


Wednesday August 30

Victor:  10:59am  I just called to say how much I care πŸ’“
11:00am  You know the depth. :) πŸ˜‚

Monday September 4

On my choir page the first link is the song with vocals removed/reduced, karaoke style. The second link is the YouTube video unaltered. Enjoy and sing along! Remember, no sex! :P

And my blog is much better experienced on a computer/laptop!

I can email you the links to better get to them on a PC.

What was your email again?

Tuesday September 5

Look at today's entry. I hope I make you proud.

I was thinking of you the whole time I was processing this song. It's in English, French and I even have Hebrew lyrics!


That should work

Here is the source

Wednesday September 6
Diana:  Your blog is looking good! And omg, that Teapacks song is AMAZING!!! Right up my alley! ❤️

Saturday September 9

Victor:  2:27pm  I worship paper bags.

I'll give you time to guess it. :)

Forget it, don't want to wait to tell you a related joke.

I am sack-religious.

Paper or plastic? It doesn't matter, I'll go both ways.  

I am bi-sacktual.

Diana:  Those jokes were totes hilarious! πŸ˜‰

Wednesday September 13



Please read my shorter microblog, my Daily Thoughts when you get the chance.  

Friday September 15

I'm off today, heading southbound 

Monday September 18

7:53am  In Gilroy now

Gonna try to get to i10 tomorrow

I'll hopefully get a ride all the way to Texas.

It's been such a magical ride so far

Don't I look like a tall little boy on this pictures? <l:0)

-on +in

With this goofy glasses


Diana:  I'm on 1% phone battery but will connect later or tomorrow. Safe travels Lil bro! ❤️

Friday September 22

Diana:  9:56am  How are you, Vic! Where are you? How are your travels treating you? ❤️

Victor:  10:09am  I am doing stupendous! I have had such a blessed journey. Finally getting to i10 today, San Bernardino.

Monday September 25

Diana:  Vic please text me the exact address of the Walmart you are at.
Text me here, at this number(832-868-9473). ❤️

Walmart Supercenter, 1231 S Sanderson Ave, Hemet, CA 92545

Do you have/ need ID to pick up the transfer?

Victor:  Shit, my id is expired

Forget the whole thing :(

Diana:  I'm trying to call you, it's faster. I need to figure out my day. Mom had an idea. Call me

Are you trying to text me right now? That's what the phone says...
Okay if not never mind and sorry... Probably just a misunderstanding. ❤️

Victor:  Even if the whole id thing wasn't an issue, even after Mom was willing to pay for two nights of motel room for me recently, I bet she was relieved it couldn't be done, it's downright insulting that mom offers me a measly fifty dollars today. And then you, who have access to so much more jump in and offer to match it, big whoop. Like that's going to help me that much, in this day and age. It just shows me exactly how much I am worth to my family, who wrote me off decades ago. It's downright pathetic that strangers are willing to support me in need better than my fucking family.  

Keep your cherished peanuts. I would much rather have other kinds of support 

Diana:  We are adults, all of us self supportive for decades now.

I think your wife can help you out.

Good luck on your trip, Vic. I'll never stop loving(LYING TO ME) you, holding boundaries, and helping you in ways that are within those boundaries. ❤️

Victor:  I was just testing you all anyway. Now I know what not to expect.  

And no more lectures as if you knew better of my situation, you don't. Get off your horse.

Of course my wife will help me out. My wife is the ONLY person who loves me and shows it!  

I see now I get more love and generosity from strangers I just met than "family" I grew up with

Friday September 22
Victor:  1:07pm  Hi Diana :)

My blog has evolved drastically. It's about to blast off.

Please check it out, I have so many great updates.

I harvested every single weird al song!

Diana:  Cool, I'll check it out! I've always liked the humor part of your blog. ❤️😊

Victor:  I am sure if you weren't so close to the drama, you would see how funny my blog is in its ENTIRETY.   

It truly is just one big joke. :)

Laugh it off. :)

Monday December 25

Victor:  5:58am  Good morning, sis. If you want to have some laughs I have some presence for you. :)

Have you ever heard of Zach Star?  

Much better on pc

93 is hilarious!

Monday December 25  
Diana:  10:37am  Merry Christmas, Vic! πŸŽ„

Monday January 22

Victor:  As they say in Texas...



Friday February 2
Diana:  Happy birthday Vic!!! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I just tried calling you...
I love you. Call me back if you want! ♥️

Saturday February 3

Victor:  3:40pm ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮

Friday February 16

Victor:  3:25am

Saturday March 9

Victor:  8:28am  I have way too much fun! πŸ˜›

Diana:  9:31am  Hi little bro! It's not letting me click the links. I hope you're well! ❤️

Tuesday March 12

Does that not work for you?

Thursday April 11

Victor:  6:57pm  Put this together today and thought of you.

Much better on computer

Sunday 6:07pm

Victor:  Check out my latest karaoke hack. Multicultural karaoke! Do you know Filipino?

Google translate has made you obsolete! MUHAHAHA! :P

Check it out at 5:00,, lol

Monday 7:47am

Victor:  "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both." - Twain. :P

Fuck my whole entire brainwashed poor excuse for a family. Thanks for helping make my blog so interesting!

I will thoroughly be dissecting you all!! MUHAHAHA. Your ignoring asses ain't seen nothing yet!

Diana:  Hi Vic, the reason I didn't check out your blog yesterday is that I was busy all day and had been meaning to circle back to it today. 

However, given how hurtful and mean you were in the last few messages (and our last interaction on the phone where I literally offered to send you money and you yelled at me)FUCK YOU AND YOUR FIFTY DOLLARS, CUNT!, I think I won't be interacting with you any more.   

I love you(JUST AS MUCH AS FRANK DOES, WHICH IS NOT AT ALL!), but it's just too hurtful(BECAUSE YOUR DUMBASS CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!  IT WOULDN'T HURT IF I WASN'T RIGHT!  IF I AM WRONG, DEFEND YOURSELF!  AS IF YOU COULD!  HA!). I've never done anything to you other than send love your way.  YOUR FAKE LOVE!

You are absolutely horrible to me(YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET, BITCH), and I don't know why(CUZ YOURE DUMB!)

I think when you get upset like this and feel victimized, you should examine your own actions and take accountability for your relationships.  PROJECTING!

I won't block you, but I'll probably not reply to texts from you because it's just too hurtful to stay in touch with someone who is constantly attacking for no reason at all.  BOO-FUCKING-HOO!  ¡POBRESITA!

I'm sorry you're hurting. Love you (from afar) but disengaging now(YOU DISENGAGED DECADES AGO!)

Victor:  Every single one of you abandoned me when I stepped into my true self. You, along with the idiot who bore us, were content to just "give me to god.". LAZY ASSES. Your inaction screams. Fuck the whole lot of you and your bullshit excuses. ¡El amor se tiene que enseΓ±ar! I don't give a flying fuck if you block me. It's not like you reach out anyway. YOU DON'T CARE. Stop bullshitting yourself. YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE! YOU DUMB STUCK UP BITCH.

Both respect and disrespect are earned!

Diana:  I have never abandoned you. I'm here. Love you. ❤️

I don't reach out to people who are horrible to me(I THOUGHT YOU WERE DISENGAGING.  GOES TO SHOW HOW YOU'VE ALWAYS LIED TO YOURSELF.  YOU ARE ALL TALK!). That's it. That's literally the only reason I don't contact you. To protect my own peace of mind. 


Victor:  9:02AM  "Our skin is getting thinner each and every single and there will be no one to guide us back... If all the bullies go away."

Diana:  I really don't know what you want, Vic. I've called you. I've offered to send money(CHUMP CHANGE). I've offered to visit and have you come visit. I really don't understand how you have come up with this narrative of being ignored. 

I have interacted with you long past the patience of others, as I'm doing now. 

I gotta draw a line when you tell me "FUCK YOU" and call me names. 

No self-loving self-respecting person should put up with verbal abuse(WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT?)

I need to love myself(AND NO ONE ELSE OBVIOUSLY!) and surround myself with people who treat me well.  I EAT NARCISSISTS LIKE YOU AND MY MOM AND DAD FOR LUNCH!

That's it. That's the only reason. 

You can't be a bully and also feel like a victim. 

I gotta go to work now. Take care. 

Victor:  You are such a good little slave, fuck off. Moron. Stop texting me if you know what's good for you.

Diana:  Okay I'll do just that. Bye.

Victor:  Like I told dumbass Charlie, if you can't handle some sharp but harmless words, you are emotionally immature as FUCK and I eat weak-willed fools for lunch. Grow and toughen up or die.

Either join my rebellion or be buried by it. :)

Diana:  Victor, you literally feel abandoned if someone doesn't text you back within a day.  THOUGHT YOU WERE DISENGAGING!  LOL!  FUCK YOU!  ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮ 

That doesn't strike me as particularly "tough". So incongruent.

You either bully people and tell them they need to toughen up, or you complain about how you're unloved.

You can't have it both ways. That's not how relationships(LIKE YOU HAVE HAD ANY TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE, HA!) work.

You're nice to people and they want to interact with you. 


You may not *like* these rules of society. They are nevertheless how humans have worked since the dawn of time. HOW HUMANS HAVE BEEN ENSLAVED! 

That's as regards wanting to interact vs ignore someone. 

As for love, that's different. Love is unconditional. I will ALWAYS love you, no matter how awful you are. LET'S TEST THAT!  But do I have to engage in conversation when you're being mean? No. Those are two different things. 

I hope this text helped(HELPED MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE THE IDIOT YOU ARE!). You're probably triggered in the moment but I recommend reading it a few times more calmly. I'm trying to help. 

Take care and I hope you can go back to being happy in your own way as usual. But happy nonetheless. I'd like to see you happy and I'd like to see your blog be the source of positivity and inspiration it once was. 
Good luck, little brother. ❤️

Victor:  Monday 10:29am  You are making a lot of unfounded assumptions about me and my state of mind, as you always have. If you think you have been a supportive sister you are dead wrong. Like I am supposed to value the tiny breadcrumbs you drop my way. You DO NOT, any of you, love me unconditionally and have never shown it. Ada is the same as you, you are a photo copy of her. Franklin said that. You, like our stupid mother got used to taking my love and affection for granted. It's never been returned in kind. My self worth has improved drastically, for a while now and I'm to the point of realizing how little I truly matter to "family."

I don't need to read your stupid shit twice. You sound just like Frank.

Humans have been fooled into believing bullshit since "the dawn of time." It's no surprise that you'd be offended by truth, when you have so much faith in bullshit.


If you can't tell by now, I'm a different person than I used to be. I am angry for good and valid reasons. If you don't have the strength to acknowledge your negligence of our messed up reality, then you really are as dumb as I have always thought you are. Do you really want to know why I'm upset? It's because the darkness has to come to light if we ever want to truly heal.  

You're dumb because you were raised by idiots. I'm guessing that's why you are all alone and always will be. Just like Ada! :P

Nobody wants to hear the truth, but I'm going to scream it at the top of my lungs!

Lol, just wait until I finish up your burn page. I wish I had pictures of when you were fat, ha!  

You will thank me in the end.

The masks are off, bitch. You can't hide from me now. 

You have NEVER been there for me. It's always been a one way relationship with my whole family. I can mention MANY examples.

It wouldn't surprise me if you were still a virgin! HAHA!

Unconditional love, my ASS. If you love someone show it. If you don't show it, it's false!    

Each "family" member is getting a page, coming soon! :P

Wednesday 9:02am

Victor:  My favorite karaoke hack! Cameo by Laura, lol!

My 2nd favorite one, just added 322 images. Might as well be animated.

Actually, that's the old one. Here's the new one with all the images

Diana:  Both videos are fun, but that first one about the computer is HILARIOUS!!! 🀣🀣🀣

Thank you for watching. That means a lot. I'm glad it made you smile. <|:o)

Diana:  Yeah sure, you can always text me fun stuff. πŸ™‚ And if I don't reply it just means I'm busy, it doesn't mean anything bad. ❤️

Does that guy have like his own YouTube channel and stuff?

How did you find him?

Victor:  When you get the chance check out ALL of my pirated karaoke hacks so far.  

A friend from chat recommended him

Diana:  Very cool. Vic, did you know I have a kitten now? 😽

She walked up to my house when she was 5 weeks old and my heart melted. Adopted her right away. She didn't give me a choice, lol.

Victor:  Aww

Here is my Trevor Moore collection

Back burner it

Diana:  Her name is Angel. She doesn't often live up to it, though! 🀣😽

Victor:  Totally adorable, but I have to do dishes, bbl

Diana:  Yeah I gotta start my day. Bye, love you! ❤️

Victor:  And if you see anything offensive on my blog, remember I'm just larping.  

Live action role play

Try and laugh it off 

Keeping it real

Diana:  Yes, I know it's a "persona." And sometimes I want to engage with that persona, sometimes I don't. 

Sometimes I want my real little brother. ❤️

But anyway, I really do gotta go now. Love you, bye!


Victor:  Here is another great one that's right up my alley :)



Victor:  Hi Dianita. I just want to show everyone how the world works. :)


Victor:  Good morning, Diana :)

Here is a short article about me written in 2007. Food for thought. I've been collecting opinions for a long while now.

Oh, and did I tell you I reconnected with Chasity last May?  

Victor:  I just read the article written about you. That's amazing! A very worthwhile, peaceful mission! ❤️

I'll look at the Chasity one later, but that's exciting that you reconnected!


Diana, I know this is a long shot, but all three of us are hurt kids with unresolved issues that stem directly from both of our stupid parents.  

I am trying my hardest to bring the dark to light so we can heal finally

I know my methods may seem a little backwards and insulting at times, but this is a way to make people feel.  

I know most people don't want to air out their wounds, but you have to if you ever want to get better.

If anything on my blog is wrong this is people's cue to defend themselves and correct me.

I can't think of anything more interesting than YOUR testimony re: our upbringing. Please be willing to share your perspective with me.

You were present and old enough to remember, and have the memories of how it really all went down.

I am more than willing to share my megaphone

Help me expose wrongdoing, please.

I PROMISE you will feel better venting and getting it off of your chest.

Diana:  Hey Vic, thanks for sharing all that with me. It was my birthday so I've been slammed with texts and phone calls and just been really busy overall. ❤️

I'm really sorry that you're feeling so much pain all at once, and I'm really proud of you for your commitment to healing. 

I agree that we come from a dysfunctional family and I've been on my own intentional healing journey for over 20 years now...

This has resulted in me doing two main things: 

- forgiving Mom and Frank and other people in my life

- holding healthy boundaries, in general

I feel like the work I've done on myself has led me to an overall healthy place. 

I've chosen to focus on methods I would call "grounded and realistic" (as opposed to overly optimistic).

Having said that, I do prefer a style that involves humor, support, laughter, connection. 

I totally respect your own path to healing, as long as it is safe and constructive for you and for other people. Please stay safe, whatever you do. πŸ™πŸ½

Question for you: have you had much news from/ about our dad Frank in recent times?

Victor:  What do you mean by staying safe? Do you think I'm endangering myself?

Diana:  I don't think so?

Victor:  Why did you mention safety then? 

So, are you unwilling to share your perspective with me? It could totally help more than you know.

Diana:  My perspective is: I think you (and anybody else) should heal in whatever way works for YOU. 

Punch a pillow, write a blog, go to a rage room, lol. All that stuff can be healthy, if done safely.

I personally prefer other, calmer ways of processing. But my ways aren't the only way, so I support you in your healing. 

But since you said your methods are unconventional, I was like, okay but just be safe...

I gotta go now. Take care! ❤️

Victor:  "I can't think of anything more interesting than YOUR testimony re: our upbringing. Please be willing to share your perspective with me."

I clearly stated exactly what perspective I wished you would share with me. You are avoiding answering my question, JUST LIKE OUR MOTHER DOES. You say you support me, even suggest I write a blog to cope, which is exactly what I have done, yet you, who could help so much are now skirting my real question.  

If you truly want to support me in my healing, then please write out your side of the story. What DIANA MARIA holds to be true.

If you don't want to help me create the most interesting story ever published on the internet, directly, then you will be helping indirectly by your refusing to. Just not nearly as much as you could be.

There's plenty of news about Frank in my recent emails with him.

Diana:  Oh you meant my perspective about helping you write my story?  Yeah, you're right, that wasn't super clear. 

Like I said, I got your text on my birthday and I was slammed with other texts, sorry!

I'll politely decline to write my story. I've already got a lot of projects going on and that won't actually support my own healing.

But thanks for offering. 

I wasn't avoiding ing your question, I had seriously just misunderstood. 

Take care, Vic. ❤️ I hope your project goes well (and is safe).


Victor:  "Sorrow prepares you for joy. It violently sweeps everything out of your house, so that new joy can find space to enter. It shakes the yellow leaves from the bough of your heart, so that fresh, green leaves can grow in their place. It pulls up the rotten roots, so that new roots hidden beneath have room to grow.  Whatever sorrow takes from your heart, far better things will take their place."  - Rumi


Check out how she fails yet another test proving she is more like Franklin than Ada, with her not giving a fuck.  She doesn't even try to explain.

Morning Diana 😊

Julieta asked me to ask you, because she is still insolvent until the sale of her house, or she would not hesitate to cover me.  We visited the dentist yesterday (first time since I lived in San Antonio) and I  got a cleaning and X Rays. Turns out I have tons of dental work I need.   1 extraction, 2 root canals and like, 5 cavities total.  Medi Cal wont cover it all.  

Is there any way you could help?  They said I should get all this done asap.

Diana:  Hi Vic, I'm so sorry you're going through all that. 

For a lot of really good reasons, I'm not available to help, sorry. Good luck. ❤️

Victor:  Wow, I'm not surprised, but 😬ouch.  You didn't even ask how much.  

Reasons that are so good you don't even mention them, huh?  You really are an Ada-clone.  You take after Franklin too with how much you lie to yourself and don't communicate.  Fu tua!  :P

Diana is almost as dumb as Laura!  HAHA!

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