

From :    

Kenny Henry <>  

To :  

Subject :    

response to your journey  


Date :    

Thu, 13 Mar 2003 20:12:51 -0800 (PST)  


That was an awsome story, I really enjoyed it.  It sounds like you had quite a journey.  I am a former paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne.  I had a friend who hitch hiked cross country one summer, but nothing as exciting as yours.  Send me an email sometime, I would love to hear more about your journeys.  I'm going to help you out when I get my VA check next month.  Talk to you later and good luck on your mission.


Subject: Re: response to your journey

hi kenny, 

     i go over my stuff all the time and when i find a mistake i fix it, but i'm not going to worry about it too much.  leaving my mistakes would just show i'm not perfect either.  i mean, people will still be able to understand it.  so what if there are a couple typos?  well, im gonna crash kenny.  you have a good night..

>From: Kenny Henry 

>To: joe mama 

>Subject: Re: response to your journey

>Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 20:25:56 -0800 (PST)


>I really like these stories, I beleive what you are telling me too. Have 

>you considered making a movie? If you ever want help with grammatical 

>errors just let me know, I can probably help you out. After I got out of 

>the Army I went to college for a bit and I did really well in English. 

>Good luck on your journey.



Subject: Re: response to your journey

hi again kenny,

     i have just returned from living through another great episode in my mission.  i will be sure to send it after i send this one.  

     earlier today i was telling my friend bob about the replies i've gotten from people after sending out my ideas.  i told him, "yeah, this dude who was in the 82nd airborne mailed me and says he's gonna help me out next month."  bob was in the military himself in the 101st.  he told me to talk shit to you about it.  i was all, "no way, why would i do that?"  he said that there is an understood comradarie between you guys and that talking smack to each other was all in good fun.  he also told me how they always called 82's alcoholic anonymous, because of the AA.  i forgot what he said the actual acronym stood for.  i told bob i would mention it to you.

     also, i got to thinking.  if you want to help me out, don't send me money.  send me some traveling supplies dude.  like MRE's and shit.  survival stuff that i can use on my travels(unless you really want to send me some cash instead).  since you were in the military, i'm guessing you know where all the good resources are.

     i wanted to see if you knew or could find out how much my boots are worth.  you see, a couple months before i took off west, the house across the street from bob was evicted.  i went in there and found me a whole new wardrobe.  i scored two pairs of boots.  they both happened to be my size, 12.  one was a pair of doc martens that i wore out real quick with all my walking.  the others were some hiking boots that i didnt wear too often at first because i thought they were kinda ugly and my docs were still kicking.  well, when my docs finally died i wore the other ones, only to find they were the coolest boots in the world.  they really are made for walking.  

     at the bus stop one day this guy noticed them and asked me if i was in the marines.  i told him no and he asked me why i was wearing marine boots.  so i guess theyre military-issue.  brand name is Brahma.  could you possibly give me any information on them?  like the price and where i could buy another pair when and if they ever die.  i also want to know how much and where i can replace my badass rucksack that bob gave me.  i'm sure there are new models.

let me know dude...

- victor


From :    

Kenny Henry <>     

To :    

joe mama <>  

Subject :    

Re: response to your journey  


Date :    

Mon, 31 Mar 2003 04:18:16 -0800 (PST)        

I'll check on the prices for that stuff the first chance I get.  AA stands for "all american" in the past 82nd had the nick names "jumping junkies" "worlds drunkest worriars".  As for the 82nd and 101st, 82nd jumps from airplanes, 101st rides helicopters in.  They used to jump, but they kept the title airborne because of their history.  I have to get out the door to go to work.  Talk to you later. 


From :    

Kenny Henry <>  

To :    

joe mama <>  

Subject :    

Re: wowsers..  

Date :    

Mon, 31 Mar 2003 15:55:09 -0800 (PST)  


There is never a dull moment with you.  I enjoy hearing your stories, I have some I'm going to share with you but they are of a different calliber. 

When I was in the army, me and this guy named Jeremy became really good friends.  We both always had naked photos of our girl friends incase they tried to screw us over or something to that extent you can threaten to post them on the internet.  

So Jeremy was going through a divorce and his wife was going to take him to court for a large amount of alimony, or so she thought.  He threatened to post her naked photos on the net if she did it and then needless to say she had a change of heart.  After the divorce Jeremy became very bitter to women and his goal in life was to work them over. 

He hooked up with this chick named Jenny while we were stationed at Bragg.  Jenny was a super freak, he had so many photos of her.  They broke up and he moved back to Colorado and then moved back to N.C. to try to make things right.  It didn't work out and she cheated on him and he sent her pictures to her new boyfriend, which had Jeremy's hand all in her.  

After the break up we both started searching these personal sites to find women.   We had this crazy funny email (i will send you a copy of it) that we would cut and paste and send to every body.  Jeremy met this girl named Gwynn who was really really hot and she was in school to be a teacher as well.  Let me add too that we were looking for women who had a lot of money or potential to make a lot.  While Jeremy was with Gwynn he emailed this girl out of Boston Ma., the only reason why he found her is he went to the personals site and put in his search criteria for a female who has a slender, average, or athletic body and makes over 50,000 a year.  By this time Jeremy was broke as a joke. He found this girl named Faith who had family in N.C. and decided to come and visit.  

Faith didn't know that Jeremy was just a security guard, or that he had 50 bucks to his name.  He went to visit her and was trying to play spend as little money as possible.  They were going out to a nice dinner when they drove past a sonic, a fast food joint.  Faith said "we don't have those in boston" Jeremey immediately says "what, you never been to sonic" so he whips in there real quick and pays for the meal.  The whole time Jeremy is bragging about how fast his truck is so Faith asks to drive.  Jeremy accepts and gets in the passenger seat and places his wallett on the dash.  Faith steps on the gas real hard and his wallett falls on the floor.  He picks it up and starts counting his money and says "what, forty dollars, I had a hundred dollars here, that means I lost some money on the highway back there" Faith continues to drive to the bowling alley.  

Now they are at the bowling alley, they bowl a couple of games.  After Jeremy bowls his last round he takes his shoes off and goes to the bathroom.  He walks out a few minutes later with a ten dollar bill in his hand and faith says not to worry about she already paid.  The next morning they go to Dunkin Donuts, they are in line ordering and when Faith finishes ordering Jeremy walks off to get the napkins and strawls and walks back with the money in his hand knowing that faith already paid.  So he only spent 10 bucks the entire time at sonic.  

Jeremy decides to go visit his sister in D.C. over thanksgiving and Gwynn was going to come with him and then Faith decides to meet him there.  So he quickly convinces Gwynn to be with her family on thanksgiving.  He then changes his plans to meet Faith in Va.  Now he had to play off that he was broke somehow.  After he gets to Va. I wait a few hours and call him and we play if off that he left his wallet at this truck stop where we ate lunch at, and I was listed and his emergency contact so some truckdriver had his wallett but was going out of town.  Jeremy plays the sad role like he is just going to leave, but then she easily aggrees to pay for it all.  I call Jeremy a few days later when he and Faith were coming to N.C.and tell him I got his wallett but I have bad news and I'm not going to tell him until I see him face to face.  He was supposed to pay for the hotel when they got to N.C. with his credit card.  The bad news I was supposed to tell him was that all his credit cards were stolen.  Then again Faith pays for it all.  

A few weeks go by and they are planning to move to Denver but Jeremy had to literally find a reason to be broke.  So he starts talking about his truck making a noise and makes an appointment to take it to the shop. (faith is back in boston)  He claims that he is going to borrow his rommates company car that day, and while he has the company car an uninsured motorist hits him and he had to empty his bank account to fix it.  Now he is literally broke, and she buys into the stories we materminded, and he moves to Boston with her.  Right they both live in Denver Colorado, and Faith is making 50g a year and Jeremy goes to school and draws his VA check.  

Back to the story with Jenny, right after they broke up Jeremy pretended to be homeless.  Jenny thought he was living at the lake, so she calls his cell phone one day and he didn't answer but he immediately went to the lake.  A few minutes later Jenny showed up with a pizza and said I thought you would be down here.  Jenny paid for his school tuition, let him stay with her for awhile, paid his bills, and pretty much did everything.  When we meed these girls off the internet we have codes to talk to each other.  To describe what they look like, we took 3 guys who we were in the army with: Miranda, Smith, and Barnish.  Miranda was a pretty boy, Smith was just an average guy, and Barnish was 2 legs short of a dog.  Then to describe the body we use a rank pvt to Lt. that covers 10 different ranks.  So we would say "I seen Lt. Miranda today" or what ever rating they would get.  If they are butt ass ugly we would say "I seen pvt. Barnish"  

I know this story is not what you are used to but I thought I would share it with you.  Some other time I will tell you about how me and Jeremy schemed the Army for a lot of money and disability.    

my reply: 

haha that was cool.  see, i know everybody has a lot of interesting true stories to tell, not just people with money.  anyone can write a good book.  well dude, i was out walking around town today letting shit happen.  i typed it up and i'll send it to you.  

- victor

peace in the middle east


Sent Kenny my Monday March 31, 2003 entry

Subject: Re: Victor

     wow kenny, that would be so cool if you can spare some gear.

     i went to talk to a lawyer today who is already familiar with my ideas.  he said the charge against the guy with the gun was iffy.  he asked me how i planned to prove it.  i told him, "isn't that what court is for, to prove stuff?"  i told him i was even contemplating representing myself, if i couldn't find an attorney that wouldn't work pro-bono.  he told me i didn't need representation.  that i just had to talk to the DA in hayes county.  that i would just be filing one big formal complaint.  i was kidnapped at gunoint.  justice will be done.  

     now, on my hard drive, i have been keeping a log for over a year.  i log everything.  it's the trick i've discovered so you don't have to remember stuff.  in california, after hearing that i've had two head injuries some guy asked me if my migraine headaches are bad, that supposedely head-injured people were known to get bad ones.  i told him the truth, that i don't ever remember having a headache, ever.  he told me it was because i don't have to remember things.  i'm thinking he could be right.  

     to the lawyer, james bass i also mentioned that right after the redneck let me out of his truck, i peeped at his license plate number and repeated it into my tape recorder.  wouldn't that be valid grounds to get my shit back?  there's evidence in my stuff.  

     now, i think the cops are wrong too.  when i was released they did not return all my property to me, like it says clearly in the inmate handbook.  at my arrest, when i was handcuffed in the car i saw them reviewing my journal in the car.  i keep that journal to compensate for my memory-deficits.  they asked me if i had documented me smoking weed on my tapes and i told them it was nothing but the truth.  they told me it could be used as evidence.  i know it can't and evidence for what?  i was already guilty with the marijuana.  wouldn't that be a blatant breach of privacy if they plugged into my hard drive and looked at all my personal stuff?  when i was finally bailed out, they just gave me a big trash bag with the clothes i was wearing, my wallet and stuff and even my sleeping bag.  no rucksack with all my clothes.  no adidas bag containing 16 cassettes detailing my west-coast trip(that i need back to write my book and back my shit up).  no cd player.  no cd's.  they kept all my good shit.

     now, some guard there told me that it seemed the deputy who arrested me put some things aside and i needed to call him to get it back.  even if i get my shit back in the end, i am almost positive they will make a backup copy of my drive.  they just won't be able to use any of it as evidence against me, since it was not obtained legally.  but, they'll know my plan just like i want everyone to.

     now, i am always seeing the brighter side to things.  i want them to investigate my drive, damnit.  i have absolutely nothing to hide.  i want them to read all my ideas and see how i organized i am.  they might learn something.  not to mention, i am taking the chance the feds or whoever looks through it, will see how much sense it all makes and apply it.  in the end, i am doing nothing wrong and everything is going my way.  

     it's not like it's rocket-science.  i spill the beans about everything.  i'm an open book.  anyone can do it.  why don't they?  because the mainstream is feeding them some polluted water.  my shortcuts make perfect sense, but they don't make money and that's all that matters to the scum of the earth who are in control.  they want everyone to stay lazy and just consume, not conserve like they should be.  

     it truly is the root of all evil, money.  just like it's been said since it's invention.  no one can stop me kenny, just get in my way damnit.  we should be trying to make the world a better place for the kids.  the future generations.  when we are dead and gone, it's going to be them that will have to deal with the parent's ignorance, not us.  dead people don't care about much of anything.  

somebody has to do it, before it's too late and better late than never though.

peace in the middle east kenny, 

- victor

From :    

Kenny Henry <>     

To :  

Subject :    


Date :    

Tue, 1 Apr 2003 18:56:00 -0800 (PST)  


Hey Victor it's Kenny.  I am going to go through my storage shed this weekend, I have some canteens, padded shoulder straps for your ruck sack and some other commodities that you will find useful on your journey. 

I happen to be a criminal justice major and I did a little checking up on your incident.  The officers had the right to search your bag because you offered them your stash and pipe.  By offering it to them they were able to make an arrest which is what allowed them to search you.  The best thing you can do is keep your stash in your ruck sack and have your identification available, that way you don't have to open your ruck sack to get your id and risk the officers seeing your stash.  If they ask you to search you, just tell them no, you are on a long distance walk and not bothering nobody.  They can't get a warrant and they don't even have probable cause to conduct a search.   With the other incident, when the guy held the gun on you and forced you into his truck, that is called first degree kidnapping in most states.  It might not be too late for you to take out a warrant on the guy and pursue criminal charges.  I hope I was of help, if you have any questions just send me an email.  



From :    

Kenny Henry <>      

To :    

joe mama <>  

Subject :    

Re: Victor  

Date :    

Wed, 2 Apr 2003 04:20:25 -0800 (PST)  

   you should have gotten your tapes back, because your bag had nothing to do with your weed which is why you were arrested.  anything contained from the west coast trip could be dismissed in court on a technicality because the evidence was not obtained legally. 


17:16 Me:  Hi, is this still Ken? 

                   If this is, I am going to be a total blast from the past. :) 

17:21          I have an email saved from you from 2003. Can you take a wild guess? 

19:07 Ken: Email from 2003, but I got this phone number in 2008. Lynne? 

19:08 Me:  Was your email 

          Ken: Yes 

          Me:  Let's see if you can recall. 

                   This is Victor Antonio from San Antonio. 

                    At your service :]

19:21 Ken: I don't recall, sorry.      

           Me:  If I can get your email I will show you. 

                    Does still work?

           Ken: Wait. Your the guy that took these weird trips and wrote about it 

           Me: Guilty as charged :)

                   Behold what I have evolved into, brother.   


19:27  Me: Please excuse any shocking parts. I'm showcasing freedom of speech

                   As a former trooper I hope you can respect that. :)

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