


I found this on the web.  I did not write this.

Are You a Slave to the Illusion?

     There is a description of a pyramid, with the elite few at the top and the majority of humanity at the bottom, living in despair and chaos. One of the excerpts upon entering this site is from Orwell's book "1984"... sound familiar?
     I have on an intuitive level been aware of what they call the "pyramid" yet, I had no true understanding of the choices humanity has in defense of what we have been taught, which is; "Life's A Bitch, and that's just the way it is. Deal With It!"

     I have read about an agenda orchestrated by these elite group[s], and when I started to study the subject I found many sources with several different perspectives. The claims have ranged from, the belief that this elite group is an in-bread reptilian race working through humans from a 4th dimension. Others are more basic, more prosaic, (though nonetheless diabolical in their theory) involving a governmental/political agenda that is run by secret societies such as the Freemasons (to name one) with their goal being to enslave humanity. Unfortunately many of these sources just seem to spread fear. There are very few practical views on the subject.

     Although, I have found, regardless of the source, it seems the intentions of this elite group seems to be the same, and the purpose is to enslave humanity in this life as slaves to their agenda, and even beyond this life. One thing that has impressed me, and gives some of these theories credence, at least in this respect, is that in all these views there seems to be a very consistent theme. This theme is that the Rockefeller's and the Rothschild's are two of the elite families at the top of this "pyramid." It is believed that these two families along with several other families, through out the world, are the ones pulling the strings for a secret agenda that will [is] turn us all in to mindless slaves.

     But, more importantly, I feel it does not stop here in this physical world. I feel that they have the knowledge to capture our quintessential consciousness, and trap humanity in a dimensional prison of sorts which will in turn stop, or prevent our evolvement towards the higher purpose. This purpose, I feel, is a reunion of, or with the whole of all that is "THE ONE".

     Some may refer to this reunion with the whole as a reunion with a "G-D" in relation to a particular religion. But, in my studies I have come to realize the gods of these religions have anthropomorphic qualities which make them lesser g-ds. I believe they exist in lower dimensions. They are not the purest essence of the whole.

     I have also come to understand the human race has been lead in this direction to worship these lesser g-ds in an effort to stagnate, or stop our evolutional process. They have been able to do this by withholding knowledge, and also by creating dogmas that are fear based, and ruled by unrealistic man made MORALS that are unnatural to the collective human consciousness in relation to the material plane and the physical manifestations of the tool necessary for evolution which is the human body in this life.

     This coupled with the distractions humanity must deal with due to our duality creates obstacles that I will elaborate upon later. Humanity as a whole is generally ignorant of our true origin, and our true spark of divinity. The knowledge of sacred geometry is very important to humanities understanding of our purest essence, and how we are all connected. The use of sacred geometry symbolism and ritual is used extensively by the Illuminati. They have knowledge of the power, and it's use. This knowledge has been replaced with religious dogmas. For a little more on this, click link at the bottom of this page, and also links to information on my links page. The manipulating our DNA has also resulted in a lowering of humanities vibration connection with the universe. I feel that anything, or anyone that stands in the way of a consciousness [entities,soul,spirit] free will, and ability to evolve is the ultimate "ADVERSARY".

     It has been said that this agenda has been in effect from the times of antiquity. Some researchers advocate that the Rockefeller's and Rothschild's are part of an ancient bloodline that ruled in ancient times and still maintain this rulership over the world today.

     One question that comes to mind when I consider this to be a possible fact/reality of humanity's situation is....If in fact they had a hand in creating humanity, how, and when did they lose their control that has lead them to create such an awesomely evil and covert scheme? Or, was this part of the plan, the seeming loss of control?

     I suppose the answer to this could be found in the ideology of "The Good Guy's verses the Bad Guy's". Or, in other words the Good Evil aspect referred to by most religions. I suppose the scientific term would be positive/negative, chaos/order. I have yet to truly comprehend how this actually came about. Although I am beginning to suspect there to be a division within the group it's self.

     I do not wish to elaborate on the facts of this subject myself. Although I have several links on Favorite Links . The people, who created these sites, have done extensive research on the subject of the Illuminati (and all it entails), and are better prepared to explain the subject in much more detail and accuracy than I could.

     I don't necessarily agree with all the aspects of these sites but, I've found a consistent pattern, and connect the dots to the truth[s].

     My reasons for writing this page is to share my opinions, and experiences on how I have become aware of the effects their cause has had on my life. Also I want to share how I have (and still work at) overcoming their intended objective. I have become more aware of the things going on within myself, and in this world. To coin a phrase; "Things aren't always as they may appear", so even though you may not feel there is a detrimental agenda going on, becoming more aware isn't a bad idea under any circumstance.

     I began to feel the need in asking myself a few questions such as... Where did my belief systems come from? I found this to be easier said than done because to find the answers required me to do some very profound self-examination, and recapitulation of my life. And what I saw was not always pleasant. But, once I knew the source, which in fact was my programming from the outside world, the haze began to clear. I asked myself why I believed as I did/had, and the answer didn't really surprise me at this point. I became aware of how my belief systems effect every aspect of my life. This lead me to question "Reality" as I was told it is, was, and should be. I questioned it for what I felt I thought "Reality" has been and is in my life. The answer to these questions opened a door to the natural true "me" but not without extreme turmoil.

     The answer to these questions created a feeling in me that I was pushing to far. I felt at times as if I had gone to the limit, and the feeling was very unsettling, and I would be grip by a sense of utter anxiety. I then would have to ponder these feelings wondering why I felt so strange, so torn, so very afraid. An awesome state of ambivalence came over me that I'm sure might be compared to someone being deprogrammed from a brainwashing. I realized the reason for this might be the fact that I, as all humans, have an ability to settle into a frame of thought/belief, and when this is challenged we/I became agitated and afraid.

     A comparison might be, for example, imagining that suddenly you find out that someone you have trusted without doubt, and without question is a murderer, or rapist. This would blow your mind. You would probably ask yourself,
     "Why did I not see it?"
     "How could they deceived me like this?"
     And finally, "How could I have been so dumb to believe in this person so completely?"

     Now imagine this in our world and apply these same questions. The questions had been asked. Slowly I began to break from the illusion, though at times I fell into severe states of panic, I felt that this was the point where I should push further because I had reached the barrier constructed to prevent us from breaking the spell, the illusion. These barriers are fear, confusion, and panic.

     Once I "pushed on through to the other side" [a rebirth you might say], beyond, or in spite of these fears, etc... I begin to see clearer.

     I can honestly say my life in this world has not gotten any easier at this point because, to tell you the truth, this is when the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan because now I was awakening, and to prevent this is of the utmost importance to the Illuminati's agenda. The desire at this point for me often was, and still is,to just give into the it. To fall back into the illusion.

     Therefore upon reaching this point I felt as if "I", myself had to do something drastic. To warn the world, create a revolution, something just needed to be done, anything. I started to comprehend the enormity, and infiltration of their agenda, and I thought; "We're never going to make it". But, in my natural state that I had found, I realize all I have to really do is stop participating as much as possible in the things I now knew had been created to hold us in the illusion. I also found that awareness of the moment was very important.

     Here are a few things I've realized in myself after asking these questions, and raising my awareness.

     The first thing I noticed was how my attention has been distracted from any pursuit of any knowledge beyond what the "Established Order" provides. Before the Internet I had never really considered the idea that the world is guided in a certain direction. Although I would often feel an undercurrent that something was going on beyond what was actually being revealed through the media, my friends, and society in general.

     My first dilemma was with the spiritual aspects of life. The religion I had been brought up to believe in did not answer my questions. In fact this particular religion discouraged questions that questioned "G-D's" methods in any form. All was to be taken on faith. Eventually the word "sheep"(used often in religions as a symbol of humanities position in the world) began to sink into my mind for what it truly was intended to do within our minds. Follow without question, do as we say, and don't step out of your position. Don't rock the boat.

     Somehow I managed to come out of the religion frame of ignorance. It just didn't seem complete. And the fact that the Christian "G-D" created us only to worship him didn't seem logical. I began to see this g-d as just a powerful being with a huge ego. I simply could not reconcile that being human served no purpose other than to feed a dictatorial, prejudice, and angry gods ego. I felt a need for knowledge that just was not being supplied with the Christian concept of following this god blindly. The Christian god just seem to small. To anthropomorphic.

     As my pursuit to free my mind continued, another thing became apparent to me. For those who do start breaking through they've set a trap there as well. They've done this by stealing everything including all that is necessary for our basic survival, while we were under their illusion. To suddenly awaken and realize the dire situation is a hell of sorts. There seems no where to turn. Religion is a distraction but, money is their major tool...their weapon.

     I wondered how could we survive without participating in the monetary system? How could I survive and "Not" feed their machine? Like a light coming on in my mind a realization formed and the answer was loud and clear. You can't in the world as it is today because as I said, while the world has been dazed in the haze of the Illuminati's mind manipulation, they creating money then, through massive world wide mental and emotional programming, they have ingrained the belief that we must buy back all the elements the planet has to offer. All, which in its design, can and does sustain human life forms (all life forms on earth) indigenous to this planet.

     I realize some might argue the fact of our indigenous state, and I can see the possibilities (Read Zecharia Sitchin's book The 12th Planet). Humanity seems out of sync with the natural order of the planet Earth. I feel I'm living in a "World" that is artificially based on a man[?] (Illuminati) made "System" (in Greek meaning "Sewer") that has proven to be in opposition with this planet. I have often confused the word world with the planet Earth. The word "World" is actually a concept, or creation in a mind. I understand now that the "World" is the man made "System" that has little to do with the Earth.

     My point is that "I" have lived on this planet all my life, therefore I feel I am an indigenous creature to the planet Earth.

     Which brings me back to the point of money. I feel, anything that is absolutely necessary to sustain life is our birth right. And yet, they actually have us believing the opposite, and like stupid robotic sheep we buy back from them what they have stolen from us which is rightfully ours in the first place. Isn't this illegal??!!

     I asked myself why every aspect of this life totally revolves around money? And if we, as humans, are part of a higher purpose, (I believe this, maybe you don't) how are we to fulfill our purpose when so much time is consumed just keeping ourselves, and our families, fed, clothed, and a roof over our heads?

     I deliberated the concept of the monetary system and saw how utterly ridiculous it seems in view of the bigger picture.

     I wondered what would happen if all of us at the bottom of this hierarchy were to stop using money? We are the ones who work to feed "their machine" "their system", which frees them to pursue their evolutional destiny, as tainted as it may be (as our consciousness dies).
     Read This Note From The Rich.

     What if we just laid money down as if it were a bad habit? Hummm.....very interesting to ponder what would happen to their lovely little "World" if we just refused to participate in their hierarchal money game, and found other means of getting what we need to survive. After all there are more of us than them.

     Although this would be an impossible feat if just a few were to do this because fact is, money is a necessity. And if just a few stop using the system they would literally starve. And yet, if we all chose to stop participating in their system we could win. We are the majority!

     Only in the past 100yrs, or so, (especially since TV) has money become such an absolute in our daily lives. Just try to live one single day (not buying anything in advance to prepare), and see how money has replaced self-autonomy and has made us totally dependent on their system.

     If you are like me, and start to see this, then you might ask your self how do we break away from this when everything cost us?

     The only way I have been able do this (because I am a lone ranger) is by cutting down on feeding their machine with unnecessary buying. I stick to the basics. This will require discipline, and may create a sense of resentment, in the beginning, towards those who have not yet awakened. But, this soon passed for me. As I broke away from these things I didn't sit around twiddling my thumbs. For one thing I wasn't able to waste the time. If I was going to break away I had to become even more responsible for my own, and those I loved, survival.

     I started to feel changes in myself as my needs, and desires started to become more basic. I concentrated on my evolutional growth as a conscious being in this universe. Striving to acquire knowledge "gnosis".

     As these changes in my life took hold I realized my sense of empathy, and compassion towards others, especially animals, and the planet has grown drastically. I started growing my own food, and learning alternative ways of surviving in this world. You may experience other types of changes.

     These are things I've done and you might not experience the same things but, you will experience something once the illusion is broken and you wake up from the spell. To each their own. But, remember...One way people can be controlled is to threaten to take away what they "NEED". This is one of the reasons we have gotten into this situation in the first place. FEAR!

     Everything that we need to sustain our existence is on this planet and humanity should have free access to anything necessary to our survival.

     I understand, for some people, this makes absolutely no sense. I feel they have been so tampered with through the DNA manipulation and all the other trappings that they may not be able to ever grasp this, and it is beyond them to see from any other view. This is not criticism because it is not their fault. The Illuminati have had the advantage over humanity through out our entire existence.

     For those of you who are awakening to the elite's evil agenda; Please don't give up! If the truth be told they are actually in utter fear of our awakening. So very much afraid they do every possible thing they can to keep us from finding the truth.

     All the possessions they keep us busy trying to collect by spending most of our time trying to make money so we can buy them are only traps, and the price is our freedom in the physical form and our soul beyond.

     Possessions are products that feed our egos, and play on our negative human aspects. The concept of the ego based possessions are created by the Illuminati to keep us dissatisfied and grounded to the material, physical, and finite aspects of life instead of striving for the infinite, and sublime.

     One instrument used to keep us from breaking away is the massive brainwashing, I mentioned, which is through the media (commercials, TV, etc). Their main purpose of the media is to distract, put in trance like states, and to play on our egos. They do this by giving us the idea that owning a certain car, house, wearing certain clothes, having this stereo etc., is what will raise our status in the eyes of our fellow humans....and this in turn "WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY"! But, just for the moment until the new model, or style comes out a few months, or weeks later, and we're off to buy the newer improved version... getting deeper in debt.

     This is what they don't tell you. And in the mean time they sit back, and laugh as they watch us chasing our tails, playing their money game just trying to hold that very temporary state of happiness.

     Yes, only temporary satisfaction is derived from these trinkets they offer. And this in turn causes us to need more just like an addiction.

     Human beings have been manipulated into an emotional bonding with an inanimate object. This is because, first and fore most, it is the object we NEED. Second it places us in a hierarchy. Money equals status which is all ego based illusions. And this in my opinion is the bases of their ability to control us. For more on this subject check out ANTI-MONEY. Also check out ~PBA~ linked at the bottom of the ANTI-MONEY page.

     I have become a person who does not believe everything I hear, read, or am told. I don't expect anyone else to either. So check out, read, learn about this subject for yourself.

     I have been the civilized rebel through out my life. "Civilized" in the sense that I never blatantly revolted against the "Social Structure", the "Established Order". And yet, I now feel a sense of irritation with my complacency, and lack of courage. This is one reason for my creating this site. You'll find that several of my poems reflect how I have been caught in the illusion, and now how I fight to break from this illusion that I, and humanity as a whole, has been born into.

     I have become aware of how their agenda and manipulations have created false beliefs in my own life. I see where I have been programmed through the educational system, the media, religion, and society in general.

     All these intrusions into my mind has placed me in my proper position to fit the agenda. And believe me, I'm definitely on the bottom of this "pyramid".

     These are the major things that the Illuminati have created to keep us distracted from our true purpose.

     The reason we are here is to progress in our evolutional destinies. This to some could be called spiritual, and yet it involves our effort as physical beings. How can we manage time to fulfill this evolution if we are consumed with the mentioned distractions? Why have we been lead to believe that our human existence is somehow perpetual? Everyone realizes that eventually our physical bodies will die but somehow we keep marching to their drill as if this existence is going to go on and on forever. Why is this? Because this is the Illuminati's ultimate goal. To keep people aimed in the direction that will wrap us in a cloak of ignorance to the truth and eventually lead to a One World Government, and prisons for our souls beyond this life. If the rich elite are still getting old and dying in their physical forms.....then you can bet the technology has not been perfected to create immortals, and probably won't be in our life time.

     As for the One/New World Order.... I am for the world becoming aware of the fact that we share a planet no matter what country we live in. After all we are living on this planet together and I feel we should see our selves as CONSCIOUS EVOLVING BEINGS (first and foremost) expressed through our human physical form.

     I see the problem as being their approach, if just for the sake of argument, they are sincerely working towards world tolerance and world peace, why has their approach usually been covert, and classified under the guise of National Security? The act of secrecy holds sinister undertones.

     If their intent is truly to bring the realization to all that we as human beings are coexisting on the same planet, then there should be no need for their secret, covert behavior.

     If we could view the world as a whole rather than countries with borders, and distinct races we would realize that we're all the human race. If we could start changing our thought processes we could start to close the gaps, and break down the walls. which have been built to keep us in a state of ignorance, fear, and division.

     These things I have mentioned are just a few things I have become aware of, and am trying to break away from. The "awareness" I have found to be fairly easy but, the actual act of breaking away from the behavior I've been trained in from birth is very difficult. This is due to the fact that the doors are practically closed to any alternative life style that does not take huge portions of our time away from higher goals.

     The Pollyanna teachings that we are to settle down, work hard, breed, and worship "G-D's", is intended to get (and keep) humanity caught in the trappings of this world, and prevents us from higher goals, and our spiritual growth, or an evolutional rising of our consciousness through learning how to raise our vibration levels, for one, and I'm sure there are many other methods to grow, or evolve spiritually.

     Due to their concentrated effort to keep our focus on this physical plane; with all it's mundane, and prosaic processes we have lost our "KNOWING" that we are more than this physical body. We remain totally focused in their illusion because of the incredible time consuming ego based rituals taught to us from the very moment of our birth. These rituals involved in maintaining the physical body have been used by humans, in most cases, as instruments of distraction especially when we seek only to pleasure our selves using only the five senses. The intent is to keep humanity focused mainly on the reptilian brain functions (the 4 "F's" fight, flight, feed, fuck) in turn dulling our creative, and divine spark that surely holds the keys to our potential as human beings to balance the duality this existence calls for.

     The body is a necessary tool, i feel, for our evolutional growth in this three dimensional plane of existence, although with the advancements in technology there should be no need for us to spend as much time on merely surviving in the physical sense, as well as using the body for hedonistic seeking. And yet, i feel that sex, as most innate functions of our physical bodies, can serve our spiritual evolution if we will realize how everything we do is and exchange of energy. Without fair exchange we are left depleted and hungry for more, which can lead to excessive use, and abuse, of our own bodies as well as others. We become psychic vampires of a sort if these physical aspects are done with the intent of satisfying just the body with no knowledge of their higher potential. The nature of our dual existence is a double edge sword, and these pleasures we seek that involve the five senses can be used to deter, or to advance our goals.

     This is what I have realized, and I hope for those of you who hear a ring of validity to these words....please join me by starting your own research. You can start by checking out these LINKS.

     This is written with the highest regards and warmest wishes for all in this life and beyond.

     Peace, and good luck!

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