

 Session Start: Tue Feb 06 10:30:01 2024

[10:30.01] ->> seeker is (realname)

[10:30.01] ->> seeker is on: @#deeppeace +#UFOs #Gulag 

[10:30.01] ->> seeker using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[10:30.01] ->> seeker is logged in as seeker

[10:30.01] ->> seeker 13 hrs 16 mins 17 secs seconds idle, signon time 9:21 PM 2/2/2024

[10:30.01] ->> seeker :End of /WHOIS list.

[10:30.56] <levity> hi Bubba.  still no word from frank or my mom.  just had some good daily thoughts

[10:30.59] <levity> +

[10:39.47] <seeker> +, my fav prince ali cover

[10:46.37] <seeker> the parable of the monkey with his hand stuck in the jar is wonderful

[11:13.32] ->> seeker is (realname)

[11:13.32] ->> seeker is on: @#deeppeace +#UFOs #Gulag 

[11:13.32] ->> seeker using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[11:13.32] ->> seeker is logged in as seeker

[11:13.32] ->> seeker :End of /WHOIS list.

[11:13.34] <seeker> this image is poetic +

[11:16.42] <seeker> trump represents the false promise of happiness through materialistic pursuits, where much of what's on your blog is about self-reflection and -enlightenment to find real prosperity

[11:17.36] <seeker> ultimately, our need to change will drown out the voice of ignorance screaming to turn back the clock

[11:19.05] <seeker> and the ideas like the ones within havethesejokes will mute the lies of false prophets :P

[11:42.47] <seeker> seen this before? +

[11:42.54] <seeker> I'd be surprised if you haven't

[11:46.13] <seeker> I think I remember the description on the original upload being "A story about the fire at the heart of suffering."

[14:23.12] <levity> wow, that was trippy

[14:24.00] <seeker> I appreciate that you engage with the things I send you :)

[14:38.23] <levity> tita and i were watching it, she said it seemed a little dark

[14:38.35] <levity> oh, and we also just got into another argument

[14:38.40] <levity> no pictures :P

[14:39.01] <seeker> the world is a little dark :P

[14:39.14] <seeker> you gotta focus on the light at the end of the tunnel

[14:39.26] <seeker> I'm sure you know all about it

[14:39.27] <levity> she kept insisting i ask you stuff i didnt feel i needed to

[14:39.34] <seeker> go ahead

[14:39.47] <seeker> let's put her mind at rest

[14:39.47] <levity> like what do you do for a living, etc

[14:40.02] <seeker> I haven't made money for a while, I'm a leech just like you

[14:40.06] <levity> you know, normal curiosity when presented with a character

[14:40.07] <seeker> my professional background is in operations management

[14:40.20] <seeker> the only labor I perform nowadays is volunteer work

[14:40.23] <seeker> I live with my parents

[14:41.32] <levity> when i told her i was averse to asking you, she just went on and an on wondering why

[14:41.33] <seeker> I don't receive SSI, I have a small amount of savings I draw from for things like gas and live very frugally now

[14:41.39] <seeker> they provide my food

[14:41.45] <levity> so i told her off

[14:41.47] <levity> hehe

[14:43.04] <levity> i was like, "that stuff isnt pertinent enough, i am sure he probably wont even mind telling me, but i would rather wait until it comes up in conversation or he volunteers it

[14:43.13] <seeker> I hope she's all right

[14:43.21] <levity> she'll get over it

[14:43.32] <seeker> do you love her?

[14:43.46] <levity> so much

[14:43.49] <levity> i see her

[14:43.53] <seeker> :)

[14:43.56] <levity> and her true potential

[14:44.26] <levity> she still resists though

[14:44.52] <seeker> she's the merlin to your king arthur

[14:44.55] <levity> tita is heaven-sent

[14:45.06] <seeker> probably meant to resist

[14:45.20] <levity> "challenge accepted!"

[14:45.23] <levity> :P

[14:45.26] <seeker> lol!

[14:46.09] <seeker> I mean, I'm all about brainwashing people, but I think that it has to be their choice deep down

[14:46.15] <levity> LEECHES OF THE WORLD UNITE!  

[14:46.20] <seeker> LMAO

[14:46.24] <levity> why pay?  why be sad?

[14:46.45] <seeker> you know the crazy thing? if I believed in the society I lived in, I would volunteer to work in a heartbeat

[14:46.54] <levity> there's enough for everyone!

[14:46.55] <seeker> heck, I do anyway

[14:47.01] <seeker> even though I don't get the means to survive in return

[14:47.16] <levity> it's coming

[14:47.22] <levity> just have to be patient

[14:47.27] <levity> and think happy things

[14:47.27] <seeker> I've been feeling it for years

[14:47.40] <seeker> when I think about it it makes me cry tears of joy

[14:47.44] <levity> smile through every god damn motherfucking thing

[14:47.52] <seeker> all the pain being worthwhile

[14:47.57] <levity> i have been way emotional too lately

[14:48.29] <levity> we just finsihed watching aladdin 1992 with robin williams

[14:48.39] <seeker> I love that movie

[14:48.42] <levity> i was bawling at the end :.[

[14:48.43] <seeker> came out before I was born, lol

[14:48.59] <seeker> I've been listening to the soundtrack to the film Prince of Egypt the past few days

[14:49.02] <seeker> came out in 1998

[14:49.08] <seeker> if you haven't seen it before, I highly, highly recommend it

[14:49.17] <seeker> was one of my favorites on VHS as a kid

[14:49.21] <levity> fo-show

[14:49.30] <levity> got the link handy?

[14:49.44] <seeker> sure, what kind of service do you use to watch?

[14:49.56] <levity> nothing paid for

[14:50.05] <levity> ill find it free somewhere

[14:50.10] <levity> year?

[14:50.31] <levity> 98

[14:50.31] <seeker> +

[14:51.03] <seeker> alternative: +

[14:51.27] <seeker> I'm sure you're fine but make sure you wear protection :P

[14:51.32] <seeker> you'll probably get malware without ublock or something

[14:52.36] <seeker> the magic that I felt as a kid watching this movie was real, even if the story behind it isn't

[14:52.39] <seeker> it has some great messages in it

[14:53.14] <levity> miriams gift?

[14:54.07] <seeker> she's a character in it, I need to actually watch it again

[14:54.13] <seeker> probably been 10+ years

[14:57.46] <levity> behold

[14:57.49] <levity> +

[14:58.08] <seeker> bookmarked :P

[14:58.13] <levity> dont trust bmovies

[14:58.57] <seeker> find something icky?

[14:58.58] <levity> shit, that might be ina diff language

[14:59.51] <levity> its english

[15:00.13] <seeker> kewl :3

[15:00.54] <levity> i dunno, dont like sites that have pop ups

[15:01.21] <seeker> do you not have an extension installed to block them?

[15:02.12] <levity> i dunno, prolly not

[15:02.18] <seeker> what browser do you use

[15:02.22] <levity> ffox

[15:02.26] <levity> and opera

[15:02.37] <seeker> +

[15:03.04] <levity> ty hopefully itll work

[15:03.19] <seeker> it will get rid of all ads and trackers on the internet

[15:03.31] <seeker> I think you can get it through the chrome store on opera

[15:03.43] <seeker> if they haven't made adblock extensions illegal on chromium browsers yet

[15:03.49] <levity> i only use opera for blogger

[15:03.53] <seeker> oh cool

[15:04.01] <seeker> ffox is da best :)

[15:04.32] <levity> yeah, its like winxp was for us older pirates :P

[15:04.51] <seeker> it used to be called netscape navigator!

[15:04.55] <seeker> back in the 90s

[15:05.52] <seeker> lol I'm on win10 but I'm switching to linux before I go to win11

[15:05.57] <seeker> too much user unfriendliness

[15:07.03] <levity> have you ever played around with

[15:07.12] <seeker> no I haven't never heard of it

[15:07.38] <levity> +

[15:07.57] <levity> its a browser emulator!

[15:07.57] <seeker> this is so cool

[15:11.26] <levity> +

[15:11.32] <levity> doesnt do it justice

[15:11.40] <levity> sources from mainly, i think

[15:12.05] <seeker> well, it would be cool if it worked

[15:12.19] <levity> yeah

[15:12.54] <levity> it permanently confirms my existance!  MUHAHAHA :P

[15:13.51] <seeker> lol, rocks

[15:14.42] <levity> me and the wayback machine.....

[15:14.48] <levity> WE GO WAYYYY BACK

[15:14.51] <levity> :P

[15:15.10] <seeker> don't get jealous, tita!

[15:15.37] <levity> hahahahaha!

[15:16.08] <levity> maybe you havent heard of another one of my favorite passtime from way back then

[15:16.12] <levity> Tetrinet

[15:16.35] <seeker> +

[15:16.39] <seeker> there's something like this today

[15:16.46] <seeker> I've played it before, forget where it was

[15:16.55] <seeker> I'm mediocre at best at tetris :P

[15:17.06] <levity> i think ive tried it out too, but the servers were never populated

[15:17.13] <levity> like they used to be in the day

[15:18.38] <levity> i used to love getting the Switch block...where you can fuck your field up and steal someone else's good field

[15:18.55] <levity> it was total combat tetris

[15:19.28] <seeker> lol, you know what I had as a kid instead of that?

[15:19.40] <levity> pokemon?

[15:19.42] <levity> :P

[15:19.56] <seeker> +

[15:20.00] <seeker> YUP

[15:20.09] <levity> OMG

[15:20.15] <levity> what a coinkidink!

[15:20.21] <seeker> I will never forget blaine repeatedly screaming "WHEN YOU'RE HOT, YOU'RE HOT"

[15:20.43] <levity> i swear we got a connection going, lol

[15:21.27] <levity> that was a total stab in the dark, lol

[15:21.28] <seeker> we definitely have some things in common

[15:21.30] <levity> :)

[15:22.12] <seeker> not least of which is sayifng "fuck you" to the system and deciding to go for a better world even if we crash and burn in the process

[15:22.33] <levity> right, FINALLY SOMETHING WORTH DYING FOR

[15:22.34] <seeker> but I think (almost) everybody really wants it they just don't know how to make it happen

[15:22.50] <seeker> honestly I don't either but my best guess is living what I believe

[15:22.59] <levity> right, in the back of everyone's mind they already agree with us!

[15:23.02] <seeker> which you've clearly done for a long time

[15:23.22] <seeker> yup, they know it's all fucked up and needs to be fixed, they just aren't ready to do the dirty work yet


[15:24.18] <seeker> I think that once something starts to coalesce thanks to the bravery of the pioneers people will gravitate towards it

[15:24.19] <levity> like i say on my blog


[15:24.40] <seeker> hahaha, yup!

[15:24.42] <levity> or at least i have fun with it :]

[15:24.48] <seeker> I mean that's the only way you can do it

[15:25.06] <seeker> take yourself too seriously and you end up like the soviets or something :P

[15:25.19] <levity> yuppers

[15:26.11] <seeker> the kids really are the real grown-ups

[15:26.17] <levity> i hope my dad reads my latest mail from this morning

[15:26.30] <seeker> not calcified into the processes that they think are natural and unchangeable

[15:26.39] <seeker> daring enough to think you can do things differently

[15:26.44] <levity> +

[15:27.26] <levity> just realized i can ctrl+K on hotmail and add links 

[15:27.29] <levity> duh

[15:30.39] <seeker> lol, I watch a LOT of news

[15:30.49] <seeker> I don't really worry about it so much anymore, though

[15:34.46] <levity> me neither, and i am poking the bear

[15:34.48] <levity> :P

[15:35.56] <levity> have you seen my aol hacking page?

[15:36.11] <seeker> I don't think so

[15:36.20] <levity> +

[15:36.45] <levity> i really hope my sister sees that page, lol

[15:37.10] <seeker> I think I'm blogged out for the day though

[15:37.38] <seeker> I started reading the book of aquarius

[15:39.51] <levity> ok ok, dont wanna overload.  itll always be there :]

[15:40.01] <levity> good for you!

[15:40.22] <seeker> :)

[16:29.03] --X-- You're voiced by Lard (clowntown) on #Gulag

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