






10:26am  Just finished updating my pope rap karaoke hack.  Spaced out the lyrics so you can see the images better.  POPE RAP.  Here are the rest of my k-hacks.


10:08am  Yesterday I quit #gulag on Undernet.  It is definitely NOT the best show in town. After over a year of using that channel as my main stage and logging every utterance, I have become fed up with how stupid most everyone in there is.  Stupid motherfuckers who believe in voting and elections.  

        I am sure not everyone in there is dumb, just most, and I did make some friends like seeker and Armorall, but the last thing the op in that channel is, is a "Lightbringer."

This is the last thing I left with: 

"<levity> you know what?  fuck this lamer channel.  IT IS OUR DUTY TO BREAK UNJUST RULES, but only if you have the balls.  if you want to adhere to the fake illusion of heirarchy irc offers, modeled after our evil satanic enslaved world then you dont deserve to live in peace because you are dumbasses.  immature halfwits.  

        if you can't tolerate opposing views  and a little slurring this sure isn't a channel i want to be a part of.  i will gladly share my light elsewhere with souls who can handle it, with emotionally mature people, not the children in here.   you stupid fucks who believe in voting, politics and religions deserve every ounce of misery that's coming your way.  PLEASE PERM BAN ME so i am no longer tempted to waste my time with you fools anymore."

        Oh, and I threw this together last night too.  I tried recording a video of myself orating The Note From the Rich, but wasn't able to add it with lyrics, so I did it with screen shots instead, CHECK IT OUT. I hope it gets through to people.  Here is the caption-less video of me orating it.


12:22am  Towards the end of last month I signed onto EFNET and found #computers which has the elitest chatbot I have ever encountered on IRC.  Just finished throwing this together.  It's an interesting read.  #computers.


12:08am  Every now and then I check my Blogger stats to see the random days in my journal people are reading.  In 6-28-06, when I was in Paonia, Colorado at the White Buffalo Farm 

I met this druid priest that after telling him my story he said I was a SeanchaĆ­.  SeanchaĆ­s told the story and kept the wisdom alive.     

Oh yeah, I'm still smoking.  Old habits die hard.  :[



11:00am  I have been neglecting this page lately.  Let's see, yesterday I updated my Carol Cook page.  I was with Carol for a couple years and we traveled a bit.  Tons of details in my journal starting in 2005 and ending in 2007.  Last January I found her phone number on the web and we texted.   My wife Tita had a funny comment I wanted to include.  


8:18am  Day 3 of NO SMOKING!  Haven't cheated once.  It's tough, but I can do eet!"  My pal seeker shared this vid earlier, I love the title: One Has To Die: The Earth or Capitalism.  Going straight on my FUCK MONEY page. 

7-26-24  Haven't been too descriptive lately.  Yesterday it was MY turn to go to the dentist.  See, at the place Tita had been going they did X-Rays on me and I ended up needing a lot of work done.  Like $2000-worth that MediCAL won't cover.  So I scheduled my appointment for the first round, an extraction of a tooth I had an existing filling in.  The procedure was problematic and it took a while.  It wasn't overly painful, but I did wince a lot.  She(the dentist) kept having to drill and I heard it snap off like three or four times.  Here's a picture of the fragments at the end. 



11:59am  Hmm, let's see.  Today I added lyrics to all the Corporate Avenger songs in the discography I put together yesterday.  I did more stuff too.  I am busy typing up my trip to Santa Cruz too.  

2:28am  Updated my offline backup


11:30pm  Yesterday Tita and I took off for a mini-vacation to celebrate her bday on the 17th.  We drove to Santa Cruz, a couple of hours away.   I was sure to have LOTS of blogtapes to stick all over the wharf, mostly fuckreligion.blogs.  We took lots of pictures.  I will elaborate in my journal later, but we had fun and got home earlier around three.  

        Tita went to sleep right when we got home, so I have been busy.  First I followed through on wanting to build a Corporate Avenger discography!   

        After that I imaged my new karaoke hack for The Bible is Bullshit.  It is so much better now.  I found a facebook vid that had some great self-defaming bible quotes.  I added them in with lots of pictures.  Melded the two versions.  Similarly how I did the Fuck Religion song a while ago.

6:15pm  Just added lyrics to most(some were instrumental) of the songs in my Corporate Avenger discography.  It's some really great stuff!


10:55pm  After looking at my old site on The Wayback Machine I was reminded of this page I had made.  Way back in 2009 I made a list of the most visited pages in my journal.


102102  San Antonio, Texas

120907  San Antonio, Texas

121507  San Antonio, Texas

111108  Ozona to long walk, Texas

111208  to Las Cruces, New Mexico

111308  Las Cruces, New Mexico

111408  Las Cruces, New Mexico

111508  Las Cruces to Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

073109  Seattle, Washington


6:48am  Wow, I have had a big gap of not doing daily thoughts.  I've been living life with my wife and pups.  

Wow!  I added this to my pastmission.html:  

(7-14-24  I mention that I only had my old website up for three years, but I had totally forgotten that I had tried to resume my website again from 2014 to 2017(when I lived in Mount Shasta and I was with Tracee Haughton from New Zealand.  I'll type up that vampire's chapter soon) which means my scripts had evolved too.  Look.  From 2021 onward it's a bookseller site, unrelated to me.  

Click here to see the latest archived copy of my old site.  This was my lame attempt at rebooting my mission in 2014.  I eventually took it down.)

I was also sure to update the title on The Note From the Rich to the one I used to use on my updated site.  

Letter of Appreciation From the Rich to Everybody Else


11:45pm  Been busy, busy, busy.  Just updated my gulag section to the end of June.  I will update my journal tomorrow.


9:57pm Started and finished my long overdue Bo Burnham collection.  It took me most of the day.  A new page was born!  WORLD PEACE THROUGH MILLENIAL REVOLUTIONARIES!


9:19pm  Spent most of the day harvesting pdfs for my new Mark Twain Bibliography.


5:11am  Took a huge nap yesterday and woke up around 3:30am.  I am busy updating my gulag section and on 6-12 Bongadier shared a good quote:  

        “The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.”  - T.H. White

6-27-24 How To Be More Zen: 11 Zen-Living Tips

        Hmm, what's happened?  Saturday we went to Dos Rios state park, which sucked!  Then we drove to Angels' camp, Mark Twain's old romping grounds.  Lots of pictures.

        Tuesday after an ordinary day about five thirty we decided to go downtown..  We walked from Noah'as Hauf Brau on J street and I tagged my blog everywhere.  We took pictures of murals.  We picked up dinner at Tokyo express right before they closed at seven.  From there we took our food and sat on the plaza  in the shade between Brendan Theaters and 1010 10th street, City Admin building.  We shared a delicious green bean and chicken with white rice and chatted and people watched.  

        Yesterday we went to Turlock, we had an appointment at the dentist, Hawkeye.  We forgot the referral slip so we had to reschedule.  After that we decided to go sightsee and we chose to go to Turkey Tech in Turlock. 

We parked by the duck fountain, paid for paring for an hour.  In that hour we walked around the campus.  Tried to use computers in library, but wasn't permitted because im not a student.  Fro there we took a wakl aroundthe campus and I tagged mh blog everywhere.  Epecially at the bus stop bulletin gboard thing.  Then we walked all around the big fountain once, lots of duck pooop.  We sat in the shadde and i smoked, took pictures and left.  We stoped at Cipponeri Farms and bought some fruit.  Watermelon and cantalpoupe and stonefruit.  Then we drove to our favcorite tacio truck, Case Cuevas and bought a super burritoand agueas frescas de Jamaica for Tita.  Then we drove home, ate.  I took a big four hour nap aibout four thirty and Tita sunned outside

        I will elaborate and add pics in my journal, coming soon!



7:34pm  From Tita:  Are you a black guy?

              Skating turtle   ADHDers starting their day be like  


5:54am  After encountering this awesome quote by HL Mencken "Morality is doing right no matter what you are told.  Religion is doing what you are told no matter what is right."  I got the idea to try and gather his bibliography.  HL MENCKEN 

From Tita:  


7:36am  Last night I emailed my favorite atheist so far, Matt Dillahunty the following:


Hi, brother.  I think my blog should be right up your alley.  It is such a multi-pronged effort.  Please enjoy and share if you deem worthy!

This is me in 2007    I have evolved much since then.

Just yesterday my fuck religion collection evolved into this:

Please advise who/what I should add/remove.  I've been at this for decades now.  Your endorsement would make a world of difference.  Peace!

I am as bonafide as it gets.  Text me please to let me know you see me.


I was very active on this cause from 2002-2009.  My return to the scene is detailed in my daily thoughts page. 

The funnest part of my blog is my karaoke hacks, enjoy!


- Victor Antonio from San Antonio


10:23pm   I cant believe I didn't have Friday in my stoner movie list.


12:33pm  Been busy, busy, busy.  Yesterday we rented a pump at Home Depot and we are draining the pool.  It got green and the dumb neighbors next door might call the Mosquito Abatement people again.  In between pool duties I've been working on my new WORLD PEACE THROUGH DIVORCING GOD page.

8:45pm  I am on this big athiesm kick right now.  I was thinking, hmm, who am I going to do next?  I thought about asking around in #gulag, but nah. I searched Google for "best athiest reddit" and yay, Matt Dillahunty, a guy from Texas who is still alive!  Yeehaw! 


6:46am  Let's see, yesterday I spent most of the day working on my Christopher Hitchens collection.  After advertising my Richard Dawkins collection in #gulag Timur recommended Chris Hitchens and I am now forever grateful.  A lot of his books I couldn't locate free pdfs for, so yesterday I snagged the pdf for The Portable Atheist from the special book channel on Undernet and I totally raped it for my blog, hehe.  Look:


        And then around 6:30pm or so Tita and I went for a nice drive in the country taking random turns and we ended up in Oakdale.  I stopped here and there and put my blog stickers all around, fuck religion!  On the way home I stopped in Empire and bought a flan at our favorite taco truck and did some more stickering.  FUCK RELIGION! :P 


6:03pm  Something screwy is up.  I had made a thorough entry for today but lost it somehow.  I have assembled another epic collection.  After I finished my Beatles collection last night, I got the cue to search for anti religious songs and found a badass Reddit thread where I was able to harvest over a hundred anti religion songs.  

        This morning I sorted through them, removed a lot and reorganized the list.  HERE IS MY MASTER FUCK RELIGION MUSIC COLLECTION!  After weeding out songs at my discretion I have assembled a very powerful, thought-provoking collection that is ready to burn religion to the ground!  If you want to check out the rest of the songs, go ahead


8:58am  Woohoo!  I started a collection last night that I am intending to make such a HUGE difference.  HONEST MUSIC!  




6:00pm  Look what I have been doing these past couple of days:  ALL YOU CAN EAT JIMMY BUFFETT BUFFET!


8:03am I am working on my Tom Mabe collection and I found out about this awesome series!  Telemarketing(2023).

"The business model is defrauding the most vulnerable in this country.  It was a big time scam."  

"Regulating telemarketing is like regulating Somalian pirates.  It just can't be done."  

Star of HBO’s ‘Telemarketers’ Docuseries Reported Missing

Ring Ring with Lou Ferrigno

12:45pm  Just finished what I could on my Tom Mabe page and emailed him the following:

"Victor Gruber <>

12:44 PM (1 minute ago)


Mr. Mabe!  I have loved you since I first saw you!  You couldn't be more right up my alley.  This is my feeble attempt at your disco/filmography!  Enjoy the rest of my site and please plug me into the laugh network!  THE TIME IS NIGH!

I am adding you here among many great others!

Yours truly,

- Victor the System Fucker

<l:^)"(he replied back, "Nice! Remind me in a couple of weeks, I'm swamped.")


6:15am  Just added a small TOM MABE page, after finishing off Benjamin Bear and Optimus Rhyme on my HACKER RAP page.

7:12pm  Trolling is an artform    I Am A Troll And This Is The Art Of Trolling

11:04am  Seeker just shared this with me.  NETFLIX-CLONES!  FREE MOVIES UP THE WAZOO!


7:47am  Working on my Optimus Rhyme collection.


3:17pm  Let's see, the last couple of days I have been adding to my hacker rap page.  I am almost finished with my YT Cracker collection and this morning I really beefed up my Beefy page with his discography!  My blog is growing exponentially as always!

6:33pm  Yeehaw!  I can't believe me its taken me so long, but I collected my collections!  


2:25pm  Let's see, last night I sept a whole rnine hours.  This morning I finished my Richard Dawkins page I started last night.  WORLD PEACE THROUGH RICHARD DAWKINS!

5:11pm  I have been working on my YT Cracker Page, adding his discography and I just heard him mention an IRC channel he hangs out in, on EFnet, which I thought I was banned from.  I tried different servers until I got on!  After all of these years the channel was empty, not nearly as many people still use EFNet compared to Undernet, but I listed channels and popped into random ones and spammed a bit.  Here, I will show you:  #therevolution


9:00am  Yet another great Karaoke Hack!  CIRCUMCISION!  no vocals  LATE CAPITALISM IS HELL ON EARTH!


1:33pm  Woke up early again like at 3:30am.  Out of coffee so I drove to the Starbucks.  We still had like ten bucks on the gift card I got flying my sign.  It took about three hours, but I threw this together:



5:43am  I woke up early and glued to the laptop again.  Collected Image for MC Chris' Everest karaoke hack!  EVEREST  no vocals   ::knuckles::


9:52am  Just yesterday I added a couple more karaoke hacks.  

I HATE YOUR BLOG!  no vocals

WiiD  no vocals

1:30pm  I am compiling my gulag update.  The Perry Bible Fellowship

2:03pm  Butthole Winking Conspiracy Prank Call

2:30pm  The Benefits of Living with No Purpose - Alan Watts  

3:21pm  I just typed up the end of the Alan Watts video.  Great stuff.




6:00am  I am adding to my hacker rap page!   THIS SONG ROCKS THE HIZOUSE!  

MC Chris - WiiD "Weed is by my side! It's always been there!"  I'll hack it eventually!'


11:27am  Just finished up MC Chris' entire discography!



3:46am  The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation

6:40am  Working on my Nerdcore collection.  I LOVE THIS SONG!  Spose - All You Need Is You


7:00am  HAHAHA!!  I Hate Your Blog

        Working on my nerdcore harvest.

10:15am  The Roommate from Hell

10:26am  LOL!  Internet Relationships (Are Not Real Relationships)


6:00am  I woke up early, did dishes and got online.  I was putting together my hacker rap page and was recommended this interesting vid.  When The Suspect Is Smarter Than The Detective

3:04pm  There are two rules in life... 

1. Never tell anyone everything.

3:27pm  Great stuff from Tita:  25 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago

6:20pm  Spent a lot of time compiling my YT Cracker MP3 collection.  I'll finish it later.


10:04am  Woke up early.  Last night I had the impulse to go through my old guestbook and harvest the working ones.  Ended up with a hundred or so and mailed them this morning.  Just popped into #gulag and seeker shared this song with me that is right up my alley:



People Don't See It - Anthony Hopkins On The Illusion Of Life

8:27pm  I was bored so I searched around for piracy songs and found this one, Piracy by Nyhm.  I've heard better, but thought this was worth karaokizing, no images though.  PIRACY  no vocals


8:48am  Woke up around six, did dishes and brewed my normal 3 cups of coffee, 8 tablespoons!  Last night I got cued to make a Trevor Noah page.  Listening to his White House Correspondent's Dinner vid and now I have new title for myself!  


1:56pm  Unlocking the Magic of Karma: A Journey into the Heart of Cause and Effect

2:25pm  Will People Ever Understand? - Terence McKenna On The Mysteries Of Our Universe

2:19pm  I was just reading through my old guestbook and came upon this entry:

Date:  2007-10-04 10:40:13

Name:  mike


Number:  98

hey man, its mike that picked you up in texas and took you to luther, oklahoma and hit golf balls.. just wanted to see how this trip was goin so far and say good luck and be sure and smoke a lot!"

        When I first started my joke blog in March of 2023 I emailed all the addresses from my old guestbook, including Mike's.  In case he thought it was spam and never saw it, I sent the address a test mail.  It didn't kick back so the address is still good.  I sent him the following email subjected VICTOR ANTONIO FROM SAN ANTONIO!:  

"Yo Mike!  Do you remember me?  Maybe this will refresh your memory:

Do you remember leaving this guestbook entry on my old site?(see above)

Text me and we can catch up!


- Victor the Liberator

        If he doesn't reply, in case he thinks it is spam, I WILL MAILBOMB him tomorrow. :P


8:17am  I woke up like at 3:30am, I crashed out early after my 12-hour Bob Dylan hunt yesterday.  I was looking at this video which prompted my morning project:  MARTIN SCORSESE FILMO!


America is one big lie and you are a fool for believing in it.

8:40pm  I took a big 3 hour nap earlier.  I am out of dabs so around 6pm we went to my signature spot to fly my hook a brother up/smoke a brotherout sign.  Within ten minutes on like the second lineup, this nice Mexican girl gave me $12!  Just like that.  I stopped and we went to the weed store and I'm nice and baked now. :]  See!  I am getting paid for my good work!  All my stickers are still there, have been there for months now.  Just yesterday I loaded up another big jumbo tape dispenser!  The other day I bought a four-pack of them:

        I unwound 14 whole yards, 42 feet of tape out and loaded up lots of little blogpapers like half an inch apart, and then rolled it all back up,  I just figured it out with Tita and we estimate I can fit 336 stickers per dispenser!  Needles to say I am all out of little papers now.  I need to get more printouts.

8:52pm  Evilclown shared this funny vid in #vietnamese:

Party Like Charlie Sheen and Throwback Thursday: Always Make The Cop Laugh | Gabriel Iglesias and Keep Yer Hands Off My PBR and Trevor Noah: That's Racist - Tacos and


11:32pm  Tomorrow going to make a long overdue Trevor Noah page.  I will leave you with this.  

Short Circuit 2 - Los Locos


7:23am  Holy shit!  Just like five minutes ago I as in #gulag spamming for peace like I usually do and I had the idea to share the Everybody Must Get Stoned song by Cheech and Chong.  So I searched google for the title and it gave me the Bob Dylan version.  Then I said, "Maybe I will do a Bob Dylan discography on my blog."  All of a sudden Zeno say. "Isn't it his birthday?"  I say, I dunno, that would be kewl.  Then I did a search and it turns out it IS Bob Dylan's birthday!  What a coinkidink, eh?  MORNING PROJECT!

9:49am  I am having a delightful time harvesting Bob Dylan tunes!  I am already on his eighth album, John Wesley Harding and THIS IS SOOO MY SONG!  I Am a Lonesome Hobo

2:04pm  Did nothing but collect Bob Dylan links.  I am already on his 1973 album.  Oh yeah, and I also had the idea to include Howard the Duck(1986)  WATCH in my movie list.


10:41am  Woke up at seven and got online.  Duh, I don't know what took me so long, but here is my Flight of the Conchords collection so far.  Also added Exit Through the Gift Shop(2010)  WATCH.

11:32am  Just thought of the title: "A worldwide showcasing of actions through words, pictures and movies!"  Hmm, where should I put it?   Oooh!  I know!  At the top of my macroblog!



6:00am  Woke up around 5 and did dishes and took the helm at my evolution station after a quick dab-and-wake.  Popped into #gulag and shared some Mark Twain quotes from my collection and was reminded about Jack Handey's humor by Timur.  TY!  

Jack Handey Quotes

8:25am  Peter Gabriel - Steam

10:54am  About ten minutes ago I just finished my Rucka Rucka Ali collection!  184 videos all in one list!  Then I promptly went to and dropped him a note:

"Greetings, fellow instigator.  Your stuff is right up my alley, so I basically mirrored all of your vids on my blog.   WAYYYY much easier to read than the ScrewTube list.  I hope you thoroughly enjoy my blog and the laughter and wisdom I have collected.  Thank you for being a part of it and this world!

Enjoy my elite karaoke hacks!

- Victor the System Fucker"

12:01pm  Duh, I can't believe I didn't have this movie already:  Talledega Nights(2006)  WATCH

1:50pm  I was watching this link posted by Ocean earlier.  In the video they talk about this movie and I found it easy.  Her(2013)  WATCH

8:21pm  Today Tita and I read from my journal for hours.  She really loves it.  Right now we are reading my East coast trip in 2008 that started with me spraypainting a fence in broad daylight then evading police on the bus and successfully skipped town!  I stayed out for five months.  We are already in Panama City, FL in my journal.  

8:50pm  Hippie, Nun and Bus Driver joke

11:00pm  Just watched The Breakup with Tita.  Total chick-flick.

Shared from Tita:

Puerto Rico customer service

When Dad and Son are Best Friends

When Mama's Middle Child is Depressed

School Stuff is the Opposite of Life

Manager's Be Like

How to Detect Red Flags in your GF/Wife

Marriage Life Be Like



7:12am  Hilarious animation shared in the joke forum this morning!  10 PUMP BB GUN

7:29am  I am quite proud of yesterday's The Link karaoke hack, so I thought to try and contact YTCracker.  I made a tumbler account called balancingact and I am about to send him the following:

"HI!  I was an IM-phisher back in the day.   I just karaoke-hacked your The Link!  Right up my alley!  You of all people should adore my blog!  I am in Methdesto, brah!

text me, yo!  ##########

Let's get this party started!

Shit, I am going to make him a page on my blog."

7:36pm  Took a three hour nap earlier.  Right now I was busy scrolling profound Calvin quotes in #gulag and my pal Tekwiz messaged me and recommended some interesting podcast:

How AI is polluting our culture

10:51pm  Cooked up some yummy chicken skewers for dinner.  I was reminded about Night Rider.  I found Knight Rider 2000 (1991) 


8:44pm  I started this this morning and just finished it up!  REVENGE OF THE NERDS TIME!  YTCRACKER - THE LINKNO VOCALS   4 minute song, 212 images!

        If you are new to this blog to sure to check out the rest of my elite karaoke hacks.  KARAOKE HACKS


5:47pm  Let's see, what did I do yesterday?  Tita had an appointment at the dentist again, for a cleaning.  We argued before she left and I said I wouldn't go.  After she left I realized today was a walking day, so I got ready, donned my wristweights and decided I would walk to her dentist's on Mchenry and surprise her.  I did just that and I sped-walked there in an hour and fifteen minutes.  I walked Orangeburg to Rose to Briggsmore to Coffee, then zigzagged through the neighborhoods and popped out on Floyd.  I popped out on Floyd. then walked the four blocks or so to the dentist.  Most of my stickers are still sticking.   

        When I got there I still had to wait half an hour before Tita came out.  They ended up doing a root canal, which slanted her smile, temporarily(thank LOVE), until the Novocain wore off.  We went to a taco truck and came home.

        This morning I got busy making my Rucka Rucka Ali page!  This dude is right up my alley!  RUCKA RUCKA ALI  I am really impressed with the AI suggesting stuff that's right up my alley.  I appreciate it.


11:17am  I woke up early.  Went to sleep at 2:30am and slept with Tita after brushing my teeth.  Slept over eight hours after my four hour hike yesterday.  I still get frustrated with Tita's over-sharing.  Today I spammed on IRC some more.  I don't mega spam Undernet, but today I got banned from Darlnet for mega spamming.  I just load up the list and enter select channels then go down the line.  There's plenty of phish in the sea.  I've also noticed I can rack up views from spamming on reel-comments.     


9:33am  I fell asleep on the couch in the living room and woke up around 4:20am.  I've been busy working on my long overdue Alan Watts page.  


7:23am  Crashed out in the computer room so I can get more work done.  Here is a good Bashar quote Tita shared with me. 

         Oh  yeah, yesterday I snagged this awesome quote from the joke forum.  It's a great burn

"I'm only responsible for what I say.  Not for what you understand."

-  GrizLeBare

I also snagged this good line:  "People say I act like I don't care.  It's not an act."  HAHAH!


        "The startling truth is that our best efforts for civil rights, international peace, population control, conservation of natural resources, and assistance to the starving of the earth—urgent as they are—will destroy rather than help if made in the present spirit. 

        For, as things stand, we have nothing to give. 

        If our own riches and our own way of life are not enjoyed here, they will not be enjoyed anywhere else. Certainly they will supply the immediate jolt of energy and hope that methedrine, and
similar drugs, give in extreme fatigue. 

        But peace can be made only by those who are peaceful, and love can be shown only by those who love.  

        No work of love will flourish out of guilt, fear, or hollowness of heart, just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now."

- Alan Watts


7:37am  Another productive morning.  Let's see.  I downloaded my site again, and put a link at the bottom of the main page now.  While watching this great video titled The Manipulation of Social Networks in Spanish I stumbled onto this great quote I need to share with Tita when she wakes up.  

        "El sabio habla porque tiene algo que decir.  El tonto, porque tiene que decir algo." - PlatĆ³n

        Literal translation:  "The wise man speaks because he has something to say. The fool, because he has to say something."

        I also spruced up my mememakers page.

11:03am  Here is the chatlog from #gulag from three days ago where I share lots of good links and jokes and puns.

9:52am  I got frustrated with Tita over-talking again, and repeating things she'd already said, so I retreated back to the computer.  Tita busted in to finish her thought, of I typed it up. :P

Tita:   I have to piece it all together first, that's how my mind works.  What I was getting at was your blog evolution and how your blog has morphed since its inception.  Basically, this is what I think your blog has become.  

        Your blog is about who you are, what you have done, where you've been and where you are in your healing process.  It's also about how your family has been dysfunctional seen through the lens of the wife I've you've had for five years now.  That's what your blog is.  It's not only your life or the things that you love, it's your hopes and dreams.  It's your vision of how everyone can come together in peace and prosperity.  It's a lot.  That's why it's difficult to describe without the timeline review, sorry.


6:21am  I woke up at 3am and got busy busy busy!  I spent like way over ten hours straight yesterday collecting, cropping and adding images to I'm Not Racist by Joyner Lucas.  I woke up this morning and finished it off great!  Almost 300 images.  I went a little gonzo on some parts and the end to where it's practically animated!  Enjoy!  I'M NOT RACIST  no vocals  Here is a screenshot of when I finally finished it.  

10:33am  The weirdest thing.  My master reference file on my desktop disappeared.  I must've gotten hacked, :P Ouch.  

        Anyway, I was so pleased after finishing my hack that I made Tita breakfast and woke her up with breakfast in bed and coffee and toast, and showed her my hack. She was very impressed but we discovered some errors.  I was missing a verse of lyrics and the final screen wasn't up enough to read.  I fixed that up right quick and updated all the places I had the links.  Here and my karaoke page and my fuckthegringos page, hehe.  On that one I also added the final image from my hack and when you click on it you go straight to the rap.  

        This is such a great hack of mine, it will forever be at the top of my blog!


7:02am  Woke up around 3:30am.  I had this brainstorm earlier and made my graffiti page.

8:18am  Just stumbled onto this gem:  

Joyner Lucas - I'm Not Racist  I think I will work my magic on it.

12:45pm  HERE IT IS, I will add images tomorrow morning.  I'M NOT RACIST


2:07pm  Today I went for another four hour walk into town.  I walked all the way to Empire and back.  I was sure to put stickers ALL along my walk, ESPECIALLY ALL OVER the tunnels of the pedestrian bridge that services Johansan HS on the way there!   


Remember, I AM THE BRIDGE!










5:40pm  Oh yeah, the other day I posted on a reddit thread of a conspiracy thread.  I had a cool exchange with someone from Canada.

Also, I think around the same day I created this Reddit thread in a group called raisedbynarcissists, but the Op didn't allow it, lol.


  Good thing I can post it here.  :P  


Have some laughs! Take your fill!


- Victor Antonio from San Antonio   


3:57am  Woke up about half an hour ago with 8 hours of sleep!  Before I crashed out I had started compiling a Futurama filmography.  I only have the first 2 seasons so far.

8:00am  Shared some pics with seeker this morning of all my stickering on my walks around town.  Just then I thought of that cool Benefit song I first heard from Skylar at Carol's house in Boulder, back in 2006 or so.  I share it with him and thought, "This dude spits some eloquent lyrics, hmm, morning project!  Look what I threw together in an hour and a half:

BENEFIT - So Sick - no vocals 

1:50pm  Oh yeah, I redid the God's Loophole video I had.  I resized the lyrics and spread them out so you can see the images better.     God's Loophole  NO VOCALS


Pictures from yesterday's walk,


12:09am Snagged this joke from a dalnet channel earlier.

Life is a bitch. 

When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade, get mad! 

Demand to see life’s manager! 

Make life take the lemons back! 

I don’t want your god damn lemons! 

What the hell am I supposed to do with these?

1:46am  Oh yeah, lately I've been spamming random, low-member channels on Dalnet lately with this,  my ad has evolved: 

"please check out my hilarious, ad-free, sardonic and irreverent blog."

 I've been getting mad visits from all over the world!  Earlier I had a visit from Nottingham, UK.  Just for fun I looked it up.  

The ULTIMATE guide to Nottingham city

10:13pm  Today I went for a long four hour walk!  I had a fully loaded tape dispenser.   I thought I had all three of my blog tapes to tag, but I only had fuckreligion.  I started my usua route, through the neirhborhood park, checked all my stickers and they are all still there.  Anyhwhere I saw one I added a fuckreligion tape.  I documented the whole thing and will probably type it up tomorrow.  It was a great walk that started with more trouble with Tita and I.  She pissed me off this morning, and I had some stern texts with her.  


6:30am  "Americans love to eat. They are fatally attracted to the slow death of fast food. Hot dogs, corn dogs, triple bacon cheeseburgers, deep-fried, butter-dipped in pork fat and Cheese-Whiz, mayonnaise, soaked barbecue, mozzarella patty melts. Americans will eat anything. Anything. Anything. Shit, if you were selling sautĆ©ed raccoons' assholes on a stick, Americans would buy them and eat them!"

- George Carlin

7:00am  Having sex with jar of peanut butter is fucking nuts!

Crazy man has sex with machine at laundromat and evades police.  Nut screws washer and bolts!

9:51am  I spit out some karaoke hacks in #gulag and realized I could easily make Founding Fathers better.  I had the lyrics too big and you couldn't really see the images, so I went through it and made it better, behold.  Founding Fathers  no vocals.


8:40am  Backed up my blog again last night.  Get the current version HERE to read offline!  ALL HAIL THE PERMENANCE OF THE INTERNET!



It's Time To Wake Up - Alan Watts on Religion


12:00pm  Haven't done much today.  I reorganized and polished up my fuck religion page.

1:21pm  Shared from Tita:  YOU ARE EARTH

“Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow. Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart, far better things will take their place.”

― Rumi


6:00am  WOOHOO!  It took me a bit, like four separate sessions, BUT I REMADE HIGH IN CHURCH WITH 322 IMAGES!  ENJOY!  A lot of parts in the video I have enough images where it actually looks animated!

High in Church no vocals


8:00am  I just re-did Ballad of Billy John!  No extra images, but I spaced out the lyrics so you can see the images better!  I didn't make a non-vocal version though.  BUT IT"S TONS BETTER NOW!


10:16am  Woke up at my usual 4am again and just finished I'm Not Good at this Adult Shit karaoke hack.  The audio I had had an extra chorus, but I was able to splice it out perfectly, which makes me removing vocals a bit tricky, so this one won't had a vocal-less option, sorry.   

Not Good at this Adult Shit  


6:57am  Woke up at 4am and finished off my all-time favorite Trevor Moore karaoke hack!  7 minute video with 178 images!  MY COMPUTER JUST BECAME SELF-AWARE, no vocals 

HERE are the rest of my karaoke hacks!

4:20pm  I got all dabbed up and started searching for my old site again.  I checked a link from 2016, back when I tried resuming my mission, but didn't really.  I stumbled onto this piece I wrote living in Siskiyou County in 2016.  Check it out.



2:21am  Wisdom from Tita: "We are perfectly-imperfect.  If we can truly embrace this concept and little by little accept and love ALL parts of our Selves, we can love ourselves, and thereby others better.  We will be more whole.  

        Please, love yourself 100%.  All humanity will benefit."

- Tita Vera

"Desire is the main obstacle to contentment in life." - Swami Tadatmananda


7:31am  Been up and busy since 5am.  In a couple of hours I threw together my next karaoke hack!  DINOSAUR RAP!  "The first rap song about getting high with dinosaurs!  You're welcome....internet!"

With 80 images!  Here are the JPGs.

11:41pm  Didn't do much else.  Actually, I went for a walk.  Tita wanted to drive, but I wanted to walk as fast as I wanted to and also I wanted space from Tita.  I wanted to walk to Office Max to ge some printouts.  I need to get some FUCKRELIGION.BLOGs printed out.  I am almost done with the dispenser-full of FUCKMONEY.BLOGs.  I got like 7 more tape dispensers to load up.    

        So I walk all the way to Office Max putting fuckmoney.blogs here and there.  The park nearby is loaded with them.  My thing recently has been sticking them on leaves that are in plain view and pedestrians will see for sure.  Anyway, I walked all the way to the Office Max, went to one of the self-serve printers, inserted my USB drive, looked in my wallet and discovered I didn't bring any cash or have my ATM card.  Oh well, at least I got some exercise and stuck my blog like 20 times.  

        I slowly amble all the way home, open the garage and empty out my pockets.  Not only did I find like five bucks in bills and some change, but dumbass me left my USB drive at the store!  Doh!  I called the store and they secured it for me.  Figured I would drive there soon and reclaim it.

        Maybe it was the all the dab hits but I needed a nap.  I invited Tita to nap with me and she said okay.  We had agreed to stop having sex since we are splitting up soon, but we got it on anyway and I slept for like three hours, a good nap.   So I came to get the computer.  I added a drawing of a penis to Franklin's mom's picture, lol.  

Which goes great with the edited picture of his jizzed face I made!

 I stole the idea(and the cumshots) straight from The Ballad of Billy John, I LOVE YOU, TREVOR!

        Also, recently I had some stern texts with Micro-Ada, my older sister Diana, which prompted me to construct a WHOLE FAMILY BURN page! I am having SO MUCH fun!  My San Antonio "family"" can all go FUCK THEMSELVES!  :P

        Right now I am updating my journal.  APRIL

12:54am  Stumbled onto this guy.

Bible Scholar Dr. Joshua Bowen Leaves Christianity

Updated my Fuck Religion page.

1:02am  Oh yes, before I forget!  I did a Google search for "fawn journeyhawk" and ended up at this cool profane dude who gives great advice!  

Wes Watson on London Real - Character Construction  

3:56am  Just got done showing Tita my dumbbitch.html page I just together of my text-life with Diana since last August.  Check out my whole family burn page if you haven't!



7:31am  Yesterday I got tons of work done again.  I had some interesting texts with my dumb older sister, which sparked me to make a WHOLE FAMILY BURN PAGE!  As they say in Texas, FUCK ALL-YA'LL!  Still in progress, but here is what I have so far!  IT'S GOING TO BE FUNNY AS FUCK!  I named the page IDIOTS!  LOL!  Maybe I will change it to IMBECILES.HTML!  HAHA!


3:43pm  I already had this written up but I lost it resetting.  Let me tell you about this cool rabbit hole I've been down these past couple of days.  I HAVE HAD THE MOST PRODUCTIVE ONLINE SESSIONS LATELY! 

        The other day after I added that part on my Free Media page where I say I don't die, I multiply, I went searching for the Bebe's Kids soundclip.  In searching for that I stumbled onto a song titled We Don't Die, We Multiply!  A hip-hop song.  I saw it was 14 minutes long and I started salivating.  The first verse was in English, but the rest was in some different language.  

        What a major cocktease!  I didn't want to just read the lyrics.  I wanted to know what they said with the music!  What do do? 

        The gears in my head started churning.  My project presented itself!

        I quickly converted the 14 minute video into an MP3 and loaded up Mixcraft.  I found the lyrics at and I started adding them, patiently, since it's another language.  Once that was done, the foundation was set.

        Then I started harvesting images.  It was quite a laborious chore, but I imaged the hell out of it.  A little hurdle or crop here and there and presto.  After lots of pictures(About 300) I needed to go through and with the help of Google Translate, translate every single verse from Filipino to English.

        I personalized things here and there, but it's basically a still-frame version of the entire video!  If I have to lose animation to be able to manipulate this video, it's a small price to pay, especially if this way the song's message is easier to understand.  FUCK LANGUAGE-BARRIERS!

        I hope I can muster up the entire island of the Philippines with this!  US KIDS HAVE HAD IT!

        After much diligent work, here are the results:    

WDDWM - Filipino lyrics

WDDWM - Filpino lyrics, NO VOCALS

WDDWM - English lyrics

WDDWM - English lyrics, NO VOCALS

        The song was too long for, so I used the old program Audacity, so it still has hints here and there of vocals.

4-20-24  YAY FOR THE DAY!  I have been busy busy busy.  Yesterday I was at it from sunup to down.  I have a very important project that I am not going to disclose at this time, but it should be HUGE.  

        Tita and I are finalizing our separation, again.  She showed me this hilarious picture and said, "That's you!" 


She just shared this awesome info about the Queen Song, Bohemian Rhapsody.


2:32pm  Quotes found by Tita.  

"The Jews are the chosen people of god.  And this is written in a book that they themselves wrote."  - George Carlin

"Whoever invented marriage was creepy as hell.  Like I love you so much I'm going to get the government involved so you can't leave." - Jim Carrey

5:43pm  Just finished updating my Propagandhi Fuck Religion song.  I colorized it and added/replaced pictures.  Oh, and I dropped the text a bit too.  Check it out.  FUCK RELIGION

Oh, and this morning I polished off my Asylum Street Spankers page!  GO TEXAS!  GET 'R DONE!

11:22pm  Great Lao Tzu quote: "To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day."

Here is another great one I have memorized.  "Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity, reduce selfishness, have few desires."


7:33pm  Yet another productive day!  This morning.  Yesterday bongadier turned me onto Asylum Street Spankers!  Right up my alley!  Stoners from Texas!  I stayed up until 5 diligently assembling their page.  I am almost done.  ASYLUM STREET SPANKERS.  

        Tita had an appointment at Pearl Dental, in the Walmart shopping complex.  I agreed to drive her and wait until she was done.  Just yesterday I refilled two complete tape dispensers.  One with havethesejokes.blogs and one with fuckmoney.blogs.  For over an hour I was stealthily tagging places, on both sides of the street.  I tagged like forty or so today.   Even in front of a banks!  I even put stickers on leafs!  Nature is literally supporting my mission!  :P          

        Oh yeah, I looked across the street and saw a computer shop.  With my dispenser in hand I walked up over by the front door and stuck my blog on a concrete pillar and walked off.  All of a sudden I see this pissed off guy come outside and asking me if he could help me, as he went and took my sticker off.  I told him, "Just please check out my blog.  It's not religious, I promise," and walked off.  Hehe.

        Tita is in need of a couple of root canals or something, but when they tried to operate she couldn't handle the pain, even with the numbing agent.  Then we went to Target because I ran out of Bitchin' Sauce.  I am all about the chipotle!

        When we got home I threw this karaoke hack together!   MISSIONARY - OPERATION IVY  ON MY WAY TO SAVE THE WORLD!


6:28am  Woke up at five.  While I was making my morning deposit I searched Bing for "" and found a punk rock band from Austin named FUCK MONEY!  Woohoo!  Texas-power!   I'm gonna make a FUCK MONEY section!  Yuck, hard to understand lyrics.

1:36pm  Hold the phone!  After Googling around for Fuck Money I found me this Revolting Cocks song called Fuck Money!  I looked up the lyrics to it and they were kind of lame, so I personalized them.  I turned this seemingly negative song into a bonafide outlet of angst for me!  Enjoy!  Revolting Cocks - Fuck Money(victorized).  I really wish everybody would just read my blog already.  I hope this helps.

2:22:22  HAHA, look at this funny ass video that just found me!  

 Something Terribly Offensive (animated by @DrueLanglois) 


9:58am  Last night I slept in the sunroom, the computer room because Tita was annoying me.  This morning I got up and did most of the dishes and then I came to see what I could manifest for a project.  I totally upgraded this song.  Images and all,

Stick the Fucking Flag Up Your Goddamn Ass, You Sonofabitch  NO VOCALS

Oh, and:  [09:53.32] <P-1> the bible offers a recipe for a potion and magic spell to cause an abortion  Numbers 5:11-31

[10:23.16] <levity>  Friend: "I just bought Tupacs of Eminems for 50 cents.
[10:23.20] <levity>  Me: "That's Ludacris. How Kanye West your money like that?" 
[10:23.24] <levity> :P
[10:23.55] <Debaser> You're going to be Outkast from this channel for these jokes
[10:24.26] <levity> LOL!
[10:24.31] <levity> g1!

9:49pm  Just finished getting all I could get of Clint Eastwood's filmography.  I only missed a handful.  They were mostly on  ENJOY!  CLINT EASTWOOD FILMOGRAPHY.  Here are all my other filmo's:

Sidney Poitier

Leslie Nielsen

Mike Judge

Jim Carrey

Kevin Smith

Michael Moore



10:00am  These productive mornings just don't stop!  I cant believe it's taken so long, but this section was long overdue to be on my blog.  Look what I pieced together.  WORLD PEACE THROUGH PIXAR!  FULL AD-FREE FILMOGRAPHY!

11:24am  Just updated my Daily Thoughts in Order section.  I hadn't done that since last December.

2:08pm  Jewish Views on Cremation

2:34pm  Belief Is Rooted In Doubt

2:44pm  Earlier Tita shared this Belief in Doubt video with me with a Jamaican guy.  It's a facebook link and I don't like facebook links, fuck facebook, so I searched Google for it and ended up at a different Belief is Doubt video by Alonzo Kelly.  I have only  heard the first few minutes and I got busy looking for ways to contact him.  He has a site and I sent him a message.  Whoa, this guy supports evolution!  Woohoo!

Kelly Leadership Group, LLC

3:00pm  Yeehaw!  I just finished listening to his awesome video!  THIS IS RIGHT UP MY ALLEY.  It's not that long.  I am going to type it up!  

4:36pm  Finished typing it up in spite of interruptions.  Belief Is Rooted In Doubt.


2:59pm  It's cold and raining and I've been busy busy busy.  This morning I got reminded of Jay and Silent Bob.  Duh, work to do!  I shot for a whole Kevin Smith filmography.  Didn't get them all, but a lot of the good ones!  Enjoy!  KEVIN SMITH


        Back when I first came back to IRC last August, I "coincidentally" met this multi-cultural, guitar virtuoso gringo named Nameless who has much appreciation for Latin music, who wants to remain anonymous.  He lived in San Antonio when I was there walking all around town every day and he actually remembered seeing me!  What a small world!  That this random dude I see online remembers seeing me twenty years ago!  

        After spending time formatting his section, I messaged him to let him know and to make sure there were no qualms.  I didn't think he'd mind sharing.  Well, good thing I did because he did.  So I went through and renamed him Nameless throughout the conversations.  I am glad he let me modify it.  I hate wasting history.  Here are some great chapters:



7:30pm  Word of the day:  PANOPTICON

        Okay, I know posting private conversations is a big cyber faux pas, butt fuck it.  Sue me, I dare ya.   Drastic times.  People need to learn how to keep it real.  HERE ARE MOST OF MY MESSAGES THAT IRC SAVES ON IT'S OWN ANYWAY.  You can't get mad at me.  <l:0)

        ALL OF MY IRC QUERIES which support and validate my timeline.  



11:55am  This morning I got to work on my NineVolt page, I asked permission, which prompted me to expand and polish up my Daniel Quinn page.

1:25pm   Norm Macdonald Constant Shitting on OJ Simpson


9:14am  Good morning, so far.  Cleaned the kitchen spotless.  Dishes, swept, mopped and waxed floor  Came on IRC to chill and spam my stuff.  In #vietnamese my buddy Doug shared a song and a story with me.  Dougwiser

7:39pm  I went for a walk with Tita and our pups.  Tita is still being against me and my patience is wearing thinner each day.  Anyway, most of the day I spent assembling my Violent Femmes collection!  COMPLETE, FREE AND PLAYABLE DISCOGRAPHY!

        Oh yeah!  And I totally forgot I had put together a Beverly Hillbillies page months ago!  HERE YOU GO.  It still needs work,


6:10am  Been up since three.  Got to work polishing up my blog.   I made a breaking news section, and added Goodfellas and all the Godfather movies to my movie list.  I had totally forgotten about my Star Trek Page and worked on that too.


1:01pm  Wow, I am getting so much work done it's not even funny.  Spruced up my Gulag section.  The other day in the car I was reminded of this show I just finished collecting.  Bosom Buddies with Tom Hanks.

3:24pm  I was in #gulag and got cued to a good Op Ivy song, but when I checked my Op ivy page I didn't have the song.  It's such a good song I made a karaoke vid of it!  Operation Ivy - Healthy Body, Sick Mind.


3:05pm  For days I was busy adding my gulag logs and topping the links in them.  I don't expect people to read them all, but at least I get to share all the links.  Anyway, this morning I was typing  up a journal entry which prompted me to dig up the astrological reading Tita and I paid for in Mount Shasta back in 2019.  So I got busy typing it all up. LOOK

        When Tita woke up I jumped on the dishes, then came back to the computer to resume my flow.  After I polished off the reading I thought to typing up Chapter 2 of the short Wayne Dyer book Geting in the Gap, about meditation.  Just finished it.  CLICK HERE to read.   I still have a couple more pages to type up.


4:23am  I have been soooooo busy lately.  Just yesterday I added all my #gulag logs since my return to IRC last August.  


I had lots of days when I would just post the best jokes and puns in my collection, so it should be a hilarious addition to my blog.  I painstakingly copied each day to my blog.  Of course, I went so fast Blogger eventually throttled me from making more htmls, so I had to wait 24 hours to keep going.  Then, yesterday I spent from sun-up to sun-down activating only the links I shared in the chat.  When I finished that I got to thinking, "Nobody is going to want to read through these masses of text and dig through the links(even though you can just tab to them now)," therefore I should make a list of links shared at the top of the page, and if people want to know the context each link was shared in, then they could just tab to it and read it.  THIS WILL HELP TREMENDOUSLY TO SPARK INTEREST.

        Oh yeah, and just for good measure I downloaded my site again.  YOU SHOULD TOO

8:55am  Just msged seeker and he shared this!  Copying Is Not Theft  The next video that played was this!  Luv Is…  OML(oh my LOVE)! SO FUNNY!

Woohoo!  There's a Wisdom Dog 3!  



3:01pm  I woke up and polished up my Ninja Turtles page.  I'm not all the way done, but its mostly there.  I did find most of the movies for free though!  Woohoo!

        Anyway, Tita came in and read to me from a small Wayne Dyer book she has titled Getting in the Gap.  It's a really small book, but I couldn't find the pdf for free anywhere.  I am itching to type it ALL up, straight up pirate style.  I am sure Wayne wouldn't mind.  It's some good sheet, mang.

        To start with is a good quote:  

        "Through the rise and fall of empires, through the creation of vast bodies of symbols that give shape to our dreams; through the forging of magic keys with which to unlock the mysteries of creation...through it all we are marching from epoch to epoch towards the fullest realization of our soul."

        "Yes, we are coming, the pilgrims, one and all - coming to our true inheritance of the world, we are ever broadening our consciousness, ever seeking a higher and higher unity; ever approaching nearer to the one universal truth which is the All - comprehensive all embracing."

- Rabindranath Tagore, 1861-1941

5:30pm  Typed up the whole first chapter.

6:53pm  Shared by seeker:  Great Transition Initiative


7:30pm  What a busy day I've had.  First, I started out working on my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles page.  Then I updated my SEEKER page.  And as promised, I began my #gulag page with ALL OF MY CHATLOGS since I first visited last August.  Of course I got throttled by blogger for making htmls too fast.  I got to January and I'll finish it tomorrow or the next.  With much pride I entered #gulag to share and P-1 showed me this!  LOL!  


Woohoo!  Shit-talking!


11:51am  Last night it eved on me that sooo many people have been programmed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles growing up.  This morning I hopped right to it.  This is what I have so far.

        Oh yeah, and Tita sent me this pic of me that day we went to the reservoir.  


8:20am  I woke up this morning and threw together this karaoke song.  I already had it k-hacked, but I am making it better.  It needs to be on my new Church page, hehe.  FUCK RELIGION!  no vocals.  It's a nuke for my armory!

        Another contribution from seeker.   An awesome song his friend from the Dominican Republic sent him:  Parasite Eve

2:50pm  Just finished version 2.0 with images and lots more thanks to that Tita found for me!

FUCK RELIGION!  no vocals


9:30am  Downloaded my site again for good measure.  I am evolving beautifully as always.    


1:45am  Just finished harvesting titles and links to ALL Sam O'Nella Academy videos.  Thank you, seeker for helping to teach!

2:01am  Created this already.   samonella.html   I will finish it up tomorrow.

11:29pm  Finished up that page.  I don't usually read all those galactic channeler stuff, but seeker shared this one with me and I think it is great.  Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - March 15, 2024

1:41pm  Tita is recommending this song Pumped Up Kicks, she thinks it's called.


11:30pm  Let's see, today I walked all the way to Phenos and bought some dabs, then walked all the way back, about six miles roundtrip.  Tita stopped and tried to offer me a ride, but I refused, I need the exercise since I've been glued to my blog.   I put my blog-tape all over the place.  A lot of fat leaves in plain view.  Then later on I followed through on securing the domain name FUCKMONEY.BLOG!

From seeker from the other day:  

Diogenes, the Publicly-Defecating Philosopher


8:09am  Oh yeah!  Here is my entry for the 23rd, where I infiltrated a church of lies and shined my light!  MARCH 23, 2024  ¡ME CAGO EN DIOS!  god IS NOT GOOD!  MANY HAVE BEEN DECIEVED!  I HAVE PROOF!  GOD WANTS DEATH!  EVIL MAKES THE CHURCH LOTS OF MONEY!  EVIL IS BIG BUSINESS!  ALL CHRISTIANS SUPPORT EVIL!  DUMBASSES!

    "I like your Christ.  I just don't like your Christians.  THEY ARE SO UNLIKE YOUR CHRIST!"

-  Gandhi 




12:10pm  Yesterday I had a very good chat with seeker, which prompted me to update his section.  WORLD PEACE THROUGH SEEKER  I had suggested he start logging his life like I do.  To my delight he tried it!  READ his half hour entry!  EVOLUTION!  Sharing is caring!

2:58pm  Almost forgot, an addition to my toilet humor!  YODA HAS A BAD POO POO (UNCENSORED EXTENDED) - The Puppet Yoda Show


Today I went to church and planted my seed!  I will update my journal soon!


    10:05pm  Spent most of the day putting this together.  TINY TOON ADVENTURES  I watched Tiny Toons a lot growing up.  Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain coming soon!(maybe).

    I also added sooo many new movies.   I even added a Stoner Movies section!  

    I can't believe I hadn't mentioned it, but I feel soooo blessed in having stumbled onto Trailer Park Boys the other day!  I had never seen that show before!  It is right up my alley!  It will totally help desensitize people to being offended by harmless words.  So I am extremely proud of this collection I put together and hope it will serve as a boulder in my sling.  


For motherfudging sure Blogger is going to have a content warning on this page, lol.  Even the titles are downright vulgar!  I LOVE IT!  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! <l:oP

12:42am  After I labored so long all day harvesting from The Great Archive, once I finished my Tiny Toons page I thought okay, Animaniacs next.  The Mighty Cache didn't have much but I stumbled onto a random Reddit post and found this!  Someone else has done the work for me!  Woohoo! too!  Presto-Manifesto!

1:25am  I was looking over those animated Trailer Park Boys in Spanish and since I am so big on profanity I have started a Spanish cuss words list.  This is what I have so far:  

CabrĆ³n CoƱo Joder Puta Mierda Cojones Culo Chinga Tu Madre Me Cago Que Te Jodan A Tomar Por Culo Pinche Puto Pendejo Vete A La Mierda Carajo ¡La Concha de tu Madre Verga Hijo de Puta Maldito ¡Que te den por culo! ¡La madre que te pariĆ³! ¡Puta madre! No chinges! 

Me cago en todo lo que se menea!  Me cago en dios!


3-21-24  After arguing with Tita most of the day I finally broke free and went on a massive three hour walk into town.  Yesterday I loaded another tape dispenser with 65 more blog tapes.  On my huge walk today I taped them all over the place.  A lot in inconspicuous spots that won't be seen for a while, maybe.  I was even putting it on leaves that stuck out on the sidewalk.  I even put one on a snail!  LOL, more details when I update my journal soon.  I should go put a lot on the Masonic lodge, lol


 9:10pm  Until Today's entry for today.  MARCH 20.  Tita and I have been arguing.  I might leave soon.


1:59am  I pretty much finished up my Sir David Attenborough filmography.  I got most of them.  Now, David is a real man!  Since Frank is too dumb to leave his toilet he calls home, now he can travel the world vicariously through a true naturalist who didn't care about money, everyone can.  David has a lot to teach you, Frank.  A LOT TO TEACH US ALL!

    Oh yeah!  I had been having some issues with being able to download my site like I had been doing, so people could just download it and not be dependent on the web for it to work.  Well, it worked today.  HERE is a current download of this blog for offline viewing.  DOWNLOAD


7:00am Just when I thought I was done with my Trevor Moore karaoke piracy, yesterday I threw this together!  The Ballad of Billy John  NO VOCALS   I MOTHERFUCKIN' DARE YOU NOT TO LAUGH OUT LOUD!  You're a fag!  LOL!  GAY!  :P

Still adding stuff to my David Attenborough filmo.


10:15am  Today's Source Message Tita showed me:  

    The universe made you "wait" because what you are in the process of receiving is bigger than what you asked for.  You had to be elevated first in order to meet the frequencies of  your desires.  The synchronicities are proof that what needs to happen in the background is already in the works.  It feels as though it all took a little long to arrive, but what's  meant for you was calling you all along.  You're just now finally stepping into it.  Take a look around - this is an entirely new experience for you.  

today's source message god channeled

Word of the day: ADAMANT


5:32pm  David Wants To Fly - Documentary about Transcendental Meditation(2910) (Trailer)

8:49pm  Sir David Attenborough's View on Science & Religion
               Left Wandering | David Attenborough Spoof Documentary on Zero Waste in Singapore

3-15-24  6:00am George Carlin - Nobody Seems To Notice, Nobody Seems To Care

12:32pm  I am busy typing from my voice recorder to update my journal soon.  Check out this great section from a book called Mindfulness for Everyday Living, by Chris Titmus.  CULTIVATING WISE INTENTION

2:17pm  Just had our daily smokeout in the backyard.  I made another awesome huge joint.  The word of the day is CANDOR!  

3:44pm  Duh, I can't believe I don't have Stand By Me in my list yet.  


8:52pm   Woohoo!  Look what I threw together in two days!  I HAVE ALWAYS HAD NATURE SUPPORTING ME!  NOW MORE THAN EVER!  




8:00am  LOL!  I woke up early today, came to the lappy to keep organizing my Star Trek harvest and was reminded about Six Feet Under!  

    I was introduced to that show back towards the end, before I was forced to leave my paradise in the converted motor coach(which i converted) when I lived in Mount Shasta.  Jason(friend of psycho Warren) turned me onto that show, but he was just pretending to be nice.  They just wanted me to be gone.  


    Anyway, I will elaborate later, but in about an hour or so I threw together the ENTIRE show for everyone to watch!  SIX FEET UNDER.  We binge-watched all the CDs quick, right there in the bus.  It was really weird how three months after digesting that show Papa Chuy dies and we get go through the experience here in our reality.  

    During my diligent duties I popped into #gulag and said hi.  After a bit I asked if anyone had read the Infinite Cum story, that it's a masterpiece.  I asked permission to tell it and I had one request to paste it instead of just posting the link.  In the middle of it NineVolt says: "this may destroy the channel."  LOL

    I get bored in the end so I go back to link harvesting and when I randomly check IRC I eventualy got kicked from #gulag!  "* You were kicked from #Gulag by X ((190e) take a 3 hour break and clean yourself up)."  LOL!   Here is the actual chatlog if you don't believe me.

    I gotta love #gulag.  That could've easily been a ban.  #gulag is the best show in town!

    Anyway, I was assembling a Star Trek movies page, but I got a warning from blogger saying it wouldn't be published.  So I deleted it.  No big whoop.  Can't win 'em all.

12:36pm  I was reading the Infinite Cum Reddit page.  I found what it is based on!  INFINITE POOP

Poopy Butthole Lives! | Rick and Morty


9:22am  The productive days just don't end.  Due to my seeker-inspired Star Trek stuff yesterday I thought to begin my Star Trek harvest.  In just an hour or so this is what I have so far.  STAR TREK.  

WORD OF THE DAY!  pedagogics

Second word of the day!   magnanimous

12:42pm  Everything was going smoothly until I got into NTG.  A lot aren't as readily available.


9:15pm  I have had a very productive day.  First, I am so proud of my karaoke offerings that I searched for a list of karaoke bars in town and texted them with:  


I make custom karaoke vids which I share freely and will revolutionize karaoke and bring in customers. Your patrons will LOVE them! I am texting all Modesto bars. 209-reppin'!     

Nobody replied but I was sure to leave a comment on their yelp pages.  I even added a couple pictures, teehee.  I wonder how long until yelp takes it down, lol.  .Donkey's Bar and Grill

Just now in #gulag, using I started talking backwards.  "<levity> yadot sdrawkcab gnipyt ma i"  The first person to notice was seeker and he one-upped me with  <+seeker> ŹŽÉpoŹ‡ uŹop Ēpį“‰sdn ʃuį“‰dŹŽŹ‡ ÉÆ,I.  He mentioned a good scene from ST Voyager and I found it!  Mind of a Sparrow Leonardo da Vinci

    Oh yes, I can't forget.  This morning it dawned on me that I needed Beverly Hillbillies on my laugh dispensing blog, so I started harvesting.  It's going to be a while until I have it all, but HERE is what I have done so far.  Tita had never seen an episode and she LOVES it!  It's wholesome humor.  

10:04pm  Just realized I need to have ALF on my blog!  Duh!


6:00am  Yesterday I made another hilarious karaoke vid with like a 100 screenshots!    POPE RAPno vocals

Funny pun-joke from the joke forum!  


1:32pm  I've had another fun-filled pirated morning.  I have even more presents for everyone.  I had some more seeker-derived Bo Durham inspirations.  Laugh at this, please!  

How the World Works

Oh!  I had totally forgotten I had texted it out already weeks ago and never followed through on it, so I did today.  Here is yet another hilarious WKUK song, Old Folks Home!


11:24am  I've been on task since I woke up at 4am.  When Tita woke up she came and asked if I would listen to today's entry in her Until Today! book.  At first I protested because I was busy, but after she started reading it I told her to start over so I could type it up.  March 6    It's about pain and how unnatural it is, which goes great with this quote I found a while back:

 "No Pain, No Gain 

     You should understand that no pain will come to you unless you do something to deserve it. If we deserve something, whether good or bad, it will come to us. If we don’t deserve it, nobody can hurt us. No pain can come to us. Deserving means we have done something wrong and through that pain we have to purge it out. Pain is a sort of purgation. Even if the whole world comes forward to give you pain, it cannot if you do not deserve it. But, unfortunately, we don’t accept it that way. We simply say, “Oh, I am all innocent. This guy just came and hurt me.” 
     It’s wrong thinking. Pain has no interest in coming to you unless you have invited it. Understand the purpose of the suffering, and accept it."

- Swami Satchidananda

    Here's yet another pirated karaoke creation by me!  Welcome to the Internet 2.0

    Here are the rest of them.

    4:29pm  Interesting chat with my friend and co-conspirator seeker.  The Selfish Ledger   I have a lot of visit from Google Corporate in India today.  He thinks my "blog is being used to train AI language models."  Whatever is clever, I told him.  :] 


7:09am  Download my blog to view offline!  DOWNLOAD  

Been extremely busy these past couple of days.  Almost finished with my King of the Hill harvest.  My-Tita had never seen King of the Hill, I have her hooked now!  I also rearranged and organized my stuff into a FREE MEDIA page.

9:11am  They Just Can't Get The Spices Right (The Simpsons)

9:44am  Promised Land  Voodoo People  DUH!  Can't believe I don't have Hackers on my blog yet.

Hackers(1995)  WATCH

HACKERS '95 - The Documentary

1:30pm  Finally finished up my King of the Hill harvest, enjoy!  KING OF THE HILL

3-2-24  Finished up my videogame harvest and pirated another Trevor Moore vid.  FOUNDING FATHERS


Woke up at 4:20!  The Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower 

Fat Bottomed Girls

7:26pm  Spent another day working on my fully playable videogames section nonstop!  DAY 2!  I spent most of yesterday harvesting links.  So far I have all the NES, SNES and N64, Sega games I played when I was younger and I am almost done organizing my Playstation 1 games!  FUCK MONEY!

Oh yeah, and I found the next Trevor Moore video I am going to doctor!  Founding Fathers



3:16am  Some animated gifs I made of me and my sibling kids,  Kitty and Ki.  Umm, I mean Not-Ki and Ki,  I have a favorite, after all.  :]  

This bitch is always jealous of her brother.  She's always humping my leg.

He just LOVES licking my face and forehead, eye-sockets, earholes and everything.  I let him!  :P


My "own" personalized pirated Karaoke Videos!

Sesame Street: Cookie Monster Sings C is for Cookie

7:30am  Woohoo!  Morning project, Letter Kenny harvest!

1:07pm  I have been diligently busy on my link harvest.  I am almost done.  CHECK IT ONE TIME, BOYEEE!  This show is so hilarious!  I can totally relate to the setting!  

        When I lived in Weed, CA for two years, around 2012, I rented a studio over the historic, closed down Black Butte Saloon.  

Reviving The Black Butte Saloon  I left the area in 2017 or so, I don't know what it is like now.

        Okay, this became a lengthy entry and I don't want to crowd up this section, so I am going to make a page about my life in Weed, after I stopped telling my story.  Check out my journal from 2012.

        Research Weed if you want, but I won't get much more into it here.  The point is I can totally relate to Letterkenny!  I KNOW EXACTLY what it's like to live in a small town with rednecks and gangsters and drug addicts and sluts and prudes and nasty old ladies and perverts, and immigrants, the whole boiling pot.  I can't wait to watch each episode and behold the crazy parallels!  I KNOW THEY ARE THERE!


7:24am  What a crazily-productive day I have had.  I assembled my long-due Mike Judge page, including filmography!  MIKE JUDGE  I also did a little JACKASS compilation.  

E-Meth - SNL 

Walmart ice! (ty Armorall!)

LORD ROTHCHILD IS DEAD!  'nuther one bites the dust!


10:34am  Woohoo!  I have had yet another uber-productive morning!  For a while I have been thinking I could make my Bohemian Travesty vid better.   In no-time flat I did!  BOHEMIAN TRAVESTY 2.0

        I also had the brilliant idea to search for "What part of the government works in Ashburn, VA?"  

        A little while after I started my blog in March of last year, according to Google Analytics, I was getting more views from the small town of Ashburn, VA than San Antonio even!  I realized the close proximity to DC and figured the feds were reading my stuff and that my blog would be taken down soon any day.  

        Well, a whole year has passed with my blog unmolested and my evolution has not been stopped in the slightest!  I thought I was just lucking out, by not even being slapped on the wrist about my blog.  How could Google not just flip the switch on me?  I was sure they could make it seem like my blog was violating some statute.  

        After all, I am just expressing myself honestly and all the content on my blog is nothing people couldn't find themselves if they knew where to look.  Like my "dad" used to say, umm, type to me, there's nothing new under the sun(Failure Franklin 3).  

        Today I think I may have stumbled on a maybe.  It turns out, NOT ONLY IS ASHBURN THE INTERNET DATA CENTER OF THE WORLD, but it's also where America Online began!   I was a total phising and TOSing and warez-leech troll on AOL back in the day.  I was legendary in the San Antonio room.   I was feared and loved!


I am sure they have the logs of all my old mischief, and know firsthand how long I have been intending peace for our world.  

        Maybe they can do me the favor of retrieving all of my missing pictures from 2008 and 2009.  Hook this brother up, please, you l33to-hax0rs!      


4:49pm  Today I updated my journal to like yesterday!  Fearless, I am.  It's odd though I went to check my stats and blogger is saying I have zero visits for the day.  It usually has tons that I doubt because of bots.  Maybe it's just a glitch, because my blog is still up.  Maybe they have a clever shadow ban on me.  Anyway, I went into #gulag to have friends check for me.  Right when I walk in Cleland asks me for gay jokes.  I spat some out and Ratbytes contributed some funny ones:  Fuck it, don't want to type it out, ill just link the chatlog.


10:12am  Negativland-Christianity Is Stupid

11:32am  Wake Me Up - Avicii | One Voice Children's Choir

12:49am  Taiwan MC - Let The Weed Bun 

6:21pm  I had some good productive time spewing my stories in #gulag on my new FUCKMONEY nick.  I was reminded about Truly Tasteless Jokes and that sparked a project for me.  I quickly went o the free books channel and got all three joke books and in less than two hours I threw this together.  TRULY TASTELES JOKES!  Hundreds more for my collections!


1:46am  Woohoo!  Finally found a way to backup blog w/pictures that's still a small dl!  Please download my blog to read offline, just in case the internet shuts off!   DOWNLOAD(115mb)  Be sure to install it in your root(c:/) so all the links will work.  Start blog by executing INDEX.HTML.  I am Using HTTrack instaed of Cyotek Webcopy)

6:23am  I just got the idea to try and contact Trevor Moore's workmates from The Whitest Kids You Know to let them know about my efforts and new Trevor Memorial page I made.  I lucked out and found this Reddit and emailed with the following:

Subject:  MY TREVOR MEMORIAL and gifts for humanity!



Please Look what I threw together for everyone,  I have been at this since 2002.

Enjoy and share if you deem worthy!

- Victor the System Fucker

Text me if you can, I am FO-REAL!  BONERFIDE!

7:15am  The myth of the ‘peaceful’ warrior  

7:51am  Masayoshi Takanaka - Citron Vender


9:00am  Dating Game  MOST OFFENSIVE WKUK SKIT!

10:09am  PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE!  Is this not a form of brainwashing?


1:09am  <@kritklmas> hey levity, what do you call a Sith Lord with joint pain?   ...   Darth Ritis

4:20pm  Just finished my Letter to Black People vid!  


7:35am  Yay!  I have had a damn productive morning!  I threw together my memorial for Trevor Moore in no-time flat!  TREVOR MOORE OWNS(ED) TO THE BONE!  REST IN PEACE, BROTHER!

8:52am  Proving the Illuminati is Real!  HAHAHAHA!

5:50pm  Tita and I drove to the food supply store for dogfood and I flew my sign on the corner.  All my stickers are still sticking even though it's been storming lately.  I was only out there for half an hour and I only got a couple bucks, a nugget of dank, and A LOT OF SMILES AT MY SIGN!  

        HAHA, I came back and watched a little Trevor Moore and I stumbled onto THIS gem!  

        "Hey kid, what are you doing?"  "Hitting this building with a hammer."  "You can't do that!"  "Uh-huh, my parents are dead."  

        HAHAHA, I am going to put that on my Stupid Family page.

10:48pm  "A truthful person has power, for what they says comes to pass and their word becomes law."  - Swami Vishnu Devananda


 Uh, blond you say? < Schizy > 2024-02-17 21:36

A blonde is watching the news with her husband when the newscaster says, "Six Brazilian men die in a skydiving accident." 

The blonde starts crying to her husband, sobbing, "That's horrible!" 

Confused, he replies, "Yes Dear, it is sad, but they were skydiving, and there is always that risk involved." 

After a few minutes, the blonde, still sobbing, says, "How many is a Brazilian?"

6:54am  Great sharing in #vietnamese this morning!  #vietnamese  

10:07am  "Purple Swag"


10:30am  I have been extremely busy on my tv show section.  


8:57am  I woke up at 4:20 and did dishes.  Polished up my Beavis and Butthead page and I just now finished adding some chapters to my Professor-Tita page.

Oh yeah, some more dumbassery.  Morons in #ufo lifted ban so I went in and :P.


[08:10.25] <levity> once again, LIKE I WANTED TO!

[08:10.30] <levity> :P

[08:11.04] <levity> i wonder how long until your dumbasses make it perm

[08:11.20] <levity> FUCK YOUR SHITTY CHANNEL!

[08:11.35] <levity> ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮

11:23am  Growing Marijuana In My Yard


9:02am  Erratic sleeping.  Took a nap like at 6pm and woke up around midnight thinking it was morning.   Did some stuff with the missus and got on the laptop and thought to start harvesting Beavis and Butthead vids.   HAHAHA!  THIS ONE IS HILARIOUS!  

Beavis and Butthead Meet God


5:41am  Trevor Moore: The Story of Our Times - "Bullies"


6:10am  See, in #gulag I had been seeing the nick Victora.  Victoria maybe?  I'm a Victor A too, so I decided to msg him/her.  It hasn't replied and it might never.  I noticed it was in a channel called #writers.  I joined it and was surprised it had so few people.  I asked permission to share and was granted it by TheGoddess, which took that as her cue to share.  

    Shyea!  Of course I want to read other writers on IRC's stuff!  EVERYONE SHOULD!

8:07am  The Wacky World of Bath Salts Crimes

11:20am  Just for funsies I checked to see if I was still banned from homo channels who don't want world peace.  Yup, still banned from #mexico, surprisingly.  Can't go in #texans either.  Too many to list.  Fools hate being tested.  The righteous have noting to hide.  Of course I am still banned from #UFOS, but there is an alt channel #ufo where a lot of the same gay ops op.  

[10:02.41] * You have joined #ufo

[10:02.41]  Topic: Black Alien History Month

[10:02.41] Channel Topic Set by: Jamm0n on 1:47 PM 2/10/2024

[10:02.57] <levity> sup plebes?

[10:03.37] <levity> is Jam still a homo?

[10:04.01] <levity> i been busy

[10:04.38] <levity> +

[10:12.50] * DocHolliday ( has joi

        Before I know it I have a message from limp-wristed Jammon letting me know I had been banned JUST LIKE I WANTED TO HAPPEN!  Homosexuals are so damn predictable.  :P  

[10:18.40] <Jamm0n> BWHAHAHHA U GOT BANNED

[11:14.00] <levity> :P

[11:14.06] <levity> like i GAF

[11:14.49] <levity> no such thing as bad publicity!!

[11:16.14] <levity> i forgive you

[11:16.26] <levity> enjoy this gift, have a laugh

[11:16.30] <levity>


SERGEANT HARTMAN - Full Metal Jacket

Hillary Clinton: Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis

11:15am  Oh yeah, the other day seeker tweaked one of the Chuck Norris jokes I told in #gulag:

China let's Chuck Norris search for porn on the internet without a VPN.  :P

4:02pm  Just finished my awesome version of High In Church.  Since the lyrics were out of sync and he was spitting some funny and true shit, I got hard at work:   CHECK IT OUT.

5:21pm   Writer's Quotes

6:28pm  The Best of Frisbee (feat. Zach Galifianakis) - RENO 911!


11:32am  The Doors- 'Land Ho'

    Let me show you this morning's link harvest:  MST3K!

Funnies from Tita:

The Cloverhearts - You've Got A Friend


[07:27.51] <+bongadier> I saw gannon with a sheet of graph paper the other day.. He must be plotting something

[07:29.31] <+bongadier> what do you call a hen that can count her own eggs?  A mathemachicken

[07:31.20] <+bongadier> Have you heard the one about the statistician? Probably.

Then I got the idea to search my master joke file for "joke," and I started spewing them in #gulag.  It went in for a long time.  So I got the idea to make a joke-jokes section.

Trevor Moore: The Story of Our Times - "My Computer Just Became Self Aware" - Uncensored

ty seeker

10:32am  When In Rome - The Promise 

1:06pm  DJ Patie - Unreal Tournament (Die Bitch Mix)



Gulag The Movie (Trailer 1)

Last night I had a good chat with my pal seeker.  Per his recommendation Tita and I watched Prince of Egypt.  It was such a heart-felt movie, less comedic than Aladdin, but a high quality production, even though it was about an outdated story.  IT WAS GREAT REGARDLESS!  The Prince Of Egypt 

[07:33.33] <levity> i just thought of another kid's movie i haven't seen in decades and have fond memories of FERNGULLY!

[09:24.08] <levity> do you guys remember the Miss Susie song?

[09:25.40] <levity>

Woohoo!  Bassfish shared this Reddit forum today!

I left a comment:



Parent's drool!

- Victor Antonio from San Antonio


3:41pm  Bong suggested this old movie about witches: Bell, Book and Candle(1958)



Will Smith - Prince Ali (From "Aladdin")

Prince Ali - FEMALE COVER | Aladdin Disney

Aladdin(1992) - English

ALADDIN (1992-EspaƱol)

10 Things to Know Before You Take Up ‘Perineum Sunning’

Butthole Sunning - The Viral Phenomenon Explained

10:25am  I just had a hair up my ass to send Frank those butthole links, then I wrote him up a good email.  I doubt he will ever respond, but check it out.  CLICK HERE

7:49am  "I get a crazy-check" has become the most used pick-up line in this country.   HAHAHA!



☠️How The US Government Secretly Made Killer Poison Weed


Guy Controlled By The Devil Says “What”?

Energy Report from Shivrael

Awesome emails with one of my few blog commenters(hint, hint), and friend Armorall.  

After looking up DIDACTIC for Tekwiz's email I learned a new word, PEDAGOGY.



Watching a Bashar video suggested by Tita and thought of this song.  We can't know if it's true, but a lot of it sounds logical to Tita.   

Journey - Wheel in the Sky


Download my site for offline reading without images for shorter download(147mb).  It's all good! 



3:09am  Yesterday was my birthday!  My-Tita let me "hit" it real good.  Sadly, it was pouring, hailing most of the day, but when the rain stopped Tita and I went sign-flying on the corner.  As I marched in front of the cars flipping my sign around Tita sat down with a sign that said, "IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY!"  

    On the very first line-up these cool Mexican dudes gave me some dank nuggets and took my blog.  On the second lineup this nice Mexican guy gave me a $20 tin of THC gummies.  So, in like ten minutes I already had a good score.  In spite of all the rain my blog tapes were still holding strong.  In like twenty minutes I got bored, it was all dead, so we drove off to the mall.  I don't really like flying there, but Tita wanted to go to Trader Joes to buy some organic eggs.  While she was inside I made sure to put stickers all over in random places, carts, windows, trashcans, etc.  

    Then we drove back home and I proofread a lot of my new upcoming Professor-Tita page, where my genius wife cuts up my family(and hers) and I.  Very proudly, I messaged my friend I made in #gulag, seeker with the following:

 <levity> hi muhammad :]

 <levity> let me know when you are around.  got another sneak preview for ya

 <levity> been busy busy busy

 <levity> oh yeah, today is my bday

 <levity> happy groundhogs day

 <levity> enjoy, it is a it to read but hopefully you will like it since you know of the story

 <levity> yet to go "live" but soon

 <levity> +

 <levity> my-tita is having a lab.  dissecting me and my parents.  bring your apron.  things get messy, lol


Here is a cool pic Tita got from FuckBook:

Rod Stewart - Forever Young (Official Video)

Survival of the Fattest Full Album

Foux Du FaFa

The Horrible History of Brick Weed


7:36pm   I am sitting here typing from my voice recorder, check this out:


Tita:  So I just read an excerpt to Victor from Swami Sita's The Essentials of Yoga Practice and Philosophy.  From page 29 through 30.  It's titled What is Happiness?  

"In the same manner, we fail to look within for happiness and continue to search for it in the world of the senses.  We become so restless.  Why are we restless?  It is because we think that there are a lot of things to do, a lot of experiences to have.  We have a lot of desires because we think that happiness will come from the satisfaction of desires.  But we constantly find ourselves disappointed as the desires, once fulfilled leave us empty and unfilled.  Then we wrongly assume that it is the fault of the object and go on changing the object(like changing husbands and yet not finding the perfect one because perfection is within), not realizing that this process is unending and that the true problem lies in our mind which is looking outside for happiness.  

Happiness is within, but we look for it in sensual objects.  Yoga and meditation help us to calm down, to stop that process of running after desires, and to look within to find answers.  

Relaxation in Yoga is important.  Relaxation means ceasing to be restless, and letting go of our attachments and desires.  It is also surrendering ourselves or accepting our inner self, and realizing that all is perfect(Victor disagrees).  In the Yoga class, we combine breathing, and relaxation to help people turn inwards, relax, slow down and become aware of themselves.  

There is a story of a monkey who put his hand in a jar to get some cookies.  He grasped a handful of cookies and tried to pull his hand out of the jar, but his hand was stuck.  He became very unhappy and frustrated, jumping around with his hand stuck in the jar, still grasping to the cookies, not realizing that the only way for him to get out of his plight was to drop the cookies.  In the same manner, we need to let go of our desires in order for us to enjoy freedom and happiness that are already here.

What is Freedom?

         In Yoga, it is said that freedom can only be attained through self-discipline.  True freedom is realizing our inner ruler, the immortal Atman, which is the one without a second.  Freedom is the birthright of man.  Freedom is the very nature of the Eternal Soul.  Freedom is knowledge, peace and bliss.  The so-called freedom we enjoy is in fact, dependency, resulting from slavery to our desires and the mind.  By self-discipline we control our minds projections and find true freedom, which is or true nature.  

False Freedom

Loose life is not perfect freedom.  Eating anywhere, sleeping anywhere, aimless wandering, liberty of speech, to be a king, to have plenty, or to possess immense wealth is not freedom.  To shirk responsibility is not freedom.  Material independence will not give you perfect happiness or freedom.  

Real freedom is not merely political or economic.  Real Freedom is lordship over oneself.  It is the Freedom of the Soul.  It is attainable only through sow and painful stages(Victor disagrees here too). Real freedom is freedom from birth and death.  Real freedom is the freedom from the trammels of flesh and mind.  Real freedom is freedom from the bonds of Karma.  Real freedom is freedom from desires, wants, likes and dislikes, attachment, lust, anger, greed, etc... Real Freedom is identification with the Supreme Self.

The Cause of Bondage

Mind is the cause of bondage and salvation of man.  The egoistic mind is the cause of bondage.  Mind imagines, through indiscrimination and ignorance, that the soul has been confined and located in this body, and hence, it perceives the soul to be in bondage.  The non egoistic mind is the root of Moksha-or liberation.  You have created your own bondage through your desires, attachments, egoism and cravings; you cry for emancipation.  Attachment is the most powerful weapon of Maya(cosmic illusion).  The first attachment starts with the physical body, and then all other attachments come, attachments to body, food, wife, sons, friends, etc... There is no end to cares and worries.  Man creates for himself all these cares.  No one is to blame.

When there is no I or egoism there is liberation.  It is liberation when the mind is not attached to any object.  It is bondage when the mind desires or grieves over anything, rejects or accepts anything, feels angry or happy at anything.  Emancipation is release from the bondage of the little ego and its desires and cravings.  


Know your real divine nature.  You are lions, not sheep.  This is a story of a baby lion who, growing up amongst sheep thinks that he is a sheep.  He stays baaing like a sheep until a lion comes and brings him to the river to see himself in the reflection of the river.  The sheepish lion has mistaken himself to be a sheep, until he sees as the same as a lion and realizes his true nature as a lion.  He then roars like a lion for the first time, liberating himself from the false concept of himself.

The purpose of Yoga is to free oneself from all false concepts about oneself and realize our immortal Self.


Just watched this very funny 26 minute video of two gringos traveling in Mexico looking to trip on psychedelic mushrooms.  They ended up at the mushroom mecca of Mexico, San Jose Del PacificoI got some good laughs out of it and so did these two dudes.  They did not take the experience seriously, bestow the appropriate respect to sacred ritual honored for centuries.  Regardless, this video holds great didactic, educational value.  It's a humorous, true-perspective documentary which I feel is right up my alley for my blog.

2 Gringos Try Mushrooms in Mexico





8:30am  Here is something Tita shared with me right now:  OUR ASCENSION


3:00am  DOWNLOAD my site text only for offline reading.

4:31pm  She only likes me when I'm high.  


    Good 'ol seeker shared this vid with me today: Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot 



    Just yesterday I had the brilliant idea of a possible method to improve the chances of people being majorly infected with my peaceful, benevolent bonafide MEME!  (typing is fun when you're stoned, :P).  

    First I thought to myself, "How, through my journal, can I better show people how I was treated like royalty all over the country?"  I simply searched my blog htmls for those three words and it came up with 32 instances!

     I am positive people look at the huge mass of text in my journal and think, "Fuck that, it's way too much.  Who cares about the boring details, I would rather read interesting stuff instead.  Screw this delusional asshole for expecting me to read all of his ranting.  If he can't deliver the good shit upfront I am going to dismiss his bullshit in its entirety," and close out my blog and never return.  

    Maybe THIS will help in igniting interest and ensuring my systemic virality(and vitality)!

     I am praying to LOVE that this will really make my stuff really blast off and really gain the global trust my mission really TRULY deserves!  


    NO JOKE!







Tita sent me this pic the other day she had on her phone.  It's me and my dad in Mount Shasta at the Davis place cabin shortly before he passed away:


    I miss the following in order of degree:  MY TRUE FATHER, my Bubba Mug and my jacket my dad bought me that just died last month. :[  It was perfect, XXL.

    Oh yeah, and my awesome Curly from Three Stooges shirt that says, "Why, soitenly."  I think I still have it somewhere.  I'll get a pic of it off the web.  

    Even though I get taken advantage of a lot, I will always be a YES MAN!


7:49am  I am real busy with a smearing project and I popped into #gulag to tell some jokes and bongadier shared this funny ass vid!  Peaches Fuck The Pain Away as sung by Miss Piggy

3:46pm  Finished my hilarious argument I had yesterday with my "wife" Tita page.   Enjoy this tough-LOVE roast. :P

 6:33pm  "Schooling as we know it is a powerful expression of the sickness of society. Only a shocking bill of charges will wake the public up."
- John Taylor Gatto










5:20pm  I took a three hour nap and hopped on IRC.  Message with my friend.


    I have been glued to my laptop adding emails and funny IMs to my journal.  Not to mention, I just reconnected with my deadbeat "father."  I baited him yet again. šŸ˜›  READ ALL ABOUT IT AND PREPARE TO DIE LAUGHING!  

    It's been some monumental hilarity reliving all of these conversations.  Since I don't want all my work to go to waste, HERE is a current version of my offline blog text-only(146mb).  Remember to put it in c:/ so all the links work and start my blog with index.html.  It's harmless text.  You can trust me.


3:22am  I have had sooo much awesome evolution these past couple of days.  I am supporting my journal bigtime with my collection of emails and IMs I obtained from my mission box in my mom's garage.  Here is when I found my mission box on a sidewalk in 2004.

Here is my most recent hitchhiking trip to get to my box.  SEPTEMBER 15

10:30am  Added AOL hacking page.  


DOWNLOAD MY BLOG WITH TEXT ONLY FOR OFFLINE READING!   Be sure to install it in c:\ so all the links to harmless text files work!  


In order to change something, don't struggle to

change the existing model. Create a new model,

and make the old one obsolete.

- Buckminster Fuller


6:00am  Download this blog text only without images(253mb) for offline reading!  Anyone can download my blog with Cyotek webcopy.  Still backing my shit up after all these decades.  Be sure to install into your root(c:/) so all the links work.  Start blog with index-3.html because index.html is an older version, for some reason.

7:00am  Added my Controlled Folly page.


5:29am  A lot has happened in these couple of days.  I an extremely frustrated with my "wife."  Instead of doing the things she needs to....

     LIKE KEEPING HER MOUTH SHUT AND GIVING ME PEACE SO I CAN FOCUS AND COMPUTE, she insists on interrupting me and forcing me to give her attention.  As if I don't give her enough.  

     With everything I have done and keep doing for her, she wants even more. (Ween lyric:  "So if I choose to help you, don't look like you expect it, becuase it's a gift that god gave me at birth.) It's like one moment she's praising me and all the efforts I am making, making me think I am going to have a dedicated partner, and then, before I know it she's interrupting me and going into stories I have heard a million times already.    MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND AND STICK TO ONE THING!  

     Sometimes I think my "fiancĆ©e" is the dark-side's last ditch effort to slow me down.  These days, she is THE ONLY thing slowing me down.  If I was to ditch her it might happen tomorrow!  

     Play your hand or fold already, Tita!!  

     When I resumed my mission in March,  I re-married it.  Tita is a friggin' genius, but she's not doing nearly what she could be.  She is not taking my lead.  Ever since March I have been begging her to start logging her life like I do.  She doesn't see how she could be helping a lot more than she ever has in her entire life, BY SIMPLY NARRATING HER LIFE INTO A VOICE RECORDER INSTEAD OF TO ME.  

      I told her she didn't even need to type it up, that I would do it for her and she would have final say what gets published.  

     It doesn't get much easier than that, you lazy procrastinator!  





     For decades I have been collecting opinions and different perspectives, so I can show the world how things really are.  What better to have RIGHT NEXT TO MINE, the TRUE perspective OF MY FRIGGIN' SUPPOSED LIFE-PARTNER?!

     If she doesn't get on board and curtail her detriments, the "marriage" is off.  I will be removing the ring.  Plain and simple.  

     I need to be free and at-peace to win this videogame and get the high score, damnit.  I am almost out of quarters.

     Liberation takes precedence.

     My bags are packed.  Ashburn, here I come.

5:57am  Oh, yes!  I am very excited!   I reconnected with CAROL yesterday!  I knew Tita was going to flip out and start being all insecure, butt-fuck it.  

              Carol is intimately aware of my mission and what I was doing way back then.  Us reconnecting could only result in interesting blog-content.  If Tita can't trust me after so many years, and truly believe in my cause, then fuck her.  

              The fish I have to fry is humongous.

              She should know, especially after reading the Aquarius shit the other day, that I am going to always act for everyone, not just her immature ass.  

               Like I told Raquel, grow up or be left behind.  


8:33am  Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  Last night I threw together a Jim Carrey filmography.  I just copied the list from wikipedia with all the links to the descriptions, scoured the web for free full movies and added the WATCH links.  One-stop Jim Carrey.


3:13pm  What's a dentist's favorite video game?  Plaque-Man.


10:04pm  A Message from the Illuminati (why people hate genius’)

       “The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.”

Friedrich Nietzsche


8:49pm  Today has been alright.  Went for a long walk with my girl and our pups and stuck my blog on random light poles.  We watched The Butterfly Effect.   Also, earlier Tita was reading to me from this book The Complete Illustrated Book of the PSYCHIC SCIENCES.  She started reading the Aquarius chapter and it's me so perfectly!


5:01pm I have had a nice productive day.  I got some more holiday presence from Illumignostic!  He posted a sequel!  I transcribed until about 26 minutes into his hour vid and then I went for a walk with Tita and the dogs.  I was sure to take my blog tape with me.  I put them in strategic areas.  We walked to the playground nearby and put them here and there.  Some other idiot had put all these lame Trump stickers on a lot of the lightposts.  I taped my shit right on top!  I took some pictures, but I stuck a lot on our little walk.  Even in the neighborhood on street signs and lightposts.  We even walked through the shopping complex nearby and I stuck em here and there, where I know people have seen me walking through that place with my crazy stick.  Here are pictures.  

                                                                                          STFU CHUMP!

 NEWLY ADDED 1-16-24


     When we got home I finished typing up the entire video:  TRANSCRIPTION


10:24am   I am going to start watching Spirit Science 12 ~ The Human History Movie

11:00am  Why I doubt Spirit Science and think it's maybe propaganda:  


2.  I am not positive, but I think the chances of the earth being flat are better than of it being round and floating in "space."  I am on the fence.  I will go either way(only on this issue!:P).  I mean, wouldn't it be awesome if it turned out to be true?   I am not a Flat Earther.  I am an I-don't-know-what-shape-it-is Earther.   Both sides have strong arguments, IMO.  Fantasies are fun, in the end.  

     Maybe FE is a well thought-out thought-experiment that if enough people focus on will create that reality.  Maybe if enough people become aware that they are being experimented on, and shift their focus towards peace and love instead, then, just maybe, people will see the value and 5ubv3rsive genius behind the FE trickery?  

     Regardless if it's true or not, WE CAN, as a unified collective REDICRECT AND TRANSFORM FE INTO A GOOD THING(even if it's not already).

     FE may serve as a necessary stepping stone to the truth for some lost sheep.  Just by simply imagining and yearning for things to be totally different, better than they currently are, is enough to direct the universe.   The universe reads minds.  It's watching you.

     In the end I AM STILL NOT SURE!  We have ALWAYS been lied to from every angle in the past.  Just always go with your gut. 

2-31-23     Maybe some good can come from changing your mind back and forth before being able to admit you've been duped by a toxic idea.  Be it Christianity, FE, or anything else.   With all the surprises possible in the world, I am at peace NOT being sure of some things.  My gut tells me I am going to find out some very, very important stuff soon that is going to open so many people's minds.    It never pays to think small.  A wise man once told me,, "Becoming so open minded that wind whistles through your ears is serious danger."   What's life without risk besides boring?  <l:o]

     I am not ashamed of not knowing things, especially if they are lies.    

     I want to know.

     I don't know, maybe I'll change my mind after watching more episodes.  Maybe I'll even harvest all vids and make a page on my blog.  Dunno.

Check this out.  So what's the deal with Spirit Science? 



1:54am  LOS LOCOS KICK YOUR ASS!   Short Circuit(1986) FULL MOVIE  Short Circuit 2(1988)  FULL MOVIE

8:24pm  About three hours ago I finished typing up this whole 46 minute video,   

Christianity is the Most Evil Influence in Human History, with Proof! - transcribed.



12:10pm   I have been hella busy this Christmas morning.  I was spamming hardcore on Undernet this morning.  my simple ad was FUCK CHRISTMAS!    ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮   CELEBRATE EVERY DAY!  

     I don't know if I have mentioned but my blog-taping has evolved.   I unravel a big length of scotch tape and lay it flat on the kitchen table.  Then I put blog papers face-down spaced out.  Then I roll it all back into the spool and reload the dispenser.  I am all loaded up with my removable graffiti!  Every bus stop, every stop sign!  ALL OVER THE PLACE!  Look: 

(I am all about the Tapatio!  ¡Me encanta el calor!)

If  you are ever bored and want to help bring world peace more than you currently are, please use this technique.  WE CAN"T BE STOPPED!   SPAM FOR PEACE!

"Seems like spam could be used to actually get a message out in a very quick and widespread way about injustice, working for peace, and other political issues. Why hasn't this happened yet? Spamming is so easy and inexpensive - seems like a perfect tool for subversion."

- Author Unknown

12:19pm  Also this morning Tita read to my from the Peace Pilgrim book and gave me my morning project.  PEACE PILGRIM

10:11pm  Me and Tita got freaky and took a nap, while I downloaded my blog again.  DOWNLOAD my blog without the IMG folder(4gb) for offline reading.  Remember, be sure to put it in your root(c:/) so all the links work and start my blog with index.html.  


11:10pm  My Tita reminded me how I NEED to make an Ozzy Man page.  I am on it!


5:11am  With how nice my blog has evolved recently I had the idea to email Ween, my favorite band.  I went to but couldn't find an email.  Since I don't have FB I crossed my fingers and wrote out an email to, but that address didn't work.  Here is the mail:


2:51am  My wife frustrates me so much sometimes.  I DON'T NEED SO MUCH NARRATION!  I AM BUSY!  I NEED PEACE!  

Anyway, she was reading to me from one of the Telos books we got when we lived in Mount Shaster. 

TELOS, Vol. 2  Messages For The Enlightenment Of A Humanity In Transformation 

CHAPTER 5 - The Effects of Usage of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development

5:22am  Daniel Dennett - Arguments for Atheism?

5:23am  I just ran into someone on Undernet who I remembered from 2004!  See, yesterday after getting bored of the nonsense-talk in #gulag I did a /list and just popped into random channels, saying, "have a laugh," and posting my blog.  In #mIRCBeginners eViLc|0Wn says, "Why don't you tell us some jokes instead?"  BIG SMILE!  They liked me in the channel and I was invited to #vietnamese(Nobody in the channel is in or from Vietnam) and there I find out eViLc|0Wn lived in my county!  What a small world.  

     Then guess what happened!  In #vietnamese I stumbled onto someone with a very familiar nick, Dougwiser.  He noticed my ad and said, "Damn, Victor. It's been years."  I searched my recently-retrieved backups and found a conversation we had in 2004!  Anyway, I'll just include the actual channel text. 






9:49am  Last night my Tita found this old 2003 Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar, by the Self-Realization Fellowship. 

     It contains some great quotes, BUT it still supports the concept of "God." They still support the personification of LOVE and even say He. Which goes to show how Yoga has been compromised too.  

     SO!  When I make the page for it I will replace "God" with LOVE and He with IT.  I went through and took pictures of each page that has a quote on it.  

     Remember, take only the wisdom in these words.  You decide what feels true or not.  Grain of salt!  Anything is possible!  We don't know nuthin'!

4:55pm  Took me most of the day, but I just finished the page. 54 quotes!  I hope you get something out of it.  INNER REFLECTIONS.  

5:08pm  Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  After much evolution that I don't want to ever lose, I backed up my blog again last night with Cyotek Webcopy.  Anyone else can download it too.  I am not adding anything malicious.  You are taking the same exact risk in downloading my blog as you take when you look at it in a browser.  They are the same exact files.  Here is my blog again without pictures(110mb).  Be sure to install it in c:/ so all the links work.  Please DOWNLOAD me for safe keeping.


     I am so delighted to hear my thoughts and beliefs(and so many others') coming out of this righteous gringo's mouth.  ¡El esta con nosotros!  I just got done typing up the first ten minute of the vid I started yesterday.  Enjoy!  

The Truth About Everything: Is a Meaningful (R)evolution Possible?


     I am listening to another good Illumignostiic Odysee vid from November 28.  This guy seems so spot-on.  Do I trust him fully?  No!  Everything with a grain of salt  The dark-side's MO has always been to indirectly, whisperingly, tell us exactly what they are doing.  Remember the false-prophet quotes.  Hiding in plain sight.  Either way, this guy provokes thought HARDCORE.  

     Last March I tested some truthers, who have totally ignored me.  Please email me, Illumignostic dude.  I pray to LOVE you are legit and here to help, because you spit some raw flow.  I still can't help but get that too-good-to-be-true feeling hearing you say what I think(for the most part).

7:49pm  Going to watch The Spirit Molecule with my girl tonight.

My girl read to me from Until Today! by Iyanla Vanzant and I transcribed a short section.

The Authentic Self 

10:45pm  My girl also read to me from How to Get SOUND SLEEP, by Swami Sivananda.  Found it on  

Page 29 



3:27am  I just stumbled onto this vid on Odysee and I am only 15 minutes into this guy's vid and it's some good sheet, mang..

The Truth About Everything: The Day After the (R)evolution  

Let me transcribe a little.

***Okay, that's enough for now.  Gonna keep listening.
(12-18-23  6:07pm  Today THIS random vid was recommended titled India Sucks! Don't Ever Come Here.  It talks about and shows you tuk-tuks(which Illumignostic mentions being in Peru too).


 7:22pm  I was doing my usual joke-telling in #gulag and was getting tired of having to search through the individual categories for a certain joke, so I just copied them all into one easily-searchable file.  Download it if you want.  I kinda did the same thing with my Failure Franklin story.  Condensed.

7:42pm  Oh yes!  Today I was bored and found Zach Star!  HE'S SO FUNNY!  RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!


You Can Be Killed For Weed In These Countries


9:49am  Download my blog without images(108mb).  For safe keeping.  :]  Remember, install in c:/ so all the links work.  Double click on INDEX.HTML to start.  

3:01pm Nomic suggested the movie Violent Saturday(1955).  Gonna watch it tonight with the wife.  Then I remembered being a stagehand for Mel Brook's The Producer, back when I lived in Weed.  I hooked up with the theatre director for the college at the bar in Weed.  She asked me if I wanted to be a stagehand and I said sure!  I even got a small role in the play.  I got to ride my scooter on stage with a big swastika.  Anyway, after a little digging I found the original movie for free!  It's such a great flick.  I should make a whole Mel Brooks page on my blog.  Duh, I already had months ago and forgot about it.   HERE IT IS,  ALL MEL BROOKS MOVIES FREE(Except Robin Hood).  Here's the The Producers.  Enjoy.

4:15am  Morty Kills the Simpsons


 8:20aam  The rabbit hole I went through this morning brought me to this excellent video.    HAIL CANADA! UNGRIP(2011) .  I only watched it because it's 1:11:11 long. :P


10:32am   Tita orated most of it, but I just got done typing up a good section about diet and vegetarianism.  I still eat meat once in a while, but some day soon I won't!  A PEACEFL DIET


5:22pm  John Trudell in Thunderheart (1992) - Freedom, Earth and Power speech  


5-:28am  Woke up with Viva La Vida in my head.   Took on the morning project of removing vocals and adding lyrics.   WHAT A GREAT SONG, enjoy!  COLDPLAY - VIVA LA VIDA

10:27am   Tita read to me from this

Yoga book she has.   I couldn't find the PDF to copy from, so I typed up a good part of it while she dictated.  Great stuff.  I hope you get something from it, HERE.


The Muppets - Devil Went Down to Jamaica


"No one knows enough to be a pessimist.  About anything."   - Wayne Dyer



     10:53am  I googled it last night and discovered that it is illegal to simply open up random mailboxes.   It kind of makes sense, now that I think about it.  If it were legal to open stranger's mailboxes, people would be advertising stuff all the time, especially Christians.  I won't ever do it again, officer!  Please forgive me.


World's Dirtiest Song


1:58pm  Me and Tita had another argument.  She wouldn't give me peace.  My blog has been evolving so much lately.  I got fed up and stormed out to go for a long walk.  I walked down Orangeburg, over getting close to where my old pool job boss Dean lives.  I got the idea, fuck, I am out here walking in full uniform with my shirt all loud with my stick and wristweights.  

     I am passing all of these mailboxes while I walk and I got the idea to drop little blog papers in them, teehee.  Right after I passed by this girl who gave me a dirty look, probably assuming I am homeless, I got this idea.  I stopped at the next mailbox and opened it a little and slipped a little blog paper in it.  At the next one I pinched one in the handle.  I looked back and was glad to see the girl staring at me.  

     As far as I know it's not illegal to open a mailbox door.  Just as long as you don't steal any mail.  I should Google if it's illegal to open a mailbox door.  Anyway, I wanted to make an impression.  Before I know it, like five minutes later a cop pulls up while I am walking.  I smile real big and say, "Hello, officer."  It was some Mexican dude.  He asks me, "What's your name again?"  I said Victor.  He then says, "We had someone call us to say you were looking in mailboxes."  I smiled and told him, "Nope."  He said, "Okay, then," and drove off!  


     LOLOL!  I knew that would happen!  I planned that shit all out!  I should walk back up to that girl's house and throw a rock through her window with a note tied around it that says, "SNITCHES GET STITCHES!"  LOLOLOL!


     He asked me what was my name AGAIN!  He's probably seen me flying my hook a brother up sign, ha!  Reknown!  Talk of the town!

     Remember in San Antonio(9-28-23) I had the idea to tape my little blog papers at bus stops and stuff?  Well, I am going to follow through on that idea.  I walked to the little Walmart on Coffee Road.  I left my ATM card with Tita, she has to go to the bank, but she gave me three bucks in cash, in case I had any "antojitos."  I walked inside and found the tape quick.  With the random coins in my pocket I had exactly the amount I needed, to the cent.

     I walked out to the Chicken Bowl place in front of the Walmart.  There was an abandoned Walmart cart there.  That was my first "tagging."  I took a picture.  Then i put them in random places as I walked all the way home.  I walked Coffee to Brighton to Rose to Wylie to Oakdale to Scenic and back home.  I took pictures of most of them.  


     What could possibly be illegal about REMOVABLE graffiti?    

"Storytelling carries the power from one generation to the next; verbal input and visualization are processed by our spiritual brain. When you read something, it’s processed by the logical brain that filters out the magic. When you want to cut the body open and remove the disease, a book will show you how to do that. But if you want to remove the disease the natural way, you must listen to the story."

- Fawn Journeyhawk


6:12am  My enormous Weird Al harvest is prompting me to post a current upload of my blog, without the 5gb of pictures.  I just removed the IMG folder, so none of the images will work, but ALL of the text is there.  Just in case.  :]  Back me up!  Please download me for safe keeping!  Remember, be sure it's in c:/ so all of the links work.  

HAHA!  This song is badASS!  THE LOOPHOLE!


6:21pm  I went to sleep around six thirty last night and woke up at four.  I have been one Weird Al video harvesting fool ALL DAY LONG.  In one day I put together Weird Al's ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY!  This is going to serve as such a HUGE boulder for my sling!  Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!   Prepare to laugh your asses off!   THE COMPLETE WEIRD AL!

10:31am  Garfunkel & Oates with Weird Al Yankovic "F**k You"  ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮

8:15am  Can Cold Water Clean Dishes?

6:20am  Because I'm White (Afroman Parody) ~ Rucka Rucka Ali


Ash - Only In Dreams (Weezer cover)Great buildup starting at 4:30, crescendo at 6:37!  SLAP YOUR KNEE TO IT!  Reminiscent of The Door's Light My Fire instrumental solo.  (1:05 - 5:23)


6:35pm  The Landlord [UNCENSORED]

6:13pm  How to Cultivate Sattva

12:38pm  Tita and I were digging through the garage and stumbled onto this book.  WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON by Bill Kaysing.  I got the pdf from the book channel.  It's going in my recommended reading section, fo-sho.

Where did a stripper go to get dressed? 

To an undisclothed location.




"Weird Al" Yankovic - Trapped In The Drive-Thru (Official 4K Video)


11:00am  Yesterday Tita and I prepared and embarked on a trip to Grass Valley, to the Yoga Farm Ashram where she lived for four months before being transferred to teach Yoga at the center in San Francisco!  Pop-ins are rude, but they wouldn't answer any calls and Tita was itching to get out of the house.  Grass Valley is two hours away.  The whole time we had planned to get a motel room and visit the Ashram in the morning.  Stupid-me, because I lost my ID again months ago I wasn't able to use my credit card anywhere.   I just drove us back home.

Where True Religion Begins


Last night < SlappyYou >

My wife asked me, “Why don’t you treat me like you did when we were first dating?”

So I took her to dinner and a movie then dropped her off at her parents’ house.

11-23-23  Happy Day.  Celebrate every day!

I  think my best friend is having an affair with my wife.

He's been miserable lately.

Naughty Things Joke  Great Strategy Joke

5:53pm  JOKE:  Wife's Diary / Husband's Diary... < Barack--Obama >

Wife's Diary:

Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made
plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was
shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was
upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no
comment on it. Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested
that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but
he didn't say much.

I asked him what was wrong; He said, "Nothing." I asked him
if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't
upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry
about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He
smiled slightly, and kept driving.

I can't explain his behavior I don't know why he didn't say,
"I love you, too." When we got home, I felt as if I had lost
him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me
anymore. He just sat there quietly and watched TV. He
continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence
all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes
later, he came to bed. But I still felt that he was
distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell
asleep -- I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure
that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a

Husband's Diary:

Damn boat wouldn't start, can't figure it out.

11-22-23  8:00am DOWNLOAD(129mb) my blog with NO PICTURES for offline reading.  Be sure to install in C:/ so all of the links work.  Open blog with INDEX.HTML! 




"The more you know, the more you grow in humility."  - Swami Sivananda


1:19pm  Earlier Tita was reading to me out of another booklet she had from the ashram titled Pearls of Wisdom by Swami Sivananda. 

She told me to open it to a random page and I did.  I thought to type it up too.  I landed on the section titled, "Basis of Peace."  I couldn't find the PDF online, but here's another Pearls of Wisdom book by a different Swami.  GREAT SECTION - NO PAIN, NO GAIN:

"No Pain, No Gain 
     You should understand that no pain will come to you unless you do something to deserve it. If we deserve something, whether good or bad, it will come to us. If we don’t deserve it, nobody can hurt us. No pain can come to us. Deserving means we have done something wrong and through that pain we have to purge it out. Pain is a sort of purgation. Even if the whole world comes forward to give you pain, it cannot if you do not deserve it. But, unfortunately, we don’t accept it that way. We simply say, “Oh, I am all innocent. This guy just came and hurt me.” 
     It’s wrong thinking. Pain has no interest in coming to you unless you have invited it. Understand the purpose of the suffering, and accept it."

     I wonder what Victor Razee would say about that, :P.  Victor Razze - No Pain, More Gain! {Gaining results without hard work}

10:07am  The weirdest thing.  Tita unearthed an old business card that she had for Granny Storm Crow's List.  It's from 2014, but I found it on  "Coincidentally," the random time-capture I clicked on resulted in this text that totally pertains to me!  


12:57pm  I can't believe I didn't have this joke on my blog already.  Just found it on my phone: 

 "A sadist, a masochist, a murderer, a necrophile, a zoophile and a pyromaniac are all sitting on a bench in a mental institution.

"Let's have sex with a cat?" asked the zoophile. "Let's have sex with the cat and then torture it," says the sadist. "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it and then kill it," shouted the murderer. "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it and then have sex with it again," said the necrophile. "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it, have sex with it again and then burn it," said the pyromaniac. There was silence, and then the masochist said: Meow."

11:16am  I was watching the Panic episode of What on Earth Happened and I looked up this magazine mentioned and found it on  THE LIES OF OUR TIME.  Click on the arrow pointing down to read the magazine.


Download(95mb)my blog without pictures to read offline!  Be sure to put it in c:/ so all the links work!  Double click on INDEX.HTML.


4:22pm  Smart a$$ parrot

            Kids Are Quick

6:21am  Last night my Tita was reading to me from this little booklet 

she has from her time at the Yoga Farm in Grass Valley.  It has some great stuff.  SATSANGA AND SVADHYAYA  The Glory, the Importance and the Life-transforming Power of Holy Company and Spiritual Books.  Swami Sivananda.  

     It begins with this quote:  

     "By keeping the company of great Mahatmas, one becomes dispassionate. He gets Vairagya. He does not like the company of worldly men. Then he develops the state of Nirmohatva. He becomes free from infatuation or delusion. Then his mind becomes steady and one-pointed and rests on the Svarupa or Essence. Then he attains liberation or freedom."

 From the “Bhaja Govinda Stotram” of Sri Adi Sankaracharya

Let me see if I can get some definitions for Vairagya, Nirmohatya and Syarupa.



"Learn wisdom from the saints. They are your saviours. Follow their advice. They will help you, guide you and lead you to your destined goal. 

Turn homeward. Enough of your wanderings in the desert of Samsara. There are a few oases in this desert and they are the saints. Drink deep from them and march to the source, your original home. 

Satsanga is thy lifeboat. Discrimination is thy compass. Dispassion is thy anchor. O Captain of the soul! Steer thy ship fearlessly in this ocean of Samsara and cross to the other shore of immortal life. 

From miscellaneous writings of Swami Sivananda"


"Because the company of the wise leads to the realisation of Brahman (with attributes or without attributes), it is also termed as Satsanga. In this sense, Satsanga means the company of the Satpurushas. Satpurushas are those who have realised truth as well as those who are aspirants after truth. Those people who have renounced egoism, greed, lust, etc., are Satpurushas. Those people who have attained equal vision, balanced mind, unflinching devotion to the Lord, are Satpurushas. Those people who are endowed with peace, bliss, contentment, simplicity, fearlessness, humility, powerful voice, a face beaming with the glow of saintliness, etc., are Satpurushas."



Here's some jokes I snagged from the joke forum this morning.


Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.

I may be schizophrenic,
but at least I have each other.

Dyslexics Have More Nuf.

Don't sweat the petty things.
Don't pet the sweaty things.



 I tried a job delivering pizza once, but found it was nothing like they show it in porn movies.

 Hello darkness, my old are you doing here at 4:00pm ?



 "I like long walks especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."

 Why did god invent men? 

Because vibrators can't mow the lawn





Reading through the book of Aquarius and finding good quotes.  

7:14pm  Chapter 10, Yin Yang


I don't think I have ever mentioned, but my life partner, Tita, after being suggested she visit an ashram, attended and became really involved at Sivananda Yoga Farm in Grass Valley.  Let me get her to get more details,  


     I have been one proofreading and tabbing-through, link-checking mofo lately.  I polished up my one blog post pretty well.  I have added as many pictures as I can.  I am really bummed out about losing so many pictures.  I thought I would have more in my old mission box.  Anyway, just because I still get paranoid about my blog being shut down and I lose all my work, I downloaded it last night with Cyotek Webcopy.  Download my site, please.  Here it is without the 4gb of pictures. DOWNLOAD  Be sure to put it in your root(c:/) so all of the links work, and click on index.html. Permanence-assurance.


     Okay, I've been back a couple of weeks and I have much to report.  After much frustration at not having my pictures in my journal, I got my traveling gear together(about sixty pounds total). 


     I decided to take ALL of my WPTMJ teeshirts for sale or to barter with and set off for Texas, to my mother's house, where in her garage was my old mission box with all my backups from my old site, 
     I wanted to get there and back like I used to, like I was ensuring I still could.  With generosity and love.  I left my ATM card and SSI money with my wife.  I even took my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign with me, which fit perfectly in my bug-out bag.  I also was sure to take TONS of little blog papers to hand out. 
     I left on the 16th of September.  My girl gave me a ride to the rest area serving I5.  It got dark and I couldn't secure a ride so I camped nearby.  The next morning I power-walked four miles straight to the next exit and was able to thumb a ride quick and that's where the adventure really began.  
     In a mere ten days I made it to Indio/Coachella and at the TA truckstop, in no-time, scored a ride ALL THE WAY TO MY MOTHER'S FRONT DOOR in San Antonio, Texas!  From a fellow Puertorican truck driver JUST LIKE IN 2003!  See for yourself!  12-18-03

     To top it off he told me that when he was headed west again that he would take me back to California!  Thank you, Edgar!  What a perfect business trip so far, I thought! 

     My mom was elated to see me and welcomed me into her clean house, my older sister had just visited so the house was in order.  I unloaded and asked to see my mission box in the garage.  I opened the door, got a visual and closed the door.  Stupid-me, locked it when it closed and my mom couldn't find the key!  I was sooo close.   

     Edgar had volunteered me $20 when he dropped me off and with $40 from my mom I found a locksmith to come out and unlock the garage for me, for sixty bucks.  I took the box inside and started to look through it.  Soooo many memories, so many pictures, so many cd's.  I was hoping to find old hard drives, but it was mostly cds.  A lot were old and unreadable.  It had been so long, after all.  
     My mom didn't have a working computer though.  Lo and behold, she had all these Walmart points saved up and she bought a $200 laptop and an external cd drive at Walmart!  With an unused extra flat screen monitor from the junk room, I had the most perfect workstation in the dining room.  I even got the internet to work on it!  

     I spent days reading and copying files.  I had brought a big 27gb USB drive.   After reading all of the disks, and harvesting hundreds of JPG files, I came to find I was missing ALL of my pics from 2008!  That was a HUGE year for me.  That was when I actually spraypainted the fence and went on my East Coast trip!  What a HUGE loss.  :[

     BUT, I did get ALL of the pictures from my Central States trip!  9-18-07

     Around the same time I realized I had lost a whole year of pictures I got a text from Edgar saying that his load back west was going through I80, not I10.  So big bummer.  I can't win them all.

     So anyway, my girl flipped out being all alone.  She went a little bonkers with separation-anxiety.  Her insecurities made her doubt me, even after all I have done for her, she still thinks I'm looking to cheat on her.  With the news that I wasn't getting a ride back to California soon, Tita took it upon herself, with my ATM card, to order me a bus ticket all the way back home to her.
     I was a bit dismayed, I had been looking forward to the return trip, hitching it and spreading my blog.  Since she was freaking out with me being gone, and since my return trip wasn't assured to be as speedy, I agreed.  

     My mom gave me a ride to the Walmart and I caught the bus downtown and hopped on the Greyhound.  I will elaborate more later, but I have been busy nonstop since I got back.

     Want more details?  HERE YOU GO.  Enjoy the show.  



    LOL!  I finally got banned from #gulag on Undernet!  Oh no!  Like I can't just go pester other people with my light!  Another one bites the dust!  NEXT!  HA!  

     I lasted so long in that channel telling jokes and being me(spamming for peace), for over a month.  I really felt welcome there and I hope I actually reached some people.  Before long one of the idiots who pretended not to like me, Cleland msged me.  I'll add it eventually.  Expect a whole #gulag section soon.  VERBATIM.  ALL MY LOGS.  NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.  I AM GOING TO BACK MY SHIT UP.

"Seems like spam could be used to actually get a message out in a very quick and widespread way about injustice, working for peace, and other political issues. Why hasn't this happened yet? Spamming is so easy and inexpensive - seems like a perfect tool for subversion."

- Author unknoen


Sublime - Date Rape



 8:52am  Bruce Lee vs O'hara - Enter the Dragon

Don McLean - American Pie (Lyrics)

 9:47am   My beautiful wife just sent me this funny!  

 7:07pm  Just finished up my WEEN collection!  Just the released Albums.  Expect more soon!  I will redo my entire peace through music section soon!


Oh yes, earlier I stumbled onto this Youtuber's channel.  I have only listened to one of his videos but it's FULL OF GREAT PUNS.   The Film Theory: Film Theorists.

The Lorax Movie LIED To You!

"Lawyers, Guns and Money" by Warren Zevon

<grey> Listening to bauhaus "the sky's gone out" (1982) and smoking jack herer

8:58am    Also, the topic got on abortion in the chat I was in and I jumped in with jokes. Someone shared this band with me called DYING FETUS.  I tried listening to a song, but you can't make out the demonic sounding lyrics at all.  I'm going to karoakize a song and learn what they say.  I hope it's nothing scary.

                I won't waste my time.  This is a very negative band with a very toxic message.  Their first album is called "Purification Through Violence" (1996).  Their last album is called Make Them Beg For Death(2023).  Read the lyrics if you want, but I don't recommend it.  

                 If you do read them, try to replace all the negative stuff with positive and realize the dangerous societal depravity that we are being programmed with.

 11:02am  Oh yeah!  I finished Pure Guava!  I think I'll go through each song and pick out little excerpts to entice people to listen to them.



     A lot has happened, I have been busy.  Recently I started my Ween YT harvest.  I want to gather AS MUCH of my favorite band that's available online and GIVE AWAY their whole discography on my blog!   I AM GOING TO WEEN THE FUCK OUT OF EVERYBODY!  :P

     Also, I sold a shirt to a buddy I made on Undernet who recognized me back when I used to troll #UFOs(fuck you awhisp, you biatch) a while back when I recently started trolling IRC with my blog, like last March, I think.  Well, I had been going there for a while to make fun of all the globetards.  

     Anyway, to practice what I preach I tried real hard to just give it to him, I just wanted an address.   This friend of mine is very skeptical of any good happening soon, rightfully so, so I wanted to give him a gift.  He wouldn't let me, insisted he wasn't a mooch.  

     I reminded him how accepting a gift handsomely and in the right spirit, even when you have none to give in return....IS TO GIVE ONE IN RETURN!  I am trying to start my very own gift economy.  Please accept and welcome my gifts.  They are not mine to keep.  They are mine only to share.

     He still insisted, he refused to get something for nothing.  I found I still had a PayPal account that I seldom use, so I am going to give it to him and he's going to pay me $25.  I told him to not worry about it until he got it and felt it was worth it, that if he didn't like it to just send it back.  I am fronting him the money back guarantee.  

     Anyway, I went to the UPS place nearby and sent it.  It cost $13 to ship.  No big whoop(I just want him wearing my blog address)

     I want to put all of my friends to work for me(and you).


Ween - That Man

Linda (The Sexy Dancer) by Ween



This song was shared with me on Undernet this morning: Teapacks - Push The Button (Israel) Live 2007 Eurovision Song ContestAfter listening to 30 seconds of it I found my morning project. I karaokized it, removed vocals and added lyrics!  Even the one's not in English!   Hebrew, I think!  I found the lyrics at  The timing is probably off on the parts not in English, but the entire song is there.  Let me know what you think.  Here it is.  NO VOCALS WITH LYRICS.



Rush - Jacob's Ladder


Louis C.K. - god  

Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized

Mad Caddies - ...And We Thought Nation States Were A Bad Idea [Propagandhi cover]


Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Easy Now




29TH STREET Full Movie Anthony LaPaglia 1991

Nebraska Police Issue Citation To Driver With Bull Riding Shotgun


 Matthew Good - Euphony

No vocals with lyrics


     I will see you on the outside!

8-27-23  I have had a very productive time lately harvesting more laughs.  I have new sections.  WORLD PEACE THROUGH COMEDIANS AND WORLD PEACE THROUGH COMIC STRIPS.  I am still being a troll on Undernet.  Right now I just dd a search for "ejaculating cum emojis," and found this genius, funny article at, author unknown.  It's so funny CHECK IT OUT.

8-22-23  One of my undernet buddies shared this radio interview with me after I shared this great TED TALK/ with him.  Regarding parasites.  I listened to it all and it's hella interesting.  It talks about this dude who went to Africa just so he could walk through African feces,  to try to purposely get hookworms.  Crazy?  Well ever since then he no longer has allergies.  HUMANS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A LITTLE DIRTY!   TAKING SHOWERS EVERY DAY IS A WASTE OF WATER AND UNHEALTHY!


1:08pm  I am glad I've made some buddies in all my trolling on undernet and I can chat with them without being in ANY channel that's just going to distract me.  I've got a feast of links to go through.  Let me list them.  Oh, and I keep running into people who recognized me from all the spamming for peace I used to do decades ago.   Just yesterday I saw an ad in a channel about someone doing  a research paper for school on social media and logging all the chat.  In case they didn't get my blog, I was sure to message the individual.  Everything is falling in line.  This friend  I made liked Latin music, but not too thrilled about Mariachi.  He gave me lots of pretty music to listen to.  He also reminded me about Monty Python!  How can any atomic laugh bomb not include Monty Python?

The Funniest Joke in the World

Harry Partch



Lenny Bruce, sam kinnison, Richard pryor, Robin Williams, Henry winkler, Rod Dangerfield, Steve Martin, Whoopi Goldberg, Jay leno, johnny carson, don rickles, THREE'S COMPANY, Rosanne Barr, tom Arnold, borat, WLIIA, ANDREW DICE CLAY, martin short, CARLIN, bill hicks, louie anderson, mitch hedberg, Redd Foxx, chris rock,   




7:04am  Got a great new joke in #RubbleYellow from Gravtittie:   "A professor told his class "Fame will come to you only after you succeed"... a blonde student asked "Who is Seed?"   HAHAHA, I countered back with: " I couldn’t get my wife to spit or swallow, but last night with the help of a straw she was able to succumb."

8-13-23  Continuing to read Jay's collection of stories from Mysterious Ways.  I wanted to share this profound passage from the chapter titled REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY.


     I am continuing my virtual-friendship rare some other articles about him and his unjust eviction.    

Here's some funny dancing old people.  Shared in #gulag


12:00am  I really need to tell you about the magical evolution that has transpired recently.  See, due to my incessant joke telling on undernet IRC channels, I am banned from most every channel, even #incest and #fuck-your-mom.  Anyway, I explain everything in the followig conversation I magically manifested the other day.  I had gotten banned from #all-nite-cafe because I dared them to kick me, I think.  Since I had been welcome in the channel at first and people were appreciating my humor, the stupid ops got jealous and power hungry and banned me.  Since I thought I might have noteriety, I hopped on IRC on my Android, which has a different IP and hopped back in #all-nite-cafe on a different nick, JUST so I could see the user list so I can try and fish out a good conversation that will result in blog views.  

     The other day I had done this and the random nick who answered back when I asked "Is there anybody listening," was this nice friend I made.  It doesn't matter what channel she was in but her nick is Lovely Tina.  I'll be sure to include the conversation.  

     Well, anyway.  I tried fishing like that again and in the #anc channel list the nick TekWiz jumps out at me.  I tell myself, "Hey, I need some tech support regarding my new blog and if I can trust the stats or not.  So hopefully I would get a reply to my question so I msged him if he could give me any support and luckily he replied and I serendipitously connected with a like mind all the way from the other side of the country!  He's had a site for decades,  Also here is his old blog.

5:58pm  Here's a GREAT example of the evil, demonic influence they are trying to "normalize" and get us sheep used to.  Papa Roach's Last Resort.  They are PROMOTING suicide!  THEY WANT US ALL DEAD!  It doesn't get more blatant than that.  In Fraud you trust!

Also, I saw this funny ass reel today about a Swedish magician psyching out a cop!


I am sooo hooked on this badass tough Latino guy who's reels keep popping up on my phone.  He plays the PERFECT thug.  I love every single one of his reels.  FOR REEL!  The Alladin one owns to the motherfuckin' bone!  FUCK ALL YOU GOLD DIGGERS!


I might have already posted this one, but this ballsy little 15 year old kid gives these stupid pigs a lesson!


Okay, I am going to make my daily thoughts offline so I can wait enough to where it won't compromise my security if I post.

Yesterday was such a blessed day.  I feel as if I have made a friend.  I manifested a like-mind to listen to and share stuff with, EXCHANGE knowledge!   My new friend has given me great links and it's yet ANOTHER chance occurrence.  I am so addicted to putting things to chance.  Behold what I made happen that day, read our entire text life!


7:00am  I am watching this exceptional Victor Razee vid.  It's so perfect.  It reminds me of how I was able to successfully manifest my perfect Latina soul-mate by being of service to others at the spring in Mount Shasta.  I just spent some time typing it up.  Yet another masterful Victor Razee vid.

3:58am  I am sleeping strange hours.  Just watched a new Amagansett Press vid in Holland, Michigan.  At 7:11 he mentions The Man in the Arena, by Theodore Roosevelt.  I looked it up and scored some great quotes I need to text my nephew with.  He'll probably say it applies to me instead, lol.

“The poorest way to face life is to face it with a sneer,”

“A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticize work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life's realities—all these are marks, not ... of superiority but of weakness.”

7:09am  I was reading through my old journal about my time in Amarillo in 2009.  I scored some great quotes that day from a religious book:

"Our walk counts far more than our talk."      

- George Mueller

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

- Jim Elliott.

"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily."

- John Maxwell

"If the way you live isn't consistent with what you believe, then it's wrong."

- Romans 14:23

"You can't light another's path without casting light on your own."

- John Maxwell

"Children must be valued as our most prized possessions."

- James Thompson

"He who has all that he wishes to have, and wishes to have nothing he ought not to have."

- St. Augustine

"A little lie is like a little pregnancy.  It doesn't take long before everyone knows."

- C.S. Lewis

"He who constantly and fervently seek the approval of others live with an identity-crisis.  They don't know who they are and  they are defined by what others think of them."

- Charles Stanley


6:37am  Last night I did something I haven't done in a while.  I stayed off of my blog and watched a movie with my Tita.  Since the house in still in disarray from trying to empty the junk out of it so we can move, I was able to set up a big screen and connect it via HDMI to the laptop.  We had some nice movie time in the yellow lounge room.

     I had tried vain in the past for hours and wasn't able to find WARGAMES(1983) the whole movie, FOR FREE.  

     We had been lucky that Tita's old friend, from back in her Ashram days, Imran, had let us use his Netflix account.  We used it for like over a year, but recently it stopped working.  Instead of Google I searched around with instead and was able to find it!  

     Tita had never seen it before, I couldn't believe it.  She was enthralled by the entire movie!  What a blast from the past for me too.  "Do you want to play a game?" Anyway, if you've never seen it, here you go.  Enjoy!

10:39am  LOL, oh yeah, let me show you this funny ass vid Tita showed me last night.  NO POO-POO DANCING !


7:36pm I just have to type this up!  

Victor Razee is a another guru of mine!


    I'm doing my usual wake up go upstairs and wake and bake.  I've had some good evolution to my blog lately.  I organized all my reports and jail experiences into a JUSTICE FILES section to really convey my activism.  I want to send this link to my very righteous Amagansett Press brethren.  My stuff is right up their alley!
"Travel is fatal to pregidous, bigotry and narrow-mindedness!" - Mark Twain

     I also had the clever notion that I have been blessed with the MASTER CROWBAR!  :P


1:40pm  Had some good chats on Undernet and brightened people's day with jokes and puns.  I'll post them later.  Looking through old browser tabs and found this good article.  

The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval

Here's another old tab:  Illuminati and New World Order - Unfortunate Choice of Terms
How the Top Elite Have Confused Researchers and Truth Seekers


     Everybody read all about Hell = Jerusalem’s Garbage Dump

Elderly people read this!


1:33pm  I have these quotes saved on my phone.  I might have already added them to my collection, but in case I haven't I'll put them here:

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging prejudices."
- Alan Watts

"You are under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago."
- Alan Watts

"A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company."

- Gian Vincenzo Gravina

"People sometimes say my jokes are condescending.  That's when you talk down to people."
- Jimmy Carr

Here's a funny joke:

     A middle school boy comes home crying...  His dad asks. "What's wrong, son?"  "A boy at school called me gay!" the son replied.  The dad then says, "Well, if he does it again you can punch him in the face."  The boy then stated, "But he's so cute!"


12:28pm  I reconnected with an old friend from Mount Shasta.  She was part of the American's trucker convoy on the way back to  DC.  After being in DC she took up with Ashley Babbit's mother Micky.       

    Micky started a vigil outside the gulag.  It's been going on for almost a year and she was there for four months helping support the nonviolent political prisoner's conditions.  She was in a DC courtroom for some of the trial.  She saw firsthand the judge refer to them as insurrectionists when they were just there.  They had no intentions of causing insurrection.  

     It was a peaceful demonstration until Antifa instigated it.  It was all a big setup.  It was an inside job.



2:46am  Woke up after a seven hour nap and cleaned the kitchen.  Just had the thought to do a google search.  The Power of Profanity.



     EVERYTHING EVER SAID ONLINE IS PERMANENT AND RESEARCHABLE!(do you see how they've been planting this trap since day one?)


9:30pm  Regarding all of the of the "truthers" out there like Jordan Sather and everyone else who has been 
allowed to get tons of views and followers.  You have to wonder if YouTube, even Bitchute and Odysee, is only the next evil evolution of the mainstream, and that the "high rollers" on them might have paid contracts to misinform us, just like the media always has!

     They've been playing both sides since the beginning.  Why would now be any different?


4:27am    I've got this song stuck in my head right now.   "It's just around the corner, a destiny that I embrace with you!  Stare into the lion's eyes and if you taste the candy, you'll get to the surprise!"  Ween - Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)

1:37am  Last night I was busy upstairs typing away when my Tita called up saying she wanted to show me something.  I refused and told her I was busy and would be ignoring her.  Well, I regret that because I saw it today and it's right upff my alley.  Check out this nice Iraqi lady and how she already knows how to live without me telling her. :P

    Before I start I need to link everyone to this HUGELY important video that I am ashamed it's taken so long for me to find(thank you, my Tita).  It really is a goldmine of logical thought that the entire world needs to digest over and over and over again(before it gets banned again.  Quick!  Click on it!).  It totally blows the hopium-filled Zeitgeist out of the water!  And I haven't even finished watching it!

The controllers that were LOATHE that people watch this, so be sure to grab plenty of snacks and have a great time opening your mind!
7-25  Here, this is such a powerful stone for my sling that I feel it's worth typing up the intro for.

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