

 Session Start: Mon Apr 08 08:50:25 2024

[08:50.30] <levity> +

[08:50.40] <levity> ty for the content!

[08:50.41] <seeker> I read your astrology reading

[08:50.58] <seeker> haha you bet!

[08:51.53] <levity> yeah, did you see how i am supposed to work with people, and its not all just me!

[08:53.08] <seeker> honestly, the whole thing seemed like a big cold reading to me, I'm not surprised there are things in there that you identify with, the number of times glenn asked a question about something that had happened and you responded with just "no." and he just moved on made me laugh

[08:53.32] <levity> i am just the open channel LOVE is working through to bring everyone together

[08:53.40] <seeker> :)

[08:53.58] <levity> yeah, things that cost money are usually fake

[08:54.06] <seeker> you're well suited for the job

[08:54.09] <seeker> imo

[08:54.20] <levity> YOP

[08:54.26] <levity> years of practice :]

[08:54.38] <seeker> :D

[08:54.47] <seeker> it's eclipse day!

[08:55.23] <seeker> I'm heading out to my friend's place in about an hour, it's passing directly over me

[08:55.33] <seeker> we'll get over 3 minutes of complete darkness

[08:56.02] <seeker> has turned our rural arkansas area into a tourist destination lol

[08:56.18] <seeker> here's hoping something fun and spooky happens!

[08:56.39] <levity> yeehaw!

[08:56.56] <levity> i so miss the rural life

[08:57.04] <levity> fuck babylon!

[08:57.13] <levity> whoa, new domain name, hehe

[08:57.53] <seeker> lol

[08:58.29] <levity> i've just been using armoralls $25 to pay for and, $7 a pop

[08:58.52] <seeker> I've been going through plato's republic at the suggestion of an acquaintance in #Gulag and it's bizarre

[08:59.08] <seeker> bizarre how relevant this freaking ancient text is

[08:59.08] <levity> link?

[08:59.24] <levity> gimme gimme :P

[08:59.34] <seeker> +, this series of lectures is what I've been listening to

[09:00.05] <levity> "There are two ways of spreading light: To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."

[09:00.07] <levity> - Edith Wharton

[09:00.16] <seeker> great job done of explaining the concepts

[09:00.25] <seeker> are you implying I'm a candle? XD

[09:00.52] <seeker> I'm only very slightly made of wax

[09:00.56] <levity> aye, you shine bright

[09:01.05] <seeker> aw! :D <3

[09:01.29] <levity> thomas the elucidator!

[09:01.33] <levity> :P

[09:01.56] <seeker> my favorite parts so far have been both thrasymachus' arguments on justice and then the mechanics of how the city in speech would work

[09:02.23] <levity> +

[09:02.34] <seeker> it's trippy because listening to how they design this hypothetical society, I see a lot of similarities between it and much more modern ideas

[09:02.43] <seeker> and this was though up in like 400 BC

[09:02.47] <seeker> which is like "holy shit"

[09:03.02] <seeker> lol kirito is an asshole, though!

[09:03.09] <seeker> a gary stu :P

[09:04.45] <levity> i went into #ftpwarez yesterday, surprised i wasnt still banned.  i told them, "ive got a present for you guys."  and posted FUCKMONEY.BLOG and set my stopwatch

[09:05.02] <levity> banned in 58 secs

[09:05.09] <levity> :P

[09:05.20] <seeker> lol exactly like one of those "getting banned" speedrun videos

[09:05.41] <levity> i would think they would appreciate my shit most of all

[09:06.35] <levity> and on my walks ive been stickering the fuck out of my hood

[09:06.53] <seeker> +

[09:06.57] <levity> i like putting them on fat leaves easily viewable from the sidewalk

[09:07.31] <levity> who the fuck isnt going to rip a leaf off that has on it?

[09:07.36] <levity> hehe

[09:07.43] <seeker> you know what's bizarre?

[09:08.10] <seeker> I had the idea of putting stickers everywhere that would direct people to a location that would give them good information once

[09:08.47] <seeker> in my version it was a QR code with some mysterious phrase or quote

[09:09.12] <seeker> that would be the sort of thing that would really make me go "okay I need to see what the fuck this spooky shit is"

[09:09.15] <levity> ok not sure what that penguin vid is abt

[09:09.24] <seeker> lol he's speedrunning getting banned

[09:09.47] <seeker> analagous to your ftpwarez experience

[09:09.47] <levity> yeah, sneak the good shit in

[09:09.56] <levity> text can conquer all!

[09:10.06] <seeker> that's all it takes to carry ideas :P

[09:10.35] <levity> i was walking around yesterday and soo shocked that my stickers where still sticking everywhere

[09:10.39] <levity> its been months now

[09:10.50] <seeker> lol you must be a minor celebrity

[09:10.52] <seeker> in your area

[09:11.07] <levity> whenever i saw a havethesejokes i would cover it with a fuckmoney

[09:11.34] <seeker> that's a much more provocative name

[09:11.44] <seeker> because you know everybody is thinking it deep down

[09:12.24] <levity> actually, at the nearrest hood park i always walk through, all the little kids at the playground always recognize me.  my walking stick has a whistle on it and i always blow it for them

[09:12.33] <seeker> AWWWWW

[09:13.06] <levity> anytime they see me coming days afterwards, they yell at me and put their hands to their mouths and yell, play your stick!

[09:13.12] <levity> my little fan club

[09:13.14] <levity> hehe

[09:13.34] <seeker> getting them ready to take over the world :P

[09:13.43] <seeker> world peace through stick tunes

[09:13.45] <levity> yup yup

[09:14.26] <seeker> I've shared your april forecast page quite a bit

[09:14.38] <seeker> it's awesome

[09:18.51] <levity> here are some pics of my stickering yesterday

[09:18.55] <levity> +

[09:19.23] <levity> the first one i covered a police sticker

[09:19.48] <seeker> ahhh okay I was wondering what that was

[09:20.12] <seeker> lol nice I like how the graffiti says "fuck you" and then you have "fuck money" on top of it

[09:20.37] <seeker> I went up to the graffiti at the train stop today with the big german shepherd that I walk a ways

[09:20.42] <levity> yeah, i love putting my shit on existing graffiti

[09:20.56] <seeker> we walked on top of the train stop and then jumped down off a ledge

[09:21.19] <seeker> I love graffiti

[09:21.31] <seeker> it's like the voice of the people

[09:22.38] * levity would love to mail thomas a loaded tape-dispenser

[09:22.50] <levity> <l:^)

[09:23.23] <levity> share yourself!

[09:23.24] <seeker> lol! lemme think about it

[09:24.16] <levity> i gotta go make my morning deposit, bbiab

[09:24.24] <seeker> peace o/

[10:17.21] <levity> hey bro, did you ever read my sermon page, chapter 2?  the conversation i had with tita when i first showed it to her?

[10:17.32] <levity> +

[10:34.07] *** Server disconnected on Pipera.RO.EU.Undernet.Org

[10:38.18] levity resolved to

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