


San Antonio, TX

Sunday December 9, 2007

     7:36am  I'm getting out of the house today. I'm going to go fly my sign on Bandera and 410. I'm going to take the power line trail from Wickersham to get there. I'll put links back to when I used to walk it(1-28-04, 10:30pm 2-29-04, 8:16am 1-9-05, 10:30am 1-11-05, 8:25am 1-13-05, 8:30am 1-15-05, 11:04am 1-17-05, 6:40am 1-20-05, 6:37am 1-22-05, 7:05am ahh, there's like nine more times). I'll try and take lots of pictures. I haven't been taking pictures at all.

     7:41am  I am on the power line trail.
                   I got another good entry on my guestbook today. I'll show you.

Date: 2007-12-09 00:39:33
Name: Matt Hostetler
Number: 148
Hey to be straight up and honest with u MAN. you are a moron. not a single thing i read made a dang bit of sense...u r a complete and utter retard... this might just seem like i am being "ignorant" and simply dont agree with you but the reality is you hippy freak, Your the biggest freakin idiot on the face of this earth... If anything you're the ignorant one for thinking you can change the world... i would really like to talk with you about this because i am genuinely interested in your thoughts (however much i dont agree)... Please call me As soon as you can bro at 512-809-9888 and if i dont answer just keep calling, ill pick up eventually :) ...and maybe once we become good enough friends we can chill sometime and toke on that good stuff... peace

Date: 2007-12-09 06:37:23
Name: Victor Antonio
Number: 149
Haha, I love getting posts like that. It's not as funny as #143 though.
But just look. If you go through and read the over hundred other entries in my guestbook, it just shows, in black and white, the accurate contrast between people who want world peace and those who do not.
World peace is winning, big time.

- Victor Antonio

p.s. Why does everybody always have to mess with the guy trying to bring world peace? When will we ever learn?

                   I think it's this dude from yesterday from all the spamming on IRC I was doing. I already got Klined from DALnet, but today I was able to get back on it. So, I'm still at it. Fuck it.

                   I talked to some guy from San Antonio on IRC yesterday. I saved the conversation:

Dacoda stop being a moron
ptw i won't stop until i'm done
Dacoda you can be finished really easily, if you don't stop
ptw tough guy, big man, do what you can
ptw whatever you destory, i'll create it again
Dacoda destroy it's english. learn it
ptw never said i was perfect
ptw and if you're going to go as far as using 's and periods, then you should know English is capitalized
Dacoda ThAnKs FoR ThE AdViCe, now get lost
Dacoda .
ptw get me klined so i won't be distracted by dalnet and i can go walk around and spread my stuff around
ptw like i have been for years
Dacoda You don't seem like the typical idiot from San Antonio, I was wondering where all the somewhat intellectual people were hiding.
ptw i don't know nothing, man
ptw anything is possible
ptw surprise me
Dacoda I knew I was mistaken.
ptw you've been to san antonio
Dacoda whois Dacoda
ptw oh, cool
Dacoda Which you already did, obviously. or you wouldn't have been in every channel I was in.
ptw ha, so perceptive
Dacoda so, now that you have my attention.
ptw i just randomly whois people and see where i end up
ptw nothing personal
Dacoda I see
ptw you've probably seen me walking around town before
Dacoda doubtful
ptw i've been walking around for six years now
ptw with my crazy walking stick with a tennis ball at the bottom
Dacoda oh lord
Dacoda with that ridiculous where's waldo hat
ptw P
ptw i just recently misplaced my rainbow beanie, i had been wearing it for over five years
ptw but i had a replacement, hehe
Dacoda that's nothing you should be proud of
<Dacoda> :)
<ptw> now i wear a clown wig for a hat
<Dacoda> reason being?
<ptw> see, i'm trying to make people think i'm crazy so they won't take me seriously and assassinate me
<Dacoda> you go to UTSA if I'm not mistaken, right?
<ptw> it seems to be working
<ptw> no way, college is slave training
<ptw> i
<ptw> i'm enrolled at the school of reality
<ptw> where you learn the truth and it's free like knowledge should be
<Dacoda> riiight
<ptw> you shouldn't trust the government to educate you, if it doesn't make money they won't tell you the truth
<Dacoda> what are your thoughts on 9/11?
<ptw> the government planned it all
<ptw> it was a controlled-demolition
<ptw> nothing at all is as it appears
<ptw> so...
<Dacoda> ?
<ptw> what are YOUR thought on 9-11?
<ptw> +s
<Dacoda> I agree with you
<ptw> then please check out my site when you have the chance, it's free
<ptw> not religious, i promise
<ptw> and since you're from san antonio too
<ptw> you'll recognize the places i mention
<ptw> i've been documenting every single detail of my life for the past six years, just whatever happens
<ptw> take pictures too
<Dacoda> why are on earth do you think someone would be interested in the details of your life?
<ptw> because of the story i've been telling every person i can
<ptw> it's quite interesting
<ptw> if you don't believe me you should see my guestbook
<Dacoda> the story of... how they should legalize illegal drugs?
<ptw> here, just glance at the guestbook real quick. you dont have to go to my site
<ptw> the story about how ignorance is the world's greatest problem
<ptw> and what i'm DOING about it
<Dacoda> I'm not in the habbit of clicking links I'm not familiar with
<Dacoda> habit
<ptw> harmless text, i assure you
<ptw> smartgb is the free guestbook provider
<ptw> a
<ptw> i've been to the west coast and back about three times since 2002, i just recently got back from a central states trip
<ptw> went through tx, ok, ks, io, mn, wi, ill, mo
<ptw> logged it all
<ptw> took six hundreds pictures on this last trip

                     This guy from San Antonio recognized me too! He ass all, "You're the guy with the Where's Waldo hat?"

     10:56am  I'm wearing my Fuck Bush shirt today.

                     I just walked the power line trail down to Mainland Market.  It used to be Rod's Quik Stop.

                     I walked past Mainland and came up to that school that's before the construction yard.  I walk through the ditch here.

                     There's some chairs out here.

     11:45am  I just popped out in the construction yardAmerican Precast. I took pictures of the front of it.

     11:50am  About to walk through Buck Heath's property. I still think this place would be perfect place to have a rainbow gathering. I'm going to take a picture of the NO TRESPASSING/NO FISHING sign.

     11:59am  I just took a picture of the hole in the fence that I go through(1-22-05, 8:29am 7-19-07, 1:35pm).

     12:07pm  I just dropped down into the creekbed. I took more than a couple pictures.

                     Here's a big graffiti'ed old sewer pipe.

                     Leon Creek

     12:14pm  Coming up on Grissom.

     12:19pm  There's Grissom.

     12:23pm  I'm going to stop at Elizabeth's(1-9-05, 11:39am 2-28-05, 11:00am 5-12-05, 3:41pm) and see if Jesus still works here.

                     Jesus wasn't there, but I gave the kid working my website and asked him to give it to Jesus.

     12:30pm  Walked down Grissom and turning right on Shadow Mist. Let me see if there's a way I can hit Bandera/410 at an angle. Straight shot.

                     Well, whatta ya know? I'm back on the power line trail.

     12:55pm  I ended up at the Valero on Wurzbach and Timberhill where I met that one girl Millie(9-4-07, 5:14pm). Let's see if I can mentally summon Millie.

                     Oh yeah, I bummed a cigarette off of this one cool dude in a truck and I stood there in the parking lot of the Valero and ate a sandwich and smoked. Then this homeless girl walked out and saw me and said hi. I asked her if she knew Millie and she did. She told me if I wanted to meet some other cool people that there was trail in the field across the street where they lived in the woods. I'll go say hi. Millie might show up.

     1:32pm  I am flying my sign at Ingram and Wurzbach. Right in front of the mall entrance. I don't give a damn. I stashed my weed already.

                   This girl who had taken pictures of me eventually posted them on my MySpace Comments.  Check them out: 


     1:45pm  Hell yeah, I'm having a blast flying my sign here. This one guy just told me, "That'll work." Then this other sign-flyer homebum came up to me and said, "Hey man, be careful. They'll put you in jail for three days for flying a sign here." I laughed and told him, "Only three days? I have fun when I go to jail."

                    Haha, some Mexican lady just drove by and gave me the finger and yelled, "Fuck you, I love Bush!"

     2:20pm  The cops haven't come at all. I'm going to go walk inside the mall now and I can give all the people that saw me my website. I'm going to go find some Buglers. I think there's a tobacco shop at Ingram Mall.

     2:33pm  I quit flying my sign over at the entrance and walked to the mall. Art Martinez hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:38pm  I went inside and immediately some guy said, "Hey! You're the guy from the corner!" I gave him my website.

     2:47pm  Haha, I just walked through the food court. I got recognized so many times in the mall. I'm handing out my webpage left and right. And this one black dude, I tried to offer him my webpage, but he wouldn't take it. I yelled, "Damn, nobody wants world peace!" He got all mad and shot back with, "I was in Iraq! I fought for your freedom!" I told him, "This isn't a free country. You are only free to choose what kind of slave you want to be." He told me, "You better get moving if you don't want to get hurt." Whatever, guy. Ignorance is bliss.

     2:49pm  I am leaving Ingram Mall. I've had a blast today, hell yeah. I've had such a good time. I almost got in a fight, hehe. The truth hurts, I know.

     2:51pm  Leaving Ingram Mall. I took a picture. I'm going to cut through this field right here and get closer to Bandera. That one dude got mad at me. Hey man, I'm sorry you got suckered into going into the military. Do you really think this country is worth dying for? Only the whole world is worth dying for. Don't you know that it's all the same family, brother?

     3:20pm  I just walked all the way to Bandera holding my sign for traffic to read. I went in the Valero and I bought some cigarettes. Hmm, there might not be a good place for me to stand with my sign here.

                   Looking up Bandera

     3:34pm  Whoa, badass. Javier just pulled over and let me have a hit!

     3:45pm  Kendra just hooked me up with three bucks. I appreciate it. Check out my website.

     3:46pm  Haha, a cop just drove by and I gave him the peace sign.

     3:50pm  Terry just volunteered me some money. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:07pm  This ignorant girl, man. 727PDM. This white car. She was all yelling at me. I was yelling right back at her. She wouldn't accept my website and I called her ignorant. She was all, "I'm not ignorant, blah, blah, blah!" Then take my website, it's free! "No! Don't give it to me!" But it's free! You don't want world peace??" She said, "Well, peace isn't the answer."

     4:23pm  Four twenty came around and I decided to be done for the day. I'm going to go to Planet K.

     4:52pm  I left Planet K. I'm walking home now. I'm going to walk up to Bandera and walk home.

     4:57pm  Walking down Wurzbach. Everybody look at that beautiful sky in the horizon.

                    Further up Bandera..

                    I got like eight dollars from random donations, so I bought me a Planet K water bottle. I'll save the rest for weed for when I run out. Be sure to add "That which does not kill me makes me stronger" to when I talk about getting assassinated.

     5:27pm  I was walking up Bandera and Richard just pulled over in his white car and told me, "Hey man, I saw you and your sign earlier," and handed me a five dollar bill! Hell yeah. I appreciate it, bro. 831-ZKS. Black Honda.

                    I got hooked up with five more bucks. I'm walking over to Bob's.

     5:37pm  I just passed Eckhert. Heading to the Walmart now.

     5:55pm  I'm going straight to Bob's. I'm not going to to Walmart to catch the bus.

     6:05pm  I stopped by the bridge and smoked a cigarette and took a break. I'm getting high before I walk up the Guilbeau hill.

     6:11pm  I am all stoned now. I'm walking to Bob's.

     6:25pm  I just walked underneath the power lines. I'm circling back. I walked the whole way.

     6:40pm  Hell yeah, I just walked all the way to the Church's. I banged on the window and scared AK. He hooked me up hardcore. He let me smoke like half a blunt roach that he had. I didn't smoke it all. I left it on the green power box back there. I just put something on top of it and with my black marker drew an arrow pointing to it. Let's see if he finds it.

                    I am so stoned. What a great reward for my work today. Man, my job pays great! Thank you, Love. I'm super stoned. Thank you, AK. I'm going to go hang out with Bob now.

     7:03pm  I guess I passed Bob's house. I didn't see his truck. I just kept walking. I didn't want to double back and go to my mom's house. I'm going to keep walking to the Citgo, the EZ Mart on Bowen's Crossing and Dover Ridge. Maybe Humplick will be working and I'll be able to tell my story there.

                    Oh yeah, be sure to add ad-free, non-profit to my advertisement.

     7:24pm  I am leaving the Citgo. Maybe Bob will be home when I walk back. I hope he is. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out which house is his.

                    Oh yeah, this one guy at the Citgo was all, "Man, you're the man. I see you walking all the time." I'm walking back home now. I'm walking to home. I haven't been home yet. My mom is on her way home. I talked to her on the phone. She told me she would buy that James Avery ring I found the other day with Ish the Fish at the Walmart. It's got a cross on it. It's perfect for her.

                    Oh yeah, Bob told me he couldn't sell me any weed for eleven dollars. He told me to come up with nine more and come back. I told him thanks anyway, but it seems maybe that ring I found is where it's going to come from. Thanks, mom. "Hey mom, can I borrow your car real quick?" Hehe.

     8:00pm  It started drizzling. I am almost home. These kids just pulled over right now and asked, "Hey man, do you need a ride somewhere?" I told them, "Ahh, I'm almost home. Thanks anyway."

     8:06pm  The eagle has landed. My mom is still not home.

     8:08pm  Cool, I just called my mom and she's on her way home and she's going to bring me some food!

     9:01pm  Hell yeah, my mom brought me home a badass Whataburger burger. With A1 Steak Sauce and shit. It was damn good. When she came home she asked me, "Let me see that ring that you found." It ended up being way too big for her, but she offered me ten dollars for it anyway. I then asked her, "Really? Can I borrow your car then?" She asked me where I was going and I told her New Territories, to my friend's house. She asked me, "Oh, is that your source?" I smiled and told her, "He's where I get the good stuff." Then my mom started asking me all these questions about weed. She told me all the different things she found out they make with hemp. She's all curious now. That's just great! I asked her, "Well, can I get those ten bucks then?" She looked through her purse and told me, "All I have is nine." Whoa! That's exactly how much I need! I have eleven dollars! That's exactly how much my mom had for me, hell yeah. I am on my way to Bob's right now.

                    Presto-manifesto! I called that shit from earlier! What a glorious day today was. Man, I got some balls, hehe. I was out there hardcore, full-force.

Next day..

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