


San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 19, 2008

                     Six hours of sleep last night.

     11:36am  I haven't been logging that much lately. I've just been at home working on the computer. I am letting my boots ShoeGoo for three days. I might wear them tonight. I might go down to Commerce and Presa and hand out my website. My mom finally woke up. I got scrared because she hadn't woken up yet. She said she took her melatonin and crashed out hard. I'm just sitting here. I emailed Ezrah about this big project she's given me. I told her I had bit off a little more than I could chew. She emailed me back and said I only had to finish the first tape. Here, I'll show you the emails:

Good morning, Ezrah,
I know I made it sound like this would be a piece of cake, but it's going going to take a bit of time to type up all four tapes. I know you're not in a hurry for it, but since you gave me the project bag I have only gotten as far as typing up, I'm almost finished with Side A of the first tape. Here, let me show you what I have done so far. I didn't know his name so I call him John. Also, wherever you see ??'s, well, it's obvious that's where I wasn't too sure of my understanding of the recording.
Let me show you how much I have gotten done so far(attached). 16kb of text in a couple days. I am estimating 32kb of text per tape. 128kb total typing. Hmm, so about a week to finish one tape. I could expect me to have it done in a little less than a month's time.
I am not sure I want to wait that long to leave again. Time is of the essence. Maybe I bit off a little more than I could chew, hehe. I know we had a deal, but could I possibly just finish typing up this one tape and I'll do the rest when I come back from my East Coast trip eventually? I have no idea when that will be. I never do. Who is this guy again?


- Victor Antonio

She replied back with:

Wow Victor,

You've done well. When I was trying to do this I had a hard time, so I appreciate what you've started for me. Wanna finish with the first tape and we'll call it in for now. That's ok. I don't want to keep you from leaving, plus I don't know when I'll get to make your shirt the way you wanted it. Though, I was wondering if I could ask for the tapes back so maybe I'll get some of it done myself. Oh, just so you know, the man's name is Dr. A.D. Zucht. A week is cool, I'm waiting to order the shirt because if I put it together with a bigger order, there is less of a shipping fee to pay for. I hope Joseph will make the order soon so I can get yours and mine in. I wonder how long you'll be gone? I hope you get to take some magnificent pictures. Maybe one day, you'll get to publish your book and I can add some graphics to it :)

Again, I really appreciate what you have done so far and I would encourage you to keep going with your goals and climb as high as you can in your endeavors. I like the stubbornness you talk about having. We're not guided aimlessly by wind like a falling leaf. We can choose our direction and I hope that the Lord will compass out your path to be full of adventure and love!

One Love, Amen :)

                   She told me it was going to be like a week before she makes my shirt. I am glad she gave me that backup one though. I'm going to go put that on right now. I still have to type up my stuff too.
     1:11pm  I jumped out and caught the bus. Right before I left I noticed that my scarf was missing. I figured I left it at the Perry house last night. I borrowed my mom's car and went and retrieved it real quick. My mom made me a couple of peanut butter sandwiches and gave me some cookies for later. I took off. I'm going to go downtown. Then I walked to the bus stop and realized I didn't have my WPTMJ shirt. I was wearing my Relax - I'm a Professional shirt. I walked back to the house and grabbed my WPTMJ shirt and put it in my bag. I've got all my layers and stuff too. When it gets cold I'll be ready. I'm not wearing my boots. I am wearing my sandals with socks today. I put some wool socks over the socks I already had on, so my feet are nice, toasty and cushioned. I can walk long distances with them. Right now I am riding the bus to the Walmart.

     1:13pm  I just realized I needed some more havethisbook.coms. I got off the bus at Guilbeau and Tezel and I'm going to walk back home. Like a mile. It's a little early to be getting out there today. It's Saturday though. It should be busy all day downtown. I'm going to walk back home and cut out some more papers. I'll go hang out at Amy's until the next bus comes.

     1:30pm  I was just taking my time walking back. I wanted to find a warm place to sit down and smoke. I went to the Church's where they had a picnic table in the sun. These little highschool kids riding skateboard were at the Church's and this girl called me over. She asked me, "Hey man, are you the guy who's always walking around for years?" I told her yes, that I was still walking around. She told me she had heard about me getting banned from Stevenson Middle School. I don't know about that. She said she goes to Marshall now. Her name is Gabbie and I gave her my website. I even told all the kids about how I'm going to spraypaint the fence soon. They were all, "Yeah! We'll help you!"

     3:10pm  I am at the bus stop again. Hopefully the bus comes at 09 on Saturdays too. I caught it an hour ago at 09. To kill time I went over to the Perry house again and they smoked a bowl with me. I'm all stoned. I've been smoking weed every single day for years and years, hehe. I am waiting for the bus now. Hopefully it will come soon. I have to go to work tonight and hand out my flyers.

     3:15pm  I caught the bus, it came. I don't think I ever mentioned, but yesterday or the day before that I was looking at my webpage. I went to the mirror site and I clicked on that link I added to that comic strip I found from the #idiots-club channel on Slashnet.
                   I don't think I mentioned that before. Last Monday when I had this big spamming spree all day long I was just going down the list or servers and spamming my stuff all over. On Slashnet I went in #idiots-club and had a pretty good reaction to my stuff. Good conversation.
                   Then the next day I did a Google search for "world peace through marijuana" and found a comic strip someone in that channel had made, with my exact same chat from IRC. It was this little hippie guy, supposedly me. I smiled because it had me making all my points and had my ad on there too. So naturally, I linked it to my website. Well, lo and behold, I guess these guys are true idiots who don't want world peace, because they went through the chat bubbles and changed it to make me seem like I was some homophobic shit-talker.  Here's what they changed it to.  I immediately removed the link from my site.
                   It turns out the Idiot's Club is over a hundred years old. They're too lame to be a secret society or anything. I'll get links about them. I mean, after reading their website I see that they second my ideals and should totally be on my side. Why would these idiots think that my righteousness is something to oppose? I went right in their lame chatroom and told them, "I just saw the comic strip. Touché. You guys are really living up to your name."

                   I forgot to tell you. I'm at the Walmart already waiting for the bus. Right when we got to the stoplight on Mainland I told the driver, "Sir, I need to use the restroom at the Walmart. Could I get a courtesy-stop at the old bus stop so I can run back and catch the bus at 35?" He got all mad and said, "Oh no! I can't stop there!" I told him, "Man, you can do what you want. You don't WANT to stop there. Drivers have made that stop for me numerous times." He had his lame rebuttals all ready. "You can call my boss if you want to at 362-2020." I told him, "That's right. Be afraid, be afraid." He ended up dropping me off there anyway, a little bit passed it. But, it turns out this lady is cleaning the bathroom at the Walmart and I couldn't use it. I came to the bushes right by the bus stop and took a piss anyway.

                   There's the 88 finally. It didn't come at thirty five like all the other ones. There's nobody to tell my story to.

     4:24pm  I am downtown. Over by Houston Street and the Sheraton Gunter Hotel. I'm going over to my corner and celebrate. I'll be a little late though. I put on my WPTMJ shirt on the bus.

                   Hillary and Emily and their friend. I didn't get his name. They're from Springfield, Missouri. I took a picture of them. You guys will be on there when I update it.

     4:50pm  Hell yeah! That was an awesome presentation I just had with those kids from Missouri. I had gone to Presa and Commerce but it was all in the shade and chilly. I walked like a block behind it in front of the Hard Rock Cafe and smoked on the sidewalk in the sun. All of a sudden this girl walks up to me and says, "Hey, we saw your shirt." I put on a great presentation. Spirit's part and everything. Do you see how I was meant to come here to the sun?

     5:15pm  Ernesto me esta dando un slice de pizza. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     5:27pm  Adam and John I just took a picture of at Presa and Commerce. You guys will be on there when I update it.

                   Hell yeah, some black dude just walked by and said, "Hey man, I saw your website. It's fucking cool!" I'm having some good reactions. The sun is coming down. It's going to get cold. I don't even have shoes on. I'm wearing two pairs of socks with my sandals. I just took a picture of them.

     6:00pm  I forgot to tell you. I was at my corner and it was getting really chilly. This guy I had met before Casey walked by! I'll put links to when I've met him(5-22-04, 8:02pm, 4-9-05, before 3:00pm, 8-16-07, 5:32pm). He invited me over to his house on the Southside. He's going to smoke me out. I'm going to crash there tonight too. ¡Orale Southside!

     8:08pm  I came over to Casey's and met his girlfriend Kirsten. She listened to my whole Odyssey story great. I took a picture of them earlier. Casey smoked me out. Smoked a brother out.

                  Baxter, their dog.  He's got a collar on so he won't bite himself.  Crazy little dog.

Next day..

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