


San Antonio, TX

Thursday November 18, 2004

     7:42am  I'm up again.

     9:50am  I am leaving my mom's house. I want some weed.

     10:10am  I walked up to the Citgo. I'm going to try and catch a bus. It's been a while. I might just walk all the way to the Walmart. I'm going to try and get some weed today. I typed up like three or four days this morning.

     10:24am  This bus came going to Ingram. Mr. Perez was driving it. I just got on, pretended to get a schedule and looked a the letter of the day. The letter is G. I got one. I don't have to trim it or anything. I have to wait until 42.

                     The five month old decoy transfer worked.

     11:48am  I'm at the hospital. I actually got one more hit of weed out of the marijuana dust in my wallet. I'm proud of myself.

                     Oh yeah, I forgot to get a transfer when I got off the bus. I went back and the greedy ass wouldn't let me get one. I'm going to ride the elevator up to the sixth floor and say hi to my friends.

     11:52am  I went up in the hospital and Gabe doesn't work there anymore. I just came back down. Oh well. My reign of Boost is finally over, hehe.

     11:56am  I jumped on the 91 with a decoy transfer.

     12:35am  I'm downtown.

     12:47am  Oh yeah, I came to Travis Park. No weed in the park, but I ran into Fuzzy and Lola and all the other kids. I'm going to walk to the Sam's shelter and get some weed.

     1:30pm  I'm having a good time in Travis Park. I ran into Fuzzy, and old friend of mine. We were walking around downtown. He was getting me to tell people my story. All these people told me no over by the Alamo. In front of the Alamo. All these feds are watching me. We walked back to the park and Fuzzy has a special deck of cards. What was my card for the day? It's an affirmation card. He's testing me. Let's see what it says.

                   The random card I picked out of the deck was Rise Above Problems. There's an Angel floating. Cool, that's what I'm doing. Rising above problems. On page 52. It says, "Card Meaning: When you're in the middle of a problem, the solution often evades you. See your situation from a higher perspective, and you may see a new way out." On Affirmation it says, "My heart, my mind, my life and everyone in it are perfectly at peace right now."

                   Things happen for a reason.

                   Let me read what it says here. It says, "Have you been feeling frightened by a seemingly insurmountable situation? Your fears intentionally have created a negative obsession, where you think about the problem continually(like I have been). Although you search endlessly for solutions, none seem forthcoming, and hopelessness creeps into your consciousness. Whether your situation seems big or small, this card asks you to step back for an instant so you can better see creative solutions.
                   Instead of continually working on the issue(like I have been), mentally see yourself giving the problems to Heaven's waiting hands. Like completely letting go of an envelope that you're mailing, surrender the issue completely. Then, imagine how the fairies might see your problem. How does your problem look from their perspective? Feel the sense of faith and hopefulness that they lend to you and know that these positive emotions fuel the complete resolution of the issue."

                   Hehe, I am really glad I read this.

                   What I was reading was out of the guidebook of Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, PHD.

          is her webapage.

                   I just got off on Bandera. I'm going to go score some food somewhere. Oh yeah, and the bus driver hooked me up with a transfer. I forgot to get his number.

                   I am really glad I read that card. I'm going to officially lay off from the story-telling. And no more constant logging. I probably shouldn't be tape recording myself right now.

     3:17pm  This guy I couldn't understand his name on the recording is hooking me up with some food at the Popeye's. I'm going to tell him my story. Cool.

     4:13pm  I had ended up getting on the wrong bus. I'm at the hospital now. The other guy had hooked me up with a transfer, too. I just got on the 610 at the hospital and started digging in my pocket for my transfer. Then the guy who got on the bus behind me went, "You need a transfer?" and handed me one. The driver said, "Oh, you can't get on this bus with that transfer." I pulled mine out my pocket and said, "I know, but I can with this one." Cool, looks like I am meant to go home."

                   Gotta follow my signs.

     5:12pm  I have a well-deserved break now since I got that sign from that card. Oh yeah, and earlier I went to the Popeye's and they hooked me up there with some chicken. I told them my story. I was cheating, because I'm not supposed to tell my story. On yeah, the bus I got on ended up going downtown. I saw that my transfer was trimmed to 4:20. That was the second transfer I got today with that time. It was like 4:15. I decided I was going to get off the bus at 4:20 wherever it was to celebrate. Oh yeah, I got off to use the phone at Flores to call employee relations. They told me I could never work at West again. That I couldn't go back. Because I kind of feel like I need to sellout and go get a job and be a Babylonian for a little bit, so I can save up money so I can save the world, hehe. The 91 came after I used the phone. Oh yeah, all the drivers were hooking me up with transfers. Then we passed by the Deco District HEB and I saw Sam outside at the bus stop. Oh shit, my old roommate, Sam. I got off the 91 and I was getting on the 92 with him. I told the driver, "Hey man, I just got off the bus because I saw my old friend. I don't suppose you'd let me on this bus?" He eventually let me on. Sam all tried to pay. Sam offered to cook for me, so badass. I'm going to eat. I can always eat. I walk for a living. That's about it. I'm going to stop logging as much.

                   Just in public.

     9:40pm  I haven't been logging all day. I'm going to stop logging a lot. Let's see, I walked all the way from University Hospital to the Walmart on Bandera Road. It was far. I called my mom from the Walmart. I walked to HEB and she picked me up there.

                   I'm going to start typing my stuff up hardcore now. I got lots of stuff to do.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. I left my mom's. I'm going to go try and go into town and get some weed, then I'm going to come back and type my stuff up. I'm at the bus stop in front of the Church's, the Citgo. This guy pulled up in a truck and told me, "I met you a long time ago and you said you had a peace project going." I told him, "I am still working on it." His name was Mike, I think. Oh yeah, and the letter of the day is M for Mary.

     10:15pm  Oh my god, it happened again! I was walking back towards my mom's house down Old Tezel. I walked through these branches and my glasses got flung off again! It's all dark and I can't find them. The same exact thing happened before(2-10-04, 2:53pm) on this same street! I have to wait for car's to pass so I can use their light to find my glasses.

                      I went to the gas station, the Citgo. I went inside and got some water. All of a sudden I hear somebody say, "Hey, Victor Antonio from San Antonio!" It was this dude Bob. He was all, "You don't remember me?" I told him, "Man, I talk to people every day." He said, "Remember, I smoked you out." I thought, "Oh man, those kids I ran into that night I got back." I told him, "Yeah, I tried to find your apartment the other night but it was all raining."
                      Bob turned out to be this guy who lived at the apartments by West Telemarketing(4-30-04, 7:35pm), not the time he smoked me out). I think he got offended because he just took off. I didn't even get to show him my list.

                       I can't find my glasses with the car's lights. I'm going to walk home and get a flashlight or see if my mom's home.

                       I swear that's the second time that's happened to me. Last time I was walking the other way. Last time I walked through these branches and it knocked my glasses off. Just like tonight. But that was during the day. It's all dark right now.

                       I walked back home and my mom's not here. I can't find a flashlight so I called her up and she didn't know where one was. I walked back to the house for nothing. Geez, that sucks. I miss my glasses.

                       See, earlier on the street I heard something get run over. "Shit, my glasses!" I thought. It was my broken lighter I had just thrown on the street. Whew.

                       I'm going to ask the neighbor Eddie for a flashlight.

                       Cool, I found them. I'm going to walk to the store and bum a cigarette.

                       Thank you, Love. My prayers were answered.

Next day..

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