4:14pm Haven't done much today, but I did have yet another brilliant idea for spreading my word.
Today I'm going to Office Max to buy a little plastic box of pushpins. Then me and my lady and pups are going to go hunt around the town for bulletin boards. I'm thinking I can stab a pin through the corner of like ten little havethesejokes.blogs. This way people can rip one off and leave the rest for others to take. I'm going to try and find every single board in town. I'll be sure to note where they all are, so like in a week I can go refill them.
Then I'm going to go to the best weed store in town and buy some dabs. I'll ask to speak to the manager and see if she'll let me leave a bowl on the counter filled with little papers, which I will refill every time I come to get more ganja.
Just think. People who are going to this place to buy marijuana can check out a my free(and subversive) peace through marijuana blog disguised as a harmless joke site. Hmm, do you think it'll reach like-minded people this way? Why would I ever think that?
Nahhhhhh, never, right? HAHAHA.
Full steam ahead!
My girl is going to stay home, but she told me she would be in my support vehicle for sign flying tomorrow, if weather permits.
5:14pm Just got the idea to add the following to my letter to the police: "Are you not here to protect my constitutional rights? Because if you don't my legal team will have a field day with you in court. Who is your boss? Who do you report to, officer?"
I will also be sure to have pulled out my digital voice recorder so he knows I'm not kidding. I'll say, "It's not like I need it, but can I please have your permission to record? I have a bad memory."
Ooooh, that's sooooo cherry.
What a good update I have to make. I had a very productive rest of the day. Let's see, I went to Office Max and bought some pushpins for five dollars. Then I went out to the car and followed through on my idea from earlier, which works as perfectly as I thought it would. Look.
Hehe, see all the white dog hair.
I had three pushpins fully loaded and ready for any bulletin board. My first thought was Starbucks. On the way there I was going to pass this new thrift store where I'm cool with the Mexican dude who works there, but it was closed. There's a 7-11 right next to it so with my Ziploc full of blogs I was sure to scatter them all over the front. Even in the flower pots.
Then I got back in the car and drove less than a block to the next business complex. A gas station attached to a big shopping center. I went and put little pieces of paper in the weirdest places, pinching them here and there. I was slipping them through the small slit in the door of closed businesses and then blowing them inside. I scattered some in the flower pots of the Mexican restaurant that's there too.
I walked by a tattoo parlor. I opened the door and excused myself for interrupting. It was just the artist in the back working on a guy lying on a table. I said, "Hi, my name is Victor. I'm kind of a gonzo journalist. I've been all over the country. Will you please check out my ad-free, non-religious blog? It's really interesting. Whenever you get the chance," and placed one on the desk by the front door. He thanked me for stopping by and I walked out. That reminds me of a tattoo parlor back from my mission days. Here, let me show you an old guestbook entry:
| ||||||||
to say thanx for coming by our tat shop the other night in the rain
with yor word.if ever there s any way that i could help you to get your
story out there |
He thanked me too.
I woke up a 8am this morning, crashed out about twelve thirty last night. I took the pups out to pee as usual. I didn't do the dishes, I did them yesterday, but I tidied up a little, put up recyclables and stuff. I had like half a cup of coffee left from yesterday, so I didn't do my usual three and a half cup morning brew. It' all still wet outside but it seems to be turning into a very nice, even warm maybe day. I'm going to definitely fly my sign today.
I have had absolutely no reply back from Serg after spewing so much to him. I really hope he takes me seriously and ends up endorsing me. Like I said, I'll eventually go down the list. I'll let you know what happens.
Mental note, take lots of pictures today.
I ended up doing the dishes.
Serg should not have taken my primary message as a threat. I made him get all defensive for no reason. I worded it purely hypohetical. I said: "I'm going to rat you out like the fraud you might be. You better email me." I said might.
And less than half an hour later, guess who emailed me proving he is not a fraud. I forced him to respond if he didn't have anything to hide, and he did respond, showing me and everyone else we can trust Serg Mesa. He accepted the challenge unlike Rob Potter. Serg has nothing to hide. I hope he never forgets me.
It's really hard to know who you can trust on the internet these days. I take great comfort in knowing I can trust Serg Mesa, mi compadre..
Okay, enough brown-nosing. Email me, Serg, please. But be warned that your email will go right here in my logs. I'd LOVE for you to contribute to my project so spit some truth. I know you can. We all do.
I'd trust him just a little bit more if he would start a dialogue with me.
Oh yeah, last might at like 10:30 or so my girl got a hankering for some chocolate cake so I drove to the grocery store and bought one with some organic dairy milk. On the way back home I was sure to stop at the donut shop to check if my loaded pushpin was still on the bulletin board. It was:
I had a great time littering for peace today. First my girl and I had a big blog cutting-out session in the bedroom. I was loaded. I got into uniform, WPTMJ shirt. First we went to the intersection I flew my sign at last time, by the Jack in the Box, but there was already a bum there so I didn't fly my sign there. I drove around to the opposite side, but there didn't seem to be a good place to stand.
I said screw it and parked, grabbed my container of blog papers and walked through the whole shopping complex planting my seed. Like every ten steps I took I dropped a little paper on the ground.
To start with I went to the organic grocery store where all the heady people shop. I had a loaded pushpin and I hoped they had a bulletin board. I got a better idea though when I saw a pretty girl employee pushing a cart. I asked her if they had a bulletin inside and she said no. She said she liked my shirt so I told her what I was doing and offered her the loaded pushpin. She gladly accepted it and said she would put it on the board in the employee breakroom. Woohoo! Talk about infecting like-minded people this way. Yes! I didn't even have to go inside!
Then I went walking down the storefronts casually inserting little papers here and there, tossing them all around. What's funny is when security there notices there's tons of little papers all over the mall, they're going to look at my blog, then check their security tapes and see my goofy ass littering for peace proudly wearing my marijuana shirt. Every planter, every ashtray, all over the place.
After I walked around the whole mall I walked back towards the car. As I was walking in front of the grocery store I noticed some guy driving by in a white truck smiling at my shirt. I wave at him and he parks in a parking spot. I rush over and yell, "I'm a journalist, will you check out my free blog?" He said sure, and that he loved my shirt. When he walked off I got an idea and called him back. I asked him if I could take his picture, that he would be on my blog tonight. He said sure, Nick.
I handed him a lot more little papers and told him to share it if he likes it. I also told him how many Chuck Norris jokes are on it too, hehe.
Then we went and parked in front of the Ninety Nine Cents store. I grabbed my sign and tried flying to traffic right there, but I just got an uncomfortable feeling so I said forget it. So I walked in front of the store dropping papers here and there. I walked by this Mediterranean restaurant, where these two beautiful girls were working. I went inside and ordered a spicy chicken schwarma. I told the girl Angelina what I was doing and she seemed in total agreement and even looked like she got a little excited. I gave her my blog and she immediately asked if she could have another for her friend. I gave her lots more.
With schwarma in tow I went back to the car and we drove home.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how the trip started. First we stopped at Office Max. I wanted to get a fresh copy of my note to the police, should I need it. It had evolved a bit and I wanted to have at least one cop today. I went and signed in on the computer. When it was finally my turn I told the lady I just needed one or two copies. She said there was like a $2.50 minimum to do anything at the desk, but that there were self-serve copiers along the wall. I went and had to wait a long time for this guy to use it, then when it was my turn it froze up. So I went back and waited at the desk. I had to get like 20 copies of the one letter I needed, oh well.
Anyway, when we were done my girl pointed out that the Starbucks closeby might have a bulletin board. I almost parked in front of the Starbucks, but then quickly changed my mind and went in the drive-through instead. I ordered a egg and bacon sandwich. When I pulled up to the window and paid the guy I offered him a loaded pushpin which he begrudgingly accepted. Sweet! Spam for peace through the drive-through!
Then we went to the busy intersection by Jack in the Box.
Oh, I never mentioned. I found an old backup of every single html file from my old site. My old journal. Over two thousand days that I logged. At first I thought I would easily be able to transfer the html files to my blog, but I read that Blogger stopped supporting FTP back in 2010. So to able to resurrect my old journal and have it on my new blog, I'm going to have to go through and copy and paste each day, each file. It's painstaking work, but I'll get it done eventually. I'll let you know. It sucks that I don't have any of my old pictures, but I've devised a plan to get those back too.
Until tomorrow, goodnight.
10:15pm It's going to take me forever. I've already done 88 days.
Damnit, it won't let me make any more pages, Blogger. It gave me some error that something had been exceeded. I searched around and now I'll have to wait 24 hours to keep going.
Let me show you exactly how I'm making my HTML files for my journal. I first click on a file and click it soon right afterwards which switches it into Rename mode, where I can Ctrl+C and copy the filename.
Then I switch back to Blogger(Alt+Tab) and click on New Page, Paste, Ctrl+V the filename into the title field, Alt+Tab to switch back to Explorer where the file is already highlighted, hit Enter, Ctrl+A to select all, Ctrl+C to copy, then Ctrl+tab twice to scroll through the browser tabs, and Ctrl+V to paste and finally confirm the publication.
If I stay at it like this it shouldn't take that long. If, when I get rate limited again, I'll just make another free blogger account.
You can't stop freedom!!!!
I got to 99 files this time before it throttled me again. Smoke break and then I'll make a new blogger.
4:20pm Wow, what a momentous battle of chess I've been having. First, I was making html files like crazy, all fast and stuff. I guess too fast because it stopped letting me after every 100 or so. I thought I had found a hack for it, by making new Gmail/Blogger accounts. I made like three of four different ones, but it eventually would automatically tell me I had exceeded the limit.
I thought crap, my old journal is so important. I got paranoid thinking Big Brother was hacking my blog. For good reason too. My viewership is way down today. I feel like maybe since I fearlessly keep my journal current and am being totally honest, that they might be taking me more serious and actually seeing me for the threat I am to them. I don't care though.
I don't want to have to wait a whole 24 hours to format these files. See, I thought if I finished up my journal then I could send Serg Mesa a direct link to my Florida trip back in 2008, which will show to him exactly how obsessed I was with my story and how I shared it everywhere all the time. In places he should know so he should also know I'm not lying because he lives in Florida. But then the rate limits stopped me.
But only for like 30 seconds. I had the brilliant idea of pasting the ENTIRE month of loggings from my Florida trip, right on my main page, at the bottom. None of the pictures will work, but it should scream truth regardless. I'll add the pictures soon. This way, anyone downloading my site, on the very main page it will have just a small piece of proof of my activism. Just see how detailed I get, how blessed my adventure is(I even get plenty of sex.), and that is just one month's worth. Just imagine what epic stories are included in seven almost whole years detailed at the same level.
So I am going to have to wait to get most all of the rest of the html files made, but at least I can follow through on posting my Florida adventure now. Hopefully everybody will want to see it including pictures and I can build suspense like that. I will deliver.
It being on my main page also guarantees it's permanence on the web too, I think. DOWNLOAD MY BLOG WITH YOUR BROWSER NOW. Hopefully it has lots of good keywords search engines will use.
Fearless, I am. Today I even added that I would go kamikaze if I had to. I would.
Oh yes, and also today one of my Obama phone Androids stopped working. Like when you pug it in it is stuck at 0% battery and will not charge. Oh well, good thing I have another one and it can actually make calls.
10:15pm It's going to take me forever. I've already done 88 days.
Damnit, it won't let me make any more pages, Blogger. It gave me some error that something had been exceeded. I searched around and now I'll have to wait 24 hours to keep going.
040123 April Fool's Day
I woke up pretty early like at eight thirty. I crashed out around 12:30am last night. I just added a link to the Janet Joplin song where I say, "You know what love's another word for, right?" I started playing Bobby Mcgee and actually started crying uncontrollably. Tears of pure joy though. What a release(I got a different release this morning too, hehe)Crying feels great. I should do it more often.
I love Janice. She really knows how to penetrate you with her music. She's a welcome infection.
Anyway, this morning I compiled and added the rest of my East Coast trip, after Florida. My girl has been glued to it for three days. Check it out. I also made sure to take all of that massive text off of the main page, it was slowing everything down, but I'm hoping that if my site got automatically archived, it would have that whole month trip archived for sure being on the main page. So for safe keeping. But this morning I was getting tired of the lag so I just made a whole other page for it. At the end I put a link to the rest of the story in case people were interested when they got to the end.
I also ordered a external cd drive from Amazon which I will need to add pictures with soon. To read my backups.
My girl stayed up all night and "came to bed" when I woke up. I wasn't about to go back to sleep afterwards, hehe.
6:20pm I got assaulted today flying my sign! This tweaker who was at the corner. Wait, let me rewind.
Today we were supposed to go to the farmer's market, but my girl lagged getting ready and it got too late. I was looking forward to the crowd and I diligently cut out like three sheet's worth of little papers. I had them in two little weed tins. I told her my girl to get ready, that I wanted to fly my sign today and spread my word. We drove to the restaurant parking lot next to the light at the busiest intersection in town, where I worked it last time.
I had a great reaction to my sign and my shirt today. These two different black dudes pulled over after seeing my sign and let me hit their blunt! It happened twice! One was named Dexter, I think. Also I noticed these girls yelling at me about my sign when the light turned green and I yelled, "Come back!" They eventually did and hooked me up with some dank nuggets! I forget their names but I think one was named, oh forget it, I forgot. I got hooked up rowdy with weed and cash.
When I first got there I noticed some dude hanging out at the corner, I was going to ask him if he had dibs on the spot, but when I walked closer I noticed he was just trying to change the tire on his bike.
I went out and started doing my thing to traffic and got hooked up and smoked out. I guess the tweaker guy noticed I was yelling at the people who would refuse my blog offer, I would yell at them, "Man, NOBODY wants world peace, poor kids! Good little slave!" You know how I do.
Well, he tried to take a swing at me and lunged at me all of a sudden. I quickly side-stepped him and he stumbled missing his punch. He popped me in the nose a bit and blood gushed out. I tried real hard not to get any on my shirt. I was standing there yelling at him with my bloody nose, "What did I do to you!? I'm trying to help everyone! Don't you want things to change???" He just kept mumbling fuck you. He tried to rush me again, but by that time I had remembered I had my trusty marine knife in my pocket, I always have it on me when I fly my sign, exactly for moments like this.
I quickly pulled it out and flicked it open. That made him change his tune and he backed off. Then I started talking shit, "Man, why does everyone always have to fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace? What kind of drugs are you on? Shouldn't you be wishing me luck instead of hitting me?"
He was Mexican so I even talked Spanish to him. I told him how I was Victor Antonio from San Antonio, que yo soy San Antonio." He just kept mumbling and calling me not a man for having a knife.
I calmed down and even told him, still with a bloody nose, "Come on, let's talk about this. I forgive you." Still holding the knife at him. He just muttered fuck you some more. He was all, "But you're yelling at people!" I told him I had to because they were ignoring me, duh. Regardless, this is a free country and I can yell anything I want to anybody. I have that right.
He never got his flat fixed so he started walking away pushing his bike. When he popped me in the mouth it was right in front of traffic and I was telling everyone to call the cops. One guy was all saying, "Well, you're the one with the knife." I told him I had paid sales tax on the knife, that I bought it fair and square.
Anyway, the tweaker started walking off with his bike, so I started following him, still with my knife raised above my head. I wasn't about to lose him. I was hoping to make a spectacle and have the cops there soon like that. I had left my phone in the car. If I had remembered it I would've been taking lots of pictures, not to mention call the police. But since I didn't have a phone I figured I could call the police another way, hehe.
I was following the fucker while he pushed his bike down the street, always staying about thirty feet behind him with my knife brandished. As I was walking I was pointing the knife at him yelling at people to call the cops, that I had just been assaulted and that the dude was getting away, so please call the cops. I ended up walking like seven or eight blocks before the boys in blue showed up.
They pulled over right next to the tweaker pushing his bike, but they ignored him because I had the knife, even though I was yelling at them not to let him get away.
It was the sergeant, the boss of the cops. As I was getting closer he shouted at me to drop the knife. I dropped it and quickly went for my wallet and ID. I also had my letter for police that I had printed out. I handed it to him telling him I wanted it back. I asked him if he would read it and he pretended to, I think because he handed it back real quick. I told him I was a peace activist and had been all over the country. I hope he at least read the part where I say my story has helped suicidal people.
After hearing my side of the story and seeing my punched nose he asked me if I wanted to have him arrested and I quickly said yes. Then I thought for a second. I asked the sergeant, "How long can we drag it out to make him think he's going to jail for? I just want to scare him real good." He insisted I make a decision and not waste their time, He then told me that they had lost him anyway, ugh.
I figured the last thing I needed was to make an enemy in the town I lived in because I didn't plan to stop flying my sign there. I told the cops to just forget about it. They said since he had gotten away that the options were pretty slim anyway.
I walked all the way back to the restaurant parking lot where my girl was still waiting for me, being none-the-wiser of what just transpired. Totally oblivious because she had been in the car in the shade out of view. A whole hour had passed. I sat down and showed her my face and she worriedly apologize for not being next to me. I told her I was grateful she came out with me and was my support vehicle. After like five minutes I decided to go back out to traffic with my sign, bloody face and all. I still had a world to save. No fear.
I was kind of hoping the tweaker would show up so I could talk to him, tell him how I chose not to press charges. I would even offer him some of the weed I just got hooked up with. I'd try to be the bigger man and smoke a peace pipe with him.
I eventually got bored and decided to call it quits after about half an hour with more hookups and smokeouts. I amazingly made like forty bucks in about the hour total I flew today. And LOTS of nuggets! A lot of people accepted my blog too, I had even offered one to the tweaker, lol. Of course he didn't accept it, but there's tons of my little papers littered around that corner.
I had my girl take a couple pictures of me, after I used a snotrag to clean up.
Afterwards I noticed my ID was missing. I hope I didn't drop it when I grabbed my sign and knife. I'm going to call the police and see if the sergeant still has it. Then I can ask him for that signed permission slip that I want.
I just called the police station and asked the nice girl, "I am sure there are lots off cctv cameras all around that corner. Is there any way I can get that footage? She said there was a form I could fill out to request it. That would be awesome to have on my blog.
So Monday I'm going to go to the cop shop and try and get that footage, as well as my permission slip.
Okay I woke up about half an hour ago. I looked and I had a voicemail I missed last night from the sergeant. He said, "Victor, this is the sergeant with the police department. Hey, I thought I handed your ID back when we were out there on Main Street, but I'm going to take a look at my body cam video and see exactly what happened. I'll have to take a look at that in the morning, and then we'll call and let you know. Alright, bye bye."
Awesome! The message came from "anonymous" with no return number, so I can't text him or anything. I wish I could.
The nice sergeant took a picture of my bloody face(which I also want to see if I can get a copy of for this chapter).
The tweaker had grabbed my Bubba Mug and threw it in the street where it got run over, so after I walked back and explained it all to my girl I said, "We're going to Walmart to get a new one." So we drove to Walmart. They didn't sell the same type of mug I had before, so I bought a different one. I went up to the cashiers and went to a self checkout with my new mug. Stupid me, I guess I was still high or something, I put my ATM card where the dollar bills go in. Duh. It sucked it in and I notified someone working there.
While we were waiting for the manager I tried offering the employee who was working my free blog, but she automatically denied it telling me, "I don't accept anything from anybody." She walked off and when she came back into earshot again I asked her, "What exactly are you afraid of?" She totally ignored me, hehe. I made sure she saw me drop a couple little papers on the floor.
The manager showed up and opened the register and returned my card. I asked her how often this happens and she told me about once a week. The slot for the money shouldn't be the exact same size as an ATM card turned lengthwise. Bad design.
We were going to eat at some Pho place next to the Walmart, but I remembered I had lost or the police kept my ID and I wanted to go back to where they confronted me and look around. I remembered they had put my sign and knife on top of some red drainage pipes, but I wasn't exactly sure. I thought we were getting close when we got to a different Chinese retaurant that we usually frequent. I parked the car and told my girl I would be right back. I walked past the restaurant scanning up ahead to see if I could spot those red drainpipes. I ended up walking almost a whole mile, but didn't see the pipes anywhere. I gave up and started walking the opposite direction.
Which reminds me I forgot to mention. Back when the sergeant was done with me he told me that my knife and sign were right over there(on the red drainpipe) and that I was free to go. I started walking and passed up where he told me. Him and his officers yelled at me and I laughed, telling them sorry, I was practicing what I preached earlier. They laughed.
I kept looking behind me to see if a bus was coming. When I walked to the next bus stop there was some dude waiting there. I asked him when the next bus was due and he told me just a couple of minutes more. This guy seemed obviously gay or trans. I was pretty sure it was a dude because he had chin-stubble. I thanked him and handed him one of my blog papers and smiled at him. He smiled back and volunteered me a card of his own.
I hope this person doesn't get offended when he reads on my blog that I don't support the normalization of transgenders.
I and a lot of other people still think it's wrong and unnatural. Best of luck becoming mayor.
You will most definitely need it.
Don't mean to be the bearer, but who's going to want a person who can't even decide what gender they are, to run a whole city? The credentials you would have to show everyone to trust you enough to vote for you to be mayor, I don't think are in existence.
And if you are elected mayor, it's only because the position was selected for you by
evil people to further their agenda of trying to confuse humanity so we
will be easy to subdue. Do you really think election-theft only
happens with presidents.
In the words of Worf's son Alexander,
Just go by what's naturally in between your legs, please. There's no need for any confusion.
Voting is a farce!
Whoa, he/she is running for mayor. I googled It. :) If the other images that came up are really him/her, you can't tell at all. Beautiful girl(if that's really him).
What strange synchronicity.
When the bus came everyone got on first and I asked the driver if she could give me a courtesy ride to the Chinese restaurant about half a mile way. She said sure thing and let me hop on! How perfect! She let me off right in front of the restaurant.
I guess I'll call the police in the morning and see if they can locate it.
What an exciting couple of days! I can't wait to type it up!
WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON by Bill Kaysing. I got the pdf from the book channel. It's going in my recommended reading section, fo-sho.
TheCrowHouse: The Matrix is Collapsing
I am listening to another good Illumignostiic Odysee vid from November 28. This guy seems so spot-on. Do I trust him fully? No! Everything with a grain of salt The dark-side's MO has always been to indirectly, whisperingly, tell us exactly what they are doing. Remember the false-prophet quotes. Hiding in plain sight. Either way, this guy provokes thought HARDCORE.
Last March I tested some truthers, who have totally ignored me. Please email me, Illumignostic dude. I pray to LOVE you are legit and here to help, because you spit some raw flow. I still can't help but get that too-good-to-be-true feeling hearing you say what I think(for the most part).
7:49pm Going to watch The Spirit Molecule with my girl tonight.
My girl read to me from Until Today! by Iyanla Vanzant and I transcribed a short section.
10:45pm My girl also read to me from How to Get SOUND SLEEP, by Swami Sivananda. Found it on archive.org.
Page 29
I am so delighted to hear my thoughts and beliefs(and so many others') coming out of this righteous gringo's mouth. ¡El esta con nosotros! I just got done typing up the first ten minute of the vid I started yesterday. Enjoy!
The Truth About Everything: Is a Meaningful (R)evolution Possible?
2:51am My wife frustrates me so much sometimes. I DON'T NEED SO MUCH NARRATION! I AM BUSY! I NEED PEACE!
Anyway, she was reading to me from one of the Telos books we got when we lived in Mount Shaster.
TELOS, Vol. 2 Messages For The Enlightenment Of A Humanity In Transformation
CHAPTER 5 - The Effects of Usage of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development
5:22am Daniel Dennett - Arguments for Atheism?
5:23am I just ran into someone on Undernet who I remembered from 2004! See, yesterday after getting bored of the nonsense-talk in #gulag I did a /list and just popped into random channels, saying, "have a laugh," and posting my blog. In #mIRCBeginners eViLc|0Wn says, "Why don't you tell us some jokes instead?" BIG SMILE! They liked me in the channel and I was invited to #vietnamese(Nobody in the channel is in or from Vietnam) and there I find out eViLc|0Wn lived in my county! What a small world.
Then guess what happened! In #vietnamese I stumbled onto someone with a very familiar nick, Dougwiser. He noticed my ad and said, "Damn, Victor. It's been years." I searched my recently-retrieved backups and found a conversation we had in 2004! Anyway, I'll just include the actual channel text.
9:49am Last night my Tita found this old 2003 Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar, by the Self-Realization Fellowship.
It contains some great quotes, BUT it still supports the concept of
"God." They still support the personification of LOVE and even say He.
Which goes to show how Yoga has been compromised too.
SO! When I make the page for it I will replace "God" with LOVE and He with IT. I went through and took pictures of each page that has a quote on it.
Remember, take only the wisdom in these words. You decide what feels true or not. Grain of salt! Anything is possible! We don't know nuthin'!
4:55pm Took me most of the day, but I just finished the page. 54 quotes! I hope you get something out of it. INNER REFLECTIONS.
5:08pm Oh yeah, I almost forgot. After much evolution that I don't want to ever lose, I backed up my blog again last night with Cyotek Webcopy. Anyone else can download it too. I am not adding anything malicious. You are taking the same exact risk in downloading my blog as you take when you look at it in a browser. They are the same exact files. Here is my blog again without pictures(110mb). Be sure to install it in c:/ so all the links work. Please DOWNLOAD me for safe keeping.
5:11am With how nice my blog has evolved recently I had the idea to email Ween, my favorite band. I went to ween.com but couldn't find an email. Since I don't have FB I crossed my fingers and wrote out an email to webmaster@ween.com, but that address didn't work. Here is the mail:
12:10pm I have been hella busy this Christmas morning. I was spamming hardcore on Undernet this morning. my simple ad was FUCK CHRISTMAS! ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮ CELEBRATE EVERY DAY! http://havethesejokes.blog.
I don't know if I have mentioned but my blog-taping has evolved. I unravel a big length of scotch tape and lay it flat on the kitchen table. Then I put blog papers face-down spaced out. Then I roll it all back into the spool and reload the dispenser. I am all loaded up with my removable graffiti! Every bus stop, every stop sign! ALL OVER THE PLACE! Look:
12:19pm Also this morning Tita read to my from the Peace Pilgrim book and gave me my morning project. PEACE PILGRIM
10:11pm Me and Tita got freaky and took a nap, while I downloaded my blog again. DOWNLOAD my blog without the IMG folder(4gb) for offline reading. Remember, be sure to put it in your root(c:/) so all the links work and start my blog with index.html.
11:10pm My Tita reminded me how I NEED to make an Ozzy Man page. I am on it!
10:24am I am going to start watching Spirit Science 12 ~ The Human History Movie
11:00am Why I doubt Spirit Science and think it's maybe propaganda:
2. I am not positive, but I think the chances of the earth being flat are better than of it being round and floating in "space." I am on the fence. I will go either way(only on this issue!:P). I mean, wouldn't it be awesome if it turned out to be true? I am not a Flat Earther. I am an I-don't-know-what-shape-it-is Earther. Both sides have strong arguments, IMO. Fantasies are fun, in the end.
Maybe FE is a well thought-out thought-experiment that if enough people focus on will create that reality. Maybe if enough people become aware that they are being experimented on, and shift their focus towards peace and love instead, then, just maybe, people will see the value and 5ubv3rsive genius behind the FE trickery?
Regardless if it's true or not, WE CAN, as a unified collective REDICRECT AND TRANSFORM FE INTO A GOOD THING(even if it's not already).
FE may serve as a necessary stepping stone to the truth for some lost sheep. Just by simply imagining and yearning for things to be totally different, better than they currently are, is enough to direct the universe. The universe reads minds. It's watching you.
In the end I AM STILL NOT SURE! We have ALWAYS been lied to from every angle in the past. Just always go with your gut.
2-31-23 Maybe some good can come from changing your mind back and forth before being able to admit you've been duped by a toxic idea. Be it Christianity, FE, or anything else. With all the surprises possible in the world, I am at peace NOT being sure of some things. My gut tells me I am going to find out some very, very important stuff soon that is going to open so many people's minds. It never pays to think small. A wise man once told me,, "Becoming so open minded that wind whistles through your ears is serious danger." What's life without risk besides boring? <l:o]
I am not ashamed of not knowing things, especially if they are lies.
I want to know.
I don't know, maybe I'll change my mind after watching more episodes. Maybe I'll even harvest all vids and make a page on my blog. Dunno.
Check this out. So what's the deal with Spirit Science?
5:01pm I have had a nice productive day. I got some more holiday presence from Illumignostic! He posted a sequel! I transcribed until about 26 minutes into his hour vid and then I went for a walk with Tita and the dogs. I was sure to take my blog tape with me. I put them in strategic areas. We walked to the playground nearby and put them here and there. Some other idiot had put all these lame Trump stickers on a lot of the lightposts. I taped my shit right on top! I took some pictures, but I stuck a lot on our little walk. Even in the neighborhood on street signs and lightposts. We even walked through the shopping complex nearby and I stuck em here and there, where I know people have seen me walking through that place with my crazy stick. Here are pictures.
When we got home I finished typing up the entire video: TRANSCRIPTION
8:49pm Today has been alright. Went for a long walk with my girl and our pups and stuck my blog on random light poles. We watched The Butterfly Effect. Also, earlier Tita was reading to me from this book The Complete Illustrated Book of the PSYCHIC SCIENCES. She started reading the Aquarius chapter and it's me so perfectly!
5:57am Oh, yes! I am very excited! I reconnected with CAROL yesterday! I knew Tita was going to flip out and start being all insecure, butt-fuck it.
Carol is intimately aware of my mission and what I was doing way back then. Us reconnecting could only result in interesting blog-content. If Tita can't trust me after so many years, and truly believe in my cause, then fuck her.
The fish I have to fry is humongous.
She should know, especially after reading the Aquarius shit the other day, that I am going to always act for everyone, not just her immature ass.
Like I told Raquel, grow up or be left behind.
8:33am Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Last night I threw together a Jim Carrey filmography. I just copied the list from wikipedia with all the links to the descriptions, scoured the web for free full movies and added the WATCH links. One-stop Jim Carrey.
3:13pm What's a dentist's favorite video game? Plaque-Man.
10:04pm A Message from the Illuminati (why people hate genius’)
“The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.”
5:29am A lot has happened in these couple of days. I an extremely frustrated with my "wife." Instead of doing the things she needs to....
LIKE KEEPING HER MOUTH SHUT AND GIVING ME PEACE SO I CAN FOCUS AND COMPUTE, she insists on interrupting me and forcing me to give her attention. As if I don't give her enough.
With everything I have done and keep doing for her, she wants even more. (Ween lyric: "So if I choose to help you, don't look like you expect it, becuase it's a gift that god gave me at birth.) It's like one moment she's praising me and all the efforts I am making, making me think I am going to have a dedicated partner, and then, before I know it she's interrupting me and going into stories I have heard a million times already. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND AND STICK TO ONE THING!
Sometimes I think my "fiancée" is the dark-side's last ditch effort to slow me down. These days, she is THE ONLY thing slowing me down. If I was to ditch her it might happen tomorrow!
Play your hand or fold already, Tita!!
When I resumed my mission in March, I re-married it. Tita is a friggin' genius, but she's not doing nearly what she could be. She is not taking my lead. Ever since March I have been begging her to start logging her life like I do. She doesn't see how she could be helping a lot more than she ever has in her entire life, BY SIMPLY NARRATING HER LIFE INTO A VOICE RECORDER INSTEAD OF TO ME.
I told her she didn't even need to type it up, that I would do it for her and she would have final say what gets published.
It doesn't get much easier than that, you lazy procrastinator!
For decades I have been collecting opinions and different perspectives, so I can show the world how things really are. What better to have RIGHT NEXT TO MINE, the TRUE perspective OF MY FRIGGIN' SUPPOSED LIFE-PARTNER?!
If she doesn't get on board and curtail her detriments, the "marriage" is off. I will be removing the ring. Plain and simple.
I need to be free and at-peace to win this videogame and get the high score, damnit. I am almost out of quarters.
Liberation takes precedence.
My bags are packed. Ashburn, here I come.
6:00am Download this blog text only without images(253mb) for offline reading! Anyone can download my blog with Cyotek webcopy. Still backing my shit up after all these decades. Be sure to install into your root(c:/) so all the links work. Start blog with index-3.html because index.html is an older version, for some reason.
7:00am Added my Controlled Folly page.
In order to change something, don't struggle to
change the existing model. Create a new model,
and make the old one obsolete.
- Buckminster Fuller
DOWNLOAD MY BLOG WITH TEXT ONLY FOR OFFLINE READING! Be sure to install it in c:\ so all the links to harmless text files work!
3:22am I have had sooo much awesome evolution these past couple of days. I am supporting my journal bigtime with my collection of emails and IMs I obtained from my mission box in my mom's garage. Here is when I found my mission box on a sidewalk in 2004.
Here is my most recent hitchhiking trip to get to my box. SEPTEMBER 15
10:30am Added AOL hacking page.
I have been glued to my laptop adding emails and funny IMs to my journal. Not to mention, I just reconnected with my deadbeat "father." I baited him yet again. 😛 READ ALL ABOUT IT AND PREPARE TO DIE LAUGHING!
It's been some monumental hilarity reliving all of these conversations. Since I don't want all my work to go to waste, HERE is a current version of my offline blog text-only(146mb). Remember to put it in c:/ so all the links work and start my blog with index.html. It's harmless text. You can trust me.
5:20pm I took a three hour nap and hopped on IRC. Message with my friend.
7:49am I am real busy with a smearing project and I popped into #gulag to tell some jokes and bongadier shared this funny ass vid! Peaches Fuck The Pain Away as sung by Miss Piggy
3:46pm Finished my hilarious argument I had yesterday with my "wife" Tita page. Enjoy this tough-LOVE roast. :P
6:33pm "Schooling as we know it is a powerful expression of the sickness of society. Only a shocking bill of charges will wake the public up."
- John Taylor Gatto
Tita sent me this pic the other day she had on her phone. It's me and my dad in Mount Shasta at the Davis place cabin shortly before he passed away:
I miss the following in order of degree: MY TRUE FATHER, my Bubba Mug and my jacket my dad bought me that just died last month. :[ It was perfect, XXL.
Oh yeah, and my awesome Curly from Three Stooges shirt that says, "Why, soitenly." I think I still have it somewhere. I'll get a pic of it off the web.
Even though I get taken advantage of a lot, I will always be a YES MAN!
Just yesterday I had the brilliant idea of a possible method to improve the chances of people being majorly infected with my peaceful, benevolent bonafide MEME! (typing is fun when you're stoned, :P).
First I thought to myself, "How, through my journal, can I better show people how I was treated like royalty all over the country?" I simply searched my blog htmls for those three words and it came up with 32 instances!
I am positive people look at the huge mass of text in my journal and think, "Fuck that, it's way too much. Who cares about the boring details, I would rather read interesting stuff instead. Screw this delusional asshole for expecting me to read all of his ranting. If he can't deliver the good shit upfront I am going to dismiss his bullshit in its entirety," and close out my blog and never return.
Maybe THIS will help in igniting interest and ensuring my systemic virality(and vitality)!
I am praying to LOVE that this will really make my stuff really blast off and really gain the global trust my mission really TRULY deserves!
Good 'ol seeker shared this vid with me today: Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot
3:00am DOWNLOAD my site text only for offline reading.
4:31pm She only likes me when I'm high.
8:30am Here is something Tita shared with me right now: OUR ASCENSION
Just watched this very funny 26 minute video of two gringos traveling in Mexico looking to trip on psychedelic mushrooms. They ended up at the mushroom mecca of Mexico, San Jose Del PacificoI got some good laughs out of it and so did these two dudes. They did not take the experience seriously, bestow the appropriate respect to sacred ritual honored for centuries. Regardless, this video holds great didactic, educational value. It's a humorous, true-perspective documentary which I feel is right up my alley for my blog.
2 Gringos Try Mushrooms in Mexico
Tita: So I just read an excerpt to Victor from Swami Sita's The Essentials of Yoga Practice and Philosophy. From page 29 through 30. It's titled What is Happiness?
"In the same manner, we fail to look within for happiness and continue to search for it in the world of the senses. We become so restless. Why are we restless? It is because we think that there are a lot of things to do, a lot of experiences to have. We have a lot of desires because we think that happiness will come from the satisfaction of desires. But we constantly find ourselves disappointed as the desires, once fulfilled leave us empty and unfilled. Then we wrongly assume that it is the fault of the object and go on changing the object(like changing husbands and yet not finding the perfect one because perfection is within), not realizing that this process is unending and that the true problem lies in our mind which is looking outside for happiness.
Happiness is within, but we look for it in sensual objects. Yoga and meditation help us to calm down, to stop that process of running after desires, and to look within to find answers.
Relaxation in Yoga is important. Relaxation means ceasing to be restless, and letting go of our attachments and desires. It is also surrendering ourselves or accepting our inner self, and realizing that all is perfect(Victor disagrees). In the Yoga class, we combine breathing, and relaxation to help people turn inwards, relax, slow down and become aware of themselves.
There is a story of a monkey who put his hand in a jar to get some cookies. He grasped a handful of cookies and tried to pull his hand out of the jar, but his hand was stuck. He became very unhappy and frustrated, jumping around with his hand stuck in the jar, still grasping to the cookies, not realizing that the only way for him to get out of his plight was to drop the cookies. In the same manner, we need to let go of our desires in order for us to enjoy freedom and happiness that are already here.
What is Freedom?
In Yoga, it is said that freedom can only be attained through self-discipline. True freedom is realizing our inner ruler, the immortal Atman, which is the one without a second. Freedom is the birthright of man. Freedom is the very nature of the Eternal Soul. Freedom is knowledge, peace and bliss. The so-called freedom we enjoy is in fact, dependency, resulting from slavery to our desires and the mind. By self-discipline we control our minds projections and find true freedom, which is or true nature.
False Freedom
Loose life is not perfect freedom. Eating anywhere, sleeping anywhere, aimless wandering, liberty of speech, to be a king, to have plenty, or to possess immense wealth is not freedom. To shirk responsibility is not freedom. Material independence will not give you perfect happiness or freedom.
Real freedom is not merely political or economic. Real Freedom is lordship over oneself. It is the Freedom of the Soul. It is attainable only through sow and painful stages(Victor disagrees here too). Real freedom is freedom from birth and death. Real freedom is the freedom from the trammels of flesh and mind. Real freedom is freedom from the bonds of Karma. Real freedom is freedom from desires, wants, likes and dislikes, attachment, lust, anger, greed, etc... Real Freedom is identification with the Supreme Self.
The Cause of Bondage
Mind is the cause of bondage and salvation of man. The egoistic mind is the cause of bondage. Mind imagines, through indiscrimination and ignorance, that the soul has been confined and located in this body, and hence, it perceives the soul to be in bondage. The non egoistic mind is the root of Moksha-or liberation. You have created your own bondage through your desires, attachments, egoism and cravings; you cry for emancipation. Attachment is the most powerful weapon of Maya(cosmic illusion). The first attachment starts with the physical body, and then all other attachments come, attachments to body, food, wife, sons, friends, etc... There is no end to cares and worries. Man creates for himself all these cares. No one is to blame.
When there is no I or egoism there is liberation. It is liberation when the mind is not attached to any object. It is bondage when the mind desires or grieves over anything, rejects or accepts anything, feels angry or happy at anything. Emancipation is release from the bondage of the little ego and its desires and cravings.
Know your real divine nature. You are lions, not sheep. This is a story of a baby lion who, growing up amongst sheep thinks that he is a sheep. He stays baaing like a sheep until a lion comes and brings him to the river to see himself in the reflection of the river. The sheepish lion has mistaken himself to be a sheep, until he sees as the same as a lion and realizes his true nature as a lion. He then roars like a lion for the first time, liberating himself from the false concept of himself.
The purpose of Yoga is to free oneself from all false concepts about oneself and realize our immortal Self.
3:09am Yesterday was my birthday! My-Tita let me "hit" it real good. Sadly, it was pouring, hailing most of the day, but when the rain stopped Tita and I went sign-flying on the corner. As I marched in front of the cars flipping my sign around Tita sat down with a sign that said, "IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY!"
On the very first line-up these cool Mexican dudes gave me some dank nuggets and took my blog. On the second lineup this nice Mexican guy gave me a $20 tin of THC gummies. So, in like ten minutes I already had a good score. In spite of all the rain my blog tapes were still holding strong. In like twenty minutes I got bored, it was all dead, so we drove off to the mall. I don't really like flying there, but Tita wanted to go to Trader Joes to buy some organic eggs. While she was inside I made sure to put stickers all over in random places, carts, windows, trashcans, etc.
Then we drove back home and I proofread a lot of my new upcoming Professor-Tita page, where my genius wife cuts up my family(and hers) and I. Very proudly, I messaged my friend I made in #gulag, seeker with the following:
<levity> hi muhammad :]
<levity> let me know when you are around. got another sneak preview for ya
<levity> been busy busy busy
<levity> oh yeah, today is my bday
<levity> happy groundhogs day
<levity> enjoy, it is a it to read but hopefully you will like it since you know of the story
<levity> yet to go "live" but soon
<levity> +https://laughdispenser.blogspot.com/p/professor-tita.html,
<levity> my-tita is having a lab. dissecting me and my parents. bring your apron. things get messy, lol
Here is a cool pic Tita got from FuckBook:
Rod Stewart - Forever Young (Official Video)
Survival of the Fattest Full Album
The Horrible History of Brick Weed
Download my site for offline reading without images for shorter download(147mb). It's all good!
☠️How The US Government Secretly Made Killer Poison Weed
Guy Controlled By The Devil Says “What”?
Awesome emails with one of my few blog commenters(hint, hint), and friend Armorall.
After looking up DIDACTIC for Tekwiz's email I learned a new word, PEDAGOGY.
Watching a Bashar video suggested by Tita and thought of this song. We can't know if it's true, but a lot of it sounds logical to Tita.
Journey - Wheel in the Sky
Gulag The Movie (Trailer 1)
[07:33.33] <levity> i just thought of another kid's movie i haven't seen in decades and have fond memories of FERNGULLY!
[09:24.08] <levity> do you guys remember the Miss Susie song?
[09:25.40] <levity> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Susie
Woohoo! Bassfish shared this Reddit forum today!
I left a comment:
Parent's drool!
- Victor Antonio from San Antonio
3:41pm Bong suggested this old movie about witches: Bell, Book and Candle(1958)
Will Smith - Prince Ali (From "Aladdin")
Prince Ali - FEMALE COVER | Aladdin Disney
10 Things to Know Before You Take Up ‘Perineum Sunning’
Butthole Sunning - The Viral Phenomenon Explained
7:49am "I get a crazy-check" has become the most used pick-up line in this country. HAHAHA!
[07:27.51] <+bongadier> I saw gannon with a sheet of graph paper the other day.. He must be plotting something
[07:29.31] <+bongadier> what do you call a hen that can count her own eggs? A mathemachicken
[07:31.20] <+bongadier> Have you heard the one about the statistician? Probably.
Then I got the idea to search my master joke file for "joke," and I started spewing them in #gulag. It went in for a long time. So I got the idea to make a joke-jokes section.
Trevor Moore: The Story of Our Times - "My Computer Just Became Self Aware" - Uncensored
ty seeker
10:32am When In Rome - The Promise
1:06pm DJ Patie - Unreal Tournament (Die Bitch Mix)
11:32am The Doors- 'Land Ho'
Let me show you this morning's link harvest: MST3K!
Funnies from Tita:
The Cloverhearts - You've Got A Friend
SERGEANT HARTMAN - Full Metal Jacket
Hillary Clinton: Between Two Ferns With Zach Galifianakis
11:15am Oh yeah, the other day seeker tweaked one of the Chuck Norris jokes I told in #gulag:
China let's Chuck Norris search for porn on the internet without a VPN. :P
4:02pm Just finished my awesome version of High In Church. Since the lyrics were out of sync and he was spitting some funny and true shit, I got hard at work: CHECK IT OUT.
5:21pm Writer's Quotes
6:28pm The Best of Frisbee (feat. Zach Galifianakis) - RENO 911!
5:41am Trevor Moore: The Story of Our Times - "Bullies"
6:10am See, in #gulag I had been seeing the nick Victora. Victoria maybe? I'm a Victor A too, so I decided to msg him/her. It hasn't replied and it might never. I noticed it was in a channel called #writers. I joined it and was surprised it had so few people. I asked permission to share and was granted it by TheGoddess, which took that as her cue to share.
Shyea! Of course I want to read other writers on IRC's stuff! EVERYONE SHOULD!
8:07am The Wacky World of Bath Salts Crimes
11:20am Just for funsies I checked to see if I was still banned from homo channels who don't want world peace. Yup, still banned from #mexico, surprisingly. Can't go in #texans either. Too many to list. Fools hate being tested. The righteous have noting to hide. Of course I am still banned from #UFOS, but there is an alt channel #ufo where a lot of the same gay ops op.
[10:02.41] * You have joined #ufo
[10:02.41] Topic: Black Alien History Month
[10:02.41] Channel Topic Set by: Jamm0n on 1:47 PM 2/10/2024
[10:02.57] <levity> sup plebes?
[10:03.37] <levity> is Jam still a homo?
[10:04.01] <levity> i been busy
[10:04.38] <levity> +https://drive.google.com/file/d/16tv032gtz1m8QlVAinMIXNukY3qiAoNf/view,
[10:12.50] * DocHolliday (uid636938@id-636938.helmsley.irccloud.com) has joi
Before I know it I have a message from limp-wristed Jammon letting me know I had been banned JUST LIKE I WANTED TO HAPPEN! Homosexuals are so damn predictable. :P
[10:18.40] <Jamm0n> BWHAHAHHA U GOT BANNED
[11:14.00] <levity> :P
[11:14.06] <levity> like i GAF
[11:14.49] <levity> no such thing as bad publicity!!
[11:16.14] <levity> i forgive you
[11:16.26] <levity> enjoy this gift, have a laugh
[11:16.30] <levity> http://tinyurl.com/23zbd5ns
9:02am Erratic sleeping. Took a nap like at 6pm and woke up around midnight thinking it was morning. Did some stuff with the missus and got on the laptop and thought to start harvesting Beavis and Butthead vids. HAHAHA! THIS ONE IS HILARIOUS!
8:57am I woke up at 4:20 and did dishes. Polished up my Beavis and Butthead page and I just now finished adding some chapters to my Professor-Tita page.
Oh yeah, some more dumbassery. Morons in #ufo lifted ban so I went in and :P.
[08:10.25] <levity> once again, LIKE I WANTED TO!
[08:10.30] <levity> :P
[08:11.04] <levity> i wonder how long until your dumbasses make it perm
[08:11.20] <levity> FUCK YOUR SHITTY CHANNEL!
[08:11.35] <levity> ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮
11:23am Growing Marijuana In My Yard
10:30am I have been extremely busy on my tv show section.
7:35am Yay! I have had a damn productive morning! I threw together my memorial for Trevor Moore in no-time flat! TREVOR MOORE OWNS(ED) TO THE BONE! REST IN PEACE, BROTHER!
8:52am Proving the Illuminati is Real! HAHAHAHA!
5:50pm Tita and I drove to the food supply store for dogfood and I flew my sign on the corner. All my stickers are still sticking even though it's been storming lately. I was only out there for half an hour and I only got a couple bucks, a nugget of dank, and A LOT OF SMILES AT MY SIGN!
HAHA, I came back and watched a little Trevor Moore and I stumbled onto THIS gem!
"Hey kid, what are you doing?" "Hitting this building with a hammer." "You can't do that!" "Uh-huh, my parents are dead."
HAHAHA, I am going to put that on my Stupid Family page.
10:48pm "A truthful person has power, for what they says comes to pass and their word becomes law." - Swami Vishnu Devananda
Uh, blond you say? < Schizy > 2024-02-17 21:36
A blonde is watching the news with her husband when the newscaster says, "Six Brazilian men die in a skydiving accident."
The blonde starts crying to her husband, sobbing, "That's horrible!"
Confused, he replies, "Yes Dear, it is sad, but they were skydiving, and there is always that risk involved."
After a few minutes, the blonde, still sobbing, says, "How many is a Brazilian?"
6:54am Great sharing in #vietnamese this morning! #vietnamese
10:07am "Purple Swag"
1:46am Woohoo! Finally found a way to backup blog w/pictures that's still a small dl! Please download my blog to read offline, just in case the internet shuts off! DOWNLOAD(115mb) Be sure to install it in your root(c:/) so all the links will work. Start blog by executing INDEX.HTML. I am Using HTTrack instaed of Cyotek Webcopy)
6:23am I just got the idea to try and contact Trevor Moore's workmates from The Whitest Kids You Know to let them know about my efforts and new Trevor Memorial page I made. I lucked out and found this Reddit and emailed SamWKUKclass@gmail.com with the following:
Subject: MY TREVOR MEMORIAL and gifts for humanity!
7:15am The myth of the ‘peaceful’ warrior
7:51am Masayoshi Takanaka - Citron Vender
10:09am PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE! Is this not a form of brainwashing?
1:09am <@kritklmas> hey levity, what do you call a Sith Lord with joint pain? ... Darth Ritis
4:20pm Just finished my Letter to Black People vid!
1:46am Woohoo! Finally found a way to backup blog w/pictures that's still a small dl! Please download my blog to read offline, just in case the internet shuts off! DOWNLOAD(115mb) Be sure to install it in your root(c:/) so all the links will work. Start blog by executing INDEX.HTML. I am Using HTTrack instaed of Cyotek Webcopy)
6:23am I just got the idea to try and contact Trevor Moore's workmates from The Whitest Kids You Know to let them know about my efforts and new Trevor Memorial page I made. I lucked out and found this Reddit and emailed SamWKUKclass@gmail.com with the following:
Subject: MY TREVOR MEMORIAL and gifts for humanity!
7:15am The myth of the ‘peaceful’ warrior
7:51am Masayoshi Takanaka - Citron Vender
10:12am Negativland-Christianity Is Stupid
11:32am Wake Me Up - Avicii | One Voice Children's Choir
12:49am Taiwan MC - Let The Weed Bun
6:21pm I had some good productive time spewing my stories in #gulag on my new FUCKMONEY nick. I was reminded about Truly Tasteless Jokes and that sparked a project for me. I quickly went o the free books channel and got all three joke books and in less than two hours I threw this together. TRULY TASTELES JOKES! Hundreds more for my collections!
4:49pm Today I updated my journal to like yesterday! Fearless, I am. It's odd though I went to check my stats and blogger is saying I have zero visits for the day. It usually has tons that I doubt because of bots. Maybe it's just a glitch, because my blog is still up. Maybe they have a clever shadow ban on me. Anyway, I went into #gulag to have friends check for me. Right when I walk in Cleland asks me for gay jokes. I spat some out and Ratbytes contributed some funny ones: Fuck it, don't want to type it out, ill just link the chatlog.
10:34am Woohoo! I have had yet another uber-productive morning! For a while I have been thinking I could make my Bohemian Travesty vid better. In no-time flat I did! BOHEMIAN TRAVESTY 2.0
I also had the brilliant idea to search for "What part of the government works in Ashburn, VA?"
little while after I started my blog in March of last year, according
to Google Analytics, I was getting more views from the small town of
Ashburn, VA than San Antonio even! I realized the close proximity to DC
and figured the feds were reading my stuff and that my blog would be
taken down soon any day.
Well, a whole year has passed with my blog unmolested and my evolution has not been stopped in the slightest! I thought I was just lucking out, by not even being slapped on the wrist about my blog. How could Google not just flip the switch on me? I was sure they could make it seem like my blog was violating some statute.
After all, I am just expressing myself honestly and all the content on my blog is nothing people couldn't find themselves if they knew where to look. Like my "dad" used to say, umm, type to me, there's nothing new under the sun(Failure Franklin 3).
Today I think I may have stumbled on a maybe. It turns out, NOT ONLY IS ASHBURN THE INTERNET DATA CENTER OF THE WORLD, but it's also where America Online began! I was a total phising and TOSing and warez-leech troll on AOL back in the day. I was legendary in the San Antonio room. I was feared and loved!
I am sure they have the logs of all my old mischief, and know firsthand how long I have been intending peace for our world.
Maybe they can do me the favor of retrieving all of my missing pictures from 2008 and 2009. Hook this brother up, please, you l33to-hax0rs!
7:24am What a crazily-productive day I have had. I assembled my long-due Mike Judge page, including filmography! MIKE JUDGE I also did a little JACKASS compilation.
E-Meth - SNL
Walmart ice! (ty Armorall!)
LORD ROTHCHILD IS DEAD! 'nuther one bites the dust!
My "own" personalized pirated Karaoke Videos!
Sesame Street: Cookie Monster Sings C is for Cookie
3:16am Some animated gifs I made of me and my sibling kids, Kitty and Ki. Umm, I mean Not-Ki and Ki, I have a favorite, after all. :]
Woke up at 4:20! The Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower
Fat Bottomed Girls
7:09am Download my blog to view offline! DOWNLOAD
Been extremely busy these past couple of days. Almost finished with my King of the Hill harvest. My-Tita had never seen King of the Hill, I have her hooked now! I also rearranged and organized my stuff into a FREE MEDIA page.
9:11am They Just Can't Get The Spices Right (The Simpsons)
9:44am Promised Land Voodoo People DUH! Can't believe I don't have Hackers on my blog yet.
1:30pm Finally finished up my King of the Hill harvest, enjoy! KING OF THE HILL
11:24am I've been on task since I woke up at 4am. When Tita woke up she came and asked if I would listen to today's entry in her Until Today! book. At first I protested because I was busy, but after she started reading it I told her to start over so I could type it up. March 6 It's about pain and how unnatural it is, which goes great with this quote I found a while back:
"No Pain, No Gain
Here's yet another pirated karaoke creation by me! Welcome to the Internet 2.0
Here are the rest of them.
4:29pm Interesting chat with my friend and co-conspirator seeker. The Selfish Ledger I have a lot of visit from Google Corporate in India today. He thinks my "blog is being used to train AI language models." Whatever is clever, I told him. :]
1:32pm I've had another fun-filled pirated morning. I have even more presents for everyone. I had some more seeker-derived Bo Durham inspirations. Laugh at this, please!
Oh! I had totally forgotten I had texted it out already weeks ago and never followed through on it, so I did today. Here is yet another hilarious WKUK song, Old Folks Home!
6:00am Yesterday I made another hilarious karaoke vid with like a 100 screenshots! POPE RAP! no vocals
Funny pun-joke from the joke forum!
9:15pm I have had a very productive day. First, I am so proud of my karaoke offerings that I searched for a list of karaoke bars in town and texted them with:
make custom karaoke vids which I share freely and will revolutionize
karaoke and bring in customers. Your patrons will LOVE them! I am
texting all Modesto bars. 209-reppin'!
10:04pm Just realized I need to have ALF on my blog! Duh!
9:22am The productive days just don't end. Due to my seeker-inspired Star Trek stuff yesterday I thought to begin my Star Trek harvest. In just an hour or so this is what I have so far. STAR TREK.
WORD OF THE DAY! pedagogics
12:42pm Everything was going smoothly until I got into NTG. A lot aren't as readily available.
8:00am LOL! I woke up early today, came to the lappy to keep organizing my Star Trek harvest and was reminded about Six Feet Under!
I was introduced to that show back towards the end, before I was forced to leave my paradise in the converted motor coach(which i converted) when I lived in Mount Shasta. Jason(friend of psycho Warren) turned me onto that show, but he was just pretending to be nice. They just wanted me to be gone.
Anyway, I will elaborate later, but in about an hour or so I threw together the ENTIRE show for everyone to watch! SIX FEET UNDER.
We binge-watched all the CDs quick, right there in the bus. It was
really weird how three months after digesting that show Papa Chuy dies
and we get go through the experience here in our reality.
During my diligent duties I popped into #gulag and said hi. After a bit I asked if anyone had read the Infinite Cum story, that it's a masterpiece. I asked permission to tell it and I had one request to paste it instead of just posting the link. In the middle of it NineVolt says: "this may destroy the channel." LOL
I get bored in the end so I go back to link harvesting and when I randomly check IRC I eventualy got kicked from #gulag! "* You were kicked from #Gulag by X ((190e) take a 3 hour break and clean yourself up)." LOL! Here is the actual chatlog if you don't believe me.
I gotta love #gulag. That could've easily been a ban. #gulag is the best show in town!
Anyway, I was assembling a Star Trek movies page, but I got a warning from blogger saying it wouldn't be published. So I deleted it. No big whoop. Can't win 'em all.
12:36pm I was reading the Infinite Cum Reddit page. I found what it is based on! INFINITE POOP
Poopy Butthole Lives! | Rick and Morty
8:52pm Woohoo! Look what I threw together in two days! I HAVE ALWAYS HAD NATURE SUPPORTING ME! NOW MORE THAN EVER!
6:00am George Carlin - Nobody Seems To Notice, Nobody Seems To Care
12:32pm I am busy typing from my voice recorder to update my journal soon. Check out this great section from a book called Mindfulness for Everyday Living, by Chris Titmus. CULTIVATING WISE INTENTION
2:17pm Just had our daily smokeout in the backyard. I made another awesome huge joint. The word of the day is CANDOR!
3:44pm Duh, I can't believe I don't have Stand By Me in my list yet.
10:15am Today's Source Message Tita showed me:
The universe made you "wait" because what you are in the process of receiving is bigger than what you asked for. You had to be elevated first in order to meet the frequencies of your desires. The synchronicities are proof that what needs to happen in the background is already in the works. It feels as though it all took a little long to arrive, but what's meant for you was calling you all along. You're just now finally stepping into it. Take a look around - this is an entirely new experience for you.
Word of the day: ADAMANT
7:00am Just when I thought I was done with my Trevor Moore karaoke piracy, yesterday I threw this together! The Ballad of Billy John NO VOCALS I MOTHERFUCKIN' DARE YOU NOT TO LAUGH OUT LOUD! You're a fag! LOL! GAY! :P
Still adding stuff to my David Attenborough filmo.
1:59am I pretty much finished up my Sir David Attenborough filmography. I got most of them. Now, David is a real man! Since Frank is too dumb to leave his toilet he calls home, now he can travel the world vicariously through a true naturalist who didn't care about money, everyone can. David has a lot to teach you, Frank. A LOT TO TEACH US ALL!
Oh yeah! I had been having some issues with being able to download
my site like I had been doing, so people could just download it and not
be dependent on the web for it to work. Well, it worked today. HERE is
a current download of this blog for offline viewing. DOWNLOAD
9:10pm Until Today's entry for today. MARCH 20. Tita and I have been arguing. I might leave soon.
After arguing with Tita most of the day I finally broke free and went on a massive three hour walk into town. Yesterday I loaded another tape dispenser with 65 more blog tapes. On my huge walk today I taped them all over the place. A lot in inconspicuous spots that won't be seen for a while, maybe. I was even putting it on leaves that stuck out on the sidewalk. I even put one on a snail! LOL, more details when I update my journal soon. I should go put a lot on the Masonic lodge, lol
10:05pm Spent most of the day putting this together. TINY TOON ADVENTURES I watched Tiny Toons a lot growing up. Animaniacs and Pinky and the Brain coming soon!(maybe).
I also added sooo many new movies. I even added a Stoner Movies section!
I can't believe I hadn't mentioned it, but I feel soooo blessed in having stumbled onto Trailer Park Boys the other day! I had never seen that show before! It is right up my alley! It will totally help desensitize people to being offended by harmless words. So I am extremely proud of this collection I put together and hope it will serve as a boulder in my sling.
For motherfudging sure Blogger is going to have a content warning on this page, lol. Even the titles are downright vulgar! I LOVE IT! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! <l:oP
12:42am After I labored so long all day harvesting from The Great Archive, once I finished my Tiny Toons page I thought okay, Animaniacs next. The Mighty Cache didn't have much but I stumbled onto a random Reddit post and found this! https://www.wcofun.net/anime/animaniacs Someone else has done the work for me! Woohoo! https://www.wcofun.net/anime/pinky-and-the-brain too! Presto-Manifesto!
1:25am I was looking over those animated Trailer Park Boys in Spanish and since I am so big on profanity I have started a Spanish cuss words list. This is what I have so far:
Cabrón Coño Joder Puta Mierda Cojones Culo Chinga Tu Madre Me Cago Que Te Jodan A Tomar Por Culo Pinche Puto Pendejo Vete A La Mierda Carajo ¡La Concha de tu Madre Verga Hijo de Puta Maldito ¡Que te den por culo! ¡La madre que te parió! ¡Puta madre! No chinges!
Me cago en todo lo que se menea! Me cago en dios!
Today I went to church and planted my seed! 032324 I will update my journal soon!
12:10pm Yesterday I had a very good chat with seeker, which prompted me to update his section. WORLD PEACE THROUGH SEEKER I had suggested he start logging his life like I do. To my delight he tried it! READ his half hour entry! EVOLUTION! Sharing is caring!
2:58pm Almost forgot, an addition to my toilet humor! YODA HAS A BAD POO POO (UNCENSORED EXTENDED) - The Puppet Yoda Show
8:09am Oh yeah! Here is my entry for the 23rd, where I infiltrated a church of lies and shined my light! MARCH 23, 2024 ¡ME CAGO EN DIOS! god IS NOT GOOD! MANY HAVE BEEN DECIEVED! I HAVE PROOF! GOD WANTS DEATH! EVIL MAKES THE CHURCH LOTS OF MONEY! EVIL IS BIG BUSINESS! ALL CHRISTIANS SUPPORT EVIL! DUMBASSES!
"I like your Christ. I just don't like your Christians. THEY ARE SO UNLIKE YOUR CHRIST!"
- Gandhi
11:30pm Let's see, today I walked all the way to Phenos and bought some dabs, then walked all the way back, about six miles roundtrip. Tita stopped and tried to offer me a ride, but I refused, I need the exercise since I've been glued to my blog. I put my blog-tape all over the place. A lot of fat leaves in plain view. Then later on I followed through on securing the domain name FUCKMONEY.BLOG!
From seeker from the other day:
Diogenes, the Publicly-Defecating Philosopher
1:45am Just finished harvesting titles and links to ALL Sam O'Nella Academy videos. Thank you, seeker for helping to teach!
2:01am Created this already. samonella.html I will finish it up tomorrow.
11:29pm Finished up that page. I don't usually read all those galactic channeler stuff, but seeker shared this one with me and I think it is great. Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - March 15, 2024
1:41pm Tita is recommending this song Pumped Up Kicks, she thinks it's called.
9:30am Downloaded my site again for good measure. I am evolving beautifully as always.
8:20am I woke up this morning and threw together this karaoke song. I already had it k-hacked, but I am making it better. It needs to be on my new Church page, hehe. FUCK RELIGION! no vocals. It's a nuke for my armory!
Another contribution from seeker. An awesome song his friend from the Dominican Republic sent him: Parasite Eve
2:50pm Just finished version 2.0 with images and lots more thanks to https://youtu.be/HOB17fAZweA?si=Ve5VIGlaa7FAMxOb that Tita found for me!
11:51am Last night it eved on me that sooo many people have been programmed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles growing up. This morning I hopped right to it. This is what I have so far. https://laughdispenser.blogspot.com/p/tmnt.html
Oh yeah, and Tita sent me this pic of me that day we went to the reservoir.


7:30pm What a busy day I've had. First, I started out working on my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles page. Then I updated my SEEKER page. And as promised, I began my #gulag page with ALL OF MY CHATLOGS since I first visited last August. Of course I got throttled by blogger for making htmls too fast. I got to January and I'll finish it tomorrow or the next. With much pride I entered #gulag to share and P-1 showed me this! LOL!
3:01pm I woke up and polished up my Ninja Turtles page. I'm not all the way done, but its mostly there. I did find most of the movies for free though! Woohoo!
Anyway, Tita came in and read to me from a small Wayne Dyer book she
has titled Getting in the Gap. It's a really small book, but I couldn't
find the pdf for free anywhere. I am itching to type it ALL up,
straight up pirate style. I am sure Wayne wouldn't mind. It's some
good sheet, mang.
To start with is a good quote:
"Through the rise and fall of empires, through the creation of vast bodies of symbols that give shape to our dreams; through the forging of magic keys with which to unlock the mysteries of creation...through it all we are marching from epoch to epoch towards the fullest realization of our soul."
"Yes, we are coming, the pilgrims, one and all - coming to our true inheritance of the world, we are ever broadening our consciousness, ever seeking a higher and higher unity; ever approaching nearer to the one universal truth which is the All - comprehensive all embracing."
- Rabindranath Tagore, 1861-1941
5:30pm Typed up the whole first chapter.
6:53pm Shared by seeker: Great Transition Initiative
4:23am I have been soooooo busy lately. Just yesterday I added all my #gulag logs since my return to IRC last August.
I had lots of days when I would just post the best jokes and puns in my collection, so it should be a hilarious addition to my blog. I painstakingly copied each day to my blog. Of course, I went so fast Blogger eventually throttled me from making more htmls, so I had to wait 24 hours to keep going. Then, yesterday I spent from sun-up to sun-down activating only the links I shared in the chat. When I finished that I got to thinking, "Nobody is going to want to read through these masses of text and dig through the links(even though you can just tab to them now)," therefore I should make a list of links shared at the top of the page, and if people want to know the context each link was shared in, then they could just tab to it and read it. THIS WILL HELP TREMENDOUSLY TO SPARK INTEREST.
Oh yeah, and just for good measure I downloaded my site again. YOU SHOULD TOO
8:55am Just msged seeker and he shared this! Copying Is Not Theft The next video that played was this! Luv Is… OML(oh my LOVE)! SO FUNNY!
Woohoo! There's a Wisdom Dog 3!
3:05pm For days I was busy adding my gulag logs and topping the links in them. I don't expect people to read them all, but at least I get to share all the links. Anyway, this morning I was typing up a journal entry which prompted me to dig up the astrological reading Tita and I paid for in Mount Shasta back in 2019. So I got busy typing it all up. LOOK.
When Tita woke up I jumped on the dishes, then came back to the computer to resume my flow. After I polished off the reading I thought to typing up Chapter 2 of the short Wayne Dyer book Geting in the Gap, about meditation. Just finished it. CLICK HERE to read. I still have a couple more pages to type up.
1:01pm Wow, I am getting so much work done it's not even funny. Spruced up my Gulag section. The other day in the car I was reminded of this show I just finished collecting. Bosom Buddies with Tom Hanks.
3:24pm I was in #gulag and got cued to a good Op Ivy song, but when I checked my Op ivy page I didn't have the song. It's such a good song I made a karaoke vid of it! Operation Ivy - Healthy Body, Sick Mind.
6:10am Been up since three. Got to work polishing up my blog. I made a breaking news section, and added Goodfellas and all the Godfather movies to my movie list. I had totally forgotten about my Star Trek Page and worked on that too.
9:14am Good morning, so far. Cleaned the kitchen spotless. Dishes, swept, mopped and waxed floor Came on IRC to chill and spam my stuff. In #vietnamese my buddy Doug shared a song and a story with me. Dougwiser
7:39pm I went for a walk with Tita and our pups. Tita is still being against me and my patience is wearing thinner each day. Anyway, most of the day I spent assembling my Violent Femmes collection! COMPLETE, FREE AND PLAYABLE DISCOGRAPHY!
Oh yeah! And I totally forgot I had put together a Beverly Hillbillies page months ago! HERE YOU GO. It still needs work
11:55am This morning I got to work on my NineVolt page, I asked permission, which prompted me to expand and polish up my Daniel Quinn page.
1:25pm Norm Macdonald Constant Shitting on OJ Simpson
2:59pm It's cold and raining and I've been busy busy busy. This morning I got reminded of Jay and Silent Bob. Duh, work to do! I shot for a whole Kevin Smith filmography. Didn't get them all, but a lot of the good ones! Enjoy! KEVIN SMITH
Back when I first came back to IRC last August, I "coincidentally" met this multi-cultural, guitar virtuoso gringo named Nameless who has much appreciation for Latin music, who wants to remain anonymous. He lived in San Antonio when I was there walking all around town every day and he actually remembered seeing me! What a small world! That this random dude I see online remembers seeing me twenty years ago!
After spending time formatting his section, I messaged him to let him know and to make sure there were no qualms. I didn't think he'd mind sharing. Well, good thing I did because he did. So I went through and renamed him Nameless throughout the conversations. I am glad he let me modify it. I hate wasting history. Here are some great chapters:
7:30pm Word of the day: PANOPTICON
Okay, I know posting private conversations is a big cyber faux pas,
butt fuck it. Sue me, I dare ya. Drastic times. People need to learn
IT'S OWN ANYWAY. You can't get mad at me. <l:0)
ALL OF MY IRC QUERIES which support and validate my timeline.
10:00am These productive mornings just don't stop! I cant believe it's taken so long, but this section was long overdue to be on my blog. Look what I pieced together. WORLD PEACE THROUGH PIXAR! FULL AD-FREE FILMOGRAPHY!
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