


San Antonio, TX

Thursday January 27, 2005

     5:15am  I woke up at Sam's about fifteen minutes ago. I'm going to load up and get out of here.

     6:02am  I rode the 92 to the hospital and I'm on the 610 going home now. Don't forget on the one of the title's put, "Millions of brainwashed must open their eyes. We are one."

                   Be sure to include My Best "Hack."

     6:56am  Oh yeah, I never mentioned. I got to my mom's house.

     8:18pm  I stayed on the computer all day and at night I went to eat with my mom at the Taqueria Jalisco by Huebner/Bandera. By where the old Kroger's used to be. Now we're going to Walmart and she's going to buy me a camera. Thanks, mom. Oh yeah, and I got some walking fuel for tomorrow morning. She gave me half of her torta.

     8:45pm  Oh yeah, I had just started cleaning the kitchen when my mom got home. I took a long nap today and woke up at 6pm. I was really tired. I took a shower and took a nap. I swept and did the dishes while she was on the computer. She invited me to go eat. We went to the taqueria. Then we came to the Walmart to get some talcum powder because she's going to get the grease stain out of my Let's Go Bite Some Yankees shirt. I had spilled some grease from a taco I got at Las Palapas yesterday when I was riding in the back of the truck. We totally forgot to get the powder. We got some trash bags and some milk. She asked me, "Oh, they don't sell cigarettes here?" I asked her, "Oh, you want to buy me some cigarettes?" She said yes. She saw that I got a pack of rollies and she rather I smoked filters. I forget to remind her on the way home, so I just went up to her and said, "You said you would buy me some cigarettes? Can I go get some?" She gave me some money and I'm going to go to the store right now. In her car.

     8:49pm  I went in the Citgo and some guy walked in and said, "Hey, it's Victor Antonio from San Antonio." It was that guy Bob who used to live over by the apartments at West(4-30-04,7:35pm and 11-18-04, 10:15pm). I told him, "Man, last time I thought you were totally somebody else." He asked me, "Where's the smoke?" I tell him, "I got some if you want to smoke." I'm going to follow him to his house in my mom's car. He doesn't live that far from here. I'm going to smoke him, and it might be his dad out.

     9:52pm  I am sitting here talking to what's your name? Bob's dad, Bill. I'm telling him my story and he's listening. I told him that I really needed to meet Willie Nelson. He told me that he used to work for him. He said he might be able to arrange something. I need to tell Willie my story.

                   Bill: "Well, if that's your last quest in life, it is a very limited quest. Well, I just wanted to tell you that sometimes some people out there don't need to know things before their time."

                   Victor: "Anybody can learn. This world is doomed if they don't."

                   Bill: "Ignorant people sometimes have to go through different channels and learn. It's like trying to go from Point A to Point B to Point C. You can't go from Point A to Point C without going through B."

                   Victor: "Just watch me. I'm going to bring the truth out of hiding and educate the masses. With today's technology just sit back and watch one person make a global difference."

                   Bill: "90% of the people you talk to are not ready to hear what you have to say."

                   Victor: "They're going to take it and they're going to like it. I can't for the life of everybody find nothing better to do. My name ain't Victor for nothing. Give me some info on Willie."

                   Bill: "Well, I worked for him from 1985 to almost 1990."

                   Victor: "What's your last name? Cobb."

                   Bill: "I used to write music for Stevie Ray Vaughn."

                   Victor: "Where does Willie live?"

                   Bill: "He lives at Briarcliff, right outside of Austin. He bought the Perdanales Country Club. That's his home residence. Very few people get to go there."

                   Victor: "You said you could arrange a meeting?"

                   Bill: "Possibly. If that's your life-long quest, to meet Willie Nelson, I can call him and say, "Hey look, I've got someone that's dying to meet you."

                   Victor: "He's going to end up writing a song about me. Just you watch."

                   Bill: "You've heard of The Walking Man, right?"

                   Victor: "No."

                   Bill: "The walking man is the devil. Not that you're the devil."

                   Victor: "I am nothing but good."

                   Bill: "The Walking Man is a book Steven King wrote. There's a black lady who supposedly fights the antichrist."

     11:55pm  That was a great adventure I just had. If my mom wouldn't have offered to buy me cigarettes, if I wouldn't have gone to the Citgo right then whenBobdid. I just met his dad and I got to tell him a lot of my stories. He was all receptive to it. I blew his mind. He asked me, "Has anybody ever asked you if you're an old soul?" I told him, "Now that you mention it, somebody has mentioned that before." He has a story that he wants to write too. He wants me to help him. Like come over and type it up for him. I told him, "I have my own story to write." He said, "Will you do it for money?"

                     Anyway, #### is the house. I don't know what street this is. I'll find out soon. I'm driving home right now and it's raining. I called my mom from Bob's so she wouldn't worry.

                     Bob's dad listened to all my stuff. Wide-eyed. He was all, "Come back sometime. Come back."

Next day..

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