


San Antonio, TX

Thursday May 12, 2005

     6:52am  I just woke up at the camp.

     7:28am  We're leaving.

     7:46am  Travis hooked me up with a cigarette outside the Diamond Shamrock. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:53am  Jumped on the 91.

     7:54am  Mona hooked me up with 15 cents for a transfer. I appreciate it, Mona. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:04am  I'm telling Mona my story. What was your email?

     8:32am  I just had me this greatest listener. That girl Mona. I just showed her that trail I cleared at West Telemarketing. She works at some place behind West. Across the street from Orion. She had heard about the trail, but had never been on it and didn't know where it was. I just showed it to her. She had told me, "I hate walking along the access road of I10." It was a magical conversation I just had with her. She had been reading some book by Ayn Rand, the Fountainhead. She told me, "It's really ironic that I run into you. This book I'm reading is all about that stuff." It was cool, when we got to West the driver still had 10 minutes to wait. So I got to show her my trail.

     8:57am  This really grizzly scene at Floyd Curl and Wurzbach today. These pro-life picketers are holding up big pictures of mutilated dead baby bodies. Man, it's all nasty. Nobody has to see that shit. That's messed up.

                   I should go up to them and tell them a dead baby joke, hehe.

     9:01am  This brother gave me a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:30am  The 610 came.

     9:32am  Natalie is hooking up me and Ziggy with a couple cigarettes.

     9:43am  Jose le dio a Natalie dinero para comprar un transfer. Ella te lo agradece, Jose.

     10:13am  Jennifer hooked me up with a cigarette at the Walmart. I appreciate it, Jennifer.

                     Today was the first day I noticed the 606 was back. Actually, it starts on the 30th.

     10:25am  I'm off at the Citgo close to my mom's. We're going to walk to my mom's.

                     Did I ever mention where we camped last night there was magically two sleeping bags at our disposal. They were just waiting there for us. We got some good sleep last night.

     10:34am  Coming up on my mom's house.

     10:48am  I just watered all my mom's plants and my weed plant in the backyard. It's growing good. It's going to be taller than the fence pretty soon. Shit, I need another camera.

     3:31pm  David and I came to my mom's house and chilled out for a long time. David took a long nap and I played Tetrinet all day. They're going to shut the Internet off again. My mom is going to take her computer to her school so they can format it there. Oh yeah, she's bringing home some blank CD's, so I can make a backup before she takes the computer.

     3:34pm  We are leaving for the powerline trail.

     3:41pm  We're already behind Braun Station Elementary. This kid John, some other guy walking the powerline trail, he told me, "You're the long-distance walker?" I smoked some weed with him at O.P. Schnabel a long time ago. Thanks for making contact.

                   We walked all the way on the powerline trail through the construction yard and big natural ditch. We're at Grissom right now getting blessed by Jesus at Elizabeth's Mexican Food.

                   Man, Jesus hooked us up at Elizabeth's. He gave us six tacos total! I knew I could count on him. Thank you, Jesus, hehe.

     5:58pm  Amanda pulled up in her car at the light at Grissom and Timberhill and gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Amanda. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:59pm  Hell yeah! I just bummed a cigarette from some girl who pulled up at the light. I logged her generosity and all the cars behind her started honking. All of a sudden, next thing you know, this dude pulls up in a white car and tells me, "Here, grab this," and he hooks me up with a fat weed roach. Man, it don't get much better than that.

                   We hiked all the way to Ingram Mall and Shane came over and recognized me. He said I met him on Cliffbrier.

     7:40pm  At the Sonic at Tezel and Grissom, ask for Nick or Scott and tell them that Shane sent me. They'll hook me up. Awesome, cool, cool.

     7:55pm  we just got off the 610 over by the Citgo. David hiked all the way to Ingram with me. That's awesome! Nobody has ever taken that hike with me.

     8:02pm  At the Citgo I ran into Bo. He called me over and said, "Hey, what's going on. What are you doing?" I told him, "Me and my friend just hiked all the way to Ingram Mall." He told me, "Well, I was going to invite you to dinner, but I didn't know he was with you." I told him that we had already eaten. Then I asked him if I could bum a cigarette? At first he said no, then he said, "I'll give you one, but don't let him(David) have any." I asked him, "Why not? What do you have against my friend David?" He said, "Because he's a bum. He had asked me for a cigarette when you were inside." I said, "Oh, just like me? Don't you know it all comes back, man. Have you always been so quick to judge?" Greedy ass Bo. That's not the first time he's been a greedy ass(3-19-05, 6:10pm).

                   Oh yeah! This kid I talked to on the 610 coming from Ingram, he told me, "I got your email! I got The Better Book." I really don't remember when I sent him an email. It was the andywarhol16 kid. He told me he had downloaded it and forwarded it to all his friends. That's exactly what I want.

                   He told me he was telling his friends, "I got Victor's Better Book." They said, "Victor who?" "Victor, long-distance walker Victor." His friends were all, "Oh my god!"

Next day..

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