

 Session Start: Sat Apr 13 01:22:36 2024


[13:23.17] <levity> +

[13:23.20] <levity> :P

[13:23.54] <seeker> lol!!

[13:24.23] <seeker> the title is an honor :]

[15:26.05] <levity> interesting new chapters when you get the chance.. 

[15:26.08] <levity> +

[16:33.50] <levity> dude!

[16:33.56] <levity> +

[16:34.32] <levity> would you think my sharing all of my private messages might be considered a breach of something, hehe

[16:34.53] <levity> people know the risks they assume when they come on IRC

[17:48.07] <seeker> well, some people might say that it's a courtesy to keep things that are considered to be in confidence in confidence, but personally, I don't mind

[17:48.24] <seeker> I don't keep many secrets :P

[17:50.01] <seeker> something worth keeping in mind, though, is that doing that is going to create a panopticon that may cause people not to be as open with you in "private"

[17:51.10] <seeker> it's not illegal, though, or at least I'm pretty sure it's not

[17:51.26] <seeker> it's legal to record people without their knowledge in a lot of states, maybe even most of them

[17:51.37] <seeker> as long as you're a participant in the conversation

[19:25.27] <levity> re: panopticon.  i know dis.  thats why i have had ZERO contact from my family.  not even a call on my bday

[19:26.04] <levity> i should text them that mark twain quote:  "It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both."

[19:26.07] <levity> :]

[19:26.48] <levity> when i visited last year, my mom had promised to send me a care package with coffee and shit

[19:26.53] <levity> NOTHING

[19:27.44] <seeker> lol I think that's from machiavelli

[19:27.49] <seeker> I think I remember it from the prince

[19:28.02] <levity> great descriptor, btw panopticon

[19:28.10] <seeker> holy shit I'm right

[19:28.12] <seeker> HOLY SHIT

[19:28.16] <seeker> I KNOW SOMETHING

[19:28.30] <seeker> +

[19:28.41] <seeker> oh that's not helpful

[19:29.23] <seeker> +

[19:30.06] <levity> +

[19:30.21] <levity> alright, gonna go buy some dabs, bbl, peace!

[19:30.25] <seeker> peace!

[19:31.09] <levity> oh yeah, did i show you?

[19:31.09] <seeker> ya the panopticon was a real thing used in prisons a long time ago

[19:31.12] <levity> +

[19:31.21] <seeker> I learned about it when I was doing michel foucalt's discipline and punish

[19:31.29] <seeker> I think I forgot to click

[19:31.32] <seeker> I will check out

[19:31.46] <seeker> I think a great example of a panopticon effect are speed limits

[19:31.53] <seeker> or stoplights

[19:32.21] <seeker> you don't know where there might be a cop around the corner, and so you end up self-regulating your behavior to mitigate that risk and it prevents you from speeding or running red lights

[19:32.37] <seeker> because people end up self-regulating it ends up being an incredibly powerful tool

[19:33.04] <seeker> very few resources required to get a large number of people to do the work of governing themselves for you

[19:33.12] <seeker> but you can make them accidentally too like in your case lol

[19:34.12] <seeker> so if people don't want to be "caught running a red light" (having thoughts they're not secure in put put in public) they'll self-govern to avoid that

[19:34.29] <seeker> hope da dabs are dank :]

[19:34.45] <seeker> -p +o

[20:59.50] <levity> so dank, diggity-dank

[21:20.43] <levity> i added this to my gulag page:

[21:20.54] <levity> "That is only my #gulag logs.  Here all all of my private messages:

[21:20.54] <levity>         Okay, I know posting private conversations is a big cyber faux pas, butt fuck it.  Sue me, I dare ya.   Drastic times.  People need to learn how to keep it real.  HERE ARE MOST OF MY MESSAGES THAT IRC SAVES ON IT'S OWN ANYWAY.  You can't get mad at me.  <l:0)

[21:20.54] <levity>         ALL OF MY IRC QUERIES which support and validate my timeline, not to mention show exactly how hard I am trying to reach people.  I am bringing the offline world online so it can enjoy the same freedoms all of us byte-dependent people enjoy."  

[21:22.04] <levity> THE MODEL FOR LIBERATION IS THE WEB!  


[21:22.07] <seeker> lol based on all this I presume you've gotten some complaints :P

[21:22.32] <levity> just one today from Nameless

[21:23.59] <levity> [12:26.47] <Namless> is that from private chat?

[21:23.59] <levity> [12:27.08] <Namless> I really don't appreciate anyone posting private chats publicly

[21:23.59] <levity> [12:27.14] <Namless> maybe you aren't aware, but it's not cool

[21:25.00] <levity> [12:27.24] <levity> noted, i will remove if you wish

[21:25.00] <levity> [12:27.44] <Nameless> I'd have to see exactly what the content is, but in general, never do it

[21:25.00] <levity> [12:27.53] <levity> i didnt think you would mind. honestly

[21:25.00] <levity> [12:28.24] <levity> i have gotten in the habit of taking sharing to a whole other level

[21:25.00] <levity> [12:28.36] <levity> but i will respect regardless

[21:25.00] <levity> [12:28.37] <Nameless> it's just not something you should do

[21:25.37] <levity> he be skeered :]

[21:26.25] <seeker> yeah, it would probably be a pain to go and get consent from everybody, but you could always change their names or any identifying features :P

[21:26.28] <seeker> anonymize the data

[21:26.45] <levity> yeah, he was cool with that

[21:26.50] <levity> so its all good

[21:28.13] <levity> you and i both know i wouldve done it anyway, hehe, ends justify the means

[21:28.24] <seeker> oh my

[21:28.46] <seeker> let the record show that I don't consent to my friend victor committing atrocities in the name of world peace :]

[21:28.58] <levity> lol!

[21:29.17] <levity> and least i am not burning people alive because they don't agree with me

[21:29.23] <levity> wait, hold on

[21:29.33] <levity> i AM roasting them, lol

[21:30.06] <seeker> don't worry, I'll let you know if I think you're going too far :D

[21:30.07] <levity> the ones who i feel deserve it only

[21:30.27] <levity> yes, please, keep me in check

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