence at all
[18:35.59] <+gannon> what exactly did he say
[18:36.01] <buck> i pooped earlier
[18:36.03] <+Cleland> This Russian mole is working for the man
[18:36.07] <+gannon> did he say "March on it"
[18:36.09] <+Cleland> buck--did everything come out alright
[18:36.11] <+gannon> what's criminal about saying that
[18:36.25] <+gannon> is marching illegal
[18:36.25] <+Cleland> buck?
[18:36.34] <+gannon> OldMole what did Tarrio do bro
[18:36.35] <+OldMole> gannon whats criminal about saying Luca Brazzi sleeps with the fishes
[18:36.39] <+gannon> specific actions
[18:36.41] <+Cleland> You okay?
[18:36.56] <+OldMole> gannon organized a mob to march on the congress, dumbass
[18:36.58] <+gannon> you just claimed "he told them to march on it...multiple times"
[18:37.05] <+gannon> give evidence supporting one of those times
[18:37.23] <+gannon> ok when/where did he do that and what's the evidence that establishes it
[18:37.27] <+Tatyana> OldMole - The Word Capitol is mentioned a few Times - He also says - Over To - Not Into... Peacefully and Patriotically make your Voices Heard....
[18:37.32] <+denton> It’s decided in a court of law not a kangaroo court of semantics
[18:37.46] <+gannon> what does "march on the congress" mean
[18:37.50] <+gannon> trample them underfoot?
[18:37.50] <+Debaser> He also says fight 23 times
[18:38.13] <+Cleland> Tats has the Putin script
[18:38.13] <+Debaser> And when cops were being beaten with flagpoles he didn't tell anyone to go home
[18:38.17] <+gannon> facts and reality are optional here
[18:38.20] <@kritklsongs> gannon they meant to
[18:38.21] <+Cleland> Tats what about those Ukranian kids kidnapped
[18:38.23] <+Debaser> And just watched it on TV while eating Big Macs
[18:38.26] <+Cleland> Will you guys let them go home
[18:38.28] <+gannon> oh his crimes was NOT saying stuff
[18:38.35] <+gannon> apparently he had a legal obligation to tell people to go home
[18:39.02] <+Debaser> Wouldn't the president have some sort of moral obligation to tell his supporters to stop beating police officers
[18:39.23] * hopesnothere ( has joined channel #Gulag
[18:39.25] <+denton> When you host a party you are responsible for the guests
[18:39.36] <@kritklsongs> and threatening the VP?
[18:39.51] <+gannon> You mean when the president told people to remain peaceful and respect the law?
[18:39.52] <+gannon> +,
[18:39.59] * Tatyana watches the Goal Posts move
[18:40.00] <+gannon> I was talking about Tarrio, but ok
[18:40.11] <@kritklsongs> gannon 4 hours after the fact?!
[18:40.16] <+Debaser> Tarrio privately claimed credit for the riot at the Capitol, telling Proud Boys senior leadership, “Make no mistake . . . we did this.”
[18:40.32] <+Debaser> Sounds so peaceful
[18:40.35] <+gannon> apparently the president had a legal obligation to say something about the riot - he said remain peaceful and respect the law, but apparently this didn't fulfill his legal obligation
[18:40.43] <+OldMole> Tatyana he was talking out of the side of his mouth, he was covering his ass, but he DID direct a crowd that had gathered explicitly to stop the election certification to march on the legislative branch, the chief executive encouraged a mob that his assoicates organized for the specific purpose of intimidating the congress into violating the consitution and told them to march
[18:40.43] <@tis> gannon sure is butthurt that Trump is going to die in prison for trying to steal an election
[18:40.47] <+denton> Another twat post. Nobody reads that shit seriously
[18:40.52] <+gannon> I guess that's the next batch of felony charges lol
[18:40.55] <@tis> Orcyana's still alive? Unfortunate
[18:41.03] <+Tatyana> OldMole Covering his Ass for an Attempted Seizure of Power? Right.......
[18:41.10] <+gannon> Added *!*tis
[18:41.12] <+OldMole> Tatyana covering his ass if it failed
[18:41.14] <+OldMole> which it did
[18:41.19] <@kritklsongs> +,
[18:41.20] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Harden My Heart⁩ | 3m 53s | ⁨Quarterflash ⁩ | 1,713,646 views
[18:41.36] <hopesnothere> tis:   go retroactively ABORT yourself
[18:42.09] <dry_> 2:12 p.m. — Pence is escorted off the Senate floor as the pro-Trump mob breeches the Capitol, breaking windows and entering the building. A few minutes later, House Speaker Pelosi is also ushered off the House floor.
[18:42.17] <dry_> 2:24 p.m. — Trump continues tweeting about his vice president: "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify USA demands the truth!"
[18:42.22] <+Tatyana> OldMole Okay............
[18:42.31] <+gannon> tis has to wake up everyday being tis
[18:42.35] <+gannon> nothing can be worse than that
[18:42.41] <+Cleland> Tats so that wasn’t in the playbook
[18:42.45] <+Cleland> Tats you jumped real fast to defend Trump--
[18:42.52] <+Hermana> Fresh off her big trip to Ukraine, Victoria Nuland says one "axis" of current US strategy is to “put some of Russia's most precious assets at risk." This as strikes on Russian territory have increased sharply, and the US will reportedly be sending long-range ballistic missiles
[18:42.53] <+Cleland> But facts kind of fucked it up
[18:43.06] <+Cleland> Trump=Putin. Putin=Trump
[18:43.25] <+Debaser> Hermana: good!
[18:43.27] <+Hermana> +,
[18:43.27] <+Cleland> Damn I learned something new tonight
[18:43.28] <+Lard> [Twitter] Vanessa Ortiz (@VanessaOrtizz): Made in USA sin sanciones +, | 311 RTs | 304 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-10 - 14:22:33UTC
[18:43.35] <+Cleland> [21:40:13]  <+Griego> Lady Gaga is a Satanic freak that supports the demented pedophile Biden
[18:43.44] <+Cleland> I had no clue
[18:43.54] <+Cleland> i just thought she was campy
[18:43.56] <@kritklsongs> lol
[18:43.59] <+OldMole> Tatyana Trump is clearly the preferred Candidate for the Russian state, if he had been in power, Ukraine would be a another Russian region now
[18:44.40] <+Hermana> Esta es la cultura que el régimen gringo quiere imponer a la fuerza en los pueblos democráticos pacíficos dignos libres y soberanos de Cuba, Nicaragua, a República Bolivariana de Venezuela por mencionar algunos.
[18:44.51] <+Tatyana> OldMole were that remotely true - they would be better off for it; sad
[18:44.59] <buck> i need about 3 pints from ceedee lamb to win one fantasy game
[18:45.02] <+gannon> you mean like when "Russian-preferred" Trump sent weapons to Ukraine and put sanctions on Russia's pipeline project?
[18:45.15] <+OldMole> Tatyana only if you think being a slave to Putin is better off
[18:45.21] <+gannon> +,
[18:45.30] <+gannon> you guys are literally retarded
[18:45.36] <+gannon> you don't know anything lol
[18:45.38] <@kritklsongs> +,
[18:45.39] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Kiss Me Deadly⁩ | 4m 2s | ⁨Lita Ford ⁩ | 2,437,607 views
[18:45.45] <+gannon> no wonder you are so easily duped by propaganda
[18:46.35] <+Debaser> Ya a trivial amount
[18:46.42] <buck> i went to a party last saturday night i didn't get laid i got in a fight
[18:46.48] <+Debaser> And he tried to blackmail Zelensky
[18:46.52] <+Tatyana> OldMole No I can think of vastly other Basis.... But alas
[18:46.56] <buck> uh huh it ain't no big thing
[18:47.01] <+denton> 2017. Ya current events
[18:47.10] <buck> that's a good song
[18:47.10] <@kritklsongs> sing it buck
[18:47.15] <buck> haha
[18:47.25] <+gannon> President Donald Trump has signed a law that will impose sanctions on any firm that helps Russia's state-owned gas company, Gazprom, finish a pipeline into the European Union. - December 2019
[18:47.26] <+Debaser> Trump is also on record as stating that he would allow Putin to absorb pieces of Ukraine
[18:47.49] <+Debaser> Meaning deny arms
[18:47.58] <+OldMole> gannon and he called Putin brilliant for invading
[18:47.58] <@kritklsongs> jeez
[18:48.12] <+Tatyana> The Arms, NATO etc literally are *WHY* Russia invaded
[18:48.24] <+gannon> how are you "denying arms" when you send anti-tank missles
[18:48.31] <@kritklsongs> of course he lies, so we can't rely on what he says
[18:48.43] <buck> who
[18:48.51] <+OldMole> Tatyana what? I thought it was the nazis in donbas!
[18:48.54] <@kritklsongs> Trump, Putin
[18:49.00] <+Debaser> He told Sean Hannity that he'd end the war by giving away parts of Ukraine
[18:49.01] <buck> most politicians lie
[18:49.15] <+gannon> a showboating narcissist and liar called a guy brilliant - therefore he's "Russian-preferred"
[18:49.21] <+gannon> this is how these dunces think
[18:49.34] <+Tatyana> +,
[18:49.45] <@kritklsongs> it's logic, buddy
[18:49.49] <+Debaser> gannon: he's clearly preferred by Russia. They state it plainly on their state controlled media
[18:49.50] <+gannon> Added *!* to ignore list
[18:49.50] <+gannon> -
[18:49.50] <+gannon> * Added *!* to ignore list
[18:49.54] <+gannon> the stupid is just too much
[18:49.54] <+Tatyana> OldMole If you want to Argue based around sillyness  go for it - but that says more for you than me
[18:50.14] <@kritklsongs> gannon there is the exit
[18:50.28] <+gannon> if you want to know what any of these simpletons think, just go to the MSNBC or comments section
[18:50.31] <@kritklsongs> +,
[18:50.32] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Once Bitten Twice Shy⁩ | 5m 23s | ⁨Great White ⁩ | 410,121 views
[18:50.34] <+Tatyana> +,
[18:50.40] <+Debaser> So the orc who said there wouldn't be an invasion now know why there was an invasion
[18:50.40] <+Tatyana> For Repetition Sake
[18:50.43] <+Debaser> Too fuckin funnt
[18:50.45] <+Debaser> Funny*
[18:51.01] <+Debaser> Knows*
[18:51.02] <+Tatyana> Literally Statement by NATO Secretary General
[18:51.07] <+Tatyana> +,
[18:51.08] <+Lard> [Twitter] Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand): And of course just 3 days ago we now have NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg pretty much admitting that war started because of NATO expansion since he revealed Putin proposed not to invade Ukraine if NATO promised no more enlargement, which "of course we didn't sign"... He… +, +, | 122 RTs | 413 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-10 -
[18:51.20] <buck> msnbc's only success was when chris hanson was on busting sex predators
[18:51.38] <+Debaser> Putin, well known trustworthy person to enter into agreements with!
[18:51.50] <buck> although they should have had women sex predators too because there have to be some
[18:51.50] <+gannon> Trump said he's brilliant, he's a great guy, i like him, we get along great, he likes me - about literally every world leader
[18:51.53] <+Debaser> Prigozin would comment on that but he's a corpse.
[18:52.00] <+Tatyana> RIP Prigochad
[18:52.25] <+Debaser> Rest in Piss, prigocuck
[18:52.26] * buck (~Torkin@ has left #Gulag (Igloo IRC: +,
[18:52.29] <+OldMole> to be fair, we dont know what the agreement was with prigozhin, just that Lukaschenko was somehow involved
[18:52.34] <+gannon> the US and NATO provoked the war
[18:52.35] <+Debaser> Hope his balls are getting sledgehammered in hell
[18:52.48] <+gannon> no sane or informed person disputes that
[18:52.56] <+gannon> but then you have culters
[18:53.01] * buck (~Torkin@ has joined channel #Gulag
[18:53.06] <+Debaser> OldMole: I doubt the deal was to get hit by an anti air missile while flying to st Petersburg, to be fair
[18:53.19] <+OldMole> Debaser well never know now
[18:53.25] <+Debaser> Haha
[18:53.40] <+Cleland> Is Oldmole married to a russan--his affinity to Tatyana and his excuses for the Russian government are interesting
[18:53.41] <+Debaser> Maybe that was the deal, and his kids got to stay alive
[18:53.47] <buck> 26 points and the wide receiver i have that's supposed to be good has one catch
[18:53.54] <+Tatyana> Remember when UA made Deals and Pacts - and proceeded to Murder those they made them with?
[18:53.58] <+Cleland> lol
[18:54.02] <+Cleland> Her she comes
[18:54.04] <+gannon> the US could end the war tomorrow if it wanted to
[18:54.06] <+gannon> but it doesn't
[18:54.15] <buck> end it how
[18:54.24] <+Tatyana> Right......... Debaser never cares for Facts or Reality
[18:54.24] <@kritklsongs> Cleland next
[18:54.27] <+denton> It’s not their war
[18:54.40] <+OldMole> maybe Prigozhin was like, man Im a huge asshole, I really should be dead, how can I die while also demonstrating how lawless and brutal the state that enriched me was.......!!!maybe this will wash away some of the blood!!! especially if I take a bunch of the murdering assholes with me on the plane!
[18:54.40] <+gannon> stopping the funding/support to Ukraine
[18:54.43] <+Tatyana> Just another Case of getting older =/= Grown Up
[18:54.46] <buck> oh
[18:54.50] <+tzipsaway> Cleland,  Putin DOES have a point of view, you know.   Lots of people have points of view that are slightly or very different perspectives on problems.
[18:54.53] <+gannon> organizing a settlement with Moscow
[18:54.55] <buck> yeah i guess that would do it
[18:55.11] <+denton> No money in that
[18:55.15] <+tzipsaway> Cleland,  that OldMole can see other points of view counts in OldMole's favor, you know.
[18:55.16] <+Debaser> Like when Yanukovych made a deal with voters to go closer to the EU and then sniped people for protesting him
[18:55.19] <+Cleland> Fuck you Tzip
[18:55.22] * tzipsaway is now known as tzip
[18:55.28] <+Cleland> He’s got a point of view
[18:55.39] <+Tatyana> Considering the Evidence seems to suggest it was Far Right behind a lot of the Shooting
[18:55.40] <+Cleland> slighlty different then most of humanites
[18:55.40] <+OldMole> I am not married to a Russian
[18:55.41] <+Cleland> STFU
[18:55.43] <+Tatyana> That is funny indeed
[18:55.43] <+Cleland> Never talk to me
[18:55.48] <+Debaser> OldMole: haha that would be quite the deal!
[18:55.50] <+tzip> um,   articulate, cogent and well-thought-out response there, Cleland
[18:55.53] <+Cleland> Putin has ap oint of view
[18:55.56] <+Cleland> WTF
[18:56.07] <+OldMole> I dont think my position on the Ukraine war has ever been ambigous
[18:56.11] <+Cleland> Whats Putins’ point of view but Russian expanisom
[18:56.19] <+Cleland> and the destrction of a soverign state
[18:56.20] <@kritklsongs> +,
[18:56.21] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Here Comes My Girl (Live)⁩ | 4m 53s | ⁨Tom Petty ⁩ | 95,135 views
[18:56.22] <+Cleland> You moron
[18:56.23] <buck> what is the reason biden wants to fund ukraine with billions and billions
[18:56.27] <+gannon> the goal of this war - which is actually a US/Russia proxy war using Ukraine - is to weaken and force regime change in Russia
[18:56.28] <+OldMole> does anyone doubt I am pro Ukraine?
[18:56.34] <+Tatyana> I do
[18:56.40] <+Debaser> buck: he's not sending pallets of cash
[18:56.41] <+gannon> as far as the US is concerned, the war will go on forever if it has to
[18:56.41] <+Cleland> I do--
[18:56.43] <+Cleland> lol
[18:56.45] <+Cleland> Tats does
[18:56.47] <+Cleland> And you have a thing with her
[18:56.49] <+OldMole> well, you do because you think russian occupation is whats best for Ukraine Tatyana
[18:56.50] <+Cleland> I can feel it
[18:56.51] <+Debaser> He's sending old military equipment
[18:56.53] <+tzip> Cleland,  OR, Russia doesn't want NATO on his ENTIRE western border.  That could be a thought.   ... minus Belarus, but still..
[18:56.53] <buck> will a new regime be any better
[18:56.54] <+Cleland> Any lest discuss this tomorrow
[18:56.57] <+gannon> nothing the US likes more than endless forever wars
[18:56.57] <+Debaser> That would have to be destroyed anyway
[18:57.10] <+Tatyana> OldMole I think encouraging someone to get demolished is not being a good Friend yes
[18:57.11] <+Cleland> Tzip taking the Russian point of view
[18:57.15] <+Debaser> tzip: and now Finland joined NATO, lol
[18:57.17] <+Cleland> Well we don’t want Nato--
[18:57.25] <+gannon> Trump was a threat to that
[18:57.26] <+Debaser> So he sucks at playing Civilization
[18:57.31] <+Cleland> So we will invade a soverign state and kill their citizens
[18:57.33] <+Cleland> STFU Tzip
[18:57.34] <+tzip> Cleland,  yup.  In a lot of ways this Ukraine thing backfired on Putin, didn't it.
[18:57.34] <+Tatyana> Debaser is also again just plain dishonest
[18:57.38] <+Cleland> We will start a war
[18:57.44] <+Cleland> We will kidnap kids
[18:57.46] <+OldMole> Tatyana would you have give the same advice to resistance against the nazis in WW2?
[18:57.47] <buck> everything in life ends except recursion
[18:57.47] <+Cleland> Cause we don’t want Nato
[18:57.51] <+Cleland> WTF is wrong with you
[18:57.56] <+Cleland> You amoral witch
[18:57.59] <+gannon> that's why you had the propaganda that duped the dopes in here into thinking Trump voters are "insurrectionists"
[18:58.01] <+Debaser> Of course she would have, OldMole
[18:58.07] <+Tatyana> OldMole - Absurd Comparison; but *sure* Russians are Nazis
[18:58.12] <+denton> NATO is great
[18:58.13] <+Tatyana> I get it
[18:58.13] <+gannon> that's why Trump has 94 "felony charges"
[18:58.17] <+Cleland> Tzip, stupid--you are just like Slayer
[18:58.26] <+Cleland> You constantly say stupid shit
[18:58.29] <+Debaser> Tzip can be pretty fucking stupid
[18:58.36] <+Tatyana> Funny how the Go to Western Arguement has just been a big 'NO YOU ARE' Retort: Re - Nazism
[18:58.39] <+OldMole> Tatyana the Russian state can be described as fascist with little effort, its certainly imperialist and aggressive
[18:58.39] <+Cleland> And make up shit
[18:58.40] <+tzip> I can NOT, Debaser.  >:/
[18:58.41] <+Cleland> She a transcendent idiot
[18:58.44] <+gannon> Trump and the populist movement which supported him is the greatest threat to establishment power ever
[18:58.48] <+Cleland> Who need attention
[18:58.48] <+payiurtuk> gannon keeps turning me on
[18:58.56] <+Cleland> And bows to the likes of the worst fascists on IRC
[18:59.02] <+Debaser> tzip; you sound dumb as fuck when you blame NATO for Russian actions
[18:59.06] <+Cleland> payiurtuk he prefers his dildo
[18:59.11] <+payiurtuk> oh my
[18:59.14] <+payiurtuk> figures
[18:59.15] <+Debaser> Honestly, just really, really dumb.
[18:59.22] <+Cleland> Its amazing how Tzip et al twist reality
[18:59.26] <+tzip> Honestly, I can't believe that my assertion that there are differing points of view on things is being challenged.   What's HAPPENED to us??
[18:59.26] <+Cleland> I expect this from tats
[18:59.28] <+Cleland> After all
[18:59.34] <+Tatyana> OldMole One could say the same about more than a few Countries
[18:59.47] <buck> i cant wait for some biden debates. those are entertaining
[18:59.50] <+Debaser> [21:56] (+tzip) Cleland,  OR, Russia doesn't want NATO on his ENTIRE western border.  That could be a thought.   ... minus Belarus, but still..
[18:59.53] <+tzip> Debaser,  There are a lot of factors in play here.  Threatening Putin with NATO is just one of those.
[18:59.53] <+Cleland> But but but--Putin doesn’t want Nato
[19:00.04] <+Cleland> And you really believe that bullshit
[19:00.05] <+OldMole> Tatyana yes, there are other countries doing awful things as well
[19:00.10] <+Cleland> As if Nato would attack Russia for no reason
[19:00.11] <+Cleland> WTF
[19:00.14] <+Debaser> No one threatened Putin with NATO, stop sounding so stupid.
[19:00.15] <+Cleland> So Trumpy
[19:00.19] <+Cleland> So fucking Trumpy
[19:00.27] <+Tatyana> OldMole Ukraine is one of them
[19:00.28] <+gannon> the dunces in here who cheer the destruction of red hatters and the political prosecution of Trump and the imprisonment of dudes who sent texts or did a "seditious conspiracy" in their heads are the success stories of this propaganda campaign by the government and its media allies
[19:00.36] <+OldMole> Tatyana Ukraine is not one of them
[19:00.40] <buck> after watching fetterman vs oz debate though i don't think debates are too useful
[19:00.41] <+Cleland> And of course if Putin doesn’t want it--it cant happen
[19:00.44] <+Debaser> NATO only threatened Russia's imperial expansion agenda. Not Putin.
[19:00.51] <+Debaser> Why is this hard to comprehend?
[19:00.57] <buck> how pe
[19:01.02] <+tzip> Debaser,  that's not blaming NATO, it's pointing out that NATO threatened Putin with that and Ukraine threatened Putin with that.   We had hissy-fits at a Russian military as close as Cuba but Putin can't have hissy-fits with NATO on almost its entire western border?    
[19:01.18] <+tzip> Debaser,  I don't think Putin should have been worried about that but HE DOES.   HIS point of view.
[19:01.23] <+gannon> congrats on being useful idiots for weapons manufacturers, elite neocon psychopaths, and corrupt Eastern European dictators
[19:01.24] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:01.25] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Falling to Pieces⁩ | 5m 14s | ⁨Faith No More ⁩ | 436,647 views
[19:01.32] <+Cleland> 21:54:46]  <+tzipsaway> Cleland,  Putin DOES have a point of view, you know.   Lots of people have points of view that are slightly or very different perspectives on problems.
[19:01.33] <+gannon> a life well spent lol
[19:01.35] <buck> how people voted for fetterman after watching that debate was baffling
[19:01.44] <+Hermana> Weird, for years before the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the media published numerous articles saying Ukraine was corrupt and neo-nazi.
[19:01.49] <+Cleland> LOL
[19:01.59] <+OldMole> gannon corrupt eastern european dictators like Putin and Lukashenko?
[19:02.00] <+Cleland> hermana you have links
[19:02.03] <+Cleland> what media?
[19:02.05] <+Cleland> RT
[19:02.07] <+Cleland> Prvada
[19:02.09] <+Cleland> Do tell
[19:02.15] <+Cleland> Hermana??
[19:02.18] <+Cleland> The media?
[19:02.19] <+payiurtuk> gannon is wet again
[19:02.20] <+Cleland> lol
[19:02.23] <+Tatyana> OldMole Oh? Just joined the US in invading Iraq? Just sentancing a Grandmother to 5 Years in Jail for liking things on Odnoklassniki? Banning Opposition Parties?
[19:02.28] <buck> Dexter killed some corrupt ukranians
[19:02.28] <+mouses> but mouses, you say, there is no perfect song
[19:02.32] <+gannon> Nazis are good when they hate Putin too
[19:02.34] <+Tatyana> OldMole - Just embracing Nazi Collaborationists?
[19:02.39] <+Cleland> Another fascist troll
[19:02.40] <buck> ever see dexter?
[19:02.53] <+mouses> +,
[19:02.58] <+mouses> hi payiurtuk :)
[19:03.01] <+payiurtuk> hi hi
[19:03.17] <buck> mouses my balls are sweaty
[19:03.39] <+tzip> Cleland,  so it's your thinking that anyone who has a perspective that's different from yours is to be dismissed.    Well....   ok, though MY POINT OF VIEW on that is that your thinking is monumentally narrow.
[19:03.42] <+OldMole> Tatyana opposition parties arent banned, pro-russian parties are....DURING AN INVASION, supporting the US during Iraq is a red herring, as to your anecdotal grandmother....I dont know what youre talking about but im sure there is much more to that story
[19:03.47] <@kritklsongs> mouses seen my killer genesis recently?
[19:03.53] <+Cleland> Yes----Hitler--dismiss him
[19:03.59] <+Cleland> Trump dismiss his ideas
[19:04.04] * denton ( has left #Gulag (Igloo IRC: +,
[19:04.07] <+Cleland> Putin the war monger--dismiss his ass
[19:04.16] <+mouses> kritklsongs: does it include anything phil collins has ever touched with drums?
[19:04.24] <+mouses> if so, i'm in
[19:04.35] <@kritklsongs> yes, it was with Pete on vocals
[19:04.36] <+Tatyana> OldMole Funny how that Works, They were actually removing the Opposition PRE-Invasion
[19:04.49] <@kritklsongs> it was yesterday
[19:04.50] <+Tatyana> PoR, Communists
[19:04.55] <buck> phil collins isn't gay
[19:04.59] <+mouses> sold, kritklsongs
[19:05.07] <@kritklsongs> I thought you were here mouses
[19:05.11] <+mouses> buck: you should like shower and learn to take care of yourself.
[19:05.18] <buck> oh
[19:05.19] <+mouses> kritklsongs: I was, but listening again for $reasons
[19:05.29] <+gannon> he's been married to some ugly bitches
[19:05.29] <@kritklsongs> ok'
[19:05.33] <buck> i cant help it when it's hot in here mouses
[19:05.56] <buck> phil's daughter lily was cute in a movie i saw
[19:05.58] <+mouses> buck: heh, I rememeber having them, it's annoying
[19:06.03] <+OldMole> Tatyana not pre-invasion of Crimea
[19:06.04] <+gannon> lily collins is beautiful
[19:06.11] * Cleland (~JasonArgo@ Quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:,
[19:06.12] <buck> haven't seen her lately
[19:06.14] <+payiurtuk> only whens he's naked
[19:06.15] <+gannon> i think her mom was the hot one
[19:06.25] <+gannon> phils first wife and most recent wife were battleaxes
[19:06.31] <buck> she was in some musical movie
[19:07.00] <+Tatyana> OldMole Honestly - Done wasting my Time; I will spare yours
[19:07.03] <buck> kritklsongs: was the woman you were in love with hot
[19:07.07] <@kritklsongs> for mouses: +,
[19:07.07] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Watcher Of The Skies⁩ | 7m 24s | ⁨Genesis ⁩ | 13,693 views
[19:07.20] <+Debaser> Orc tired, orc need sleep.
[19:07.24] <+gannon> one of the greatest albums ever
[19:07.25] <+gannon> Foxtrot
[19:07.29] <@kritklsongs> buck she was the sun in my sky
[19:08.03] <+OldMole> Tatyana parties that were demonstrated to be actively collaborating with Russia that had just invaded and annexed Ukrainian land, was banned
[19:08.06] <+OldMole> shocker
[19:08.10] <buck> oh
[19:08.15] <+Debaser> How ghastly
[19:08.17] <+Tatyana> 'Collaborated'
[19:08.18] <buck> she's the one you have a kid with?
[19:08.20] * TrainWreck (train@ has joined channel #Gulag
[19:08.24] <+Tatyana> Excuses Excuses
[19:08.24] <+OldMole> yes, collaborated
[19:08.29] <@kritklsongs> buck no
[19:08.32] <buck> oh
[19:08.42] <+Debaser> I thought orc was going to spare your time
[19:08.47] <buck> was that a random thing
[19:09.05] <@tis> It really is a shame Tatyana is still alive
[19:09.20] <@kritklsongs> no, buck, I was married to the woman I had a child with
[19:09.30] <@tis> What do you think, Zeno?
[19:09.32] <buck> oh
[19:09.35] <@kritklsongs> didn't stick
[19:09.36] <buck> wow
[19:09.43] <@tis> Hey buck
[19:09.45] <buck> didn't know you were married
[19:09.59] <+OldMole> I dont understand why you think a country that is openly being invaded and occupied should have to tolerate enemy organizations on its soil
[19:10.00] <+Tatyana> tis (((((((((((((( Full of Disapointments - but rest easy.... You will probably die before me - and your suffering will be over
[19:10.06] <+shinobi> Trump is poised to pounce
[19:10.07] <@kritklsongs> yeah, I'm embarrassed about it
[19:10.25] <buck> ha why
[19:10.27] <TrainWreck> TDS
[19:10.38] <TrainWreck> = JDS
[19:11.21] <@kritklsongs> buck because she was the wrong girl all along, and I should have known it
[19:11.27] <buck> oh
[19:11.32] <buck> well that sucks
[19:11.42] <TrainWreck> some shine?
[19:11.54] <TrainWreck> sorry whine?
[19:12.12] * kritklsongs plants more grapes
[19:12.24] <+payiurtuk> yay! more gapes
[19:12.44] <@kritklsongs> for the more whine.
[19:13.05] <+gannon> Morocco death toll 2112
[19:13.13] <+gannon> we are the priests, of the temples of syrinx
[19:13.15] <+shinobi> Trump's gonna do it!
[19:13.27] <+payiurtuk> i like when you do it
[19:15.12] <+gannon> Novak Djokovic will be playing for his 24th Grand Slam title.
[19:15.24] <+gannon> GOAT
[19:15.28] <+payiurtuk> he won it already
[19:15.33] * tzip is now known as tzipsaway
[19:15.37] <+payiurtuk> get with the program
[19:15.57] <+gannon> u r correct
[19:15.57] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[19:15.57] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[19:15.59] <+gannon> just happened
[19:16.04] <+payiurtuk> derp
[19:16.12] <@kritklsongs> I can't believe I'm doing this, for gannon:  +,
[19:16.13] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Rush - 2112 / Overture - The Temples Of Syrinx⁩ | 6m 46s | ⁨Jacksbabypig⁩ | 915,700 views
[19:16.56] <+gannon> He now ties Margaret Court’s record
[19:17.11] <+gannon> Margaret Court became a Jesus nutter and said the Wrong Thing about gays
[19:17.13] <+payiurtuk> yvonne goolagong has more
[19:18.01] <@kritklsongs> aren't all Republicans 'Jesus nutters'?
[19:18.22] <+Debaser> [22:09] (+OldMole) I dont understand why you think a country that is openly being invaded and occupied should have to tolerate enemy organizations on its soil <-- because she also thinks they should tolerate enemies soldiers on their soil
[19:18.29] <+Debaser> If I had to guess
[19:18.44] <+Debaser> Just a wild shot in the dark
[19:19.04] <+payiurtuk> cum shot
[19:19.10] <@kritklsongs> lol
[19:19.20] <@kritklsongs> like, eww.
[19:20.19] <+gannon> Court has 24, Goolagong has 11
[19:20.21] <+gannon> wrong much?
[19:20.31] * kritklsongs pushes hopesnothere into the line of fire
[19:20.37] <+OldMole> Debaser Ukraine has maybe a month of decent weather, after that mud, then ice
[19:20.42] <+payiurtuk> made you look it up
[19:20.57] <+OldMole> the bigger issue isnt even that though, its how much reserve forces it has
[19:21.15] <+gannon> fortunately you're in the right channel
[19:21.19] <+gannon> for peeps who are wrong all the time
[19:21.22] <+OldMole> Tatyana you seems to to think theyre one empty
[19:21.23] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[19:21.29] * Tatyana remembers what she has been saying for some Time now
[19:21.35] <+Tatyana> OldMole?
[19:22.01] <+OldMole> sorry, You seem to think Ukraine lacks reserves to complete the counteroffensive goals
[19:22.05] <@kritklsongs> I reiterate: #gulag is the best show in town
[19:22.18] <+OldMole> kritklsongs check out tigersden
[19:22.28] <+payiurtuk> its a neat den
[19:22.50] <+payiurtuk> we can harass Debaser in there
[19:22.58] <+OldMole> you can harass debaser in here
[19:23.02] <+payiurtuk> noice
[19:23.11] <@kritklsongs> ok, will do, but I'm a one channel kind of guy
[19:23.59] <@kritklsongs> :)
[19:24.16] <+OldMole> Debaser what do you think of Musk turning off starlink over Crimea?
[19:24.33] <+Tatyana> OldMole Are those Statements a Summary of my Beliefs or things you are saying so?
[19:24.56] <+OldMole> Tatyana only the last point was the one you made
[19:25.08] <+Hermana> Musk did NOT turn off Starlink over Crimea. He never turned it on.
[19:25.24] * Viridium ( has joined channel #Gulag
[19:25.31] * buck (~Torkin@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:25.45] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:25.46] <+gannon> turn it on again bro
[19:25.46] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Immigrant Song (Remaster)⁩ | 2m 27s | ⁨Led Zeppelin ⁩ | 119,220,509 views
[19:25.51] <+gannon> all i need is a tv show, that and the radio
[19:26.15] <+Tatyana> OldMole Ah.... Memory
[19:27.24] <@kritklsongs> and this lamp and this dog, ok not this dog...
[19:27.31] <+OldMole> Tatyana is that not accurate?
[19:28.05] <+Tatyana> OldMole Would it matter? No.....
[19:28.25] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:28.26] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Jaded⁩ | 3m 36s | ⁨Aerosmith ⁩ | 928,983 views
[19:29.18] <+Debaser> OldMole: clearly needs to be nationalized
[19:29.58] <+Tatyana> NAFO Delusion Level: 200
[19:30.35] <@kritklsongs> I would fuck that robot
[19:30.46] <@kritklsongs> lol
[19:31.00] <+Tatyana> Lets set the precedent of Nationalizing Private Entities because they do not entirely Cooperate with Government Policy on a Proxy War - against a State we are not at War off, and for a State we are not officially Allied with
[19:31.22] <+Debaser> But Pentagon resolved that now, they have terminals  that aren't geolocked
[19:31.44] <hopesnothere> Tatyana ; ... Have you ever been to St. Petersburg?
[19:32.23] <+Tatyana> hopesnothere oh maybe once or twice - why?
[19:32.25] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:32.26] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Five G⁩ | 4m 47s | ⁨Bill Bruford ⁩ | 24,583 views
[19:32.31] <+OldMole> NAFO?
[19:33.23] <+mouses> kritklsongs: hell yes
[19:33.26] <+BodegaCat> kritklsongs you liar.  you are a volcel.
[19:33.37] <+Hermana> NAFO influence and propaganda exposure has been greatly reduced on social media
[19:33.55] <hopesnothere> Tatayana : ..What is the name of the subway station?    I just watched a short video -- wow  FANCY!
[19:34.29] <@kritklsongs> lol BodegaCat the robot has no soul, and I would not fear 'hurting feelings'
[19:34.48] <+BodegaCat> i think you hurt feelings more by withholding your golden penis
[19:34.52] <+Tatyana> hopesnothere Pitr - has an extensive Metro - as does Moscow - I could not name all the Stations (and frankly seldom use either)
[19:35.14] <@kritklsongs> BodegaCat you flatter me
[19:35.39] <+BodegaCat> wow china is flooding like crazy
[19:35.47] <hopesnothere> Tatyana The one with the chandeliers art and mosaics.
[19:35.49] <+Timur> whats NAFO
[19:36.10] <+Timur> National Association of Forensic Origamists?
[19:36.28] <+Tatyana> hopesnothere There are quite a Number that could fit this Discription
[19:36.40] <hopesnothere> Tatayana  :  +,
[19:36.42] <+Lard> [Twitter] Science girl (@gunsnrosesgirl3): An opulent station in St. Petersburg with chandeliers art and mosaics ⏎ 📹Tatiana Solberg ⏎ +, | 698 RTs | 4763 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-09 - 14:30:09UTC
[19:36.51] <@kritklsongs> I'm loving the new season of Lower Decks
[19:37.51] <+Timur> I'm liking this new Walking Dead spinoff
[19:38.03] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:38.04] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Borderline⁩ | 5m 21s | ⁨Madonna ⁩ | 3,589,268 views
[19:38.06] <+BodegaCat> what's it called?
[19:38.15] <hopesnothere> Dicktaster <--- Probably prefer it if it was called "Lowered Dicks"
[19:38.18] <+Tatyana> hopesnothere I honestly could not say which; Red Line though
[19:38.43] <+Timur> kritklsongs: that looks interesting. I've been looking for a good sci fi since The Expanse.
[19:38.46] <hopesnothere> Tatyana  : ok.   ...What, They ALL look like that?    hehahah
[19:39.06] <+Tatyana> hopesnothere In the Comments - Avtovo - and no..... Some do; but very different Styles
[19:39.40] <@kritklsongs> Timur you gotta be hard core Starfleet tho
[19:40.10] <+Timur> STNG was my thing, back when
[19:40.16] <@kritklsongs> ok
[19:40.26] * Krishna (~IceChat77@ has joined channel #Gulag
[19:40.26] <@kritklsongs> then you'll get it
[19:40.57] <Krishna> the TRANTocaust is coming for everyone
[19:40.59] <+Timur> thx
[19:41.09] <hopesnothere> Tatyana : .OK.  wow, that would be interesting to see.
[19:41.14] <+Debaser> +,
[19:41.15] <+Lard> [url] Ukraine Rejigging Russian Mines, Dropping Them on Putin's Army From Drones |, ( +, )
[19:41.21] <Krishna> the TYRANTocaust is coming for everyone
[19:41.35] <hopesnothere> ..MOTHERFUCKING TWATTER CUNTS!!!!!    "violent speech" MY ASS!!!!!
[19:41.38] <+Debaser> Just need to automate the process so the drone picks up the mine from the minefield and drops it in a single flight
[19:42.06] <@kritklsongs> Krishna when isn't the sky falling?
[19:42.08] <hopesnothere> ...COCKSUCKING ASSFAIRIES
[19:42.10] <+gannon> +,
[19:42.19] <+gannon> too bad the guy is a Christian nutter
[19:43.05] <+gannon> but up until last week it was wrong for men to go into women's bathrooms
[19:43.23] <+gannon> lol progress
[19:44.18] <Krishna> kritklsongs exactly! endless excuses for tyranny
[19:44.31] <+Tatyana> hopesnothere There are a lot of beautiful Stations; but I mostly know Moscows (and even then - not that well)
[19:44.44] * LionClan ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:44.57] * Lottoman (~Lottoman@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:45.08] <+gannon> "trans women" sure seem to be aggressive and violent
[19:45.26] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:45.27] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You⁩ | 3m 13s | ⁨The Alan Parsons Project ⁩ | 1,724,572 views
[19:45.46] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[19:45.46] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[19:46.17] <+OldMole> gannon id probably get aggressive if someone started yelling at me about where i just took a piss too
[19:47.01] <hopesnothere> FUCKING ASSFARIES
[19:47.46] <+Timur> kritklsongs: lower decks is a cartoon? feh
[19:48.25] <@kritklsongs> if you are Starfleet, it's funny
[19:48.31] <+Tatyana> Maybe you should not just piss where ever you want then
[19:49.29] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:49.30] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Everybody Wants You⁩ | 3m 47s | ⁨Billy Squier ⁩ | 4,693,220 views
[19:49.35] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[19:49.36] * Hermana (~Hermana@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[19:52.06] <+gannon> remember when Billy Squier was a huge rock star and then he made that video where he pranced around with men looking fierce and fabulous and destroyed his career overnight
[19:52.41] <Krishna> JUST IN:  Residents in Old Town, Albuquerque OPENLY DEFY New Mexico Governor's emergency Executive Order BANNING THE OPEN AND CONCEALED CARRY of firearms�
[19:52.45] <Krishna> +,
[19:52.46] <+Lard> [Twitter] Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto): JUST IN:  Residents in Old Town, Albuquerque OPENLY DEFY New Mexico Governor's emergency Executive Order BANNING THE OPEN AND CONCEALED CARRY of firearms… ⏎ +, | 3894 RTs | 13927 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-11 - 00:22:35UTC
[19:53.28] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[19:54.04] <@kritklsongs> +,
[19:54.58] <@kritklsongs> Trevor Rabin - Something To Hold On To
[19:55.04] <+Lard> Temporary error talking to YouTube: The read operation timed out
[19:56.45] <hopesnothere> GOOD for THEM FUCK that FASCIST C**T Governor!!
[19:57.38] <wptmj> advancing on my WEEN dicsography.  Got all the released albums, other suff soon.  Please enjoy, it'll be TONS better soon:
[19:57.40] <wptmj> +
[19:57.41] <+Lard> [url] The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: weendisco | ( +, )
[19:57.47] * LionClan ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[20:00.30] <@kritklsongs> +,
[20:00.31] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Jesus Jones - Right Here, Right Now⁩ | 3m 10s | ⁨Music⁩ | 4,688 views
[20:02.07] <wptmj> please make me a list and i will make you a section sir krit.  THAT GOES FOR ANYONE ELSE IN HERE
[20:02.12] * kritklsongs sips tea
[20:02.27] <+Timur> we have. . different tastes in music
[20:02.35] <wptmj> DIVERSITY!
[20:02.47] <wptmj> ALL MUSIC IS WELCOME ON MY BLOG
[20:02.52] <wptmj> EXCEPT EVIL MUSIC
[20:03.02] <@kritklsongs> a list of my songs?
[20:03.05] <wptmj> no marilyn manson!
[20:03.11] <@kritklsongs> bs
[20:03.13] <wptmj> yes, krit
[20:03.18] <@kritklsongs> nope
[20:03.31] <wptmj> ok, never hurts to ask
[20:04.11] <+gannon> krit has a very low IQ
[20:04.24] <@kritklsongs> +,
[20:04.24] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People⁩ | 3m 39s | ⁨WellBeSerious12⁩ | 204,147 views
[20:04.32] <+gannon> that's why he mows lawns, can't debate, and listens to Jesus Jones
[20:04.33] <wptmj> hoard your tunes, theres plenty more
[20:04.42] <wptmj> be like that :P
[20:05.03] <wptmj> Jesus jones, lol!
[20:05.05] <@kritklsongs> my songs are kritkl  :)
[20:05.33] <wptmj> i love mowing lawns, i even mowed mine with hedge clippers
[20:05.37] <wptmj> great meditation
[20:06.28] <+gannon> nobody loves mowing lawns bro
[20:06.40] <+gannon> that's why only Guatemalans and dumb people do it
[20:06.41] <wptmj> I DO
[20:06.59] <wptmj> when i was younger my moms backyard, the weeds were taller than me
[20:07.06] <wptmj> i yanked every single ony by hand
[20:07.23] <wptmj> i would throw them behind me and when the pile got too far i would roll it closer
[20:07.33] <wptmj> pushed a big weed ball around the yard
[20:07.41] <wptmj> in the end it wa a weed boulder
[20:07.44] <wptmj> +s
[20:08.03] <wptmj> and i got my mom to give me twenty bucks to get some weed for pulling her weeds
[20:08.23] <@kritklsongs> +,
[20:08.23] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Wait⁩ | 4m 1s | ⁨White Lion ⁩ | 2,209,721 views
[20:08.41] <wptmj> i love yardwork!
[20:08.54] <wptmj> when i moved to weed, ca i even cleaned up the dirty creek in the middle of town
[20:09.03] <+tzipsaway> not sure that's what your mom  had in mind for that $20.00 though.
[20:09.03] <wptmj> they put my picture in the paper
[20:09.15] <wptmj> headline said, "WORKING FOR WEED"
[20:09.19] <+tzipsaway> lol!
[20:10.04] <wptmj> i shit you not.
[20:10.07] <@kritklsongs> wptmj the same way I clean out IRC, pulling weeds out
[20:10.07] <wptmj> +
[20:10.20] <Krishna> +,
[20:10.21] <+Lard> [Twitter] Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto): JUST IN:  Residents in Old Town, Albuquerque OPENLY DEFY New Mexico Governor's emergency Executive Order BANNING THE OPEN AND CONCEALED CARRY of firearms… ⏎ +, | 4194 RTs | 15112 ♥s | Posted: 2023-09-11 - 00:22:35UTC
[20:10.30] <wptmj> yes, you can't stop us with insecticide!
[20:10.44] <Krishna> the TYRANTocaust is coming for everyone
[20:11.03] <@kritklsongs> Krishna you hope.
[20:11.12] <wptmj> +
[20:11.12] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨NOFX - "Johnny Appleseed" (Full Album Stream)⁩ | 2m 39s | ⁨Epitaph Records⁩ | 206,984 views
[20:11.30] <wptmj> no vocals with lyrics:
[20:11.31] <wptmj> +
[20:11.33] <+Lard> [url] nofxjohnnyapple.mp4 - Google Drive | ( +, )
[20:11.55] * mOrO^ ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[20:12.05] <@kritklsongs> I gotta go eat anyway
[20:12.08] <wptmj> not if i can help it, krishna
[20:12.09] <wptmj> :]
[20:12.17] * kritklsongs is now known as kritklmas
[20:12.41] <wptmj> dont worry, everybody
[20:12.45] <wptmj> i got this
[20:12.52] <wptmj> <l:0)
[20:13.11] <@kritklmas> nite folks
[20:13.16] * kritklmas ( has left #Gulag
[20:13.17] <wptmj> gnite sleep tight
[20:13.34] <Krishna> the tyrants come like a thief i the night
[20:13.49] * Kippis ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:13.49] <Krishna> the tyrants come like a thief in the night
[20:13.51] <wptmj> ill be waiting for em with pepper spray
[20:14.05] <Krishna> REPENT! while you still can!
[20:14.08] <wptmj> and booby traps
[20:14.15] <wptmj> like chunk!
[20:14.30] <Krishna> paint yourself green with a big yellow stripe down the middle
[20:15.00] <Krishna> climate tyranny is here
[20:15.09] <wptmj> Jesus is coming!  
[20:15.12] <wptmj> Quick!  
[20:15.15] <wptmj> Look busy!
[20:15.17] <+tzipsaway> Krishna,  have you ever looked up the recent history of Belarus and Alexander Lukashenko?
[20:15.19] <+gannon> Added *!*IceChat77
[20:15.23] * tzipsaway is now known as tzip
[20:15.29] <+gannon> the living definition of Dunning-Kruger
[20:15.42] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:15.42] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[20:15.54] <wptmj> i got fresh jokes
[20:15.58] <wptmj> some cute ones
[20:16.19] <+gannon> any fart jokes
[20:16.44] <wptmj> I worship paper bags.  
[20:16.47] <wptmj> I'm sack-religious.
[20:16.51] <wptmj> :P
[20:16.56] <Krishna> gannon is a wet fart?
[20:17.03] <wptmj> those are called sharts
[20:17.16] <+tzip> *sigh*   never mind.
[20:17.18] <wptmj> get your terminology right!
[20:17.18] * tzip ( has left #Gulag
[20:17.53] <hopesnothere> gannnon <--- Probably a SEX FART
[20:17.55] <wptmj> Somebody asked me if I had plans for the fall...
[20:18.02] <wptmj> It took me a minute then I realized they were talking about autumn and not the collapse of civilization.
[20:19.11] <wptmj> Light Up brand beer from Japan.
[20:19.12] <Krishna> springtime for tyranny
[20:19.17] <wptmj> Made from pure Fukashima waters.  
[20:19.22] <wptmj> You'll get so lit.
[20:19.43] <wptmj> What’s the difference between God and Donald Trump?
[20:19.46] <Krishna> inner green glow
[20:19.48] <wptmj> God doesn’t think he’s Donald Trump!
[20:19.53] <wptmj> :P
[20:20.06] <Krishna> God is fictional, Trump is real
[20:20.09] * mgm17 ( has left #Gulag
[20:20.33] <wptmj> LOVE IS NOT A PERSON
[20:20.50] <Krishna> love is a full condom
[20:20.50] <wptmj> IN FRAUD YOU TRUST
[20:21.17] <wptmj> Honey, why are the broken condoms on the couch?
[20:21.23] <wptmj> Please call our kids by their real names, dear.
[20:21.27] <smirks>  for virtually all of you here, love is a mouthful of sperm
[20:21.32] <smirks> and nothing more
[20:21.48] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[20:22.01] <hopesnothere>  ...FRIGGIN' HELL - Watch that video! She doesn't even DRESS PROPERLY for the job!   Would it KILL YOU to put on some  semi-formal clothes when you are PRETENDING to do your job?
[20:22.53] <hopesnothere>  ...The lazy ass BITCH
[20:24.12] * Krishna (~IceChat77@ Quit (Quit: Why is the alphabet in that order?   Is it because of that song?)
[20:25.21] <+gannon> sexy ladies
[20:25.22] <+gannon> +,
[20:26.51] * X sets mode +o BodegaCat for #Gulag
[20:29.18] <@BodegaCat> hopes you don't even put on pants most days, don't give others fashion advice
[20:29.35] <+gannon> real americans love sportsball and the military
[20:29.38] <+gannon> +,
[20:30.48] * imagi ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:31.12] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:32.13] * PrezPusyGrab (~abc@ has joined channel #Gulag
[20:32.37] <smirks> hey dead guy imagi  * wink  wink *
[20:32.44] <TrainWreck> +,
[20:32.45] <+Lard> [url] Don’t FCUK the Vaccinated Harry Vox |, ( +, )
[20:32.59] <TrainWreck> Harry
[20:32.59] <smirks> hey braindead Autiz guy
[20:33.02] * smirks smirks
[20:33.13] <TrainWreck> smirks is evil
[20:33.24] <smirks> now, blow off on me...Autiz...don't keep them waiting...
[20:33.26] <TrainWreck> smelly
[20:33.30] <PrezPusyGrab> no spergs is just crazy
[20:33.32] * smirks smirks
[20:33.41] <TrainWreck> smirks is evil
[20:33.55] <PrezPusyGrab> hey spergs how was your weekend?
[20:34.06] <smirks> I smell like Lucifer's porn star stand-in
[20:34.13] * smirks smirks
[20:34.17] <smirks> now, blow off on me...Autiz...don't keep them waiting...
[20:34.23] <smirks> D'ihpy!
[20:34.30] <smirks> D'ohpy!
[20:34.36] <PrezPusyGrab> spergs:  So it went well?
[20:34.43] <smirks> bring it, dickmouth
[20:34.48] <TrainWreck> yep, smells like shit
[20:34.49] <smirks> now, blow off on me...Autiz...don't keep them waiting...
[20:34.56] <TrainWreck> sure glad I didn't step in it
[20:35.00] <smirks> c'mon, shot for saliva...
[20:35.07] <smirks> c'mon, shit for saliva...
[20:35.11] <smirks> now, blow off on me...Autiz...don't keep them waiting...
[20:35.11] <PrezPusyGrab> you said that, but it's not what i asked so that's a weird response.
[20:35.16] <smirks> you dope
[20:35.16] <TrainWreck> Added *!* to ignore list
[20:35.23] <PrezPusyGrab> so weird that it have come from a sperg
[20:35.24] * smirks smirks
[20:35.24] <TrainWreck> this POS is just plain irratating
[20:35.29] <PrezPusyGrab> might have*
[20:35.31] <TrainWreck> irritating
[20:35.37] <smirks> 2 dopes
[20:35.48] <smirks> kissing each other's dopey assholes
[20:35.57] * Griego ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:35.59] <Griego> THat ugly old doxing fat bald geezer mazy^grace needs to harass someone her own age. She's old enough to be my greatgreatgrandfather but way too ugly and way too retarded. ANd she did dox the poor fatso rollosaxx even dry the Canuck communist ruled her out for it.
[20:36.04] * Griego ( has left #Gulag
[20:36.05] <smirks> PrezPusyGrab, lick TrainWreck's asshole now...
[20:36.09] <@BodegaCat> hi griego!
[20:36.15] <@BodegaCat> oh damn he left
[20:36.25] <smirks> TrainWreck, lick Autiz' asshole now...
[20:36.48] * imagi ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:36.49] <smirks> ahhhh, I missed Griego
[20:36.53] <@BodegaCat> king PPG is now presiding
[20:37.15] <smirks> Autiz, lick TrainWreck's asshole now...
[20:37.26] <smirks> shgow us your REAL worth
[20:37.29] <smirks> -g
[20:37.38] <smirks> nom  nopm  nom  boyuz
[20:37.54] <smirks> you 2 shit lickers
[20:38.00] <smirks> entertain us...
[20:38.04] <smirks> c'mon...
[20:45.43] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[20:45.43] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[20:53.00] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[20:57.59] * Tatyana ( Quit (Quit)
[21:05.24] * Griego ( has joined channel #Gulag
[21:05.54] <Griego> Dry_ you were right there when Mazy^grace doxed rollosaxx and you ruled her out for it
[21:06.33] <+Timur> how peculiar.
[21:07.33] <Griego> The log speaks for itself
[21:07.36] <Griego> +,
[21:07.37] <+Lard> [url] #americapolitics mazy^grace is doxxing rollosaxx - | ( +, )
[21:08.00] <Griego> Dry can deny it and lie about it all he wants. He was there and he ruled that disgusting freak mazy^grace out for it
[21:08.05] * Griego ( has left #Gulag
[21:15.42] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[21:15.42] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[21:21.03] <+Timur> at least he recognizes a bad actor, even if he's been kinda crazy otherwise
[21:22.28] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[21:31.43] <wptmj> :]
[21:33.23] <wptmj> About ten years ago, my therapist told me I had problems letting go of the past.
[21:34.01] <+Timur> that's common
[21:34.35] <wptmj> Couples Therapist: "So, tell me what brings you here today?"
[21:34.38] <+payiurtuk> he's making a joke in case you didn't figure it out..
[21:34.40] <wptmj> Her: "It’s really difficult to live with him. He is so literal."   
[21:34.49] <wptmj> Him: "My truck."
[21:34.53] <wptmj> :P
[21:35.02] <+Timur> womp womp
[21:35.07] * PeptoBismark ( Quit (Quit)
[21:35.17] <wptmj> lol womp womp!
[21:35.23] <wptmj> i love that
[21:36.26] <wptmj> I heard a Bee Gees song coming from my vegetable rack.
[21:36.34] <wptmj> It turned out to be chives talking.
[21:38.03] * smirks ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:40.29] <wptmj>  If you can think of a better fish pun let minnow.
[21:41.42] ->> armorall :No such nick
[21:41.42] ->> armorall :End of /WHOIS list.
[21:42.09] <wptmj> Is it true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away?
[21:42.18] <wptmj> or is that just one of granny’s myths?
[21:45.43] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[21:45.43] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[21:50.41] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[21:51.52] <wptmj> If my jokes have ever offend anyone, you should hear the ones I keep to myself!
[21:53.51] <Kippis> wptmj: I chuckled
[21:55.50] <wptmj> ty, just trying to spread cheer
[21:56.29] <wptmj> Hi kippis, haven't seen you b4, i am victor
[21:57.01] <wptmj> i have only been coming to this playground for a month
[21:57.25] * MissBliss ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
[21:59.22] <Kippis> wptmj:   nice to meet you ... I've been here much longer...     it's good channel :)
[21:59.39] <wptmj> the best so far imo
[21:59.59] <Kippis> the tops !!
[22:00.18] <wptmj> freedom of speech is highly respected here
[22:00.23] <wptmj> and only here, it seems
[22:00.54] <wptmj> been banned from everywhere else
[22:01.31] <wptmj> a lot of people cant take a joke
[22:03.47] <Kippis> wptmj:   aaahh...  your jokes are harmless ....  'chuckle worth         
[22:05.05] <wptmj> kippis, my thoughts exactly, words can only offend if allowed to
[22:05.09] <wptmj> sticks and stones
[22:05.22] <Kippis> true
[22:05.23] <wptmj> if nobody takes anything personally, all will be well for everyone
[22:05.36] * shinobi ( has left #Gulag (message)
[22:05.57] <wptmj> the golden rule ain't rocket science!
[22:06.20] <wptmj> you get what you give!
[22:06.31] <+Timur> nite
[22:06.47] <Kippis> g'night  Timur
[22:06.57] <wptmj> sleep well, bro
[22:07.13] <Kippis> I'll be going too...    laters wptmj
[22:07.36] * Kippis ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:08.02] <wptmj> peace in the middle east!
[22:11.58] <+gannon> are you guys sad it's September 11
[22:14.48] <LionClan> everything changed on 9/11
[22:15.45] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[22:15.45] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[22:17.00] <LionClan> we couldn't let the Smoking Gun become a mushroom cloud
[22:18.47] * Viridium ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:19.07] <wptmj> I CELEBRATE EVERY DAY
[22:20.38] <LionClan> +,
[22:20.39] <+Lard> [YouTube] ⁨Best Movie Scene Fight Club Ending Pixies Where is My Mind?⁩ | 1m 1s | ⁨Flash Reborn⁩ | 979,441 views
[22:21.10] <LionClan> that's the view from Rudy giuliani's office of Emergency Management in building 7, on 9/11
[22:22.12] <LionClan> Fight Club clears all the other buildings first, the final scene is the Twin Towers demolished from building 7 with a panoramic view
[22:23.53] <+gannon> was it an inside job
[22:24.06] <LionClan> anything repeated on the news over and over is obviously propaganda, only two buildings in history have been taken down by an airliner and they both happen to be in the World Trade Center
[22:24.40] * Armorall ( has joined channel #Gulag
[22:24.43] <+gannon> Added *!*LionClan
[22:24.45] <+gannon> PSYCHO
[22:24.48] <+gannon> hey Armorall
[22:25.28] <Armorall> wait...I am a psychic psychotic psychopath, why didn't you iggy me?
[22:26.14] <+gannon> you're a model of mental fitness and stability compared to some of these tards
[22:26.40] <Armorall> gannon, it's because I KNOW, I am crazy, and they think they are fine, but they are not.
[22:26.49] <+gannon> correct
[22:26.55] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[22:27.26] <Armorall> I call them Walmartians. I don't think they are really human.
[22:29.52] * smirks ( has joined channel #Gulag
[22:30.16] <+gannon> would you rent a room to a guy named Donquavious
[22:34.18] <Armorall> It depends on what they are like individually
[22:35.33] <+gannon> +,
[22:37.49] * deRuyter ( has joined channel #Gulag
[22:38.52] * gadfly ( has joined channel #Gulag
[22:39.12] <gadfly> yo
[22:39.44] <Armorall> I am sorry X will not allow me on without giving elon my phone number, and I won't do that because I think he would rape me with a rocket.
[22:40.04] <gadfly> +,
[22:40.05] <+Lard> [url] Ron Johnson blames whale deaths on windmills | |, ( +, )
[22:40.26] <gadfly> damn whales keep flying into the blades
[22:41.45] <Armorall> Sharknado's will happen next
[22:42.24] <Armorall> if you read the article he's making fun of climate crisis and networks saying whales die from windmills
[22:43.07] <Armorall> but really there isn't a climate crisis, unless everyone is dead already and we're all ghosts talking to one another on a similar earth, but we don't know it yet.
[22:43.26] <gadfly> Armorall,  no he is citing foxnews saying it
[22:43.37] <Armorall> yes, maybe they did say it
[22:44.12] <gadfly>  I'm not an alarmist, and I'm not in denial. These windmills, according to an earlier report on your network, are killing the whales."
[22:44.26] <gadfly> he is saying windmills are bad
[22:44.33] <gadfly> not mocking people saying they are bad
[22:44.39] <gadfly> real his quotes
[22:45.14] <gadfly> Armorall,  it wasnt greens saying windmills kill whales
[22:45.21] <gadfly> it was pro oil people
[22:45.28] <gadfly> he was agreeing
[22:46.09] <+gannon> Added *!*gadfly
[22:46.22] <+gannon> anyone who posts "" is too stupid to live
[22:46.24] <gadfly> gannon,  is a dolt
[22:46.37] <gadfly> salon was merely citing a video from johnson
[22:46.38] <gadfly> lol
[22:46.45] <gadfly> from foxnews
[22:47.17] <gadfly> Armorall,  dont you remember trump claiming windmills caused cancer?
[22:47.20] <deRuyter> mills kill whales
[22:48.16] <gadfly> +,
[22:48.18] <+Lard> [url] Trump claims wind turbine ‘noise causes cancer’ | The Hill | ( +, )
[22:48.43] * Krishna (~IceChat77@ has joined channel #Gulag
[22:48.45] <gadfly> I dont even know how trump came up with that
[22:48.52] <gadfly> the noise causes cancer?
[22:49.11] <Krishna> the things you don't know
[22:49.34] <gadfly> Krishna,  know?
[22:49.44] <gadfly> Krishna,  he just totally made it up
[22:49.52] <gadfly> offered zero evidence
[22:49.57] <Krishna> how do you know?
[22:50.13] <deRuyter> +,
[22:50.15] <+Lard> [url] Noise exposure and the risk of cancer: a comprehensive systematic review - PubMed | ( +, )
[22:50.15] <gadfly> “If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations, your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer,” the president said while delivering remarks at the National Republican Congressional Committee’s annual spring dinner. He offered no evidence to support the claim.
[22:50.46] <Krishna> windmills are rubbish
[22:51.01] <deRuyter> windmills are really old-fashioned
[22:51.01] <+gannon> the wind industry isn't killing whales?
[22:51.03] <+gannon> +,
[22:51.54] <deRuyter> leave the whales alone
[22:52.29] <Krishna> thud thud thud in da water, travel 1000 km or more
[22:52.49] <dry_> this Michael Shellenberger seems to fret about the Hunter Biden laptop a lot
[22:53.07] <Krishna> wasn't hunter's laptop
[22:53.08] <deRuyter> 'split mothers from their calves, send them to poorer feeding grounds to escape the noise, and drive them into highly trafficked boat lanes where they face a higher likelihood of being struck by a boat and killed'
[22:53.13] <Krishna> a deep fake
[22:54.14] <Krishna> deRuyter that's right, the oceans are too noisy already
[22:54.37] <Krishna> the thud thud thud travels 100 miles on land too
[22:54.55] <gadfly> “As of now, there is no evidence to support speculation that noise resulting from wind development-related site characterization surveys could potentially cause mortality of whales, and no specific links between recent large whale mortalities and currently ongoing surveys,” the U.S. Department of Energy wrote on April 28.
[22:54.58] <Krishna> faulty windmills are not economic to repair
[22:55.06] <deRuyter> thoese animals need to hear the shrimp squeking otherwise they cant find food
[22:55.07] <smirks> <Krishna> a deep fake  <<<----  a deep fake YEMEN NUKE!!!!!!!
[22:55.27] <smirks> nyuk  nyuk  nyuk
[22:55.28] <dry_> deRuyter> 'split mothers from their calves, send them to poorer feeding grounds to escape the noise, and drive them into highly trafficked boat lanes where they face a higher likelihood of being struck by a boat and killed' <-- and...  we're blaming the windmills, and not the ships?
[22:55.32] <Krishna> gadfly the dept of energy is not exactly an unbiased source
[22:55.44] <gadfly> Krishna,  huh?
[22:55.49] <+P-1> gadfly: Trump is accustomed to MAGAs at his Nuremberg-style rallies...he sometimes forgets and assumes everyone is like he blurts out thinks like "windmills cause cancer" or "george washington's continental army took over all the airports"..assuming everyone is that stupid.
[22:55.54] <gadfly> Krishna,  you cite shit liek zero hedge
[22:55.59] <gadfly> and call the DOE biased
[22:56.00] <gadfly> lol
[22:56.13] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
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[22:56.21] <gadfly> P-1,  deRuyter  tried to give cover to trump
[22:56.23] <Krishna> the dept of whales says that windmills cause cancer
[22:56.25] <gadfly> and his windmills claim
[22:56.30] <dry_> why are we not blaming the ships?
[22:56.42] <deRuyter> blames ships
[22:56.45] <gadfly> its just plain nuts
[22:56.57] <dry_> if whales are dying because they run into ships...  seems the ships are killing whales, no?
[22:57.16] <Krishna> why are we not blaming the usual suspects like the russians, the paelstinians, the magas, the aliens
[22:57.25] <gadfly> +,
[22:57.26] <+Lard> [url] Windmills and Turbine Noise Do Not Cause Cancer |, ( +, )
[22:57.35] <dry_> lol
[22:57.50] <gadfly> what about the new sonar the navy uses
[22:57.53] <dry_> we need a news article to explain that noise doesn't cause cancer
[22:57.55] <Krishna> gadfly thats disinformation spread by conspiracy theorists
[22:58.09] <gadfly> +,
[22:58.09] <+Lard> [url] Just a moment... |, ( +, )
[22:58.18] * PrezPusyGrab (~abc@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[22:58.19] <gadfly> Krishna,  the navy admitted it
[22:58.28] <Krishna> must be true
[22:58.30] <gadfly> Navy Admits Sonar Killed Whales
[22:58.30] <gadfly> Researchers link sound to strandings for the first time
[22:58.44] <gadfly> Krishna,  why would the navy admit their sonar is killing whales
[22:58.47] <gadfly> if not true
[22:58.50] <gadfly> +,
[22:58.50] <+Lard> [url] Just a moment... |, ( +, )
[22:59.04] <dry_> <gadfly> Krishna,  why would the navy admit their sonar is killing whales  <--  getting popcorn for this
[22:59.08] <smirks> the whales were killed by cancer from the WINDMILLS!!!!!
[22:59.08] <gadfly> In a landmark study, the U.S. Navy has concluded that it killed at least six whales in an accident involving common ship-based sonars. The finding, announced late last month by the Navy and the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), may complicate Navy plans to field a powerful new sonar system designed to detect enemy submarines at long distances.
[22:59.14] <smirks> ackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[22:59.15] <Armorall> yes, but it was the frequency, they changed it so it dfid not do that
[22:59.17] <Krishna> sonar, ship's propellers and off shore wind farms all contribute to global anti whaling
[22:59.40] <dry_> <gadfly> Krishna,  why would the navy admit their sonar is killing whales
[22:59.44] <gadfly> Krishna,  there is zero evidence wind farms kill whales
[22:59.54] <+P-1> lol
[22:59.58] <gadfly> however the navy admitted their sonar did
[22:59.59] <Krishna> besides we all know it's the russians and the chinese at fault
[23:00.21] <smirks> Kenneth?  Kenneth?  Krishna?  Krishna?  What's the Frequency?
[23:00.34] <Krishna> gad how do you know there is zero evidence?
[23:00.38] <gadfly> +,
[23:00.38] <+Lard> [wikipedia] Whaling in the Soviet Union and Russia | "Russian whaling has been conducted by native peoples in the Chukotka region of Russia since at least 4,000 years ago by native Yupik and Chukchi people, but commercial whaling did not begin until the mid-19th century, when companies based in Finland (then part of Imperial Russia) sent out vessels to the Pacific. It was not until 1932 that modern pelagic whaling began to take off with the purchase of an […]"
[23:00.46] <gadfly> yes russians kill whales
[23:01.18] <+P-1> japanese....and some nordic countries
[23:01.27] <gadfly> yeah
[23:01.34] <Krishna> general douglas mcarthur  caused the most whale deaths
[23:01.36] <+P-1> savages
[23:01.46] <Krishna> savages!
[23:01.57] <Krishna> american army should know better
[23:01.59] <gadfly> P-1,  years ago I read how the japanese were forcing whalemeat into school lunches
[23:01.59] <smirks> harry     MacArthur
[23:02.09] <gadfly> as the younger japanese didnt eat whales
[23:02.16] <gadfly> and the wanted to preserve the tradition
[23:02.45] <Krishna> MacArthur forced the japanese to hunt whales
[23:03.03] <Krishna> typical americans
[23:03.47] <gadfly> Krishna,  when was macarthur last in japan?
[23:03.50] <+P-1> gadfly: they really are a disgusting culture...eating whales and getting off on porn where teenage girls get banged by an octopus LOL
[23:04.08] <gadfly> P-1,  but the blur pubic hair
[23:04.14] <gadfly> they
[23:04.14] <+P-1> lol
[23:04.21] <Krishna> gadfly when were you last on earth?
[23:04.39] <gadfly> if eating whale meat is naturally dying off in japan
[23:04.45] <gadfly> because young people dont want it
[23:04.54] <gadfly> why force it on the kids in the name of tradition?
[23:04.56] <+P-1> gadfly: youre arguing with a frustrated, mentally ill, shape shifter :)
[23:05.02] <gadfly> why not move on?
[23:05.12] <Krishna> it's stupidly expensive, young japanese are poverty stricken
[23:05.16] <gadfly> some traditions should die off
[23:06.10] <deRuyter> +,
[23:06.10] <+Lard> [url] 'Not reasonable' to rule out possible link between whale deaths, offshore wind farm work: ex-Greenpeace chief | ( +, )
[23:06.46] <Krishna> deRuyter it's very reasonable if you profit from the wind farm subsidies
[23:07.13] <Krishna> wind farms are a disaster
[23:07.29] <smirks> Krishna says the whales got cancer from the windmills
[23:07.35] <Krishna> not environmentally friendly at all
[23:07.39] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[23:07.53] <smirks> a-woooooooooo   Werewolves of Los Angeles   a-woooooooooooooooooooooo
[23:07.59] <Krishna> smirks, the whale funded scientists all agree with the whales
[23:08.45] <Krishna> follow the SCIENCE!
[23:08.56] <gadfly> deRuyter,  greenpeace?
[23:09.01] <gadfly> how about you know some studies
[23:09.03] <gadfly> lol
[23:09.20] <gadfly> deRuyter,  cite some peer reviewed studies showing wind farms are killing whales
[23:09.27] <gadfly> you know science?
[23:09.49] <Krishna> the whales  peer review all the SCINCE to make sure it's correct
[23:10.02] <Krishna> the whales  peer review all the SCIeNCE to make sure it's correct
[23:10.16] <LionClan> cage match
[23:10.32] <Krishna> DOE versus Greenpeace
[23:10.44] <Krishna> whales versus profits
[23:11.00] <Krishna> two dorks in the ring
[23:11.26] <LionClan> we have cross trained with Greenpeace activists and all of the ones I met are wiccans
[23:11.39] <gadfly> LionClan,  I like greenpeace
[23:11.42] <Krishna> stikken it to the wikkens
[23:11.43] <gadfly> but they have an agenda
[23:11.48] <gadfly> that isnt always backed by science
[23:11.49] <Krishna> doh
[23:11.58] <Krishna> SCIENCE!!!
[23:12.01] <gadfly> if greenpeace offered you know some studies
[23:12.06] <Krishna> whose science?
[23:12.09] <gadfly> id be a little more receptive
[23:12.27] <Krishna> gadfly you are anally retentive, not receptive
[23:13.20] <+P-1> gadfly: youre debating a know that, right?
[23:13.32] <gadfly> I was talking to deRuyter
[23:13.34] <gadfly> not Krishna
[23:13.37] <Krishna> SCINCE shows the anally retentive are full of shit
[23:13.37] <+P-1> gadfly ok
[23:13.49] <Krishna> SCIENCE shows the anally retentive are full of shit
[23:13.56] <gadfly> Krishna,  is either a troll or insane or both
[23:13.58] <@tis> hi everyone
[23:14.09] <Krishna> massive number of peer reviewed studies confirm
[23:14.19] <+P-1> ello tis
[23:14.41] <gadfly> honestly for Krishna  sake I hope he is just trolling
[23:14.45] <gadfly> while immature
[23:14.45] <Krishna> P-1 i am not a lunatic, I am a terran
[23:14.50] <gadfly> at least he wouldnt be nutso
[23:15.02] <deRuyter> +,
[23:15.04] <+Lard> [url] Hearing Impact on Marine Mammals Due to Underwater Sound from Future Wind Farms | SpringerLink | ( +, )
[23:15.13] <deRuyter> makes them deaf
[23:15.25] <Krishna> makes whales leftists?
[23:15.32] <Krishna> poor things
[23:15.37] <gadfly> so deRuyter  nothing about them dying
[23:15.38] <gadfly> ok
[23:15.49] <deRuyter> deaf isnt dead
[23:15.59] * imagi (~imagi@ has joined channel #Gulag
[23:16.01] <deRuyter> with one leg one can also walk
[23:16.24] <gadfly> deRuyter,  it doesnt say they would go deaf
[23:16.34] <gadfly> it says some COULD impact hearing
[23:16.37] <Krishna> deaf for whales is like your internet going away and your Tv and your radio, how could you ever replicate?
[23:16.41] <gadfly> deRuyter,  do you even read what you cite?
[23:16.48] <+P-1> +,
[23:16.50] <+Lard> [url] Just a moment... |, ( +, )
[23:17.01] <gadfly> it says most would be negligible
[23:17.11] <+P-1> +,
[23:17.11] <+Lard> [url] Just a moment... |, ( +, )
[23:17.13] <gadfly> P-1,  yeah sonar can be bad
[23:17.29] <gadfly> P-1,  I cited that same link earlier
[23:17.29] <Krishna> booooom booom boom
[23:17.38] <gadfly> asking Krishna  why he didnt care about navy sonar
[23:17.43] <gadfly> but was anti windmill
[23:18.40] <gadfly> deRuyter,  perhaps next time read the study you cite
[23:18.45] <gadfly> as it doesnt back what you claimed
[23:18.49] <gadfly> ok
[23:18.54] <gadfly> why waste all of our time
[23:19.21] <+P-1> gay: because right wing extremists are programmed to do the bidding of the fossile fuel industray...and will attack anyone who is a threat to their profits
[23:19.34] <gadfly> P-1,  pretty much
[23:19.42] <+P-1> gadfly: because right wing extremists are programmed to do the bidding of the fossile fuel industray...and will attack anyone who is a threat to their profits
[23:19.53] <gadfly> its right wing propaganda misquoting studies
[23:20.01] <gadfly> deRuyter,  didnt even read it
[23:20.58] <gadfly> P-1,  mazy_grace will almost never back her claims
[23:21.03] * caleb` ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:21.06] <gadfly> but one time she cited some study
[23:21.07] <+P-1> and the most vulnerable to fossil fuel programming is conspiracy theory types....
[23:21.14] <gadfly> that said the exact opposite of her claims
[23:21.27] <@BodegaCat> man i'm really happy with how the stalemate in the russian invasion is going
[23:21.29] <gadfly> she was either too stupid to understand the study
[23:21.41] <gadfly> or never read it and was just pasting someting from a right wing blog
[23:21.42] <smirks> batcrap crazy mazy
[23:21.50] <@BodegaCat> the past few days the ukrainians have stalemated a lot of new territory under their control
[23:22.13] <+P-1> gadfly: none of them can back their conditioned claims....they have no evidence or proof of any kind, but dammit.. they just KNOW for a fact lol
[23:22.56] <gadfly> P-1,  the thing is they claim they know more about vaccines than the medical community
[23:23.12] <gadfly> when they have not even a basic background in science or medicine
[23:23.16] <deRuyter> ' For a nominal power of 10?MW, the trends in broadband SPLs and turbine-specific spectral band SPLs yielded source levels of 170 and 177?dB re 1 uPa m, respectively. '
[23:23.32] <deRuyter> +,
[23:23.34] <+Lard> [url] How could operational underwater sound from future offshore wind turbines impact marine life? | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | AIP Publishing | ( +, )
[23:23.41] <deRuyter> 170-177 dB
[23:23.48] <deRuyter> small rumble
[23:24.25] <gadfly> deRuyter,  so what does the article claim the impact is?
[23:24.25] * gloops ( has joined channel #Gulag
[23:24.30] <gadfly> They dont know
[23:24.31] <gadfly> lol
[23:24.37] <gadfly> deRuyter,  again read before you cite
[23:24.43] <gadfly> why play these silly games
[23:24.48] <deRuyter> the impact of 170-177 dB on humans is unknown
[23:24.57] <deRuyter> and they arent even aquatic
[23:25.20] <gadfly> they arent even aquatic?
[23:25.26] <gadfly> its harder for sound to travel in water
[23:25.28] <gadfly> than in air
[23:25.39] <gadfly> what is the fall off rate for that sound?
[23:25.42] <deRuyter> ', a single 10?MW direct drive turbine is expected to cause behavioral response in marine mammals up to 1.4?km distance from the turbine, compared to 6.3?km for a turbine with gear box.'
[23:25.50] <gadfly> 1.4 km
[23:25.50] <deRuyter> it doesnt kill directly
[23:25.55] <gadfly> in the ocean?
[23:26.07] <deRuyter> yes
[23:26.09] <gadfly> 6.3
[23:26.16] <gadfly> deRuyter,  that is nothing
[23:26.25] <gadfly> how big is the ocean?
[23:26.32] <deRuyter> not if you place many and bigger ones
[23:26.34] <@BodegaCat> behavioural response = DED!!  according to anti-wokers
[23:26.47] <gadfly> deRuyter,  there is a reason you cant find any studies proving windmills cause whales to go deaf
[23:26.53] <gadfly> and are citing this stuff
[23:26.59] <gadfly> which says they dont know
[23:27.20] <gadfly> deRuyter,  you just spend 20 mins and that is all you found?
[23:27.23] <gadfly> why double down
[23:27.24] <gadfly> lol
[23:27.33] <gadfly> hell I am not even pro wind per se
[23:27.50] <gadfly> just pro science
[23:28.01] <deRuyter> 170-177 dB is pretty impressive
[23:28.05] <gadfly> if you have proof whales go deaf from windmills
[23:28.07] <Krishna> SCIENCE!
[23:28.13] <deRuyter> wonder if sonar works at those power levels
[23:28.14] <gadfly> deRuyter,  how loud is a whale call?
[23:28.22] <deRuyter> less than 170 dB
[23:28.28] <Krishna> deRuyter it's very reasonable if you profit from the wind farm subsidies
[23:28.33] <gadfly> 188 dB
[23:28.35] <gadfly> deRuyter,  nope
[23:28.36] <gloops> 50000 dolphins are dead in the black sea
[23:28.38] <gadfly> 188 db
[23:28.43] <Krishna> general douglas mcarthur  caused the most whale deaths
[23:28.44] <gloops> as a result of ukraine war
[23:28.47] <Krishna> the things you don't know
[23:28.48] <gadfly> so do whales go deaf making their calls?
[23:28.49] <deRuyter> a whale call is 188 dB
[23:28.52] <Krishna> MacArthur forced the japanese to hunt whales
[23:29.00] <Krishna> windmills are rubbish
[23:29.24] <gloops> wind turbines are bird shredders
[23:29.24] <+P-1> sperm whales are so loud that they could kill a human with clicks
[23:29.30] <Krishna> forget the whales, look at the engineering and economic realities
[23:29.38] <Krishna> of windmills
[23:29.40] <gadfly> Not only can baleen whales emit calls that travel farther than any other voice in the animal kingdom, these giants of the deep also create the loudest vocalisations of any creature on earth: the call of a blue whale can reach 180 decibels – as loud as a jet plane, a world record.
[23:29.55] <gadfly> +,
[23:29.56] <+Lard> [url] The loudest voice in the animal kingdom | BBC Earth |, ( +, )
[23:29.56] <Krishna> they make zero sense on land and less than zero sense in water
[23:30.04] <gadfly> deRuyter,  whale calls are around 180 db
[23:30.11] <deRuyter> you said so yes
[23:30.11] <gadfly> deRuyter,  this is why I cant take you seriously
[23:30.21] <gadfly> you dont bother to actually check anything out
[23:30.28] <Krishna> gadfly has issues with reality
[23:30.31] <deRuyter> because whale calls are loud, wind mills cause them no harm
[23:30.33] * katy_uk (~thsh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[23:30.44] <Krishna> deRuyter gadfly is a moron
[23:30.49] <gadfly> deRuyter,  there is no proof it harms them
[23:30.59] <gadfly> you are the one who claimed that something so loud had to cause damage
[23:31.01] <Krishna> no proof gadfly is sane
[23:31.06] <gadfly> when their calls are that loud
[23:31.12] <Krishna> NO PROOF!
[23:31.17] <gadfly> <gadfly> deRuyter,  how loud is a whale call?
[23:31.18] <gadfly> <deRuyter> less than 170 dB
[23:31.25] <deRuyter> the article said 'behavioral change'
[23:31.28] <gadfly> deRuyter,  why say stuff
[23:31.31] <gadfly> when you dont know
[23:31.46] <Krishna> deRuyter you are arguing with a moron
[23:31.50] <deRuyter> if someone is drilling in your wall you also have 'behavioral changes'
[23:31.57] <gadfly> deRuyter,  perhaps you know fact check yourself
[23:32.04] <Krishna> or a windmill up close
[23:32.10] <gadfly> deRuyter,  you claimed whale calls were below 170db
[23:32.15] <gadfly> when in fact they are louder
[23:32.16] <deRuyter> no
[23:32.19] <gadfly> <gadfly> deRuyter,  how loud is a whale call?
[23:32.19] <gadfly> <deRuyter> less than 170 dB
[23:32.22] <gadfly> yes
[23:32.24] <deRuyter> whale calls are very loud
[23:32.29] <gadfly> why lie about what you just said
[23:32.30] <deRuyter> wouldnt want to be near them
[23:32.40] <Krishna> forget the whales, look at the engineering and economic realities of windmills
[23:32.41] <gadfly> deRuyter,  YOU said less than 170db
[23:32.44] <gadfly> lol
[23:32.51] <gadfly> did you forget what you just said
[23:32.52] <deRuyter> rather stand next to aero-plane jet turbine starting
[23:33.10] <deRuyter> to experience some 'behavioral changes'
[23:33.11] <gadfly> deRuyter,  you just said less than 170db
[23:33.13] <gadfly> when I asked
[23:33.15] <deRuyter> no
[23:33.20] <gadfly> yes you did
[23:33.21] <gadfly> <gadfly> deRuyter,  how loud is a whale call?
[23:33.21] <gadfly> <deRuyter> less than 170 dB
[23:33.26] <gadfly> deRuyter,  why lie
[23:33.27] <deRuyter> 'less than 170 dB'
[23:33.31] <katy_uk> Windmills make you crazy. You never met a sane Dutchman did you?
[23:33.32] <deRuyter> small calls maybe
[23:33.41] <deRuyter> whale whispers
[23:33.45] <gadfly> deRuyter,  ?
[23:33.50] <deRuyter> :)
[23:34.02] <gadfly> deRuyter,  you are the one who said whales calls are less than 170db
[23:34.16] <gadfly> and claimed 170db would make them go deaf
[23:34.17] <deRuyter> all whale calls are over 170 dB?
[23:34.48] <gadfly> deRuyter, you just cant stop playing stupid
[23:34.49] <gadfly> ok
[23:35.00] <deRuyter> does a monkey alwats scream on the top of her lungs?
[23:35.00] <gadfly> done with trying to have a rational convo with you
[23:35.12] <deRuyter> 170 dB is a lot
[23:35.25] <gadfly> deRuyter,  you claimed something as loud as 170db must cause damage to whales hearing
[23:35.28] * nomic ( has joined channel #Gulag
[23:35.34] <gadfly> when most of them have louder calls
[23:35.43] <deRuyter> check how much an aeroplane jet engine or a rock concert produces
[23:35.44] * Headroom ( has joined channel #Gulag
[23:35.44] * * sets mode +v Headroom for #Gulag
[23:35.46] <gadfly> and all without any evidence
[23:35.53] <gadfly> all in the name of bashing windmills
[23:35.54] <deRuyter> loads of 'behavioral changes'
[23:35.54] <gadfly> lol
[23:35.59] <gadfly> we get it
[23:36.06] <gadfly> first you claimed it was killing htem
[23:36.14] <gadfly> then you claimed it was making them deaf
[23:36.20] <gadfly> now its behavioral changes
[23:36.28] <gadfly> why keep changing goalposts
[23:36.31] <gadfly> all to defend trump
[23:36.32] <gadfly> lol
[23:36.40] * kmh (~kmh@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[23:37.05] <gadfly> deRuyter,  we get it, you cant admit trump is full of shit
[23:37.12] <deRuyter> those engineers should make their windmills without sounds
[23:37.25] <gadfly> deRuyter,  how exactly?
[23:37.37] <deRuyter> am I an engineer?
[23:37.48] <gadfly> no so why do you tell engineers what they should do
[23:37.49] <@BodegaCat> wiki says big whales will moan at 155-188 db
[23:38.00] <deRuyter> they disturb whales
[23:38.01] <gadfly> without any idea of if its possible (it isnt)
[23:38.10] <gadfly> deRuyter,  what do oil spills do
[23:38.34] <gadfly> deRuyter,  do oil spills cause more damage to whales or windmills?
[23:38.49] <deRuyter> is that the argument: 'we dont care about whales'?
[23:39.05] <gadfly> no the question is what has a greater impact on whales
[23:39.10] <gadfly> oil or windmills
[23:39.15] <@BodegaCat> pretty sure that by definition, anything moving has some sound!!
[23:39.17] <deRuyter> we arent on oil spills
[23:39.24] <gadfly> deRuyter,  ?
[23:39.32] <gadfly> deRuyter,  windmills replace oil
[23:39.42] <gadfly> they have a much less impact on whales
[23:39.46] <gadfly> why play stupid
[23:39.50] <gadfly> or are you not playing
[23:39.54] <deRuyter> wind itself doesnt produce much noise
[23:40.01] <gadfly> deRuyter,  moving parts do
[23:40.11] <gadfly> deRuyter,  you know nothing about engineering
[23:40.12] <katy_uk> What's the actual evidence that wind turbines have harmed whales?
[23:40.19] <gadfly> katy_uk,  nothing
[23:40.22] <@BodegaCat> windmills would have very little replacement for oil use.  it would, if anything, displace natural gas & coal use.
[23:40.26] <gadfly> deRuyter,  is just playing games
[23:40.37] <deRuyter> +,
[23:40.39] <+Lard> [url] How could operational underwater sound from future offshore wind turbines impact marine life? | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | AIP Publishing | ( +, )
[23:40.39] <gadfly> katy_uk,  trump claimed windmills kill whales
[23:40.40] <katy_uk> Then ignore them and movebon
[23:40.43] <@BodegaCat> something like 2% of electricity is produced by burning oil
[23:40.48] <gadfly> so deRuyter  has to play stupid
[23:40.53] <gadfly> and try and justify it
[23:41.44] <katy_uk> OK. So so no actual evidence of any harm. Thanks deRuyter.
[23:41.51] <gloops> Four whales die in 4 days: Wind farms creating ‘death zone’ at sea says ex-Greenpeace boss
[23:42.09] <katy_uk> Oh. Someone SAYS it?
[23:42.18] <deRuyter> 170-177 dB is no harm?
[23:42.20] <gloops> no evidence does not mean not true
[23:42.28] <gadfly> gloops,  based on what?
[23:42.38] <gadfly> gloops,  what is greenpeace basing that on?
[23:43.00] <gadfly> deRuyter,  whale calls are louder than that
[23:43.01] <katy_uk> Gadfly Not Greenpeace. A guy who used to work for Greenpeace
[23:43.08] <gadfly> do whales go deaf with their calls
[23:43.21] <gloops> gadfly the fact that whales are dying near offshire wind installations where they werent dying before
[23:43.28] <@BodegaCat> deRuyter you were just cited that whales naturally produce sounds over 188db.  So that would be over 10x as loud as 177db.
[23:43.32] <gadfly> katy_uk,  deRuyter  is claiming that the loudest possible windmills at 170db
[23:43.36] <gadfly> must make whales go deaf
[23:43.42] <gloops> the decibels may not be the only factor
[23:43.45] <gadfly> even though whale calls are 180db+
[23:43.50] <gloops> there is frequency etc
[23:43.51] <deRuyter> you cant argue PERMANENTLY producing 170-177 dB is normal and healthy for whales
[23:43.54] <gadfly> gloops,  all without evidence
[23:43.54] <katy_uk> Then he is an idiot and not worth your time. Use /ignore and move on
[23:43.54] * BathSheba` ( has joined channel #Gulag
[23:43.59] <nomic> ive done more than any of you for the environment 1. i ride a bike. 2. i worked for one of the largest corporate environmental charities. I got them through a huge disaster situation and upgraded all their systems. 3. i buy soy milk.   gloops is a hypocrite. he still buys moocowmilk. fuck you gloops
[23:44.07] <gloops> this constant noise is driving whales crazy
[23:44.11] <gadfly> katy_uk,  yeah you are right
[23:44.15] <deRuyter> whale torturers
[23:44.18] <nomic> you got nothing to say on the subject gloops
[23:44.20] <nomic> shut the fuck up
[23:44.22] <nomic> bbl
[23:44.22] <@BodegaCat> cool, so if "the frequency etc." is killing whales, there must be evidence & explanation of this, right?
[23:44.25] * LionClan ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[23:44.39] <gadfly> BodegaCat,  so far deRuyter  has cited nothing
[23:44.46] <gloops> nomic youve been a constant drain on the earths resources for 0 return all your life
[23:44.47] <deRuyter> +,
[23:44.49] <gadfly> after spending a half hour looking
[23:44.51] * LionClan ( has joined channel #Gulag
[23:44.51] <@BodegaCat> what would the "etc." be in the "frequency etc."?
[23:44.59] <gadfly> deRuyter,  that doesnt back you claims
[23:45.08] <@BodegaCat> Besides volume & frequency, how is sound defined?
[23:45.14] <gadfly> deRuyter,  do you even read what you cite?
[23:45.16] <deRuyter> it says: "170-177 dB"
[23:45.27] <gloops> BodegaCat the reasons are yet to be established
[23:45.30] <gadfly> deRuyter,  whale calls are over 10 times louder
[23:45.43] <@BodegaCat> gloops cool so there's no actual proof of the claims
[23:45.45] <@BodegaCat> good to know
[23:45.47] <deRuyter> 'is expected to cause behavioral response in marine mammals up to 1.4?km distance from the turbine, compared to 6.3?km for a turbine with gear box'
[23:45.48] <gloops> the question is not 'wheres the evidence' at this point
[23:45.52] <gadfly> im done trying to explain basic science to deRuyter
[23:46.10] <gadfly> katy_uk,  how is your day
[23:46.15] <gloops> the question is 'have appropriate studies been done?' - answer no
[23:46.18] <@BodegaCat> gloops that is indeed the question being asked here.  'If you want people to believe your claims, where is the evidence?"
[23:46.24] <gadfly> <gadfly> deRuyter,  how loud is a whale call?
[23:46.25] <gadfly> <deRuyter> less than 170 dB
[23:46.34] <deRuyter> you go install a permanent sound source of 170 dB next to your apptment
[23:46.37] <gloops> theres no evidence of anything without research
[23:46.43] <gadfly> just shows how much he knows
[23:46.51] <@BodegaCat> whale calls are recorded as being over 185db for many species though.
[23:46.57] <gadfly> BodegaCat,  yeah
[23:47.18] <gadfly> BodegaCat,  dont expect deRuyter  to understand reason or science
[23:47.21] <deRuyter> 'doesnt kill you'
[23:47.31] <gloops> we're basically erecting vast whale torturing fields around our coasts
[23:47.50] <deRuyter> the whale sadism is too much
[23:48.13] <@BodegaCat> gloops is that your dream, or your unsupported assertion?
[23:48.18] <gadfly> or that db is logarithmic
[23:48.24] <nomic> i ride a bike. stfu
[23:48.30] * kmh (~kmh@ has joined channel #Gulag
[23:48.30] <nomic> i buy soy milk
[23:48.44] <gloops> i cant mate successfully with constant white noise at 170db
[23:48.46] * nomic maintains plants
[23:49.12] * nomic types on raspberry pis
[23:49.16] <gloops> nomic you only ride the bike to the dole office once a fortnight
[23:49.16] <nomic> fking hypocrites
[23:49.17] <@BodegaCat> so 185db is basically whales yelling as loud as they can.  175db is probably them talking very loudly.  155db is the minimum for many whales, their equivalent of a whisper.
[23:49.17] <deRuyter> how do you hunt with 170 dB blaring all the time?
[23:49.37] <gadfly> deRuyter,  it only goes out 6km
[23:49.41] <gadfly> how big is the ocean
[23:49.52] <gadfly> durr
[23:49.56] <gloops> and yes, go down the food chain, what impact does this noise have on smaller species, plankton etc
[23:49.58] <gadfly> moving on
[23:49.58] <nomic> fking PARASITES. rumbling down to walmart in ur 65 liter SUV
[23:50.06] <gloops> we know that 5g disrupts insects
[23:50.13] <gadfly> gloops,  lol
[23:50.13] <deRuyter> so we established wind farms ARE bad for whales
[23:50.22] <@BodegaCat> 65 liter?
[23:50.23] <gloops> wifi is possibly responsble for the insect apocalypse
[23:50.25] <@BodegaCat> that's pretty small
[23:50.30] <gadfly> gloops,  does the vaccine have mind control chips
[23:50.41] <gadfly> is the earth flat
[23:50.46] <gadfly> did we ever land on the moon
[23:51.06] <gloops> gadfly sound does affect living organisms
[23:51.23] <gadfly> what does sound have to do with 5g?
[23:51.33] <gadfly> gloops,  do photons make sound?
[23:51.55] <gloops> gadfly microwaves, wifi etc does affect living organisms
[23:52.05] * Mantra ( Quit (Quit)
[23:53.09] <gloops> +,
[23:53.11] <+Lard> [url] WiFi-enabled mosquito net kills bugs dead | Fierce Wireless |, ( +, )
[23:53.32] <gloops> the question is, why have proceeded with these turbines BEFORE we have these answers
[23:54.20] <nomic> +,
[23:54.21] * Headroom ( Quit (*.net *.split)
[23:54.29] <gloops> Wind turbines are sometimes cited as a risk to birds. While about 140,000-500,000 birds die from collisions with turbines each year in the United States
[23:54.48] <gadfly> gloops,  cite your evidence
[23:55.16] <gloops> gadfly the studies havent been done
[23:55.29] <gadfly> so nothing
[23:55.30] <gadfly> ok
[23:55.49] <gloops> so ignoring a claim is proof that its wrong?
[23:56.45] <@BodegaCat> ignoring an unproven claim means it's still unproven
[23:57.01] <gloops> but not disproven
[23:57.15] <gadfly> We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually.
[23:57.24] <gadfly> +,
[23:57.26] <+Lard> [url] The impact of free-ranging domestic cats on wildlife of the United States | Nature Communications |, ( +, )
[23:57.31] <gadfly> should we outlaw cats?
[23:57.34] <gloops> yes they should be genetically castrated
[23:57.43] <gadfly> they kill 100 times more
[23:57.50] <gadfly> er 100,000 times more
[23:57.56] <deRuyter> eradicating birds by cat cant be good
[23:58.10] <@BodegaCat> let's see... windmills kill birds, therefore, windmills must also kill whales.    Cats kill birds, therefore, cats must also kill whales.  Conclusion:  we must stop cats from exterminating whales.
[23:58.12] <gloops> cats also eat millions of tonnes of meat
[23:58.18] <gloops> environmental disaster
[23:58.23] <nomic> so do fkng dogs. n gloops
[23:58.49] <smirks> Windmills kill crappy IRC chatters
[23:58.52] <gloops> dogs can live on scraps
[23:59.48] <nomic> nadine dorries stating she didnt know until today what an XL bully was. she is acting like a snob. a standard thing
[23:59.51] <nomic> totally unfit
[23:59.55] <nomic> she knows what it is

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