

 Session Start: Thu Mar 28 08:34:53 2024

[08:35.58] <levity> hi thomas, is this the yt channel you refer to in your recording?

[08:36.02] <levity> +

[09:04.24] <seeker> yup! I think i sent you the playlist that I was listening to at one point

[09:04.40] <seeker> +

[09:05.00] <seeker> "hello, fellow kids!"

[09:19.18] <levity> kewl, just going over your log

[09:20.28] <levity> i added some links, and spaced out your paragraphs a bit.  if you are against any modification by me i will rever to your original

[09:20.30] <seeker> that's what she said

[09:20.33] <levity> +

[09:22.02] <levity> lol at your joke!

[09:22.06] <seeker> no I'm not against it at all, I'm honored that you've taken the time

[09:22.08] <seeker> :D

[09:22.48] * levity has all the time in the world :]

[09:23.29] <seeker> I took the time the other day to actually read through everything on the main page of your site

[09:23.49] <levity> whoa, thats a lotta stuff

[09:23.55] <seeker> well it was worth it

[09:24.10] <seeker> some stuff on there I hadn't gone through before

[09:24.22] <levity> anything in particular jump out at you?

[09:24.25] <seeker> the part about volunteer journalism, a journalist  just being "somebody that journals"

[09:24.44] <seeker> it reminded me a LOT of something that really stuck with me that my old counselor told me

[09:24.49] <levity> yeah, my nephew, lol

[09:24.54] <seeker> yup!

[09:25.17] <seeker> I also saw the video of your sister, what a cool skill! I have a friend who speaks 3 languages that I know will love it

[09:25.26] <seeker> 3 of the same as her

[09:25.30] <seeker> knows a bit of french, too

[09:26.09] <levity> she's one of those people who thinkns she's hot shit

[09:26.10] <seeker> my counselor told me "you can be a professor, thomas, a professor is just somebody who professes things"

[09:26.15] <levity> my sister

[09:26.16] <seeker> oof

[09:26.32] <seeker> so she fell for one of the big traps :P

[09:26.43] <levity> so hardcore

[09:27.02] <levity> google translate has made her obsolete!

[09:27.05] <levity> :P

[09:27.06] <seeker> HAHAHA

[09:27.12] <seeker> I love that

[09:27.28] <seeker> I hope technology continues to humble us

[09:27.46] <levity> hells to the yeah!

[16:46.15] <levity> hi thomas, i am sure you have some adorable animal pictures from your shelter

[16:46.29] <levity> tita and i would love to see some

[16:46.37] <seeker> I do! sure, I'll share some :)

[16:47.25] <levity> that's so TyTe¡

[16:49.20] <levity> oooh, or if you've had some special ones that died and you want to memorialize....

[16:49.55] <levity> hehe, always considering clickbait, lol

[16:51.39] <levity> the good kind!

[16:57.02] <seeker> +, there you go!

[16:57.12] <seeker> a bunch of pictures taken over the course of the last year and one video

[17:00.50] <seeker> oh, the link is broken for some reason

[17:00.52] <seeker> maybe I added too many

[17:05.28] <seeker> figured it out, it didn't like the video

[17:05.29] <seeker> +

[19:35.01] <levity> i love fidlde music

[19:35.12] <levity> have you heard ween's country album?

[19:35.21] <seeker> definitely haven't :P

[19:36.22] <levity> they did a whole country parody album.  they do all the vocals but they went to memphis and shit and got real bluegrass legends to do the music

[19:36.31] <levity> one sec

[19:37.20] <levity> +

[19:37.42] <levity> and there's only ten track!  ha

[19:37.43] <seeker> lol! I'm convinced everything will be on your blog eventually

[19:38.01] <levity> one day!

[19:38.38] <levity> listen to #8!

[19:39.31] <levity> actually, i gotta fix it

[19:39.39] <levity> here is the ween version

[19:39.41] <levity> +

[19:41.37] <seeker> darn mucus!

[19:41.42] <seeker> who put that there? :P

[19:42.58] <levity> piss up a rope is a hoot

[19:43.31] <levity> maybe you can relate to i dont wanna leave you on the farm

[19:44.10] <levity> and i EMBODY I've Got No Darkside :]

[19:44.29] <seeker> your lyrics links are backwards on piss up a rope and japanese cowboy

[19:48.00] <levity> sheet

[19:48.17] <levity> great catch, ty

[19:49.17] <seeker> hmmmmmmMMMMMM

[19:51.44] <levity> fixed, ty

[19:52.28] <seeker> np! 

[20:01.37] <levity> earlier tita and i walked to office max and got some pritouts

[20:03.17] <seeker> the new URL is quite memorable!

[20:03.21] <seeker> I shared it earlier today

[20:07.49] <levity> yeah, it should be catchy

[20:08.16] <levity> itll make people wonder a lot more than have these jokes

[20:08.59] <levity> "what is this commie bullshit?"

[20:09.03] <levity> hehe

[20:09.36] <levity> and then they go to my blog, and find out ways to fuck money!

[20:10.33] <levity> it's going to be the virtual bridge

[20:10.45] <levity> offline will come online!

[20:11.39] <levity> i mean, maybe i am thinking too grandiose, but there are a lot of questions that you have to ask yourslef in my unique situation

[20:12.02] <levity> i am well beyond the point of paranoia after all these decades

[20:12.58] <levity> no safer assumption can i make than every single byte i transfer is being logged and they've been watching me for decades

[20:13.06] <levity> i have been an open book for so long

[20:13.17] <levity> 1.  why is my blog still up?

[20:13.40] <levity> 2.  why am i still getting a crazy check every month?

[20:14.51] <levity> umm

[20:15.12] <levity> forget it, i'm just stoned :P

[20:17.23] <levity> i have an addendum to my sermon page

[20:17.30] <levity> coming soon

[20:42.12] <levity> +

[20:42.20] <levity> read at your discretion

[20:42.38] <levity> i know it's a bit, but interesting, methinks

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