

From :

To :

Date :
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 00:28:43 +0000

    Hello Victor, This is your father Franklin Gruber. Thank you for letting me in on your idea of promoting the use of buses verses cars. I agree entirely. I had my share of car accidents in my teen years. Last year I owned an old chevrolet with an exhaust escape under the back seat. The pollution caused mi to have a mini stroke. I simply abandoned the car. Left it to be sold for spare parts with a friend. It was the first car I have owned in about 10 years. I have been walking and taking buses and I am a lot better off. 21 years ago I resigned my job as the panama computerland's marketing manager as result of a deep unespected depression, caused by 14 people breathing the same enclosed airconditioned air. A precipitating factor was the emotional trauma of sending your mother 200 dollars through the bank system which she never received. In phone calls collect in several days she accumulated more than 100 dollars in long distance calls on my aunt lil'y phone where I resided accusing me that I did not send the money. Upset I blew up on the bank's manager who had sent the cable. He consulted the general manager and simply closed my account, the 200 dollars as far as I know where never recuperated. Ada did not believe me. She had received for several month's consecutively the 200 dollars, although the cables where a few days delayed. I went to the Doctor and discovered that I was a siccle cell animia carrier. The effect is about 5% less oxigen. Given the car fumes in Panama city, my despression was being caused by a combination of factors. I took my first vacation in the mountatins of el Valle, there in 30 days recuperated my health. I decided to stay away from the city. In doing so there was no possibility of making more than 200 dollars a month in rural communities of Panama. I realized it would be tough for you and sisters, but if I continued in the city I probably would not last long. I am highly allergic to any form of artificial quemicals including clorine in water, pesticides etc. Currently I have a tumor in my intestines and Colon which I have held under control for 10 years.It flares up and causes severe constipation. Your grandfather Victor died of colon Cancer spreading all over his body. 3 of 4 of his sisters died of cancer. So it makes perfect sense for you to avoid cars, their exhuast fumes, search out clean water, etc. I have been out of the mountains for about 5 years although I have lived in mountain communities recently. One thing is living in the jungles learning the heal with herbs the other is to make medicine and get out and hussel to sell it. You have a 9 month old brother, he is very strong physically and intelligent. He said his first word when he was only 19 days old. His mother held him in her arms and said ha, ha, ha. Instantly he replied "ha." Of course he did not know what"ha" meant. He said "mama" at age 3 months and "papa" at 4 months. I am now in process of teaching him the voul sounds. The internet service where I am at is about to close. Will get back to you in a few days. You are absolutely right about the uzone layer dipletting. Unfortunately for manking I stand to gain from the up coming skin cancer epidemic with herbal cures. Whatever resentment you may have for me get it off your chest. Being Frank is part of our family character. Just be prepared for my own points of view as well, sometimes they may not come over very well. I am proud of you for the way you face life bravely, and I´m certain you will do it your way! The Gruber's do have a stubborn streak. We hang on to our point of view until proven wrong. Take care Son, thank's for writing. Please forgive any gramatical errors, I have had to rush, I might miss my bus, and its nighttime, Franklin.

This is an email my "dad" addressed to my sister, but also forwarded to me as well.

>Subject: Re: Apology/Disclaimer for my brother's e-mail....
>Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 03:06:59 +0000
>Hi Lauri, good to hear from you again! Thanks for your advice in
>relating to Victor. I do not feel the relationship is off to a bad
>start, simply life has taught me to be cautious. One never knows
>what pent up resentment or hate can impulse one to do. Life is full
>of surprises. As one grows older one learns that everyone is
>variable. We think we know each other but the vast mayority do not
>even know themselves, what one is capable of in a given situation.
>With less love in the World, its easier for people including
>relatives to fall into temtations. For example here in Panama after
>cutting links with my father s side of the family, it turns out I do
>not trust a single person on my mother´s side. I used to trust
>almost all of them. With time each one of them fell in the
>temptation of trying to gain control of some object or property in
>herited from my mother. My aunt Rosa which lives next to my
>mother´s house(ruins) never reported to me that my mother asked her
>to safe keep the medals she has won throughout life- One of them is
>the medalla de Jose Manuel Hurtado, the highest recognition an
>educator receives in Panama, the other the highest award a citizen
>receives from the government, the presidential award Belisario
>Porras. These medals are your inheritence from your grandmother.
>Someday you should ask my family for them. I have not made an issue
>of this yet as to not offend the little old lady but when she dies,
>which will not be long, her daughter Minina should hand over these
>awards to me or you, Diana or Victor. When my mother died I took
>one whole year to rescue her valuable personal papers with the
>objective of writing a book of her life and achievements. One of
>the industries she impulsed was the ceramic industry. As a teacher
>making only 49 dollars a month she introduced the potters wheel to
>the community of La Arena de Chitre. She taught 6 students and
>these taught others, today they export more than a million dollars a
>year in beautiful glazed ceramics.
>Diana Chiari was love in action always teaching other people quickly
>how to make a living with things at hand from nature. She taught
>arts and crafts until 82 years old in schools and universities of
>Getting back to Victor. I think we will get along fine. He is very
>intelligent and daring. I will be talking with him about improving
>cars not so much taking them off the road. He could study to become
>and engineer to make cars that run on fuels that do not pollute the
>atmosphere such as hydrogen. He did mention that I abandoned my
>responsability when he was three. When I obtained a job making
>twelve hundred dollars a month as the Computerland Marketing
>Manager, the first company employee who actually organized the
>store, I made two trips to San Antonio to try to reconciliate with
>your mother and her follow me back to Panama. She refused, later I
>had health problems and could not live in the city environment due
>to the contamination. Here cars used gasoline with lead. In rural
>communities of Panama it was practically impossible to obtain a job
>making more than 300 dollars a month. I trusted in God and your
>mother that you three would be well, I was not in condition health
>wise to go into the fast lane of life again. Communications with you
>all was then a problem. Your mother´s letters where returned
>because I was in the mountains and as such I did not have yournew
>address until a lady friend of your mothers which came from San
>Antonio brought it to my mother´s house and coincidentially I had
>just arrived from the mountains. It was about then that I received
>Diana{s graduation notification which she simply initialed as an
>insult to me with the added words " I did it without you." I did
>have something to do with your successes. I could have left you in
>Puerto Rico. I made the effort totake you three out of Puerto Rico
>to more fruitful and promising land. That it was{t easy I know
>that, but you made it because you made the effort being in an
>appropriate place. One should not always blame one{s parents but
>also count one´blessings.
>With you I have no negative feelings whatsoever. From the beginning
>you opened up your heart and spoke heart to heart with me. That is
>my style. With Victor the resentment is in " shit, or fuck," or
>blasphamy regarding the bible. I do not remember Ada being that
>way. Maybe he would have been better off growing up in Puerto Rico
>or Panama. We all are basically what we make life to be regardless
>of circumstances. There are those who are raised in the ghetto and
>overcome it and are very successful in life and there are those who
>blame their circumstances and succumb to the pressures of the World.
> Victor does have a lot of potential. I believe I can help him in
>some ways but he will have to come down from his clouds and self
>centeredness. So he did survive some aweful accidents that has
>affected his mind and possibly soul as well. In Panama I have
>survived over 3o attemps at my life. Is it plain luck, or maybe I
>have learned to become a survivor, a special talent in this world we
>life in. I have never heard any of you ask, Dad, what happened to
>you that you could not help us when we needed your help, what where
>your constraints, did you have health problems, etc. Simply it was
>I, I, I, and no money no honey. Of course Laura that was not your
>case, I know your heart is differrent. How can one make a big
>effort if the family one loves only cared for money and not ask how
>are you doing. I tried to reestablish contact in 1990 but none of
>you would come to the phone when I called from Conneticut. O.K.,
>changing the subject. The Ministry of Commerce of Panama has
>extended me a special invitation to participate in the National Arts
>and Craft Fair conducted at the Atlapa Convention center the 24th of
>July. They have taken note of the effectiveness of my medications
>and are calling it " La Botanica Magica." They call it that since
>any of my formulas cures more than 20 different ailments.
>Especially effective is my oil for rubbing arthritic joints. My own
>mother in law with crippled hands after three weeks of use regained
>the use of her hands enough to cook and wash and take care of
>herself. I have many testimonies to its effectiveness. A radio
>Comentator Carmen Heredia from Radio Reforma is giving me radio
>coverage after using the medication successfully on her aching
>knees. This station is based in Chitre. With regards to Frank Jrs
>photo. Have a little bit more patients. Having little experience
>with cameras I ruined the one I bought. I did have a photo taken of
>Frank, wallet size and am amplyfying it. Frank Jr. is now ten
>months. He is incredible. Has a vocabulary of over 25 words. He
>asks for water, recognizes his name, throws a tenis ball in front of
>him and crawls after it. He has alrady taken his three independent
>steps but cannot walk well yet. He imitates the cows, says "mo",
>and goats, calls out "ba." That´s our calling card. When he awakes
>he says "ba" and I answer "ba." It turns out that where we last
>lived next to the house they had a heard of gouts which he loved to
>watch as I fed them. He calls out the vowel sounds on his own when
>he wants to call our attention. He is white, blond, bluish green
>eyes, very attractive and strong for his age. The content of this
>letter is being shared with Victor. He may not necessarily like
>everything I say but I have no reason to say anything behind his
>back. Although we do not know each other very well, I have a lot of
>confidence in his future. In life everything happens for a reason
>and there maybe a positive side to negative events. Victor is
>looking for the positive side trying to add his own grain of sand to
>make a better World. That I respect. It could be that his
>contribution will be more than a grain of sand. We both have very
>dominant characters. If he cannot respect me as his father, well
>let us respect each other as human beings if we are going to relate.
> There is onething that is certain. I am now giving Victor the
>benefit of the doubt as he may be giving me. But if there is no
>respect as human beings, it would be best for us then not to
>communicate. If he ever is disrespectful to me personally, I will
>whip his butt! I do love him as a son but I tolerate disrespect
>absolutely from no one. There where people in high positions which
>disrespected me here in panama,Ministers of government. In four
>days they lost their jobs, one of them was the minister of
>government, the other of health. If you ever come to Panama ask
>what happened to these ministers of the Andara government. They
>persecuted the Botanicos. Although it has not happened yet some
>day, soon, I hope, my fortunes will change. That I am aware of I
>have now the only really viable medication for arthritis in the
>World, the World will come to me after it. The herbs I use to make
>it with grow wild, there will be little problem with supply. This
>current government of Panama is allowing me to practice medicine.
>Victor hope you do not take offense to my words of whipping your
>butt. Just know its in your hands to be respectful to me as simply
>I willbe with you. From now on either we make it as friends or we
>do not at all. I am of a very drastic character when you rub my
>wrong side. If you are going to have anything at all to do with me,
>please be respectful. Its the starting point. If I get any more
>fowel language in your letters you surely will never hear from me
>again. Nevertheless, I wish you the best in everyway, in your
>future. You see with me subtle tricks do´nt work. You will either
>be with me or against me, I make it a policy never to relate to
>insincere people. These are the people who will sneak up on you
>make you believe they are your friends, learn everything about you
>which is possible, then undermine you, especially where it hurts.
>In all of Panama I only have two friends. I am not looking for
>friends. I am busy trying to realize my mission in life. The
>rewards of those accomplishments will be shared with those which are
>worthy. After that I shall simply disappear, vanish...people
>everywhere will hear of me but not know me. I will be in the
>jungles enjoying the environment I love. There I shall die to this
>World. You may then write me via my satelite computer. However, I
>may never answer. You have made contact with your father. Like it
>or not, its a priviledge, I do not relate to just you
>are getting to know me. Your inheritence can be the knowledge in my
>brain. It is priceless but to obtain it you just need to have
>enough respect for the transfer to be possible. Your mother gave
>you what you needed when your where young, possibly I can give you
>what you need today if I see you are truly worthy. From what I
>already know of you, either you will not write back, or simply you
>will send another letter full of fowel language telling me where to
>go. My advice is think before you act. Laura believes your quite
>harmless. She only sees part of you we are all capable of harming
>each other. But that is not what we want to do, is it son? Lets
>all make an effort and walk on the positive side of each other, from
>now on, alright! Franklin 

My reply:

Re: Apology/Disclaimer for my brother's e-mail....

umm, what are you guys talking about?  

well frank, seeing as how i am the most non-violent person out there, and how you would so easily resort to violence and let yourself be offended by mere words, i am hereby ending my communications with you.  this will be the last words you will receive from me.  

please, dont get me wrong.  i am not angry with you at all.  i am totally indifferent towards you.  what you did(or didnt do) is in the past and i cannot change that.  i much rather worry about today and tomorrow.  

whats the point in holding grudges and having animosity when i can just forget about you again, the same way you forgot about my sisters and i.  

itll be simple. i grew up without you. i can continue to grow just fine by myself.  

live happy frank,

- victor

From :

To :

Date :
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 02:51:03 +0000

Victor, good to hear from you again! I am glad we are on talking terms. Within the frame
work of respect a relationship is possible. With regards to your dissertation it essentially
makes a lot of sense. My critical observation, if you accept my feedback on your
dissertation is that its much too long thus diluting its impact. Second your use of t erms
as "bullshit" with regards to bible contents is disrespectful to your audience which on the
whole is a God believing Cristian audience. Of course you are entitled to your point of view
yet it can offend the very public you are trying to save. As a friend of yours, if you will
accept me as a friend, I would like to see you succeed in this project. I assumed your
initial audence is the northamerican audience yet its clear that the importance of the
message is World wide. Franklin

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 17:44:50 +0000

Victor, as you try to reach the stars try to be better than your father was with
those you may leave behind. There is something in your bloodline which is not
of this World. It involves the latent calling, the impulse to explore. We
learn more about ourselves as life unfolds. Jehova's witnesses would have us
believe we are marely dust at the end of our lives. In matheuws you find "
worry not about he who can kill your boby but he that can kill your body and
soul." Jesus stated " what does a man gain if he gains the whole World and
loses his soul! " Your grandfather, Victor Gruber raised as a lutheran in the
last 10 years of his life became initiated into the " Science Of Soul " by Guru
Kirpal Sing of India. As an ignorant young boy I followed him. With time I
took the time to read the bible. I wanted to hear what Jesus himself had to say
about the essential TRUTHS OF LIFE. I am not a religious fanatic or do I go to
church very often yet I will say that there were 12 witnesses to the realization
of the mission of Jesus the Crist. He claimed to be the son of the Supreme God.
Time itself is measured by his coming. Anyone that makes that large a claim
with eye witnesses deserved to be listened to.
In our modern World there are a lot of things competing for our attention. In
the confusion we all try to find our own TRUTHS. THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE
SUN. Truth everywhere is self evident. What the World needs is people who can
see and understand truth.

Contemplate on the idea that Jesus was an extraterrestial. He did state "my
kingdom is not of this World." There exists an international community and in
the federation are good guys and bad guys. They try to influence Worldly
governments and the minds of citizens from time to time. Whenever I have had a
doubt I pray to the Supreme Lord of all the Universe. He knows why I am here
and that I am working on the missions he has given me, referring to my
medicines, forecasting model theory and energy from gravity ideas. You are
awakening to your own missions. You will make your own sacrafices. For the
time being I think there is nothing further we need talk about. Contact me if
ever you can say "dad." Its a reality, a fact of life whether you like it or
not. Not to acknowledge it is lack of respect and without respect no useful
communication is possible. There are somethings we earn, others that simply
are. I do wish you good luck in your life's activities. Your father, Franklin

From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re:
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:39:44 -0700

it makes me happy that you are in agreement with me(basically) frank. respect. i dont
believe people deserve respect for just their title in life. respect is earned and i respect
people who, in my opinion, deserve my respect. like i said in my quotes, people are
disrespected by words only because they allow themselves to be. im not twisting anyones arm
when they take me as being disrespectful. it is totally up to them to be offended or not.
life is full of options and you get to choose what you regard and disregard.

and i feel my choice of vocabulary expresses my thoughts perfectly, screw what anyone else

see ya, write back

- victor

I sent Franklin my quote collection.

From: "joe mama"
Subject: hello frank
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 13:01:34 -0700

Hello Frank, you never answered my question of how you got my initial dissertation. Like I
said, I dont remember ever sending it you directly. I had found your email address on the
web way before I wrote up my report. Now, I did spend one day recently mass-mailing it to
people in all the San Antonio chat rooms on AOL. Maybe it trickled its way to Panama and
ended up in your hands. Imagine that, my idea being the catalyst for our contact, after 21

Have a great day Frank,

- Victor

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 20:02:21 +0000

Victor, received your latest email of 22 June. I received your email address from the letter you sent out regarding your idea. Thank you for making the initial contact! Things in Panama are turning very difficult, the national economy is on the verge of collapse. However, I am prepared to survive as things get worse more people get sick and they pay even one dollar a consultation or exchange the consultation of natural food products in their yards. If I do not communicate often is because my attention is fixed on mere survival. I am currently trying to cure a rare bacterial skin infection your brother Frank Jr. was exposed to due to a mosquito bite. The tendency of the disease is for red pimples to join together and create the whole body into one red mass of inflamation. Why does this new challege of such a rare infection come into my own family? The ozoone whole radiation is causing mutations in germs which will raise havoc with humanity. Two young babies died in a local hospital from apparrently a common cold. Somehow someway, I hope to emerge from my Panama audessy strengthened but move beyoond to practical applications of my theories, for that I must wait to be able to buy my own computer and hook up to internet.

Yesterday while traveling to Aguadulce meet a young girl studying to be a nurse. We talked and she explained that she was not able to meet her father until recently, I mentioned our case. She expressed interest in meeting you. Do you authorize me to give her your email? As we continue our dialogue given circumstances here I may only be able to communicate with you about every 15 days. How is your health now days? Hope you continue to improve in everyway. Consider the idea of improving cars not only collective transportation, or maybe a machine where one merely gives it the coordinates of where one wants to be transported to and bingo! Your there. Given time, whatever man can imagine he can create! Stock prices vary in a two dimentional field, up down, add one more dimension ,depth, mathematize the system in interactive ways. In the same way one could forecast prices in 2d you may also travel to the 3d forecast intersection point. To do this you need first to discover the laws of general variation for 2d having done so for 2d, then extend it to 3 dimensions. Harnessing energey from gravity purposely involves creating a continous disigualibrium such that a continous ossilating disigualibrium is the driving enery source. These are just some leads to see if you are interested in these topics. Who knows an automobil motor may be fashined to work with a gravity engine. If there were a millionaire outthere with the funds to finance this project I think I could develop such an engine in 5 years. How are things going with your project. Hey, have you ever checked your self out with regards to being a sickle cell anemia carrier? Sickle cell anemia carrier, a specific test, carry 5% less oxigen in their blood consequently our minds dull when under stress or days with a lot of heat. Can make us less alert. This is one of the reasons I sought the natural mountain environments, more oxigen, I feel a lot better and am more creative there. Right now my mind is not in tip top condition due to some stress and the hot area I am in, plus my eyesight is poor due to a slight case od diabetis. Coffy does not. seem to help me, instead of waking me up its affects my memory. Take good care, have to go pick up my mother in law, she is coming to live with us. Cheers, Franklin. P.S. Even if your blood has been checked a 100 times rutinely or otherwise, the sickle cell trait does not show automatically. One has to ask the doctor to order that particular test. A wise man once said. "know thy self." The greater our knoledge of our self the more we can do for the World.


From :

To :

Subject :

Date :
Tue, 02 Jul 2002 21:28:33 +0000

Well, Victor, I now know your feelings about respect. We do differ on this topic. For me respect is something I give every human being just for existing as I value life. Some people however are so self centered its almost impossible for them to respect other people. I respect even my enemies even when they don't respect me. Often people hold grudges towards those they feel have let them down, often times justified. However, holding such bad feelings all your lives is not good for your health. Resentment almost invariably leads to early arthritis. Hows your project going...

To :

CC :

Subject :
Re: Apology/Disclaimer for my brother's e-mail....

Date :
Mon, 22 Jul 2002 22:35:25 +0000

In the beginning was the "WORD" and the word was made flesh said the wisest man that ever existed. Mere words are important they are a reflection of who you are. I do not get upset over your feelings toward me. Simply vulgarity in your language is a lack of respect to my dignaty as a human being. I do not use vulgar language rutinely. It may happen if I am very angry but when I can prevent it I will. Using vulgarity is a statement of lack of self esteem and love because one has nothing better to say. The first key to success in life is respect for all living things. I am beyond playing with words. I take life seriously. Everything I do good or bad is important to me. With my words I am always making a statement of my level of evolution. Once while in a restaurant on the Florida State University campus a Japanese student asked me "how are your grades." I responded in a casual way " they are just " passing. The important thing is the diploma, to graduate. " He responded excuse me for what I am about to say but you are a " fool!" As the years went by, I realized he was right. I was being a fool. The opportunity to learn in college I was taking for granted. There are many things we take for granted in life. One that you are taking for granted is the value of this current communication with me. You may not see that it will ever lead to anything useful for you as it never did in the past where in fact the communication was absent. My communication from the start was positive, yours negative. you only care about yourself. You really do not give a damn about me, no simpathetic feeling for any of my circumstances or health problems. I have more feeling for you than you for me but by being disrespectful with your words you antaganize the person whose blood runs in your veins a fact that you also take for granted. Take nothing for granted and things will go better in your life. You will have less accidents.

Thank you for not using vulgar language in your last communication. Its very easy to grant me a minimum of respect so our friendship can grow. Hope you get the message words and everything you do are important. I am not one to hold a grudge. I am violent only when people do not show the minimum of respect we owe each other as human beings. In Panama about 50% of the population hate north americans. I look and act as a gringo. Everyday I receive resentful and disrespectful looks and statements just for existing in my own land. I have grown sensitive to receiving baised disrespect just for existing. I do not need more for free from my own blood line. Lets respect each other so we can move on to better topics which may be of benefit in our relationship!

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:56:20 +0000

Victor, please explain the difference between a "taker" and an opportunist?

To obsain samples of the minute quartz cristals I mentioned they can be panned from the river Mato Ahogdo behind "la casa comunal de Guayabito de San Carlos." Some are so perfect they can be set on a ring and appear to be diamonds. They of course are inside the mountains as well- Although I have been at the mouths of caves, I have not been inside them. At cerain astrological conditions is when the negative energy in the caves draws on once soul the st or if one happens to be mentally very week and fatigued, malnurished.

Anything that brings down the souls vibration also makes one vulnerable to be drawn to such caves. In Guayabito de San Carlos from 1988 to 1991 I cured Felix Muñoz of terminal stomock cancer. He was 101 years old! Died peacefully in his home at the age of 107. Throughout the mountain chain you will find similar testimonies of local peoples of my work in their community.

There is a "lockness" type of monster in the Bayano lake of Panama. Its been in the papers recently but its common knowledge with the indians of the area. Truly weird living creatures are reported in the Darien jungles. The jungle is so intense there that the interamerican highway has been unable to be cut through the area.

I have a secret to share with you. I am also a taker. I take from the jungles free a basket of medicinal plants and turn it into several hundred dollars of medicines. While I sleep it grows by itself, this goldmine is always there when I need it. Even in an extreme case when I do not have money to buy ten cent bottles, with two fifty I buy 500 little plastic bags, dry the herbs in the shade and fill them From that 2.5 investment and half a day in the field gathering herbs, eventually in one or two weeks I make several hundred dollars. What I have not figured out is why it took mankind several hundred years to begin generalizing the use of medicinal plants. Here there is more money to be made from medicinal plants than all the revenue of the canal in 100 years. This industry needs to be organized. Someone ought to do an International Marketing Study to find out what the World needs and is asking for that Panama has to offer. We are both in similar situations. You need money, peace of mind, your own computer, an appropriate place to stay, to be able to develop properly your goals. Who ever said that saving the World is a bad idea?

Its not at all a bad idea if we could all or the mayority of people work toward that goal without trying to impose our will on each other.

Speaking of "wills." Your idea that you are your "own God" would be a great idea if indeed you had control of 100% of your will power. With that kind of control we could probably move boulders if we wanted to with merely thinking, hey boulder move over there. Jesus did say that faith was so strong that one could will a mountain to move and it would move, if that faith where the size of a grain of mustard- Well, the purpose here is not to talk about Jesus rather to examine in a socratic way of questions and answers whether your idea of full control of your life by yourself is possile. If you do find the secret of 100% control of one´s life plese let me know, I would have the power to get out of practically any predicament on my own. So far what I have seen is that events occur in cycles with there ups and downs, good steaks and bad streaks of luck accompanying effort.

I hve been in Chorrera for a few days trying to either get 2 years advance payment of your grandmothers deteriorated property or to sell my part of the rights of wonership at a giveaway price. With just one thousand dollars I can buy 10,000 ten cent 4 ounce bottles which if sold at 10 dollars whole sale(antiarthritis oil) will bring in 100,000 dollars. Production is no problem, there are tons upon tons of free medicinal plants available, they can even be picked off the side of the road, although its best at a distnce to avoid the car pollutants.

This area of expertise is made for exploerers. Everywhere one goes there are sick people who need botanical remedies, its a survival garante in the apocaliptic era. I would like to believe that our will alone are sufficient to change and improve greatly the world. Yet are you really differrent, is your mind and will power really differrent than all that preceeded you one in say 20 billion human beings who possibly have inhabited the World lately. Can your will power save the Wold without imposing itself on the will of others avoiding bloodshed? Will people believe a person that appears to have his imperfections just like everybody else?

Speaking of explorer. It important to find early in life a place you can call your own. My mothers place I cannot call my own as there is a gasoline station in front which pollutes the air, drugs, prostitution in this now highly commercial part of chorrera. Its not my habitat. In spite of receiving sufficient funds to buy sosme land, I have not done so because I considered the jungles part of my human heritage. If a person has a one hundred hectaria farm I go into it and live there without the owners consent, like a wild animal. If I get caught I simply state, I am looking for a few medicinal herbs to cure a campesino like yourself, and buy the way, I will cure all your ailments in return for a plate of food. We are basically the same Son, only in differrent jungles. I however do not take drugs habitually. Only lst night did I go into a Chorrera discoteque and dance up a storm, it had been a while since I did that. The gals here are fascinated with my dancing skills. Had 3 women on my shoulder and I turned them down because I was here to dance, relax, have a couple of beers, and go to my uncles pension to leave for los santos province today. When I get home I will get my wife to give me the best sex I need. Chorrera is loaded with AIDS and SIFILIS. Its still better than Baranquilla Colombia where 28 yeas ago every morning, in the market place, the side walk is littered with hman excement.

By the way, thanks for taking the foul language out of your emails. I sincerely appreciate tht consideration. Try to continue to channerl your nature in a positive constructive way. It maybe a week before I can write again since in macaracas there are no internet service centers. Remember should you ever in some remote future decide to visit Panama, let me know in advance. Chances are you or anyone else that is purposely looking for me will not find me. The time is coming for me to go into one of my retreats to desintoxicate myself from the contamination of the cities and the 4 year marketing experiences of my products. I will only come out for one or two days once a month. The t ime will come in which I will move entirely in rural mountain communities and avoid contact with fellow human beings as much as possible. A few years ago the name Gruber was most foreign to the people of Panama. I am making sure with my medicine publicity that they never forget that name again. People used to laugh at me seeing me walk into chorrera with a large vine basket on my back with my beard down to my chest, my relatives would redicule me for rubbing myself with the poorest peoples of the mountains. My aut Rosa once denied me the use of her bathroom. I needed to take a shower. She stated go to your uncles, you stink like campesino. My uncle said you have to pay if you want to stay a few days here. Now I use for free my uncles pension and he uses my antiarthritic oil to sooth the pain in his 89 year old joints. Son, take life seriously always yet lightly simultaneously. This will allow you to keep the peace and be ready to act when you need precise movement. Any advice or ideas from you are appreciated. The important thing is that we respect each other as human beings. I cannot fully understand you because our experiences are differrent, so lets bear with each other as the impossible becomes possible. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 17:35:23 +0000

Vic, went out to eat before heading to lose santos province. God a few ideas and dicided to communicate them to you before leaving. First, though, chastity may have collected on what she may consider you "owe her" by using the card." Women are capable of inventing anything when they want to hurt you. The best thing is not allow Chastity to know where you are staying or move tempórarily to an unknown location, where you have peace of mind. Once a person is insincere with yuu never trust th em fully again, much less let th em know your movements as they will set "time bombs." Of course you can´t be running all your life to head for cover but there are times in when it is necessary. The more enemies you have in the environment the more secret foxholes you need. This is why I have become familiar with many towns and mountain areas besides my love for nature, never know when I have to disappear temporarily, it h as saved my life on many occations. Its more difficult in the concrete jungle as everything is costly. Here I just pack my jungle hannock in my back basket a few changes of cloth a little food and I desappear to read some good books somewhere out of humanities sight. The next email will present you some ideas you might want to consider. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:50:55 +0000

Victor, do you want to continue college? College in the sates is quite expensive, in Panama its very cheap. There is a tremendous demand now for english teachers, you could even open your own english school in Panama while going to college, I would not recommend the national university since because its closed half the year due to student rioting over social problems. Rather an extension of the national university in Santiago or Las tablas cities. They are better equiped and more peaceful and tranquial environment- As a son of a panamanian according to panamanian law you have a right to panamanian citizenship possibly without losing your U.S. citizenship. Computers here are cheap also about 600 dollars with printer and all, above 1 megahertz. I would set you up in yuur nice apartment(might have an out house to take a shit= for 2 months rent free, help you with the essentials of furniture, we could visit each other now and then to exchange views and ideas. Should you want to adopt my survival techniques with regards to botanical knowledge I could give you what would amount to a six month course. You have the option of selling your own herbs or my medicines. Working 4 hours a day as an english teacher or selling my medicines on the street, will earn you about 20 dollars a day- Generally speaking things are very cheap in Panama. For 2.50 in the average small restaurant you get a complete meal. A good pair of shoes cost about 20 dollars. Cellular phones second hand are going for 19.95 with two month garantee from cable and wireless.

In the Santiago area where I plan to return soon you have the small city environment with beaches and rivers near by, also the university extension is there. If the business deal comes through you can use the money I send you to buy your computer there, etc or get on a plane and come to Panama, Because as a son of a panamanian you will be allowed to stay as long as you want. The main thing is not to get in trouble here with the law- The minute you get in a cell here anything can happen and there is very little recourse. The political contacts I have i use only in case of gross injustice to myself and friends, never to get someone out of trouble when they looked for the trouble by keeping bad associations or being on drugs. You are a grown man now. In no way would I supervise your life or butt into your business. Only provide fatherly advice if your interested in accepting it. Sometimes we reach a dead end in a particular environment and need to change to keep from being a readily available target. Money here has been very scarce but if the transaction comes in next week I will invest 1000 dollars in ten cent plastic bottles which eventually will bring between 30,000 to 100,000 dollars. In m y business the important thing is not to run out of bottles. The oil is cheap, with 14 dollars I purchase 5 galons which make 100 bottles at 10 dollars each is 1,000. This formula and the pomada gruber antifungus formula will in time eventually be the inheritance of some of my children, time will tell who will deserve the labor of 21 years in this hellish land. Nevertheless, for the time being I do not have any problem by sharing 50% of the profits of the oil you may personally market which I can leave you on consignment. It all depends on one thing, whether you actually adapt to this environment and if you CAN MARKET. Staying with me is not a paid vacation. You are a man and although i owe you I would not do you anygood by taking all or most of life´s pressures off of you since you need to learn how to cope with th em. I can however provide you some tools if you decide to go to school in Panama and help pay your way with your own work. How far our give and take relationship goes depends naturally on our interreaction chemistry. The main thing is not to t ry to harm in anyway the hand assiting you. If you do its not so much that I will reciprocate but rather that you will be "here" where you are "there", without the love and support of your familyas it should be. I am saying these things not because I want to antagonize you simply that although we both like peace we are both volatile in nature. I want to help you, I believe in your potential. In no way is my intent merely to use you as a taker would. What I will be looking for is a sincere communication with me and my associataes including wife and present children. The minute I learn that you speak bad of me to the friends and family I introduce you will on your own. If I have been a "bad" father, here keep it to yourself. I cannot help a peron who puts mud in my face even if there is apparrent truth to it. This would be the second chance you give me do my duty with you. I can only do that duty if the personal relationship atmosphere is positive. As you see I can assimilate a lot of abuse. Thats all I received from this country for 21 years but I have overcome it and will overcome the World As WELL.

Have you read Jules Vern´s novel, 20,000 leagues under the sea? Captain Nemo and you have a lot in common. What was Jules Verne's childhood like, check it out. If you want to go a little deeper into my own personality read all you can about TARZAN OF THE APES. I have a gorilla friend who has followed me to Panama, his name is MEMO. One of two eeon friends. The other is a millionaire worth about 20 million. We went to school together, he's wass one year ahead but in the same school. He has a degree in industrial engineering, recently retired. A while back he saw me in some difficulty and said here 300 dollars pay it back without interest whenever you can. Out of the principle of helping the next generation he donated 100,000 dollars to the David public library. He was wise, he gave me what I needed then not what I wanted. Those 300 dollars made a big difference! He has a beautiful yacht, possibly comeday you will get a chance to meet Charles Colburn, a man who has resisted corruption better than anyone I know.

Panama has a lot of millionaires always looking for interesting projects to invest in. In el Valle de Anton the owner of the prestigious Hotel Campestre, who owns about 30 business in Panama, offered to give me 25% of all lands I could locate cheap for him. That was 5 years ago. At the time I said noway, I will not exploit the land of the poor campesino so you can get richer. Well, the poor campesino is selling it anyway to other investors coming in to Panama. In ten years there will not be much left to buy cheaply so its time to be a "taker # in this situation. Possibly our friendship can grow as we can represent for each other a mutually acceptable image necessary to survive. People need to perceive you positively or they will attack you as a potential enemy. You have a good idea now as to what is at store after 21 years of hard work building a future in this God forgiven country. I have cut the field, plowed the land, planted the seed. I will need help in the harvest, you may keep so many bushels if we can live and work by or near my side. You will have your own bow and your own arrow to fling. The opportunity to show the world" that you are better" than your old man. If you are not better than me,indeed, then I will be a failure. LOVE YOU SON,Your Dad Frank. Hope time tells good things for both of us. Write you next week, Take care.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 21:03:30 +0000

Well, while I keep getting these messages in my head for you its difficult to get out of town, its just part of our obsessionery nature.

We are so intense thinkers tht once we give the subsconcious mind an order on a problem it works over time.

Pertaining to communism. Carl Marx and Jesus had that much in common only from different perspectives. Carlmarx from the level of mind and materialism, Jesus from the level of soul and selfless service. Carl´s was more an economic system, Jesus`s a way of being leading to eternal life. One was on the here and now, the other more oriented to the inevitable longer eternal perspective. Neither system in practice in the here in now and short run appear to be very useful to humanity in their "pure" form. Its not the system that counts its the heart of the people behind it, their intentions, their level of greed, power ambitions or love and humility capacities etc. Everyone who wants to become powerful and famous finds a "good" cause to propel them but what really counts is the "real you" and whether you have developed a functional conscience. If you do not have a conscience your inner sixth sense that can guide you is absent so the opportunities presented you will determine your zig zag course. I express these things only because a while back you asked me to share some of my wisdom with you. Hope it is of some value to you. Again, I am without my glasses so excuse the gramatical errors. I cannot see t hem to correct t hem.

But back to COMMUNISM. If ever some one lived the life of a communist it is your father. Wondering throughout the mountains sharing, giving and taking spontaenously with the poor people. They came to love me and one man even confused me for Jesus. His name was NICO, lived in the community of Mato Ahogado behind the hotel campestre of el valle about 3 kilometors. The spirit of Jesus lead me to act and become as him, those where among the best days of my life, sharing and giving spontaneously out of love for fellow human beings. So communism initself is not bad, its a wonderful ideal if lead by the inspiration and light of God. Jesus said "eiher you are with me or against me" there are no two ways. One energy will dominate throughut your life, the one that helps you evolve spiritually and is part of the life impulse and force and the one who gives pleasure but distroys the work of God. In the long run there is no two ways regardles whatever economic, political or religious group you adhere to. There are those who appeal to you and say "you are your own God." If I where perfect that would be great! But since I can make errors even deadly errors to myself and others, hey I need a guiding light which is not another imperfect human being which will probably make more errores then myself.

Ask yourself, does the word of God really exist? Is it really written down somewhere? Everyone who claims to have such words writen down deserves to be read, even yourself. Those with spiritual eyes will understand at their level, those who depend on the mind alone will be mislead. Logical things are not always true. The inner soul knows its maker once it makes contact with its "higher self." For our souls are as drops of the same sea which is God. So we are creative and want to be as Gods.

The great thing about internet is that you have an outlet to expres yourself to the World, no one is centuring you or I etc.

I do know of a way to selflessly change the World to my point of view or yours, or a consensus of the two. But it reguires about two years to perfect the message of great social impact, that it should have for generations to come. The key thing is that such message would appeal to all as it would not have an author to take credit for it. It would be the summary in one page of "relevent truth." Relevent to our times and with and like "magic" penetrate to the morrow of the bones and enliven and awaken the conciousness collectively to the task to spontenously "save the World." After the event only the shadow of the authors of this document would be glanced passing the wilderness. The World would have what it needs, we would have our peace.

With peace our many other life sustaining missions could then sutlely be accomplished. This, assuming Son, that down deep you are not a LEON or become absorbed by their magic. Rise to the task, save the World and yet Save yourself. Some plant the seeds, others make the harvest, the point is that the job be well done and the inspiration of life sustaining work be carried on from generation to generation.

Why then have I projected myself as one in the middle stream of society while basically being a "revolutionary" similar to you? Because its harder to change society while projecting the image of a radical. Its easier to change the system from within than from without. Everyone will then listen to you when not biased by preconceived notions that one is a radical. In spite of how bad the system is people have the illutionery feeling that it provides security. One can talk radical things to the limit that other people can assimilate it. By bouncing off in general the progrssive message from the social communication stations(propaganda based on truth) a sutle brain washing sets in. You must predispose the World to your ideas if you want the world to be rceptive. The devil uses the technique, use it in reverse. God Bless you and Continue to Enlighten you, your Dad Franklin Gruber.

Getting back to Tarzan. The same man who wrote the Tarzan novels a great series also wrote The Master Mind of Mars and many other futuristic science fiction novels. A lot of Science Fiction is based on elements of truth found in reality. Rice Boroughs was not the real author of Tarzan, that was a seudo name. I have read the mastermind of mars. There are about 20 books on the extraterrestial them by this author. I once had them, lent them to randy but to avoid my gaining more insight on this author he "lost them." Thats the way it goes when you persist in having insincere friends near you. They come to know you well and belt you when you least expected. Insincere people enjoy giving other people surprises. Once insincere its almost impossible to be a relatively straight person again, the pleasure it gives is adictive. Just watch people everywhere snicker at the jokes they are playing on others. Eventually I see the same people bumbing on the streats looking for hand outs. Now, when one is my own Son, I ask God for help because I want him to succeed in his mission to "save the World or at least do his fair share of sincere work." By all means I am not saying I am perfect or very, very sincere. Simply I have programmed myself to be sincere at every possible occation that I can be. Occationally like everyone else I lie but I try constantly to be truth oriented, in the long run the dividends are greater and more lasting. Get back to you about Monday or Tuesday. Fran k

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 02:24:38 +0000

Hello Victor, I am back in Chorrera after 4 days in los santos province about 5 hours bus drive, trying to close the sale of my rights of inheritance, worth about 60 thousand dollars but letting it go for 15. If neither of the two candidates come up with the 15 then I shall accept 5 thousand advance rent from one of the two parties at 200 dollars a month. The problem has been that the property owes 4,400 dollars in taxes, and the lawyers fee for making the claim can be 1,500 or 20% of property value. I have not had the money to pay off the taxes and my step brother John has not been interested in helping on this matter( I obtained for him his pension after fighting the Veterans Administration for 7 years, he makes about 2,400 a month and spends it before the month is over, he is a squisofrenic patient(misspelled, I know). My cousin Bettita is his legal gardian and takes him to the mill too, every time she needs new tires on her car or cover other personal expenses she hits him up. I have saved his life on various occations but I do not charge him for my services. He is a bipolar case, loves one today, hates you tomorrow, in a few weeks he loves ya again. He is two years older than myself, the cross my mother carried successfully and also succeeded in her professional life as an artists and founder of an arts and craft school which carries her name in La Arena de Chitre.

Some of the advantages of Panama is that with a few thousand dollars one can still do a lot. For instance in many rural towns its possible to obtain anywhere between 1000 square meters and one hectaria(10,000 sq meters) for one thousand dollars. A three or 4 room house, the construction runs about 4,000 dollars. In my wanderings through the mountains I did not think of owning land as I felt the whole mountain range belonged to God and myself. I was always welcome anywhere I went. Now, however, with a pregnant wife and one year old child, she insists on her own roof over her head. She is a very capable woman, should I die with her own roof she is capable of surviving with her own effort. She has strong "stoic" characteristics. She was born in poverty, raised in poverty, with me now she has a lot more security, everything is relative. Many times we have gone to bed with only one dollar in the house or none but yet we have not gone hungry. On my way out today she handed me a little note which said" If you come on some money please buy me an Iron to Iron cloth with. Love ya inspite your occational outbursts." Yea, I am the kind who will knock down a door in an instance. Ive done so before, with my last concubine of 5 years, Maria, asked her children to lower the tv twice, the third time, their locked door was kicked openened. I once had a few month affair with a woman who had helped me clean the house after my m other's death. We had an affair, she already had 4 kids. This was about 8 years ago. I came home very tired from selling my medicine on the street. I asked Ester if she would please go buy some food and make me something to eat. She proudly responded" if you want to eat go buy it yourself." I said well if thats going to be your attitude, pack up and leave. As she packed up to go I felt sorry for her 4 children at home. So I gave her a twenty dollar bill on her way out. She took it and arrogantly ripped it to pieces in front of my face. The next thing she knew she was getting the wipping of her life, man did she scream until I only had the belt buckle left in my hand. Well, immediately after the incident, I grapped my jungle gear and headed for the mountains as I felt sure the police would be after me. As I jumped on the passing bus, the silly Ester yelled that she forgave me that it was her fault. A little toolate. After a few weeks, given her repentful reaction I visited her at her house. She said," man did the twenty dollars come in handy,"" I taped the pieces together and used it." In all the time I was with Ada I never mistreated her physically. Nor did I purposely do so mentally, our problem was simply one of compatiability. I felt she did not understand me or want to. One time in Vega Baja we got in an argument and she slung her hands open hitting me in the chest, simply as a reflex my hands slung out to block hers but barely brushed her. Immediately we embraced and asked each other for forgiveness. I have been violent in my ways only in the past 8 years. Not because I like or approve of violance, simply because my nervous system is very worn out. The best thing is for me to stay in rural relaxed environments. In the past 21 years in Panama I have not been in a fist fight with anyone. Instead I carry a knife, and not because I want to harm anyone, simply for self defense. The last time I was in a fight I was 20 years old. Disarmed a man about to kill your uncle Mario with a one foot dager. Martial arts was my hobby as a kid. Once you learn it, it stays with you always. Will let you know more on how the transactions are going tomorrow night. I plan to divorce myself from Chorrera for always once the transaction is realized. Will move to some distant corner of Panama and from there go on my medicine route once a month. Almost all of my panamanian relatives have failed the test of time with me, they would con and take me to the cleaners if I let them. I will be accused of selling my brother's half of the inheritence rights. I only am selling my half but I know the lawyer for the buyer is fixing to maneuver to stay with John´s half too. From my point of view it makes little differrence, my cousin betita, anyway, is also going to rip John off on the other half., if the lawyers don't. John h as been on kidney dialisis for threee years, his life expectancy is about two years at most. Three months ago I offered John my half for just 5,000 but received no reply. Betita already got John to sign a document that for care received she inherits his beautiful EL VALLE DE ANTON country house.

In other words Betita, ex legal secretary, is disinheriting me from what legally would be my inheritance from John, his el valle home. I am letting her do it, I will not interfere, not because she deserves the home, just simply to have her ass more accessible to my belt the day I come down those mountains to whip it! Once she got john to sign the house over, she went into his house which he had lent me for a few months and threw my botanical books out of a metal wall locker and shipped the locker back to her mother's home. Her brother with his vehicle was the accomplice. Needless to say her own mother forced her to return the wall locker and stove she was stealing from me with the pretext that it belong to John. Simply put once she got him to sign she said wow! everything in that house is now mine as John in dialisis cannot return to the mountains to live. My cousins in Chorrera in one moment or another have tried to obtain the deed to my mothers house with pretexes so they can claim the property after some accident happens to me.(they would insure that if they could locate my residence)

San Antonio is your home, you feel comfortable there, I am glad for you. Very rarely do I feel comfortable in Panama. Probably had I not met Marisol, I would be gone or on my way maybe to the Andes. Have your read " secret of the andes?" Its a hidden community where communism is a reality. Its so hidden no one that finds the place returns. In ecuador there is a m ountain community known as CUCHABAMBA. The average person there lives beyond 90, many above 100 years of age! Catch ya later Son, its good to have a mutually respectful conversation with you. Hope I can help financially in a couple of days, lets see what happens!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 03:09:33 +0000

Just spent about an hour writing you a long interesting letter on the topic of cheating and lying. Somehow pressed the wrong command and lost it all, who knows maybe you got it. Briefly speaking, it said lying is practically an instinct, no need make it a central point in your public philosophy as you will lose credibility. We all know that shit stinks but to dwell on it will associate us with it and people will shy away. Why put muck on your face when so many other people in this world are eager to do so for you? If what you have to say to the World cannot be put down in one or two pages getting the message accross will be very difficult. The best theory is the one that says the most with the least number of words. People will comprehend its all most self evident truths and propagate it easily. Possibly what you need is to revise the communist manifesto into a more realistic non violent form of government. Just help people to evolve faster to what should come naturally, its in everybody's interest to treat each other kindly and generously.


From: "joe mama"
Subject: hello frank
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 14:49:00 -0700

    frank, i am sure i have explained to you my idea in the past, but thanks to my head-injuries i cant be certain. so, ill tell you once more:

     what are some problems commonly encountered when one has a new idea and tries to get it out into the world? for one, you always run into the problem of not remembering the whole story(because everyone makes mistakes), thus not being as effective as you wish.
     secondly, IGNORANCE. people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways and are deathly afraid of change. they wont even listen to you.

     i have stumbled on a method that jumps both of those hurdles. ill run an FTP(file transfer protocol) server from my computer, enabling anyone on the internet(which means anyone in the world) access to my hard-drive on my computer. only the files and directories i want them to access, of course. on my hard drive ill have a directory with my text files and documents, that anyone can easily view through any web-browser.

     this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, finish them when they want to, but the complete story will be told.
     i have gotten in the great habit of setting goals and following through. i set daily-goals for myself from the moment i awake every morning. i have found it better not to plan too much though. impulsively play things by ear. just let things happen on their own. when you use the bus for transportation, your everyday options just explode. be sure to choose the right ones.

     well frank, on a lighter note, my friend carlos is pressuring me to get out of his garage already. hes blind to my contributions, just as chasity is. its a college frat-house and you can imagine the mess its always in. i have kept that house spotless since the day i arrived. i do the dishes daily, sometimes more than once.
     the other night they had a big barbecue, which i did not attend because i dont want to be more of a burden than i already am. you can imagine the mess when i returned from riding the bus that day. i went to sleep and woke up at about 7am, and started cleaning my ass off. before they even woke up, i had the complete kitchen clean. the dish rack was precariously overflowing with drying dishes, the floor was swept and mopped, the oven cleaned out, things dusted, counters wiped clean and all the trash taken outside. i did all this in about 1½ hour.
     both robert and carlos were impressed when they woke up, but they keep feeling like i owe them more. ingrates. i sleep in their garage, im gone most of the day, im going to buy some soap today for them, i clean their house, vaccuum their floor and keep everything straigtened up.
     i am so comfortable there, i even offered to, as soon as i got a job, that i would pay rent. now, the total rent for the house is $600, meaning they each pay $200. i told carlos, "hey, if you let me live in your garage, ill give you $150 for rent every month. the discounted price because i would be, after all, living in the garage, not a comfortable room inside. now if you want me to continute cleaning as i have been, let me pay only $100 a month. i doubt youll find a maid service as thorough as me for less than fifty dollars. $25 per week. also, i hope to get my computer back from chasity soon, meaning i would be downloading movies and games. the garage would become one big pirated movie theatre and all your friends could come watch new movies for free.

     if they dont agree to those terms, i will call my bluff and offer to pay the full $150/month(which is 600 split four ways.

     i finally obtained the research the bank did on my overdrawn account. it seems that, when i left town, i used my card for gasoline and other purchases, and assuming that if i ran out of money in my account, it would just deny the transaction, i accrued a $460 overdraft charge. stupid huh? i mean, if they extended the "courtesy" only once i can understand, but shouldnt the system know that my account is overdrawn and not give me any more money? i have banked at 3 other banks in san antonio, in my lifetime, and i have been screwed over by all of them, with some charge or bullshit. i thought i had finally found a bank i could trust. until they pulled this little stunt. money-hungry fools.
     well anyway, the account was a joint account with chasity and i. before i left, i let chasity borrow my computer, as well as hold my california-king bed at her apartment. so, crazy chasity is now holding my computer and bed hostage, until i take care of this issue at the bank, since its a joint account and she is also held respobsible. so, today im going to go to the bank and talk to the people there, and ask them if there is any possible way chasitys name can be taken off the account. we had tried in the past, when we broke up, but they told us that they couldnt just remove her from the account, that we had to officially close the account and open a new one. so, im going to go to the bank and explain them my situation. ill tell them that if i had access to my computer, that i could put it to work for me and repay any debts i have.
     if they remove chasity from the account, then i can go get my belongings back, per her agreement with me. therefore, those $500 will help me a great deal. having my computer will only expedite the beginning to a peaceful world.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 22:05:04 +0000

Dear Victor, I am working hard on the transaction, I am in Panama city now, just visited the Boticario pharmacy chain which sold 120 dollars, 12 Anti Arthritis oils in 15 days, rather poor performance given they consist of six outlets but there is potential, there was one export inquiry which remains pending. I am on my way now to Chorrera where this night, its about 5 p.m., I will meet both parties interested in buying my inheritance rights. Will let you know tomorrow what happens tonight!

Just received two emails prior to your last one, one bear your name "victor gruber." It has a prompt but I have not pressed it, is it yours or is someone messing with my account using your name. In each of your messages mention a key word that only you or I know such as your mothers home town so I know its you. Did you resend to me your lists of truths with number 27 being "funny is an attitude." Is that your statement? God bless you Son. Another email anounces your writeprotect address is almost full and offers some variances.


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: hello frank
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:51:36 -070

     frank, i hvae some great news. my friend carlos and robert were debating making me leave. they told me i had one more day. on the last day, i woke up early, as usual. i looked at my watch and it was 10 minutes to 36 of the hour, when the bus that goes out to my mothers passes by. before, i usually would walk through the neighborhood to get to the stop. it would take me like 5 minutes, but bob had told me he knew of a shortcut, walking through this ditch near their house.

so, i grabbed my walking-stick and headed down the field. it only took me like 5 minutes to get to the bus-stop. shortcut indeed. right when i walked to the stop, the bus arrived. i boarded it, bummed 15 cents for the next bus and we rode to the grocery store closer to my mothers. all the buses convene there at 50 of the hour, so i hopped off. we had arrived there around 45 of the hour and i had 5 minutes to kill. i stepped outside and lit up a cigarette. as i was smoking this kid stuck his head out of the door and asked me if he could bum a cigarette. i told him sure, offered him two and told them that they contained 100% pure tobacco, with absolutely no additives. he gladly accepted and i asked him if he "burned". he immediately understood what i meant and said hell yeah.

now my friend bob had just received $2000 from a van(that his girlfriends mom gave him)that he sold, so he was looking to score some weed to sell and make more. all over the country, there is a huge dry spell. no one has any and the prices have shot up.

i asked the kid, who turned out to be 16, who was there with a friend, "know where i could get an elbow(lb)? he said, "sure thing, my nigga has some." i was all, "badass, where are you dudes going now?" they told me they were going back to their house, which just happened to be close to bobs house. so, i rode with them to their neighborhood and walked to their house. i just chilled out, smoking cigarettes and they found a bowl's worth for me to smoke. they called their sources, but werent getting far.

i eventually grew tired and asked someone there for a ride to the main street. they agreed and i caught the bus to my moms. laura was still there, but i walked in anyway. she told me hello and i asked her if i could check my email real quick. she agreed and got off the computer.

so, i stayed at my mothers for a couple hours. i looked at my watch and found out that i had to wait a whole other hour for the next bus to come. i called my friend marie, who i had met through the internet and who believes in me, to come pick me up and take my to bobs house. before she arrived i called the 16 year old kids and they said they had the stuff. before i called marie, i had given them directions to my mothers and they said they would be there soon. a long time passed and it was getting closer to the time mom came home, so i wanted to leave. so thats why i called marie, because i couldnt trust a dope dealer kid i had met on the bus in the morning.

so marie finally got there to pick me up. coincidentally, when we were turning onto the main street, i saw my mom pulling up in her car. luckily, she didnt even see me. talk about perfect timing.

so we drove to bobs house and i called the kids. they told me the dude was there and to come get it. i asked them for the house number and street name and they told me, "hell, i dont know" and got mad and hung up. a few minutes later he called back and told us the street name and that he would be outside.

now bob has a chevy blazer that he wasnt using because he needed a new battery, which he coincidentally fixed earlier in the day. so bob had wheeles. we jumped in the blazer and headed off for the guys house, which was only 5 minutes away by car.

we drove down the street and saw all these kids hanging out outside. i recognized one and he came over and asked for the money. bob pulled it out and they dropped in a big chunk of weed wrapped in saran-wrap. bob was elated as we drove off. he had this shitfaced grin on his face all night. he commended me and said, "you just got yourself a couple more nights victor." i was happy.

this morning i woke up, looked around the house and set some projects. i had swept the kitchen, grabbed one of sponges i shoplifted a couple days ago, and got on my hands and knees and cleaned the linoleum floor of their kitchen. in the the years that they have lived in that house, i dont think they ever had a mop. thats how bad the mess was. so when everyone awoke they had a clean kitches to go eat in.

its just a win-win situation living here. i am taking advantage of their laziness and putting it to work for me. so now i have a stable homebase which will expedite the completion of some very important, long-running projects of mine. i now have the peace to work on trying to settle my debt with the bank and getting my computer back from chasity.

once i get my computer back, the garage will be a funhouse. ill also get my california-kingsize bed back from chasity, and ill put it in the garage(after i clean it of course). here, let me quote some lyrics from my favorite band, weezer. "In the garage, I feel safe. No one cares about my ways. In the garage where I belong, no one hears me sing this song."

frank, if your potions work like you say, the fastest way to make lots of money and get tons of publicity, is to drop the price. sell it dirt-cheap, so EVERYONE will buy it and see the truth for themselves. imagine all the publicity youll get. doing so will also help me. if you receive all this fame for your low-priced genius that works on everybody, it will only help me get rid of money faster.

ok, so back to the story. we drove back to the house and bob told carlos the good news. i reminded them to thank the bus for our luck, for if is wasnt for the way i get around, nothing would have happened.

so im sitting pretty here, time to make some changes fast!

- victor


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: hello frank
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:07:49 -0700

frank, i do not do drugs, i smoke marijuana. a drug,in my eyes needs to have human-intervention involved in its manufacture. marijuana does not, nor is it physically-addictive.

lets compare it to alcohol for a moment. alcohol is a real evil in my eyes. people do shit drunk they wouldnt do sober. it takes control of your mind and you stop being yourself, while you are drunk. marijuana, on the other hand, doesnt make you lose control. how many marijuana-related car wrecks do you hear about? how could alcohol be legal and weed not? it is a known fact that prohibition will never work. let me quote mark twain: "Prohibition only drives drunkeness behind closed doors and into dark places. It does not cure or diminish it AT ALL."

i think all drugs should be legal. not that i would do any drugs, if that were the case, but people should have the freedom to put whatever trash they want into their bodies. if theyre smart, they wont anyway.

i am very surprised that you, of all people, would be so anti-marijuana. coincidentally, i was 17 years old when i first tried marijuana also. my good friend carlos and i scored a sack and smoked at his mothers apartment. the first couple of times, it had no effect whatsoever, which is supposedely normal. you have to smoke it enough times to activate the receptors for it in your brain. so, i can surmise that you have never been enlightened by this natural-magic of ours. i suggest you try it a couple more times. it is never too late to become what you might have been.

just think, if all the leaders of the world met up and smoked a joint, no one would want to kill or torture anyone. marijuana will be a great contributing factor in brining world peace.

i plan to lead by example and show the world how anyone can get away with their bad habits if they just walk and drink water. if you take care of the body, it will take care of itself. everything in moderation, for even the natural stuff you can abuse.

please dont worry about me frank. i am a survivor. worrying is like paying interest on a debt you might never owe. thats what drove my mother crazy, along with the majority of people in this world. just let things fall into place all on their own. make life a really fun game.

case in point. today i had carlos drop me off at my old job and caught the bus to the library to go check my email. after spending an hour on the computer, i went outside to wait for the bus. i was hungry, so i thought i would go to the shipleys donuts on vance jackson/wurzbach, where i used to get credit on donuts.

when the bus finally arrived, i boarded it and noticed some guy wearing a hat that was very similar to my old hat, which i wore every day, all day. it was my old roommate, sam. i walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. sam looked up, smiled and asked me what was up.

after i got myself evicted, sam had gotten his own little efficiency on fredericksburg road. even though i had just checked my email, i asked sam if i could go over to his apartment and check my mail. sam has a cable-modem and i didnt have anything to do. he graciously accepted and we rode the bus to fredericksburg/vance jackson.

i asked him where his apartment was and he told me. luckily, he lived very close to this other donut shop where i made friends with the worker and she hooks me up with free donuts. so bam, food in my stomach and a cool palce to get on the computer.

sam doesnt have to work tomorrow, so he said i could spend the night if i wanted to. pretty sweet, again thanks to the bus(i had originally met sam riding the bus before).

so, its only 5pm and i might go back to bobs house, just so i can get a little more smokage, but i have a really cool place to go hang out at now.

ok frank, thats it for this chapter of my story, write me back please.

- victor


Subject: Re: hello frank
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 17:34:35 +0000

Victor, last night I held conversations with both the people who want to buy my inheritance rights. They both asked me for a little more time. This has been going on for one month now, however, I do believe there interest in buying is sincere so I have no other alternative than to wait and see what happens. I am as eager for this deal to come through as are yourself. Will keep you posted.

I have just written Laura a letter asking that they allow you back in the house for at least 30 days enough time for me to resolve the sales of my inheritance rights or for you to join the peace corps or any other appropriate option you may have. I feel that living in the streets(living in the house of insincere friends is almost that) can only bring you more unespected trouble. Make your peace with your sister and mom long enough to find a better and lasting solution to your residence problem. If they want to live in a mess don't criticize them, control your tongue. If you want to come to Panama on vacation your welcome in my house so long as we act as friends at minimum and respect each other. If you like Panama I will help you get established. With your birth certificate you can obtain your pass port. May cost 50 dollars for the application fe, I will help you there also once I obtain the money I am expecting. If you want to set up an internet cafe, I have a friend who can give me the credit on the used computers. He offerred about six months ago to set me up in business in a small rural community where I am now again planning to live. Think things over let me know. Who knows for you Panama maybe a breath of fresh air. Once you learn the survival tecniques surviving is probably easier here than there. I sense that what you really want is your TIME to think and express yourself towards the World. Panama has been known as the Crossroads of World Commerce, Heart of the Universe. For some mysterious reason it is here,only here, that God placed The Holy Ghost Orchid.(literally there is a white dove sculpture inside the orchid) Atheism is simply another man made religion. The first creative intelligent cause is NOT MAN MADE. In the beginning was the "Word" and the word was made flesh! The worst blindness a person can have is not to recognize his creator even if one does not follow man made religions. If God can make you he can also destroy you or allow you to be destroyed. He makes himself felt in our lives when we sincerely seek him.

Panama has a lot of beautiful beaches and tropical islands. If we manage to work together harmoniously you will find the "peace" to attempt to realize what you perceive as your life mission. My offer to receive you is principally now, that is during the next couple of weeks when I can dispose of the money to send for you. You may come any other time but work and life conditions may not be so easy. Every event has its precise moment in which its odds of success are optimum, instinctively we must learn to recognize it. My sending you the 500 dollars I would do happily, I know you need it. But in your shoes I would try to find a place that did not depend on the variable goodwill of "friends." They might again try to confiscate your belongings alledging you owe them something. So bear with me, the odds are about 90% the monies will come in during the next 10 days. Meanwhile try to improve relations with your mom and sister, regardless of th eir imperfections there is no place like home.

With regards to Panama I can say this much. With my bear hands and materials from the jungle I can easily daily produce several thousand dollars of high quality medicines. As my Son I can get you a permit for also making this artesan medicine or similar to mine. With working only 4 hours a day you will have more than sufficient for your daily needs. With me it has been differrent since I had to start from scratch. It is possible to register a formula and begin our own pharmaceutical business. You could head marketing, I production. Its something to think over. Not so much to entice you to come as your presence is an added load, at least at first but coordinating intelligently you can obtain an inheritance in knowledge and inventory of products to take care of you the rest of your life, and maybe help me and your mom, somewhat in old age. Right now its you against the system and the system will probably squash you. If its true that life outside the "good ole U.S.A. can be hard, it can also have its benefits, all depends on how one handles oneself in this environment. Example, my receiving 120 dollars yesterday from the best botanical pharmacy panama has proves that with more publicity the income will dramatically increase. What I need now is peace of mind to concentrate on internet marketing and throwing out thousands of fliers in Panama city. However, after 4 days in Panama and Chorrera I pick up so many negative vibs I have to leave for the mountains to replenish my positive energies. This is what slows me, not the potential, my own nature.

Yesterday saw the pelicans dying on the beach of Panama's most wealthy sector, Paitilla. I imagine that one hundred years from now we will be living in human excrement up to our knecks. Yes something has to be done about man's destruction of his and "theirs" habitat. First though I must solve the economic imperative in an environmentally safe way, give an example while at it, then with money and brains join the battle to save the world from our worst enemy, ourselves. Victor, Its a time for profound thought. Decide some medium or long term goals and improve the current situation to be able to realize those goals. Catch you later. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 20:37:42 +0000

One of the first precepts of survival is " love thy self." You buy a few days by finding "grass" for your friends. Son, these kinds of friends you cannot trust for very long, when they cannot use you any longer they simply put you on the street or feed you to the sharks. You are demonstrating the mentality of a 16 year old, sadly to say. I know now that any good advice will go in one ear and come out the other. Also, that the money I send you may likely be used to buy and sell grass. In your current situation, which you like, your headed for big trouble and there really isnt much you or I can do about it. You are going to do as you damn well please and unfortunately pay the price. Its simply a matter of time. Son, you are on the wrong track and time is ticking away. I can only help you if you want to help yourself. Leave your friends house, go back home, be patient until you are able to get out of the San Antonio environment into another area where you yourself do not seek out drugs. It will take a hurquilian effort for you to overcome yourself. After I send you the money do not look my way until you leave bad company and drugs. I LOVE you SON but I cannot fill my life with anxiety communicating with an offspring who really can't save himself, much less then do something worthy for the World. I too tried pot when a 17 year old. Thank God, I quuickly left that dead end street behind. I may have no significant sums of money but I do have the personal satisfaction of having healed thousands of sick people. I sincerely regret assuming that in the U.S. you would be better off than in Panama or Puerto Rico. Regardless thanks for being sincere with me.

With regards to lowering the price, its possible only as volume builds. The problem with lowering prices is that you can never raise them again, people will not buy. If we could only get 100 people to buy daily one bottle of the medicine sales would be 1000 dollars yearly sales 365 thousand dollars, if you made a 20% commission with orders that came from your marketing you would be looking at 72,000 dollars a year. We need a way to verify which sales come thrugh you. The best deal is to get your money from giving the boticario pharmacy address but you could make 20% additional if there where a way to tell which orders came through you. However, at this time, I do not think you have the maturity to handle that kind of money. Likely it would also get you into trouble. Please, develop the mentality of success with anything other than drugs! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 23:39:37 +0000

Hello Victor, good hearing from you again. To be more exact, I tried marijuana twice, the first time it did hit me, me and my best friend Gustavo Kelling went into laughing histeria until we drew the attention of the panamanian police and spent a few hours in jail, fortunately we did not carry any of the stuff so they handed us over to the U.S. police in the Canal Zone which prompltly let us go. Later in nebraska I discovered the plant growing wild so I dried some and did it again. I know what its like and fortunately I have not become a habitual user. It does nothing special for me, I do not need it nor coffee nor cigarrettes, nor any other dependence causing drug. I do not require an "altered" state of mind to be happy. The body is the temple of God, its best to try to keep it as clean as possible so he me have a clear channel of communication when we scream for help. Bad habits plus bad company iguals bad destiny events. Since we are what we eat, think and the reflection of our environment, the cleaner our food, thoughts and deeds the better our physical,mental, spiritual health we shall have.

I am glad that you are a surviver, you still need to learn more about the other herbs that eliminate pain from your fractured bones. I am willig to give you a crash three months course on Panama's medicinal herbs. It will help you with you health and help you help others plus enable you to make a living whenever in a pinch. Everybody admires a healer.

In 1988 I had a severe physical and nervous breakdown. Unfortunately I allowed my aunt Lily to take me to a siquiatrist who put me on some pills that had me walking arround like a tin soldier. Had I continued taking the medication I would probably be adicted to drugs as m y brother John has been with lithium carbonate which wore out his kidneys and now they are both on dialisis and he has one or two more years of life expectancy. At one time John, a bipolar so called squisofrenic patient ran out of medication in El Valle. I put him on a traditional tranquilizer from a little know vine called "bejuco valeriana." All his mental symptons disappeared, for two weeks for the first time in 30 years John lived a normal life, he felt great. But he was addicted psychologically to his doctors so he went back to an appointment and they hooked him again on lithium carbonate. Last year I had an anger fit that boiled in my head for three days, went for a walk and was drawn to a plant with a nice balsamic smell. It was God sent, eat a leaf and in a few minutes the burning anger disappeared completely.

Whenever I feel pissed off with humanity I go to a secluded area surronded by vegetation and drink the water of the spring until its forced out my ass with all the shit and accumulated intoxication. Sun bath for a couple hours. This therapy recharges me and I am good for months. I do not worry about parasite, I have nutritious fruits and herbs which eliminates worms and amebas etc. I am writig you from Chitre 4 hours away from Chorrera. Am still waiting for my cellular to right with the news that one of m y clients has the money for purchasing my part of inheritance rights. Will be sending you to your mothers address a little box with 10 little bottles with anti arthritis oil. Rub it on areas with pain before bedtime and massae the area for 5 or ten minutes, the same after the showe in the morning. Be writing you again in about three days. Before closing this letter I want to ask you if you can live without marijuana, would it kill you to be without it? You sound like an evagelist of atheism and drugs. Why be an evangelist or promotor of that stuff, why not let everybody make up their own minds. You may not realize it but if a man does not tend to revolve arround his sincere woman(scarce I know) he tends to revolve arround friends most of which are insincere. Remember, bad habits plus bad company iguals bad destiny. We can chose to change and improve our lives. Son I hope it isn{t too late to give you this advice. I would rather we discuss all these things here on internet than waste our time later on if you come to Panama since there are many more interesting activities that would profit us more. The Santeña women love american types, you will love the gals in this area. Frank


From: "victor gruber"
Subject: Re: hello frank
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2002 16:17:07 -0500

hello frank, just like you said, my "friends" are getting an attitude with me being there. they dont realize that the minute i left their house would get trashed again, and they would miss me. today, they gave me an ultimatum. they told me that i had the weekend to find a job or i was out.

now, the other day, i noticed there was a computer shop close by as i was riding the bus so im goint to apply there monday. im sure i can impress them. i have learned now not to mention my head-injuries to future employers because theyre ignorant and will never give me a job. so, i figure i have to do some acting and pretend to be "normal".

if i find employment, my friends are willing to let me stay, but im not very comfortable there. also the other day, i was riding the bus and i saw my old roommate sam. sam lived with me for a month before i got evicted from my apartment. i learned so much from sam. he was part asian, a vegetarian and he loved to cook. sams smart like me, uses a walking stick like me and is thrifty like me.

so today, i woke up hungry so i rode the bus to this donut shop that gives me free donuts, whatever i want. i ate and walked over to sams apartment, to see if he was there. no one was home so i got the impulse to go check my email at the library. so here i am checking my email. ok let me respond to some of the things you said:

frank, of course i can live without marijuana. marijuana cannot become physically addictive to anyone. i have willingly gone months without smoking, with absolutely no withdrawl. it may however become psychologically addictive, if one does not have the will-power and stamina to control it. like ive said before, it grows out the ground, why would anything totally natural be so harmful? everything in moderation frank. the body is a marvel of science. if everyone was walking, instead of driving to get around, everything would be just dandy. i guess you can call it a cure-all. i mean, do you think people wouldnt lose weight from walking? being overweight and unhealthy is one of the leading causes of depression and suicides.

people wouldnt have to waste their lives(and our world) away working for their death-machines. im sure anyone can think of something better to do with all that cash. i plan to make some great suggestions to the bus company here. eventually, ill have the buses running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. a bus will pass by anywhere in town where there is a residence. theyll come about 10-15 minutes apart, so that if you miss one, there wont be a long wait for another.

people will then see the benefits of eliminating cars. it will show them to save money and that it isnt so important.

now, the only vehicles allowed on the road would be public vehicles like firemen and police. just think of all the lives that will be saved. ambulances would never have to wait in traffic. also, think how fast and efficient the bus system would be with a total lack of traffic-congestion. walking and riding the bus will do the whole world good. frank, thats exactly what im trying to do, LET EVERYONE MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS. if people want to put harmful chemicals in their bodies, why wouldnt they have the right to? who are you to judge if what someone is doing is harmful to them? there is too much diversity in this world where nothing is universal. what applies to you doesnt necesarilly apply to everyone. we must learn to accept the difference on this planet. we have to stop trying to make everyone the same. it will never work, ever. everyone needs to mind their own damn business, especially governments.


Re: Back to Eden

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Back to Eden

Date :
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 22:22:37 +0000

Victor, Have you located the text "back to eden" by Jesthro Kloss in your local library? Given your nature I think you would really enjoy reading this book. Inorder to be able to read it I had to photo copy the two volumes. I have a nice library of such books and more. Today I was reading a book about Edgar Cayce on intuition, how to increase it to avoid accidents and be at the right place at the right time. I see the difficulty you have finding jobs in San Antonio and you grew up there. I had a really difficult time finding jobs there myself. Mostly parttime for a few weeks, the most I worked there was 3 months. I knew I was like a fish out of water in that part of the U.S. Had your mom and I stayed in Tallahassee and Florida we would have been successful, we even had a roof of our own, a used trailer in excellent condition, furnished. My mistake was following her to Puerto Rico, should have held fast and asked her to return to Tallahassee.

Its time to talk some confidential matters. Your sister confided that you have a mental diagnosis of " esquisofrenia bipolar." I am a sort of phychiatrist myself( had I not separated from my Panamanian side of the family they would prefer to have me in a nut ward). I know what that disease is like, your uncle John has it and I have known others that have it, however, even with the mental hangups you have(trying to change the world like I am) I do not see anything close to "esquisofrenia bipolar." What do you think about the matter? Who knows, maybe no one has told you about such a diagnosis? At times almost all human beings have some symptoms of "madness." There is a saying in spanish, " de loco, sabio y poeta todos tenemos un poco." Victor, I agree with all your crazy objectives...the car congestion and pollution problem, the anarquistic idea of liberty to do with our lives as we please so long as we do not harm others, etc The problem is no so much that I do not agree, more so its that the means to the changes are differrent. By dreaming about the solutions and meanwhile taking it as easy as possible smoking pot, granted the house keeping, does not solve the problem nor just planting the solution ideas in internet. I have learned the hard way that if I die tomorrow it isnt going to make much differrent in this world. I realized that to change the World I first have to make myself as clean and acceptable as possible and next to make all the millions possible(I am not materialistic by nature) to then go on a brilliant, long term crusade ready to fight the special interest groups without getting my ass beat. The only doubt I have is not about me, its about whether the people I know generally in the World deserve for me to wear myself out for them. There where ten suffers of leprosy which Jesus cured in an instant only ONE came back to say thanks. Given that the World is so ungrateful its best to concentrate on taking care of number ONE for the time being. Being a "survivor" means you can with appropriate resources come back and fight the battle many times. Please for the time being keep the diagnosis to ourselves, Laura was only trying to explain the problems I would confront with you if I invited you to come and live with me in Panama, that is with your privacy, in a house nearby, although in the first weeks you can live with us. I say this because living with me implies your making changes in your personal life, and I cannot impose that on you, your a grown man now. All I can do is try to be your best friend and if possible obtain your recognition of me as your father. For example if you are going to continue to dope yourself up with marijuana, that is your decision. However, I do not want that happening in my house. Enough for the community to find out(small towns) and my own reputation to be affected. "Honest people" live off their reputation, the "image" people form of ourselves. If I have a bad image it affects me in my wallet. Besides in Panama there is little distinction between a smoker and distributor of drugs, they go to jail and the list for trials is so long some times a year or two go by without a court hearing or trial. I am not saying this so you may respond "f..k" Panama simply to let you know that should you decide and live with me or near me for a few months or many years that one can become very happy living here insofar as getting the economic pressure off your shoulder. Now I know this sounds contradictory to everything I have told you. Making a living here is very difficult, however, with half a days work teaching english or computer use or selling my medicine you would have enough to pay your rent and food. With about 50 dollars one puts an add in the radio that is heard all month long with your cellular phone number. Your clients respond. Bus transportation is cheap. For a person used to hustling to survive you would not have much problem. Also, if the deal I am working on to sell my half of the inheritance is realized, I could facilitate you a piece of land to call your own, about one thousand square meter and I could help you little by little to build your own home. Since your are an explorer by nature, you may not like one place or another to settle down. I am an explorer as well and busied myself explorng so much I thought the mountains where mine, its only now that I decide to find a place in Panama to call my own. In other words, do not make the same mistake I made of waiting too long in life to find that place. Now, we are still talking suppositions that I will be able to close the deal to give you and myself a helping hand. Panama is more appropriate in many was for " gente fuera de serie." "No es malo ser pobre, es malo no saber ser pobre." Next week I am moving to that region where I expect to buy some land. Want to be in the area should the deal I am working on come through. The main thing to keep in mind because I am occationally communicating with Laura is not animosity among brothers and sisters or myself. I understand that Laura does LOVE YOU as I am sure your mother DOES ALSO. However, that does not mean that they understand you sufficiently to live with you or near you! Should the time come that you want to "bail out of San Antonio" on vacation or otherwise, if I cannot pay your way because of lack of funds should the deal not come through, but your mother is willing to send you this way, I promiss you that while I live and am able to work you will have a place to eat and a roof over your head, provided of course, there is sufficient mutual respect in spite of our diversity as human beings. By this I am not saying hey Son rush here, by all means not, what I am saying is that regardless of how and when you come, my doors are open for you. I have an "intuitive feeling" that it will take about 3 months for me to stabalize my income enough to receive you and help you sufficiently for you to be able to make it on your own here. This considering that Marisol is pregnant again and have additional expenses. Nevertheless if you arrive tomorrow, " donde comen 4, comen 5. (I have a black stepson of 12 years of age) Helps a lot arround the house, never says no when his assistance is requested, but we do not abuse. I asked Marisol how she would feel if you volunteered to wash the dishes? She said that it would not be necessary, she does not mind doing dishes. She washes our clothing by hand, for a little body, she must weight about 110 and about 5 feet tall, she is quite a worker. When I meet this incredible SANTEÑA (from the province of Tuny) which I came to this province to find, she was working from 6 a.m. to 8.p.m. 7 days a week just to make three dollars and thirty three cents a day! She was managing what is called here "una fonda" which means mini restaurant. After 2 months of leaving her at her door she finally invited me in. Wow, not even a chair or table in sight. She and her 3 black boys(she white as snow) eat their food on the floor! Yet, she never complained just kept on working. However, to look at her you would think it was Thinderela waiting for her prince. I figured if this young woman,now 40, works only half of what she is doing while living with me, with her as back up we will go a long ways. I always wanted a woman who would stick by me in hard times. If that is what you need also Son, don´t be bashful to say it. The men in Los Santos are mostly cowboys and treat their cows better than their women. This is a place to find good beautiful hard working women and take them some place else.

Hey Vic, I am glad you are not "nuts" like me, but if you are, welcome to my "funny farm" (country), here we enjoy being ourselves! Panamanians are basically "lazy people" and if they can make it here, you possibly with time can make your own fortune. The important thing though is to be realistic as well as idealistic as panama is also a very dangerous place, a new challenge for survivors! But, "SON" we can work it out. Laura and Ada if you come to Panama would be expecting to hear that you want out of here, that we cannot live together or near each other, that we are both "failures." SON, there are some advantages of working in "virgin territory." Your education and expertise is badly needed here, whereas in the states, a developed, country computerwizards are all over the place. Lets keep our cool, move forward catiously but with sure footing. Have you heard the saying: " If you hear a man marching to a differrent tune, leave him alone, perhaps he hears a differrent drummer." God Bless You. Thanks for your letters, your dad, Franklin.

 I started it off with a mail to Frank filled with details.  It's pretty long so read it later if you want by clicking here.


From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: Back to Eden 

Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 09:41:30 -0500 

    frank, a lot is happening here.  yesterday, i turned in an application at a computer shop.  i really hope i get that job.  but, bob and carlos had told me that if i didnt have a job by tuesday, that i had to get out of the garage.  so i woke up in the morning and went and took that application. 

    now my friend sam had let me crash at his apartment 2 nights ago.  he said i could stay there until i had saved up some money and got my own place.  the next night i stayed at carlos' again because the buses werent running to sams anymore. 

    i know a guy who lives on the southeast side that ive helped with his computer and i called him.  it takes about an hour to get to his house on the bus.  since i had turned that application in, i felt i deserved to relax a little.  so i asked him if i could come over and headed out on the bus.  when i got to his house, i used the phone and called my friend sam.  i apologized for not returning the night before.  sam then told me that he had thought about it and decided that i couldnt stay there. 

    the nerve.  i had met same on the bus and he had lived with me one month in my apartment right before i got evicted.  i had even told him not to worry about helping with rent because i would get it taken care of.  so he lived for free for one month, and now i cant even stay at his place until i get back on my feet?  what a bastard eh.  so i hung up with sam. 

    now ive been talking to this girl who lives on that same side of town, so i had an ulterior-motive in going to my friends house.  now i had only talked to this girl online and had gotten her number.  weve talked on the phone for a couple of days but i wanted to meet her already.  this girl sounds perfect.  she's 19, puertorican, rides the bus, walks, drinks water and doesnt think im crazy. 

    so, when i got to my friends house i called her and told her that i was on her side of town.  she was like, "really?!"  i asked her if i could stop by and say hi.  she refused but asked me to meet her at travis park downtown at 7pm.  i told her she better not stand me up and she said she wouldnt.  she said ok and i caught the bus. 

    i got to travis park at 6:15.  i walked around and bummed some cigarettes.  she never showed up.  i waited until 8:15 and nothing.  i had called bob and he told me that tonight was my last night.  so, i got the last bus home.  i stopped by the dairy queen close to bobs house and got an application.  i took it to bobs house and filled it out.  when i got to bobs they had all my things packed up. 

    oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, or ive forgotten i have told you, or something.  a couple days ago, some people moved out of the house in front of carlos'.  the owners told bob that they had to leave some stuff behind and he could have anything they had left.  bob and carlos got a weight bench and a few other things.  i went to look through the house and i found a gold-mine.  in one of the rooms, there were tons of bags full of clothes and i got a whole new wardrobe.  i found some really nice shirts.  also, everything fit me.  i found two pairs of outdoor boots, both size 12, which i wear.  i also got a suitcase and some cloth bags from the house. 

    now i have been wearing the same exact set of clothes for 4 months now.  i have a green tshirt that says "me" real big on the front, and says "declare your independance" on the back.  i also have a pair of dominos pizza shorts that i got when i worked there for a month.  since all of my belongings were in the uhual and now in storage with a four thousand dollar bill, one set of clothes is all i needed.  i would do my laundry every night, so i didnt think there was anything wrong with that.  remember, im a minimalist. 

    anyway, so i woke up this morning.  i didnt have money for bus fare but i found an old bus transfer which i trimmed down to fit the time it was.  this little trick has never failed for free bus rides.  nowhere on the transfer does it say a date, so i can just use the unused ones another day.  it has a letter punched, which im not sure what it means, but its worked before. 

    so i grabbed my suitcase, bags and water-bottle and headed for the bus-stop, 10 minutes away.  when the bus came i boarded it with my things and handed the driver my transfer.  i set my things down and the driver started the bus moving.  then, all of a sudden, he told me the transfer was no good.  i told him, "im sorry sir, my friends just kicked me out and i didnt have any change."  he lectured me for a while but let me ride to the transfer point, where i would catch the other bus closer to my moms.  when i got there, i saw this driver who i am friends with and who always hooks me up with free transfers.  when i saw him, i told him, "mr. perez, things have been rough."  hes an older guy and im sure doubts me.  he told me, "we all got problems, just sit down." 

    i walked with all my things 15 minutes to my moms.  i know her and i have been on bad terms but i thought i would try my luck, even though id have to swallow my pride a bit.  surprisingly, she was home sick.  i knocked on the door and heard her ask who is it.  i opened the unlocked door and told her i was there.  of course, she was on the computer and i walked in the room.  i told her that carlos and bob had kicked me out and that if i wasnt welcome in her house, that she would leave me the only option to go hitch-hiking to california.  she had a fit and starting spewing out her ignorance.  i told her, "so is your answer no?"  she said that i could stay there as long as i respected her and contributed. 

    im not sure how long i will stay here though.  i would rather be miserable homeless than be miserable in this house.  especially with diana coming back soon and the house being full again.  so im going to play it by ear and see what happens. 

    i didnt eat at all yesterday and i am starving.  i wish i had a jungle closeby i could escape to.  dont think i havent given much thought to visiting you in panama frank.  i think about it everyday.  i see it as a last resort.  it comforts me to know i would be accepted somewhere in this world.  living with you in panama would be a great adventure, and im sure loads of fun, but i am not ready.  i have too much invested in this city, knowledge-wise, to leave it already.  i have to complete some projects first.  i need to work on the project of getting my belongings back.  most importantly, my computer back from chasity.  like i said, if i had my computer, i could put it to work for me(and you) and work my magic a whole lot faster. 

    oh yeah, about the bi-polar thing.  i think its a bunch of hooey.  thats what i was dianosed with at the state-hospital(which i placed myself in to get out of jail).  the idiot doctors had very little contact with me before making their diagnosis.  i told them about my idea of eliminating money and they made their decision then.  they said i had delusions of grandeur.  they never took the time to listen to me, and always interrupted when i tried.  they prescribed some anti-psychotic medicine, that i refused to take at first.  i then noticed the longer i resisted, the longer i would remain in the hospital.  so, i just pretended to play by their rules.  i lined up every night for medication, popped the pill, hid it between my cheek and teeth, drank some water and went and spit it out in the toilet later.  the next day i would tell them, "wow, i feel much better, i think the drugs are working!"  i played that little game long enough for them to finally discharge me. 

    i dont like to call it bi-polar disorder though.  i rather refer to it as a condition.  even if its true, and i do have this condition, it is only one of the many things that makes me different.  its not a disease that needs to be treated.  bi-polar is the modern term for manic-depression.  now wouldnt someone have to be depressed to be considered manic-depressive.  now i know i have been depressed in the past, but thats in the past, i have learned from my mistakes.  dont you think the person who knows how to bring world-peace, and plans to do so, would be the happiest man in the world?  not to mention, most successful.  other people are just jealous and cant stand the fact that they have to work so hard for thier nice things. 

    so, im gonna milk mom again as long as she lets me.  i, of course, will play by her rules, respect her and clean the house and get a job.  ill get to work on finding another place to live though, soon i hope. 

well frank, i guess i can end this chapter here. 

live long and prosper father, peace be with you 

- victor 

p.s.  i wrote down, "get back to eden:jethro kloss" in my pocket-calender.  ill go to the library when i find the time 

From :    


To :  

Subject :    

Re: Back to Eden  

Date :    

Sat, 05 Oct 2002 19:42:53 +0000  


Victor, thanks for having the willpower to not get hooked on lithium carbonate or any other psychiatric drug.  I am very proud of your survival instincs and perserverance.  You, naturally have enjoyed the challenge of survival in urban America.  You would be surprised how many "differrent" people are playing "normal" in America.  Most people do not like the system in many ways, I was one of them, I felt like a nut in a machine and my interior nature could not support that especially having known the freedom of nature from childhood experiences in Panama.  There are some facts of life that make Panama and other tropical countries of Latin America preferable in this modern age to the U.S.A.  The first is that in the states you have to work half of your life to pay a mortgage on a house.  Here you buy a good piece of land to call your own for only one thousand dollars and in one or two years you build your own home by paying local community workers experienced in building homes their daily pay.  With roughly 3 to 5 thousand dollars FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PLACE! 

And you do not owe it.  If it where not for the fact that I am "deathly" allergic to toxic fumes from cars and the gas station in front of your grandmother's "ruins" I would rebuild the place and stay there.  Right now I am still trying hard to sell my inheritance rights.  I am worried over the possibility that one of the clients has gotten wise to the feasibility of buying the land for taxes owed the government, only 4,400. So I am going to chorrera monday to pressure the other client to close the deal,  this whole matter is quite an ordeal especially when we all need the cash.  You to buy a computer or pay off some debts and me to put a roof of my own over Marisol's soul. 

These are the times when I pray to God and ask for assistance. 

I am on the move again, started today to travel to several central province cities, looking for sales of my products enough to pay the 60 dollars rent due yesterday. 99 percent of the time I resolve the immediate needs.  What we both need is something more.  Hang in there SON. 

Allow me to present to you the following scenerio on how your life here would be with me.  If I do receive the money I intend to buy enough land as to grant you part of your inheritance in land which you could use to build your house with whatever help I could contribute.  Not that you necessarily intend to stay there the rest of your life but rather to have a place of your own.  Being a wonderer looking for knowledge, etc I let go many opportunities to establish a place of my own.  Please do not repeat my mistake in your life.  Intelligent people as ourselves always have the bug to be on the go, always wanting to know whats on the otherside of the hill.  The place I have in mind is somewhat of a miniature "paradise" in my own terms.  Close to the  mountains so its nice and cool, next to a beautiful  river where I can canoe, fish, swim, be in contact with nature, etc.  The closest city is only 20 minutes away, the beach one hour.  Its an easy going little town.  From it in one day I can travel to and from Panma city to collect from my bigger clients. 

Let me share a few things about how I view life.  The principal one I learned from my mother.  Diana Chiari never put me on the street, rather she sent me and Ada several times hundreds of dollars in assistance while I was "stranded" in San Antonio.  She was very happy to have me home for 15 years and support me while I learned a new profession which now is giving me an alternate livelihood. She never pressured me to get a job because she was doing something very speial with me, giving me adult education that children and teenagers rarely get.  As a "real genius" she knew that in my own way I would follow in her footsteps.  She gave me everytime we eat or conversed her wisdom. 

Diana's expertise was teaching other people to make a living from any material available in their environment.  She even made paper from the pulp of plantain trees(tallo de platano).  She painted with earth colors, from dys of plants, would make a loom to weave belts from popsicle sticks.  Several industries where founded in Panama based on what she taught.  For instance she introduced the potters wheel for 

the first time to the interior people of Panama, taught 6 students in La Arena and came back every summer to teach them improvements.  Her students established a ceramic industry which now feeds thousands of people.  Most people do not know it but your grandmother Diana was the most decorated woman in the History of Panama.  As a teacher she earned the highest award, the medallum of Jose Manuel Hurtado and as a citizen the presidential award Medalla Belisario Porras.  On the other side we have the german blood which is very analytical and knowledge thirty.  We have a lot to offer the World. 

Think about your trip to Panama as a vacation that also opens up more avenues to have the "peace" to spend time on your projects.  On the top of my list is buying a computer.  I spend much time doing differrent business realted things besides read my 100 or so small library.  You would have plenty of time to dedicate to the computer.  I certainly will not hassle you about washing dishes or clothing etc, Marisol enjoys doing woman´s work yet she wants to learn how to use computers.  In your stay, you could teach us a few things about computers and I provide you with survival knowledge about medicinal plants.  So far I see you reacted to San Antonio much the way I have, with mixed feelings.  Your comfortable there but your not really comfortable because the system does not grant you the opportunity to have "time and peace" necessary to advance your ideas, plus you do not have anybody sincere to discuss them with to help evolve them.   Here, for instance I go out and bust my ass working for a week then sit back for another week to study and improve myself for future work activity or just enjoy time with my wife and kids.  With your brights and the survival techniques I can share with you you will make ends meet and have time left over to enjoy life.  So long as we get along well, and you make an effort to stay out of trouble, like  keeping dubious company, I am not going to put you out on the street.  I took in people like Randy and several other foreigners that where not my flesh and blood and put up with a lot of bullshit from them, so you will have your opportunity as well.  If for some  reason we cannot live under the same roof, well I will help you make your house.  With poor or nonexistent communication between us and distance, there was little or nothing I could do for you, but having you here that is a much differrent matter, here we can work together or help each other channel our creative energies.  I sometimes "joke" with Marisol when I have just finished making several hundred dollars in medicine about how "hard" my work is.  Once you get used to it its so simple it seems like childs play.  My cost for the Pomada Gruber is 25 cents and I wholesale it at 3.50.  I am coming out with a knew product soon, its called PIORREA STOP.  Its to cure or control rotting gums. It stops the bleeding gums from bleeding, makes them firm up against the teeth, eliminates the pain and irritation, cures absceses, etc.  The value for 4 ounces will also be 14.95 retail.  Since there are at least 5 dentists in the average town, in time, if I sell 300 bottles a month just in that product I am looking at 3,000 dollars a month.  I have an artesan´s license to practice botanicals, I can also obtain that permit for you.  I will put you through the apprentice course if you wish and share with you some of my more important formulas, at least two which will give you the ability to survive alsomost anywhere in the World as there are certain "international herbs" available in almost any country. I can even teach you how to extract clorophil from common grass, its so simple. 

Your mother gave you the support you needed as a child and adolescents. I am willing to share what knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated if you are receptive as also listen to your ideas and give you my feedback. 

Well, who knows, maybe we will enjoy each others company so much we will make up for lost time and our "nightmare" of the past twenty years may be over.  At least I hope that would be the case. Its worth trying. 

I am not saying SON come to Panama this is an all paid vacation, do nothing, go nowhere matter.  This is almost an all paid vacation.  So long as I feel your spending your time in a constructive way for your own future I continue to support you as much as I can.  If what your doing is honest, not dealing in drugs or keeping questional friends(do not bring them to the house, I love our privacy) I will do everything within my reach to assist you.  The main thing for you when you arrive is to have a roof, computer, and daily food, that much we agree upon and receive a survival briefing.  You will also get a celular phone so you can contact me or me you in emergencies, etc.  If you can drive and the money is available I will buy you a car.  But the most important thing is for us to get along knowing very well that we have to be patient with each other after we blow up as we are both prone to that from time to time.  Respect for my current family is also a crucial matter.  Marisol is our support while we develop our ideas its a good policy to get along well with her, besides she is very wise in her own way, very intelligent.  She has the rare ability to look through people and know if they are for  real.  Her advice is important to me.  I began to progress again with her at my side. 

My policy now days with friends is very limited, sincere friends almost do not exist.  This forces one to do alsmost everything on our own.  The minute you imput an insincere person into your life or work your headed for big trouble as their aim is always to take advantage of you and not appreciate your goodwill, they hurt you when you most need them. 

Last week I wrote Laura and asked her and ada(I do not know if she got the message) to allow you back home for at least 30 days enough time to try to close the current business transaction I am working on or find another way of getting you to Panama or give you time to head for the peace corps, etc.  My letter may have had something to do with her change of attitude, yet I know she does sincerely love you although she may not understand you and your ideals.  Personally I do not think its a bad Idea to try to save or improve the World in any way so long as you do not hurt anyone else in the attempts.  Healthy idealism is O.K. 

Victor, if worse comes to worse ask your mother for a "loan" to pay your trip to Panama.  We will both work to pay her back, that is if I am not able to obtain the money in the next 3 weeks.  for the time being, She has exhausted the good things she can do for you.  She as a mother has done what she could, I have nothing bad to say about Ada.  She is a good person although her mind cannot understand mine, she deserves a vacation from you and you from her but meanwhile all of you hang in there in God's holy name.  You never know when in life you will need each other so be kind and courteous to each o ther, never burn bridges behind you!  Lets learn to appreciate each other so other people will appreciate us.  Thanks for your very sincere letter, Frank. 


If you "have" to leave for Panama in an emergency situation try to give me at least 5 days advance notice.



To :  

Subject :    

Re: hehe, yet another chapter..  

Date :    

Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:20:33 +0000    


Hi Victor, a few minutes ago I was using another internet service,  When I sat

down on the only available computer there was a diabolic symbol on the screen

which I removed and went on to write you the best and most valuable letter a

father could send to his son, just when was finishing the last words getting

ready to send it the system crashed in the entire store.  The inspiration from

God received for you is difficult to replace but will try.  Briefly stated I

said love your mother merely for the sufferring she went  through to bring you

into this world and nurture you.  Forgive her for her imperfections as we all

have them.  I start people off with 100 points as I respect them as human beings

and do not expect th em to live up to my own standards. Then discount points as

time goes by, some may end up with zero others with 90 percent and so on, that

way you give people the benefit of the doubt.   Please read the chapter of John

in the bible.  Make a list of everything you disagree with and carry on a debate

on this subject with me.  Its important because what "if" Jesus was right, your

sufferring in thuis world is nothing compared to what he predicts for those who

do not accept him.  What does a man gain if he gain the whole world and lose

huis soul!   What is gained is you "save the world" but "lose" yourself?  If

everyone saved himself the world would be saved.  The other day you could not

predict that Carlos would put you on the street in spite of your special favors

for him,  Jesus was good at making predictions and knowing things in advance,

thats why he is called the wisest man that ever lived.  Carry on a debate with

me, if you have time, on the chapter of John referred to in the bible, make the

list of th e things you do not agree with and   send it to me, if its the only

favor you ever do for me.  That you understand the word of the living God before

going out to save the World.dsa

From :    

"FRANK GRUBER" <>      

To :  

Subject :    

Re: hehe, yet another chapter..  

Date :    

Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:46:39 +0000  

Hi Victor, again,  you mention you will get rich with your ideas.  Yes, I can

believe that as most of the World wants peace and to be saved, Lots of people

will be visiting your web page.  The question will be are you offerring them an

illusion or is it real!  Many people believe that their thoughts are

automatically reality.  Is  that the case with you, are you subject to making

mistakes and possibly mislead the world although your intention may be good? 

Before going to california would you consider coming to Panama first?  I know

the devil does not want  you to  rec eive the benefit of my advice(HAHAHA). Make a

sincere effort to overcome yourself, the mission is good but I feel its ill

inspired.  You obviously already have a web page, can I  take a look at it?  I

am not a hacker, any changes, I would suggest directly to you.

>From: "victor gruber" <>


>Subject: Re: hehe, yet another chapter..

>Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 08:48:25 -0500



>      you know how i feel about respect and how it must be earned.  mom hasnt

earned it and i doubt she ever will.  they think im the lazy one because i dont

waste my time working a mainstream job like them.  when, in fact, her and my

sister still continue to let their messes build up and then expect me to clean

up after their laziness.  i just refuse to.

>      like ive said, one doesn't deserve respect for their title in life

solely.  it must be earned, or don't expect any back.  i have told mother the

second that im not welcome in her house to let me know.  i will leave promptly. 

but, she could never handle the guilt, and i know that.

>      they say i dont contribute to their immediate needs and that i spend all

day on the computer.  its not like all i do is vegetate on it like them, playing

stupid games that arent productive at all.  i mass-mail my ideas all day, slowly

changing san antonio's mind.  almost everyone  i send my emails to agree with my

ideas.  i am working all day long, just not getting paid, yet.

>      everyone else thinks theyre doing the right thing, and i have to let them

know theyre not.  life just isnt as complicated as people make it.

>     things take time frank.  i should be employed soon, and i am taking

advantage of the opportunity here at mother's to not have to work at a job i

dont like and be miserable.  so, i continue to search for a computer job.  once

i place myself in a computer shop, ill be able to show my employer my skills,

and eventually, convince them of my goals.  hopefully, when they see how very

possible they are, i will have their support also.  it all takes time frank. 

patience is virtue.


>"A parent's true purpose is to nurture and teach their children, not just pay

the bills." - Victor


>      if i am punishing mother, see it as tough-love.  im even going to go as

far as to threaten my family.  because when my voice is heard all over the world

and victor becomes a house-hold name, i do not plan on speaking kindly of the

people who doubted me.  the shame i would bring on these people will last a long

time.  it will be all part of my plan.  once i think theyve had enough and i

change their minds to make them see how blatantly right i am, i will broadcast a

forgiveness and make peace with all the "doubters".

>      i, like jesus, am willing to die for my planet and people.  if killing

myself is what it will take for people to open their eyes to the truth, then i

am willing.  as a last resort, of course.

>      even though all people are different in this world, and it might be

hypocritical for me not to accept the difference of all who doubt me, we are all

still human beings and live in the same world.  i do not take kindly to other

humans abusing my natural resources.  so thats where an exception will be made.

>     ive also been considering, once i get some belongings back from the uhaul

people, walking/hitch-hiking to california.  there, there are more people like

me and support i shall have.  i need to get a job to get some supplies.  thank

you for giving me the idea of a hammock.  i need to find a light-weight one that

can fit in a backpack.  whenever my feet need rest from all the walking ill be

doing, ill find a place in some woods off of i-10 and rest.  the next day i can

keep walking.

>      if i do hitch-hike, i will only get in cars with one person in them,

preferably female.  you can read someone from just looking at them and if i dont

feel comfortable from just looking at someone, i will say thanks anyway and keep

walking.  im not stupid.

>      frank, the one thing i am not, is a taker.  ive explained this before i

think.  i am an asker and an acceptor.  since when does it hurt to ask?  when i

give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their choice, not

mine.  im not twisting anyones arm, i am just giving them an opportunity to feel

good about themselves.

>      the rest of society is just jealous of me, because i dont have to work as

hard as them for my nice things.  instead of feeling jealous, they should follow

my lead, because anyone can do it also.  i am not special.

>      when it comes to girlfriends, im really not looking for one.  "girlfried"

is too casual a term.  im in the market for a lover.  someone who i can fall in

love with like i did chasity.  i miss being as close with someone like i was

with her.  i recognize two people cant start loving each other right off the

bat.  well, sometimes they can.  sometimes you have to be girlfriend/boyfriend

before you can graduate the relationship.  i have only loved one other person in

my life frank, and that has been chasity.

>      sex and love are two very different things.  i am 24 and i can count all

the girls i have had sex with on one hand.  i pride myself in that.  with all

the diseases out there, i am not likely to have casual sex with anyone, and if i

do, it wont be intercourse.  id rather make love.  i feel i can make a girl very

happy in bed, thanks to my 4 years of practice with chasity.

>      loyalty and trust, i have found, are one of the most precious things in

this world.  i often wonder why it is people cheat.  when i was with chasity, i

felt that if it ever got to the point to where i would consider cheating on her,

i would have enough respect for her as a human being, to break up with her

first.  you cant have your cake and eat it too.  why on earth to people cheat? 

its the meanest thing anyone can do.  i guess thats what i get for being

different, she now thinks im crazy and is not letting me have my computer and

bed, which i paid for by having a damn head-injury!  ungrateful bitch.

>      no one sees how i have influenced their lives for the better.  soon, when

my ideas get out, i will be a very wealthy man.  now, do you think i will be as

eager to share my wealth with people who have disrespected and doubted me?  i

think not, at least, not at first.  my day will come, or i will die trying.

>     this mountain paradise you describe is very very tempting.  i would love

to see it someday, but right now my priorities are here.  i need to perfect my

situation and everyone elses first.  ill use your paradise as an incentive to

reach my goals here.

>     oh yes, you need a current address for me:



>well frank, ill bring this missive to end, take care


>- victor



>"The truth may hurt sometimes, but you can't ever change it.  You can only hide

from it, if you choose to."

> - Victor


>"The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but they know

so many things that ain't so."

> - Mark Twain


>"Good judgement comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgement."

> - Mark Twain


>"Always do right. It will gratify some people and confound the rest."

> - Mark Twain

> >From: "FRANK GRUBER" <>

> >To:

> >Subject: Re: hehe, yet another chapter..

> >Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 05:56:13 +0000

> >

> >Hi Victor, just read your long long letter, thanks for letting me know how

your day went!  I am back in chorrera again working on the pending transaction. 

I have one of my potential clients still on the hook so lets keep "praying."

> >

> >A few letters back you mentioned that your where back home and so was going

to "milk" your mother.  Expressing it that way is disrespectful Son.  You may

not get along with your mom but please recognize all the difficulty she has gone

through alone to raise you.  She does deserve respect even if she does not

understand your ideas.  Its time to mature.  I say this only because I care!

Only a fool insults the hand that feeds him.  Please stop being foolish.  You

enjoy doing the opposite thing, here is a genuine opportunity and it would get

you a lot more than you are getting now!  Why not surprise your mom with a week

of loving positive attitude?  Why insist in making your own mom detest you?  Why

are you punishing her, she is the only person in the World there that really

does care about you and your killing that care little by little.  Of course

Diana and Laura must also care and love you, so Laura has indicated to me.

> >

> >By the way, made the rent downpayment yesterday on the home next to the

river.  The lady renting the house asked for 100 dollars monthly rent, but I

brought her down to 50 the first month, 60 the second and afterwards 70 dollars

monthly,  has a modern bathroom facility kitchen, livingroom, two bedrooms, sinc

roof, cracked floors but we can live with that.  The river is not very big but

ideal for canoeing.  In some spots there are giant bolders where one can

"sunbath."  One can fish and catch crawfish.  The edge is lined with trees.  I

love to place my hammock in the shade of the trees next to the river and read a

good book or just take a snooze.  The edge of the river also provides a lot of

tranquility listening to the river.  I like to explore up river in sneakers,

always interested in learning whats arround the curve.  Hope to buy a portable

satelite connected computer so in the peace of nature I can be connected to the

World.  To eat, well just walk out of the river environment to the house which

is next to it.  Plan to build a thatched roof bohio in the yard, if possible buy

the little place and a couple of acres near by to grow medicinal plants.  There

are some nice trials leading up into the mountains.  Meet some interesting girls

in the environment and told them about my 24  year old Son that he may be coming

to Panama to visit me and I wanted to give him a welcome home party!  So think

it over Victor, if  the transaction come  through I will send you the ticket. 

You need to show your puerto rican birthcertificate to get your U.S. passport. 

Also bring that certificate with you as I have a really good lawyer acquaintance

who can process your claim to Panamanian citizenship.  Then you would be a dual

citizen like myself! If you ever get tired of the system in the states you will

have another place to call home.  Here, however, its not easy being a "taker." 

99% of the local population already are takers.  Since you will look somewhat

foreigner and unusual at 6 feet 6 inches, everyone will be trying to hit you up

for a quarter, dollar a cigarette or try to set you up to rob you, but well,

overcoming those nuicences is just part of surviving in a latin american

country, where people are experts at taking foreigners to the cleaners.  Also

you will not have problems getting girlfriends, they are a "time" a dozen.  Yet,

quality is what counts.  Plenty of aids in the environment so you need to take

some precautions.

> >

> >I am planning to organize " SOCIEDAD DE BOTANICOS CRISTIANOS" to keep alive

Panama Folk medicine and pass it on from generation to generation.

> >I say sociedad the botanicos cristianos because its necessary to distinguish

it from the witches or brujos who also use medicinal plants.

> >In one of my favorite mountain communities there is a small baptist church

which gave me a horoes welcome last week for saving a man from a poisonous

spider bite in my previous visit.  I have decided to join this small church

because the way the world is right now one would have to be crazy to not seek

out support groups.  To be isolated is the worst thing one can do now days.  For

many years I was a loner, it really was not good for my mental health and had

only my mother to count on in emergencies.  In the jungle environment support

groups are very necessary.

> >

> >So Diana is back!  Please give her my regards.  Also, ask her to email me, I

would like to know how she is doing.

> >

> >Would you be interested in selling some Panama hats.  Hand made hats enter

the united states free of taxes as they are arts and crafts. The hat business

can be very lucrative.  In one small box weighing very little, say one pound,

fifty hats can be sent.  I imagine you can sell them on your bus routes for

about ten dollars each.  I obtain them, good quality for 5 dollars.  Whats your

moms mailing address so I can send you a few samples.  I have some of my oil

alrady packed and ready to send you but your mailing address changed.   Please

send me your current mailing address.  Remember, be respectful and kind to your

mother.  Do not take for granted the hand that assists you.  One of the greatest

things you can do in life inspite of their errors is to honor your mother and

father, good fortune will follow you!

> >

> >God Bless you Always!  Your "pops" Franklin.

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hehe, yet another chapter..  


Date :    

Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:28:31 +0000  



Hi Victor.  One of the things that drew my attention in John`s testament is his

quote of Jesus:" He that believes in me is saved yet he that believeth not is"

already condemned."  Now Jesus gave sight to the blind, revived the dead, saw

into the future in detail.  You who did not know that Carlos would put you on

the street anyway could not anticipate that, be sure you are not opening up some

kind of pandoras box with your effort to save the World.  It only takes a few

minutes to buy insurance, read the chapter on John.  Make sure you have not been

programed in sleep by sinister forces to play the messia role.  I was once and

built the will power with God's help to shake off the spell!

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hehe, yet another chapter..  


Date :    

Thu, 10 Oct 2002 17:35:11 +0000  



There is a botanical book written by a doctor turned botanist. The advantage is

that he explains the diseases from the doctors point of view and goes on to

suggest the botanical cures.  It costs 70 dollars,  Should I obtain the funds

will see if its still available through the 7 day adventist church, they are

mostly vegetarian and naturalist oriented.  The t ext is called, " The power of

medicinal plants."  It would be valuable for you to study the subject before

coming to Panama and would make your apprenticeship with me much easier.  I know

you need information on plants concerning pain.  The idea is not to use plants

that anetesize, pain killers, rather plants that disinflame, the cause of pain.

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hehe, yet another chapter..  


Date :    

Thu, 10 Oct 2002 23:29:58 +0000  



Hello Victor.  Why where you willing to clean up the meses at Carlos house and

not in your own, is Carlos nicer, he also threw you out!

In spite of your mutually difficult relationship your mother took you back in,

does`t that earn her some respect?

Apparrently you do not have even a love`/hate relationship with your mother, my

brother John has managed that with me but I had to cut him off because I could

no longer poison my mind and soul with his venum. Everyone has a limit and every

time you take someone to his limit you drive yourself closer to self exile.  But

there is a saying in spanish,  "mejor solo que mal acompañado."

I never did like mainstream jobs either, thats why I refuged myself in nature

and invented my own products.  No one can fire me except of course my creator. 

About earning  respect.  I do not expect other people to live up to my standards

unless I am their  boss or I could do so if they lived in my house and even

then, in your case I would be very tolerant because I know I am living with a

person who thinks he is brighter than myself and to who I must prove myself to

"earn" his respect.  From a purely intellectual point of view that maybe so. 

Yet if you did love your mother and sisters you would not gripe so much about

cleaning after them, these may be the last days you have the opportunity to show

them that you care and the same goes for them.

The World hasn´t seen a World War in quite a while, its overdue and probably

right arround the corner, so life may be to short now to spend playing one

upmanship.  Nevertheless, I know how you feel being surrounded by the american

way, where everything is standardized including human beings.  For people as

yourself who really do not fit into the system, the best thing is to  leave it

before you become a victim to it.  Even with all of Panama`s multiple risks and

dangers there is more freedom here.  When you leave the bus and go into the

mountenous country side, if you have gained the love and respect of the rural

people, then you are in a World of no hassles. Cure a few here and there, they

appreciate it and take care of your needs.  Its as though you own the entire

mountain range, well received wherever you go and  your fame travels far. 

Besides what you do there with internet you can do here just as well or any

other latin american country-At least here you can claim citizenship.  In Panama

there are plenty of people willing to listen to your ideas.  But if you insist

in the possibility of hitch hiking to California I will send you a hammock, one

made with fisherman`s nets.  In a pinch  you can catch some fish or minoes,

crawfish or crabs with it.  They only cost ten dollars locally.

If I receive the 10,000 I am expecting a computer for the house can be

purchased, we can share its use.  The remainder of the money is going to

purchase a small house and some extra land plus initiate the process of 

registering my arthritis oil which will bring wealth to the Gruber clan, God

permitting, Dios primero siempre!  Try to survive with a little humility(not a

rug for anyone else) in your moms  house, long enough God willing to send you

the 500.  You can then decide to spend it there or bring it to Panama as I would

also pay your plane trip here.

I could give a rats-ass if you loof arround all day because I know from

experience that intellectual people rarely loaf, evem when dosing in the hammock

you can  be enlightened, with eureka ideas!  The important thing is to have

someone to talk to that is not always saying your" crazy."  Yes, even when the

ideas sound crazy or are off beat or 100 years before their time.  Son, we can

work it out!  That does´t mean that we will not have our problems  but it does

mean that by being frank and sincere and listening to each other we can

enlighten one another and see whoes the dummy. Sometimes it may be me, other

times you, but only Jesus knew everything!  Have you read the chapter on John

yet.  Your mother would be caught totally off  balance to see you with a bible

in your hand, ask her for it, please read the entire chapter of Jhon.  Write

down that with which you agree with and that which you don´t.  In the debate I

do not mind you playing devils advocate.  The devil by the way knows the holy

scriptures better than most people, while dempting Jesus he frequently quoted

the scriptures.  f you read John  I promiss  I will never "bug you" on this

topic again. I wish I had throuroughly read it at your age.  It would have

enabled me to identify spiritually associations that where very harmful to me

throughout the last 20 years.  Jesus knew what was in the heart of people before

they even opened their mouths so we too need to learn this and much more from

him. " El que de su tiempo no tiene, toda la sabiduria de su tiempo tiene su

desgracia. "  Quote from Voltaire.

Have a nice night, hope tomorrow is a good day for you!

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: frank, its begun 

Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 03:27:02 -0500 

frank, i have been spreading my word like crazy and have found much support in my generation from the san antonio chat rooms.  i am meeting with a girl tomorrow to discuss forming an association.  here is the latest email i am circulating on aol: 

    ok, i need to let you guys know about my hidden-agenda.  from all the money i save riding the bus, its led me to see how, if you take the right shortcuts, you dont need to depend on money as much as you thought. 

    this is the beginning to a revolution.  lets get rid of money.  it really is the root of all evil.  just think, if things didnt possess a monetary-value, would people steal?  money segregates society and gives people a false sense of respect.  money cannot buy happiness.  i know of suicidal millionaires. 

    what are some common problems one encounters when they have a new idea and theyre trying to get it out?  for one, if theyre telling it orally, you always run into the problem of not remembering the whole story, thus not being as effective as you want.  because everyone makes mistakes. 

    secondly, IGNORANCE.  people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways, are deathly afraid of change, and they wont even listen to you.  well, ive found a way to jump both of those hurdles, with the internet. 

    what ill do, is run an FTP server from my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard-drive.  only the files and directories i want them to access, of course.  on my hard-drive i will have a directory with all my text files containing my ideas, which anyone can read with any web-browser.  this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, uncensored, finish them when they want to, but the whole story will be told every time. 

    im going to make everyone aware of all the shortcuts i take in life, which anyone can do also.  i prove my theory about good-will and not needing money every day.  since i walk so much, whenever i get hungry, ill walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager.  i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and i am a long-distance walker.  my destination today is medical center/downtown.  i was just wondering if you could spare some gasoline for my stomach so i can keep walking.  if you cant afford it, thats ok, im sure the next restaurant i come across will be generous and help me out." 

    everyone hooks me up.  if they dont, the next place will.  its all a numbers game. 

    i am not a beggar, i am not a taker.  i am an asker and an acceptor.  remember, it doesnt hurt to ask.  when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision.  i am not twisting anyones arm. 

    people say im taking advantage of things.  damn-straight, i take advantage of every opportunity i get.  arent advantages better than disadvantages? 

    i think if everyone got off their lazy ass and walked and rode the bus, most, if not all of our problems would dissapear.  take insomniacs for instance.  do you think they would have any trouble getting to sleep after walking all day?  the overweight problem in america would dissapear as well.  human beings were designed with two legs for a reason, and it wasnt to push the gas and the brake.  cars have made society just damn lazy, not to mention unhealthy. 

    generosity will soon become our common-currency if i have anything to do with it.  like i said, money gives people a false sense of respect.  there can still be bad people with lots of money.  it shouldnt excuse them from being bad. 

    this all brought me to the realization that we dont need money to sustain life.  would you work for free if all your needs and wants were already taken care of, so you wouldnt be bored at home all day, provided you had a job you enjoyed?  well, if everyone else was doing that, what would we need money for? 

    i know there are jobs out there that people dont like doing.  well, when no one does them after eliminating money, the demand for these jobs would go up, and generous people would do them just to help out humanity. 

    people tell me, "if everything is free, then no one would do shit."  i seriously doubt that though.  instead of trying to get the most money into their bank accounts, people would see who can be the most generous, to get the most attention. 

    i want to make everyone/thing truly free, like the fore-fathers intended.  im sure this idea wont eliminate theft altogether, but it would happen so much less, wouldnt it?  even if peoples belongings were stolen, they would be easily replaced. 

    its about time things changed for the better.  with all our natural resources depleting, we should be conserving as much as we can.   why do people make their lives so complicated? 

    if you havent read, i have had many a great learning-experience in the field of ignorance.  when i spent my "vacation" in a state hospital(which i cleverly placed myself in to get out of jail), i was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder.  bi-polar is synonymous with manic-depression. 

    here, let me give you the textbook definition of bipolar: characterized by the alternation of manic and depressive states. 

    now wouldnt it be only human of me to get excited and manic about such great ideas like the ones i have?  at the same time, wouldnt i get depressed when i encounter so much resistance and ignorance when i try to publicize them?  i hate calling it a disorder, its more of a condition, if anything.  i am only human. 

some of the greatest minds of our time have been considered bi-polar. here, let me give you a list i found at 

These individuals have publicly stated that they have experienced manic depression in their lives. 

    see, it happens even to the best of us.  i believe albert einstein, edgar allen poe and ernest hemingway were bipolar as well.  we need to stop trying to treat this "disorder" and learn to accept everyones differences.  the only way were going to make everyone the same, is to put up with individual differences.  world-peace is at hand, lets welcome it. 

    many people i have shared my ideas with compare it to communism.  well, whats the root-word of communism?  community damnit.  communism didnt work in its time because the technology wasnt there to support it, and it was sooo different.  what i envision is a perfect communism, but lets not call it communism.  that name has a bad stigma.  lets just call it true freedom. 

    just think of this idea as an evolutionary-springboard.  the technology is here, lets make america modern already, then the whole world. 

    i know im just dreaming, but hey, ya never know(new york state lottery motto). 

- victor 

if you have anything to tell me, please email me at:, its my permanent email address.  with all the mails i send from this aol account, its bound to die soon. 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: frank, its begun  


Date :    

Fri, 11 Oct 2002 13:38:58 +0000  



Hello Victor, hope you are having a good day!  My problem is that every time I focus intensely(manic phase) on a situation or person  I experience a burst of creative ideas.  For instance, they where flowing for you this morning but I could not find an internet service in Chorrera open as to be able to channel those ideas to  you.  So lets see what comes out now. 

Your mass email letter  is great!  Does´t hurt anyone, expresses the need for change and makes some valuable suggestions.  Thats the great thing about internet, any member of society can be  heard from the privacy of his home or from any internet service in the World.  I would suggest  you talk to your mother about enrolling you in just one college course, anthropology, the study of man, the next, sociology. 

While in the course make a special effort to listen more than you speak. 

Do not try to monopolize the class with your ideas or enthusiasm which are so strong it destroys its own purpose as when you spoke to the peace corp group.  The problem is not to "oversell" it turns people off fast but rather creep up somewhat softly and bring up the loudness to the critical assimilation point and then wait fo the reaction.  Go beyond that critical point and people get turned off, if they are mainstream, loss their receptivity.  Radicals like yourself will flock to you but that will only make you bigger targets for the establishment. 

So what you are doing now with your mass letter is better, self control is what you need in pursuasive communication.  Do not forget to include the concept(reality) God into your work.  People think they "have things" because they work, without Gods blessings no one achieves nothing truely worthy.  Without God´s blessing people can work their ass off but in the ups in downs things begin to go wrong too frequently. 

In the end they ask themselves, where did I go wrong!  "In God we Trust" opens up a channel of powerful positive energy.  Talking about energy.  Enthusiam flows from the mind consuming  more than 20 percent of calories and vitamins, if you do not eat properly and timely you begin to age prematurely and burn yourself out, have a physical and mental collapse.  The best way to prevent it economically is to buy soya flour, boil 12 spoonfuls for 5 minutes in 3 glasses of water and drin 3 glasses a day.  Soya contains the 22 essential proteins the human body requires plus lecitin which covers and protects the nerve cells. Protects them from acids of coffee, cokes, other drugs etc.  Gives you strength and ENDURANCE.  The other thing that maintains strength is a fresh vitamin juice such as beats(ripe), carrots, spinish, 

parsely, onion, garlic, liquified in any citric juice, coconut water or apple juice or just plain water.  Its impossible to compare fresh energy with that of vitamin pills that who knows how long has been on the farmacy shelf and factory, maybe years.  Make soya flour and fresh vegetables part of your survival list, it gives you the mental and physical health to reach your long term and daily goals 

With regards to your  ideas I will make the following comment.  The problem, the essential problem is not the ism used to concentrate people  so the dogmatics can control them for their own selffish ends, but rather "HUMAN NATURE ITSELF.  Although people are differrent especially in differrent places, countries etc, they are basically selfish.  Whats your program for changing peoples selfishness and tendency to work with a double moral standard.  Basically their are three kinds of peole in the World, the very selfish.  Their moto is what is mine is mine and what is yours is also mine.  The second category is those that say I am willing to give you igual value, tit for tat, and the third the divinely inspired, really enjoy giving more than receiving, the more of these a society contains the better the environment for those in the cronic habit of asking to obtain for free. 

Their specialty is exploiting the noble sentiments of those who enjoy working to serve others.  There is nothing wrong in asking so long as you are in the habit of working to obtain your own material goods. 

The problem with your theory is that the mayority of people are in the very selfish category or the tit for tat.  Many of the tit for tat when they can will help out maybe once for free because they would like that benefit of the doubt themselves, but generally speaking human nature is too selfish to allow for a perfect communism so therefore communism is "imposed"  by the most selfish inteligencia minority to control the rest of humanity.  Contemplate these three categories when perfecting your theory, how to overcome human selfishness peacefully-  Their is even the element of the savge nature of man hidden in his socalled modern democracy, or any other dogma.  Before trying to change man learn first all about his nature.  Thats what the anthropology courses are for.  At least go to a local college and get a hold of their curriculum and see what anthropology books they are using and in what order, buy them second hand.  You will be surprised what other interesting books you will find in the college used book store. 

See ya later, best regards to your sisters and mother.  Frank 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: frank, its begun  


Date :    

Fri, 11 Oct 2002 14:15:32 +0000  



Victor, in my last letter there are a lot of gramatical errers. That is because as soon as I fisnished it I sent it without reviewing for errors as I normally do.  I am sending it out immediately because yesterday I had the horrible experienc eo being blown out with me best letter to you, now I do not have my glasses either, so please forgive me when I say their when it should be there, etc. 

Early this morning managed to convince the person renting the small commercial location in front of your grandmother´s ruins to advance me another month of rent so now I have the money to move the family to my new hideout.  The beautiful place where I can make medicine, distribute it and come back and enjoy some peace and quite.  If you come to Panama you will know the location.  The bible states, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so I have to do in panama as my formulas begin to be more valuable there are plenty of evil people in this country that would put a gun to my head to obtain my knowledge. 

With you at this stage I can share 90% of that valuable secrets I hold. 

I even have a medication that totally controls manic depressive behavior and gives one the equilibrium necessary without additice qualities.  I used it on myself and my brother and it works real well. 

Its going to be called, " El Jarabe Siquiatrico." 

In summary, learn more about human nature.  Every person that summarizes his life´s experiences in a book is like a "soul" searching to reincarnate in you.  So a person who reads "good" books multiples his life knowledge potential by 500!  My personal library is in sad shape because my books have been shipped with me for 21 years.  However, hope to have more time to read them.  For instance I have a few, the only written, that I am aware of, on scientific palm reading. These where written by medical doctors who compared the medical diagnosis charts statistically with the lines in people´s hands.  With one glance at your hand I know most things about your health, like hows you basic vital enegy level doing, what shape your nervous system is in or even know if you have congenial heart problems or your heart reflects the stress in your life.  This has nothing to do with gypsy palm reading.  I have used this diagnosis technique for five years and so far its INFALLIBLE.  Every organ in your body reflects the health of every other organ as the nervous sistem interconnects them.  This sis why iridiology works well, all of the bodies nerves are connected there also and they become distorted as diseases affect the organs being reflected in the iris.  Can you imagine the reaction an aborigne has when you look in his eyes and tell him his bladder is infected?  I have the iridiology charts and also those for the "ear" yea how to read the ear to detect diseases, its an ancient chinese art, same goes for the bottom of your feet!  The part of the foot that you massage which reacts with pain indicates that the corresponding organ is sick.  Of ten just by massaging the part of the foot which corresponds to the intestines will make a person want to go to the bathroom and empty hos bowels.  People with headaches can massage the big toe with a little oil for five minutes a day.  It improves brain circulation!  In the same way the whole universe is interrelated, the "macrocosm" is in the microcosm(man).  The intelligence of the universe is expressed in man, we are divinely connected to the intelligence of the universe.  We can tap into the positive or negative energy or rather it can tap into us and control us, give us our goals and we modify our thoughts and behavior until we reach the goals.  The question is always what force is really our driving force or do they alternate like in bipolar disease.  If we do not want to be bipolar how do we get rid of the negative, that is a superb act of free will oonnected to the positive free will of the universe.  Eventually we are drawn to one side or the other, we cannot in the long run serve two masters, either you are with me or against me, Jesus words. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: frank, its begun  


Date :    

Sat, 12 Oct 2002 04:23:12 +0000  


Buenos noches Victor, te hable hoy por primera vez el Botanico Gruber, anteriormente ha sido simplemente tu padre.  Te habla el Botanico Gruber porque te hablo dentro de mi mision en Panama y el COSMOS.  El tiempo es corto, probablemente es la vispera de la tercera guerra mundial y tendre que poner en practica todas mis practicas de sobrevivencia, para mi y los que sobreviven en la region escogida junto a mi. Los fondos de la transaccion que  tengo pendiente si se da la semana entrante, los veo ahora mas que nunca dentro del plan de sobrevivencia en caso de un ataque atomico a Panama.   De repente fue nuestra Presidenta a los estados unidos a cordinar asuntos secretos con el gobierno americano.  Ya el congreso norteamericano, casa baja y alta, han aprobado la guerra contra iraq.  Si se da la transaccion, reza por eso hijo, te enviare los 500 dolares pero tendras que usuarlo en lo que tu deseas o para viajar a Panama.  Lo que se iba a gastar en tu pasaje sera destinado para ayudar a que tu  y nosotros sobrevivamos lo aparentemente evidente.  Sera tu oportunidad de ver a tu padre en accion para lo cual se ha preparado, dar asistencia como medico unico en una zona donde no habra medicamentos farmaceuticos y servir de interprete entre corregidores y alcaldes del interior con las fuerzas invasoras de estados unidos, y posteriormente desaparecer en las junglas para que solo Dios sabe por que!  Sera mas interesante ver el evento desde la paz de una hamaca.  Como el cosmo influye en mi me controla hasta cierto punto, pues soy un soldado del Ser Supremo, viajando en el tiempo de generacion en generacion activado en los momentos criticos.  Asi hay otros en la aparente guerra cosmica.  Si me acompañas, manos a la obra, ser valiente.  Dios tendra la ultima palabra! 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Yes Victor, it is beginning!  


Date :    

Sat, 12 Oct 2002 04:29:42 +0000  



Vic, how are your relations going with your mom and sisters now.  Stick together in these unpredictable difficult times.  You are all fortunate to be together again. Have not heard from you in a few days, what's new, or is your mother conditioning your stay on breaking your communication with me? 

From :    

"Franklin Gruber Chiari" <>  


To :  


Subject :    

alternate email account  


Date :    

Sat, 12 Oct 2002 05:07:39 +0000  



Hello Victor, you now have my alternate email account.  Use it should anything ever happen to the survivaloil account.  My cellular phone number is 507 5489 or Marisol´s  507 653 5323.  Our phones are always turned off, we use them exclusively to receive messages and return phone calls, write them down in a place you woun't lose.  If you happen to parachut into Panama you will be able to let us know where you are at so I can go pick you up.  I am sort of reading Ada´s mind, your welcome anytime!   My panamanian family lives in Chorrera where my uncle Beto Chiari owns a small hotel(pension) its name is ARCO IRIS. Any cab in Chorrera will take you there.  If you arrive in a hurry I will pick up the bill at the pension, my uncle charges me half price, 5 dollars a day.  Behind the pension is Toti, an older couson, make contact with her, she has a phone from which you can call me, I will be checking my cellular phone twice daily.  While in Chorrera do not venture far from the pension, chorrera is like Sodoma and Gomorra, probably pegged for distruction.  When I call you back I will instruct you to catch a bus and continue up the interamerican highway to a specific town(penonome) where I shall meet you at the Dos Continentes Hotel.   This is a practice scenerio, keep a copy on you and do not remove it from your email account, its your way of contacting me in an emergency situation should you have to come to Panama on a drop of a time.  Given the current World situation you would have to learn the essentials of survival as a botanico in 30 days!  Thereafter you are free to wonder the World no longer having to ask or plead, but rather always giving from the abundance of nature's basket.  This is your  first and primary inheritance, with it you will almost have the World  in your hands for very very few will be able to duplicate what you will be able to do with medicinal plants.  While in Chorrera remember this: suspect ANYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BE MY FRIEND even if he should know many details of my life.  Even my local family I consider mere acquaintances! 

Trust no one in Panama, be even headed, the only person you can really trust in life is God!  He is the same all the time, everyone else is variable, too variable by nature.  That is human nature.  Things are moving fast so "put on your seat belt."   Botanico Gruber 


From :    

"Franklin Gruber Chiari" <>  


To :  


Date :    

Sat, 12 Oct 2002 05:36:14 +0000  



Vic, Good News.  Went to Panama city today.  Sales are beginning to improve a bit with the arthritic oil in spite of the terrible economic situation the country is in.  Today have placed out 500 one page "self replicating" fliers on the oil in strategic high income areas.  My area of expertise is also MARKETING.  Everything that you are now doing I would reduce to just one appealing page that "self replicates."  With such "magic" I let others do 99.99 percent of my work.  Thus its like a rock hitting water and  making a ripple, my "logic-emotion" driven page will be all over the World without even the use of internet, although many people will "spontenously" place it all over the web voluntarily. 

You are now looking at an evolved sample in many ways of yourself!  Frankly, I hold the key to your success as I have the short cuts your most needing......but you must passs the test!  And its not easy.  I need to see the effects of how much good you can and are doing for the World before I give you "my sword."  There is a possibility you will not receive it yet what you receive plus who you are will make you powerful in your own right!  Our time has come....the World shall listen to those who have the solutions or perish!  If it choses not to listen then dust off the sand from our feet and head for our foxhole.  The World will have to come to us, we shalll not impose our knowledge on anyone.  Show this to your mother and she most certainly will say we are crazy, both of us.  However, time is the judge!  What is madness today may be considered enlightenment tomorrow.  Have visions in the U.S. and your considered "nuts" but have them in India and your considered "enlightened."  Yes, although things are relative there is an absolute in the Universe.  You will  wake up one of these days and want nothing more than to be with me in panama because you need urgently your inheritance of knowledge.  If you wait too long it may not be available for the stress and wear of the city environment has brought down considerably my body defenses and my tumors are growing rapidly, I could have only six months left of life, there are a number of danger signals about my health that have rung.  This is not intended to pressure you into coming simply stating a fact, besides these are unpredictable times, its best to grap whats yours as soon as you can, no one knows what can happen to either of us.  Your welcome any time even if together we have to eat only" bread and water!"  Frannnklin. 


    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: alternate email account 

Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 11:04:09 -0500 

frank, im going to write your numbers down in my calender.  you said yours is: (507) 5489.  is that it?  there arent any more numbers?  im not sure when/if i will be able to call.  ada probably wont let me make any LD calls from her phone, and i dont have money to buy a phone card. 

peace be with you father, 

- victor 



From :    

"Franklin Gruber Chiari" <>  


To :  


Subject :    

Re: alternate email account  


Date :    

Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:32:45 +0000  



Victor, yes there are some missing numbers its 507 country code then 

653-5489 or 653-5323.  The 5489 number may or may not work, I dropped the phone yesterday night, however, it lights up and appears it will work, I will confirm in a few days, meanwhile the other number is more certain as that phone is always in a drawer at the house. 

I on there a little bit longer, all indications are that I will receive the 10,000 next week.  If there are more delays I will begin sending you a 20 dollar bill as frequently as I can.  I do not like the idea of your continuing your life style because you do not have any other choice.  You are in San Antonio like a fish out of water.  Hang in there Victor, pray that things continue to move in the right direction for me.  I am seing green lights in many directions economically. 

Just spoke to a good friend who is an expert in computers.  He is going to assist me with the email campaign World wide.  He asked me for a letter of recommendation for a job with a German Company.  Once you get down here(if you make that decision) I will introduce you to him.  I spoke to him about you and he is willing to help set you up with your own internet service in Penonome, he is a direct dealer, repairs and expert in the configuration of systems.  His name is Jose Rodriquez, have know Jose since he was 19 he arround 30 now.  He is a self made man like you and I are doing. 

Remember that Marisol and I never have our cellular phone´s turned on, we do not want that radiation arround our bodies.  We use them only to receive messages and return local calls, but of course in a dire emergency you can call from the U.S. to let us know what date you maybe coming, try to give at least 5 days advance notice if possible. 

Here is some good advice on traveling to Panama or any other latin american country.  DO NOT BRING LUGGAGE EXCEPT A HAND BAG!  That way you can be sure no one will plant drugs in your luggage and have problems with customs leaving the airport.  Second it enables you to go through customs faster if you get ahead of the line.  Taxis from the airport to panama city are very expensive minimum of about 25 dollars. 

If you come with just your minimum clothing in your back pack you go out of the air port walk about half a mile where you see the local buses on the route to Panama city.  Catch any bus going that direction as to get off the street where you can be assaulted.  The objective is to get on or change to a bus that goes to the Gran Terminal Nacional where you can change over to a Bus going to Chorrera or straight to Penonome to the Dos Continentes Hotel where the managers are my friends and sell my arthritis oil in the hotel lobby. 

This Sunday I am moving to the Penonome area as mentioned, by the river. 

Since I put out a lot of fliers I expect within 10 days for the arthritis oil to be sold out, 45 bottles in panama city in six Boticario Farmacies, thus if the transaction is not made next week for whatever reason, soon in Panama city I should have a check for minimum of 250 dollars to 450 dollars.  Thus will send you those twenty dollars and more as monies begin to come in.  This is a very critical time in the 20 year effort, please pray for me.   Franklin. 

From :    

"Franklin Gruber Chiari" <>  


To :  


Subject :    

Re: alternate email account  


Date :    

Sat, 12 Oct 2002 16:54:59 +0000  



Victor, as I stay a few days in the panama city or chorrera area my memory starts to fail so if you do not hear from me from this new account it means I forgot the password, write me then to the old address.   To avoid drinking beer on hot days while in chorrera I frequently buy quarts of milk and of course you cant se through the carton.  At night since I am a "pisser" I get up and fill the empty cartoon with urine.  Last night I throught I had left some milk in the carton on the table and grabed it and had a taste of my own piss.  It gives you an idea of what it costs me to come into "civilization."  When I am in the mountains a few months I take off about 20 years, no one believes my age when I first come down to the city. I have the peculiar property of rapidly absorbing the prevailing energy in the environment such that if its negative like it is h ere soon I wither away and people spontenously do not want anything to do with me.  However when I have been in the "magnetic mountains" of panama as I come into town everyone wants to befriend me.  I even have problem with women falling in love with me after coming down from the mountains and having a 5 minute chat.  I am particularly careful not to "enchant" my acquaintance's wives.  I do not do it purposely.  In the mountains of Panama there is a particular plant growing along the rivers that when I drink a lot of the volcanic spring water it shivers when I place my hand next to the leaf!  It would be interesting to try it with you to see if genetically you inherited this capability, which is often a nuisence but which if I want to can "mesmarize" the masses.  I have not used such power in such ways simply because I have no ambition to become the first President of the World, thats left for your generation, not mine, I am to insure, if I can that that person is not a dispotic dictator.  To be President of the World you really have to be born to it.  If I wanted to already I would have been President of Panama.  Well best not to keep on talking, but get going, my dear Marisol is probably anxious as she should be out of food money by now, need to get home.  Be writing you about tuesday to friday of next week, hopefully with good news!  Frank 

From :    

"Franklin Gruber Chiari" <>  


To :  


Subject :    

Re: alternate email account  


Date :    

Sat, 12 Oct 2002 17:03:29 +0000  




    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: alternate email account 

Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 11:04:09 -0500 

frank, im going to write your numbers down in my calender.  you said yours is: (507) 5489.  is that it?  there arent any more numbers?  im not sure when/if i will be able to call.  ada probably wont let me make any LD calls from her phone, and i dont have money to buy a phone card. 

peace be with you father, 

- victor 



    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: hi dad 

Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2002 13:18:02 -0500 


    it is not too likely that i will be coming to panama anytime soon.  like i said, i have much work to do here.  san antonio is my hometown and it deserves to be the capital of the world.  it bears my middle name. 

    i am hopeful of my success soon, especially with my new friend who will help me.  patience father, i shall visit you once my work here is done, hopefully with a better world in tow. 

    as far as luggage goes, i have none.  im not sure if i told you, but after i was put in jail, all my belongings(my wardrobe and every other possesion of mine)that were in the uhaul truck, were taken back to san antonio and put in storage.  i contacted the truck company from jail and apologized for just taking it.  i told them i would take full responsibility for my actions and pay any charge they gave me.  they considered the truck abandoned and slapped me with a $4000 rental charge.  better than a grand theft auto charge on my criminal record eh? 

    now with all my belongings i had my adidas turnbeutel.  a turnbeutel is a german sports bag for soccer shoes, that is only sold in germany.  they are impossible to find in the states or anywhere else outside of germany.  when i was with chasity, she gave me one that i fell in love with(she had bought it when she lived in germany, her father was in the military).  its a very minimal bag that goes on your back with drawstrings.  i used the one she gave me for months and had fallen in love with it.  its lightweight and i carried everything in it.  i had my portable cd player, cds, screw drivers, a small knife, toothbrush/paste, napkins, bottle of ibuprofen, tape measure, first aid kit, a camera and a folder with all my dissertations and reports.  i also carried a swiss army knife keychain everywhere i went.  i was ready for anything.  i weighed the bag at the post office one day, a mere 5.2 lbs.  before i had my bag, i used to slouch a little.  but, after having this 5lb weight on my back all the time, my posture improved significantly. 

    after a while, i noticed it wearing.  i used it all day, every day.  now you know i am always one to be prepared and thought when my bag died, a small part of me would die also.  so one day i jumped on IRC, internet relay chat, the free global chat service thats been around since the birth of the internet.  on it you can talk to people from all over the world.  i went to the germany channel and started asking about a soccer shoe bag.  i found out that they didnt even sell them in germany anymore.  luck was on my side though.  i talked to this german guy around my age, his name was bodo.  i quickly made friends with bodo and learned that he too smoked marijuana.  i let him download a cheech and chong movie from me, which he had never seen.  he just loved the movie. 

    bodo found the exact bag i was looking for.  someone was auctioning it on german EBAY, for $8!  happy day.  i asked bodo if he could front me the money and order and ship the bag to me, then i would send him a check for what i owed him.  he happily agreed and even told me not to worry about paying him back, cuz i was nice enough to let him sample some american humor. 

    the bag was the exact same design as the one chasity had given me.  it was red and black and had the Baron Munchen logo on it.  baron munchen are the record holding soccer team in germany.  i was like, "it would be an honor to have that bag."  i love it when i can put my computer to work for me. 

    so i had packed both of my bags into the uhaul before i left.  all my things are waiting for me here in san antonio, and when i pay off that $4000 charge, i can have them back.  i got the idea the other day, to go talk to uhaul and ask them if i gave them a small portion of the money i owed, if i could have a few things back.  i would tell them that i have computer software in my things, that if i had back, i could use to put my computer to work for me and pay off my debt quicker.  so, im gonna see if they let that fly.  im going to make it seem like helping me out will make them money too. 

    now, if i could get my survival bag back, life would be much easier for me.  i also plan to ask them if i can inspect my belongings to be sure everything is there.  the software i had with my stuff was all pirated games, movies and programs, but they dont know that. 

    like i said, the chances of me coming to panama are very slim, but if for some reason i am forced to, hopefully i will only have my turnbeutel on my back and thats it.  i live a very simple and minimal life. 

    i hate labels, but if someone were to hold a gun to my head and make me call myself something, i would say i was a realist, a minimalist, and resourceful survivor. 

    i know you dont want to hear this, but i dont feel like i belong in panama.  i value the freedom i have in this town, even though it is limited at most times.  i know there are plenty more like me in this modern city and when they hear about my plans, will come out of the woodwork and support me. 

    what i need to do is find a way to make money doing exactly what i have been, saving the world.  if i could dedicate all my resources to working for my cause, and not working for someone else first, i can work miracles.  my new friend is just the beginning of my support system.  she renewed my hope in myself, which had been quickly dwindling.  she is going to pull her resources for us and hopefully expedite a lot of things.  she had received one of my mass-mails and responded with her phone number.  some days went by and i finally called her.  i really hope we can build a beautiful friendship. 

     well frank, i am being kicked off the computer again by ada, she wants to play her stupid game.  good luck with your business ventures soon, and thank you for all your help.  you know its for a good cause, the best cause in the world right now. 

thanks dad, 

- victor 



    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: my head-injuries.. 

Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 10:40:39 -0500 

    ok, its only fair that i make you people aware that i have sustained two traumatic brain injuries in my lifetime.  they have not been detrimental in the least.  they have been terrific learning experiences and i feel i am better off having had them.  if i could go back in time and avoid them, i wouldnt. 

    head-injury #1.  my first head-injury occured november 6th of 1996, election night.  i had enlisted in the navy and my ship-date was november 21st.  why did i join the navy?  well, i didnt know what i was going to do with my life.  the only interests i had was mountain biking and i wasnt good enough to go race for a living.  i graduated high school in the summer of 96 with a 76 GPA and i felt dumb.  no one was gonna hire me, i thought.  the recruiters came to my school and told me everything i wanted to hear.  so stupid me, i enlisted.  i was in the delayed-entry program. 

    right before i joined the navy, i had bought a non-working 78 porsche 924 for $1400.  it was going to be my project and i wanted to get it running.  i was 17.  i didnt know how to work on cars or anything, i just bought parts for it and hoped it would work someday.  i was working at albertsons and every paycheck went into saving up for that car.  i bought a jacobs electric ignition for it and everything.    i twiddled around with that german piece of crap for 8 months before i finally gave up and threw it in a shop.  in a couple days they got it running. 

    so when the navy asked me what my interests were, i told them i liked working on cars.  so they put me down to become an engineman.  enginemen are the mechanics that work on the motors of ships/subs.  wups, this is another story, back to my head-injury. 

    the night of november 6th, which was when president clinton got re-elected(i think), my friend, darrel azar, had snuck his parents car(a kia sephia) out of the house and came to pick me up.  we had started hanging out at the all-night jims restaurant on bandera/410.  from this point on i have no memory of what happened, but here is what i was told. 

    darrel started showing off and speeding down guilbeau road, which is very hilly.  we ended up t-boning a ford f-150 going 70mph.  the people in the truck that we hit were some janitors coming out of the parking lot of this daycare center.  im pretty sure i was wearing my seatbelt like i always do.  my head hit the windshield and i got knocked out. 

    i am 6'6" and i was in a kia sephia.  no broken bones. 

    i was ambulanced a block away to the albertsons(where i used to work) and airlifted to BAMC(brooke army medical center) at fort sam houston.  i was sent to BAMC because they supposedely had the best trauma center in san antonio. 

    i got this big laceration over my right-eye, where the windshield had cut.  my eyelid was cut really bad, and was hanging off.  the doctors were able to stitch it up and miraculously, the lens of my eye wasnt even scratched.  i had no loss of vision in the eye.  i like the scar.  it raises my right eyebrow a bit, giving me this permanent inquisitive look.  ive been told its sexy, but i just think it makes me a little more unique. 

    i was in the intensive care unit at BAMC for 6 days, then transferred to the rehabilitation institute of san antonio(RIOSA) in medical center.  i was an in-patient at RIOSA for 39 days, then 2½ months of outpatient therapy.  the doctors said my only remaining deficits were minor short-term memory loss and impulsivity(not thinking things threw before doing them).  to that ive always said, "they didnt know me before my accident, what did they have to base anything on?"  stupid doctors. 

    a couple of days after i was in riosa, i talked to the navy and they told me i had a new ship-date.  i was bummed out but i said ok.  after they called i talked to my doctor and he asked me if i wanted to go or not.  i told him that i had changed my mind about 2 weeks after i sworn in and had gone to talk to the chief.  the chief told me that i wasnt a man, that my friends werent going to be there for me like the navy was.  he said i had signed a legal, binding contract and that i had to go, so i thought i had to.  well the doctor was cool.  he wrote the navy a letter saying i wasnt fit for active duty.  bam, medical discharge.  i am sooo glad i had my head-injury. 

    one thing i remember about riosa was one night i didnt want to lay down in my bed and sleep, so i started walking up and down the halls of the hospital.  i was restless for some reason.  the nurses commanded me to get in bed and i refused, so they strapped me to the bed with a gait-belt.  i hated that belt.  i even called the nurses on the intercom and lied to them, saying i had to go to the restroom, just to get them to take if off me and i would start walking down the halls again.  hey, i know that sounds crazy, but i had just had a head-injury damnit.  so they finally wrestled me back in the bed and fastened the belt again.  i tried to fall asleep but having that belt strapped to me didnt let me.  so i tried calling again and telling them that i really really had to go.  they didnt believe me and told me to stop crying wolf.  thing is, by that time i really did have to go.  i just turned to one side, undid my pants and peed all over the floor, just because i knew they werent going to release me again.  i waited about another hour then i finally got fed up with the belt.  i grabbed the bed control, that was hanging on a metal hook on the rail of the bed, and tore the metal hook off of it.  i started chopping away at the thick fabric belt.  after about an hour of chopping, i got all the way through it.  i felt like houdini.  i got up and started pacing the halls again with this huge shit-faced grin.  hehe, the nurses were shocked at my escape.  i walked up to them, looked them straight in the eye and said, "i hate that belt! dont you ever put it on me again!"  i told them that i was tired enough now to go to sleep and i would, provided they didnt strap me down.  i also told them to clean up the mess i made on the floor or put me in another room.  hehe got my way. 

    my ex-stepdad luis was an attorney, so of course, his firm was hired to settle my case.  luis' partner oscar ran the show though.  luckily, darrels parents had insurance on the kia and i was also able to collect some money from the insurance of the janitors in the truck.  after all my hospital and lawyer bills were paid, i ended up with $29,000. 

    so basically, since i dont remember going through any pain, it was like i woke up, was in the hospital a bit, and got paid in the end.  ahh, it felt great having money. 

    i blew all of that money in only 8 months.  i wasnt working, i moved out of my moms and into an apartment with some friends, bought another porsche(i know, i hadnt learned my lesson) and i was eating out all the time.  that car sucked all my money up.  it was an 86 944 that i had bought out of the classifieds.  it would break down about every two weeks and was always in the shop. 

    everyone who found out i was sitting on some money became my "friend", and of course, i loved the attention.  so i was happy, temporarily.  talk about luck eh? 

    when the money ran out i said, "oh well, looks like im gonna have to get a job like normal people."  i went to west telemarketing, the highest-paid cheating job in the world.  ill get into telemarketing on another story. 

    head-injury #2.  ok, four years later.  next election year.  october 3rd of 2000, night time.  i was living with my now exgirlfriend in a nice apartment on vance jackson/huebner.  we got in a bad argument and i stormed out of the house to go buy some cigarettes at the store on the corner.  after i bought my smokes, i went for a walk in the neighborhood across the street from my complex.  i was walking down orsinger lane, with my back to traffic, only because i was getting near my apartments and my unit was nearer to that side of the road.  i was hit from behind by a car, did a flip in the air and hit my head on the street.  head-injury #2. 

    luckily, the man who hit me, his name is larry roe(i think) called 911.  i was ambulanced to university hospital.  i was an in-patient in university hospital for exactly 30 days, then again 2 months outpatient therapy. 

    this time, i had some noticable deficits.  i acquired a minor, random tremor in my right side.  my arm, leg and jaw would sometimes shake a little.  i also lost a lot of dexterity in my right hand.  i am right-handed so my handwriting was permanently impaired.  i have since taught myself to write with my left hand, to compensate.  im all about the compensatory-strategies now.  i just make up for stuff. 

    at first, the vision in my lower-left peripheral, when i would glance to the left and down, would double.  that has either gone away or ive gotten used to it, because it doesnt bother me at all now. 

    hey, i could be dead.  i now always look at the brighter side of everything.  how many people have two closed head-injuries in their lifetime and come out normal(depends on who you ask)? 

    i also have no memory of this accident, lucky me.  the doctors told me that if i hadnt had my first head-injury, my second one wouldve probably been a bad concussion.  and, now that ive had two, i am twice as likely to have a third, so i should be careful. 

    while i was an in-patient, i was placed in the reeves rehabilition center on the 6th floor of the hospital.  im not too sure when i start remembering things again, but again, i felt more or less ok. 

    now, because mr roe was nice enough to do the right thing and call the ambulance, i didnt sue him.  he couldve left me for dead if he wanted to.  i settled with his insurance company.  my old lawyer who had represented me in my first accident was hired by my mother again.  i ended up getting a measly $9,000.  the lawyer(oscar villareal) got about the same amount, and he didnt have to get hit by a car.  what a jip eh. 

    anyway, i was a little smarter with this money.  i bought a california-kingsize bed, some furniture for the apartment, i moved my girlfriend and i into a 900 sq ft one bedroom loft, in the same complex, and finally another car out of the classifieds for $1200. 

    ok, i could go off on some other stories from here, but i only wanted to cover my injuries in this dissertation.  so later. 

- victor 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: On verge of transaction, Pray that it happens!  


Date :    

Wed, 16 Oct 2002 23:07:22 +0000  


Hi Victor, just read your last two letters.  I Am back to Chorrera trying to close  the deal, things look good for tomorrow, so please make a silent prayer that it happen! 

Victor, between the ages of 14 and 19 I was involved in at least six car accidents, the last at 120 miles an hour, drag racing, thanks to God's protection there is not one scar or impact effect on my body.   Lets say I have  been very fortunate, but luck, of course, can run out.  I have my tumurs up my ass and I have disactivated them(shrunk them) at least 5 times.  This time I am a bit more worried but am confident I will shrink them again.   In a sense I am on the verge of retirement, delivering and collecting on my arthritic oil, every 15 days, leaves about 80% of my time free to heal my tumors and practice healing nutrition. 

With regards to your head injuries I thank the Supreme Lord that you are alive.    Son you have acquired a love for the San Antonio Concrete Jungle, its not really the right place for a person that has been a little clumsy since childhood, and idealist and dreamer belongs places where they can day dream with minimum of environmental risks. 

You are probably right you possibly do not belong in Panama but the things you can learn here with me in the botanical field will insure you a minimum livelihood anywhere else you should go to l ive in the World.  It may even SAVE YOUR LIFE many times.    So coming down for 3 to 6 months will do you more good than harm.    You need the hours of conversation with me to finally understand yourself better and to succeed in spite of the obstacals the World places in your path.   Besides I intend to consign you a parcel of land, it would be worth while coming to inspect.   I am probably the only person that will understand you most completely and accept you as you are, just as crazy as I have been! 

I have had the idea of making Panama the capital of the World coinciding with Simon Bolivar who believed that someday Panama would be the Capital of the Cosmos!  That info is in a text called Bolivar y el pensamiento panameño.  Actually, the Valley of Anton  was  the first GARDEN OF EDEN.    That was, I believe, where the extraterrestials first planted man on this continent,  there where other gardens of edens in other continents.   Those extraterrestials where coworkers with God in his evolutionary plan throughout the cosmos.  There are others who are pirates and they try to distroy life everywhere they go.   There is such a fraternity as  an "intergalactic government" or at least two such organizations competing.  Imagine a mother ship approaching the planet earth.  One of the first things they notice is the small bridge connecting two continents, Panama.   They decide to descend to inspect it and a giant volcanic crater attracts their attention, a place where once the biggest volcanic explosion in the World took place.  It turns out to be the ideal place to plant their version of man on the planet earth(life always evolves to MAN everywhere) since the natural laws are the same, there are many variations of man in the cosmos, tall, short, differrences in ears, mouths, brain capacity, etc.     As a sign that they come from God, they plant also THE HOLY GHOST ORCHID in this enchanting vally, outside  of this region it has not extended very far, only to parts of costa rica but its home in abundance is in and arround the chosen Garden of Eden where giants first stepped feet on the planet earth!   Yet, I would like to say this much, everything returns to its beginnings.   Who knows maybe I was "ADAM" and you then also my "SON."    If human life began in the Valley of Anton th en its only just and appropriate that "IT" someday be " THE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD."   Its a lot more peaceful an environment to resolve the agitated problems of the World than San Antonio.  Yet, further into the future, this same "capital of the world" may become "the lake of fire" the bible talks about.  You see Son, we have a lot in common and a lot to talk about, and it would be more than appropriate to talk these crazy i deas next to the sound of rushing water  waiting while Marisol makes us some fabulous river lobster soup!    Actually river lobsters are giant crawfish, some weighing in about one  fourth of a pound.    I am glad you have found another female that will listen to your madness.  I do not talk my madness to Marisol, very little of it, as I have learned to compartamentalize sufficiently to appear normal for who wants to be sent to the funny farm for having visions and ideas that are nonconventional?   Even if you do not come, will send you your 500 dollars promptly as soon as I receive the monies.   However, hope you can come to Panama in the near future before anything unexpected may happen to me,  I do not want you to be without the benefit of knowing me and the escape alternatives of modern civilazation which you can find here.  Your dad Franklin. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my head-injuries..  


Date :    

Wed, 16 Oct 2002 23:39:01 +0000  



Hi Victor,  yes, I made the move from Macaracas to the Pintada de Penonome.  To locate the house I rent next to the river you only need locate the only  pharmacy, Farmacia San Jose and ask t hem where I l ive or ask where misses Martina lives, the town curandera,  I rent her other house on the riverside.   Also call Marisols celular phone as mine does not work after the fall.    From the airport you get to Panama Cities Gran Bus Terminal and take the bus to Penonome and from the local market place another bus to the Pintada or a cab which costs 5 dollars.  Yet, if you give me advance notice of your trip you can bet your bottom dollar I will go fetch ya at the airport!  The info I have given you is only should you "parachut in unexpectedly" as I know you like to give surprises.   I should tell you but I have been considering given you a "welcome home party."   I have already prepared phychologically Marisol and her 11 year old son for you to join our home.    The way that I see it Son is that you in San Antonio are really alone.  Your mother is probably tired of getting you out of trouble and accident related situations and one of these days she just may let you "rot"  in jail or in the funny farm.    With me you will mature and separate what is feasible from that which is not feasible.  All I ask of you is a 3 to six month visit.  In the same way that in many ways I can help you, you may also help me with computer ideas I have not thought of.    And you should take advantage while I have some monny as you may decide to come when there isnt enough to pay your trip although I h ope now things are changing for the better.    Take your survival course with me, its life insurance you need.  Just back stepping, since flights from the U.S. usually arrrive at night when you get to the gran terminal take the bus to chorrera, sleep in my uncle's  pension called ARCO IRIS and then ask a cab to take you to the interior bus stop at "la espiga" .  There take the bus that says Penonome. 

But like I said if you give me advance notice I will pick you up at the airport.  Your "pops" Franklin.  P.S.  Remember Marisols cellular phone is (507) 653 5323, its always turned off we  check it daily only for messages.  And, return calls. 

Have a copy of this document printed out and carry it with you in your wallet, get a tourist card which can replace a passport the last I knew but the pass port is better or both.  Doest hurt to have these documents ready, you never know for lack of payment when the U haul people will have a change of heart and say "hey this guy really stole our Uhaul" and who knows when you will get out of jail, have an escape ready!    You are in a volnerable position....try to anticipate problems and avoid them.  Your track record in the U.S. predicts recurrence of similar problems, resuffle your life's cards,  take a vacation! 

From :    

"Franklin Gruber Chiari" <>  


To :  


Subject :    

Re: hi dad  


Date :    

Wed, 16 Oct 2002 23:54:26 +0000  



Hi Victor.  Have you ever stopped to wonder whether people who have had head injuries like both of us are more susceptible to the invasion of " save the world" spirits?  Also, drugs may destroy our "natural spiritual defenses" 

against spriritual manipulations.    Who knows who is out there in the spirit World who wants to channel his own thoughts and make us believe its our own?   People who for any reason have weakened their minds maybe susceptible to such manipulations.  The answer is to find all available ways of strenthening our minds and brains as to prevent foreign entities to control or manipulate us.  There may be extraterrestials trying to "save" the World using us and other people as channels.??????????  Do you have the mind power to reflect that far?????  Are you certain all your thoughts are yours?"    Such entities may lead us to take unnessary risks.   They maybe interferring with our truly independant thinking which maybe more self oriented and materialistic.  Just food for thought, spiritual entities may exist regardless of whether we believe i n them or not!    Your dad Frank 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: my head-injuries.. 

Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 09:07:26 -0500 


    i am not alone in san antonio.  i make friends everywhere i go.  i will be sure to save these emails for the day i do visit, but it probably wont be anytime soon.  like i said, antonio is not my middle name for nothing.  i depend on ada for very little in my life and she doesnt have the mental-capacity to get me out of trouble.  i get my own clothes.  i get my own food when i need to, and even if she were to kick me out, i would find a place to stay very soon afterwards.  i am an independant survivor, with or without anyone.  i can keep myself company if need be. 

    anything is possible frank, but i have to go catch the bus now.  im going to meet with this beautiful girl wou believes in me.  she should be my next devotion.  ill let you know about it, im really excited. 

- victor 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my head-injuries..  


Date :    

Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:34:44 +0000  



Hi Victor, I am glad that you are confident that you will make a positive contribution to the World!  Quite frankly it does´nt matter that much now where the capital of the World will be, what matters now for me is economic success so I m ay keep m y obligations with family as it should be yet with my own efforts and not working for others.   If you succeed in making San Antonio the capital fo the World and its good for the World, great!   Continue to grow and mature and try to stay out of trouble.  90% of the time trouble is found outside of your house or farm.    The more you work and stay at home wherever that may become, the better.    Finding people on the streets and  getting them into trouble is big business now days for by mere association good people are taken to the cleaners. 

With regards to Ada, she was there when you had no other place to go, you cannot say you will not need her any more, however, sure continue to try to make it on your own, develop a positive support g roup of people who do not take drugs and can admire you for your ideas and just being you.    I am glad and happy that you will have a new love in your l ife, hope indeed all goes well for you in the new relationship.  Do not forget the daily fresh vitamin juices or the soya bean meat and milk which will strengthen your mind and body and give you greater endurance. 

Besides some money in the next few weeks you will be receiving the oil samples and a copy or original or one or more botanical books, so should you leave home keep me informed of your new mailing address.  Love "pops" Franklin 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my head-injuries..  


Date :    

Thu, 17 Oct 2002 21:13:38 +0000  



Hi Victor, hope everything is going well in your new friendship, that she turns out to be the right peron for you.  With regards to your ability to survive, you have managed very well, make excellent moves. Do you play chess by the way?  Remember, however, no man is an island. 

Its easy to get into difficult situations but hard to get out.  Always leave the escape avenues open and ready.  Get back to you in a couple of days, your Dad Franklin. 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: hello frank 

Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 15:31:38 -0500 

hello frank, 

    ahh, i am in one of my depressed states right now.  i just got this email from chasity: 

Hello Victor- 

We haven't talked for a while, I hope you are doing well.  I'm writing you because there is something wrong with Stuart.  I don't know what but he needs to go to the vet.  He has a cut behind his ear and I don't know how he got it.  The best I can figure is that he has been scratching it and just made a big gash.  Its like a flap of skin and it looks like it may be infected.  I also think he may have worms.  The reason I'm telling you this is because I would really appreciate it if you could help me out with him.  I have very little time free to take him to the vet.  There is one right across the street but by the time I get home from work it is closed.  I was wondering if you would take him one day this week during the day and get him seen.  Of course, I will pay for it.  If you can or you can't, please let me know. 


my reply: 


   i start work on monday and im scheduled to work monday-friday, 9am-6pm.  i will talk to my boss and tell him i need a day off, even though im just starting.  i will explain the situation to him and let him know its an emergency.  i will be there for my son, even if that means risking this job. 

    im getting hired at computer express on dezavala and cogburn.  i will be building computers for a school district.  theyre hiring a team of 4 people to meet a contract in 3 months, so its a temporary position.  i am sure once they see my skills they will keep me on permanently though. 

    chasity, it really pains me that you only contact me when you need something.  i cant believe you expect to take stuart to florida with you.  if he meant so much to you that you have to steal him from me, im sure you could make the time to tend to his needs now.  regardless, i will be there for him, but do you still plan on stealing him away from me too?  like youve done with all my other things. 

    i asked you before if when you moved, and i still hadnt cleared up the issue at the bank, if you were going to take my computer and you told me that you wouldnt.  your precious credit would remain the same in florida, so that leads me to believe youre keeping my stuff out of spite.  or that youre just lying to me some more. 

    it seems like you are having so much fun with my toys, that i worked damn hard for, and you couldnt bear to be without them.  even though they are blatantly mine.  i had left them with you because i thought i could trust you, you were supposedly my best friend.  and when you saw the opportunity to justify keeping my stuff with the whole bank thing, you did.  i could have stored my things in my mothers garage, but i was nice and let you hold them, only to find out you wont give them back to me now.  thats a really rotten thing to do to someone who devoted himself to you loyally for 4 years. 

    i will call or email you about when i will take care of my son, but mark my words, i will. 

- victor 

    also, yesterday, the mailman delivered a certified letter to my house from the uhaul people who are holding my stuff.  it said that they have a lein on my belongings and if i dont pay the $5,000 i owe them before december, they will sell it at a public auction.  so im gonna lose my entire wardobe as well as every other worldy possesion i own. 

    now if i had my computer, i could make all my problems go away.  im not sure if i told you, but the majority of the people ive sent my emails to in the san antonio chat rooms on aol agree with me.  i got the idea that once i get my computer back, i am going to mass-mail my ideas all around the globe.  in one of my mails im gonna ask for help. 

    as soon as i have sixty dollars, i plan to rent a post office box.  on my email i will ask people if they would be generous enough to donate some money to clear up my debts.  i will let them know that helping me will only help my goal of world peace. i am almost positive people will send me money.  people waste so much money on the internet as it is.  once they realize how worthy my cause is, my mailbox will be overflowing.  especially once people read my stuff and forward it to their friends. 

    i also got another clever idea.  i will send an email to all my new friends and give them chasity's email address.  ill ask them to bombard her email.  ill ask them to tell her that im not crazy and that i deserve all my stuff back.  im not sure if that will work, but it doesnt hurt to try.  once she sees all the support i have, she might change her tune about me. 

    it makes me so mad that she looks down on me for accepting other's generosity.  she is a professional shoplifter herself.  living with her helped teach me how money is just a game you can choose not to play.  what a hypocrite eh? 

    how are things going with your business ventures?  i start work monday at the computer shop, so i wont have that much time to devote to my projects.  working there will be a springboard for my ideas though.  i will be working with people that are familiar with the internet and im hoping they will see how truly possible my plan is, and support me.  i will also have many resources to tap there.  fast computers and technical support. 

    i could really use those $500 right about now though frank.  supposedely the deal with chasity was that once i take care of the overdraft charge at the bank($460), she would give me my stuff back.  so that will help me immensely, you have no idea how much i will appreciate it. 

    i have been documenting my days a lot more, because of how interesting theyve been.  theyre lengthy reads, so if you want to see what my day-to-day life has been like lately, let me know and ill send them. 

    well frank, i hope everything is going good for you, peace be with you. 

- victor 

"Hurt not the Earth.  Neither the sea, nor the trees." 

Revelations 7:3 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hello frank  


Date :    

Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:35:19 +0000  



Hello Dear Victor, just read your last three emails.  The past 15 days have been rather dificult healthwise.  I had made 4 trips, one every week to chorrera trying to close the deal consequently being in a poluted area materially and spiritually brought down my defenses and my intestinal tumors swelled up so I had no other option than to attend  to my health.  In doing so I did not leave the rural town of la Pintada for 4 days.  In this corner next to the mountains there is no cellular phone reception.  And it was precisely in this period that the call and email came in for me to go and close the deal.  It so happens that the person buying was relying on a nephew to bring him the money "cash" and it was waiting for me on the 24th of this month.  By the time I got back into Penonome to check my email and Marisols celular phone the nephew of Mr. Jose Veces left his uncles  home on a trip to Guatemala, he is a salesman working out of the Panama Colon Free Trade Zone.  The moral in this situation is keep at it even when it hurts, I probably would not have died had I postponed my tumor treatments for a few days. Nevertheless, money is not more important than health, possibly I would have taken my body beyond the no return point and later died.  This news will probably piss you off, it did me.  However, Mr. Veces informed me that he has a daughter willing to lend him the money, that he would contact me tomorrow or wendnesday.  He is going to do everything possible to get the money since the property is worth about 100,000 dollars, ten times more than what I am asking.  Ever since you three where small children everytime I have tried to do something that would benefit you lady luck or "witchcraft" gets in the way!  Call it what you may, its hard to break that barrier but I am not giving up! 

For years its almost impossible to do more than one or two important things in a days time.  Everything goes slow here, its like the differance in the pace of life between Florida and New York.  For instance today I spent half the day giving out fliers on the arthritis oil in Penonome trying to stimulate sales in several local pharmacies.  I came to this internet service twice and both times the attandant said come back later we are still giving classes.  Its 4:30 now and about 4 I finally got access to a computer. 

Victor there is a herb which is internationally known, its called "alhucema."  See if you can find a supplier up there.  Just one spoonful per glass of boiling water, strain and add a little honey, will cause the worst "depression" to vanish in 15 minutes!  Its a brain tonic which also swrinks brain tumors as well as threngthenes the whole nervous system.  You take it beginning the day and about 2 pm, not at night since it awakes you like coffee but has not side effects and is not addictive.  I control completely my depressive swings with it.  However, depression in itself is " normal" as everything in nature has its biorythym, ups and downs.  Some people have lower and higher swings, but its nothing so bad as to classify a person for life as a physchiatric patient.  Alhucema also has another advantage, it stimulats creativity, using this herb any person with normal intelligence will increase the vibration of his "soul" and consequently be able to absorb more cosmic energy which includes light waves which translate into ideas of wisdom.  I took alhucema daily for about 7 years and it has helped me immensely with stimulating my creative ideas in my chosen field. 

In spite of my inability to help you economically at this time, I have been analysing your ideas about a World with no money (as you say the root of all evil) and feel that you are BASICALLY CORRECT!  There are many obstacles in your path, the mentality of the whole "modern civilization."  And it will take money to relinguish money!  The World MUST CHANGE or it will PERISH! It is on the verge of doing so now.  Possibly a personal exchange of ideas for a few months will enable us to put together "a masterplan" for "Peaceful World Change."  You can sign it, take ALL the credit.  You are making a very SINCERE effort to send AN ALARM SIGNAL OR LETTER to humanity to cause it to REFLECT.  You are behaving like a WORLD CITIZEN should be behaving.  You are NOT CRAZY!  You simply are living in a CRAZY WORLD where everybody is doing his best to appear normal and not crazy.  Sincerety makes people appear crazy, who would dare express the resentment and even hate at the current evolution of the state of humanity?  All the leaders of the World have to be truly "nuts" to create an arsenal of nuclear weapons that could distroy the World 5,000 times!  So hang in there, maybe we can get the whole World to drink "alhucema tea" and increase its capacity to absorb "light!"  With consistent effort even if it "hurts" we can break the "jinx" that separates us.  Maybe someday I will find out who is behind it.  Sounds weird but the last time I visited your mother(second trip) trying to get her to agree to come to Panama with you three, I felt the instance an invisible barrier came between us. 

Analyse your own circumstance.  You have an important mission in life and always everything "tends" to go wrong.  Its almost as if "peters principle" if anything can go wrong it will" has been purposely fixed on us.  Only a stronger force can break the spell.  Thats our perserverance and prayer!  I have found, for instance, that in the region of Los Santos even breathing was difficult for me.  The air was dry and contained pesticides and herbacides.  Agent orange is sprayed along the road to kill the weeds(ignorance and madness!)  Here in the cocle province I can breath much puerer air as it comes in from the mountain jungle regions.  The higher altitude some how helps me also. Possibly also each region of the globe corresponds to differrent energy wave levels which can be harmonious or not with our personal health. When I go to the area of "Chorrera" my health goes to hell quickly.  And there isnt that much car pollution, its simply the energy "belt" there is toxic to my health.  If you inherited this caracteristic which the doctors could never dream existed, it could alter your mind.  Consider the following, an inmate in jail.  He "feels" his way arround his cell until he finds "his favorite spot" where he feels most comfortable.  Well, the whole World is a cell where everyone should find his "best energy match location."  In a given area say, the republic of Panama, the mountaneous cocle region where I am now at seems to be optimum for me, however, if we broaden the area to include all of America there could be one or more locations out of Panama which would also be optimum.  For instance in a few short weeks all my serious mental health problems vanished simply by changing locations from Chorrera to El Valle de Anton, more so the mountaineous part(the town area is less vibrant. Also, getting in lasting contact with nature enables us to draw enery from nature and not have to consciously or unconsciously have to "draw" it from other people.  Most older people vampirize younger peoples energies by giving lectures etc forcing them to focus their attention on them when the quantity and quality of energy received would be much greater if they learned to obtain it, open themselves up to the spiritual interaction with nature.  Its simple just go to a beautiful natural area and LOVE IT!  When we express admiration and love for the natural life that surrounds us it appreciates it and emanates its love to us and recharges our energies. 

We are at where are attention is at.  We are the reflection of what we think, eat, and the environment we live in.  So madness becomes madness from negative "civilized." environments.  There are many places in Panama I love, but detest many of the people in those places.  So I go into the Wilderness and spend time with Nature by myself.  Once more I am a little bit closer to her now, but having a new wife and child has caused me to separate myself from nature more than before, but again I am coming more in contact with her and her spirit which is that of LIFE. 

Victor, we are not abandoned, NATURE STILL EXISTS! 

Please do not lose the faith in your mission in life, simply learn more about life and the nature of man to improve your ability to accomplish your goal in as realistic a manner as feasible.  Thanks for the bible quote.  Also, learn not to throw your "pearls to the sweine(bigs).  That is do not be so eager to share your ideas with those who cannot understand, simply be patient and perfect them and life itself will indicate the moment to best express your message to the World.  LOVE YA LOTS SON, Take care and lets keep in touch, "anything can happen." Hopefully for the best!  Your Dad Franklin. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hello frank  


Date :    

Mon, 28 Oct 2002 22:59:12 +0000  



Hi Vic, Just a closing note, it almost 6 p.m and have to head for "la Pintada, a 20 minute ride from Penonome. 

About Chasity.  Try to interact with her in a friendly and polite way, like if you were merely friends.  Avoid getting emotionally involved about any topic that relates to her even if it is about your dog. Practice this with her for a long time, it will help to "stabalize" the relationship and she may spontaneously give you your things back.  If you pretend it doesn't matter that much whether she keep or not your things she may try to gain your attention by surprising you with the opposite, giving you what is yours!  She contacts you with doggy excuses because she needs your ENERGY.  SHE MAY NOT EVEN REALIZE IT BUT SHE NEEDS YOU TO PLACE YOUR ATTENTION ON HER.  Do so but not entirely so that she will do something to please you like giving some or all of your things back,,,, who knows, maybe what I am saying will work!  Be cool and less emotional with all those people who do not understnd you but need your energy!  They will begin to understand you more!  Frank. 


hello frank

     hello frank, ahh, things have been rough here, but im not letting it get me down.  i would be greatly interested in sampling some of your natural products.  also, anything you can tell me about herbs, spices and natural cures would also be greatly appreciated.  im all about naturopathic medication and would love to learn more about it.  

     i apologize for any animosity youve recieved from me.  it would be hypocritical of me to ignore you.  therefore, i am willing to open my mind to any knowledge you can feed it.  my mind has been one big sponge in these trials of mine lately and i dont want to stop learning.  so, feel free to enlighten me, at your convenience of course.  

     also, if your cures are as fruitful as you claim, maybe i can help get some publicity for you with the use of the internet.  

get back to me please.

- victor

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hello frank  


Date :    

Fri, 08 Nov 2002 18:52:52 +0000  



Hello Victor.  My sincere apology for the delay in writing.  Economically here the situation is getting very tough making me travel long distances to get the dripple.  Am being  forced to develop new strategies for survival, sales at hotels fluncked, the attendants are envious and either hide the medication or the signs.  So back to the drawing board. 

Last week could not sleep very well.  Had two preocupations.  One was a brain cancer paitient I was treating.  She gained strength the first week with my tonic plants and vegetable juices and protein supplements. 

But, a freak of fate destroyed her life.  Her sisters came down with a bad flu which she caught and the high fever caused her to go into convulsions, she died, was only 11 years old.  This was a humanitarian case, did not charge.  The other thing was waking up a bout 4 a.m. with your bipolar problem in my mind.  Since I have been "bipolar" all of my  life I am writing you to share some insight on how to  deal with this "gift."  It is a gift if you learn how to channel it.  Every bad thing has its good side.  The vast mayority of "bipolar" patients which are not psicotic(losing touch with reality, hallucinations, etc) ARE IDEA AND PROJECT ORIENTED (THE GIFT).  When they get enthused with an idea they transform it into a project and in  trying to implement it intensely burn up most of their energies.  So consequently, in a burned out state, they naturally become depressed.  You see Son idea and project oriented people are about 2% of the population, most geniuses are counted among them.  The rest of the population are basically "things" oriented.  They do not mind being some one elses "slave" so long as they get the "good things of life!"  In a World that is basically "thing oriented" (capitalistic) the eduational system is geared mostly to their needs, leaving people like us, stranded and out of environmental context.  Basically, then,we make an effort to become "self made men."  Some times we succeed, other times we fail.  The bad thing then is not being by polar for which society has a natural bias against, but rather not being "realistic" in our goals and behavior.  Yes, even impossible things can be achieved, if the strategy is correct and we  take things step at a time.  Son its a waste of time to make people and the World in our own image and thinking, it takes humanity decades and centuries to catch up, they must have time.  The important thing is to set up " an example" yourself as a  model of success even if it is on a small scale, once the seed is planted others like you will water it and it will grow into a strong tree, hopefully, of life! 

The other important thing about bipolarity that I can share with you is the need for using your naturally stubborn nature to your advantage by setting up your independant business.  It should be wholesale as wholesale business frees up your time for recharging yourself(depressed state).  Example.  When in a "manic" fast activity phase I make medicine and go out and leave it on consignment( almost everyone accepts on consignment).  The key is having a very low cost.  By the time I am through going on the route, the depression sets in.  From the previous expansion I saved enough for food, then I consume it, then go out again 15 days later to collect what was sold of what I left on consignment and leave more product.  The advantage is that the stores that accept my product do the worst part of the  work, the "slave part."  They stand or sit behind a counter up to 16 hours a day waiting for the client.  And as they collect little by little the sales of my product they end up giving me two thirds of that income!  So the bipolar type has the advantage when he discovers that wholsale business frees up his time and increases his revenue.  Example, it may take me at most 5 days to do a route visiting dozens of clients.  Doing two routes a months means that in sales I consume only ten days of the 30.  And in production for the whole month only 5 days.  Thus I actively work only half of the time, the other half is for recharging my depressed state.  A  complication of being by polar is being " boxed in" by circumstances such as family and friends that do not understand by polarity and insist one slave the whole month.  Now you can appreciate more why I want you to come to Panama to learn with me my bipolarity survival techniques.  So we cannot overnight do away with capitalism. For the time being share your profits with them so they can do what they do best, be the "slaves to the system."  It will free up your time to do what you do best, think with useful ideas to society which can bear fruit in the future.  However, we still have to work, each one of us giving the best of ourselves to the World and humanity. 

Another thing not to forget is God, the Supreme Lord.  With him in our hearts we are humans.  Without him we are mere opportunistic intelligent animals.  He is the source of life and lasting enlightenment.  I hope the enlightenment shared with you will be of some value. 

next week, hopefully, will send you a 20 dollar bill.  Also, the sample of oil, arthritis, I promised.  Hope U.S. Customs lets it arrive at your address.  Still continue to work on the mayor transaction.  God Bless your Soul, Victor! 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: just another update 

Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 05:46:21 -0600 

hello frank, 

    how are you doing?  i just wanted to let you know whats been going on in san antonio, since i havent heard from you in a while.  i started the perfect job last week.  i work at a computer shop.  me and 2 other guys were hired to fulfill a contract the shop has with the san antonio idenpendant school district.  we build computers and go deliver them to the schools and install them.  what better job could i have? 

    not only am i working with computers, i am also staying active and exercising at the same time.  when we finish building a batch, we load them into the company truck and go on-site and install them.  its great exercise.  finally, something i love that im actually getting paid for also. 

    everyone there is very laid back and i feel accepted there.  i get $7/hour and i am also working full-time.  monday through friday, 9am-6pm.  that doesnt leave me much time to work on my goals, but all in due time. 

    my position at the shop is temporary, until the contract is done in 3 months.  i am almost positive they will want to keep me permanently after seeing my skills.  i kick ass.  my plan is to save up some money, get some of my stuff back from the uhaul, and when the contract is up in january, head west again. 

    i am not sure how long i can work there happily.  i am, after all, still working for someone else.  and you know i try and work for everyone, but thats not paying bills right now.  unfortunately, until i phase money out, i still have to use it.  just as little as possible though. 

    i get my first check tooday.  its only for 3 days so it should be somewhere around $150.  the uhaul people already told me i needed to give them $1000 first, to get anything back.  that is, if they dont auction my stuff off in december first.  i think im just gonna show up and offer to endorse them my checks every friday and see if that flies.  money talks, ya know. 

    your $500 loan would still be greatly appreciated though.  it would just speed everything up.  trust me, i will use it wisely and when i can, pay it back.  also, im itching to evaluate your products. 

let me know how things are going in panama. 

- victor

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: just another update  


Date :    

Fri, 08 Nov 2002 19:24:08 +0000  



Hello Victor.  I am very happy you obtained the job building computers for the school system.  My advice is not to sign over your entire check to the Uhaul people.  Thats not the only problem you have, save half for yourself.  Your material possessions are not the World, you can live without th em if you have to and even replace them, do not let the Uhaul people "govern" dominate your thinking over your possessions.  Your grandfather Victor once gave me this good advice.  " Son I may be your father and I will do everything I can to help you but in a pinch if I do not have the money, the money you save on your own " is your best friend."  Son when I do receive  the 500 I will send it to you not as a loan, it does not hurt me to share with you, I will be more than happy to let go of it for your benefit.  Just consider my siuation as one who has been climbing a hill almost impossible to climb. It takes the pharmaceutical companies millions of dollars to put a product in the market so my doing so on a shoe string budget leaves little for sharing and I must invest in the business otherwise all my past efforts are lost.  So bear with me, my tree will bear  fruit.  I am glad you are moving foreward, be patient with the people you work with, try to make the job last as long as possible until your own wings are ready to fly, not before!  During the next 7 days feel free to write me all you wish.  I will respond to all your letters in about 7 days.  Ask Laura why she has not  written me lately.  I want to know how she is doing in her colledge english courses.  Has she gotten married, if so wish her the best.  Her last engagement plans seemed better than the first.  She has an affinity for the arab people, its karma.  She needs to look forward not backwards although its natural to do so.  It will never be the same as it was, only some times similar.  Your future is in the future not the past.  You love San Antonio because you accostomed to it from childhood but it may not necessarily be the best place for you.  When you do leave  it do not burn the bridges beh ind you, you never know when you will need to return on those bridges, maybe to Panama on vacation, if I can I will send you the airfare for that vacation!  See you(write you) next week.  Franklin 

hello frank, 

     let me quote you from your last email: 

"Yes, even impossible things can be achieved, if the strategy is correct and we take things step at a time.  Son its a waste of time to make people and the World in our own image and thinking, it takes humanity decades and centuries to catch up, they must have time."

"The bad thing then is not being by polar for which society has a natural bias against, but rather not being "realistic" in our goals and 


     i believe i know the strategy to bring change considerably faster than decades long.  its just simple evolution.  a new way to reach the masses.  im sure ive sent you my ideas about using the internet to get my global voice.  i will be running my FTP server and showing people the truth, as soon as i get my computer back from chasity.  You feel like its a waste of time, only because you dont know what i know.  it may have taken decades before, but things can change, cant they?

     first things first though.  with my belongings that uhaul has, is my old keychain.  on my old keychain there is a spare key to chasitys apartment.  so im going to see if i can offer uhual some money just for a few belongings, including my keychain.  then im going to wait until i know for sure chasity is not home and enter her apartment and just take my computer back.  ill see if i can get a friend with a truck to come help me and ill get my big solid wood california kingsize bed back too.  hell, while im at it, i should just take stuart back also.  

     so im pretty crunched for time because chasity is moving to florida in january, if not december.  i have to be patient and work my job.  good things come to those who wait.

- victor

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 22:33:00 +0000

Dear Victor, wellcome back on line. Yes, could use your help with your knowledge of internet. You could also make money at it. Place an add in as many places you know of whereby those interested can send you ten dollars and in return you will reveal the name of the pharmacy with the best anti arthritic oil in the World! Once they send you the ten dollars via credit card or money order, simply send the address of the El Boticario Pharmacy of Panama. I will send you the exact address, email, phone, etc in my next email. The price there is 14.95 for a 4 ounce bottle. People will have to send for it and bring it into the U.S. themselves. While it is legal in Panama to sell my product as an article of artesan consumption that is unlikely the case in the U.S. Your only obligation in your advertisement is to reveal the address of the pharmacy that sells this revolutionery product. Whoever needs it badly enough will find a way of receiving it. Once properly equiped I can produce of the concentrate about $100,000 a day! I shall also send you my one page publicity in spanish which you are free to translate or dissiminate as "is" to the spanish audience of internet. If I "take off" financially speaking you three and your mother will be included in the new prosperity. In a few days will get back to you with Farmacia el Boticario`s address, phone, fax, email, etc. Whatever you do do not reveal our family relationship in your advertising as I do not want you or your sisters kidnapped and traded for the formula. Before you formally send any advertisement in internet please allow me to review it first, O.K. Will get back to you in a few days. Try to obtain the books published by Jethro Kloss, an american pioneer on healing with herbs. This commom sense man had doctors working for him! As ever, God Bless You & keep You in Sound Health!

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 21:59:57 +0000

Dear Victor via internet in english and spanish please publicize the following information:

Anyone desiring to locate the best oil to massage
please send me ten dollars at xyz address. I shall
upon receipt of payment inform you immediately
the International Pharmacy where ACEITE ANTI ARTRITICO
GRUBER can be purchased. It is made with the best
central American herbs and in a matter of a few days
eliminates pain and inflamation. The pharmacy that
sells this product sells it with a total satisfaction
garantee or your money returned 100%. This product
actually goes to the roots of the disease. Its made
with plants which contain antiinflamatory and antimi
crobial properties. Contact me at email xyz

When the clients send you the ten dollars then send
the name: Farmacia El Boticario, Republica de Panama,
Telephone (507) 314-6203. Ask for Mr Clyde Francis,
Store Manager, email Of the 6
el Boticario Pharmacies Clyde is the only bilingual
person working there. If he is not in the office the
client should contact his celular phone: 633-0065.

Victor, people like Mr. Clyde with a Masters in
Business Administration would not accept my product in
their stores if it where not very, very effective. You
are free to call him and talk with him about the
product. The point is do not doubt or hessitate,
lets get this on the international market now!

Now is the time before the international
pharmaceutical companies pressure the government to
get it out of the market because its an artesan
product. It is being sold legally now so now is the
time to push marketing!

This can be your opportunity to express your genius as
an expert in Internet Marketing. Will send you this
week a 4 ounce sample in the mail, hope it reaches
you but get going on the marketing even if itdoesnt
arrive, customs may not let it in but those in need
will find a way. I have a client just turned 80
with a fractured hip, all pain disappeared in 3 days.
His name is Lencho, lives in La Mesa de Macaracas,
Los Santos Province, owns a store there. The oil is
massaged in the affected area twice a day, before
bed time and after showering in the morning for
several weeks or months for lasting relief.

The book by Jethro Kloss is titled
BACK TO EDEN, hope you really enjoy it!
Goodluck & Fortune, Franklin Gruber


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: hello frank

Date :
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 23:20:24 +0000

Hi Victor. Your sister Laura informed me that you are six feet six inches tall! Never dreamed a son of mine would be that tall. Your grandfather Victor was only six feet tall. Your one year old brother has big feet, greenish bluish eyes, blond hair. My hair used to be blond as a kid but turned brown.

With regards to studying herbs there are three routes you can go. One, the occult uses of herbs. I Have read some on the topic but as a cristian it never interested me. The other two routes are more cientific and legitimate if you do not mix with animal medicinal products which can decay and harm people, like "mantecas" for pain, etc.

Those two routes are: learn a little of a lot of plants or a lot of little number of plants. There are literally thousands of medicinal plants in the World. For the first year or so you may decide to learn a little of many hundreds or thousands of plants trying to discover the small number that interest you most say about one hundred then investigate everything known about that small group of plants. By doing that you end up in your own mind with "broad spectrum plants." There are plants that have over 90 different medicinal properties. A handful of such plants in a botanical formula can cure over 500 ailments. This is a fact especially to the person who does the investigation but since the public knows so little about those virtues no one would ever believe that a cure all formula can be built to cure about 95% of the most frecuent infectious ailments, including aids and cancer. Of course the formula would not be equally effective on all people, for each disease there would be a differrent bating average. The problem is not that a " santo remedio" formula cannot be devised rather that the World and the pharmaceutical industry is not prepared to allow such an invention. The optimun goal of a botanical scientist in the medicinal field would be to "cure the maximum number of diseases with the minimum number of medicinal plants." I made my first Santo Remedio formula in 1991 and was persecuted for it, so I became wise, now its just the Anti Arthritic Oil but as people begin to use it the demand will also increase as they discover that its useful for many skin problems and eventually for internal problems as well. I use the concentrate of this formula to cure variety of skin cancer. I cured a melanoma skin cancer on one of my moles with this formula about ten years ago. In nature every region of the World is gifted with the medicinal plants necessary to cure the endemic diseases of that area.

As there are different ways to skin a cat, there are differrent combinations of plants that give the same ultimate results. Every region has the plants for making a santo remedio type formula. " There is nothing new under the sun!"

Modern Science ha divided medicinal plants into toxic and non toxic. However, there is a third category, the semi toxic plant. It is in this third category that the cures for all of mans cronic ailments is to be found. The cures for cancer and aids, etc are to be found there. A semi toxic plant is one that in "common sense" dosages does not kill human beings but kills germs. What common sense means is very relative and can be differrent in differrent culture, nevertheless its the category tht requires intense investigation. Many of the common sense dosage plants have insecticide properties. When taken internally in common sense dosages they kill intestinal worms but do not harm the host. They can be used to bathe a dog or cat or horse and kill the tics, etc. Environmentally sound insecticides can be made from these plants.

This is your first lesson from me in this impirical science. Make copies and save for posterity. A lot of the things I can tell you may not have been said before(recently) and could be of great value to you and humanity. May God Bless and Keep you Always, Franklin Gruber Chiari, september 11 2002


I think I sent a copy of an email I sent to Franklin to my mother as well. I copied it and mailed Franklin with her response.

From: "joe mama"
Subject: ada's response
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 22:22:46 -0700

Since an e-mail that I received was addressed to Franklin, I decided to delete it immediately. Besides, it is of no interest to me to read a 21K letter that isn't my business at all. Perhaps you sent it to me intentionally but I must say that whatever message you wanted to send to me through such a missive, was not read. Maybe you want people to feel sorry for you by probably making them feel guilty, but in my case, it's not working. If you could not respect me as a human being and are going to insult me constantly, then there's no place for you in this house that the "glorified babysitter'' supports. The day you decide to stop trying to manipulate me, start respecting me and whatever I want to do with my time, my house, and my money, and contribute positively in this household...then you will be welcome again.



I sent Franklin one of my daily logs.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: ada's response

Date :
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 21:20:37 +0000

Dear Victor, thank you for your recent letters! The things you describe are incredible but obsiously so, thanks for letting me know how life is going for you in San Antonio. Yet, foremost, congratulations on your new job! The U.S. has its advantages for bright people in your situation. In similar situations in Panama people may let you starve. I had a friend who`s name was Randy. He had been a Sargeant in the U.S. Army, experimented on drugs, got off of them, then lived the bohemian life for 20 years, being a taker. I allowed him to stay for several months at a time in my mother`s house. He met a beutiful young girl, made her 4 blue eyed children, finally got a ticket to leave Panama from a sister, sent his children money for a year, and now his children are going hungry. People eventually got tired of giving to that taker, his hair grew white, lost all his teeth, looked age 75 at 50. What I have difficulty assimilating is that I thought your mother was an extraordinary mother and person, that she could do better without me because she could not live with me, that she would do an excellent job of raising you three. Apparrently I was very wrong. When I returned twice to San Antonio to try to reconciliate with your mother and her come to Panama with you three she refused. I then had a stable job earning sufficient monies to support the family. After that attempt I became very depressed and ill and began to think in terms of my own survival. Had I not taken care of myself then possibly there would be no chance of being able to assist you three in the present future. In life, to ease the stress, you either head for the top and make it, then have the leisure life, or head for the bottom and also have the leisure life(if you succeed at the bottom) No es malo ser pobre, es malo no saber ser pobre) When I became ill I headed for the bottom but not in the human jungle, rather the real jungles of Panama where if I cured a few people with the free herbs of the environment, well they took care of my food and shelter needs. With time I realized I could make more money by activating myself in marketing my medicines. I have a nationwide network of clients but the situation is so bad down here that often even after 2 months a client has sold nothing so I invented the idea of STRATEGIC MARKETING focusing in on areas that could pay high prices for the antiarthritic oil. I have entered this phase now foronly 4 weeks. This coming week will learn if the technique is effective when I go to collect. The important point Victor to remember is that in the long run your environment defines your possibility for success in life. When I tried to move again in the middle and upper classes of Panama, I was rejected as my face and everything that irradiated said " this guy comes from the bottom." After my mother died I went to my aut Rosa to take a bath one day. She said "no way" you stink like a campesino, go see if your uncle Beto will allow you a shower in his pension. There he said yea but you have to pay! I know what you are going thrugh. The important thing is to find a "nitch" where your value is evident and work from there to "overcome" the environment. " No se puede ver bien el faro que te alumbra hasta que superes el medio ambiente." Lets keep in touch. If things improve for me which I feel they will, I will send you some cash. Send me in your next email an address where I can send international money orders. Try to stay off marihuana( I tried it myself while growing up) It will break holes in your spiritual life support electromagetic field and allow in harmful entities. You, of course, may not believe this.......but with time you will realize, I was right. As a young man I was a "hell raiser" I liked to party and enjoy living the good life. My parents paid a high price to raise me. Thank God, I do not have anykind of police record. You might consider the possibility of coming to Panama once my situation improves a little. Here you will not find any hand outs yet an opportunity to enjoy nature learning to harvest what is of value free in the jungles, the herbs. Keep me informed of your situation, toma las cosas con calma, you as I are "late bloomers." My father Victor predicted that. When my mother would get on his tail to scold me, he would say,leave Frank alone, he is a late bloomer but when he does bloom he will succeed in life. It is a shame Ada does not want to communicate with me. She would feel better learning that I have changed, matured in many significant respects. Her having a friendly relationship with me may help improve the overall tension in your relationships. Son as soon as you feel the strength head for the top, the bottom will consume you. That which does not grow, erodes.....keep on growing. Try to find your link to the creator. " El que no cre en Dios no cre en nada." Relativity is a World of illusion. There is a power within us, the body is the temple of God, that can illuminate us in our dire moment of need. If we do not connect ourselves sincerely to this power if and when our spiritual defenses breakdown, our souls lose vibration and are attracted to tiny quartz cristals by the force of gravity where they are imprisoned, that is "hell." You see to many these are crazy ideas. You have yours, there is a saying, "de sabio, loco y poeta todos tenemos un poco." Victor there is a creator and the creation can nerver be more than its creator, this is why modern medicine cannot be more than medicinal herbs, copies can never be better than the originals. Yet human intelligence has a place in God`s plan, we are to be concious co workers with God`s divine plan, which he will reveal to those souls and bodies where his presence can cohabitate. This is not religion, this is Science of Soul. The architect of the Universe is God himself, there is no greater mathematician or scientist than THE SUPREME LORD thus he sends his knowledge in "light waves" which some have the fortune to tune into if there receptors are "clean enough" to vibrate at the proper frecuencies. O.K. so much for "my madness" let me know more of your philosophy of living and making a better World! I have a friend who is a Chief Forest Ranger on a small paradise like island. (it used to be a prison island). I may self excile myself there once I install my new Strategic Marketing System. Any help you can give me on the marketing end will be appreciated. Stay cool, positive, move forward, possibly we may be great friends some day! The last thing we sould lose in life is HOPE. En mi momento mas dificil clame a Dios y su voz me contesto y dio la solucion a mi problema. Estaba a punto de cometer suicidio. Segui su consejo y por eso vivo en el mundo tratando de no ser de este mundo porque sabemos que la humanidad va hacia un suicido colectivo. We can with our grain of sand or bolder, make the differrence of survival for humanity. But first we must ourselves overcome the environment we life in before we can teach others to do it. It hard, almost impossible, but we must be strong and brave. Like you, in a sense I have no place to call my own. I cannot live in the ruins of your grandmother´`s house because in front is a gas station and cars polute the area which depress and make me ill. I have not been able to sell the house because it owes several thousand dollars in taxes....I am working on selling my part of rights of inheritance. This transaction may be next week. If it does occur you will receive 500 to 1000 dollars. Its in the mill, negotiations are advanced, but lets wait and see que pasa. Have a friend offerring me for free 200 hectarias in the Darien Jungles of Panama. I will be discussing that matter with him next week. Its government land where colonisors are needed. About 100 miles from the Colombian Border. It is a somewhat dangerous area but maybe in my life time the internal conflict of Colombia will be resolved. I am living in a small town called Macaracas, Los Santos Province, in front of the Police Station, maybe there for only about one more month then plan to move to a cooler climate mountain area. You can write me there,also, Franklin Gruber Chiari, Entrega General, Macaracas, Rep. Of Panama. If your mother really wants you out of her life, ask her to get you a plane ticket and 100 dollars and send you to live with me. I will bear with you, with me you will learn how to survive or go hungry, there is no otherway here. God bless you Victor. If you do decide to come to Panama you might make it in time for the THIRD WORLD WAR. Take care, do not drop out of the sky, if you ever do decide to come this way , let me know 10 days in advance. As I can make 2 or 3 thousand dollars of medicine a day, if you can sell like I do, 15 to 30 dollars in half a day, you can survive and enjoy living at the bottom. Really materialism isn´t all that great if you have to wear yourself out to be "normal." Being at the top can mean surviving happily.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: International Marketing

Date :
Sat, 14 Sep 2002 21:26:31 +0000

Victor, in your free time see how you can help me in the international marketing of the aceite antiartritico. If you help me succeed you will help yourself as well. There are things with computers that you can do which I can´t. Possibly marketing is one ofthose things! Do it on free time, do not jeopardize your job in using their computer. Frank


In an email I sent Franklin, I explained to him how I did not consider myself a hacker. I told him I did not know how to break into other people's computers. That I could probably learn how easily, but I think everybody deserves some privacy. I told him what I did know how to do was get free shit. Oh yeah, he also thought I had hacked some email account of his, that I knew nothing about. Damn the ignorance in this world.

- Victor Antonio


    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: my awesome day.. 

Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 06:41:12 -0600 

    wow, another awesome day.  who wouldve thought getting fired could be so much fun?  yesterday, i went in to work and was terminated(see report).  this morning i woke up around 3am because i had crashed out around 8pm the night before.  my mom was on the computer and i was exhausted from walking all day. 

    i stayed on the computer sending out my mails to different rooms on aol.  lastly, i wrote up a report about my termination at the computer shop yesterday.  it came out to be about 4 pages long and it contained a very detailed side to the story.  the truth.  i found a disk and put the text file on it.  i thought since i need to go get my check today, i might as well see if they can print out this report for me and have the owner of the company read it. 

    around 8am i decided i was going to have a productive day.  for some time now, ive been wanting to rent a p.o. box for a money-making idea of mine.  i was expecting the p.o. box to be around 60 bucks, and i got paid $150 last friday.  i had used the money for food and other things and was left only with about $65 for the p.o. box.  when i had checked the other day on my lunch hour, the postal worker told me there werent any #2 boxes available, but there might be later on in the week. 

    so i grabbed my walking stick and headed off to the bus stop 10 minutes away.  the 622 came on time and i transferred to the 605 at the grocery store.  we werent that far from the grocery store when i got the idea to get off and walk through the trails in o.p. schnabel park.  i had learned of that shortcut recently.  i went on a nature hike through the park almost everyday i was working at the computer shop. 

    if i didnt go on the hike, i would have to wait 40 minutes at the other bus stop waiting for the bus that takes me to work.  so anyway, i cut through the park to prue rd.  while i was walking on the pavement, i thought of a clever quote to add to my collection: "Sidewalks suck when you're wearing boots.  Give me a dirt-trail any day."  i finally made it to the bus stop.  since my moms dirty house ate my watch weeks ago, i didnt know what time it was but i assumed it had been around half an hour. 

   the 604 finally came and i rode it to the computer shop.  it was almost 9.  the guys at the shop get paid on friday, so i was gonna see if my second-to-last check was there.  i walked in the shop and i saw rocky, one of the know-it-all(so he thinks) technicians.  he said hello.  i also saw a big box of donuts and i asked rocky if i could have one and he agreed.   i pulled out my disk and asked him to print something out for me.  he happily agreed and even made me two copies.  i asked him if hed like to read it real quick and he said sure.  when he finished reading it he told me, "dude, i dont know what to say.  i dont have a voice in this."  i told him i understood, that i just wanted him to read it.  i also told him, "you know who i would like to read this?  robert, the owner of the company."  rocky said he would make sure robert got a copy.  im going to call on monday and see what kind of reaction i get when the owner finds out about his disgraceful team.  read the report and this will make more sense. 

    i asked rocky if he knew what time checks would be in and he told me at lunch time.  i was bummed out a bit, i thought i had to wait 3 more hours.  just then, rocky told me he would check with kay, the lady who gives out paychecks.  soon afterwards, kay came out with my 40-hour check for $240.  hooray. 

    so now i had more money and i needed to cash my check somewhere.  i considered walking to the other side of the highway and going to the grocery store where i had cashed my $150 check last week, but that was a bit far.  i then got the idea to walk 3 miles to the telemarketing place where i used to work.  the inbound department gets paid on fridays too, and the check-cashing vans are always in the parking lot.  i wasnt sure if they would cash a check that wasnt from the telemarketing place, but it gave me a destination.  also, i had just applied there yesterday(again) and was supposed to start work today.  i had some important things to do so i needed to go buy and reschedule for a training class next week.  so i was gonna try and kill two birds with one stone. 

    so i took off walking to silicon.  i walked a couple blocks and i spotted someones credit card on the ground.  it was in grass, so the person it belongs to probably didnt notice it drop.  "wow, what luck, i wonder what i can do with this?" 

    itt tech, where i was a student for 30 days, was coming up.  i was craving a cigarette so i walked to the campus and went to the designated smoking area in the back.  there were lots of students out there smoking.  i rolled a cigarette and noticed my bottle was out of water.  i put the cigarette down in the ashtray and walked inside the school, leaving my walking stick by the table i had been sitting at.  i went inside and refilled my bottle at the water fountain.  when i came back outside, i saw this guy holding my stick and talking to other dudes.  he looked at my and asked me if the stick belonged to me.  i told him it did, but he could play with it if he wanted.  he smiled and asked me what i needed a stick for.  i told him, "hey, you never know when you need a counter-balance.  it helps me walk.  when you use your upper body to move yourself forward, you walk faster, further and you dont get as tired.  also, what if i get attacked by a dog or something?" 

    by then, a group of people had crowded around and i thought, "cool, i have an audience."  i told them that i was just walking by and had stopped to smoke a cigarette.  i let them know that i had attended school there for 30 days back on september of 2001, but i withdrew when i saw how big a joke it was.  one guy laughed and agreed with me.  i then started telling them about my plan to get rid of money and bring world peace.  they immediately thought i was crazy, except this one guy.  he told me he thinks about things like that all the time.  i asked the group, "would you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of, so you wouldnt be bored at home all day, provided you had a job you enjoyed?"  they all said yes.  i finished smoking and told them peace and drive carefully. 

    while i was walking around the building i saw two guys walking outside.  i asked them, "hey, if you guys are gonna split, you think you can take me to west telemarketing, its not that far."  they apologized and told me that they were just walking right next door.  i told them, "thanks anyway, well, these boots are made for walking."  they lauged and i said goodbye. 

    i walked about ½ mile to the back of the telemarketing place.  i had cleared out a trail along the fence of the apartments there(ask me for the trail story) and walked to my old place of work.  i walked down the hill and went up to one of the check-cashing vans.  i asked the lady if she would be able to cash a paycheck from anywhere else other than that place.  she asked me to see the check and my id.  bam, cash baby. 

    so i now had a whopping $300 in my wallet.  i decided i was gonna ride the bus to the uhaul place and see if i could offer it to them to let me have some of my shit back.  money talks you know.  they had already told me if i gave them $1,000, ¼ of what i owe them, that i could have all my stuff back and just make payments on the remainder of the debt.  well little do they know that if i get my stuff back, im taking off again and they can try and catch me. 

    with my possesions that theyre holding, is my old keychain.  on my keychain is a spare key to chasitys, my axes, apartment.  if i had that key, i could just walk in one day while she is at work and take back my computer and bed that she wont give back(because she thinks im crazy too). 

    when i got to the uhaul place, i asked for al, the storage manager.  the kid behind the desk told me to hold on and walked off.  when he came back, he told me that al wasnt there.  for some reason, i dont believe him.  i think al was there all along, but dennis o'conner, the guy i talked to that was cutting me that deal, had probably contacted him to tell him not to let me have anything without $1,000.  i asked him if he knew what time he was supposed to return and he told me no.  i said, "ok, ill just hang out around here and try in every 30 minutes, its very important that i talk to him.  you guys have all my stuff in storage."  the kid said, "i know your story."  then he paused for a minute, like trying to figure out the next lie.  he said, "here, let me write down our telephone number and you can just call and check if hes here or not.  i told him fine and walked outside and across the street to the bus stop.  just then it dawned on me, "hey, im at the main office, i should call dennis o'conner and tell him i have $300 and if i paid them that much, if they could hold off auctioning my shit december 2." 

    i walked back to the uhaul place and asked to borrow the phone.  i pulled out my pocket-calender and told the girl behind the counter to dial the 800 number for me.  an operator answered and asked me what extension i wanted.  i told her 161, dennis o'conner please.  dennis answered the phone and i explained to him that i was at the main office here in san antonio, and that i had some money to give them.  i asked him if i gave them $250, if they would not auction my shit on december 2nd.  i always thought money talks, but i was wrong in this instance because he said, "nope, we need $1,000, you stole our truck."  i told him, "i didnt steal anything, i just borrow it a little longer than i was supposed to.  now if i had broken into it, hotwired it and taken off, then i could understand you thinking i stole it.  and besides, im trying to save the planet here, give me a damn break."  he then said, "i am giving you a break by financing 75% of your debt.  all i ask is $1,000 and you can get your stuff back and we'll work out a payment plan for the remainder." 

    i had really been hoping that me offering them some cash would work, but oil well.  to tell you the truth, as long as i got my adidas soccer shoe bag back, which you cant buy in the states, or even in germany anymore, i would be happy again.  screw the rest of my stuff.  i  had kept everything in that bag.  my cd player, cd's, first-aid kit, pens, a small knife, napkins, toothbrush/paste and a whole lot of other stuff that comes in handy.  it was a total survival bag.  if i had that back i would take off to california again.  thats what im waiting for, to see if i can get any of my stuff back. 

    well, anyway, i told mr o'conner that he had made himself crystal clear and wished him a good day.  i then walked outside and sat down, rolled a cigarette and waited for the bus.  i got the idea to go talk to the lawyer that lives in front of chasity's apartments.  i wanted some legal counsel on what i could do about my stuff.  then i thought after i talk to the lawyer, i can go over to chasitys, climb up in her balcony and visit with my son/dog, stuart.  i knew she would be at work but i missed stuart so much i just wanted to see him, even if it was just through the sliding glass door. 

    so i got on the #4 bus to north star mall then transferred to the 534 that went to the lawyers office on wurzbach.  right before i-10, i noticed there was a GNC nutrition center there.  hey, i needed to go there so i wrote it down in my calender.  when i got to the lawyers office i didnt see his mercedes in the parking lot, but i went and checked anyway.  i asked the receptionist, "is mr. bass here?"  she told me no and i said thanks anyways and left. 

    i walked across the street, and through chasitys apartments to hers in the back.  maybe today would be my lucky day and she would be home, so i knocked.  no one answered, i didnt even hear stuart barking or anything.  i thought he was probably crashed out under my bed.  i  climbed into the balcony and starting calling stuart.  he never came.  i couldnt see inside very well because the vertical venetian blinds were drawn. :[  i rolled up a cigarette and started smoking it.  all of a sudden, theres stuart!  aww, it had been over a month since i saw him.  he was all licking the glass and whining.  i miss him so much. 

    i wasnt sure what time chasity got off of work, but it was like 3:00pm or something.  i was hoping she would come home and let me visit with stuart, but i got bored of waiting.  i also remembered the GNC place closeby. 

    you see, not too long ago, when i was hungry i found this big can of this stuff called "muscle blast 2000".  it said complete nutrition on it, so i would just mix some with milk or water and drink those for meals.  hey, i wasnt hungry anymore and i was eating right.  what do i need to eat regular food for? 

    so i walked over to the GNC on the other side of i10.  as i was walking there, i thought of another cool quote: "If you know how to do it, more power to you".  i walked inside and told the girl, "ok, let me explain to you my situation.  i am an avid walker.  i dont have a car, thats how i save all my money.  now i got hooked on this stuff my brother had and im all out.  it said complete nutrition, so i just ate that when i was hungry.  one can lasted me two weeks.  i was wondering if you guys had any."  she asked me if i remembered the name and i told her i didnt, but i would recognize it if i saw it.  so she invited me to look around.  i told her, "umm, it didnt seem like it would be that expensive.  to tell you the truth, it looked like something they would sell at walmart or something."  she was all, "well you could go look there."  i told her, "nah thats ok, i dont feel like walking to walmart.  i guess i want a replacement then." 

     she started telling me all about the GNC products they had, except the price.  i asked her how much the first one she pointed out was and she checked.  $30.  i told her i didnt want to spend that much money on it.  so she went down the aisle describing each one and telling me how great they were.  i asked her if there was any risk in not eating solid food and just eating those shakes.  she told me no, that it was even healthier to live like that.  the next one was $50.  i was getting frustrated.  she showed me a couple more that were out of the question and i finally gave up and started to leave.  "ahh, i guess ill look it up online or something, there has to be a better deal than here."  just then, she bent down and pulled out some of the exact same stuff i had been looking for.  muscle blast 2000.  she went, "oh, heres something else, and hey, its only $15!  a smile came across my face and i said sold.  i even had 3 flavors to choose from.  that bitch knew about the cheaper stuff the whole time.  she was just trying to sell me the more expensive stuff.  fucking money. 

    wow, a 2-week supply of food for $15.  you cant beat that with my stick.  i paid her and she put it in a big plastic bag.  i hung the bag over the end of my walking stick and carried it over my shoulder.  my stick was the perfecet counter balance and i could even hold it there without using my hands. 

    i went outside to wait for the bus.  i didnt know what time it came so i rolled a cigarette.  i smoked it all and the bus came right after i had finished it.  when i got on the bus, guess who i see sitting there.  chasity.  she was coming home from work.  we smiled at each other and instinctly gave each other a hug.  she told me, "i was thinking of you today."  she still seemed a little freaked out by my presence.  i asked her, "can i please see stuart?"  she said yes, i was happy. :] 

    we got to her apartments and got off the bus.  when we walked to her apartment, she told me to wait outside, that she would bring stuart outside with his leash.  i waited on the steps and then she opened the door and stuart rushed at me.  his tail was wagging and he was so happy to see me.  he was licking me like crazy and i bent down and gave him a great big hug.  we missed each other so much. 

    just then, chasity said she was hungry and she didnt have any food in her apartment.  i asked her if she wanted to go to jack in the box, right across the street.  i told her i had money and i would pay for her.  she thought about it and said, "i want taco bell."  whatever i told her, itll be my treat, i remember all those times you cooked for me back when we were together.  she was surprised at my generosity. 

    so she went inside to do something before we left to go eat.  stuart stayed outside with me the whole time.  when chasity was ready, she pulled stuarts leash to come inside.  stuart started growling at her and cuddled up to me some more.  he didnt want me to leave.  i embraced stuart and told him, "i know boy, were gonna go though, i wish i could take you with us."   i then stood up and walked up the stairs to the door.  stuart walked inside the apartment, but when he saw that i wasnt entering, he tried going outside again.  chasity tugged on his leash but he resisted.  i told stuart goodbye and went down the stairs.  chasity locked her door and followed me. 

    we started joking around like we always had, but whenever i tried telling chasity about my ideas, she just wouldnt listen.  she said, "oh, i thought you were sane again."  oh well, i thought.  she'll see soon.  we walked to the taco bell and she asked for two cheesy gordita crunches.  thats something chasity has ordered for years now.  thing is, they dont have em on the menu so you gotta know about em.  i hadnt eaten one since i had been with chasity, so i ordered a total of 4.  chasity pulled out some money and i told her not to worry about it.  she insisted again then went, "wait, how much money do you have?"  she saw all the bills in my wallet and took her three dollars back.  i told her, "yeah, but i need as much of that as possible for my debt with uhaul, but i dont mind paying for the food."  she said ok, and only took back a dollar. 

    we ate and cracked jokes like back in the old days.  she told me, "you know, youre the only one that can make me laugh."  i told her that wasnt true, because we were laughing at something she had said.  i said, "you can make yourself laugh.  give yourself some credit."  she went, "yeah!  i dont need anyone else."  "thatta way to strive for the independance chasity.", i told her. 

    when chasity and i seperated, i was more than willing to remain friends with her.  i care about her a lot.  we had just changed and werent compatible as lovers anymore, but i still valued her friendship.  i learned a lot living with her for 4 years.  you just cant stop caring about somebody youve grown so close to.  it was chasity, that started having a problem with the way i was.  i have been like i am the whole time we were together and she accepted me then.  why wasnt she now?  maybe it was because i wasnt with her anymore.  i dunno. 

    well anyway, i asked chasity if i could burn a cd of some files i needed off my computer.  she told me that my computer wasnt working.  "what do you mean its notworking?", i asked.  she said she thinks it has a virus.  i asked her if i could go inside and try to fix it, or at least determine what was wrong with it.  she told me, "oh, ive already had it looked at by someone else."  i replied, "well, you havent had me look at it, let me."  for some reason, she didnt want me going in her apartment so she just ignored my request. 

    chasity also told me she was leaving for florida in the middle of december and if i would be able to come get my shit out of her apartment.  i told her, "of course, youre gonna give it back to me?"  it seems that now that she doesnt have a use for my computer, shell let me have it.  what a crook. 

    so i walked up to fredericksburg road and waited for the 91.  my bottle was empty and was out of tobacco, so i crossed the street and went to the store and got my stuff.  i went back outside and caught the 91 to the telemarketing place.  they had just opened up a subway sandwich shop there and i went in and got a yummy soup.  i waited for the bus that went to my friend bob's house.  i showed up at his house and he let me in.  i asked him if i could mix me up some of my health shake stuff and he told me if i washed a glass.  it was about 6:45pm.  bob told me that his girlfriend's cousin from jamaica had come to visit and he brought some weed that his girlfriend was gonna bring over when she got off work at 10.  i asked bob if i could crash there if i washed some dishes or something.  he said ok. 

    i went to the garage and smoked a cigarette and just chilled out there fora while.  now, i was almost out of weed myself and i wanted to buy a bud or two from bob when his girlfriend got there at 10pm, but i didnt really want to spend the night there.  so i asked bob if he could hold some for me for tomorrow, and he said he didnt know. 

    so at 7:20pm, i started walking towards the bus stop, where the bus gets there at 7:36.  i had found a shortcut to the bus stop through the ditch and some woods, so i took off.  my feet were aching from all the walking i had done today, so i took my time walking there.  when i finally got to the bus stop, i was paranoid that i missed the bus.  remember, i dont have a watch.  i sat at the bench, rolled a cigarette and started smoking.   it seemed like i had missed the bus, so as i sat there smoking and cars were driving by, i just stuck my thumb out and smiled.  just as i had finished smoking my cigarette, the bus finally comes.  i boarded it and looked at the time.  it was 7:50.  damnit, thats what time the bus is supposed to be at the grocery store so i can transfer to the bus that takes me only 10 minutes away from home. 

    i rode the bus to the grocery store and went inside and used the courtesy phone.  i called my moms house and the machine came on.  i figured she was on the computer and it took her a long time to answer, so i dialed again.  sure enough, she answered on the first ring.  i told her, "mom, is there any way you can pick me up from the grocery store?  ive been walking all day and my feet are real sore.  if you dont feel like it, i can always walk."  she let out a sigh and said, "ok, ill be right there." 

    i waited for her at the bench at the far side of the store.  about 10 minutes passed and i saw her car.  she paused on the other side of the store, assuming thats where id be waiting, and i saw her turn around.  i was pissed, "she better not leave", i thought.  i grabbed my stuff and my stick and walked out to the parking lot.  she had backed up into a space and was gonna just wait for something to happen, i guess. 

    well, anyway, we got home and i was already dog-tired, so i laid down on the bed in the computer room.  before i know it, my mom comes in and wants to use the computer.  it was like 11:00pm.  i just ignored her and pretended to be asleep already.  for some reason, the computer wasnt booting up right.  she got all mad and started blaming me, telling me it was from all that crap i put on there.  i told her that i had my own hard drive attached, and that my shit didnt interfere with hers.  that she didnt know anything about what she was talking about.  she started swearing she was gonna take the computer away, but we all know that threat is so empty.  my mom is hooked on the computer and she couldnt live without it.  i told her, "do it already.  what are you waiting for?" 

    she asked me why it had been turned off and i told her because i got that same error that she did, and it needed to rest.  she came back with, "oh, i thought you said you didnt need to turn it off."  "yeah, as long as its working fine, you dont, but now that its having problems, it needs to rest."  i dont know how many times ive told her that computers arent perfect, their man-made machines and sometimes they fuck up for no apparent reason.  she just doesnt understand it.  its common-sense, no? 

    just like now, i had started typing up this paper last night and the computer froze, so i saved it and decided to crash because i was tired.  when i woke up this morning, i unplugged the extra hard drive i had installed, hoping that would make a difference, and i was right.  everything works fine now. 

    ok, that pretty much wraps it up for my cool day.  peace. 

- victor 

>From: "joe mama"
>Subject: truths
>Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 08:04:26 -0700

I sent Franklin my list of truths.


From :

To :

CC :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 18:49:37 +0000

Dear Victor, Anti establishement attitudes plus computerwiz iguals hacker. My reaction to your hacking my" naturista" email account may have cost the interruption of the two commercial relations I was counting on for improving my economic situation and being able to assist you and your sisters in the near future. Do you really want to develop a constructive new relationship with me? Building a new and better World with your ideals implies first eliminating the hate and blinding resentment you have towards me. I cannot help you if in anyway you insist on punishing me while I try to assist you, even if it is only listening to your life story. Just one of my formulas marketed on an artesan manner in the states(you can build it from plants there) would keep you from "begging" the rest of your life. That would be for fungus and skin infection which almost everyone gets in the course of a year. You have incredible marketing skills probably better than mine, anyone who can diplomatically survive begging for a living as a "philosophy of life" can quickly become rich when such talent is applied to marketing things everybody needs at the 1 to 5 dollar level. Spend some time in internet to locate the things you think almost everybody would buy. Your sense of accomplishment would be great and be on your way to becoming a millionaire. With all that hard earned money(maybe easy for you) you could do humanity a lot of good. Think also about the flower plant business. One seed costing 1 or two pennies in 6 weeks becomes a flowering plant worth 5 dollars. You may have a green thumb! Small flowery plants can be sold on buses and be an excellent conversation piece to break the ice with. Beautiful plants bring a lot of joy and peace to those who receive and those who give. If it would interest you to make 500 dollars a day in antifungus medication let me know, I will send you the formula. Frank


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: supplements to my book

Date :
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 23:00:13 +0000



From :

To :

Subject :
Re: supplements to my book

Date :
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 23:43:58 +0000

How can you save the World by eliminating money if someone infallable stated " THE POOR SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH " His spirit moves among us and touches the hearts and souls of those that develop "receptivity."

Its easy to blasphemy the WORD OF GOD when you even haven`t sat down to really read it yet had plenty of time to fill your mind with this World´s junk books. There is something greater than truth, true living. Legalizing harmful drugs has nothing to do with true living. You believe your own "lies" because you have no true standard by which to examine truth. Your´s is the World of illusions. You will continue to fall hard on the "rock" of reality. You are now part of a collective destiny moving in spiral to create a World order dominated by the prince of evil. You cannot withstand the pull and inspiration received to do what you are impelled to do. I am fighting this draging force myself. The only way to really overcome it is to exile yourself far from the spiritually contaminated cities and live the most humble and frugal life. The peace felt then will heal the mind. You will be surprised that your thinking will be very differrent as you move away from cities. "I sense I will not be with you for very long, learn all you can from me now." You will have your own trials and tribulations and have your own experiences which if not reserved to yourself will likely put you in the nut house. Those who play with fire get burned sooner or later.

"What do you gain if you gain the whole World and lose your Soul!" (assumming you have one, you already appear to have lost your conscience.) You are playing the game that life for you is simply a game. Life is the opportunity to progress spiritually. It is a great honor to be born in the human body, don´t waste it!


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 16:37:13 +0000

Victor, where did you get the corny name Joe Mama, is it a title of a novel? (lot of gramatical errors, am not waring my glasses, corrected some)

At first when I was growing up in the "good ole U.S.A. I thought life was a piece of cake, hand outs like food stamps, clothing, many hand me down things of use free. Shit, I took the system for granted. Here in änama people will kill you to rob your used shirt and shoes. If you get cought smoking pot you go to jail and you may get a trial a year or two later and odds are you get rapped, no one will do anything about it.

Life is a bitch a soldier once yelled at me in an intersection after reading the look on my face. I´ve made a parentesis to speak your language for a little while, it was mine once. The counter culture emotions and ideals. It seems to pay at first. Its like a giant casino where beginners luck sucks you in then you can´t find your way g out of "hotel california." Eventually the separate personality one builds inside is self evident and you can{t hide anymore. So then at every turn you are a target of those persecuting the counter culture. The extreme of decay sets in and the resentment builds, one becomes a criminal or terrorist, everything comes out in the open. Truly there is nothing hidden we only fool ourselves. The question is how to leave the counter culture as it becomes you, the reflection of the environment your drawn to. Appeal to your good side, your higher self already within you, pray ernestly to God, he will enlighten and guide your path out before its too late. Sometime a change of environment helps to change the perspective and break the routine. You are concerned about World peace, you want to save the World? Why not join the peace corps, its a free paid vacation, an opportunity to interact with many people such as yourself who want to change the system. You play hard ball pretty good, congratulations! Don´t get caught off guard with me. If you survive your trials and tribulations you will be better able to serve humanity if the end result is eliminating resentment and finding inner peace. Even at the heart of "a hurricane" there is peace. You can´t accomplish anything lasting until you find your point of equilibrium. The conglomeration of people in cities causes the distortion of magnetic fields consequently your in the electrical storm field. The vibration there is lower than the harmony created by a natural setting like a quite lake or mountain retreat breathing fresh purer oxigin. There the vibration of the soul is higher consequently our spiritual eyes open wider and the power of the soul begins to quite the storms of the mind. But to survive in such center of hurricanes you need a means to make a living, leave that area for a few days to replenish supplies and return. The thing to watch is not to build your "ego" to large. The tendency of the counter conture is to buiuld the ego then try to remake the environment as a reflection of our own ego. God allows us to do it so that we either sink or yell for his help then realize that he does exist and without his guiding light we cannot prosper. My karma has been somewhat differrent than yours. When I was born, I was born a blue baby. Did not want to breath.

At the very last instance of survival I cried. Lost some brain cells there. Later eat the lead paint from my crib and nearly died. At about age 5 was taken on a family outing to a dangerous beach. Was told not to enter a specific area but as soon as my aunt turned her head I ran right into 12 foot waves. I yelled and screamed. No one heard me. Luckily I knew how to float. Suddenly three giant waves came out of nowhere and I was thrown on the sand. Two years later the "negative power put an obsession in my mind" I raised hell so my father would take me to the Army pool at Fort Clayton. Finally he did and as soon as he was not watching I headed along the side to the deep end where stupidly I tried to swim. I went straight to the bottom. There instinct indicated for me to keep my cool. I did not panic. From the diving board I saw a shadow coming into the water. It was an unknown solder who picked me off the bottom and saved my life. Since then my life has hung by a string over one hundred times. Is it just plain luck or that "God" prefers me to others? However, I noted about 4 years ago that I was not invulnerable, I stupidly walked on a manhole cover at night and peelled my skin to the bone. I did not have my medications at the time, my nurishment was very poor and gangreene set in. I tried curing myself at three differrent locations but each of those locations had clorine in the water and the curing process even with the herbs went very slow. Finally I went to Pedritos house deep in the bush where they owed me a favor of curing his father of a cronic caugh. They took me in. For three weeks I moved as little as possible and practically lived in a hammock. Luckily Pedrito had a sister who took "good care of me." Under pressure I invented what maybe the first botanical antibacterial "scab" which fell off when the real scab came up behind it. I am in the godforgiven town of chorrera which some day you will walk looking for my ghost, come through but do not stay least you go too "to the portals of hell", literally. If you survive that "born again experience" you will also appreciate God. This reminds me of an eerie experience Randy once had while going through his twenty year audessy in Chorrera. After getting off drugs for a while he started to look for God in the local churches, became obsessed with the bible, something which I have never done. That night he awoke with God speaking to him telling him that next to the gas station near the parque was a man who needed his assistance. Randy was sleepy and did not heed the message, we went back to sleep. On the third insistence he reluctently put on his pance and went to the gas station. There was no one looking foreigner like which he thought the person was anglo. He just saw an indian leaning sadly against the wall of the gas station so he said hello just to make sure that he had complied with God's mission. The man answered in perfect english. He was a Brujo who had traveled the World over. With his witchcraft he h ad done a lot of people in but in the end he was bank rupt spiritually. He felt life was not worth living and he called out that late night evening to God. He said " God" if you really exist please make yourself manifest to me." He had a gun and was about to blow his brains out. Randolf explained that God had awakened him and sent him on the mission to explain to him that he did exist and to console him, that he should leave the witchcraft and serve him. Once Randy saved my life. He was very good at helping others but hardly could save himself. Lived off the generosity of his "friends" for 20 years. One day at night in the market area a friend called him and said please get me some cloth, I am naked, have been robbed of even my shoes. So Randy ran to the small room of a friend where he kept his clothing and brought back to his friend his only pair of shoes and good clothing. The friend said thanks but never returned the clothing. That was Randy´s good personality. His bad side thought he was God himself and everybody should serve him because he in some way imposed his services even in a subtle way. Its a survival tactic as well as a feeling of service. Like Randy and like yourself, I have had such friends about half a dozen of th em which I have helped in many small or larger ways. Each and everyone of them eventually was threacherous with me since as they create the alternate compartmentalized personality they lose their sense of appreciation. As their egos build they want to organize an organization to continue to feed their distorted ideals and needs. Victor, do you really want to continue on in the direction your moving? Having gone through that experience can help you become even greater in your own and God¨s eyes when you truly overcome. Hitler was made from the hate and resentment accumulated in his society. Unless you overcome the resentment in your heart you really have not accomplished nothing in life as resentment is a bliding force. All these hate and resentment droven people have one thing in common, if they do not get their way, they work to distroy their own acquaintances. And, then, failing there evil inspired mission, destroy themselves. Was Jesus wrong when he stated MAN LOVE THY SELF AS THEY NEIGHBOR? When you lose your self love you cannot possibly love anyone else and your consceience ceases to manifest its guiding light. Either you belong to the creative forces or the distructive forces- Once the distructive force subtlely sets into your personality it uses the positive personality to indicate to the World that here is one who really wants to help the World, and boomarand later on. Besides God, I have another friend. His name is "nature." I can go there barefooted hardly without clothing and find in the wild food, shelter, medicinal plants, peace of mind to discontaminate myself from the "venum OF FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS. For a reason man was placed in a garden. I wish you the best although you will probably be my worst enemy in life. As you go futher through your own experiences you will better understand me. You are 24 years old and unprepared for marriage. The same happened to me at that age when I meet your mother. With time other parallels will evolve. You have the strong emotional Puerto Rican temperrament combined with the sharp German insensitive brain. This adds to the duality in your life which in time may be your worst enemy. You are an explorer, knowledge hungry but only have the city and human jungle to explore, what a pitty.

The jaguars and snakes make better living companions but you have to know what to do when they strike you. Wether you like it or not SON you follow in one way or another in my footsteps. You will come face to face with me someday and for an instant you will not know whether to kill me or embrace me. In spite of being my SON I will experience the same emotions. Only if we find something in common that saves us both can ever we be reconciliated. You are alive, what a blessing. You have a chance to get out of the "hell" your in, don´t waste it. Good opportunities are counted on the fingers of one hand and fingers are left not counted. If you ever decide to come to this God Forgiven Country give me a few weeks advance notice. I hate surprises and am prepared to deal with them. If you do not give me the clue that your coming I will not be of much help when here you get caught in the "quick sand." Americans who come to Panama have a 99% possibility of getting in accidents. Thats why we are an endangered species here. Go on forward in life Son, continue to be brave, be GOOD!


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: truths
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 17:11:50 -0700

    frank, when i made this email account and it asked me what my name was, i chose joe mama as a joke. i wasnt about to put my real name.

let me go through your emails and try to respond to every point you brought up:

    of course i want to continue on my course, my ideas make perfect sense to me, and they will to all humanity when they read them. frank, i am my own god, just as everyone is their own also. i have full control of my decisions and my accomplishments. i believe the human species is an instinctly-insecure one, that cant handle the weight of their own existance on their own shoulders, so they make up some supertnatural deity to "explain" everything for them. if there were one true god, as most christians believe, why is there so much variety in religion? who the hell is right? what about all those polytheistic religions in asia that believe in demi-gods and more than one god? are they just damned to hell for believing in the wrong thing?
    i believe i am the most successful man in this world, only because i am at peace with myself and as independent of money as possible. success, unfortunately, is measured in money these days. shouldnt it be based on happiness instead? i know of suicidal millionaires. isnt the phrase, "money is the root of all evil" in the bible you adhere to?
    frank, i hold absolutely no resentment towards you. i have found that when you act the opposite way that people expect you to act, you surprise them and they respect you. we ALL make mistakes in our lives, as you have made yours(and i have made mine). i forgive you frank, for forgiveness is divine(another bible quote).

    i am not a hacker frank. i am a whacker(joke). i have no desire to learn how to break into other people's computers. i believe everyone has the right to their privacy and i am not going to take that right from them, even if i am capable of it. i hold no hate nor blinding resentment towards you frank, please believe that. like i said, everyone makes mistakes, you are only human like me. how have any of emails punished you?
    i am no beggar frank. i dont need to beg. i am an asker, and an acceptor. i dont twist anyones arm. it truly doesnt hurt to ask. its not like people dont get anything back when they give me things. they get that great feeling of being good and helping a brother out. if it was just a one-sided transaction, no one would give me anything. i give people the option to tell me no, therefore helping me becomes their decision, not mine. every time someone is generous and helps me out, it just proves my theory that humans are instinctly-good and wouldnt need money to work and live productive lives.

    i dont know if i told you, but i left my mothers house for good now. i had gone to stay with my exgirlfriend(who thinks im crazy, like my mother) but she wont permit me to stay there either. shes going to feel really stupid when i prove myself right to the world.
    in my exgirlfriends apartment, she has my california-king size bed, my computer and furniture i bought for her when we were together. i paid for all those things with the insurance settlement i recieved from my second head-injury. her ignorance will not let her see how much i have influenced her life. i made her happy and she cant handle the fact that the best thing that could have ever happened to her doesnt want her anymore. shes lost some weight too and wont admit it is because she has to walk to the bus stop every morning. she insists that its because i dont live with her anymore and shes not always cooking for me. its dumb of her to think that would make her lose any weight. not eating as much doesnt make you lose weight, it just doesnt make you gain any. im sure shes also sore at the fact that she will never find a man who pleased her as well as i did, sexually.

    today i walked over to this company that makes internet software and got an application. then i went to my fourth day of training at my telemarketing job. i have worked at the telemarketing place 13 times since i was 16, never longer than 3 months at a time. it has strictly been a temporary job for me. telemarketing thrives on lies and deceit and i dont want any part in it. also, the training was half-assed and the system we were learning on is very mediocre. i am positive i will impress the software company with my ideas, mainly because the software they make is what i will use to spread my knowledge, therefore i felt it safe to quit the other job.
    my friend carlos is letting me stay at his place, which is very close to a bus-stop. i hadnt thought of joining the peace-corps. that is an excellent idea and i might give it great consideration. if i cant find a stable place to live and compute, i have decided i am going to join the peace-corp, per your suggestion. people there will concur with me and i will be accepted with open arms.
    some might think i am egocentric and selfish for taking on the responsibility of saving our dying planet, but what else would everyone expect from someone who has ideas as great as mine? my time will come frank, in both our lifetimes. maybe when you see my name in lights, you will believe in me too. im gonna make you proud dad.
    ok frank, i rode the bus to the libary to check my email and i have to go catch another bus back to my friends house. once again, i hold no spite against you. may peace be with you, and pretty soon, everyone.

- victor

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 04:45:32 +0000

Why where you not about to use your real name, what harm would it do you being sincere to the system? Illuminate me on this point?

You are a hell of a whacker. You admit in your truths that lies etc are sometimes warranted but of course you cannot admit being a whacker especially in the system of internet, pretty bright, but I understand. If you are this devious how can the World trust you to enlighten them?

So you are your own God, are you really serious? Did you create yourself? Are you truly in full control of your decisions, you never make mistakes? And you intend to convince the World of all this? With all due respects people have to be pretty stupid to believe a person that admits that lies are compatible with truths. How can they trust you?

The problem of our understanding of God does not lie with God. He is a perfect being. We are in evolutionary phrase many of us trying to be more perfect so we can be properly attuned with the creative force.

Thank you for the gift of acknowledging that I am your Dad and that you do not hold resentment, however, I still wonder why you whacked my email account! Only a "funny duddy" guy would do that!

My sincere advice is for you to find better ways of getting respect than doing the opposite of what people expect. Its just really a part of one of your favorite mind games. Its part of getting a kick of seeing people surprised and off balance. America is a great place to play games, the vast Americans are expert actors t.v. nouriches that "instinct." Its clear Son, I have your number, you have given me a gift your rarely give others, you are sincere about your real nature.

In places like Panama and many other underdeveloped countries where you do not have a christian church on every other block people are not so loving and generous. Its not instinct to give, frankly to take is instinct in the third World. People who make it an art of taking from others who pursuade others they should give are expert actors and "con" men. They appeal to the goodness of others exploiting their sentiments. Of course, in the situations you have been in its better than outright stealing, its always better to ask than to rob. You where talking nice things about the time you whacked my email account so I can never ever believe in you fully again, everything will be subject to varification. Whether you have forgiven me only time will tell but I will try never let my guard down with you.

That does not mean that you have earned my respect by whacking my email account. Making yourself dangerous can only create one kind of respect, the kind one might have for an enemy. I would rather people respect me for the love and kindness they consistently receive from me even when its not expressed in monetary terms.

You are not the first to partake to "your" philosophy. There is nothing new under the sun. Learn to tell the difference between what you can change and that you can´t. Jesus a perfect being sent from above has not changed man´s basic evil nature, what makes you think that you, rising from below, can? What you really want is power to play SOCIAL ENGINEER regardless of what the consequences will be. And regardless of how much truth you receive you will only select that which is convenient to your own social engineering goals.

I know you almost as though I raised you because I had my life too full of people similar to yourself, never went anywhere while I spent life philosophying and not doing what I needed to do.

That there is a driving force to make you "fly high" on your subconcously implanted ideals is evident but you really do not have control of such a force, you believe its your decisions because you sympathise so much with that force it becomes you! One must become weary of the "law of sympathy." It does exist. Tigers and snakes have that energy that subtlely subdues others with emanating vibs that create sympathy then they eat their victims. I mean this literally. A cat will sit and stare at you and often you feel the urge to pick it up and caress it. But he is basically insincere.

Thanks for wanting me to believe the opposite of what I am stating. Maybe I will begin to believe in you again and you will get another kick of surprising me with opposite actions. Never again, SON. Speak all you want to, be as kind and courtious as you wish, always I will take what you say with a grain of sand and be on guard. You may tell me a thousand truths but I will be looking for that curve ball lie, like a negative sign added to a thousand plus signs. You chose your path, from then on you cannot help being who you are! As you fall deeper and deeper into the well you will cry out lauder and lauder for help, so far down, so deep the man holding the rope on top will not know you are there. You will be alone, your last opportunity to cry out LORD! Many are called, few are chosen. Your Dad who LOVES you otherwise he would not try to save what appears to be a "lost" cause.

Write me when you wish, possibly I can add a few lines of truth to your inventory of readily available lies. For one thing is TRUTH another TRUE LIVING. Yours truely, your dad Franklin.

Sad to hear your girlfriend did not appreciate the good things you did for her, hope she comes to her senses and voluntarily returns what is properly yours. Hang in there there may be still hope for you. The proof is in the pudding. Try to be as "normal" as you possibly can. It may be a couple of centuries before humanity can understand your ideas, Perfect Communism. Not bad if it where true! 

>From: "victor gruber" <>


>Subject: the proverbial-victor

>Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 13:59:05 -0600


>hello frank, i just went through my collection of quotes and compiled a list of

just mine.  i had some new ones thought up and i thought my stuff would be more

effective if i condensed it down a bit.  i also quoted myself from all my

reports.  so here you go, concentrated-victor.  let me know what you think:



From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 00:26:05 +0000

Victor in the search function of hotmail imput "buyers of orchids" in the first page you will see: Valley of Anton. Read all about it, the mountain hide out paradise I lived in for 15 years There is a giant pedrogligh which no one except me has been able to decipher, you might want to go there some day and try your luck. Its on a giant bolder, those who wrote on it must have been 12 feet tall as writing at shoulder level places the writing above ones head unless of course erosion has brought down the ground level. I will tell you now what it means. Its a map of an underworld cave system where extra terrestials come to harvest quartz cristals containing the souls of thousands of sufferring beings. Whether they deserve to be there I do not know. What I do know is that at the time of death the vibration levels of the souls where too low to go above the earths surface into orbit waiting for another chance at reincarnation. The extraterrestial harvest these cristals and use their power, exactly for what I do not know. They are tiny about one eigth of an inch long, have six sides, also diamonds perform that function. Part of this I know from deduction, the other from out of body experiences from dreams I remember. The name GRUBER means "miner" in German. My clan has a long history on earth, we keep meeting each other with similar missions every time. Your desire to change, improve, "save" the World is a hedge against my failing in my mission, if I do not succeed, in 7 generations behind me the GRUBERs will feel the same urge to "save" the World. You all will have a cosmic connection weakening as the generation count down goes to 7.

The number that rules my life is 7. 7 is man, 77 The universal christ power, 777 The supreme Lord. These things where revealed to me spontaneously. You are far from prepared to follow in my foot steps yet you can prepare. A new World Order Is Coming, with its corresponding council of antichrists, these people are the reincarnation of Lions. "El anticristo vendra como Leon rugente."

They are the obstacal to our mission. Because of the way you have grown up you have a lot in common with the lion clan, they might even think you are one of them, keep clear of them, they are the cats that will absorb your vital life force and render you a failure in your mission. Learn to identify them and keep them at a distance. They have marked telepathic magnetic abilities. While in Panama keep clear of "cerro campana." There are energies which will cause you to enter caves where you will hear the screaming of souls trapped in quartz christals and feel the pull on your body as the energy tries to rip your soul out of your body. It is at that time that the LORDS PRAYER can save you! The best thing is to stay clear of that area. People who have head injuries like ourselves are more susceptible. That mountain has a long history of losing people in its entrails. Its called cerro Campana because the locals would hear often bells as they turned a specific corner. Also, there are areas where weird magnetic forces confuse the mind and lose even the local people every time they pass the same spot. There are extraterrestial bases below the earth in this mountain chain. They belong to a legion of "fallen angels." They infiltrate society through the secret societies of "brujos." Many of which are past reincarnations of predatory animals. I do not write you these things to draw and entice you too Panama yet eventually you will come, simply so you know they exist and remember my experiences may help you understand what is going on in the World. The World is constantly in a state of war because the witches(composed of demon possed predatory animals compete for power.) They, however, do not like responsibility so they use "good guy types" to rise to power on their heals. When they reach power they may come out in the open. Then they are vicious, no longer having to hide there intentions. I really do not care whether you believe my statements. What counts is that you have read them and prepare to duel with these guys as you rise to power. Frankly I do not want to continue on, I will gladly abort the mission and let you carry it on. I have better things to do than being impelled by kharma to "save the World." Take care, good luck in your "cosmic mission." Franklin

You have now gone two levels deep into my personality. How many levels remain? Try not to develop from side to side rather from top down and vice versa. After this "mining" experience you will again be able to find your way out of the well.

There is a commitment now in a business deal for me to receive a reazonable amount of money. If the business deal comes through o.k., will send you 500 dollars next week. I cannot promiss the deal will be closed yet its very likely. I have so many needs built up here yet so do you, thus to what address do you want me to meal the money? This is no kind of a joke. I do not want to cable it bank to bank as that is how my relationship with your mother was ruptured, she did not receive the transfer and when I complained to the bank manager got in an argument and he simply closed my account, those 250 dollars where never recovered. Give me an address so I can send it certified mail.


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: truths
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:37:55 -0700

    frank, with so many evils on the internet, why would anyone disclose their real names on it? better safe than sorry.

    you keep neglecting to tell me how ive hacked your email account? you were the one to make first contact with me, after reading my mail. i didnt even know i had sent it to you. i was included in one of laura's mailings and i just hit the 'reply to all' button and sent everyone on that list my idea. unbeknownst to me, you were included in those addresses.
    it sounds to me like you are just paranoid of me, for no reason. ive probably already told you this, but i want you to do me a favor. i want you to think im crazy. id also like you to doubt me. it will make my victory so much sweeter.
    many people compare my ideals to communism, but what is the root-word of communism? community.

- victor


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: truths
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:56:17 -0700

    frank, i am staying with my friend carlos. he lives there with two other roommates and they go to college, so you can imagine the mess they make. i clean their house in place of paying rent. the good ol barter system at work. im taking advantage of their laziness and everyone wins.
    with that money, i could pay off the overdraft at my bank, which i have no idea where it came from. chasity and i had a joint account there, and she told me the only way i was gonna get my stuff back was to pay off the debt i owed on the joint account. therefore, that money would help me out tremendously. if i had my computer back i could work my magic so much sooner, so thank you.

here is the address where i am staying:

6822 spring forest
san antonio,tx


From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: truths
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:55:30 -0700

    yes, i have already contacted the bank. they said since i had left the account overdrawn for more than 30 days, that they were going to have to research it and find out exactly the cause of the overdraft. the amount is a little over 400 dollars. i am unaware of the cause of this. i dont even write checks on this account. i used one of those check-cards, they look just like normal ATM cards but they have a visa logo on it, so you can use it anywhere that accepts credit cards. i havent ruled out the possibility that since it is a joint account, chasity may have messed up somewhere and wont admit it. we shall see, all in due time. patience is virtue.

ok frank, i gotta get out of moms house before someone comes home and finds me on the computer. geez this house is a mess.

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:06:52 +0000

Victor, thanks for the observation of so much evils in internet, the next email acounts I open will eliminate the references to my name. Yes it is possible for others to use ones name for mischievious purposes. If you did not hack my email account, there are too many "coincidences" with cues of key words in your letters corresponding to the cues left in my hacked account- But let not give that much attention. Since I depend on nature for my wellbeing and refuge, things that happen in the computer have little real effect on my life. The jungles and I keep growing regardles except nuclear war destroy the planet. Frank


Subject: Re: truths
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:29:14 +0000

Victor, take the time to invesigate and receive in wriing the so called overdraft to insure its a genuine document on your behalf and not the banks mistake, They do make mistakes! With regards to getting back your computer ask yourelf first do you really want to live or go back with your exgirl friend. Can the relation be saved? If not instead of throwing that money to her use it to buy a new computer, thats a certain thing. Even if you give the money she may have other excuses not to give you the computer, cuando quieren joder las mujeres buscan la manera. But of course, assuming I do receive it, it will be on its way likely next week. Just pray that no one backs ks out of the deal, I have two people competing both saying they will close the deal next week. At this time please do not mention to Laura or Ada that I am attempting to relieve your situation financially tothe extent that I can in this instance as I do not know how much I will actually recieve until I do. I also want to send Laura and Diana there share however you have priority given your circumstances. With regards to the international marketing of my product do it at your leisure, I am already involved in doing so. I never wait on the goodwill of another person, I simply learn to do things myself and proceed. For maximun effectiveness everything has a precise moment in time and space.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: truths

Date :
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:35:44 +0000

I am taking off now for Los Santos Province, about a 4 hour bus trip. My car broke down last year, lost the brakes for the third consecutive time, luckily never going down hill so walking has been great exercise although business is slower. Be back with you by monday. Give my thanks to Carlos for his help and assist given you. Anyone that helps my descendents is a friend of mine when the help is sincere. May the power of the Supreme God protect and enlighten you! Frank

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: the proverbial-victor  


Date :    

Wed, 20 Nov 2002 00:29:01 +0000  




Hello Victor, just briefed through your list of truths, I agree with most, some

are difficult to swallow but its your creativity, you have a right to your view

of life.  Most people would not agree very much with my way.  With respect to

work, well, be perserverent, get another job and save enough to do your own

thing.  Sooner or later you need to find something that is original that will

give daily bread, if not life may consider you falling short of perserverance. 

At least here one can fish in two oceans and go out and sell ones catch if one

is lucky.  The fact is that life is difficult for most people, the american

dream is just only that for most people a dream.  Tomorrow in the morning I am

sendind you 10 tiny vials of antiarthritic oil, rub it on after showers only

before bedtime and after breakfast.  I am now back in Chorrera plugging away on

the sales of my inheritance rights, being perserverance is the only way.  The

ecnonomy is about to collapse, if things do not drastically improve here I

forsee a revolution or chaos in Panama in february or March.  I did the rounds

and my sales are 70% down from last month.  I will do everything possible to

send you the 20 dollar bill tomorrow yet it depends on what sales I have

tomorrow on my route.  How are things going with you and your mom and sisters,

improving any?  I have faith in your ability to make it in your own way.  Be

patient with your ownself and keep plugging away at job or business

possibilities. Thanks for keeping me informed as to what has been happening in

your life, tomalo con calma y fe.  Say hello to your mother for me, Franklin

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: the proverbial-victor  


Date :    

Wed, 20 Nov 2002 17:50:54 +0000  



Victor, have spent about an hour looking through your past letters trying to

find the one where you send me your mother´s mailing address.  I know its Autum

St. but do not have the rest can you please send it to me now.  I am trying to

get the oil out to you today.

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hehe, yet another chapter..  


Date :    

Wed, 20 Nov 2002 18:01:44 +0000  




Hello Victor, O.K., found your moms mailing address, the oil will be on its way

in a few minutes.....if I receive some money later in the day, tomorrow the

twenty dollars will follow.  With regards to the major transaction pending it is

still posible , let you know more next week as I have to return to follow up on

this matter. God Bless You Son!

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my awesome day..  


Date :    

Thu, 21 Nov 2002 01:21:47 +0000  

Re: my awesome day..

     frank, i am in great shape and am not in any pain whatsoever.  save your oil, i am positive it works.  today, wednesday, was another great day.

     it started out when i awoke around 6am and took a shower.  i had gone to bed early the night before because my mom was on the computer(of course).  i knew i had to go to the courthouse today to get my shit dismissed, but i got on the computer and sent my ideas out again.  after about an hour, i went and mixed up some muscle blast 2000 and drank a cup of it.  i then grabbed my walking stick and left to catch the bus.  i smoked a spiked cigarette on the way to the elementary school.  

     i sat down at the bus stop at the school and after about 10 minutes, these kids walked up.  i asked him if they knew what time it was and he said it was like 50.  i then told them that we already missed the other buses.  he told me, "damn, were going to marshall high school."  i asked them if they would consider skipping school today and going on a nature-hike with me through the park nearby.  they thought about it and said ok.  the bus finally came and all the other ones had passed when we got to the grocery store.

     so the three of us went walking towards the park.  when we got to an intersection, the guys changed their mind.  they wanted to walk straight to school.  i told them later.

     so i walked alone to the entrance of the park.  i knew it was still pretty early, so i just walked around trails trying to get lost.  i ended up at the top of the hill, where i had found a cool hangout spot yesterday.  

     ive been coming to these woods since i was a kid and i had never come across that place.  a lot has changed.  its just a really natural park with remarkable places.  theres a cliff you can climb, a creek and an old radio antenna at the top of the cliff.  years ago, this used to be an archery-park.

    i had remembered noticing that there was a platform up in the tree, but i didnt check it out yesterday.  so i climbed the tree, sat on the platform, and my jaw dropped.  what an incredible view.  the tree was at the top of the cliff, which gave you a 180 degree look over this golf course with the medical center buildings in the background.  what a kodak moment.

     as i was sitting up in the platform, it dawned on me,"hey, i can get a sleeping bag and just sleep here at night, no one will notice."  i can just ride the bus all day and crash out here.

     ive decided im going to leave west hitch-hiking in early december.  i can just live in the woods for ten days, just to prove to myself that i can, then go.  i really want to try and find someone else to go with me though.  it truly will be a once-in-a-liftime opportunity.


     i came down from the platform and started walking down the cliff, not following a trail and just stepping over stuff.  i got to the bottom and i saw a big part of the woods that looked paved.  i walked over to it and it was just a huge rock creekbed.  i could hear cars to the left of me in the distance.  i just assumed that was the main road and checked my bearings a bit.  i walked down the creekbed, stepping from rock to rock.  

     i walked a lot more and ended up in some old neighborhood.  i had absolutely no idea where i was, so i just started walking down the street.  i finally came out to rudder middle school, which is on the 605 bus route.  i figured i would catch the bus back to the grocery store and then the 87 into town, to go to the courthouse. 

     my water bottle needed a refill, so i walked to the school.  i asked the lady if they had a water fountain close by.  she pointed to the side but asked me if i could wait 3 or 4 minutes for all the kids to change classes.  i agreed.

     i then looked at the clock on the wall and realized the bus was supposed to be there soon.  i looked outside and saw it coming down the street.  i ran out and started waving my stick and yelling, but the driver never heard me and he took off.  

     so i walked back into the middle school office and all the kids had changed classes already.  the lady behind the desk pointed me to the fountain, through a door.  i refilled my bottle and headed back for the door.  

     just then, a policeman started asking me questions.  he asked me how i got into the school.  i told him i was just getting water and i had asked permission.  he said ok and told me goodbye.

     so i walked all the way down to babcock, by the papa johns.  i was a bit hungry, so i walked up to the papa johns pizza place.  it was around 9am, so the door was still locked.  i walked over to an office complex next door and borrowed the phone at some place to call via and see what time the next bus came.  they told me 30 minutes.  next, i walked to the whataburger and hit up the manager for free food.  i fed her my scripts about needing gasoline for my stomach.  she asked her coworker, "what do you think?"  the other girl said, "he should have to pay like everyone else."  i told them thanks anyway and to have a great day.

     i went out of the whataburger and noticed there was a donut shop right next door.  mmmmm, donuts.  i went inside and looked around.  the lady running the place seemed really nice.  i had a little cash, so i didnt mind paying for it.  donuts are cheap anyway.  i ordered an apple fritter, a cinnamon twist, and a hotdog thingy.  after they gave em to me, i walked to the bus stop and ate.  yummy.

     the 604 finally came and i got on it.  i was planning to ride it to medical center and catch the 92 downtown to the courthouse.  just then, i got the idea to stop by my friend ryans house, hes a bum mooching off his parents and is always home on aol.  hes got a truck too.  i devised a clever plan.  

     i got off the bus at the entrance to ryans neighborhood.  i walked the 3 or so blocks to his house and rang the doorbell.  all his dogs started barking like crazy, i was sure if there was someone in there they would hear.  no one ever answered the door though.  i walked around to the side of the house and to some windows.  i heard loud rap music playing so i banged on the window.  ryan peered outside between the venetian blinds and told me "sup".  i told him to let me in.

    when ryan answered the door, i asked him, "ryan, are you familiar with the barter-system?"  he said he didnt know what it was, so i began to explain.  "well, its when goods or services are exchanged based on thier worth, not dollar amount."  he went, "oh yeah, that barter-system."  i told him, "ryan, not only will i give you half of this big donut, but i will give you gas money and get you high too.  all you have to do is give me a ride downtown to the courthouse."  ryan said hell yeah, so i got a ride downtown.  cool.

     on the way down there, ryan told me that he had some warrants out for his arrests, i dont believe him though.  i told him he could just drop me off at the courthouse and i could ride the bus home.  so he took off. 

     the guys at the entrance where they check your stuff seemed to recognize me.  i handed my stick and water bottle over to this one dude and emptied my pockets into these little blue bins.  i walked through the metal detector, expecting it to go off because of my belt buckle, but it didnt for some reason.  on the other side of the detector, i suited up again and walked to the appearance room.  i explained to them my situation and told them i had gotten a no-insurance ticket on a uhaul that i rented, that had insurance on it all along.  i had a copy of the insurance too.  the lady told me i would have to take a number and wait.

     so i sat there for about 10 minutes and they finally called my name.  i stood in line in this little courtroom and when it was finally my turn, the judge told me i needed to go talk to the prosecutor.  i went to the prosecutors desk and he made me fill something out and place it in a tray.  he told me to have a seat and hed call me.  so there i was back to sitting down doing nothing.

     the prosecutor finally called me and i walked up to him and asked him if he had time for a story.  i told him how i had already been to jail for this and i was innocent all along.  now i had the proof to clear my name.  i said jokingly to him, "hey man, this is what lawsuits are made of."  he looked at his paper, then up at me and said, "ok, have a nice day."  whoa..that was easy..


     so back on the bus going to travis park.  at the park i rolled a cigarette and smoked it.  i had caught the 91, which goes a lot quicker because it doesnt stop at all the stops.  i rode it all the way to university hospital.  at the hospital, i caught the 604, which goes by the post office right by where i used to work.  the guy there told me there would be a p.o. box available today.  

     i waited in line at the post office and was told they were still waiting on something for the box.  


Hello Victor, just read your long letter where you had a taco with Chasity, great, back on talking terms and looks like your going to get your things back in december.  Being your "old self" softened her up a bit, continue that until december.  Appearing normal does have its advantages because all people see about us is an image never knowing who we really are, sometimes we do not know either entirely, only God is the same person all the time.(Who knows he probably gets angry too!) 

I have been sitting in front of the small business location on your grandmothers house waiting for my tenant to arrive to see if I can convince him to advance me another month´s rent, he has already advanced 6 months.  I have been forced to compliment my income with the advance rent inorder to make ends meet.  He said he would have me the money by noon and its 8 p.m and I figure he will be in about 10 p.m., stalling to see if I have left.  He advances me the money to keep the pressure off me as I could sell the property and he may be out on the street. He is working on getting an associate to buy my inheritance rights.  The  other people I have been negotiating with have failed to follow through about 5 times, made me come to chorrera 5 times stating that a relative or friend is about to lend them the money.  They seemed sincere, its really odd that they have not been able to close the deal.  Your last letter where you go out with Chasity was very very coherent.  It proves you are even better than normal when you are happy!  Let me give you an idea how the "normal" day is going for me in la Pintada de Penonome. 

Recently I have not been able to sleep well, go to bed about 9 and get up about 3p.m with the burning eye sensation of lack of sleep so to stay awake the rest of the day I do something I do not like to do, drink a cup of coffee.  About 9 a.m. I walk about 15 yards and jump into the refreshing river.  Swim against the current for a while to get some exercise and activate my lungs, sun bath for about 20 minutes and return to the house, usually then take your baby brother Frank for a walk, I usually put him on my shoulders and start identifying items arround him to help him build his vocabulary, like "wow wow" meaning dog, he loves to imitate the roaster and play with river rocks.  Daybefore yesterday we went to another smaller river in a near by community where the water is calmer and has natural depths levels off to the side for all ages.  I held him above the water arround the waist and pushed him up string to give him the sensation he was swimming, he loved it.  Frank jr. has a knack for making friends easily.  If he was to run for mayor next week he would probably win.  He has, however, a defect i n both legs.  He was put in the crib too early and by standing for long periods holding on to the side his legs bent outwards.  So he is going to have to wear corrective boots.  He does walk arround like a little cowboy, boldlegged.  So after taking him for his 15 minute daily walk, I put my large  basket on my back, the kind the campesinos use made from weaving pieaces of vines and head out to some corner of the community or a long walk on a country road visiting the campesinos who live in the countryside.  I hand them a flier that states " Gira Botanica Humanitaria, Curese por Un Dolar."  I then explain that its one dollar per ailment prescribed but not to worry if they do not have any money.  They can pay me with any product they produce such as yuca, platanos,eggs, etc.  Often I am given a plate of food in their humble homes and spend time exchanging information about the herbs of the area. The campesino is always fascinated by the healing powers of herbs as its his most effective and cheapest resource.  When it comes time for me to travel to Panama City and Chorrera its a bad ordeal, having to always be alert as things in Panama good and bad are always happening arround one.  Yesterday I thought I would take a few minutes to relax in a park and read a newspaper.  No sooner had I got there than I see this little 8 year old boy hanging from a branch of a tree at a height of about 10 feet.  He was desperate trying to place his legs arround the trunk but was to far from the trunk so I quikly ran over and grabed his waste and said " its o.k. now, you can let go.  The incident reminded me of the time the soldier plucked me off the bottom of the deep end of the Fort Clayton swimming pool.  Never new who he was but he saved my life.  No sooner had that happened than something sounded "wham" and I looked up.  A large man had come up to a fellow sitting in the park and slambed his fist right in the forehead of a smallar man who immediately started to bleed.  Everyone just looked, no one intervened as the smaller fellow hightailed it out of the area with the bigger  fellow in hot pursuit.  Traffic in Chorrera is also very hectic, walking is more dangerous than driving and driving is dangerous enough.  How I wish I was back in La Pintada feeling the nice evening breeze in my hammock next to the river! 

Yesterday one of the few good friends I  approached me and told me how he bought 300 sq meters for 80 dollars in a remote mountain region which by chance I have been meaning to visit.  Near by are two small lakes.  Next week I will go and check the place out.  My goal is going to be to buy many small one or two hectaria farms.  As my arthritis oil becomes more famous there are going to be more people interested in putting a gun to my head to obtain the formula so I must have a dozen hide outs nation wide where on the drop of a dime I can seclude myself.  I am not a coward, its better to avoid confrontation yet be prepared for  it whenever necessary.  Ever since I saved your uncle Mario´s life after a dance I have not fought anybody.  Of course then I was 22  and just out of Army basic training but the karate training is something that if practiced a bear minimum comes back as a natural reflex.  In your situation, kunfu would be more appropriate as it is a strategic art of hitting vital spots, its dynamic movements keep you in shape also. 

Has your mom found someone worthwhile?  I do hope so for she has had to carry a very difficult survival situation. Loneliness in old age is not enviable.  I wish my fortunes change and that some day I could just give her and each one of you a large check or pension, something that cannot be spent quickly and over night. 

Take care Son, be back with you monday or tuesday.  Franklin 

Suffering a little abnesia from inhaleing the smog, not certain whether i sent this email after rereading it so I will send it again. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my awesome day..  


Date :    

Mon, 25 Nov 2002 22:35:58 +0000  



Hello Victor, just read your very very long letter, about your adventure in the woods and your idea of sleeping on the top of the hill.  There are a few tips I want to give you as you proceed on longer trips and adventures.   Join some differrent "nature societies," obtain a camera and binoculors appropriate for bird watching.  Eventually you will run into trouble makers in the woods be they forest ranges, police, criminals, etc.  Immediately they want to know what you are doing there 

Some will buy the idea that you just like the peace of nature walks, others may think your hiding from authorities, etc, but if you carry a book of differrent kinds of birds and say your doing an inventory of the birds present in your area for the local bird watching society, well thats differrent, no one can be all that bad if they just watch birds!  You might even go as far as the doctor prescribed this kind of activity for the good of your nervous system, etc.  Talking about nature with someone is always a good conversation piece to get to know people and it is good for the heart and soul! 

I am glad you have the tape recorder.  Had I had one today I could have recorded my brother John's conversation where he ceeded his rights to inheritance of my mother's house to me as he has his own in the volcanic crater community of el valle de anton.  Lukily there was a couple of witnesses.   I am in chorrera again for a few days trying to sell my rights of inheritance.  Frankly I am pessimistic about the prospects but I know that perserverance is the key, with belief and action every good thing is possible!   I am very sorry and pissed off with myself about not being able to send you at least the twenty dollars.  I know I owe you much more than that!  This is what happens when one burns up ones blessings early in life, good breaks are scarce in life.  There is something which is within my means.  That is sending you a copy of some of my small but useful books on herbs, especially those which I know that also exist in the U.S.  No one can stop me from sending you that survival material.  Having such a little manual while sleeping in the park also gives you a good excuse for being there, you are studying and inverntorying the medicinal plants of the park.  You will be surprised at how many good looking women are fascinated with the study of herbs, its a topic that never ends with them.  There is probably some club or society in San Antonio who dedicates meetings to the study of medicinal plants. 

The fellow renting my mothers property that has a lot of  months paid up made me an interesting business proposal.  To exchange a pick up for 10 additional months of rent!  I came into chorrera principally to  take him up on his offer, tonight we have a m eeting to discuss this trade.  With a vehicle I can establish a more comprehensive survival route exchanging medicines for chicken, and other farm products, etc. 

I am currently looking at some very interesting property I can get cheap, however, until the money comes in, I cannot buy, but where there is a WILL THERE IS A WAY!   Hope that by the time you come and visit with me(look forward to that possibility) that I will have one or more lots of land to call our own.  My idea is to give you a little piece of land next to a creek where you can swim.  To have a peaceful environment where you can be yourself and the "hell" with the World.  Not that I wish people to go to hell but rather the great mayority of humanity doesn't care whether you or I live.  It would only take me about 3 months to teach you to survive in the tropics of central and south america.  You can take your survival course with me and then have more than half of the continent to explore and a place to come back to to call your own.  Please do not wait very long.  The time is drawing close in which I will disappear from the eyes of "modern civilization." 

Life with the " aborigines" of Panama is more rewarding than living with the socalled civilized man.  Since we are what we think, eat and the reflection of our environment its no surprise that a greater percent of our being is becoming disharmonized(crazy.)  Eventually we express with our facial features and gestures what we are inside.  Eventually we cannot hide, we become open books to others.  The sad thing is that society, modern capitalism is corrupt and failing and we are all a reflection of our own madness.  So learning the survival ropes of living a primitive but happy life has its merits so long as we add something valuable to the primitive environment.  Hardly no one messess with the curanderos because they are needed in primitive society.  Nevertheless among the primitive people there are those who can be very very devious.  The important thing is for them and local authorities to perceive you as being on a  mission especially if you represent some group, church, university biology investigation program, etc.  There is respect even for those amateur people studying insects. 

A bunch of caterpillars once taught me an important lesson.  I was convalessing from a severe nervous and physical breakdown back in 1988. 

In the back yard of my aunt lilys house(which I no longer visit they have changed for the worse, become more materialistic, her daughter has tried to steal my brother johns el valle house with the pretext of giving him assistance, while in a hammock a group of "white" fluffy caterpillars caught my attention, they where moving single file accross the yard.  I wondered to myself what whould happen if I took the leader and placed him at the rear of the line.  Thus I did so and in amazement watched how he increased his speed, energy level and worked his way back to the number ONE position!  I realized then that leaders are not so much made, they are born!  They are born and develop their God given talent to lead!    This is why some people cannot hold a job  working for others, they are born to lead, even if they only lead in their own personal lives. The idea that good followers eventually make good leaders is not necessarily always so.  Only the person with the God given talent and mission CAN LEAD.  Getting back to nature there is great money to be made as a nature photographer, people like national geographic magazine pay some big bucks for some unique nature pictures and film.  I once learned about an ex g.i. who had come back with a mental disability from the viet nam war.  He inturned himself in the wilderness of florida arround the lakes.  He discovered and photographed a black panther thought to be extinct in the entire U.S.A.  He spent 3 years in the wilderness killing several birds with one stone.  He regained his health and fame as well.  My goal as a child growing up was to be a forest ranger.  I will be the freelance forest ranger of panama in my last years and will go by th e nick name " El Viejo de Monte " arround whom there are many legends, he is something like the phantom, some people believe he still exist others that he is a spirit.  His task is to cure the sick animals in the jungles with herbs.  So I am trying to regain my health to become myself.   Marisol understands me, even my goals, and understands that I will try to stay with her as long as possible especially while Frank jr. is small yet she does realize that I have my calling that it will at times take me far from her.  She already knows how to make some of my key formulas for her own survival should somethig happen to me.  But I shall try to harmonise my continued mission with my role as father and husband.  Its my deteriorating health which forces me to adopt the "viejo de monte" life style as modern civilization is poison to my soul.  This is so because I reflect the prevailing energy of an area.  If its positive I grow strong, if negative it reflects in my mind, body and soul and kills me. 

So in chorrera I am like a diver waiting to leave this town for fresh jungle air.  Some day you will be a great novelist.  You may even be interested in writing the story of "el viejo de monte de Panama."  He is a creature only of the central provinces.  This next year I hope to finally perfect my technique for preserving the "holy ghost orchid of Panama."    Son, there are better jungles than the one you are curren tly walking----the concrete jungle of San Antonio but its creeks and woods are a good start.  Take care, lets keep in touch, hope everyday is better for you in m any ways.  I am glad you got your legal case dismissed!  Your pops Franklin 

About snakes, when you come to panama I will teach you how to make viper snake bite antidotes. 


From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my awesome day..  


Date :    

Tue, 26 Nov 2002 13:55:25 +0000  


Hello Victor, just a small note as I hve a few errands to run this morning. 

Yesterday in  my lettr I mentioned the ex g.i. who discovered the extinct panther in the florida swam area.  It is important to keep in mind that mother nature harbors many dangerous situation both to our bodies and souls.  Panthers have a place in the world yet they are a symbol of the devil.  The bible says; el anticristo vendra como leon ruñente.  Also bear in mind when you are in the wilderness that many things in it like certain kinds of tress and plants and especially bats have affinity with evil spirits.  Now, of course you may not believe in these things.  With time you will come to understand that disincarnate entities exist and can make th emselves felt in the real World.  The origines of "superstitiousness" has its bases in some elements of truth. 

" Cuando el rio swena es porque piedra trae."   Nature is alive in many ways and lets us know.  We have "natural" spiritual defenses in our own energy field(aura) that if not harmonized properly can let in evil presenses.  The use of drugs such as marijuana can punch holes in your spiritual defenses and let those influences in.  No doubt you will have experiences, possibly traumatic ones because of the holes in your aura.  It is within your power to h eal those holes but it takes a long time to do so.  One has to learn to develop a peaceful harmonious relationship with nature without drugs to heal the aura.  The greatest gift you could give God and your mother and myself is to heal your self with God's help.  You  may surprise her some day and in her waning days bring a measure of h appiness to her life.  These things are important because I have lived throgh them.  There is a sayhing °nadie aprende por cabeza ajena.  Hope you are not as stubborn as I was.  Love your pops Frank.  Carry and read the bible when you go to your nature hideouts, it does not hurt to have access to it. 


    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: my awesome day.. 

Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:38:34 -0600 


    things are going a little better.  im not going to worry about my belongings that uhaul has.  theyre just material objects which can be replaced in time.  they already called and i told them i wasnt going to have the money.  but, i plan to show up at the auction with $100 and see if i can get anything back.  ill pay $100 for just my adidas survival bag. 

    about the god thing.  you know my feelings on it.  i wont believe in anything until it is proven to me, without a doubt.  i have an abundance of faith in myself, thats all i need to be at peace.  but hey, like i say, people can change.  i doubt i will on this, but if i ever do, let it happen on its own.  please, no more suggestions on that. 

    ada thinks im crazy.  how am i expected to respect her at all when ive caught her in lies.  how am i not supposed to be insulted by my own mother lying to me.  i have very little respect for her.  i dont know why she thinks she deserves so much.  no one deserves to be as lazy as her.  like ive said before, a parents true purpose is to nurture and teach their children, not just pay the bills.  she does everything half-assed. 

    frank, im sorry to say, but visiting you in panama is low on my list of priorities.  i have much work to do here first.  once i deserve a real vacation, ill gladly consider the visit and the schooling.  until then, i am still learning from this jungle more and more each day. 

    i would make this email longer, but diana was on the computer and let me off to check my mail.  argh, i really miss having my own dedicated computer.  oh yeah, i went to chasitys last night and hung out.  my computer is not working, it needs a new video card.  so, now that its of no use to her, she gladly lets me take my hard drive back.  so i got all my old files and i can connect my hard drive to my moms computer and access them. 

well, diana wants back on the computer, 

- victor 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my awesome day..  


Date :    

Tue, 26 Nov 2002 20:48:55 +0000  




Hello Victor, thanks for the prompt reply.  I am still in Chorrera but leaving in a few hours.  As usual the buyer needs a little bit  more time.  This is about the 10th trip and I cannot afford to continue to come in on unproductive visits so I am going to give a lawyer the power of attorney to represent me in the legal work and finding a buyer.  Its sort of a partnership he puts up the expenses and we divide up the sales value, I see no other alternative right now.  My health hasn't been all that good recently so I am going to take care of myself for a few months.  During this period I will be set back in the wilderness so you may hear from me about every 15 days as I go into Penonome city. 

Another situation is resurfacing itself, the risk with the colombian cartels.  While your grandmother was alive they rented next to her and had wild parties til wee hours. Your grandmother lived next door and hardly could sleep.  One good day I got feed up and called the police and asked my uncle beto to stop renting to them.  Uncle "beto" now 90 years of age, responded that the drug dealers paid the rent promptly and to get out of  his hair before he "shot me."  Apparrently it was he that got the word out to the dealers that I was responsible for the police raids.  This put a lot of stress on my mother which quickly shortened her life knowing that the cartel was after me.  I have been in chorrera for two days and the cartels have gone on alert( they probably think I work with the C.I.A.).  Have received two warnings and two hours ago was asked "WHERE ARE YOU LIVING" AND ARE YOU LEAVING TODAY?  Some of these characters are so naive that they think I am about to tell them the info they need to  "hang my ass."  Now I have to figure out how to get out of town.  What they will do is send some one to follow to locate my house and family.  But all this is nothing new.  I have been under constant danger since 1992, over 30 attempts have been made on my life.  Some how someway I am tipped off and react accordingly and get away......maybe I am just lucky or its my guardian angel called GOD!  Because I acknowledge him he acknowledges me, not a bad deal at all.  He only manifests himself to those who sincerely look for him.  He is not so eager to help those who do not believe.  I am "living proof" of Gods existance.  O.K. I will not bug you anymore on this topic, however, you go ahead and talk to me all you want about the marijuana you routinely take, it does not hurt my health, time will show you how wrong you are on this subject but because you do it does not mean I am going to change with you, my role is to try to be a good guide and example even if late in life.  I DO have FAITH IN YOU and YOUR FUTURE!  There are things because of age and lack of experience you cannot assimilate now.  I can only give you tips and point the way, we both know its your life to live.  Through your communications I learn about your God given talents and point them out to you, someday you may say, hey my father thought I would make a good "novelist" a good explorer of nature's bounty.  You see you do not want to come to Panama soon because well there is plenty of time, its going to be a reward for your work up there.  After your concrete jungle succums to nature you may be one of the survivers in the new World of cavemen.  There will be the age old problems in primative living.  Lack of survival knowledge can cause you to perish.  Maybe you might want to save your sons life or suffer a lot because there is not much you can do for the woman you love. 

With regards to Ada you say you cannot respect her very much because she lies to you? Do you always tell her the truth or are  you are reflection of each other and of a corrupt World?  Do you realize that my idea of bringing you to Panama is  really bringing myself a "headache?"  One that I can avoid by not giving the invitation or by trying to add my grain of sand saying yea yea Son go out there and work your tail off in the good ole U.S.A.   You do need help, you do need urgently to learn the things I can teach you but you cannot see  it now.  When you do see it its going to hurt a great deal more than had you received your vaccine now.  How much is a person WORTH that cannot show gratitude to the person who toiled to bring one into this World?  You may have not asked to be born, to come and suffer in this World, yet life has no price. " El que no quiere a MADRE, PADRE, DIOS, NUNCA PUEDE DE VERDAD QUERER A NADIE NI ASI MISMO. " No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver."  You probably will not like what I am saying but I have to say it.  Your tied to your living and thinking habits.  Tomorrow it may not be the Uhaul, it may be something else.  When I was about 9 years of age I used to walk into the post exchange and fill all my pockets with goodies and walk out without paying.  Never got cought but the fool friends that followed my example did.  In life ones friends usually end up being ones worth enemies.  Good real friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand and there are fingers left over(wisdom from Toño Torres.) If I do not say it someday when I visit you in prison you will say its entirely your fault!  We are what we think, what we eat and the reflection of the environment we life in.  To a degree we can change our thinking, eating and environmental interaction habits. 

Glad you and Chasity are back on good terms, great, congratulations to both of you! 

Since we first communicated you have come a long ways in improving your thinking but you still have a good road to travel.  I am not forcing anything upon you, my words are just BEACONS of LIGHT, OPEN YOUR EYES. 

Love always, Franklin VICTOR Gruber Chiari, Tuesday 5:25 P.M. year 2002, Chorrera, Rep. of Panama. 

>From: "victor gruber" <>


>Subject: Re: my awesome day..

>Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 08:23:29 -0600


>      thats right frank, time will show both us our faults.  what may be wrong

to you, might not apply to me, and vice-versa.  as different as everyone is in

this world, very few things are truly universal anymore.

>      it still eludes me how you can be so against something that is of natural

origin, like your cures.  everything in moderation, for it can all be abused. 

even the natural stuff.  if it makes you happy, it cant be that bad.  especially

if what makes you happy had no human-intervention in its production.  frank, if

my speaking of marijuana bothers you, all you have to do is let me know.  i will

be sure never to mention it again.  it doesnt hurt to ask, remember.

>      now about my mother.  what?  im supposed to turn the other cheek at her

ignorance, just because she has "raised" me.  if i were someone else, i wouldnt

even be cordial or help out at all.  she doesnt see how my presence in this

house costs her so much less than my other lazy siblings do.  i wake up, get on

the bus, and stay on it all day.  i just come home to sleep and use the

computer.  let me assure you, i always tell my mother the truth, unless i

foresee the truth hurting her more than its worth.  then, ill either neglect to

tell her, or change it in a merciful way.


>"There are appropriate occasions when lies, deceit, and ignorance should be

practiced, especially when the end-result is good.  Choose them wisely."

> - Victor


>      if i would have left the responsibility of teaching me things to her, i

would be pretty stupid.  im not saying my mom is stupid, she just lacks so much

common sense.  she is ignorant to the truth.  but hey, thats not my problem.

>      ultimately, when i win(remember, i am the victor), everyone will learn

how humans are meant to live their lives, in peace and harmony.  people need to

realize that things change, and you cant stay the same forever.  change is

always looked at as bad, even if its good change.  people are just scared,

theyre weak.


>my day will soon come frank.  to the victor go the spoils.




>- victor




From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my awesome day..  


Date :    

Fri, 29 Nov 2002 18:59:34 +0000  



Hi Victor, good to jarr you a little to see how you respond.  You have come a

long ways since we first started communicating, your thoughts are less trivial,

more analytical, however still lack more depth and less self serving " To the

Victor the Spoils."  Thats the admission of those who go out to conquer, in your

case with your "intelligence." For the ti me being I think you would do best as

a novelist because that{s what you have been "naturally" doing well, narrating

your daily activities.  If I can still make suggestions you would consider, do a

cross analysis of the various kinds of transendental novels starting with Jules

Verne, Tarzen, space novels, etc, especially where the analysis of human nature

and rapidly changing society is involved.  I suggest this because New World

Orders are first invented in the minds of men(or mice).  Writing what the future

will be like is practice for making that future.  With regards to God, allow me

to ask you something I have not asked you before.  What are your arguments for

his non existence?  Are your conclusions about him also superficial?

About your mom, I recall well her defects but I prefer to appreciate her good

side.  She did enough for me to earn my respect.  When you conquer yourself

developing humility(genuine) wisdom will flow to you and you will make a good

ruler of the World.  The Old Man of the Mountain will be close by watching you! 

Best Wishes Always. El Viejo de Monte Frank Gruber who chose for you the name

VICTOR!  Go to it be wise and Brave, beware of the Devil who has one great

advantage over you, he acknowledges the existence of God!

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my awesome day..  


Date :    

Fri, 29 Nov 2002 19:29:48 +0000  




Victor, it is not that I would not want you to come and visit me in Panama even

if only for a few weeks, I would love that in spite of any personal differences

we may have.  What would concern me is that you talk so much about your daily

smoking marijuana that I get the impression you do not have the control and free

will to put it out permenantly from your life.  Consequently as soon as you

arrive in Panama you would naturally be looking for a supplier.  Having pot

arround my house would jepordise the security of my present family.

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my awesome day..  


Date :    

Fri, 29 Nov 2002 19:39:48 +0000  



I have acknowleded that I too have touch of the "manic-depressive syndrome."  I

am now trying to shack myself out of a manic phase, neverthless, it does not

affect the depth of my thinking rather makes more volatile my reactions.  So to

avoid that volatility I go into the peace of nature or a good book, I hate to

have to work in a depressive state, like I have to do in the  next few days. 

Depression is something I fight frecuently and OVERCOME.  Overcomeing myself is

difficult but absolutely necessary for success.  " Man know thy self" Kirpal

Sing.  Who was (is) Master Kirpal Singh, what's in internet about him?

>From: "victor gruber" <>


>Subject: Re: my awesome day..

>Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 14:10:56 -0600



>      i really do not read much.  ever since my second head-injury i have much

trouble with my attention span while reading.  sometimes i have to re-read

sentences because they dont absorb.  i really do prefer to write though. 

because i dont read much, i feel like my writing style is much more original and

real.  im not modeling it after anything else out there.  its all mine.  im sure

if i practiced enough i could master reading, but time is of the essence and i

dont have much.

>      about marijuana, ive gone months without it before with no withdrawl

symptoms.  its not physically addictive and as long as i have something to

occupy myself with, i will not miss it.  its not a drug, its an enhancer if

anything.  the majority of my writing has been done while being high.  it truly

opens your mind.  maybe when the rest of the world accepts it and suggests it,

we can get stoned and really get back to nature.  its medicine.

>      i cant believe alcohol is legal and weed isnt.  it doesnt make any sense

whatsoever.  just look at all the deaths alcohol causes, and its accepted? 

remember, they didnt call them peace pipes for nothing.

>      now about god.  what are my arguments, you ask?  hmm, i may be repeating

myself here, but how many gods are there?  you ask any christian and theyll tell

you just one.  what about all those polytheistic religions in asia that believe

in demigods and more than one god?  are they just damned to hell for believing

in the wrong thing?  who the hell is right?

>      if the christian god is oh-so-forgiving, what do i have to worry about

not believing in him?  all i have to do is say im sorry, right.  if i were to

die, and experienced god afterwards, then and only then, would i believe in his

existance.  things must be proven for me to believe them.  i am the only person

i should have faith in, not some fairy tale.

>      people need to stop personifying human emotion.  we feel because we are

homosapiens, not to please some magical entity.  i feel humans, as a majority,

are an instinctly-insecure species.  who cant handle the weight of their own

existance on their shoulders, so they make up some bullshit god to explain

everything for them.  the answers that have been found with science and logic

make a whole lot more sense though.


>well, that about wraps it up for today..


>peace frank,


>- victor


From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: my awesome day..  


Date :    

Thu, 05 Dec 2002 20:35:56 +0000  


  Reply  Reply All  Forward    Delete  Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can   Printer Friendly Version  


Hi Victor.  Looks like you where not in a very good mood when you wrote your

last letter.  Well, neither had I been in a very good mood, however, I am

feeling better.

Thanks for giving me a clearer idea of your opinion with regards to "GOD."  I

agree inasmuch as the problem is man.  Man in many ways and cultures has made

God in his own image, personification as you say.

Yet, none of those religions save anybody since people cannot save people.  To

me God is the ultimate SCIENCE.  There is such a thing as Science of Soul

learning how to leave your body and travel through the higher dimensions(higher

rates of soul vibration) until you are brought before God.  However only the

more advanced and evolved souls can have that opportunity or blessing.  WHEN THE


In the Science of Geometry we learn about some self evident axioms such as the

shortest distance between to points is a straight line(this finds an exception

in gravitational fields).  Likewise, for me "that creation has a creater" is a

self evident axiom and that creator is the Supreme Lord.  Yes, there are other

gods, there is a hiearchy of gods that constently compete for the essential

energy radiating potential of our souls.  Matter of fact some of them have

elaborate ways of capturing souls and using their energies.  When one grows up

absorbed in a basically materially oriented society one's attention does not

develop in spiritual matters, one even loses the ability to be original on these

topics.  To say that the spiritual world does not exist is mere ignorance.  Its

like saying the wind does not exist because we cannot see it.  Similarly, we

made in the image of God, have creative powers.  We think and our thoughts

become materialized by effort.  Similarly there is such a thing as a UNIVERSAL

MIND.  It has an autonomous part which relates to the universal laws such as

gravity etc.

and there is the "thinking part" which plans the evolution of all life.

I am not touching here the topic whether God is "good" or "bad."  I am just

stating that there is plenty of circumstancial evidence for the existence of the

Universal Mind.  Does it care about our sufferring?  Probably the autonomous

part does´t, but the thinking part wants us to evolve and make less mistakes so

we suffer less the consecuences of our own actions.  The autonomous part only

concerns itself with the cause and effect management of the Universe.  That's

the part of God which earthly scientists know.  The other part is more subtle or

direct but it isn't just any one who can tune in.  In the local libraries you

may find a small little book, paperback, entitled " In Tune With The Universe." 

The supreme intelligence of the Universe is always talking to us, we simply are

NOT LISTENING.  Our attention is elsewhere.  The bible and religions are

important only insofar as they are steps on latters toward the true

spirituality.  No one comes to the father unless he allows it.

Do you acknowledge that there is INTELLIGENT ORDER in the Universe?

Is it easier just to say " I do not know where it comes from" than to

acknowledge a most self evident act of creation.  If we cannot understand that

the elemental" self evident truth of creation" requires an intelligent planning,

implementation, entity, it is not likely we will be able to understand any of

the other difficult matters of life.

It stands and intelligent deduction that man has intelligence because he is a

reflection of an intelligent universe.  Likewise at a lower level, material not

thinking level,  we have traces of gold, copper, iron, in our blood etc because

materially we are also a reflection or an intelligently organized universe.

This letter is in no way intended to convince you of the existence of God.  I am

just trying to learn if your mind is capable of grasping a more scientific

expanded view of God.  No doubt God is the ultimate scientist author even of

natural laws.  His reality is so big by touching a mere part of him we cannot

grasp his existence.  We can only grasp that of him which he reveals to each of

us.  So remember religions have their purpose but their purpose is limitted to

teaching a theory which varies from religion to religion.  God is a scientist

and the way back to him is via  SCIENCE OF SOUL.  When the student is ready the

master appears.  Thanks for keeping your channel of communication open.  Wishing

you the best always, PEACE, Franklin.

>From: "victor gruber" <>


>Subject: Re: my awesome day..

>Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 14:10:56 -0600



>      i really do not read much.  ever since my second head-injury i have much

trouble with my attention span while reading.  sometimes i have to re-read

sentences because they dont absorb.  i really do prefer to write though. 

because i dont read much, i feel like my writing style is much more original and

real.  im not modeling it after anything else out there.  its all mine.  im sure

if i practiced enough i could master reading, but time is of the essence and i

dont have much.

>      about marijuana, ive gone months without it before with no withdrawl

symptoms.  its not physically addictive and as long as i have something to

occupy myself with, i will not miss it.  its not a drug, its an enhancer if

anything.  the majority of my writing has been done while being high.  it truly

opens your mind.  maybe when the rest of the world accepts it and suggests it,

we can get stoned and really get back to nature.  its medicine.

>      i cant believe alcohol is legal and weed isnt.  it doesnt make any sense

whatsoever.  just look at all the deaths alcohol causes, and its accepted? 

remember, they didnt call them peace pipes for nothing.

>      now about god.  what are my arguments, you ask?  hmm, i may be repeating

myself here, but how many gods are there?  you ask any christian and theyll tell

you just one.  what about all those polytheistic religions in asia that believe

in demigods and more than one god?  are they just damned to hell for believing

in the wrong thing?  who the hell is right?

>      if the christian god is oh-so-forgiving, what do i have to worry about

not believing in him?  all i have to do is say im sorry, right.  if i were to

die, and experienced god afterwards, then and only then, would i believe in his

existance.  things must be proven for me to believe them.  i am the only person

i should have faith in, not some fairy tale.

>      people need to stop personifying human emotion.  we feel because we are

homosapiens, not to please some magical entity.  i feel humans, as a majority,

are an instinctly-insecure species.  who cant handle the weight of their own

existance on their shoulders, so they make up some bullshit god to explain

everything for them.  the answers that have been found with science and logic

make a whole lot more sense though.


>well, that about wraps it up for today..


>peace frank,


>- victor

    From: jim bob <> 


Subject: frank, i need to leave san antonio... 

Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 08:45:35 -0800 (PST) 

listen frank, ive been sending out my ideas like crazy all over america online.  today, i was contacted by someone who made me think.  i cant believe i havent thought of these things in the past.  here, let me show you our conversation: 


     it has finally occurred to me that my life is at risk for having my ideas.  maybe im being paranoid, but government agencies maybe watching me.  thats why i created this new email account.  these past few weeks, ive been preparing to walk/hitch-hike to california and get people to hear me, but now i dont think ill make the journey alive. 

     you said before you would pay for a plane ticket to panama.  well, i think its time for me to pay you a visit.  i tried both numbers you had given me before, yours and marisol's and was told both were disconnected.  please email me back with a contact number, or tell me when/if you can send for me. 

a bit shaken, 




From :    



To :  


CC :  


Subject :    

Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...  


Date :    

Mon, 23 Dec 2002 16:10:01 +0000  



Hello Victor, you may also reach me at or 

O.K. now I have the 50 dollars on hand to send you at the autum dr address.  Are you still there.  If not there send me an address where I can send you that money via certified mail, bare in mind it could take a week to get there.  Will mail it to you upon receipt of your next email as I do not want to send it to an address where you cannot sign for it if not there.   I confirm my 653 5323 number is not functionable as it was disactivated for lack of current funds. 

Try to come to Panama sooner or later, I shall set you up in your own apartment and pay the rent for a couple of months plus give you the minimum furniture you require.  My mother in law age 78 is likely to move in with us, she is in a health crisis.  You are welcome also only that I feel you will be uncomfortable in a situation with one baby 1 year old and another to arrive in a few months, there will be a certain amount of stress in the environment so its best for me to rent you a small house near by and support your efforts to do remunerable work. 

If you wait until March I shall send you the 500 dollars as promised.  Remember as a son of a panamanian you also have a right to panamanian citizenship.  For the next two weeks will be checking my email accounts every other day waiting to hear from you.  Do not be so paranoid as you have done nothing illegal, in a democracy like the united states anyone is free to express his ideas. 

I have been rather uptight the last few days especially since the hot summer sun has affected my nerves and my blood sugur has affected my sight so bear with me once we get together personally things will be better for both of us.  The therapy I will be using is a sport.  Will obtain a set of goggles and hand spear sprung forward with a strong elastic band to catch crawfish, we call them here river swrimp.  They are really delicious the way  my wife prepares them.  This week shall order the fabrication of a seven and a half feet wooden bed plus foam mattres since I have a hunch you will arrive any day now since I know you have a powerful will to get your way.  There is nothing I can do to fetch ya now but I know that if you really want to be with me you will find a way to get here.  What is at stake is knowledge, the knowledge you need to survive independently in this dog eat dog World.  And the botanical field is an area that is opening up more and more each year. 

Here is a tip, when things arn't going well, drink a lot of water and go for a swim, it will relax you and clear up your mind.  I trust in God things will begin to go better for you. 

If you want to use the regular mail, write me at:  Franklin Gruber Chiari, Entrega General, La Pintada de Penonome, Rep. De Panama. 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio... 

Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 16:39:57 -0600 


    i had to come to the library to use the computer because my mother kicked me off to waste her time like she always does.  much has changed with my situation.  i do not plan on visiting you soon.  i just freaked out after talking to that guy, but ive calmed down.  i am preparing to leave san antonio soon though.  i am going to practice what i preach and go for a cross-country walk.  interstate 10 all the way.  i am going to shoot for the west coast once more.  this time, i will be walking there.  i also plan to do it all with no money.  i have been training in san antonio and i think i am just about ready.  in thinking for the things i will need, i made a lightweight hammock a prerequisite.  i did not know how i would acquire one without money.  hell, i didnt even know where i could buy one.  the other day, i had nothing to do so i thought id jump on the next bus and see what happened.  i was craving a cigarette so i decided i would go to the grocery store to see if someone was smoking.  at the bus stop no one was and all the buses werent coming back for another hour.  i went on a walk through the shopping center to kill time, hoping i would see someone smoking.  i ended up walking down this old road that surrounded these woods i used to mountain bike in.  it was a sad walk for i found most of my old stomping grounds developed with homes.  at the end of the road was a neighborhood, so i turned around and just darted in the woods, not following a trail.  i eventually came across a very professionally-built treehouse with three levels.  i climbed up there and to my surprise, i found someone had set up a lightweight hammock up there.  it is perfect, i tested it out and took a couple hits from my pipe.  ahhh, theres nothing like relaxing in the woods.  anyway, i rolled it up and stuffed it in my bag and left.  i was very excited.  now, all i need to be ready is a swiss-army knife and i would also like to secure my california-kingsize bed from chasity before i leave.  shes moving to florida in january and i dont want to have to walk to the east cost to get it, hehe.  so ive been asking people with trucks if they could help me get it back from her apartment.  my friend told me he might be able to help me out today.  so after that is finalized, im ready to leave.  ill have a big bacpack with a quality rainsuit(courtesy of my friend bob), two pairs of thermals, changes of clothes like extra underwear and socks, and on my front i will have my new simple adidas drawstring bag with more survival gear.  i will also have my magnetized water bottle with attached activated carbon filter.  i can drink stream water if i have to. 

    i dont plan to move to california, i have a whole country to explore.  i will go there and speak with some important people and get the ball rolling on making some very important changes, then i plan to keep on walking.  i would really like to visit seattle and yellowstone national park in montana.  those will just be some destinations, but at my walking pace, i will be able to soak up so much more information.  the education i will receive from walking across america cannot compare to anything taught in schools.  it will be so much better than college. 

    im walking there just to prove that humans were designed with two legs and it wasnt to push the gas and the brake.  im doing it without money to prove that everyone is naturally generous and we dont need to play the money game to be successful.  to the victors is left the responsibility of writing history. 

    i also take comfort in the fact that if i was assasinated, my goals would be reached a lot sooner.  imagine the publicity i would get.  my stuff is already out there and soon i plan to have a real webpage.  everyone will want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote, and then see the sense i made.  i will die a martyr.  it would be totally worth it. 

    also, if i did visit you, i would very much like to be allowed to smoke marijuana.  i am very discreet with my smoking.  i have perfected the art of public smoking.  i know you think its a drug, but its just not.  if your god created plants and buds that i find and abuse, then who are you to judge? 

    i do the majority of my writing after i take a few hits.  it just open your mind.  true, that you can abuse even the natural stuff, but just remember, everything in moderation.  you probably think i sound like a junkie, but only because your generation has been programmed to think that.  i dont know how i would acquire it in panama, i might have to grow it myself.  if you will not tolerate it near you, i guess ill just have to wait until i get it legalized before i come to panama.  remember, if it makes you happy, it cant be that bad. 

    well, i came to the library to type up some chapters for my book.  i have been carrying around a mini-cassette recorder everywhere i go.  i have a little microphone clipped to my collar and all i have to do is talk.  my book is coming along great.  i have 25 chapters already.  all true stories.  im just documenting my life.  i never thought writing a book could be so easy.  its because i dont have to make anything up.  i am just recording the truth. 

    when i release my writings, people will see how much fun you can have when you dont need money, and theyll want to live that way too.  it should spread like wildfire. 

    i dont know if ive sent you any chapters, but its very interesting reading.  if you would like me to send you what i have, let me know. 

well, im going to plug my headphones into my cassette recorder and email myself a chapter to my book. 

peace be with you pops, and look out for victor's name soon.  hopefully not in the obituary. :] 

- victor 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...  


Date :    

Mon, 30 Dec 2002 21:24:17 +0000  




Hi Victor.  Just read your long letter.  Wish you a good New years, also the same for your mom and sisters!  Personally, I would rather you stay in San Antonio a couple of months.  As you know, the transaction of the sale of my rights of inheritance to my moms house was made but only received a small advance, the main part is due before the end of March.  If you keep in touch with me I will send you your 500 dollars via certified mail(no other way) to your moms house.  Once sent it requires a week or ten days to get there.  The question now is if I send 50 dollars now will you be at your moms house to receive it 10 days from now?  I certainly do not want to cast money to the wind or on a there and back trip.  The last time I sent your mother 200 dollars via bank cable transfer she never received it and was the breaking point of our relationship.  International money transfers from Panama other than certified mail are not reliable. 

O.K. Here are a few comments on your all american hking trip.  In panama there are some instant soops that sell for forty cents, add some to rice and it gives it flavor and some nutrition, you probably have those dried soops also on sale in U.S. SuperMarkets.  The other thing is join a national club like bird watches association and acquire there nationawide directory so all the bird lovers can assist you on your way, eachtown has dozens of them, they are by nature altruistic.  If someone finds you in the bush and is suspicious you can always say I am a bird watcher here{´s my I.D. to prove it.   The hammock idea is great but you need a light transparent long plastic the type placed on tables tocover the hammock should it rain.  It also keepsyou warm on cold nights.  Take plenty of garlic eat two cloves a day with a glass of water starting the day and ending, it will keep you immune from acquiring infectious diseases plus the mosquitos at night will not bite ya-  Get ahold of a Boy Scout and firt aid manual, keep it close by-  Carry limons to disinfect drinking water, half a limon per glass, if its too strong it will lower your blood pressure. 

I have not bought the land or begun building the house since the money that came in was sufficient only to buy 2,000 empty medicine bottles plas a down payment on a large diesel pick up.  Since business had been very bad recently the only way to expand my sales route is with a vehicle.  When you get down here I want to be out of a crises situation as to be able to share time with you and I need the two months of waiting for the money to prepare.  However, your telling me in advance that you plan to continue smoking pot, although discreetly, means you will not be able to live with  my present family.  In Panama Jail is hell!  You threaten a cop in a penitentiary about suing him and he will immediately place his night stick on your head, later his report with his superiors approval will state you sliped and fell.  Here the values are 180 degrees differrent than in the U.S.  The U.S. population is basically of loving giving people.  Here the vast majority of the people are takers and many will leave youwithout shoes if you let them.  Appealing to mans better nature here will not work well. 

You must decide whether in March you want me to send you the 500 dollars or the plane ticket to come to Panama as I cannot afford both. 

Acquiring your pass port or visa is your responsability. 

If you insist on smoking pot why not make a small island off the coast of Panama your home where you do not have cops to bug ya, however, that does not garantee youwill never get caught.  If ya do not have the will power to leave marijuana for good I do not think you have the will power to accomplis very much else in life.  My generation knew marijuana before yours, I tried it as a kid, my best friend Gustavo went nuts smoking the stuff, in time it depletes brain cells, TRUST ME its that way!   The main reason I want you here is to see if I can talk some sense into you but I am learning that its practically hopeless to attempt it.  I have come to the conclusion that I am not the one to say the World, and doubt that you are the messia, so lets both come to our senses together, father and son and lets not fool ourselves anymore.  Lets try without drugs to be happy ourselves and make a few people arround us happy.  You are mostly a victum of the envirment you live in but you can chose to be better.  Once you are down here we can do some business and also learn survival tactics.  Have you ever had a job selling anything, the way you  talk you ught to make a good saleman. 

How many pages in your book?  If ya want you can send it to me and Iwill place it on a diskette and later print it out as a family historical document.  Your best chapter is still coming, the one about your life in Panama, the place you changed your life for the better learning from your old man.  Try to leave marijuana before coming otherwise there will not be much I can do for you except see you about once a month  at a fairly long distance from my home. If you want to change and improve I accept you in or near my household, if you prefer the past to the future, there are places appropriate for you then but inorder not to starve you will need the survival knowledge anyway.  Something that sells like hot cakes is empanadas.  I am working on a unique formula containing chicken, ham, soya meat,onions, garlic, tomatos, etc.  Its going to be a supper empanada selling for a dollar, they usually sell for twentyfive cents.  You will find that people will accept you better if they  find you working and making a living.  I spend my extra time brainstorming for new ways of surviving.  Until you have a half of dozen survival techniques you will not be FREE.  Jumping from the mercy of one or another individual the rest of your life is not freedom as it lacks dignaty, freedom without dignaty is slavery to circumstances. 

You stated that coming to Panama is not a priority for you.  It will not hurt to plan to come down the line.  By then I will be better prepared to receive ya.  Just stay out of trouble, my circumstances does not allow me to fly there and get ya out of trouble.  You have been smart and lucky so far but remember do not press your good luck, rather take advantage of it for the better.  One big problem about people in your situation is that they resort to stealing.  Take the hammock back where you found it, your luck will improve in a genuine way.  I have spent a great deal of time studying the nature of good and bad luck since I have had my share of bad luck.  In final analysis Ilearned that only to the degree that you give(reasonably) will you receive the goods things of life.  So be good but without being a fool. 

You stated you have some difficulty reading.  Practice a little every day.  Son, the next best thing to saving the World is to save yourself and make yourself a millionaire via honest effort.  Why a millionaire.  Well son, its better to be a hammer than a nail, life will eventually make you one orthe other unless you go back tonature and become a millionaire from harvesting the good earth.  I am planning tomato patch myself, prices here are too expensive and I can grow my own and sell some as well.  While I sleep or write my book the stuff grows on its own, its only the initial effort and the harvesting and sales, 90 percent of the time is left free with the bonus of the sales at the end! 

When man does not understnd you your tomato plants will and they will make you money-  O.K. Vic will get back to ya next week, your pops Franklin. 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio... 

Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 14:06:29 -0600 

hehe frank, much time has passed since i last communicated with you.  not only did i get to california in two days, but i got to san francisco too.  i didnt hitch hike.  some guy just saw me walking and pulled over and told me he was going to california.  i read him and he seemed trustworthy(not to mention he has a 'jesus is lord' sticker on his back windshield).  so i got a ride from east texas all the way to los angeles(for free). 

    i stumbled upon berkeley, a suburb of san francisco.  this place is my model for my utopia.  i am currently a "squatter".  i tell people im not homeless, im traveling.  i sleep here and there and they have breakfast every morning at a church.  they also have free showers every day at a pool here. 

    for nutrition on my journey, i have a gallon-size ziploc full of this stuff called Muscle Blast 2000.  i left on the 26th and i probably have 2 weeks worth left.  it says complete nutrition on it and its only $15.  when ive gotten hungry on my trip, i just put a scoop of the stuff(vanilla flavored)in my mouth, squirt a little water in and just gargle it and swallow.  bam, im not hungry anymore.  its got everything i need and nothing i dont.  i could live without tastebuds. 

    well, ive documented my whole adventure on my mini-cassette recorder and its just now that ive found a library in berkeleyd that i can access.  i have 6 cassettes full of true stories that, when i have more time, i will type up as chapters to my book. 

    i am having so much fun.  i really belong on the road.  school and books dont really teach you.  no on can possibly retain every bit of information in a book.  the stuff stays in the books.  a college eductation doesnt hold a flame to the education i am gaining from this journey, which im not sure when it will end. 

    oh yeah, i almost forgot to tell you.  the other day at the place that sold me some more cassettes, i asked the guy if he knew of any computer repair shops in town.  he thought for a minute and told me to come by monday around 1pm, and that he would have someone to talk to me.  so i might have a job soon doing what i know.  i hope he doesnt mind i dont have have a physical address and sleep where i can.  i will assure him i will show up to work every day and do a damned good job.  im thinking they should let me.  i mean, how else do people get off the streets?  plus, if i get a job at a computer shop, i will have a lot of tools at my disposal. 

well, im gonna go walk over there, wish me luck and ill send you the chapters when i type them up soon. 

- victor 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...  


Date :    

Mon, 06 Jan 2003 23:31:01 +0000  




Hello Victor, congratulations in your arrival at Berkely.  Looks like good luck or God is with you!  I am glad you have your computer expertise to fall back on.  Try to be consistent in your efficiency, concentrate on saving money for at least three months and then take care of it since in a pinch your savings will be your best friend and father, etc as of the moment I have not received the major portion of monies owed me for sale of the inheritance rights, however, as soon as I receive it shall mail you via certified mail your 500 dollars, granted of course,  the third World war does not interrupt the mail system, pray that it don´t happen.  Hey thats not to say that I am not your father, I do love you as my Son but a penniless father isnit much help.  I am working on resolving my economic problems in a more permanent manner. 

O.K. here is a little advice that can save you a lot of headaches.  First of all be careful who you chose to walk with, chose carefully your acquaintances, the fastest way to get into trouble is by association,  Try to find a female companion who has virtious values.  It makes pychological sense to go to church even if its to make friends with the pastor receive his help and meet the gals.  In the church environment or work environment your most likely to find a compatiable mate.  The churchas are full of beautiful available women with cars waiting for their prayers of their dream man to come true, so play along wont hurt to learn a few more lines of the bible, its just part of learning how to best survive in the society. 

O.K. The next thing is this:  Do not ever make the mistake of contacting REDAMBER 65.  He is playing a vary dangerous game with you, as a means to add you to his organization.  He incited you to action, good thing you took that in a positive manner, but having studied your situation from reading your correspondence with me he realized you are somewhat of a looner prone to get in problems with the law so by inciting you to go out into the World and " act " sooner or later you are likely to get in trouble with the law by association, it happens to almost everyone who is out on the streets alone, local people distrust th em and send the police to investigate.  So whats redambers game.  You get into trouble and mama and papa far away can{t help so you are forced to turn to someone powerful and influencial to get you out of trouble, so you email him for help.  He does get you out of trouble, once maybe m ore but then you owe him and you will never ever stop paying, as you are added to his organization of available human tools to manipulate you may then be forced to kill, steal or be disappeared if you refuse.  Son believe me with that man that is the danger you face.  It has happened to me and I cut lose but my life and that of my close family will be in danger for years to come,  these are the bad guys behid the good guys and the good guys become their slaves.  Read this letter several weary of these mafia tactics which even ex rangers use.  When ever in doubt about something let me know, for what ever its worth I will give you the benefit of my advice.  Economically, if you stay on the job long enough you will probably be better off than me in just a couple of weeks.  First chance you get apply for your pass port, never know when its time to leave the U.S. 

At least now with a small truck I can travel the 6 hours to the International Airport of Tocumen to fetch ya.  But like I said try to work and save for at least 3 months or more,  I am proud of you for your courage in moving forward.  Try always to remain the most honest person in the neiborhood, all kinds of work opportunities will open up for you.  Be cautious, be wise Victor. Love, Your dad Franknlin. 

P.S. When you can send me Ada's email.  I know she does not want anything with me but someday it may be valuable for her and I to communicate.  I will not email her immediately, just save it. 

ADDED 1-3-24

From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio... 

Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 17:14:17 -0600 

    frank, refresh my memory on RED AMBER 65.  that name is vageuly familiar to me.  since i log all my conversations on the computer, im sure i have ours on my hard drive, but i still do not have a place where i can hook up my drive.  its been in my army bag this whole time.  i kinda remmeber feeling uneasy or paranoid after talking with REDAMBER.  how has this person read our correspodences?  refresh my memory please frank. 

    oh, today i am resting my feet and spending a lot of time at the college on the computer.  things have been going pretty good.  i was abe to type up a whole chapter today, but i have 6 cassettes full of stuff and i want to get them all organized before i send them out.  dont worry about me frank.  i have learned its better to stick to myself in my travels.  "crazy" people like me have no friends, only acquaintances.  i can trust no one. 

    sure, being alone can suck sometimes, but i have mastered the art entertaining myself and needing only me.  there is always something to do in berkeley. 

    there are hundreds of other homeless people in berkeley who are always on the streets begging for spare change.  since crazy people are so much more accepted overe here,i have taken the liberty of makingm y own sign and sitting out on the steet with it.  my sign says: 

"With the internet i plan to eliminate money and bring world peace, get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer and get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out.  Ask me how, I got it all figured out.  Send me an email and ill back my shit up.   The technology is here.  Let's make America modern already. Then the whole world.   Think of this as the best cause ever.  Any contribution will only speed up the process.  Or just write down my email address and wish me luck. I am only trying to expedite human-evolution.  It's going to happen someday.  Help me make it sooner than later.  " 

at first when i tried the sign, nobody would stop and read it, so as people walk by i tell them, "hey, will you read my sign?"  lots just keep walking, but some actually stop. 

    the first night i flew my sign, this girl was very impressed and even invited me to dinner.  we went to some indian restaurant and i impressed the socks off of her.  she told me that her grandmother told her she would be meeting someone named antonio soon. 

    if there is a town out there where i should be doing this, it is berkeley for sure.  if you havent heard of berkeley, it made history during the hippy movement in the 60's.  i spend a lot of time at People's Park talking to people.  thing is, i wasnt aiming for berkeley.  i was gonnna walk around oakland and look for a friend.  it just so happens the random bus i got on came here and bam, acceptance.  you know me, i am not a fatalist in the least, but sometimes i play with the idea that i am destined to be here for some reason. 

well frank, i may be starting my job tomorrow at noon and ive been on the computer for about 6 hours straight now.  im gonna go now, my feet have rested plenty. 


- victor 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...  


Date :    

Tue, 07 Jan 2003 17:39:37 +0000  




Hello Victor, hehe how ya doing?  Sounds like you not me but well what the heck it is me after all! 

You spoke about the experience you are having as better than a college education.  Indeed experience in life is very very important, nevertheless a formal education helps you to be  more flexible in life and  get MORE out of your EXPERIENCES.   A book is a soul looking for some body into which to incarnate.  Reading 100 good books is like "living 100 lives."  That is the essense of those lives.  Imagine how versatile and flexible a person  that reads everybook in the library  gets.   That was what MAO tse Sung did, founder of the Chinese communist party.  Of course I do not want you to continue to go on thinking in communistic terms, however, every great man has some thing worthy to teach, Mao was wrong about many things but right about some others, so its best to seek the good in all people and set the negative aside.  Check out also the life of Abraham Lincoln who studied by the light of a candle stick to become a lawyer.  You and Abraham Lincoln have something in common of significance:  a sense of manifest destiny. 

However you have a ways to go to get your feet well on the ground.  My biggest failure was not establishing a material base for my ideals.  Own your own property, etc, etc. so you have a place of peace and quite to let your imagination fly.  I flew my imagination without ever having my own place and times flies and when you run out of gas ones plane drops to the ground.  People respect you and your ideals more when you have something materially to show for them.  Had I accumulated something materioally in time I could have been of more value to you in many ways.  Now days no one gets to the top without a lot of money.  And its better when you make it honestly with a minimum of help from others, which I know you can!  However, as I can help you I will. Hopefully there is still time, 

About College let me get back to that topic.  Each course you take in college puts you in contact with other people that have similar interest in the course, they likely share other interests with you as well.  I once meet a fellow who CLEPPed his way through half of his four years of college.  He got the list of the equivalency tests for all the first and second year courses, spent a little time reviewing the books on those topics in the library, took the tests, passed them and got college credit for them. Did his college in half the time. 

Here{'s how to get into college even if you have a low grade point average in highschool.  Audit a course or two in a local small college and make friends with the school director, professors while you are auditing the course.  When it comes exam time ask the profesor to let you take it even if you will not get formal credit for the course, odds are if he is your friend he will let you take it.  So you pass a few of the college courses. then some nice morning find the school director in a good mood and ask him to be admitted since you demonstrated that you can pass college courses.  Thats how I got into the local branch of FSU while in the Army in Panama and bingo when I had enough college courses passed there I asked to be transferred to the main campus.  My grades where never great, I concentrated on grasping the ideas, the essense of topics instead of the details.  You will do even better since to deal with computers you have to be good a dealing with details. 

I could have been smarter than I was.  I could have worked for twenty years while taking just two courses at a time and would in twenty years or less end up with my PHD.  I then would have a lot of experience plus the title.  The title  by itself  is worthless,  yet theory helps you develop more your imagination.  Sometimes by not wanting to go to college we just want to prove that we are better than the system, lets not be foolish, the system has a lot of good things we can take advantage of.  You are in the land of opportunity, take education seriously but do it your way without losing out on the opportunities to gain experience.  In some ways I am glad you did not come to Panama since you are now out there doing good things for yourself in the land of opportunity!   Thats why I left you in the states and not in Panama to start with, trusting in God that you would take advantage of the system, it was the last I could do, your mom would not allow you, anyway, to come to Panama then with me.  She challenged me to get a good job in Panama and then she would consider coming here, Well I did and went for you all twice but she would not come.  I got depressed and sick and unfortunately, fortunately headed for the mountains.  So I was weak but became strong, strong for the mission God given to me, only he know when and why and where he will use my training.  So here I am waiting, time tells everything.  HERE IS THE MAIN THING TO REMEMBER.  ITS NOT BAD TO FALL A HUNDRED OR A THOUSAND TIMES, EACH TIME YO GAIN  EXPERIENCE.  ITS BAD NOT TO STRUGGLE BACK TO YOUR FEET.  EINSTEIN USED TO SAY, GENIUS IS 99% PERSPIRATION,WORK, 1% INSPIRATION. 

HERE IS SOMETHING ELSE TO REMEMBER, NOW DAYS. IF YOU WANT TO BE NUMBER ONE YOU UNFORTUNATELY HAVE TO BE WILLING TO KILL OR BE KILLED.  Behind every would be "president" there is a pack of lions with which the president is forced to share power.  Do you want to be held morally responsible for the actions of all those power hungry lions?  There has to be a better way of changing the World than becoming number one.  Educating the World is probably a better way, educating oneself is the start.  Just as you did not realize that the intelligence agencies where listening in on our communications there are many other pertinant aspects of the "change the world" aspect that you are not educated for.  This is why you should audit certain college courses, it will bring to mind in brain storming sessions lots of situations which will face you later in life. 

I will be checking my email about every 4 days now.  Am again, thank God, behind the wheel of a vehicle, I can be more productive and   my health will suffer less.  This last months has been extremely difficult, a lot of stumbling blocks to overcome even in little administrative matters, only via perservertance have I been even able to transfer the vehicle to my name.  I Pray to God that he Bless my business so it may be prosperous.  His blessing brings a lot of "good luck or fortune."  May The Force Be With You, Yes, The Supreme Intelligent Force of The Universe.  Your pops  Franklin 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: from your dad, Franklin  


Date :    

Fri, 10 Jan 2003 21:37:24 +0000  



Hi Son, about redamber65.  You asked me to refresh your memory about this person.  He was an ex ranger who contacted you with regard to your mass publicity about your ideas.  He gave you a warning that the surveilance agencies may be annoyed with your mission and send people like him whose job is to eliminate people with causes worthy of giving their lives.  You got paranoid about his conversation with you and wanted to leave San Antonio.  The main thing is just to be conscious that words do count and can even endanger your life.  Son, take the time to read all the negative stuff in the library about marijuana, the good news you already know, the bad in time can damage your brain.  I am praying for a miracle for you, that the right woman will come into your life and make you reflect and change about a lot o things.  You do have a lot to offer the World, just need a female partner that can understand you yet help you keep your feet on the ground.  Glad to know your spending time in the College Library, its a good environments.  Keep up the good work. Love ya, Dad, Franklin Gruber.  Remember will soon no longer be in la Pintada de Penonome, returning to Caldera, Chiriqui, close to Boquete next week.  Keep in touch. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: frank, i need to leave san antonio...  


Date :    

Thu, 06 Feb 2003 04:09:05 +0000  




Hello Victor.  Its been a while since we communicated.  I have moved again to a mountain rural community with no internet service.  The idea is to get out of the hot summer sun and inbetween two mountains where there is shade and a natual spring.  My health has not been very good recently.  My blood pressure has dropped several times and  my colon tumor is spreading.  The only way I can beat this disease is to put all my knowledge in practice.  I have been spending too much time curing other people and have neglected myself.  I am still waiting for the main portion of the revenue from the sale of my inheritance rights.  Should be receiving it before the end of March.  This time I do ´plan to send you the 500 promissed as soon as I receive that money.  Buying the truck enabled me to save 120 dollars on the long move.  The vehicle is running smooth but requires some minor maintanance on the breaks and steering wheel.  Have located a large plot of land at dirt cheap price. Will go see it this coming week.  Right now I am back in Chorrera.  I will still be h ere tomorrow until about 3 p.m. if you want to write me and get a response.  How are things going with you.  Did you get the computer job-   Let me know how you are doing.  Remember be good, be wise, you can make it in the land of opportunity if  you are wise and also seek the advice of wise elderly people.  Love your dad Franklin. 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: hi frank 

Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 17:20:20 -0600 

hello frank, 

    argh, i had just spent an hour replying to your last email and i lost it all.  i am at a library in oregon and the timer ran out.  youre probably wondering how i got to oregon.  hehe, its a very interesting tale.  ive had my mini-cassette recorder with me the whole time and have logged the whole experience.  i just need to type it up. 

    in short, i was walking west on i10 for 2 days and someone just stopped.  the guy told me he was going to california, where was i going?  so i got a ride from east texas to LA.  caught the greyhound to san francisco, the BART to oakland, the bus to berkeley, some girl gave me a ride to arcata in northern california, then i got a ride to this healing camp in oregon, from there i am now living with some hippies who have been active in the peace movement since the 60's.  their computer resources/skills are rudimentary and i plan to help them.  maybe ill have my headquarters here. 

    the only computer they have(which just shorted out two days ago) is an old 300mhz system not on the internet.  ive called mom and asked her to put my computer in a box and ship it to oregon.  it should get here in like a week.  they have this big multi-room office in a barn behind the trailer we are living in.  it would be a perfect headquarters for my internet ideas.  but, i have to work on some projects out here.  for one, i need to get a satellite internet connection and eventually more computers in the office which i can network. 

    now, dont feel bad for not sending the $500.  i have learned never to count on money.  unfortunately, until i phase money out i recognize that i must still use it.  just as little as possible.  money isnt necessary, it just speeds things up a little.  therefore, if you have any surplus you can spare, feel free to send it this way.  dont go too much out of your way though.  just know that right now, i am the best cause in the world.  once i get a little publicity and get the ball rolling a little faster, success will be mine and i will make a lot of people very happy.  i am going to write a little history. 

    whenever i have the time and a dedicated computer, i will type up my stories and let you know exactly what ive been through.  oh yeah, let me tell you what im thinking of doing.  i am kind of homesick already.  i plan to return to san antonio eventually.  i was thinking once i do a little more work here, i will make my way back to san antonio.  i will record my whole voyage back home and then type up my book at moms house and unleash it on the internet(for free).  ill just relax for a couple months and tell my friends about all the fun ive had.  then, i will plan a sequel-trip.  this time ill go east and visit my ex girlfriend chasity and my dog stuart in florida.  i will go without money again and record the journey.  eventually, ill come back to san antonio and type up my story and unleash it again.  im thinking ill go north next or maybe ill go south and aim for panama.  you know i hate planning things at all.  im just brainstorming. 

  oh well frank.  you wouldve had a good story if the timer hadnt gone off.  you will have to settle for this abbreviated version, because im lazy, hehe. 

i hope you are well, peace pops 

- victor 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Are you alive?  


Date :    

Sat, 08 Feb 2003 19:29:26 +0000  




Hello Victor.  Please send me an email to know you are alive!  How are things going for you in California.  Just a small update.  I am no longer in the Pintada de Penonome address.  I am a long distance from there, so please if ever down the line you venture to Panama contact me first via this email address as the day is coming closer in which I will disappear into the mountenous jungle and retire there, more peace among animals than humans.  There is still one matter pending with us.  The minute I receive the money of the inheritance rights in my hand I shall send you the 500 promised.  I understand you have valid reasons for not wanting to write me.  In your place I would have gotten tired too.  But late is better than never.  Even when ill fate crosses our path we can overcome it.  Faith has the power to do anything.  Love your old man, el viejo de monte.  Franklin. 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: Are you alive? 

Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:48:33 -0600 


    of course i am alive.  not only am i alive, but i am also the happiest man in the world.  hehe, when i find the computer time to type up my stories)ive had my cassette recorder with me the whole time), you will be able to see exactly how much fun i am having. 

    now why would you think i would not want to write you?  you have done nothing wrong to me.  not counting the food and shelter ada provided me with, i feel like i have been able to raise myself and have done a pretty decent job.  i have learned only to depend on myself, for i am the only person i can trust fully. 

    please believe me when i say i forgive you.  like ive said before, it would only be hypocritical of me if i were to hold a grudge towards you.  like they say, forgiveness is divine.  you are, without a doubt, my blood-father.  we are too alike, despite the fact that we havent had any contact since i was 3, to be ignorant to our similiarities.  therefore, i see you as a new friend and am open to learning from you as much as possible.  i just hope that you take this opportunity to learn from me as well. 

    just like any other relationship, our new friendship will keep working only as long as we accept each others differences and do not judge the other.  true, we may share a lot of beliefs, but we are not the same.  as long as the other can tolerate the variety in our relationship, we will get along great. 

    well frank, its a cold morning here in oregon.  im going to go smoke my first cigarette of the day.  maybe if my succcess comes before i expect it to, i can fly you over here so you can visit me. 

    there is this medicine woman named fawn journeyhawk in o'brien oregon, who has a 90% success rate of healing people.  maybe she can help you with all your ailments.  this guy nate, who im living with now, used to have clubbed feet.  he went to the healing camp, went through the process(of just laying down and falling asleep when the spirits take over), and now his feet are normal and he is still healing.  if nothing, you two can learn from each other since you are a healer yourself. 

well frank, have a good day and the best of luck to you. 

- victor 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Are you alive?  


Date :    

Tue, 11 Feb 2003 17:18:11 +0000  



Hello Victor, I sure am glad you are alive!  Since you did not remember well the redamber65 communication to you I thought maybe you where slowly losing your memory due to your head injuries.  It is good to place that incidence of warning in the past although caution in internet is warranted. 

Yes in the future I would be interested in meeting Mrs Fawn whom you state has a 90 % efficiency rating in curing ailments.  That is also my own rate, coincidentally, however in my own case due to my work load have only managed to control my intestinal tumor.  You see Son curing oneself is a job in its own right, gathering the materials, resting physically and mentally while the herbs are applied. 

I am very glad that you are very happy with what you are doing.  You are probably in the right energy belt of the U.S. that coincides with your energy receptors.  Since everything is alive and radiates energy we have more affinity with certain geographic positions as well as energies from cultural groups as a whole. 

Having made the decision to purcase the truck enabled me to move physically again to a more compatiable region and expand my sales route which I am now doing,  By June if all goes well I may be able to retire with about 700 dollars a month stable income as then I will only have to deliver once a month to the sales route. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering assisting me with bringing me up to Oregon to be treated by Mrs. Fawn.   I am treating myself with the herbs that have worked in the past to control my tumors.  The benefit is now noticeable again.  Will try to be more consistent in my treatment as I know this maybe my last opportunity, or next to the last, God only knows.  The optimum environment for me to be cured is a high mountaineous terrain.  First excess fat, the fertilizer of tumors is burned off climbing the mountains, second mountain water has trace elements that can help cure cancer such as selenium, as a sicle cell anemia carrier, AS, the mountain air where there is vegetation has greater concentration of oxigen. 

Wishing you continued Success.  Keep up the good work.  Do not foreget to keep in touch with your mother also, if only to let her know you are alive and well.  Love your old man Franklin 

Lets try and keep in touch at least once or twice a month.  In the event I receive the greater part owed me, I want to be able to contact you and keep my word about the sum I want to send you, even if not a great amount it would be of some use. 

What ever you do do not venture down here without prior contacting me via email.  However, In an emergency if you do come contact Lilia in the artesania center of Boquete, Chiriqui.  I will keep her informed of my movements in Chiriqui Province.  This is the province furthest from the Canal and next to Costa Rica.  God Bless You Always.  Frank 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Are you alive?  


Date :    

Fri, 21 Feb 2003 15:51:37 +0000  




Hello Victor, just a note to let you know I am still here.  I am back in chorrera moving forward the same old problem.  I am a believer in perserverance!  Hope things are going well with you.  Your dad Franklin. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Are you alive?  


Date :    

Mon, 03 Mar 2003 21:32:40 +0000  




Hello Victor, just read your last email, will get back to the previous ones during the week.  Just a note to say I still exist and have moved again.  I am now located in Caldera, Chiriqui, a small town should by some freak of nature a wind should blow you this way!  You are always welcome where I am at, Caldera is a very small town, once you get to the main Bus terminal In David Chiriqui take the Caldera Bus, once there ask any of the small store owners where I live, they all know me as they sell my products.  Caldera is near Boquete, the Meca, american tourist are coming to visit.  Check it out in your search mode, there is a very hansome web page about Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama.  Love ya, your old man!  Franklin 

From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: Are you alive? 

Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 03:34:21 -0600 

guess what frank.  im in san antonio again.  this guy i met in the park in berkeley took me to his house, fed me, smoked me out, let me do my laundry, and gave me $160 for my bus ticket ALL THE WAY HOME.  he did it for the karma.  san antonio still sucks.  nothing has changed here.  im going to type up my book at moms and get save up some money for my next trip.  well, right now im pretty tired and im going to sleep. 

have some good days frank, 

- victor 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Are you alive?  


Date :    

Mon, 10 Mar 2003 20:15:19 +0000  




Hello Victor, good to hear from you!  Keep in touch I am expecting the rest of the monies owed me arround the 18th of March.  As soon as I receive it shall send you "certified mail" in your name, Victor Antonio Gruber, the 500 dollars to your mom's address.  I know its still hard to believe, but, well, believe it when you receive it.  Thanks for your good wishes, days are going better for me, I am back to Panama's paradise, Boquete Chiriqui in a small town nearby called Caldera.  Should you surprise arrive and we are not home jump the fence and rest in the hammock til we return.  Marisol is just about to have another Child, so you would meet your brothers! 

If you smoke pot in this area, well, keep it confidential.  I accept you as you are but hope you outgrow that stuff. 

I am now selling limited amounts of my antiarthritic oil at 14.95 in the pharmacies, their cost 10 dollars a 4 ounce bottle.  Next week starts my add campaign in the newspaper.  At last, far from Chorrera, where gringos come to retire in Panama, I see a bright future!  Its better late than never!   Love ya, Your Dad, Franklin. 

P.S.  At this time you will be the only one of my three children with Ada who will receive the 500 dollars.  Laura and Diana will receive there's with interest later.  My priority is to invest in my company. 

I am going to invest a full 1000 dollars in ten cent containers which later bring me 10 dollars each when antiarthritis oil is added.  So 10,000 containers if I could sell at 10 dollars would bring me 100,000 dollars!  We will se what happens after the add campaign. 

Take care Victor, I am proud of you on your most significant initial flight out of your San Antonio nest.  Yes, we are very similar in many ways.  San Antonio for me was not a growth station.  Be good and kind with your Mother even if you may not understand each other in many ways. 

People who are made differrently should not blame each other for their communication problems.  Have you read the wise saying. "If you meet some one who marches to a differrent beat, leave him alone, perhaps he hears a differrent drummer."  Some people never get understood, others 100 years after their death.  It all depends on how far you can see and how blind others are.  Please keep in touch! 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: victor's true story 

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 18:28:16 -0600 



From :

To :

Subject :
Re: victor's true story

Date :
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 16:54:59 +0000

Hello Victor, this is your oldman or oldman of the mountain. Just read your summary of your adventure in California. Fawn is an interesting healer. California does have a lot of good people. O.K. pay attention to what I am about to say. I have in my pocket another down payment of the money owed me. Unfortunately the whole debt was not cancelled so now I shall send you via CERTIFIED MAIL 200 dollars. Arround the 15th of April I should be paid the balance and the remaining 300 should be sent to you. I will go now to the local post office and sent you the money to your mom´s house, it will be an international money order. As soon as I do it I will come back to the computer and confirm that I have sent it. I am glad you survived your trip to California and gained valuable living experience out of San Antonio. In a small room their is always a spot which is optimum for every person, so in the World. One must travel to find his nitch.

You are confused about the act of "proving." Its only when events are repeatable and consistent that one "believes" they are "proved." One never goes beyond "believing," real knoledge is not of this World since here everything is relative and subject to change, so todays proof may be obselete tomorrow. What counts is that your system of "belief" be consistent and useful for you. "Life is a dream and dreams are merely dreams." Calderon de la Barca. The only things that is real is the cause of everything else. The visible World is only the reaction to the invisible. Thus it is important to develop eyes to see and ears to hear. For that there should be internal harmony and peace unaltered by drugs.

Congrtulations on your general stability in an unstable World! Your trip helped you regain your prodigious memory for detail. Indeed like your oldman you specialize in survival tactics, they often are better than money. Will get back to you later, Franklin

From :

To :

Subject :
Re: victor's true story

Date :
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:44:20 +0000

Victor, I have just sent you two hundred dollars via Western Union, go to the nearest Western Union Office and give the transfer control number ########. Its waiting for you to pick it up now! Love Franklin        

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: victor's true story 

Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 11:16:35 -0600 

hello frank, 

    hmm, the fact that generosity came up again and again in my trip proves to me that its human-nature to be generous.  keep in mind, the most of the help i received on my trip came from other people who smoke weed.  maybe my east-coast trip will prove it to everyone, i dunno.  i'm not sure when i will leave again.  whenever i feel the time is right. 

    oh yeah, guess where i'm going tuesday morning.  i scored a free ride to mexico.  this guy tobin i met, at this shop in san antonio where they sell marijuana paraphernelia, ended up inviting me to laredo with him after i told him about my trip.  he even has a free motel room waiting for us and his company is paying for everything, including food.  he's 28 and way into survival tactics.  he's working for some geological company.  so, i'll have my cassette recorder with me the whole time.  i'm going to do an experiment.  seeing as how i know spanish, i will try to get free things in mexico as i do in san antonio.  ill record every instance and prove my theory right.  every human in this world has the potential to be good, no matter the bad things they have done in the past. 

    now, we wont be there for more than a couple days.  he even told me if i needed to come back to san antonio sooner, that he would pay for the bus ticket home.  to the victor go the spoils again. 

well frank, it was good to hear from you again, 

- victor 

p.s. hmm, i wonder how much bus fare would cost to panama from laredo. 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: victor's true story  


Date :    

Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:44:20 +0000  




Victor, I have just sent you two hundred dollars via Western Union, go to the nearest Western Union Office and give the transfer control number 0524790060.  Its waiting for you to pick it up now!  Love Franklin 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: victor's true story  


Date :    

Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:03:44 +0000  




Victor go to the previous email for the western union control number, Just sent you via them 200 dollars, available now. 

First I went to the local post office and turns out they no longer send international money orders.  Next I went to a local bank and the cashiers check they could make out could not be cashed immediately upon your receipt as it h ad to be deposited in an account in the U.S.A. and wait a couple weeks to be collected.  By cable we ran the risk that it would get lost in the bank transfer which is what happened with the last 200 I sent  your mother back in 1980.  Then I went to the bank manager and argued, he got pissed off and closed my account and I loss the communication with your mother.  Spiritually I became depressed and the weight of failure set in.  The mountains healed me to a degree.  Right now I am not in very good shape.  I am beginning to lose my memory.  Example, yesterday made a 7.00 A.M. appointment, recalled it was at 8:00,  this kind of falsification of memory is happening to me several times a month.  I have been out of my fresh air mountain environment for 3 years trying to put my life together via marketing.  This is one reason why now I have come closer to the mountains, live near Boquete, Chiriqui.  Check it out there is a web page on it!  Have discovered and incredibly useful stone swimming pool. The local athorities have taken the cities excess water and channelled it into a pool lined with river rocks.  That place will become my second home as  its where I am doing "hydrotherapy"  alternate sun and water baths.  I suspect the intestinal tumors have migrated to my brain.  I  have a small one come out recently on one arm.  However, the sunbaths alternated with cold water therapy is working.  The small tumor on my arm has diminished a bit.  Also am taking a plant for the nervous system but have discovered it has antitumor properties as when I take it my colon unswells.  All that is required now for me to stabalize my life and income is to receive the remaining mony owed me for the sale of m y inheritance rights.  As I said before, I plan to retire in about 4 months in about 70% and concentrate on curing myself with faith in God. 

I will read more careful your adventure in California.  Right now this is a stressful period in which I cannot concentrate very well.  Wishing you the best always, Franklin. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: victor's true story  


Date :    

Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:04:59 +0000  




Please let me know as soon as you receive the money sent, its important to know you received it for my own peace of mind. Franklin 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: victor's true story  


Date :    

Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:31:15 +0000  




Victor check 3 emails back for the western union money transfer code number. 

Victor, if you plan on traveling internationally get your U.S. Pass Port if you do not already have it, it may cost about 50 dollars. 

Should you come this way, I live in CALDERA a small town about 30 minutes from BOQUETE, Chiriqui, Rep of Panama. 

The United States has long been called the land of opportunity.  Opportunity there is practically for free!  It is an open society. 

Yes there are support groups in every country but Latin America is much differrent than the U.S. although granted a lot of good people in any land.  The thing to watch out for is the "double personality of people" in Latin America.  Its more frequent to be "set up" for differrent reasons.  You have the knack of appealing to the better nature of people but be careful when you walk through a society of vampires and opportunists.  Here people culturally are programmed more to take than to receive.  Being a giver is more culturally defined than an inherit property of people.  Egoism is the starting point for most human beings.  Goodwill is standard in the U.S., not so in the third World.  Every town has its "south side" so do continents.  You have been relatively living in the " positive pole" here in Chorrera and most of Panama you shall come in contact with the negative pole."  Do not underestimate the negative power prevailing among a people.  I took you to the states so you would be bilingual and grow up in the land of opportunity.  You are beginning to take advantage of the opportunities, for that I am glad, freedom of movement to all the other free "lunches." 

Receiving can bread the appreciation to give.  Not so much so in this part of the World.  But  there is a wise saying " nadie aprende por cabeza agena."  There are many things we all have to learn for ourselves.  Eventually parents become smarter as time goes on.  Ada may not have done the best job of raising you but she did provide the food and shelter you needed until you where able to flap your wings which now you are doing.  Please give her my kindest regards.  Franklin 

Your welcome in my home in Panama anytime.  Try to come after the 15th of April.  By then I should have some spare change to buy a computer which you can use all you want, you can advise me as to the model.  The only thing I will not do is allow you to drive our vehicles without a Panamanian driver's license.  Generally speaking I will try to be as tolerant and easy going with you as possible.  You should take the same attitude as we both blow up easily.  I realize I also have a lot to learn from you, our exchange of ideas can be valuable for both.  Take care Son, be back with ya in a few days!  Frannklin 

    From: "joe mama" <> 


Subject: cha-ching :] 

Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 16:10:14 -0800 


   wow, aint technology grand?  i just took a nature-hike down to the grocery store because i missed the bus.  it was worth the trek because now i have $200 in my wallet.  tomorow, i will go to the national army surplus stores and buy some supplies.  soon, i'm going to walk up to austin.  i'm going to give out my email address and fly my sign.  austin is about 60-70 miles north.  it should take me about 3 or 4 days.  i won't be hitch-hiking.   i'm hoping someone will just see me walking and be generous again.  if not, i'll have my destination.  patience is virtue. 

thanks again frank, i feel like someone believes in me. 

- victor 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: On channelling your higher self  


Date :    

Sat, 22 Mar 2003 15:14:58 +0000  




Victor, glad you received the 200!  God willing arround the 18th of april will send you the other 300.   Had I known about western union 23 years ago you would have received financial assistance from me every time it was feasible.  Our communication was cut off because the money transfer system was not reliable.  Life has many obvious things people never see that are vital to our survival.  That life has its source is one of those things.  Life can only come from life.  That there be an ultimate standard of truth is vital to our wellbeing.  By having God's love I believe in you. 

Have you ever stopped to think, what impels certain people in certain obsessive behavior?  Part of genius can be obsessive perserverant behavior from a positive or negative extrasensory, telepathic source or channel. 

It often happens that after the mind has been weakened by blows, drugs, malnutrition, abuse, etc... a person is more receptive to subblimal orders or commands.  In this way many people receive their missions and causes them to even go against their own best interests.  However, inspite of the imperative to "channel" ideas into action one can use the force of will power to cause the mind to balance or establish equilibrium.  One can only have lasting happiness when one feels equilibrium established in his life: harmony.  The compelling obsessive behavior can well have its long term benefit but wear the channel completely out to the point that the thought manipulator has to change channels.  The spiritual entities, disembodied souls, use the force of their minds to try to control humans into continuing their own missions. 

A free mind is one that establishes its own priorities for its own best interest keeping in mind the oversoul of God which also wants us to share, for sharing good luck or fortune is the best way to harvest more of it in the future.  There are differrent ways the negative power locks you in, beware of it! 

Many great people where simply good channels (Simon Bolivar)but the truly great made loving humble contact with the divinity.  The more eccentric a person's mind the less posible to interact with the divinity. 

Actually we all become sooner or later channels for good or evil, or ping pong back and forth believing we are the source of "our independant thought."   The danger comes in when we become complacent with the negative power as the affinity with it develops.  Many people who love cats are really just dominated by the cats magnetism. 

O.k. so much for these thoughts, hope that they become of some value to you! 

Someone said, independant will power is merely an illusion.  However, believing in the illusion of free will to do good does make a difference especially when "inspired" from a truly positive source. 

Often the negative power will send a protector to one who has a God given mission.  What that person wants is to steal, take advantage of your success!  If you have God with you on your side you do not need anyone to protect you that does not have affinity with the Supreme Lord. 

Remember these comments, they will be useful to you 20 years from now! 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: hello father.. 

Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2003 12:21:21 -0600 

Hi Frank, 

    Hey, I hope you read my last mailings about how I went to jail.  The pigs kept my damn cassette recorder and my tapes.  seeing as how those things were not relative to the marijuana charge, they obtained those illegally and I have been talking to attorneys about my rights. 

    Well, for the past 4 or 5 days I have been having the most magical days.  I just get a courtesy-ride on the bus in the mornings and see what happens.  I don't plan any of it.  I just go where I land.  This freedom and happiness has only been reserved for people with money, but I have figured out a way to slip through.  Happiness can be bought for a little more than free. 

    Anyway, the pigs have my recorder.  Since I didn't have my recorder anymore and I was still having these very interesting days, I should really buy another cassette recorder.  I don't know when I'm going to get my stuff back from the cops, but I shouldn't be wasting this history.  Therefore, I was going to ask you if you could spare like $35 so I can buy another recorder and blank cassettes.  If it's a big problem, don't worry about it.  I'll keep logging my days without it until I can get one. 

    Even though not having the recorder is a memory exercise and I end up typing up my entries from memory, my entries are still not as detailed as possible.  It was amazing the convenience Western Union offered us last time. 

Thanks Frank, 

- Victor 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: hello father..  


Date :    

Fri, 04 Apr 2003 23:39:58 +0000  




Hi Son, this is the first time I have been in internet in about a month to answer my emails.  In this lapse of time your new brother arrived in this World.  We do not have a name for him yet.   However, while in the David, Chiriqui hospital we picked up an intestinal virus that but us all except the new born(thank God) out of circulation for about 10 days. 

Had a lot of expenses in this time period and was not able to go out and collect monies or do any useful work. 

Victor, for your own good, the best thing for you I believe at this time is to take the 300 dollars I plan to send you about the 17th of april and fly your ass to Panama.  If you need a little more money see if your mom will help you if its the last thing she does for you.  We need to talk face to face and help you get set on a productive direction.  Given the nature of the current american way, your behavior and belief system will land you in jail more frequently and more frequently.  Its not only to give you an opportunity but for you to give me an opportunity to help and assist you in a more lasting manner. 

Think it over.  Once locked up in jail in a situation where its hard to get out you will wish you listened to this plea. 

I have only read your last email. Tomorrow will get into the rest. 

I have to go on my national route to see how things go collecting monies.  To send you 35 dollars western union charges more then 20 dollars in service fee.  To send you the 200 costs 22.50.  Get back with you in a few days. 

If you love marijuana more than your health and security, in Panama there are places you can "cram it up your butt" and no one shall see or molest you.  Its rare for me to talk this way, but any other kind loving way just did not seem to get through.  Its time to start putting your life together in a more constructive way.  Coming here and having a heart to heart talk with me will not hurt you.  You will do what ever you want to anyway.  Only then you will only have yourself to blame.  No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver.  Love your old man, 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: your jaw is just going to drop father.. 

Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2003 12:48:24 -0600 

Satudaray April 5, 2003 

    What a great morning I am having, all by myself.  I crashed out early last night because I was tired from so much walking, around 11:30pm.  I woke up at 6am.  I realized I didn't have any clean clothes and that I had been wearing the same jeans(Only ones that I own) ever since I got out of jail.  I threw all my clothes(which isn't much right now) in the washer.  The dryer broke a couple weeks ago. 

    I set my clothes to wash and this morning when I got up, I went to the garage and found this long coaxial cable(that I used to display my whole wardrobe when I was giving it away before I left West).  I took it to the back jungle, and strung it up between two trees.  I then got my wet clothes out of the dryer and hung them up to dry.  I felt very independant this morning.  I was making do without.  Resourceful. 

    I jumped on IRC.  I saw that my nick was darnit, my backup for when dammit is in use.  Since someone was on dammit, I /whois'ed dammit and saw that it was someone in the #metal channel.  I entered it and msged the guy, "say brother, can you let me on my nick please?"  He got off immediately like he always does when I ask him.  Doesn't hurt to ask right.  His name is Matt. 

    In #metal, I was bored so I started singing that Piss Up A Rope song again.  Just then I get kicked by an op.  I msg the op telling him, "ALL OPS WILL DIE!  The existance of ops goes against the freedom IRC is based on."  He msg's me back telling me not to impersonate Matt.  Here, I'll show you the conversation:   GUINESS

    I then message Matt and send him the conversation.  Matt is dammit- and I am dammit. 


    I emailed Matt all my important documents.  I even sent him the NOFX song, August 8th.  It's a beautiful song about the day money dissapears.  Download it on Kazaa: NOFX - August 8th and check it out. 

    Ok, the time is now 8:22am.  I'm still bored and waiting for my clothes to dry.  I went in #sanantonio or IRC and sung august 8th in the chat room.  Here, lemme copy and paste.  It's a beautiful song. 

* Now talking in #sanantonio 

* Topic is ',,30000-12275571,00.html <- d0pe' 

* Set by fryz on Wed Mar 26 00:01:58 


* darnit is now known as dammit 

* aCory has joined #sanantonio 


* aCory has quit IRC (Quit: i was spinning free.. **)SK8 SIK(** ..with a little sweet and simple numbing me.) 

<dammit> birds sing 

<dammit> there's not a cloud in the sky 

<dammit> august 8th is a beautiful day 

<dammit> i see 

<dammit> a bunch of hippies crying 

<dammit> and august 8th is a beautiful day 

<dammit> like waking up from a real bad dream 

<dammit> suddenly everything is ok 

<dammit> the storm has passed 

<dammit> the sun is shining 

<dammit> yeah, august 8th is a beautiful day 

<dammit> what's going on? 

<dammit> is something bothering your scene? 

<dammit> is something wrong? 

<dammit> i'm not trying to be mean 

<dammit> the air is clean 

<dammit> the summer flowers are blooming 

<dammit> nowhere in sight is there anything grey 

<dammit> the joy, i feel on the street 

<dammit> yeah august 8th is a beautiful day 

<dammit> like waking up from a fucked up dream 

<dammit> suddenly everything's looking good 

<dammit> there's been no permanent damage done 

<dammit> august 8th came right when it should 

<dammit> poor jeff 

<dammit> poor little timmy turtle 

<dammit> stayin' home on such a beautiful day 

<dammit> NOFX's August 8th 

<dammit> download it off Kazaa 

    Isn't that the most fitting song for my mission?  It was written years ago.  I don't even know which August 8th they're talking about.  It is because of this song, that I am going to try my hardest to make August 8, 2003 the day of mass-forgivance that I envision.  I've got a lot of work to do.  My father is supposed to wire me $300 April 17.  I think I am going to hang out until then before I leave San Antonio again.  I had originally thought of heading East, but something is calling me West again.  I can just feel it.  I am going to go back to Berkeley and make contact with NOFX somehow.  El Jefe, Fat Mike and the rest of the guys must know about my mission, if they don't already.  Maybe I'll ride the Greyhound there this time.  Time is of the essence. 

    Ok, it's 8:45am.  My friend becky-ann(Sk8terchiklet) just signed on and I am going to send her what i've typed up so far today.  Let's see what she says, hehe.  :] 

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hi becky-ann, i am going to send you what i have typed up so far for today 

Sk8terchiklet: just on to say somethin to my bf really qwik i promise to read it later today tho 


Sk8terchiklet: i have a stalker type boy after me   i will tell u about it when i get home later in a bit 


    I'm gonna go dig around for something to eat, smoke a cigarette and check too see if my laundry is dry.  PEACE 

    Ok, the time is now 9:13am.  I just went out to the back porch to smoke a cigarette.  I've got a good chunk of weed left, so I broke some up and loaded my smokeless pipe real good.  It has a cap with a little hole(put the fire in the hole) and I loaded it too.  Double stuffed.  Hits realll goooood.  I was just sitting there stoned looking at my laundry hanging up to dry.  It's like all the clothes I own.  My jeans that I wore to California, my mom bought me 3 pairs of quality socks and they're up there, my green "Me" shirt that says " Declare Your Indpendance(thrift store score for free), a white undershirt I stole from my brother, a thermal shirt, shit I can't remember the rest, let me go look, ok two thermal shirts, my cool Kelly Golf Course polo-type shirt, and my one pair of boxers.  All my other clothes were in my rucksack that the cops still have in San Marcos. 

    Oh shit, it's past 8am, I'm gonna call that detective.  I'm all stoned.  I'll let you know what happens.  I know my rights, damnit. 

    Fuck.  This lady answered and I asked for Detective Hornsby.  She told me he was only available Monday through Friday, 8-5.  I told her I was told that he would be available after 8am today.  She just told me he was only available Monday through Friday, 8-5 again.  I just hung up.  FUCK THE POLICE.  Hehe. 

    Boom shackalacka.  Haha that's a funny word to say at random in a chat room. 

    It's 9:30am now and adela30 joins the San Antonio channel: 

* adela30 has joined #sanantonio 

<adela30> hello 

<dammit> boom shackalacka 

<adela30> hey what you doing? 

<dammit> logging my life 

<adela30> oh kool 

<adela30> hey you never sent me that thing youwere going to send what happened? 

<dammit> what thing? 

<dammit> here, i'll show you my today so far 

<adela30> ok 

    Ok, the time is now 10:41am.  I am still waiting for my clothes to dry.  On IRC, I went into #geekwarez.  now #geekwarez is the new #geex.  I used to go to #geex all the time because you could always get on the sites advertised in that channel.  You see, it didn't have the string "warez" in the channel name, so it wouldn't show up when someone listed channels for "warez".  but now, they sold out just like the rest of the world.  I was telling my whole west coast story and hauling ass because i was excited more people would know about it.  I got to Arcata and this stupid loser op bitch who didn't like me to begin with kicks me out of the channel.  I message her with: 

* You were kicked from #geekwarez by Skyzyx (stfu) 

-> *skyzyx* ignorance is bliss, i suppose 

-> *skyzyx* just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does 

-> *skyzyx* you ignorant loser bitch 

She messages me back: 

<Skyzyx> ppl are bitching about it now 

<Skyzyx> nobody wants to hear it in a warez channel 

<Skyzyx> and fine, ban is now perm 

<dammit> good fuck your shitty channel 

<dammit> there's other phish in the sea 

<Skyzyx> its much cleaner now :D 

<Skyzyx> good go find them 

<Skyzyx> then go fuck yourself 

<Skyzyx> your story sucks 

<Skyzyx> over and over 

<Skyzyx> it still sucks 

<Skyzyx> the spelling is atrocious 

<dammit> keep in mind that i am writing a book on generosity that the entire world will soon read 

<dammit> and you're making yourself look like a fucking idiot 

<Skyzyx> i wont 

<Skyzyx> gaaarrrroooooonteeeeed 

<dammit> just wait and see 

<Skyzyx> i'm pasting everything you say in the channel 

<Skyzyx> you are the idiot sir 

<dammit> good, do what i want you to 

<Skyzyx> ignore 

<dammit> get on your knees bitch 

<dammit> what took you so long to ignore me fatass? 

<dammit> common sense will tell you if you don't give someone the reaction they're looking for, which in my case is any reaction, that they will eventually get bored and stop 

<dammit> fucking duh 

<dammit> it's not rocket science 

At the same time, her husband, who is also in the channel messages me: 

<ToR\L> yer fucking gei dude 

<ToR\L> don't call my wife a bitch, yer perm banned 

<ToR\L> if you want to help the world go out and do it 

<ToR\L> do sit like a loser on irc 

<dammit> dont you fucking get it, man? 

<dammit> THIS AIN'T REAL 


<ToR\L> I've been doing this to close to 10 years 

<ToR\L> I know whats real and whats not 

<dammit> i am here because it is part of the medium to the mighty power of the internet i plan to harness soon 

<ToR\L> yea thats what spammers believe 

<dammit> with or without anyone's help 

<dammit> yeah, thing is..i'm doing it for free 

<dammit> i will educate the idiots first.. 

<dammit> i'm playing by my rules, i am free to 

<dammit> you've been doing this so fucking long, but yet you don't see what the existance of pirated software means? 

<dammit> WORLD PEACE 

<dammit> it's simple evolution.. 

<ToR\L> you can influence people in a positive way in different ways 

<ToR\L> yer preaching to the choir 

<ToR\L> you should be on the phone with your congressman or joe normal 

<dammit> now, i am going to make one irc channel famous..i've been kicked out of #wareznorth, #oldmemphis and now your shitty channel 

<ToR\L> yer annoying 

<dammit> so when i stumble upon a non-ignorant one, i will have more support 

<ToR\L> on ignore 


    OH MY GOD!  I was just outside smoking another cigarette.  I was thinking about all the domain addresses I want to have donated to me.  I was thinking,,, and finally, 

I figured those all were already taken, so I go get online and Alt+Tab to Internet Explorer, hit Alt+D to put the focus on the address field and typed in "me" and hit Crl+Enter to wrap http://www and .com around Me. I see this thing telling me the website is under construction and to wait 15 seconds. I am then re-routed to 

    My jaw just drops.  I see a picture of a little seedling growing with dew sliding down it, and it says, "Plant the seed."  I click on the About Brainstorm button and have all my prayers answered.  Check it out: 


BrainStorm Ventures was founded by Keith Cox, Eduardo Rallo, and Zev Zaidman in July 1999 with a mission to fund emerging technology companies and actively assist them in their development. The principals manage BrainStorm Ventures, L.P., a seed and early stage venture fund with 22 portfolio companies. Most of BrainStorm Ventures investments are in the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area. BrainStorm Ventures also targets a select number of international opportunities leveraging its portfolio companies’ technologies. 

BrainStorm Ventures was founded based on the following core values: 

Integrity through fair business dealings 

Passion  for creating value through innovation and creativity 

Entrepreneurship through funding and active involvement with portfolio companies 

Growth  through company development, problem solving, & diversification 

Speed  by building companies fast 

& efficiently 

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC 

Here's what it said after I clicked on the Investment Focus: 


BrainStorm Ventures focuses its investments in the following areas: 

Enabling Technologies 

Enterprise Software/Private Networks 

Broadband/Networking Infrastructure 

In addition, in its first fund, BrainStorm Ventures made a few ecommerce investments. 

Click here to view snapshot of the portfolio companies 

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC 


BrainStorm Ventures 

Tel: 415 265.4336 

Send investment proposals to: 

© 2000, 2001 Brainstorm Ventures International LLC 

My dream is going to come true. 

- Victor 

    The time is 11:53am.  I am writing with the following: 

    Hi, my name is Victor Gruber.  I just thought you guys would like to read the entry I am making today in my journal.  I have been documenting every day of my life for some time now.  Easiest book in the world to write.  I just have to let things happen. 

Here, let me share with you what I have so far for today, 

Ok, I sent the email with my daily log.  At the end I put: 

"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come." 

- Victor Hugo 

Patience is Virtue, guys. 

    Ok, it's 12:20pm and I just got back from smoking another cigarette.  I came back and wondered if I had Saved a draft of it for my records so I checked my Sent Folder.  Turns out, I hadn't even sent it.  Good thing I logged it on here because it was too late to go Back and get it.  Ok, so I'm going to send the mail now.  I'm making the subject: "you guys are going to make my dream come true.." 

    time is now 12:39pm.  My cousin Judith called from Puerto Rico.  I haven't seen her in years.  First thing I asked her was, "Tienes email?"  She said no, damn.  I talked to her for a little bit then my brother picked up and I told her bye and hung up. 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Time to change Victor!  


Date :    

Sat, 12 Apr 2003 23:09:06 +0000  



Son, are you in or out of jail?   Good hearing from you in your last 4 emails.  How can you save the World if you yet cannot save yourself from the World?  What appears to be behind all your writings is that you are saying to the World(as if it cared) that you are important because you can save the World.   The World is vary complex, so much diversity even in the U.S. not to mention the other 200 countries with their own set of rules and laws.  Save yourself from the World first by learning how to see trouble in advance before it slaps you in the face.  If I give my life for the World "the savior complex" it should be for a worthy cause not merely to prove that marijuana is a good thing.  Everyone should make up their own mind about marijuana, the idea that it is good should not be sold like someone marketing a religion.  There are better things in life that can make you important but are you intelligent enough to find them?  The first thing is to review your life.  In the land of opportunity where I left you you are doing a lousy job of taking advantage of the opportunities for self legitamate gain.  For a person who practically "raised himself" you should by now have more "common sense."   You have developed a real talent for getting yourself innocently into trouble.  If you do not develop more common sense you are barely beginning to get yourself into trouble.  Becoming a martyr does not help you, your family or the World. The best thing you can do for the World is to begin to do good and better things for your self.  Esquisofrenic patients are the most intelligent psychiatric cases.  They are always trying to outsmart everyone else even to the extent of fooling themselves.  In retrospect in many ways I have had similar symptoms but thank God I grew up with a good dose of common sense which helps me correct my own thinking.  I have faith in God that you will "think your way out of the deep trouble you are in."  In final analysis no one else can do it for you.  Instead of trying to remake the World, find your nitch in it and make that nitch your paradise.  To the degree that others visit your nitch and find it a good environment, then they can decide to improve their own nitches, in that way the World will become better everyone leaving it a little bit better than how they found it. 

The question I have now is if by sending you 300 dollars am I really helping you or giving you a resource that will lead you to more trouble like buying more marijuana.  All the people of my youth that became habitual uses of Marijuana never went anywhere in life, actually my best friends who used it frequently developed squisofrenia.  By your constant use of it you are only deluding yourself.  If you are surrounded by people who think like you you can never escape that culture and amount to anything worthy in life.   This does not mean that I do not love you as my Son, it only means that because I love you given my 54 years of life experience, I am sharing my experience with you.  When its all said and done, when you really cannot get out of jail because there is no way financially to do so, you will have the jail cell, your mother her guilt and I the knowledge that at least I tried to talk sense to you.  NO HAY PEOR CIEGO QUE EL QUE NO QUIERE VER. 

When you cannot get out of jail, odds are you shall commit suicide for you love freedom but are not willing to adapt to the "real World" that for better or for worse has evolved arround you.  You are living the illusion that the World must conform to your ideas.  Being a radical now days is only a prescription for self destruction.  Your existence can make a differrence in the World for the better only if you learn to express your perceptions of good in more intelligent non self destructive ways.  The guy who called the cops, like him there are millions of people out there who will do you in even kill you simply because they did not like your looks.  Until you learn to protect yourself from those guys there is not really much you can do for the World.  As your father I am probably among your few options left, to learn from me real survival tools that incorporate especially common sense.  Not taking advantage of the fact that I still exist is probably your worst decision.   I can help teach you how to stay out of trouble and how the better channel your energies in a productive way.  Not that you have to become like me or a carbon copy etc, simply that you can have even if late in life  the benefit of my experience.  You are headed towards blowing your life away.  You are fixed in that direction, like you have incorporated a self destruct virus.  God knows I am trying to do my part.  I am trying to be genuine and sincere with you so you have a better chance of productive survival in this World.  Its not a matter that I feel guilty about leaving you in the states.  To a large degree both of us where victums of circumstances but circumstances especially negative ones where made to be overcome.  Drugs have a way of making peoples character´s intransigient at any cost.  When I take coffee occationally, I tend to feel high on myself, develop a feeling of grandeur.  And it destroys my objectivity and humbleness necessary to see life from a state of natural internal equilibrium.  Yet it is a negative power that prevails in the Universe that causes us to seek those things in life that prevent our true happiness. 

With regards to writing down the chronological details of your life its like your way of holding on to life that you may feel that in someway you are important and needed in this World.  I understand that we all have the need to feel important and useful in life but to others you are simply an impression be it true,good or bad.  Its more important for the World to finally get to know the essence of you not so much the details.  The fruit the tree bears is more important than every day of the trees existence.  The pudding is known by its taste not the hours of detail in expert preparation.  Keep the details to yourself so that the whole world does not keep a tally on your daily mistakes and sins.  Even without expressing them there are sufficient people out there willing to hurt you simply because they do not like your looks.  So protect yourself from yourself first.  Send out the image that helps protect you and work in a private way to perfect the gift you want to give humanity.  There is no sin in your ideas if they are not imposed like a marketing campagin or a religion.  Truly good things go out by word of mouth and do not require much selling. 

I would like for you to come to visit me in Panama for a couple of months.  But not to raise waves with local authorities but rather in a humble set of mind, open enough so you can continue to positively evolve.  I am not in a condition to lose my current family or the fruits of my labor of the past 24 years in an instant the moment you put yourself willingly in a vulnerable position.  You need to stop being your own worse enemy.  What I have to share with you is basically knowledge and fraternity if you make an effort to stay out of trouble.  Life is to short to be sacraficed on the ALTOR OF MARIJUANA.  If you cannot find anything else worth sacraficing yourself for you truly then are or will be a miserable fellow.   You are deep in a well but you do not realize it or accept it.  You are a prisoner of your habits the effects of which like a spider web shall dictate your fortune.  You can only be helped by some one who climbed out of the well first.  I in many ways are not better than you, only that I managed to overcome the road you are now traveling, one which is very old.  You are beginning to experience the consequences of that road.  If you do not change your life style the cross you shall carry shall crush ya.  But its o.k. dad, many other people are doing it too and they are not crazy......let the years go by Son, 10, 15 20, 30 and see how each of your pot friends are doing.  Some may be lucky and have fathers, friends or relatives who can talk sense into them and they may do well in life.  There are some things I have not told you about myself.  At age 15 to 17 I too smoked Marijuana.  My bizaar behavior was one of the factors that drove my brother madd.  I have regretted it all my life.  Laura had enough sense to get out of your way, my brother John was boxed in, going into the airforce only added the little stress he needed to become a full blown squisofrenic patient in a catatonic state for weeks.  I talked enough sense into myself and the Army experience provided the needed discipline that I was able to rehabilitate myself.  However, I have never overcome being " a rebel."  Only have been smart enough to learn to survive in this dog eat dog World.  Its only by having a job of my own making that I have adapted myself to this World.  I can no more hold a job for long than you can.  I like to call the shots my way and if the boss does not like it, well screw him!  So we do have a lot in common, I have gone down the road you are traveling and the environment in the U.S. is contrary to our nature.  You and I both need open space where we can be ourselves and no one will hassle us.  But its the Marijuana which you must overcome otherwise you can never rehabilitate yourself.  You will be an enemy of society where ever you go and society will not change just for you.  Once you are put on the black list of local and World governments you will have no rest, you will be persecuted wherever you go until you head for the woods and jungles and hope you where a BOTANICO in order to survive.  Its time to stop and review your life.  Its like a grown lion talking to his lost lion cub although my heart is of peace, the World tends to make persecuted people into lions.  Its hard to make your peace with the World if the World is always bugging you because you are pegged in the computer system as an enemy.  Its like having bad credit, it takes years, decades, even a life time to regain good credit and confidence of lenders.  So be consistent in presenting the World your best image.  The nature of the World is to cast you in a negative way anyway.  So fight to present your positive nature and maintain it otherwise the World shall destroy you, it is a lion looking for people to devour. 

Son I shall tell you know, you and the American Way and dream are uncompatiable.  Find your little island or farm and make it your castle. 

Peace be unto YOU.  Love your old man trying to give the best of his advice and heart to you.  Just remember that the guilt trip you give your mom does not work with me.  I love ya and want to love ya more but if you harm me in anyway there maybe instant reprisal.  I do not like being that way but its the way that old lions become.  Maybe you will overcome yourself better than I have.  God only knows. Time shall tell. 

Lions are not really good things.  They are the worst part of us.  The true success of a man and society is overcoming largely the evil in himself.  Will get back to you about the 17th.  Stay out of trouble. Franklin.  Please reread this letter everyday for 10 days.  See what knew meaning good or bad you find in it and talk to me about your reaction to its content.  If I did not care about you I would not have written it. 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: Time to change Victor! 

Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 20:51:29 -0500 


    I'm not sure how to reply.  It's time for the whole world to change, before it's too late.  My adventures in jail will only serve as excellent chapters to my writings.  It frustrates me that you still view Marijuana as a drug, especially after you've had such minimal experience with it.  Let me quote my favorite band NOFX, "If God created plants and buds that I find and abuse, then who the fuck are you to judge me?" 

    You, of all people, being that you study natural cures and what-not, should see the benefits of this divine herb.  What bad comes out of smoking weed?  Compared to real drugs such as alcohol.  Just because I admit to smoking it, does not mean I consume mass quantities of it.  I take it one hit at a time.  Everything in moderation. 

    All the peace-loving hippies smoked weed.  Doesn't that tell everyone something?  It's a peaceful enhancement.  Nothing, absolutely nothing bad can come out of it unless YOU let it.  Don't blame individual human faults on this harmless herb.  That just makes it the scapegoat.  There is so much more to my mission than legalizing Marijuana.  Why must you keep centralizing on that? 

    What you think is true is only true to you.  I feel it would be in your best interest to stop labeling things and think for yourself.  Why would you consider me schizophrenic?  Who are you to judge?  What definitions are you basing your judgements on?  The one's in the text books?  You shouldn't believe everything you read/hear.  Write your own definitions. 

    My needs are being ust fine.  I am not unhappy with my living conditions.  Sure, I wouldn't mind them changing, but I am making it just fine.  There's a brighter side to everything. 

    What saddens me is how my world is being destroyed by ignorance.  You say I should retreat from society where I can get away from it all.  That would be an option for me, if the lazy majority of today wasn't wasting my world away.  It's everybody's world, including mine.  Shouldn't everyone be concerned about preserving our world for the kids?  But no, everyone is too pre-occupied about taking care of themselves.  Selfish bastards. 

    You spoke about proof not too long ago.  You said that things need to be repeated to be proven.  My daily logs will serve as evidence that money should be done away with.  I have been encountering generosity to the fullest extent and everytime someone does something nice for me, I write it down.  It happens over and over.  I can almost count on generosity.  By your definition, shouldn't it be a proven fact already?  Don't you think the world would accept difference and "craziness" better if someone with two head-injuries who never went to college and smokes weed accomplished so much?  Be the best?  Climb the ladder?  Do it better, higher, faster?  I refuse to participate.  I can go my own way. 

    I know my logs won't be considered evidence legally, but no one is going to believe someone could make up so much stuff.  I mean, I left walking to the West coast from San Antonio, generosity picked me up, I had an all-expense paid vacation, everything went my way, and I got a free ride all the way back home and received a priceless education I could never have received in any school.  Anyone can do it.  What more proof do you need?  Maybe I'll just have to do it again. 

    Now, about the money.  I AM NOT A DRUG DEALER FRANK.  Once I receieve the $300, if you are still willing to send them, I am going back West.  I will buy my Greyhound ticket back to Berkeley($130) and make contact with NOFX, the band that reinforces my thinking to a tee. 

    Now, I also owe my mother $200 for bailing me out.  The money would help me greatly to prepare for my sequel-trip(not to mention, get recognized in my book).  But, If you decide not to send me the cash, I will do it without money again and pay my mother back whenever I can.  Either way, I shall have my options.  The more you know, the less you need.  You do what you feel is right. 

    It's not that I don't possess any common sense, it's that my common sense is more refined and simplified than most.  My common sense is modern.  It's simple evolution.  I wouldn't expect someone of your generation to understand.  All in due time, though.  Patience is virtue. 

    Don't you see what the existance of pirated software means??  There is a way to get things for free and get away with it.  Anyone with an internet connection can do it, too.  It really is very simple.  How more clear of a sign do people need?  Getting rid of money is the next step.  I'm just trying to speed it up. 

    The entire world will be my paradise.  It will be everyone's.  Why are so many people opposed to happiness?  There's a better way to do it and I feel I have found it. 

    Oh well, I can't wait to prove myself right.  With or without anyone.  Take care old man of the mountain. 

- Victor 

P.S.  I have made it a point to punctuate and capitalize now.  Not bad, eh? 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Time to change Victor!  

>>From: "victor gruber"
>>Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!
>>Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 14:00:08 -0500
>> So are you saying you are not going to send me that money? I
>>thought you to be a man of your word Frank, like me.
>> Can't you grasp the fact that you don't know what I know is
>>possible? Even though I spell it all out for you. Don't you see
>>what the mere existance of pirated software means on the
>>global-scale? You can get things and not pay for them AND get away
>>with it. It's the next step Frank. Why can't anyone else share my
>>foresight? It makes perfect sense to any educated person. Thing
>>is, that in the back of everybody's minds, they ALL agree with me.
>>Anyone can do it.
>> Don't you find it rather odd that I have gotten this far?
>>That I haven't been assasinated yet? I am positive the CIA, Secret
>>Service or other intelligence agencies are keeping an eye on me. I
>>hide nothing and make myself known everywhere I go, on the Internet
>>and in San Antonio. In the end, I am doing no wrong. I am just
>>being myself. I have a right to. I'm a human being.
>> I don't know what has gotten into you. You have convinced
>>yourself that I am some low-life drug user. I have been the same
>>person the entire time we have been corresponding. You have known
>>about my habits. Why place judgement on me now? Why choose now to
>>fail me once more, father? That money would have been of great
>>help to me. It would've sped things up dramatically. But, now I
>>will have to wait to do without and lives will be lost
>>unnecessarily. What a waste.
>> Today has been a monumentous day in my mission. I have
>>assembled my website. The smart man backs his shit up, and I plan
>>to follow through on ALL of my goals. If you care to check it out,
>>do so at:
>>(If you don't know how to copy and paste, ask for help to view my
>>Maybe I didn't send you my journal from jail, I'll be sure to do
>>that. You need to form an educated decision on me.
>>- Victor


Sent Franklin my Hays County Jail experience.


From :

To :

Subject :
Re: Time to change Victor!

Date :
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 18:09:12 +0000

Victor, thank you for your letter.

Where you in jail because you spent part of the mony I sent you on marijuana?

The point is not so much whether Marijuana is good or bad, its that simply its possession is illegal, a fact. You will continue over this vice, this divine herb, which peace loving lazy people love, to go to jail. Is it really worth that much that for it you would give up your liberty frequently? Its illegal since most people who use it belong to a subculture which decreases the over all productivity of the society.

They are prone to laziness by nature and want the whole World to be like them. The enemies of "democracy" would love to invade a country of peace lovers who are high when they are taken over and made into slaves. If you or I am right, time will tell both of us as each and everyone will harvest what they plant, that is the divine law.

Frankly I would like to send you the 300 dollars. You plan to use it to go deeper into the drug culture. What kind of a father would give his son a stone as food? If you want to go down a road that is self destructive I will have no part of it. Wish you the good things of life that mony or drugs cannot buy! Your Dad Franklin



Allow me to give you a concrete example of what I would have done with those $300. First, I would have bought a good backpack. I would have purchased some more of that health powder. I would've shopped around for an economical digital camera, so that I could really prove my shit. I would have bought another tape recorder and cassettes. I would've bought a greyhound ticket instead of walking(because time is of the essence). Not to mention, I would've had some reserve cash/piece of mind on my journey.

Now, the detective from Hays County called me last week and said I could go pick up my stuff. I fight with paranoia everyday, convincing myself the feds will be waiting for me when I show up. They have my hard-drive(Which I need to type up my book.), 50 computer floppy disks loaded with my main ideas that I was going to give out on the way to Austin and in my travels. They have my army rucksack containing my entire wardrobe, too. Now, if any of these things are missing, I can legally get them back because they were held illegaly. You can't trust the law when you are fighting against it. So, if I could have replenished those resources, I wouldn't need to go pick my stuff up. I could replace most of it, head back to California, find an attorney to work pro-bono and get my stuff back that way. In California I will have much backing.

But now it seems since you are breaking your word, I am going to risk going to pick my stuff up. If I can't replace my belongings, that makes them that much more valuable to me, thus worse risking more for. If the feds are there waiting for me, at least I will have some closure with this issue.

I'm not going to lie to you, I got my hopes up. I trusted you, damnit. Someone I don't even know. I thought our similarities would tie a firm knot in our respect. This is what I get for thinking?

Frank, I am not saying anyone is wrong in their beliefs. If what people believe make them happy, I am all for it. I want people to have the right to be themselves, damnit. That is how I view everybody. I expect the same respect.

Would you dare dispute the fact that, like snowflakes, ALL people are different? How can a society of DIFFERENT people all abide by the SAME exact rules? People need to mind their own damn business already. We don't need a government. We can govern ourselves.

I don't know if you ever watch science fiction like Star Trek. Look at all the "modern" civilizations the Starship Enterprise encounters. There is no money in that forecasted future. Obviously someone has figured it out before me and shares my vision. Like I say Frank, it's not that my ideas are new, just my delivery-method. You don't agree because there is no way for you to understand. You haven't been through the learning experiences I have. I am only trying to share the truth when I type up my days. I am trying to lead by example and prove to people my way of living can work. We make ourselves rich by making our wants few. Why do we want what we don't need? Read my stuff and get to know me.

I don't think I am smarter than anyone Frank. I am not special. What I am is just less ignorant to the obvious truth that locic supports. If everyone followed my lead, all would be well.

Ok, Frank my Mom needs to use the computer. Write back please.

- Victor


>Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!
>Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 21:51:22 +0000
>Victor, how did your report of how you got in jail jump up again in
>front of your last email? Someone seems to be messing with this
>email account again, in this case, naturally I do not think its you,
>maybe its just a computer quirk.
>Do you have a logical argument to refute my everyline in my last
>Even then do you know that you cannot trust logic entirely. There
>are many things which are logical that are not true, example, " if
>God made herbs we like to use and abuse who the fuck are you to
>judge." No good father wants harm for his children. A knife can be
>used to peal an orange but also to do harm. When one is abusing
>oneself with God's creation an act of involution instead of
>evolution is taking place.
>"can't I see that exploiting pirated software is o.k." (summarizing
>your words). In my stage of "evolution" i have developed a value
>system in which I prefer not to steal and lie even if its easy.
>That would make me simply an opportunist picking up everything of
>value along the way, even the snakes which may later bite me since
>falling in temptation has a price. Jesus stated, " the price of sin
>is death." Make enough mistakes and one is prone to die, its the
>law of involution.
>You have chosen the path of involution, your value system reflects
>Quite frankly Son you are a grown twisted oak. you have grown up
>with a twised mind with affinitywith negative spiritual powers. You
>have a thirst for power so strong you would die to be number 1. In
>so doing you will not try to reach the top democratically but rather
>impose yourself upon the World. I tried empathizing with you, tried
>to establish a bond of affection which could help lead you out of
>your mistaken thoughts. Yet now I realize you are fully in the
>grasp of the negative power and have no will of your own to shake
>lose. I do not believe that even your thoughts are yours at least
>not self inspired. You are the conterculture personified where
>everything goes even if its self destructive and harms society in
>general. Right now all I am to you is 300 dollars. You expect me
>to reward you for your behavior which has hurt your mother only to
>go out and repeat the errors in bigger ways, not alone but in
>company of other people with twisted minds. I see now no hope for
>you in making a significant contribution to humanity. I see it
>difficult to understand that you do not believe in the usefulness of
>money yet request it of others instead of finding ways of making it
>yourself. While it is true that I owe you much financially, I would
>only harm you to reinforce your ways with the very money that could
>do you much good if used wisely. This does not mean that in the
>future I shall not reward you for truly " evolutionary work on
>behalf of humanity." I was making a personal sacrafice to send you
>that money, denying myself and current family elements of stability
>which would contribute greately to my economic prosperity. Allow me
>to give you a concrete example. With 300 dollars I can buy 3,000 4
>ounce bottles which when filled with anti arthritic oil at 10
>dollars each wholesale has a value of 30,000 dollars! Thats what
>it would cost me in the next year to send you now 300 dollars. I
>was willing to make the sacrafice but your behavior indicates that
>you really do not appreciate it. Your concern is in teaching
>others how to steal software and smoke pot. You plan to gravitate
>towards evil. You plan to join forces with people (demons) who in
>final analysis will also eat you. You stated you cannot trust
>anyone but yourself then how in the hell are you going to trust
>other hell raisers. Band players are hell raisers. I wish
>sincerely that you could record every word I state in my last two
>letters and never forget them so when you are in trouble again
>because of marijuana and bad associations you can reflect on them
>and see if they finally get through to you. Yes, I did say that I
>accept you as you are. True so long as you are not harming others
>because of your ways especially your own family. I am talking to
>you from the heart. Until you learn to truly care for those who
>love and want to assist you by not harming them by getting yourself
>into trouble, there is not much anyone can do for you.
>I care enough about you to listen to you even if you are mistaken in
>60 percent approximately of your recent statements. As you gain
>experience you will understand that your father is not as stupid as
>you think.
> I have given you a picture of how the "real world (the mayority of
>people) see you. You are set in your ways and so is the vast
>mayority of humanity, they will not change over to your side. They
>will remain the mayority all of your life and there is really
>nothing you can do to change that,just suffer. Even the mayority of
>the counter culture people will switch over to the "real World."
>But there will be the leftovers and hangovers. The " rest" learn
>with time the hard way that the counterculture does not pay, it
>costs, and dearly. Get back to you in about a week have a lot of
>productive work to get done this week. Still wish you the best but
>sincerely have lost hope of your leaving the World of illusion that
>lying, stealing and drugs is what life is all about. Franklin


Subject: Re: Time to change Victor!


If excuses were money, you would be rich. You, like the rest of your generation is just paranoid of everything. Computers fuck up sometime for no reason whatsoever. They are still man-made machines and not perfect. The easiest fix to the majority of computer problems is just a quick reset. If it keeps on fucking up after you reset it, then just format(erase) everything on the hard drive and reinstall windows. If you're smart(speaking generally), you'll have important documents backed up in case of such an occasion.

Of course my answers are logical. Logic is what rules the world, not some fairy tale. What the hell is wrong with society? Why does everyone always have to fuck with the guy that's trying to bring world-peace? Why am I the only one it's all been made obvious to? Doesn't my shit just make perfect sense?

If you knew me as well as you thought you did, you should know I follow no paths. I let something else take control, be it chance or coincidence. I cut paths myself.

Like I've said before, until I phase money out I realize I must still use it. Just as little as possible and I'll try to make it money I didn't work for. You have it all wrong. If you would have kept your word and helped out my cause, like you said you would, you would've been much more than $300 to me. You would have been the supporting father I never had. It seems like I'm still never going to get one of those. That's ok, I will do without some more.

The money isn't why I was amiable with you Frank. It was the support I thought I had with you. It's about you drinking so heavily from the mainstream that now you, of all people, think I'm crazy or delusional, too. How can you be ignorant to your whole blood line? I am different than others, not because of my head-injuries, but because I am a Gruber. You once said that our kin was from a different world. I'm starting to play with that idea as the truth. I can't even begin to explain, nor am I even going to try. This is just how things are.

You should feel fortunate that I was even open to permitting a relationship with you. Look at your track record Frank. I have been fatherless for the past 22 years. Anybody else would have damned you to hell a long time ago. But no, I couldn't deny our similarities. You didn't raise me yet we were so much alike. It's truth like that speaks volumes.

I don't know what I'm going to have to do to open everybody's eyes. My west coast trip should have been enough. I left walking from San Antonio, generosity picked me up and carried me on it's back the whole way. I had an all-expenses paid vacation ALL FOR FREE. Everything went my way the whole entire time. I'm not special. I wasn't expecting any of it. It's true. The more you know, the less you need.

Well Frank, in my last email I gave you my FTP server address. I am planting the seed on the web. Go back to that email and follow that address and see for yourself. The smart man backs his shit up. I dare you to back yours up more than I have backed mine.

- Victor

P.S. Or, just continue to let ignorance, ink and paper rule your life and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. And you call yourself a Gruber.

Date :    

Mon, 14 Apr 2003 18:09:12 +0000  



Victor, thank you for your letter. 

Where you in jail because you spent part of the mony I sent you on marijuana? 

The point is not so much whether Marijuana is good or bad, its that simply its possession is illegal, a fact.  You will continue over this vice, this divine herb, which peace loving lazy people love, to go to jail.  Is it really worth that much that for it you would give up your liberty frequently?  Its illegal since most people who use it belong to a subculture which decreases the over all productivity of the society. 

They are prone to laziness by nature and want the whole World to be like them.  The enemies of "democracy" would love to invade a country of peace lovers who are high when they are taken over and made into slaves.   If you or I am right, time will tell both of us as each and everyone will harvest what they plant, that is the divine law. 

Frankly I would like to send you the 300 dollars.  You plan to use it to go deeper into the drug culture.  What kind of a father would give his son a stone as food?  If you want to go down a road that is self destructive I will have no part of it.  Wish you the good things of life that mony or drugs cannot buy!  Your Dad Franklin 

Subject: Hello Frank

Greetings old man,

I am just writing you to suggest you look at my ftp site again. Copy and paste this link into your browser. If you cannot, ask for help:


You desperately need to see how my project is evolving, Frank. Keep in mind that I am telling all. On my site(which the whole world will read), I have logged every single email I have sent and received from both and I am an open book. Check out my site and get to know me. Witness with your own eyes my delivery-vehicle then make an educated opinion on exactly how you should react. Logic will always prevail.

Now, it is only a matter of time before I gain my global-voice and bring the truth out of hiding(just as I have been forecasting for some time now). Eventually, the entire world will read every correspondence you and I have had, including our latest one where you break your word to me and abondon me again. Everything you have told me, be it in confidence or not, will be seen by everyone. If you do not like it, tough shit. I tell the most interesting story about ignorance and generosity. Wouldn't you rather be seen as a generous father and not an ignorant one? The choice is yours. It is nothing but the truth.

Do not take this as a threat or extortion. If you aren't ashamed of the truth, it shouldn't matter that I am going to make it known globally. Time will tell, but so will I.

Now, you do have the option of saving yourself from such shame. You can back your shit up and do what you said you would. I forgive all who genuinely deserve it. How will you choose, Frank? Be honorable, for once. How can you live with yourself after finally making contact with your son whom you abondoned 23 years ago, and still continue to fail him? Geez, how irresponsible of you.

Maybe Ada was right. Not only do you seem to be insane, but you also appear to have no heart, let alone rational thought. You desperately need to take responsibility for your own decisions and stop blaming Ada for your absence from our lives. How hard is it to make a phone call, Frank?

If you choose to continue to fail me Frank, you will lose ALL rights as my father. Do your job, for once. You are damn lucky I forgave you the first time. We all know biology does not make a father. I will forget you once more, it will be easy. I still have not even met you.

Is that the way you want it to stay? In the end, you will just be the father I never needed. Nothing more. Nothing more than a big failure.

- Victor

P.S. The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary.

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Hello Frank 

Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 00:25:11 -0500 

Greetings old man, 

    I am just writing you to suggest you look at my ftp site again.  Copy and paste this link into your browser.  If you cannot, ask for help: 


    You desperately need to see how my project is evolving, Frank.  Keep in mind that I am telling all.  On my site(which the whole world will read), I have logged every single email I have sent and received from both and  I am an open book.  Check out my site and get to know me.  Witness with your own eyes my delivery-vehicle then make an educated opinion on exactly how you should react.  Logic will always prevail. 

    Now, it is only a matter of time before I gain my global-voice and bring the truth out of hiding(just as I have been forecasting for some time now).  Eventually, the entire world will read every correspondence you and I have had, including our latest one where you break your word to me and abondon me again.  Everything you have told me, be it in confidence or not, will be seen by everyone.  If you do not like it, tough shit.  I tell the most interesting story about ignorance and generosity.  Wouldn't you rather be seen as a generous father and not an ignorant one?  The choice is yours.  It is nothing but the truth. 

    Do not take this as a threat or extortion.  If you aren't ashamed of the truth, it shouldn't matter that I am going to make it known globally.  Time will tell, but so will I. 

    Now, you do have the option of saving yourself from such shame.  You can back your shit up and do what you said you would.  I forgive all who genuinely deserve it.  How will you choose, Frank?  Be honorable, for once.  How can you live with yourself after finally making contact with your son whom you abondoned 23 years ago, and still continue to fail him?  Geez, how irresponsible of you. 

    Maybe Ada was right.  Not only do you seem to be insane, but you also appear to have no heart, let alone rational thought.  You desperately need to take responsibility for your own decisions and stop blaming Ada for your absence from our lives.  How hard is it to make a phone call, Frank. 

    If you choose to continue to fail me Frank, you will lose ALL rights as my father.  Do your job, for once.  You are damn lucky I forgave you the first time.  We all know biology does not make a father.  I will forget you once more, it will be easy.  I still have not even met you.  Is that the way you want it to stay?  In the end, you will just be the father I never needed.  Nothing more.  Nothing more than a big failure. 

- Victor 

P.S.  The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary. 



From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Hello Frank  


Date :    

Sat, 03 May 2003 22:55:58 +0000  




Hello Victor, just read your 21 april email.  Have been absent from the use of email for about a month due to a number of urgent matters such as an operation of my current spouse and other matters. 

Your letter indeed stimulates thought.  You threaten me in differrent ways because I do not send you the 300 dollars.  I would like to give you that and more if I knew it would make you better in some ways yet as I mentioned before you plan to use that money to join the counter culture as a way of life.  I was helping you because I thought your case was not a lost cause.  You fail to grasp a lot of the fundamental truths of life.  I have come to my senses, I hope you do the same. 

Yes, for you and Ada, I am not a good father, neither will I be a better one by continuing to feed your illussions of grandeur.  The west coast and many other parts of the World abounds with people who want things for free, some want the whole world to be like them.  Yet if everbody is a "taker" who will there be left to work to support everyone else?  I am working hard to raise a new family.  Life has given me a second opportunity.  So far so good, I have learned some lessons especially that work over time pays dividends in happiness.    With funds you can make your dreams come true, it has a lot more value when you earn those funds yourself.  Try taking a year off to work and save then go about implementing your ideas.  You will find then that everything falls into place much better. 

In a few weeks as soon as my wife is better we will be moving to Florida.  I want to do my masters and Phd at FSU.  So if you travel that way we may meet in person, then you can unload personally all those negative feelings toward me.  By the way, FSU offers the CLEEP tests.  College Level Experience Examination Program.  Just to get the college degree sooner you might want to get credit and exempt the first two years of spanish courses.  The FSU campus was and should still be a very peaceful area to live in.  Ada and I bought a trailer fully furnished for only 1,500 dollars.   While in Florida I plan to register my antiarthritis oil. 

Son we are really at a standoff.  When you stop taking dope and want to rejoin the establishment write me.  You have something in common with Carl Marx, you where both dreamers and it cost the World millions of innocent enslaved lives.   One should never pursue a cause or dream at any cost, such obsessions are not fruitful.  If you want the World to work for you learn first the meaning of hard work, make a few millions then be humanitarian or a social architect with your hard earned funds. 

Unless I proceed to succeed in a big way there is not much significantly that I can do for you. 300 dollars is just chicken feed, you need a lot more than that and this is not the time that I can help you.  Since I have freshly come back into the net after a long absence 

I  have not read yet your other  emails, I will, though, in the next few days.  Regardless of what you say or do, I am not likely to shut you out of my email address.  I will listen to all you have to say but not pay to put a nose on your kneck.  Giving you money to spend on Marijuana and join bad company would be doing that.  When I do have substancial amounts of money I will look you up, see what you are doing with your life and accordingly reward you.  I am not abondoning you again, you are abondoning the moral and productive life.  You are giving your life over to the Negative Power in the Universe, something I fight hard everyday to avoid in my own personal life.  I can help you to become better than I not worse.  If you can get Ada to send me at least one email thats worth a least 50 dollars.  Maybe between her mind and mine we can come up with a way to assist you that would be agreeable to you as well as us.  I am not blaming Ada, alone, we both are failure's in the way you have become.  The truly sad thing is that there is nothing we can now do to undue your way of thinking.  You think its right and you will likely die that way even if you live to be 100 years. 

There is something you should know.  There are certain people who are genetically sensitive to certain radiations corresponding to specific parts of the World.  Simply change the persons location and his way of thinking begins to change.  Since I changed locations from Chorrera area to Los Santos Province, I no longer "feel" like wanting to be a mesia.  For everyone there is a place upon the earth that is optimum and there is a place which cannot be any worse.  Its up to everyone to find his nitch on earth.  Also, our thinking tends to get distorted when we do not revolve arround our dream woman and she arround us.  When you truly love a woman you spend a lot of time being responsible, there is little space for the spirit world to mettle with your mind to obtain what they could not obtain while on the planet in flesh. 

One of the wisest sayings ever is MAN KNOW THY SELF. 

When I am no longer existing on the material plane and when money is not such a pressing matter to you, these words of wisdom, maybe of significance to you.  Be assured if I live long enough, I shall reward you for being a success.  Your way of being has brought you down to a point  where only you can take the first step up.  Then a host of angels and relatives and strangers will come to assist you.  To be a truly great leader we must first be truly humble.  Proud people are egocentric by nature, they lose access to reality.  Humble people develop objectivity and can see better how things really are.  There is not much wrong with failure.  There is everything wrong with those who can but do not make the effort to get back on there feet and move forward.  Possibly a self serving, self rewarding person like yourself cannot grasp these fundamental truths. 

That I have failed in your case, I have no other alternative than accept that fact.  I mistakenly thought the seed I left in the states was left in fertile soil.  I have been willing to help that seed but not on terms it imposes on me.  I am not one ever to raise children that would tell me what to do, what is good or bad or convenient.  You want to continue on with your illusions of grandeur its your prorogative.  Under your present way of thinking, the most I could do for you if you where under my roof, which I doubt I would permit now, would be to do the same your mother does, give you food and board.  I would only continue to give you money if the money I give you that is hard earned is spent wisely. Not spend on drugs or unhealthy propaganda. 

Say what you want to the World, but also say that if you want to do and be good I will help you, if not, I cannot help you.  The wisest man that ever lived said, either you are with me or against me, obviously your way of being is against mine since yours is a philosophy of cheating, lying and stealing.  Not that I have never done any ot these, rather that I would not make them fundamentals "truths" in my life. 

To lead a happy and peaceful and long life we require a clean conscience.  Thus the necesity for moral living.  Franklin 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: Hello Frank 

Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 15:04:01 -0500 


    How long did it take you to come up with all that bullshit?  Seeing as how you pussied out of your obligation and weren't around to learn who I am, you don't know me at all.  Do not, I repeat, do not pretend to.  Why are you so closeminded and judgemental?  What? Do you actually think that every single person who smokes marijuana(which you keep referring to as a drug) reacts the same exact way?  Are you stupid or something? 

    If you weren't so damn ignorant and stubborn, you would see how what I propose is truly possible and not a delusion of grandeur.  The doctors at the state hospital said I had delusions of grandeur, and I clearly remember having all charges dismissed after I spoke to the superintendant.  He was impressed by me and could not believe I could possess so much knowledge without a formal education.  All my stays in jail, except the last one, have been dismissed and cleared off my record.  It's only a matter of time before I get this latest one dismissed and will have a crystal clear criminal record yet again. 

    Before we corresponded I was indifferent towards you.  I didn't know you nor did I need to.  You didn't mean shit to me.  The only resentment I have towards you now is because you failed me once again, after giving me your word.  Your word as a father, I assumed.  Wouldn't any son resent a dishonorable father that broke his word?  What makes you think you know everything?  I don't think I do, but what I know makes a lot more rational sense than what you do. 

    Do you believe in evolution?  I dare you to grasp the FACT that children don't need to go through parents' mistakes to learn from them.  Thus, knowing better than the parent.  Us kids get to make and learn from our own mistakes and I plan to prove, without a doubt, that evolution exists. 

    Your senses are fucked up and I will never come to yours.  Ever.  I know better than to make such a horrid mistake.  Who the fuck are you to judge what's best for me?  Don't you think that actually having a father would have been best for me?  And I am supposed to trust your judgement?  What a fucking joke. 

    How can you say I have something in common with anyone?  YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL.  You don't know who I associate with either.  Why must you be so stupid?  Why must your entire generation(with many exceptions, you not being one of them)be so retarded? 

    Oh, you don't think I know hard work?  I bust my ass more than anyone with a job.  But I, unlike a lot of people like you, do not require money to work hard.  When I work for money, that makes me a simple pawn in somebody elses chess game.  The last thing I am is a  pawn.  I'm one of the players, damnit.  I'm the winner.  My name is not Victor for nothing. 

    Sure, go ahead and work hard to raise your new family.  Be sure to tell them how you failed your old family.  If you don't, I will.  Don't you think that instead of trying to succeed at raising a new family, you should at least attempt to make up for your past failure?  Fucking Duh. 

    You can't help me do shit Frank.  Except teach me how to not be.  What?  Are you so stupid as to think that I need money so much that you offer a $50 bribe to convince Ada to contact you?  What an insult.  Hey stupid, contact her your own damn self(if you have the balls).  Her email address is 

    I don't give a figgity-fuck about the classes at FSU.  I'm already attending school.  The school of reality.  I can learn shit on my own.  Too bad you cannot.  The more you know, the less you need.  You shouldn't rely on the government to educate you.  If it doesn't make money, they won't tell you the truth.  I do not think my way is right Frank.  I fucking know it is.  I have tried to convey my evidence to you, but you're too fucking ignorant to see it. 

    I didn't need your help to become better than you.  I did that all on my own.  I made damn sure not to be a big fuckup, like you.  Oooh, so you left a seed.  Big fucking deal.  Your irresponsible ass left it untended, too.  How many plants do you know grow how you want them to with absolutely no attention?  You desperately need to stop making excuses for being such a big fuckup.  You can only ignore and hide from the truth.  You have perfected that talent to an art. 

    If you can accept the FACT that you failed, why the fuck wouldn't you do everything in your power to make up for your failure?  Why must you insist on remaining a failure?  Once a failure, always a failure, I suppose.  It must suck to be a failure.  Good thing you have given me a model to avoid.  Thanks, but I really didn't need one. 

    Not only are you one not to raise children that tell you what to do, but you are also one not to raise your children at all.  How pathetic is that?  How can massive amounts of guilt not flow through your veins after committing such an atrocity?  The last thing your words are to me is wisdom.  They are words of an idiot.  What is keeping you from learning?  I think it's money. 

    Well Frank, like I said in my last email, you are hereby disowned as my father.  Do not refer to me as your son ever again.  You got lucky that I forgave you last time.  Only a fool would sacrifice such forgiveness.  It seems that is all you are.  The closest thing I ever had to a father was my mother.  She picked up for your slack.  You slacker.  Just sit back and watch my dreams come true with no funds. 

- Victor 

P.S.  Oh, and the last thing I need to do is threaten you.   Consider it a promise, sucker. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Hello Frank  


Date :    

Wed, 07 May 2003 00:50:28 +0000  




Well Victor, smart ass, you have all the solutions to the Worlds problems except that of making a living for your own self.  In my walks during the last 21 years I have met a lot of people like you, none amounted to anything because they where always impressing everyone else with their gran ideas but where incapable of making a living.  Imagine how tragic it would be if you had a wife and kids. 

To tell you these things I do not have to resort to any foul language.  The problem with harmful drugs like marijuana is that at first they make you feel good but with time they wear out your nerve cells so it becomes more frequent that you lose control of your emotions.  Eventually the most prominant emotion is hate as a life driving force.    When that happens all a person can do is repeat mentally negative thoughts until it drives him insane.   A habitual user of marijuana exposed to life´s stresses can break with time.  What is needed is willpower and faith in God to overcome a vice that in time can help destroy you. 

I am sorry that you have not been able to take advantage of the educational opportunities in the United States, with or without your mother's help.  You should while you can.  That you declare war on me, that does not worry me, as you have through your letters demonstrated that you are not smarter than your old man.    I certainly will  not declare war on you.  Life gives everyone what they deserve.  Franklin 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Hello Frank  


Date :    

Wed, 07 May 2003 01:55:09 +0000  




Hi Again, just went through your letter again.  Looks like you had my letter printed out and answered it line for line.  Glad you did that, got you to thinking.  Thanks for giving me your moms email.  Your sister Laura unintentionally gave it to me in one of her loops but when I have written your mom she's had my correspondence locked out.   When you where having the incidents with Laura and she was in your mother's house and you "out" on the street(friends) I emailed her and asked her not to oppose your return as I was making arrangements if possible for you to come and live with me.   Having to live with you for her was living hell.  You where giving her child a bad example, etc.  So she went back to Dallas and began making her own life with her Arab boyfriend.  Asking her to not oppose your reentry in the house did cost me my relationship with her, she obviously blames me for the hell she went through with you.  Diana, well I only received a couple of letters from her and no more. 

Initially in our correspondence I empathized with you to transmit my knowledge and experience.  I was under some kind of delusion.  It may be that I retained a receptivity to negative energies probably caused by my trying marijuana as a teenager.  Since you have used it a great deal more your delusions are probably going to be a lot greater than mine.  You knock down the value of learning from the experience of others especially me.  However when you do not learn from the experience of others you are bound to repeat the common mistakes others make and that sets you back in your own evolution. 

Allow me to ask you a question?   Can you achieve your social goals without marijuana, must you use it in order to reach your goals?   You mention that it is a divine herb, is that because God made it or is it because it makes you into a superman or so you believe you are.   Marijuana is making you vulnerable to the power of the discipline of the U.S. government.  Is it really worth spending the rest of your life in and out of jail over that " shit?"     Boy are you smart!     If you where really smart you would learn to live within the system and use your smarts to change and improve it in an outstanding way since in America with modern news systems eveyone will listen to you.    Good Luck  Victor Gruber. 

P.S.   Do me a favor or yourself, succeed in the next ten years or change your name.   Victor is only for real Victors, those who first have victory over themselves.   You still have some time to prove that I was not wrong in giving you the title Victor after my father who was indeed a real Victor. 

If you  really want to open up a conversation with my current wife I do not mind it at all.  I have the balls to allow it as I have had the balls to communicate with your mother if she would allow it.    My current wife has a Jehova's witness background.  Do you get along well with the people of that strict religion.   They believe that the primary emphais of Jesus's teachings is to prepare for the kingdom of God.  And they do believe in hard work, that is gainful employment.   Marisol is a stoik person by nature. 

She grew up in powerty and appreciates every bit of the work I do.    She does not agree with my violent outspurts toward her two sons and daughter or even my harsh discipline with my current son. 

Frankly I do not like to be harsh and disciplinary, its just part of my nature and probably has a lot to do with my overexposure to coffee and trials with marijuana as a teenager.   However, in spite of my extreme disciplinary character, I succeed in establishing an orderly home.  Arielity gets up early and immediately sweeps the floor, does that three times a day.  Everyone has to wash his own dishes. 

Would you also like to communicate with him directly?  This coming week I shall install a computer with internet in our house hold.  You can communicate with us any time you wish.  Blow all the steam you want.  I will never take any measures against you unless you harm me or my current family if you have vengeance on your mind.   What I cannot allow now that I know you better is for you to come and live in my household, not because I do not care as a father but simply because you will never accept my authority........ so there is no point in me trying to teach you anything.   I have to accept you as you are.   But accepting you as you are does not mean agreeing with your genious ideas about marijuana and a World without money.   Money gives people a degree of independeance.  Without it man would have to succum to mad dictators who think they can impose on to others their gran self serving schemes.   Follow the history of dictators and you find they are all basically " takers."    They are so smart they outsmart everyone else in their societies so they can leach off the whole population.   People are not basically "good" as you believe.  They are born in the mayority basically good but the nature of the world they live in, energies in it, corrupt the innocent.   If you do not believe me go on a tour of the third World.   The competition of the takers is very very keen.   It gets tough when takers start taking from the takers, its dog eat dog.   You live in a society of givers because of the cristian ethic which formed its initial fiber, because of the love of god that creates that sharing spirit.  But its not so much that way in Panama or the third World.  O.K.  smart guy, I have to get off the computer the store is about to close.   Again good luck in being the best you can.  Franklin 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Hello Frank  


Date :    

Wed, 07 May 2003 17:37:44 +0000  




Hello Victor, have some free time now so will  get back to whats left of our dialogue. 

You stated you do not want to be a pawn in some one eles game, that you are a player. 

Playing of course is not bad, the important thing is to win.   However, I do not see that you are a player.   A player is usually someone who is not a pawn and who is self employed.   Can you explain your business better to me? 

Can  you define better your idea of a World Free of Money?    Does that mean that people do not have to work?  Or if they do they do not get paid?   Or is it simply that you shall  impose a  model where people have to help each other spontaneously because that is the moral thing to do or maybe the law? 

As people may react differrently to marijuana they may also react differrently to a plea  for assistance from say a man with a heart attack laying on the sidewalk.   One may stop and offer help, others just walk on by.  People do not automatically do the right thing in an exchange of services?  Can you define better your economic model how  it will function in a World without money.  Will everyone be igual or will there be a hierqui.   What kind of authority would the maximum leader have, what is there to prevent him from abusing his authority.   Have you thought of these questions.  Do you have any replies.    You say I am ignorant, well, then what does an illuminati like you have to say about these tough questions.  After all you  should be specific on many points of your save the world program. 

Now if you cannot be specific, now if you want to organize society so it gives to its guru and its guru distributes be careful that you are not a professional taker playing the part of a giver.  That would only make you a con man,  either you provide workable solutions or become a taker without just compensation to the massess. 

I know you better than you believe.   I have received over one hundred emails from you where you have been very frank even to the point of given the most minute details on your daily expeditions.  Are all the things you have told me lies?  I believe not so I can make my own judgements as you are making yours about me.   One thing that stands out in all your conversations is that you avoid gainful employment but want others to do what you avoid so you can enjoy the fruits of the capitalist system. 

If you are sincere do entirely without money.  I practically did when I rested on nature's bounty and learned to make my living from it.    You will rest your plans on men, on associations, which vary according to individual interests.   How the hell then are you going to make a World Free of Money? 

Lets get back on the intellectual letter and but the emotionalism to one side.  Emotionalism is not going to solve the Worlds problems.  Get back to you in a few weeks.  Franklin 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: Hello Frank 

Date: Wed, 07 May 2003 13:08:30 -0500 


    I have come to the conclusion that you just don't know shit.  You're arrogant.  You're ignorant.  You're living a lie.  In the holy bible, which you have accepted as truth, doesn't it tell of the day when the children take over?  Doesn't it also state that the love of money is the root of all evil?  Fucking duh. 

    I didn't have to have your letter printed out to respond to your last email accordingly.  I remembered the key points you made offhand.  I have mastered the compensatory strategies for my memory-deficits so much, that my memory has improved.  Practice makes perfect.  It didn't cost me a damn thing either.  It's not rocket science, Frank.  Anyone can do it.  Why aren't my shortcuts publicized in mainstream media?  Wouldn't that make perfect sense?  But no, shortcuts don't make any money. 

    Why did you automatically assume I would go live with you?  So much that you made arrangements.  That positive-assumptive behaviour only works on the fools telemarketers prey on.  You even went as far as to tell me about all the girls that couldn't wait to meet your son.  How fucking pathetic of you.  You and your bribes.  Please, don't insult me.  I also clearly recall you telling me that I could still smoke marijuana if I was discreet with it.  They way you speak now, I doubt that would have been acceptable.  You're one fat liar, Frank. 

    I know for a fact that I could achieve my goals without marijuana.  The more you know the less you need.  Me smoking it is a preferance, not a necessity. 

    I didn't put Laura through any hell.  Where did you get that bullshit from?  If she told you that then she has acquired the same bullshit-sickness you have.  If that was the case, it seems both of you desperately need a major reality-check.  As long as Laura left me alone, I left her alone.  Laura's laziness(much like Ada's) is the only bad example in Carlitos' life.  If anything, my productive behaviour was a great example for Carlos. 

    You are still under the fucked up delusion that you have anything to base our lives on.  You can never forget that you are, after all, the absent parent.  You're just a big fuckup.  If taking care of your new family will make your dilluted mind forget about neglecting your old family, great.  But, I wouldn't put it past you to drop out of their lives, too.  Look at your track record. 

    I don't know how many times I have to tell you this before it sinks into your thick skull.  I am in total agreement with you about learning from experience.  But, you can't seem to handle the fact that a lot of the older generation's experiences have been grave mistakes.  Therefore, us kids learn NOT to do them.  Duh.  Since we don't have to waste time making your mistakes to learn from them, we can concentrate on our new, more modern mistakes.  It's simple evolution and adaptation, damnit.  Only a fool would ignore that. 

    I accept your petty dare.   Even though after you neglecting so much from me, you are in absolutely no position to take anything away from me, either.  I will gladly change my last name, but never my first.  Now, knowing of my father's stupidity, the name Gruber brings shame to me.  For a long time now, when people ask me for my name I say, "Victor, just Victor."  That is the only label I require, for I am living up to my name. 

    I don't have to go through the effort of waging war with you.  That would be a waste of my time.  I have better shit to do.  You do it for me every time you reply with some more stupid bullshit.  Remember, everyone will have access to my emails.  So, thanks for being stupid and making my story so interesting. 

- Victor The Liberator 

P.S.  "The point is not merely to fuck the system, but to destroy it." 

                                                                                   - Abbie Hoffman(Steal This Book) 

From :    



To :  


CC :  


Subject :    

Re: Hello Frank  


Date :    

Thu, 08 May 2003 15:17:17 +0000  



Y es Victor, I did say that I did not mind you smoking weed descreetly.    What changed my way of thinking about it was your stupid way of getting caught.  You where not paying attention and again you got hit from behind, that is the cops caught you off guard and did not give you time to get rid of it. 

Your negligence in not being careful about using an ilegal substance cost your mother, it was unnecessary had you been more careful.  Consequently to have you down here costing me in ways that are unnecessary changed my mind about having you in my household.   You really do not care about your mother otherwise you would not do th ings that can cause her pain, nor you really care about yourself otherwise you would take care of yourself better.    You are proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are your own worst enemy. 

Lets do each other a favor.  Lets just quit writing to each other so frequently as  the dialogue is no longer constructive and we are just wasting each other's time.    I am no longer going to try to influence your way of thinking.   Neither am I going to judge you.   There is one who will judge us all. 

Farewell.     Old man of the mountain. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Hello Frank  


Date :    

Tue, 20 May 2003 15:26:09 +0000  




Hello Victor, a couple of weeks have gone by since I received your bomb shell letter telling me how ignorant, stupid, fool, etc. I am supposed to be, that I do not know you etc.   All over money.  The stuff that you do not want to earn and want others to earn for you so you can make a World free of money.    How do you explain all those contradictions, or do you? 

You have been manipulating your mother for a long time using the "guilt trip" technique.   Well, now that you hate me more you seem to appreciate your mother somewhat better.  Looks like some good has come out of our interaction.    Actually I do not expect you ever to say anything good about me again since when one does not like someone everthing that person does or says thereafter is bad or wrong, or he is just a fool.     It would be easier for you to just accept the discipline for "fucking up" once again.  If you do not pay a price you never learn, quite the contrary you keep fucking up because mama is always there to get you out of jail.     I am not mama and playing the guilt trip on me for trying to teach you as an adult what you should have learned as a child will not work.   Not that I do not feel guilt for things I do wrong rather that I see no sense in rewarding you for fucking up. 

There is nothing that I would not like to to better than turn the clock back and reeducate you. 

I do not see that the school of reality has taught you very much at all. 

We are all victims of circumstances to one degree or another and circumstances do pressure  us to make our own mistakes.   Under the pressure of circumstances humans steal(hammocks and Uhauls) and refuge ourselves in pleasure abundant activities, marijuana, etc  yet a MAN is known by his ability little by little to overcome circumstances, to grow to leave bad habits and acquire good ones. 

You are doing with your life what you please and I am reacting merely to what you have told me about yourself.  If I am judging its merely because God gave me the gift of intelligent discrimination which we all should possess.  When you say I am stupid and a fool you are judging me.    How do you want me not to judge if you are a judger. 

O.K.  So as a biginner father I failed.   Between your mother and I we could not overcome circumstances for which we where not prepared.  I knew your mother to be a God loving and fearing person.  It never stuck me that you would have been better off with me i n Panama than learning the shit you have in San Antonio.   Seems you have nothing better to do with your life.   I have delt  with a lot of people who smoke pot habitually, several dozen.   Without exception they are either crazy or half crazy.  They all have one thing in common.  They easily lose control of their emotions.  They constantly blow up with the slightest frustration bringing upon themselves the retaliation of friends, family and police.    I do not see that you are an exception.     You claim to be a hard worker, you are 27 years old.   What do you have to show for your hard  work?     You claim I do not know you?   You have sent me about 100 emails telling me who you are.   Certainly I do not know all about you but what I do know is sufficient to have a good impression of who you are.    Your a  big child that must have your way whenever you say so.  Children are self centered and  want other's to work for them. 

So much for the negative.  There are some positve elements in my letter.    I agree that money should be done away with, however, not at the expense of personal liberty.    Could you please enlighten me as how these two can be reconciliated.    I do not agree with you in destroying the system, rather in evolving out of it.    Frankly money is not the root of all evil.   You can use money for good things as well as bad things.  Money in itself is neither good nor bad, its the decisions we take with our evil minds that makes money on occations evil.    So the root problem of money is the human mind.  How do you propose to uncurrupt the World, can you explain in your next letter(beween the fucking words and other equivalent adjetives) as how corruption without doing away with personal liberties can be resolved?    Frankly I do not think you will have a useful answer since how can a corrupt mind uncorrupt the World?   Who is entirely free of corruption, lying and stealing now days?   Each and everyone of us need to learn how to cleanse oursleves or with a little more time civilization will collapse.    You won't even have to destroy the system, it carries the seed of its own destruction, the HUMAN MIND! 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Hello Frank  


Date :    

Tue, 20 May 2003 16:05:22 +0000  




Just a note to inform you that I shall review in the coming weeks every email you have sent me( I had each printed out) to give you the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe there are some  things I do not know about you that I have overlooked.    If I am wrong about you, then I might consider trying some of that "divine herb."    I might like it so much I may prefer it to meeting the needs of my current family.  Who knows maybe my current wife will work and support me while I endulge in this eccentric activity. 

The problem with this scenerio is that I tried it 2 times as a kid and after the hilarious laughing periods 

which granted where fun I came back to reality.   The second time the reality was that the cops where watching and at age 15 took my little ass to jail along with my friend Gustavo who had induced me into trying that stuff.  That was in Panama city 1964.   The panamanian authorities handed me over to the canal zone (U.S.) police.   We where lucky.  The Canal Zone Police simply released us with a warning. 

My best friend Gustavo did not heed the warning he became a habitual user and his thinking gradually became more and more negative.    His girl friend left him, he had problems with his step father, wanted to kill him, wreaked the family car, etc. etc. etc.   Last I knew Gustavo was in the insane asyslum.   The negativity just churned in his heart.   He wanted to destroy the system.   But Newtons Law of action and reaction instead destroyed him.    The negative vibs he intensely sent out also went in his soul and poisoned it.   He became one of the living dead!    Take care, be happy!  Franklin 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: Hello Frank 

Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 19:00:11 -0500 


    Once again I have to point out how I don't beg for shit.  I merely ask.  Since when does it hurt to ask?  Pride can complicate things, especially stupid-pride.  When I give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes THEIR decision.  I'm not twisting anyone's arm.  I give people the saintly chance to feel good about themselves.  How can anyone find any fault in such goodness. 

    I apologize if I sound repetative.  I know I've told you all this before.  How many times do I have to explain it to you for you to see the logic in it?  Fuckin' duh.  Frank, you can only know of me, what I allow you to.  For all you know, it could be one big act.  You would know for sure if you had been around to really know me.  But my dumb parents couldn't figure out their problems. 

    As far as manipulating my mother with guilt, I am only giving her a taste of her own medicine.  Ada is a master of guilt-manipulation.  Where do you think I learned if from?  I had the world's best teacher.  All my life Ada has weilded the sword of guilt to get her way.  If something doesn't go her way, she starts to whine and complain like a school child.  I'm sure you know this to be true.  You lived with her.  Ada is a walking sympathy-plea.  And she's all talk.  She is constantly waiting for someone else to do the dirty work.  You should see how unorganized her house is.  She, like you is always looking for something else to blame her defecits on.  That seed of laziness may have been passed down to my female siblings, but sure as hell not me. 

    You tell me I should accept the discipline for fucking up, eh?  I tell you you should PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH.  You hypocrite.  The lack of a son is the price you have to pay for fucking up, yet you still haven't learned.  Damn straight you are not mama.  Mama loves me and was willing to make a sacrifice to improve my condition.  She is my mother.  She was doing her job.  In the end, bailing me out was ultimately her decision.  I didn't tell her to.  I ASKED her and she agreed to.  She was in total control of that decision, just like she(and you) are in total control of ALL your decisions. 

    I don't expect you to reward me for fucking up.  I expect you to reward me for YOU fucking up.  Be a man and take some responsibility for yourself.  May I remind you that I assured Ada that my new found father had given me his word on sending me the remaining sum and that I would reimburse her for bailing me out.  So you see, there you go failing both of us again.  Oh, but all you have to do is reach in to your big bag of excuses to validate that decision. 

    Reeducate me?  Ha, you have got to be joking.  You're the one that needs to be uneducated from all that bullshit you know.  To believe the things you do would only curse my existance.  Victim of circumstance?  That's the excuse that people who constantly fuck up use.  More like victim of stupidity.  Let me give you a six-word formula for success:  "Think things through, then follow through."  You've got a whole lot of thining to do.  I think you are the last person to have a firm definition of "man".  A real man should be known for his ability to solve the problems that create circumstances in the most logical and efficient way.  You think money is the best way to solve problems, when in fact it is just the easiest.  Lazy people solve their problems with money.  There  is a better way to do everything.  You're just too lazy to find those ways.  What?   You think you have only failed as a beginner-father?  Dude, you have never stopped failing.  Failure is the story of your life. 

    You are absolutely right.  I cannot find anything better to do with my life than to devote it to bringing world peace.  What better is there to do?  Oh yeah, I'm 25 dumbass.  You were off by 2 whole years.  How dare you consider someone your son when you don't even know how old he is.  Pathetic. 

    Damn straight I'm a hard worker.  Because I walk around San Antonio so much with my rainbow beanie and walking staff, I am slowly making myself famous in this town.  I run into random people who have seen me walking around almost every day.  I have this huge network of friends all over the city.  I guess you can call me a network specialist. 

    When I tell people that money is the root of all evil they always tell me, "No, it is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil."  That may be the case, but if money did not exist, what would there be to love?  Duh.  All the followers out there cannot accept the fact that something they use every day could be bad.  They figure that since money has always been around, there's nothing wrong with it.  Well, times change.  If we don't finally change with we are all doomed.  In all I mean all life, not just humans.  But, it will be because of humans(unless I do something about it). 

    On countless occasions I have tried to enlighten you on how it can work.  You are either too impatient to read alll my stuff, or you just can't understand it.  Even though I put it in very simple terms.  I have also logged every email we've had because they will all be on my website when I put it up.  So, if you don't think you printed them all out completely, let me know.  I have them all.  Thanks again for helping make my site so interesting. 

    Frank, do I note a hint of sarcasm when you say you will try some of that divine herb?  I'd recommend it.  It might smoke some sense into you.  It shouldn't surprise you that I don't give a damn about your "current family".  How long will it be before you abandon them too, like you did your former family?  You are a man with his priorities all fucked up.  Oh yeah, some time ago you offered to provide me with your wife's email.  I would still be interested in writing her.  Just in case she doesn't know the truth about you.  She deserves to.  The whole world will soon, too.  Hehe. 

    Oh yeah, when I was at the library in Midland a couple weeks ago, I had typed up this badass reply to an email of yours.  When I tried sending it, it wouldn't let me because you had reached your 2mb capacity for your free hotmail account.  So, I saved it as a draft, so I could send it later.  Well, when I got online again, I wasn't sure which one I had typed up, so I may have sent you an email I had already sent you before.  Sorry if I did.  It was an accident.  I see you can accept emails again.  I hope you didn't get suckered into paying for a bigger account.  All you have to do is copy and paste your emails into a text file so you can delete past mails and make more room. 

Until next time Frank, 

- Victor 

P.S.  By word-of-mouth let it be known.  The man who spends his life on a mission, he's legendary.  Traveling from coast to coast.  I'm the contemporary Johnny Appleseed. 

    From: "FRANK GRUBER" <> 


Subject: Re: Hello Frank 

Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 19:01:58 +0000 

Hello Victor, welcome back on line.  Was reviewing some of your recent emails.  Of everything you have said I agree most with the following statements:  Humanity should keep its needs simple, there is'nt a need to buy so many things(paraphrasing)  Yes, in that way, there would not be such a great need for money!   I lived that way for about 15 years.   However, like I said before the problem is not so money but rather the pervert nature of the human mind, its natural tendency towards corruption.  As man seeks more pleasure and wants things easier he wants to work less and civilization eventually collapses. 

We are subject to the energy we become receptive to.  It largely determines our thinking in a particular environment.  While I was in the mountains I thought one way, now that I have to support a new family I think another way. 

Lets say that life in the mountains was purer but then I got tired of being looked down upon by those who had a little bit more than I.  They could never understand that I was happier than they.  Precisely thats how you feel about the rest of humanity.  The mayority of humanity in their current condition cannot tune in to your wave length.  Each of us has his own spiritual development and we cannot expect others to be overnight where we are at. 

O.K., will be sending you some money in the future but not necessarily via Western Union. Its too expensive, 22.50 for the 200 I sent you.  Money is scarce again.    Give me a couple of weeks to investigate another alternative.   It will probably be about 50 dollars.  To get larger sums you will have to wait until my current investments become more productive which should be in about three months. 

Inorder to avoid confusion, try to summarize the principal meat of your World message in one page. 

If you cannot tell the World essentially what you mean in one page you are probably confused.  The wisest man that ever lived managed to say everything in one statement:  LOVE ONE ANOTHER. 

I am back in the rat race because I have to be not because I want to.  Take care SON I do understand you but we have to live in the reality we are in, its like being in water, once wet you have to swim or sink.  Love ya still.   Go ahead, do the best you can in life but try not to fool yourself.  Search and find the right woman, make that a priority.  A plane cannot fly properly with one wing.   We are quite volatile by nature. The right woman must have the capacity to assimilate our outbursts and reconciliate practically overnight.   You must be able to offer something worthy for your defects, to support them. 

Roof, food on the table, love.     Wishing you the best,   Franklin 

    From: "victor gruber" <> 


Subject: Re: Hello Frank 

Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 20:24:42 -0500 

    Frank, thank you for changing the tone.  I'm in a bit of a pinch.  You see, I already have a ride back to California lined up from this hippe dude with a van.  All I need is $50 to pitch in for gas. 

    Now, that's not the pinch.  Also, I had had my original court date(May 1st) reset to the 22nd.  I went the 22nd and had them reset it again for the 30th, next Friday.  I had told the prosecutor lady to keep in mind I had spent 6 days in jail and should get some credit for time served.  I also pointed out that I had been kidnapped at gunpoint right before I was arrested.  She said I should talk to a District Attorney.  She told me I had a $300 fine and $236 in court costs.  When I told her about the 6 days she told me they would probably take care of the fine, and that all I needed was to pay the $236 court costs.  I told her I didn't have any money, but maybe I could borrow it from somewhere.  She gave me another week.  Another week of freedom.  Therefore, those $300 you had originally promised would hit the spot perfectly right now.  I'd have the legal issue settled and my ride back to California guaranteed(I won't have to take off walking again).  I have 6 days to make $286. 

    Either that, or I'll just walk around Ada's neighborhood and knock on people's doors.  I'll walk up and tell them, "Hi, I need to round up $50 to chip in for gas to California.  Do you have any labor you need done?"  I will tell them to pay me only what they think the job is worth in the end.  I can probably round up enough for everything.  I dunno, that's just an idea.  It's always good to have a plan B. 

    Ok, back on topic.  What makes you think the human mind has a natural tendency towards corruption?  What?  Because that's the majority of minds you have come across in your life, corrupt ones?  Well, not everyone has come across the same minds.  It's human-nature to be generous.  Not the other way around.  You can almost count on generosity and my writings will prove it, finally.  I think, for the majority, greed only exists because money does.  I'm not saying we would totally kill greed off, but it would happen so much less with no money.  We should be trying to make the world a better place for the kids, remember?  Everyone is too preoccupied taking care of themselves to give a shit about the whole.  Selfish bastards. 

    Do you not see the similiarities between me and that person you revere so much, Jesus?  The other night I asked Ada to watch this Jesus video that she got years ago that was still in plastic.  She knows all the scriptures by heart, yet she is ignorant to their meaning.  She doesn't follow them.  I do not consider myself Jesus.  I just happen to be following the same path he did. 

    Even to the point that I even wouldn't mind dying for my people.  If I was assasinated, it would only expedite my cause.  Imagine the publicity my dissapearance or death would bring.  EVERYONE would want to know what the guy who died for the world wrote.  It would blow the lid on everything.  It would be totally worth it.  One life to save an entire dying planet.  A sacrifice to benefit the ALL.  I would die one happy man.  You never know, history might be repeating itself very soon.  No one can stop me Frank, they can only get in my way. 

    Now you say you got tired at being looked down upon by others.  Why would you even give a damn?  It's your choice if you want to allow it to get to you or not.  Just ignore them.  Just be content in your superiority. 

    Like I say in my quotes, great things take time, but not necessarily a long time.  Don't you see, you can zap information around the world in seconds now.  As soon as my truth hits the web, it'll just grease up the gears of the evolution machine.  The human race will finally be truly free and great ideas will destroy hate.  I don't even think the human emotion hate needs to exist at all.  Hey, you get the most change by expecting the very best, right? 

    Now about shortening my stuff.  Didn't you change your tune once you read over my stuff again.  The secret to it is not making it as short as possible.  It's making it as intereseting as possible so people will read it all.  Leaving out any details out of my stuff would just lessen its great effect. 

    Oh well old man.  Good to see we are being civil once more.  If you can't help me out, I'll just take off the California anyway and hope not to run into cops.  Even though I don't think they would extradite me all the way from Texas for a little misdemeanor.  Either way, any litigation would only mean publicity for my ideas, so I'll win either way. 


- Victor 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Hello Frank  


Date :    

Sat, 31 May 2003 22:47:09 +0000  



Hello Victor.   Yes you are right you are twentyfive years of age physically( born february 2 1978).  Part of my current ailments affects my mind, however, still manage to make a living and support my family. 

There is nothing wrong with your good intentions to bring World Peace.   You are very bright in many respects, very detail oriented.  Have a gift for expressing chronological events, like your daily wonderings etc.   You would make an incredibly successful novelist.  Your basic problem is that you distort reality causing other people to believe your many lies.    The first is that I abandoned you.  I never asked your mother for a separation.  It was her idea.   Second I made two expensive trips to fetch you all but your mother would not agree to a reconciliation.   My mistake was reasoning that little children where best in the company of mama and hence I did not fight for your custody.   It would have cost a fortune and still U.S. law would have intervened in your mother's behalf as she had legal custody.  If you do not  believe me I will check to see if I still have my U.S. expired pass ports.  In it are the entries to the U.S. that coincided with my two trips to San Antonio.   After exhausting my revenues in trying to bring you all to Panama, my failure in the attempt was part of what precipitated my nervous collapse causing me to seek a more tranquil way of life and in so doing for about 15 years my income was no more than 200 dollars a month average(selling ornamental plants on street corners weekends and being in the mountains learning about herbs week days.)   The other mistake was in believing that you three would take advantage of the many opportunities the American Way of Life offers.   I believed that for you three the U.S. would be better than Panama. 

In many ways I do not blame you for not seeking and holding employment in San Antonio.   For two years there I neither could find a stable job, the vast mayority where reserved for locals.   San Antonio was just not my nitch and you behave there somewhat like I did.  Had personal computers existed back then God who knows maybe I would have found a job in a search mode.  After arriving in Panama I did hold a stable job until I feel sick.   Had your mother accompanied me to Panama as a good woman should follow her man in good times and bad times, her moral support and assistance as a wife would have made the difference of my not having to leave the job.   I installed the computerland franchise in Panama with just the general instructions from the owners.  They left for the states to take the franchise courses while I set up the store and interviewed about 120 potential employees.   All those I recommended where hired even my own replacement when I voluntarily left the company a year later.   I still have among my belongins the letter of recommendation received from Mr. Howard Wenzel.     The thing that broke the communication with your mother was a bank error by sending the two hundred dollars to an unknown destination.   The fact that your mother did not believe that I did  send the money caused me to blow up on the bank manager who proceeded to close my account and the 200 dollars where lost for good.    Leaving the cities for the mountains in search of health was the correct thing to regain 90% of my health after a nervous collapse but the income was initially zero.   I wore myself out trying to reconciliate with your mom as each trip there cost several thousand dollars.   These are facts Victor that I can prove.   While I was in the mountains your mother's letters went to Chorrera and where returned.  She changed addresses and I knew not where to contact you all.  Things went that way until your second accident and my cousin Mario informed me of Ada´s phone number which brought Laura's interest in communicating with me, then I received your email.   You sent it to me.    These sequence of events are provable.  They have little to do with our current disagreements. However, you have distorted truth and that is provable.    That does not mean that you are not capable of honest behavior.  Its simply that you want to believe your own lies.  Its simply convenient for you.    You avoid the difficult questions I ask you, you refer me to a mountain of your correspondence.  And you believe that the whole World is truly interested in episodes of our mismanagement of our own lives.  That is a self delusion.  The World in general does not really give a shit about you and me.   Face it, that is a reality.  If you die tomorrow some people will say yea he was a nice guy.   Victor, your ideas are not knew.   You do have a right to express them but are they going to solve your economic problems and life problems?    As you rely on your mother and hand outs it proves that your ideas have very little current value.  That's not to say that they are not ideally good.  That may well be the case but it does little for you.   You maybe famous because of your ideas.  You are living walking propaganda which can make you famous.  Maybe when someone writes a book about your mission and makes his million he might spend a few bucks to say some nice things on your grave. 

Your grandmother Diana was very very famous in this country and widely known in the united states.  She was a founding member of the American Penn Woman Club.  When she died it was knews all over the states and she was in the papers and tv in Panama for several weeks.  In her life Diana Chiari was among the most honored and awared citizens of Panama.   She created an industry in La Arena De Chitre worth millions in sales today when she only earned 34 dollars a month, she introduced the potters wheel there.  The current arts and crafts school there carries her name.  Yet after she died, I was broke, could not pay for fixing up the traditional way her grave.  A number of years went by, 5, and I went back and spent 375 dollars to fix up her grave.  What I found was a rotten wooden cross over where her bones lay.   None of the people she benefited cared enough to fix her grave the traditional way, some with her teachings where making over 20,000 a year and in Panama that is money. 

When I came back from the mountains your grandmother's house had been vandalized, even the toilet was removed.  Luckily before going back to the mountains I took all her valuable life papers.  These have followed me for 16 differrent physical changes of address.  I am writing the book on my mother's life.   No one else that she benefited cares enough to do so.  And she was great, and she was truthful, and she was pure love, a true giver, even upon those takers the World is full of, all ways looking for a con game to get things free.   She was real, not an actor! 

With regards to my current family.  Why do you speak evil of people you do not even know? How do you expect me to put you in contact with my current wife if you do not give a "shit" about them?  Like my own father who failed in his first marriage but succeeded in his second, I follow in HIS footsteps, your desires for my failure are part of the fiction generated in your mind.  This is the happiest I have been since I left your mother.  I pray to God that you also will find the woman that will help make you a success.  She is out there somewhere.   Seek and ye shall find. 

Frankly I am surprised our dialogue has lasted this long.   I have not been sending you hard balls merely to insault you.   Simply believe that its my duty as your progenitor to enlighten you in some ignorant spots in your thinking.   You may not like what I say but it goes into your subconcious mind(it has not budged your concious mind) and some day may make sense to you even if you deny me today.  Believe me Victor as TIME goes on you will learn that in the vast mayority of things I have stated I was right! 

Not to do so would add to your ignorance.    Your problem will be like the hunter that was after the prize ram.   He hunted him for decades until he killed it.  Then he felt the sorrow, the loneliness of not having his enemy arround.   And so like the mentioned hunter your VICTORY will be "empty."   True Victories, even if unsung, come only with solid personal character foundations.  Until you overcome yourself you cannot overcome the World.   Victory over the World is granted from above not below!!! 

Old man of the mountain. 

From :    



To :  


Subject :    

Re: Peace be with you TOO!  


Date :    

Thu, 05 Jun 2003 04:23:36 +0000  




Hello Victor, just received your may 25 email.  Sorry I did not read it  sooner.  The last two weeks have been real hellish.  My wife and I had to travel 12 hours to fetch her dying mother and revive her.  She was very week and dying from mal nutrition.  The daughter taking care of her wanted her to die so she could keep the house-   Mrs Zenaida could not even raise her right arm, had fever and kidney pain.  I frown on using antibiotics but was forced to for three days(get them without prescription in Panama). 

Luckily we managed to bring her to the house we reside  in.   With fresh vegetable juices and other good food she is gaining strenth-  However, every member in the family except her thank God has come down with diarria.   We picked it up in the poverty stricken neiborhood where she lived.  My little son, Jr., was the first to come down with it from playing in yards where open sewage moves through ditches. 

I have had a hell of a time trying to get the internet service in the house.  First problems with the computer store manager.  The deal was to install the unit with internet working.  The machine was to slow and would not process many addresses.   Now finally its working and this is my first letter to you from the home unit. 

With regards to money, its very scarce now.  The investments have been  made to upgrade my local business activity.  It will take two or three months for income to double and triple.   I did not even buy the land I promised my wife.  She is somewhat upset about that.  The only thing she can say is that she is living better now than she did last month when she had to wash all clothing by had.  Even fixed the old refrigerator.  The diesel truck I bought is in the shop with a major engine over haul.  Nevertheless fifty dollars is within my reach in about four days when I go on the business route, but it will cost me 22.50, half that much to get it to you via western union. 

Son, being good is not basic human nature!   You think so because you are surrounded by a society that has been taught Cristian values for several generations, its part of the American Way.  Primitive societies are extentions of immature human behavior-  Most children by nature prefer to take than to give.  You have claimed to be one of those who like to take, that you are a taker by nature.  That is only profitable in a society where Cristians enjoy giving.  In this part of the world about 90% of people are takers, even the rich bastards.   If you take time to travel from the U.S. to say Chile you will experience what is commenly called "culture shock."   Throughout latin american the common inheritance is that of the spaniard conquistadors not the cristian protestant movement that filled the U.S. in pioneer days.   I am basically a giver so much so what little I have I have given to the point that I had to learn to be capitalistic to be able to work hard now to provide some inheritance for my children. 

I  am using my own small inheritance as capital so we can all have more in the future.  You at least have your mother now but the time may come when you no longer have her-  Possibly then I shall be strong enough to be of some help but also if you are of some help to this old man of the mountain who is growing old and feble.   As you are grown now I cannot give to you as one gives a child.  That would only spoil you-  I must reward you for being a responsable man so please stay out of trouble.  Money comes so hard now days that it should not be wasted on people who do not take care of themselves. 

Learning to take care of yourself(staying out of trouble with the law and fellow citizens should be for you a priority.) 

With regards to my business plans I am quite certain, if my health holds out, that I will become in the next five years a millionair.  I have the product and the business experience and internet to make it. 

Arthritis is an overwhelming problem World wide.  Had you come to Panama 4 months ago you would have accellerated my entry into internet and we would not be having the financial problems we have today.  Now I have to do it the hard way without the benefit of your advice.  I am sure you enjoy that but it hurts us both for time is not what we really have much of.   Had to invest 1250 dollars to be able to obtain a VISA card to be able to buy via internet.  One of the small businessess I inted to establish now is marketing home alarm systems.  There is a huge market for small cheap alarms in all latin america where stealing is prevalent.   I want to leave a mother company operating before going to the states to continue my postgraduates business studies, Phd in Business Administration.  Funny thing, when I was 19 years old ad i n the Army, I took a STRONG INTEREST TEST.  Eventual acheivement level was PHD in Business Administration.   I know formal education does not mean to much to you so these are just comments. 

These are going to continue to be very difficult days for me but I will see what I can do for you.  Please begin to learn from your life experiences. 

With regards to your similarities to Jesus.  Jesus was a giver not a taker at heart.   We cannot change the fact that we are in a business World so if you really want to be generous learn to give the World something for its money then channel the millions into giving jobs and hence life to fellow human beings.      Peace with you also,  Franklin. 

>From: "FRANK GRUBER" <>


>Subject: Re: Hello Frank

>Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 18:18:41 +0000


>Victor this will be my last email to you.   I had tried to give you 

>the benefit of the doubt but I can see plainly that any further 

>communication with you is a waste of time. Don't waste your time 

>thinking about your bad old man.  Try to do something for yourself 

>in life.   Franklin

Re: Hello Frank

Good, you got the hint retard.  

- your owner

P.S.  Ignorance is not bliss.  Ignorance is DEATH.

 From :  FRANK GRUBER <> 

Sent :  Monday, June 9, 2003 11:19 PM 

To : 

Subject :  Re: Hello Frank 


  |  |  | Inbox  



Just reread your  may 24th letter.  Its very nice.   Sorry I cannot bail you out of your economic problem at this time.  No point in hating each other over money, that emotion as you say should be eliminated from mankind.  As you can see trying to survive without money is HELL.  I want to leave you a worthy inheritance, but it is not going to be any time soon,  maybe in about 5 years.  How did it go on your door to door job solicitation, any luck? 

 From :  FRANK GRUBER <> 

Sent :  Saturday, July 5, 2003 7:50 PM 

To : 

Subject :  Re: Hello Frank 


  |  |  | Inbox  



How you doing now days, Victor?   Admittely the last letters I sent you where negative in nature.  At first I tried empathizing with you and your ideas hoping to build an affinity which would enable me to help you  break away from the "counter culture."   That failed, so I tried psychological " shock therapy" to see if you would want to " prove me wrong. "   That also backfired.   So what's left, just send you money?   You are very emotional by nature and use very foul language,  how do  you expect financial help from me when you come at me " with a stick." 

I have been thinking over many of your ideas.   Ideally they are O.K. but you have not taken the time to explain the details to me in your letters as to how the World can function, for example without money!    The only historical replacement for money is land.  With land people can harvest foods and make clothing from cotton, etc.  The Inca Impire in Southamerica was successful using food and land as money.   Did the inca rulers have any other secrets useful to you today?   There exists a book entitled "SECRET OF THE ANDES."   Its very hard to come by, its a paperback,  read it about 20 yearsago.  Don't even remember the publisher.   As I continue my experience with internet I realize you are correct about schooling.   There are master degree programs from major U.S. Universities right on line.   Take care.   Best personal regards......Old Man of the Mountain. 

From :  FRANK GRUBER <> 

Sent :  Saturday, July 5, 2003 7:58 PM 

To : 

Subject :  Re:Money for knowledge 


  |  |  | Inbox  



O.K. how about a cultural exchange?   There are some things I need to solve in internet and I am paying two local experts to give me advice when I could be paying you.   They charge between 3 and 5 dollars an hour.   Send me a reasonable quote for informing me what is the most economical way of mass marketing a web page?  If this exchange works the first time, well, I will do a lot of consulting experts such as you in the future-  Let me know! 

From :  FRANK GRUBER <> 

Sent :  Monday, July 14, 2003 12:22 AM 

To : 

Subject :  Re: Hello Frank 


  |  |  | Inbox  



Hi Victor!   Well, I did say that that letter would be my last.   However, its hard to forget a long lost son.  I wish things were not the way they are.    Its your choice to contact me or not but I will let you in on how things are going with me.  Well, first of all, having the computer has been more expense than its worth in my life.   I installed my web page in  internet:  /, but my marketing of it has been lousy, only 47 visitors in three weeks.  No one has contacted me to ask questions.   Some of the local  hackers have ripped me off pretending to market my page.  I have found that it takes time, a lot of time to get knowledgeable with computers.   The only thing I found worthwhile was the search function, yes an education but that I could get off rental computers, so the 750 I spend on this computer system is of little use to me.  I will be selling this system at a loss.   Had I put that money in publicity in the paper I would have gained several thousand dollars.   Too bad we where not able to collaborate on business matters.   Your assistance would have made you a lot of money as each anti arthritis 4 ounce bottle costs 14.95,  10 of which belongs to me.   Had I been able to sell 100 bottles a day income would have been 1000 dollars per day of which 200 would have been yours,  a total of  6,000 monthly for your own living and endeavors.  With my product one or two hours daily of your time could make you that sum of money, think it over Victor, I am serious, not joking or trying to con you.  You wanted money from me here is your opportunity to use your smarts to obtain it.   Just use your fingers and knowledge of internet to find the FREE ways of marketing my site.   It will expire  in about 27 days.  Thats how much time you have to do something that will help yourself with little effort.   Frankly, if you decide not to, I will understand.    My rent is paid up until october and selling on the street I husle about 30 dollars a day, enough to survive on in Panama. 

Recently I had made a cooking pot, custom made, that will cook me 40 gallons of medicine, concentrate at a time.   In just three days I can manufacture 50,000 dollars of the anti arthritis oil, more than probably your own capacity to market?????   Currently,  El Boticario pharmacy in Panama an outlet of 6 stores is my principal national and international outlet.   My average income now from them is about 500 dollars a month, anything above that amount monthly you will earn 20 percent.  I will fax you a copy of their monthly check so you can verify that you are getting your 20 percent.  What you do with your money, smoke pot, etc, is your business.    Not that I want you to do that but your an adult and you are the one who has to live with yourself, your life is basically in your own hands.  Think the deal over....let me know if it interests you. 

Regardless of what happens I will be going into "Forced retirement" by next january.  I have been out of the mountains for five years while I set up my sales route.   It now provides me enough to survive on and say "goodby" to " modern"  Civilization.     I will continue to live from nature not be a parasite of fellow humans which is so prevalent now days.    If I cannot do any "good" for the present generation its best for me to step aside, the only thing I have to offer is my medicine based on nature.  While I sleep the herbs and trees I use in my medicine grow for me(and can for you).   While I am in retirement 40 or 50 small stores and pharmacies are selling my medicine.   I will not have to depend on social security or welfare or hand outs from neighbors, nor children for my financial support.   I am among the very few in this country who cultivated the art of survival on even ONE dollar a day.  Frankly I do not even need that as I can trade medicine for food.   In the mountains of Panama, in nomans land I can obtain half an hectaria for as little as 50 dollars.   Odds are in favor of a general human collapse, economically speaking, in the next ten years.  Earthquakes, famines, pestilance will no longer be the exception.  War will be everywhere.  People will be eating each other.  Victor, then your old man of the mountain will be in his hammock swinging in a tree watching from afar, getting the news, from his laptop computer.   Anyone looking for me will be like finding a needle in a haystack.   The World will need my knowledge of herbs to fight pestilance but the opportunity will be gone!!!!!!!!!! 

Yesterday 7 communities of Panama where underwater, in China 3 million families where affected by floods.  " THE EARTH STRIKES BACK."   Its just only beginning.    When it begins to touch you it would be nice to have earned a little money to find a place to be a survivor.   Try and put the hate to oneside it initself can harm you most.    We are too much alike to live with each other.  We both easily get too emotionally charged.    But it does not mean we have to ignore each other.  We can help each other even if living in Worlds apart.   Yes, I can appreciate the forgiveness of a son.   The nature of love is forgiveness.   I want the best of good things for you even if you hate my guts.   I would like to prosper you in some way before i die but it cannot come as an imposition by you.   It will happen when it can happen.   Do your part.    If I receive no reply from you in the next 10 days I will allow my several email accounts to expire.  Again I will severage myself from the past and look only forward even if I go as slow as a turtle.   The legend of the old man of the mountain will continue to be heard.   As he walks slowly through the jungle his footsteeps will thunder in the cities.   Swarms of terrible insects will come down up those who dared make Panama  their colony.   Malaria and yellow fever will consume the invaders.   Once upon a time Panama was a garden of eden, extraterrestials will protect their mining interests here.    So this knowledge belongs to me and the mountains of Panama.  It shall survive as modern civilization collapses.    I wish mankind no harm, all harm comes from himself.   Son, it i s time to retire to a peaceful place.   Find peace and be happy! 

From :  FRANK GRUBER <> 

Sent :  Wednesday, July 23, 2003 11:48 AM 

To : 

Subject :  Re: Hello Frank 


  |  |  | Inbox  



Victor, whats new?  How are your plans to liberate the World doing?  Money makes people run on the fast lane of life like a jet over a valley.  No one can appreciate the beauty of life if one is traveling too fast.   Here recently I tried coming back into the rat race to please my current family, women regardless of where they come from do not like to live in mud huts as I prefer , betterwith brick walls and clay tile roofs near the edge of a mountain river or creek with fishing a possibility.  Have you changed any?  Will you be some day basically honest? Or  are you still bent on outsmarting everyone else to get to the top?  How is your vocabulary doing, still need to wash your mouth!  Your disrespectful language is the reason I cut communication with you.     How's the " hei hei" alternate personality behaving?    Are you going to remain a mere "opportunist" the rest of your life?  Do you know the difference between opportunists and those with moral values?????????????????????? 

Those who have and radiate the LOVE OF GOD are  truely human and tend to have stable characters.  Those who do not cultivate the love of God and are empty thereof are just intelligent opportunistic animals.  We are all free to chose what we want to be. 

I do not mind you insulting me in intelligent ways.   Its the foul language which communicates your I.Q. level, or at least, makes one think that its not very high.   I know that you can be better than you are.    Puerto Rican people are highly emotional and the german highly intellectual and emotional, some explosive combination of culture and genes you inherited.   Its only by disciplining the negative side of both cultures that you can succeed in life.   In spite of all the exchange of insults we have shared,  I believe you will make a valuable contribution to humanity, you are perserverant,  thats the key ingredient.   Opportunistic people sometimes do good things in the end, not so much that the end result is what they wanted but that their determination is used by smarter people to get their ways. 

A negative wing attracts a positive one and a positive one attracts a negative one making their contribution while cancelling each other out energeticaly speaking leaving the end result as they both nose dive.   Such is the success of most opportunistic people.    Opportunistic people are basically dishonest,  their character presented publically changes with the circumstances, they have difficulty being and finding themselves.   Its easier to accept the law of the World, big fish eat small one, and participate in that law until your eaten.   People of principle do not have to compete, simply steep to the side and conform with the little their God allows them.   In their humility, in time, whatever they need appears, with effort of course, but its placed in their path.   WHO WROTE THE PATH OF THE MASTERS?    Who was the soul that spoke through Edgar Cayce in his trances?  Whoever it was, he "is" more powerful than we may ever be  as he had the secret before computers of TRANSENDING TIME AND SPACE!     He was a master of the PATH OF THE MASTERS.   It will not surprise me if some day scientists through computers can speak to the " dead."    All that is needed is the electronic magnetic interface.........     When I retire to the mountains some day I will visit you!  You will see and hear me as you awake from your sleep.   In time you too will get to know the PATH OF THE MASTERS, BE IT IN THIS LIFE OR THE SUBSEQUENT.   Within 7 generations you will be initiated. 

HEY Vic.   I sort of miss your insults.    Having them is better than nothing, lets get back in touch.  Life is long and who knows the day we can really help each other.  Frankly you need me more than I need you.   But I can't rule out the possibility that you may make a worthy contribution to my life.  After all, I acknowledge, that I do not know everything, although. of course I would like to, and who doesn't.  So come on write me if only to tell me to shut up. 

Business wise things are looking better.  Recently improved the publicity of the anti arthritis oil.   Now in just 20 minutes of talking to american tourist after their reading the publicity, bingo I have sales, about 20 bucks in an hour.   What I have to do know is find a place where there are a lot of american and european tourist.    In other words, I am now to the point that I can pack my bags, take some medicine and travel the World over.  All I have to do is make the concentrate of the oil, dilute it in cooking oil as I travel.   My sales pitch is: " it costs 14.95 at the local pharmacy with me directly you can obtain it for 10 dollars.   The literature sells them on buying the product, my offer simply closes the deal.   So what I make in the pharmacies I can put in the bank and what I make on the street is for living expenses.   Sincerely, its too bad, there is not enough goodwill among us to share my secrets with you  AT THIS TIME.   Possibly some day you may be interested.      Maybe you can do something similar that will have people sticking their hands in their pockets just at the mere sight of you, if only enough money so you do not h ave to ask for hand outs.     By the way in internet there are beautiful collections of orchids.  Cultured people with money tend to love orchids, from them postcards can be made and sold as you travel.  There is no doubt in your mind, you are going to travel the World and you need something positive that will attract attention and make you money.   Here is another idea.  Consider working on an ocean line cruser carrying at least 4000 european and american tourist.  For at least 6 weeks you will have a captive audience for your ideas.    It will allow you to get a lot of feedback from people who generally have money!  Let me know when your lack of communication punishment of me is over, if ever.   I do not mind being your punching bag now and then if ya let me get in a few words occationally.   You see, part of my character is not to hold a grudge and to forgive.  That does not mean I won't argue or fight again, simply it my way, I can flare up with someone, maybe my own son, then later sit as nothing happened and drink tee with him.   Thats part of the American Way.  Latins are differrent, the slightest problem and they do not speak to you for life. 

O.K., take care,  do not take life or yourself too seriously, try to enjoy life as well.     In cosmic time, man in general, is not worth shit if his actions are taken into account.  Of the sea of consciousness we are but mere little drops that flew into the air as that ocean hits the " rock" of " reality. "  We really do not know who we are, where we came from or where we are going.   Only the masters of the path of the masters know.     They can point the way and lead us through the differrent sun worlds but the very vast mayority do not have the vibration level to go through even the first sun.   Life is light! 

Souls are special kinds of atoms that acquire energy and expand or lose it and are captured by quartz cristals(sand).   They become powerless ginees in the bottle suffering until the gardeners of space liberate them and replant them, if they are lucky.   In this World we are in a fish bowel full of piranas.  The masters are out of this world just watching and finding the worthy few to place on the Path of The Masters(not witchcraft).   The wisest master that ever lived said " be in this World but not of this World."   To be  in this World is to remain trapped in the bottle.  Why do it with your computer when you can do it with your soul?   It would be more real and meaningful to be in India for five minutes and come back in a flash than watch India from a computer monitor connected to a satilite dish.    Do not forget the differrence between the witches of the devil and the MASTERS of GOD.  The masters are vehicles, like light bulbs, for the light of God here doing his will.   The witches are opportunists playing pranks and wishing to be as God.    They are creations.  Creations cannot exceed their creator as they are only a very small part of the Creator.   Some are allowed to think they are better and bigger than God until the gran cosmic dissolution is activated by the cosmic intelligence.   One must get out of the rat race to get in tune with the Universe.    I have my bad, foolish human side, yet  listen to my wisdom which is not my light but HIS.    God Bless You and Keep you.    PEACE! 

From :  FRANK GRUBER <> 

Sent :  Sunday, August 10, 2003 5:11 PM 

To : 

Subject :  Re: Hello Frank 


  |  |  | Inbox  



How are you doing,  wish you the best in spite of our differences!   We are alike in some respects, our characters are somewhat variable.   As  you may  have guessed the world of computers has not done much for me.  I learned the hard way that having a web page and little financial resources to promote it is useless.  Received only 50 visits in six weeks to my web page, consequently am discontinuing it.  Also cancelled my credit card, there are a lot of things about holding one that I was not informed, like the 20 dollar late payment fee, 15 dollar fee to take cash out of an automatic teller, the 2 percent fraud insurance that is disconted.   Unless I would be traveling internationally its not worth it.  I discovered on the otherhand that sending faxes to fax addresses obtained in searches is more practical although also expensive.   At a cost at least I can send my information to doctors  in the U.S. that might prerscribe my medicine.  In final analysis extending my local sales route is the best retirement option,  that I am doing.   I have several friends that are heavy into computers, they can do just about anything with the internet except make  substancial sums of money for themselves.   Hope you do better than my friends.   As for me one of the things I do right is extract a living from nature.   My herbs grow wild even as I sleep.   There is a leaf called guarumo in Panama.  Just one giant leaf, about a foot in circumferance, tends to be round,just one will produce 150 dollars of cough serup.   Its scientific name is cicropia peltata.    I use it to make asma medication as well.     My kia truck is broken down, the computer is also on sale, works fine.   Have not bought a piece of land yet for my current family. The area I am now living in is very expensive.  So its sit back for about a year save and take another crack at better organizing my life  next year.   The advantage is that I have in stock now 20,000 dollars of medicine prepared for fungus and arthritis.   This time next year I may have enough money in the bank to buy some land and build a home  and a green house.   Sort of miss your sarcasm.  What's new, Best personal regards,  Franklin Victor Gruber. 

From :  FRANK GRUBER <> 

Sent :  Monday, August 11, 2003 1:04 PM 

To : 

Subject :  Re: You where right! 


  |  |  | Inbox  



Hi Victor,  you where right about one important thing!  There are a lot of good free things in internet. 

If ya have time check out:  //      There are really some good hearted people in internet that give this information free.  This is a goldmine!   Best personal regards.  Lets not forget every bad guy has his good side.  I do not hold a grudge for very long, how about YOU?   In the above address with just ten dollars you can make in artesan fashion stuff that makes ya money easily or just keep on hand as its very useful.  Example, practical ways of getting rid of roaches. 

From :  FRANK GRUBER <> 

Sent :  Wednesday, October 8, 2003 8:32 PM 

To : 

Subject :  Please have Ada contact Laura 


  |  |  | Inbox  



Victor, your sister Laura is going through very hard times.  She has developed  a bad case o goiter and has lost her job.    You and Ada should know, she is in bad shape emotionally and psychologically.   She has taken the test to join the Army and may join.  Her electricity has been cut off at her apartment and she may be going hungry.   I sent her what money I could(less than what I sent you) and I know its not enough.  Right now I do not have any more to send her or I would.    She does not want to bother her mother anymore,  apparrently prefers to go hungry.    I am quite worried, have not heard from her in 10 days.  She had broken up with Samier several weeks ago.  Apparrently he was violent with her.   Best personal regards   Franklin 



From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Fri 9/14/07 3:35 PM


Hello Vic, hows life now days. Recently been receiving some messages from

some of my enemies. They saw your BASTARD GRUBER publicity while looking

for me. They ask me for your address. I do not know what their intentions

would be for you as my son. Just thought I would let you know. Take

good care of yourself to avoid the reactions to your actions. Franklin

RE: Boomarrang effect‏

From: victor gruber (

Sent: Sat 9/15/07 7:19 AM

To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (


Life has been great for me lately. My mission and my website have been evolving beautifully. My site is spreading like

wildfire. I am taking off soon again. I'll be going to the ignorant coast this time. It's going to blow the lid off my

story. I like a challenge.

Tell me more about your "enemies." They might just be trying to scare you by making you think they would come after me,

wanting my address and all. Failure is completely based on fear. Plus, my address is fairly easily obtainable through my

website, if you know what you're doing. I'm not scared at all.

This is all happening for a reason, for everything does. It's all just part of the show. I am not scared one bit. I

am a walking peace publicity stunt. Just last month I was walking twenty miles downtown every other day. Did it like four

or five times in a row. Every car that passed me got the peace sign. I've been waving at cars for six years now everywhere

I go. In San Antonio EVERYBODY waves back. On Wednesdays I would walk downtown AND back home too. Walked forty miles in

about ten hours, taking my time. I was wearing a shirt that said FUCK BUSH. Relax, I'm a professional.

I have some new armaments as well. My mission has evolved into digital pictures. I was blessed with a new digital

camera, so there will be tons more pictures soon. You might be watching me on YouTube soon, if you know what that is.

Everywhere I go I get recognized. It's all just excellent confirmation that I have NOT been wasting my time these past six

years and am being very productive with my volunteer work that is my life. What more do I need to motivate me? I'm never

going to stop. Like I said my site is spreading like wildfire. Have you looked at it lately? It's evolved much. Be sure

and check out my guestbook and witness the great reaction I am having with your own eyes.

It was weird. I never check this address anymore. It had expired and I reactivated it like three months ago when I got

back to San Antonio. I usually use my address. This morning I luckily remembered the password to this

one and I have a message from you from yesterday. Weird, wacky stuff.

Well, let me know what's going on.

- Victor Antonio

p.s. "Love your enemies and be kind to them. Then you will receive a great reward."

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Sat 10/06/07 12:03 PM


Hello Victor, glad you are well and trying to do your best to leave the World bettor than how you found it. Everyone has a

place in the World and you found yours, hope your messages contributes to making a bettor humanity. Congratulations!

Franklin PS Yea, enemies make things more interesting but try to keep them to a minimum. There is a Christ Spirit

influence on us. Check your hands and see if a line that goes down the middle curves slightly to the right on your left

hand. If its there its a hereditary sign of NATURAL MEDIUM. It does not mean that everything that comes to your mind is

inspired but straining it out you will find the inspired thoughts that come in bursts especially when the vibration of your

soul is at a higher frequency. In my next lettor to you after I go home will give you the page and German author of the

text on Scientific handwriting, a Kier Editorial text. The lines only indicate tendencies that are projected into the

future. They can change in about 5 years depending on your physical, mental and spiritual health. The lines vary from

person to person and are the reaction to AURIC ENERGY EMANATING. From that editorial you will find the texts with

information filtered in from extraterrestial sources, the series, about 1,500 books is mostly scientific.

I wont be on Yahoo for long. Look for me elsewhere if you want to follow my steps. Obviously this forum is not interested

in natural products or the ultimate fate of humanity. They are mostly interested in the details of softlanding in Panama.

If they only new that potentially I can be one of their best allies as my 26 years of experience here goes beyond first

impressions onto the real facts of life. For example, he who obtains now 6 hectarias in Panama will in 5 years be the

holder of 1.6 million dollars at 20 dollars a square metor. But those opportunities are drying up. I know where to get the

good cheap titled land, thousands of hectarias, however in less than two years these opportunities will vanish. In 5 years

land in Panama will probably be as expensive as downtown Manhattan, of course this is an exageration but illustrates the


Finally received the assistance from two computor geniuses, one german and the other north american, so as yourself will be

all over the web bringing my messages. The main point is that with global warming germs are mutating at an accellerated

rate. It takes the pharmaceutical industry 10 years to come up with the average product. By the time they catch up with the

mutations we will all be dead. We need to get back to nature especially medicinal plants that are semi toxic, these in

formulas have a shot gun effect on germs that do not allow them to mutate, the dosages need to be carefully calibrated.

There are hundreds of plants that in common sense experience of thousands of years have given the dosage that kills germs but

does not kill people. As a whole these plants have INSECTICIDAL PROPERTIES. One such humble plant is MENT, it kills

intestinal parasites and is safe with children, another example is garlic, but there are hundreds. Science as a whole

classifies plants into TOXIC and NON TOXIC for instruction purposes but the gold mine in rapidly making an arsenal for the

coming epidemics is in the SEMITOXIC PLANTS.

As always Victor, wishing YOU the BEST! I do not know if in any way our God given missions are complementary yet if I can

assist you, " estoy a tus ordenes. " You obviously are doing already a good job. Franklin Gruber PS What do you think

about God Being Sued in US Courts?

From: victor gruber (

Sent: Sat 10/13/07 11:05 AM

To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Hi Franklin,

Right now I am in a public library in Rochester, Minnesota. It's cold. I couldn't find a line as you described on my

left hand. As far as god being sued. "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world

are to be cured by legistlation." There's no government like no government. We can govern ourselves. We can heal ourselves

too. We need to stop acting like humanity is on top of creation and give control and care of our lives back to LOVE.

Have you ever read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn? It's such a masterpiece. Diana bought if for me before I left this year on

September 18. It's been my traveling book. I have read if three times now and cannot wait to read it again. If you have

never read it, I highy recommend it. The entire world needs to read it. It's fiction, a novel, but it might as well be

non-fiction. It pinpoints so many things. It's screams volumes of truth.

Well, I hope everything is going good for you. After I finish my East Coast trip I just might be going South. We'll

see what happens.

Peace and Love,

- Victor Antonio

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Sat 10/13/07 3:44 PM


Yes, governments cannot govern via legislation for the implementation is by

humans riddled with defects, no one now days is in a position to judge

others. LOVE is the life impulse which makes life worth living. When its

absent human relations are mere opportunism.

How do we put LOVE back into the World, VICTOR..... Get back with you in

a few days, they are closing the library here. Best to you also, Franklin

RE: Traveling South???

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Sun 10/14/07 4:52 PM


Hello Victor, its been raining hard every afternoon here for about two hours and although its Sunday the business with the

Tourists has been slow. So called it a day early and am in the breadstore where there are two computors and have more time

to write you.

First of all, let me recognize the fact that you are doing something UNIQUE. Finding what is unique about oneself is the

beginning of developing the genius in all of us. You did in your environment what I have done in mine, stepped back from

the money hungry World and found your peace. You have been able to make a living without enslaving yourself to some one

elses capitalistic will. With the herbs which are free in health giving mountains, I too liberated my mind and soul from

Modern Civilization. You might say this is almost a programmed genetic thing with us new generation Grubers. I say this

because your two youngest brothers also have wills of steel and are Super Intelligent and Super INDEPENDANT. Quick wit and

initiative they demostrate daily.

Marisol, my wife,in her first marriage, had three relatively passive Children, at least in early childhood. Your brothers in

spite of the almost military discipline they force me to apply which I would rather not since I also give them much time and

love, almost always do what they want even if they are only 4 and 6. Example, yesterday, asked Patrick to go into the house

while I spoke to a client on the porch, three times found him under the desk next to me while speaking to my client.

Yesterday while speaking to a client just for kicks HE TRIED TO RIP MY SHORTS DOWN AND EXPOSE MY BALLS. LUCKILY CAUGHT MY

PANCE IN TIME! Even if they are driving their mother MAD for me they are a lot of fun. It took Frank jr. a long time to

get out of the habit of hitting me when he was angry and annoyed. Patrick automatically punches me and his mother about 10

times a second, like Casius Clay when he gets upset. No point in spanking him then, he does it automatically, blindly, like

a natural reflex. Patrick at age 4 asked me Dad, " why is the moon round?" Why when you walk the dirt is thrown backwards!

" So he investigates Newtons third law of motion at age 4, incredible! They are both gladiators by nature, Frank jr. begs me

to buy him a SWORD.

Why are they this way??? Well, the TV feeds them Violence in the comic strips, Karate, bombs in the Coyote chasing the

roadrunner etc. If I turn it off they raise hell and have little to do, and where we are at there is no direct tv. Yet, I

saw all that crap myself as a KID and was no where near the hell on wheels these two kids are. Well not then, I was hell on

wheels at age 16. On a daily basis they outright dictate to me what toys I HAVE TO BUY FOR THEM.

Now, I acknowledge that in old age, I am rather volatile in charactor, but so are you and I have not seen you for eons, what

makes us this it the GERMAN IN US. So we must each seek those environments and circumstances that give us the

peace we require to develop best our genius. You have created something Unique, a life style that works in the Heart of

Capitalism without being Capitalistic, Fantastic, I appreciate it now bettor as I myself become more and more repugnant with

a heartless system where OPPORTUNISM is the main personality ingredient. I believe in Capitalism with a head, with a

purpose that includes HUMANITARIANISM. I acknowledge the need for money but not so much as an end in itself, it should not

become as a GOD for then we lose our direction and our soul. " What does a man gaineth if he gains the whole wolrd and losses

his soul"

OK so this gives you a feel as to my thinking now days, we all are evolving or moving backwards, life is dynamic.

About the possibility of you coming South? Does, that mean Panama? Does that mean visit me? If you do come in Peace and

can HOLD IT WHILE YOU ARE HERE, you are welcome! But if you bring resentments to EXPLODE IN MY FACE you will be treated

EXACTLY THE WAY YOU TREAT ME THREEFOLD! It is entirely YOUR DESICION how you want me to treat YOU. I would prefer to

treat you WELL, like the long lost Son who visits or comes back to me.

Our situation at the house is some times hectic. Two Dennis the Mennis running arround all day making their mom and me

tense. Currently since my truck broke down and have not been able to bring my furniture from Los Santos province, there is

only one bed in the house where we rent. I am working on resolving this although money has gone mostly into activating the

business and projecting it via internet. My stepson, Ariel, has a room he rents with a modern bathroom for 40 dollars, its

a rare deal in an area where the average house for rent is 500 dollars due to the influx of Americans and Europeans retiring

here driving prices up while they wait for their homes to be constructed. That room he has is mostly now not used since he

is spending time with us helping his mom and brothers, he dropped out of school, he has so far not demonstrated much gray

mattor for all practical reasons but seems to have a natural talent for electronics, he fixes most appliances almost by just

looking at them! The room may be available to you to stay but he has to check with his girl friend who works and pays his

rent! However, she comes to experience him only about every 15 days on weekends. So I have no problem you staying with us

if you do not smoke any pot in the presence of your small brothers and we manage to get along. That does not mean we have to

agree on everthing. I respect that you have a mind of your own, so long as you are not antagonistic you wont bring out in me

my worst instincts. Like you, I do a lot of walking and climbing and am in vary good physical condition in spite of a few

tumors that I have under control and are small, on my arm and vains of my feet. I got these after drinking contaminated city

water coming from a countryside full of agent orange in Los Santos Province. Here in the mountains, a national reserve of

forest surrounds us and the water is pure as it can get from nature.

Even if you do not stay long, I think it would be valuable and beneficial for us to meet. Once we meet we play it by ear and

see where we go from there. That is if you have plans coming this way. There is much that I can teach you regarding the

art of healing with herbs, if you have interest, but it will not automatically be given you. Lets see how we get along first

before I give you my secrets. In the least case, the methodology as to how I progressed to the state I have will be shared

with you, the way to achieve formulas for twenty or thirty ailments that you can garantee WORK!

Sincerely, Franklin

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Thu 10/25/07 3:44 PM


Hi Vic, hope you are able to get out of the US in time. Seek the highest

peeks with a small survival community. Franklin

From: victor gruber (

Sent: Sat 10/27/07 11:15 AM

To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Care to elaborate?

RE: Impending Catastrophes‏

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Sat 10/27/07 4:37 PM


Get ahold of the June 2007 National Geographic Magazine on the details of the Melting of the North Pole, how advanced it is.

This was before the great heat went up in the recent California forest fire which displaced more than one million people.

Todays news paper THE PANAMA AMERICAN had an article that in Peru, this far South, 300 Species of Aquatic animals are being

washed up on the coast due to the INCREASE IN COLD WATER! The speed of the ice burgs going South has increased. What

Scientists expected in the Next 100 years took place in the last 5 years.

Two years ago approximately while in the Las Tablas area had a vivid vision while sleeping. My conciousness was over THE

GRAN BUS TERMINAL OF PANAMA CITY. At a distance saw the buildings slide like on mud and topple, immediately afterwards a

huge wave greator than I could imagine in waking life, maybe twice as high as the empire state building came down on Panama

City and probably washed through the whole isthmus of Panama.

A previous vision about the year 1985. I awoke about 4 am seeing extinguish a light on the ceiling above and recalling

immediately that I had been on a high mountain plateau maybe in the Andies or possibly arround here. Down came a small UFO

craft and a platform was extended. A beautiful 10 foot high man dressed in a long white robe spoke to 12 persons gathered

there about impending disastors and that those present where to gather there flocks for an evacuation of this planet.

In 1988 while meditating on a nearby mountain traveled forth in time and saw the evacuation of the intellectual and

professional class of Panama from a mountain called Cerro Campana. Back then that mountain had no paved road, now it is

paved almost clear to the top. In the El Valle area a new project called Las Nubes which only has the model house built up

in the clouds has received a paved road so inclined that only " mad people" would venture to buy and build there. Its real

purpose is the pending evacuation.

When I was 12, in Penonome, alone in the yard I had this irie feeling of being foreign to this planet. Now as an adult I

realize that all human beings, THEIR SOULS, are of EXTRATERRETIAL ORIGIN. Souls are COSMIC ELEMENTS FROM OUTER SPACE. Even

God is an Extraterrestial as witness the LORDS PRAYER, my father who ART IN HEAVEN, your WILL be done on Earth as it is in

Heaven. Jesus stated: " MY KINGDOM IS NOT OF THIS WORLD!

What happened is that as this world became habituable THE ANGELS, GARDENERS OF OUTER SPACE, brought the first human beings in

PROCESS OF EVOLVING to this planet. They also needed mineral resources so some went under to mine and others to farm and

give food to those below. Those that went below where genetically modified to see in the dark. So in such a way 4 gardens

of eden, one for each race where established on earth, maybe there where more. The first of the Gardens was EL VALLE DE

ANTON. Below in the cave system interconnecting is the initial mine depicted its entrances in the giant petrogligh boulder

called the Piedra Pintada. Only a handful of persons have been able to decifer it.

The rest is now for the 5% approximately of the remaining humanity to decifer. They can call me crazy or say I am on some

kind of a drug, but here in Panama thousands of people can tell the World who I am. I am a concious co worker with God.

Events and time will prove this.

I am not perfect in my current state. Simply at some time in my life I asked to do Gods willing and he can manifest through

me at times like he can do with any other human being. So those who would be quick to judge me not judge so fast. Realize

we are in apocaliptic times....

In my next lettor will send you the info on Scientific Medical Diagnosis by the hand so you can tell the differrene between

a Natural Medium, such as Edgar Cayce, and those who use the drug Ayajuasca, a plant from Central and South America to astral

travel. Drug abuse can change the lines on your hands! The lines are the reactions to the flow channels of electo magnetic

energy. When you die they quickly disappear!

As always wishing you the best, Old Man of The Mountain, dad.

RE: Impending Catastrophes‏

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Mon 10/29/07 10:58 AM


Hello Victor. I see that you continue your difamation campaign of BASTARD GRUBER. Frankly it annoys me from the perspective

of the immaturity displayed on your behalf. A truely wise descendant realizes that what ever comes out comes back. When I

was initiated into the mysteries of the beyond I was informed that 7 generations back and 7 generations forward would be

benefited. You are working to cancel your own spiritual evolution. You speak of love yet still harbour hate and

resentment. Wait till you come face to face with the door of hell and you will understand what I mean here, I was there in

January of 1988. In the being reborn process you will also have to conquer it or be sucked under. Only those who have

experienced this can venture an informed opinion. Those ignorant of other dimensions are bound by their ignorance. When

are you going to stop making a fool of yourself? Your derogatory comments do me no harm only create contrast. It takes a

little bitterness to make something sweet sweetor. There are only two ways, by your thoughts, words and deeds, you can

either ascend or descend. Descending does not appear bad until you realize where you are going.

I was born with a God given mission which was activated in various phases. It will be accomplished regardless of the folly

of those who try to interfere. Some become preachers others doers of God´s will. This mission intrusted in me has

priority over family and Worldly mattors. If you knew for a fact that GOD, THE SUPREME LORD OF ALL THE UNIVERSE EXISTED, you

would cease your immature behavior and you would serve him. Sooner of later we will meet face to face, here or in the

beyond. I hope by then you KNOW that GOD EXISTS. The only way of knowing is to EXPERIENCE HIM in your life. Possibly only

2 percent of humanity KNOW that GOD exists. Search and find that EXPERIENCE and in some ways you will become as him NOT

HIM. When the small miracles begin to accumulate and you are shocked by the big ones your realization of the divinity will

humble you and lead you to his feet. If I leave now I already have accomplished my mission. I am happiest when I have the

least attachments to this World. I do not need nor cherish money. It is a temporary thing. Regardless of your insults in

my present state of mind, I wish you well. Try also to preserve the love of God in your heart and your thoughts of him

will inable you and six generations more to accomplish also their God Given Missions, helping to move forward the EVOLUCTION

OF LIFE on Earth.

About Scientific hand reading. The most authoritative text with 50 years of a scientists observations of thousands of

patients with 98 percent accuracy of diagnosing internal ailments was by the wise german, ISSBERNER HALDANE, Kier

Editorial. In this editorial literature, over 1000 books you will also learn many facts varifiable lator in your life about

the Intergalactic Government. If ever you come to Panama, these books are available in the LIBRERIA CULTURAL in Via España,

one Kilometor near the antiguo teatro Lux. Morrison stores in the El Dorado Mall also has some.

I do not know whether you will come this way but if and ever you do and you wish to locate me visit the DON PEPE HOTEL, ASK

FOR PEPE. He can bring you to me if at the time I am not deep in the Mountains. ALSO, in El Valle behind LOS CAPITANES

HOTEL, you can find THOMAS GARCIA. He is a wise campesino who does organic gardening. He has a doors open policy for

backpackers. On the way out, there is a little can for donations for those that can afford it.


RE: Impending Catastrophes

From: victor gruber (

Sent: Tue 10/30/07 2:21 PM

To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (


I'm sure I've told you this before, but words can only offend or disrespect you if YOU let them. Sticks and stones. I

do not hold any malice or hatred towards you. I never have. Guilty conscience? The only reason I still have those WORDS

Bastard Franklin, is for the mere shock-value. Not to insult you, but to elevate the interest in my site. That's the only

reason. From the looks of my website statistics, I'm doing things right. I don't have enough time to respond thoroughly. I

am in the public library in Chicago right now. Five minutes left. Gotta go.

- Victor Antonio

Impending Catastrophes

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Wed 10/31/07 12:29 PM


Conscience? Do you have one Victor??????????????????????

Shock effect, for whom, me? Or shocking your potential clientel with a lie?

The word BASTARD means that the person did not know his parents or was born out of wedlock.

I was born from two parents that where married, loved each other and myself as well.

You are not only lying to your customers but you are using DIFAMATION OF YOUR PROGINETOR as a means to accomplish that

goal......thats pretty low Victor for a person preaching LOVE !!!

For you Victor I wish a Miracle! I hope you find some legitimate ways of making a living. Being an

opportunist is like a ship without a rudder or command wheel. The Conscience is the Captain. Tells you the differrence

between right and wrong! There is a law working over which we have no control. We all reap what we sow, its the law of

Karma. One is rewarded for the good things and punished for the bad thing, independantly, they do not cancel each other out.

So I have paid dearly for my life mistakes. Every sinner has his past, every Saint his future. Working towards

Saintliness should be the objective to approximate that ideal as much as possible, then when the individual Soul is ready

THE MASTOR WILL APPEAR. Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened. NO EXISTE PEOR CIEGO QUE EL QUE NO


Still wishing you the best, FOOLISH MAN. Write me again some day when you have grown up to be a RESPONSABLE ADULT. One

who can be sure he does not have any children out of wedlock. Do you already have some??????? Or are your asking your

girl friends to abort them, killing them! Try to do it bettor Victor as the cycle usually repeats in families. Franklin

RE: Impending Catastrophes‏

From: victor gruber (

Sent: Thu 11/01/07 10:10 AM

To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (


You think you have paid for your mistakes in life? You haven't even tried with us. Like I said before, if it wasn't

for the advent of the Internet, I doubt you would have EVER made contact with "your" children. You lazy ass. Biology does

not make a parent.

I know what bastard means. I just liked the alliteration it had with your name. I'm thinking of a differnt title for

your section though. I'll try to find something a bit more offensive. You deserve it. You have to give respect to get

respect, you know. Your abondonment affords you zero respect from us. You deserve "your" children's disrespect. It amuses

me that you allow my words to offend you. Sucker. Grow up, Franklin. Sticks and stones.

My customers? I'm not selling a damn thing, Frank. I'm giving things away. Do you think Jesus saw the people he tried

to enlighten as customers? If you were around in Jesus' time would have have hoped he found a legitamate way to make a

living? Don't insult me. Money is the illigitamate way to make a living. It's the root of all evil, haven't you heard?

Jesus knew that. In the end, judge not, lest ye be judged himself. When will you ever learn? You ignorant old man of the

mountain. Thanks for reminding me how we live in a world where wrong has right of way.

Screw growing up to be an adult. Age is just a number. You can grow young too. Well, maybe not you.

There you go assuming again. I don't have a girlfriend. I have committed myself to world peace first. A companion

will be my reward. But that will have to wait until I have stopped devoting my life to world peace. Then, when I don't have

to worry about bringing peace anymore, then the girl I am with will have my total devotion.

You think YOU are my proginetor? Haha. You think being a proginetor is as easy as getting somebody pregnant? All you

do are easy things.

Please do not contact me ever again, Frank. And you can totally forget about me coming to visit you as well. If I were

to make that journey I would be doing it to learn more. It's become obvious that wouldn't happen if we were to ever meet.

Thanks once again for making my story so interesting. I cannot wait until I have the chance to update my site and add

these recent emails.

- Victor Antonio

Impending Catastrophes

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Wed 11/14/07 7:00 PM


Hi Victor, I have been meditating over your most recent offenses and disrespect. Have you ever acknowledged you are wrong on

anything???? Are you always the smart person and every body else the dumb guy!

Before the advent of internet how was I to locate you??? For your information, I did not locate you via internet. Your

mother had moved from the location I last saw her at It was my cousin Mario who called Panama to inform me that you had been

in a terrible accident. At the time of his call I knew vary little about how the web functioned. What I did was ask Mario

for your mother´s phone number and I called her to ask about you, how you where faring.

When I was working with Computerland, back in 1982, Panama as the first company employee to help organize the franchise they

sent me to Florida to their franchise school, from there on my own I went to visit your mother in San Antonio to ask her to

reconciliate with me and all of you come to Panama with me. She had stated that if I received a stable job that she might

reconsider. She had custody, I could not force her to give you or your sisters up to come with me to Panama. Thereafter I

sent the allemony agreed on until I became sick and had to try and survive myself as alive someday I could be of value to you

three. Back then, in the interior of Panama jobs paid no more than 300 dollars a month. I could not live in the city due to

my extreme allergy to car fumes. Your mother decided your destiny until we where able to again communicate. I am awaiting

the eventual sale of one of my formulas for a substancial amount. I intend to pay you and your sistors what I owe you

economically, although I know the hardship of lack of fatherly love is something that never can be repaired. However, your

assualt on my integrity out of hate and resentment is something that primarily HARMS YOU and the MISSION you claim to have of

bringing World Peace. I would like to make a substancial donation to your cause. I believe that you can make a difference,

that you can contribute substancially to World peace ONCE YOU OVER COME THE HATE IN YOUR OWN HEART. This donation could

come sooner than you think. Once I have my money in hand will buy a prepaid credit card and make you initially a small

donation to get to hear your STORY. From what I learn of your story will decide then how much inheritance you shall


Meanwhile, the odds are that you will continue to be your normal self, to not accept my apologies but to insist on your

hatred. In life there are circumstances that regardless how much we try we cannot one knows why, it could just

be karma. I do not blame you for being who you are......every one receives for unknown reasons what he deserves as we are

constantly planting and harvesting. We see often the harvesting but forget the planting when it took place. The law of

action and reaction is a just law. Injustice is just forgetting to pay our past debts. What you received from me what you

have is in your own past that neither of us remember now. However, if we do not reconciliate this time arround, these

antagonisms will continue beyond our present existence. Its in our mutual interest to work together to overcome them to

insure spiritual progress. Best Wishes, Franklin Gruber Chiari

RE: Impending Catastrophes

From: victor gruber (

Sent: Fri 11/23/07 3:05 AM

To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (


As I've told you before, hate is something I reserve for my worst enemy, which you are not. I don't think I know it

all, Frank. I never claim to. I don't know anything. That's all I know. Surprise me. Besides, anything worth knowing

cannot be taught. But I am convinced, without a doubt that the leaps I am taking are certainly in the right direction.

Anything is possible and you have to start somewhere.

I've already heard your excuses. No need to repeat them. I don't hate you Franklin. I never have. Don't flatter

yourself. I don't feel much towards you at all. Ada more than made up for your absence. Now that I have a better idea as

to what you are really like, I am grateful for your blatant ignorance.

Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but money doesn't mean much to me at all. Enough with your bribes. How long

have you been waiting to sell your formula now(which if it really worked, you should be giving away freely for the betterment

of humanity)? What? Only people with money deserve to be cured?

Not accept your apologies? Maybe you forgot, but right when we first began emailing each other I forgave you for your

absence and even invited you to share your knowledge with me. It was you that broke your promise, ASSUMING I would use the

remaining sum you promised me on marijuana. "When will you stop failing me?" I pondered.

Me thinking you're some educated natural cures healer not ignorant to cannabis' healing properties. You ended up

thinking it was a drug. You probably still do. I am not, or have I ever been a drug dealer, Frank. You should know I am

not in it for the money at all. Do you not see how I could find your assumptions offensive and worthy of my comments?

In the end I realize that us butting heads is not conducive. I would very much like to see Failure Franklin turn into

Successful Franklin on my website, but you would have to deserve it. I hope this message doesn't offend you too much. If it

does, I apologize. I just want you to know exactly where I'm coming from.

Well, it's time to get some sleep. I have a lot on my mind right now. Best wishes for you, as well.

- Victor Antonio

RE: Impending Catastrophes

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (

Sent: Fri 11/23/07 4:18 PM


Victor, thank you for your niece lettor. Of everything you said, NOTHING

WORTH LEARNING CANNOT BE TAUGHT, was the most thought provoking. Yes, this

is generally true with exceptions like getting into the drivers seat of a

jet airplane. We can do things imperically yet it is frequently the long

long route. Some people have difficulty grasping theory and translating it

into practice. Most of the people who learn from the school of hard knocks

by the time the knowledge is useful to them they have a lot of gray hair.

This is my case with the herbs and yours probably with SOCIAL ENGINEERING.

In the end, if you do not look at the theoretical alternatives, you will

pass on your job to the next generation. However, your contribution in

history will be noted. Best Regards, Frank

The Path of The Masters‏
From:Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari (
Sent:Sat 3/15/08 3:52 PM
To:victor gruber (

Victor, recently asked you the check out  a book on internet concerning the  Ngostic Church, supposedly of white magicians.  There central theme is sex without ejaculation so you absorb the vitality and wake up the snake within you, the power of kundalini, according to them the Holy Ghost.  I down loaded the text myself and am reading it.  Apparrently that mere fact is causing some poltergist phenomena in our home.  My conclusion about this text although have not fully read it is THAT IT DOES NOT COME FROM THE SUPREME LORD!  Thank you for the teachings of the bible and Guru Kirpal Singh of India at an early age.  I learned clearly there that SPIRITUALITY IS LIFE AND SEXUALITY IS DEATH.  There is a NATURAL WAY  to transmute sexual energy into spiritual energy without having to FOCUS ON SEXUAL ACTIVITY AND KEEP FROM EJACULATING.  This natural way is taught by Guru Kirpal Singh.   You may read a great deal about him in internet, he wrote more than 300 books on THE  PATH  OF  THE MASTERS.  // Kirpal  Singh.    You and six more generations will be affected by my father being an initiate of Guru Kirpal Singh, its part of the evolution of our Karma.   Read The Wheel of Life and  The Mystery of Death by Sant Kirpal Singh.
My interest in the texts by the white magians referred to above is to extract what value I may find in the medicinal plants they mention.  The use of medicinal plants is biblical, ezequiel 47.12, but they can also be abused.   Mathematically speakling the devil presents himself in this way   -- ,his negative side  and  -+, his positive side or white magic.  --  and -+  all still add up  to  the  negative sign.
Whenever in doubt about your own thoughts about truth and God, recite THE LORDS PRAYER, that given by Jesus Christ.  about 97 percent of what Kirpal Singh taught coincides with Jesus teachings.  It may be that there is a council of GREAT MASTERS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE SUPREME LORD AND THEY TAKE TURNS COMING DOWN FOR DIFFERRENT REASONS.
Best regrds in your own spiritual progress in years and eons ahead.  Franklin


From:franklin gruber (
Sent:Thu 3/20/08 6:16 PM;;


Available  Now  in   Stores  in   El Valle  de  Anton,  Republic of Panama.  Ours is a community of 5,000 people living in the MOUTH  of an ¨inactive¨  VOLCANO .


Bugs  often  carry fatal diseases and  often cause terrible  ALLERGIES.  When   shopping    for   an   Optimum    Insect   Repellent   look  for   a   product   much  better  than    TOXIC  DEET !     BUY   NATURE´S   INSECT   REPELLENT.  It  repels bugs like nothing else!   It  also  disinfects  recent  bug  bites to avoid disease and most important in 10 minutes will eliminate most itch, irritation  and  POISON from attacks from Insects, Scorpions, Spiders and STINGRAYS!  It is excellent against Mosquitoes, Sand flies, Bees, Wasps, Tics  and Chiggers!  Keep handy for use as first  aid  and to   ward off    VICIOUS  INSECT  ATTACKS!


There is more value in herbs than in gold!  Learn to design your own herbal products, JOIN  THE  HERBAL  REVOLUTION! Begin by subscribing to the Gruberian Herbal News letter, access it through  //   Through his Herbal News letter Mr. Franklin Gruber Chiari will share his knowledge and experience of FREE  LANCE  Bio Prospecting.  Also  you  will  learn  much  about Panamanian Jungle Folklore.  There  are  incredible  tales of giants and wise men in Panamanian forests!   He will ¨relive¨ with you his 25 years of adventure in Panama´s rain forests.  Through his letter Franklin using simple mathematics will demonstrate that in fact there is more value in herbs than in gold!  He will direct you to the gold mine, the plant categories where the values are to be found! Herbal infusions in a matter of minutes can save lives like in the case of stopping chronic diarrhea or lowering high fevers.  Also, in selling product designs and manufacturing natural products there  are fortunes to be made in this field.  The herbal revolution is necessary since global warming can cause fatal germ mutations which in as little as  six months can kill millions of people.  On average it takes the pharmaceutical industry ten years to come up with a new product, too late for what´s ahead!  If we cannot stop global warming we must return to NATURE for many effective health solutions.  The cultivation of medicinal plants and exporting  NATURAL  PRODUCTS  is the industry of the future!   And it will also save  MILLIONS  OF  LIVES!   A  prime example is China.  By now exporting Genseng Root Products, for added energy and improvement in heart function and circulation, China has likely sold more than  500  million dollars in the last 20 years.  Other parts of the World, especially South America, strong in antibiotic and anti cancer herbs, with wise investment can also make fortunes in the next 20 years.  One pound of some of the most valuable herbs are worth in finish product more than 1,000 dollars!   I am not joking, its TRUE!


For the use you make of  NATURE´S   INSECT  REPELLENT  Mr. Gruber Guarantees Your Satisfaction or Your Money is Returned! The medicinal plants that went into making this product also have many other valuable dermatological uses. They are prepared in a SOYBEAN OIL BASE. You shall discover the other useful applications  as you gain experience with it.  Production authorization No. TIA 6 086  by  The  Ministry of Commerce of Panama.   Thank  You  For  Your  Purchase!  Direct  questions, claims or praises to

Satisfied customers are invited to become International  Distributors.

               Please Forward  to  your friends  that are  HERB  LOVERS!


Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>‏
From:franklin gruber (
Sent:Mon 3/24/08 6:14 PM

Victor, received this from Wally Crawford jr. a childhood acquaintance in the area of Ocala, he too is an initiate of Guru Kirpal Singh.  Info in it say that global warming is cosmic not just local, cites whats happening, the recent changes in the rest of the solar system, in about the year 2010, the ascencion this whole area of the Universe will go through, like into another dimension, please check it out and give me your feedback as I respect your opinions and views!  Franklin


Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 15:42:42 -0400
Subject: <> Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>


Sent: 3/23/2008 2:59:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: <> Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>
Start with these videos:


RE: Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>‏
From:victor gruber (
Sent:Sun 3/30/08 9:06 PM
To:franklin gruber (

     Interesting video.  I have only seen the first ten minutes, and it's already linked on my website.  There are so many paths, I am just trying to be both the candle and the mirror in the illumination-role I have been cast in.  Thanks for helping me educate the masses.  If you have the patience to sit through these, then you should watch some of the NWO Videos on my website(  Start with this one(
Peace and love,
- Victor Antonio


RE: Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>‏
From:franklin gruber (
Sent:Mon 3/31/08 4:51 PM
To:victor gruber (

Hello Victor, just went through all the videos you sent.  No doubt that a MATERIALISTIC  NEW  WORLD  ORDER is what is being tried to be imposed on the World.  The seen World comes from the unseen, the material depends on the spiritual, and to a degree vice versa.  The real problem is that MATERIALISM is being taught as a WORLD  RELIGION.  Without spiritual understanding, materialists only do what is appropriate and opportune according to their interests.  The idealists, on the other hand, mostly God Loving and fearing, are manipulated by the materialists due to their own nature, the more advanced spiritually the more apt to give and share.  The materialists are specialists at taking.  Three levels of spiritual development, what is yours is mine and what is mine is mine, then level two, if you give me I give you, that is tit for tat, and here take this, no, no I want nothing in return, just seeing your happiness is sufficient reward!  Those at the first level just love to find those at the third, but those at the third level, often naive, are becoming extinct as the whole humanity becomes more and more MATERIALISTIC.   So everything earthly, money, sex, power, control  becomes more prevelent.  There are parts in the bible which talk about this, only those who perservere WITH GODS LOVE TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED.   A person without love has no real ideal for all love, life giving love comes from the creative principle, the Supreme Lord, the consciousness of the Universe, the power that on a spiritual level is PERFECT.  Show me a true humanist, altruist, and I shall show you some one who recognizes the existence of his creator, an IDEALIST.  The marxist idealists are not true idealists. They use humanitarian idealism as a vichicle to power.  So what we have in the World is GOVERNMENT  BY  THE  MATERIALISTS, those who worship the creation instead of the creator.   Where shall some true idealists with God´s love hide to prevent the mark of the anti christ?   The macrocosm is in the micro cosm, the Universe is a body, the lower part of that body is oriented towards materialism, below the bellie button lies the intestines, above it the higher energy centers that process energy coming from the crown, right at the top of the head.  The World is being governed by the intestinal and sexual lower chakra centers.  Until true idealism and idealists run the World who have inspiration from the Universe itself we will always be mislead by the materialists of the World, call them demons if you wish.  But let us not forget that material things have their place in the body, they have their utility to us and the SOUL of the Universe but things must evolve to their proper order, the head ruling the body not the opportunistic body ruling the spiritual head.  I do not know if this makes much sense to you because to a degree its metaphoric, but this is more or less how I see it.  The law of affinity prevails in the World, but every day there are less and less God loving and fearing idealists willing to find each other and work towards a genuine better World.   Franklin


Camel Mining Products‏
From:franklin gruber (
Sent:Mon 3/31/08 5:22 PM
To:victor gruber (

By imputing Gold Panning Machines in Google, comes up the web page of Camel Mining Products.  There you access the panning machine that fits on your back, gives the video on its operations.  Gold is now over 1,000 dollars an ounce.  Together we might be able to mine a pound a day near where the Canadians established an open pit mine.  At this time I do not have the money to buy it but maybe in a few weeks.  Only 279 US Dollars.  Money may not interest you now, but its good to have this option for the future should you ever need it.  Franklin


RE: Camel Mining Products‏
From:victor gruber (
Sent:Tue 4/01/08 7:55 AM
To:franklin gruber (

     Slaving away for money is something I will never have an interest in doing.  I hate money, remember?  I see your gold idea as just another delusional get-rich-quick scheme.  Certainly not the first for you.  It will probably not be your last because none of your plans ever work, but yet you keep dreaming.  Your love for money just supports the illusion that it's more than ink and paper and it really isn't.  You are a slave to it's illusion, exactly how they want you to be.  Don't fall for it.  Oh wait, you already did.  

- Victor Antonio

Root of all evil, haven't you heard?


Subject: RE: Camel Mining Products
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 20:28:41 -0500

No Victor I do not have a LOVE for money.  The current World culture imposes this on us, but we may use it to make a transition away from it.  Do not tell me you no longer use any money, not even for bus fair.  Do you have an alternative solution now, can you explain it to me...  Franklin


Subject: RE: Camel Mining Products
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:12:24 -0500

     I will tell you I try to use money as little as possible(I don't tend to want what I don't need), and when I do use it, it sure as hell isn't money I labored for.  Go ahead, work for money.  Waste your life away.
     I am blessed with money on occasion.  It's just given to me sometimes.  I am in essence getting paid for the good work I am doing.  I accept donations, I just don't expect them.  I love surprises.
     I usually don't ask for money though.  Money doesn't help people.  PEOPLE help people.  I don't care about spare change.  I want some real change. 
     It's funny you mentioned bus-fare.  I score courtesy rides on the bus every single day.  I have been for years, everywhere I go.  People like helping.  It's in everybody's nature. 
     My "alternative solution" is one that has been talked about since the time of Jesus.  All you have to do is follow the rules.  Ask and thou shall receive.  It sure does work for me.  Since when does it hurt to ask?  The worst that could happen is you are told no. 

"You do not have because you do not ask."
- James 4:2
     If you didn't love money, why would you spend so much energy trying to accumulate it?  Maybe it's because you never learned to be happy without it.  So why don't you?  What's taking you so long?  Is it too much trouble for you?  I want a valid answer, not just another excuse.  It's never too late to become what you might have been. 
     I've been staying at this ('s retreat in Saint Petersburg(technically Gulfport) for almost two weeks now.  I am getting a ride to Miami soon.  You should take the time to read my recent loggings on the journal on my website.  Click on the third link labeled 'A Life Outside the Box" and navigate to 2008.  I have it updated all the way to March 25.  Pictures and all.  Read about the adventure I had at USF in Tampa.  Interesting stuff.

Being happy at the bottom puts you on top,

- Victor Antonio


From:franklin gruber (
Sent:Mon 4/07/08 1:17 PM
To:victor gruber (

Victor, I appreciate your candor in explaining to me your Life Philosophy.  It is so differrent to the American work ethic, the American dream most everybody is wearing themselves out for.  You mentioned you do not solicite donations but you accept them, that you do not want spare change but rather real change, meaning, I guess big bucks?  Life seems to be like a game to you, taking advantage of the philantropic nature of good people, hell why work, when there are fools out there that you only have to ask and they shall give you!  Of these people you do have "a gold mine" in the United States.  Here in Panama and most of the third World, its differrent, people here allow even their dogs to starve.  Nevertheless, to take the pressure off you of modern materialistic civilization, it sure beats stealing.  Yes, there is nothing wrong with asking!  You do now have something to offer, your many experiences so this compliments your asking philosophy.  In a sense so long as you give even a smile in return you are working!  I am glad you have a system that works for you that enables you to maintain your human value and dignity! At least in your own value system, the materialistic World likely does not agree with your way of making a living.  You have managed to discover a way to beat the system.  Try to accumulate sufficient donations for old age when it might not be so easy to be traveling so much.   Thanks again for taking the time to explain better your philosophy,  Franklin


From:franklin gruber (
Sent:Tue 4/08/08 1:03 PM
To:victor gruber (

I note that you do not really want to be understood.  Who you really are and what your aims in life are to remain a mystery, thus I gather from your last letter.  In the first sentence you say you do not want to work or earned money and in the second paragraph you state you do.  You like surprises!  You would probably make a good actor as they love drama!
I note that you are hoping and probably praying that I continue to be a failure in my endeavors as you place that statement close to my web page.  If you look at the history of the successful people in life you learn that in the vast mayority of cases it did not come easy, only through much trial and error.  My father did state that I was to be a late bloomer.  I think that of you too.  My children  take a long time to mature but when they do they are capable of much contribution to the World and themselves.  You know you do not need to make a lot of money in life to succeed.  Through my work efforts have been able to live without mouching off anybody else for that last  14 years.  When my mother was alive she subsadized my botanical education.   With what I learned in this field have been able to raise a second family for 8 years.  My rent is paid up and I have food in the house and the love of my knew family.  To me that is more success than when I made 500 dollars a day in Puerto Rico shortly before the devastating effects of Hurricane David back in 1978.
I am happier now.  Out of resentment and hate you still would like me to continue failing, thats why you project that out to the World, to try to harm my finantial future so your little brothers would have to go through what you have been through or some similar poverty.   You do not have enough sense to try and heal the wounds of your childhood by making a real peace with your earthly father, or as you might state it, biological donar! 
It is good that you endeavor to travel the US and probably in the future the World.  You are still growing and gaining experience.  Unless you manage to make money obselete before you are too old, you may need more of it with time.  But since with you everything goes, get the money from donations or work for it, its the same thing, money that you need to survive on in this modern world.  Do not forget to plow back in at least 10 percent of your profits to charity as you have been receiving your fair share.  The biggest surprise you shall get is my success that I already am.   Perserverence has always paid off in the long hang in there your day will come to!   Franklin

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