

12-16-23      Hi, this is my microblog within my macroblog, for all you impatient people who would rather read short blurbs than detailed accounts.  When I first started this blog in March I had a Captain's Logs section, where I logged some of March and April.  In making this page I thought to combine the Captain's Logs with my Daily Thoughts, so you can read exactly the efforts I've made and am making.  
     Towards the end of July I thought to start a much-less-detailed Daily Thoughts section, but it really needed some cleaning up and put more in order.  Here it is.  It's more booklike now, enjoy this chapter of my bonafide-ness.  :P. 

- Victor Antonio Vera 

     Before you read, let me show you how I play the Undercover Bum role to spread my word.  This is me in 2007 in Ventura, CA when I used to play a hippie.   BLAST FROM THE PAST!


     Today was an awesome day!   Last night I got hard at work cutting cardboard and making a sign.  One side says HOOK A BROTHER UP and the other side says SMOKE A BROTHER OUT.  I flew this all the time when I lived in Ventura, CA, back when I had my old website.
     So I got this brilliant idea.  I've never considered flying my sign to public here in the town that I live in because my wife has brothers who live in this town and would recognize me.   Well, since their father died a couple of years ago my girlfriend's siblings have had zero contact with her, as if she had died along with her father.  
     Well, now that I have this worthy blog and have something great to offer people again I decided I didn't care if her brothers saw me.  Hell, I hope they do so I can try and give them my blog.  
     So last night I made an awesome, ultra legible sign that I can fly to traffic at the stoplights.  After I was done making it I contemplated what I would do if approached by police.  I thought it would be a smart move to go to the police station first, ask for the highest ranking officer at the time and hand them the following letter and just stay quiet and let him/her read it.  I wrote the rough draft in the morning and let it evolve during the day until it said exactly what I wanted to say:

"Hello, my name is Victor Antonio Gruber,

Since around 2000 I have been a journalist peace activist.  I used to be a long-distance walker and have been all over the United States working my activism and making a great impression on people, giving them hope.  There have even been some suicidal people who have changed their minds after listening to my story.  

I live on Bullshit Drive here in town with my girlfriend.  

I have an ad-free, non-religous blog that I would like to share with everyone.  

I used to have a website which I passed out to people by playing The Undercover Bum.  

I fly a sign to traffic like homeless people do.  One side of my sign says HOOK A BROTHER UP and the other side says SMOKE A BROTHER OUT.  Technically, legally, both sides could be left to interpretation.  I flip it around at the stoplights and make everyone laugh.  My theatrics make people feel good and they hook me up and smoke me out, sometimes.  Anytime anyone does I will offer them a little slip of paper with my blog address. Hell, I'll offer one to anyone with their window open.  "It's free!  It's not religious, I promise!"

If there is a legal issue with me accepting monetary donations this way and using this as a fundraiser, I just won't accept any money and just offer my free blog to people.

Even though it's quite rude to deny a gift.  But me telling them no thanks check out my blog, is okay with me.

In the end I am doing no wrong this way and I invite you to come watch.  

So how about it?  Do I have your permission?

I started this blog on the 13th of March and it is spreading like wildfire on the internet right now.  My true story is going to explode soon and be everywhere.  
Imagine how interesting this chapter in my blog will be if you tell me yes and help me.  

It will be interesting either way.

Can you recommend a spot?"

     I was going to say, "I am only trying to exercise what little rights we have left."    

     What I was really wanting was a signed permission slip from the head officer that I could show to any other pigs if they came over to me and started oinking for no good reason.  I want to officialize my activism.  I am making sure all of my bases are covered.  

     When I woke up this morning I didn't do the dishes and then jump on the laptop to have some computer time before my missus wakes up, like I usually do.  I had to finish my sign.  It needed more coloring in and I wanted to laminate it and make it weatherproof.  I also needed some printouts made.  I wanted to print just one copy of that letter I had composed.  I also needed to get a lot of sheets of paper filled up with which I could cut out with scissors so I could distribute my meme.
     I went to Office Max and got like thirty sheets and cut one sheet's worth right there inside the Office Max with a little pair of scissors from the register.  When I was done I was sure to give one to the cashier my blog before I walked out.  She had this look of incredulity, but she accepted it.
     At the hardware store next door I went and grabbed a roll of tape and went to stand in line.  There were like six or seven people in front of me.  I struck up a conversation with the guy in front of me. I told him, "I was going to ask everyone if they minded if I cut because I only had one thing, but most everyone else has only one thing too so forget it."   The guy responded saying, "Yeah, they should have self checkouts."  I said, "Wouldn't it be funny if they just had mirrors at the self check outs?"  He laughed so I offered him my blog but he refused it.

     I drove home and my girl helped me cut some more.  I had like three sheets worth' of little papers in a quart size Ziploc.  When we were ready to leave I couldn't find it, so I just grabbed some more sheets and the scissors and went to the car where my girl and our cute puppies were waiting for me.  
     First we went to the police station downtown, but it was closed to the public, it's Sunday.  I thought we could just find an officer somewhere I could give my note to instead.  We circled the block a couple of times and just said screw it.  I wanted to fly my sign today, regardless.     
     We drove to the busiest intersection in town and parked in the Jack in the Box parking lot, right next to the stoplight.  I was dressed in jeans, a long john long sleeve shirt, and my classic WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA shirt that's pretty worn and has a hole in the right armpit.  I was also wearing the balaclava my girl knit for me.  I looked all bummy, hehe.  I'm such a good illusion.
     I had so much fun making people smile and passing out my blog.   A lot of people would immediately roll down their windows for me and accept it when they saw me mouth the word free. I would also be sure to tell them I was a gonzo journalist(which I am), to get them interested.  
      A lot of other people actually ignored me and tried to roll up their window when I would try to offer it.  When that happened I would yell at the top of my lungs, "Man, NOBODY wants world peace!  Poor kids!  That's right, be afraid!  Good little slave!"  
     I have fun with it.  Years of practice.

     Within half an hour I already had five bucks and a dank pre-roll joint.   I was wearing a beaming smile on my face the whole time.  Some guy even drove by and screamed STAY POSITIVE!  I yelled back, "That's the only way I know how to be!"   To the nice open-minded people who accepted my site I would yell, "I'm an undercover bum!"  They got me.  
     I even had some guy yell, "Get a job!"  Little does he know I was doing my job by having him see me.
     After the nice angel of a girl gave me that dank joint I wanted to light it and smoke it, but I didn't have a lighter.  I walked over to my girlfriend, my support vehicle and asked her if there was one in the car.  She said no and I told her to hold on, that I would get it lit and come back and smoke it with her.  There were like three cars in the drive through, but none of the drivers responded to my need-a-lighter hand gestures I was was making.  
     I went to the stoplight and signaled a car that had just pulled up and the nice guy handed me a refillable butane lighter and told me to keep it!  Do you see how things work out for me?   
     I had a very productive day spamming for peace like a bum.  No police involvement, but I had the note in my back pocket in case I was approached.  I only spent a little over an hour passing out my blog there.
     I wish someone would sign my new guestbook already.   
     Oh yeah, and at the end I grabbed a big handful of little papers and walked back to the spot by the light.  In front of the whole row of cars, I slowly walked back obviously purposely letting all the little papers slip out onto the grass.  Every single bum that flies a sign on that corner will get my blog address now.  Or maybe the people in the cars in line at the light will be curious and return to get one.  

     I hope I get a ticket for littering for peace and have the cops read my blog, hehe.  It's worth it.

     Tomorrow I'm going to do something different to spread the word.  It might just be way more effective than bumming it how I do.  I'll let you know eventually.  It's a genius idea.

3-28  Since it went so smoothly flying my sign, I have decided to not go to the cop shop and talk to the boss hog.  At least not yet.  I want to saturate this town with my presence first, and then go talk to the head pig.  I hope he doesn't squeal on me, lol.  Actually,  that's exactly what I want him to do.   

Tell Biden, for all I care.  It's not like his dumbass will understand me anyway.


 4:14pm  Haven't done much today, but I did have yet another brilliant idea for spreading my word.  

     Today I'm going to Office Max to buy a little plastic box of pushpins.  Then me and my lady and pups are going to go hunt around the town for bulletin boards.  I'm thinking I can stab a pin through the corner of like ten little havethesejokes.blogs.  This way people can rip one off and leave the rest for others to take.  I'm going to try and find every single board in town.  I'll be sure to note where they all are, so like in a week I can go refill them.  

     Then I'm going to go to the best weed store in town and buy some dabs.  I'll ask to speak to the manager and see if she'll let me leave a bowl on the counter filled with little papers, which I will refill every time I come to get more ganja. 

     Just think.  People who are going to this place to buy marijuana can check out a my free(and subversive) peace through marijuana blog disguised as a harmless joke site.  Hmm, do you think it'll reach like-minded people this way?   Why would I ever think that?

     Nahhhhhh, never, right?  HAHAHA.

     Full steam ahead!

     My girl is going to stay home, but she told me she would be in my support vehicle for sign flying tomorrow, if weather permits.  

5:14pm  Just got the idea to add the following to my letter to the police:  "Are you not here to protect my constitutional rights?  Because if you don't my legal team will have a field day with you in court.  Who is your boss?  Who do you report to, officer?"  

     I will also be sure to have pulled out my digital voice recorder so he knows I'm not kidding.  I'll say, "It's not like I need it, but can I please have your permission to record?  I have a bad memory."

     Ooooh, that's sooooo cherry.


     What a good update I have to make.  I had a very productive rest of the day.  Let's see, I went to Office Max and bought some pushpins for five dollars.  Then I went out to the car and followed through on my idea from earlier, which works as perfectly as I thought it would.  Look.

Hehe, see all the white dog hair.

     I had three pushpins fully loaded and ready for any bulletin board.  My first thought was Starbucks.  On the way there I was going to pass this new thrift store where I'm cool with the Mexican dude who works there, but it was closed.  There's a 7-11 right next to it so with my Ziploc full of blogs I was sure to scatter them all over the front.  Even in the flower pots.

     Then I got back in the car and drove less than a block to the next business complex.  A gas station attached to a big shopping center.  I went and put little pieces of paper in the weirdest places, pinching them here and there.  I was slipping them through the small slit in the door of closed businesses and then blowing them inside.  I scattered some in the flower pots of the Mexican restaurant that's there too.  

     I walked by a tattoo parlor.  I opened the door and excused myself for interrupting.  It was just the artist in the back working on a guy lying on a table.  I said, "Hi, my name is Victor.  I'm kind of a gonzo journalist.  I've been all over the country.  Will you please check out my ad-free, non-religious blog?  It's really interesting.  Whenever you get the chance," and placed one on the desk by the front door.  He thanked me for stopping by and I walked out.  That reminds me of a tattoo parlor back from my mission days.  Here, let me show you an old guestbook entry:

Date:  2007-03-27 16:54:47
Name:  operation plague
Number:  53
wanted to say thanx for coming by our tat shop the other night in the rain with yor word.if ever there s any way that i could help you to get your story out there

     He thanked me too.

     Anyway, after that I walked to the grocery store.  I went over to where all the shopping carts are lined up.  I noticed that a select few had these plastic cup holders.  Cool!  I put a slip of paper in each cupholder.  It was like five of them.
     After the grocery store there's an auto parts place and I was sure to drop some in front of there.  Then I walked across the parking lot to the Starbucks.  I went inside and asked the cashier if they had a bulletin board.  She asked me what I wanted to put on it and I told her I was a journalist with a really interesting ad-free non religious blog I wanted to share.  I handed her my loaded pushpin, which it was obvious she didn't want to accept, and told her to look at it when she got home and decide if she wanted to put it on the board or not, and just walked out.  For sure she's going to look at it, at the very least.
     Then I walked right in the donut shop closeby which I knew for sure had a board.  I just walked in poked my thing on and left.  
     Smoke  shop next.  The Middle Eastern dudes there know me and they smiled at me when I walked in.  I explained what I was doing and they gladly accepted my blog.  I told them there were 184 Chuck Norris joke, but he wasn't familiar with Chuck.  
     I went outside the donut shop to the place where they recycle stuff, that was closed, but I was sure to pinch my little papers here and there around the little wooden building.  

     Very productive distribution day.  Tomorrow I'm going to fly my sign again somewhere.


     Oh wait, I almost left out the most important part.  

     I went to the weed store because I'm all out of dabs.  I drove the shortcut route I always do.  It was getting dark by then.  I drove in and parked in the parking lot.  I had a little plastic container filled with little papers.  I walked past the security guard and went in the door.  I asked the girl behind the desk who the person in charge was right then and if I could speak to them.  She asked me what about so I told her I was a journalist and I had a great free blog I wanted to see if you guys would help me spread it.  I told her, "Here, look at my blog yourself, but wait until you are off of work, because it's very interesting and will distract you if you read it now."
     She quickly pushed my little container back and told me some bullshit.  She told me, "You know what?  The boss is going to be busy for the next two hours and won't be able to look at it."  I told her, "That's okay, whenever he or she gets the chance.  It's online and not going anywhere."  She still adamantly refused my advances.  

     I don't know what she was afraid of.  Maybe she had just smoked some dank and was all paranoid, lol.  Anyway, I told her, "That's fine, if you don't want to go through your management I'll just give it to all of your employees personally."  

     I gave her my ID and she checked me in. I said loudly, "Man, NOBODY wants world peace!" and walked away.  I should have called her a good little slave, ha!   Hopefully she reads this eventually.  
     So I go inside the main room where they sell all the drugs.  There's a long line so to the three guys in front of me I say, "Excuse me, I'm Victor.  I'm a bit of a gonzo journalist.  Will you guys check out my free blog?  It's not religious.  It's my plan to do what it says on my shirt, hiding as a harmless joke blog."  All three eagerly accepted it.   

     Since there was still a wait I hit them up for my story.  I told them I was way out of  practice and I hadn't told it for a while.  I revved up story mode and started spitting it out.  When I got to the part where I say, "I'll tell you exactly how I plan to do this if you are willing to listen and only then.   I don't want to waste anybody's time.  If not, just check out the blog when you get the chance."  They totally jumped on the latter and I said, "That's exactly why I ask.  Whenever you get the chance.  No rush."  

     I am so glad I designed my stories with that loophole for people.  Nobody wants to have to pretend to listen when it's really not the time to digest any story.  There's a time and a place for everything.  And since I am courteous enough to offer a backdoor, that should make a big impression on people and I'll eventually get what I want, which is for them to experience my eye opening blog.  

     It's like chess.  I'm always thinking about future moves, subsequent effects of my peaceful meme.

     Relax, I'm a professional, guys.

     Anyway, when it was my turn the nice girl who helped me immediately told me she loved my shirt.  I loved hearing that because I knew she would accept my blog.  So I offered it and she took it and thanked me.  I ordered two shatters and some peanut butter cups.  $12 for the cups and $9 each for the concentrates, $30 total.  I said goodbye and left to go back in the lobby.  
     I thought I had forgotten my plastic container so I asked the slave girl if I could go back inside to get it and she said okay.  I quickly realized it was in the black bag with my concentrate I was holding, duh.  I took this opportunity to go back to the nice girl who helped me and handed her a handful of papers and told her to help me spread the word if she's able.  She said sure!

     As I walked out the front door I told slave girl at the counter, "You'll hear about me, eventually.  Have a good night."

     When I walked back to the car, right before I got to the car I was fumbling around with the container, trying to get it open to offer blogs to anyone in the parking lot, and I ended up dropping it.  It popped open when it hit the ground and sent little papers flying everywhere.  There were these two dudes who were there to buy weed and one stopped and offered to help me pick up the little papers.  I thanked him and told him be sure to keep one for himself.  I told them it was littering for peace and one guy says, "Wow, that seems like the perfect way to get a message out."  I said, "Exactly."  

     I ended up leaving like ten of them on the pavement.

     Last night I thought of a new nickname, Victor the System Fucker.  lolololol


 6:53pm   Today I woke up around nine-thirty.  I left the dishes for my girl since I did them yesterday.  I've just been sitting on my blog and letting it slowly evolve.  I added a longer jokes section.  I still had some saved on one of my free(Obama phone)Androids that I have.  I have two.  

     No sign flying today.  It's going to be raining all day.  What sucks is that a lot of the littering I did yesterday is going to be in vain because all the little papers are getting soaked.  It's okay though because I got tons more.

     I also had the idea to send an email to the people at the Brewster County Jail in Alpine, TX where I was in 2003.  The title was Great Brewster County Jail story and others.  I didn't send it to the chief.  I sent it to the lowest person on the email list, the registrar or something.  I think with that subject they should definitely open it and visit the jail story part of my blog, which greatly improves the chances that they'll read the rest of it too.  I wonder if I'll get a reply back.

Earlier I also made some comments on some Bitchute videos. Serg Mesa in Florida and Steve Vies from Canada.  They both have their own Bitchute channel and I think my blog is right up their alley.

I'll try and copy the posts, at least transcribe them,  

Yesterday I had made this comment on Serg's video:

Oyeme Serg. Soy boricua y tienes que, es imperativo(if that's a word)que veas a mi blog. I think it's right up your alley, bro. Have these jokes dot blog. - Victor Antonio from San Antonio email me please at

He never mailed me so today I left this comment:

El que toca persistentemente termina por entrar.

He who knocks persistently ends by entering.
- Ali

Then I posted a lighthearted joke:

Did you hear the joke about butter?

Well, I'm not going to spread it. 😛

and corrected myself too:

rumor, not joke, my bad

     If I don't get a reply back I'm going to assume he's controlled opposition too.  Who would ignore a comment like that and not take it seriously?

Okay, I just had a brilliant idea, maybe.  Look at the comment I just posted to on Serg Mesa's latest video:

Serg. Let me apologize from the start for sounding crazy but what I have to tell you is going to make your day.
Why haven't you mailed me yet? I'm flabbergasted that I have to beg you, of all people. If you were to read my blog you would realize exactly who I am and my vital role in humanity's awakening. I really appreciate the content of all your videos, but it is now time to only talk about my blog.


My blog will be going systemically viral soon, with or without your help. Si tu eres quien tu dices, if you are who you say you are and truly believe in what you make videos about you need to be collaborating with me.

If I wake up tomorrow and I don't have an email from el cubano con la barba guapa, I am going to assume you are controlled opposition only here to give sheeple the illusion that good things might be coming, when in fact, a worst nightmare is almost here. It's time to implement. With my future loud as fuck voice I'm going to rat you out like the fraud you might be. You better email me.

Be sure to check my daily captain's logs journal entries at the bottom. Thanks for giving me a bitching chapter.

But what I really want to know is...........

- Victor Antonio from San Antonio

10:16pm  Woohoo!  Serg replied!  Check it out:

Victor, if you really think you know me, how you say, then you know I do not acquiesce to threats of any kind and I absolutely refuse to work with anyone who would use such a tactic.

So do your worst, I am not afraid nor intimidated by anyone, I appreciate that you like my content or don't, truly not the way to gain anyones trust or assistance.

Good luck in your endeavors

I posted my reply on the same video:

Serg, hermano. I very sincerely apologize for forcing your reply like that. I guess I was just paranoid that big brother was blocking my stuff somehow, because what I have to say is so important and I hadn't received any word from you. I'm sorry I was impatient and aggressive, but I just had to know. Thanks for taking me seriously. I so hoped you would. But now that you replied so quickly, gives me much renewed faith that you are on the right side. I know you would rather be asleep right now. perdoname, por favor. Please don't let my rude introduction make you lose sight of my blog's potential, I really hope you don't hate me for my making sure you heard me.

More sincere than anything,

Victor Antonio



     Today I woke up at nine thirty and did all the dishes.  My beautiful girl cooked up some delicious Mexican style rice last night and we feasted.  She had to rinse the rice real good because it had little dead bug carcasses in it, lol.  Weevils.  We looked it up online and found out they're safe to eat, so we didn't let the rice go to waste.  Most, if not all got rinsed out. 

     Anyway, last night was great.  I feel like I have made my presence known to a hugely important player on the light side, Serg Mesa.  I love this dude.  I've been watching him for a while and I think he's such a badass mofo and everybody needs to watch his videos.   

     I had to piss him off to get his attention, but I did get it.  I commanded his attention.  That, in itself makes me proud I was able to.  It reminds me how I will command the attention of the whole world to do only good sopn.  If it's to be, it's up to me.  

     I hope I have made an impression he'll never forget.  Because I need the controversy to amplify my blog views.

     I worded out almost the same "litmus test" I gave Rob Potter, which Rob failed.  Here, I'll show you the comments I posted, the whole story:

First, here's the text I sent Potter on March 19th 6:06pm:

Rob Potter, 
     If you truly want to continue and drastically accelerate on your path of disclosing truth and helping humanity, which I'm pretty sure has been the driving force which has gotten you where you are today, you need to collaborate with me and realize the role I've been assigned in this coming peaceful revolution. My stuff is going to be everywhere soon, with our without your help.  
     My blog has evolved much, it constantly is.  Please have a long hard look at it and consider contributing to it.  Even if it's just opinions or suggestions. 
     I hope you are doing really well. I miss Mount Shasta dearly.

He replied six hours later with:

Crazy busy mow yiu can post on my face book call me i will driving from 11-5 pm tomorrow

     I've heard nothing from him at all since then.  You know what that makes me think, right?  Figure it out from the following.  

Here's what I posted on Serg's latest Bitchute video.

Please figure me,. We are on the same side.


i can't find an email address so i guess I'll keep communicating here. i can't sleep worried you will ignore my overall message due to my hostile intro. serg, you have no idea how much i respect you for having the cojones you do. Now i know for a fact that you are totally part of the force for good. I am elated you took my "bait" and responded so quickly. I couldn't have had a bigger grin on my face. it made you real to me.
if i would have gotten no reply back from you at all after that fake threat i made, i would, well, you already know what i would've thought.
it brings me great joy to know we have a leader like you on our team.
please forgive the litmus test, you passed with flying colors. you are bonafide.

please email me for any reason whenever you want.


I'm so itching to get this party started soon. please read my blog, I'm begging you. just YOUR endorsement of me could blow the lid off of this nonviolent peaceful revolution we're about to have. transition is a better word. much consideration, please give.

come on serg, will it into existence with me. where there's a will, there's a way. where there's more than one will there's a certainty. power in numbers.

Do you know anything about being positive -assumptive?   

The following is an addendum made at 6:24pm.  It wasn't in the comment, but I wanted to include this here.

(Positive-assumption is a mind-trick I learned about working in telemarketing.  It's a way to manipulate belief by JUST assuming people already bought the product and are happy with it.  A lot of people get hypnotized by false assurances by the marketer and fall for it.  Like they say, there's a sucker born every minute.  It's simple psychology.
     Let's use this trick, but let's use it for good instead.
     Let's all just  ASSUME the world has already been saved, until it actually is.  That's what I'm doing.  That's what I'm trying my hardest to manifest by having you read this.)

if i don't get your full endorsement will you please advise me on how you think it's best i continue? i value you.


come to think about it, i gave Rob Potter the same exact litmus test and I never heard a peep from him afterwards. Hmm, now what do you think that leads me to believe? lol


See, here's the text i sent him. He probably just thought I was crazy. Just like I want him to.(see above)


let's see what truther believes in me first 😁,
numbers game


There are THOUSANDS of people out there who have heard my stories personally and will remember me vividly, thus kicking the distribution of my blog into hyperdrive when they realize I'm still at it and i wasn't just talking shit all those years ago when destiny had me meet then. here comes some real hope for humanity. help me being it, Serg. Por favor.


*bring it


The reason I said it's time to talk only about my blog now is because I have always felt, have had much verified confirmation of being on the right, perfect path. I was born to do this. The signs have been everywhere and I keep getting them. In order to be directly connected to LOVE all I have to do is just keep track of them and post them on my blog. It's amazingly simple.
That's where my obsession with documenting my life began. When LOVE noticed I was so obsessed with documenting my life LOVE saw fit to use me as a channel to convey exactly what needs to be done to actually flip the tables and really give control of our world to the people, so majority could finally rule.

What I am offering is a BLANKET SOLUTION that will amazingly address ALL that is wrong in our world(which is what most of your videos are about, no?), thus balancing us out.

Daydream with me for a little bit, Serg. Let's say, let's pretend that my project is actually possible and I have the entire world glued to my blog, and become a trusted source for decimating raw truth so we can finally have full-disclosure. Wouldn't you want to be one of the first, if not THE first to be linked to my blog to help? I would be bringing everybody together this way.

Humanity in its entirety will become united with my dream. I'd really be the catalyst.

That sounds like a dream I would never want to end. .

So let's get it on already.

I know the way I word things may sound ego-driven or a bit condescending, but I have NOTHING but good intentions. I am simply being subversive, please understand this fact. Don't be put-off and ignore me thinking I'm crazy, please. I only want the government to do that, wink, wink. It's all part of my cover.

I mean, after experiencing my blog, don't I make it sound like world peace through laughter just might be really possible? And soon? If you don't think so, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the billions of people who want that very exact thing and will LOVE the fact that someone is as obsessed with making that our reality as I have become.
I am bringing about THE moment of clarity for this world. I've been assigned this job by LOVE and I promise you I won't stop SHOUTING about my blog until it happens.

You can call me Victor the System Fucker. :]


You have no idea how happy it makes me that you have provided this pulpit for me to preach from. Thank you. I'll stop if you'd prefer. There's plenty of other people who don't know about my blog, for now.

     What a great and titillating chapter!  This is what I get for just letting things happen and documenting all of my efforts.  For collecting true opinions.  What a terribly interesting read, no?  I bet the general public will think it is.  

     This is what I get for keeping it real.

     World peace is writing itself through me.

     It's going to happen soon!  All I have to do is keep assuming it and willing into existence!  

     But I can't finish the job on my own. 

     I need the help of everybody.  

     Go my way, please.  I am begging you.  

     Because my way is your way. 

     Yes way, José.


     The weather is yucky so no spamming for peace in town today.  

6:35pm  Hmm, just sitting here thinking.   I should tell Serg: "If I cannot convince you to trust in me and tell each one of the thousands of contacts you have about my blog(I mean, what do you have to lose for just trying?), to SCREAM about it like I am, because it can happen if we do, then I am truly sorry and please forgive me for wasting your time dealing with me. 

     There's plenty of other badass mofos with big audiences out there.  I'll go down the list.  I'll litmus them all.  You know how much I love number games.  The odds are in my favor here.  I am destined to be doing this and to succeed at it.  

     You were only the second one Serg, and trust me, I didn't start with the best.  That's you.

     It's never been more than just a matter of time than it is right fuckin' now.  A very short time.  Ha, time is fake anyway, too.  :]

     Wouldn't it be insanely interesting to see what people like Jordan Sather, X22, Eceti, etc, what they all have to say about my lunacy?  Do you think they'll even acknowledge me and the fact that I am calling them out like I did Serg?  Serg didn't stand for my shit and ignore me because he's got balls.  I'm putting Serg in charge of the battalion.  General Serg.  Let's get 'er done.

     Let's separate the wheat from the chaff, boys.  Then we can finally know for sure who the disinfo-agents are.  I'm gonna rat them all out.  

     Actually, it'll be more like I'm making them rat themselves out.    

     Do you think that might net me one or two views?  :P

     Truth is stranger than fiction.

     I can't fuckin' wait.  :]

     Serg, hermano.  I won't be commenting on your videos anymore, I promise, jefé.  Hopefully I've been interesting enough for people to know they can follow the convo on my blog, if they want. IF you even reply, of course.  If you don't they'll see that too, so try and make it a substantial reply, or not. You choose.

     Please let me know if you read this, bro.  I have nothing but love for you.  I wish I could give you a huge hug. 

     I think tomorrow I'm going to start taking LOTS of pictures of my life for this blog.  Start making my shit more Trumanesque.

     So people can trust me even more.  I am the real-deal.  Have faith in me, please.  Wish me luck, please.

     I beg you all, please.



     I woke up a 8am this morning, crashed out about twelve thirty last night.   I took the pups out to pee as usual.  I didn't do the dishes, I did them yesterday, but I tidied up a little, put up recyclables and stuff.  I had like half a cup of coffee left from yesterday, so I didn't do my usual three and a half cup morning brew.  It' all still wet outside but it seems to be turning into a very nice, even warm maybe day.  I'm going to definitely fly my sign today.  

     I have had absolutely no reply back from Serg after spewing so much to him.  I really hope he takes me seriously and ends up endorsing me.  Like I said, I'll eventually go down the list.  I'll let you know what happens.  

     Mental note, take lots of pictures today. 

     I ended up doing the dishes.


     Serg should not have taken my primary message as a threat.  I made him get all defensive for no reason.  I worded it purely hypohetical.  I said: "I'm going to rat you out like the fraud you might be. You better email me."  I said might.

     And less than half an hour later, guess who emailed me proving he is not a fraud.   I  forced him to respond if he didn't have anything to hide, and he did respond, showing me and everyone else we can trust Serg Mesa.  He accepted the challenge unlike Rob Potter.  Serg has nothing to hide.  I hope he never forgets me.

     It's really hard to know who you can trust on the internet these days.  I take great comfort in knowing I can trust Serg Mesa, mi compadre..

     Okay, enough brown-nosing.  Email me, Serg, please.  But be warned that your email will go right here in my logs.  I'd LOVE for you to contribute to my project so spit some truth.   I know you can.  We all do.

I'd trust him just a little bit more if he would start a dialogue with me.


     Oh yeah, last might at like 10:30 or so my girl got a hankering for some chocolate cake so I drove to the grocery store and bought one with some organic dairy milk.  On the way back home I was sure to stop at the donut shop to check if my loaded pushpin was still on the bulletin board.  It was:


     I had a great time littering for peace today.  First my girl and I had a big blog cutting-out session in the bedroom.  I was loaded.  I got into uniform, WPTMJ shirt.  First we went to the intersection I flew my sign at last time, by the Jack in the Box, but there was already a bum there so I didn't fly my sign there.  I drove around to the opposite side, but there didn't seem to be a good place to stand.  

     I said screw it and parked, grabbed my container of blog papers and walked through the whole shopping complex planting my seed.  Like every ten steps I took I dropped a little paper on the ground.

     To start with I went to the organic grocery store where all the heady people shop.  I had a loaded pushpin and I hoped they had a bulletin board.  I got a better idea though when I saw a pretty girl employee pushing a cart.  I asked her if they had a bulletin inside and she said no.  She said she liked my shirt so I told her what I was doing and offered her the loaded pushpin.  She gladly accepted it and said she would put it on the board in the employee breakroom.  Woohoo!  Talk about infecting like-minded people this way.  Yes!  I didn't even have to go inside!

    Then I went walking down the storefronts casually inserting little papers here and there, tossing them all around.  What's funny is when security there notices there's tons of little papers all over the mall, they're going to look at my blog, then check their security tapes and see my goofy ass littering for peace proudly wearing my marijuana shirt.  Every planter, every ashtray, all over the place.

     After I walked around the whole mall I walked back towards the car.  As I was walking in front of the grocery store I noticed some guy driving by in a white truck smiling at my shirt.  I wave at him and he parks in a parking spot.  I rush over and yell, "I'm a journalist, will you check out my free blog?"  He said sure, and that he loved my shirt.  When he walked off I got an idea and called him back.  I asked him if I could take his picture, that he would be on my blog tonight.  He said sure, Nick. 

      I handed him a lot more little papers and told him to share it if he likes it.  I also told him how many Chuck Norris jokes are on it too, hehe.  

     Then we went and parked in front of the Ninety Nine Cents store.  I grabbed my sign and tried flying to traffic right there, but I just got an uncomfortable feeling so I said forget it.  So I walked in front of the store dropping papers here and there.  I walked by this Mediterranean restaurant, where these two beautiful girls were working.  I went inside and ordered a spicy chicken schwarma.  I told the girl Angelina what I was doing and she seemed in total agreement and even looked like she got a little excited.  I gave her my blog and she immediately asked if she could have another for her friend.  I gave her lots more.  

     With schwarma in tow I went back to the car and we drove home.

     Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how the trip started.  First we stopped at Office Max.  I wanted to get a fresh copy of my note to the police, should I need it.  It had evolved a bit and I wanted to have at least one cop today.  I went and signed in on the computer.  When it was finally my turn I told the lady I just needed one or two copies.  She said there was like a $2.50 minimum to do anything at the desk, but that there were self-serve copiers along the wall.  I went and had to wait a long time for this guy to use it, then when it was my turn it froze up.  So I went back and waited at the desk.  I had to get like 20 copies of the one letter I needed, oh well.

     Anyway, when we were done my girl pointed out that the Starbucks closeby might have a bulletin board.  I almost parked in front of the Starbucks, but then quickly changed my mind and went in the drive-through instead.  I ordered a egg and bacon sandwich.  When I pulled up to the window and paid the guy I offered him a loaded pushpin which he begrudgingly accepted.  Sweet!  Spam for peace through the drive-through!

     Then we went to the busy intersection by Jack in the Box.


     Oh, I never mentioned.  I found an old backup of every single html file from my old site.  My old journal.  Over two thousand days that I logged.  At first I thought I would easily be able to transfer the html files to my blog, but I read that Blogger stopped supporting FTP back in 2010.  So to able to resurrect my old journal and have it on my new blog, I'm going to have to go through and copy and paste each day, each file.  It's painstaking work, but I'll get it done eventually.  I'll let you know.  It sucks that I don't have any of my old pictures, but I've devised a plan to get those back too.  

     Until tomorrow, goodnight.

10:15pm  It's going to take me forever.  I've already done 88 days.

     Damnit, it won't let me make any more pages, Blogger.  It gave me some error that something had been exceeded.  I searched around and now I'll have to wait 24 hours to keep going.


     Today I up early, like at seven because I didn't stay up all night as usual.  I had a major setback last night.  I was busy copying my newly found htmls into to my blogger.   But at html number 88 it started not letting me create new pages on my blog. :(  It said something like that, "You have exceeded the limit."  
     I googled around and read that Blogger has rate limits in place to deter AI or something.   That I would have to wait 24 hours to continue.  Ack, I was pissed, so I went to bed.
    This morning I woke up, didn't do any dishes, there weren't that many, and then I went upstairs to my office/dirty man-cave and had yet another brilliant idea to get around the rate limits.  
     All I had to do was make another free blogger account(which later I would have to update the links in the files).   It's 8:20 and I have already made 45 files.  
     2001 days left to go.

     Let me show you exactly how I'm making my HTML files for my journal.  I first click on a file and click it soon right afterwards which switches it into Rename mode, where I can Ctrl+C and copy the filename.  

     Then I switch back to Blogger(Alt+Tab) and click on New Page, Paste, Ctrl+V the filename into the title field, Alt+Tab to switch back to Explorer where the file is already highlighted, hit Enter, Ctrl+A to select all, Ctrl+C to copy, then Ctrl+tab twice to scroll through the browser tabs, and Ctrl+V to paste and finally confirm the publication.  


     If I stay at it like this it shouldn't take that long.  If, when I get rate limited again, I'll just make another free blogger account.  

     You can't stop freedom!!!!


     I got to 99 files this time before it throttled me again. Smoke break and then I'll make a new blogger.

4:20pm  Wow, what a momentous battle of chess I've been having.  First, I was making html files like crazy, all fast and stuff.   I guess too fast because it stopped letting me after every 100 or so.  I thought I had found a hack for it, by making new Gmail/Blogger accounts.  I made like three of four different ones, but it eventually would automatically tell me I had exceeded the limit.  

     I thought crap, my old journal is so important.  I got paranoid thinking Big Brother was hacking my blog.  For good reason too.  My viewership is way down today.   I feel like maybe since I fearlessly keep my journal current and am being totally honest, that they might be taking me more serious and actually seeing me for the threat I am to them.  I don't care though.  

     I don't want to have to wait a whole 24 hours to format these files.  See, I thought if I finished up my journal then I could send Serg Mesa a direct link to my Florida trip back in 2008, which will show to him exactly how obsessed I was with my story and how I shared it everywhere all the time.  In places he should know so he should also know I'm not lying because he lives in Florida.  But then the rate limits stopped me.

     But only for like 30 seconds.  I had the brilliant idea of pasting the ENTIRE month of loggings from my Florida trip, right on my main page, at the bottom.  None of the pictures will work, but it should scream truth regardless.  I'll add the pictures soon.  This way, anyone downloading my site, on the very main page it will have just a small piece of proof of my activism.  Just see how detailed I get, how blessed my adventure is(I even get plenty of sex.), and that is just one month's worth.  Just imagine what epic stories are included in seven almost whole years detailed at the same level.  

     So I am going to have to wait to get most all of the rest of the html files made, but at least I can follow through on posting my Florida adventure now.  Hopefully everybody will want to see it including pictures and I can build suspense like that.  I will deliver.

     It being on my main page also guarantees it's permanence on the web too, I think.  DOWNLOAD MY BLOG WITH YOUR BROWSER NOW.  Hopefully it has lots of good keywords search engines will use.

Fearless, I am.  Today I even added that I would go kamikaze if I had to.  I would.

     Oh yes, and also today one of my Obama phone Androids stopped working.  Like when you pug it in it is stuck at 0% battery and will not charge.  Oh well, good thing I have another one and it can actually make calls.


10:15pm  It's going to take me forever.  I've already done 88 days.

     Damnit, it won't let me make any more pages, Blogger.  It gave me some error that something had been exceeded.  I searched around and now I'll have to wait 24 hours to keep going.


040123  April Fool's Day


     I woke up pretty early like at eight thirty.  I crashed out around 12:30am last night.  I just added a link to the Janet Joplin song where I say, "You know what love's another word for, right?"  I started playing Bobby Mcgee and actually started crying uncontrollably.  Tears of pure joy though.  What a release(I got a different release this morning too, hehe)Crying feels great.  I should do it more often. 

     I love Janice.  She really knows how to penetrate you with her music.  She's a welcome infection.  

     Anyway, this morning I compiled and added the rest of my East Coast trip, after Florida.  My girl has been glued to it for three days.  Check it out.  I also made sure to take all of that massive text off of the main page, it was slowing everything down, but I'm hoping that if my site got automatically archived, it would have that whole month trip archived for sure being on the main page.  So for safe keeping.  But this morning I was getting tired of the lag so I just made a whole other page for it.  At the end I put a link to the rest of the story in case people were interested when they got to the end.  

     I also ordered a external cd drive from Amazon which I will need to add pictures with soon.  To read my backups.

     My girl stayed up all night and "came to bed" when I woke up.  I wasn't about to go back to sleep afterwards, hehe.

6:20pm  I got assaulted today flying my sign!  This tweaker who was at the corner.  Wait, let me rewind.  

     Today we were supposed to go to the farmer's market, but my girl lagged getting ready and it got too late.  I was looking forward to the crowd and I diligently cut out like three sheet's worth of little papers.  I had them in two little weed tins.  I told her my girl to get ready, that I wanted to fly my sign today and spread my word.  We drove to the restaurant parking lot next to the light at the busiest intersection in town, where I worked it last time.

     I had a great reaction to my sign and my shirt today.  These two different black dudes pulled over after seeing my sign and let me hit their blunt!  It happened twice!  One was named Dexter, I think.  Also I noticed these girls yelling at me about my sign when the light turned green and I yelled, "Come back!"  They eventually did and hooked me up with some dank nuggets!  I forget their names but I think one was named, oh forget it, I forgot.  I got hooked up rowdy with weed and cash.

     When I first got there I noticed some dude hanging out at the corner, I was going to ask him if he had dibs on the spot, but when I walked closer I noticed he was just trying to change the tire on his bike.

     I went out and started doing my thing to traffic and got hooked up and smoked out.  I guess the tweaker guy noticed I was yelling at the people who would refuse my blog offer,  I would yell at them, "Man, NOBODY wants world peace, poor kids!  Good little slave!"  You know how I do.  

     Well, he tried to take a swing at me and lunged at me all of a sudden.  I quickly side-stepped him and he stumbled missing his punch.  He popped me in the nose a bit and blood gushed out.  I tried real hard not to get any on my shirt.  I was standing there yelling at him with my bloody nose, "What did I do to you!?  I'm trying to help everyone!  Don't you want things to change???"  He just kept mumbling fuck you.  He tried to rush me again, but by that time I had remembered I had my trusty marine knife in my pocket, I always have it on me when I fly my sign, exactly for moments like this.  

     I quickly pulled it out and flicked it open.  That made him change his tune and he backed off.   Then I started talking shit, "Man, why does everyone always have to fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?  What kind of drugs are you on?  Shouldn't you be wishing me luck instead of hitting me?"  

     He was Mexican so I even talked Spanish to him.  I told him how I was Victor Antonio from San Antonio, que yo soy San Antonio."  He just kept mumbling and calling me not a man for having a knife.  

     I calmed down and even told him, still with a bloody nose, "Come on, let's talk about this. I forgive you."  Still holding the knife at him.  He just muttered fuck you some more.  He was all, "But you're yelling at people!"  I told him I had to because they were ignoring me, duh.  Regardless, this is a free country and I can yell anything I want to anybody.  I have that right.

     He never got his flat fixed so he started walking away pushing his bike.  When he popped me in the mouth it was right in front of traffic and I was telling everyone to call the cops.  One guy was all saying, "Well, you're the one with the knife."  I told him I had paid sales tax on the knife, that I bought it fair and square.

     Anyway, the tweaker started walking off with his bike, so I started following him, still with my knife raised above my head.  I wasn't about to lose him.  I was hoping to make a spectacle and have the cops there soon like that.  I had left my phone in the car.  If I had remembered it I would've been taking lots of pictures, not to mention call the police.  But since I didn't have a phone I figured I could call the police another way, hehe.

     I was following the fucker while he pushed his bike down the street, always staying about thirty feet behind him with my knife brandished.  As I was walking I was pointing the knife at him yelling at people to call the cops, that I had just been assaulted and that the dude was getting away, so please call the cops.  I ended up walking like seven or eight blocks before the boys in blue showed up.  

     They pulled over right next to the tweaker pushing his bike, but they ignored him because I had the knife, even though I was yelling at them not to let him get away.   

     It was the sergeant, the boss of the cops.  As I was getting closer he shouted at me to drop the knife.  I dropped it and quickly went for my wallet and ID.  I also had my letter for police that I had printed out.   I handed it to him telling him I wanted it back.  I asked him if he would read it and he pretended to, I think because he handed it back real quick.  I told him I was a peace activist and had been all over the country.  I hope he at least read the part where I say my story has helped suicidal people.  

     After hearing my side of the story and seeing my punched nose he asked me if I wanted to have him arrested and I quickly said yes.  Then I thought for a second.  I asked the sergeant, "How long can we drag it out to make him think he's going to jail for?  I just want to scare him real good."  He insisted I make a decision and not waste their time,  He then told me that they had lost him anyway, ugh.

     I figured the last thing I needed was to make an enemy in the town I lived in because I didn't plan to stop flying my sign there.  I told the cops to just forget about it.  They said since he had gotten away that the options were pretty slim anyway.   

     I walked all the way back to the restaurant parking lot where my girl was still waiting for me, being none-the-wiser of what just transpired.  Totally oblivious because she had been in the car in the shade out of view.  A whole hour had passed.  I sat down and showed her my face and she worriedly apologize for not being next to me.  I told her I was grateful she came out with me and was my support vehicle.  After like five minutes I decided to go back out to traffic with my sign, bloody face and all.  I still had a world to save.  No fear.  

     I was kind of hoping the tweaker would show up so I could talk to him, tell him how I chose not to press charges.  I would even offer him some of the weed I just got hooked up with.  I'd try to be the bigger man and smoke a peace pipe with him.  

     I eventually got bored and decided to call it quits after about half an hour with more hookups and smokeouts.  I amazingly made like forty bucks in about the hour total I flew today.  And LOTS of nuggets!   A lot of people accepted my blog too, I had even offered one to the tweaker, lol.  Of course he didn't accept it, but there's tons of my little papers littered around that corner.

     I had my girl take a couple pictures of me, after I used a snotrag to clean up.

     Afterwards I noticed my ID was missing.  I hope I didn't drop it when I grabbed my sign and knife.  I'm going to call the police and see if the sergeant still has it.  Then I can ask him for that signed permission slip that I want.  


     I just called the police station and asked the nice girl, "I am sure there are lots off cctv cameras all around that corner.   Is there any way I can get that footage?  She said there was a form I could fill out to request it.  That would be awesome to have on my blog.  

     So Monday I'm going to go to the cop shop and try and get that footage, as well as my permission slip. 



     Okay I woke up about half an hour ago.  I looked and I had a voicemail I missed last night from the sergeant.  He said, "Victor, this is the sergeant with the police department.  Hey, I thought I handed your ID back when we were out there on Main Street, but I'm going to take a look at my body cam video and see exactly what happened.  I'll have to take a look at that in the morning, and then we'll call and let you know.  Alright, bye bye."

      Awesome!  The message came from "anonymous" with no return number, so I can't text him or anything.  I wish I could.

     The nice sergeant took a picture of my bloody face(which I also want to see if I can get a copy of for this chapter).  

    The tweaker had grabbed my Bubba Mug and threw it in the street where it got run over, so after I walked back and explained it all to my girl I said, "We're going to Walmart to get a new one."  So we drove to Walmart.  They didn't sell the same type of mug I had before, so I bought a different one.  I went up to the cashiers and went to a self checkout with my new mug.  Stupid me, I guess I was still high or something, I put my ATM card where the dollar bills go in.  Duh.  It sucked it in and I notified someone working there.  

     While we were waiting for the manager I tried offering the employee who was working my free blog, but she automatically denied it telling me, "I don't accept anything from anybody."  She walked off and when she came back into earshot again I asked her, "What exactly are you afraid of?"  She totally ignored me, hehe.  I made sure she saw me drop a couple little papers on the floor.

     The manager showed up and opened the register and returned my card.  I asked her how often this happens and she told me about once a week.  The slot for the money shouldn't be the exact same size as an ATM card turned lengthwise.  Bad design.

     We were going to eat at some Pho place next to the Walmart, but I remembered I had lost or the police kept my ID and I wanted to go back to where they confronted me and look around.  I remembered they had put my sign and knife on top of some red drainage pipes, but I wasn't exactly sure.   I thought we were getting close when we got to a different Chinese retaurant that we usually frequent.  I parked the car and told my girl I would be right back.  I walked past the restaurant scanning up ahead to see if I could spot those red drainpipes.  I ended up walking almost a whole mile, but didn't see the pipes anywhere.  I gave up and started walking the opposite direction.

     Which reminds me I forgot to mention.  Back when the sergeant was done with me he told me that my knife and sign were right over there(on the red drainpipe) and that I was free to go.  I started walking and passed up where he told me.  Him and his officers yelled at me and I laughed, telling them sorry, I was practicing what I preached earlier.  They laughed.

     I kept looking behind me to see if a bus was coming.  When I walked to the next bus stop there was some dude waiting there.  I asked him when the next bus was due and he told me just a couple of minutes more.  This guy seemed obviously gay or trans.  I was pretty sure it was a dude because he had chin-stubble.  I thanked him and handed him one of my blog papers and smiled at him.  He smiled back and volunteered me a card of his own.  

     I hope this person doesn't get offended when he reads on my blog that I don't support the normalization of transgenders.

     I and a lot of other people still think it's wrong and unnatural.  Best of luck becoming mayor.

     You will most definitely need it.

    Don't mean to be the bearer, but who's going to want a person who can't even decide what gender they are, to run a whole city?  The credentials you would have to show everyone to trust you enough to vote for you to be mayor, I don't think are in existence.  

     And if you are elected mayor, it's only because the position was selected for you by evil people to further their agenda of trying to confuse humanity so we will be easy to subdue.  Do you really think election-theft only happens with presidents.

In the words of Worf's son Alexander, 


Just go by what's naturally in between your legs, please.  There's no need for any confusion.

I used Android Photohop to remove his/her name.  I don't want to make it that easy to triangulate what town I am in, hehe.

Voting is a farce!

     Whoa, he/she is running for mayor.  I googled It.  :)  If the other images that came up are really him/her, you can't tell at all.  Beautiful girl(if that's really him).

     What strange synchronicity.

     When the bus came everyone got on first and I asked the driver if she could give me a courtesy ride to the Chinese restaurant about half a mile way.  She said sure thing and let me hop on!  How perfect!  She let me off right in front of the restaurant.  

      I guess I'll call the police in the morning and see if they can locate it.  

     What an exciting couple of days!  I can't wait to type it up!


    Before I start I need to link everyone to this HUGELY important video that I am ashamed it's taken so long for me to find(thank you, my Tita).  It really is a goldmine of logical thought that the entire world needs to digest over and over and over again(before it gets banned again.  Quick!  Click on it!).  It totally blows the hopium-filled Zeitgeist out of the water!  And I haven't even finished watching it!

The controllers that were LOATHE that people watch this, so be sure to grab plenty of snacks and have a great time opening your mind!

Here, this is such a powerful stone for my sling that I feel it's worth typing up the INTRO for.

4:27am    I've got this song stuck in my head right now.   "It's just around the corner, a destiny that I embrace with you!  Stare into the lion's eyes and if you taste the candy, you'll get to the surprise!"

11:37am  Last night I was busy upstairs typing away when my Tita called up saying she wanted to show me something.  I refused and told her I was busy and would be ignoring her.  Well, I regret that because I saw it today and it's right upff my alley.  Check out this nice Iraqi lady and how she already knows how to live without me telling her. :P



     EVERYTHING EVER SAID ONLINE IS PERMANENT AND RESEARCHABLE!(do you see how they've been planting this trap since day one?)


9:30pm  Regarding all of the of the "truthers" out there like Jordan Sather and everyone else who has been allowed to get tons of views and followers.  You have to wonder if YouTube, even Bitchute and Odysee, is only the next evil evolution of the mainstream, and that the "high rollers" on them might have paid contracts to misinform us, just like the media always has!

     They've been playing both sides since the beginning.  Why would now be any different?


2:46am  Woke up after a seven hour nap and cleaned the kitchen.  Just had the thought to do a google search.  The Power of Profanity.

12:28PM  I reconnected with an old friend from Mount Shasta.  She was part of the Americans trucker convoy on the way back to  DC.  After being in DC she took up with Ashley Babbit's mother Micky.       

    Micky started a vigil outside the gulag.  It's been going on for almost a year and she was there for four months helping support the nonviolent political prisoner's conditions.  She was in a DC courtroom for some of the trial.  She saw firsthand the judge refer to them as insurrectionists when they were just there.  They had no intentions of causing insurrection.  

     It was a peaceful demonstration until Antifa instigated it.  It was all a big setup.  It was an inside job.


1:33pm  I have these quotes saved on my phone.  I might have already added them to my collection, but in case I haven't I'll put them here:

"A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging prejudices."
- Alan Watts

"You are under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago."
- Alan Watts

"A bore is a man who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company."

- Gian Vincenzo Gravina

"People sometimes say my jokes are condescending.  That's when you talk down to people."
- Jimmy Carr

Here's a funny joke:

     A middle school boy comes home crying...  His dad asks. "What's wrong, son?"  "A boy at school called me gay!" the son replied.  The dad then says, "Well, if he does it again you can punch him in the face."  The boy then stated, "But he's so cute!"


     Everybody read all about Hell = Jerusalem’s Garbage Dump

Elderly people read this!


1:40pm Had some good chats on Undernet and brightened people's day with jokes and puns.  I'll post them later.  Looking through old browser tabs and found this good article.  

Here's another old tab:  Illuminati and New World Order - Unfortunate Choice of Terms
How the Top Elite Have Confused Researchers and Truth Seekers


     I'm doing my usual wake up go upstairs and wake and bake.  I've had some good evolution to my blog lately.  I organized all my reports and jail experiences into a JUSTICE FILES section to really convey my activism.  I want to send this link to my very righteous Amagansett Press brethren.  My stuff is right up their alley!
   "Travel is fatal to pregidous, bigotry and narrow-mindedness!" - Mark Twain

     I also had the clever notion that I have been blessed with the MASTER CROWBAR!  :P


7:36pm I just have to type this up!  

Victor Razee is a another guru of mine!


6:37am  Last night I did something I haven't done in a while.  I stayed off of my blog and watched a movie with my Tita.  Since the house in still in disarray from trying to empty the junk out of it so we can move, I was able to set up a big screen and connect it via HDMI to the laptop.  We had some nice movie time in the yellow lounge room.

     I had tried vain in the past for hours and wasn't able to find WARGAMES(1983) the whole movie, FOR FREE.  

     We had been lucky that Tita's old friend, from back in her Ashram days, Imran, had let us use his Netflix account.  We used it for like over a year, but recently it stopped working.  Instead of Google I searched around with instead and was able to find it!  

     Tita had never seen it before, I couldn't believe it.  She was enthralled by the entire movie!  What a blast from the past for me too.  "Do you want to play a game?" Anyway, if you've never seen it, here you go.  Enjoy!

10:39am  LOL, oh yeah, let me show you this funny ass vid Tita showed me last night.  NO POO-POO DANCING !


7:00am  I am watching this exceptional Victor Razee vid.  It's so perfect.  It reminds me of how I was able to successfully manifest my perfect Latina soul-mate by being of service to others at the spring in Mount Shasta.  I just spent some time typing it up.  Yet another masterful Victor Razee vid.

3:58am  I am sleeping strange hours.  Just watched a new Amagansett Press vid in Holland, Michigan.  At 7:11 he mentions The Man in the Arena, by Theodore Roosevelt.  I looked it up and scored some great quotes I need to text my nephew with.  He'll probably say it applies to me instead, lol.

“The poorest way to face life is to face it with a sneer,”

“A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticize work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life's realities—all these are marks, not ... of superiority but of weakness.”

7:09am  I was reading through my old journal about my time in Amarillo in 2009.  I scored some great quotes that day from a religious book:

"Our walk counts far more than our talk."      

- George Mueller

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

- Jim Elliott.

"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily."

- John Maxwell

"If the way you live isn't consistent with what you believe, then it's wrong."

- Romans 14:23

"You can't light another's path without casting light on your own."

- John Maxwell

"Children must be valued as our most prized possessions."

- James Thompson

"He who has all that he wishes to have, and wishes to have nothing he ought not to have."

- St. Augustine

"A little lie is like a little pregnancy.  It doesn't take long before everyone knows."

- C.S. Lewis

"He who constantly and fervently seek the approval of others live with an identity-crisis.  They don't know who they are and  they are defined by what others think of them."

- Charles Stanley


Okay, I am going to make my daily thoughts offline so I can wait enough to where it won't compromise my security if I post.

Yesterday was such a blessed day.  I feel as if I have made a friend.  I manifested a like-mind to listen to and share stuff with, EXCHANGE knowledge!   My new friend has given me great links and it's yet ANOTHER chance occurrence.  I am so addicted to putting things to chance.  Behold what I made happen that day, read our entire text life!


12:00am  I really need to tell you about the magical evolution that has transpired recently.  See, due to my incessant joke telling on undernet IRC channels, I am banned from most every channel, even #incest and #fuck-your-mom.  Anyway, I explain everything in the followig conversation I magically manifested the other day.  I had gotten banned from #all-nite-cafe because I dared them to kick me, I think.  Since I had been welcome in the channel at first and people were appreciating my humor, the stupid ops got jealous and power hungry and banned me.  Since I thought I might have noteriety, I hopped on IRC on my Android, which has a different IP and hopped back in #all-nite-cafe on a different nick, JUST so I could see the user list so I can try and fish out a good conversation that will result in blog views.  

     The other day I had done this and the random nick who answered back when I asked "Is there anybody listening," was this nice friend I made.  It doesn't matter what channel she was in but her nick is Lovely Tina.  I'll be sure to include the conversation.  

     Well, anyway.  I tried fishing like that again and in the #anc channel list the nick TekWiz jumps out at me.  I tell myself, "Hey, I need some tech support regarding my new blog and if I can trust the stats or not.  So hopefully I would get a reply to my question so I msged him if he could give me any support and luckily he replied and I serendipitously connected with a like mind all the way from the other side of the country!  He's had a site for decades,  Also here is his old blog. 

5:58pm  Here's a GREAT example of the evil, demonic influence they are trying to "normalize" and get us sheep used to.  Papa Roach's Last Resort.  They are PROMOTING suicide!  THEY WANT US ALL DEAD!  It doesn't get more blatant than that.  In Fraud you trust!

Also, I saw this funny ass reel today about a Swedish magician psyching out a cop!


I am sooo hooked on this badass tough Latino guy who's reels keep popping up on my phone.  He plays the PERFECT thug.  I love every single one of his reels.  FOR REEL!  The Alladin one owns to the motherfuckin' bone!  FUCK ALL YOU GOLD DIGGERS!

I might have already posted this one, but this ballsy little 15 year old kid gives these stupid pigs a lesson!


Here's some funny dancing old people.  Shared in #gulag


Continuing to read Jay's collection of stories from Mysterious Ways.  I wanted to share this profound passage from the chapter titled REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY.


7:04am  Got a great new joke in #RubbleYellow from Gravtittie:   "A professor told his class "Fame will come to you only after you succeed"... a blonde student asked "Who is Seed?"   HAHAHA, I countered back with: " I couldn’t get my wife to spit or swallow, but last night with the help of a straw she was able to succumb."

8-20-23  9:00am  MY LIST IS GROWING!

Lenny Bruce, sam kinnison, Richard pryor, Robin Williams, Henry winkler, Rod Dangerfield, Steve Martin, Whoopi Goldberg, Jay leno, johnny carson, don rickles, THREE'S COMPANY, Rosanne Barr, tom Arnold, borat, WLIIA, ANDREW DICE CLAY, martin short, CARLIN, bill hicks, louie anderson, mitch hedberg, Redd Foxx, chris rock,   ATOMIC LAUGH BOMB INCOMING!  LET IT HIT YOU!



1:08pm  I am glad I've made some buddies in all my trolling on undernet and I can chat with them without being in ANY channel that's just going to distract me.  I've got a feast of links to go through.  Let me list them.  Oh, and I keep running into people who recognized me from all the spamming for peace I used to do decades ago.   Just yesterday I saw an ad in a channel about someone doing  a research paper for school on social media and logging all the chat.  In case they didn't get my blog, I was sure to message the individual.  Everything is falling in line.  This friend  I made liked Latin music, but not too thrilled about Mariachi.  He gave me lots of pretty music to listen to.  He also reminded me about Monty Python!  How can any atomic laugh bomb not include Monty Python?

Harry Partch

8-22-23  One of my undernet buddies shared this radio interview with me after I shared this great TED TALK with him.  Regarding parasites.  I listened to it all and it's hella interesting.  It talks about this dude who went to Africa just so he could walk through African feces,  to try to purposely get hookworms.  Crazy?  Well ever since then he no longer has allergies.  HUMANS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A LITTLE DIRTY!   TAKING SHOWERS EVERY DAY IS A WASTE OF WATER AND UNHEALTHY!

8-27-23  I have had a very productive time lately harvesting more laughs.  I have new sections.  WORLD PEACE THROUGH COMEDIANS AND WORLD PEACE THROUGH COMIC STRIPS.  I am still being a troll on Undernet.  Right now I just dd a search for "ejaculating cum emojis," and found this genius, funny article at, author unknown.  It's so funny CHECK IT OUT.







Louis C.K. - god  

Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
Mad Caddies - ...And We Thought Nation States Were A Bad Idea [Propagandhi cover]




This song was shared with me on Undernet this morning: Teapacks - Push The Button (Israel) Live 2007 Eurovision Song Contest.  After listening to 30 seconds of it I found my morning project. I karaokized it, removed vocals and added lyrics!  Even the one's not in English!   Hebrew, I think!  I found the lyrics at  The timing is probably off on the parts not in English, but the entire song is there.  Let me know what you think.  Here it is.  NO VOCALS WITH LYRICS.


Ween - That Man


     A lot has happened, I have been busy.  Recently I started my Ween YT harvest.  I want to gather AS MUCH of my favorite band that's available online and GIVE AWAY their whole discography on my blog!   I AM GOING TO WEEN THE FUCK OUT OF EVERYBODY!  :P

     Also, I sold a shirt to a buddy I made on Undernet who recognized me back when I used to troll #UFOs(fuck you awhisp, you biatch) a while back when I recently started trolling IRC with my blog, like last March, I think.  Well, I had been going there for a while to make fun of all the globetards.  

     Anyway, to practice what I preach I tried real hard to just give it to him, I just wanted an address.   This friend of mine is very skeptical of any good happening soon, rightfully so, so I wanted to give him a gift.  He wouldn't let me, insisted he wasn't a mooch.  

     I reminded him how accepting a gift handsomely and in the right spirit, even when you have none to give in return....IS TO GIVE ONE IN RETURN!  I am trying to start my very own gift economy.  Please accept and welcome my gifts.  They are not mine to keep.  They are mine only to share.

     He still insisted, he refused to get something for nothing.  I found I still had a PayPal account that I seldom use, so I am going to give it to him and he's going to pay me $25.  I told him to not worry about it until he got it and felt it was worth it, that if he didn't like it to just send it back.  I am fronting him the money back guarantee.  

     Anyway, I went to the UPS place nearby and sent it.  It cost $13 to ship.  No big whoop(I just want him wearing my blog address). 

     I want to put all of my friends to work for me(and you).


Oh yes, earlier I stumbled onto this Youtuber's channel.  I have only listened to one of his videos but it's FULL OF GREAT PUNS.   The Film Theory: Film Theorists.

<grey> Listening to bauhaus "the sky's gone out" (1982) and smoking Jack Herer.

8:58am    Also, the topic got on abortion in the chat I was in and I jumped in with jokes. Someone shared this band with me called DYING FETUS.  I tried listening to a song, but you can't make out the demonic sounding lyrics at all.  I'm going to karoakize a song and learn what they say.  I hope it's nothing scary.

                I won't waste my time.  This is a very negative band with a very toxic message.  Their first album is called "Purification Through Violence" (1996).  Their last album is called Make Them Beg For Death(2023).  Read the lyrics if you want, but I don't recommend it.  

                 If you do read them, try to replace all the negative stuff with positive and realize the dangerous societal depravity that we are being programmed with.

 11:02am  Oh yeah!  I finished Pure Guava!  I think I'll go through each song and pick out little excerpts to entice people to listen to them.


8:52am  Bruce Lee vs O'hara - Enter the Dragon

Don McLean - American Pie (Lyrics)

9:47am   My beautiful wife just sent me this funny!  

 7:07pm  Just finished up my WEEN collection!  Just the released Albums.  Expect more soon!  I will redo my entire peace through music section soon!


Sublime - Date Rape


LOL!  I finally got banned from #gulag on Undernet!  Oh no!  Like I can't just go pester other people with my light!  Another one bites the dust!  NEXT!  HA!  

     I lasted so long in that channel telling jokes and being me(spamming for peace), for over a month.  I really felt welcome there and I hope I actually reached some people.  Before long one of the idiots who pretended not to like me, Cleland msged me.  I'll add it eventually.  Expect a whole #gulag section soon.  VERBATIM.  ALL MY LOGS.  NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.  I AM GOING TO BACK MY SHIT UP.

"Seems like spam could be used to actually get a message out in a very quick and widespread way about injustice, working for peace, and other political issues. Why hasn't this happened yet? Spamming is so easy and inexpensive - seems like a perfect tool for subversion."

- Author unknown


     Okay, I've been back a couple of weeks and I have much to report.  After much frustration at not having my pictures in my journal, I got my traveling gear together(about sixty pounds total). 

     I decided to take ALL of my WPTMJ teeshirts for sale or to barter with and set off for Texas, to my mother's house, where in her garage was my old mission box with all my backups from my old site, 


     I wanted to get there and back like I used to, like I was ensuring I still could.  With generosity and love.  I left my ATM card and SSI money with my wife.  I even took my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign with me, which fit perfectly in my bug-out bag.  I also was sure to take TONS of little blog papers to hand out. 
     I left on the 16th of September.  My girl gave me a ride to the rest area serving I5.  It got dark and I couldn't secure a ride so I camped nearby.  The next morning I power-walked four miles straight to the next exit and was able to thumb a ride quick and that's where the adventure really began.  
     In a mere ten days I made it to Indio/Coachella and at the TA truckstop, in no-time, scored a ride ALL THE WAY TO MY MOTHER'S FRONT DOOR in San Antonio, Texas!  From a fellow Puertorican truck driver JUST LIKE IN 2003!  See for yourself!  12-18-03

     To top it off he told me that when he was headed west again that he would take me back to California!  Thank you, Edgar!  What a perfect business trip so far, I thought! 

     My mom was elated to see me and welcomed me into her clean house, my older sister had just visited so the house was in order.  I unloaded and asked to see my mission box in the garage.  I opened the door, got a visual and closed the door.  Stupid-me, locked it when it closed and my mom couldn't find the key!  I was sooo close.   

     Edgar had volunteered me $20 when he dropped me off and with $40 from my mom I found a locksmith to come out and unlock the garage for me, for sixty bucks.  I took the box inside and started to look through it.  Soooo many memories, so many pictures, so many cd's.  I was hoping to find old hard drives, but it was mostly cds.  A lot were old and unreadable.  It had been so long, after all.  
     My mom didn't have a working computer though.  Lo and behold, she had all these Walmart points saved up and she bought a $200 laptop and an external cd drive at Walmart!  With an unused extra flat screen monitor from the junk room, I had the most perfect workstation in the dining room.  I even got the internet to work on it!  

     I spent days reading and copying files.  I had brought a big 27gb USB drive.   After reading all of the disks, and harvesting hundreds of JPG files, I came to find I was missing ALL of my pics from 2008!  That was a HUGE year for me.  That was when I actually spraypainted the fence and went on my East Coast trip!  What a HUGE loss.  :[

     BUT, I did get ALL of the pictures from my Central States trip!  9-18-07

     Around the same time I realized I had lost a whole year of pictures I got a text from Edgar saying that his load back west was going through I80, not I10.  So big bummer.  I can't win them all.

     So anyway, my girl flipped out being all alone.  She went a little bonkers with separation-anxiety.  Her insecurities made her doubt me, even after all I have done for her, she still thinks I'm looking to cheat on her.  With the news that I wasn't getting a ride back to California soon, Tita took it upon herself, with my ATM card, to order me a bus ticket all the way back home to her.
     I was a bit dismayed, I had been looking forward to the return trip, hitching it and spreading my blog.  Since she was freaking out with me being gone, and since my return trip wasn't assured to be as speedy, I agreed.  

     My mom gave me a ride to the Walmart and I caught the bus downtown and hopped on the Greyhound.  I will elaborate more later, but I have been busy nonstop since I got back.

     Want more details?  HERE YOU GO.  Enjoy the show.  


     I have been one proofreading and tabbing-through, link-checking mofo lately.  I polished up my one blog post pretty well.  I have added as many pictures as I can.  I am really bummed out about losing so many pictures.  I thought I would have more in my old mission box.  Anyway, just because I still get paranoid about my blog being shut down and I lose all my work, I downloaded it last night with Cyotek Webcopy.  Download my site, please.  Here it is without the 4gb of pictures. DOWNLOAD  Be sure to put it in your root(c:/) so all of the links work, and click on index.html. Permanence-assurance.



Reading through the book of Aquarius and finding good quotes.  


I don't think I have ever mentioned, but my life partner, Tita, after being suggested she visit an ashram, attended and became really involved at Sivananda Yoga Farm in Grass Valley.  Let me get her to get more details,  



"I like long walks especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."

Why did god invent men? 

Because vibrators can't mow the lawn



I tried a job delivering pizza once, but found it was nothing like they show it in porn movies.

Hello darkness, my old are you doing here at 4:00pm ?


              Kids Are Quick

6:21am  Last night my Tita was reading to me from this little booklet 

she has from her time at the Yoga Farm in Grass Valley.  It has some great stuff.  SATSANGA AND SVADHYAYA  The Glory, the Importance and the Life-transforming Power of Holy Company and Spiritual Books.  Swami Sivananda.  

     It begins with this quote:  

     "By keeping the company of great Mahatmas, one becomes dispassionate. He gets Vairagya. He does not like the company of worldly men. Then he develops the state of Nirmohatva. He becomes free from infatuation or delusion. Then his mind becomes steady and one-pointed and rests on the Svarupa or Essence. Then he attains liberation or freedom."

 From the “Bhaja Govinda Stotram” of Sri Adi Sankaracharya

Let me see if I can get some definitions for Vairagya, Nirmohatya and Syarupa.



"Learn wisdom from the saints. They are your saviours. Follow their advice. They will help you, guide you and lead you to your destined goal. 

Turn homeward. Enough of your wanderings in the desert of Samsara. There are a few oases in this desert and they are the saints. Drink deep from them and march to the source, your original home. 

Satsanga is thy lifeboat. Discrimination is thy compass. Dispassion is thy anchor. O Captain of the soul! Steer thy ship fearlessly in this ocean of Samsara and cross to the other shore of immortal life. 

From miscellaneous writings of Swami Sivananda"


"Because the company of the wise leads to the realisation of Brahman (with attributes or without attributes), it is also termed as Satsanga. In this sense, Satsanga means the company of the Satpurushas. Satpurushas are those who have realised truth as well as those who are aspirants after truth. Those people who have renounced egoism, greed, lust, etc., are Satpurushas. Those people who have attained equal vision, balanced mind, unflinching devotion to the Lord, are Satpurushas. Those people who are endowed with peace, bliss, contentment, simplicity, fearlessness, humility, powerful voice, a face beaming with the glow of saintliness, etc., are Satpurushas."



Here's some jokes I snagged from the joke forum this morning.


Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.

I may be schizophrenic,
but at least I have each other.

Dyslexics Have More Nuf.

Don't sweat the petty things.
Don't pet the sweaty things.


9:00am  Download(95mb)my blog without pictures to read offline!  Be sure to put it in c:/ so all the links work!  Double click on INDEX.HTML.

11:16am  I was watching the Panic episode of What on Earth Happened and I looked up this magazine mentioned and found it on  THE LIES OF OUR TIME.  Click on the arrow pointing down to read the magazine.

12:57pm  I can't believe I didn't have this joke on my blog already.  Just found it on my phone:  "A sadist, a masochist, a murderer, a necrophile, a zoophile and a pyromaniac are all sitting on a bench in a mental institution.

"Let's have sex with a cat?" asked the zoophile. "Let's have sex with the cat and then torture it," says the sadist. "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it and then kill it," shouted the murderer. "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it and then have sex with it again," said the necrophile. "Let's have sex with the cat, torture it, kill it, have sex with it again and then burn it," said the pyromaniac. There was silence, and then the masochist said: Meow."


10:07am  The weirdest thing.  Tita unearthed an old business card that she had for Granny Storm Crow's List.  It's from 2014, but I found it on  "Coincidentally, the random time-capture I clicked on resulted in this text that totally pertains to me!

1:19pm  Earlier Tita was reading to me out of another booklet she had from the ashram titled Pearls of Wisdom by Swami Sivananda. 

She told me to open it to a random page and I did.  I thought to type it up too.  I landed on the section titled, "Basis of Peace."  I couldn't find the PDF online, but here's another Pearls of Wisdom book by a different Swami.  GREAT SECTION - NO PAIN, NO GAIN:

"No Pain, No Gain 
     You should understand that no pain will come to you unless you do something to deserve it. If we deserve something, whether good or bad, it will come to us. If we don’t deserve it, nobody can hurt us. No pain can come to us. Deserving means we have done something wrong and through that pain we have to purge it out. Pain is a sort of purgation. Even if the whole world comes forward to give you pain, it cannot if you do not deserve it. But, unfortunately, we don’t accept it that way. We simply say, “Oh, I am all innocent. This guy just came and hurt me.” 
     It’s wrong thinking. Pain has no interest in coming to you unless you have invited it. Understand the purpose of the suffering, and accept it."

     I wonder what Victor Razee would say about that, :P.  Victor Razze - No Pain, More Gain! {Gaining results without hard work}



"The more you know, the more you grow in humility."  - Swami Sivananda

11-22-23  8:00am DOWNLOAD(129mb) my blog with NO PICTURES for offline reading.  Be sure to install in C:/ so all of the links work.  Open blog with INDEX.HTML! 

11-23-23  Happy Day.  Celebrate every day!

I  think my best friend is having an affair with my wife.

He's been miserable lately.

5:53pm  JOKE:  Wife's Diary / Husband's Diary... < Barack--Obama > 2023-11-21 15:17

Wife's Diary:

Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made
plans to meet at a nice restaurant for dinner. I was
shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was
upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no
comment on it. Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested
that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but
he didn't say much.

I asked him what was wrong; He said, "Nothing." I asked him
if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't
upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry
about it. On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He
smiled slightly, and kept driving.

I can't explain his behavior I don't know why he didn't say,
"I love you, too." When we got home, I felt as if I had lost
him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me
anymore. He just sat there quietly and watched TV. He
continued to seem distant and absent. Finally, with silence
all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes
later, he came to bed. But I still felt that he was
distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell
asleep -- I cried. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure
that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a

Husband's Diary:

Damn boat wouldn't start, can't figure it out.

Last night < SlappyYou > 2023-11-24 07:33

My wife asked me, “Why don’t you treat me like you did when we were first dating?”

So I took her to dinner and a movie then dropped her off at her parents’ house.


11:00am  Yesterday Tita and I prepared and embarked on a trip to Grass Valley, to the Yoga Farm Ashram where she lived for four months before being transferred to teach Yoga at the center in San Francisco!  Pop-ins are rude, but they wouldn't answer any calls and Tita was itching to get out of the house.  Grass Valley is two hours away.  The whole time we had planned to get a motel room and visit the Ashram in the morning.  Stupid-me, because I lost my ID again months ago I wasn't able to use my credit card anywhere.   I just drove us back home.




"Weird Al" Yankovic - Trapped In The Drive-Thru (Official 4K Video)

12:38pm  Tita and I were digging through the garage and stumbled onto this book. 


WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON by Bill Kaysing.  I got the pdf from the book channel.  It's going in my recommended reading section, fo-sho.

Where did a stripper go to get dressed? 

To an undisclothed location.

6:35pm  The Landlord [UNCENSORED]


Ash - Only In Dreams (Weezer cover)Great buildup starting at 4:30, crescendo at 6:37!  Reminiscent of The Door's Light My Fire.


6:21pm  I went to sleep around six thirty last night and woke up at four.  I have been one Weird Al video harvesting fool ALL DAY LONG.  In one day I put together Weird Al's ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY!  This is going to serve as such a HUGE boulder for my sling!  Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!   Prepare to laugh your asses off!   THE COMPLETE WEIRD AL!

10:31am  Garfunkel & Oates with Weird Al Yankovic "F**k You"  ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮

6:20am  Because I'm White (Afroman Parody) ~ Rucka Rucka Ali


6:12am  My enormous Weird Al harvest is prompting me to post a current upload of my blog, without the 5gb of pictures.  I just removed the IMG folder, so none of the images will work, but ALL of the text is there.  Just in case.  :]  Back me up!  Please download me for safe keeping!  Remember, be sure it's in c:/ so all of the links work.  

HAHA!  This song is badASS!  THE LOOPHOLE!


1:58pm  Me and Tita had another argument.  She wouldn't give me peace.  My blog has been evolving so much lately.  I got fed up and stormed out to go for a long walk.  I walked down Orangeburg, over getting close to where my old pool job boss Dean lives.  I got the idea, fuck, I am out here walking in full uniform with my shirt all loud with my stick and wristweights.  

     I am passing all of these mailboxes while I walk and I got the idea to drop little blog papers in them, teehee.  Right after I passed by this girl who gave me a dirty look, probably assuming I am homeless, I got this idea.  I stopped at the next mailbox and opened it a little and slipped a little blog paper in it.  At the next one I pinched one in the handle.  I looked back and was glad to see the girl staring at me.  

     As far as I know it's not illegal to open a mailbox door.  Just as long as you don't steal any mail.  I should Google if it's illegal to open a mailbox door.  Anyway, I wanted to make an impression.  Before I know it, like five minutes later a cop pulls up while I am walking.  I smile real big and say, "Hello, officer."  It was some Mexican dude.  He asks me, "What's your name again?"  I said Victor.  He then says, "We had someone call us to say you were looking in mailboxes."  I smiled and told him, "Nope."  He said, "Okay, then," and drove off!  


     LOLOL!  I knew that would happen!  I planned that shit all out!  I should walk back up to that girl's house and throw a rock through her window with a note tied around it that says, "SNITCHES GET STITCHES!"  LOLOLOL!


     He asked me what was my name AGAIN!  He's probably seen me flying my hook a brother up sign, ha!  Reknown!  Talk of the town!

     Remember in San Antonio(9-28-23) I had the idea to tape my little blog papers at bus stops and stuff?  Well, I am going to follow through on that idea.  I walked to the little Walmart on Coffee Road.  I left my ATM card with Tita, she has to go to the bank, but she gave me three bucks in cash, in case I had any "antojitos."  I walked inside and found the tape quick.  With the random coins in my pocket I had exactly the amount I needed, to the cent.

     I walked out to the Chicken Bowl place in front of the Walmart.  There was an abandoned Walmart cart there.  That was my first "tagging."  I took a picture.  Then i put them in random places as I walked all the way home.  I walked Coffee to Brighton to Rose to Wylie to Oakdale to Scenic and back home.  I took pictures of most of them.  

     What could possibly be illegal about REMOVABLE graffiti?    

"Storytelling carries the power from one generation to the next; verbal input and visualization are processed by our spiritual brain. When you read something, it’s processed by the logical brain that filters out the magic. When you want to cut the body open and remove the disease, a book will show you how to do that. But if you want to remove the disease the natural way, you must listen to the story."

- Fawn Journeyhawk



     10:53am  I googled it last night and discovered that it is illegal to simply open up random mailboxes.   It kind of makes sense, now that I think about it.  If it were legal to open stranger's mailboxes, people would be advertising stuff all the time, especially Christians.  I won't ever do it again, officer!  Please forgive me.


5-:28am  Woke up with Viva La Vida in my head.   Took on the morning project of removing vocals and adding lyrics.   WHAT A GREAT SONG, enjoy!  COLDPLAY - VIVA LA VIDA

10:27am   Tita read to me from this

Yoga book she has.   I couldn't find the PDF to copy from, so I typed up a good part of it while she dictated.  Great stuff.  I hope you get something from it, HERE.



"No one knows enough to be a pessimist.  About anything.   - Wayne Dyer



5:22pm  John Trudell in Thunderheart (1992) - Freedom, Earth and Power speech  Watch the whole movie.


10:32am   Tita orated most of it, but I just got done typing up a good section about diet and vegetarianism.  I still eat meat once in a while, but some day soon I won't!  A PEACEFUL DIET


 8:20aam  The rabbit hole I went through this morning brought me to this excellent video.  HAIL CANADA!  UNGRIP(2011) .  I only watched it because it's 1:11:11 long. :P


9:49am  Download my blog without images(108mb).  For safe keeping.  :]  Remember, install in c:/ so all the links work.  Double click on INDEX.HTML to start.  

3:01pm Nomic suggested the movie Violent Saturday(1955).  Gonna watch it tonight with the wife.  Then I remembered being a stagehand for Mel Brook's The Producer, back when I lived in Weed.  I hooked up with the theatre director for the college at the bar in Weed.  She asked me if I wanted to be a stagehand and I said sure!  I even got a small role in the play.  I got to ride my scooter on stage with a big swastika.  Anyway, after a little digging I found the original movie for free!  It's such a great flick.  I should make a whole Mel Brooks page on my blog.  Duh, I already had months ago and forgot about it.   HERE IT IS,  ALL MEL BROOKS MOVIES FREE(Except Robin Hood).  Here's the The Producers.  Enjoy.


 7:22pm  I was doing my usual joke-telling in #gulag and was getting tired of having to search through the individual categories for a certain joke, so I just copied them all into one easily-searchable file.  Download it if you want.  I kinda did the same thing with my Failure Franklin story.  Condensed.

7:42pm  Oh yes!  Today I was bored and found Zach Star!  HE'S SO FUNNY!  RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!


3:27am  I just stumbled onto this vid on Odysee and I am only 15 minutes into this guy's vid and it's some good sheet, mang..

Let me transcribe a 'lil :]

  "What's going on, guys?  Illuminastic., late night.  I usually can't sleep until like two-am anyway.  I thought I would pop on   I've been pounding ayahuasca.  I've got ayahuasca blood all over my hands.
     But,at any rate , I thought I would pop on and see what kind of late night audience I'd get.  I am trying to do everything I can to grow the channel a little bit.  
     I was thinking earlier today about this article that I saw, I think it was The New Yorker or some stupid publication like that.  There's sort of this cliché challenge to people that propose that there should be a revolution.  What are you going to do the morning after the revolution?  
     Realistically, most people don't have much of an answer for that.  And if they do have an answer it's usually some pre-fab, cookie-cutter, ism-schism, like capitalism or Marxism, or socialism, or Communism, or Satanism, or whatever, you know?  
     None of those things are really answers.  And then it occurred to me that the reality is that there actually is only like one set of answers.  There is only one possible course of action, and this is actually true.  It's pretty mind-blowing.  Because, you know, one of the weapons that has been sort of used, part of the social engineering, narrative, I guess, or protocol has been to sort of confuse about what opinions are, and what truth is.  
     It could be just that people have accidentally created this circumstance where people have lost a sense of what is truth and what is opinion.  Some of these things that are exploited by our overlords are not actually engineered by them.  They're just sort of lucky happenstance circumstances that they've turned to their advantage.  
     So, it doesn't really matter, it's neither here nor there, but that is a big problem, really, for people, truth seekers, those of us who want to live in a sane, rational world.  It creates quite an issue, that people can't distinguish between opinion and truth.  
     In the case of the potential course of a revolution, there really is one possible course.  The fact is that if you do not change the consciousness of the people that are not only ruling, but being ruled, ALL of the people, doesn't matter what ism-schism game you put in play, it's always going to go bad.  It's always going to go bad.  I just saw a meme on Facebook right before I popped on that had villains from cartoons whose schemes always failed.  It had that mouse that would chase Tom, the cat would always fail.   

***Okay, that's enough for now.  Gonna keep listening. 


TheCrowHouse: The Matrix is Collapsing


     I am listening to another good Illumignostiic Odysee vid from November 28.  This guy seems so spot-on.  Do I trust him fully?  No!  Everything with a grain of salt  The dark-side's MO has always been to indirectly, whisperingly, tell us exactly what they are doing.  Remember the false-prophet quotes.  Hiding in plain sight.  Either way, this guy provokes thought HARDCORE.  

     Last March I tested some truthers, who have totally ignored me.  Please email me, Illumignostic dude.  I pray to LOVE you are legit and here to help, because you spit some raw flow.  I still can't help but get that too-good-to-be-true feeling hearing you say what I think(for the most part).

7:49pm  Going to watch The Spirit Molecule with my girl tonight.

My girl read to me from Until Today! by Iyanla Vanzant and I transcribed a short section.

The Authentic Self 

10:45pm  My girl also read to me from How to Get SOUND SLEEP, by Swami Sivananda.  Found it on  

Page 29 



     I am so delighted to hear my thoughts and beliefs(and so many others') coming out of this righteous gringo's mouth.  ¡El esta con nosotros!  I just got done typing up the first ten minute of the vid I started yesterday.  Enjoy!  

The Truth About Everything: Is a Meaningful (R)evolution Possible?


2:51am  My wife frustrates me so much sometimes.  I DON'T NEED SO MUCH NARRATION!  I AM BUSY!  I NEED PEACE!  

Anyway, she was reading to me from one of the Telos books we got when we lived in Mount Shaster. 

TELOS, Vol. 2  Messages For The Enlightenment Of A Humanity In Transformation 

CHAPTER 5 - The Effects of Usage of Recreational Drugs on Spiritual Development

5:22am  Daniel Dennett - Arguments for Atheism?

5:23am  I just ran into someone on Undernet who I remembered from 2004!  See, yesterday after getting bored of the nonsense-talk in #gulag I did a /list and just popped into random channels, saying, "have a laugh," and posting my blog.  In #mIRCBeginners eViLc|0Wn says, "Why don't you tell us some jokes instead?"  BIG SMILE!  They liked me in the channel and I was invited to #vietnamese(Nobody in the channel is in or from Vietnam) and there I find out eViLc|0Wn lived in my county!  What a small world.  

     Then guess what happened!  In #vietnamese I stumbled onto someone with a very familiar nick, Dougwiser.  He noticed my ad and said, "Damn, Victor. It's been years."  I searched my recently-retrieved backups and found a conversation we had in 2004!  Anyway, I'll just include the actual channel text. 






9:49am  Last night my Tita found this old 2003 Inner Reflections Engagement Calendar, by the Self-Realization Fellowship. 

     It contains some great quotes, BUT it still supports the concept of "God." They still support the personification of LOVE and even say He. Which goes to show how Yoga has been compromised too.  

     SO!  When I make the page for it I will replace "God" with LOVE and He with IT.  I went through and took pictures of each page that has a quote on it.  

     Remember, take only the wisdom in these words.  You decide what feels true or not.  Grain of salt!  Anything is possible!  We don't know nuthin'!

4:55pm  Took me most of the day, but I just finished the page. 54 quotes!  I hope you get something out of it.  INNER REFLECTIONS.  

5:08pm  Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  After much evolution that I don't want to ever lose, I backed up my blog again last night with Cyotek Webcopy.  Anyone else can download it too.  I am not adding anything malicious.  You are taking the same exact risk in downloading my blog as you take when you look at it in a browser.  They are the same exact files.  Here is my blog again without pictures(110mb).  Be sure to install it in c:/ so all the links work.  Please DOWNLOAD me for safe keeping.


5:11am  With how nice my blog has evolved recently I had the idea to email Ween, my favorite band.  I went to but couldn't find an email.  Since I don't have FB I crossed my fingers and wrote out an email to, but that address didn't work.  Here is the mail:

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