


San Antonio, TX

Friday April 30, 2004

     8:14am  The next day. It's Friday. Let's see. I woke up around 7:30. Oh yeah, it's so cool that my mom is all apologizing to me for Rachel. If Rachel would've stayed she probably would've let her stay last night too. Maybe she finally took me seriously that I told her, "I think I love this girl." But, too bad Rachel was taken away.

                   Things happen for a reason. Maybe I am meant to be solitary for a little bit longer. Anyway, I'm walking to the bus stop. I'm not going to go through the woods. I'm going to go fly a sign today. I need a piece of cardboard. I've got my marker already. On my way to save the world.

     8:34am  Christine gave me a cigarette at the Citgo. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:52am  There's the 610 going towards Medical Center.

     9:25am  I'm at the hospital now. Lemme bum a cigarette.

     9:30am  JR hooked me up with a cigarette here at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:25am  I'm downtown. I read the front page section of the paper. It's all bad news.

                     It's all what they want us to hear, so it's not necessarily the truth.

                     Because the truth doesn't make money.

     10:38am  I came to Travis Park. I gave this homeless dude like two dollars for two hits of weed. That sucks. Anyway, he needed bus fare so I gave him a decoy transfer. Letter of the day is Edward.

                     I'm going to go talk to Ms. Koole in suite 101.

     Ahh, these guys are just court reporters.

     11:02am  I ran into the guy that was telling me about Willie Nelson the other day. Where is the ranch again? It's outside of Austin maybe like fifteen or twenty miles. He thinks the Perdanales River runs through it.

     11:04am  The lady told me I needed a civil rights lawyer.

                     They have some lawyer-referral service at the courthouse, so I'm going to go there.

     11:10am  Ken hooked me up with some change for a hotdog. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     11:12am  Luis hooked me up with some change for a hotdog. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game, thank you.

     11:15am  Johnny hooked me up with some more change for my hotdog. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:21am  Ruben gave me the quarter I needed for my hotdog. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:26am  I had $1.56 and the dude didn't even hook me up with a chilidog which are two dollars. Yesterday he had told me, "This is the last time. You gotta stop asking." I told him, "For me to stop asking, you have to stop hooking me up." After he gave me my hotdog I told him, "Greed shall be your downfall." Hehe.

                     Since when do you need money to have rights?

     11:59am  I'm in front of the courthouse. I'm going to go in there with my stick and everything.

     12:00pm  I'm reading some plaque in front of the courthouse: "The Canary Islanders. They earliest civilian colonists of San Antonio, this nucleus of pioneers from the Canary Islands formed the first organized civliz government in Texas and founded the village of San Fernando de Bejar in 1731. Following a sea and land voyage of over a year, these weary travelers arrived at the Presidio(fort) of San Antonio early on March 9, 1731. Totalling 56 persons that had immigrated to Texas from the Spanish Canary Islands near Africa by order of King Philip V.
                     On July 2 they began to lay out a villa for this village choosing a site on the West side of the Plaza de las Islas(present main plaza). For the church on the site on the Eastside for the Casa Real(government building). On july 19 the captain of the presidio, Juan Antonio de Almadan, read to the islanders the decree of the viceroy naming them and their descendants, "Hijos Largo." "Persons of nobility." The heads of the 16 families that settled in San Antonio were: Juan Leal Goraz, Juan Curbelo, Juan Leal, Antonio Santos, Jose Padron, Manuel Deniz, Vicente Alvarez Travieso, Salvador Rodriguez, Jose Leal, Juan Delgado, Jose Cabrera, Juan Rodgiguez Granadillo, Francisco de Arocha, Antonio Rodriguez, Lorenzo and Martin de Armas, and Felipe Antonio Jose Perez. 1971"

     12:08pm  I was sitting here smoking a cigarette I found in the astray over here by the courthouse. Some guy comes up to me and says, "Hey man, they let you out?" I had met him in jail. He was in there for tickets and stuff. I showed him my grievance form and asked him, "Think I got a case?" He told me sure thing, to go to the fifth floor. The bar association. That's exactly where I need to go.

                     Oh shit, they have metal detectors. I'm going to hide my pipe.

                     Alright, stashed my pipe.

     12:20pm  I'm going to the fifth floor. The bar association.

     12:25pm  Dude, I'm in the basement. Got off on the wrong floor.

     12:45pm  I just came out of the bar association. The guy told me I had to call some lawyer referral thing. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Or Monday.

                     I'm going to retrieve my pipe. I'm glad I took that precaution and hid my pipe. I set it here next to this tree with a piece of bark over it. At the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center.

     12:59pm  After I got out of the bar association I remembered about my STD check. I came to the Health Department here. There was a big line of people, but Darrel was cool and quickly gave me some information and he's setting me up for an appointment Tuesday. And I don't have to pay them anything. They don't charge. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:00pm  It's badass that I went to the Health Department because I have an appointment already. Tuesday at two. That dude hooked me up. There was a big line of people so I asked him, "Hey man, when can I show up that there won't be a line?" He brought to some room and talked to me! There was like a roomful of people in there waiting. I didn't even spend that much time in there. I've got an appointment set. That's awesome.

                  At first I had taken a number, then I changed my mind.

     1:21pm  Chris gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:30pm  Lisa is giving me a cookie at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Lisa. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:45pm  I saw all these dudes walking around with sack lunches at I asked them where they were feeding. He told me at St. Mark's, the Episcopal church next to Travis Park.

     1:46pm  Laurie, Leah, and Helen are out here giving out sack lunches in front of St. Mark's. Thanks a lot, guys. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     2:02pm  Chuck hooked me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:39pm  John is hooking everybody up today. He just gave some guy some change and I hit him up for a cigarette. It'll come back to you.


     2:50pm  I forgot to tell you. The 5 finally came going down McCullough. I was waiting for it.

     3:12pm  I got off over by the Studio in the Park Hair Salon.

     3:17pm  I looked inside and someone was getting a perm. Ah, I think I'll go for a walk and come back and check later to see if they're not busy. It's a beautiful neighborhood out here. There's big houses. People with money live out here.

                   I walked down Hillside Drive, turning left on El Prado Drive West.

                  This is a damn ritzy neighborhood out here on McCullough.

     3:27pm  Man, this neighborhood is just breathtakingly beautiful. I have to bring a girl walking out here one day.

     3:50pm  Charlie hooked me up with a cigarette here at the Diamond Shamrock on McCullough. I appreciate it, Charlie.

                   Oh yeah, I'm in Alamo Heights, I think.

     4:00pm  I walked to the bus stop on Forest and Carlos is hooking me up with his last cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:30pm  I put that cigarette behind my ear and walked back to The Studio in the Park hair salon. I went behind to a little park bench in the back and started smoking my cigarette. I'm like halfway through the cigarette and all of a sudden this cop shows up. He walked back there. They had called the cops and everything. I showed him my ID, he wrote down my address and phone number. I told him, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" Man, I even showed him my grievance form and everything. That was awesome. I was meant to go there. I told him how I had been on the bus and saw Victor real big and thought that was my sign to come to this place and get a haircut for free. I told him, "Ah, I can just get their phone number and call them."

                  Oh yeah, when he came to the back and asked me what I was doing I told him, "I was waiting to get a haircut." He went inside to talk with them. When he came back I asked him, "What did they say?" He said, "Well, you didn't even knock or anything. You were sitting there waiting?" I told him, "Yeah, I didn't want to interrupt. I saw she was busy." Haha, he went back and told the people in the salon, "He was only being considerate." When he left he said, "Later on, Antonio. Oh, you go by Victor." I told him, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio."

                   I even asked the cop, "Can I get a courtesy ride anywhere? Wherever I end up." He asked me, "Where do you need a ride to?" I told him, "Wherever you're going." He told me, "Sorry, we don't have too big a jurisdiction in Olmos Park. If we had a bigger area, then I'd give you a ride." I told him, "Then it's the thought that counts. Thanks anyway." He smiled.

                  The cop liked me.

                  Marijuana rag and everything.

                  As I'm waiting for the bus back downtown I am giving everyone the peace sign. Here at Alamo Heights. Olmos Park. I'm in the devil's den.

     4:47pm  Here comes the bus right now.

     4:53pm  Mr. Haj failed the test.

     5:07pm  I'm back at Travis Park. I'm going to get me a cigarette.

                   Rafael me dio un cigaro en Travis Park. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

     5:26pm  I'm on the 91. I'm going to West Telemarketing and get smoked out.

     5:37pm  5518 won't let me off the bus. You're not even driving. There's a train.

     5:39pm  That guy wouldn't let me off the bus. I started yelling at him to let me off. He was all, "Only at bus stops." There was a VIA supervisor there and he asked me, "You want to get off the bus?" I told him, "Yes." He let me off the bus. Hahaha got my way.

                   I should have told that guy, "I take that kind of stuff personally. Why do you gotta be a dick?"

                   I ended up at San Pedro Park. I am really close to the VIA headquarters. Maybe I'll stop in there just to be seen. I'm going to go to SAC and bum a cigarette in front of the library.

     6:10pm  I just had a marvelous presentation with all these skaters at San Pedro Park. I told them my whole story. I talked to them for a good forty minutes or so.

                   I felt all crazy going off on my scripts.

     6:20pm  I was walking through San Pedro Park and I ran into Fuzzy. That long-haired dude from the park that I see all the time. I asked him, "So what, man. Are you homeless? Do you have a place to crash? I always see you and you don't have any bags or anything." I shot some scripts at him. I told him, "I'm not homeless, I travel. In between travels, my mother lets me rest my feet at her house at night, like any mother who's son was bringing world peace should. But I just sleep there. I live everywhere." He asked me, "How do you eat?" I told him my script for that too.

     6:27pm  I just took a short hop from SAC over to Cypress. I'm going to wait for the 91 to go to West Telemarketing and hopefully somebody will smoke me out.

     6:30pm  Badass, I just walked to Cypress. The 91's come like every forty five minutes, I think. The 92 every fifteen, so I was thinking I was going to catch the 92. Wow, the 91 came back and I jumped right back on the 91.

                   I'm meant to go to West Telemarketing tonight.

     7:16pm  I forgot to tell you. I rode the bus all the way to West. I was going to see if I could get some ganja, but nobody is at The Rocks. It's kind of late. It's Friday. It's all dead. I want to go home.

     7:22pm  I just went into West to try and get some water. The security guy all told me I had to get off the property. I told him, "Call the cops then. Do what you can."

     7:27pm  The stupid security guard at West. Don't you know who I am? I went to the smoking cabana and bummed a cigarette. The security guard comes out and tells me, "This is your last warning before I call the cops."

     7:35pm  Oh yeah, I was walking through the parking lot and I thought, "I want to get this idiot's name." I turned around. He didn't have his nametag showing so I asked him, "Hey, what's your name?" He goes, "Can't you read?" I told him, "I would if had your nametag where I could see it." He said, "No, I don't want to give it to you." I said, "What do you got to hide, piglet? I want to know exactly who you think you are." Just then this dude pulled up in a truck and told me, "Hey man, still on your quest?" I asked him if I could get a ride to Babcock, but he told me he was going to Wurzbach. I went, "Can I get a ride there?" I just hopped in the back of the truck and I told the security guard, "Later on, little piggy." I was giving him the finger when I drove off. I told him, "Sucker. Tell the cops I'll be at Wurzbach."

     7:44pm  Bo, I had met him at Marleyfest. He was the guy who drove by in the truck and picked me up. He gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Cool, I ended up on Wurzbach and I10. I'm going to go see if I can score at the Fuddruckers.

                   The line is way too big at the Fuddruckers.

     7:54pm  I'm not going to go there. This guy hooked me up with a cigarette outside of Starbuck's. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I gotta wait until 8:30 to get a free soup at the Quizno's. I had gone to the Haagen Dazs ice cream place next to the Quizno's. This kid walked outside, I initiated conversation and told him my story. He's going to hook me up with an ice cream. He was all, "Hey, what kind of ice cream do you want?" I told him, "Surprise me, man."

     8:08pm  I came and told Mark my story. At first he had told me no when I asked for an ice cream, but now he's hooking me up. He was all, "What kind of ice cream do you want?" He gave me a coffee ice cream. I appreciate it, bro.

     8:35pm  Man, I was meant to come here. I had a great presentation with Mark. I told him my whole story. All the way through..

                   I'm going to go bum me a cigarette.

                   Okay, an update. Oh yeah, the guy at Quizno's told me to come back at 8:30 and he'd hook me up with some soup. At around 8:45 I went to Quizno's. He came out and gave me two soups! One had chicken and stuff. I walked all the way to Kassie's apartments, Sundance. I came with a peace offering. Came bearing gifts. She wasn't home, so I came to the little park where I met those kids a while back and they hooked me up with a bracelet and stuff(3-16-04, 10:02pm). At the big yellow spider in the playground. I came and ate my soup and smoked a cigarette. Oh, I had found a Marlboro Light 100 on the way up here too. Now, I'm going to go offer this other soup I got. Maybe I can trade it for some weed.

     9:37pm  Chris hooked me up with a cigarette here at Dove Tree Apartments. I appreciate it, Chris. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:57pm  I was walking around Dove Tree hoping to get smoked out somewhere. I walked up to these kids drinking outside of building twelve. They saw my Willie Nelson shirt. Man, all signs are pointing to Willie today. They're giving me a ride to where he hangs out on the weekends! Awesome. Where are we going? Where's this place at?

                   Anyway, like I said. Things happen for a reason. I walked up to these kids and now I'm going to go see Willie.

     10:20pm  Man, I can't believe I'm here to see Willie, man. I'm here in Helotes at the Flores Country Store, some bar. There's admission to get in. I wonder how much it is. I'm just going to talk to people outside.

     10:26pm  Mark hooked me up with a cigarette out at the Flores Country Store.

                      There's a sign that says, "Flores Country Store, Diamond Jack's Cafe, Willie Nelson every Saturday night."

     10:54pm  I ran into Carl I met in OP Schnabel(1-29-04, 5:45pm). That guy riding his bike that one day.

     10:57pm  Sarah hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:13pm  Some guy who won't give me his name gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:14pm  I got into the place! The cop just let me in, dude. I'm walking around this big crowd like crazy. Everybody's going, "Hey, there's Waldo!" All these shit-kickers, hehe.

     11:24pm  I am leaving the Flores Country Store. Look where I ended up tonight. I'm like walking distance to my mom's too.


     11:40pm  I walked up to the gas station right here. I want to go ask the guy working if he knows the whereabouts of Thomas from Lakehills(5-18-03). Thomas works during the day, I found out.

     12:38pm  Weston is hooking me up with a cigarette at the Shell. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Guess where I wound up after the show. I walked all the way to the gas station and looked for my friend Thomas. These kids who saw me at the Oyster Bake are giving me a ride to party! Awesome! What's your name? Darrin is hooking me up with some tacos at Chacho's right now. We came through the drive-through.

                     Shit happens for a reason, man.

     1:40am  I had walked up to the gas station in Helotes and scored me a ride back to Medical Center! This party is at the Fountainhead apartments not too far from the Chacho's. On Horizon Hill. I snagged me a beer from this party I was at. Now I'm going to walk to Chacho's and make an appearance there.

                   Oh yeah, and over at the gas station in Helotes when those kids pulled up they said, "Hey, didn't we see you at the Oyster Bake?"

                    I am everywhere, man. I'm everywhere.

     2:45am  I ran into Iamadisease again(4-6-03). I saw her at Marleyfest last year. Everybody knows me. 

                   I was hanging out at the Chacho's and thought, "Man, I'm bored. I'm going to go walk through those apartments next door and see if I can get smoked out." Sure enough, I saw these guys up on a balcony. I asked them, "Hey, smoke a brother out?" One guy says, "Only because I've seen you before." Haha, like I said. I am everywhere.

                  Calling' the shots.

     2:52am  I'm at this cool apartment I got smoked out at. I called that shit. Sera hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:35am  I left those dude's apartment. That's awesome how I ended up there. I called that shit, dude. I told myself, "Ah, I'm going to go walk through these apartments and see if I can get smoked out anywhere." Sure enough, I see these kids on the balcony. The guy told me, "The only reason I'm letting you up here is because you told me your story at University Hospital."

                   I am working for this.

                   I got smoked out and they kicked me down a nugget to go.

     4:35am  Man, it's been a long time since I made an entry. I decided to walk my happy ass all the way to the Jim's on Huebner and I10. I walked Horizon Hill to Medical. Medical to Fairhaven. Fairhaven to Datapoint. Datapoint to Gardendale. Gardendale to Bluemel. Now I'm walking down Fredericksburg. In front of USAA.

     4:45am  I am finally at Jim's. Let's see if they'll hook me up with a coffee.

     5:03am  I just walked to West. I went to go check and my name is still on that picnic bench in front of HR. It's been there for over year now.

                   The very last thing telemarketing is, is honest work.

     5:15am  Man, this cool breeze just came through. I dozed off on the bench. I decided I'd just lay my head down and go to sleep. Then I heard this girl walking by. I looked and there's the first 91! Man, it's freezing. It's chilly now. Good thing I got my pants.

     5:45am  I forgot to mention I already got to the hospital.

                   It started drizzling. Cold rain.

     6:30am  I just got let off by the Citgo over by my mom's house. Man, the bus driver was hot! I even told her, "I do believe that you are the cutest bus driver I have ever met." She was hot. Margaret. She was just a big chatterbox, man. I loved it.

     6:40am  I'm at my mom's house already. Cool.

Next day..

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