

Session Start: Sat Mar 30 09:46:19 2024

[09:47.14] <levity> +,  

[09:47.18] <levity> <l8^]

[09:50.18] <levity> i am real curious.  have you researched the percentage of people who also only have the use of one eye?  i mean, is it common with other people who had the same kind of cancer you had?  are there support groups?  like my head injuries, like my herpes, it's kind of like you are a part of a special club and am sure would have awesome stories sto swap

[09:50.18] <levity> .

[09:51.09] <levity> just my stoned morning thoughts :]

[09:52.08] <levity> and do you have an eye-patch collection?  a favorite?

[09:52.39] <levity> have you ever been a pirate for halloween?

[09:54.06] <levity> whoa, #holybible.  hmmmmmmmmmm  LOL

[09:57.27] <levity> it dawned on me last night, sooooooo many people were programmed with teenage mutant ninja turtles growing up.  LIKE SO MANY!  therefore, this is what i have so far.  i am going to get movies and all when im done

[09:58.25] <levity> +

[11:55.05] <seeker> lol! I shared your blog in that channel, I was invited by somebody I made friends with in #Gulag

[11:55.19] <seeker> they do voice chats there, it was nice :)

[11:55.47] <seeker> I have been a pirate for halloween! I did that once or twice when I was a kid, we have photos of it somewhere

[11:56.31] <seeker> I don't really have an eye patch collection, I don't wear an eye patch but have been considering doing so more often lately

[11:57.11] <seeker> I have no idea how many people in general only have the use of one eye, but I know that the location that my cancer was in was VERY unusual

[11:57.31] <seeker> it's not common for mesenchymal chondrosarcoma to be isolated to the eye socket, as far as I know

[11:59.05] <seeker> my mom stayed in contact with a woman who was the grandmother of a girl who also had the same cancer, she ran a group that was something like a "MesChon" group

[12:00.22] <seeker> and also I loved TMNT as a kid (so did my dad). he would tell stories about how he would spend hours at the mall arcade and could get through the entire classic game on just a few quarters

[12:01.05] <seeker> I played the classic game on the gamecube, it was included in a TMNT game that had two discs that I can't remember the name of but me and my brother played a ton

[12:48.46] <levity> dude!

[12:49.05] <levity> i am about to give you such a great read

[12:49.28] <levity> see, in mount shasta tita and i went to an astrologer

[12:49.43] <levity> he gave us a great reading, which i will post eventually

[12:49.56] <levity> and of course we are on his mailing list

[12:50.16] <levity> he just recently posted a great update about this coming month

[12:50.33] <levity> i am indenting paragraphs now for my blog

[12:57.49] <levity> gather snacks, and kick back

[12:57.54] <levity> +

[14:24.37] <levity> check out the little flyers tita designed for me

[14:24.39] <levity> +

[14:25.47] <levity> and i've got pointed to the journal entry!  straight shot

[15:18.47] <seeker> wow, that was a great read

[15:18.59] <seeker> thank you for sharing

[15:19.20] <seeker> I can feel the energy starting already, today walking dogs under the sun

[15:19.47] <seeker> an ease of mind as if to say "fear shall no longer be your barrier"

[15:20.37] <seeker> a group of vultures were circling over two pens that we would keep dogs in, which currently aren't in use due to rampant diarrhea

[15:21.56] <seeker> I suppose they were circling over the death of the pen, suggesting the chain link fence holding me(us) back would be gone

[15:22.20] <seeker> I looked down to pet the dog I was walking and when I looked back for them, they were gone as soon as they had appeared

[15:23.33] <seeker> I'm going to remember to say "fuck you" to all the king's horses and men as the chick emerges and tries to stand on its spindly little legs :)

[15:23.40] <seeker> Crack a doodle do!

[15:25.04] <seeker> those flyers are AWESOME

[15:25.31] <seeker> she forget her oxford comma, though ;^)

[15:25.43] <seeker> well, the first one, got the second one :P

[15:25.55] <seeker> -e +o

[16:12.24] <levity> "No weapon formed against me shall prosper!"

[16:14.38] <levity> i would've pointed it out the day she made it, but i don't think the comma before and is necessary

[16:14.47] <levity> didn't know there was a term for it

[16:15.12] <levity> whats an oxford comma?

[16:20.04] <levity> back to ninja turtles.  i saw some titles in those lists I wanted to watch.  

[16:20.16] <levity> one about a journal, and another one called new world order

[17:32.41] <seeker> +

[17:32.53] <seeker> story complete! :)

[17:35.17] <seeker> the oxford comma is the comma that comes at the end of a list of commented items before the "and"

[17:35.39] <seeker> there's a cool book about commas titled "Eats Shoots and Leaves"

[17:35.56] <seeker> a panda eats shoots and leaves, but a robber at a diner eats, shoots, and leaves

[19:38.20] <levity> lol, thats one of titas fave jokes.  "I'm a panda, look it up."

[19:39.06] <seeker> 🐼

[19:40.32] <levity> +

[19:44.37] <levity> oh shit, didnt see you finished your story

[19:45.18] <seeker> yup! I'm happy with how it turned out, edited out some unnecessary conjunctions and filler words this time

[19:46.17] <seeker> some errors in that one, this one's all nice and shiny +

[19:46.33] <seeker> thanks for suggesting this, feels good :)

[20:19.24] <levity> dude, you are a such a great thought-conveyor! 

[20:19.38] <seeker> ty! :D

[20:19.39] <levity> it's very comforting to have you on my team.  

[20:19.46] <seeker> ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

[20:19.54] <levity> like i love saying, "Where there is a will there is usually a way, but where there are many wills focused on the same thing there are certainties!

[20:20.13] <seeker> a kritkl mass of will, you could say :P

[20:20.30] <levity> it's our job to expand!

[20:23.06] <seeker> like a porn star!

[20:23.37] <levity> individual and expandable!

[22:39.20] <levity> i have been manifesting the world's healthiest chain-letter since the start

[22:39.59] <seeker> now that's a project worth passing on :)

[22:41.20] <levity> i remember talking with armorall once about irc-synchronicities.  

[22:41.55] <seeker> there are most certainly unusual things that are going on here

[22:42.00] <levity> i forget exactly what he said, but i agree'd with him.  have you had any noticeable irc-synchros?

[22:42.20] <levity> like just weird coincidental stuff

[22:42.29] <seeker> yes, many

[22:43.12] <levity> just in case you are wondering what to next to expound on so well like you do

[22:43.15] <levity> hehe

[22:43.22] <seeker> awh <3 :)

[22:44.16] <seeker> there's no hard evidence to suggest that things are causally connected

[22:44.32] <seeker> so it's left up to wonder, belief, experience

[22:44.40] <levity> "Trust in your own untried capacity."

[22:44.43] <levity> - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

[22:45.20] <levity> lemme see if i can dig up armorals convo about that

[22:49.57] <seeker> it would help if I knew which capacities to try

[22:50.04] <seeker> I'll have to wait on that

[22:50.37] <seeker> I trust that fate will guide me when the time is right :P

[22:51.11] <seeker> met you, after all, fellow signpost placer

[22:51.17] <levity> [01:07.06] <Armorall> I know you're a friend but[23:15.45] <levity> seeker has been a real pal

[22:51.17] <levity> [23:16.07] <levity> Armorall++,,

[22:51.17] <levity> [23:16.51] <Armorall> seeker is okay

[22:51.17] <levity> [23:16.56] <Armorall> but he's hard headed

[22:52.35] <levity> and everyone else who is tired of him just bitching and moaning!

[22:52.47] <levity> so he worked in tunnels, big whoop!

[22:52.52] <levity> lol

[22:53.39] <levity> i shouldnt rag on armorall, be bought a shirt

[22:53.41] <seeker> I talked to him a few days ago, I suggested he try volunteer work to help exorcise his demons

[22:53.54] <seeker> told him my experience, how I was afraid when I went into it

[22:53.58] <seeker> that I wouldn't be able to handle the responsibility

[22:54.28] <seeker> I haven't seen him since

[22:54.51] <levity>  <Armorall> seeker is a weird mofo

[22:54.53] <levity> <Armorall> he keeps telling me to volunteer and shit

[22:54.58] <seeker> LOL

[22:55.13] <levity> <Armorall> yes, but he doesn't understand I do shit

[22:55.15] <levity> <Armorall> I don't just do nothing

[22:55.23] <levity>  <levity> thats a good suggestion for anyone

[22:55.30] <levity> yes, but I don't have the energy and time for that

[22:55.49] <levity> +<Armorall>

[22:56.07] <seeker> he said that he supports somebody, or people, monetarily iirc

[22:56.07] <levity> he only has time when he gets paid

[22:56.49] <levity> i dunno, maybe i can covince him to write up his story

[22:56.54] <levity> thatd be kewl

[22:57.22] <levity> ill go, hey look, seeker speaking out on my blog, do you wanna?

[22:57.27] <levity> +is

[22:57.45] <seeker> I would love if I could help inspire a step like that :)

[22:58.24] <levity> the repurcussions would be just dandy :]

[22:58.24] <seeker> help him be the next chain in the chain letter :P

[22:58.39] <levity> zacktamumdo

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