


5:46am   ME: Carol, I found this number on the web.  Is this still you?  

                It is I, Victor Antonio from you know where. :)

7:49am  CAROL:  No fuckin way!!  Yeah it's me.  Happy New Years!!!

                               San Antonio!!

8:04am  ME: Behold


                      Try and see it on a computer

8:29am  CAROL: Okay later todayi will.  I'm just on my phone so..

                              What else have you been up to?  Are you in Texas?

8:51am  ME:  I'm live in Methdesto.

10:02am  CAROL: pourquoi?

                                So random.

                                Got any context?  How did you land there?


11:40am  ME: Let's see, 2018, after living two years in Weed, I was volunteering at the headwaters in Mount Shasta, living in a emptied-out Greyhound in the woods at the base of Black Butte, and I met my future wife, had some tweaker drama and had to leave my bus after six years. My soon-to-be wife was just stopping at the spring to get water, before driving home to Modester. She met me and it was love at first joke. She ended up staying nine days with me at my bus and we fell in love. That's how I ended up in Modesto.

1:03pm  ME:

               Do you remember when I shot myself in the face with that flaregun?  (NOVEMBER 24, 2006)

               Here is a blast from the past!

5:58pm CAROL: She must be from there or has a place there, yeah? 

7:20pm ME: Yes, I came down to help her with her elderly dad

                      Until he died

                      Her evil lawyer brothers tried to leave her with nothing, but she got the house at least

                      Which we are going to sell and get the fuck out of this hell hole

7:22pm  CAROL: So what do yall do there?  

                              Where are you thinking of moving to? 

7:25pm  ME: I've been getting a crazy check since 2010. Free rent and my "lottery winnings" cover the bills, so we are free.

               My girl graduated uc Berkeley, but derailed her whole life to care for her dad since the rest of the family was torturing him

               We strongly considered San Antonio, but I just hitched there last September. My family sucks!

               Here, lemme show you my recent trip. Are you at computer ?

               Should still work on the phone

               Took me ten days to get to i10, but at the TA in Coachella/Indio I scored a ride from a trucker all the way to my mom's house!

               I was just going back to get all of my pictures from my old site.  

               So are you still in Orleans? How's Kent?

               Do you remember that time I almost drowned?  (MAY 28, 2009)

7:35pm  CAROL:            Yes, ha! 

                                         In the river

7:35pm  ME: Yup

7:36pm  CAROL: ðŸ˜Š

                               Glad to hear your happy. 

                               Kent is living in Happy Camp and has girl, kids works for construction company. 
I bought 6 acres on the river, me and my partner. Its pretty epic here. I worked for the Salmon River Restoration Counsel doing Fisheries for a bunch of a years. I loved it so much. Best job in the universe! I absolutely would have done it for free. 

                              I feel the exact same way about what I am doing now for the tribe, its super challenging but I love that and I'm obsessed with it. I'm also a fire fighter, EMT, (we have schedules)  I finished my degree in social work online before my surgery. Then I went into the fire academy, mostly to challenge my self physically post surgery and I fell in love with doing it so then, EMT class, and now Paramedic. I'm an FF2. I drive the big red truck. I also do, the vehicle over the back, auto extraction, structure fires, CPR, gunshots, etc. 911 first responder. 

                              I love it.  

                             Haven't done the helicopter but I've loaded it a bunch. 
I get to drive a lot at my tribe job, which is epic because its always along the Klamath River and they pay me to do it. 

                              I'm living my best life here because I manifested it that way.  

                              I'm in great shape physically and mentally too. 

                              At first it felt like work but now its just normal routine and so rewarding that I'm greatful for it. 


9:31am  ME: You have no idea how glad I am to reconnect with you. :)

9:33am  CAROL: Yay!

9:38am  ME: I've had a busy morning.  

9:40am  I've already formatted our texts from yesterday. You know how I like to keep things real

If you have any qualms I will redact any way you wish. :)

9:49am  It's very tempting, but out of respect for our respective partners, we should not talk on the phone. Maybe eventually when everything is out on the table. :)

9:56am  Even have links to the flaregun incident and the almost drowning 

9:57am  I named the page carrol on purpose :P

1:36pm  I apologize if I am an uncomfortable flashback to a time forgotten.

1:37pm  And will understand if you choose to ignore. :)

Thanks for helping me fuck the system, Carol. I will always love you!


I hope that makes you smile 😊






9:13pm  I really hope you are a Bob Dylan fan..

9:14pm  Today is his birthday


2:13pm  TITA on my phone:

Hi Carol, 

        I'm feeling bored today so to amuse myself I re-read your looong text about your current life.  

        Reflecting on how little you've changed from who you used to be when you lived and travelled with Victor at the turn of the century, 2 decades ago. He used to describe you to me as a fat and happy "dready hippie momma," but from all his detailed blogs I could see his perception of you was very very wrong. 
         He romanticized you as a hippy, but you were actually a hardcore criminal who committed fraud. You didn't really "fuck the system," you were a user of the system for your individual, selfish needs. You never practiced what you preached. You were a "hippiecrite."

        It's a deep shame you got Victor to do some of your dirty work, but luckily he is of a pure heart, so none of your alcoholism, petty and harder crimes(involving fraud, as in writing bad checks, etc), or even all the shoplifting you did to get money ever rubbed off on him in any permanent, significant way. It's great to know that in the 2 years you were together all of your horrible, criminal mindset and behavior did not truly affect or influence his better, honest, good values.

        And, based on your recent text, it's interesting and obvious to me you and Victor never had much in common. You're all about the money. It's all you seem to care about. 

        A genuine hippy, who is aligned with Victors values, would be all about social change. Instead, you are all about how wonderful your life is because of how much money you make doing what you love. Victor needed and enjoyed a companion back then when he was homeless, but today you have less in common than before. I doubt you would even be friendly friends.   

        That's just life! It's cool Victor wrote down so many details of your shared life so I could make this assessment. 😊

        And, as he would say, thank you for making his story so interesting! 😊😊😊

Victors Wife 

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