

     8-29-23 9:55am  I don't know what's taken me so long, but I am finally polishing up this page.  About a month ago I reconnected with a friend I made in Ventura, CA in 2007 who was a filmmaker and shot some footage of me back when I was out working my mission hardcore.  My lines have evolved a bit since then, but HERE IS THE YOUTUBE VID!
    From 2002 to 2009 I used to be a long-distance walker traveling the country and telling people my professionally-rehearsed(I felt I had to stay consistent) insanely-interesting stories, anybody who would listen, all voluntarily.  I had a whole show I could put on and I wouldn't ask for any money or anything else.  I wanted them to see my website and show their friends, that's all.

     I'd politely approach people with, "Can I tell you a really interesting story?  I'm not asking for anything.  I just want you to listen.  It's a free story."  I would always include, "It's not religious, I promise."  This way I got so many listeners.  In San Antonio, every bus driver has heard my story.  Every pretty girl on the bus.  Even the ugly ones. :P

     I was welcome entertainment everywhere I went.  I killed time great for bus riders.  I maintained an image throughout.  I am still playing this role.  I still can't, for the life of YOU, find anything better to do.

     I tried to always make people feel like they could stop listening whenever they wanted.  No obligations whatsoever.  Free entertainment. There would be numerous times where I would ask for permission to continue, and was rarely denied.  Very few people appreciated having that back door, but some did.  Because there is a right and wrong time and place for EVERYTHING

     I enthralled people with my story and they usually listened to me all the way through.  A lot were very impressed that I went through so much trouble to memorize such a tale, but it really wasn't any trouble at all for me.  

     When I realized the effect and future potential of my story, telling it became all I did.  I was hooked.

     I just craved people's full undivided attention, which I usually got and was able to hold for over a whole hour sometimes.  

     I wanted to show people how someone else was living how everybody else could be living that's more harmonious than how they currently live.  If that makes any sense.  

     Mere suggestions that made for a gripping tale.      

     I documented my life daily on a micro-cassette recorder which I would later transcribe and post on my website.  Like from when I woke up until when I went to sleep, every day.  Time-stamps and all.  Including pictures even.  

     It used to be  Instead of steal this book.  I was literally an open book with nothing to hide.  For the whole world to see.  I still am.

     My website was only up for three years.  

     HERE IS PROOF IT EXISTED!  Each of the following links should open up in a new tab.  Load them all up so you can easily compare.  

     HERE is the first archived copy of my old site from AUGUST 20, 2006.  

     HERE is a copy a year later AUGUST 9, 2007.

     HERE is a copy the next year on OCTOBER 6, 2008

     HERE is the last copy of my site from MARCH 1, 2009.

     I acquired a near-perfect memory doing this, that I could easily and quickly search my thoughts with, with certain keywords.  I didn't have to remember shit.

      (7-14-24  I mention that I only had my old website up for three years, but I had totally forgotten that I had tried to resume my website again from 2014 to 2017(when I lived in Mount Shasta and I was with Tracee Haughton from New Zealand.  I'll type up that vampire's chapter soon) which means my scripts had evolved too.  Look.  From 2021 onward it's a bookseller site, unrelated to me.  

Click here to see the latest archived copy of my old site.  This was my lame attempt at rebooting my mission back then.  I eventually took it down.)

      After saturating San Antonio with my stories for years, I finally felt it was time to walk into the wilderness and take my hopeful story abroad.   The first couple of years I stayed pretty consistent.  I would stay out for six months, then return to San Antonio to type it all up and then took off again for six months.  My mother' house was mission control.

     In 2009 I lost hope and stopped walking and telling my stories.  After seven whole years of having the obsession to think I could realistically help save humanity, after walking around the whole country following signs, going with the flow and spreading my meme, I tragically relinquished my self-made goals and stopped.  The towel, I threw in.  I felt like a huge failure.  "We are so screwed I want to die because nobody is listening and never will," I thought.  Depression overtook me and I returned to my hometown, back to my dear mother's house.  

     I guess I was so used to everything going my way everywhere I went for seven years that when things stopped going my way I felt debilitatingly cursed  I'll fill in more details later, but I eventually evolved into this joke blog. 

     Well, after pulling up my past after all these years I found that my old guestbook was still online!  Every single one of the 572 opinions I had collected over the years was still there perfectly preserved, exactly how they used to be.  

      It makes for a terribly interesting read.  

     I began to get giddy thinking I was meant to have discovered my past like this.

     Anyway, recently I learned about The Way Back Machine, which is a stored online archive of most websites that have ever existed.  I was able to see my old site again with my own two eyes.  What a complete blast from the past for me. 

     The reason I felt giddy was because most every one of those entries had an email address.  I thought, hold on, I have emails to over five hundred people that have heard my interesting stories and know about my old mission.  I thought I had a ton of people who would definitely open up an email with the subject that said WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA(wouldn't you?). I thought I had 100% readership.  I had every spammers dream come true.  I thought mailing this list is going to make my blog totally explode onto the web.  

     Could you possibly understand my elation?  I truly thought I was on the brink of world peace with this one move I was about to make.  My implementation phase had begun, I felt.

     I diligently started picking out the email addresses.  Every ten or so I mailed them the following email:  EMAIL

***    Today is Wednesday March 22.  I regret to inform you that, after staying up all night patiently mailing ten at a time, I have received no reply or guestbook signatures.  I think they are all dead.  :(

     Oil well.  At least I tried.  

     Not to mention now I have a bitchin' new chapter for my blog.  No accidents.

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