

 Session Start: Wed Dec 20 04:32:36 2023

[04:32.36] <seeker> nah, that's fine, go ahead!

[04:32.38] ->> seeker is (realname)

[04:32.38] ->> seeker is on: +#Gulag @#deeppeace +#UFOs 

[04:32.38] ->> seeker using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[04:32.38] ->> seeker is logged in as seeker

[04:32.38] ->> seeker 1 secs seconds idle, signon time 11:29 AM 12/16/2023

[04:32.38] ->> seeker :End of /WHOIS list.

[04:33.35] <seeker> I haven't tested your download out yet because my traumatized, paranoid brain has convinced me it's going to install ransomware or something lol

[04:34.32] <levity> Hey officer, how did the hackers escape?

[04:34.36] <levity> I don't know, they just ransomware. 

[04:34.39] <levity> :P

[04:34.57] <seeker> lmao

[04:35.53] <levity> it's harmless, i promise.   anyone can download my site with Cyoktek webcopy

[04:36.13] <levity> +

[04:36.38] <levity> it takes 5 hours to download with the 4gb of pics

[04:37.01] <levity> then i remove all the images 

[04:37.10] <levity> so its smaller and downloadable

[04:37.23] <levity> and rar it

[04:37.39] <seeker> I wonder how big it would be if you used compressed images

[04:38.04] <levity> however big 4gb compressed would be, not sure

[04:38.33] <levity> but the text is more important, imo

[04:39.11] <levity> and as long as my site is up, you wont need it offline

[04:39.15] <levity> but just in case

[04:39.22] <seeker> yup, it's all there!

[04:39.51] <seeker> okay, bbiab :P

[04:40.04] <levity> thanks for being cool :]


[04:41.15] <levity> none of that booshit

[04:41.21] <levity> keeping it phree!

[04:41.22] <seeker> :p

[04:41.41] <levity> NOBODY CAN STOP BYTES!

[04:45.06] <levity> "If the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed." 

[04:45.11] <levity> - Terrance Mckenna

[04:47.02] <levity> have you seen my daily thoughts page?

[04:47.07] <levity> +

[04:50.56] <levity> if you get the chance check out 12-16-23 and click on transcribe to read the first ten minutes 

[04:51.16] <levity> no rush, but this dude spits some truth

[06:17.22] <seeker> I watched a good chunk of this +

[06:17.57] <seeker> the first time I've been exposed to thelema/crowley really, found it super interesting

[06:20.50] <levity> i am really digging that mckena quote

[06:20.57] <levity> might put it in my title

[06:22.28] <seeker> that is a pretty good one :P

[06:32.34] <levity> please read my Odyssey story if you haven't.  i have personally told this story to THOUSANDS of stranger all over the country

[06:32.44] <levity> +

[06:33.33] <levity> i used to carry this picture around in my wallet, that i used as a visual aid

[06:33.59] <levity> ahh, youll see the pic on the page

[06:48.45] <levity> "Storytelling carries the power from one generation to the next; verbal input and visualization are processed by our spiritual brain. When you read something, it’s processed by the logical brain that filters out the magic. When you want to cut the body open and remove the disease, a book will show you how to do that. But if you want to remove the d

[06:48.45] <levity> isease the natural way, you must listen to the story."

[06:48.50] <levity> - Fawn Journeyhawk

[06:50.39] <levity> i will eventually have vids of my stories on my blog too, so people can hear the magic too :]

[08:40.04] <levity> are you familiar with ayahuasca at all?

[08:40.36] <levity> my wife has done it a handful of times.

[08:41.07] <levity> i have to, but it was just all trippy to me.  no big deal, which probably means i didnt purify enough beforehand

[08:41.16] <levity> i have too*

[09:50.06] <levity> i used to love those sprint car race places in the 90s.  felt like mariokart

[09:50.32] <levity> ramming into other racers and shit

[09:51.10] <levity> wups, thought i was talking in the channel

[09:51.12] <levity> muh bad

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