

San Antonio, TX

Thursday January 17, 2008

     6:50am  I am all ready to go. I am about to take off.

     7:30am  I just walked to Bandera. Turning right.
                   For breakfast I had a big bowl of beans, some leftover beans and from the Crazy Chicken, El Pollo Loco, and I had a couple tamales. I did my strethces and drank some water. Right now I'm going to take a piss over by Huebner Creek. Hmm, what way should I walk downtown. I think I'm going to turn on Eckhert and go to the Medical Center first. Get downtown on Fredericksburg and then walk back on Bandera.

     7:40am  I just walked by the Walmart on Mainland. I took pictures looking back and looking forward.

                   Just walked over Leon Creek. I took a picture.

                   I stopped in the field right before Westchase and took a piss.

                   I changed my mind. I'm going to go down Bandera first. I might walk up Bandera too. I don't know.

     8:08am  I am walking in front of the Judge Onion House. The Huebner-Onion Homestead Restoration Project. Found some pictures of it on the web here: I would take a picture of it, but my batteries ran out. I'm going to sit down and smoke a snipe I found.

     8:12am  Getting up and leaving.

                   Walked by an old license plate cover that said FREEDOM on it. I can't take a picture of it because my batteries are dead.

                   I just passed these construction workers working at Huebner Creek. I walked by and yelled at them, "Buenos dias!" One dude yelled back, "You're a long way from Ashbury, dude."

                   I'm walking down Bandera just coming up on Loop 410.

     8:35am  I just walked underneath 410. I paused and I put my shirt on over my sweater. So you can see my Make It Happen.

     8:46am  I'm walking downtown via Bandera and Joe just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:47am  That was cool. I'm right over here by Ideas Unlimited. Ezrah is probably not even there this early. I took my last resin hit this morning. Maybe she's got some weed. I am considering not stopping there. The only reason I would is to get my project bag she has ready for me. Some stuff she wants me to transcribe for her. I would want to get that on the way back so it wouldn't weigh me down in my walking today. But, I just bummed a cigarette off of Joe a couple blocks before. So maybe I'll sit down and smoke on that bench in front of the shop. I hope she's there and not her boss. It's open so she might be.

                   I looked in the glared window and only made out her boss inside. I didn't even knock. I'm going to keep walking.

     8:57am  Passing Evers/Benrus.

     9:07am  I just walked by Ramiro's, Exhaust Centers, where my mom takes her car on Broadview and Bandera. Some guy saw me from inside. I think it's that guy I smoked out that one time when I came here with my sister(8-16-07). I walked over and gave them my website and told them duty called and walked off.

     9:11am  Walking by Fatso's Sports Bar.

     9:37am  I stopped for a little smokebreak in front of the old Peter Piper. It's shut down now. I got this idea to stop at the thrift store and see if they have a shirt for me today. Coincidentally, I'm wearing my green Make It Happen shirt I scored at this very same thrift store like three years ago(2-26-05 12:35pm). I wonder if the same girl still works there. I doubt it. I'm going to go see if there's another magic shirt there. I shouldn't expect it. I shouldn't have even made this recording. There's not going to be one now. I jinxed it.

     10:02am  I just got out of the thrift store. I didn't see any shirts. I only went through one full rack. It took a long time. They have a lot of shirts. I don't want to waste my time. I'm going to keep walking. I did see one that said It's All Good. It wasn't worth asking for. It's nothing like Make It Happen. It's All Good is ghetto slang. I'd be a liar if I wore that shirt, because it's not all good. It could be though.

     10:18am  I just got to Culebra.

     10:36am  I just passed Zarzamora. I am waving the peace sign to all the cars today. I have been. This police car had stopped at a stop light and he had this thug handcuffed in the back seat. I gave him the peace sign and he gave it right back smiling.

     10:46am  I just walked under I10.
     10:56am  Coming up on Fredericksburg. I'm going to keep walking and aim for McFarlin Tennis Center and check my practice wall resource. Let's see if I get any more balls for my trip.

                     I can say hi to Jade(1-11-08 5:31pm) too if she's there. I'm going to cut towards San Pedro. I remember walking by that big skyscraper where all the senior citizens live.

     11:35am  I stopped at Leanne's house and Jade was there! She was asleep on the couch and I woke her up unwittingly. She's glad because she overslept. I came inside and visited with her and smoked a cigarette and aired out my feet and changed out my socks. I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I had too.

     11:49am  I just came from Jade's house. I was walking through San Pedro Springs Park and I saw a guitar case on a bench by the playground, but I didn't see the owner anywhere. I figured anyone who plays guitar smokes weed. I didn't see anyone, but then I heard voices coming from above. Ahh, they're up in the tree. I walked inside the tree canopy and called out, "Do you guys have any weed?" This one dude told me, "I sure do, but you have to climb up here to smoke any." He eventually came down and smoked me out. Angus and Mark smoked a brother out. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:02pm  I forgot to mention Conner just showed up and he brought some more weed. It's cool, I have this little three person audience listening to me in San Pedro Springs Park. Conner hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Hell yeah! Conner just hooked me up with some weed! I'm going to go back and smoked Jade out now.

                     Presto-manifesto! I just got hooked up with some weed! I had a good little presentation in the park too. I had to cut it short because they had to go to class. That guy Angus who had offered to smoke me out at first, his eyes were locked on mine while I was orating. His other two friends were being distracted, but I had his complete attention. Then Conner hooked me up with some weed and another cigarette! Seems like I stumbled onto the hang-out spot for the SAC kids. Oh yeah, when Conner walked up he recognized me, "Oh yeah! You're the long-distance walker!" He lives in Braun Station and he told me he's seen me walking around for years. It really sucks that my camera ran out of batteries. I'm going to keep walking downtown. Oh wait, I'm going to smoke Jade out first.

     12:17pm  I've got an update to make. All the college kids left to class. I spotted a red college notebook on the bench. It had all this kid's work in it. That Conner kid. I grabbed it and I'm going to get it back to him somehow. It's the least I could do, he gave me some weed. So I walked all the way to SAC and I'm standing here in front of the Moody Learning Center. All these college kids are looking at me. I'm going to hopefully run into Conner. Maybe I can find what class he's in and deliver it.

     12:30pm  I dropped off that notebook in McCreless Hall, the math department. In the lost and found. Hopefully Conner will get it back.
     12:33pm  Badass, I came back to the tennis courts and I already see a ball right on the other side of the fence. I can pinch it out, awesome.

     12:44pm  I scored me six balls. Sweet. I'm going to walk over and smoke Jade out.

                     I scored me another tennis ball over by the trashcans. I think after I smoke Jade out I'm going to start walking back home. I almost got downtown today. Like a mile away. I already ate my sandwich at Jade's earlier. I manifested a little bit of weed. I'm going to go smoke Jade out and I'm going to walk back home. I'll walk up Bandera and stop at Ideas Unlimited and get my project bag from Ezrah and start typing up her stuff so I can get me my shirt.

     12:57pm  Jade never answered the door. I'm walking to go say hi to Ezrah now. Maybe her boss is there and I'll offer to smoke Ezrah out. "You want to smoke some weed, Ezrah?"

                     All you marker-toting taggers out there, be sure to tag HAVETHISBOOK.COM wherever you can.

     1:07pm  Just walked underneath I10.

     1:13pm  It was cool. At Jade's house I was able to switch out my socks. I ate my sandwich and used the empty Ziploc for my dirty socks. Man, I just got this weird energy boost right now. I'm walking up Culebra almost to Bandera. I'm over here by some cathedral. My feet don't hurt at all anymore. I'm hauling ass.

     1:15pm  I just crossed Zarzamora. I paused and put another tennis ball on my stick. I scored a shitload of tennis balls today.

     1:28pm  Mary hooked me up with a taco at Doña Maria's. I appreciate it, Mary.

     1:29pm  What a blessed day.

     1:34pm  That was an unexpected pit-stop. I went in there to just ask for water, but I changed my mind. I got me a yummy carne guisada taco and ate it there. I'm going to keep walking now.

     1:41pm  Stopped at bus stop #45229 right here at Wilson close to Bandera and Culebra. I had found an almost empty pouch of tobacco a little earlier. I'm going to dig through my mission pouch and see if I have any papers. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed.

     1:55pm  I had a damn good smokebreak. I'm all stoned. I'm walking down Bandera. NW 24th and Wilson. Bandera is not that far. I'm going to start walking it.
                   Actually, I'm going to turn and walk up Wilson instead. I'll zigzag like I did earlier. I've had a great day today.

     2:06pm  I'm walking down Wilson and I just passed Woodlawn.

                   Just behold the beauty in this. I was kind of hoping Jade would have some weed. I went over there and said hello and gave her a big hug. She's so cute. She didn't have any. I asked her if she had a pipe to scrape. I wanted some weed, bad. Then right when I decided to leave I walked to the park and stumbled onto these college stoner kids up in the tree. They smoked me out and listened to the first half of my story. I had to cut it short, because they had to go to class. Then I went to go and try and return that notebook. It's the least I could do. I should've written a note in it. I'm stupid.

                   I forgot to tell you. I went down some random alley off of Wilson. I'm walking parallel to Mulberry now. Hopefully I'm going in the right direction.

     2:21pm  I popped out of the alley at Morning Glory. I just passed Mulberry. I'm going to walk and try to get on Bandera again.

     2:32pm  I ended up back on Woodlawn. I might have gone in a complete circle. There's a big building here.

     2:35pm  The 90 bus came right when I got to Woodlawn and I was able to ask the driver to point me towards Bandera. I told him I lost my sense of direction in the alley. He pointed the way he was going and I thanked him and kept walking. I could've gotten on the bus, I have my bus pass, but I chose not to. I'm going to walk up to Ideas Unlimited and get my project bag, then I'm going to ride the bus home and get to work.

                   The big building is the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. I don't know what they do there. There's lots of cars there. Some religious shit.

                   I just hit Bandera, turning right.

     3:13pm  I had a nice little smokebreak right in front of Fatso's. I'm going to walk to Callaghan. Man, my feet are tired. Oh shit, I found another Double A battery. I had found one earlier too. Shit, it's all rusted.

     3:27pm  I just passed Evers/Benrus.

     3:40pm  Man, I want a cigarette so bad. I stopped at the Valero and the Chevron, but nobody has a cigarette to spare. I just passed Callaghan right now. I'm going to go talk to Ezrah. She doesn't smoke cigarettes. Maybe I'll hit her up for a dollar fifty so I can buy a pouch. I have fifty cents.

     3:54pm  I just talked to my good friend Ezrah and she gave me all the tapes I need to type up. She already had a shirt made for me, but she messed it up. She has WORLDPEACE as one word, so she just gave it to me, for a backup shirt. How awesome! She told me it was the first shirt she had ever made. She told me she was going to hook me up with some KB too, but she forgot it at home. I told her I would come by tomorrow, I like KB, hehe. I think Ezrah is adorable. I think she's cute as hell. Her husband Tim is a lucky guy.

     3:56pm  I forgot to tell you. I walked up to to bus stop #69539. I'm waiting for the 88. Ezrah gave me a leather bag with tapes and a recorder. I don't need to walk all the way home. Even though I could. I want a cigarette bad.

                   Be sure to add when I talk about Karma, "This concept has yet to be proven to a lot of people."

                   Earlier when I first got to the bus stop I wanted a cigarette so bad. Then I noticed there was a sport's bar across the street. I went in there and it was all dead. None of the Mexicans working there smoked cigarettes. I walked in the pawn shop and asked everybody there. "I'll give you fifty cents for one." Then I went in the Ace Check Cashing place and the girl in there sold me one for fifty cents. She only gave me one. She told me, "I'd give you two, but they're my last two. I came back to the bus stop and smoked. The bus is taking a long ass time.

     4:24pm  At long last the 88 finally came. I swear I waited like a whole hour for this bus. I could be home by now.

     5:28pm  Whoa, I was walking through the Walmart parking lot and Lydia just volunteered me some money! I appreciate it, Lydia. Let me give you my website.

                   Weird. I was just walking through the Walmart parking lot and I hear some lady yelling from a truck, "Sir, sir! Here, go get yourself a hamburger." She gave me three dollars. That's my cigarette money! Hell yeah. See how that works? I'm going to buy nicotine with this money, drugs, ha.

                   What a blessed day, hell yeah. I am manifesting shit left and right.

     5:52pm  I'm on the bus. It was funny, the bus was just sitting there. The driver was inside the Walmart doing something. It was all cold outside, so I just went in the back door and sat down in the warm bus. The driver eventually got on the bus and got all pissed off for me going in the backdoor. I told him, "Man, it's cold outside and it's warm in here." He yelled, "But it's against the rules!" I said, "Yeah? Or else what?" He said, "You can't do that!" I said, "Well, I just did! So what now?" He asked me, "What do you want me to tell you?" I told him, "Well, the reason why you are upset. What good is it doing, if all that's going to happen is I get yelled at by the busdriver? I don't see the downside for me." Then I stood up and went and stood by him and he barks at me, "You gotta sit down!" I laughed and told him, "No, I don't. I've been through this before. I'm behind the yellow line. Man, I've had the supervisor called and everything. What are you going to do about it?" I went and stood up and got all chummy with him. I told him, "It is our duty to follow just rules. Just like it is our duty to break unjust rules to remind people that they're wrong." He told me, "It's not fair that everybody else has to wait outside." I told him, "Anybody else could have done it too. It's not rocket-science. Oh yeah, and you're running late. I should be yelling at you. Now do your job or I'll report you." He laughed and said, "Don't push it."

     6:13pm  I never mentioned when I got home. I came home and ate some tamales.

     10:21pm  I am leaving Amy's house, the Perry house. I watched The Day After Tomorrow with Vince and Amy. Where the world freezes over and all this climate change. It's so Hollywood though.

Next day..


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