

 Session Start: Tue Apr 02 09:11:40 2024

[09:11.41] ->> seeker is (realname)

[09:11.41] ->> seeker is on: +#HolyBible +#political @#deeppeace +#UFOs +#RebelYell +#Gulag 

[09:11.41] ->> seeker using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[09:11.41] ->> seeker is logged in as seeker

[09:11.41] ->> seeker 14 hrs 21 mins 3 secs seconds idle, signon time 3:01 PM 3/16/2024

[09:11.41] ->> seeker :End of /WHOIS list.

[09:12.03] <levity> hi, bro.  here are those quotes from that meditation book

[09:12.07] <levity> +

[14:35.58] <seeker> sick, thanks :D

[14:52.11] <levity> +

[14:52.13] <levity> hehe

[14:53.23] <levity> oh, and i spruced up that meditation page, added pics

[14:53.27] <levity> +

[14:55.07] <levity> i had sooo many views yesterday to that church from all over the world

[14:56.06] <seeker> nice! more people wanting to try and find a way towards world peace :D

[14:56.59] <levity> yesterday p-1 posted some livechat trump video

[14:57.07] <levity> and i was spamming my shit the whole time

[14:57.31] <levity> +, and +,

[14:57.34] <seeker> lol classic victor :P

[14:57.59] <seeker> world peace through overwhelming marketing!

[14:58.23] <levity> THRU SUPER SPAM

[14:58.25] <levity> :P

[15:01.13] <levity> [20:48.55] <levity> hey, seeker has granted me permission to post our text life on my blog

[15:01.17] <levity> [20:49.16] <levity> per my suggestion he recorded myself and typed it up and send it to me

[15:01.24] <levity> [20:49.28] <levity> its some great stuff

[15:01.40] <levity> [20:49.38] <levity> and he totally appreciates the outlet on my blog

[15:01.43] <levity> [20:49.56] <levity> i would like to extend you that same opportunity, if you want

[15:01.54] <levity> [20:50.12] <Armorall> okay

[15:01.57] <levity> [20:50.12] <Armorall> sure

[15:02.30] <levity> i doubt he'll have the attention span to follow through, but here's hoping

[15:04.37] <seeker> yay

[15:04.48] <seeker> the idea is in his brain now 

[15:05.28] <seeker> my dad had some very kind words after he read the stuff from the other day

[15:06.15] <seeker> "That is a stellar work. The writing, the accurate storytelling, the honesty and depth you reveal of your own self; all of it comes together perfectly. I cried. I laughed. I absolutely love it. It's more personal to me than most anyone else since I lived this with you, but I believe anyone reading it will find the story and the very deep thinking to be compelling. Absolutely love it. ❤️"

[15:06.28] <seeker> he's da man :]

[15:07.48] <seeker> thanks for giving me a little push

[16:31.35] <levity> just doing my job.  we are ones to follow, thomas

[16:32.09] <levity> we are ones to like

[16:32.12] <levity> and share

[16:32.26] <levity> thumbs up to us!

[16:32.27] <seeker> I remembered something the other day, a journal entry I made a long time ago

[16:33.47] <seeker> I  believe that this is the great answer to the human question, and that in order to reach it, an idea has to spread. I don't know what form that idea will take, what we'll call it. A religion? An economic system? A political category? Philosophy? I think people will try and call it a religion unless and even if the scientific method is rigorously applied in order to provide empirical evidence. I wish it were easy to find out what the 

[16:33.47] <seeker> truth is. I don't even know if it's possible to know the truth, or if we can just think that we know it at any given point. But I can't look around me at a world of excess where so many suffer while so few are allowed to oppress them and conclude that the truth we're told is correct.

[16:33.55] <seeker> from 2/10/21

[16:34.18] <seeker> my old shit is pretentious af :P

[16:34.30] <seeker> but basically had the same idea as you about a supermeme to save the world

[16:35.05] <levity> assumption at its finest!

[16:35.23] <levity> postive-assumption

[16:35.39] <seeker> C:

[16:35.45] <levity> the 'ol telemarketing sucker-born-every-minute scheme

[16:35.55] <levity> subverted to do good!

[16:36.15] <seeker> you're a regular fabian :P

[16:36.25] <levity> whos that, again?

[16:36.40] <seeker> +

[16:37.00] <seeker> my preferred method :D

[16:37.35] <seeker> they're probably high on their own farts nowadays

[16:37.49] <seeker> but some of the early members include george orwell and julian huxley, aldous huxley

[16:38.04] <levity> what a tasty morsel!

[16:38.26] <seeker> named after a roman general named maximus fabius, iirc, who was known for defeating forces much larger than his own through subversive measures

[16:38.45] <seeker> ya +

[16:38.51] <levity> it's gonna happen someday.  let's make it sooner than later

[16:39.28] <seeker> I like your attitude of "somebody's gotta give it a shot"

[16:39.33] <seeker> if you think something's impossible, then it is :P

[16:39.49] <seeker> nobody ever changed the world by deciding they couldn't

[16:39.54] <levity> zackly!

[16:40.02] <seeker> :)

[16:41.04] <levity> i hope armorall doesnt mind the world war thing, hehe

[16:41.37] <seeker> oh he'll be right at home lol

[16:41.43] <levity> lol

[16:41.43] <seeker> dude's always looking for a fight

[16:45.58] <levity> cleland just granted himself as an addition

[16:46.05] <levity> hooray

[16:48.54] <seeker> an addition to what?

[16:50.56] <levity> to my undernet friends

[16:53.10] <seeker> gotcha :P

[17:14.04] <levity> +

[17:39.52] <seeker> lmao, the "cleland files" aren't particularly flattering, but amusing XD

[17:40.22] <seeker> you made good on your promise!

[17:40.47] <seeker> [09:11.10] <wptmj> mark my words

[17:40.48] <seeker> [09:11.38] <wptmj> log this convo, i sure as fuck am

[17:40.48] <seeker> [09:12.20] <wptmj> and ever other utterance.  i will make a #gulag section, with ALL true characters

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