

     OMG!  What a great day today has been so far!  Earlier I looked at my Android and noticed an email with the subject: WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA(at long last)!  Woohoo!  Sean got my mail!  Here, you'll find out who Sean is in the following real loggings:

SEAN FILMED ME IN 2007, WATCH!  I am on YouTube!

     August 4th I was reading through my logs and  I stumbled onto this entry from 2007, back when I was in Ventura, California, so I emailed him the following hoping he would still be using the same email.  I sent a blank email subjected TESTING and was glad it went through and he actually read it.  Before I continue with the story, let me let you read some background info:

  This is from 10-9-06:

   9:23pm  Oh yeah, I made a friend. This young dude named Sean. After the presentation I stood at the door holding my sign, but not too many people cared. I made friends with this guy named Sean and he offered to buy my sign for five dollars! At first I told him no, that it was mission critical. I came over and wrote him out another sign just like it.

With those five dollars I'm going to go to the pier and get some weed, hehe. Oh yeah, Mike tells me that they're having open-mic tomorrow at The Roasting Company across from the Century Ten Theatres on Main Street at seven 'o clock.

This is from 1-10-07

     3:50pm  Right now this dude just walked up with a camera tripod. He walked up and said, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio. I came here to see you." It was this guy Sean, I'll look it up. When I had gone to some speaker talking at Foster library one night. Some Vietnam guy. I'll look that up. Remember, it was some kid who paid me to write out one of my signs, because I couldn't spare the one I was using(10-9-06-9:23pm). He said he had talked to some homeless people with a dog and they told him that I was up here, so he came up to see me. Hell yeah. He's going to tape me too. Perfect. Document me, please.

     4:27pm  I just told this carload of Mormons my story. They were all, "We're down for world peace." Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. What's his name filmed me! Sean! He's putting a movie together.


Here is what I first mailed Sean, containing an old email of his: 

Sean!  I hope you still check this email.  Do you remember this email from back in 2007? 

Date:    Wed, 17 Jan 2007 21:47:16 -0800 (PST)
From:    Send an Instant Message "Sean " <> 
Subject:    The World PEACE Documentary
To: Victor Antonio
From: Sean 
Hey Victor,

This is Sean, the dude hwo did a little filming with you last wednesday on the corner of Seaward and Harbor in Ventura.  Do you remember?  Of course you do, just check your voice recorder.  But seriously bro, your website, what I've read so far, killer stuff.  I'm a big quotes guy and you have some serious wisdom.  I'm stoked on meeting a mind such as yourself and I'd like to do more documentary work with you if your still around Ventura this coming weekend.  Remember two trees?  Well, if you wanna hike up there on Sunday and lay your 'script' out on camera, I would be honored.  I want to compensate you for your time and see if we -can't wor together on a projec that I hope will encourage world peace.  It may not create it overnighte, but definetly encourage peace, you dig?  Please give me a call or email me with your thoughts, time frames, etc;  As you know, I am not a long distance walker on a regular basis and am still enslaved to the death machine, but it does allow me the flexibility to pick you up or meet you somewhere if you think your up to it.

So yeah, again, thanks for your time thus far and I hope to further allow your words and wisdom to be absorbed into the over-saturated sponge that is my brain.

Most sincerely,
Sean           Cell# 
p.s. check out some of what I'm proud of if you get a 'free' momen

    Sean!  You will be glad to know I am still at it, after all this time.  I have such a bitching blog.

Sign my guestbook, please!

- Victor Antonio from San Antonio

text me!  


    Anyway, here's today's email from Sean:

Sean  <>
To: Joe Mama <>
Mr. Victor Antonio from San Antonio!
Its been over a week since I spotted this email and I have to admit, I was super thrilled to see it appear in my inbox.  Last night I was reading form your jokes page for over an hour to my best friend... he and my wife were both busting up with laughter... so thanks for that!  (My friend showed up somewhat unexpectedly and he's here for a few more days).  But It was the sheer timing of it receiving your email that was most peculiar, most peculiar indeed.

You see Victor, I recently started doing a project that combines my love of Art, my passion for Food and Food Systems, and my appreciation for Marijuana all into one simple act.  I call it "The Standing Farmer Farm Stand".  I've attached some pictures for you so you can get a handle on what it all entails.  But very quickly I think you'll grasp that my current passion (one of them at least) is strikingly in line with some of your earlier work -- chiefly 'World Peace Through Marijuana' and 'World Peace Through Laughter'

When I searched my computer for 'Victor Antonio' I unearthed from one of my old recovered hard drive files, separate audio and video files of the legend himself (thats you) and the work we did together in those days in 2007... I even purchased a video editor program yesterday so I could bring those two files together and create a file suitable for todays Modern demands of the YouTube video sharing account.  I don't think I ever sent this to you?  I think it was left 'unfinished' in my mind and it got buried underneath the sands of time and the myriad of other art and creative projects I was enthralled with.  So I wanted to put this together BEFORE i replied to your email, both as a symbolic gesture for your efforts from so long ago and of course, a thank you gift for you putting out all those jokes for the masses to use as they see fit. 

The video and your message from 2007...It is powerful stuff man... at least to me anyway... and it is amazing how your message may have been working through me all these years.  I am confident other people are experiencing your high vibration as well.  And from the bits and pieces I've read on your blog, there are going to be some ups and downs as you continue your mission, but thank you man -- thank you for being you!

So, with me sort of getting back to a place of pure creativity, love and perhaps most importantly, no fear, doing the Standing Farmer Farm Stand was a way to raise my pure vibration and love for humanity and I think maybe it permeated into your own memory and you emailed me, randomly, after 16 years?  Or perhaps you were just carousing through your ancient inbox and wanted to reach out...Either way, as they like to say... "The Timing is Everything".

So here is the Unlisted Link to the YouTube Video.  My channel is pretty much non-existent but if you want to share this link or if we can figure out a way to get you the 300MB file so you can host it yourself, we can make that happen my friend.

And the pics attached are fresh, from this last week, and should speak for themselves.

Washington Sean from Washington 

P.S. : as a farmer my busiest time is NOW so if we start texting and I am not quick to reply, its because Im super frieking busy.  I try to keep my phone away from me most of the day and screen time in the office is limited to my available energy.  But come fall I will be writing a lot more.  Plus I have two small kids.  But we will have to connect and Im looking forward to talking to you real soon.  We have more work to do!

My reply to Sean:

Sean!   I was so excited to check this email and discover you have kept at it too!  What a monumental occasion for me.  :]

total blast from the past!  oh, i am so thrilled to make you a section on my blog soon.  thanks for the killer thought-lost content!   together we can work miracles Sean! 

feel free to text! 

Victor Antonio

ALL WE WEED IS LOVE! (new t shirt idea) and check out the daily thoughts section on my blog! 

 also my captains logs

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